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Fall 2006


                  A breast cancer
                  patient’s journey
                             Page 4
Fall 2006


    4        From discovery to recovery. Read about one woman’s
             experience with breast cancer and the lessons she

    8        Heart health: what’s in the numbers. Confused by
             all the numbers related to heart health? Find out what
             they mean and which ones you need to know.

11           setting new standards in icu care. Saint Agnes
             participates in an innovative project to dramatically
             improve patient safety.

12           lung health. Learn the truth behind the harm of          Fashion
                                                                      for a cause
             secondhand smoke and what you can do to protect
             your lungs.

                                                                      Page 7
                                                                                       SAINT AGNES HEALTH SCENE is
In step with your health                                                               published as a community service
                                                                                       for the friends and patrons of:
Chances are, someone you know has had breast cancer. More                              saint agnes Medical center
than 200,000 women are expected to be diagnosed this year                              1303 E. Herndon Ave.
alone. But thanks to advances in early detection and improved                          Fresno, CA 93720
                                                                                       (559) 450-3000
treatment, death rates from breast cancer have been on the                   
   In honor of October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Mathew abraham             President and
                                                                                       Chief Executive Officer
we’ve given special attention to breast health in this edition President and ceo       Mathew abraham
of Saint Agnes Health Scene. Inside you’ll read about our new
Diagnostic Breast Center – which features the latest technology for breast cancer      Vice President, Planning, Marketing
                                                                                       and Business Development
diagnosis and intervention – and the inspirational story of one local woman who’s      James vandevelde
proud to call herself a breast cancer survivor. You’ll also learn about Passionately
Pink – a unique way to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research.           Director, Corporate Communications
                                                                                       kelley Babigian sanchez
   This Health Scene also covers a range of other health and wellness topics. You’ll
discover how to keep certain numbers – like your cholesterol and blood pressure        Manager, Graphics/Publications
– in check to maintain a healthy heart. Read on to learn about the importance          douglas Hembd
of avoiding secondhand smoke and the benefits of a high-fiber diet.                    Senior Communications Specialist
   As you strive to improve your health, we at Saint Agnes work with you.              Jaime Huss
When it comes to your health, you and your loved ones deserve the best.
                                                                                       Communications Specialist
We are committed to providing nothing less.                                            Patricia adams
                                                                                                                             saint agnes healthscene

Sincerely,                                                                             Information in SAINT AGNES
                                                                                       HEALTH SCENE comes from a wide
                                                                                       range of medical experts. Models
                                                                                       may be used in photos and illustra-
                                                                                       tions. If you have any concerns or
                                                                                       questions about specific content
                                                                                       that may affect your health, please
Mathew Abraham                                                                         contact your healthcare provider.
President and Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                       Copyright © 2006
                                                                                       Coffey Communications, Inc.
                                                                                       HSM19178h                                       3
A breast cancer
                                                                                                      SHE DISCOvERED the devastating
                                                                                                      truth by accident. At age 40, veritta L.
                                                                                                      Holloway wanted a cosmetic breast lift. In-
                                                                                                      stead, she learned she had breast cancer.
                                                                                                          The dark journey into unfamiliar
                                                                                                      territory eventually led to enlighten-
                                                                                                      ment – transforming Holloway, with
                                                                                                      her admittedly “sloppily” performed
                                                                                                      self-exams and “zip-to-zero” breast care
                                                                                                      knowledge, into a passionate advocate
                                                                                                      for early detection and education.

                                                                                                      diagnosis and treatMent
                                                                                                      Breast cancer was the last thing on this
                                                                                                      healthy woman’s mind in August 2005.
                                                                                                      “I turned 40 and decided I wanted a
                                                                                                      physical tune-up – a breast lift, tummy
                                                                                                      tuck and liposuction,” Holloway says. Her
                                                                                                      doctor required her to have a preopera-

                                                                                                      tion mammogram.
                                                                                                          On five consecutive nights prior to
                                                                                                      her mammogram, Holloway had intense
                                                                                                      dreams about her breasts. She could not
                                                                                                      remember them clearly but believed they
                                                                                                      were messages from her mother, who
                                                                                                      had died of liver cancer five years ear-
                                                                                                      lier. Around the time of her screening,
                                                                                                      Holloway also noticed tenderness under

                                                                                                      her right armpit. ultimately, the Clovis
                                                                                                      resident canceled the breast lift but kept
                                                                                                      her mammogram appointment.
                                                                                                          After her screening, Holloway received
                                                                                                      a letter requesting a second mammogram,
                                                                                                      which was immediately followed by a
                                                                                                      diagnostic ultrasound.“I doubled over in
                                                                                                      shock, and I started crying,” the mother
                                                                                                      of three young children says. The next
                                                                                                      day she underwent a core biopsy.
                                                                                                          Within 24 hours, Holloway was di-
                          Early detection: The best                                                   agnosed with stage IIB cancer and was
                                                                                                      informed that it was fast-growing or
                          defense against breast cancer                                               bad-acting. “It wasn’t a gigantic shock,”
                                                                                                      she says. “I had already accepted that I
saint agnes healthscene

                          For 11 years, Saint Agnes Medical Center has been promoting early detec-    had breast cancer. It was almost a relief,
                          tion and breast cancer prevention as a proud sponsor of KSEE Channel 24’s   because now I could take action. Hope
                          BuddyCheck, a program that encourages Central Valley women to perform       is the most important thing to a cancer
                          their breast self-exams every month and to remind their “buddies” to do     patient.”
                          the same.                                                                       Holloway’s first treatment was surgery,
                             Since its inception in October 1995, more than 30,000 women have         performed at Saint Agnes by general
                          registered for BuddyCheck 24. If you aren’t one of them, sign up yourself   surgeon Margaret Hadcock, MD. It
                          and a friend today by visiting or calling (559) 455-2224.    included a successful lumpectomy and
                             BuddyCheck 24 is jointly sponsored by KSEE Channel 24, Saint Agnes       an auxiliary lymph node dissection. (A
           4              Medical Center and Longs Drugs.                                             lumpectomy is the removal of a cancerous
patient’s journey from discovery to recovery
  lump from the breast. Auxiliary lymph          importance of putting herself and her
  node dissection is the removal of lymph
  nodes under the arm.)
                                                 needs first.“When I became a mom, my
                                                 focus changed,” the gregarious 41-year-
                                                                                              New Diagnostic
     After the procedure, she underwent
  six months of chemotherapy, followed
                                                 old says. “I didn’t take vitamins but I
                                                 made sure my kids ate right and were
                                                                                              Breast Center
  by two months of radiation five times a        healthy.” In the end, “you can’t do much
  week.“It wasn’t as bad as people believe,”     for them if you’re not well.”
                                                                                              Offering the latest
  Holloway says.                                    Three pieces of advice stem from          in diagnosis
     The treatments left her cancer-free.        Holloway’s ordeal. First, “take care of
                                                 your body and be good to yourself – all
                                                                                              and treatment
  take screenings seriously                      the time. I was taking care of my kids       Fear is a universal emotion felt
  The ordeal also led to significant lifestyle   and not myself.”                             by women facing a breast cancer
  changes. Previously, Holloway did not             Second,“if you’re in treatment, what-     diagnosis. Understanding this,
  think much about mammograms. Now,              ever you did during pregnancy will           Saint Agnes Medical Center has
  the breast cancer survivor knows they          probably make you feel good. Soothing        taken steps to make the process
  are vital to living a high-quality life.       baths carried me through chemo.”             from screening and diagnosis to
      “If you had cancer last year but the          Third, “I don’t care if you just have     treatment as compassionate and
  screening didn’t detect it at that time,       the flu – fight. Always fight. Be your       comfortable as possible.
  you can still survive when it’s detected       own advocate. Do what you’d do for              This includes the recent open-
  this year – if you get that mammogram          your child.”                                 ing of our new state-of-the-art
  once a year like you should. Skip a year          Taking her own advice, she continues      Diagnostic Breast Center, housed
  and it could prove fatal,” Holloway says.      fighting for her health.                     inside Plaza Surgical Center
  “If it’s a choice between getting my              Throughout all the overwhelming           (1105 E. Spruce Ave.). Here the
  breasts squeezed or death, squeeze me          cancer clutter that invaded her life, Hol-   most advanced technology for
  every week!”                                   loway walked away with one great lesson:     physical healing comes together
      Likewise, this full-time mother now        “Do what’s being recommended to the          in a beautiful, soothing environ-
  takes self-exams seriously. Previously,        masses – as long as you do the mammo-        ment conducive to our patients’
  she was not entirely familiar with             gram and self-exam, you’re OK.”              spiritual and emotional needs.
  the feeling and characteristics of her
  breasts. Discouraged by dense tissue                                                        convenient services
  and a lumpy feel, she performed the                                                         Among the services offered at
  exams “very sloppily.” Today, she does                                                      the Diagnostic Breast Center are
  them thoroughly.                                                                            minimally invasive stereotactic
      Through it all, Holloway’s level of                                                     and ultrasound procedures that
  breast care education increased, as she                                                     provide a precise diagnosis for
  was forced to make quick, informed de-                                                      breast problems, often without
  cisions about her own health care. She                                                      the need for surgery. However,
  consulted the Internet. She spoke with                                                      if a surgical biopsy is required,
  doctors, survivors, patients and friends.                                                   patients are conveniently accom-
  She read books. “It was horrendous and                                                      modated without having to leave
  overwhelming,” Holloway says.                                                               the building, thanks to a partner-
      “Knowledge is my way of gaining                                                         ship with Plaza Surgical Center.
  control,” she says. “Now I can tell you                                                         While still in surgery, an on-
                                                                                                                                   saint agnes healthscene

  percentages and statistics about breast                                                     site pathologist consults with the
  cancer.” However, she warns that patients                                                   surgeon to confirm that the tumor
  and their loved ones should exercise                                                        has been successfully removed,
  caution when obtaining information                                                          and biopsy results are processed
  because much of it is untrue, incom-                                                        within 24 hours.
  plete or wrong. Ensuring that sources
  are legitimate is key.                                                                      More >>    To learn more about
                                                  one year after being diagnosed with                    the Saint Agnes Diag-
  lessons learned                                 breast cancer, veritta Holloway is proud               nostic Breast Center,
  This articulate survivor also learned the       to call herself a survivor.                            call (559) 450-3833.                5
Saint Agnes
                                                                                                                  earns top
      saint agnes Foundation gets pretty in pink for the cause. From left, teri amerine, kathy carlino,
      denee conner, Marti simpson, Juliana Pizura and gina anderson show their passion for pink.

