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IndexContent Page No:
Introduction …………………………………………………… 03
Customer Analysis Overview …………………………………………………… 04
Part I Outbound Strategy
General Outbound Strategy …………………………………………………… 07
Sales Cycle Overview …………………………………………………… 08
Driving Customer to the Education Phase …………………………………… 10
Education Phase …………………………………………………… 12
Part II Inbound Strategy
Inbound Marketing Strategies …………………………………………………… 13
Blog …………………………………………………… 14
Social Network …………………………………………………… 15
Social PR …………………………………………………… 16
RSS …………………………………………………… 17
Video Strategy …………………………………………………… 18
Presentation Strategy …………………………………………………… 19
Selling is one aspect of marketing that brings in the day-to-day orders, but marketing is the
tool that will allow our business to grow next week, next month, and next year.
The dictionary definition of marketing is ‘the provision of goods or services to meet
consumer’s needs’. Marketing is finding out what customers want and matching a company’s
products to meet those requirements while securing a profit. Successful marketing involves
having the right product in the right place at the right time and making sure that the customer
is AWARE of the product. It therefore brings in ‘tomorrow’s orders’.
We must listen to customers and the market and adapt and develop our products. This is
called being “Market-Oriented”. Companies need to be flexible if they want to succeed and
must be prepared to modify or replace products as the marketplace and customer’s needs
change. They must be prepared to introduce new products or enter new markets.
Ex: A Company that was manufacturing VHS cassettes, had to change to dvd’s in the 90’s, and
then to blue ray etc…. Or they would have gone out business.
The abilities of our company will be controlled by the different aspects of our marketing
research, strategies and implementation.
Marketing Definition
Succinct Potential Customer Analysis Overview
Our primary potential customers are front office staff at schools in varying positions.
Our potential customers are divided into 2 categories:
Type 1- Schools which are not actively looking for a new SIS Solution. This could be a school
which has a current contract with a competitor, or it could be a school which has not yet started using a
SIS Software. The school
that uses a solution offered by one of our competitors may be drawn to the solutions that we offer
because of the many features that ours offers in comparison. And the customer that doesn’t yet use a
SIS Solution may be drawn into the concept of automating the many tedious and time consuming tasks
of the everyday operations in running a school. But both of these schools are considered an “Inactive
Prospect”; meaning that they are not actively looking for a (new) SIS Solution.
Type 2 – Is a school which is actively looking to begin with, or to replace their current SIS
Software. They are reaching out to other schools and/or they researching online for the different
solutions that are available.
We must strategically position ourselves for both types of prospects. While Type 2 is
certainly an easier prospect to engage with regarding the solutions we provide and the sales cycle will
be shorter, they will not be the majority. We must have an “Outbound” Strategy along with an
“Inbound” Strategy to target prospects that are not actively looking.
Part I will deal with our current Outbound
Part II will deal with our Inbound Strategy
We must first quickly define and identify our prospects:
Our main prospects are administrators with varying roles in each
school. (Other prospects may include larger non profit federations
and associations that finance projects for schools to assist with
their academics and operations. We will meet many
representatives of these non-profits at tradeshows. We should
carefully research and map out these potential customers so we
can present them with a targeted plan that would appeal to their
Our direct sales cycle consist of 6 stages
Knowledge of our Product – When one is extremely well versed in a particular product especially
a technical one, it is easy to get caught up in a dialogue of all the great features it provides.
Informing – Informing our potential prospects that we exist and the solutions that we offer. This
can be time consuming and is the most crucial, because this will be their initial contact with our
Company. (Additionally, we may want to identify partners or affiliates who can help with the
initial introduction)
Prospecting- The key to prospecting effectively is to distinguish between a lead, a prospect, and a
qualified prospect. The most important element in this step is to create a profile of existing
engagement. We will accomplish this by using our CRM system and consistently making use of
the strong reporting tools they offer to select Prospects which are interested in our products and
solutions. . In this part of the sales cycle we need to identify who is interested, and who is the key
contact that will be responsible for the Contract part of the sales cycle.
Educating – Is where we educate our qualified prospects with a demo of our product. This demo
confirm what was relayed to our qualified prospects during the Informing process regarding the
of our software, the type of support we offer, and what we expect from them on their end to
have a successful business relationship together.
Negotiating – Is the act of creating a proposal once we have fully gained our prospects interests
through the education phase and breaking down the pricing structure based on the school’s
Contract/Closing – Is the act of securing a deal and gaining a customer.
