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In answering the assigned questions, please always note the
· Answer only the assigned question(s)
· A well-developed answer is required
· Thoughtful and thorough answers are expected
· Avoid rehashing case facts
· Make reasonable assumptions
· Don’t confuse symptoms with problems
· Make effective use of financial and other quantitative
developed in the case
· Make good use of evidence developed in the case
Case Study Grading
You will be graded on the following criteria:
· Case Studies should have 500-words MINIMUM. The best
work exceeds the minimum word count above.
· Include cover page, abstract, and reference pages -- these
do not count towards your total word count.
· Use TWO authored outside references with all submissions (an
outside reference is something in addition to our class
textbook). You must quote from this reference!.
· Utilize APA formatting at the end of your submission FOR all
assignments…if you do not, you will lose points.
· Case studies must be submitted in a Microsoft Word
Writing Style Expectations
The following are writing style expectations:
· Use subject headers for all papers - your reader appreciates
and expects that level or organization to your work!
· No contractions & No abbreviations - if you are referring to
the United States of America, write it not write 'US' -
this is not stellar academic writing.
· Use Times New Roman 12-point font, 1" margins, double-
spacing with 0 point spacing.
· Only one citation credit allowed per sentence in this course.
· Indent the first line of each new paragraph five spaces.
· No extra blank lines inserted between sections – deliver a tight
· No bullet points, alphanumeric lists, or numbered list - write
formally in full sentences / paragraphs.
· Numbers one through nine within your paper should be written
· Cover page and reference page required for ALL paper
· Never use all capital letters
· Use authored references for your research to earn full points.
An authored source is simply one that is associated with a
human(s) NAME. For example, your textbook is an authored
source. The United States Census Bureau is not an authored
source. But it is fine to use as long as you ALSO use an
authored reference source.
· Always include the full URL as to where you found your
research online articles - never just the home page.
· Avoid wikis, blogs, tweets, videos, dictionaries, and
encyclopedias as outside references - use Masters-level sources
like the Journal of Marketing or the Journal of International
Business - No wikis, prezis, slideshares, dictionaries,
encyclopedias, videos, interviews, & podcasts allowed as
references – only scholarly written sources from well-respected
Be sure to use the Writing Resources (see left menu) view the
"Instructor's Writing Guide and Reminders" under "Writing
Guide & Resources".
Plan ahead and do not wait until the last minute! Upload and
submit completed Case Study assignments via the associated
submission link (see below) by the end of assigned week.
Substance of Paper - Minimum 500-words – solid MARKETING
content. Template must be used & submitted in MICROSOFT
WORD document. Minus 5 points if template is not used.
Subject headers required – Introduction, Question # 1, etc. &
Conclusion – minus 5 points if not used for organization.
Writing caliber includes spelling, grammar, etc. (SEE
announcement in classroom – non-adherence to those items will
be deducted here). Do not write out questions – minus 3 points
if you do.
No Abstract is desired.
Two AUTHORED Outside Reference cited in APA format and
credited within your reference page at the end of your paper.
One source MUST be a peer reviewed Marketing reference –
specifically from the Journal of Marketing (if you deviate from
this peer-reviewed source, gain pre-approval 48-hours before
the paper is due by sending the actual article to your instructor
to gain approval). Minus 3 points if you do not use the
Marketing Journal but have two other authored sources that are
valid. Citations must be appropriately done within paper in
APA FORMAT. Always provide the exact web site address for
this course in your recap of references for full credit.
If reference page and citations do not match 100% - minus 10
points. Verify BEFORE you submit your paper.
No wikis, prezis, slideshares, dictionaries, encyclopedias,
videos, interviews, & podcasts allowed as references – only
scholarly written sources from well-respected sources.
APA formatted paper with cover page and reference page,
Times New Roman 12 font, 1" margins, double-spacing, etc.
Total Points Earned
Task 1 : Read Case in Point General Electric Allows Teamwork
to Take Flight and answer the 6 discussion questions in your
own words.
Read Chapters 13 from text Managing Groups and Teams -13-
© 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
In Durham, North Carolina, Robert Henderson was opening a
factory for General Electric Company (NYSE: GE). The goal of
the factory was to manufacture the largest commercial jet
engine in the world. Henderson’s opportunity was great and so
were his challenges. GE hadn’t designed a jet engine from the
ground up for over 2 decades. Developing the jet engine project
had already cost GE $1.5 billion. That was a huge sum of money
to invest—and an unacceptable sum to lose should things go
wrong in the manufacturing stage.
How could one person fulfill such a vital corporate mission?
The answer, Henderson decided, was that one person couldn’t
fulfill the mission. Even Jack Welch, GE’s CEO at the time,
said, “We now know where productivity comes from. It comes
from challenged, empowered, excited, rewarded teams of
Empowering factory workers to contribute to GE’s success
sounded great in theory. But how to accomplish these goals in
real life was a more challenging question. Factory floors,
traditionally, are unempowered workplaces where workers are
more like cogs in a vast machine than self-determining team
In the name of teamwork and profitability, Henderson traveled
to other factories looking for places where worker autonomy
was high. He implemented his favorite ideas at the factory at
Durham. Instead of hiring generic “mechanics,” for example,
Henderson hired staffers with FAA (Federal Aviation
Administration) mechanic’s licenses. This superior training
created a team capable of making vital decisions with minimal
oversight, a fact that upped the factory’s output and his
workers’ feelings of worth.
Henderson’s “self-managing” factory functioned beautifully.
And it looked different, too. Plant manager Jack Fish described
Henderson’s radical factory, saying Henderson “didn’t want to
see supervisors, he didn’t want to see forklifts running all over
the place, he didn’t even want it to look traditional. There’s
clutter in most plants, racks of parts and so on. He didn’t want
Henderson also contracted out non-job-related chores, such as
bathroom cleaning, that might have been assigned to workers in
traditional factories. His insistence that his workers should
contribute their highest talents to the team showed how much he
valued them. And his team valued their jobs in turn.
Six years later, a Fast Company reporter visiting the plant
noted, “GE/Durham team members take such pride in the
engines they make that they routinely take brooms in hand to
sweep out the beds of the 18-wheelers that transport those
engines—just to make sure that no damage occurs in transit.”
For his part, Henderson, who remained at GE beyond the
project, noted, “I was just constantly amazed by what was
accomplished there.”
GE’s bottom line showed the benefits of teamwork, too. From
the early 1980s, when Welch became CEO, until 2000, when he
retired, GE generated more wealth than any organization in the
history of the world.
Case written by Talya Bauer and Berrin Erdogan to accompany
Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2009). Principles of
management (1st ed.). New York: Flat World Knowledge. Based
on information from Fishman, C. (1999, September). How
teamwork took flight. Fast Company. Retrieved August 1, 2008,
from; Lear, R.
(1998, July–August). Jack Welch speaks: Wisdom from the
world’s greatest business leader. Chief Executive; Guttman, H.
(2008, January–February). Leading high-performance teams:
Horizontal, high-performance teams with real decision-making
clout and accountability for results can transform a company.
Chief Executive, pp. 231–233.
Discussion Questions
1. Teams are an essential part of the leading facet of the P-O-L-
C framework. Looking at the team role typology, how might you
categorize the roles played by the teams in this case?
2. What do you think brought individuals at GE together to
work as a cohesive team?
3. In the case of GE, do you view the team members or the
management leaders as the most important part of the story?
4. How do you think Henderson held his team members
accountable for their actions?
5. Do you think that GE offered a support system for its
employees in order to create this type of team cohesion? If so,
how might this have been accomplished?
6. What are the benefits of creating a team whose members are
educated to make vital decisions with minimal oversight, as GE
did in hiring staffers with FAA mechanic’s licenses?
Please read Chapter 13 for reference
Task 2 : Please read and understand the Samuel C. Johnson
Family Enterprise case and write up your key learning points (1
Samuel C. Johnson Family Enterprises by Prof. Joachim
“We should worry not about whether we have lived up to the
expectations of our fathers…but whether we, as fathers, live up
the expectations of our children.” - Sam Johnson
The founder of what is today the Samuel C. Johnson Family
Enterprises was Samuel Curtis Johnson (1833-1919). In his
early working years, Johnson was employed at the Racine
Hardware Company, where he sold parquet floors. In 1886 he
acquired the parquet flooring business, which in its first year
generated a profit of $268.27 Recognizing people’s need to treat
wooden floors, Johnson developed a wax product from beeswax
and other components that he mixed in a bathtub. In 1888 he
introduced “Johnson Prepared Wax” and bought his first
national advertising in The Saturday Evening Post. By the turn
of the century, wax sales were larger than the revenues from
selling parquet floors, so Johnson discontinued the sales of
parquet. As the company’s wax products gained wide
acceptance, Johnson exported them to Britain and even as far as
Australia, and the number of employees ballooned to over 100.
By 1900, Johnson Wax was at the forefront in human resources
policies, offering paid vacations to the employees. In 1917 it
introduced a profit-sharing plan that gave employees 25% of the
company’s earnings. In 1919 Samuel C. Johnson died and his
son, Herbert Fisk Johnson (1868-1928) took over. Herbert’s
sister, Jessie, neither worked in the business nor inherited
ownership. Herbert, who
had joined the business at 20, working closely with his father,
became an equal partner in 1906, at which time the company
became S.C. Johnson & Son. On Samuel’s death in 1919,
Herbert, then 51, became President. More technical than his
father, Herbert’s research-orientation lead to a number of new
cleaning and treating products, which earned him a reputation
as the “real business builder” through diversification. In 1926,
Herbert, who
shared his father’s strong sense of social responsibility,
established a 40-hour workweek, calling his approach
“enlightened selfishness.” In 1927, on occasion of the
Christmas Profit Sharing, Herbert gave a widely respected
speech that still serves as a philosophical guide for 2 current
“The goodwill of the people is the only enduring thing in any
business. It
is the sole substance…the rest is shadow!”
In 1928 Herbert unexpectedly died at age 59 and left the family
business devoid of any will or succession plan. His son, Herbert
Fisk (H.F.) Johnson Jr. (1899-1978), assumed management
control – he was 28. It took a decade to clarify ownership with
Henrietta, H.F.’s younger sister, who eventually received 1/3 of
the shares. This protracted legal battle caused H.F. to
state that he was “never going to let that happen to [his] son,”
and in his will he subsequently designated his son Sam as his
successor. H.F. led the 500-strong company through the Great
Depression with no layoffs. He is widely seen as the creator of
international growth and the progenitor of new manufacturing
technologies. H.F. was, in fact, the company’s first chemist. On
the personal side, besides the relatively early loss of his father,
he also suffered the death of his 4-year old daughter and a
subsequent divorce from his first wife, who suffered from
alcoholism. The other two children, Karen and Sam, moved
between their father in the Midwest and their mother in New
After the Depression years, H.F. started to worry about the
supply of the key ingredient in the company’s wax products,
which comes from the carnauba palm in the Brazilian rain
forest. His background as a chemist had raised his awareness of
the importance not only of the manufacturing technology, but
also about the nature of the raw materials used in production.
Believing strongly in product quality he launched the “Product
Plus” concept: every new Johnson product had to have a distinct
advantage over everything else on the market, or it had to be
new and unique enough to outstrip the competition. In 1935
H.F. bought an amphibious plane and led a 22,000 mile
expedition from Milwaukee
to the Brazilian rain forest to study the carnauba palm tree. The
trip, which received broad press coverage, was described by
Time magazine as “Johnson’s search for the ‘tree of life’.” The
expedition had a strong, favorable impact on the 36-year old
H.F.. He returned invigorated and full of new visions for the
business. In 1936 he invited Frank Lloyd Wright
to design the new company headquarters in Racine, Wisconsin.
He also wrote a book about his Brazilian sojourn. On the inside
of his son’s copy he wrote: “Sammy, I hope you take this tri p
someday. It changed my life. Love, Dad.” Sam later described
his father as “a scientist, and indisputably proud of it, the
“father” of technology at Johnson Wax,” an “internationalist”
who created an “organization he could trust” so he could travel,
enjoy himself and “still take care of the business details on an
overseas journey.” According to Sam, H.F. was “a creative
leader” who “insisted on the best,” drew superior performance
from his people, and “believed in the benefits of retaining wise
consultants and counsel,” a man with a vision who thought in
terms of entire generations, a “humanist” who believed in the
good of individual creativity and in the dignity of man and
woman.” Sam quotes his father as frequently saying, “Every
community where we operate should become a better place
because we are there.” Sam remembered his father as “a family
man who […] took his son hunting and fishing.”
In 1953 H.F. wrote Sam a letter that was to be opened upon his
death. Twenty-five years later Sam opened it: 3
Some people may try to challenge you by saying you are not
doing as well as your grandfather or father did. This is
something you should not give any worry to because what your
great grandfather, grandfather and I did was to build on a
foundation of honesty and integrity in business. Just go ahead in
the way you think best. I’m confident in your future.
Sam (1928-) joined the business as his father’s assistant in
1954, with a master’s degree in business from Harvard Business
School in his pocket and two years of US Air Force service. On
the advice of a consulting firm (Booz, Allen and Hamilton),
H.F. developed a career plan for Sam. Later, Sam recalled that
he had been upset about having to follow a carefully laid-out
development plan – after all, wasn’t he the son of the owner and
entitled to go straight to the top? But in time, he came to
appreciate the wisdom of the incremental approach thought out
by Jim Allen of Booz, Allen and Hamilton that initially had him
directing a newly created
department responsible for developing new products. The
Johnson Wax Company had grown internationally, but it was
still primarily limited to wax products for various applications.
“I had just become the company’s New Products Director, and
our section had decided that the insecticide field was a good and
growing business, one in which we wanted to play a part.”
Sam recalls his first product idea. “I had a mock label created,
stuck it on a can, brought the sample of “Johnson’s Aerosol
Insecticide” to my father, and announced that this was a
business we surely ought to enter. He looked at me and then at
the can. ‘Don’t you realize we don’t make any products without
wax in them?’ he said. Although he was the boss, he
was also my father, so I was able to risk a little impertinence
and I answered, ‘Well, we could put a little wax in it, but I
don’t think it would do the product any good.’ My shot at
humor didn’t throw him off track. He told me we didn’t know
anything about bugs. I replied that we were learning. He said:
‘OK, then let’s get down to fundamentals. Tell me what is better
about that product than what is already on the market.’ I
offered: ‘It will have a nice label and be an aerosol.’ He said,
‘Does it work better than the other ones?’ I admitted finally:
‘No. It’s just a darn good aerosol insecticide.’ My father
replied, ‘Then take it back to the lab and
when you have something that is better, come back and we’ll
talk about the insecticide business.’ His instincts were right and
we did come back with a better insect killer: Raid. When we
came out with an aqueous formula, we indeed had a Product
Plus. It smelled better and killed insects without harming
plants.” The following years saw a number of new products
move the company away from the wax-related products: the
Garden Bug Killer, Off (a mosquito repellent), Pledge (a
furniture duster and polisher), and Glade air freshener. Within a
year of market introduction they represented
35% of total domestic sales.
The new product development process created by Sam was so
innovative that it became the subject of a Harvard Business
School Case study, and stands today as a model for new product
development organizations.
In 1959 Sam moved into international operations and traveled to
Europe. In 1960 he was named European Regional Director and
in 1962 he was promoted to International Vice President. Sam’s
first important setback occurred in 1965 when he oversaw the
consolidation of European regional manufacturing in a large
new plant in the Netherlands, an effort that was
designed to reduce cost and improve efficiency. Faced with
overcapacity, start-up problems and major losses, Sam was
called back to the US. His father was furious about the bad
results. Several weeks later, at the age of 65, Sam’s father
suffered a stroke that left him severely handicapped. He could
neither read nor write well and became very irritable. Sam 4
recalls, “I always wondered whether I had given him the stroke
because of the mess-up I’d made in Europe.”
In 1966, at 38, Sam became President of the company, which
now boasted annual sales of US$ 171 million. His father, now
honorary Chairman, wintered in Florida, so Sam had to fly down
every two weeks to report. These visits often turned very
unpleasant. His increasingly irritable father often railed, “I
don’t like these numbers. And I don’t like you either. And
you’re fired.” Later, Sam recalled that this was a most difficult
and depressing time. When his father died in 1978, Sam
received the letter his father had written in 1953 for posthumous
delivery. The twenty-five year old letter “released [him] to be
[himself] and not just a clone of [his] father.”
By then, Sam had put his imprint as a strong leader on a
company with revenues reaching US$ 1 billion in 1978. This
was based on a strong, international expansion through
diversification and acquisitions. He had decided on this
approach during a one-year sabbatical he took in 1968 after his
father’s stroke. He also planned for the ownership transition
from himself to his four children by setting up trusts for them
and the
grandchildren. In 1976, in a statement of corporate philosophy
entitled “This We Believe,” Sam codified the basic principles
that he believed drove the family business. It built on his
grandfather’s famous 1927 Christmas Profit Sharing speech:
Employees: We believe that the fundamental vitality and
strength of our worldwide company lies in our people.
