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the flame quiz at rdv 2021
by ria chopra & swapnil sinha
20 questions
Please keep track of the numbering, and answer multi-part questions in order.
One point per answer and 0.5 per part in case of two parters.
Five star marked qs
Q1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 are star marked to resolve ties. Half stars given where applicable.
Top 8 teams to finals
Submit on time!
Re-run will be quick. ONE member from each team to submit the answer form.
No responses will be entertained once form is closed. Do not use unfair means.
Much like 2020, the year 2016 was a trainwreck. Donald Trump was elected as
POTUS, heralding a term of divisive and malignant policies in the US, as well as a
promotion of extremist thought across the world.
In the hopes of capturing the post-election mood, where some people were in
acceptance but some in outright denial, game creator Nick Kaman made a
simple five-minute pixel art game based on a very famous meme, which
originated from a webcomic. Players control the main character and try to help
him solve a problem. In a heart-warming twist, when the problem is not solved,
the main character’s friends (a cat, frog, and bird) arrive and they all make the
most of the situation they have found themselves in.
What meme, that adequately suits the 2016 (and 2020) mood?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
To reward the dedicated service and perseverance of their officers, the US
Coast Guard annually recognizes one officer who holds the record for the most
accumulated time spent in active service on the seas. This veteran officer is
given a very appropriate title, that we would know from a work from two
centuries ago. What two word title is this?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
The contrast from usual human skin tones and hair colors is the likely explanation
why a certain color is used. Other colors can be and are used, but this color has
become synonymous with the technique.
In a 2002 film a different color had to be used due to the primary antagonist being
associated with the usually used one. But this different color clashed with the
protagonist’s theme, and hence additional tricks and special effects had to be used
when both these characters were in the same scene.
Which movie is this, an early classic in a prominent contemporary genre? And
what is this “technique”?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Gotti Switzerland is a high-end eyewear brand that focuses on creating elegant,
minimalist and unique spectacles/sunglasses frames. The brand produces
frames in small quantities, with ~10,000 pairs manufactured per month which
are mostly sold by independent opticians, and sometimes, lead designer Mr
Gotti himself specially creates frames for celebrities. Very recently, the brand
has been overwhelmed by customer requests - especially in the US and Britain -
to find out where they can get their hands on a particular model of eyewear.
Why did one particular pair of
glasses shoot to fame/
where did we see it?
Sample Gotti designs:
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
The rapper Tupac Shakur had multiple aliases throughout his career, though one in
particular was very peculiar. He took up the name X for the album The Don
Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory, inspired by a philosopher and writer from half a
millennium ago. He wrote this album while in prison for charges which he believed
were fabricated, and hence the album contains dark themes and righteous anger.
His choice of name was inspired by the writer’s disregard for morality and
insistence on viewing life as a game to be won regardless of the methods used. The
album also features heavy political undertones, inspired by both the writer’s works
and his family background, his mother having been an active member of the Black
Panther Party in the past.
Name the alias X that he took up, or the writer he was inspired by.
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Though this now ubiquitous feature has been lauded for changing the way we
consume a particular art form, it actually does not do exactly as advertised. While
earlier versions did try to do as claimed, consumers often complained and accused
the feature of not doing its job due to frequent repetitions and coincidences.
Due to the outcry, a new “Smart” version was first introduced by the market leader
in 2005 which artificially modified it to make it more attuned to what consumers
would expect. Other companies followed suit.
What feature are we talking about?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
It is believed that Shiv Kumar Batalvi, considered Punjab’s first modern poet,
was not allowed to marry Anusuya Singh (youngest daughter of Punjabi writer
Gurbakhsh Singh Preetlari) as he was a Hindu boy from a village and she was a
rich "Sheheri Punjabi." Heartbroken, Batalvi channeled his pain over his lost
love into what has become one of the most popular Punjabi poems. A popular
rendition of this was in 2016, read some lines of the poem and tell where:
Huney taan mere kol khaddi si
Huney taan mere kol nahi hai
Eh ki chhal hai, eh ki phatkan
Soch meri hairan baddi hai.
Nazar meri har aande jaande
Chehre da rang phol rahi hai,
Ous _____ nu tol rahi hai.
(Just now she was next to me,
don’t know how she managed to flee.
I am bewildered by this deception,
am I losing my way and perception?
In every face that passes me,
I search for that lady.)
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
This 2020 holiday palette by No.
7 beauty is inspired by an iconic
creation of the 1900s, which has
been variously interpreted as a
religious allegory, feminist
allegory, Jungian psychological
allegory, and financial allegory
(wtf). Whatever allegory it is, it
has become one of the most
recognizable creations across
the world.
Just identify the inspiration.
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Mentioned in a range of works ranging from Sophoclean tragedies to the
Canterbury Tales to at least two Shakespearean plays, this historical/mythic
character is synonymous with a logic problem that questions the basis of
identity. A 2012 Indian film of the same name as this concept explores
"questions of identity, justice, beauty, meaning and death through the stories
of 3 characters who each receive an organ from a deceased person.
Name the concept. Very recently, it came back into popular consciousness as it
was referenced in a work that also directly deals with questions of identity,
meaning and death.
What concept? Where did we see it?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Mike Marino of ProRenFX, has previously worked on productions like Black
Swan, Joker, Wolf of Wall Street, and with individuals like Heidi Klum. At the
beginning of this year, Mike worked to ‘create’ something that came as a shock
to audiences - but was actually just one chapter in a narrative that is currently
being played out. Using one main collapsible base, he created a rough
sculpture of the desired outcome. Four main components were involved and
glue and makeup were used for the finishing. What is being spoken about?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Alongside is a list of movements in an orchestral suite
written between 1914-1916 based on a certain list. One
element is excluded from the list as per traditional
beliefs, as opposed to a scientific list that would have
included it.
By the time this list needed to be expanded, the
composer had grown tired of the popularity of this suite
and felt his other works were getting overlooked and
hence chose not to add to it.
This was just as well as the list was changed again many
decades later. What is the name of the suite/ what is
this list?
