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Digital influence journal
Seth Godin, Hubspot and you
We are on the brink of year 2016, new
technologies have granted unlimited
powers to internet users, who follow
their whims to decide what to read,
watch and listen to. In this brave new
world, what place remains for brands?
More and more people consider
brands to be intrusive. In a recent
study, Drapers found out that 65%
of consumers said they think it «feels
intrusive» to receive mobile alters from
retailers. Consumers’ expectations are
changing, and therefore the entire skill
of the marketing professional consists
in the art of appearing at the right time,
in the right place, and in the right way,
with failure being severely punished by
This realisation has led to the
emergence of a new trend: inbound
marketing. Behind this term of art lies a
strategy that is based on the concept of
the brand narrative and its capacity to
build a relationship with the audience.
In 2013, 58% of European marketers
implemented inbound strategies, with
36% incorporating their “ inbound ”
targets into a wider strategy. Inbound
marketing is almost indistinguishable
from a romantic seduction ; here’s a
breakdown of the four steps to success.
Former Director of Marketing at LinkedIn
« Today it’s important to be present, be relevant and add value. »
Nick Besbeas
NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Investigation - Inbound marketing : Seth Godin, Hubspot and you
a term which is etymologically derived
from the ability to make others come
to you. Just like any seduction attempt,
inbound marketing seeks to trigger
interest and desire, unlike traditional
“ outbound ” marketing, which is much
quicker to intrude into the everyday
lives of internet users.
Whereas in the past, a combative
approach to winning customers
dominated the advertising landscape,
based around serving pop-ups,
banners or even spam to interrupt the
flow of the user’s reading, we have now
reached the stage where our society is
so saturated with messages that this
intrusion has lost its power.
To get internet users’ attention,
inbound marketing therefore proposes
a new business approach: the business
becomes its own media.
The challenge of attracting the right
audience remains, and this is achieved
a demand from the target audience.
This content can be indexed by search
engines and is designed to be shared
over social networks, positioning the
brand as an expert that rises above the
crowded competitive field
In 2014, McKinsey management
consultants worked with the ANA
(Association of National Advertisers) to
complete a study that highlighted the three
major challenges identified by marketing
directors: content (81%), complexity (80%)
and well-connected consumers (74%).
STEP 1 :
The meeting
NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Investigation - Inbound marketing : Seth Godin, Hubspot and you
In a romantic scenario, the deal is
generally sealed somewhere around
the end of the second or third date.
However, switching from a rendezvous
to a relationship necessarily implies
understanding the signs of interest
given off by the other party. In the
language of inbound marketing, this
is referred to as lead generation. The
“ lead ” is the visitor who enters the
enterprise ecosystem via websites,
blogs or social media, and who shows
interest by leaving a visible sign that
they have been there: filling out a form
on the site, signing up to a newsletter or
subscribing via a social network. While
leads are not yet clients, they are at a
crossroads and implicitly authorise the
start of a commercial relationship with
the company. The idea at this stage
is to encourage the casual visitors to
transform into leads, by creating call-
to-actions (CTAs) that, when clicked,
redirect visitors to a cleverly-designed
landing page. The company can
therefore begin the process of what is
known as lead nurturing, i.e., providing
high-quality, informative content to
support the lead in the process of
discovering the company’s products
and services. By doing this, the
company begins to build a relationship
of trust with the client.
Marketing directors who were surveyed
highlighted the starkly increased
importance of content in their enterprise
marketing strategies, which grew from
35% in 2013 to 71% in 2014.
STEP 2 :
Starting a relationship
NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Investigation - Inbound marketing : Seth Godin, Hubspot and you
STEP 3 :
STEP 4 :
Where are we going?
Keeping the flame burning
This is the natural evolution of any
relationship. It is rare for anyone
to escape this question as it is the
trigger for moving to another level
of commitment. In the language of
referred to as conversion from a
lead into a customer. The challenge,
therefore, is creating the desire to
deepen the relationship be created.
From CRM to analytical measurement
tools, via the sending of personalised
mails and/or articles that are aligned
with their interests, customers are at
the heart of a complex apparatus that
is designed to capture their loyalty.
Any long-term relationship will
eventually settle into a routine at some
stage. Routine does not necessarily
mean monotony however. Once a
customer has been won, he or she is a
potential brand ambassador. For this
reason, inbound marketing is a long-
term process to turn customers into a
mouthpiece who will recommend the
brand. This takes place via a wealth of
updated content and putting in place a
conversational space where customers
can enter into a dialogue with the
brand, about the brand, and with other
customers, using media that include
online forums, custom messaging
tools, Facebook and Twitter.
“ The digital world amplifies the effect of each customer contact while adding complexity
to the environment. It is therefore essential for businesses to know their customers better.
