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Inclusion Proposal
I am writing this proposal so that you may consider inclusion as the primary way of providing students with disabilities access to education by way of
the least restrictive environment. While inclusion helps fulfill the federal mandate of IDEA, it also has a profound impact on the students with
disabilities themselves as well as general education students and teachers.
The first reason I am recommending Inclusion is because, simply put, it is the law. Even though the word "inclusion" is not a part of the language of
the IDEA, passed in 1975, the mandate of Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) is, and it can be successfully accomplished through inclusion (IDEA
Basics: LRE Video). And one cannot help but see that inclusion is the goal when looking at the LRE Continuum of Placement chart. Levels 1 through 7
require a student with disabilities be present in a regular school and levels 1 through eight require some amount of participation in a classroom with
students who do not have a disability (Continuum Placement chart). In fact, not including a student with disabilities into a general education classroom
should only be considered if all other options have been exhausted.
Another reason to consider inclusion is the impact it will have on the student with a disability both from an educational standpoint and as it relates more content...
General education students are able to learn how to be patient with others and how to accept and interact with those who are different from themselves.
General education teachers are naturally called upon to stretch their teaching methods to include students who may learn differently from a general
education student, and they may find that they can reach other challenging students such as English language learners or gifted students in the same
fashion (Inclusion Education
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A Modest Proposal Thesis
In this composition," A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift who was an Anglican priest and a writer , has talked about the worst condition under
which people are living in Ireland. He uses this writing as a means of communication to convey his message across the whole world for people to
be aware of what is happening to the citizens of Ireland. How the landowners are maltreating the poor families whose spouse are dead, and their
government too is not doing anything to assist them. Although he has made ironical statement, and also uses a lot of sarcasm does not make this
writing to lose its value, it is still carrying its subject and message across. This kind of evil deeds does not happen in only Ireland, it is all over the
world more content...
In this quotation, I believe he was referring to the children as ingredients for making good foods that should be sold out to people without the care
from their parents or the government. He is using this writing to make a mockery of the landowners and the government of Ireland, it is because of their
inability to take care of the poor women and their children that made the mothers to take their children to the market and sold as food. We all
know it is not possible to use your own children to make food. It is very frustrating to see this child be put on the market for sale. I, therefore
conclude that Swift had used this piece of writing to persuade his readers to be aware of the type of leaders that are governing our nation this
modern day. Even though he has talked mostly about the England's government, does not mean the message is limited to them alone. The writing is
carrying a very strong message which is very important for everyone to learn from, especially our leaders. As a reader, I am satisfied with his use of
irony, sarcasm, and metaphor to make this writing a
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Project Proposal Essay
Write a seven to eight (7–8) page paper in which you: 1. Recommend a project portfolio management method for your selected project. Provide a
rationale for your recommendation. Note: Be sure to align your project with the strategic efforst of the organization. 2. Create an outline of an
executive summary that includes the type of problem, requirements, and proposed business problems solutions. 3. State the vision and the goal of the
project. Note: Be sure that the goals are specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely (SMART). 4. Determine five (5) major deliverables of
the project, and explain the importance of each one. 5. Provide the timeframe for delivering the solution to the project. 6. Create a table which contains more content...
5. Provide the timeframe for delivering the solution to the project. 6. Create a table which contains the generic resources, including people,
equipment , and materials needed to undertake the project. 7. Estimate the total budget for the project based on the cost of the resources specified in
the table that you have created . Next, add contingency and any other additional costs (e.g. intangible cost, the cost of a change in culture or process
within the the business etc.). Support your response. 8. Determine the key success criteria for your project. Provide a rationale to support your
response. 9. Assume that your project is delivered on time, within scope, and budget. Justify your stakeholders' satisfactory level with three (3) key
success criteria, against which the project will be measured. 10. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Write a seven to eight (7–8)
page paper in which you: 1. Recommend a project portfolio management method for your selected project. Provide a rationale for your
recommendation. Note: Be sure to align your project with the strategic efforst of the organization. 2. Create an outline of an executive summary that
includes the type of problem, requirements, and proposed business problems solutions. 3. State the vision and the goal of the project. Note: Be sure
that the goals are specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely
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Research Proposal
What Are the Effects of Domestic Violence on Male and Female Children ages 4–11?
Candace Williams
University of South Carolina
Counseling Education Graduate Program Introduction
The purpose of this research proposal is to identify the specific differences in the effects of domestic violence in male and female children ages 4–11.
Justification of Proposed Research Child exposure to adult domestic violence and its effects has increasingly become a concern for both practitioners
and researchers. It is estimated that between ten and twenty percent of children in the United States are exposed to domestic more
One weakness related to this study is that it is a correlation study; therefore, it was not possible to draw any conclusions about casual relationships
between risk factors and externalizing problems (Baldry, 2007). Another weakness is that measures of direct and indirect victimization and those
measuring externalizing symptoms were based only on self reports. Other sources such as teachers, social workers, and parents should be used in
continuing studies to bring about new findings. Total variance explained for each externalizing problems was low, which means that this problem
remains mostly unexplained by this model. This study informed the current proposal of the about the exposure to domestic violence being overly
dependent on adults'– usually mother's reports in previous research. The current proposal will include children as the source of reporting family issues
of domestic violence. Parents are not always a reliable resource for reporting sensitive family issues such as domestic violence. The study indicates that
'self–report measures from children themselves can constitute a reliable measure, especially when dealing with children who are capable of reading
and writing" (Baldry, 2007).
Summary and Critique #2 Kimberly Barletto Becker, MA, Department of Psychology University of Arizona and Laura Ann McCloskey, PhD,
Department of Maternal and Child Health conducted a study to examine the
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Dr. Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal
"A person's a person, no matter how small." This quote by Dr. Seuss perfectly proves why the essay, "A Modest Proposal," is morally incorrect; a
child is as much a person as an adult. If humans believe this statement, then why would they sell their children to more fortunate people to be eaten or
worn? In the essay, "A Modest Proposal," Dr. Jonathan Swift uses shock, information, and satire to convey his purpose for the essay; whereas, the
narrator uses an objective, straight forward attitude to get his point across. Dr. Jonathan Swift's purpose while writing "A Modest Proposal," was to
shock and to inform the public about his idea to sell children of poor families to be eaten. In the book, Satire: A Critical Reintroduction, Dustin Griffin more content...