I. Bringer of War (1914)
II. Bringer of Peace (1914)
III. Winged Messenger (1916)
IV. Bringer of Jollity (1914)
V. Bringer of Old Age (1915)
VI. Magician (1915)
VII. Mystic (1915)
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
A successful TV series ended in 2013, the same year of the
release of an app/web service that catered to the same
sector as the setting of the TV show. During the pandemic,
users of the service jumped by millions, giving creative
collective MSCHF the idea to recreate the TV show using the
service. They typed out the script of all 200+ episodes on the
show, and "aired" them using the service, every weekday, 9
AM to 5 PM.
What TV series was being recreated, using what?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
The phrase _ _______ __ ___ _____ refers to an obstruction / difficulty preventing things
from happening smoothly in the way they were planned.
The artist X wrote a book in 1965 with a title playing on the above phrase, replacing
the second word with a demonym of a country where he had holidayed in previously.
He would also famously get re-married 4 years later in a place near this country.
Identify the title of the book.
The book consists of nonsensical stories and drawings (example on next page),
themes which he would revisit multiple times over the next couple of years via a
different form of media.
Which artist?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
This is a mid-17th century painting by a
master, many of whose works have similar
poses and settings. Here, the visual makes it
seem like the seated lady was occupied with
something, and was then approached by the
guy. However, instead of paying attention to
him, the lady looks at the viewer - as if she is
suddenly aware of being watched and thus
abandoned her work.
The first two words of the name of the painting were picked up by an author as
the title for her 1993 hard-hitting memoir with dark themes. In 1999, it was
made into an Oscar-winning, acclaimed movie. Just name the film.
(bigger image follows)
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
_____ ______ was a neighborhood in Detroit, Michigan, named by early French
colonial settlers for the dark, fertile topsoil found in the river lowlands in the
area. During early to mid 1900s, it had an influx of migrants, and became a lively
and bustling area filled with bars and nightclubs, becoming a cultural hotspot.
One culture element emerging in and named after the area is a dance, going:
Hop down front then doodle back
Mooch to your left then mooch to the right
Hands on your hips and do the mess around,
Break a leg until you're near the ground
Now that's the old _____ ______ dance
The dance lends its name to a 1920s song by a well-known blues singer, whose
life was documented in a 1980s play. The play was turned into a film, marking
the swan song of an acclaimed actor. FITB, or name the film.
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
This singer's breakthrough came with a 1998 indie-pop album that launched
him into the limelight and he went on to create some of the most popular music
of the 2000s onwards. The album became a critical and commercial success,
specially a song of the same name as the album itself, which has become a cult
classic of sorts. The structure of this song is experimental, as the singer himself
says: “a song has a mukhda, then music, antara, then music, that kind of thing.
But when we are improvising, it doesn’t have a structure… a structure-less
parabola as it is called in Physics– it goes up, comes down, it is fast, it is slow,
‘upar ke surr hai, neeche ke surr hai’, so it’s a very unstructured kind of thing..."
There is a very popular urban legend about this song, that originated because
listeners took the one-word name of the song very literally, but the singer has
gone on the clarify that the title is actually a metaphor and the urban legend is
not true. What song by whom?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Texas faced a state-wide blackout due power grid failures caused by an
unexpected cold wave about a month ago, leaving millions of residents
without electricity, water, and heat for days.
While the real cause was the reliance on lack of federal oversight and
existence stand-alone power grids which were not equipped to handle the
higher loads, figures like Governor Greg Abbott, Senator Ted Cruz and Tucker
Carlson blamed something else. They used this crisis to put blame on the
Green New Deal and claim it had been the reason for the power failures, even
though it only contributes about 20% of the state’s electricity.
This senseless attack was compared to a similar reckless charge a work from
about 4 centuries ago. What was it compared to?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
When this person was living in Oakland, California in 1997, a fire suddenly
broke out nearby. He was save by his quick thinking of not caring about any
belongings and rushing out of the neighborhood with his family and the
neighbors. This would prove to be a wise decision as the whole block was
gutted by the fire which caused multiple deaths.
This experience provided greater clarity to his life and helped him re-evaluate
the value of material possessions. Inspired by this, he created a project in
1999 which was a way for him to re-acquire and re-build his life. This concept
of building a new life turned out to be very popular and made this work the
best-selling of its kind for a time, and helped it develop into a successful
multi-part franchise.
What work did he create?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Though the other characters are depicted to have satisfying, if not stable,
careers, details about character X’s workplace are hardly ever discussed in
detail by the other characters or revealed to the audience. All we know is that
he does something related to computers, and that he isn’t really happy with
the career path he is following.
This alienation he experiences from his labor can be seen as a reaction to the
capitalist world around him and an expression of Gen X ennui - personified by
the mistrust of institutions, the mistrust of professions, the mistrust of
meaning itself.
X finally realizes that he wants to work in advertising and quits his job to start
over as an intern.
Which character are we talking about?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
On the next slide is a video of a song from La La Land (2016), depicting drivers
in a Los Angeles traffic jam on a highway ramp singing and dancing about
their aspirations to succeed in Hollywood. The scene was shot on a high
interchange ramp leading from the southbound Harbor (110) Freeway to the
westbound Century (105) Freeway.
More than 2 decades ago from then, when the Century Freeway had only
recently been finished, the director of a movie got an idea looking at an
unfinished interchange ramp between the two freeways. By the time of filming
the ramp had been completed though, so when used for this iconic, pivotal
scene some part of the highway had to be edited out in post-production.
Which movie/scene?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Much like 2020, the year 2016 was a trainwreck. Donald Trump was elected as
POTUS, heralding a term of divisive and malignant policies in the US, as well as a
promotion of extremist thought across the world.
In the hopes of capturing the post-election mood, where some people were in
acceptance but some in outright denial, game creator Nick Kaman made a
simple five-minute pixel art game based on a very famous meme, which
originated from a webcomic. Players control the main character and try to help
him solve a problem. In a heart-warming twist, when the problem is not solved,
the main character’s friends (a cat, frog, and bird) arrive and they all make the
most of the situation they have found themselves in.
What meme, that adequately suits the 2016 (and 2020) mood?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
To reward the dedicated service and perseverance of their officers, the US
Coast Guard annually recognizes one officer who holds the record for the most
accumulated time spent in active service on the seas. This veteran officer is
given a very appropriate title, that we would know from a work from two
centuries ago. What two word title is this?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Ancient Mariner
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
The contrast from usual human skin tones and hair colors is the likely explanation
why a certain color is used. Other colors can be and are used, but this color has
become synonymous with the technique.