       Walk, run or wear pink                                                                                     ranking
                          Go pink in the name of breast cancer                                                    FOR THE SECOND YEAR in a
                                                                                                                  row, Saint Agnes Medical Center has

                          Step out in the fight
                                                                                                                  been ranked in the top 5 percent
                                                                                                                  of hospitals nationwide for clini-
                                                                                                                  cal excellence in women’s health
                          against breast cancer                                                                   services, based on a study issued by
                                                                                                                  HealthGrades, the nation’s leading
                          IN 1983 NANCY BRINKER created the first Susan G. Komen Race for the                     independent source for healthcare
                          Cure® in memory of her older sister, Suzy, who died of breast cancer. The race          quality information.
                          was held in Dallas with 800 participants. Today the Komen Race for the Cure                In the HealthGrades Third Annual
                          Series is the largest 5K run/fitness walk in the world, with more than 100 races        Report on Women’s Health Outcomes
                          held throughout the united States annually.                                             in U.S. Hospitals, Saint Agnes was
                             Fresno is proud to host one of them. Join Saint Agnes Medical Center in              recognized as a recipient of the
                          supporting the Komen Race for the Cure at California State university, Fresno,          2006-2007 HealthGrades Wom-
                          and be among the more than 1 million people to “step out” this year in the fight        en’s Health Excellence Award TM
                          against breast cancer.                                                                  and received a five-star rating for
                                 The event will be held Saturday, Oct. 28. Choose from a 5K run and               women’s health services, which in-
                                 walk or a 1-mile walk, with a special race just for kids. The cost               cludes cardiac and stroke outcomes
                          is $15 for adults and $10 for children 12 and younger. For more infor-                  for women, as well as maternity
                          mation or to register, call (559) 229-4255 or visit               care. The hospital is the only 2006-
                                                                                                                  2007 Women’s Health Excellence
                                                                                                                  Award recipient in the Central val-
                                                                                                                  ley area.
                          Passionately Pink for the Cure                                                             “We are extremely proud of
                                                                                                                  this designation,” says Mathew Abra-
                          YOu DON'T HAvE to wear walking shoes to help raise breast cancer aware-                 ham, Saint Agnes Medical Center
                          ness. Wear anything, as long as it’s pink.                                              president and chief executive officer.
                             To coincide with National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, the              “It demonstrates the shared commit-
                          Komen Foundation is kicking off a new fundraising and education program, Pas-           ment of our physicians and staff to
                          sionately Pink for the CureTM. The program encourages companies, schools and            providing our patients with clini-
saint agnes healthscene

                          organizations to help find a cure for breast cancer by raising money to support         cal excellence for the best possible
                          breast cancer research, education, screening and treatment.                             outcomes.”
                             Saint Agnes Medical Center is pleased to participate in this creative new program.
                          Interested employees should contribute $5 or more to the Komen Foundation               More >> The complete mater-
                          and wear pink to show their commitment to finding a cure.                                           nity care and women’s
                                 If you’d like to join Saint Agnes on Friday, Oct. 20, and show your                          health services ratings
                                 passion for pink fashion, sign up today by calling (559) 450-2090.                           are available on the
                          Or you can register your group or business for another day in October                               HealthGrades Web site,
                          by visiting                                                                
Fashion for a
                             cause                                       WHETHER YOu’RE A FASHION
                                                                         guru or a novice, you won’t want to miss
                                                                         the Saint Agnes Associates Fashion and
                                                                         Entertainment Event – “The Power of
                                                                         Fashion.” Join us Saturday, Nov. 4, in front
                                                                         of The Spa at Fig Garden village.
                                                                            See the latest from stores throughout
                                                                         the village, such as B.B. Pepper Collec-
                                                                         tions, Banana Republic, Coach, Coldwater
                                                                         Creek, J. Jill and many others. Presenting
                                                                         sponsors include Fresno Lexus and Fig
                                                                         Garden village.
                                                                            Event proceeds will benefi t Saint
                                                                         Agnes Holy Cross Center for Women,
                                                                         a daytime respite for underserved women
                                                                         and children in downtown Fresno. Last
                                                                         year’s event raised more than $70,000
                                                                         for the center.
                                                                            The high-style day begins with a no-
                                                                         host social hour at 10:30 a.m., followed
                                                                         by the program at noon. Ticket prices
                                                                         start at $50 per person.

                                                                         More >>       For more information or
                                                                                       to make reservations, call
                                                                                       Saint Agnes Foundation,
                                                                                       (559) 450-2040.

                                        Saint Agnes Associates Fashion and Entertainment Event

                                         “The Power of Fashion”
                                        10:30 a.m., saturday, nov. 4, the spa at Fig garden village

Win tickets to “The Power of Fashion”                                                        last is
                                                                                                       s ue’s w
and $100 to dress yourself!
                                                                                             lares         ions t
                                                                                                   , winn          o ros
                                                                                                           er of         ie
                                                                                               Potter             a $10
See the latest in fashion and enjoy                                                                   y Barn             0
                                                                                                             gift ca
a little extra spending money. One
lucky winner will receive two tickets    Name
to “The Power of Fashion” (valued at               (please print)
$50 each) plus a $100 gift card to
                                                                                                                          saint agnes healthscene

Fig Garden Village – compliments of      Address
Saint Agnes Medical Center. Fill out
this form for a chance to win!
    To enter, fax this form to Saint     City                                  State            ZIP
Agnes Health Scene, (559) 450-2122,
or mail it by nov. 1 to: Saint Agnes
Health Scene, Saint Agnes Medical        Phone
Center Communications Department,
1303 E. Herndon Ave., MS 915,
Fresno, CA 93720.                        E-mail                                                                                     7
H e a lt H y H e a r t

                                                             in the
                          numbers, numbers, too many numbers – phones, or lower and 79 mm Hg diastolic or lower. High blood
                                                                                              pressure, or hypertension, is defined as 140/90 mm Hg or
                          social security, Pin. if you have trouble remem- higher. Numbers between normal and high are considered
                          bering these, then focus on five that really matter,                   To manage elevated blood pressure, focus on eating fruits,
                                                                                              vegetables and nonfat or low-fat dairy products. Moderate
                          for the sake of your health.                                        your consumption of total fats, and limit saturated fats and
                                                                                              cholesterol. Limit sodium intake to no more than the equiva-
                             Numbers to learn – and learn to control – for a healthier,       lent of about a teaspoon per day. Maintain a healthy weight,
                          longer life are these: blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar,    and lose weight if you need to. At the same time, work up
                          body mass index (BMI) and waist measurement.                        to at least 30 minutes of brisk exercise each day.
                             “Being aware of these numbers, what range you should
                          be within and then reaching them are important starts to            cHolesterol
                          beating heart disease,” Fresno cardiologist Lakhjit Sandhu,         Cholesterol is a fatlike substance in the blood that’s involved
                          MD, says.                                                           in several important functions, such as building cell walls,
                             Let’s look at each one.                                          aiding digestion and producing hormones.
                                                                                                 “The data is clear-cut: High cholesterol values are as-
                          Blood Pressure                                                      sociated with an elevated risk of heart attack and stroke,”
                          Blood pressure is the force blood places on artery walls when       Dr. Sandhu says.
                          the heart beats (systolic pressure, the
                          first number) and when it rests (diastolic
                          pressure, the second number).                Blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, body
                               “It’s clear that the risks of heart at-
                          tack and stroke are tied to high blood       mass index and waist measurement are all
saint agnes healthscene

                          pressure,” Dr. Sandhu says.
                              High blood pressure often has no         important clues to heart health.
                          symptoms, making regular blood pres-
                          sure checks crucial.
                              Dr. Sandhu says people in their 20s and 30s should have            The two main types of cholesterol – low-density lipo-
                          their blood pressure checked at each doctor’s visit – or at least   protein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) – play
                          every five years. Since high blood pressure becomes more            different roles.
                          common as people age, he suggests more frequent checks                 LDL, or bad cholesterol, can form fatty deposits inside
                          as people get older.                                                arteries that nourish the heart or brain. Blocked heart or
           8                  A normal blood pressure reading is 119 mm Hg systolic           brain arteries can cause a heart attack or stroke.
it’s your Move

                                                                     Activity benefits the heart
                                                                     If exercise were a pill, nearly everyone would want to
                                                                     take it.
                                                                         Exercise is one of the best things you can do for
                                                                     your heart. It helps reduce total cholesterol, lower
                                                                     blood pressure and cut the risk of diabetes, and it
                                                                     helps you maintain a healthy weight.
                                                                         Experts offer these ideas for getting started:
                                                                     n Start slowly, especially if you haven’t been active
                                                                        for a while. Don’t try to make up for your previous
                                                                        inactivity all at once.
                                                                     n Schedule exercise at the same time each day so
                                                                        that it becomes a habit.
                                                                     n Work up to whatever amount of activity your doctor
                                                                        recommends. The American Heart Association says
                                                                        most people should get at least 30 minutes of
                                                                        exercise most or all days of the week.
                                                                     n Keep things interesting by trying different activi-
                                                                        ties. Walking, biking or swimming can be fun, but
                                                                        so can working in the garden.
                                                                     n Exercise with a friend or a family member, or take
                                                                        an exercise class.
                                                                     n Stop exercising if you have severe pain or swelling,
                                                                        but expect a little muscle soreness at first.
keeping active is one of the best things you can do for your         n If you have to stop exercising for a while, don’t get
heart. exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce          discouraged. Just start over again and work up to
total cholesterol and lower blood pressure, among other                 your previous level.