In "A Modest Proposal," to shock the people, the narrator says, "at one year old I propose to provide for them in such a manner, as, instead of being a
change upon their parents, or the parish, or wanting food and raiment for the rest of their lives, they shall, on contrary, contribute to the feeding, and
partly to the clothing of many thousands" (25–28). The narrator also said, "those who are more thrifty (as I must confess the times require) may flea
the carcass; the skin of which, artificially dressed, will make admirable gloves for ladies, and summer boots for find gentlemen" (94–96) Both of these
are evidence that the narrator's purpose is to shock. Also, the narrator uses rhetoric to convey his proposal. The narrator uses anaphora by saying, "for
we can neither employ them in handicraft or agriculture; we neither build house, (I mean in the country) nor cultivate land: they can very seldom pick
up a livelihood by stealing till they arrive at six years old" (43–45). This is anaphora because the narrator establishes repetition of the proposal. The
narrator also uses pathos by showing emotions about killing the children (25–30). He used logos by using logic to say how the children will contribute
to "clothing of feeding of many thousands" (narrator, 27–28). He used ethos by using ethics by saying, "there is likewise another great advantage in
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Application For An Expert Grant Writer
Basically, a proposal refers to the application managers used to request funding. The applications are published by the government funding, charitable
organizations, agencies, businesses and other individuals. Indeed, a grant proposal writer should pursue the sponsor's intention. An expert grant writer
requires knowledge in various areas. Proposal writing skills are critical in an organization, an excellent grant writer should able to make a good research
and connect the grant's elements. The elements of an effective proposal are "content development, demonstrating scientific, economic, and social
benefits, satisfying program criteria, addressing funding agency requirements, proper formatting/language, demonstrating the sustainability of the
project's output, monitoring and evaluation provisions, budgeting, and administrative/ financial capacity/experience" (Belmain, 2016). A well written
proposal includes references from trusty source and citations. It requires well developed ideas, the project's philosophy must be detailed with
persuasive information, it should provide information on how the program will be delivered (Belmain, 2016).
A proposal document includes the description of the social, economic and scientific advantages. In the same way, the proposal strategies are developed
according to the donor's requirements. Therefore, research consistency and project's development strategies are essential. Equally, the proposal should
present financial assistance, be
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Business Proposal
Business proposal
A business proposal is perhaps one of the most critical documents you need to learn how to write. It is what spells the difference between success and
failure, whether you're a freelancer or you have a company of your own.
In today's cut–throat business world, entrepreneurs find themselves spending hours upon hours submitting business proposals to potential clients, and
not get any results. On the other hand, there are those that are like snipers, able to get the contract after just submitting one business proposal.
So how do they do it? Well, this article will teach you show you how to do just that.
The Basics of a Business Proposal
Before you even go and start writing that business proposal, you must first more content...
Pricing Information
For many clients, the pricing information is what will make them decide whether they would offer you the contract or not.
How to write this part greatly depends on the solution or solutions you included in the previous segment. If the solution proposed will only entail a
short period of time, a Fee Summary will suffice. For longer projects, segment these payments to specific milestones in a Fee Schedule list.
Things to Remember When Writing a Business Proposal
Now that you know the essentials of a winning business proposal, it's time to go ahead and start writing, right? Well, not exactly.
The next part is to be able to find out what to put under the 3 Ps so that you can develop a business proposal that gets their attention and awards you
that contract.
Do Your Research
Not all clients and buyers will give you the explicit details of their wants and needs, especially if you're submitting an unsolicited business proposal.
Extend your research9 to include the competitors of your potential client, and their customers as well. This will ensure that your business proposal will
be as comprehensive and as detailed as possible.
Put Yourself in their Shoes
Another thing to remember when writing a business proposal is to always put yourself in the shoes of your potential clients. Doing this will help you
provide information on things that they would
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Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal Essay
Steps to writing a grant proposal
September 11, 2011
Shelley Johnson–Gildwarg
Steps to writing a grant proposal
When writing a grant proposal there are many of different areas that need to be covered in the proposal. The proposal needs to have 11 different
sections. These sections are:
1. Abstract–45 lines max.
2. Table of Contents–2 pages max.
3. Specific Aims (Needs/Problems, Working Hypothesis, Objectives, Interventions, etc.)–3 pages max.
4. Target Populations–2 pages max.
5. Approaches and Methods (Project Goals and Objectives, Activities, Time Line, etc.)–6 pages max.
6. Evaluation Plan–3 pages max.
7. Agency Capacity and Project Management–3 pages max.
9. Budget and Budget Justification–3 pages max. more content...
When writing the Needs/Problem Statement they must be careful they are not "preaching to the choir." Most funders are already somewhat aware of
the problems in the community. Instead of telling the funder what they already know (where they are coming from) they may try to inform them what
approach they are going to take to help provide the community an end to the problem.
The Literature Review is vital to the process as it provides objective support data and rationales for the arguments in the proposal and the development
of the interventions. It is a well–developed review of relevant information from creditable sources to lean support to the approaches presented in the
The writer needs to briefly identify why their Target Population(s) should be funded when another group or population whom may be equally at need
should not be funded. What makes their target population stick out and be better suited for the funding?
Approaches and Methods are often referred to as goals and objectives, and activities and timelines by some funding agencies. This part of the proposal
contains a lot of information so the writer should start off with a summary. It is important to reach the target population as if they do not the proposal
would be worthless.
The Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives, Activities, and tasks are the terms program planners use. These terms can also confuse
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Part 1: The Differences between Formal Research and a Business Proposal Formal research and business proposals may focus on researching the
same problems and seek similar information, but they have different "overall goals, sections, purposes and uses" (Jane, 2011). Understanding the
differences between the two can help a person be more effective in writing either a formal research proposal or a business proposal. For a research
proposal, the goals tend to focus on "finding specific information or data that can help the business make better decisions, whether it is for the
budget, market or customers" (Jane, 2011). The research proposal has different sections than a normal business proposal. The research proposal
normally begins with an abstract and is in APA format (PRISM, Unk.). Moreover, the ideas in a research proposal tend to be based on other research
and draws its information from other scholarly literature, preferably studies that have been subject o peer review(PRISM, Unk.). It has an
introduction and a conclusion. The problem in a research project is carefully famed, "as a potential contribution to scholarly research" (PRISM, Unk.).
