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Davidson Blanchard
B.A., St. Cloud State University, 2010
Melanie Howe
B.A., Gustavus Adolphus, 2013
Instructional Design Document
Submitted to Dr. Yun Jeong Park
St. Cloud State University
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for IM634
St. Cloud, Minnesota
October, 2015
Tk20 is an essential component to academic achievement for students in the
education department. Students will need to learn how to use Tk20 as a requirement for
their graduation. However, the instructions provided have been met with a significant
amount of confusion by students. By providing St. Cloud State University (SCSU)
students, who are beginning their student teaching requirements, with eLearning modules
covering the processes and understandings of compressing videos, uploading both videos
and artifacts independently and competently to Tk20 in order to complete their portfolios
for licensing, this eLearning experience can help address the identified problem. The
following document is an analysis of the project including context, audience needs and
task analysis.
Learning Context
Problem Model Analysis: The implementation of a new portfolio and assessment
system is a new and innovative solution which meets the needs of both the students and
the administration of SCSU. Previous experience with similar web-based software may
aide in the transition to this new system, but all parties involved will need to learn new
procedures to fully embrace the specific offerings this web-based solution offers. These
new procedures will allow users to quickly navigate and successfully utilize the
implemented system.
Discrepancy or Innovation Analysis: The innovation model was selected for
this instructional goal because the new solution that is going to be implemented will
change the way users interact with their portfolio and assessment information. This
model will accommodate the learner’s need for this change in process and web-based
Learning Environment:
As an eLearning experience, the learners will be participating with the content in
a number of ways. Learners may be in a number of physical settings, or accessing the
content on a number of devices (specifically different screen sizes). The eLearning
modules may be accessed as part of a course or as an independent exercise. The modules
will need to be designed in a way to allow for our learners to best access to content on
any device at any time.
To accommodate the vast learning environment, the eLearning modules will be
created using Adobe Captivate 9. This software will provide the design team the
capabilities to format content into an responsive module which will adapt to various
devices. This will allow the learners the freedom of accessing this important content,
regardless of their location.
As there are very little pre-created resources or curricula, the design team will
need to reference the basic resources provided by Tk20 while creating a robust eLearning
experience. By referencing the previously created resources, this project will be able to
have an appearance that is in-line with other resources utilized by SCSU. Utilizing such
resources will also provide our learners with a familiar feel and use of specific
Critical characteristics
As this project targets adult learners primarily ages 22 and up, the learners and
style of instruction can be categorized as andragogy. Knowles’ Five Assumptions of
Adult Learners identifies important learner characteristics such as their self-concept,
ability to apply previous experiences, their readiness to learn, orientation to learning, and
specific motivations to learn. Knowles went as far to research the impacts andragogy can
have on personal computer trainings. It was found that the learners need to know the
specific reasons why tasks are being taught; that instruction should be task-orientated;
instruction should allow for various experience levels; and that as the learners are self-
directed, instructions should allow learners to discover things and knowledge for
themselves through guided experiences (Pappas, 2013).
In addition to Knowles’ five assumptions, Heo and Lee (2013) discuss four
different perspectives of adult learning and the learners and the style of instruction can be
seen through the the perspective of learning as an acquisition process. It states within this
perspective that learners through academia or everyday activities will acquire knowledge,
competencies, or strategies (Heo & Lee, 2013). This perspective is similar to Knowles’
ability to apply previous experiences, which is necessary for our learners’ to utilize when
completing the eLearning workshop and activities presented. Many of the learners don’t
have an understanding of why this process is important and Heo & Lee (2013), describe
the perspective of learning as a reflection process, which initiates meaning-making
through reflection. This not only relates to Knowles’ specific motivations to learn, but
also orientation to learn because the students need to bring their attitudes towards
wanting to understanding the importance of learning Tk20 for graduation.
Internally, data collection will take place through working with both the subject
matter expert (SME) and client to analyze the specific needs of the learners. This data
collection will take place through guiding the discussion to focus on the essential
questions to consider referenced by (Morrison, et. al., 2011). This will allow the team to
align the content knowledge from the SME with the andragogical knowledge of the
design team, to best meet the needs of the learners – in turn meeting the needs of the
client. Our team has a specific understanding of multimedia theory and active learning
strategies, we will design and implement an eLearning activity, which will engage the
learners in multiple ways.
Prior knowledge
The students have an understanding the requirements of their portfolios, and
understanding of the general process of working with the Tk20 user interface, but lack
the strong understanding and working knowledge of how to complete various processes.
It should be noted that although this is a requirement, the learner population has a varied
level of understanding about Tk20.
Although the learners are highly motivated they may also be frustrated to learn
that they need to complete the eLearning modules to most effectively learn how to
successfully complete the required procedures and processes required for graduation and
licensure. The learners may already be busy with coursework and other related work, the
eLearning modules may be seen as additional and unneeded work. This is relevant
because the eLearning modules will need to be designed to engage the learners, be
effective resources, and catch the attention of the learner with a statement of objectives
Implications for design
The instructional implications that can be made from this data and description of
learners include:
 The learners will need a clear set of instructions to complete each module.
 To better meet the needs of the learners, content must be created utilizing
principles from Mayer’s (2014) multimedia theory and must be designed in a style
which establishes the relevancy of the topic to the learner’s needs (Novotney,
 The learners have a limited amount of time to master the required skills, all
learning modules must be meaningful and include authentic examples.
 The learners may become frustrated at the tasks at hand due to scheduling, all
learning modules must be concise and of appropriate length to not deter learners.
 While designing learning experiences the team will need to utilize active learning
strategies, such as student response systems or game based learning activities, to
best engage the millennial learners in instruction while in an eLearning
environment (Novotney, 2010).
 The learners may have access to various styles of computers, the learning
modules must be designed to be effective and visually appropriate for various
screen sizes (including phone, tablet, and computer).
