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The hyphen 
- in the church 
- in the pastor 
- healing the hyphen 
- living the hyphen
The hyphen 
- in the church
- in the 
Great Fall of Roman Empire 
Great Schism 
Great Reformation 
Great Emergence 
500-Year Rummage Sale
The Great 
my take on emergence
“normal” incremental evolutionary change: 
slow, predictable, gradual 
epochal, profound, revolutionary change: 
fast, unpredictable, sudden
2500+ BC 
Prehistoric World
2500+ BC 
Prehistoric World
2500 BC - 500 AD 
500 BC 1 AD 500 AD 
Ancient World 
Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, 
Hittite, Assyrian, Babylonian, 
Persian, Greek, Roman empires
2500 BC - 500 AD 
500 BC 1 AD 500 AD 
Ancient World 
Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, 
Hittite, Assyrian, Babylonian, 
Persian, Greek, Roman empires
2500 BC - 500 AD 
500 BC 1 AD 500 AD 
Ancient World 
500 AD - 1500 AD 
Medieval World 
1500 AD 
New Economy 
2500 BC - 500 AD 
500 BC 1 AD 500 AD 
Ancient World 
500 AD - 1500 AD 
Medieval World 
1500 AD 
‘The new Philosophy calls all in doubt, 
The Element of fire is quite put out; 
The Sun is lost, and th’earth, and no 
man’s wit 
Can well direct him where to look for it. 
Tis all in peeces, all cohaerance gone; 
All just supply, and all relation: 
Prince, Subject, Father, Sonne, are things 
For everyman alone thinkes he hath got 
To be a Phoenix, and there can bee 
None of that kinde, of which he is, but 
John Donne, 1611 (1572-1631)
The great 
chain of 
Is an “unchained” 
universe a 
liberated universe 
or a fragmented 
universe, cast 
“Nature and Nature's 
laws lay hid in night: 
God said, "Let Newton 
be!" and all was light.” 
Alexander Pope (1688-1744) 
Epitaph Intended for Sir Isaac 
Newton (1642-1727)
Consider the poetic 
The universe becomes a 
courtroom, God the 
lawgiver and king/judge … 
Natural Law and Revealed 
The 10 Spheres are 
gone … 
The Great Chain is 
gone … 
But order has 
Invisible and 
universal rules, 
principles, laws, 
patterns, standards, 
The divinely sanctioned system has 
The Divine Right of 
Kings and popes is
1500 AD - 2000 AD 
1500 AD 1750 AD 2000 AD 
Modern World 
1950 AD - ??? 
Postmodern World 
Medieval World 
New Science 
New Weapons 
New Transportation 
New Economy 
New Spirituality
1500 AD - 2000 AD 
1500 AD 1750 AD 2000 AD 
Modern World 
1950 AD - ??? 
Postmodern World 
Medieval World 
New Science 
New Weapons 
New Transportation 
New Economy 
New Spirituality
Themes of Postmodernity 
1. Conquest, Control, Progress … Conservation 
2. Mechanistic/reductionist … holistic/systemic 
3. Analytical … post-analytical 
4. Secular/scientific … spiritual/scientific 
5. Objective … Intersubjective 
6. Critical … Post-critical 
7. Organization … alliance, network
Themes of Postmodernity 
8. Individualism … community, tradition, tribe 
9. Protestant/polemical … Post-protestant 
10. Consumerism … Sustainability 
11. Print literacy … layered fluency 
12. National … global/migratory 
13. Ideology ... narrative
Consider that we live in at least three 
Pre-modern world 
Non-modern world 
Modern world 
Emerging world 
L a t e T r a n s i t i o n 
E a r l y T r a n s i t i o n
L a t e T r a n s i t i o n 
E a r l y T r a n s i t i o n
L a t e T r a n s i t i o n 
E a r l y T r a n s i t i o n 
L a t e T r a n s i t i o n 
E a r l y T r a n s i t i o n 
Liberal Conservative
Intentional/Missional/ Purpose-driven 
Liberal Conservative 
Intentional/Missional/ Purpose-driven 
Modern/ Colonial 
Liberal Conservative 
Paradigm Shifts 
Almost always the [people] who achieve 
these fundamental inventions of a new 
paradigm have been either very young or 
very new to the field whose paradigm they 
Thomas S. Kuhn 
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
"I remember discussions with Bohr which went 
through many hours till very late at night and 
ended almost in despair; and when at the end of 
the discussion I went alone for a walk in the 
neighboring park I repeated to myself again 
and again the question: Can nature possibly be 
so absurd as it seemed to us in these atomic 
experiments?... here the foundations of physics 
have started moving; and ... this motion has 
caused the feeling that the ground would be cut 
from science.” Werner Heisenberg
“It was as if the ground had 
been pulled out from under 
one, with no firm foundation 
to be seen anywhere, upon 
which one could have built.” 