Driving Customers to the Education Phase
Our predominant efforts should be focused at pushing qualified prospects from the “Informing” phase to the “Educating” phase and streamlining the “Educating”
phase. We believe that if we get prospects to see our solutions, they will be “WOW’ed”. Our “Educating” phase must be efficient to be able to support our active
sales efforts of pushing prospects towards that phase of our sales cycle.
Below is an outline of how we will reach out to customers in the Information phase to draw them to the Education phase of the sales cycle.
A. Email Campaigns - The most effective way of combining Prospecting and Informing is through Email Campaigns. Emails should clearly
explain the solutions we provide and give a call to action to the “Education” phase of the sales cycle (This may be to
contact us for a demo or to join a webinar for a demo). This will also help filter out parties that are uninterested at this
time so we can spend time on valuable leads that are likely to be with us for 4th phase + of the sales cycle(Prospecting).
Since the most crucial part of the sales cycle is the Informing Phase given that is the first interaction these prospects
will have with our company, it is important that we create a checklist:
•Email should briefly explain what we do
•Email should explain how we are different from competitors
•Email should have testimonials to fend off resistance and establish credibility
•Email should have a call to action for the Education Phase of the sales cycle
B. Follow Up Calls - After our Email Campaign, we should follow up with phone calls to prospects that have expressed interest; in the form
of opens and clicked links in our emails. These calls should give them more information of our solutions with the focus of
convincing them to the jump to the Education part of the sales cycle. (We should then follow up in the same manner with the rest
of our prospect list)
C. Advertising – We can advertise online and in B2B Trade/Educational publications of which our prospects would be following. For this method to
be successful we must carefully implement the following:
• All ads should clearly list the solutions we offer in an appealing way
• We should add an incentive for completing the Call to Action(Ex. A raffle for a free license for those
that attend out Webinar)
• We should add a Call to Action to the Education Phase (Join our Webinar, Tradeshow, etc…)
our prospects are actively looking for supplier that offer the solutions that we provide.
D.Conventions – Conventions are a great way to Inform, Prospect & EDUCATE all together. If tradeshows are properly & strategically executed, we should see high
conversion rates and a shorter sales cycle. This is a great medium in which our prospects are actively looking for supplier that offer the solutions
that we provide. We need to attend as many conventions as possible, but they should fit into the below guidelines for this tool to b effective
• We need to attend as many tradeshows that our competitors are attending
• If our competitors are not there, we should do careful research to make certain that it is a large show; the buyers coming are
looking for our solutions; & the prospects fit our financial criteria(have the budget to spend on our solutions)
• We should reach out to prospects in advance letting them know that we will be attending the given tradeshow(usually the show
will provide a lead list); we will be informing prospects of our attendance through email and follow up calls.
• We should create an incentive in advance for prospects to visit our booth. Ex. Host a yearly raffle just for show attendees from
all the different shows who fill out a form at our booth, and one winner will be picked annually
to win a free 1 year license to our software(customer support is not included).
E. Affiliates - We should build a team of partners and affiliates (JV) to help us meet & push prospects to the Education Phase. To be successful we need the
• Clearly research and identify complimentary affiliates (JV)
• Incentives for introductions and partnerships(Educational Consultants would seem the most fit, because they are trying to reach
our prospects for their own separate gains, they generally have a current network of existing clients, provide credibility with
schools in their locale, & can help with content for other sales efforts as will be discussed below)
Here we will discuss more ways to engage prospects for step 4 of the sales cycle and to effectively “Educate” our prospects. This step
is the most crucial step to perfect because customers will decide at this phase if our solutions are suitable for their needs. We should dedicate most
of our resources and time to perfecting this phase and adjusting it as necessary.
A. Phone Demos (one-on-one) – A conventional one on one demo in which we will offer a demo on a specific area of our solutions as
requested by the prospect. This method is more personal but the resources to accomplish this on a
larger scale would be costly.
B.DDC Hosted Conferences/Roadshows – We will host our own conferences in an attempt to gather prospects in certain targeted
locales. There is a certain advantage to this approach than the conventional tradeshow
approach; there are no competitors at our self-hosted conventions, it is convenient for
schools because we will set it up in their area which will not require much traveling. But the
cons are the effort and resources spent on setting up these conventions. To achievesuccess
with this effort, we must:
•Send out emails and follow up with calls to gather attendees
• Partner (JV) with presenters and educator consultants in that region who have an existing account
C.Webinars – We will be hosting webinars to gather prospects from different locations. This will not be as personal as hosted
conferences or roadshows, but may be more convenient for all parties and will use less resources on our end to execute.
