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IBM Software                                                                                  Construction / Architecture / Engineering
Business Analytics

                                                              Morgan Sindall Group plc
                                                              builds automated
                                                              financial reporting
                                                              Simplifying the creation of accurate and timely annual
                                                              and interim reports

                                                              Morgan Sindall Group plc is the holding company for a group of
                                                              leading businesses in the UK construction and regeneration industry,
                                                              including big names such as Morgan Sindall, Lovell, Overbury, Morgan
               Business challenge                             Lovell and Muse Developments. The group has more than 7,000 full-
               As a FTSE company, Morgan Sindall              time employees and also manages thousands of subcontractors; it can
               Group plc is required to publish full annual
               and interim reports that comply with
                                                              have as many as 20,000 people working in its supply chain at any one
               IFRS guidelines. Writing these reports         time. It generated £2.1 billion in revenues in 2010, and achieved profits
               was a mostly manual process, requiring         before tax amortisation and non-recurring costs of £51.3 million.
               many cycles of editing and checking. The
               finance team wanted to find an easier,
               more automated way to create and               “Our business is structured in a very entrepreneurial manner,
               manage these important documents,              and our strategy is for each division in the group to operate quite
               ensuring timely disclosure and eliminating     independently,” comments Dan Engler, Group Finance Manager at
               the risk of errors.
                                                              Morgan Sindall Group plc. “As a result, we keep our head office team
               Solution                                       very lean – we have about 25 people in total, including the directors,
               Morgan Sindall’s finance team built            and there are three people in the Group finance team.”
               a new annual reporting process by
               implementing IBM Cognos Financial
               Statement Reporting (FSR). The solution        Meeting increasing financial reporting
               uses consolidated financial data from
               IBM Cognos Controller and creates linked
               Microsoft Excel and Word documents             As a public company listed on the FTSE index at the London Stock
               that form the basis of the final report. The   Exchange, Morgan Sindall Group plc is obliged to publish a full annual
               solution also provides full version control    report and periodic Regulatory News Service (RNS) announcements. It
               and audit capabilities.
                                                              also releases full and half-year analyst announcements and various other
                                                              interim management updates.

                                                              “Our reports need to comply with International Financial Reporting
                                                              Standards (IFRS), and the level of detail that we have to disclose has
                                                              been increasing year on year,” comments Dan Engler. “As a result, our
                                                              annual report is now well over 100 pages – and creating and managing
                                                              a document of this size was becoming a struggle. So many different
                                                              departments need to contribute to it that it was no longer efficient
                                                              for everyone to sit in a room together and go through the whole
                                                              document. However, when we split the document up into sections, we
                                                              found that it was difficult to maintain consistency. This led to a lot of
                                                              cross-checking and late changes, which inflated the cost and complexity
                                                              of the process.”
IBM Software                                                                                               Construction / Architecture / Engineering
Business Analytics

                                                                                    and updated, this would dramatically reduce workload and
                                                                                    improve quality.
Business Benefits
•   Ensures consistent use of up-to-date data. Cognos FSR automatically             “One afternoon I sat in on a meeting with the Group Tax and
    imports data from the Cognos Controller consolidation system and                Treasury Director where he was looking at a demo of FSR,”
    refreshes it throughout the document, reducing the risk of errors.
                                                                                    explains Dan Engler. “It just clicked that this was exactly what
•   Enhances the overall quality of the report. Instead of spending all their       we needed in Finance. It works by allowing you to create
    time checking and re-checking the numbers, the finance team can                 ‘tags’ or ‘variables’ in the Microsoft Word document, which
    focus on analysing and interpreting the data.
                                                                                    are linked to data in the Microsoft Excel file. If a number
•   Enables a more collaborative approach, as several people can work on            needs to be changed, you can just update the spreadsheet and
    the document concurrently.                                                      Cognos FSR pulls the new data through into the Microsoft
•   Eliminates the need for a single person to act as ‘gatekeeper’ for all          Word document automatically.”
    edits; this has freed up one full-time employee to focus on other duties.