Companies can no longer afford to be product-driven; they must be customer-driven
instead. ”
Philippe Sayegh, Director (France and Southern Europe), Janrain Digital Mornings (2014)
Philippe Sayegh
NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Investigation - Inbound marketing : Seth Godin, Hubspot and you
With its origins in the digital matrix,
inbound marketing has two fathers,
namely the founders of the software
publisher, Hubspot: Brian Halligan and
Dharmesh Shah. Inspired by Seth
Godin’s 1999 work, Permission marketing
they took hold of Godin’s theory, which
has already predicted the planned
obsolescence of “ push and pull ” and, in
2009, Hubspot launched the concept
of inbound marketing.
Inbound marketing as we understand
it today marks the transition from
“ paid attention ” to “ earned attention ”.
Closely correlated to the digital
revolution, this strategy is in reality an
adaptation of the process of marketing
to consumers’ new habits.
How can the success of the concept be explained?
Inbound marketing faces up to the
challenge of content and places the
client at the heart of the marketing
mix. Content, links, social media, and
audience analysis are the four pillars of
the marketer’s new copybook.
By adapting to meet web users’
expectations, this client-centric strategy
enables companies to evolve along with
their target audience. A further, not
insignificant advantage is that inbound
marketing adjusts the balance of power
between large and small businesses by
making use of a less resource-intensive
approach than traditional advertising
The concept has helpfully been
summarised in a single phrase:
“ Inbound marketing is a digital strategy
with an aim to securing the attention of
this audience into customers through
the use of high-value added content,”
or to put it more simply: marketing that
customers actually welcome.
NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Investigation - Inbound marketing : Seth Godin, Hubspot and you
On 15 April 2015, Vocus Cision Group
(specialised in PR and influence
softwares) presented the results of a
study at the e-marketing conference
in Paris. The research assessed
answers from 110 Communications
and Marketing Directors. Among
their favourite Inbound Marketing
techniques, they mentioned emailing
(84%), SEO (70%) and content
production (56%).
To visualise what is the Inbound
Methodology, Hubspot has put it all
in one image. Find out how to attract,
convert, close and delight.
And according to an enthusiastic
article by Business2Community, lead
nurturing could help you double sales.
More helpful articles on
American author and entrepreneur, former direct marketing manager at Yahoo!
« The only way to win at content marketing is for the reader to say: this was written
specifically for me. »
Seth Godin
Read on…
NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Investigation - Inbound marketing : Seth Godin, Hubspot and you
Deputy Chief Executive of Netseenergy
NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Interview - Frederic Weiland, Deputy Chief Executive of Netseenergy
Frédéric Weiland is deputy chief
executive of NetSeenergy, a subsidiary
of EDF that specialises in energy
management. He is a graduate of the
Grenoble Institute of Technology and
INSEAD, joining the EDF Group in 1996
and moving in turn from developing
distribution networks within France, to
extending access to energy for rural
populations in developing countries,
then developing systems to encourage
energy efficiency in real estate
investments, and later moving into
information systems management.
In 2013, he joined NetSeenergy as sales
and marketing director.
Deputy Chief Executive of Netseenergy
Frédéric Weiland
How do you put this discourse into practice in your working
life today: explain how NetSeenergy has a role to play in the
energy revolution?
NetSeenergy’ activities are wholly aligned
with the concept of multiple energy
revolutions. We are a pioneer in the
field of energy digitisation, which is to
say we have a major role to play in the
convergence of ICT and energy. Our day-
to-day activity is to help our customers
to identify and analyse potential energy
savings and make sure that these savings
continue over the longer term.
In this regard, we differ from other
companies that operate in the same field
by our particular technological vision,
which depends very much on human
relationships. Our energy managers
and engineers work together to help our
customers change their consumption
behaviour. Education is essential for
subjects such as energy, which is not
always easy to understand for non-
experts. We support them to understand
the challenges that they face, and this
approach forms part of our DNA.
Finally, we are active in transforming
energy services, and one of our core
activities is testing and developing new
business models. The main question
that NetSeenergy seeks to answer is
“ How can we make the best use of
our available resources at any given
moment? ” particularly in respect of
energy that is less strictly demarcated
and more open to arbitrage.
You have selected the energy revolution as your brand
positioning: why?
In September 2012, the French public
became switched on to the concept of
energy transition, in particular as a result
of the great national debate prompted
by the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable
Development and Energy. In early 2013,
Jeremy Rifkin, the famous American
economic and scientific futurologist
popularised what he called the Third
Industrial Revolution, highlighting the
convergence of new technologies in
computing and energy generation that
will radically transform our industrial
The convergence of these two trends is
also at the heart of what NetSeenergy
does: we digitise the process of energy
generation. From our perspective,
this industrial revolution will take the
form of an evolution, leading to the
decentralisation of energy production
and of course a more holistic, global
approach to the management of
distribution networks over the internet
and, of course, the internet of things. It
will truly be an evolution because, in the
term outlook than in the world of IT – but
it remains an intellectual revolution that
will take place alongside technological
evolution, leading to a deep-seated
change in mentality and behaviour.
The energy revolution is the output
of each of these technological and
behavioural evolutions. To put it
modestly, they represent the range of
possible solutions and innovations that
could take us towards this vision of the
future. The energy revolution will be the
culmination of each of the small steps
that will become mini-revolutions in their
own right.
NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Interview - Frederic Weiland, Deputy Chief Executive of Netseenergy
As such, the blog and newsletter that
we publish form a key part of our
activity. That’s just one of the ways
that we progress toward meeting these
challenges. By publishing in this way, we
are able to share our vision for the future
of the energy sector with everyone with
genuine steps forward being achieved
by individuals, organisations and local
governments. The blog presents a
positive, optimistic view of a world that
is advancing and thereby contributing to
behavioural changes as they take hold.
What marketing tools do you use, especially online?
Even though we are linked to EDF, we
are an SME. We have to be aware of the
impact	of our actions and the investment
that is required. It was therefore quite
natural for NetSeenergy to turn towards
digital tools: they allow us to create richer
content, like video, and to benefit from
a comparatively large reach compared
to our level of investment. Over the last
three years, we have focused a little more
on the digital aspects of our strategy
each year, because quite simply that is
what suits us best.
Today, we are updating our website
as we broaden our ambitions and, in
parallel, implement a new CRM tool.
We have built an entire ecosystem that
is designed to generate sales leads by
feeding content to those who share our
interests, in particular via the precisely
targeted distribution channels that our
social media presence affords us.
What results do you expect this inbound marketing process
to achieve?
The different digital bricks that we have
built over time have now started to come
together to form a coherent, harmonious
and effective ecosystem. The whole
solution enables us to position our sales
process within the energy revolution and
to welcome those who show the greatest
interest into our digital environment.
The distribution channels are better
integrated with stronger links to one
another. They offer complementary
opportunities, particularly those who are
won over by the achievements in relation
to the energy revolution, who could
also be interested in the solutions that
NetSeenergy offers.
We are confident that we will improve
the effectiveness of our sales process
via a more capable lead generation
process that will be better integrated
with our CRM tool. The CTAs (calls to
action) on the site will ensure a clearer
path for potential customers towards the
solutions that meet their needs.
These digital tools promote successful
sales via greater visibility, better targeting
and of course highly relevant interactions
that our target audience welcomes.
Overall, it’s a process that we think
represents the best solution for us at the
NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Interview - Frederic Weiland, Deputy Chief Executive of Netseenergy
through inbound marketing
Cambridge, Massachusetts-based
Hubspot is steeped in the legends
of Silicon Valley. The dream of the
successful start-up launched in a
garage remains intact. Brian Halligan
and Dharmesh Shah were students
at MIT in 2006 when they successfully
anticipated a crucial change in the way
that internet users would consume
information: in other words, the
transition between conventional,
professional marketing as an art, rather
than a science, and the future promised
by automation.
“ People do not want to be interrupted by
marketers or harassed by sales people.
They want to be helped,” they explain.
The era of high-quality content (“ content
marketing ”) had arrived but there was
nothing that could help make it more
efficient. What was revolutionary about
Hubspot’s inbound marketing concept
was its ability to solve this problem: on
the one hand, the marketing apparatus
allows personalised, non-intrusive
marketing that meets the expectations
of the new generation of consumers
while, on the other hand, the company
had developed a scientific approach
that allowed the ROI of content-based
marketing to be developed. Back in
2006, this was the beginning of the
industrialisation of earning attention
had just begun and the vocabulary of
inbound marketing was still emerging.
Since then, Hubspot has headed the list
of marketing automation enterprises
published by Venture Beat (“ The VB Index
Report ”). Their slogan “ Create Marketing
People Love ” and their techniques
have given rise to an unprecedented,
collaborative approach that spans the
sales, marketing and customer services
departments and makes customers’
brand preferences a quantifiable,
measurable factor.
NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Expertise - Lead Generation grâce a l’Inbound Marketing
Hubspot’s success is built primarily on
its financial results: “ Inbound unlocks
ROI; ROI unlocks budget. ”
After just a few years, the company has
reached the stage of putting forward
figures that demonstrate the success
of its approach:
• 12 times more likely to improve ROI if
it is measured systematically;
• 13 times more likely to improve
financial results from one year to the
next by focusing on blogs;
• 50% more B2C conversions by using
the inbound method in the B2C space
(43% increase for B2B)
These financial results operate on
two levels: customer acquisition and
transformation. Hubspot calls this
the inbound selling revolution, which
affects the path taken by the customer.
In relation to the impact on conversion
times, the giant, Amazon, discovered
that a second of additional loading time
could cost 1.6 billion dollars in sales.
In conjunction with marketing
automation technologies, inbound
marketing can go even further. In
particular, it is now possible (among
other things) to quantify precisely
how much monthly blog articles affect
lead generation, site traffic, and sales.
When a company increases its output
from 11-20 articles per month to 50
articles, it records an average increase
in visitor traffic of 45%. The search-
engine optimisation (SEO) market is
also optimised via a precise insight
into competitors’ market positioning –
something that Google Analytics does
not provide.
The key figure that sums up the success
of their methodology is this: on average,
B2C companies increase their lead
generation by 294% using Hubspot on
average (125% increase for B2B).