Albert Einstein 
On his 
paradigm shift
“A new scientific truth 
does not triumph by 
convincing its opponents 
and making them see the 
light, but rather because 
its opponents eventually 
die, and a new generation 
grows up that is familiar 
with it.” Max Planck, Scientific 
Conservative way 
Liberal way 
from Nancey Murphy, “Beyond Liberalism and Fundamentalism”
from Nancey Murphy, “Beyond Liberalism and Fundamentalism”
Increasing Polarization 
Medieval church 
Conservative way 
Liberal way
Increasing Polarization 
Medieval church 
Conservative way 
Liberal way
The Post-Liberal, Post-Evangelical 
Medieval church 
Conservative way 
Liberal way 
Conservative way 
Liberal way 
A Generous 
A Missional 
Conservative way 
Liberal way
Four* Stage Emergence Schema 
Simplicity - dualism 
Complexity - pragmatism 
Perplexity - relativism 
Harmony - integral/non-dualism
Four* Stage Emergence Schema 
Infancy- Egocentrism 
The hyphen - in the church 
polarizing - converging 
The hyphen 
- in the church 
- in the pastor 
- healing the hyphen 
- living the hyphen
The hyphen 
- in the pastor
The hyphen 
- in the pastor 
employee of an institution 
member of a community 
participant in a movement
we need a theology of 
institutions, movements. and 
we need a theology of 
institutions, movements. and 
Families, individuals, and 
organizations linked to a 
common environment, 
collaborating for the 
common good.
Organizations which conserve 
the gains made by past 
social movements.
Social Movements 
Organizations which make 
proposals or demands to 
current institutions to make 
progress towards new 
Both movements and 
Organize for their purpose 
Need one another 
Are frustrated with one 
Benefit or harm communities
Without movements ... 
Institutions stagnate ... 
Without institutions ... 
Movements evaporate ...
Some movements 
successfully inject their values 
into the institutions they 
Other movements 
create their own institutions, 
or pass away
Vital movements 
call people to passionate, 
sacrificial personal 
Sustainable institutions 
create loyalty across 
generations through 
evocative rituals & traditions
Parker Palmer’s 4 stages of 
social change 
1. Divided no more 
2. Communities of 
3. Going public 
4. Alternative Rewards
From Greg Leffel 
Faith Seeking Action: Mission 
and Social Movements
Movements unite people to create or resist change. Through 
them, individuals seek a common voice to challenge, social, 
political, economic and cultural powers; movements, in fact, 
multiply the power of individual action through their unique 
form of collective, non-institutional power. (47-48) 
Social movements are non-institutionally organized human 
collectives, that put meaningful ideas in play in public 
settings, that actively confront existing powers through the 
strength of their numbers and the influence of their ideas, 
and that grow in size and power by inspiring others to act, in 
order to create or resist change (48) 
A movement is “a segmented, usually polycephalus cellular 
organization composed of unites networked by various 
personal, structural, and ideological ties. (50)
It takes collective, non-institutional 
(or prophetic) power to bring change 
to institutions. 
You can’t change the 
center/inside/priestly without 
proposals and pressure from the 
Movements are diagnostic, prognostic, 
and motivational (51) 
- They say what’s wrong 
- They say what’s needed 
- They motivate and mobilize for 
concerted action.
Movements are context dependent. 
In certain periods, fundamental contradictions 
in a society’s core understanding of itself 
create the possibility of widespread and 
socially disruptive change. (52) 
Movements exploit opportunity: 
1. An active interest among elites in changing 
the political structure 
2. Conflicts or corruption within elites 
3. Events that weaken established social 
control (war, disaster, economic collapse)
Leffel’s 6 Characteristics of Vibrant Social 
1. Opportunity Structure (Context 
Current restraining realities ... 
in tension with ... 
emerging opportunities.