Learning Task
The learning goal is focused on the successful implementation of Tk20 as a
learning portfolio and assessment solution for the students and administration of SCSU.
To utilize this web-based software, students will need a thorough understanding of
multiple skills which require procedural and declarative knowledge.
Objectives and Description of Tasks
Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able
to successfully demonstrate the processes of compressing videos using handbrake,
without error (Procedural knowledge). Reference Appendix B.
The types of learning domains considered are intellectual, attitude, and
psychomotor skills. It is because of the provided eLearning workshop that the
learner’s use their procedural knowledge (intellectual) to follow the given
instructions to know how to use HandBrake to compress their videos. The use of
psychomotor skills by the learners is seen through their use of coordinating
muscular movements to complete the procedure, but it is necessary for the
learners’ attitudes to be in a mental state for them to chose to participate.
Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able
to successfully demonstrate the processes of uploading artifacts, including mp4
files, images, pdfs, and text documents, to their Tk20 portfolio without error
(Procedural knowledge). Reference Appendix C.
The types of learning domains utilized are declarative, attitude, and
psychomotor skills. The provided instructions are requiring the learners to use
their declarative knowledge to recall from their eLearning module and personal
handbooks of what file types the learner’s artifacts need to be in. The learners’
psychomotor skills are being used to coordinate their muscular movements to
complete the procedure of uploading artifacts, but it is necessary for the learners’
attitudes to be in a mental state for them to successfully complete the eLearning
Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able
to successfully identify example situations which demonstrate the importance of
reviewing a portfolio prior to submission (Declarative knowledge). Reference
Appendix D.
Types of learning domains considered is declarative, attitude, and
psychomotor skills because the provided instructions are requiring the learners to
use their declarative knowledge to recall from the eLearning workshop the
examples of what key components to look for when reviewing their portfolio prior
to submission. Again it is necessary for the learners’ attitudes to be in a mental
state for them to chose to participate.
Lesson-Level Organizational Strategy
Anticipatory Set
To introduce the objectives of the eLearning experience, we will relate the skills
covered in the modules to the processes for applying for graduation and licensure.
Without applying the skills covered in the objectives, the learners will be unable to
complete their requirements, hence unable to apply for graduation and/or licensure. By
making this connection, the learners will establish a sense of priority for successfully
completing the modules.
Objective: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to
successfully demonstrate the processes of compressing videos using HandBrake, without
Establish Instructional Purpose and Preview Lesson: This module will guide
you through the steps of compressing videos using handbrake. You will review the
acceptable video file types and file sizes. You will also have an opportunity to practice
this skill.
Body & Rationale
Recall Prior Knowledge: To recall prior knowledge, learners will be
reminded that to meet the requirements of the program, they must record
themselves and upload the file to their Tk20 portfolio. Then, the learners will be
instructed of the acceptable file types and sizes, and that HandBrake is the free
software selection available for file conversion. This will allow the learners to
prepare for the upcoming content.
Instructional Input & Modeling: Learners will experience the modeling
of downloading the software, installing the software, and using the software
through a short screencast tutorial. This tutorial will guide the learners through the
procedure, interjecting the importance of the steps. Next, the learners will practice
this operating the HandBrake software through an Adobe Captivate simulation.
Engage Learners in New Learning: Now that the learners have a
thorough understanding of the process of converting videos using HandBrake,
they will put this knowledge to use by compressing their personal video sample.
The learners will be instructed that they may use the eLearning module as a guide
through this process. Upon completion, the learners will be asked to save the file
to their desktop for use in the next section of the eLearning workshop.
Objective: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to
successfully demonstrate the processes of uploading artifacts, including mp4 files,
images, pdfs, and text documents, to their Tk20 portfolio without error
Establish Instructional Purpose and Preview Lesson:
This module will guide you through the steps required to upload various
artifacts to your Tk20 portfolio. You will review various file types you may
encounter through this process. You will also have an opportunity to practice this
Body & Rationale
Recall Prior Knowledge: To recall prior knowledge, learners will be
reminded of the portfolio requirements they must meet for graduation/licensure.
Then, the learners will be presented with a list of acceptable file types and a visual
representation of each artifact. Learners will be engaged in this section with a
matching exercise which will require the learners to use their recalled knowledge
of both portfolio requirements and examples of file types. This will allow the
learners to prepare for the upcoming content.
Instructional Input & Modeling: Learners will experience the modeling
of uploading various artifacts through a short screencast tutorial. This tutorial will
guide the learners through the procedure, interjecting the importance of the steps.
Then, the learners will use an interactive virtual graphic organizer to sequence the
steps of this procedure. The use of this graphic organizer will provide the learners
with an engaging second strategy which will assist in achieving the objective.
Engage Learners in New Learning: Now that the learners have a
thorough understanding of the process of uploading various file types, they will
put this knowledge to use by uploading a file to their personal Tk20 portfolio. The
learners will be instructed that they may use the eLearning module as a guide
through this process. Upon upload, the learners will take a screenshot and upload
it to their drop-box. This will serve as the assessment of this objective.
Objective: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to
successfully identify example situations which demonstrate the importance of reviewing
a portfolio prior to submission.
Establish Instructional Purpose and Preview Lesson:
This module will guide you through learning about the importance of
reviewing portfolios prior to their submission. You will review multiple example
scenarios which highlight the importance of this process. You will also have an
opportunity to practice this skill.
Body & Rationale
Recall Prior Knowledge: To engage learners in activating their prior
knowledge, they will be prompted to think of a time when they have submitted an
assignment without review it. The module will then display multiple keywords the
students may have experienced (such as doubt, panic, fear). These keywords will
be displayed to establish an emotional priority to this portion of the lesson and to
allow learners what to anticipate and avoid.
Instructional Input & Modeling: Learners will be alerted that they are
going to be reading experts of text, and that they should reflect on why each
selection is a meaningful example of why the review process is important.
Learners will read through excerpts of text which explain why the review process
is a vital step in completing their requirement. This passive learning activity will
be partnered with an interactive assessment, styled as a game.