Nonetheless, these results are less
surprising when you consider Jeff
Jarvis’s prediction, which our sector
confirms time and time again: “ The mass
market is dead, replaced by the mass of
niches, ” in which every customer profile
deserves marketers’ attention. Their
algorithms have the power to engage
with the customer on this level, and
the technology provides a solution that
reaches beyond intrusive marketing
to provide a tried-and-tested way
of adopting a hacker mentality to
transform advertising.
NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Expertise - Lead Generation grâce a l’Inbound Marketing
for more human interaction
According to a study by Oxford University,
47% of American jobs will be automated
within the next twenty years. The
Bruegel Think Tank predicts the same
destiny for Europeans. Marketing won’t
escape automation.
From MailChimp, via WordPress
or Azalead plug-ins for seasoned
salespeople on LinkedIn to Plugr and
Hubspot for a solid lead nurturing
solution (or “ maintenance of the
prospect after the acquisition phase ”),
marketing automation is a smart mix of
man and machine capable of offloading
workflows from the human’s task list
while shifting effort to ensuring that
inbound marketing is effective.
Here is an overview of the current state
of play of tools that will help you to get
closer to your visitors and concentrate
on what really matters: the customer
conversion process.
NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Zoom - More marketing automation for more human interaction
MailChimp is the tool to give you access
to smart e-mail marketing. By analysing
cookies, MailChimp is capable of
targeting precepts at the right moment,
based on what they have visited on
your website. Visitor reminders,
welcome messages to first-time visitors
and those who’ve just signed up, RSS
campaign creation, invitations to users
to view related content on subjects
that interest them and even real-time
triggering emails are just some of the
activities that MailChimp can automate
for you.
You can even connect your WordPress
reminders being discarded as spam.
The tool identifies any non-existent
e-mail addresses and deletes them.
By using this service, you’re helping
to reduce the number of unwanted
e-mails sent worldwide: according to a
recent Symantec report, this proportion
fell to 49.7% of the total in 2015.
(Welcome to the era of smart CRM)
With tactics that resemble CRM, IFTTT
differs from MailChimp by responding
to multi-channel issues, allowing you
to synchronise your activities across a
range of different web service, mobile
apps and even the internet of tings.
Several interactions can therefore
be carried out with a single click, and
customer relationships consume less
of your time.
IFTTT also promotes itself as a personal
internet assistant: “ IFTTT puts the
internet to work for you.” Make sure
therefore that you don’t fall in love with
it, like the character of Theodore in Her,
Spike Jonze’s recent film.
“ OK so now I have my internet assistant
but we’re still a long way from optimising
customer conversions, identifying the best
leads and evaluating the performance of
campaigns,” a salesperson might object.
When it comes to digital content, the
business approach gets to the heart of
the current challenge, namely creating
attention. The solution is to head
towards the most cutting-edge tools
available. Plugr allows you to carry out
marketing activities via social networks
(monitoring, multi-channel publication
scheduling, engagement analysis,
management of influential profiles, and
statistical monitoring and follow-up
activities) while also optimising content
for better performance. Plugr further
benefits from being easy to use thanks
to its powerful interface and intuitive
design, making it a simple tool that can
be used by anyone to listen to what is
being said in online conversations, spot
significant topics and users and engage
in conversations on social networks,
forums, and websites and to measure
content performance.
NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Zoom - More marketing automation for more human interaction
When approaching the issues from a
B2B perspective (particularly in relation
to business development and sales
intelligence) other data can be vital.
Azalead offers a thorough analysis of
your traffic and potential targets to
canvass and follow-up on. For Azalead,
each visit to your website counts, while
lots of information is lost when visitors
fail to leave their contact details. This
tool is absolutely remarkable because
it allows you to reduce these losses
substantially. Thanks to Azalead, you’re
visits are coming from. The product is
therefore aimed directly at the sales
team, via a system of automated alerts
that also help marketers to identify the
targets they are successfully reaching
when they publish content.
WordPress plug-ins to create calls-
to-action, optimise your site’s SEO or
engage in “ smart marketing ” (CRM
with a very flat, Google-like design)
are not enough for a seat at the table
where the attention web is concerned.
Sometimes, an all-in-one solution is
what’s needed, and that is often the
reason why people turn to Hubspot. In
a few words, Hubspot is about creating
and polishing custom content based on
the customers you target. Also on the
menu are the ability to create forms,
landing pages, personalised visitor
content, advanced segmentation,
online tracking to monitor the
behaviour of your leads, web analytics,
and more. Be careful not to let yourself
be discouraged: although it is initially
extremely resource hungry, it is a vital
tool for organising client-driven data
management – so make sure your Chief
Data Officer gets a heads-up!
All of the above should give a major
helping hand to marketers who need
to free up time to allow them to
concentrate on strategy and high-level
concepts while leaving the algorithms
to do what they already do best.
NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Zoom - More marketing automation for more human interaction
If you wish to read on to know more
about on Youtube, marketing and
storytelling ou reputation and online
influence, click here
If you wish to read on to know more
about on Reputation and internet
influency, click here
Inbound Marketing
Inbound Marketing

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Inbound Marketing

  • 2.