To achieve success with this effort, we must:
a.Send out emails and follow up with calls to gather attendees
b.JV with presenters or educator consultants who have an existing account base
c.We should create an incentive in advance for prospects to join our Webinars.
Education Phase
Our Inbound Strategy is focused positioning our brand and its key messages with
being the best answer, resulting in buyers pulling themselves through 70% or more
of the sales cycle before they ever contact us. This translates into a very efficient
and effective sales cycle.
This plan includes the tactical objectives to be used to accomplish the following
1. Increase inbound leads at low cost
2. Expand reach of thought leadership content
3. Engage and excite influencers
4. Better understand, identify, and engage potential buyers
5. Improve customer service and satisfaction
6. Enhance outbound campaign program effectiveness
• Short term objectives:
• Number of posts
• Blog publication schedule
• Add RSS button
• Include social share button
• Increase engagement
• Encourage comments, forum pages, etc.
• Add social share buttons
Key Metrics
• Number of posts
• Number of social shares
• Audience growth-unique and returns
• Subscribers
• Inbound links
• Technorati, Alltop, and other directory listing
• SEO Improvements
Short term objectives:
• Facebook Fan Page
• Share a mix of relevant links, engaging content,,
videos, and polls
• Make sure you promote upcoming events and create
them in events tab
• Posts per day
• Engage with influencers
• LinkedIn
• Create a group
• Add something about posting content to the LinkedIn
company page
• Identify other groups to follow and participate
• Encourage employee participation
• Monitor and participate in Q&A
• Posts daily
• Google+
• Optimize for SEO
• Posts per day
• Share engaging content, videos, images and relevant
• Comment on posts
• Utilize Google Hangouts
• Create and promote upcoming events
• Pinterest
• Create boards leveraging both content and
company culture
• Follow other businesses, thought leaders,
customers, and partners
Key Metrics
• Facebook Likes and posts.
• LinkedIn Followers
• Referring traffic
• LinkedIn Group member
• LinkedIn Discussions
• Google+ Circle adds/followers
• Google+ mentions
• Pinterest pins and follows
• Kred and Klout scores
• Posts per forum
• Links to our conferences in Forums.
Find the right forums Not all forums are
worth our time.Successful forum marketing means
finding the right community for our business.We
should look for popular forums that cover our
solutionsor industry. We can try to ask customers
and JV’s which online communities they hang out in.
We will also try searching forum hub sites such as
Board Reader, Big Boards, andBoard Tracker using
specific keywords.
• Look for forums that have at least 1,000 members
and 10,000 posts.
• Make sure the forum gets at least ten to fifteen
new posts on a daily basis.
• Ignore forums that are overrun by spam.
• Avoid forums hosted by our direct competitors(if
Short term objectives:
• Promote content through Twitter
• Segment influencers and create lists
• Utilize promoted Tweets
• Communicate support issues from social
Media to support team, ensure follow-up
• Listen to relevant conversations
• Build reputation
Short term objectives:
• Update bloggers on a regular basis about all
new thought leadership and new products
• Interact with (plus interview, video, etc.) at all
relevant marketing conferences and local
Short term objectives:
• Update bloggers on a regular basis about all
new thought leadership and new products
• Interact with (plus,, interview,video,etc.) at
all relevant marketing conferences and local
Key Metrics:
• Followers
• Mentions
• Retweets
• Retweet Reach
• Replies Reach
• Number of lists
• Social Capital-Influence of Twitter followers
• Number of potential prospects sent to sales
• Posts
Key Metrics:
• Posts by social press
• Referrals from social press
Key Metrics:
• Usage of widgets (by count)
• Posts/mentions about social widgets offsite
• Referrals from offsite widgets (if any)
Short term objectives:
Post key through leadership to:
• Reddit
• Digg
• Stumbleupon
Participate Communities:
• Review blog source to identify additional
bookmarking sites that may drive traffic
Short term objectives:
• Add a social element to every campaign to
expand reach and increase engagement
• Share videos, reviews, ratings, and polis
• Use promotions and contests to spread your
Short term objectives:
• Participate on relevant message boards, blogs, and
Q&A platforms
• Provide insight and thought leadership with your
• Only include a link-back when relevant
• Work positive comments into your posts and then
follow-up with a more detailed planation
• Focus on building relationships
Key Metrics:
• Referrals grom bookmarking/tagging sites
• Pages ranking on key terms from
bookmarking/tagging sites
• Views and submissions
Key Metrics:
• Social profile data capture
• Social reach
• Impression
• Social activity and conversions
• Influencers and fans
• Campaign performance and ROI
• Trend over time
Key Metrics:
• Increase brand awareness on influential
• Link-backs and referring traffic