Engage Learners in New Learning: Learners will participate in an
eLearning activity (Captivate “Game”) where they will be identifying situations
where it is important to review work prior to submitting. The activity will be
designed to reinforce the learners’ prior knowledge, and previous readings. This
learning activity will provide feedback upon correct or incorrect answers.
Upon the completion of all eLearning modules, the learners will be presented with
a completion page which congratulates the learners for their work and provides a short
review of the addressed skills. This page will also establish how the learners will
implement these skills in the future.
Completion page example:
Now you have completed the eLearning modules addressing video compression,
the uploading of artifacts, and importance of reviewing your portfolio. These
skills will be utilized when you are completing your Tk20 portfolio as a piece of
your graduation and licensure process. By having a strong understanding of this
process now, you will be able to better complete your requirements successfully.
Cognitive Description of Lesson
The design of this eLearning experience is founded on research based strategies
and principles. Each objective is covered in a unique eLearning module, these are
structured in succession. Each lesson is formatted to strategically engage learners,
utilizing the Nine Events of Instruction (Gagne, 1985) and Mayer’s (2014) 12
Multimedia Principles. By utilizing such strategies and principles, the quality of
instruction is supported by research-based best practices.
Following Gagne’s nine events of instruction, each module engages learners from
the start, then presents learners with a preview of the lesson, delivers the content, allows
for practice supported with feedback, and assesses learner performance before providing
examples of future applications. By informing the learners of the topics they are learning
about in each module, the learners will have an opportunity to start making personal
connections with the content and will be internalizing the information for future
application. Allowing the learners to interact with the content through guided practice
engages learners in critical thinking and performance, an active learning strategy, by
providing automated feedback the learners will be supported if making an error or
completing the activity successfully. Gagne’s nine events of instruction act as a strong
sequencing track for the lesson to follow and ensures that learners will not only be
supported with feedback, but also challenged with future applications.
As the eLearning modules utilize screencast style components (both passive and
interactive), the quality and design of these multimedia assets is an important factor in the
effectiveness of the eLearning experience. By referencing the research-driven strategies,
the multimedia assets within each module can engage the learners without the fear of
being over-stimulating. While all 12 of Mayer’s (2014) principles are important to
reference when designing such assets, the Modality Principle, the Segmenting Principle,
the Pre-training Principle, and the Signaling Principle are all essential for the content the
modules are covering. By implementing effectively designed multimedia assets, the
eLearning modules become more cognitively robust and meaningful.
This project was developed with the goal of providing instructional strategies for
teaching students how to competently compress and upload files, and confidently review
their portfolios prior to submission. The target audience are learners 22 and up starting
their student teaching, who have prior knowledge of their requirements for graduation
and licensure. Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, Knowles’ Five Assumptions of Adult
Learning, and Mayer’s 12 Multimedia Principles were theories and principles use to
present a basis for the instruction. Gagne’s research was used as a framework to carry out
our instruction strategy, along with Mayer’s multimedia principles. The recall of prior
knowledge of skills and concepts helped establish a schema to connect new learning.
Students will be able to see examples of the skills and key components of Tk20 and use
what they have learned from the eLearning workshops to successfully complete an
eLearning activity.
The easiest parts of implementing is that we have a limited amount of knowledge
on the project, and share a strong vision with our SME and client that working together
towards a common goal for our project. Additionally, knowing that this can be a tool for
the SCSU students increases the outcome of a positive response by the students, knowing
they have had the practice and acquired more knowledge of Tk20. Challenges that may
arise while implementing our eLearning workshop is the technology not cooperating,
especially because we need the reliable internet and technology to present the modules.
Also, learners misinterpreting the how to navigate or use the eLearning module, because
a well developed eLearning module should clearly state how to use it.
Gagne, R. (1985). The Conditions of Learning (4th.). New York: Holt, Rinehart &
Heo, G. M., & Lee, R. (2013). Blogs and Social Network Sites as Activity Systems:
Exploring Adult Informal Learning Process through Activity Theory Framework.
Educational Technology & Society, 16 (4), 133–145.
Mayer, R. E. (Ed.). (2014). The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning (2nd ed.).
Cambridge University Press. [Kindle version]. Retrieved from
Morrison, G.R., Ross, S.M., Kalman, H.K., & Kemp, J.E. (2013). Designing effective
instruction (7th ed.) [Kindle version]. Retrieved from
Novotney, A. (2010). Engaging the millennial learner. Monitor on Psychology,41(3), 60.
Retrieved from:
Pappas, C. (2013). The adult learning theory - andragogy- of Malcolm Knowles.
Retrieved from:
Appendix A:
o Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able
to successfully demonstrate the processes of compressing videos using handbrake,
without error.
 Task Analysis:
 Flow Chart: See Appendix B
 Task 1:
 While sitting at a computer, the student will open the compression
software HandBrake.
 Type of Learning Outcome/Domain & Rationale:
o Psychomotor: Physically sitting and positioning hand to
complete the task.
o Intellectual: Principles of following the rules provided.
 Task Outline:
o 1.1 Sit down at computer
 1.1.1. Turn on computer
 1.1.2. Log in to computer
 1.1.3. Locate compression software HandBrake on
 1.1.4. Open HandBrake
 Task 2:
 Using HandBrake the student will successfully compress their
 Type of Learning Outcome/Domain & Rationale:
o Psychomotor: Physically sitting and positioning hand to
complete the tasks.
o Intellectual: Principles following the rules provided.