In a 2002 film a different color had to be used due to the primary antagonist being
associated with the usually used one. But this different color clashed with the
protagonist’s theme, and hence additional tricks and special effects had to be used
when both these characters were in the same scene.
Which movie is this, an early classic in a prominent contemporary genre? And
what is this “technique”?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Why Green Screens
are Green
Spider-man (villain
being Green Goblin)
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Gotti Switzerland is a high-end eyewear brand that focuses on creating elegant,
minimalist and unique spectacles/sunglasses frames. The brand produces
frames in small quantities, with ~10,000 pairs manufactured per month which
are mostly sold by independent opticians, and sometimes, lead designer Mr
Gotti himself specially creates frames for celebrities. Very recently, the brand
has been overwhelmed by customer requests - especially in the US and Britain -
to find out where they can get their hands on a particular model of eyewear.
Why did one particular pair of
glasses shoot to fame/
where did we see it?
Sample Gotti designs:
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Oprah’s glasses in
the Meghan-Harry
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
The rapper Tupac Shakur had multiple aliases throughout his career, though one in
particular was very peculiar. He took up the name X for the album The Don
Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory, inspired by a philosopher and writer from half a
millennium ago. He wrote this album while in prison for charges which he believed
were fabricated, and hence the album contains dark themes and righteous anger.
His choice of name was inspired by the writer’s disregard for morality and
insistence on viewing life as a game to be won regardless of the methods used. The
album also features heavy political undertones, inspired by both the writer’s works
and his family background, his mother having been an active member of the Black
Panther Party in the past.
Name the alias X that he took up, or the writer he was inspired by.
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Makaveli, inspired by
Niccolo Machiavelli
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Though this now ubiquitous feature has been lauded for changing the way we
consume a particular art form, it actually does not do exactly as advertised. While
earlier versions did try to do as claimed, consumers often complained and accused
the feature of not doing its job due to frequent repetitions and coincidences.
Due to the outcry, a new “Smart” version was first introduced by the market leader
in 2005 which artificially modified it to make it more attuned to what consumers
would expect. Other companies followed suit.
What feature are we talking about?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Shuffle Play was
modified to make it
less “truly random”
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
It is believed that Shiv Kumar Batalvi, considered Punjab’s first modern poet,
was not allowed to marry Anusuya Singh (youngest daughter of Punjabi writer
Gurbakhsh Singh Preetlari) as he was a Hindu boy from a village and she was a
rich "Sheheri Punjabi." Heartbroken, Batalvi channeled his pain over his lost
love into what has become one of the most popular Punjabi poems. A popular
rendition of this was in 2016, read some lines of the poem and tell where:
Huney taan mere kol khaddi si
Huney taan mere kol nahi hai
Eh ki chhal hai, eh ki phatkan
Soch meri hairan baddi hai.
Nazar meri har aande jaande
Chehre da rang phol rahi hai,
Ous _____ nu tol rahi hai.
(Just now she was next to me,
don’t know how she managed to flee.
I am bewildered by this deception,
am I losing my way and perception?
In every face that passes me,
I search for that lady.)
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Ikk Kudi (Jidda
Naam Mohabbat,
Ghum Hai…) from
Udta Punjab
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
This 2020 holiday palette by No.
7 beauty is inspired by an iconic
creation of the 1900s, which has
been variously interpreted as a
religious allegory, feminist
allegory, Jungian psychological
allegory, and financial allegory
(wtf). Whatever allegory it is, it
has become one of the most
recognizable creations across
the world.
Just identify the inspiration.
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Wiz of Oz
● Eye Shadow Pot in Cowardly
Lion™ Gold
● Eye Liner in Cyclone Black
● Lipstick in Dorothy Red
● Lip Glaze in Munchkin Pink
● Lip Glaze in Ruby Slippers Red
● Ruby Slippers Mini Eye Palette
● Lip Liner in Ruby Slippers Red
● Yellow Brick Road™ Mini
Highlighting Palette
● Tin Man™ Silver Mirror
● Ruby Slippers™ Red Cosmetics
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Mentioned in a range of works ranging from Sophoclean tragedies to the
Canterbury Tales to at least two Shakespearean plays, this historical/mythic
character is synonymous with a logic problem that questions the basis of
identity. A 2012 Indian film of the same name as this concept explores
"questions of identity, justice, beauty, meaning and death through the stories
of 3 characters who each receive an organ from a deceased person.
Name the concept. Very recently, it came back into popular consciousness as it
was referenced in a work that also directly deals with questions of identity,
meaning and death.
What concept? Where did we see it?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Ship of Theseus
WandaVision finale, battle between
the two Visions over who the ‘real’
vision is
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Mike Marino of ProRenFX, has previously worked on productions like Black
Swan, Joker, Wolf of Wall Street, and with individuals like Heidi Klum. At the
beginning of this year, Mike worked to ‘create’ something that came as a shock
to audiences - but was actually just one chapter in a narrative that is currently
being played out. Using one main collapsible base, he created a rough
sculpture of the desired outcome. Four main components were involved and
glue and makeup were used for the finishing. What is being spoken about?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
The Weeknd’s
‘plastic surgery’ face
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Alongside is a list of movements in an orchestral suite
written between 1914-1916 based on a certain list. One
element is excluded from the list as per traditional
beliefs, as opposed to a scientific list that would have
included it.
By the time this list needed to be expanded, the
composer had grown tired of the popularity of this suite
and felt his other works were getting overlooked and
hence chose not to add to it.
This was just as well as the list was changed again many
decades later. What is the name of the suite/ what is
this list?
I. Bringer of War (1914)
II. Bringer of Peace (1914)
III. Winged Messenger (1916)
IV. Bringer of Jollity (1914)
V. Bringer of Old Age (1915)
VI. Magician (1915)
VII. Mystic (1915)
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
The Planets by
Gustav Holst
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
A successful TV series ended in 2013, the same year of the
release of an app/web service that catered to the same
sector as the setting of the TV show. During the pandemic,
users of the service jumped by millions, giving creative
collective MSCHF the idea to recreate the TV show using the
service. They typed out the script of all 200+ episodes on the
show, and "aired" them using the service, every weekday, 9
AM to 5 PM.