• Influencer mentions
Short term objectives:
• Update videos on social video sites and link to core site
• Youtube
• Facebook
• Create video series for YouTube
Short term objectives:
• Encourage co-workers to share any
interesting and marketing relevant photos
from social marketing or sales events
• Take pictures of any relevant marketing
• Utilize photo sharing sites to share images
with link back to blog and core site
• Flickr
• Facebook Photo Gallery
• Our Blog
• Google Plus Photo Albums
Short term objectives:
• Create list of podcast directories
• Repurpose webinar content when applicable for resource
section, promote through podcast directories and iTunes
• Record relevant phone conferences for use as podcasts,
promote through podcast directories
Key Metrics:
• Referrals from social video sites
• Views of videos on social sites
• Pages ranking on key terms from YouTube
Key Metrics:
• Referrals from photo sharing sites
• Views of photos on social sites
• Pages ranking on key terms from photo sharing sites
Key Metrics:
• Referrals from podcast directories
• Views of podcasts if hosted on podcast sites
Short term objectives:
• Create Slideshare presentations per quarter
• Post webinars, slide decks, infographics
• Optimize for SEO
• Generate views and leads
• Match Buyers Personas to Social Media sites, adjust strategy above to better fit personas
• Train sales about better use of social media
• Create company social media policy
• Discuss social media policy with Co-Workers
Key Metrics:
• Followers
• Presentations
• Presentation views
• Number of leads generated
• Total views
• Downloads
• Favorites
• Tweets
• Facebook likes
Inbound Marketing Strategy

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Inbound Marketing Strategy

  • 1.
  • 2. IndexContent Page No: Introduction …………………………………………………… 03 Customer Analysis Overview …………………………………………………… 04 Part I Outbound Strategy General Outbound Strategy …………………………………………………… 07 Sales Cycle Overview …………………………………………………… 08 Driving Customer to the Education Phase …………………………………… 10 Education Phase …………………………………………………… 12 Part II Inbound Strategy Inbound Marketing Strategies …………………………………………………… 13 Blog …………………………………………………… 14 Social Network …………………………………………………… 15 Social PR …………………………………………………… 16 RSS …………………………………………………… 17 Video Strategy …………………………………………………… 18 Presentation Strategy …………………………………………………… 19
  • 3. Introduction Selling is one aspect of marketing that brings in the day-to-day orders, but marketing is the tool that will allow our business to grow next week, next month, and next year. The dictionary definition of marketing is ‘the provision of goods or services to meet consumer’s needs’. Marketing is finding out what customers want and matching a company’s products to meet those requirements while securing a profit. Successful marketing involves having the right product in the right place at the right time and making sure that the customer is AWARE of the product. It therefore brings in ‘tomorrow’s orders’. We must listen to customers and the market and adapt and develop our products. This is called being “Market-Oriented”. Companies need to be flexible if they want to succeed and must be prepared to modify or replace products as the marketplace and customer’s needs change. They must be prepared to introduce new products or enter new markets. Ex: A Company that was manufacturing VHS cassettes, had to change to dvd’s in the 90’s, and then to blue ray etc…. Or they would have gone out business. The abilities of our company will be controlled by the different aspects of our marketing research, strategies and implementation. Marketing Definition
  • 4. Succinct Potential Customer Analysis Overview Our primary potential customers are front office staff at schools in varying positions. Our potential customers are divided into 2 categories: Type 1- Schools which are not actively looking for a new SIS Solution. This could be a school which has a current contract with a competitor, or it could be a school which has not yet started using a SIS Software. The school that uses a solution offered by one of our competitors may be drawn to the solutions that we offer because of the many features that ours offers in comparison. And the customer that doesn’t yet use a SIS Solution may be drawn into the concept of automating the many tedious and time consuming tasks of the everyday operations in running a school. But both of these schools are considered an “Inactive Prospect”; meaning that they are not actively looking for a (new) SIS Solution. Type 2 – Is a school which is actively looking to begin with, or to replace their current SIS Software. They are reaching out to other schools and/or they researching online for the different solutions that are available. We must strategically position ourselves for both types of prospects. While Type 2 is certainly an easier prospect to engage with regarding the solutions we provide and the sales cycle will be shorter, they will not be the majority. We must have an “Outbound” Strategy along with an “Inbound” Strategy to target prospects that are not actively looking.