 Task Outline:
o 2.1. With HandBrake opened already from Objective 1,
Find File
 2.1.1. Locate ‘SOURCE’
 2.1.2. Choose ‘FILE’
 2.1.3. Open a single file
 2.1.4. Locate video within your personal folder
 Select ‘OPEN’
 2.1.5. Locate ‘DESTINATION’
 2.1.6. Select ‘BROWSE’ to choose a file where the
compressed version will be saved (recommended is
 Place cursor in File Name
 Label file as your name followed by
‘COM’ for compressed
o 2.2. Verify Compression Settings
 2.2.1. Locate ‘OUTPUT SETTINGS’
Appendix A - Continued:
 2.2.2. Check that ‘CONTAINER’ is pre-set as MP4
 2.2.3. Locate ‘VIDEO’ tab and select
 2.2.4. Check to see that ‘VIDEO CODEC’ is pre-set
to H.264(x264)
 2.2.5. Check to see that ‘FRAMERATE (FPS)’ is
pre-set to ‘SAME AS SOURCE’
 2.2.6. ‘VARIABLE FRAMERATE’ is selected
 2.2.7. Check to see that ‘QUALITY’ is pre-selected
o 2.3. Start Compression
 2.3.1. Locate ‘START’
 Select
 2.3.2. ‘START’ will change to ‘STOP’
 ‘STOP’ will change back to
‘START’ compression is complete
 Task 3:
 While sitting, the student will successfully upload their
compressed video to Tk20 without error.
 Type of Learning Outcome/Domain & Rationale:
o Psychomotor: Psychically sitting and positioning hand to
complete the tasks
o Declarative: Recalling of criteria of edTPA and Tk20
o Intellectual: Principles of following the rules provided
 Task Outline:
o 3.1. Locate and open a browser
o 3.2. Login to edTPA with your personal ID
o 3.3. Locate your portfolio
 3.3.1. select ‘START’ where video clip(s) are to be
o 3.4. Select the ‘UPLOAD FILE’
 3.4.1. Locate your compressed video
 3.4.2. Continue
o 3.5. Once you have reviewed your uploaded video select
o Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able
to successfully demonstrate the processes of uploading artifacts, including mp4
files, images, pdfs, and text documents, to their Tk20 portfolio without error.
 Task Analysis:
 Flow Chart: See Appendix C
 Task 1:
 While sitting, the student will successfully upload their artifacts to
Tk20 without error.
Appendix A - Continued:
 Type of Learning Outcome/Domain & Rationale:
o Psychomotor: Psychically sitting and positioning hand to
complete the tasks
o Declarative: Recalling of criteria of edTPA and Tk20
o Intellectual: Principles of following the rules provided
 Task Outline:
o 1.1. Locate and open a browser
o 1.2. Login to edTPA with your personal ID
o 1.3. Locate your portfolio
 1.3.1. select the tab that you wish to upload your
o 1.4. Select the ‘CLICK HERE TO ATTACH’
 1.4.1. Select ‘Continue’
 1.4.2. Title should be the name of your form
 1.4.3. Select file
 Find the file you want to upload or
 Drag the file
 Select ‘SAVE’
 It should say that everything was
uploaded and saved
 1.4.4. Select ‘SAVE DRAFT’
o Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able
to successfully identify example situations which demonstrate the importance of
reviewing a portfolio prior to submission.
 Task Analysis:
 Flow Chart: See Appendix D
 Task 1:
 While sitting, the student will successfully identify examples
situations which demonstrate the importance of reviewing a
portfolio prior to submission.
 Type of Learning Outcome/Domain & Rationale:
o Psychomotor: Psychically sitting and positioning hand to
complete the tasks
o Declarative: Recalling specific examples previously
o Intellectual: Principles of following the rules provided
 Task Outline:
o 1.1. Locate and launch the learning activity from within the
eLearning module.
o 1.2. Participate in and complete the learning activity
 1.2.1 Read all directions regarding the learning
 1.2.2 Completely read each situation
Appendix A - Continued: Reflect on the specific situation and respond
accordingly; completing all prompts/examples
1.3. Upon completion of the learning activity, complete and
exit the eLearning module.
Pre-requisite Analysis:
o Learners Must:
 Know the basic functions of a computer (whether it is a Mac/PC)
 Examples:
o Turning computer on and off
o Saving documents/various content to desktop or specific
o Knowledge of the different tools the right and left clicks on
a mouse do
 Know what edTPA’s requirements are for specific portfolios
 Such as:
o Knowing what types of files are excepted, but also
o Know what the maximum video file size allowed by
 Know the basic functions of a web browser
 Know how to load/transfer a video from a mobile recording device onto a
computer prior to compressing and upload
Appendix B:
Flow Chart: Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to
successfully demonstrate the processes of compressing videos using handbrake, without error.
Does the
student have
Computer is on
Review student’s pre-
requisites for basic
computer functions
Logged into personal
desktop through StarID
Can the student
locate ‘START’
Compression software
HandBrake is properly
located and opened
Appendix B - Continued:
Pre-Set Content checked
File destination is labeled
Located video file
Video successfully
Has the learner
properly started the
video compression?
Can the student
locate their portfolio
within Tk20?
Browser opened
Logged into edTPA
Portfolio is located
Review student’s pre-
requisites for basic
computer functions
Review steps for locating
HandBrake compression
Appendix B - Continued:
Has the video
been uploaded?
‘Start’ has been selected
under video clips
‘Upload File’ has been
Compressed Video located
Video has successfully
been submitted
Review steps for
locating portfolio
Appendix C:
Flow Chart: Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to
successfully demonstrate the processes of uploading artifacts, including mp4 files, images, pdfs,
and text documents, to their Tk20 portfolio without error.
Has the
located their
Browser is opened
Review student’s pre-
requisites for basic
computer functions
Logged into Tk20
Has the file
successfully been
Specific Portfolio located
has been located
File has been located
File has been saved and
Appendix D:
Flow Chart: Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to
successfully identify example situations which demonstrate the importance of reviewing a
portfolio prior to submission.