- Problems needing to be solved 
- Elites who hold power, resist change or 
promote negative change 
- Fissures, Problems among elites that 
make the status quo vulnerable 
- Values of the movement in conflict with 
values of elites 
- Potential advocates and allies in 
academic, civil society, arts, church, 
government, business, science, etc.
2. Rhetorical Framing/Conceptual 
Movement leaders have to make a conceptual and verbal 
case for their movement by answering questions like these: 
How do we redefine reality? 
How do we disrupt or change current realities? 
How do we name our grievances? Articulate our positive 
vision for the way forward? 
How do we motivate and sustain dissatisfaction with the 
status quo, and affection for our shared vision? 
How do we justify our aims in terms of 5 lines of moral 
argument (Jonathan Haidt): justice, compassion, tradition, 
loyalty, and purity? 
How is the movement liberating? (liberal) 
How is the movement conserving? (conservative)
3. Protest (messaging) strategy 
Raising awareness, attracting growing numbers of 
Campaigns, tactics, deployments, making demands, public 
relations, sustaining conflict, forcing a crisis, managing 
internal tensions, managing stigmatization, showing results, 
maintaining momentum, not overreacting, defining 
acceptable level of disruption, 
- Gaining attention - demonstrations, sit-ins, teach-ins, etc. 
- Building Networks of Participants and Allies 
- Wisely Identifying and Engaging Opponents 
Movements must be convergent (creating broad, vigorous 
alliances) and insurgent (confronting real problems upheld 
by elites and the systems that privilege them).
4. Mobilization Structures & Strategies 
- Authority and Decision-Making Structures 
- Transparency/Confidentiality, Communication Plans 
- Leadership development, Relational Development, Conflict 
Management Plans 
- Coalition development 
- Resource, Technology, Finance Mobilization and 
- Evangelism, recruitment, induction 
- Renewal and Increase of commitment 
- Awareness of levels of commitment (core, activists, 
supporters, listeners, opposition, indirect impact, unaware
4. Mobilization Structures & Strategies 
Jesus and the 12 
- Intense time of modeling, relationship building and vision 
- Contagious passion 
- Periodic sending and returning 
- Final sending/Succession insured 
- Warnings of expected trials, failures, conflicts 
- “Polycephalic” structure - connection without control 
- Self-organizing units 
- Welcoming of new leaders (Paul) 
- Reproducible expansion 
- Both individual agency and group agency (Paul, Philip, 
- Both planning and spontaneity
5. Movement Culture 
“Movements are about changing a 
society’s lifeway; a movement itself 
becomes an experimental field where a 
new way of life can be, to some degree, 
experienced and where the movement’s 
ideals, values and common vision are 
put to the test.” (61)
5. Movement culture 
- Emotional vibe (fun, serious, angry, 
playful, heady, gutsy, etc.) 
- Feel of spaces, physical and digital 
- Songs, slogans 
- Virtues, values, moral ethos 
- Dress, Graphics, 
- Nicknames, terminology 
- Emotion, motivation, motion
6. Participant Biography 
How does involvement benefit - or harm - 
participants? How does the movement promote 
emotional and social sustainability ... avoiding 
burnout, squabbles, etc. 
How does it contribute to personal formation: 
- character 
- attitudes 
- knowledge 
- recovery from trauma 
- relationships 
- renewal 
What do participants gain from being involved?
1. Opportunity Structure 
2. Rhetorical framing 
3. Protest (messaging) strategy 
4. Mobilization strategy 
5. Movement culture 
6. Participant Biography
Jesus says the kingdom of God is like gardening (an 
organic movement) not warfare (institutional action): It 
spreads through seeds ... sown into systems to grow. 
The seeds of the message. 
The seeds of people who personally embody the message. 
The seeds of communities who socially embody the message.
Jesus seizes the opportunity structure 
provided by conflicted elites 
Herodians/Zealots) and struggling 
masses (Galilee/Judea)
He provides rhetorical framing on hillsides, in 
houses, on retreats, in public teach-ins, in debates, 
through parables, through rituals and practices. 