•   Reduces design costs by minimising the number of late changes when
                                                                                    Getting up and running
    the document reaches layout stage.                                              The Group finance team asked IBM for a proposal for the
                                                                                    implementation of Cognos FSR, which was reviewed by
•   Provides greater traceability, simplifying the audit process and
                                                                                    Morgan Sindall Group’s finance director and the deputy
    potentially saving costs on audit overruns.
                                                                                    company secretary. The deal was signed in May, with a view
                                                                                    to getting the solution up and running in time to create the
                                                                                    half-year interim reports in June.
Identifying bottlenecks and process
improvements                                                                        “We had two or three days of IBM education to set the
Morgan Sindall recognised that this wasn’t a problem that                           software up, and then another two or three days of training,”
could be solved by adding manpower, because the only way                            says Dan Engler. “That’s really all it took before we
to ensure proper version control in its reports was for a                           were ready to start using the software. It was very easy to
single person to act as ‘gatekeeper’ and take responsibility                        understand the concepts, and the fact that the front-end is
for managing all changes in the document. This created a                            based on Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel meant that all
bottleneck that slowed the process down, and also created                           those involved in preparing the report, not just our finance
risk. For example, if the designated gatekeeper fell ill part way                   team, were able to pick it up quickly.”
through the review process, it would be difficult for someone
else to take over the role.                                                         Tagging variables with Cognos FSR
                                                                                    The next step was to tag the Microsoft Word document.
“We wanted to find a way to focus on improving the overall                          Every time the text referred to a piece of financial data,
quality and consistency of the report,” says Dan Engler. “We                        the Morgan Sindall team replaced the raw number with
realised that this would only be possible if we could reduce                        a ‘variable’ that links to the underlying Microsoft Excel
the amount of time and effort we were spending on checking                          spreadsheet via Cognos FSR. If the number is changed in
the data and asking the gatekeeper to make edits. We looked                         the Microsoft Excel sheet, Cognos FSR updates it wherever
for a solution that would eliminate the need for a gatekeeper                       the variable occurs in the Microsoft Word document. The
by introducing proper version control, and that would make it                       solution can also use inbuilt logic to update the wording
easier to manage and update data consistently throughout the                        around the variable – so, for example, if a revenue figure
document.”                                                                          (“X”) changes from an increase to a decrease, the surrounding
                                                                                    wording will change automatically from “An increase of £X”
Finding a more automated solution                                                   to “A decrease of £X”.
The company was already using IBM Cognos Controller
to consolidate financial information from across the Group                          “You need to invest some time in the tagging process to
and export it as a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet. The annual                         get the most out of it, but the real advantage is that when
report itself was written in Microsoft Word, and figures from                       you’ve done it once, you can re-use it next time,” states Dan
the spreadsheet were copied into it manually. This manual                           Engler. “We spent four or five days on the tagging for our
process often introduced errors and inconsistencies which                           half-year RNS announcement in June, and we expect we’ll
then needed to be checked and corrected. Dan Engler’s                               have to spend a similar amount of time on extra tagging
team realised that if they could find a solution that linked                        for our annual report in February – but once that’s done,
the Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word documents and                                creating the data-focused sections of future reports should be
allowed the data to be reliably and automatically imported                          a streamlined process. If there aren’t any significant structural

IBM Software                                                                                  Construction / Architecture / Engineering
 Business Analytics

                                                                        the risk of getting the figures wrong in the first place, and
                                                                        partly because we were able to parallelise some of the work
 Solution Components
                                                                        instead of running everything through the gatekeeper. Set
 Software                                                               against this time saving, we did have to put some work into
 •   IBM® Cognos® Financial Statement Reporting                         the tagging process, but that was a one-off task which we
 •   IBM Cognos Controller
                                                                        won’t need to redo next time.”