Consumers and Users: We believe in earning the enduring
goodwill of consumers and users of our products and services.
General Public: We believe in being a responsible leader within
the free market economy.
Neighbors and Hosts: We believe in contributing to the well
being of the countries and communities where we conduct
World Community: We believe in improving international
Further to these principles, Sam added: “the way of
safeguarding these beliefs is to remain a privately held
company. Our way of reinforcing them is to make profits
through growth and development, profits which allow us to do
more for all the people on whom we depend.” Dick Hansen,
current CEO of Johnson Financial Group, talks about how these
beliefs make a
difference for employees in a family owned business: “I see
Sam’s integrity through his respect for the community. Sam
challenges us to make our communities better because we are
there. He doesn’t talk values, he lives them.” One strong
example for this values-based management approach occurred in
1975, when Sam Johnson voluntarily and unilaterally banned
the worldwide use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) from all
Johnson aerosol products. At the time, unproven research
suggested that CFCs might
harm the ozone layer. Both internally and externally, Sam’s
decision was widely criticized until, three years later, it was
validated when the US and Canada officially banned the use of
CFCs in aerosols. It also turned out to be a smart business
decision as company scientists 5 discovered that propane was a
cheaper substitute for CFC, a strong advantage over
competitors. The business continued to grow in the consumer
products field. In 1970 Johnson Diversified, now known as
Johnson Outdoors Inc., was created, making leisure products
like boats and camping equipment. The Johnson Bank was
started in Wisconsin. These steps were made
both out of fear and logic. Fear of being cornered by larger,
publicly held consumer products companies, like Procter &
Gamble. Logic by providing entrepreneurial opportunities in
new businesses to the next generation of family business
leaders. Sam had married Imogene Powers, whom he had met in
college, in 1954. Together they have four children: Curt (b.
1955), Helen, (b. 1956), Fisk (b. 1958), and Winnie (b. 1959).
All four were educated at Cornell, where the business school is
called the Johnson School. Each of the children decided to join
the family business without pressure from their father. Although
they recognized the expectations and pressures put on next
generation members of the owning family, they felt the
company was a special place. Like their father a generation
before, they believed family leadership was necessary to ensure
the core values - which led to its success - continued to guide
the operations. In 1985 Helen was the first member of the fifth
generation to join the company as an associate product manager.
In 1986 Winnie joined as a public affairs manager. One year
later Fisk joined the company as a marketing associate. And in
1990, Curt joined the company when Windpoint Ventures, a
venture capital fund he started, was folded into the family
business. Late in his career, Sam began to suffer from the same
addiction to alcohol his mother had once had. With strong
support from his wife and children, he decided to confront this
dependence. After a one-month treatment in 1993 in the Mayo
Clinic, of which he was the Chairman, he returned home cured,
and readying himself for retirement from day-to-day
responsibilities. He started to think about his father’s journey to
Brazil and what it had meant in his life.
Recalling the note his father had left in his book expressing the
hope that Sam would make the same journey one day, Sam
decided to follow in his father’s footsteps. The original aircraft
had been sold and crashed in Asia and could not be salvaged.
Sam decided to have an exact replicate built, a project that took
over three years. On October 22, 1998, Sam and his two sons,
Curt and Fisk, took off from Racine, Wisconsin, for a month-
trip to the Brazilian rainforest, following the route of Sam’s
father well over 60 years earlier. There the rest of the family
joined them. The trip proved to be an invigorating experience –
much as it had been for his father. But Sam also wanted it
filmed as a legacy for his family and companies. The film,
“Carnauba: A Son’s Memoir,” turned out much more personal
than intended. In it, Sam speaks very openly about his father,
himself and the
difficult periods in their lives. Even his children had not
understood the extent of Sam’s difficulties with his father. Fisk
said, “My brother and sisters and I have been huge beneficiaries
of the relationship that my father had with his father. I think my
father said to himself, ‘I’m never going to put my children
through this’. ”His brother Curt stated in an Internet posting to
the company employees: “The trip has provided us with an
opportunity to
talk about some of the issues and opportunities facing the
family businesses. I feel connected to the visioning process my
grandfather experienced when he made this trip.” 6 By this
time, the family had created a council with regular meetings of
all family members to deal with both family and business
matters. Sam had a strong interest in the history of family
business; he knew well their fragile structures, and he devoted
to preparing next generation family members and creating a
large degree of transparency. The council became the forum for
succession planning. It became increasingly apparent that the
children had different interests and leadership aspirations. Sam,
who had seen many family businesses
suffer from sibling rivalry, wanted to avoid siblings reporting to
each other. Without conflicts, the family arrived at a suitable
arrangement in 1999.
Fisk, who has a Ph.D. in applied physics, became chairman of
SC Johnson, the core consumer products business. Helen
became chairman of Johnson Outdoors Inc., the recreational
products business. Curt became chairman of JohnsonDiversey,
now the second largest institutional and industrial products and
services business in the world. And Winnie, who had
expressed a lesser interest in the business, became president of
the Johnson Family Foundation. Helen described the functional
separation as follows: “We each found our spot. Curt was the
wheeler-dealer entrepreneur, Fisk was the technician, and I was
the one interested in marketing.”
In a joint statement, the four children talk about the relationship
between the two generations:
Under Dad’s leadership, within just a few brief decades, the
Johnson business went from a small wax company (US$171
million in sales) to four major global enterprises (combined
US$ 8 billion in sales) that include household goods, innovative
commercial products and services, environmentally-responsible
polymers, diverse financial services
and some of the most recognized brands in the recreational
industry. And he didn’t just champion the business. He took
seriously the challenge of making our world a better place to
live. Whether funding the restoration of Martin Luther King
Junior’s birthplace, contributing time and money to the World
Business Council for Sustainable Development, or helping
protect a unique ecosystem in Brazil, Dad has dedicated himself
personally and positioned the family businesses to shape our
communities and
protect our planet. But even more important to us, his children,
is the support Dad provides right here at home. From the famil y
dining room to the corporate boardroom, he has been a coach,
protector and friend to each of us. He has guided us with wise
counsel, but also encouraged us to follow our hearts.
*Joachim Schwass, Professor of Family Business, IMD, and
The IMD–Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch & Cie Family
Business Center, wrote this article.
- The Essence of a Family Enterprise, by Samuel C. Johnson,
- S.C. Johnson Commemorative Journal, 2000
- Father Divides a Business to Keep the Children united, by D.
Barboza, New York
Times, August 22, 1999
- Waxing Personal, by J. Tannenbaum, Wall Street Journal, May
7, 2001
- Various company publications
· Award ceremony with Sam and Curt Johnson, Helsinki,
September 2002
Shortened Title Goes Here 4
Assignment #
Your Name Here
Central Michigan University – MKT560
Date (optional)
Start your paper here. An introduction paragraph is a good idea.
It should state the purpose of the paper and provide a roadmap
for the reader.
Please run the spelling and grammar checker before you submit
your paper. It will catch mistakes like more than one space
between sentences, spelling errors, punctuation mistakes, and
split infinitives. Specific errors common in student papers that
are not standard APA format include not having 1 inch margins
on all sides of your paper and use two spaces between
sentences. Note that in this example, there are no blank lines
between paragraphs. This is correct in APA format.
Question # 1
Paragraphs start with an indentation using the ruler setting. Do
not use spaces or the tab key. Do not use the “enter” key to get
to the next line, just keep typing, and let the computer do the
work. Please note that the references at the end of this paper are
not cited in the text. This is not okay. They are there to give
you examples of correct APA format for references. You must
use APA citation format for all sources you use to write your
Question # 2
Paragraphs start with an indentation using the ruler setting. Do
not use spaces or the tab key. Do not use the “enter” key to get
to the next line, just keep typing, and let the computer do the
work. Please note that the references at the end of this paper are
not cited in the text. This is not okay. They are there to give
you examples of correct APA format for references. You must
use APA citation format for all sources you use to write your
You might not use this level of heading in your papers.
However, consider it is to your advantage to ensure the reader,
i.e., the instructor, sees the organization of your content fits the
assignment criteria. Every paragraph should have at least three
sentences and contain only one idea (this is not a good example
of that!)
Question # 3 (if there is one – if not, delete)
Paragraphs start with an indentation using the ruler setting. Do
not use spaces or the tab key. Do not use the “enter” key to get
to the next line, just keep typing, and let the computer do the
work. Please note that the references at the end of this paper are
not cited in the text. This is not okay. They are there to give
you examples of correct APA format for references. You must
use APA citation format for all sources you use to write your
Question # 4 (if there is one – if not, delete)
Paragraphs start with an indentation using the ruler setting. Do
not use spaces or the tab key. Do not use the “enter” key to get
to the next line, just keep typing, and let the computer do the
work. Please note that the references at the end of this paper are
not cited in the text. This is not okay. They are there to give
you examples of correct APA format for references. You must
use APA citation format for all sources you use to write your
Your final paragraph should provide a summary of your paper.
This reminds the reader of where you took them on your road
trip. It is similar to reviewing your photographs after a
vacation. There should be no new information included in the
Do you need help with your APA format of references? Check
One September, a fraud squad, led by Jean-Claude Van Espen, a
Belgian magistrate, raided Airbus’s headquarters in Toulouse.
“They wanted to check whether there was possible falsification
documents, bribery or other infractions as part of the sale of
bus aircraft to Sabena,” says Van Espen’s spokesman. The team
of 20 Belgian and French investigators interviewed several
employees during its three-day stay in Toulouse and carted
boxes of documents.
In November 1997, Sabena had approved an order for 17 Airbus
A320s (narrow-bodied aircraft), which it did not need. Even
oddly, it had doubled the order at the last minute to 34, a move
helped trigger the airline’s collapse four years later.
Although nominally controlled by the Belgian government,
was run by the parent company of Swissair, SAirGroup, which
owned a stake of 49.5 percent since 1995 and which also went
bust in
2001. A former Sabena manager, who arrived after the Airbus
was placed, says that the planes were not needed: “It was a fatal
ness decision.” A Belgian parliamentary commission’s recent
confirms that the Airbus order was a big cause of Sabena’s
Van Espen’s separate criminal investigation is continuing.
According to the report, it started in October 2001 after
Doyen, then a Sabena employee, lodged a complaint. Among
things, he suggested to Van Espen that he interview Peter
Gysel, a
former Swissair employee now working at Airbus, who put
Sabena’s deal with Airbus. Gysel denies any impropriety. The
mer Sabena manager says: “I never got the slightest whiff that
decision was driven by kickbacks, side-payments, and so on.
But I
cannot rule anything out.” Neither does Van Espen.
Today airlines are ordering about 400 aircraft a year. But in
good times, 800 planes, worth around $60 billion, are sold a
In the past 10 years, Airbus (originally a consortium, now
80 percent by EADS and 20 percent by BAE Systems) has
up with Boeing, which had enjoyed two-thirds of the market
its 747 jumbo-jet entered commercial service in 1970.
Many aircraft are no doubt bought and sold in entirely conven-
tional ways. But many are not. After all, lots of airlines are still
state-owned and not subject to normal business rules. Commis-
sion payments (licit or illicit) on multimillion-dollar aircraft
increase the capital cost of aircraft, which are therefore subject
higher depreciation or operating-lease charges, or both. But
extra costs are barely discernible in the pool of red ink created
the carriers’ perennial losses.
Aircraft purchases drag on for years, as airlines play Boeing and
Airbus off against each other. Especially in a buyer’s market,
discounts are common, performance guarantees are demanding,
and manufacturers have to offer all sorts of sweeteners (e.g.,
craft trade-ins, unusual guarantees) to persuade an airline to
to their aircraft.
Unsurprisingly, given the regulated nature of international air
travel, politics plays a part. For instance, no sooner had Air
tius bought Airbus A340s in 1994 than it obtained an upgrade
Paris Orly to Charles de Gaulle airport, which is Air France’s
base with better onward connections.
Aircraft purchases have long been associated with controversy.
In the 1970s, when Lockheed was still making civil jets, it was
caught bribing Japanese officials to buy its L1011 wide-bodied
airliner. A Japanese prime minister was later charged and
in 1983 for taking a bribe. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands
also was disgraced for his involvement with Lockheed. This
dal led in 1977 to Congress passing the Foreign Corrupt
Act (FCPA), which forbids American companies, their officers,
their representatives from bribing foreign officials.
Critics often have pointed out that American firms can sidestep
the FCPA by using foreign subsidiaries and nationals to pay
Boeing says that its policy is to adhere to the spirit and letter of
FCPA, that its systems of controls ensure employees comply
this policy, and that no Boeing employee has been charged
the FCPA. In 1982 Boeing pleaded guilty to false statements
commissions on the sale of commercial aircraft prior to 1977.
ing also says that there have been public hearings in the
over allegations of bribery in the 1990 sale of deHavilland
to Bahamas Air, during Boeing’s ownership of deHavilland.
Airbus has not been subject to such constraints. France ratified
an OECD convention to outlaw bribery of foreign public
in 2000. Until then the government even permitted French
nies tax deductions for giving bribes.
For years, as they steadily lost market share to the European
challenger, the Americans have been outspokenly critical of
In the 1980s the beef was the huge subsidies that European
ments poured into the industry. Now that Airbus repays such
aid, that is less relevant, especially as Boeing receives indirect
dies through America’s defense budget and space program.
But the American government also has spoken out on the sub-
ject of bribery. Grant Aldonas, an undersecretary for
trade, told a congressional committee: “Unfortunately this
manufacturing] is an industry where foreign corruption has a
impact . . . this sector has been especially vulnerable to trade
tions involving bribery of foreign public officials.”
According to a European Parliament report, published in 2001,
America’s National Security Agency (NSA) intercepted faxes
phone calls between Airbus, Saudi Arabian Airlines, and the
government in early 1994. The NSA found that Airbus agents
offering bribes to a Saudi official to secure a lion’s share for
in modernizing Saudi Arabian Airlines’ fleet. The planes were
a $6 billion deal that Edouard Balladur, France’s then prime
ister, had hoped to clinch on a visit to see King Fahd in January
1994. He went home empty-handed.
James Woolsey, then director of the Central Intelligence
recounted in a newspaper article in 2000 how the American gov-
ernment typically reacted to intelligence of this sort. “When we
have caught you [Europeans] . . . we go to the government
bribing and tell its officials that we don’t take kindly to such
tion,” he wrote. Apparently this (and a direct sales pitch from
Clinton to King Fahd) swung the aircraft part of the deal
and McDonnell Douglas’s way.
Not even the NSA, however, knows about everything in the
manufacturing industry as it actually happens. Consider the
of an Airbus order placed by Kuwait Airways Corporation
another state-owned airline.
Ethics and AirbusCASE 2-4
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Cases 2 The Cultural Environment of Global Marketing
In November 1995, Reuters reported that Kuwaiti prosecutors
had questioned Bader Mallalah, KAC’s then chief financial
over allegations of embezzlement made against him by KAC.
firm’s chairman, Ahmed al Mishari, had suspended Mallalah
his job the previous month. But KAC had trumped up the allega-
tions against Mallalah to put the lid on a story of corruption in
which its then chairman was himself involved.
That story began exactly five years earlier in Cairo, where KAC
had set up temporary headquarters after Iraq’s invasion of
in August 1990. Most of its planes would inevitably be lost or
aged, so al Mishari was planning a shiny new postwar fleet.
urally, both Boeing and Airbus were asked to tender. Both firms
expected politics to play a part in KAC’s choice, especially
after an
American-led coalition had liberated Kuwait.
Shortly after the liberation of Kuwait, Boeing and KAC met in
London. One person present says al Mishari gave the impression
that the order would be Boeing’s. After all, until then, American
companies had won most of the large reconstruction contracts
from a grateful government.
Airbus hoped otherwise. In 1991, shortly before the Paris Air
Show, Jean Pierson, the then-boss of Airbus, met al Mishari at
Churchill Hotel in London. The two talked in private for part of
time, so what they discussed is not known. Two clear
however, can be drawn from subsequent events: al Mishari
ised the order to Airbus, and Pierson pressed for an
at the imminent air show.
As substantial public funds were involved, KAC was supposed
to follow the formal process in Kuwait before placing the order.
This process included approvals from the Ministry of Finance
the public-spending watchdog. None of these approvals was
before the air show. In June 1991, at the show, al Mishari
Kuwaiti officials and Boeing when he announced a firm order
15 Airbus aircraft, worth $1.1 billion, and options for nine
worth up to $900 million. A delighted Pierson trumpeted the
as Airbus’s first single order for all its aircraft types.
Most unusually, Boeing was not asked for its “best and final”
offer, according to a former KAC employee. Boeing’s response
the announcement was to offer generous discounts to KAC—so
its package was around $100 million cheaper than its rival’s —
it was too late. The upshot of a meeting in the summer of 1991
between the boss of Boeing Commercial, furious American offi-
cials, and the Crown Prince of Kuwait was a messy compromise.
KAC would order the engines for the Airbuses from General
tric; Boeing would receive an order for two wide-bodied planes
a sop; and the firm order for 15 Airbus aircraft would go ahead
provided that KAC bought from Boeing in the future.