Furthermore, the research question is going to be stated in a way that is conducive to research and allows for the easy identification of the independent
and dependent variables (PRISM, Unk.). It also generally has a methods section, which is not usually part of a business proposal. The methods section
will be qualitative,
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Creative Writing: A Modest Proposals
A beautiful suite of 1 bed, 1 Full bath, Living room and kitchen. It has available car parking and gardening space in Dale City, Wood
–bridge. >
Convenient public transportation Metro connector, VRE, and commuter bus service easyly commute to DC, MD, Pentagon, Arlington, Fair–fax,
Fredericksburg. > Very close to Bable middle school > 3 Miles from Potomac Malls. It is ready to move now! ($900 security one–time security deposit
and $50/Month fixed utility bills) For any questions or schedule to
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A Modest Proposal is a satirical essay written by Jonathan Swift during the late seventeenth century. The essay was first published in a pamphlet
anonymously, today is one of the most satirical poems known. Swift, was son of English parents, was born in Dublin Ireland in 1667. After Swift
graduated from college, he moved to England to gain political affairs becoming a secretary of Sir William Temple where he later became a priest of
the Anglican Church of Ireland. In 1699, Swift decided to go back to England and that's when he began his literacy career. His first poem published is
"Ode to the Athenian Society" he later wrote other poems which were controversial during the classical times (Bloom). A Modest Proposal for
Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to their Parents or Country, and for Making them Beneficial to the Public, is
the full title of Swift's pamphlet. The essay starts as a superficially dispassionate diagnosis of the extreme poverty during the eighteenth century in
Ireland. Swift later introduces his main idea of his proposal;
Exactly at one year old that I propose to provide for them [children] in such a manner as instead of being a charge upon their parents or the parish, or
wanting food and raiment for the rest of their lives, they shall on the contrary contribute to the feeding, and partly to the clothing, of many thousands
(Swift, 2,634).
Jonathan Swift emotionlessly describes the England's ruling towards Ireland by
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Do you know the similarities and differences between a funding proposal and a research proposal? According to the website
/proposal, writing a funding proposal was created to help empower people to be successful in gaining funds for projects that provide worthwhile social
service. Aresearch proposal considers your overall topic ideas, your research question, your research process, and your sources and scaffolds what the
next steps will be for the project. There are similarities and differences between writing a funding proposal and a research proposal.
A research proposal is most often written by scholars seeking grant funding for a research project or it's the first step in getting approval to write a
doctoral dissertation. Even if this is just a course assignment, the introduction is the initial pitch of an idea or a thorough examination of the
significance of a research problem. After reading the introduction, readers should not only understand what is being proposed. Most proposals do not
include an abstract before the introduction. Background and Significance, this section can be melded into your introduction or you can create a
separate section to help with the organization and narrative flow of your proposal. This is where you explain the context of your proposal and describe
in detail why it's important. Approach writing this section with the thought that you can't assume your readers will know as much about the research
problem as you do. Note
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Teen Suicide Case Study Essay
I enjoyed reading your post and agree with your comment that knowing the population to be served is a key indicator for success. I was particularly
impressed in this case study that they recognized the fear their patients might have regarding receiving official mail due to their immigration status
(Dlugacz, 2006). This is something I had not considered prior to reading this case.
I thought your ideas for improvement were very insightful, particularly with regard to the number of teen suicides and the number of opioid
prescriptions written. I was interested to see how significant these issues are in my state and I am sad to report that according to the Utah department
of health (2016), Utah has the 7th highest drug overdose rate in the country, reportedly 80 percent of Heroin users started with prescription pain kills
and 6 people die every week in Utah from opioid overdose ( .Suicide is the 8th leading cause of death in Utah. Utah ranks in the
top ten states in the nation for high suicide rates and suicide is the number one cause of death for youth ages 10–17. This statistic surprised me; I
thought the leading cause of death for this age group would be accidents (Utah Suicide Prevention Plan 2017–2021). I have lived in Utah most of my
life and have been in healthcare for over 30 years and I had no idea the magnitude of the problems in more content...
2). Failure to recognize the demographics and challenges of the population being served could lead to missed opportunities for engagement and access
to resources for patients.
What do you think are some ways as healthcare providers that we can assess our vulnerable populations? How can we help our patients gain access to
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Part 1
Differences between "Formal Research" and "Business Proposals" There is a great difference between a formal research proposal and a business
proposal. In fact these two types of proposals seem to be very similar but there are critical differences in the overall purpose, uses and goals. With such
distinct differences for a writer it helps in understanding for writing the formal research proposal or business proposal more effectively. The general
purpose of a proposal is the identify a particular need, explain it and recommend how this need can best be met. Both proposals have different usage
in business system. The formal proposals very frequently used by the product developers and financial analysts to figure out if there is more
One solution that many businesses have started turning to, is human resource outsourcing. Basically, this involves contracting all of your HR–related
job duties out to a company that specializes in providing HR support to other businesses. There are many different options when it comes to human
resource outsourcing. Some HR outsourcing has been going on for many years. The most common tasks which companies outsource including things
like payroll processing, attendance and time record keeping, and the filing of and paying of business taxes. Human resource professionals are closely
involved with the issues related to managing employees, including recruitment, training, and employee turnover. Human resource professionals have a
unique position within the organization as advocates for the employee and as advisers for senior leadership Organizational HR practices build
employee commitment and loyalty and can offset the negative impact of turnover. Proactive HR practices can reduce turnover with skill–building
programs and learning for employees When outsourcing occurs, internal employees may feel less trust in the organisation. This leads to reduced levels
of employee performance and cooperation. Outsourcing providers may also find it difficult to adapt to the new social and organizational culture. This
mismatch can end with conflict between internal employees and the external providers. Hence, the relationship between internal employees and external
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Guidelines on Writing a Research Proposal
Guidelines on writing a research proposal
This is a guide to writing M.A. research proposals. The same principles apply to dissertation proposals and to proposals to most funding agencies. It
includes a model outline, but advisor, committee and funding agency expectations vary and your proposal will be a variation on this basic theme. Use
these guidelines as a point of departure for discussions with your advisor. They may serve as a straw–man against which to build your understanding
of both your project and of proposal writing.