                                                                        Making time savings through reuse
“We’re delighted with the results we’ve                                 The finance team is anticipating greater benefits when the
                                                                        time comes for its next RNS announcement and the creation
 achieved so far with Cognos FSR and Cognos                             of the annual report.
 Controller, and we are looking at ways to
 build on our success.”                                                 “The potential to reuse variables not only within documents,
                                                                        but also between them, should be a major time-saving,”
 — Dan Engler, Group Finance Manager at Morgan Sindall Group plc
                                                                        explains Dan Engler. “If we’ve already set up the tags for the
                                                                        RNS, we can reuse them in the annual report, and we can be
                                                                        sure that the data in both documents will match. This will
                                                                        reduce the need for manual checking and give us a lot more
 changes from one report to the next, it’s simply a matter of
                                                                        confidence in the accuracy of our disclosures.”
 running the consolidation in Cognos Controller, refreshing
 the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and then refreshing the
                                                                        Looking forward to cost benefits
 variables in Cognos FSR – a completely automated process.”
                                                                        From a cost perspective, the solution has already begun to pay
                                                                        back the investment.
 Increasing process controls
 Cognos FSR also provides much more robust version control              “For one thing, we don’t need a gatekeeper any more, which
 than Morgan Sindall’s gatekeeper-based process.                        means that one full-time employee can focus on more valuable
                                                                        duties instead of being involved in the reporting process,” says
 “We can put changes through much more quickly because
                                                                        Dan Engler. “We’re also expecting our design costs to fall,
 there’s no longer a bottleneck where we have to wait for one
                                                                        because we won’t need to make so many late changes when
 person to make all the edits manually,” says Dan Engler. “We
                                                                        a document is already at PDF layout stage. Finally, there’s a
 can even have several people working on the document at the
                                                                        possibility of a reduction in our external audit costs, because
 same time. For the recent half-year announcement, we had
                                                                        the audit process should be much simpler and we’re expecting
 a situation where we needed to insert a couple of new notes
                                                                        fewer overruns. But we’ll have to wait until after the audit in
 which preceded the existing ones, which meant renumbering
                                                                        February to find out!”
 all the subsequent notes. I was able to go into the document
 and insert the new notes; Cognos FSR then renumbered all               He concludes: “We’re delighted with the results we’ve
 the later notes automatically; and while this was happening,           achieved so far with Cognos FSR and Cognos Controller,
 one of my colleagues was able to keep working on a different           and we are looking at ways to build on our success. IBM has a
 section of the document without any problems. Everyone’s               strong portfolio of business analytics solutions, and the ability
 changes are tracked in both Microsoft Word and Microsoft               to introduce a broad range of capabilities with a single family
 Excel, so even if something does go wrong, it’s easy to identify       of software from a single vendor is very appealing for our
 where the mistake was made and find out which parts of the             business.”
 document it has affected.”

 Realising the benefits
 Despite implementing Cognos FSR only a month before the
 deadline, Morgan Sindall was able to complete its half-year
 RNS announcement on schedule.

 “It’s a testament to how easy the software is to use that
 we were able to implement the new process so quickly
 and successfully,” says Dan Engler. “We saved time on
 proofreading and editing, partly because Cognos FSR reduces

About IBM Business Analytics
IBM Business Analytics software delivers actionable insights decision-
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IBM Cognos FSR Case Study Decmber 2011