This compromise left al Mishari in a rather awkward spot. KAC
had an option to buy nine more aircraft from Airbus. An airline
usually able to walk away from an option deal if it forfeits the
deposit paid. But this case was far from normal. The company
was to take up the option was not KAC itself but a subsidiary,
tion Lease and Finance Company (ALAFCO), which al Mishari
had set up in Bermuda in September 1992. ALAFCO was to buy
aircraft and lease them to KAC. In late 1992 al Mishari
to Pierson that ALAFCO would buy the nine planes and sent off
a $2.5 million deposit. By buying the planes through ALAFCO,
Mishari intended to bypass formal governmental approval.
There was more to the deal. Airbus chipped in a total of
$450,000 between 1992 and 1994 to help with the costs of set-
ting up and running ALAFCO. On December 15, 1992,
appointed a part-time commercial adviser, Mohamed Habib El
Fekih, a Tunisian national. His day job was then as head of
in the Middle East—for Airbus. Under his ALAFCO contract of
employment, a copy of which The Economist has and which was
run for three years from January 1993, El Fekih received $5,000
a month and $80,000 in back pay for “services” rendered to
ALAFCO from February 1, 1990—31 months before ALAFCO’s
incorporation—to December 31, 1992. The $5,000 was paid
month from ALAFCO’s account number 201-901-04 at the Com-
mercial Bank of Kuwait in New York to El Fekih’s personal
at Crédit Lyonnais’s branch in Blagnac, France, where Airbus is
based on the outskirts of Toulouse.
By 1993 three of the nine aircraft under option, all cargo planes,
were nearly ready for delivery. However, Mallalah, who was
ALAFCO’s chief executive, insisted that the transaction be
to formal procedure in Kuwait. This meant competitive tenders
from Airbus and Boeing. Unsurprisingly, Airbus, with inside
edge from its two-hatted vice president, El Fekih, was able to
exactly offers from Boeing, after Boeing came in over $50
cheaper. With nothing to choose between the offers, ALAFCO
selected Airbus, on the grounds that KAC’s fleet now comprised
predominantly Airbus aircraft.
The deal sailed through KAC’s board and the Ministry of
Finance. However, Mallalah provided Kuwait’s public spending
watchdog with full details of ALAFCO’s order for the cargo
It refused to sanction the deal. Consultants concluded in early
that the purchase of the cargo aircraft was not justified. The
istry of Finance told KAC not to proceed. After Mallalah
ted a report to KAC’s board on the affair, El Fekih resigned
ALAFCO in March 1995.
El Fekih says that he acted in an honest way; Pierson approved
his ALAFCO contract, as did the boards of KAC and ALAFCO;
his ALAFCO contract had nothing to do with the sale of Airbus
KAC; KAC canceled its option; ALAFCO never bought any
aircraft; he acted as a consultant to help set up ALAFCO as an
aircraft-financing company; and he declared his earnings to the
man. Airbus says that it offers this sort of support to customers,
when asked. The present owners of the ALAFCO business
that ALAFCO bought three Airbus aircraft.
Of the other six aircraft under option, three were not converted
into firm orders. Two Airbus A320s were leased to Shorouk Air
Egypt. This joint venture between KAC and EgyptAir was
cally set up to find a home for them but is being liquidated
of massive losses. Kuwait’s Ministry of Finance leased another.
Al Mishari, sacked as the chairman of KAC in 1999 after spend-
ing almost his entire career with the airline, owns a shopping
plex in the Salmiya district of Kuwait, which local wags have
the “Airbus Centre.” Al Mishari, whose family is wealthy,
financial problems when the Kuwaiti stock market collapsed in
early 1980s. Al Mishari declines to comment, as does KAC.
It is not irrelevant to ask if the price of the Airbus aircraft was
inflated to allow for kickbacks. No evidence of graft has ever
to light. However, no policeman, in Kuwait (or elsewhere), has
looked for any.
What about cases where police have carried out investigations?
March 1990 India’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) filed
a first information report (FIR). It was investigating allegations
that Airbus had bribed highly placed public servants and others
induce Indian Airlines (IA) to order its aircraft.
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CS2−14 Part 6 Supplementary Material
In March 1986 state-owned IA had ordered 19 Airbus A320s,
worth $952 million, with an option for 12 more, later exercised.
This order was despite the fact that, when IA set up a committee
1983 to recommend replacement aircraft for its aging Boeing
the A320 was not considered—it had not then been launched or
flown. With approval from the Indian government, IA had in
1984 paid Boeing a deposit for 12 Boeing 757s, large narrow -
Several civil servants and IA officials were named in the FIR.
name not on the list was that of Rajiv Gandhi, India’s prime
in 1984–89, who was killed in a bomb explosion in May 1991.
How has the CBI’s investigation progressed in the intervening
years? Hardly at all, despite the hounding on public-interest
of the CBI in Delhi’s High Court since 1998 by B. L. Wadehra,
anti-corruption lawyer based in Delhi. The Economist has
the publicly available court documents—the CBI’s status
reports on
its investigation are secret—from Wadehra’s litigation.
These papers allege, first, that in October 1984, weeks before
Gandhi, a former pilot, succeeded his mother, IA received an
from Airbus for A320 aircraft, a smaller and less expensive
than Boeing’s 757. It required urgent attention. Second, in
ber, the aviation ministry gave IA just three days to appraise the
offer for Gandhi’s office.
Much later, in 1990, Indian Express, an Indian newspaper,
reported a leaked manuscript note that showed that Gandhi had
decided at a meeting on August 2, 1985, that IA “should go in
Airbus A320 aircraft.”
Gandhi’s correspondence file on the deal mysteriously van-
ished. The court papers show that civil servants reconstructed
29 pages of the missing file for the CBI by obtaining copy
spondence from government departments. Remarkably, this task
took seven years—and even then the reconstruction was only
After the green light from Gandhi, approvals from IA and
government bodies were a formality. For instance, the IA board
approved the Airbus order at a meeting on August 30, 1985,
started at noon. The quality of the analysis presented to the
on the competing offers was pitiful. The board considered only
criterion—comparative fuel efficiency. Even for that, the data
incomplete. The A320 with the engine chosen by IA had yet to
tried and tested anywhere; provisional data only were included
the report for Boeing 737s “since no technical data were
by the company.”
But Boeing had not been asked for any because two hours
the board meeting, at 9:50 a.m., IA’s managing director, who is
named in the FIR as an alleged recipient of kickbacks, received
letter from Richard Elliott, then Boeing’s regional sales
Boeing offered to supply up to 35 of its 737 aircraft, its narrow -
ied rival to the A320, with a discount of $5 million per plane.
offer would reduce IA’s investment in new planes by $140
stated Elliott. IA’s board brushed the offer aside on the grounds
that “if Boeing was [sic] too serious . . . they [sic] could have
the offer earlier.”
The Delhi court has a withering opinion of the help Airbus has
given the CBI. It allowed Wadehra to add Airbus’s Indian
iary to his action on the grounds that Airbus in France was not
cooperating. Airbus told Wadehra that French law forbade it
answering his questions. “[Airbus] sells its aircraft on their
the firm insisted.
The court has castigated the CBI for its dilatory approach. It
took the Indian authorities until 1995 to contact Airbus for
mation, only to be told that such requests should be routed
the French government. The CBI told Wadehra, despite trying
Interpol and diplomatic channels, it was not getting any help
the French government. The French embassy in Delhi in effect
told Wadehra to get lost when he wrote to ask why France was
Wadehra’s case became topical because IA’s board approved
an order for 43 Airbus planes, worth around $2 billion. The
now needs government approval. However, in September 2000,
Delhi court ruled that the Indian government should not approve
further purchases from Airbus until the CBI had obtained the
mation it wanted from the French.
The upshot of the IA story is that no serious attempt has been
made to establish whether or not Airbus paid kickbacks to
and associates. The CBI has not answered written questions.
But there are police forces that have shown rather more resolve
initiative than the CBI. One important case establishes that
has paid “commissions” to individuals hiding behind shell
nies in jurisdictions where ownership of companies is not a
of public record, and where strict bank secrecy applies.
Airbus’s first big sale in North America was a $1.5 billion deal,
signed in 1988, to sell 34 aircraft to the then state-owned Air
ada. The middleman was Karlheinz Schreiber, a German-
with connections to politicians in Germany and Canada.
emerged as a figure in the financing scandal that engulfed
ny’s Christian Democrat party and its top politician, Helmut
a former chancellor, in the late 1990s.
In August 1999 the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, acting on
a German arrest warrant, nabbed Schreiber. In 2000, Schreiber
charged in Germany with tax evasion on money he had received
the Airbus transaction and other deals. The Süddeutsche
a German daily, supplied a copy of Schreiber’s indictment to
Economist. According to this document, Airbus signed a consul -
tancy contract (amended four times) with International Aircraft
Leasing (IAL) in March 1985. IAL, which was to help with the
Canada deal, was a shell company based in Vaduz,
and a subsidiary of another Liechtenstein-registered shell,
ton Anstalt.
According to the indictment, between September 30, 1988,
and October 21, 1993 (i.e., as Air Canada took delivery of
planes), Airbus paid a total of $22,540,000 in “commissions” to
IAL. Then $10,867,000 was paid into IAL’s account at the
tungs-und Privat-Bank in Vaduz and $11,673,000 into IAL’s
number at Swiss Bank Corporation (SBC) in Zurich. During
dition proceedings against Schreiber in 1999, Airbus admitted
these payments. In October 2000, Schreiber won a suspension of
execution of his case.
The court ruled that IAL belonged to Schreiber, and also that,
to the extent that Schreiber had paid out the Airbus
as Schmiergelder (“grease monies”), these payments could be
deductible. Schreiber’s German tax lawyer later told the court:
“Schmiergelder were not openly paid to the ‘greased’ person by
bus]. It was through third persons to make reception anonymous
and the Schmiergelder unrecognizable as such.”
So who got the commissions? After years of police investiga-
tions in at least five jurisdictions, it is still not clear. According
The Last Amigo, a well-researched book on the affair by Harvey
Cashore and Stevie Cameron, both Canadian journalists, a lot
withdrawn in cash. Cashore, a producer on The Fifth Estate, the
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Cases 2 The Cultural Environment of Global Marketing
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s main investigative
says that Schreiber’s bank records and diaries showed that he
ally followed a simple formula for dividing up the money: half
Canadians and half for Europeans.
The book alleges that there may have been a smaller scam
within the bigger scam: An Airbus employee may have got some
the money. Some of the money was transferred into subaccounts
at SBC in Zurich. One of the subaccounts, code-named
ess,” received as much as one-eighth of the commissions. The
suggests that this account was intended for Stuart Iddles,
senior vice president from 1986 to 1994.
Iddles’s wife bought Casa Las Estacas, a luxurious beachfront
villa in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, in September 1992. Documents
in The Economist’s possession show the price was $1.5 mi llion.
According to a person involved in the deal, the money was
from an account in the name of the Ciclon Foundation at the
Zurich branch of Lloyds, a British bank. Mrs. Iddles confirms
she bought the villa in 1992 but says she has not the “foggiest
how much it cost, or which bank the money came from. Mr.
has denied any impropriety. Airbus says it has not been indicted
any jurisdiction over the Air Canada deal, or over any other
It adds that no investigator has found unethical behavior on its
Only one case of Airbus’s colluding with a middleman
to bribe officials to buy its aircraft has led to convictions.
ing to Syria’s state news agency, three people were sentenced in
Syria in October 2001 to 22 years’ imprisonment each (later
reduced to 10 years) for “serious irregularities” in connection
state-owned Syrianair’s order for six Airbus A320s in 1996. The
court also imposed a fine on the three of $268 million. They
a former minister for economic affairs, a former transport
and Munir Abu Khaddur, the middleman. Khaddur was
in absentia and is reportedly living in Spain. The court found
the men had forced the airline to buy the planes, w orth $240
lion, and as a result Syrianair had incurred “big financial
The only inferences to be drawn are either that there was a mis -
carriage of justice or that bribes were paid. If the latter, the
agency did not release details of how much the men embezzled.
Quite why bribes would have been necessary is puzzling.
America deems Syria to be a sponsor of terrorism, Boeing has
long been prohibited from exporting there. The Syrian
declines to comment.
The result of investigations discussed at the beginning of the
case into instances of corruption or alleged corruption by
suggests that Van Espen will have a very long haul as he tries to
establish whether “commissions” influenced Sabena’s decision
buy Airbuses. The order for the 34 A320s could be viewed as
petence. But nobody can predict the results of Van Espen’s
The parliamentary report says Sabena’s board received some
lacunary information that was misleading. The choice of Airbus
supposedly meant Sabena was confident of strong sales growth.
a month after the order was placed, SAirGroup’s chief
who also sat on Sabena’s board, said: “We’re now in the last
or years of the boom in air travel.” (We do not mean to imply
inference that the chief executive was corrupt.)
Most of what is recounted in this case happened before Airbus’s
present top management team arrived, before it was established
a proper company, and before France adopted the OECD
tion on bribery.
No one doubts the company’s ability to compete across the
whole product range with Boeing. By the time the Paris Air
Show is
over, Airbus will probably be well ahead of its rival in market
thanks to an attractive range of planes. But if charges of
involving Airbus were to emerge from Van Espen’s
investigation of
Sabena, that would deal the company’s reputation a severe
Released documents have revealed how companies used their
power to loosen official rules designed to stop corruption. In
the-scenes maneuvers, Rolls-Royce, BAE Systems, and the
giant Airbus persuaded then-trade secretary Patricia Hewitt to
them to keep secret details of the middlemen used to secure
tional contracts.
She brushed aside the advice of U.K. government officials who
argued that these middlemen are often used to channel bribes to
foreign politicians and officials to win contracts. The
Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD) had proposed
exporters had to disclose the identities of middlemen when they
applied for financial support from the taxpayer. The government
required the details as part of tougher measures to stop the pay-
ment of bribes overseas by British companies.
The documents were released by the ECGD following a free-
dom of information request from The Guardian (a British
per) and a recent court case. Minutes of a meeting on August 9,
2004, show that the three companies told the ECGD that
tion about these middlemen was “very commercially sensitive.”
minutes continued: “The network of agents/intermediaries was a
valuable asset built up over a number of years and offered
tant commercial advantages such as being able to open doors . .
. .
The intermediaries themselves may have valid and justifiable
sons for wanting to remain anonymous.”
The companies claimed that the names of the agents would leak
from the ECGD, enabling competitors to poach them. Hewitt
that the companies did not have to give the names or addresses
these middlemen, provided the firms gave an explanation.
The companies wanted “confirmation that commercial confi-
dentiality would be accepted as a valid reason for not
identifying its
agents.” Hewitt was forced to rethink the anti-bribery rules
of a legal victory by anti-corruption campaigners, the Corner
group. Susan Hawley, for the group, said: “Knowing who is the
man is crucial to stopping corruption, otherwise the taxpayer
will end
up directly supporting bribery.” BAE was alleged to have made
rupt payments through middlemen in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and
Rolls-Royce is accused of paying £15 million to win a contract
in India.
2018 update: Delta, the world’s largest carrier, chose the
A321 over Boeing’s newest 737 model, the Max 10, for an order
100 planes for delivery starting in 2020. In an effort to battle
bus’ global growth, Brazil’s Embraer and Boeing began
talks, but the Brazilian federal government was wary of any
that would infringe on “national sovereignty.”
1. In each of the cases described, who benefits and who suf-
fers from the alleged ethical and legal lapses of Airbus?
2. How should the public relations staff at Airbus respond to
the articles appearing in The Economist, The Guardian, and
Reuters News?
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CS2−16 Part 6 Supplementary Material
3. What steps might Boeing take to defend itself from this sort
of competition?
4. Do you think that Boeing and Airbus behave differently in
marketing their aircraft around the globe? How and why?
5. Had France adopted the OECD convention on bribery
ahead of these transactions, would the firm’s behavior have
differed? Why?
Sources: “Airbus’ Secret Past—Aircraft and Bribery,” The
Economist, June 14, 2003,
pp. 55–58; Rob Evans and David Leigh, “Firms Can Keep
Secret Agents: Minister
Persuaded to Ease Anti-bribery Rules,” The Guardian, January
25, 2005, p. 18; “EADS
Says Airbus Audit Shows No Wrongdoing,” Reuters News,
April 3, 2007. Michael
Sasso, “Delta Chooses Airbus over Boeing,” Orange County
Register, December 15,
2017, p. A10. Shasta Darlington, “Boeing Deal in Brazil Hits
Headwind,” The New York
Times, February 4, 2018, p. 11.
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Fair & Lovely, a branded product of Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
(HUL), is touted as a cosmetic that lightens skin color. On its
site (, the company calls its product “the miracle
“proven to deliver one to three shades of change.” While
tanning is
the rage in Western countries, skin lightening treatments are
lar in Asia.