For USM students, the same rules apply as for proposals everywhere in the world.
Proposal Writing
Proposal writing is important to your pursuit of a graduate degree. The proposal specifies more content...
One problem with this type of research is that you might find the perfect succinct answer to your question on the night before (or after) you turn in the
final draft ––– in someone else's work. This certainly can knock the wind out of your sails. (But note that even a straight–ahead science thesis can have
the problem of late in the game discovering that the work you have done or are doing has already been done, this is where familiarity with the relevant
literature by both yourself and your committee members is important.)
A Couple of Models for Proposals
A Two Page (Preliminary Proposal) Model
Here is a model for a very brief (maybe five paragraph) proposal that you might use to interest faculty in sitting on your committee. People who are not
yet hooked may especially appreciate its brevity.
In the first paragraph, the first sentence identifies the general topic area. The second sentence gives the research question, and the third sentence
establishes its significance.
The next couple of paragraphs gives the larger historical perspective on the topic. Essentially list the major schools of thought on the topic and very
briefly review the literature in the area with its major findings. Who has written on the topic and what have they found? Allocate about a sentence per
important person or finding. Include any preliminary
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Key Issues and Concerns in the Development of a Proposal
Key Issues and Concerns in the Development of a Proposal
Status of the Opportunity
The first steps taken after reviewing a Request for Proposal involves determining the status of the opportunity. (Johnson–Sheehan, 2008). In short one
must determine if an opportunity or problem exists. The Request for Proposal under review indicates that Government officials are soliciting a
vocational initiative that will be funded to train a service oriented work force. The service jobs suggested include "medical services (home health and
nurses aides, medical and dental assistants), positions in hotels (maids, housekeepers), security services, telecommunication more
More information is definitely needed to determine whether a solid opportunity exists in this case. By all appearances this may be a philanthropic
opportunity as opposed to a personal profit opportunity. The request is asking to a lot within what may be an unrealistic budget. Further exploration of
key issues of concern will follow.
Defining the Problem
In the process of reviewing the provided Request for Proposal (RFP) it has came to our team's attention that there are several areas of concern. To
begin with there is no identifying name or reference number so as to separate this request for proposal from any other that the originator my have out
for review. There is no creation date or closing date for applications. This makes it very hard for the contractor to reference this RFP in correspondence
to the point of contact. With the fact outstanding that there is no point of contact listed or a contracting office or department named in the RFP,
collecting addition information presents it own problems. The Five–W and How questions referenced in chapter two of Johnson–Sheehan's, Writing
Proposals would be consider as ignored by the contractor. (Johnson–Sheehan, 2008). If the contractor was interested enough he would have to work his
way through a long list of red tape to get his proposal to the proper person for review and
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Letter Proposal-Format
| |
|A letter proposal is a short grant proposal, usually two to four pages long. Written in letter |
|form, it is primarily targeted to private sponsors, such as foundations and corporations, though |
|it can be viewed as a preproposal for federal sponsors. Most federal program officers like to |
|receive a letter proposal because it presents them with a "concept paper," or a "conceptual |
|shell" of what you propose. With many private sponsors, the letter proposal is all that is |
|required; they make more content...
More precisely, your job is to|
|establish three types of credibility: you have a (1) credible organization proposing a (2) |
|credible idea to be directed by a (3) credible project director. You must demonstrate what is |
|unique about your group in order to show that you can solve this problem. |
|Part Six: Budget |
|Your objective is to request a specific dollar amount in the proposal. Ask for a precise amount. |
|Base your request on the review of tax records or other giving references so you are asking for a|
|reasonable amount as viewed by the sponsor. Express your request in meaningful units, e.g., hours|
|of instruction, numbers of students or healthy patients. If you plan to submit this or a similar |
|proposal to other sponsors as well, mention this. |
|Part Seven: Conclusion |
|Your objective is to identify the desired action you wish the sponsor to take. Avoid the |
|hackneyed "We 'd be happy to talk with you further about this. Please call if you want more |
|information." Identify a contact person for more details if requested. Have a "heavyweight" sign |
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Project Proposal Essay
Project Proposal INTRODUCTION
Topic and Purpose
This proposal identifies the need for a document, which will propose and develop reasons why a for–profit transportation service for Kent should be
perused. This service should be considered because of the recent parking and commuting problems both on and off campus.
There have been many reasons why on–campus parking has become difficult in recent years. Increased student enrollment at Kent State University has
posed many problems. The parking lots cannot facilitate the growing need for vehicle parking. Campus officials have undertaken construction projects
to curb the parking problem, but these renovations have closed lots in the near term. Also, the increased enrollment more content...
The demand for student bus transportation has far exceeded the supply. Also, vandalism and automotive theft has nearly doubled since 1997. DUI
convictions have quadrupled in the city of Kent since last year. The need for public transportation is quite clear.
Because of this evident crisis in transportation, a solution must be in order.
This proposal will outline and validate the impending document generally. First the general nature of the document will be discussed; then the ensuing
proposal will be outlined.
The proposed document must be constructed to demonstrate the need for a new for–profit transportation service. It will present a business plan, and
then go into detail about characteristics specific to this service.
Information about competitive transportation services will be gathered. Questionnaires will be distributed to students and faculty of Kent State
University in order to gather customer insight. Also, a financial consulting firm will be hired to provide professional assistance. Document Outline
The proposed document will include the following specific sections. This outline is tentative and may be adjusted in accord with new developments.
Description of Business Entity and General Operations Type of BusinessType of Legal Entity Type of Facilities Organizational Structure
Type of Service the Business will provide
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A Modest Proposal Analysis
"A Modest Proposal" A Modest Proposal was written by Jonathan Swift in 1729 to shed the light to the weak and poor Ireland. He used satire and
over exaggeration to boast and show the world what is the reality of their country. It is a proposal to mend and save the fallen country. In "A Modest
Proposal", Swift described the condition of Ireland's poor economy and lifestyle by giving it a macabre and grim aspect.