He repeats key themes - commonwealth of God, 
life to the full, life of the ages, liberation - rooted 
in dynamic tension with tradition.
His protest (messaging) strategy includes public 
demonstrations (healings & miracles), teach-ins 
(sermon on mount), civil disobedience (turning 
tables), guerilla theatre (exorcisms), festivals 
(feasts & feedings), naming evil (woes), naming 
heroes (blessings).
He develops a mobilization strategy based 
on 3, 12, 70, and multitudes. He entrusts 
freely with responsibility and expresses high 
confidence in his agents (greater things shall 
you do ...)
He associates his movement culture 
with love, joy, justice, risk, hope, 
creativity, courage, service, 
willingness to suffer, nonviolence.
He provides his disciples challenge, rest, 
retreat, encouragement, recovery after 
failures. They testify that their participant 
biographies have been forever changed for 
the better.
we need a theology of 
Communities, institutions and 
What spiritual movement is trying to be born 
among us today? 
What are its demands/proposals? 
What role might we play in its emergence?
Movements move with the 
Holy Spirit.
The Audience Question: 
To the churches? 
With the churches, to the world? 
To the churches and the world?
1. The Bible: In light of how the Bible has been abused up 
to this moment, we must find new ways of a) describing 
what the Bible is and b) interpreting and applying it to 
individual, social, and public life today. 
2. The Church: The church must move beyond 
preoccupation with its own institutional maintenance 
towards forming Christ-like people who become a blessing 
to the larger community, and thus embody the message we 
3. The Poor: In light of the growing gap between rich and poor, we must 
forge multi-faceted partnerships that express compassion, seek justice, 
confront exploitation and marginalization, and create opportunity, in our 
local and global economies. 
4. The Planet: We must expose our current unsustainable lifestyles, pioneer 
new regenerative lifestyles, and help create the regenerative economy 
needed by the birds of the air, the flowers of the field, the most vulnerable 
people, and the ecosystems in which we are all connected. 
5. Pluralism: To love our neighbors in today’s world means to learn to 
appreciate our neighbors’ diverse religions. We must create new ways of 
encountering the other that provide alternatives to both combative 
fundamentalism and combative atheism. 
6. Peace: After two thousand years, the Christian faith must distinguish 
itself not just by advocating for war with less injustice, but by proclaiming 
an attainable ideal of peace, along with equipping every Christian as a 
practical peacemaker/activist.
7. Equality: Women and men, gay and straight, minority and majority, 
alien and native-born, unbeliever and believer, occupied and occupier, 
one percent and ninety-nine percent - our world is torn by divisions 
that put some in a position of of privilege and power, and others in a 
position of disadvantage and danger. Our churches must become 
leaders, not laggards, in confronting prejudice and standing for the 
dignity and equality of all people. 
8. Families, Women, and Children: Families face multiple challenges 
today, including greed-based economies that corrode humane values, 
exploitive entertainment industries that undermine human dignity, and 
patriarchal religious systems that reward a crude form of masculinity. 
Churches must support and embody family life that can overcome 
these challenges.
9. Business/Economics: Churches must challenge and equip business 
and economic leaders to create new forms of business that seek a triple 
bottom line - lasting social, environmental, and economic benefit, not 
just maximized short-term profit. In a world of rising population and 
increasing mechanization, churches must also challenge and equip 
business leaders to seek to maximize employment along with profit, 
and to discover new ways to reduce economic inequality by expanding 
10. Personal Dimensions: Those who articulate demands like these 
must make sustainable demands on themselves, through life-giving 
personal and communal practices.
The hyphen 
- in the church 
- in the pastor 
- healing the hyphen 
- living the hyphen
Healing the hyphen
pastoral work is 
pastoral work is 
Very hard.
Why keep 
A leadership lesson 
that has helped me 
Becoming a friend to 
Jogging one morning, listening to a 
“motivational tape” - 
A quote by Abraham Lincoln: 
I desire so to conduct the affairs of this 
administration that if at the end... I 
have lost every other friend on earth, I 
shall at least have one friend left, and 
that friend shall be down inside of me.
One friend left … a friend to myself: 
A sob erupted from me. 
The way I talk to myself … 
What I expect of myself … 
How I respond to my failures …
is under-rated.
Becoming a friend to 
yourself … Don’t let your 
morale go extinct! 