  • 5.
  • 6. Part I will deal with our current Outbound Strategy Part II will deal with our Inbound Strategy
  • 7. OUTBOUND STRATEGY We must first quickly define and identify our prospects: Our main prospects are administrators with varying roles in each school. (Other prospects may include larger non profit federations and associations that finance projects for schools to assist with their academics and operations. We will meet many representatives of these non-profits at tradeshows. We should carefully research and map out these potential customers so we can present them with a targeted plan that would appeal to their association.)
  • 8. OUTBOUND STRATEGY Our direct sales cycle consist of 6 stages
  • 9. Knowledge of our Product – When one is extremely well versed in a particular product especially a technical one, it is easy to get caught up in a dialogue of all the great features it provides. Informing – Informing our potential prospects that we exist and the solutions that we offer. This can be time consuming and is the most crucial, because this will be their initial contact with our Company. (Additionally, we may want to identify partners or affiliates who can help with the initial introduction) Prospecting- The key to prospecting effectively is to distinguish between a lead, a prospect, and a qualified prospect. The most important element in this step is to create a profile of existing engagement. We will accomplish this by using our CRM system and consistently making use of the strong reporting tools they offer to select Prospects which are interested in our products and solutions. . In this part of the sales cycle we need to identify who is interested, and who is the key contact that will be responsible for the Contract part of the sales cycle. Educating – Is where we educate our qualified prospects with a demo of our product. This demo will confirm what was relayed to our qualified prospects during the Informing process regarding the solutions of our software, the type of support we offer, and what we expect from them on their end to have a successful business relationship together. Negotiating – Is the act of creating a proposal once we have fully gained our prospects interests through the education phase and breaking down the pricing structure based on the school’s needs. Contract/Closing – Is the act of securing a deal and gaining a customer.
  • 10. Driving Customers to the Education Phase Our predominant efforts should be focused at pushing qualified prospects from the “Informing” phase to the “Educating” phase and streamlining the “Educating” phase. We believe that if we get prospects to see our solutions, they will be “WOW’ed”. Our “Educating” phase must be efficient to be able to support our active sales efforts of pushing prospects towards that phase of our sales cycle. Below is an outline of how we will reach out to customers in the Information phase to draw them to the Education phase of the sales cycle. A. Email Campaigns - The most effective way of combining Prospecting and Informing is through Email Campaigns. Emails should clearly explain the solutions we provide and give a call to action to the “Education” phase of the sales cycle (This may be to contact us for a demo or to join a webinar for a demo). This will also help filter out parties that are uninterested at this time so we can spend time on valuable leads that are likely to be with us for 4th phase + of the sales cycle(Prospecting). Since the most crucial part of the sales cycle is the Informing Phase given that is the first interaction these prospects will have with our company, it is important that we create a checklist: •Email should briefly explain what we do •Email should explain how we are different from competitors •Email should have testimonials to fend off resistance and establish credibility •Email should have a call to action for the Education Phase of the sales cycle B. Follow Up Calls - After our Email Campaign, we should follow up with phone calls to prospects that have expressed interest; in the form of opens and clicked links in our emails. These calls should give them more information of our solutions with the focus of convincing them to the jump to the Education part of the sales cycle. (We should then follow up in the same manner with the rest of our prospect list) C. Advertising – We can advertise online and in B2B Trade/Educational publications of which our prospects would be following. For this method to be successful we must carefully implement the following: • All ads should clearly list the solutions we offer in an appealing way • We should add an incentive for completing the Call to Action(Ex. A raffle for a free license for those that attend out Webinar) • We should add a Call to Action to the Education Phase (Join our Webinar, Tradeshow, etc…) our prospects are actively looking for supplier that offer the solutions that we provide.