According to industry sources, the top-selling skin lightening
cream in India is Fair & Lovely from Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
(HUL), followed by CavinKare’s Fairever brand. HUL’s Fair &
Lovely brand dominated the market with a 90 percent share
CavinKare Ltd. (CKL) launched Fairever. In just two years, the
Fairever brand gained an impressive 15 percent market share.
HUL’s share of market for the Fair & Lovely line generates
$60 million annually. The product sells for about 23 rupees
for a 25-gram tube of cream.
The rapid growth of CavinKare’s Fairever (www.cavinkare
.com) brand prompted HUL to increase its advertising effort and
to launch a series of ads depicting a “fairer girl gets the boy
One advertisement featured a financially strapped father
his fate, saying, “If only I had a son,” while his dark-skinned
ter looks on, helpless and demoralized because she can’t bear
financial responsibility of her family. Fast-forward and plain
has been transformed into a gorgeous light-skinned woman
the use of a “fairness cream,” Fair & Lovely. Now clad in a
skirt, the woman is a successful flight attendant and can take
father to dine at a five-star hotel. She’s happy and so is her
In another ad, two attractive young women are sitting in a bed-
room; one has a boyfriend and, consequently, is happy. The
skinned woman, lacking a boyfriend, is not happy. Her friend’s
advice: Use a bar of soap to wash away the dark skin that’s
men from flocking to her.
HUL’s series of ads provoked CavinKare Ltd. to counter with
an ad that takes a dig at HUL’s Fair & Lovely ad. CavinKare’s
ad has a father–daughter duo as the protagonists, with the father
shown encouraging the daughter to be an achiever irrespective
her complexion. CavinKare maintained that the objective of its
commercial is not to take a dig at Fair & Lovely but to
Fairever’s positioning.”
Skin color is a powerful theme in India, and much of Asia,
where a lighter color represents a higher status. While
and Europeans flock to tanning salons, many across Asia seek
to have “fair” complexions. Culturally, fair skin is associated
positive values that relate to class and beauty. One Indian l ady
mented that when she was growing up, her mother forbade her
go outdoors. She was not trying to keep her daughter out of
but was trying to keep her skin from getting dark.
Brahmins, the priestly caste at the top of the social hierarchy,
are considered fair because they traditionally stayed inside,
over books. The undercaste at the bottom of the ladder are
as the darkest people because they customarily worked in the
ing sun. Ancient Hindu scriptures and modern poetry eulogize
women endowed with skin made of white marble.
Skin color is closely identified with caste and is laden with
bolism. Pursue any of the “grooms” and “brides wanted” ads in
newspapers or on the web that are used by families to arrange
able alliances, and you will see that most potential grooms and
families are looking for “fair” brides; some even are progressive
enough to invite responses from women belonging to a different
caste. These ads, hundreds of which appear in India’s daily
papers, reflect attempts to solicit individuals with the
religion, caste, regional ancestry, professional and educational
ifications, and, frequently, skin color. Even in the growing
of ads that announce “caste no bar,” the adjective “fair”
precedes professional qualifications. In everyday conversation,
ultimate compliment on someone’s looks is to say someone is
(fair). “I have no problem with people wanting to be lighter,”
a Delhi beauty parlor owner, Saroj Nath. “It doesn’t make you
ist, any more than trying to make yourself look younger makes
Bollywood (India’s Hollywood) glorifies conventions on beauty
by always casting a fair-skinned actress in the role of heroine,
surrounded by the darkest extras. Women want to use whiteners
because it is “aspirational, like losing weight.”
Even the gods supposedly lament their dark complexion—
Krishna sings plaintively, “Radha kyoon gori, main kyoon kala?
(Why is Radha so fair when I’m dark?).” A skin deficient in
(the pigment that determines the skin’s brown color) is an
predilection. More than 3,500 years ago, Charaka, the famous
wrote about herbs that could help make the skin fair.
Indian dermatologists maintain that fairness products cannot
truly work as they reach only the upper layers of the skin and so
do not affect melanin production. Nevertheless, for some, Fair
Lovely is a “miracle worker.” A user gushes that “The last time
went to my parents’ home, I got compliments on my fair skin
everyone.” For others, there is only disappointment. One 26-
old working woman has been a regular user for the past eight
but to no avail. “I should have turned into Snow White by now,
my skin is still the same wheatish color.” As an owner of a pub-
lic relations firm commented, “My maid has been using Fair and
Lovely for years and I still can’t see her in the dark . . . . But
she goes
on using it. Hope springs eternal, I suppose.”
The number of Indians who think lighter skin is more beauti -
ful may be shrinking. Sumit Isralni, a 22-year-old hair designer
his father’s salon, thinks things have changed in the last two
at least in India’s most cosmopolitan cities, Delhi, Mumbai, and
Bangalore. Women now “prefer their own complexion, their
way,” Isralni says; he prefers a more “Indian beauty” himself:
won’t judge my wife on how fair her complexion is.” Sunita
a beautician in the same salon, is more critical. “It’s just
ness!” she exclaimed. The premise of the ads that women could
not become airline attendants if they are dark-skinned was
she said. “Nowadays people like black beauty.” It is a truism
women, especially in the tropics, desire to be a shade fairer, no
matter what their skin color. Yet, unlike the approach used in
advertisements elsewhere usually show how to use the product
how it works.
Commenting on the cultural bias toward fair skin, one critic
states, “There are attractive people who go through life feeling
inferior to their fairer sisters. And all because of charming
mothers and aunts who do not hesitate to make unflattering
parisons. Kalee Kalooti is an oft-heard comment about women
happen to have darker skin. They get humiliated and mortified
Cultural Norms, Fair & Lovely, and AdvertisingCASE 2-2
cat12354_case2_CS2-1-CS2-29.indd 7 4/3/19 11:05 AM
CS2−8 Part 6 Supplementary Material
the color of their skin, a fact over which they have no control.
societal values responsible? Or advertising campaigns?
moguls claim they only reflect prevailing attitudes in India.
is possibly true, but what about ethics in advertising? Is it
to make advertisements that openly denigrate a majority of
people—the dark-skinned populace? The advertising is blatant
their strategy. Mock anyone who is not the right color and shoot
down their self-image.”
A dermatologist comments, “Fairness obtained with the help
of creams is short-lived. The main reason being, most of these
creams contain a certain amount of bleaching agent, which
facial hair, and not the skin, which leads people to believe that
cream worked.” Furthermore, “In India the popularity of a
depends totally on the success of its advertising.”
HUL launched its television ad campaign to promote Fair &
Lovely but withdrew it after four months amid severe criticism
its portrayal of women. Activists argued that one of the
the company sends through its “air hostess” ads demonstrating
preference for a son who would be able to take on the financial
responsibility for his parents is especially harmful in a country
as India where gender discrimination is rampant. Another
is perpetuating a culture of discrimination in a society where
is synonymous with “beautiful.” AIDWA (All India Women’s
Democratic Association) lodged a complaint at the time with
about their offensive ads, but Hindustan Unilever failed to
The women’s association then appealed to the National Human
Rights Commission alleging that the ad demeaned women.
objected to three things: (1) the ads were racist, (2) they were
moting son preference, and (3) they were insulting to working
women. “The way they portrayed the young woman who, after
using Fair & Lovely, became attractive and therefore lands a job
suggested that the main qualification for a woman to get a job is
way she looks.” The Human Rights Commission passed
complaints on to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting,
which said the campaign violated the Cable and Television Net-
work Act of 1995—provisions in the act state that no
shall be permitted which “derides any race, caste, color, creed
nationality” and that “Women must not be portrayed in a
that emphasized passive, submissive qualities and encourages
to play a subordinate secondary role in the family and society.”
government issued notices of the complaints to HUL. After a
long campaign led by the AIDWA, Hindustan Unilever Limited
discontinued two of its television advertisements for Fair &
fairness cold cream.
Shortly after pulling its ads off the air, HUL launched its Fair &
Lovely Foundation, vowing to “encourage economic
of women across India” by providing resources in education and
business to millions of women “who, though immensely talented
and capable, need a guiding hand to help them take the leap for-
ward,” presumably into a fairer future.
HUL sponsored career fairs in over 20 cities across the country,
offering counseling in as many as 110 careers. It supported 100
rural scholarships for women students passing their 10th grade,
a professional course for aspiring beauticians, and a three-
Home Healthcare Nursing Assistant course catering to young
women between the ages of 18 and 30 years. According to HUL,
the Fair & Lovely Academy for Home Care Nursing Assistants
offers a unique training opportunity for young women who
no entry-level skills and therefore are not employable in the
economy job market. The Fair & Lovely Foundation plans to
as a catalyst for the economic empowerment for women across
India. The Fair & Lovely Foundation will showcase the achieve-
ments of these women not only to honor them but also to set an
example for other women to follow.
AIDWA’s campaign against ads that convey the message, “if
is not fair in color, she won’t get married or won’t get
promoted,” also
has resulted in some adjustment to fairness cream ads. In
versions of the fairness cream ads, the “get fair to attract a
theme is being reworked with “enhance your self-confidence”
so that a potential groom himself begs for attention. It is an
at typifying the modern Indian woman, who has more than just
marriage on her mind. Advertising focus is now on the message
that lighter skin enables women to obtain jobs conventionally
by men. She is career-oriented, has high aspirations, and, at the
same time, wants to look good. AIDWA concedes that the
crop of television ads for fairness creams are “not as
as ones in the past. However, it remains against the product; as
the president of AIDWA stated, “It is downright racist to
dark skin.”
Although AIWDA’s campaign against fairness creams seems
to have had a modest impact on changing the advertising mes-
sage, it has not slowed the demand for fairness creams. Sales of
Fair & Lovely, for example, have been growing 15 to 20 percent
year over year, and the $318 million market for skin care has
grown by 42.7 percent in the last three years. Says Euromonitor
International, a research firm: “Half of the skin care market in
India is fairness creams and 60 to 65 percent of Indian women
use these products daily.”
Recently, several Indian companies were extending their mar -
keting of fairness creams beyond urban and rural markets.
are’s launch of Fairever, a fairness cream in a small sachet pack
priced at Rs 5, aimed at rural markets where some 320 million
ans reside. Most marketers have found rural markets impossible
penetrate profitably due to low income levels and inadequate
bution systems, among other problems. However, HUL is
ing the market through Project Shakti, a rural initiative that
small villages with populations of 2,000 people or less. It
ers underprivileged rural women by providing income-
opportunities to sell small, lower-priced packets of its brands in
villages. Special packaging for the rural market was designed to
vide single-use sachet packets at 50 paise for a sachet of
to Rs 5 for a fairness cream (for a week’s usage). The aim is to
100,000 “Shakti Ammas,” as they are called, spread across
villages in India by year end. CavinKare is growing at 25
percent in
rural areas compared with 15 percent in urban centers.
In addition to expanding market effort into rural markets, an
unexpected market arose when a research study revealed Indian
men were applying girlie fairness potions in droves—but on the
sly. It was estimated that 40 percent of boyfriends/husbands of
girlfriends/wives were applying white magic solutions that came
in little tubes. Indian companies spotted a business opportunity,
and Fair & Handsome, Menz Active, Fair One Man, and a male
bleach called Saka were introduced to the male market. The
expanded dramatically when Shah Rukh Khan, a highly
Bollywood actor likened to an Indian Tom Cruise, decided to
endorse Fair & Handsome. Euromonitor International forecasts
that in the next five years, spending on men’s grooming
will rise 24 percent to 14.5 billion rupees, or US$320 million.
A recent product review in praises Fair &
Lovely fairness cream: “[Fair & Lovely] contains fairness
which penetrate deep down our skin to give us radiant fairness.”
don’t know if it can change the skin color from dark to fair, but
cat12354_case2_CS2-1-CS2-29.indd 8 4/3/19 11:05 AM
Cases 2 The Cultural Environment of Global Marketing CS2−9
personal experience is that it works very well, if you have a
fair color and want to preserve it without much headache.” “I
Riya Sen has the best skin right now in Bollywood. It appears to
really soft and tender. So, to have a soft and fair skin like her I
ommend Fair & Lovely Fairness Lotion or Cream.” Yet “skin
isn’t a proof of greatness. Those with wheatish or dark skin are
no way inferior to those who have fair skin.”
Here are a few facts from Hindustan Unilever Ltd.’s homepage:
Lever Limited is India’s largest Packaged Mass Consump-
tion Goods Company. We are leaders in Home and Personal
Care Products and Food and Beverages including such prod-
ucts as Ponds and Pepsodent. We seek to meet everyday
needs of people everywhere—to anticipate the aspirations
of our consumers and customers and to respond creatively
and competitively with branded products and services which
raise the quality of life. It is this purpose which inspires us
to build brands. Over the past 70 years, we have introduced
about 110 brands.
Fair & Lovely has been specially designed and proven to
deliver one to three shades of change in most people. Also
its sunscreen system is specially optimized for Indian skin.
Indian skin, unlike Caucasian skin, tends to “tan” rather
than “burn” and, hence, requires a different combination of
UVA and UVB sunscreens.
You may want to visit Fair and Lovely’s homepage
/brands/personal-care/fair-and-lovely.html for additional
tion about the product.
1. Is it ethical to sell a product that is, at best, only mildly
effective? Discuss.
2. Is it ethical to exploit cultural norms and values to promote
a product? Discuss.
3. Is the advertising of Fair & Lovely demeaning to women, or
is it promoting the fairness cream in a way not too dissimi -
lar from how most cosmetics are promoted?
4. Will HUL’s Fair & Lovely Foundation be enough to counter
charges made by AIDWA? Discuss.
5. In light of AIDWA’s charges, how would you suggest Fair &
Lovely promote its product? Discuss. Would your response
be different if Fairever continued to use “fairness” as a
theme of its promotion? Discuss.
6. Propose a promotion/marketing program that will counter
all the arguments and charges against Fair & Lovely and be
an effective program.
7. Now that a male market for fairness cream exists, is the
strength of AIDWA’s argument weakened?
8. Comment on using “Shakti Ammas” to introduce “fairness
cream for the masses” in light of AIDWA’s charges.
9. Listen to “In India, Skin-Whitening Creams Reflect Old
Biases,” NPR, November 12, 2009.
10. In 2014, the Advertising Standards Council of India, a self-
regulated advertiser group, issued a new set of guidelines
that will ban all ads that depict those with darker skin as
being inferior in any way. See
/four-ads-wont-see-indian-television-ever/. How do you think
this will affect Fair & Lovely as a brand? How should HUL
deal with the news?
Sources: Nicole Leistikow, “Indian Women Criticize ‘Fair and
Lovely’ Ideal,” Wom-
en’s eNews, April 28, 2003; Arundhati Parmar, “Objections to
Indian Ad Not Taken
Lightly,” Marketing News, June 9, 2003, p. 4; “Fair & Lovely
Launches Foundation to
Promote Economic Empowerment of Women,” press release,
Fair & Lovely Founda-
tion, (search for foundation), March 11, 2003; Rina
Chandran, “All for
Self-Control,” Business Line (The Hindu), April 24, 2003;
Khozem Merchant and
Edward Luce, “Not So Fair and Lovely,” Financial Times,
March 19, 2003; “Fair &
Lovely Redefines Fairness with Multivitamin Total Fairness
Cream,” press release,
Hindustan Unilever Ltd., May 3, 2005; “CavinKare Launches
Small Sachet Packs,”
Business India, December 7, 2006; “Analysis of Skin Care
Advertising on TV Dur-
ing January–August 2006,” Media,
Advertising, Marketing Watch,
October 17, 2006; “Women Power Gets Full Play in
CavinKare’s Brand Strategy.” The
Economic Times (New Delhi, India), December 8, 2006;
Heather Timmons, “Telling
India’s Modern Women They Have Power, Even Over Their
Skin Tone,” The New
York Times, May 30, 2007; “The Year We Almost Lost Tall (or
Short or Medium-
Height), Dark and Handsome,” The Hindustan Times, December
29, 2007; “India’s
Hue and Cry Over Paler Skin,” The Sunday Telegraph (London),
July 1, 2007; “Fair
and Lovely?” University Wire, June 4, 2007; “The Race to Keep
up with Modern
India,” Media, June 29, 2007; Aneel Karnani, “Doing Well by
Doing Good—Case
Study: ‘Fair & Lovely’ Whitening Cream,” Strategic
Management Journal 28, no. 13
(2007), pp. 1351–57; “In India, Skin-Whitening Creams Reflect
Old Biases,” NPR,
November 12, 2009.