  • 1. IBM Software Construction / Architecture / Engineering Business Analytics Morgan Sindall Group plc builds automated financial reporting Simplifying the creation of accurate and timely annual and interim reports Morgan Sindall Group plc is the holding company for a group of leading businesses in the UK construction and regeneration industry, Overview including big names such as Morgan Sindall, Lovell, Overbury, Morgan Business challenge Lovell and Muse Developments. The group has more than 7,000 full- As a FTSE company, Morgan Sindall time employees and also manages thousands of subcontractors; it can Group plc is required to publish full annual and interim reports that comply with have as many as 20,000 people working in its supply chain at any one IFRS guidelines. Writing these reports time. It generated £2.1 billion in revenues in 2010, and achieved profits was a mostly manual process, requiring before tax amortisation and non-recurring costs of £51.3 million. many cycles of editing and checking. The finance team wanted to find an easier, more automated way to create and “Our business is structured in a very entrepreneurial manner, manage these important documents, and our strategy is for each division in the group to operate quite ensuring timely disclosure and eliminating independently,” comments Dan Engler, Group Finance Manager at the risk of errors. Morgan Sindall Group plc. “As a result, we keep our head office team Solution very lean – we have about 25 people in total, including the directors, Morgan Sindall’s finance team built and there are three people in the Group finance team.” a new annual reporting process by implementing IBM Cognos Financial Statement Reporting (FSR). The solution Meeting increasing financial reporting uses consolidated financial data from IBM Cognos Controller and creates linked requirements Microsoft Excel and Word documents As a public company listed on the FTSE index at the London Stock that form the basis of the final report. The Exchange, Morgan Sindall Group plc is obliged to publish a full annual solution also provides full version control report and periodic Regulatory News Service (RNS) announcements. It and audit capabilities. also releases full and half-year analyst announcements and various other interim management updates. “Our reports need to comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and the level of detail that we have to disclose has been increasing year on year,” comments Dan Engler. “As a result, our annual report is now well over 100 pages – and creating and managing a document of this size was becoming a struggle. So many different departments need to contribute to it that it was no longer efficient for everyone to sit in a room together and go through the whole document. However, when we split the document up into sections, we found that it was difficult to maintain consistency. This led to a lot of cross-checking and late changes, which inflated the cost and complexity of the process.”
  • 2. IBM Software Construction / Architecture / Engineering Business Analytics and updated, this would dramatically reduce workload and improve quality. Business Benefits • Ensures consistent use of up-to-date data. Cognos FSR automatically “One afternoon I sat in on a meeting with the Group Tax and imports data from the Cognos Controller consolidation system and Treasury Director where he was looking at a demo of FSR,” refreshes it throughout the document, reducing the risk of errors. explains Dan Engler. “It just clicked that this was exactly what • Enhances the overall quality of the report. Instead of spending all their we needed in Finance. It works by allowing you to create time checking and re-checking the numbers, the finance team can ‘tags’ or ‘variables’ in the Microsoft Word document, which focus on analysing and interpreting the data. are linked to data in the Microsoft Excel file. If a number • Enables a more collaborative approach, as several people can work on needs to be changed, you can just update the spreadsheet and the document concurrently. Cognos FSR pulls the new data through into the Microsoft • Eliminates the need for a single person to act as ‘gatekeeper’ for all Word document automatically.” edits; this has freed up one full-time employee to focus on other duties. • Reduces design costs by minimising the number of late changes when Getting up and running the document reaches layout stage. The Group finance team asked IBM for a proposal for the implementation of Cognos FSR, which was reviewed by • Provides greater traceability, simplifying the audit process and Morgan Sindall Group’s finance director and the deputy potentially saving costs on audit overruns. company secretary. The deal was signed in May, with a view to getting the solution up and running in time to create the half-year interim reports in June. Identifying bottlenecks and process improvements “We had two or three days of IBM education to set the Morgan Sindall recognised that this wasn’t a problem that software up, and then another two or three days of training,” could be solved by adding manpower, because the only way says Dan Engler. “That’s really all it took before we to ensure proper version control in its reports was for a were ready to start using the software. It was very easy to single person to act as ‘gatekeeper’ and take responsibility understand the concepts, and the fact that the front-end is for managing all changes in the document. This created a based on Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel meant that all bottleneck that slowed the process down, and also created those involved in preparing the report, not just our finance risk. For example, if the designated gatekeeper fell ill part way team, were able to pick it up quickly.” through the review process, it would be difficult for someone else to take over the role. Tagging variables with Cognos FSR The next step was to tag the Microsoft Word document. “We wanted to find a way to focus on improving the overall Every time the text referred to a piece of financial data, quality and consistency of the report,” says Dan Engler. “We the Morgan Sindall team replaced the raw number with realised that this would only be possible if we could reduce a ‘variable’ that links to the underlying Microsoft Excel the amount of time and effort we were spending on checking spreadsheet via Cognos FSR. If the number is changed in the data and asking the gatekeeper to make edits. We looked the Microsoft Excel sheet, Cognos FSR updates it wherever for a solution that would eliminate the need for a gatekeeper the variable occurs in the Microsoft Word document. The by introducing proper version control, and that would make it solution can also use inbuilt logic to update the wording easier to manage and update data consistently throughout the around the variable – so, for example, if a revenue figure document.” (“X”) changes from an increase to a decrease, the surrounding wording will change automatically from “An increase of £X” Finding a more automated solution to “A decrease of £X”. The company was already using IBM Cognos Controller to consolidate financial information from across the Group “You need to invest some time in the tagging process to and export it as a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet. The annual get the most out of it, but the real advantage is that when report itself was written in Microsoft Word, and figures from you’ve done it once, you can re-use it next time,” states Dan the spreadsheet were copied into it manually. This manual Engler. “We spent four or five days on the tagging for our process often introduced errors and inconsistencies which half-year RNS announcement in June, and we expect we’ll then needed to be checked and corrected. Dan Engler’s have to spend a similar amount of time on extra tagging team realised that if they could find a solution that linked for our annual report in February – but once that’s done, the Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word documents and creating the data-focused sections of future reports should be allowed the data to be reliably and automatically imported a streamlined process. If there aren’t any significant structural 2