  • 4. INBOUND MARKETING : Seth Godin, Hubspot and you Investigation
  • 5. 5 We are on the brink of year 2016, new technologies have granted unlimited powers to internet users, who follow their whims to decide what to read, watch and listen to. In this brave new world, what place remains for brands? More and more people consider brands to be intrusive. In a recent study, Drapers found out that 65% of consumers said they think it «feels intrusive» to receive mobile alters from retailers. Consumers’ expectations are changing, and therefore the entire skill of the marketing professional consists in the art of appearing at the right time, in the right place, and in the right way, with failure being severely punished by indifference. This realisation has led to the emergence of a new trend: inbound marketing. Behind this term of art lies a strategy that is based on the concept of the brand narrative and its capacity to build a relationship with the audience. In 2013, 58% of European marketers implemented inbound strategies, with 36% incorporating their “ inbound ” targets into a wider strategy. Inbound marketing is almost indistinguishable from a romantic seduction ; here’s a breakdown of the four steps to success. Former Director of Marketing at LinkedIn « Today it’s important to be present, be relevant and add value. » Nick Besbeas NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Investigation - Inbound marketing : Seth Godin, Hubspot and you
  • 6. 6 Theartofseductionisbuiltonattraction, a term which is etymologically derived from the ability to make others come to you. Just like any seduction attempt, inbound marketing seeks to trigger interest and desire, unlike traditional “ outbound ” marketing, which is much quicker to intrude into the everyday lives of internet users. Whereas in the past, a combative approach to winning customers dominated the advertising landscape, based around serving pop-ups, banners or even spam to interrupt the flow of the user’s reading, we have now reached the stage where our society is so saturated with messages that this intrusion has lost its power. To get internet users’ attention, inbound marketing therefore proposes a new business approach: the business becomes its own media. The challenge of attracting the right audience remains, and this is achieved bypublishinguniquecontentthatmeets a demand from the target audience. This content can be indexed by search engines and is designed to be shared over social networks, positioning the brand as an expert that rises above the crowded competitive field In 2014, McKinsey management consultants worked with the ANA (Association of National Advertisers) to complete a study that highlighted the three major challenges identified by marketing directors: content (81%), complexity (80%) and well-connected consumers (74%). STEP 1 : The meeting NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Investigation - Inbound marketing : Seth Godin, Hubspot and you
  • 7. 7 In a romantic scenario, the deal is generally sealed somewhere around the end of the second or third date. However, switching from a rendezvous to a relationship necessarily implies understanding the signs of interest given off by the other party. In the language of inbound marketing, this is referred to as lead generation. The “ lead ” is the visitor who enters the enterprise ecosystem via websites, blogs or social media, and who shows interest by leaving a visible sign that they have been there: filling out a form on the site, signing up to a newsletter or subscribing via a social network. While leads are not yet clients, they are at a crossroads and implicitly authorise the start of a commercial relationship with the company. The idea at this stage is to encourage the casual visitors to transform into leads, by creating call- to-actions (CTAs) that, when clicked, redirect visitors to a cleverly-designed landing page. The company can therefore begin the process of what is known as lead nurturing, i.e., providing high-quality, informative content to support the lead in the process of discovering the company’s products and services. By doing this, the company begins to build a relationship of trust with the client. Marketing directors who were surveyed highlighted the starkly increased importance of content in their enterprise marketing strategies, which grew from 35% in 2013 to 71% in 2014. STEP 2 : Starting a relationship NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Investigation - Inbound marketing : Seth Godin, Hubspot and you
  • 8. 8 STEP 3 : STEP 4 : Where are we going? Keeping the flame burning This is the natural evolution of any relationship. It is rare for anyone to escape this question as it is the trigger for moving to another level of commitment. In the language of inboundmarketing,itismoreprosaically referred to as conversion from a lead into a customer. The challenge, therefore, is creating the desire to deepen the relationship be created. From CRM to analytical measurement tools, via the sending of personalised mails and/or articles that are aligned with their interests, customers are at the heart of a complex apparatus that is designed to capture their loyalty. Any long-term relationship will eventually settle into a routine at some stage. Routine does not necessarily mean monotony however. Once a customer has been won, he or she is a potential brand ambassador. For this reason, inbound marketing is a long- term process to turn customers into a mouthpiece who will recommend the brand. This takes place via a wealth of updated content and putting in place a conversational space where customers can enter into a dialogue with the brand, about the brand, and with other customers, using media that include online forums, custom messaging tools, Facebook and Twitter. “ The digital world amplifies the effect of each customer contact while adding complexity to the environment. It is therefore essential for businesses to know their customers better. Companies can no longer afford to be product-driven; they must be customer-driven instead. ” Philippe Sayegh, Director (France and Southern Europe), Janrain Digital Mornings (2014) Philippe Sayegh NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Investigation - Inbound marketing : Seth Godin, Hubspot and you