cat12354_case2_CS2-1-CS2-29.indd 9 4/3/19 11:05 AM
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In answering the assigned questions, please always note the follow

  • 1. In answering the assigned questions, please always note the following: · Answer only the assigned question(s) · A well-developed answer is required · Thoughtful and thorough answers are expected · Avoid rehashing case facts · Make reasonable assumptions · Don’t confuse symptoms with problems · Make effective use of financial and other quantitative developed in the case · Make good use of evidence developed in the case Case Study Grading You will be graded on the following criteria: · Case Studies should have 500-words MINIMUM. The best work exceeds the minimum word count above. · Include cover page, abstract, and reference pages -- these do not count towards your total word count. · Use TWO authored outside references with all submissions (an outside reference is something in addition to our class textbook). You must quote from this reference!. · Utilize APA formatting at the end of your submission FOR all assignments…if you do not, you will lose points. · Case studies must be submitted in a Microsoft Word document. Writing Style Expectations The following are writing style expectations: · Use subject headers for all papers - your reader appreciates and expects that level or organization to your work! · No contractions & No abbreviations - if you are referring to the United States of America, write it not write 'US' - this is not stellar academic writing. · Use Times New Roman 12-point font, 1" margins, double-
  • 2. spacing with 0 point spacing. · Only one citation credit allowed per sentence in this course. · Indent the first line of each new paragraph five spaces. · No extra blank lines inserted between sections – deliver a tight paper. · No bullet points, alphanumeric lists, or numbered list - write formally in full sentences / paragraphs. · Numbers one through nine within your paper should be written out · Cover page and reference page required for ALL paper submissions · Never use all capital letters · Use authored references for your research to earn full points. An authored source is simply one that is associated with a human(s) NAME. For example, your textbook is an authored source. The United States Census Bureau is not an authored source. But it is fine to use as long as you ALSO use an authored reference source. · Always include the full URL as to where you found your research online articles - never just the home page. · Avoid wikis, blogs, tweets, videos, dictionaries, and encyclopedias as outside references - use Masters-level sources like the Journal of Marketing or the Journal of International Business - No wikis, prezis, slideshares, dictionaries, encyclopedias, videos, interviews, & podcasts allowed as references – only scholarly written sources from well-respected sources. Be sure to use the Writing Resources (see left menu) view the "Instructor's Writing Guide and Reminders" under "Writing Guide & Resources". Plan ahead and do not wait until the last minute! Upload and submit completed Case Study assignments via the associated submission link (see below) by the end of assigned week. CASE STUDY GRADING CRITERIA POINTS POSSIBLE
  • 3. POINTS EARNED Substance of Paper - Minimum 500-words – solid MARKETING content. Template must be used & submitted in MICROSOFT WORD document. Minus 5 points if template is not used. Subject headers required – Introduction, Question # 1, etc. & Conclusion – minus 5 points if not used for organization. Writing caliber includes spelling, grammar, etc. (SEE announcement in classroom – non-adherence to those items will be deducted here). Do not write out questions – minus 3 points if you do. No Abstract is desired. 35 Two AUTHORED Outside Reference cited in APA format and credited within your reference page at the end of your paper. One source MUST be a peer reviewed Marketing reference – specifically from the Journal of Marketing (if you deviate from this peer-reviewed source, gain pre-approval 48-hours before the paper is due by sending the actual article to your instructor to gain approval). Minus 3 points if you do not use the Marketing Journal but have two other authored sources that are valid. Citations must be appropriately done within paper in APA FORMAT. Always provide the exact web site address for this course in your recap of references for full credit. If reference page and citations do not match 100% - minus 10 points. Verify BEFORE you submit your paper. No wikis, prezis, slideshares, dictionaries, encyclopedias, videos, interviews, & podcasts allowed as references – only scholarly written sources from well-respected sources. 10 APA formatted paper with cover page and reference page, Times New Roman 12 font, 1" margins, double-spacing, etc. 5
  • 4. Total Points Earned 50 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT 4 (100 Points) PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU MUST COMPLETE TASK 1 & TASK 2 DUE DATE : WEDNESDAY, JULY 21 Task 1 : Read Case in Point General Electric Allows Teamwork to Take Flight and answer the 6 discussion questions in your own words. Read Chapters 13 from text Managing Groups and Teams -13- managing-groups-and-teams/ © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation In Durham, North Carolina, Robert Henderson was opening a factory for General Electric Company (NYSE: GE). The goal of the factory was to manufacture the largest commercial jet engine in the world. Henderson’s opportunity was great and so were his challenges. GE hadn’t designed a jet engine from the ground up for over 2 decades. Developing the jet engine project had already cost GE $1.5 billion. That was a huge sum of money to invest—and an unacceptable sum to lose should things go wrong in the manufacturing stage. How could one person fulfill such a vital corporate mission? The answer, Henderson decided, was that one person couldn’t fulfill the mission. Even Jack Welch, GE’s CEO at the time, said, “We now know where productivity comes from. It comes from challenged, empowered, excited, rewarded teams of people.” Empowering factory workers to contribute to GE’s success sounded great in theory. But how to accomplish these goals in real life was a more challenging question. Factory floors, traditionally, are unempowered workplaces where workers are
  • 5. more like cogs in a vast machine than self-determining team members. In the name of teamwork and profitability, Henderson traveled to other factories looking for places where worker autonomy was high. He implemented his favorite ideas at the factory at Durham. Instead of hiring generic “mechanics,” for example, Henderson hired staffers with FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) mechanic’s licenses. This superior training created a team capable of making vital decisions with minimal oversight, a fact that upped the factory’s output and his workers’ feelings of worth. Henderson’s “self-managing” factory functioned beautifully. And it looked different, too. Plant manager Jack Fish described Henderson’s radical factory, saying Henderson “didn’t want to see supervisors, he didn’t want to see forklifts running all over the place, he didn’t even want it to look traditional. There’s clutter in most plants, racks of parts and so on. He didn’t want that.” Henderson also contracted out non-job-related chores, such as bathroom cleaning, that might have been assigned to workers in traditional factories. His insistence that his workers should contribute their highest talents to the team showed how much he valued them. And his team valued their jobs in turn. Six years later, a Fast Company reporter visiting the plant noted, “GE/Durham team members take such pride in the engines they make that they routinely take brooms in hand to sweep out the beds of the 18-wheelers that transport those engines—just to make sure that no damage occurs in transit.” For his part, Henderson, who remained at GE beyond the project, noted, “I was just constantly amazed by what was accomplished there.” GE’s bottom line showed the benefits of teamwork, too. From the early 1980s, when Welch became CEO, until 2000, when he retired, GE generated more wealth than any organization in the history of the world. Case written by Talya Bauer and Berrin Erdogan to accompany
  • 6. Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2009). Principles of management (1st ed.). New York: Flat World Knowledge. Based on information from Fishman, C. (1999, September). How teamwork took flight. Fast Company. Retrieved August 1, 2008, from; Lear, R. (1998, July–August). Jack Welch speaks: Wisdom from the world’s greatest business leader. Chief Executive; Guttman, H. (2008, January–February). Leading high-performance teams: Horizontal, high-performance teams with real decision-making clout and accountability for results can transform a company. Chief Executive, pp. 231–233. Discussion Questions 1. Teams are an essential part of the leading facet of the P-O-L- C framework. Looking at the team role typology, how might you categorize the roles played by the teams in this case? 2. What do you think brought individuals at GE together to work as a cohesive team? 3. In the case of GE, do you view the team members or the management leaders as the most important part of the story? 4. How do you think Henderson held his team members accountable for their actions? 5. Do you think that GE offered a support system for its employees in order to create this type of team cohesion? If so, how might this have been accomplished? 6. What are the benefits of creating a team whose members are educated to make vital decisions with minimal oversight, as GE did in hiring staffers with FAA mechanic’s licenses? Please read Chapter 13 for reference : 13-managing-groups-and-teams/ Task 2 : Please read and understand the Samuel C. Johnson Family Enterprise case and write up your key learning points (1 page). Samuel C. Johnson Family Enterprises by Prof. Joachim
  • 7. Schwass* “We should worry not about whether we have lived up to the expectations of our fathers…but whether we, as fathers, live up to the expectations of our children.” - Sam Johnson The founder of what is today the Samuel C. Johnson Family Enterprises was Samuel Curtis Johnson (1833-1919). In his early working years, Johnson was employed at the Racine Hardware Company, where he sold parquet floors. In 1886 he acquired the parquet flooring business, which in its first year generated a profit of $268.27 Recognizing people’s need to treat wooden floors, Johnson developed a wax product from beeswax and other components that he mixed in a bathtub. In 1888 he introduced “Johnson Prepared Wax” and bought his first national advertising in The Saturday Evening Post. By the turn of the century, wax sales were larger than the revenues from selling parquet floors, so Johnson discontinued the sales of parquet. As the company’s wax products gained wide acceptance, Johnson exported them to Britain and even as far as Australia, and the number of employees ballooned to over 100. By 1900, Johnson Wax was at the forefront in human resources policies, offering paid vacations to the employees. In 1917 it introduced a profit-sharing plan that gave employees 25% of the company’s earnings. In 1919 Samuel C. Johnson died and his son, Herbert Fisk Johnson (1868-1928) took over. Herbert’s sister, Jessie, neither worked in the business nor inherited ownership. Herbert, who had joined the business at 20, working closely with his father, became an equal partner in 1906, at which time the company became S.C. Johnson & Son. On Samuel’s death in 1919, Herbert, then 51, became President. More technical than his father, Herbert’s research-orientation lead to a number of new cleaning and treating products, which earned him a reputation
  • 8. as the “real business builder” through diversification. In 1926, Herbert, who shared his father’s strong sense of social responsibility, established a 40-hour workweek, calling his approach “enlightened selfishness.” In 1927, on occasion of the Christmas Profit Sharing, Herbert gave a widely respected speech that still serves as a philosophical guide for 2 current generations: “The goodwill of the people is the only enduring thing in any business. It is the sole substance…the rest is shadow!” In 1928 Herbert unexpectedly died at age 59 and left the family business devoid of any will or succession plan. His son, Herbert Fisk (H.F.) Johnson Jr. (1899-1978), assumed management control – he was 28. It took a decade to clarify ownership with Henrietta, H.F.’s younger sister, who eventually received 1/3 of the shares. This protracted legal battle caused H.F. to state that he was “never going to let that happen to [his] son,” and in his will he subsequently designated his son Sam as his successor. H.F. led the 500-strong company through the Great Depression with no layoffs. He is widely seen as the creator of international growth and the progenitor of new manufacturing technologies. H.F. was, in fact, the company’s first chemist. On the personal side, besides the relatively early loss of his father, he also suffered the death of his 4-year old daughter and a subsequent divorce from his first wife, who suffered from alcoholism. The other two children, Karen and Sam, moved between their father in the Midwest and their mother in New York. After the Depression years, H.F. started to worry about the supply of the key ingredient in the company’s wax products, which comes from the carnauba palm in the Brazilian rain forest. His background as a chemist had raised his awareness of
  • 9. the importance not only of the manufacturing technology, but also about the nature of the raw materials used in production. Believing strongly in product quality he launched the “Product Plus” concept: every new Johnson product had to have a distinct advantage over everything else on the market, or it had to be new and unique enough to outstrip the competition. In 1935 H.F. bought an amphibious plane and led a 22,000 mile expedition from Milwaukee to the Brazilian rain forest to study the carnauba palm tree. The trip, which received broad press coverage, was described by Time magazine as “Johnson’s search for the ‘tree of life’.” The expedition had a strong, favorable impact on the 36-year old H.F.. He returned invigorated and full of new visions for the business. In 1936 he invited Frank Lloyd Wright to design the new company headquarters in Racine, Wisconsin. He also wrote a book about his Brazilian sojourn. On the inside of his son’s copy he wrote: “Sammy, I hope you take this tri p someday. It changed my life. Love, Dad.” Sam later described his father as “a scientist, and indisputably proud of it, the “father” of technology at Johnson Wax,” an “internationalist” who created an “organization he could trust” so he could travel, enjoy himself and “still take care of the business details on an overseas journey.” According to Sam, H.F. was “a creative leader” who “insisted on the best,” drew superior performance from his people, and “believed in the benefits of retaining wise consultants and counsel,” a man with a vision who thought in terms of entire generations, a “humanist” who believed in the good of individual creativity and in the dignity of man and woman.” Sam quotes his father as frequently saying, “Every community where we operate should become a better place because we are there.” Sam remembered his father as “a family man who […] took his son hunting and fishing.” In 1953 H.F. wrote Sam a letter that was to be opened upon his death. Twenty-five years later Sam opened it: 3 Some people may try to challenge you by saying you are not doing as well as your grandfather or father did. This is
  • 10. something you should not give any worry to because what your great grandfather, grandfather and I did was to build on a foundation of honesty and integrity in business. Just go ahead in the way you think best. I’m confident in your future. Sam (1928-) joined the business as his father’s assistant in 1954, with a master’s degree in business from Harvard Business School in his pocket and two years of US Air Force service. On the advice of a consulting firm (Booz, Allen and Hamilton), H.F. developed a career plan for Sam. Later, Sam recalled that he had been upset about having to follow a carefully laid-out development plan – after all, wasn’t he the son of the owner and entitled to go straight to the top? But in time, he came to appreciate the wisdom of the incremental approach thought out by Jim Allen of Booz, Allen and Hamilton that initially had him directing a newly created department responsible for developing new products. The Johnson Wax Company had grown internationally, but it was still primarily limited to wax products for various applications. “I had just become the company’s New Products Director, and our section had decided that the insecticide field was a good and growing business, one in which we wanted to play a part.” Sam recalls his first product idea. “I had a mock label created, stuck it on a can, brought the sample of “Johnson’s Aerosol Insecticide” to my father, and announced that this was a business we surely ought to enter. He looked at me and then at the can. ‘Don’t you realize we don’t make any products without wax in them?’ he said. Although he was the boss, he was also my father, so I was able to risk a little impertinence and I answered, ‘Well, we could put a little wax in it, but I don’t think it would do the product any good.’ My shot at humor didn’t throw him off track. He told me we didn’t know anything about bugs. I replied that we were learning. He said: ‘OK, then let’s get down to fundamentals. Tell me what is better about that product than what is already on the market.’ I offered: ‘It will have a nice label and be an aerosol.’ He said, ‘Does it work better than the other ones?’ I admitted finally:
  • 11. ‘No. It’s just a darn good aerosol insecticide.’ My father replied, ‘Then take it back to the lab and when you have something that is better, come back and we’ll talk about the insecticide business.’ His instincts were right and we did come back with a better insect killer: Raid. When we came out with an aqueous formula, we indeed had a Product Plus. It smelled better and killed insects without harming plants.” The following years saw a number of new products move the company away from the wax-related products: the Garden Bug Killer, Off (a mosquito repellent), Pledge (a furniture duster and polisher), and Glade air freshener. Within a year of market introduction they represented 35% of total domestic sales. The new product development process created by Sam was so innovative that it became the subject of a Harvard Business School Case study, and stands today as a model for new product development organizations. In 1959 Sam moved into international operations and traveled to Europe. In 1960 he was named European Regional Director and in 1962 he was promoted to International Vice President. Sam’s first important setback occurred in 1965 when he oversaw the consolidation of European regional manufacturing in a large new plant in the Netherlands, an effort that was designed to reduce cost and improve efficiency. Faced with overcapacity, start-up problems and major losses, Sam was called back to the US. His father was furious about the bad results. Several weeks later, at the age of 65, Sam’s father suffered a stroke that left him severely handicapped. He could neither read nor write well and became very irritable. Sam 4 recalls, “I always wondered whether I had given him the stroke because of the mess-up I’d made in Europe.” In 1966, at 38, Sam became President of the company, which now boasted annual sales of US$ 171 million. His father, now honorary Chairman, wintered in Florida, so Sam had to fly down every two weeks to report. These visits often turned very
  • 12. unpleasant. His increasingly irritable father often railed, “I don’t like these numbers. And I don’t like you either. And you’re fired.” Later, Sam recalled that this was a most difficult and depressing time. When his father died in 1978, Sam received the letter his father had written in 1953 for posthumous delivery. The twenty-five year old letter “released [him] to be [himself] and not just a clone of [his] father.” By then, Sam had put his imprint as a strong leader on a company with revenues reaching US$ 1 billion in 1978. This was based on a strong, international expansion through diversification and acquisitions. He had decided on this approach during a one-year sabbatical he took in 1968 after his father’s stroke. He also planned for the ownership transition from himself to his four children by setting up trusts for them and the grandchildren. In 1976, in a statement of corporate philosophy entitled “This We Believe,” Sam codified the basic principles that he believed drove the family business. It built on his grandfather’s famous 1927 Christmas Profit Sharing speech: Employees: We believe that the fundamental vitality and strength of our worldwide company lies in our people. Consumers and Users: We believe in earning the enduring goodwill of consumers and users of our products and services. General Public: We believe in being a responsible leader within the free market economy. Neighbors and Hosts: We believe in contributing to the well being of the countries and communities where we conduct business. World Community: We believe in improving international understanding. Further to these principles, Sam added: “the way of safeguarding these beliefs is to remain a privately held company. Our way of reinforcing them is to make profits through growth and development, profits which allow us to do
  • 13. more for all the people on whom we depend.” Dick Hansen, current CEO of Johnson Financial Group, talks about how these beliefs make a difference for employees in a family owned business: “I see Sam’s integrity through his respect for the community. Sam challenges us to make our communities better because we are there. He doesn’t talk values, he lives them.” One strong example for this values-based management approach occurred in 1975, when Sam Johnson voluntarily and unilaterally banned the worldwide use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) from all Johnson aerosol products. At the time, unproven research suggested that CFCs might harm the ozone layer. Both internally and externally, Sam’s decision was widely criticized until, three years later, it was validated when the US and Canada officially banned the use of CFCs in aerosols. It also turned out to be a smart business decision as company scientists 5 discovered that propane was a cheaper substitute for CFC, a strong advantage over competitors. The business continued to grow in the consumer products field. In 1970 Johnson Diversified, now known as Johnson Outdoors Inc., was created, making leisure products like boats and camping equipment. The Johnson Bank was started in Wisconsin. These steps were made both out of fear and logic. Fear of being cornered by larger, publicly held consumer products companies, like Procter & Gamble. Logic by providing entrepreneurial opportunities in new businesses to the next generation of family business leaders. Sam had married Imogene Powers, whom he had met in college, in 1954. Together they have four children: Curt (b. 1955), Helen, (b. 1956), Fisk (b. 1958), and Winnie (b. 1959). All four were educated at Cornell, where the business school is called the Johnson School. Each of the children decided to join the family business without pressure from their father. Although they recognized the expectations and pressures put on next generation members of the owning family, they felt the company was a special place. Like their father a generation