    HDL, or good cholesterol, helps clear arteries of these
    Generally, the lower the LDL number, the better. The
American Heart Association says an LDL of less than 100
milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) of blood is optimal, 130
to 159 mg/dL is borderline high and anything above that
is high. For those with established coronary artery disease,
LDL levels should be below 70.
    Since HDL helps protect against heart disease, higher
numbers are better. Men have an average HDL of 40 to 50
mg/dL, while women average between 50 and 60 mg/dL.
Levels below 40 mg/dL are considered low for both men
and women and increase the risk of heart disease.
    If you need to lower your LDL, eat a diet low in saturated
fats and cholesterol, manage your weight and exercise. If these
                                                                                                                                 saint agnes healthscene

changes alone aren’t enough, medications may help.
    If you need to raise your HDL, focus on exercising for
at least 30 to 60 minutes a day on most or all days of the
week. Losing weight if you’re overweight and not smoking
can also help.

Blood sugar
After a meal, food is broken down into a sugar called glucose,    get regular health screenings so you’ll know how your
which is carried by the blood to nourish the body’s cells.        numbers measure up for a healthy heart. your doctor can tell
                                       Continued on page 10       you how often you need to be screened.                                   9
Continued from page 9                                               A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is considered healthy. Between
                                                                                           25 and 29.9 is overweight, while 30 and above is obese.
                          Too much glucose in the blood damages nerves and blood           Waist circumference becomes a health concern when it
                          vessels, which can lead to heart disease. A person with high     exceeds 40 inches for a man or 35 inches for a woman. To
                          glucose levels has diabetes.                                     calculate your BMI, visit and click on “Cool
                             “Findings show that higher blood sugar readings are con-      Tools.”
                          nected with hardening of the arteries and an added risk for         Like controlling high blood pressure, cholesterol and blood
                          heart attack or stroke,” Dr. Sandhu says.                        sugar, bringing your BMI and waist measurement down
                             Two common tests can determine blood sugar levels:            involves proper diet and exercise.
                          the fasting plasma glucose (FPG) test and the oral glucose
                          tolerance test (OGTT.)                                           Putting it all togetHer
                             Both tests measure blood sugar after an eight-hour fast.      While medications may also be needed – especially if you
                          With OGTT, however, a second measurement is taken two            have diabetes or have had a heart attack – making lifestyle
                          hours after you swallow a special glucose beverage. FPG is       changes is always the first option if you want to enjoy the
                          more convenient; OGTT is more sensitive.                         perks of a long life, Dr. Sandhu says.
                             A normal FPG is 99 mg/dL or below. Anything above
                          107 mg/dL is considered diabetes.                                More >> To learn more about heart health, go to the
                             A normal OGTT reading is 139 mg/dL and below. Any-                        American Heart Association Web site at
                          thing above 199 mg/dL is diabetes. Readings of 140 mg/dL           
                          to 199 mg/dL are considered pre-diabetes.
                             Lifestyle changes that help control blood sugar are
                          similar to those that help manage high blood pressure
                          and cholesterol – namely, weight loss if you’re over-
                                                                                               Tips for preventing
                          weight; a low-fat, low-calorie diet; and regular exercise.
                          If these measures fall short, your doctor may prescribe
                                                                                               a supersized waistline
                          medications.                                                         You might remember how many pints are in a quart
                                                                                               or how many ounces are in a pound. But how many
                          BMi and waist MeasureMent                                            servings are in a portion?
                          BMI is a calculation that evaluates weight relative to height           When it comes to restaurant food, packaged food
                          to determine whether you’re of normal weight, overweight             and even food served at home, portion sizes seem to
                          or obese. Likewise, a larger waist circumference usually means       be growing. Not surprisingly, so are our waistlines.
                          more body fat.                                                          In fact, food portions served in the United States
                             “Statistics show that people with greater waist circumfer-        have never been bigger, according to the American
                          ence are more likely to develop heart disease and diabetes,”         Institute for Cancer Research. And the more food
                          Dr. Sandhu says. “A higher BMI reading is also connected             we’re served, the more we eat, which leads to weight
                          with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.”                  gain and an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes
                                                                                               and some cancers.

                                                                                               Portions vs. servings
                               Need help knowing                                               A portion is the amount of food you eat. A serving is
                                                                                               a standard amount set by the U.S. government. Here
                               your numbers?                                                   are some ways to visualize a serving of:
                                                                                               n Meat (3 ounces) – a deck of cards
                               Saint Agnes Medical Center is pleased to offer the              n Salad greens (1 cup) – a baseball
                               following profiles to help you stay in touch with your          n Fresh fruit (half cup) – half a baseball
                               health.                                                         n Peanut butter (2 tablespoons) – a pingpong ball
                                   For more information or to sign up, please call
                               (559) 450-2010.                                                 eat out wisely
saint agnes healthscene

                                                                                               Researchers say that restaurant portion sizes have
                               Fitness ProFile laB Panel                                       grown substantially over the years. To cut those
                               Learn your blood lipid profile, including total choles-         restaurant portions down to size:
                               terol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides. The cost is $60.             n Eat an appetizer as your meal.
                                                                                               n Split your meal with a friend or order a half
                               Personal wellness ProFile                                         portion.
                               Get a personalized report of your health risks, based           n Ask for half the meal to be boxed before you begin
                               on your height and weight, blood pressure, total                  eating.
                               cholesterol, a body fat analysis, and a self-report             n Eat slowly, savor the food, and stop eating when
  10                           questionnaire. The cost is $45.                                   you feel full.

      in ICU care
SHE’S BEEN CALLED a walking                 lives saved at participating ICus between     more than 80 percent in four years.
miracle. Experiencing complications from    March 2004 and June 2005.                        In Furr’s case, ICu staff were able
cancer and other illnesses, Betty Furr,         Saint Agnes’ involvement in the           to identify potential risks early on,
of Squaw valley, was admitted to Saint      Keystone Project began in spring 2004.        implement practices learned through
Agnes Medical Center’s Intensive Care       Along with other participating ICus, the      the Keystone Project, and ultimately
unit (ICu) in October 2005. There she       Medical Center implemented a number           prevent infections. That stood out to
was in a coma for eight weeks, fight-       of interventions to create a culture of       Furr’s husband, Bill, who was at Betty’s
ing organ failures and health issues. But   safety – such as elevating the heads of       bedside every day. “I was overwhelmed
thanks to an innovative project that the    patients who need mechanical ventilators      by the staff members – their care and
Saint Agnes ICu is part of, Furr is alive   to breathe, providing frequent oral care      professionalism,” he says. “She couldn’t
and making tremendous strides.              and preventing stress-induced ulcers.         have been in better hands.”

tHe keystone ProJect                        The Keystone Intensive Care Unit Project has
The Saint Agnes ICu is among 127 ICus
nationwide, and the only facility west of   saved nearly 1,600 lives at participating ICUs
Iowa, to participate in the Keystone In-
tensive Care unit Project. The Michigan     between March 2004 and June 2005.
Hospital Association and safety experts
from Johns Hopkins university launched      draMatic iMProveMents                         Progress continues
Keystone in 2003 to reduce medical er-      “Because patients coming into an ICu          Now back at home, Furr continues to
rors and improve patient safety.            are so sick, it’s natural that a percentage   recuperate and relearn how to walk
   Participating hospitals use telephone    of patients will end up with additional       on her own, and she is eager to return
conference calls and Web-based edu-         infections,” Eden says. “But institutions     to gardening all five acres of their
cational tools to learn about and share     participating in Keystone have been able      home.
                                                                                                                                     saint agnes healthscene

evidence-based interventions to improve     to drop infections well below national           At Saint Agnes, staff members contin-
the quality of care.                        averages.”                                    ue to work diligently with the Keystone
   “It’s essentially a huge medical chat        Thanks to the collaboration of many       Project. “We have access to evidence-
room where we can cross-reference, share    individuals involved in a patient’s stay –    based protocols that have become so
material and ask questions,” says Joyce     including physicians, nurses, respiratory     significant, patients who get admitted
Eden, RN, MHA, director of Critical         therapists, social workers and house-         today to the ICu at Saint Agnes have
Care Services, Respiratory Care and the     keepers – the Keystone Project has re-        better outcome opportunities than those
Transitional Care unit at Saint Agnes.      sulted in dramatic improvements at Saint      admitted to many other ICus,” Eden
   The project has proven to be an over-    Agnes. For example, the Medical Center’s      says. “And ultimately, the biggest win-
whelming success, with nearly 1,600         ventilator-associated pneumonia rate fell     ners are the patients.”                      11
                                l u n g H e a lt H