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  • 1. Inclusion Proposal I am writing this proposal so that you may consider inclusion as the primary way of providing students with disabilities access to education by way of the least restrictive environment. While inclusion helps fulfill the federal mandate of IDEA, it also has a profound impact on the students with disabilities themselves as well as general education students and teachers. The first reason I am recommending Inclusion is because, simply put, it is the law. Even though the word "inclusion" is not a part of the language of the IDEA, passed in 1975, the mandate of Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) is, and it can be successfully accomplished through inclusion (IDEA Basics: LRE Video). And one cannot help but see that inclusion is the goal when looking at the LRE Continuum of Placement chart. Levels 1 through 7 require a student with disabilities be present in a regular school and levels 1 through eight require some amount of participation in a classroom with students who do not have a disability (Continuum Placement chart). In fact, not including a student with disabilities into a general education classroom should only be considered if all other options have been exhausted. Another reason to consider inclusion is the impact it will have on the student with a disability both from an educational standpoint and as it relates more content... General education students are able to learn how to be patient with others and how to accept and interact with those who are different from themselves. General education teachers are naturally called upon to stretch their teaching methods to include students who may learn differently from a general education student, and they may find that they can reach other challenging students such as English language learners or gifted students in the same fashion (Inclusion Education Get more content on
  • 2. A Modest Proposal Thesis In this composition," A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift who was an Anglican priest and a writer , has talked about the worst condition under which people are living in Ireland. He uses this writing as a means of communication to convey his message across the whole world for people to be aware of what is happening to the citizens of Ireland. How the landowners are maltreating the poor families whose spouse are dead, and their government too is not doing anything to assist them. Although he has made ironical statement, and also uses a lot of sarcasm does not make this writing to lose its value, it is still carrying its subject and message across. This kind of evil deeds does not happen in only Ireland, it is all over the world more content... In this quotation, I believe he was referring to the children as ingredients for making good foods that should be sold out to people without the care from their parents or the government. He is using this writing to make a mockery of the landowners and the government of Ireland, it is because of their inability to take care of the poor women and their children that made the mothers to take their children to the market and sold as food. We all know it is not possible to use your own children to make food. It is very frustrating to see this child be put on the market for sale. I, therefore conclude that Swift had used this piece of writing to persuade his readers to be aware of the type of leaders that are governing our nation this modern day. Even though he has talked mostly about the England's government, does not mean the message is limited to them alone. The writing is carrying a very strong message which is very important for everyone to learn from, especially our leaders. As a reader, I am satisfied with his use of irony, sarcasm, and metaphor to make this writing a Get more content on
  • 3. Project Proposal Essay Write a seven to eight (7–8) page paper in which you: 1. Recommend a project portfolio management method for your selected project. Provide a rationale for your recommendation. Note: Be sure to align your project with the strategic efforst of the organization. 2. Create an outline of an executive summary that includes the type of problem, requirements, and proposed business problems solutions. 3. State the vision and the goal of the project. Note: Be sure that the goals are specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely (SMART). 4. Determine five (5) major deliverables of the project, and explain the importance of each one. 5. Provide the timeframe for delivering the solution to the project. 6. Create a table which contains more content... 5. Provide the timeframe for delivering the solution to the project. 6. Create a table which contains the generic resources, including people, equipment , and materials needed to undertake the project. 7. Estimate the total budget for the project based on the cost of the resources specified in the table that you have created . Next, add contingency and any other additional costs (e.g. intangible cost, the cost of a change in culture or process within the the business etc.). Support your response. 8. Determine the key success criteria for your project. Provide a rationale to support your response. 9. Assume that your project is delivered on time, within scope, and budget. Justify your stakeholders' satisfactory level with three (3) key success criteria, against which the project will be measured. 10. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Write a seven to eight (7–8) page paper in which you: 1. Recommend a project portfolio management method for your selected project. Provide a rationale for your recommendation. Note: Be sure to align your project with the strategic efforst of the organization. 2. Create an outline of an executive summary that includes the type of problem, requirements, and proposed business problems solutions. 3. State the vision and the goal of the project. Note: Be sure that the goals are specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely Get more content on
  • 4. Research Proposal Running head: EFFECTS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ON MALE AND FEMALE CHILDREN AGES 4–11 What Are the Effects of Domestic Violence on Male and Female Children ages 4–11? Candace Williams University of South Carolina Counseling Education Graduate Program Introduction Purpose The purpose of this research proposal is to identify the specific differences in the effects of domestic violence in male and female children ages 4–11. Justification of Proposed Research Child exposure to adult domestic violence and its effects has increasingly become a concern for both practitioners and researchers. It is estimated that between ten and twenty percent of children in the United States are exposed to domestic more content... One weakness related to this study is that it is a correlation study; therefore, it was not possible to draw any conclusions about casual relationships between risk factors and externalizing problems (Baldry, 2007). Another weakness is that measures of direct and indirect victimization and those measuring externalizing symptoms were based only on self reports. Other sources such as teachers, social workers, and parents should be used in continuing studies to bring about new findings. Total variance explained for each externalizing problems was low, which means that this problem remains mostly unexplained by this model. This study informed the current proposal of the about the exposure to domestic violence being overly dependent on adults'– usually mother's reports in previous research. The current proposal will include children as the source of reporting family issues of domestic violence. Parents are not always a reliable resource for reporting sensitive family issues such as domestic violence. The study indicates that 'self–report measures from children themselves can constitute a reliable measure, especially when dealing with children who are capable of reading and writing" (Baldry, 2007). Summary and Critique #2 Kimberly Barletto Becker, MA, Department of Psychology University of Arizona and Laura Ann McCloskey, PhD, Department of Maternal and Child Health conducted a study to examine the