  • 14. before, they believed family leadership was necessary to ensure the core values - which led to its success - continued to guide the operations. In 1985 Helen was the first member of the fifth generation to join the company as an associate product manager. In 1986 Winnie joined as a public affairs manager. One year later Fisk joined the company as a marketing associate. And in 1990, Curt joined the company when Windpoint Ventures, a venture capital fund he started, was folded into the family business. Late in his career, Sam began to suffer from the same addiction to alcohol his mother had once had. With strong support from his wife and children, he decided to confront this dependence. After a one-month treatment in 1993 in the Mayo Clinic, of which he was the Chairman, he returned home cured, and readying himself for retirement from day-to-day responsibilities. He started to think about his father’s journey to Brazil and what it had meant in his life. Recalling the note his father had left in his book expressing the hope that Sam would make the same journey one day, Sam decided to follow in his father’s footsteps. The original aircraft had been sold and crashed in Asia and could not be salvaged. Sam decided to have an exact replicate built, a project that took over three years. On October 22, 1998, Sam and his two sons, Curt and Fisk, took off from Racine, Wisconsin, for a month- long trip to the Brazilian rainforest, following the route of Sam’s father well over 60 years earlier. There the rest of the family joined them. The trip proved to be an invigorating experience – much as it had been for his father. But Sam also wanted it filmed as a legacy for his family and companies. The film, “Carnauba: A Son’s Memoir,” turned out much more personal than intended. In it, Sam speaks very openly about his father, himself and the difficult periods in their lives. Even his children had not understood the extent of Sam’s difficulties with his father. Fisk said, “My brother and sisters and I have been huge beneficiaries
  • 15. of the relationship that my father had with his father. I think my father said to himself, ‘I’m never going to put my children through this’. ”His brother Curt stated in an Internet posting to the company employees: “The trip has provided us with an opportunity to talk about some of the issues and opportunities facing the family businesses. I feel connected to the visioning process my grandfather experienced when he made this trip.” 6 By this time, the family had created a council with regular meetings of all family members to deal with both family and business matters. Sam had a strong interest in the history of family business; he knew well their fragile structures, and he devoted much to preparing next generation family members and creating a large degree of transparency. The council became the forum for succession planning. It became increasingly apparent that the children had different interests and leadership aspirations. Sam, who had seen many family businesses suffer from sibling rivalry, wanted to avoid siblings reporting to each other. Without conflicts, the family arrived at a suitable arrangement in 1999. Fisk, who has a Ph.D. in applied physics, became chairman of SC Johnson, the core consumer products business. Helen became chairman of Johnson Outdoors Inc., the recreational products business. Curt became chairman of JohnsonDiversey, now the second largest institutional and industrial products and services business in the world. And Winnie, who had expressed a lesser interest in the business, became president of the Johnson Family Foundation. Helen described the functional separation as follows: “We each found our spot. Curt was the wheeler-dealer entrepreneur, Fisk was the technician, and I was the one interested in marketing.” In a joint statement, the four children talk about the relationship between the two generations: Under Dad’s leadership, within just a few brief decades, the
  • 16. Johnson business went from a small wax company (US$171 million in sales) to four major global enterprises (combined US$ 8 billion in sales) that include household goods, innovative commercial products and services, environmentally-responsible polymers, diverse financial services and some of the most recognized brands in the recreational industry. And he didn’t just champion the business. He took seriously the challenge of making our world a better place to live. Whether funding the restoration of Martin Luther King Junior’s birthplace, contributing time and money to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, or helping protect a unique ecosystem in Brazil, Dad has dedicated himself personally and positioned the family businesses to shape our communities and protect our planet. But even more important to us, his children, is the support Dad provides right here at home. From the famil y dining room to the corporate boardroom, he has been a coach, protector and friend to each of us. He has guided us with wise counsel, but also encouraged us to follow our hearts. *Joachim Schwass, Professor of Family Business, IMD, and Director, The IMD–Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch & Cie Family Business Center, wrote this article. References: - The Essence of a Family Enterprise, by Samuel C. Johnson, 1988 - S.C. Johnson Commemorative Journal, 2000 - Father Divides a Business to Keep the Children united, by D. Barboza, New York Times, August 22, 1999 - Waxing Personal, by J. Tannenbaum, Wall Street Journal, May 7, 2001 - Various company publications · Award ceremony with Sam and Curt Johnson, Helsinki, September 2002
  • 17. Shortened Title Goes Here 4 Running head: TITLE IN LESS THAN 51 CHARACTERS CAPITALIZED Assignment # Your Name Here Central Michigan University – MKT560 Date (optional) Introduction Start your paper here. An introduction paragraph is a good idea. It should state the purpose of the paper and provide a roadmap for the reader. Please run the spelling and grammar checker before you submit your paper. It will catch mistakes like more than one space between sentences, spelling errors, punctuation mistakes, and split infinitives. Specific errors common in student papers that are not standard APA format include not having 1 inch margins on all sides of your paper and use two spaces between sentences. Note that in this example, there are no blank lines between paragraphs. This is correct in APA format. Question # 1 Paragraphs start with an indentation using the ruler setting. Do not use spaces or the tab key. Do not use the “enter” key to get to the next line, just keep typing, and let the computer do the work. Please note that the references at the end of this paper are not cited in the text. This is not okay. They are there to give you examples of correct APA format for references. You must use APA citation format for all sources you use to write your paper. Question # 2 Paragraphs start with an indentation using the ruler setting. Do
  • 18. not use spaces or the tab key. Do not use the “enter” key to get to the next line, just keep typing, and let the computer do the work. Please note that the references at the end of this paper are not cited in the text. This is not okay. They are there to give you examples of correct APA format for references. You must use APA citation format for all sources you use to write your paper. You might not use this level of heading in your papers. However, consider it is to your advantage to ensure the reader, i.e., the instructor, sees the organization of your content fits the assignment criteria. Every paragraph should have at least three sentences and contain only one idea (this is not a good example of that!) Question # 3 (if there is one – if not, delete) Paragraphs start with an indentation using the ruler setting. Do not use spaces or the tab key. Do not use the “enter” key to get to the next line, just keep typing, and let the computer do the work. Please note that the references at the end of this paper are not cited in the text. This is not okay. They are there to give you examples of correct APA format for references. You must use APA citation format for all sources you use to write your paper. Question # 4 (if there is one – if not, delete) Paragraphs start with an indentation using the ruler setting. Do not use spaces or the tab key. Do not use the “enter” key to get to the next line, just keep typing, and let the computer do the work. Please note that the references at the end of this paper are not cited in the text. This is not okay. They are there to give you examples of correct APA format for references. You must use APA citation format for all sources you use to write your paper. Conclusion
  • 19. Your final paragraph should provide a summary of your paper. This reminds the reader of where you took them on your road trip. It is similar to reviewing your photographs after a vacation. There should be no new information included in the conclusion. References Do you need help with your APA format of references? Check out One September, a fraud squad, led by Jean-Claude Van Espen, a Belgian magistrate, raided Airbus’s headquarters in Toulouse. “They wanted to check whether there was possible falsification of documents, bribery or other infractions as part of the sale of Air- bus aircraft to Sabena,” says Van Espen’s spokesman. The team of 20 Belgian and French investigators interviewed several Airbus employees during its three-day stay in Toulouse and carted away boxes of documents. In November 1997, Sabena had approved an order for 17 Airbus A320s (narrow-bodied aircraft), which it did not need. Even more oddly, it had doubled the order at the last minute to 34, a move that helped trigger the airline’s collapse four years later. Although nominally controlled by the Belgian government, Sabena was run by the parent company of Swissair, SAirGroup, which
  • 20. had owned a stake of 49.5 percent since 1995 and which also went bust in 2001. A former Sabena manager, who arrived after the Airbus order was placed, says that the planes were not needed: “It was a fatal busi- ness decision.” A Belgian parliamentary commission’s recent report confirms that the Airbus order was a big cause of Sabena’s collapse. Van Espen’s separate criminal investigation is continuing. According to the report, it started in October 2001 after Philippe Doyen, then a Sabena employee, lodged a complaint. Among other things, he suggested to Van Espen that he interview Peter Gysel, a former Swissair employee now working at Airbus, who put together Sabena’s deal with Airbus. Gysel denies any impropriety. The for- mer Sabena manager says: “I never got the slightest whiff that the decision was driven by kickbacks, side-payments, and so on. But I cannot rule anything out.” Neither does Van Espen. Today airlines are ordering about 400 aircraft a year. But in good times, 800 planes, worth around $60 billion, are sold a year. In the past 10 years, Airbus (originally a consortium, now owned 80 percent by EADS and 20 percent by BAE Systems) has caught
  • 21. up with Boeing, which had enjoyed two-thirds of the market since its 747 jumbo-jet entered commercial service in 1970. Many aircraft are no doubt bought and sold in entirely conven- tional ways. But many are not. After all, lots of airlines are still state-owned and not subject to normal business rules. Commis- sion payments (licit or illicit) on multimillion-dollar aircraft deals increase the capital cost of aircraft, which are therefore subject to higher depreciation or operating-lease charges, or both. But these extra costs are barely discernible in the pool of red ink created by the carriers’ perennial losses. Aircraft purchases drag on for years, as airlines play Boeing and Airbus off against each other. Especially in a buyer’s market, deep discounts are common, performance guarantees are demanding, and manufacturers have to offer all sorts of sweeteners (e.g., air- craft trade-ins, unusual guarantees) to persuade an airline to switch to their aircraft. Unsurprisingly, given the regulated nature of international air travel, politics plays a part. For instance, no sooner had Air Mauri- tius bought Airbus A340s in 1994 than it obtained an upgrade from Paris Orly to Charles de Gaulle airport, which is Air France’s main base with better onward connections.
  • 22. Aircraft purchases have long been associated with controversy. In the 1970s, when Lockheed was still making civil jets, it was caught bribing Japanese officials to buy its L1011 wide-bodied airliner. A Japanese prime minister was later charged and convicted in 1983 for taking a bribe. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands also was disgraced for his involvement with Lockheed. This scan- dal led in 1977 to Congress passing the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), which forbids American companies, their officers, or their representatives from bribing foreign officials. Critics often have pointed out that American firms can sidestep the FCPA by using foreign subsidiaries and nationals to pay bribes. Boeing says that its policy is to adhere to the spirit and letter of the FCPA, that its systems of controls ensure employees comply with this policy, and that no Boeing employee has been charged under the FCPA. In 1982 Boeing pleaded guilty to false statements about commissions on the sale of commercial aircraft prior to 1977. Boe- ing also says that there have been public hearings in the Bahamas over allegations of bribery in the 1990 sale of deHavilland aircraft to Bahamas Air, during Boeing’s ownership of deHavilland. Airbus has not been subject to such constraints. France ratified an OECD convention to outlaw bribery of foreign public
  • 23. officials in 2000. Until then the government even permitted French compa- nies tax deductions for giving bribes. For years, as they steadily lost market share to the European challenger, the Americans have been outspokenly critical of Airbus. In the 1980s the beef was the huge subsidies that European govern- ments poured into the industry. Now that Airbus repays such launch aid, that is less relevant, especially as Boeing receives indirect subsi- dies through America’s defense budget and space program. But the American government also has spoken out on the sub- ject of bribery. Grant Aldonas, an undersecretary for international trade, told a congressional committee: “Unfortunately this [aircraft manufacturing] is an industry where foreign corruption has a real impact . . . this sector has been especially vulnerable to trade distor- tions involving bribery of foreign public officials.” According to a European Parliament report, published in 2001, America’s National Security Agency (NSA) intercepted faxes and phone calls between Airbus, Saudi Arabian Airlines, and the Saudi government in early 1994. The NSA found that Airbus agents were offering bribes to a Saudi official to secure a lion’s share for Airbus
  • 24. in modernizing Saudi Arabian Airlines’ fleet. The planes were in a $6 billion deal that Edouard Balladur, France’s then prime min- ister, had hoped to clinch on a visit to see King Fahd in January 1994. He went home empty-handed. James Woolsey, then director of the Central Intelligence Agency, recounted in a newspaper article in 2000 how the American gov- ernment typically reacted to intelligence of this sort. “When we have caught you [Europeans] . . . we go to the government you’re bribing and tell its officials that we don’t take kindly to such corrup- tion,” he wrote. Apparently this (and a direct sales pitch from Bill Clinton to King Fahd) swung the aircraft part of the deal Boeing’s and McDonnell Douglas’s way. KUWAITI KICKBACKS? Not even the NSA, however, knows about everything in the aircraft- manufacturing industry as it actually happens. Consider the history of an Airbus order placed by Kuwait Airways Corporation (KAC), another state-owned airline. Ethics and AirbusCASE 2-4 CS2−12 cat12354_case2_CS2-1-CS2-29.indd 12 4/3/19 11:05 AM
  • 25. Cases 2 The Cultural Environment of Global Marketing CS2−13 In November 1995, Reuters reported that Kuwaiti prosecutors had questioned Bader Mallalah, KAC’s then chief financial officer, over allegations of embezzlement made against him by KAC. The firm’s chairman, Ahmed al Mishari, had suspended Mallalah from his job the previous month. But KAC had trumped up the allega- tions against Mallalah to put the lid on a story of corruption in which its then chairman was himself involved. That story began exactly five years earlier in Cairo, where KAC had set up temporary headquarters after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in August 1990. Most of its planes would inevitably be lost or dam- aged, so al Mishari was planning a shiny new postwar fleet. Nat- urally, both Boeing and Airbus were asked to tender. Both firms expected politics to play a part in KAC’s choice, especially after an American-led coalition had liberated Kuwait. Shortly after the liberation of Kuwait, Boeing and KAC met in London. One person present says al Mishari gave the impression that the order would be Boeing’s. After all, until then, American companies had won most of the large reconstruction contracts from a grateful government. Airbus hoped otherwise. In 1991, shortly before the Paris Air Show, Jean Pierson, the then-boss of Airbus, met al Mishari at
  • 26. the Churchill Hotel in London. The two talked in private for part of the time, so what they discussed is not known. Two clear inferences, however, can be drawn from subsequent events: al Mishari prom- ised the order to Airbus, and Pierson pressed for an announcement at the imminent air show. As substantial public funds were involved, KAC was supposed to follow the formal process in Kuwait before placing the order. This process included approvals from the Ministry of Finance and the public-spending watchdog. None of these approvals was sought before the air show. In June 1991, at the show, al Mishari stunned Kuwaiti officials and Boeing when he announced a firm order for 15 Airbus aircraft, worth $1.1 billion, and options for nine more, worth up to $900 million. A delighted Pierson trumpeted the deal as Airbus’s first single order for all its aircraft types. Most unusually, Boeing was not asked for its “best and final” offer, according to a former KAC employee. Boeing’s response to the announcement was to offer generous discounts to KAC—so that its package was around $100 million cheaper than its rival’s — but it was too late. The upshot of a meeting in the summer of 1991 between the boss of Boeing Commercial, furious American offi-
  • 27. cials, and the Crown Prince of Kuwait was a messy compromise. KAC would order the engines for the Airbuses from General Elec- tric; Boeing would receive an order for two wide-bodied planes as a sop; and the firm order for 15 Airbus aircraft would go ahead provided that KAC bought from Boeing in the future. This compromise left al Mishari in a rather awkward spot. KAC had an option to buy nine more aircraft from Airbus. An airline is usually able to walk away from an option deal if it forfeits the modest deposit paid. But this case was far from normal. The company that was to take up the option was not KAC itself but a subsidiary, Avia- tion Lease and Finance Company (ALAFCO), which al Mishari had set up in Bermuda in September 1992. ALAFCO was to buy the aircraft and lease them to KAC. In late 1992 al Mishari confirmed to Pierson that ALAFCO would buy the nine planes and sent off a $2.5 million deposit. By buying the planes through ALAFCO, al Mishari intended to bypass formal governmental approval. There was more to the deal. Airbus chipped in a total of $450,000 between 1992 and 1994 to help with the costs of set- ting up and running ALAFCO. On December 15, 1992, ALAFCO appointed a part-time commercial adviser, Mohamed Habib El Fekih, a Tunisian national. His day job was then as head of sales in the Middle East—for Airbus. Under his ALAFCO contract of
  • 28. employment, a copy of which The Economist has and which was to run for three years from January 1993, El Fekih received $5,000 a month and $80,000 in back pay for “services” rendered to ALAFCO from February 1, 1990—31 months before ALAFCO’s incorporation—to December 31, 1992. The $5,000 was paid each month from ALAFCO’s account number 201-901-04 at the Com- mercial Bank of Kuwait in New York to El Fekih’s personal account at Crédit Lyonnais’s branch in Blagnac, France, where Airbus is based on the outskirts of Toulouse. By 1993 three of the nine aircraft under option, all cargo planes, were nearly ready for delivery. However, Mallalah, who was also ALAFCO’s chief executive, insisted that the transaction be subject to formal procedure in Kuwait. This meant competitive tenders from Airbus and Boeing. Unsurprisingly, Airbus, with inside knowl- edge from its two-hatted vice president, El Fekih, was able to match exactly offers from Boeing, after Boeing came in over $50 million cheaper. With nothing to choose between the offers, ALAFCO selected Airbus, on the grounds that KAC’s fleet now comprised predominantly Airbus aircraft. The deal sailed through KAC’s board and the Ministry of Finance. However, Mallalah provided Kuwait’s public spending watchdog with full details of ALAFCO’s order for the cargo planes. It refused to sanction the deal. Consultants concluded in early 1995 that the purchase of the cargo aircraft was not justified. The
  • 29. Min- istry of Finance told KAC not to proceed. After Mallalah submit- ted a report to KAC’s board on the affair, El Fekih resigned from ALAFCO in March 1995. El Fekih says that he acted in an honest way; Pierson approved his ALAFCO contract, as did the boards of KAC and ALAFCO; his ALAFCO contract had nothing to do with the sale of Airbus to KAC; KAC canceled its option; ALAFCO never bought any Airbus aircraft; he acted as a consultant to help set up ALAFCO as an aircraft-financing company; and he declared his earnings to the tax man. Airbus says that it offers this sort of support to customers, when asked. The present owners of the ALAFCO business confirm that ALAFCO bought three Airbus aircraft. Of the other six aircraft under option, three were not converted into firm orders. Two Airbus A320s were leased to Shorouk Air in Egypt. This joint venture between KAC and EgyptAir was specifi- cally set up to find a home for them but is being liquidated because of massive losses. Kuwait’s Ministry of Finance leased another. Al Mishari, sacked as the chairman of KAC in 1999 after spend- ing almost his entire career with the airline, owns a shopping com- plex in the Salmiya district of Kuwait, which local wags have dubbed the “Airbus Centre.” Al Mishari, whose family is wealthy,
  • 30. suffered financial problems when the Kuwaiti stock market collapsed in the early 1980s. Al Mishari declines to comment, as does KAC. It is not irrelevant to ask if the price of the Airbus aircraft was inflated to allow for kickbacks. No evidence of graft has ever come to light. However, no policeman, in Kuwait (or elsewhere), has looked for any. INDIA INK What about cases where police have carried out investigations? In March 1990 India’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) filed a first information report (FIR). It was investigating allegations that Airbus had bribed highly placed public servants and others to induce Indian Airlines (IA) to order its aircraft. cat12354_case2_CS2-1-CS2-29.indd 13 4/3/19 11:05 AM CS2−14 Part 6 Supplementary Material In March 1986 state-owned IA had ordered 19 Airbus A320s, worth $952 million, with an option for 12 more, later exercised. This order was despite the fact that, when IA set up a committee in 1983 to recommend replacement aircraft for its aging Boeing fleet, the A320 was not considered—it had not then been launched or flown. With approval from the Indian government, IA had in July 1984 paid Boeing a deposit for 12 Boeing 757s, large narrow -
  • 31. bodied aircraft. Several civil servants and IA officials were named in the FIR. One name not on the list was that of Rajiv Gandhi, India’s prime minister in 1984–89, who was killed in a bomb explosion in May 1991. How has the CBI’s investigation progressed in the intervening years? Hardly at all, despite the hounding on public-interest grounds of the CBI in Delhi’s High Court since 1998 by B. L. Wadehra, an anti-corruption lawyer based in Delhi. The Economist has examined the publicly available court documents—the CBI’s status reports on its investigation are secret—from Wadehra’s litigation. These papers allege, first, that in October 1984, weeks before Gandhi, a former pilot, succeeded his mother, IA received an offer from Airbus for A320 aircraft, a smaller and less expensive plane than Boeing’s 757. It required urgent attention. Second, in Novem- ber, the aviation ministry gave IA just three days to appraise the offer for Gandhi’s office. Much later, in 1990, Indian Express, an Indian newspaper, reported a leaked manuscript note that showed that Gandhi had decided at a meeting on August 2, 1985, that IA “should go in for Airbus A320 aircraft.”