Is the activity
Computer is on
Captivate is opened
Student exited the
eLearning Module
Is the activity
Student participated and
successfully completed
Review student’s pre-
requisites for basic
computer functions

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IM634 Tk20 Design Doc DBlanchard MHowe Final Version

  • 1. eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS IN THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION by Davidson Blanchard B.A., St. Cloud State University, 2010 Melanie Howe B.A., Gustavus Adolphus, 2013 Instructional Design Document Submitted to Dr. Yun Jeong Park of St. Cloud State University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for IM634 St. Cloud, Minnesota October, 2015
  • 2. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 2 Introduction Tk20 is an essential component to academic achievement for students in the education department. Students will need to learn how to use Tk20 as a requirement for their graduation. However, the instructions provided have been met with a significant amount of confusion by students. By providing St. Cloud State University (SCSU) students, who are beginning their student teaching requirements, with eLearning modules covering the processes and understandings of compressing videos, uploading both videos and artifacts independently and competently to Tk20 in order to complete their portfolios for licensing, this eLearning experience can help address the identified problem. The following document is an analysis of the project including context, audience needs and task analysis. Learning Context Needs: Problem Model Analysis: The implementation of a new portfolio and assessment system is a new and innovative solution which meets the needs of both the students and the administration of SCSU. Previous experience with similar web-based software may aide in the transition to this new system, but all parties involved will need to learn new procedures to fully embrace the specific offerings this web-based solution offers. These new procedures will allow users to quickly navigate and successfully utilize the implemented system. Discrepancy or Innovation Analysis: The innovation model was selected for this instructional goal because the new solution that is going to be implemented will
  • 3. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 3 change the way users interact with their portfolio and assessment information. This model will accommodate the learner’s need for this change in process and web-based software. Learning Environment: As an eLearning experience, the learners will be participating with the content in a number of ways. Learners may be in a number of physical settings, or accessing the content on a number of devices (specifically different screen sizes). The eLearning modules may be accessed as part of a course or as an independent exercise. The modules will need to be designed in a way to allow for our learners to best access to content on any device at any time. To accommodate the vast learning environment, the eLearning modules will be created using Adobe Captivate 9. This software will provide the design team the capabilities to format content into an responsive module which will adapt to various devices. This will allow the learners the freedom of accessing this important content, regardless of their location. As there are very little pre-created resources or curricula, the design team will need to reference the basic resources provided by Tk20 while creating a robust eLearning experience. By referencing the previously created resources, this project will be able to have an appearance that is in-line with other resources utilized by SCSU. Utilizing such resources will also provide our learners with a familiar feel and use of specific terminology. Learners
  • 4. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 4 Critical characteristics As this project targets adult learners primarily ages 22 and up, the learners and style of instruction can be categorized as andragogy. Knowles’ Five Assumptions of Adult Learners identifies important learner characteristics such as their self-concept, ability to apply previous experiences, their readiness to learn, orientation to learning, and specific motivations to learn. Knowles went as far to research the impacts andragogy can have on personal computer trainings. It was found that the learners need to know the specific reasons why tasks are being taught; that instruction should be task-orientated; instruction should allow for various experience levels; and that as the learners are self- directed, instructions should allow learners to discover things and knowledge for themselves through guided experiences (Pappas, 2013). In addition to Knowles’ five assumptions, Heo and Lee (2013) discuss four different perspectives of adult learning and the learners and the style of instruction can be seen through the the perspective of learning as an acquisition process. It states within this perspective that learners through academia or everyday activities will acquire knowledge, competencies, or strategies (Heo & Lee, 2013). This perspective is similar to Knowles’ ability to apply previous experiences, which is necessary for our learners’ to utilize when completing the eLearning workshop and activities presented. Many of the learners don’t have an understanding of why this process is important and Heo & Lee (2013), describe the perspective of learning as a reflection process, which initiates meaning-making through reflection. This not only relates to Knowles’ specific motivations to learn, but also orientation to learn because the students need to bring their attitudes towards wanting to understanding the importance of learning Tk20 for graduation.
  • 5. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 5 Internally, data collection will take place through working with both the subject matter expert (SME) and client to analyze the specific needs of the learners. This data collection will take place through guiding the discussion to focus on the essential questions to consider referenced by (Morrison, et. al., 2011). This will allow the team to align the content knowledge from the SME with the andragogical knowledge of the design team, to best meet the needs of the learners – in turn meeting the needs of the client. Our team has a specific understanding of multimedia theory and active learning strategies, we will design and implement an eLearning activity, which will engage the learners in multiple ways. Prior knowledge The students have an understanding the requirements of their portfolios, and understanding of the general process of working with the Tk20 user interface, but lack the strong understanding and working knowledge of how to complete various processes. It should be noted that although this is a requirement, the learner population has a varied level of understanding about Tk20. Although the learners are highly motivated they may also be frustrated to learn that they need to complete the eLearning modules to most effectively learn how to successfully complete the required procedures and processes required for graduation and licensure. The learners may already be busy with coursework and other related work, the eLearning modules may be seen as additional and unneeded work. This is relevant because the eLearning modules will need to be designed to engage the learners, be effective resources, and catch the attention of the learner with a statement of objectives immediately.
  • 6. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 6 Implications for design The instructional implications that can be made from this data and description of learners include:  The learners will need a clear set of instructions to complete each module.  To better meet the needs of the learners, content must be created utilizing principles from Mayer’s (2014) multimedia theory and must be designed in a style which establishes the relevancy of the topic to the learner’s needs (Novotney, 2010).  The learners have a limited amount of time to master the required skills, all learning modules must be meaningful and include authentic examples.  The learners may become frustrated at the tasks at hand due to scheduling, all learning modules must be concise and of appropriate length to not deter learners.  While designing learning experiences the team will need to utilize active learning strategies, such as student response systems or game based learning activities, to best engage the millennial learners in instruction while in an eLearning environment (Novotney, 2010).  The learners may have access to various styles of computers, the learning modules must be designed to be effective and visually appropriate for various screen sizes (including phone, tablet, and computer). Learning Task Goal The learning goal is focused on the successful implementation of Tk20 as a learning portfolio and assessment solution for the students and administration of SCSU.