  • 9. 9 With its origins in the digital matrix, inbound marketing has two fathers, namely the founders of the software publisher, Hubspot: Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah. Inspired by Seth Godin’s 1999 work, Permission marketing they took hold of Godin’s theory, which has already predicted the planned obsolescence of “ push and pull ” and, in 2009, Hubspot launched the concept of inbound marketing. Inbound marketing as we understand it today marks the transition from “ paid attention ” to “ earned attention ”. Closely correlated to the digital revolution, this strategy is in reality an adaptation of the process of marketing to consumers’ new habits. How can the success of the concept be explained? Inbound marketing faces up to the challenge of content and places the client at the heart of the marketing mix. Content, links, social media, and audience analysis are the four pillars of the marketer’s new copybook. By adapting to meet web users’ expectations, this client-centric strategy enables companies to evolve along with their target audience. A further, not insignificant advantage is that inbound marketing adjusts the balance of power between large and small businesses by making use of a less resource-intensive approach than traditional advertising campaigns. The concept has helpfully been summarised in a single phrase: “ Inbound marketing is a digital strategy with an aim to securing the attention of anappropriateaudienceandconverting this audience into customers through the use of high-value added content,” or to put it more simply: marketing that customers actually welcome. THE (IN)BOUND EFFECT OR KEY SUCCESS FACTORS NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Investigation - Inbound marketing : Seth Godin, Hubspot and you
  • 10. 10 On 15 April 2015, Vocus Cision Group (specialised in PR and influence softwares) presented the results of a study at the e-marketing conference in Paris. The research assessed answers from 110 Communications and Marketing Directors. Among their favourite Inbound Marketing techniques, they mentioned emailing (84%), SEO (70%) and content production (56%). To visualise what is the Inbound Methodology, Hubspot has put it all in one image. Find out how to attract, convert, close and delight. And according to an enthusiastic article by Business2Community, lead nurturing could help you double sales. More helpful articles on American author and entrepreneur, former direct marketing manager at Yahoo! « The only way to win at content marketing is for the reader to say: this was written specifically for me. » Seth Godin Read on… NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Investigation - Inbound marketing : Seth Godin, Hubspot and you
  • 11. FREDERIC WEILAND Deputy Chief Executive of Netseenergy Interview
  • 12. 12 NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Interview - Frederic Weiland, Deputy Chief Executive of Netseenergy Frédéric Weiland is deputy chief executive of NetSeenergy, a subsidiary of EDF that specialises in energy management. He is a graduate of the Grenoble Institute of Technology and INSEAD, joining the EDF Group in 1996 and moving in turn from developing distribution networks within France, to extending access to energy for rural populations in developing countries, then developing systems to encourage energy efficiency in real estate investments, and later moving into information systems management. In 2013, he joined NetSeenergy as sales and marketing director. Deputy Chief Executive of Netseenergy Frédéric Weiland
  • 13. 13 How do you put this discourse into practice in your working life today: explain how NetSeenergy has a role to play in the energy revolution? NetSeenergy’ activities are wholly aligned with the concept of multiple energy revolutions. We are a pioneer in the field of energy digitisation, which is to say we have a major role to play in the convergence of ICT and energy. Our day- to-day activity is to help our customers to identify and analyse potential energy savings and make sure that these savings continue over the longer term. In this regard, we differ from other companies that operate in the same field by our particular technological vision, which depends very much on human relationships. Our energy managers and engineers work together to help our customers change their consumption behaviour. Education is essential for subjects such as energy, which is not always easy to understand for non- experts. We support them to understand the challenges that they face, and this approach forms part of our DNA. Finally, we are active in transforming energy services, and one of our core activities is testing and developing new business models. The main question that NetSeenergy seeks to answer is “ How can we make the best use of our available resources at any given moment? ” particularly in respect of energy that is less strictly demarcated and more open to arbitrage. You have selected the energy revolution as your brand positioning: why? In September 2012, the French public became switched on to the concept of energy transition, in particular as a result of the great national debate prompted by the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy. In early 2013, Jeremy Rifkin, the famous American economic and scientific futurologist popularised what he called the Third Industrial Revolution, highlighting the convergence of new technologies in computing and energy generation that will radically transform our industrial paradigm. The convergence of these two trends is also at the heart of what NetSeenergy does: we digitise the process of energy generation. From our perspective, this industrial revolution will take the form of an evolution, leading to the decentralisation of energy production and of course a more holistic, global approach to the management of distribution networks over the internet and, of course, the internet of things. It will truly be an evolution because, in the energysector,wehaveamuchmorelong- term outlook than in the world of IT – but it remains an intellectual revolution that will take place alongside technological evolution, leading to a deep-seated change in mentality and behaviour. The energy revolution is the output of each of these technological and behavioural evolutions. To put it modestly, they represent the range of possible solutions and innovations that could take us towards this vision of the future. The energy revolution will be the culmination of each of the small steps that will become mini-revolutions in their own right. NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Interview - Frederic Weiland, Deputy Chief Executive of Netseenergy