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  • 6. Dr. Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal "A person's a person, no matter how small." This quote by Dr. Seuss perfectly proves why the essay, "A Modest Proposal," is morally incorrect; a child is as much a person as an adult. If humans believe this statement, then why would they sell their children to more fortunate people to be eaten or worn? In the essay, "A Modest Proposal," Dr. Jonathan Swift uses shock, information, and satire to convey his purpose for the essay; whereas, the narrator uses an objective, straight forward attitude to get his point across. Dr. Jonathan Swift's purpose while writing "A Modest Proposal," was to shock and to inform the public about his idea to sell children of poor families to be eaten. In the book, Satire: A Critical Reintroduction, Dustin Griffin more content... In "A Modest Proposal," to shock the people, the narrator says, "at one year old I propose to provide for them in such a manner, as, instead of being a change upon their parents, or the parish, or wanting food and raiment for the rest of their lives, they shall, on contrary, contribute to the feeding, and partly to the clothing of many thousands" (25–28). The narrator also said, "those who are more thrifty (as I must confess the times require) may flea the carcass; the skin of which, artificially dressed, will make admirable gloves for ladies, and summer boots for find gentlemen" (94–96) Both of these are evidence that the narrator's purpose is to shock. Also, the narrator uses rhetoric to convey his proposal. The narrator uses anaphora by saying, "for we can neither employ them in handicraft or agriculture; we neither build house, (I mean in the country) nor cultivate land: they can very seldom pick up a livelihood by stealing till they arrive at six years old" (43–45). This is anaphora because the narrator establishes repetition of the proposal. The narrator also uses pathos by showing emotions about killing the children (25–30). He used logos by using logic to say how the children will contribute to "clothing of feeding of many thousands" (narrator, 27–28). He used ethos by using ethics by saying, "there is likewise another great advantage in Get more content on
  • 7. Application For An Expert Grant Writer Basically, a proposal refers to the application managers used to request funding. The applications are published by the government funding, charitable organizations, agencies, businesses and other individuals. Indeed, a grant proposal writer should pursue the sponsor's intention. An expert grant writer requires knowledge in various areas. Proposal writing skills are critical in an organization, an excellent grant writer should able to make a good research and connect the grant's elements. The elements of an effective proposal are "content development, demonstrating scientific, economic, and social benefits, satisfying program criteria, addressing funding agency requirements, proper formatting/language, demonstrating the sustainability of the project's output, monitoring and evaluation provisions, budgeting, and administrative/ financial capacity/experience" (Belmain, 2016). A well written proposal includes references from trusty source and citations. It requires well developed ideas, the project's philosophy must be detailed with persuasive information, it should provide information on how the program will be delivered (Belmain, 2016). A proposal document includes the description of the social, economic and scientific advantages. In the same way, the proposal strategies are developed according to the donor's requirements. Therefore, research consistency and project's development strategies are essential. Equally, the proposal should present financial assistance, be Get more content on
  • 8. Business Proposal Business proposal A business proposal is perhaps one of the most critical documents you need to learn how to write. It is what spells the difference between success and failure, whether you're a freelancer or you have a company of your own. In today's cut–throat business world, entrepreneurs find themselves spending hours upon hours submitting business proposals to potential clients, and not get any results. On the other hand, there are those that are like snipers, able to get the contract after just submitting one business proposal. So how do they do it? Well, this article will teach you show you how to do just that. The Basics of a Business Proposal Before you even go and start writing that business proposal, you must first more content... Pricing Information For many clients, the pricing information is what will make them decide whether they would offer you the contract or not. How to write this part greatly depends on the solution or solutions you included in the previous segment. If the solution proposed will only entail a short period of time, a Fee Summary will suffice. For longer projects, segment these payments to specific milestones in a Fee Schedule list. Things to Remember When Writing a Business Proposal Now that you know the essentials of a winning business proposal, it's time to go ahead and start writing, right? Well, not exactly. The next part is to be able to find out what to put under the 3 Ps so that you can develop a business proposal that gets their attention and awards you that contract. Do Your Research Not all clients and buyers will give you the explicit details of their wants and needs, especially if you're submitting an unsolicited business proposal. Extend your research9 to include the competitors of your potential client, and their customers as well. This will ensure that your business proposal will be as comprehensive and as detailed as possible. Put Yourself in their Shoes Another thing to remember when writing a business proposal is to always put yourself in the shoes of your potential clients. Doing this will help you provide information on things that they would
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  • 10. Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal Essay Steps to writing a grant proposal HSM270 September 11, 2011 Shelley Johnson–Gildwarg Steps to writing a grant proposal When writing a grant proposal there are many of different areas that need to be covered in the proposal. The proposal needs to have 11 different sections. These sections are: 1. Abstract–45 lines max. 2. Table of Contents–2 pages max. 3. Specific Aims (Needs/Problems, Working Hypothesis, Objectives, Interventions, etc.)–3 pages max. 4. Target Populations–2 pages max. 5. Approaches and Methods (Project Goals and Objectives, Activities, Time Line, etc.)–6 pages max. 6. Evaluation Plan–3 pages max. 7. Agency Capacity and Project Management–3 pages max. 9. Budget and Budget Justification–3 pages max. more content... When writing the Needs/Problem Statement they must be careful they are not "preaching to the choir." Most funders are already somewhat aware of the problems in the community. Instead of telling the funder what they already know (where they are coming from) they may try to inform them what approach they are going to take to help provide the community an end to the problem. The Literature Review is vital to the process as it provides objective support data and rationales for the arguments in the proposal and the development of the interventions. It is a well–developed review of relevant information from creditable sources to lean support to the approaches presented in the proposal. The writer needs to briefly identify why their Target Population(s) should be funded when another group or population whom may be equally at need should not be funded. What makes their target population stick out and be better suited for the funding? Approaches and Methods are often referred to as goals and objectives, and activities and timelines by some funding agencies. This part of the proposal
  • 11. contains a lot of information so the writer should start off with a summary. It is important to reach the target population as if they do not the proposal would be worthless. The Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives, Activities, and tasks are the terms program planners use. These terms can also confuse Get more content on
  • 12. Part 1: The Differences between Formal Research and a Business Proposal Formal research and business proposals may focus on researching the same problems and seek similar information, but they have different "overall goals, sections, purposes and uses" (Jane, 2011). Understanding the differences between the two can help a person be more effective in writing either a formal research proposal or a business proposal. For a research proposal, the goals tend to focus on "finding specific information or data that can help the business make better decisions, whether it is for the budget, market or customers" (Jane, 2011). The research proposal has different sections than a normal business proposal. The research proposal normally begins with an abstract and is in APA format (PRISM, Unk.). Moreover, the ideas in a research proposal tend to be based on other research and draws its information from other scholarly literature, preferably studies that have been subject o peer review(PRISM, Unk.). It has an introduction and a conclusion. The problem in a research project is carefully famed, "as a potential contribution to scholarly research" (PRISM, Unk.). Furthermore, the research question is going to be stated in a way that is conducive to research and allows for the easy identification of the independent and dependent variables (PRISM, Unk.). It also generally has a methods section, which is not usually part of a business proposal. The methods section will be qualitative, Get more content on