                                 l u n g H e a lt H

saint agnes healthscene

                                                                     Is it asthma or allergies?
YOu’vE NEvER SMOKED in your life. That’s good.
But it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re immune to the many
                                                                     Testing can help tell
health problems linked to smoking, such as heart disease and         You’re coughing, your chest feels tight, and you’re
lung cancer. All you have to do is be around someone else’s          having trouble breathing. It could be just a cold. But
smoke, and you put your health at risk.                              these also could be signs of asthma or allergies.
   “Secondhand smoke is actually much dirtier than what                  If you’re unsure what is causing your symptoms,
smokers directly inhale,” says Saint Agnes respiratory therapist     seeing your doctor is a good idea. He or she can use
Jodi McEdward, RRT-NPS, RPFT, AE-C.                                  various tests to determine if you have asthma or
   Secondhand smoke is especially harmful to children who            allergies.
are still developing physically and have higher breathing                asthma is a condition that causes your airways to
rates than adults.                                                   swell and narrow. It can cause you to wheeze, cough
                                                                     and feel short of breath. Attacks may be triggered by
wHat is it?                                                          exercise, dust, viral infections and other conditions,
Secondhand smoke is a mixture of the smoke from the burn-            such as allergies. The attacks can vary in length,
ing end of a cigarette, pipe or cigar, and the smoke exhaled         frequency and severity.
by smokers. When you’re exposed to it, your body absorbs                 To diagnose asthma, your doctor will likely ask
nicotine and other harmful chemicals.                                about your symptoms and listen to your breathing.
    “Someone exposed to secondhand smoke doesn’t have the            You also may be given spirometry – a test that mea-
benefit of a filter, like the smoker finds in a cigarette,” McEd-    sures airflow in your lungs.
ward says. “And if you’re a nonsmoker inhaling secondhand                Your doctor may also recommend:
smoke, your body hasn’t adapted to chronic exposure of these         n A test that uses a handheld peak-flow meter to
toxins, making your body more sensitive to the bad effects.”            check your breathing over a period of one to two
    Along with increasing your risk for lung cancer, second-            weeks.
hand smoke is associated with:  Chronic and severe heart            n Allergy testing to find out what allergens might
disease  Irritation of the eyes, nose and throat  Respiratory         affect you.
problems such as coughing, excessive phlegm, chest discomfort        n A test to see how your airways react to exercise.
and reduced lung function.                                           n Tests to see if you have gastroesophageal reflux
    Children exposed to secondhand smoke are at an increased            disease (GERD) or sinus disease – both of which
risk of getting asthma, ear infections and respiratory infections,      can produce symptoms similar to asthma.
such as bronchitis or pneumonia. Secondhand smoke has also           n Chest X-rays or an electrocardiogram to find out
been linked to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).                     if other lung diseases or heart disease could be
                                                                        causing asthma symptoms.
How can i avoid it?                                                      allergies are triggered by substances called al-
While smoking is now banned in many public places, it’s still        lergens, which include dust mites, pollen, smoke
not easy to avoid secondhand smoke. But these steps from the         and other airborne particles. Certain foods can also
American Lung Association (ALA) can help:  Ask people to            trigger allergies.
go outside when they smoke.  Tell family, friends and co-               To treat allergies effectively, your doctor will have
workers that you do not want them to smoke around you.               to determine what triggers your allergic reactions.
 Prohibit smoking in your vehicle.  Make sure your child’s         Most allergy tests involve exposing your skin or blood
day care, school and after-school programs are smoke-free.           to tiny amounts of different allergens and looking for
   “If you’re smoking, the best gift you can give your loved         reactions, such as skin swelling or redness.
ones is to quit,” McEdward says. “And as you work on quit-               Some common allergy tests include:
ting, be sure not to smoke around children or other family           n A prick test. An allergen is placed in the skin by
members.”                                                               making a small puncture.
                                                                     n An intradermal test. An allergen is injected under
want to quit sMoking?                                                   the skin with a syringe.
                                                                                                                                                    saint agnes healthscene

The ALA, in conjunction with Saint Agnes Medical Center’s            n A scratch test. An allergen is dropped onto a
Respiratory Care Department, holds a regular smoking cessation          scratch on the skin.
program called Freedom From Smoking®. This eight-week                n Challenge testing. An allergen is eaten or inhaled.
program includes:  Group support  Techniques to handle             n A radioallergosorbent test (RAST). Blood is drawn
stress management and relaxation  Tips for dealing with                and exposed to allergens.
weight control and social issues surrounding smoking.                    For more information about asthma and allergy
                                                                     testing, visit the American Academy of Allergy,
More >> For more information about upcoming                          Asthma and Immunology Web site at
            classes, call the ALA, (559) 222-4800.
                                                                     Sources: American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology; National Heart,
                                                                     Lung, and Blood Institute                                                        13
                                                                                       YOuR FEET DESERvE MORE than a little kindness.
                                                                                       After all, when you need to go somewhere, they’re always
                                                                                       there for you. So if you have diabetes, return the favor: Give
                                                                                       your feet some extra care and help them stay healthy.
                                                                                          “Foot care is probably the easiest part of managing your
                                                                                       diabetes, but it’s no less important than other parts of your
                                                                                       diabetes treatment plan,” says Susan Hopper, RN, BSN, CDE,
                                                                                       Diabetes Program Coordinator of the Saint Agnes Diabetes
                                                                                       Treatment & Resource Center.
                                                                                          Diabetes can raise your risk for serious foot problems.
                                                                                       For example, if you have nerve damage from diabetes, you
                                                                                       might not feel an injury – or even a blister – on your foot.
                                                                                       Poor circulation and high blood sugar can then hamper
                                                                                       healing of the wound, which can lead to infection and deep
                                                                                       sores. Severe cases may even require amputation, notes the
                                                                                       American Academy of Family Physicians.
                                                                                          Work with your doctor to keep your blood sugar under
                                                                                       control, and practice healthy habits, such as exercising, con-
                                                                                       trolling cholesterol and not smoking. Also, consider these
                                                                                       tips from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and
                                                                                       other experts:
                                                                                          Check your feet daily, and tell your doctor if you notice
                                                                                       problems such as redness, cuts, swelling and blisters, pain that
                                                                                       doesn’t go away, numbness or tingling. If you have trouble
                                                                                       seeing the bottoms of your feet, ask someone to look at them
                                                                                       for you or use a mirror.
                                                                                          Wash your feet daily with mild soap and lukewarm
                                                                                       water. Dry them well, especially between the toes. To help
                                                                                       your feet stay dry, dust them with nonmedicated powder.
                                                                                       Apply lotion only on your feet – not between your toes.
                                                                                          Check with your doctor before treating calluses, corns
                                                     diaBetes                          or bunions.
                                                                                          Cut your toenails straight across, not into the corners.

                                                           How to                      Tell your doctor if you have ingrown toenails.
                                                                                          Don’t go barefoot. Wear shoes that fit well, and check

                                                                                       inside each time you wear them for torn linings or objects,
                                                                                       such as gravel, that could harm your feet.
                                                                                          Have your feet checked at least once a year by your
                                                                                       doctor – or at every visit if you have problems with them.

                               your feet
                                                                                          “Making foot care a daily priority can lead to healthy,
                                                                                       functioning feet for a lifetime,” Hopper says. “After all, we
                                                                                       only get one pair of feet.”
                                                                                          To learn more about diabetes services or to speak with
                                                                                       a diabetes educator at Saint Agnes, call (559) 450-2002.

                          Put your feet first when shopping for shoes
saint agnes healthscene

                          Well-fitting shoes can help you prevent foot problems.            soles. Opt for lace-up, not slip-on styles.
                          Keep in mind these tips when you buy new shoes:                n  If you wear shoe inserts, take them with you when you
                          n Shop late in the day; feet can swell as the day passes.         try on new shoes.
                          n Have your feet measured each time you buy shoes.             n Walk around the store before buying. New shoes
                          n Shoes should fit in width and length. Make sure                 should feel comfortable right away – you don’t want to
                            you can wiggle your toes.                                       buy shoes that need to be broken in.
                          n Avoid pointed toes, high heels and materials such as             Once you buy new shoes, check for foot redness or
                            plastic or vinyl that don’t “breathe.” Leather or canvas     irritation after wearing the shoes for at least an hour.
                            uppers are better choices.
                                                                                         Sources: American Diabetes Association; American Podiatric Medical Association;
  14                      n Choose cushioned shoes over ones with stiff leather          National Diabetes Education Program
cHew on tHis
Make fiber an everyday

food choice
Lentils with garlic                    YOu’vE PROBABLY HEARD that
                                       eating fiber keeps you “regular.”
                                                                                      appear to lower your risk for colon
                                                                                      cancer, according to the AICR.
and tomatoes                              That’s a euphemism, of course. The
                                       fiber your digestive system takes in as        good sources
Here’s a simple way to add extra       food is pretty much the fiber your diges-      “Depending on age and gender, the
fiber to your diet. Try this healthy   tive system moves out as waste.                average healthy adult should strive to
recipe from our Saint Agnes Medical       And that’s how fiber keeps you              get 21-38 grams of fiber daily,” Grim
Center dietitians.                     “regular” – by regularly moving waste          says. It’s best to get your fiber through
                                       out of your body.                              foods rather than supplements, which
ingredients                               But the benefits of fiber aren’t limited    don’t offer all the health benefits of
4 teaspoons olive oil                  to your digestive system.                      natural fiber.
5 cloves garlic                                                                           Good sources of fiber include arti-
½ pound tomatoes, peeled and           tHe role oF FiBer                              chokes, beans, berries, whole-wheat bread,
   minced                              You get fiber by eating plants such as         broccoli, starfruit (carambola), carrots,
1 cup dry lentils                      fruits, vegetables and grains, notes the       dates, figs, lentils, nuts, oranges, papayas,
1½ teaspoon salt                       American Dietetic Association (ADA).           pears, peas and potatoes with skin.
11/5 teaspoon lemon juice                  Bran, whole wheat, and the skins of            The ADA and American Academy
                                       fruits and vegetables are insoluble fibers.    of Family Physicians offer these tips for
1. Heat oil in a 2-quart pot over      Insoluble fibers, also called roughage,        adding more fiber to your diet:
   medium heat.                        mostly benefit your digestive system,          n Read cereal labels. Some cereals offer
2. Add garlic and cook until just      according to the ADA. They promote                5 grams of fiber or more per serving.
   turning golden.                     bowel regularity and help prevent, or          n Eat brown rice rather than white.
3. Add tomatoes and cook down          ease the symptoms of, diseases such as         n Having a muffin? Choose bran.
   until thick, around 8 minutes.      diverticulosis, diverticulitis and irritable   n  Eat cooked beans at least once a
4. Add lentils and 2½ cups water.      bowel syndrome.                                   week.
5. Bring to a boil, cover and reduce       “Soluble fibers come in the form of        n Have minestrone or pea soup rather
   heat.                               oats, barley, dried beans, peas, and the          than chicken noodle.
6. Simmer 30 minutes.                  flesh of fruits and vegetables,” says Saint        To prevent gas and bloating – possible
7. Add salt and lemon juice.           Agnes dietitian Andrea Grim, MS, RD,           side effects if you increase your con-
                                                                                                                                      saint agnes healthscene