  • 7. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 7 To utilize this web-based software, students will need a thorough understanding of multiple skills which require procedural and declarative knowledge. Objectives and Description of Tasks Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to successfully demonstrate the processes of compressing videos using handbrake, without error (Procedural knowledge). Reference Appendix B. The types of learning domains considered are intellectual, attitude, and psychomotor skills. It is because of the provided eLearning workshop that the learner’s use their procedural knowledge (intellectual) to follow the given instructions to know how to use HandBrake to compress their videos. The use of psychomotor skills by the learners is seen through their use of coordinating muscular movements to complete the procedure, but it is necessary for the learners’ attitudes to be in a mental state for them to chose to participate. Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to successfully demonstrate the processes of uploading artifacts, including mp4 files, images, pdfs, and text documents, to their Tk20 portfolio without error (Procedural knowledge). Reference Appendix C. The types of learning domains utilized are declarative, attitude, and psychomotor skills. The provided instructions are requiring the learners to use their declarative knowledge to recall from their eLearning module and personal handbooks of what file types the learner’s artifacts need to be in. The learners’ psychomotor skills are being used to coordinate their muscular movements to
  • 8. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 8 complete the procedure of uploading artifacts, but it is necessary for the learners’ attitudes to be in a mental state for them to successfully complete the eLearning workshop. Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to successfully identify example situations which demonstrate the importance of reviewing a portfolio prior to submission (Declarative knowledge). Reference Appendix D. Types of learning domains considered is declarative, attitude, and psychomotor skills because the provided instructions are requiring the learners to use their declarative knowledge to recall from the eLearning workshop the examples of what key components to look for when reviewing their portfolio prior to submission. Again it is necessary for the learners’ attitudes to be in a mental state for them to chose to participate. Lesson-Level Organizational Strategy Anticipatory Set To introduce the objectives of the eLearning experience, we will relate the skills covered in the modules to the processes for applying for graduation and licensure. Without applying the skills covered in the objectives, the learners will be unable to complete their requirements, hence unable to apply for graduation and/or licensure. By
  • 9. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 9 making this connection, the learners will establish a sense of priority for successfully completing the modules. Objective: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to successfully demonstrate the processes of compressing videos using HandBrake, without error. Establish Instructional Purpose and Preview Lesson: This module will guide you through the steps of compressing videos using handbrake. You will review the acceptable video file types and file sizes. You will also have an opportunity to practice this skill. Body & Rationale Recall Prior Knowledge: To recall prior knowledge, learners will be reminded that to meet the requirements of the program, they must record themselves and upload the file to their Tk20 portfolio. Then, the learners will be instructed of the acceptable file types and sizes, and that HandBrake is the free software selection available for file conversion. This will allow the learners to prepare for the upcoming content. Instructional Input & Modeling: Learners will experience the modeling of downloading the software, installing the software, and using the software through a short screencast tutorial. This tutorial will guide the learners through the procedure, interjecting the importance of the steps. Next, the learners will practice this operating the HandBrake software through an Adobe Captivate simulation.
  • 10. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 10 Engage Learners in New Learning: Now that the learners have a thorough understanding of the process of converting videos using HandBrake, they will put this knowledge to use by compressing their personal video sample. The learners will be instructed that they may use the eLearning module as a guide through this process. Upon completion, the learners will be asked to save the file to their desktop for use in the next section of the eLearning workshop. Objective: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to successfully demonstrate the processes of uploading artifacts, including mp4 files, images, pdfs, and text documents, to their Tk20 portfolio without error Establish Instructional Purpose and Preview Lesson: This module will guide you through the steps required to upload various artifacts to your Tk20 portfolio. You will review various file types you may encounter through this process. You will also have an opportunity to practice this skill. Body & Rationale Recall Prior Knowledge: To recall prior knowledge, learners will be reminded of the portfolio requirements they must meet for graduation/licensure. Then, the learners will be presented with a list of acceptable file types and a visual representation of each artifact. Learners will be engaged in this section with a matching exercise which will require the learners to use their recalled knowledge of both portfolio requirements and examples of file types. This will allow the learners to prepare for the upcoming content.
  • 11. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 11 Instructional Input & Modeling: Learners will experience the modeling of uploading various artifacts through a short screencast tutorial. This tutorial will guide the learners through the procedure, interjecting the importance of the steps. Then, the learners will use an interactive virtual graphic organizer to sequence the steps of this procedure. The use of this graphic organizer will provide the learners with an engaging second strategy which will assist in achieving the objective. Engage Learners in New Learning: Now that the learners have a thorough understanding of the process of uploading various file types, they will put this knowledge to use by uploading a file to their personal Tk20 portfolio. The learners will be instructed that they may use the eLearning module as a guide through this process. Upon upload, the learners will take a screenshot and upload it to their drop-box. This will serve as the assessment of this objective. Objective: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to successfully identify example situations which demonstrate the importance of reviewing a portfolio prior to submission. Establish Instructional Purpose and Preview Lesson: This module will guide you through learning about the importance of reviewing portfolios prior to their submission. You will review multiple example scenarios which highlight the importance of this process. You will also have an opportunity to practice this skill. Body & Rationale