  • 11. D.Conventions – Conventions are a great way to Inform, Prospect & EDUCATE all together. If tradeshows are properly & strategically executed, we should see high conversion rates and a shorter sales cycle. This is a great medium in which our prospects are actively looking for supplier that offer the solutions that we provide. We need to attend as many conventions as possible, but they should fit into the below guidelines for this tool to b effective • We need to attend as many tradeshows that our competitors are attending • If our competitors are not there, we should do careful research to make certain that it is a large show; the buyers coming are looking for our solutions; & the prospects fit our financial criteria(have the budget to spend on our solutions) • We should reach out to prospects in advance letting them know that we will be attending the given tradeshow(usually the show will provide a lead list); we will be informing prospects of our attendance through email and follow up calls. • We should create an incentive in advance for prospects to visit our booth. Ex. Host a yearly raffle just for show attendees from all the different shows who fill out a form at our booth, and one winner will be picked annually to win a free 1 year license to our software(customer support is not included). E. Affiliates - We should build a team of partners and affiliates (JV) to help us meet & push prospects to the Education Phase. To be successful we need the following: • Clearly research and identify complimentary affiliates (JV) • Incentives for introductions and partnerships(Educational Consultants would seem the most fit, because they are trying to reach our prospects for their own separate gains, they generally have a current network of existing clients, provide credibility with schools in their locale, & can help with content for other sales efforts as will be discussed below)
  • 12. Here we will discuss more ways to engage prospects for step 4 of the sales cycle and to effectively “Educate” our prospects. This step is the most crucial step to perfect because customers will decide at this phase if our solutions are suitable for their needs. We should dedicate most of our resources and time to perfecting this phase and adjusting it as necessary. A. Phone Demos (one-on-one) – A conventional one on one demo in which we will offer a demo on a specific area of our solutions as requested by the prospect. This method is more personal but the resources to accomplish this on a larger scale would be costly. B.DDC Hosted Conferences/Roadshows – We will host our own conferences in an attempt to gather prospects in certain targeted locales. There is a certain advantage to this approach than the conventional tradeshow approach; there are no competitors at our self-hosted conventions, it is convenient for schools because we will set it up in their area which will not require much traveling. But the cons are the effort and resources spent on setting up these conventions. To achievesuccess with this effort, we must: •Send out emails and follow up with calls to gather attendees • Partner (JV) with presenters and educator consultants in that region who have an existing account base C.Webinars – We will be hosting webinars to gather prospects from different locations. This will not be as personal as hosted conferences or roadshows, but may be more convenient for all parties and will use less resources on our end to execute. To achieve success with this effort, we must: a.Send out emails and follow up with calls to gather attendees b.JV with presenters or educator consultants who have an existing account base c.We should create an incentive in advance for prospects to join our Webinars. Education Phase
  • 13. INBOUND MARKETING PLAN Our Inbound Strategy is focused positioning our brand and its key messages with being the best answer, resulting in buyers pulling themselves through 70% or more of the sales cycle before they ever contact us. This translates into a very efficient and effective sales cycle. This plan includes the tactical objectives to be used to accomplish the following goals: 1. Increase inbound leads at low cost 2. Expand reach of thought leadership content 3. Engage and excite influencers 4. Better understand, identify, and engage potential buyers 5. Improve customer service and satisfaction 6. Enhance outbound campaign program effectiveness
  • 14. BLOG- • Short term objectives: • Number of posts • Blog publication schedule • Add RSS button • Include social share button • Increase engagement • Encourage comments, forum pages, etc. • Add social share buttons Key Metrics • Number of posts • Number of social shares • Audience growth-unique and returns • Subscribers • Inbound links • Technorati, Alltop, and other directory listing • SEO Improvements