  • 3. IBM Software Construction / Architecture / Engineering Business Analytics the risk of getting the figures wrong in the first place, and partly because we were able to parallelise some of the work Solution Components instead of running everything through the gatekeeper. Set Software against this time saving, we did have to put some work into • IBM® Cognos® Financial Statement Reporting the tagging process, but that was a one-off task which we • IBM Cognos Controller won’t need to redo next time.” Making time savings through reuse “We’re delighted with the results we’ve The finance team is anticipating greater benefits when the time comes for its next RNS announcement and the creation achieved so far with Cognos FSR and Cognos of the annual report. Controller, and we are looking at ways to build on our success.” “The potential to reuse variables not only within documents, but also between them, should be a major time-saving,” — Dan Engler, Group Finance Manager at Morgan Sindall Group plc explains Dan Engler. “If we’ve already set up the tags for the RNS, we can reuse them in the annual report, and we can be sure that the data in both documents will match. This will reduce the need for manual checking and give us a lot more changes from one report to the next, it’s simply a matter of confidence in the accuracy of our disclosures.” running the consolidation in Cognos Controller, refreshing the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and then refreshing the Looking forward to cost benefits variables in Cognos FSR – a completely automated process.” From a cost perspective, the solution has already begun to pay back the investment. Increasing process controls Cognos FSR also provides much more robust version control “For one thing, we don’t need a gatekeeper any more, which than Morgan Sindall’s gatekeeper-based process. means that one full-time employee can focus on more valuable duties instead of being involved in the reporting process,” says “We can put changes through much more quickly because Dan Engler. “We’re also expecting our design costs to fall, there’s no longer a bottleneck where we have to wait for one because we won’t need to make so many late changes when person to make all the edits manually,” says Dan Engler. “We a document is already at PDF layout stage. Finally, there’s a can even have several people working on the document at the possibility of a reduction in our external audit costs, because same time. For the recent half-year announcement, we had the audit process should be much simpler and we’re expecting a situation where we needed to insert a couple of new notes fewer overruns. But we’ll have to wait until after the audit in which preceded the existing ones, which meant renumbering February to find out!” all the subsequent notes. I was able to go into the document and insert the new notes; Cognos FSR then renumbered all He concludes: “We’re delighted with the results we’ve the later notes automatically; and while this was happening, achieved so far with Cognos FSR and Cognos Controller, one of my colleagues was able to keep working on a different and we are looking at ways to build on our success. IBM has a section of the document without any problems. Everyone’s strong portfolio of business analytics solutions, and the ability changes are tracked in both Microsoft Word and Microsoft to introduce a broad range of capabilities with a single family Excel, so even if something does go wrong, it’s easy to identify of software from a single vendor is very appealing for our where the mistake was made and find out which parts of the business.” document it has affected.” Realising the benefits Despite implementing Cognos FSR only a month before the deadline, Morgan Sindall was able to complete its half-year RNS announcement on schedule. “It’s a testament to how easy the software is to use that we were able to implement the new process so quickly and successfully,” says Dan Engler. “We saved time on proofreading and editing, partly because Cognos FSR reduces 3
  • 4. About IBM Business Analytics IBM Business Analytics software delivers actionable insights decision- makers need to achieve better business performance. IBM offers a comprehensive, unified portfolio of business intelligence, predictive and advanced analytics, financial performance and strategy management, © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011 governance, risk and compliance and analytic applications. IBM United Kingdom Limited PO Box 41 With IBM software, companies can spot trends, patterns and North Harbour anomalies, compare “what if” scenarios, predict potential threats Portsmouth and opportunities, identify and manage key business risks and plan, Hampshire PO6 3AU budget and forecast resources. With these deep analytic capabilities our customers around the world can better understand, anticipate and Produced in the United Kingdom December 2011 shape business outcomes. All Rights Reserved For more information IBM, the IBM logo,, and Cognos are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered For further information or to reach a representative please visit in many jurisdictions worldwide. A current list of other IBM trademarks is available on the Web at “Copyright and trademark information” at Request a call Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are To request a call or to ask a question, go to trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other An IBM representative will countries, or both. respond to your inquiry within two business days. Other company, product or service names may be trademarks, or service marks of others. References in this publication to IBM products, programs or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM product, program or service is not intended to imply that only IBM’s product, program or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program or service may be used instead. All customer examples cited represent how some customers have used IBM products and the results they may have achieved. Actual environmental costs and performance characteristics will vary depending on individual customer configurations and conditions. IBM hardware products are manufactured from new parts, or new and used parts. In some cases, the hardware product may not be new and may have been previously installed. Regardless, IBM warranty terms apply. This publication is for general guidance only. Photographs may show design models. Please Recycle YTC03374-GBEN-00