  • 32. Gandhi’s correspondence file on the deal mysteriously van- ished. The court papers show that civil servants reconstructed 29 pages of the missing file for the CBI by obtaining copy corre- spondence from government departments. Remarkably, this task took seven years—and even then the reconstruction was only partial. After the green light from Gandhi, approvals from IA and government bodies were a formality. For instance, the IA board approved the Airbus order at a meeting on August 30, 1985, which started at noon. The quality of the analysis presented to the board on the competing offers was pitiful. The board considered only one criterion—comparative fuel efficiency. Even for that, the data were incomplete. The A320 with the engine chosen by IA had yet to be tried and tested anywhere; provisional data only were included in the report for Boeing 737s “since no technical data were supplied by the company.” But Boeing had not been asked for any because two hours before the board meeting, at 9:50 a.m., IA’s managing director, who is named in the FIR as an alleged recipient of kickbacks, received a letter from Richard Elliott, then Boeing’s regional sales director. Boeing offered to supply up to 35 of its 737 aircraft, its narrow - bod- ied rival to the A320, with a discount of $5 million per plane.
  • 33. This offer would reduce IA’s investment in new planes by $140 million, stated Elliott. IA’s board brushed the offer aside on the grounds that “if Boeing was [sic] too serious . . . they [sic] could have made the offer earlier.” The Delhi court has a withering opinion of the help Airbus has given the CBI. It allowed Wadehra to add Airbus’s Indian subsid- iary to his action on the grounds that Airbus in France was not cooperating. Airbus told Wadehra that French law forbade it from answering his questions. “[Airbus] sells its aircraft on their merits,” the firm insisted. The court has castigated the CBI for its dilatory approach. It took the Indian authorities until 1995 to contact Airbus for infor- mation, only to be told that such requests should be routed through the French government. The CBI told Wadehra, despite trying Interpol and diplomatic channels, it was not getting any help from the French government. The French embassy in Delhi in effect told Wadehra to get lost when he wrote to ask why France was not cooperating. Wadehra’s case became topical because IA’s board approved an order for 43 Airbus planes, worth around $2 billion. The order now needs government approval. However, in September 2000,
  • 34. the Delhi court ruled that the Indian government should not approve further purchases from Airbus until the CBI had obtained the infor- mation it wanted from the French. The upshot of the IA story is that no serious attempt has been made to establish whether or not Airbus paid kickbacks to Gandhi and associates. The CBI has not answered written questions. MOUNTIES AND BANKS But there are police forces that have shown rather more resolve and initiative than the CBI. One important case establishes that Airbus has paid “commissions” to individuals hiding behind shell compa- nies in jurisdictions where ownership of companies is not a matter of public record, and where strict bank secrecy applies. Airbus’s first big sale in North America was a $1.5 billion deal, signed in 1988, to sell 34 aircraft to the then state-owned Air Can- ada. The middleman was Karlheinz Schreiber, a German- Canadian with connections to politicians in Germany and Canada. Schreiber emerged as a figure in the financing scandal that engulfed Germa- ny’s Christian Democrat party and its top politician, Helmut Kohl, a former chancellor, in the late 1990s. In August 1999 the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, acting on
  • 35. a German arrest warrant, nabbed Schreiber. In 2000, Schreiber was charged in Germany with tax evasion on money he had received for the Airbus transaction and other deals. The Süddeutsche Zeitung, a German daily, supplied a copy of Schreiber’s indictment to The Economist. According to this document, Airbus signed a consul - tancy contract (amended four times) with International Aircraft Leasing (IAL) in March 1985. IAL, which was to help with the Air Canada deal, was a shell company based in Vaduz, Liechtenstein, and a subsidiary of another Liechtenstein-registered shell, Kensing- ton Anstalt. According to the indictment, between September 30, 1988, and October 21, 1993 (i.e., as Air Canada took delivery of Airbus planes), Airbus paid a total of $22,540,000 in “commissions” to IAL. Then $10,867,000 was paid into IAL’s account at the Verwal- tungs-und Privat-Bank in Vaduz and $11,673,000 into IAL’s account number at Swiss Bank Corporation (SBC) in Zurich. During extra- dition proceedings against Schreiber in 1999, Airbus admitted to these payments. In October 2000, Schreiber won a suspension of execution of his case. The court ruled that IAL belonged to Schreiber, and also that, to the extent that Schreiber had paid out the Airbus “commissions”
  • 36. as Schmiergelder (“grease monies”), these payments could be tax deductible. Schreiber’s German tax lawyer later told the court: “Schmiergelder were not openly paid to the ‘greased’ person by [Air- bus]. It was through third persons to make reception anonymous and the Schmiergelder unrecognizable as such.” So who got the commissions? After years of police investiga- tions in at least five jurisdictions, it is still not clear. According to The Last Amigo, a well-researched book on the affair by Harvey Cashore and Stevie Cameron, both Canadian journalists, a lot was withdrawn in cash. Cashore, a producer on The Fifth Estate, the cat12354_case2_CS2-1-CS2-29.indd 14 4/3/19 11:05 AM Cases 2 The Cultural Environment of Global Marketing CS2−15 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s main investigative program, says that Schreiber’s bank records and diaries showed that he usu- ally followed a simple formula for dividing up the money: half for Canadians and half for Europeans. The book alleges that there may have been a smaller scam within the bigger scam: An Airbus employee may have got some of the money. Some of the money was transferred into subaccounts at SBC in Zurich. One of the subaccounts, code-named
  • 37. “Steward- ess,” received as much as one-eighth of the commissions. The book suggests that this account was intended for Stuart Iddles, Airbus’s senior vice president from 1986 to 1994. Iddles’s wife bought Casa Las Estacas, a luxurious beachfront villa in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, in September 1992. Documents in The Economist’s possession show the price was $1.5 mi llion. According to a person involved in the deal, the money was wired from an account in the name of the Ciclon Foundation at the Zurich branch of Lloyds, a British bank. Mrs. Iddles confirms that she bought the villa in 1992 but says she has not the “foggiest idea” how much it cost, or which bank the money came from. Mr. Iddles has denied any impropriety. Airbus says it has not been indicted in any jurisdiction over the Air Canada deal, or over any other sales. It adds that no investigator has found unethical behavior on its part. SYRIAN SCANDALS Only one case of Airbus’s colluding with a middleman apparently to bribe officials to buy its aircraft has led to convictions. Accord- ing to Syria’s state news agency, three people were sentenced in Syria in October 2001 to 22 years’ imprisonment each (later reduced to 10 years) for “serious irregularities” in connection with state-owned Syrianair’s order for six Airbus A320s in 1996. The
  • 38. court also imposed a fine on the three of $268 million. They were a former minister for economic affairs, a former transport minister, and Munir Abu Khaddur, the middleman. Khaddur was sentenced in absentia and is reportedly living in Spain. The court found that the men had forced the airline to buy the planes, w orth $240 mil- lion, and as a result Syrianair had incurred “big financial losses.” The only inferences to be drawn are either that there was a mis - carriage of justice or that bribes were paid. If the latter, the news agency did not release details of how much the men embezzled. Quite why bribes would have been necessary is puzzling. Because America deems Syria to be a sponsor of terrorism, Boeing has long been prohibited from exporting there. The Syrian government declines to comment. The result of investigations discussed at the beginning of the case into instances of corruption or alleged corruption by Airbus suggests that Van Espen will have a very long haul as he tries to establish whether “commissions” influenced Sabena’s decision to buy Airbuses. The order for the 34 A320s could be viewed as incom- petence. But nobody can predict the results of Van Espen’s inquiry. The parliamentary report says Sabena’s board received some
  • 39. lacunary information that was misleading. The choice of Airbus supposedly meant Sabena was confident of strong sales growth. Yet a month after the order was placed, SAirGroup’s chief executive, who also sat on Sabena’s board, said: “We’re now in the last year or years of the boom in air travel.” (We do not mean to imply by inference that the chief executive was corrupt.) Most of what is recounted in this case happened before Airbus’s present top management team arrived, before it was established as a proper company, and before France adopted the OECD conven- tion on bribery. No one doubts the company’s ability to compete across the whole product range with Boeing. By the time the Paris Air Show is over, Airbus will probably be well ahead of its rival in market share, thanks to an attractive range of planes. But if charges of corruption involving Airbus were to emerge from Van Espen’s investigation of Sabena, that would deal the company’s reputation a severe blow. AIRBUS LOBBIES TO RELAX ANTI-BRIBERY RULES Released documents have revealed how companies used their lobbying power to loosen official rules designed to stop corruption. In behind-
  • 40. the-scenes maneuvers, Rolls-Royce, BAE Systems, and the aircraft giant Airbus persuaded then-trade secretary Patricia Hewitt to allow them to keep secret details of the middlemen used to secure interna- tional contracts. She brushed aside the advice of U.K. government officials who argued that these middlemen are often used to channel bribes to foreign politicians and officials to win contracts. The government’s Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD) had proposed that exporters had to disclose the identities of middlemen when they applied for financial support from the taxpayer. The government required the details as part of tougher measures to stop the pay- ment of bribes overseas by British companies. The documents were released by the ECGD following a free- dom of information request from The Guardian (a British newspa- per) and a recent court case. Minutes of a meeting on August 9, 2004, show that the three companies told the ECGD that informa- tion about these middlemen was “very commercially sensitive.” The minutes continued: “The network of agents/intermediaries was a valuable asset built up over a number of years and offered impor- tant commercial advantages such as being able to open doors . . . . The intermediaries themselves may have valid and justifiable rea- sons for wanting to remain anonymous.”
  • 41. The companies claimed that the names of the agents would leak from the ECGD, enabling competitors to poach them. Hewitt agreed that the companies did not have to give the names or addresses of these middlemen, provided the firms gave an explanation. The companies wanted “confirmation that commercial confi- dentiality would be accepted as a valid reason for not identifying its agents.” Hewitt was forced to rethink the anti-bribery rules because of a legal victory by anti-corruption campaigners, the Corner House group. Susan Hawley, for the group, said: “Knowing who is the middle- man is crucial to stopping corruption, otherwise the taxpayer will end up directly supporting bribery.” BAE was alleged to have made cor- rupt payments through middlemen in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and India. Rolls-Royce is accused of paying £15 million to win a contract in India. 2018 update: Delta, the world’s largest carrier, chose the Airbus A321 over Boeing’s newest 737 model, the Max 10, for an order of 100 planes for delivery starting in 2020. In an effort to battle Air- bus’ global growth, Brazil’s Embraer and Boeing began partnership talks, but the Brazilian federal government was wary of any deal that would infringe on “national sovereignty.”