  • 15. SOCIAL NETWORKS Short term objectives: • Facebook Fan Page • Share a mix of relevant links, engaging content,, videos, and polls • Make sure you promote upcoming events and create them in events tab • Posts per day • Engage with influencers • LinkedIn • Create a group • Add something about posting content to the LinkedIn company page • Identify other groups to follow and participate • Encourage employee participation • Monitor and participate in Q&A • Posts daily • Google+ • Optimize for SEO • Posts per day • Share engaging content, videos, images and relevant links • Comment on posts • Utilize Google Hangouts • Create and promote upcoming events • Pinterest • Create boards leveraging both content and company culture • Follow other businesses, thought leaders, customers, and partners Key Metrics • Facebook Likes and posts. • LinkedIn Followers • Referring traffic • LinkedIn Group member • LinkedIn Discussions • Google+ Circle adds/followers • Google+ mentions • Pinterest pins and follows • Kred and Klout scores • Posts per forum • Links to our conferences in Forums. Forums Find the right forums Not all forums are worth our time.Successful forum marketing means finding the right community for our business.We should look for popular forums that cover our solutionsor industry. We can try to ask customers and JV’s which online communities they hang out in. We will also try searching forum hub sites such as Board Reader, Big Boards, andBoard Tracker using specific keywords. • Look for forums that have at least 1,000 members and 10,000 posts. • Make sure the forum gets at least ten to fifteen new posts on a daily basis. • Ignore forums that are overrun by spam. • Avoid forums hosted by our direct competitors(if any)
  • 16. MICROBLOGGING (TWITTER) Short term objectives: • Promote content through Twitter • Segment influencers and create lists • Utilize promoted Tweets • Communicate support issues from social Media to support team, ensure follow-up • Listen to relevant conversations • Build reputation SOCIAL PR(BLOGGERS)- Short term objectives: • Update bloggers on a regular basis about all new thought leadership and new products • Interact with (plus interview, video, etc.) at all relevant marketing conferences and local events WIDGETS- Short term objectives: • Update bloggers on a regular basis about all new thought leadership and new products • Interact with (plus,, interview,video,etc.) at all relevant marketing conferences and local events Key Metrics: • Followers • Mentions • Retweets • Retweet Reach • Replies Reach • Number of lists • Social Capital-Influence of Twitter followers • Number of potential prospects sent to sales • Posts Key Metrics: • Posts by social press • Referrals from social press Key Metrics: • Usage of widgets (by count) • Posts/mentions about social widgets offsite • Referrals from offsite widgets (if any)
  • 17. BOOKMARKING/TAGGING- Short term objectives: Post key through leadership to: • Reddit • Digg • Stumbleupon Participate Communities: • Review blog source to identify additional bookmarking sites that may drive traffic Short term objectives: • Add a social element to every campaign to expand reach and increase engagement • Share videos, reviews, ratings, and polis • Use promotions and contests to spread your message PEER TP PEER SOCIAL TAGGING APPS- Short term objectives: • Participate on relevant message boards, blogs, and Q&A platforms • Provide insight and thought leadership with your comments • Only include a link-back when relevant • Work positive comments into your posts and then follow-up with a more detailed planation • Focus on building relationships Key Metrics: • Referrals grom bookmarking/tagging sites • Pages ranking on key terms from bookmarking/tagging sites • Views and submissions Key Metrics: • Social profile data capture • Social reach • Impression • Social activity and conversions • Influencers and fans • Campaign performance and ROI • Trend over time Key Metrics: • Increase brand awareness on influential blogs • Link-backs and referring traffic • Influencer mentions BLOG COMMENTING/Q&A SITES
  • 18. ONLINE VIDEO- Short term objectives: • Update videos on social video sites and link to core site • Youtube • Facebook • Create video series for YouTube PHOTO SHARING- Short term objectives: • Encourage co-workers to share any interesting and marketing relevant photos from social marketing or sales events • Take pictures of any relevant marketing events • Utilize photo sharing sites to share images with link back to blog and core site • Flickr • Facebook Photo Gallery • Our Blog • Google Plus Photo Albums PODCASTING- Short term objectives: • Create list of podcast directories • Repurpose webinar content when applicable for resource section, promote through podcast directories and iTunes • Record relevant phone conferences for use as podcasts, promote through podcast directories Key Metrics: • Referrals from social video sites • Views of videos on social sites • Pages ranking on key terms from YouTube Key Metrics: • Referrals from photo sharing sites • Views of photos on social sites • Pages ranking on key terms from photo sharing sites Key Metrics: • Referrals from podcast directories • Views of podcasts if hosted on podcast sites
  • 19. PRESENTATION SHARING- Short term objectives: • Create Slideshare presentations per quarter • Post webinars, slide decks, infographics • Optimize for SEO • Generate views and leads ADDITIONAL NOTES & OBJECTIVES • Match Buyers Personas to Social Media sites, adjust strategy above to better fit personas • Train sales about better use of social media • Create company social media policy • Discuss social media policy with Co-Workers Key Metrics: • Followers • Presentations • Presentation views • Number of leads generated • Total views • Downloads • Favorites • Tweets • Facebook likes