What TV series was being recreated, using what?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
The Office was
recreated on Slack
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
The phrase _ _______ __ ___ _____ refers to an obstruction / difficulty preventing things
from happening smoothly in the way they were planned.
The artist X wrote a book in 1965 with a title playing on the above phrase, replacing
the second word with a demonym of a country where he had holidayed in previously.
He would also famously get re-married 4 years later in a place near this country.
Identify the title of the book.
The book consists of nonsensical stories and drawings (example on next page),
themes which he would revisit multiple times over the next couple of years via a
different form of media.
Which artist?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
A Spaniard in the Works
John Lennon
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
This is a mid-17th century painting by a
master, many of whose works have similar
poses and settings. Here, the visual makes it
seem like the seated lady was occupied with
something, and was then approached by the
guy. However, instead of paying attention to
him, the lady looks at the viewer - as if she is
suddenly aware of being watched and thus
abandoned her work.
The first two words of the name of the painting were picked up by an author as
the title for her 1993 hard-hitting memoir with dark themes. In 1999, it was
made into an Oscar-winning, acclaimed movie. Just name the film.
(bigger image follows)
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Girl, Interrupted
(from Girl
Interrupted at her
Music by Vermeer)
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
_____ ______ was a neighborhood in Detroit, Michigan, named by early French
colonial settlers for the dark, fertile topsoil found in the river lowlands in the
area. During early to mid 1900s, it had an influx of migrants, and became a lively
and bustling area filled with bars and nightclubs, becoming a cultural hotspot.
One culture element emerging in and named after the area is a dance, going:
Hop down front then doodle back
Mooch to your left then mooch to the right
Hands on your hips and do the mess around,
Break a leg until you're near the ground
Now that's the old _____ ______ dance
The dance lends its name to a 1920s song by a well-known blues singer, whose
life was documented in a 1980s play. The play was turned into a film, marking
the swan song of an acclaimed actor. FITB, or name the film.
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Black Bottom dance
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
This singer's breakthrough came with a 1998 indie-pop album that launched
him into the limelight and he went on to create some of the most popular music
of the 2000s onwards. The album became a critical and commercial success,
specially a song of the same name as the album itself, which has become a cult
classic of sorts. The structure of this song is experimental, as the singer himself
says: “a song has a mukhda, then music, antara, then music, that kind of thing.
But when we are improvising, it doesn’t have a structure… a structure-less
parabola as it is called in Physics– it goes up, comes down, it is fast, it is slow,
‘upar ke surr hai, neeche ke surr hai’, so it’s a very unstructured kind of thing..."
There is a very popular urban legend about this song, that originated because
listeners took the one-word name of the song very literally, but the singer has
gone on the clarify that the title is actually a metaphor and the urban legend is
not true. What song by whom?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Breathless by
Shankar Mahadevan
(which, contrary to
popular belief, was
not sung in one
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Texas faced a state-wide blackout due power grid failures caused by an
unexpected cold wave about a month ago, leaving millions of residents
without electricity, water, and heat for days.
While the real cause was the reliance on lack of federal oversight and
existence stand-alone power grids which were not equipped to handle the
higher loads, figures like Governor Greg Abbott, Senator Ted Cruz and Tucker
Carlson blamed something else. They used this crisis to put blame on the
Green New Deal and claim it had been the reason for the power failures, even
though it only contributes about 20% of the state’s electricity.
This senseless attack was compared to a similar reckless charge a work from
about 4 centuries ago. What was it compared to?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Don Quixote
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
When this person was living in Oakland, California in 1997, a fire suddenly
broke out nearby. He was save by his quick thinking of not caring about any
belongings and rushing out of the neighborhood with his family and the
neighbors. This would prove to be a wise decision as the whole block was
gutted by the fire which caused multiple deaths.
This experience provided greater clarity to his life and helped him re-evaluate
the value of material possessions. Inspired by this, he created a project in
1999 which was a way for him to re-acquire and re-build his life. This concept
of building a new life turned out to be very popular and made this work the
best-selling of its kind for a time, and helped it develop into a successful
multi-part franchise.
What work did he create?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
The Sims
The creator was Will
Though the other characters are depicted to have satisfying, if not stable,
careers, details about character X’s workplace are hardly ever discussed in
detail by the other characters or revealed to the audience. All we know is that
he does something related to computers, and that he isn’t really happy with
the career path he is following.
This alienation he experiences from his labor can be seen as a reaction to the
capitalist world around him and an expression of Gen X ennui - personified by
the mistrust of institutions, the mistrust of professions, the mistrust of
meaning itself.
X finally realizes that he wants to work in advertising and quits his job to start
over as an intern.
Which character are we talking about?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Chandler from
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
On the next slide is a video of a song from La La Land (2016), depicting drivers
in a Los Angeles traffic jam on a highway ramp singing and dancing about
their aspirations to succeed in Hollywood. The scene was shot on a high
interchange ramp leading from the southbound Harbor (110) Freeway to the
westbound Century (105) Freeway.
More than 2 decades ago from then, when the Century Freeway had only
recently been finished, the director of a movie got an idea looking at an
unfinished interchange ramp between the two freeways. By the time of filming
the ramp had been completed though, so when used for this iconic, pivotal
scene some part of the highway had to be edited out in post-production.
Which movie/scene?
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
The Bus Jumping
Scene from Speed
Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
1. This is Fine meme
2. Ancient Mariner
3. Green Screens are green, Spider-man
4. Oprah’s Glasses in the Meghan-Harry
5. Machiavelli
6. Shuffle Play option
7. Ikk Kudi
8. Wizard of Oz
9. Ship of Theseus,uWandaVision
10. The Weeknd
see you for the finals! :)
11. The Planets
12. The Office, Slack
13. A Spaniard in the Works, Lennon
14. Girl, Interrupted
15. Black Bottom
16. Breathless, by Shankar Mahadevan
17. Don Quixote
18. The Sims
19. Chandler from Friends
20. Bus Jump scene from Speed
see you for the finals! :)

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Inferno Prelims (FLAME Quiz @ Rendezvous 2021)

  • 1. inferno prelims the flame quiz at rdv 2021 by ria chopra & swapnil sinha
  • 2. Rules 20 questions Please keep track of the numbering, and answer multi-part questions in order. One point per answer and 0.5 per part in case of two parters. Five star marked qs Q1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 are star marked to resolve ties. Half stars given where applicable. Top 8 teams to finals :) Submit on time! Re-run will be quick. ONE member from each team to submit the answer form. No responses will be entertained once form is closed. Do not use unfair means.