  • 12. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 12 Recall Prior Knowledge: To engage learners in activating their prior knowledge, they will be prompted to think of a time when they have submitted an assignment without review it. The module will then display multiple keywords the students may have experienced (such as doubt, panic, fear). These keywords will be displayed to establish an emotional priority to this portion of the lesson and to allow learners what to anticipate and avoid. Instructional Input & Modeling: Learners will be alerted that they are going to be reading experts of text, and that they should reflect on why each selection is a meaningful example of why the review process is important. Learners will read through excerpts of text which explain why the review process is a vital step in completing their requirement. This passive learning activity will be partnered with an interactive assessment, styled as a game. Engage Learners in New Learning: Learners will participate in an eLearning activity (Captivate “Game”) where they will be identifying situations where it is important to review work prior to submitting. The activity will be designed to reinforce the learners’ prior knowledge, and previous readings. This learning activity will provide feedback upon correct or incorrect answers. LessonConclusion Upon the completion of all eLearning modules, the learners will be presented with a completion page which congratulates the learners for their work and provides a short review of the addressed skills. This page will also establish how the learners will implement these skills in the future. Completion page example:
  • 13. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 13 Congratulations! Now you have completed the eLearning modules addressing video compression, the uploading of artifacts, and importance of reviewing your portfolio. These skills will be utilized when you are completing your Tk20 portfolio as a piece of your graduation and licensure process. By having a strong understanding of this process now, you will be able to better complete your requirements successfully. Cognitive Description of Lesson The design of this eLearning experience is founded on research based strategies and principles. Each objective is covered in a unique eLearning module, these are structured in succession. Each lesson is formatted to strategically engage learners, utilizing the Nine Events of Instruction (Gagne, 1985) and Mayer’s (2014) 12 Multimedia Principles. By utilizing such strategies and principles, the quality of instruction is supported by research-based best practices. Following Gagne’s nine events of instruction, each module engages learners from the start, then presents learners with a preview of the lesson, delivers the content, allows for practice supported with feedback, and assesses learner performance before providing examples of future applications. By informing the learners of the topics they are learning about in each module, the learners will have an opportunity to start making personal connections with the content and will be internalizing the information for future application. Allowing the learners to interact with the content through guided practice engages learners in critical thinking and performance, an active learning strategy, by providing automated feedback the learners will be supported if making an error or
  • 14. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 14 completing the activity successfully. Gagne’s nine events of instruction act as a strong sequencing track for the lesson to follow and ensures that learners will not only be supported with feedback, but also challenged with future applications. As the eLearning modules utilize screencast style components (both passive and interactive), the quality and design of these multimedia assets is an important factor in the effectiveness of the eLearning experience. By referencing the research-driven strategies, the multimedia assets within each module can engage the learners without the fear of being over-stimulating. While all 12 of Mayer’s (2014) principles are important to reference when designing such assets, the Modality Principle, the Segmenting Principle, the Pre-training Principle, and the Signaling Principle are all essential for the content the modules are covering. By implementing effectively designed multimedia assets, the eLearning modules become more cognitively robust and meaningful. Conclusion This project was developed with the goal of providing instructional strategies for teaching students how to competently compress and upload files, and confidently review their portfolios prior to submission. The target audience are learners 22 and up starting their student teaching, who have prior knowledge of their requirements for graduation and licensure. Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, Knowles’ Five Assumptions of Adult Learning, and Mayer’s 12 Multimedia Principles were theories and principles use to present a basis for the instruction. Gagne’s research was used as a framework to carry out our instruction strategy, along with Mayer’s multimedia principles. The recall of prior knowledge of skills and concepts helped establish a schema to connect new learning.
  • 15. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 15 Students will be able to see examples of the skills and key components of Tk20 and use what they have learned from the eLearning workshops to successfully complete an eLearning activity. The easiest parts of implementing is that we have a limited amount of knowledge on the project, and share a strong vision with our SME and client that working together towards a common goal for our project. Additionally, knowing that this can be a tool for the SCSU students increases the outcome of a positive response by the students, knowing they have had the practice and acquired more knowledge of Tk20. Challenges that may arise while implementing our eLearning workshop is the technology not cooperating, especially because we need the reliable internet and technology to present the modules. Also, learners misinterpreting the how to navigate or use the eLearning module, because a well developed eLearning module should clearly state how to use it.
  • 16. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 16 References: Gagne, R. (1985). The Conditions of Learning (4th.). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Heo, G. M., & Lee, R. (2013). Blogs and Social Network Sites as Activity Systems: Exploring Adult Informal Learning Process through Activity Theory Framework. Educational Technology & Society, 16 (4), 133–145. Mayer, R. E. (Ed.). (2014). The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. [Kindle version]. Retrieved from Morrison, G.R., Ross, S.M., Kalman, H.K., & Kemp, J.E. (2013). Designing effective instruction (7th ed.) [Kindle version]. Retrieved from Novotney, A. (2010). Engaging the millennial learner. Monitor on Psychology,41(3), 60. Retrieved from: Pappas, C. (2013). The adult learning theory - andragogy- of Malcolm Knowles. Retrieved from: andragogy-of-malcolm-knowles