1. Acknowledge your pain 
to yourself and God.
2. Find some non-utilitarian 
The power of generative 
friendships … 
Jackson Browne (1974) 
Everyone I've ever known has wished me well 
Anyway that's how it seems, it's hard to tell 
Maybe people only ask you how you're doing 
'Cause that's easier than letting on how little 
they could care 
But when you know that you've got a real 
friend somewhere 
Suddenly all the others are so much easier to 
Friends “outside the 
system” help you 
a non-anxious presence 
inside the system.
3. Give yourself permission 
to create or find safe* 
places - boundaries for 
protection from toxic 
people and situations, time 
and social space to think 
(plausibility structures).
Thinking is a social act … 
The center of 
gravity shifts
Thinking is a social act … 
The center of 
gravity shifts 
and the 
Thinking is a social act … 
The center of 
gravity shifts 
and the 
expand - and 
a counter-movement 
may form.
Thinking is a social act …
4. Know what recharges 
you … and do it 
Beauty, Laughter, Rest, 
Sport, Art … 
(and when possible delegate or drop 
what drains you)
Realize that ministry 
is not life. 
You have to “smoke 
what you’re selling.”
5. Communicate clearly and 
redundantly and wisely. 
Even if you aren’t certain … you can be 
In the absence 
communication, organizations 
burn trust.
Do not answer badly framed 
questions. Reframe them or 
deconstruct them. 
Ask needed questions. 
I have never regretted being 
6. Expect criticism. 
Prepare for it in solitude. 
Process it with friends. 
Respond to it in solitude. 
Be thankful for grains of truth 
- and opportunities to clarify 
your position.
A Prayer 
Bishop Nikolai 
Serbian bishop 
who spoke out 
against Naziism, 
was arrested, 
and taken to 
Bless my enemies, O Lord. Even 
I bless them and do not curse 
Enemies have driven me into your 
embrace more than friends 
Just as a hunted animal finds safer shelter than 
an unhunted animal does, so have I, persecuted 
by enemies, found the safest sanctuary, having 
ensconced myself beneath Your tabernacle, 
where neither friends nor enemies can slay my 
Bless my enemies, O Lord. Even I bless and 
do not curse them. 
They, rather than I, have confessed my sins 
before the world.
They have punished me, whenever I have 
hesitated to punish myself. 
They have tormented me, whenever I have 
tried to flee torments. 
They have scolded me, whenever I have 
flattered myself. 
They have spat upon me, whenever I have 
filled myself with arrogance. 
Bless my enemies, O Lord. Even I bless them 
and do not curse them.
Whenever I have made myself wise, they have 
called me foolish. 
Whenever I have made myself mighty, they 
have mocked me as though I were a [fly]. 
Whenever I have wanted to lead people, they 
have shoved me into the background. 
Whenever I have rushed to enrich myself, they 
have prevented me with an iron hand. 
Whenever I thought that I would sleep 
peacefully, they have wakened me from sleep.
Whenever I have tried to build a home for a 
long and tranquil life, they have demolished it 
and driven me out. 
Truly, enemies have cut me loose from the 
world and have stretched out my hands to the 
hem of your garment. 
Bless my enemies, O Lord. Even I bless them 
and do not curse them.
Bless them and multiply them; multiply them and 
make them even more bitterly against me… 
So that my heart may become the grave of 
my two evil twins: arrogance and anger; 
So that I might amass all my treasure in 
Ah, so that I may for once be freed from self-deception, 
which has entangled me in the 
dreadful web of illusory life.
Enemies have taught me to know what hardly 
anyone knows, that a person has no enemies in 
the world except himself. 
One hates his enemies only when he fails to 
realize that they are not enemies, but cruel 
It is truly difficult for me to say who has done 
me more good and who has done me more evil 
in the world: friends or enemies. 
Therefore bless, O Lord, both my friends and 
my enemies.
… Therefore he freely steps among 
them and prays to God for them. 
Bless my enemies, O Lord. Even I 
bless them and do not curse them. 
(available at
7. Lean into God. 
Believe God is for you. 
Stay in touch - even in doubt. 
Maintain first order 
disciplines …
8. Admit what you must do, 
what you can not not do. 