8. Mix well.                           CNSD. “They don’t pass through your            sumption of fiber too quickly – gradually
                                       system as quickly as insoluble fibers.”        add about 5 grams of fiber per week to
  nutrition inForMation                    By slowing the absorption of food,         your overall diet. And drink plenty of
  Makes 4 servings                     soluble fibers help stabilize blood sugar      fluids to avoid constipation.
  Calories                    225      and insulin levels in the body, reports the
  Fat                          5g      American Institute for Cancer Research         More >> To learn more about fiber,
  Carbohydrates               32g      (AICR). They also reduce blood levels of                    check out the ADA Web
  Fiber                       15g      bad cholesterol or fats, which in turn can                  site at,
  Protein                     13g      help reduce the risk of heart disease.                      or you can go to the AICR
                                           Both insoluble and soluble fiber also                   Web site at            15
                                                                                                           Get connected
                                                                                                           to better health!
  registration required for most classes. dates and                      sickle cell Program (adult)       crohn’s and colitis
  times are subject to change. For more information or                   Call (559) 450-5121.              support group
                                                                                                           Call (559) 450-2000.
  to register for these classes or support groups, call                  supermarket tour
                                                                         Free                              Footsteps
  the numbers listed or call saint agnes Health source                   Tour the supermarket with a       Grief support program for
  connection, (559) 450-2000 or 1-800-ST-AGNES                           registered dietitian and learn    children and teens, and their
  (1-800-782-4637). visit us at                            guidelines for healthy foods      parents and caregivers who
                                                                         and how to read food labels.      have experienced a loss through
 classes                             Health resource education           Call (559) 450-2000.              death, divorce or separation.
                                     Programs and referral service                                         Call (559) 450-5600.
 and PrograMs
                                     weekdays, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.             For seniors                       grief support group
 Body composition analysis           Free
 $25. Call (559) 450-2010.                                               club 55 Plus                      For adults who have recently
                                     Referrals to physicians and         Programs and services that        experienced the death of
 california eye institute            other health-related education      enrich the lives of Central       a friend or loved one.
 at saint agnes                      programs and support services.      Valley residents 55 and older.    Call (559) 450-3858.
 Eye disorders information           Call (559) 450-2000.                Call (559) 450-5555.
 and eye physician referrals.
                                                                                                           life after loss support group
                                     Heart Health for Heart Failure                                        Support and education
 Call (559) 449-5000.                Monthly                             Pat i e n t                       about the grief process.
 cancer information                  Free                                a n d Fa M i ly                   Call (559) 450-5600.
 Call (559) 450-5528.                Control congestive heart failure.   suPPort grouPs
                                     Call (559) 450-3762.                                                  Moms support group
 cPr                                                                     amputee support group             Mothers bring their babies
 n Healthcare Provider course        licensed Massage therapy            Call (559) 450-2000.              and share concerns.
 n HeartSaver CPR                    $55 for 60 minutes, $45 for                                           Call (559) 450-2000.
                                     45 minutes or $30 for 30 min-       Bariatric surgery Postoperative
 Call (559) 450-2010.
                                     utes. Call (559) 450-3595.          support group                     ostomy support group
 diabetes                                                                For Saint Agnes postop gastric    Call (559) 450-5121.
 self-Management skills              Maternity education                 bypass patients and their
 Physician referral required         Information about maternity         families. Call (559) 450-5166.
                                                                                                           Prostate cancer support group
                                     education, stork tours,                                               Call (559) 450-2000.
 for all diabetes classes.
                                     lactation and postpartum.           Brain tumor support group
 Call (559) 450-2002.
                                     Call (559) 450-BaBy (2229).         Call (559) 450-3452.
 Fitness Profile lab Panel
                                     Personal wellness Profile           Breast cancer support group
                                     A personalized report of your       Call (559) 450-2000.
 Blood lipid profile, including
 total cholesterol, HDL,             health status, including height     caregiver support
 LDL and triglycerides.              and weight, blood pressure,         group (adult)
 $60. Call (559) 450-2010.           body fat, total cholesterol and     Call (559) 450-3626.
                                     a self-report questionnaire.
                                     $45. Call (559) 450-2010.

                                                                                                                                      Nonprofit Org.
           reacH us                                                                                                                   U.S. Postage
           numbers to know                                                                                                               PAID
                                                                                                                                       Saint Agnes
                                                           1303 E. Herndon Ave.                                                       Medical Center
General Information               (559)   450-3000
                                                           Fresno, CA 93720
Business Office                   (559)   450-3154
Centralized Scheduling            (559)   450-5656
Emergency Department              (559)   450-3205
Foundation                        (559)   450-2040
Home Health                       (559)   450-5112
Physician Referral                (559)   450-2000
Volunteer Services                (559)   450-3521