  • 17. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 17 Appendix A: DETAILED TASK ANALYSIS: o Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to successfully demonstrate the processes of compressing videos using handbrake, without error.  Task Analysis:  Flow Chart: See Appendix B  Task 1:  While sitting at a computer, the student will open the compression software HandBrake.  Type of Learning Outcome/Domain & Rationale: o Psychomotor: Physically sitting and positioning hand to complete the task. o Intellectual: Principles of following the rules provided.  Task Outline: o 1.1 Sit down at computer  1.1.1. Turn on computer  1.1.2. Log in to computer  1.1.3. Locate compression software HandBrake on desktop  1.1.4. Open HandBrake  Task 2:  Using HandBrake the student will successfully compress their video.  Type of Learning Outcome/Domain & Rationale: o Psychomotor: Physically sitting and positioning hand to complete the tasks. o Intellectual: Principles following the rules provided.  Task Outline: o 2.1. With HandBrake opened already from Objective 1, Find File  2.1.1. Locate ‘SOURCE’  2.1.2. Choose ‘FILE’  2.1.3. Open a single file  2.1.4. Locate video within your personal folder  Select ‘OPEN’  2.1.5. Locate ‘DESTINATION’  2.1.6. Select ‘BROWSE’ to choose a file where the compressed version will be saved (recommended is desktop)  Place cursor in File Name  Label file as your name followed by ‘COM’ for compressed o 2.2. Verify Compression Settings  2.2.1. Locate ‘OUTPUT SETTINGS’
  • 18. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 18 Appendix A - Continued:  2.2.2. Check that ‘CONTAINER’ is pre-set as MP4  2.2.3. Locate ‘VIDEO’ tab and select  2.2.4. Check to see that ‘VIDEO CODEC’ is pre-set to H.264(x264)  2.2.5. Check to see that ‘FRAMERATE (FPS)’ is pre-set to ‘SAME AS SOURCE’  2.2.6. ‘VARIABLE FRAMERATE’ is selected  2.2.7. Check to see that ‘QUALITY’ is pre-selected as ‘CONSTANT QUALITY’ o 2.3. Start Compression  2.3.1. Locate ‘START’  Select  2.3.2. ‘START’ will change to ‘STOP’  ‘STOP’ will change back to ‘START’ compression is complete  Task 3:  While sitting, the student will successfully upload their compressed video to Tk20 without error.  Type of Learning Outcome/Domain & Rationale: o Psychomotor: Psychically sitting and positioning hand to complete the tasks o Declarative: Recalling of criteria of edTPA and Tk20 o Intellectual: Principles of following the rules provided  Task Outline: o 3.1. Locate and open a browser o 3.2. Login to edTPA with your personal ID o 3.3. Locate your portfolio  3.3.1. select ‘START’ where video clip(s) are to be uploaded o 3.4. Select the ‘UPLOAD FILE’  3.4.1. Locate your compressed video  3.4.2. Continue o 3.5. Once you have reviewed your uploaded video select ‘READY TO SUBMIT’ o Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to successfully demonstrate the processes of uploading artifacts, including mp4 files, images, pdfs, and text documents, to their Tk20 portfolio without error.  Task Analysis:  Flow Chart: See Appendix C  Task 1:  While sitting, the student will successfully upload their artifacts to Tk20 without error.
  • 19. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 19 Appendix A - Continued:  Type of Learning Outcome/Domain & Rationale: o Psychomotor: Psychically sitting and positioning hand to complete the tasks o Declarative: Recalling of criteria of edTPA and Tk20 o Intellectual: Principles of following the rules provided  Task Outline: o 1.1. Locate and open a browser o 1.2. Login to edTPA with your personal ID o 1.3. Locate your portfolio  1.3.1. select the tab that you wish to upload your document o 1.4. Select the ‘CLICK HERE TO ATTACH’  1.4.1. Select ‘Continue’  1.4.2. Title should be the name of your form  1.4.3. Select file  Find the file you want to upload or  Drag the file  Select ‘SAVE’  It should say that everything was uploaded and saved  1.4.4. Select ‘SAVE DRAFT’ o Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to successfully identify example situations which demonstrate the importance of reviewing a portfolio prior to submission.  Task Analysis:  Flow Chart: See Appendix D  Task 1:  While sitting, the student will successfully identify examples situations which demonstrate the importance of reviewing a portfolio prior to submission.  Type of Learning Outcome/Domain & Rationale: o Psychomotor: Psychically sitting and positioning hand to complete the tasks o Declarative: Recalling specific examples previously learned o Intellectual: Principles of following the rules provided  Task Outline: o 1.1. Locate and launch the learning activity from within the eLearning module. o 1.2. Participate in and complete the learning activity  1.2.1 Read all directions regarding the learning activity  1.2.2 Completely read each situation
  • 20. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 20 Appendix A - Continued: Reflect on the specific situation and respond accordingly; completing all prompts/examples 1.3. Upon completion of the learning activity, complete and exit the eLearning module. Pre-requisite Analysis: o Learners Must:  Know the basic functions of a computer (whether it is a Mac/PC)  Examples: o Turning computer on and off o Saving documents/various content to desktop or specific folders o Knowledge of the different tools the right and left clicks on a mouse do  Know what edTPA’s requirements are for specific portfolios  Such as: o Knowing what types of files are excepted, but also recommended o Know what the maximum video file size allowed by edTPA  Know the basic functions of a web browser  Know how to load/transfer a video from a mobile recording device onto a computer prior to compressing and upload
  • 21. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 21 Appendix B: Flow Chart: Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to successfully demonstrate the processes of compressing videos using handbrake, without error. Does the student have HandBrake open properly? Computer is on Review student’s pre- requisites for basic computer functions Logged into personal desktop through StarID Can the student locate ‘START’ within HandBrake? No Yes Yes Yes Yes Compression software HandBrake is properly located and opened No No Yes
  • 22. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 22 Appendix B - Continued: Pre-Set Content checked File destination is labeled Located video file Video successfully compressed Yes Yes Yes Yes Has the learner properly started the video compression? No No No Can the student locate their portfolio within Tk20? Browser opened Logged into edTPA Portfolio is located Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Review student’s pre- requisites for basic computer functions No Review steps for locating HandBrake compression software
  • 23. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 23 Appendix B - Continued: Has the video been uploaded? Yes ‘Start’ has been selected under video clips ‘Upload File’ has been selected Compressed Video located Video has successfully been submitted Review steps for locating portfolio No Yes Yes Yes No No No
  • 24. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 24 Appendix C: Flow Chart: Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to successfully demonstrate the processes of uploading artifacts, including mp4 files, images, pdfs, and text documents, to their Tk20 portfolio without error. Has the student successfully located their portfolio? Browser is opened Review student’s pre- requisites for basic computer functions Logged into Tk20 Has the file successfully been uploaded? No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Specific Portfolio located ‘CLICK HERE TO ATTACH’ has been located File has been located File has been saved and Yes Yes
  • 25. Running Head: eLEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR Tk20 LEARNERS 25 Appendix D: Flow Chart: Learning Goal: Upon the completion of this workshop, the learners will be able to successfully identify example situations which demonstrate the importance of reviewing a portfolio prior to submission. Is the activity opened? Computer is on Captivate is opened Student exited the eLearning Module Is the activity completed? Student participated and successfully completed activity Review student’s pre- requisites for basic computer functions Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No