I can not, I will not recant …
If some people will not hear 
you, will not allow you to 
have a voice … that may 
constitute your call to go to 
other people, people who may 
be dying for the chance to 
enter into conversation …
9. Allow yourself to be human 
- boldly: 
Strengths - weaknesses 
Work - rest 
Intensity - latency 
Public - private 
Sexuality - Intimacy 
Money - family
The great martyrs of the faith 
didn’t ask their spouses to go 
with them. 
Mrs. Inqvist 
(Garrison Keillor’s Prairie Home 
A word from one of my 
-In your 20’s you think you can be good at 
-In your 30’s you develop strengths and 
bolster weaknesses, realizing you’ll never 
be good at some things. 
-In your 40’s you work to get out of doing 
the things you’re not good at. 
-So that in your 50’s and beyond you can 
focus on what you’re best at.
10. Invest in your professional 
development. You’re worth it. 
Consultants … 
Good Books … 
Conferences … 
You don’t have to do this … 
but you are needed, and this is 
a great adventure … and I 
would wish this on my best 
friend (if he or she could 
handle it).
Challenging times can destroy 
us … or they can elicit from 
us actions and virtues we 
didn’t know we were capable 
of, as we believe … “All 
things are possible with God 
… for those who believe.”
The hyphen 
- in the church 
- in the pastor 
- healing the hyphen 
- living the hyphen
Living the hyphen
Living the hyphen 
You as a pastor-organizer ... 
Locally: Choose your 
prepositions wisely.
Francisco Sanchez Roso 
Peralta, Azua, DR
“I used to be the pastor of the 
Pentecostal Church in Peralta. 
Now I am the pastor from the 
Pentecostal Church for the city 
of Peralta.”
Roy Soto 
Fraijanes, Alajuela, Costa Rica
“What would Fraijanes look 
like if the kingdom of God 
were more fully realized?”
Rob Bell 
formerly of Grand Rapids, MI
Don Golden 
former pastor with Rob
Church Mission: 
“To join the God of the oppressed.”
To Mayor: “This is our mission. 
How can we help you make 
Grand Rapids a better city?”
Living the hyphen 
You as a pastor-organizer ... 
Globally: Never forget the big 
three: Planet, Poverty, 
God of Creation 
God of the Poor 
God of Peace
Being “good for nothing” - 
What you do 
as a “civilian” 
Testimonies of 
God at work.
Living the hyphen 
You as a pastor-organizer ... 
Institutionally: Ignore the crap. 
Water the seeds.
A non-anxious presence 
Working your polity 
Keep God and money distinct
Living the hyphen 
You as a pastor-organizer ... 
Wake up - lots is happening! 
Speak up - “I am commtted.” 
Link up - not against is for. 
Opt out - of lesser things. 
Fill up - with the Spirit.
The movement that counts 
is a movement of the Spirit. 
It blows where it wills. 
It can be neither stopped nor 
Wind. Breath. Fire. Cloud. 
Water. Wine. Dove
old in old 
old in new 
new in old 
new in new
let go 
let be 
let come
The hyphen 
- in the church 
- in the pastor 
- healing the hyphen 
- living the hyphen

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  • 1. _
  • 2. The hyphen - in the church - in the pastor - healing the hyphen - living the hyphen
  • 3. The hyphen - in the church
  • 4. The hyphen - in the church
  • 5. 5 Christ Great Fall of Roman Empire Great Schism Great Reformation Great Emergence 500-Year Rummage Sale
  • 6. 6 The Great Emergence Angli-mergent Presby-mergent Metho-mergent Menno-mergent etc.
  • 7. my take on emergence
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. 11
  • 12.
  • 13. “normal” incremental evolutionary change: slow, predictable, gradual epochal, profound, revolutionary change: fast, unpredictable, sudden
  • 16. 2500 BC - 500 AD 500 BC 1 AD 500 AD Ancient World Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, Hittite, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman empires
  • 17. 2500 BC - 500 AD 500 BC 1 AD 500 AD Ancient World Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, Hittite, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman empires
  • 18. 2500 BC - 500 AD 500 BC 1 AD 500 AD Ancient World 500 AD - 1500 AD Medieval World 1500 AD Printing/Gutenberg Caravel/Transport Guns/Infantry/Artillery New Economy Copernicus/Galileo Reformation/Luther
  • 19. 2500 BC - 500 AD 500 BC 1 AD 500 AD Ancient World 500 AD - 1500 AD Medieval World 1500 AD Printing/Gutenberg Caravel/Transport Guns/Infantry/Artillery Copernicus/Galileo Reformation/Luther
  • 20.