check out our web site

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  • 1. SAINT AGNES Fall 2006 SCENE soul survivor A breast cancer patient’s journey Page 4
  • 2.
  • 3. contents Fall 2006 Features 4 From discovery to recovery. Read about one woman’s experience with breast cancer and the lessons she learned. 8 Heart health: what’s in the numbers. Confused by all the numbers related to heart health? Find out what they mean and which ones you need to know. 11 setting new standards in icu care. Saint Agnes participates in an innovative project to dramatically improve patient safety. 12 lung health. Learn the truth behind the harm of Fashion for a cause secondhand smoke and what you can do to protect your lungs. Page 7 SAINT AGNES HEALTH SCENE is In step with your health published as a community service for the friends and patrons of: Chances are, someone you know has had breast cancer. More saint agnes Medical center than 200,000 women are expected to be diagnosed this year 1303 E. Herndon Ave. alone. But thanks to advances in early detection and improved Fresno, CA 93720 (559) 450-3000 treatment, death rates from breast cancer have been on the decline. In honor of October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Mathew abraham President and Chief Executive Officer we’ve given special attention to breast health in this edition President and ceo Mathew abraham of Saint Agnes Health Scene. Inside you’ll read about our new Diagnostic Breast Center – which features the latest technology for breast cancer Vice President, Planning, Marketing and Business Development diagnosis and intervention – and the inspirational story of one local woman who’s James vandevelde proud to call herself a breast cancer survivor. You’ll also learn about Passionately Pink – a unique way to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research. Director, Corporate Communications kelley Babigian sanchez This Health Scene also covers a range of other health and wellness topics. You’ll discover how to keep certain numbers – like your cholesterol and blood pressure Manager, Graphics/Publications – in check to maintain a healthy heart. Read on to learn about the importance douglas Hembd of avoiding secondhand smoke and the benefits of a high-fiber diet. Senior Communications Specialist As you strive to improve your health, we at Saint Agnes work with you. Jaime Huss When it comes to your health, you and your loved ones deserve the best. Communications Specialist We are committed to providing nothing less. Patricia adams saint agnes healthscene Sincerely, Information in SAINT AGNES HEALTH SCENE comes from a wide range of medical experts. Models may be used in photos and illustra- tions. If you have any concerns or questions about specific content that may affect your health, please Mathew Abraham contact your healthcare provider. President and Chief Executive Officer Copyright © 2006 Coffey Communications, Inc. HSM19178h 3
  • 4. A breast cancer SHE DISCOvERED the devastating truth by accident. At age 40, veritta L. Holloway wanted a cosmetic breast lift. In- stead, she learned she had breast cancer. The dark journey into unfamiliar territory eventually led to enlighten- ment – transforming Holloway, with her admittedly “sloppily” performed self-exams and “zip-to-zero” breast care knowledge, into a passionate advocate for early detection and education. diagnosis and treatMent Breast cancer was the last thing on this healthy woman’s mind in August 2005. “I turned 40 and decided I wanted a physical tune-up – a breast lift, tummy tuck and liposuction,” Holloway says. Her doctor required her to have a preopera- Soul tion mammogram. On five consecutive nights prior to her mammogram, Holloway had intense dreams about her breasts. She could not remember them clearly but believed they were messages from her mother, who had died of liver cancer five years ear- lier. Around the time of her screening, Holloway also noticed tenderness under survivor her right armpit. ultimately, the Clovis resident canceled the breast lift but kept her mammogram appointment. After her screening, Holloway received a letter requesting a second mammogram, which was immediately followed by a diagnostic ultrasound.“I doubled over in shock, and I started crying,” the mother of three young children says. The next day she underwent a core biopsy. Within 24 hours, Holloway was di- Early detection: The best agnosed with stage IIB cancer and was informed that it was fast-growing or defense against breast cancer bad-acting. “It wasn’t a gigantic shock,” she says. “I had already accepted that I saint agnes healthscene For 11 years, Saint Agnes Medical Center has been promoting early detec- had breast cancer. It was almost a relief, tion and breast cancer prevention as a proud sponsor of KSEE Channel 24’s because now I could take action. Hope BuddyCheck, a program that encourages Central Valley women to perform is the most important thing to a cancer their breast self-exams every month and to remind their “buddies” to do patient.” the same. Holloway’s first treatment was surgery, Since its inception in October 1995, more than 30,000 women have performed at Saint Agnes by general registered for BuddyCheck 24. If you aren’t one of them, sign up yourself surgeon Margaret Hadcock, MD. It and a friend today by visiting or calling (559) 455-2224. included a successful lumpectomy and BuddyCheck 24 is jointly sponsored by KSEE Channel 24, Saint Agnes an auxiliary lymph node dissection. (A 4 Medical Center and Longs Drugs. lumpectomy is the removal of a cancerous
  • 5. patient’s journey from discovery to recovery lump from the breast. Auxiliary lymph importance of putting herself and her node dissection is the removal of lymph nodes under the arm.) needs first.“When I became a mom, my focus changed,” the gregarious 41-year- New Diagnostic After the procedure, she underwent six months of chemotherapy, followed old says. “I didn’t take vitamins but I made sure my kids ate right and were Breast Center by two months of radiation five times a healthy.” In the end, “you can’t do much week.“It wasn’t as bad as people believe,” for them if you’re not well.” Offering the latest Holloway says. Three pieces of advice stem from in diagnosis The treatments left her cancer-free. Holloway’s ordeal. First, “take care of your body and be good to yourself – all and treatment take screenings seriously the time. I was taking care of my kids Fear is a universal emotion felt The ordeal also led to significant lifestyle and not myself.” by women facing a breast cancer changes. Previously, Holloway did not Second,“if you’re in treatment, what- diagnosis. Understanding this, think much about mammograms. Now, ever you did during pregnancy will Saint Agnes Medical Center has the breast cancer survivor knows they probably make you feel good. Soothing taken steps to make the process are vital to living a high-quality life. baths carried me through chemo.” from screening and diagnosis to “If you had cancer last year but the Third, “I don’t care if you just have treatment as compassionate and screening didn’t detect it at that time, the flu – fight. Always fight. Be your comfortable as possible. you can still survive when it’s detected own advocate. Do what you’d do for This includes the recent open- this year – if you get that mammogram your child.” ing of our new state-of-the-art once a year like you should. Skip a year Taking her own advice, she continues Diagnostic Breast Center, housed and it could prove fatal,” Holloway says. fighting for her health. inside Plaza Surgical Center “If it’s a choice between getting my Throughout all the overwhelming (1105 E. Spruce Ave.). Here the breasts squeezed or death, squeeze me cancer clutter that invaded her life, Hol- most advanced technology for every week!” loway walked away with one great lesson: physical healing comes together Likewise, this full-time mother now “Do what’s being recommended to the in a beautiful, soothing environ- takes self-exams seriously. Previously, masses – as long as you do the mammo- ment conducive to our patients’ she was not entirely familiar with gram and self-exam, you’re OK.” spiritual and emotional needs. the feeling and characteristics of her breasts. Discouraged by dense tissue convenient services and a lumpy feel, she performed the Among the services offered at exams “very sloppily.” Today, she does the Diagnostic Breast Center are them thoroughly. minimally invasive stereotactic Through it all, Holloway’s level of and ultrasound procedures that breast care education increased, as she provide a precise diagnosis for was forced to make quick, informed de- breast problems, often without cisions about her own health care. She the need for surgery. However, consulted the Internet. She spoke with if a surgical biopsy is required, doctors, survivors, patients and friends. patients are conveniently accom- She read books. “It was horrendous and modated without having to leave overwhelming,” Holloway says. the building, thanks to a partner- “Knowledge is my way of gaining ship with Plaza Surgical Center. control,” she says. “Now I can tell you While still in surgery, an on- saint agnes healthscene percentages and statistics about breast site pathologist consults with the cancer.” However, she warns that patients surgeon to confirm that the tumor and their loved ones should exercise has been successfully removed, caution when obtaining information and biopsy results are processed because much of it is untrue, incom- within 24 hours. plete or wrong. Ensuring that sources are legitimate is key. More >> To learn more about one year after being diagnosed with the Saint Agnes Diag- lessons learned breast cancer, veritta Holloway is proud nostic Breast Center, This articulate survivor also learned the to call herself a survivor. call (559) 450-3833. 5
  • 6. Saint Agnes earns top women’s saint agnes Foundation gets pretty in pink for the cause. From left, teri amerine, kathy carlino, denee conner, Marti simpson, Juliana Pizura and gina anderson show their passion for pink. health Walk, run or wear pink ranking Go pink in the name of breast cancer FOR THE SECOND YEAR in a row, Saint Agnes Medical Center has Step out in the fight been ranked in the top 5 percent of hospitals nationwide for clini- cal excellence in women’s health against breast cancer services, based on a study issued by HealthGrades, the nation’s leading IN 1983 NANCY BRINKER created the first Susan G. Komen Race for the independent source for healthcare Cure® in memory of her older sister, Suzy, who died of breast cancer. The race quality information. was held in Dallas with 800 participants. Today the Komen Race for the Cure In the HealthGrades Third Annual Series is the largest 5K run/fitness walk in the world, with more than 100 races Report on Women’s Health Outcomes held throughout the united States annually. in U.S. Hospitals, Saint Agnes was Fresno is proud to host one of them. Join Saint Agnes Medical Center in recognized as a recipient of the supporting the Komen Race for the Cure at California State university, Fresno, 2006-2007 HealthGrades Wom- and be among the more than 1 million people to “step out” this year in the fight en’s Health Excellence Award TM against breast cancer. and received a five-star rating for The event will be held Saturday, Oct. 28. Choose from a 5K run and women’s health services, which in- walk or a 1-mile walk, with a special race just for kids. The cost cludes cardiac and stroke outcomes is $15 for adults and $10 for children 12 and younger. For more infor- for women, as well as maternity mation or to register, call (559) 229-4255 or visit care. The hospital is the only 2006- 2007 Women’s Health Excellence Award recipient in the Central val- ley area. Passionately Pink for the Cure “We are extremely proud of this designation,” says Mathew Abra- YOu DON'T HAvE to wear walking shoes to help raise breast cancer aware- ham, Saint Agnes Medical Center ness. Wear anything, as long as it’s pink. president and chief executive officer. To coincide with National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, the “It demonstrates the shared commit- Komen Foundation is kicking off a new fundraising and education program, Pas- ment of our physicians and staff to sionately Pink for the CureTM. The program encourages companies, schools and providing our patients with clini- saint agnes healthscene organizations to help find a cure for breast cancer by raising money to support cal excellence for the best possible breast cancer research, education, screening and treatment. outcomes.” Saint Agnes Medical Center is pleased to participate in this creative new program. Interested employees should contribute $5 or more to the Komen Foundation More >> The complete mater- and wear pink to show their commitment to finding a cure. nity care and women’s If you’d like to join Saint Agnes on Friday, Oct. 20, and show your health services ratings passion for pink fashion, sign up today by calling (559) 450-2090. are available on the Or you can register your group or business for another day in October HealthGrades Web site, by visiting 6
  • 7. Fashion for a cause WHETHER YOu’RE A FASHION guru or a novice, you won’t want to miss the Saint Agnes Associates Fashion and Entertainment Event – “The Power of Fashion.” Join us Saturday, Nov. 4, in front of The Spa at Fig Garden village. See the latest from stores throughout the village, such as B.B. Pepper Collec- tions, Banana Republic, Coach, Coldwater Creek, J. Jill and many others. Presenting sponsors include Fresno Lexus and Fig Garden village. Event proceeds will benefi t Saint Agnes Holy Cross Center for Women, a daytime respite for underserved women and children in downtown Fresno. Last year’s event raised more than $70,000 for the center. The high-style day begins with a no- host social hour at 10:30 a.m., followed by the program at noon. Ticket prices start at $50 per person. More >> For more information or to make reservations, call Saint Agnes Foundation, (559) 450-2040. Saint Agnes Associates Fashion and Entertainment Event “The Power of Fashion” 10:30 a.m., saturday, nov. 4, the spa at Fig garden village Win tickets to “The Power of Fashion” last is s ue’s w inner: and $100 to dress yourself! congr atulat lares ions t , winn o ros er of ie Potter a $10 See the latest in fashion and enjoy y Barn 0 gift ca rd. a little extra spending money. One lucky winner will receive two tickets Name to “The Power of Fashion” (valued at (please print) $50 each) plus a $100 gift card to saint agnes healthscene Fig Garden Village – compliments of Address Saint Agnes Medical Center. Fill out this form for a chance to win! To enter, fax this form to Saint City State ZIP Agnes Health Scene, (559) 450-2122, or mail it by nov. 1 to: Saint Agnes Health Scene, Saint Agnes Medical Phone Center Communications Department, 1303 E. Herndon Ave., MS 915, Fresno, CA 93720. E-mail 7