  • 42. QUESTIONS 1. In each of the cases described, who benefits and who suf- fers from the alleged ethical and legal lapses of Airbus? 2. How should the public relations staff at Airbus respond to the articles appearing in The Economist, The Guardian, and Reuters News? cat12354_case2_CS2-1-CS2-29.indd 15 4/3/19 11:05 AM CS2−16 Part 6 Supplementary Material 3. What steps might Boeing take to defend itself from this sort of competition? 4. Do you think that Boeing and Airbus behave differently in marketing their aircraft around the globe? How and why? 5. Had France adopted the OECD convention on bribery ahead of these transactions, would the firm’s behavior have differed? Why? Sources: “Airbus’ Secret Past—Aircraft and Bribery,” The Economist, June 14, 2003, pp. 55–58; Rob Evans and David Leigh, “Firms Can Keep Secret Agents: Minister Persuaded to Ease Anti-bribery Rules,” The Guardian, January 25, 2005, p. 18; “EADS Says Airbus Audit Shows No Wrongdoing,” Reuters News, April 3, 2007. Michael Sasso, “Delta Chooses Airbus over Boeing,” Orange County Register, December 15,
  • 43. 2017, p. A10. Shasta Darlington, “Boeing Deal in Brazil Hits Headwind,” The New York Times, February 4, 2018, p. 11. cat12354_case2_CS2-1-CS2-29.indd 16 4/3/19 11:05 AM Fair & Lovely, a branded product of Hindustan Unilever Ltd. (HUL), is touted as a cosmetic that lightens skin color. On its web- site (, the company calls its product “the miracle worker,” “proven to deliver one to three shades of change.” While tanning is the rage in Western countries, skin lightening treatments are popu- lar in Asia. According to industry sources, the top-selling skin lightening cream in India is Fair & Lovely from Hindustan Unilever Ltd. (HUL), followed by CavinKare’s Fairever brand. HUL’s Fair & Lovely brand dominated the market with a 90 percent share until CavinKare Ltd. (CKL) launched Fairever. In just two years, the Fairever brand gained an impressive 15 percent market share. HUL’s share of market for the Fair & Lovely line generates about $60 million annually. The product sells for about 23 rupees ($0.29) for a 25-gram tube of cream. The rapid growth of CavinKare’s Fairever (www.cavinkare .com) brand prompted HUL to increase its advertising effort and to launch a series of ads depicting a “fairer girl gets the boy
  • 44. theme.” One advertisement featured a financially strapped father lamenting his fate, saying, “If only I had a son,” while his dark-skinned daugh- ter looks on, helpless and demoralized because she can’t bear the financial responsibility of her family. Fast-forward and plain Jane has been transformed into a gorgeous light-skinned woman through the use of a “fairness cream,” Fair & Lovely. Now clad in a mini- skirt, the woman is a successful flight attendant and can take her father to dine at a five-star hotel. She’s happy and so is her father. In another ad, two attractive young women are sitting in a bed- room; one has a boyfriend and, consequently, is happy. The darker- skinned woman, lacking a boyfriend, is not happy. Her friend’s advice: Use a bar of soap to wash away the dark skin that’s keeping men from flocking to her. HUL’s series of ads provoked CavinKare Ltd. to counter with an ad that takes a dig at HUL’s Fair & Lovely ad. CavinKare’s ad has a father–daughter duo as the protagonists, with the father shown encouraging the daughter to be an achiever irrespective of her complexion. CavinKare maintained that the objective of its new commercial is not to take a dig at Fair & Lovely but to “reinforce Fairever’s positioning.”
  • 45. Skin color is a powerful theme in India, and much of Asia, where a lighter color represents a higher status. While Americans and Europeans flock to tanning salons, many across Asia seek ways to have “fair” complexions. Culturally, fair skin is associated with positive values that relate to class and beauty. One Indian l ady com- mented that when she was growing up, her mother forbade her to go outdoors. She was not trying to keep her daughter out of trouble but was trying to keep her skin from getting dark. Brahmins, the priestly caste at the top of the social hierarchy, are considered fair because they traditionally stayed inside, poring over books. The undercaste at the bottom of the ladder are regarded as the darkest people because they customarily worked in the sear- ing sun. Ancient Hindu scriptures and modern poetry eulogize women endowed with skin made of white marble. Skin color is closely identified with caste and is laden with sym- bolism. Pursue any of the “grooms” and “brides wanted” ads in newspapers or on the web that are used by families to arrange suit- able alliances, and you will see that most potential grooms and their families are looking for “fair” brides; some even are progressive enough to invite responses from women belonging to a different
  • 46. caste. These ads, hundreds of which appear in India’s daily news- papers, reflect attempts to solicit individuals with the appropriate religion, caste, regional ancestry, professional and educational qual- ifications, and, frequently, skin color. Even in the growing numbers of ads that announce “caste no bar,” the adjective “fair” regularly precedes professional qualifications. In everyday conversation, the ultimate compliment on someone’s looks is to say someone is gora (fair). “I have no problem with people wanting to be lighter,” said a Delhi beauty parlor owner, Saroj Nath. “It doesn’t make you rac- ist, any more than trying to make yourself look younger makes you ageist.” Bollywood (India’s Hollywood) glorifies conventions on beauty by always casting a fair-skinned actress in the role of heroine, surrounded by the darkest extras. Women want to use whiteners because it is “aspirational, like losing weight.” Even the gods supposedly lament their dark complexion— Krishna sings plaintively, “Radha kyoon gori, main kyoon kala? (Why is Radha so fair when I’m dark?).” A skin deficient in melanin (the pigment that determines the skin’s brown color) is an ancient predilection. More than 3,500 years ago, Charaka, the famous sage, wrote about herbs that could help make the skin fair.
  • 47. Indian dermatologists maintain that fairness products cannot truly work as they reach only the upper layers of the skin and so do not affect melanin production. Nevertheless, for some, Fair & Lovely is a “miracle worker.” A user gushes that “The last time I went to my parents’ home, I got compliments on my fair skin from everyone.” For others, there is only disappointment. One 26- year- old working woman has been a regular user for the past eight years but to no avail. “I should have turned into Snow White by now, but my skin is still the same wheatish color.” As an owner of a pub- lic relations firm commented, “My maid has been using Fair and Lovely for years and I still can’t see her in the dark . . . . But she goes on using it. Hope springs eternal, I suppose.” The number of Indians who think lighter skin is more beauti - ful may be shrinking. Sumit Isralni, a 22-year-old hair designer in his father’s salon, thinks things have changed in the last two years, at least in India’s most cosmopolitan cities, Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore. Women now “prefer their own complexion, their natural way,” Isralni says; he prefers a more “Indian beauty” himself: “I won’t judge my wife on how fair her complexion is.” Sunita Gupta, a beautician in the same salon, is more critical. “It’s just foolish- ness!” she exclaimed. The premise of the ads that women could
  • 48. not become airline attendants if they are dark-skinned was wrong, she said. “Nowadays people like black beauty.” It is a truism that women, especially in the tropics, desire to be a shade fairer, no matter what their skin color. Yet, unlike the approach used in India, advertisements elsewhere usually show how to use the product and how it works. Commenting on the cultural bias toward fair skin, one critic states, “There are attractive people who go through life feeling inferior to their fairer sisters. And all because of charming grand- mothers and aunts who do not hesitate to make unflattering com- parisons. Kalee Kalooti is an oft-heard comment about women who happen to have darker skin. They get humiliated and mortified over Cultural Norms, Fair & Lovely, and AdvertisingCASE 2-2 CS2−7 cat12354_case2_CS2-1-CS2-29.indd 7 4/3/19 11:05 AM CS2−8 Part 6 Supplementary Material the color of their skin, a fact over which they have no control. Are societal values responsible? Or advertising campaigns? Advertising
  • 49. moguls claim they only reflect prevailing attitudes in India. This is possibly true, but what about ethics in advertising? Is it correct to make advertisements that openly denigrate a majority of Indian people—the dark-skinned populace? The advertising is blatant in their strategy. Mock anyone who is not the right color and shoot down their self-image.” A dermatologist comments, “Fairness obtained with the help of creams is short-lived. The main reason being, most of these creams contain a certain amount of bleaching agent, which whitens facial hair, and not the skin, which leads people to believe that the cream worked.” Furthermore, “In India the popularity of a product depends totally on the success of its advertising.” HUL launched its television ad campaign to promote Fair & Lovely but withdrew it after four months amid severe criticism for its portrayal of women. Activists argued that one of the messages the company sends through its “air hostess” ads demonstrating the preference for a son who would be able to take on the financial responsibility for his parents is especially harmful in a country such as India where gender discrimination is rampant. Another offense is perpetuating a culture of discrimination in a society where “fair” is synonymous with “beautiful.” AIDWA (All India Women’s
  • 50. Democratic Association) lodged a complaint at the time with HUL about their offensive ads, but Hindustan Unilever failed to respond. The women’s association then appealed to the National Human Rights Commission alleging that the ad demeaned women. AIDWA objected to three things: (1) the ads were racist, (2) they were pro- moting son preference, and (3) they were insulting to working women. “The way they portrayed the young woman who, after using Fair & Lovely, became attractive and therefore lands a job suggested that the main qualification for a woman to get a job is the way she looks.” The Human Rights Commission passed AIDWA’s complaints on to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, which said the campaign violated the Cable and Television Net- work Act of 1995—provisions in the act state that no advertisement shall be permitted which “derides any race, caste, color, creed and nationality” and that “Women must not be portrayed in a manner that emphasized passive, submissive qualities and encourages them to play a subordinate secondary role in the family and society.” The government issued notices of the complaints to HUL. After a year- long campaign led by the AIDWA, Hindustan Unilever Limited discontinued two of its television advertisements for Fair & Lovely fairness cold cream.
  • 51. Shortly after pulling its ads off the air, HUL launched its Fair & Lovely Foundation, vowing to “encourage economic empowerment of women across India” by providing resources in education and business to millions of women “who, though immensely talented and capable, need a guiding hand to help them take the leap for- ward,” presumably into a fairer future. HUL sponsored career fairs in over 20 cities across the country, offering counseling in as many as 110 careers. It supported 100 rural scholarships for women students passing their 10th grade, a professional course for aspiring beauticians, and a three- month Home Healthcare Nursing Assistant course catering to young women between the ages of 18 and 30 years. According to HUL, the Fair & Lovely Academy for Home Care Nursing Assistants offers a unique training opportunity for young women who possess no entry-level skills and therefore are not employable in the new economy job market. The Fair & Lovely Foundation plans to serve as a catalyst for the economic empowerment for women across India. The Fair & Lovely Foundation will showcase the achieve- ments of these women not only to honor them but also to set an example for other women to follow. AIDWA’s campaign against ads that convey the message, “if she is not fair in color, she won’t get married or won’t get promoted,” also has resulted in some adjustment to fairness cream ads. In revised versions of the fairness cream ads, the “get fair to attract a groom”
  • 52. theme is being reworked with “enhance your self-confidence” so that a potential groom himself begs for attention. It is an attempt at typifying the modern Indian woman, who has more than just marriage on her mind. Advertising focus is now on the message that lighter skin enables women to obtain jobs conventionally held by men. She is career-oriented, has high aspirations, and, at the same time, wants to look good. AIDWA concedes that the current crop of television ads for fairness creams are “not as demeaning” as ones in the past. However, it remains against the product; as the president of AIDWA stated, “It is downright racist to denigrate dark skin.” Although AIWDA’s campaign against fairness creams seems to have had a modest impact on changing the advertising mes- sage, it has not slowed the demand for fairness creams. Sales of Fair & Lovely, for example, have been growing 15 to 20 percent year over year, and the $318 million market for skin care has grown by 42.7 percent in the last three years. Says Euromonitor International, a research firm: “Half of the skin care market in India is fairness creams and 60 to 65 percent of Indian women use these products daily.” Recently, several Indian companies were extending their mar - keting of fairness creams beyond urban and rural markets. CavinK- are’s launch of Fairever, a fairness cream in a small sachet pack priced at Rs 5, aimed at rural markets where some 320 million Indi- ans reside. Most marketers have found rural markets impossible to penetrate profitably due to low income levels and inadequate
  • 53. distri- bution systems, among other problems. However, HUL is approach- ing the market through Project Shakti, a rural initiative that targets small villages with populations of 2,000 people or less. It empow- ers underprivileged rural women by providing income- generating opportunities to sell small, lower-priced packets of its brands in villages. Special packaging for the rural market was designed to pro- vide single-use sachet packets at 50 paise for a sachet of shampoo to Rs 5 for a fairness cream (for a week’s usage). The aim is to have 100,000 “Shakti Ammas,” as they are called, spread across 500,000 villages in India by year end. CavinKare is growing at 25 percent in rural areas compared with 15 percent in urban centers. In addition to expanding market effort into rural markets, an unexpected market arose when a research study revealed Indian men were applying girlie fairness potions in droves—but on the sly. It was estimated that 40 percent of boyfriends/husbands of girlfriends/wives were applying white magic solutions that came in little tubes. Indian companies spotted a business opportunity, and Fair & Handsome, Menz Active, Fair One Man, and a male bleach called Saka were introduced to the male market. The sector expanded dramatically when Shah Rukh Khan, a highly acclaimed Bollywood actor likened to an Indian Tom Cruise, decided to endorse Fair & Handsome. Euromonitor International forecasts that in the next five years, spending on men’s grooming
  • 54. products will rise 24 percent to 14.5 billion rupees, or US$320 million. A recent product review in praises Fair & Lovely fairness cream: “[Fair & Lovely] contains fairness vitamins which penetrate deep down our skin to give us radiant fairness.” “I don’t know if it can change the skin color from dark to fair, but my cat12354_case2_CS2-1-CS2-29.indd 8 4/3/19 11:05 AM Cases 2 The Cultural Environment of Global Marketing CS2−9 personal experience is that it works very well, if you have a naturally fair color and want to preserve it without much headache.” “I think Riya Sen has the best skin right now in Bollywood. It appears to be really soft and tender. So, to have a soft and fair skin like her I rec- ommend Fair & Lovely Fairness Lotion or Cream.” Yet “skin color isn’t a proof of greatness. Those with wheatish or dark skin are by no way inferior to those who have fair skin.” Here are a few facts from Hindustan Unilever Ltd.’s homepage: Lever Limited is India’s largest Packaged Mass Consump- tion Goods Company. We are leaders in Home and Personal Care Products and Food and Beverages including such prod-
  • 55. ucts as Ponds and Pepsodent. We seek to meet everyday needs of people everywhere—to anticipate the aspirations of our consumers and customers and to respond creatively and competitively with branded products and services which raise the quality of life. It is this purpose which inspires us to build brands. Over the past 70 years, we have introduced about 110 brands. Fair & Lovely has been specially designed and proven to deliver one to three shades of change in most people. Also its sunscreen system is specially optimized for Indian skin. Indian skin, unlike Caucasian skin, tends to “tan” rather than “burn” and, hence, requires a different combination of UVA and UVB sunscreens. You may want to visit Fair and Lovely’s homepage /brands/personal-care/fair-and-lovely.html for additional informa- tion about the product. QUESTIONS 1. Is it ethical to sell a product that is, at best, only mildly effective? Discuss. 2. Is it ethical to exploit cultural norms and values to promote a product? Discuss. 3. Is the advertising of Fair & Lovely demeaning to women, or is it promoting the fairness cream in a way not too dissimi - lar from how most cosmetics are promoted? 4. Will HUL’s Fair & Lovely Foundation be enough to counter charges made by AIDWA? Discuss. 5. In light of AIDWA’s charges, how would you suggest Fair &
  • 56. Lovely promote its product? Discuss. Would your response be different if Fairever continued to use “fairness” as a theme of its promotion? Discuss. 6. Propose a promotion/marketing program that will counter all the arguments and charges against Fair & Lovely and be an effective program. 7. Now that a male market for fairness cream exists, is the strength of AIDWA’s argument weakened? 8. Comment on using “Shakti Ammas” to introduce “fairness cream for the masses” in light of AIDWA’s charges. 9. Listen to “In India, Skin-Whitening Creams Reflect Old Biases,” NPR, November 12, 2009. 10. In 2014, the Advertising Standards Council of India, a self- regulated advertiser group, issued a new set of guidelines that will ban all ads that depict those with darker skin as being inferior in any way. See /four-ads-wont-see-indian-television-ever/. How do you think this will affect Fair & Lovely as a brand? How should HUL deal with the news? Sources: Nicole Leistikow, “Indian Women Criticize ‘Fair and Lovely’ Ideal,” Wom- en’s eNews, April 28, 2003; Arundhati Parmar, “Objections to Indian Ad Not Taken Lightly,” Marketing News, June 9, 2003, p. 4; “Fair & Lovely Launches Foundation to Promote Economic Empowerment of Women,” press release, Fair & Lovely Founda- tion, (search for foundation), March 11, 2003; Rina Chandran, “All for Self-Control,” Business Line (The Hindu), April 24, 2003;
  • 57. Khozem Merchant and Edward Luce, “Not So Fair and Lovely,” Financial Times, March 19, 2003; “Fair & Lovely Redefines Fairness with Multivitamin Total Fairness Cream,” press release, Hindustan Unilever Ltd., May 3, 2005; “CavinKare Launches Small Sachet Packs,” Business India, December 7, 2006; “Analysis of Skin Care Advertising on TV Dur- ing January–August 2006,” Media, Advertising, Marketing Watch, October 17, 2006; “Women Power Gets Full Play in CavinKare’s Brand Strategy.” The Economic Times (New Delhi, India), December 8, 2006; Heather Timmons, “Telling India’s Modern Women They Have Power, Even Over Their Skin Tone,” The New York Times, May 30, 2007; “The Year We Almost Lost Tall (or Short or Medium- Height), Dark and Handsome,” The Hindustan Times, December 29, 2007; “India’s Hue and Cry Over Paler Skin,” The Sunday Telegraph (London), July 1, 2007; “Fair and Lovely?” University Wire, June 4, 2007; “The Race to Keep up with Modern India,” Media, June 29, 2007; Aneel Karnani, “Doing Well by Doing Good—Case Study: ‘Fair & Lovely’ Whitening Cream,” Strategic Management Journal 28, no. 13 (2007), pp. 1351–57; “In India, Skin-Whitening Creams Reflect Old Biases,” NPR, November 12, 2009. cat12354_case2_CS2-1-CS2-29.indd 9 4/3/19 11:05 AM