  • 14. 14 As such, the blog and newsletter that we publish form a key part of our activity. That’s just one of the ways that we progress toward meeting these challenges. By publishing in this way, we are able to share our vision for the future of the energy sector with everyone with genuine steps forward being achieved by individuals, organisations and local governments. The blog presents a positive, optimistic view of a world that is advancing and thereby contributing to behavioural changes as they take hold. What marketing tools do you use, especially online? Even though we are linked to EDF, we are an SME. We have to be aware of the impact of our actions and the investment that is required. It was therefore quite natural for NetSeenergy to turn towards digital tools: they allow us to create richer content, like video, and to benefit from a comparatively large reach compared to our level of investment. Over the last three years, we have focused a little more on the digital aspects of our strategy each year, because quite simply that is what suits us best. Today, we are updating our website as we broaden our ambitions and, in parallel, implement a new CRM tool. We have built an entire ecosystem that is designed to generate sales leads by feeding content to those who share our interests, in particular via the precisely targeted distribution channels that our social media presence affords us. What results do you expect this inbound marketing process to achieve? The different digital bricks that we have built over time have now started to come together to form a coherent, harmonious and effective ecosystem. The whole solution enables us to position our sales process within the energy revolution and to welcome those who show the greatest interest into our digital environment. The distribution channels are better integrated with stronger links to one another. They offer complementary opportunities, particularly those who are won over by the achievements in relation to the energy revolution, who could also be interested in the solutions that NetSeenergy offers. We are confident that we will improve the effectiveness of our sales process via a more capable lead generation process that will be better integrated with our CRM tool. The CTAs (calls to action) on the site will ensure a clearer path for potential customers towards the solutions that meet their needs. These digital tools promote successful sales via greater visibility, better targeting and of course highly relevant interactions that our target audience welcomes. Overall, it’s a process that we think represents the best solution for us at the moment. NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Interview - Frederic Weiland, Deputy Chief Executive of Netseenergy
  • 15. LEAD GENERATION through inbound marketing Expertise
  • 16. 16 Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Hubspot is steeped in the legends of Silicon Valley. The dream of the successful start-up launched in a garage remains intact. Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah were students at MIT in 2006 when they successfully anticipated a crucial change in the way that internet users would consume information: in other words, the transition between conventional, professional marketing as an art, rather than a science, and the future promised by automation. “ People do not want to be interrupted by marketers or harassed by sales people. They want to be helped,” they explain. The era of high-quality content (“ content marketing ”) had arrived but there was nothing that could help make it more efficient. What was revolutionary about Hubspot’s inbound marketing concept was its ability to solve this problem: on the one hand, the marketing apparatus allows personalised, non-intrusive marketing that meets the expectations of the new generation of consumers while, on the other hand, the company had developed a scientific approach that allowed the ROI of content-based marketing to be developed. Back in 2006, this was the beginning of the industrialisation of earning attention had just begun and the vocabulary of inbound marketing was still emerging. Since then, Hubspot has headed the list of marketing automation enterprises published by Venture Beat (“ The VB Index Report ”). Their slogan “ Create Marketing People Love ” and their techniques have given rise to an unprecedented, collaborative approach that spans the sales, marketing and customer services departments and makes customers’ brand preferences a quantifiable, measurable factor. NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Expertise - Lead Generation grâce a l’Inbound Marketing
  • 17. 17 LEADS: THE IMPORTANCE OF A SCIENTIFIC APPROACH Hubspot’s success is built primarily on its financial results: “ Inbound unlocks ROI; ROI unlocks budget. ” After just a few years, the company has reached the stage of putting forward figures that demonstrate the success of its approach: • 12 times more likely to improve ROI if it is measured systematically; • 13 times more likely to improve financial results from one year to the next by focusing on blogs; • 50% more B2C conversions by using the inbound method in the B2C space (43% increase for B2B) These financial results operate on two levels: customer acquisition and transformation. Hubspot calls this the inbound selling revolution, which affects the path taken by the customer. In relation to the impact on conversion times, the giant, Amazon, discovered that a second of additional loading time could cost 1.6 billion dollars in sales. In conjunction with marketing automation technologies, inbound marketing can go even further. In particular, it is now possible (among other things) to quantify precisely how much monthly blog articles affect lead generation, site traffic, and sales. When a company increases its output from 11-20 articles per month to 50 articles, it records an average increase in visitor traffic of 45%. The search- engine optimisation (SEO) market is also optimised via a precise insight into competitors’ market positioning – something that Google Analytics does not provide. The key figure that sums up the success of their methodology is this: on average, B2C companies increase their lead generation by 294% using Hubspot on average (125% increase for B2B). Nonetheless, these results are less surprising when you consider Jeff Jarvis’s prediction, which our sector confirms time and time again: “ The mass market is dead, replaced by the mass of niches, ” in which every customer profile deserves marketers’ attention. Their algorithms have the power to engage with the customer on this level, and the technology provides a solution that reaches beyond intrusive marketing to provide a tried-and-tested way of adopting a hacker mentality to transform advertising. NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Expertise - Lead Generation grâce a l’Inbound Marketing