  • 13. Creative Writing: A Modest Proposals A beautiful suite of 1 bed, 1 Full bath, Living room and kitchen. It has available car parking and gardening space in Dale City, Wood –bridge. > Convenient public transportation Metro connector, VRE, and commuter bus service easyly commute to DC, MD, Pentagon, Arlington, Fair–fax, Fredericksburg. > Very close to Bable middle school > 3 Miles from Potomac Malls. It is ready to move now! ($900 security one–time security deposit and $50/Month fixed utility bills) For any questions or schedule to Get more content on
  • 14. A Modest Proposal is a satirical essay written by Jonathan Swift during the late seventeenth century. The essay was first published in a pamphlet anonymously, today is one of the most satirical poems known. Swift, was son of English parents, was born in Dublin Ireland in 1667. After Swift graduated from college, he moved to England to gain political affairs becoming a secretary of Sir William Temple where he later became a priest of the Anglican Church of Ireland. In 1699, Swift decided to go back to England and that's when he began his literacy career. His first poem published is "Ode to the Athenian Society" he later wrote other poems which were controversial during the classical times (Bloom). A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to their Parents or Country, and for Making them Beneficial to the Public, is the full title of Swift's pamphlet. The essay starts as a superficially dispassionate diagnosis of the extreme poverty during the eighteenth century in Ireland. Swift later introduces his main idea of his proposal; Exactly at one year old that I propose to provide for them [children] in such a manner as instead of being a charge upon their parents or the parish, or wanting food and raiment for the rest of their lives, they shall on the contrary contribute to the feeding, and partly to the clothing, of many thousands (Swift, 2,634). Jonathan Swift emotionlessly describes the England's ruling towards Ireland by Get more content on
  • 15. Do you know the similarities and differences between a funding proposal and a research proposal? According to the website /proposal, writing a funding proposal was created to help empower people to be successful in gaining funds for projects that provide worthwhile social service. Aresearch proposal considers your overall topic ideas, your research question, your research process, and your sources and scaffolds what the next steps will be for the project. There are similarities and differences between writing a funding proposal and a research proposal. A research proposal is most often written by scholars seeking grant funding for a research project or it's the first step in getting approval to write a doctoral dissertation. Even if this is just a course assignment, the introduction is the initial pitch of an idea or a thorough examination of the significance of a research problem. After reading the introduction, readers should not only understand what is being proposed. Most proposals do not include an abstract before the introduction. Background and Significance, this section can be melded into your introduction or you can create a separate section to help with the organization and narrative flow of your proposal. This is where you explain the context of your proposal and describe in detail why it's important. Approach writing this section with the thought that you can't assume your readers will know as much about the research problem as you do. Note Get more content on
  • 16. Teen Suicide Case Study Essay I enjoyed reading your post and agree with your comment that knowing the population to be served is a key indicator for success. I was particularly impressed in this case study that they recognized the fear their patients might have regarding receiving official mail due to their immigration status (Dlugacz, 2006). This is something I had not considered prior to reading this case. I thought your ideas for improvement were very insightful, particularly with regard to the number of teen suicides and the number of opioid prescriptions written. I was interested to see how significant these issues are in my state and I am sad to report that according to the Utah department of health (2016), Utah has the 7th highest drug overdose rate in the country, reportedly 80 percent of Heroin users started with prescription pain kills and 6 people die every week in Utah from opioid overdose ( .Suicide is the 8th leading cause of death in Utah. Utah ranks in the top ten states in the nation for high suicide rates and suicide is the number one cause of death for youth ages 10–17. This statistic surprised me; I thought the leading cause of death for this age group would be accidents (Utah Suicide Prevention Plan 2017–2021). I have lived in Utah most of my life and have been in healthcare for over 30 years and I had no idea the magnitude of the problems in more content... 2). Failure to recognize the demographics and challenges of the population being served could lead to missed opportunities for engagement and access to resources for patients. What do you think are some ways as healthcare providers that we can assess our vulnerable populations? How can we help our patients gain access to Get more content on
  • 17. Part 1 Differences between "Formal Research" and "Business Proposals" There is a great difference between a formal research proposal and a business proposal. In fact these two types of proposals seem to be very similar but there are critical differences in the overall purpose, uses and goals. With such distinct differences for a writer it helps in understanding for writing the formal research proposal or business proposal more effectively. The general purpose of a proposal is the identify a particular need, explain it and recommend how this need can best be met. Both proposals have different usage in business system. The formal proposals very frequently used by the product developers and financial analysts to figure out if there is more content... One solution that many businesses have started turning to, is human resource outsourcing. Basically, this involves contracting all of your HR–related job duties out to a company that specializes in providing HR support to other businesses. There are many different options when it comes to human resource outsourcing. Some HR outsourcing has been going on for many years. The most common tasks which companies outsource including things like payroll processing, attendance and time record keeping, and the filing of and paying of business taxes. Human resource professionals are closely involved with the issues related to managing employees, including recruitment, training, and employee turnover. Human resource professionals have a unique position within the organization as advocates for the employee and as advisers for senior leadership Organizational HR practices build employee commitment and loyalty and can offset the negative impact of turnover. Proactive HR practices can reduce turnover with skill–building programs and learning for employees When outsourcing occurs, internal employees may feel less trust in the organisation. This leads to reduced levels of employee performance and cooperation. Outsourcing providers may also find it difficult to adapt to the new social and organizational culture. This mismatch can end with conflict between internal employees and the external providers. Hence, the relationship between internal employees and external Get more content on
  • 18. Guidelines on Writing a Research Proposal Guidelines on writing a research proposal Introduction This is a guide to writing M.A. research proposals. The same principles apply to dissertation proposals and to proposals to most funding agencies. It includes a model outline, but advisor, committee and funding agency expectations vary and your proposal will be a variation on this basic theme. Use these guidelines as a point of departure for discussions with your advisor. They may serve as a straw–man against which to build your understanding of both your project and of proposal writing. For USM students, the same rules apply as for proposals everywhere in the world. Proposal Writing Proposal writing is important to your pursuit of a graduate degree. The proposal specifies more content... One problem with this type of research is that you might find the perfect succinct answer to your question on the night before (or after) you turn in the final draft ––– in someone else's work. This certainly can knock the wind out of your sails. (But note that even a straight–ahead science thesis can have the problem of late in the game discovering that the work you have done or are doing has already been done, this is where familiarity with the relevant literature by both yourself and your committee members is important.) A Couple of Models for Proposals A Two Page (Preliminary Proposal) Model Here is a model for a very brief (maybe five paragraph) proposal that you might use to interest faculty in sitting on your committee. People who are not yet hooked may especially appreciate its brevity.