  • 8. H e a lt H y H e a r t What’s in the numbers numbers, numbers, too many numbers – phones, or lower and 79 mm Hg diastolic or lower. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is defined as 140/90 mm Hg or social security, Pin. if you have trouble remem- higher. Numbers between normal and high are considered prehypertension. bering these, then focus on five that really matter, To manage elevated blood pressure, focus on eating fruits, vegetables and nonfat or low-fat dairy products. Moderate for the sake of your health. your consumption of total fats, and limit saturated fats and cholesterol. Limit sodium intake to no more than the equiva- Numbers to learn – and learn to control – for a healthier, lent of about a teaspoon per day. Maintain a healthy weight, longer life are these: blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and lose weight if you need to. At the same time, work up body mass index (BMI) and waist measurement. to at least 30 minutes of brisk exercise each day. “Being aware of these numbers, what range you should be within and then reaching them are important starts to cHolesterol beating heart disease,” Fresno cardiologist Lakhjit Sandhu, Cholesterol is a fatlike substance in the blood that’s involved MD, says. in several important functions, such as building cell walls, Let’s look at each one. aiding digestion and producing hormones. “The data is clear-cut: High cholesterol values are as- Blood Pressure sociated with an elevated risk of heart attack and stroke,” Blood pressure is the force blood places on artery walls when Dr. Sandhu says. the heart beats (systolic pressure, the first number) and when it rests (diastolic pressure, the second number). Blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, body “It’s clear that the risks of heart at- tack and stroke are tied to high blood mass index and waist measurement are all saint agnes healthscene pressure,” Dr. Sandhu says. High blood pressure often has no important clues to heart health. symptoms, making regular blood pres- sure checks crucial. Dr. Sandhu says people in their 20s and 30s should have The two main types of cholesterol – low-density lipo- their blood pressure checked at each doctor’s visit – or at least protein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) – play every five years. Since high blood pressure becomes more different roles. common as people age, he suggests more frequent checks LDL, or bad cholesterol, can form fatty deposits inside as people get older. arteries that nourish the heart or brain. Blocked heart or 8 A normal blood pressure reading is 119 mm Hg systolic brain arteries can cause a heart attack or stroke.
  • 9. it’s your Move Activity benefits the heart If exercise were a pill, nearly everyone would want to take it. Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your heart. It helps reduce total cholesterol, lower blood pressure and cut the risk of diabetes, and it helps you maintain a healthy weight. Experts offer these ideas for getting started: n Start slowly, especially if you haven’t been active for a while. Don’t try to make up for your previous inactivity all at once. n Schedule exercise at the same time each day so that it becomes a habit. n Work up to whatever amount of activity your doctor recommends. The American Heart Association says most people should get at least 30 minutes of exercise most or all days of the week. n Keep things interesting by trying different activi- ties. Walking, biking or swimming can be fun, but so can working in the garden. n Exercise with a friend or a family member, or take an exercise class. n Stop exercising if you have severe pain or swelling, but expect a little muscle soreness at first. keeping active is one of the best things you can do for your n If you have to stop exercising for a while, don’t get heart. exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce discouraged. Just start over again and work up to total cholesterol and lower blood pressure, among other your previous level. benefits. HDL, or good cholesterol, helps clear arteries of these deposits. Generally, the lower the LDL number, the better. The American Heart Association says an LDL of less than 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) of blood is optimal, 130 to 159 mg/dL is borderline high and anything above that is high. For those with established coronary artery disease, LDL levels should be below 70. Since HDL helps protect against heart disease, higher numbers are better. Men have an average HDL of 40 to 50 mg/dL, while women average between 50 and 60 mg/dL. Levels below 40 mg/dL are considered low for both men and women and increase the risk of heart disease. If you need to lower your LDL, eat a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol, manage your weight and exercise. If these saint agnes healthscene changes alone aren’t enough, medications may help. If you need to raise your HDL, focus on exercising for at least 30 to 60 minutes a day on most or all days of the week. Losing weight if you’re overweight and not smoking can also help. Blood sugar After a meal, food is broken down into a sugar called glucose, get regular health screenings so you’ll know how your which is carried by the blood to nourish the body’s cells. numbers measure up for a healthy heart. your doctor can tell Continued on page 10 you how often you need to be screened. 9
  • 10. Continued from page 9 A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is considered healthy. Between 25 and 29.9 is overweight, while 30 and above is obese. Too much glucose in the blood damages nerves and blood Waist circumference becomes a health concern when it vessels, which can lead to heart disease. A person with high exceeds 40 inches for a man or 35 inches for a woman. To glucose levels has diabetes. calculate your BMI, visit and click on “Cool “Findings show that higher blood sugar readings are con- Tools.” nected with hardening of the arteries and an added risk for Like controlling high blood pressure, cholesterol and blood heart attack or stroke,” Dr. Sandhu says. sugar, bringing your BMI and waist measurement down Two common tests can determine blood sugar levels: involves proper diet and exercise. the fasting plasma glucose (FPG) test and the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT.) Putting it all togetHer Both tests measure blood sugar after an eight-hour fast. While medications may also be needed – especially if you With OGTT, however, a second measurement is taken two have diabetes or have had a heart attack – making lifestyle hours after you swallow a special glucose beverage. FPG is changes is always the first option if you want to enjoy the more convenient; OGTT is more sensitive. perks of a long life, Dr. Sandhu says. A normal FPG is 99 mg/dL or below. Anything above 107 mg/dL is considered diabetes. More >> To learn more about heart health, go to the A normal OGTT reading is 139 mg/dL and below. Any- American Heart Association Web site at thing above 199 mg/dL is diabetes. Readings of 140 mg/dL to 199 mg/dL are considered pre-diabetes. Lifestyle changes that help control blood sugar are similar to those that help manage high blood pressure and cholesterol – namely, weight loss if you’re over- Tips for preventing weight; a low-fat, low-calorie diet; and regular exercise. If these measures fall short, your doctor may prescribe a supersized waistline medications. You might remember how many pints are in a quart or how many ounces are in a pound. But how many BMi and waist MeasureMent servings are in a portion? BMI is a calculation that evaluates weight relative to height When it comes to restaurant food, packaged food to determine whether you’re of normal weight, overweight and even food served at home, portion sizes seem to or obese. Likewise, a larger waist circumference usually means be growing. Not surprisingly, so are our waistlines. more body fat. In fact, food portions served in the United States “Statistics show that people with greater waist circumfer- have never been bigger, according to the American ence are more likely to develop heart disease and diabetes,” Institute for Cancer Research. And the more food Dr. Sandhu says. “A higher BMI reading is also connected we’re served, the more we eat, which leads to weight with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.” gain and an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. Portions vs. servings Need help knowing A portion is the amount of food you eat. A serving is a standard amount set by the U.S. government. Here your numbers? are some ways to visualize a serving of: n Meat (3 ounces) – a deck of cards Saint Agnes Medical Center is pleased to offer the n Salad greens (1 cup) – a baseball following profiles to help you stay in touch with your n Fresh fruit (half cup) – half a baseball health. n Peanut butter (2 tablespoons) – a pingpong ball For more information or to sign up, please call (559) 450-2010. eat out wisely saint agnes healthscene Researchers say that restaurant portion sizes have Fitness ProFile laB Panel grown substantially over the years. To cut those Learn your blood lipid profile, including total choles- restaurant portions down to size: terol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides. The cost is $60. n Eat an appetizer as your meal. n Split your meal with a friend or order a half Personal wellness ProFile portion. Get a personalized report of your health risks, based n Ask for half the meal to be boxed before you begin on your height and weight, blood pressure, total eating. cholesterol, a body fat analysis, and a self-report n Eat slowly, savor the food, and stop eating when 10 questionnaire. The cost is $45. you feel full.
  • 11. NEW Setting STANDARDS S in ICU care SHE’S BEEN CALLED a walking lives saved at participating ICus between more than 80 percent in four years. miracle. Experiencing complications from March 2004 and June 2005. In Furr’s case, ICu staff were able cancer and other illnesses, Betty Furr, Saint Agnes’ involvement in the to identify potential risks early on, of Squaw valley, was admitted to Saint Keystone Project began in spring 2004. implement practices learned through Agnes Medical Center’s Intensive Care Along with other participating ICus, the the Keystone Project, and ultimately unit (ICu) in October 2005. There she Medical Center implemented a number prevent infections. That stood out to was in a coma for eight weeks, fight- of interventions to create a culture of Furr’s husband, Bill, who was at Betty’s ing organ failures and health issues. But safety – such as elevating the heads of bedside every day. “I was overwhelmed thanks to an innovative project that the patients who need mechanical ventilators by the staff members – their care and Saint Agnes ICu is part of, Furr is alive to breathe, providing frequent oral care professionalism,” he says. “She couldn’t and making tremendous strides. and preventing stress-induced ulcers. have been in better hands.” tHe keystone ProJect The Keystone Intensive Care Unit Project has The Saint Agnes ICu is among 127 ICus nationwide, and the only facility west of saved nearly 1,600 lives at participating ICUs Iowa, to participate in the Keystone In- tensive Care unit Project. The Michigan between March 2004 and June 2005. Hospital Association and safety experts from Johns Hopkins university launched draMatic iMProveMents Progress continues Keystone in 2003 to reduce medical er- “Because patients coming into an ICu Now back at home, Furr continues to rors and improve patient safety. are so sick, it’s natural that a percentage recuperate and relearn how to walk Participating hospitals use telephone of patients will end up with additional on her own, and she is eager to return conference calls and Web-based edu- infections,” Eden says. “But institutions to gardening all five acres of their cational tools to learn about and share participating in Keystone have been able home. saint agnes healthscene evidence-based interventions to improve to drop infections well below national At Saint Agnes, staff members contin- the quality of care. averages.” ue to work diligently with the Keystone “It’s essentially a huge medical chat Thanks to the collaboration of many Project. “We have access to evidence- room where we can cross-reference, share individuals involved in a patient’s stay – based protocols that have become so material and ask questions,” says Joyce including physicians, nurses, respiratory significant, patients who get admitted Eden, RN, MHA, director of Critical therapists, social workers and house- today to the ICu at Saint Agnes have Care Services, Respiratory Care and the keepers – the Keystone Project has re- better outcome opportunities than those Transitional Care unit at Saint Agnes. sulted in dramatic improvements at Saint admitted to many other ICus,” Eden The project has proven to be an over- Agnes. For example, the Medical Center’s says. “And ultimately, the biggest win- whelming success, with nearly 1,600 ventilator-associated pneumonia rate fell ners are the patients.” 11
  • 12. Y l u n g H e a lt H Avoid l u n g H e a lt H secondhand saint agnes healthscene 12 smoke