  • 18. MORE MARKETING AUTOMATION for more human interaction Zoom
  • 19. 19 According to a study by Oxford University, 47% of American jobs will be automated within the next twenty years. The Bruegel Think Tank predicts the same destiny for Europeans. Marketing won’t escape automation. From MailChimp, via WordPress or Azalead plug-ins for seasoned salespeople on LinkedIn to Plugr and Hubspot for a solid lead nurturing solution (or “ maintenance of the prospect after the acquisition phase ”), marketing automation is a smart mix of man and machine capable of offloading workflows from the human’s task list while shifting effort to ensuring that inbound marketing is effective. Here is an overview of the current state of play of tools that will help you to get closer to your visitors and concentrate on what really matters: the customer conversion process. NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Zoom - More marketing automation for more human interaction MailChimp is the tool to give you access to smart e-mail marketing. By analysing cookies, MailChimp is capable of targeting precepts at the right moment, based on what they have visited on your website. Visitor reminders, welcome messages to first-time visitors and those who’ve just signed up, RSS campaign creation, invitations to users to view related content on subjects that interest them and even real-time triggering emails are just some of the activities that MailChimp can automate for you. You can even connect your WordPress toMailChimpusingpluginstoavoidyour reminders being discarded as spam. The tool identifies any non-existent e-mail addresses and deletes them. By using this service, you’re helping to reduce the number of unwanted e-mails sent worldwide: according to a recent Symantec report, this proportion fell to 49.7% of the total in 2015. MAILCHIMP : “ I WANT TO DO E-MAIL MARKETING ” (Welcome to the era of smart CRM) IFTT : “  I WANT A PERSONAL ASSISTANT TO AUTOMATE MY MULTI-CHANNEL WORKFLOWS. ” With tactics that resemble CRM, IFTTT differs from MailChimp by responding to multi-channel issues, allowing you to synchronise your activities across a range of different web service, mobile apps and even the internet of tings. Several interactions can therefore be carried out with a single click, and customer relationships consume less of your time. IFTTT also promotes itself as a personal internet assistant: “ IFTTT puts the internet to work for you.” Make sure therefore that you don’t fall in love with it, like the character of Theodore in Her, Spike Jonze’s recent film.
  • 20. 20 PLUGR&AZALEAD : “  IWANTTODOSTUFFWITHLEADS-NURTURING,MANAGEMENT, SCORING – AND PERFORMANCE ” “ OK so now I have my internet assistant but we’re still a long way from optimising customer conversions, identifying the best leads and evaluating the performance of campaigns,” a salesperson might object. When it comes to digital content, the business approach gets to the heart of the current challenge, namely creating attention. The solution is to head towards the most cutting-edge tools available. Plugr allows you to carry out marketing activities via social networks (monitoring, multi-channel publication scheduling, engagement analysis, management of influential profiles, and statistical monitoring and follow-up activities) while also optimising content for better performance. Plugr further benefits from being easy to use thanks to its powerful interface and intuitive design, making it a simple tool that can be used by anyone to listen to what is being said in online conversations, spot significant topics and users and engage in conversations on social networks, forums, and websites and to measure content performance. NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Zoom - More marketing automation for more human interaction
  • 21. 21 HUBSPOT : “ I WANT TO FOLLOW BEST PRACTICES IN ATTENTION MARKETING. ” When approaching the issues from a B2B perspective (particularly in relation to business development and sales intelligence) other data can be vital. Azalead offers a thorough analysis of your traffic and potential targets to canvass and follow-up on. For Azalead, each visit to your website counts, while lots of information is lost when visitors fail to leave their contact details. This tool is absolutely remarkable because it allows you to reduce these losses substantially. Thanks to Azalead, you’re inapositiontoknowexactlywherethese visits are coming from. The product is therefore aimed directly at the sales team, via a system of automated alerts that also help marketers to identify the targets they are successfully reaching when they publish content. WordPress plug-ins to create calls- to-action, optimise your site’s SEO or engage in “ smart marketing ” (CRM with a very flat, Google-like design) are not enough for a seat at the table where the attention web is concerned. Sometimes, an all-in-one solution is what’s needed, and that is often the reason why people turn to Hubspot. In a few words, Hubspot is about creating and polishing custom content based on the customers you target. Also on the menu are the ability to create forms, landing pages, personalised visitor content, advanced segmentation, online tracking to monitor the behaviour of your leads, web analytics, and more. Be careful not to let yourself be discouraged: although it is initially extremely resource hungry, it is a vital tool for organising client-driven data management – so make sure your Chief Data Officer gets a heads-up! All of the above should give a major helping hand to marketers who need to free up time to allow them to concentrate on strategy and high-level concepts while leaving the algorithms to do what they already do best. NEWSLETTER TRUSTED N°2 - Zoom - More marketing automation for more human interaction
  • 22. TO FIND JIN’s PUBLICATIONS If you wish to read on to know more about on Youtube, marketing and storytelling ou reputation and online influence, click here If you wish to read on to know more about on Reputation and internet influency, click here