  • 3. Q1* Much like 2020, the year 2016 was a trainwreck. Donald Trump was elected as POTUS, heralding a term of divisive and malignant policies in the US, as well as a promotion of extremist thought across the world. In the hopes of capturing the post-election mood, where some people were in acceptance but some in outright denial, game creator Nick Kaman made a simple five-minute pixel art game based on a very famous meme, which originated from a webcomic. Players control the main character and try to help him solve a problem. In a heart-warming twist, when the problem is not solved, the main character’s friends (a cat, frog, and bird) arrive and they all make the most of the situation they have found themselves in. What meme, that adequately suits the 2016 (and 2020) mood? Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 4. Q2 To reward the dedicated service and perseverance of their officers, the US Coast Guard annually recognizes one officer who holds the record for the most accumulated time spent in active service on the seas. This veteran officer is given a very appropriate title, that we would know from a work from two centuries ago. What two word title is this? Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 5. The contrast from usual human skin tones and hair colors is the likely explanation why a certain color is used. Other colors can be and are used, but this color has become synonymous with the technique. In a 2002 film a different color had to be used due to the primary antagonist being associated with the usually used one. But this different color clashed with the protagonist’s theme, and hence additional tricks and special effects had to be used when both these characters were in the same scene. Which movie is this, an early classic in a prominent contemporary genre? And what is this “technique”? Q3 Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 6. Q4 Gotti Switzerland is a high-end eyewear brand that focuses on creating elegant, minimalist and unique spectacles/sunglasses frames. The brand produces frames in small quantities, with ~10,000 pairs manufactured per month which are mostly sold by independent opticians, and sometimes, lead designer Mr Gotti himself specially creates frames for celebrities. Very recently, the brand has been overwhelmed by customer requests - especially in the US and Britain - to find out where they can get their hands on a particular model of eyewear. Why did one particular pair of glasses shoot to fame/ where did we see it? Sample Gotti designs: Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 7. The rapper Tupac Shakur had multiple aliases throughout his career, though one in particular was very peculiar. He took up the name X for the album The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory, inspired by a philosopher and writer from half a millennium ago. He wrote this album while in prison for charges which he believed were fabricated, and hence the album contains dark themes and righteous anger. His choice of name was inspired by the writer’s disregard for morality and insistence on viewing life as a game to be won regardless of the methods used. The album also features heavy political undertones, inspired by both the writer’s works and his family background, his mother having been an active member of the Black Panther Party in the past. Name the alias X that he took up, or the writer he was inspired by. Q5* Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 8. Though this now ubiquitous feature has been lauded for changing the way we consume a particular art form, it actually does not do exactly as advertised. While earlier versions did try to do as claimed, consumers often complained and accused the feature of not doing its job due to frequent repetitions and coincidences. Due to the outcry, a new “Smart” version was first introduced by the market leader in 2005 which artificially modified it to make it more attuned to what consumers would expect. Other companies followed suit. What feature are we talking about? Q6 Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 9. Q7 It is believed that Shiv Kumar Batalvi, considered Punjab’s first modern poet, was not allowed to marry Anusuya Singh (youngest daughter of Punjabi writer Gurbakhsh Singh Preetlari) as he was a Hindu boy from a village and she was a rich "Sheheri Punjabi." Heartbroken, Batalvi channeled his pain over his lost love into what has become one of the most popular Punjabi poems. A popular rendition of this was in 2016, read some lines of the poem and tell where: Huney taan mere kol khaddi si Huney taan mere kol nahi hai Eh ki chhal hai, eh ki phatkan Soch meri hairan baddi hai. Nazar meri har aande jaande Chehre da rang phol rahi hai, Ous _____ nu tol rahi hai. (Just now she was next to me, don’t know how she managed to flee. I am bewildered by this deception, am I losing my way and perception? In every face that passes me, I search for that lady.) Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 10. Q8 This 2020 holiday palette by No. 7 beauty is inspired by an iconic creation of the 1900s, which has been variously interpreted as a religious allegory, feminist allegory, Jungian psychological allegory, and financial allegory (wtf). Whatever allegory it is, it has become one of the most recognizable creations across the world. Just identify the inspiration. Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 11. Q9 Mentioned in a range of works ranging from Sophoclean tragedies to the Canterbury Tales to at least two Shakespearean plays, this historical/mythic character is synonymous with a logic problem that questions the basis of identity. A 2012 Indian film of the same name as this concept explores "questions of identity, justice, beauty, meaning and death through the stories of 3 characters who each receive an organ from a deceased person. Name the concept. Very recently, it came back into popular consciousness as it was referenced in a work that also directly deals with questions of identity, meaning and death. What concept? Where did we see it? Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 12. Q10* Mike Marino of ProRenFX, has previously worked on productions like Black Swan, Joker, Wolf of Wall Street, and with individuals like Heidi Klum. At the beginning of this year, Mike worked to ‘create’ something that came as a shock to audiences - but was actually just one chapter in a narrative that is currently being played out. Using one main collapsible base, he created a rough sculpture of the desired outcome. Four main components were involved and glue and makeup were used for the finishing. What is being spoken about? Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 13. Q11 Alongside is a list of movements in an orchestral suite written between 1914-1916 based on a certain list. One element is excluded from the list as per traditional beliefs, as opposed to a scientific list that would have included it. By the time this list needed to be expanded, the composer had grown tired of the popularity of this suite and felt his other works were getting overlooked and hence chose not to add to it. This was just as well as the list was changed again many decades later. What is the name of the suite/ what is this list? I. Bringer of War (1914) II. Bringer of Peace (1914) III. Winged Messenger (1916) IV. Bringer of Jollity (1914) V. Bringer of Old Age (1915) VI. Magician (1915) VII. Mystic (1915) Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 14. Q12 A successful TV series ended in 2013, the same year of the release of an app/web service that catered to the same sector as the setting of the TV show. During the pandemic, users of the service jumped by millions, giving creative collective MSCHF the idea to recreate the TV show using the service. They typed out the script of all 200+ episodes on the show, and "aired" them using the service, every weekday, 9 AM to 5 PM. What TV series was being recreated, using what? Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 15. The phrase _ _______ __ ___ _____ refers to an obstruction / difficulty preventing things from happening smoothly in the way they were planned. The artist X wrote a book in 1965 with a title playing on the above phrase, replacing the second word with a demonym of a country where he had holidayed in previously. He would also famously get re-married 4 years later in a place near this country. Identify the title of the book. The book consists of nonsensical stories and drawings (example on next page), themes which he would revisit multiple times over the next couple of years via a different form of media. Which artist? Q13 Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 16. Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 17. Q14 This is a mid-17th century painting by a master, many of whose works have similar poses and settings. Here, the visual makes it seem like the seated lady was occupied with something, and was then approached by the guy. However, instead of paying attention to him, the lady looks at the viewer - as if she is suddenly aware of being watched and thus abandoned her work. The first two words of the name of the painting were picked up by an author as the title for her 1993 hard-hitting memoir with dark themes. In 1999, it was made into an Oscar-winning, acclaimed movie. Just name the film. (bigger image follows) Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 18. Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 19. Q15* _____ ______ was a neighborhood in Detroit, Michigan, named by early French colonial settlers for the dark, fertile topsoil found in the river lowlands in the area. During early to mid 1900s, it had an influx of migrants, and became a lively and bustling area filled with bars and nightclubs, becoming a cultural hotspot. One culture element emerging in and named after the area is a dance, going: Hop down front then doodle back Mooch to your left then mooch to the right Hands on your hips and do the mess around, Break a leg until you're near the ground Now that's the old _____ ______ dance The dance lends its name to a 1920s song by a well-known blues singer, whose life was documented in a 1980s play. The play was turned into a film, marking the swan song of an acclaimed actor. FITB, or name the film. Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 20. Q16 This singer's breakthrough came with a 1998 indie-pop album that launched him into the limelight and he went on to create some of the most popular music of the 2000s onwards. The album became a critical and commercial success, specially a song of the same name as the album itself, which has become a cult classic of sorts. The structure of this song is experimental, as the singer himself says: “a song has a mukhda, then music, antara, then music, that kind of thing. But when we are improvising, it doesn’t have a structure… a structure-less parabola as it is called in Physics– it goes up, comes down, it is fast, it is slow, ‘upar ke surr hai, neeche ke surr hai’, so it’s a very unstructured kind of thing..." There is a very popular urban legend about this song, that originated because listeners took the one-word name of the song very literally, but the singer has gone on the clarify that the title is actually a metaphor and the urban legend is not true. What song by whom? Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 21. Texas faced a state-wide blackout due power grid failures caused by an unexpected cold wave about a month ago, leaving millions of residents without electricity, water, and heat for days. While the real cause was the reliance on lack of federal oversight and existence stand-alone power grids which were not equipped to handle the higher loads, figures like Governor Greg Abbott, Senator Ted Cruz and Tucker Carlson blamed something else. They used this crisis to put blame on the Green New Deal and claim it had been the reason for the power failures, even though it only contributes about 20% of the state’s electricity. This senseless attack was compared to a similar reckless charge a work from about 4 centuries ago. What was it compared to? Q17 Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 22. When this person was living in Oakland, California in 1997, a fire suddenly broke out nearby. He was save by his quick thinking of not caring about any belongings and rushing out of the neighborhood with his family and the neighbors. This would prove to be a wise decision as the whole block was gutted by the fire which caused multiple deaths. This experience provided greater clarity to his life and helped him re-evaluate the value of material possessions. Inspired by this, he created a project in 1999 which was a way for him to re-acquire and re-build his life. This concept of building a new life turned out to be very popular and made this work the best-selling of its kind for a time, and helped it develop into a successful multi-part franchise. What work did he create? Q18 Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 23. Though the other characters are depicted to have satisfying, if not stable, careers, details about character X’s workplace are hardly ever discussed in detail by the other characters or revealed to the audience. All we know is that he does something related to computers, and that he isn’t really happy with the career path he is following. This alienation he experiences from his labor can be seen as a reaction to the capitalist world around him and an expression of Gen X ennui - personified by the mistrust of institutions, the mistrust of professions, the mistrust of meaning itself. X finally realizes that he wants to work in advertising and quits his job to start over as an intern. Which character are we talking about? Q19 Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 24. On the next slide is a video of a song from La La Land (2016), depicting drivers in a Los Angeles traffic jam on a highway ramp singing and dancing about their aspirations to succeed in Hollywood. The scene was shot on a high interchange ramp leading from the southbound Harbor (110) Freeway to the westbound Century (105) Freeway. More than 2 decades ago from then, when the Century Freeway had only recently been finished, the director of a movie got an idea looking at an unfinished interchange ramp between the two freeways. By the time of filming the ramp had been completed though, so when used for this iconic, pivotal scene some part of the highway had to be edited out in post-production. Which movie/scene? Q20* Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 25. Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 27. Q1* Much like 2020, the year 2016 was a trainwreck. Donald Trump was elected as POTUS, heralding a term of divisive and malignant policies in the US, as well as a promotion of extremist thought across the world. In the hopes of capturing the post-election mood, where some people were in acceptance but some in outright denial, game creator Nick Kaman made a simple five-minute pixel art game based on a very famous meme, which originated from a webcomic. Players control the main character and try to help him solve a problem. In a heart-warming twist, when the problem is not solved, the main character’s friends (a cat, frog, and bird) arrive and they all make the most of the situation they have found themselves in. What meme, that adequately suits the 2016 (and 2020) mood? Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 28. This Is Fine :) Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 29. Q2 To reward the dedicated service and perseverance of their officers, the US Coast Guard annually recognizes one officer who holds the record for the most accumulated time spent in active service on the seas. This veteran officer is given a very appropriate title, that we would know from a work from two centuries ago. What two word title is this? Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 30. Ancient Mariner Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 31. The contrast from usual human skin tones and hair colors is the likely explanation why a certain color is used. Other colors can be and are used, but this color has become synonymous with the technique. In a 2002 film a different color had to be used due to the primary antagonist being associated with the usually used one. But this different color clashed with the protagonist’s theme, and hence additional tricks and special effects had to be used when both these characters were in the same scene. Which movie is this, an early classic in a prominent contemporary genre? And what is this “technique”? Q3 Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 32. Why Green Screens are Green Spider-man (villain being Green Goblin) Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 33. Q4 Gotti Switzerland is a high-end eyewear brand that focuses on creating elegant, minimalist and unique spectacles/sunglasses frames. The brand produces frames in small quantities, with ~10,000 pairs manufactured per month which are mostly sold by independent opticians, and sometimes, lead designer Mr Gotti himself specially creates frames for celebrities. Very recently, the brand has been overwhelmed by customer requests - especially in the US and Britain - to find out where they can get their hands on a particular model of eyewear. Why did one particular pair of glasses shoot to fame/ where did we see it? Sample Gotti designs: Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 34. Oprah’s glasses in the Meghan-Harry interview Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 35. The rapper Tupac Shakur had multiple aliases throughout his career, though one in particular was very peculiar. He took up the name X for the album The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory, inspired by a philosopher and writer from half a millennium ago. He wrote this album while in prison for charges which he believed were fabricated, and hence the album contains dark themes and righteous anger. His choice of name was inspired by the writer’s disregard for morality and insistence on viewing life as a game to be won regardless of the methods used. The album also features heavy political undertones, inspired by both the writer’s works and his family background, his mother having been an active member of the Black Panther Party in the past. Name the alias X that he took up, or the writer he was inspired by. Q5* Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 36. Makaveli, inspired by Niccolo Machiavelli Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 37. Though this now ubiquitous feature has been lauded for changing the way we consume a particular art form, it actually does not do exactly as advertised. While earlier versions did try to do as claimed, consumers often complained and accused the feature of not doing its job due to frequent repetitions and coincidences. Due to the outcry, a new “Smart” version was first introduced by the market leader in 2005 which artificially modified it to make it more attuned to what consumers would expect. Other companies followed suit. What feature are we talking about? Q6 Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 38. Shuffle Play was modified to make it less “truly random” Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 39. Q7 It is believed that Shiv Kumar Batalvi, considered Punjab’s first modern poet, was not allowed to marry Anusuya Singh (youngest daughter of Punjabi writer Gurbakhsh Singh Preetlari) as he was a Hindu boy from a village and she was a rich "Sheheri Punjabi." Heartbroken, Batalvi channeled his pain over his lost love into what has become one of the most popular Punjabi poems. A popular rendition of this was in 2016, read some lines of the poem and tell where: Huney taan mere kol khaddi si Huney taan mere kol nahi hai Eh ki chhal hai, eh ki phatkan Soch meri hairan baddi hai. Nazar meri har aande jaande Chehre da rang phol rahi hai, Ous _____ nu tol rahi hai. (Just now she was next to me, don’t know how she managed to flee. I am bewildered by this deception, am I losing my way and perception? In every face that passes me, I search for that lady.) Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 40. Ikk Kudi (Jidda Naam Mohabbat, Ghum Hai…) from Udta Punjab Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 41. Q8 This 2020 holiday palette by No. 7 beauty is inspired by an iconic creation of the 1900s, which has been variously interpreted as a religious allegory, feminist allegory, Jungian psychological allegory, and financial allegory (wtf). Whatever allegory it is, it has become one of the most recognizable creations across the world. Just identify the inspiration. Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 42. Wiz of Oz ● Eye Shadow Pot in Cowardly Lion™ Gold ● Eye Liner in Cyclone Black ● Lipstick in Dorothy Red ● Lip Glaze in Munchkin Pink ● Lip Glaze in Ruby Slippers Red ● Ruby Slippers Mini Eye Palette ● Lip Liner in Ruby Slippers Red ● Yellow Brick Road™ Mini Highlighting Palette ● Tin Man™ Silver Mirror ● Ruby Slippers™ Red Cosmetics Sponge Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 43. Q9 Mentioned in a range of works ranging from Sophoclean tragedies to the Canterbury Tales to at least two Shakespearean plays, this historical/mythic character is synonymous with a logic problem that questions the basis of identity. A 2012 Indian film of the same name as this concept explores "questions of identity, justice, beauty, meaning and death through the stories of 3 characters who each receive an organ from a deceased person. Name the concept. Very recently, it came back into popular consciousness as it was referenced in a work that also directly deals with questions of identity, meaning and death. What concept? Where did we see it? Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 44. Ship of Theseus WandaVision finale, battle between the two Visions over who the ‘real’ vision is Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 45. Q10* Mike Marino of ProRenFX, has previously worked on productions like Black Swan, Joker, Wolf of Wall Street, and with individuals like Heidi Klum. At the beginning of this year, Mike worked to ‘create’ something that came as a shock to audiences - but was actually just one chapter in a narrative that is currently being played out. Using one main collapsible base, he created a rough sculpture of the desired outcome. Four main components were involved and glue and makeup were used for the finishing. What is being spoken about? Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 46. The Weeknd’s ‘plastic surgery’ face Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 47. Q11 Alongside is a list of movements in an orchestral suite written between 1914-1916 based on a certain list. One element is excluded from the list as per traditional beliefs, as opposed to a scientific list that would have included it. By the time this list needed to be expanded, the composer had grown tired of the popularity of this suite and felt his other works were getting overlooked and hence chose not to add to it. This was just as well as the list was changed again many decades later. What is the name of the suite/ what is this list? I. Bringer of War (1914) II. Bringer of Peace (1914) III. Winged Messenger (1916) IV. Bringer of Jollity (1914) V. Bringer of Old Age (1915) VI. Magician (1915) VII. Mystic (1915) Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 48. The Planets by Gustav Holst Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 49. Q12 A successful TV series ended in 2013, the same year of the release of an app/web service that catered to the same sector as the setting of the TV show. During the pandemic, users of the service jumped by millions, giving creative collective MSCHF the idea to recreate the TV show using the service. They typed out the script of all 200+ episodes on the show, and "aired" them using the service, every weekday, 9 AM to 5 PM. What TV series was being recreated, using what? Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 50. The Office was recreated on Slack Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 51. The phrase _ _______ __ ___ _____ refers to an obstruction / difficulty preventing things from happening smoothly in the way they were planned. The artist X wrote a book in 1965 with a title playing on the above phrase, replacing the second word with a demonym of a country where he had holidayed in previously. He would also famously get re-married 4 years later in a place near this country. Identify the title of the book. The book consists of nonsensical stories and drawings (example on next page), themes which he would revisit multiple times over the next couple of years via a different form of media. Which artist? Q13 Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 52. Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 53. A Spaniard in the Works John Lennon Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 54. Q14 This is a mid-17th century painting by a master, many of whose works have similar poses and settings. Here, the visual makes it seem like the seated lady was occupied with something, and was then approached by the guy. However, instead of paying attention to him, the lady looks at the viewer - as if she is suddenly aware of being watched and thus abandoned her work. The first two words of the name of the painting were picked up by an author as the title for her 1993 hard-hitting memoir with dark themes. In 1999, it was made into an Oscar-winning, acclaimed movie. Just name the film. (bigger image follows) Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 55. Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 56. Girl, Interrupted (from Girl Interrupted at her Music by Vermeer) Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 57. Q15* _____ ______ was a neighborhood in Detroit, Michigan, named by early French colonial settlers for the dark, fertile topsoil found in the river lowlands in the area. During early to mid 1900s, it had an influx of migrants, and became a lively and bustling area filled with bars and nightclubs, becoming a cultural hotspot. One culture element emerging in and named after the area is a dance, going: Hop down front then doodle back Mooch to your left then mooch to the right Hands on your hips and do the mess around, Break a leg until you're near the ground Now that's the old _____ ______ dance The dance lends its name to a 1920s song by a well-known blues singer, whose life was documented in a 1980s play. The play was turned into a film, marking the swan song of an acclaimed actor. FITB, or name the film. Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 58. Black Bottom dance Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 59. Q16 This singer's breakthrough came with a 1998 indie-pop album that launched him into the limelight and he went on to create some of the most popular music of the 2000s onwards. The album became a critical and commercial success, specially a song of the same name as the album itself, which has become a cult classic of sorts. The structure of this song is experimental, as the singer himself says: “a song has a mukhda, then music, antara, then music, that kind of thing. But when we are improvising, it doesn’t have a structure… a structure-less parabola as it is called in Physics– it goes up, comes down, it is fast, it is slow, ‘upar ke surr hai, neeche ke surr hai’, so it’s a very unstructured kind of thing..." There is a very popular urban legend about this song, that originated because listeners took the one-word name of the song very literally, but the singer has gone on the clarify that the title is actually a metaphor and the urban legend is not true. What song by whom? Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 60. Breathless by Shankar Mahadevan (which, contrary to popular belief, was not sung in one breath) Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 61. Texas faced a state-wide blackout due power grid failures caused by an unexpected cold wave about a month ago, leaving millions of residents without electricity, water, and heat for days. While the real cause was the reliance on lack of federal oversight and existence stand-alone power grids which were not equipped to handle the higher loads, figures like Governor Greg Abbott, Senator Ted Cruz and Tucker Carlson blamed something else. They used this crisis to put blame on the Green New Deal and claim it had been the reason for the power failures, even though it only contributes about 20% of the state’s electricity. This senseless attack was compared to a similar reckless charge a work from about 4 centuries ago. What was it compared to? Q17 Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 62. Don Quixote Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 63. When this person was living in Oakland, California in 1997, a fire suddenly broke out nearby. He was save by his quick thinking of not caring about any belongings and rushing out of the neighborhood with his family and the neighbors. This would prove to be a wise decision as the whole block was gutted by the fire which caused multiple deaths. This experience provided greater clarity to his life and helped him re-evaluate the value of material possessions. Inspired by this, he created a project in 1999 which was a way for him to re-acquire and re-build his life. This concept of building a new life turned out to be very popular and made this work the best-selling of its kind for a time, and helped it develop into a successful multi-part franchise. What work did he create? Q18 Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 64. The Sims The creator was Will Wright
  • 65. Though the other characters are depicted to have satisfying, if not stable, careers, details about character X’s workplace are hardly ever discussed in detail by the other characters or revealed to the audience. All we know is that he does something related to computers, and that he isn’t really happy with the career path he is following. This alienation he experiences from his labor can be seen as a reaction to the capitalist world around him and an expression of Gen X ennui - personified by the mistrust of institutions, the mistrust of professions, the mistrust of meaning itself. X finally realizes that he wants to work in advertising and quits his job to start over as an intern. Which character are we talking about? Q19 Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 66. Chandler from FRIENDS Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 67. On the next slide is a video of a song from La La Land (2016), depicting drivers in a Los Angeles traffic jam on a highway ramp singing and dancing about their aspirations to succeed in Hollywood. The scene was shot on a high interchange ramp leading from the southbound Harbor (110) Freeway to the westbound Century (105) Freeway. More than 2 decades ago from then, when the Century Freeway had only recently been finished, the director of a movie got an idea looking at an unfinished interchange ramp between the two freeways. By the time of filming the ramp had been completed though, so when used for this iconic, pivotal scene some part of the highway had to be edited out in post-production. Which movie/scene? Q20* Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 68. Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 69. The Bus Jumping Scene from Speed Rdv 2021 - FLAME - Ria & Swapnil
  • 70. 1. This is Fine meme 2. Ancient Mariner 3. Green Screens are green, Spider-man 4. Oprah’s Glasses in the Meghan-Harry interview 5. Machiavelli 6. Shuffle Play option 7. Ikk Kudi 8. Wizard of Oz 9. Ship of Theseus,uWandaVision 10. The Weeknd see you for the finals! :) 11. The Planets 12. The Office, Slack 13. A Spaniard in the Works, Lennon 14. Girl, Interrupted 15. Black Bottom 16. Breathless, by Shankar Mahadevan 17. Don Quixote 18. The Sims 19. Chandler from Friends 20. Bus Jump scene from Speed
  • 71. see you for the finals! :)