  • 13. Y Is it asthma or allergies? YOu’vE NEvER SMOKED in your life. That’s good. But it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re immune to the many Testing can help tell health problems linked to smoking, such as heart disease and You’re coughing, your chest feels tight, and you’re lung cancer. All you have to do is be around someone else’s having trouble breathing. It could be just a cold. But smoke, and you put your health at risk. these also could be signs of asthma or allergies. “Secondhand smoke is actually much dirtier than what If you’re unsure what is causing your symptoms, smokers directly inhale,” says Saint Agnes respiratory therapist seeing your doctor is a good idea. He or she can use Jodi McEdward, RRT-NPS, RPFT, AE-C. various tests to determine if you have asthma or Secondhand smoke is especially harmful to children who allergies. are still developing physically and have higher breathing asthma is a condition that causes your airways to rates than adults. swell and narrow. It can cause you to wheeze, cough and feel short of breath. Attacks may be triggered by wHat is it? exercise, dust, viral infections and other conditions, Secondhand smoke is a mixture of the smoke from the burn- such as allergies. The attacks can vary in length, ing end of a cigarette, pipe or cigar, and the smoke exhaled frequency and severity. by smokers. When you’re exposed to it, your body absorbs To diagnose asthma, your doctor will likely ask nicotine and other harmful chemicals. about your symptoms and listen to your breathing. “Someone exposed to secondhand smoke doesn’t have the You also may be given spirometry – a test that mea- benefit of a filter, like the smoker finds in a cigarette,” McEd- sures airflow in your lungs. ward says. “And if you’re a nonsmoker inhaling secondhand Your doctor may also recommend: smoke, your body hasn’t adapted to chronic exposure of these n A test that uses a handheld peak-flow meter to toxins, making your body more sensitive to the bad effects.” check your breathing over a period of one to two Along with increasing your risk for lung cancer, second- weeks. hand smoke is associated with:  Chronic and severe heart n Allergy testing to find out what allergens might disease  Irritation of the eyes, nose and throat  Respiratory affect you. problems such as coughing, excessive phlegm, chest discomfort n A test to see how your airways react to exercise. and reduced lung function. n Tests to see if you have gastroesophageal reflux Children exposed to secondhand smoke are at an increased disease (GERD) or sinus disease – both of which risk of getting asthma, ear infections and respiratory infections, can produce symptoms similar to asthma. such as bronchitis or pneumonia. Secondhand smoke has also n Chest X-rays or an electrocardiogram to find out been linked to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). if other lung diseases or heart disease could be causing asthma symptoms. How can i avoid it? allergies are triggered by substances called al- While smoking is now banned in many public places, it’s still lergens, which include dust mites, pollen, smoke not easy to avoid secondhand smoke. But these steps from the and other airborne particles. Certain foods can also American Lung Association (ALA) can help:  Ask people to trigger allergies. go outside when they smoke.  Tell family, friends and co- To treat allergies effectively, your doctor will have workers that you do not want them to smoke around you. to determine what triggers your allergic reactions.  Prohibit smoking in your vehicle.  Make sure your child’s Most allergy tests involve exposing your skin or blood day care, school and after-school programs are smoke-free. to tiny amounts of different allergens and looking for “If you’re smoking, the best gift you can give your loved reactions, such as skin swelling or redness. ones is to quit,” McEdward says. “And as you work on quit- Some common allergy tests include: ting, be sure not to smoke around children or other family n A prick test. An allergen is placed in the skin by members.” making a small puncture. n An intradermal test. An allergen is injected under want to quit sMoking? the skin with a syringe. saint agnes healthscene The ALA, in conjunction with Saint Agnes Medical Center’s n A scratch test. An allergen is dropped onto a Respiratory Care Department, holds a regular smoking cessation scratch on the skin. program called Freedom From Smoking®. This eight-week n Challenge testing. An allergen is eaten or inhaled. program includes:  Group support  Techniques to handle n A radioallergosorbent test (RAST). Blood is drawn stress management and relaxation  Tips for dealing with and exposed to allergens. weight control and social issues surrounding smoking. For more information about asthma and allergy testing, visit the American Academy of Allergy, More >> For more information about upcoming Asthma and Immunology Web site at classes, call the ALA, (559) 222-4800. Sources: American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 13
  • 14. Y YOuR FEET DESERvE MORE than a little kindness. After all, when you need to go somewhere, they’re always there for you. So if you have diabetes, return the favor: Give your feet some extra care and help them stay healthy. “Foot care is probably the easiest part of managing your diabetes, but it’s no less important than other parts of your diabetes treatment plan,” says Susan Hopper, RN, BSN, CDE, Diabetes Program Coordinator of the Saint Agnes Diabetes Treatment & Resource Center. Diabetes can raise your risk for serious foot problems. For example, if you have nerve damage from diabetes, you might not feel an injury – or even a blister – on your foot. Poor circulation and high blood sugar can then hamper healing of the wound, which can lead to infection and deep sores. Severe cases may even require amputation, notes the American Academy of Family Physicians. Work with your doctor to keep your blood sugar under control, and practice healthy habits, such as exercising, con- trolling cholesterol and not smoking. Also, consider these tips from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and other experts: Check your feet daily, and tell your doctor if you notice problems such as redness, cuts, swelling and blisters, pain that doesn’t go away, numbness or tingling. If you have trouble seeing the bottoms of your feet, ask someone to look at them for you or use a mirror. Wash your feet daily with mild soap and lukewarm water. Dry them well, especially between the toes. To help your feet stay dry, dust them with nonmedicated powder. Apply lotion only on your feet – not between your toes. Check with your doctor before treating calluses, corns diaBetes or bunions. Cut your toenails straight across, not into the corners. How to Tell your doctor if you have ingrown toenails. Don’t go barefoot. Wear shoes that fit well, and check protect inside each time you wear them for torn linings or objects, such as gravel, that could harm your feet. Have your feet checked at least once a year by your doctor – or at every visit if you have problems with them. your feet “Making foot care a daily priority can lead to healthy, functioning feet for a lifetime,” Hopper says. “After all, we only get one pair of feet.” To learn more about diabetes services or to speak with a diabetes educator at Saint Agnes, call (559) 450-2002. Put your feet first when shopping for shoes saint agnes healthscene Well-fitting shoes can help you prevent foot problems. soles. Opt for lace-up, not slip-on styles. Keep in mind these tips when you buy new shoes: n If you wear shoe inserts, take them with you when you n Shop late in the day; feet can swell as the day passes. try on new shoes. n Have your feet measured each time you buy shoes. n Walk around the store before buying. New shoes n Shoes should fit in width and length. Make sure should feel comfortable right away – you don’t want to you can wiggle your toes. buy shoes that need to be broken in. n Avoid pointed toes, high heels and materials such as Once you buy new shoes, check for foot redness or plastic or vinyl that don’t “breathe.” Leather or canvas irritation after wearing the shoes for at least an hour. uppers are better choices. Sources: American Diabetes Association; American Podiatric Medical Association; 14 n Choose cushioned shoes over ones with stiff leather National Diabetes Education Program
  • 15. cHew on tHis Make fiber an everyday food choice Lentils with garlic YOu’vE PROBABLY HEARD that eating fiber keeps you “regular.” appear to lower your risk for colon cancer, according to the AICR. and tomatoes That’s a euphemism, of course. The fiber your digestive system takes in as good sources Here’s a simple way to add extra food is pretty much the fiber your diges- “Depending on age and gender, the fiber to your diet. Try this healthy tive system moves out as waste. average healthy adult should strive to recipe from our Saint Agnes Medical And that’s how fiber keeps you get 21-38 grams of fiber daily,” Grim Center dietitians. “regular” – by regularly moving waste says. It’s best to get your fiber through out of your body. foods rather than supplements, which ingredients But the benefits of fiber aren’t limited don’t offer all the health benefits of 4 teaspoons olive oil to your digestive system. natural fiber. 5 cloves garlic Good sources of fiber include arti- ½ pound tomatoes, peeled and tHe role oF FiBer chokes, beans, berries, whole-wheat bread, minced You get fiber by eating plants such as broccoli, starfruit (carambola), carrots, 1 cup dry lentils fruits, vegetables and grains, notes the dates, figs, lentils, nuts, oranges, papayas, 1½ teaspoon salt American Dietetic Association (ADA). pears, peas and potatoes with skin. 11/5 teaspoon lemon juice Bran, whole wheat, and the skins of The ADA and American Academy fruits and vegetables are insoluble fibers. of Family Physicians offer these tips for 1. Heat oil in a 2-quart pot over Insoluble fibers, also called roughage, adding more fiber to your diet: medium heat. mostly benefit your digestive system, n Read cereal labels. Some cereals offer 2. Add garlic and cook until just according to the ADA. They promote 5 grams of fiber or more per serving. turning golden. bowel regularity and help prevent, or n Eat brown rice rather than white. 3. Add tomatoes and cook down ease the symptoms of, diseases such as n Having a muffin? Choose bran. until thick, around 8 minutes. diverticulosis, diverticulitis and irritable n  Eat cooked beans at least once a 4. Add lentils and 2½ cups water. bowel syndrome. week. 5. Bring to a boil, cover and reduce “Soluble fibers come in the form of n Have minestrone or pea soup rather heat. oats, barley, dried beans, peas, and the than chicken noodle. 6. Simmer 30 minutes. flesh of fruits and vegetables,” says Saint To prevent gas and bloating – possible 7. Add salt and lemon juice. Agnes dietitian Andrea Grim, MS, RD, side effects if you increase your con- saint agnes healthscene 8. Mix well. CNSD. “They don’t pass through your sumption of fiber too quickly – gradually system as quickly as insoluble fibers.” add about 5 grams of fiber per week to nutrition inForMation By slowing the absorption of food, your overall diet. And drink plenty of Makes 4 servings soluble fibers help stabilize blood sugar fluids to avoid constipation. Calories 225 and insulin levels in the body, reports the Fat 5g American Institute for Cancer Research More >> To learn more about fiber, Carbohydrates 32g (AICR). They also reduce blood levels of check out the ADA Web Fiber 15g bad cholesterol or fats, which in turn can site at, Protein 13g help reduce the risk of heart disease. or you can go to the AICR Both insoluble and soluble fiber also Web site at 15
  • 16. connection YOUR HEALTH SOURCE Get connected to better health! registration required for most classes. dates and sickle cell Program (adult) crohn’s and colitis times are subject to change. For more information or Call (559) 450-5121. support group Call (559) 450-2000. to register for these classes or support groups, call supermarket tour Free Footsteps the numbers listed or call saint agnes Health source Tour the supermarket with a Grief support program for connection, (559) 450-2000 or 1-800-ST-AGNES registered dietitian and learn children and teens, and their (1-800-782-4637). visit us at guidelines for healthy foods parents and caregivers who and how to read food labels. have experienced a loss through classes Health resource education Call (559) 450-2000. death, divorce or separation. Programs and referral service Call (559) 450-5600. and PrograMs weekdays, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. For seniors grief support group Body composition analysis Free $25. Call (559) 450-2010. club 55 Plus For adults who have recently Referrals to physicians and Programs and services that experienced the death of california eye institute other health-related education enrich the lives of Central a friend or loved one. at saint agnes programs and support services. Valley residents 55 and older. Call (559) 450-3858. Eye disorders information Call (559) 450-2000. Call (559) 450-5555. and eye physician referrals. life after loss support group Heart Health for Heart Failure Support and education Call (559) 449-5000. Monthly Pat i e n t about the grief process. cancer information Free a n d Fa M i ly Call (559) 450-5600. Call (559) 450-5528. Control congestive heart failure. suPPort grouPs Call (559) 450-3762. Moms support group cPr amputee support group Mothers bring their babies n Healthcare Provider course licensed Massage therapy Call (559) 450-2000. and share concerns. n HeartSaver CPR $55 for 60 minutes, $45 for Call (559) 450-2000. 45 minutes or $30 for 30 min- Bariatric surgery Postoperative Call (559) 450-2010. utes. Call (559) 450-3595. support group ostomy support group diabetes For Saint Agnes postop gastric Call (559) 450-5121. self-Management skills Maternity education bypass patients and their Physician referral required Information about maternity families. Call (559) 450-5166. Prostate cancer support group education, stork tours, Call (559) 450-2000. for all diabetes classes. lactation and postpartum. Brain tumor support group Call (559) 450-2002. Call (559) 450-BaBy (2229). Call (559) 450-3452. Fitness Profile lab Panel Personal wellness Profile Breast cancer support group weekdays A personalized report of your Call (559) 450-2000. Blood lipid profile, including total cholesterol, HDL, health status, including height caregiver support LDL and triglycerides. and weight, blood pressure, group (adult) $60. Call (559) 450-2010. body fat, total cholesterol and Call (559) 450-3626. a self-report questionnaire. $45. Call (559) 450-2010. Nonprofit Org. reacH us U.S. Postage numbers to know PAID Saint Agnes 1303 E. Herndon Ave. Medical Center General Information (559) 450-3000 Fresno, CA 93720 Business Office (559) 450-3154 Centralized Scheduling (559) 450-5656 Emergency Department (559) 450-3205 Foundation (559) 450-2040 Home Health (559) 450-5112 Physician Referral (559) 450-2000 Volunteer Services (559) 450-3521 check out our web site