  • 19. In the first paragraph, the first sentence identifies the general topic area. The second sentence gives the research question, and the third sentence establishes its significance. The next couple of paragraphs gives the larger historical perspective on the topic. Essentially list the major schools of thought on the topic and very briefly review the literature in the area with its major findings. Who has written on the topic and what have they found? Allocate about a sentence per important person or finding. Include any preliminary Get more content on
  • 20. Key Issues and Concerns in the Development of a Proposal Key Issues and Concerns in the Development of a Proposal Introduction Status of the Opportunity The first steps taken after reviewing a Request for Proposal involves determining the status of the opportunity. (Johnson–Sheehan, 2008). In short one must determine if an opportunity or problem exists. The Request for Proposal under review indicates that Government officials are soliciting a vocational initiative that will be funded to train a service oriented work force. The service jobs suggested include "medical services (home health and nurses aides, medical and dental assistants), positions in hotels (maids, housekeepers), security services, telecommunication more content... More information is definitely needed to determine whether a solid opportunity exists in this case. By all appearances this may be a philanthropic opportunity as opposed to a personal profit opportunity. The request is asking to a lot within what may be an unrealistic budget. Further exploration of key issues of concern will follow. Defining the Problem In the process of reviewing the provided Request for Proposal (RFP) it has came to our team's attention that there are several areas of concern. To begin with there is no identifying name or reference number so as to separate this request for proposal from any other that the originator my have out for review. There is no creation date or closing date for applications. This makes it very hard for the contractor to reference this RFP in correspondence to the point of contact. With the fact outstanding that there is no point of contact listed or a contracting office or department named in the RFP, collecting addition information presents it own problems. The Five–W and How questions referenced in chapter two of Johnson–Sheehan's, Writing Proposals would be consider as ignored by the contractor. (Johnson–Sheehan, 2008). If the contractor was interested enough he would have to work his way through a long list of red tape to get his proposal to the proper person for review and Get more content on
  • 21. Letter Proposal-Format [pic] | | |LETTER PROPOSALS | |A letter proposal is a short grant proposal, usually two to four pages long. Written in letter | |form, it is primarily targeted to private sponsors, such as foundations and corporations, though | |it can be viewed as a preproposal for federal sponsors. Most federal program officers like to | |receive a letter proposal because it presents them with a "concept paper," or a "conceptual | |shell" of what you propose. With many private sponsors, the letter proposal is all that is | |required; they make more content... More precisely, your job is to| |establish three types of credibility: you have a (1) credible organization proposing a (2) | |credible idea to be directed by a (3) credible project director. You must demonstrate what is | |unique about your group in order to show that you can solve this problem. | |Part Six: Budget | |Your objective is to request a specific dollar amount in the proposal. Ask for a precise amount. | |Base your request on the review of tax records or other giving references so you are asking for a| |reasonable amount as viewed by the sponsor. Express your request in meaningful units, e.g., hours| |of instruction, numbers of students or healthy patients. If you plan to submit this or a similar | |proposal to other sponsors as well, mention this. | |Part Seven: Conclusion | |Your objective is to identify the desired action you wish the sponsor to take. Avoid the | |hackneyed "We 'd be happy to talk with you further about this. Please call if you want more | |information." Identify a contact person for more details if requested. Have a "heavyweight" sign | |the
  • 22. Get more content on
  • 23. Project Proposal Essay Project Proposal INTRODUCTION Topic and Purpose This proposal identifies the need for a document, which will propose and develop reasons why a for–profit transportation service for Kent should be perused. This service should be considered because of the recent parking and commuting problems both on and off campus. There have been many reasons why on–campus parking has become difficult in recent years. Increased student enrollment at Kent State University has posed many problems. The parking lots cannot facilitate the growing need for vehicle parking. Campus officials have undertaken construction projects to curb the parking problem, but these renovations have closed lots in the near term. Also, the increased enrollment more content... The demand for student bus transportation has far exceeded the supply. Also, vandalism and automotive theft has nearly doubled since 1997. DUI convictions have quadrupled in the city of Kent since last year. The need for public transportation is quite clear. Because of this evident crisis in transportation, a solution must be in order. Scope This proposal will outline and validate the impending document generally. First the general nature of the document will be discussed; then the ensuing proposal will be outlined. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSAL Proposal The proposed document must be constructed to demonstrate the need for a new for–profit transportation service. It will present a business plan, and then go into detail about characteristics specific to this service.
  • 24. Methodology Information about competitive transportation services will be gathered. Questionnaires will be distributed to students and faculty of Kent State University in order to gather customer insight. Also, a financial consulting firm will be hired to provide professional assistance. Document Outline The proposed document will include the following specific sections. This outline is tentative and may be adjusted in accord with new developments. Description of Business Entity and General Operations Type of BusinessType of Legal Entity Type of Facilities Organizational Structure Type of Service the Business will provide Get more content on
  • 25. A Modest Proposal Analysis "A Modest Proposal" A Modest Proposal was written by Jonathan Swift in 1729 to shed the light to the weak and poor Ireland. He used satire and over exaggeration to boast and show the world what is the reality of their country. It is a proposal to mend and save the fallen country. In "A Modest Proposal", Swift described the condition of Ireland's poor economy and lifestyle by giving it a macabre and grim aspect. Get more content on