  • 21. ‘The new Philosophy calls all in doubt, The Element of fire is quite put out; The Sun is lost, and th’earth, and no man’s wit Can well direct him where to look for it. Tis all in peeces, all cohaerance gone; All just supply, and all relation: Prince, Subject, Father, Sonne, are things forgot, For everyman alone thinkes he hath got To be a Phoenix, and there can bee None of that kinde, of which he is, but hee. John Donne, 1611 (1572-1631)
  • 22. The great chain of being
  • 23. Is an “unchained” universe a liberated universe or a fragmented universe, cast adrift?
  • 24. “Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night: God said, "Let Newton be!" and all was light.” Alexander Pope (1688-1744) Epitaph Intended for Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
  • 25. Consider the poetic metaphor: LAWS OF NATURE … The universe becomes a courtroom, God the lawgiver and king/judge … Natural Law and Revealed Law
  • 26. The 10 Spheres are gone … The Great Chain is gone … But order has returned: Invisible and universal rules, principles, laws, patterns, standards, systems. The divinely sanctioned system has come. The Divine Right of Kings and popes is
  • 27. 1500 AD - 2000 AD 1500 AD 1750 AD 2000 AD Modern World 1950 AD - ??? Postmodern World Medieval World Print/Screen/Internet New Science New Weapons New Transportation New Economy New Spirituality
  • 28. 1500 AD - 2000 AD 1500 AD 1750 AD 2000 AD Modern World 1950 AD - ??? Postmodern World Medieval World Print/Screen/Internet New Science New Weapons New Transportation New Economy New Spirituality
  • 29. Themes of Postmodernity 1. Conquest, Control, Progress … Conservation 2. Mechanistic/reductionist … holistic/systemic 3. Analytical … post-analytical 4. Secular/scientific … spiritual/scientific 5. Objective … Intersubjective 6. Critical … Post-critical 7. Organization … alliance, network
  • 30. Themes of Postmodernity 8. Individualism … community, tradition, tribe 9. Protestant/polemical … Post-protestant 10. Consumerism … Sustainability 11. Print literacy … layered fluency 12. National … global/migratory 13. Ideology ... narrative
  • 31. Consider that we live in at least three worlds. Pre-modern world Non-modern world Modern world Emerging world today
  • 32. Old L a t e T r a n s i t i o n Paradigm/ Model E a r l y T r a n s i t i o n
  • 33. Old L a t e T r a n s i t i o n Paradigm/ Model E a r l y T r a n s i t i o n
  • 34. Old L a t e T r a n s i t i o n Paradigm/ Model E a r l y T r a n s i t i o n New Paradigm/ Model
  • 35. Old L a t e T r a n s i t i o n Paradigm/ Model E a r l y T r a n s i t i o n New Paradigm/ Model
  • 37. Intentional/Missional/ Purpose-driven Liberal Conservative Conventional/Institutional/Tradition-driven
  • 38. Intentional/Missional/ Purpose-driven Modern/ Colonial Liberal Conservative Emerging/ Post-colonial Conventional/Institutional
  • 39. Paradigm Shifts Almost always the [people] who achieve these fundamental inventions of a new paradigm have been either very young or very new to the field whose paradigm they change. Thomas S. Kuhn The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
  • 40. "I remember discussions with Bohr which went through many hours till very late at night and ended almost in despair; and when at the end of the discussion I went alone for a walk in the neighboring park I repeated to myself again and again the question: Can nature possibly be so absurd as it seemed to us in these atomic experiments?... here the foundations of physics have started moving; and ... this motion has caused the feeling that the ground would be cut from science.” Werner Heisenberg
  • 41. “It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built.” Albert Einstein On his paradigm shift
  • 42. “A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.” Max Planck, Scientific Autobiography
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45. Modern Crisis Medieval church Conservative way Liberal way from Nancey Murphy, “Beyond Liberalism and Fundamentalism”
  • 46. Modern Crisis Medieval church “evangelical” “mainline” from Nancey Murphy, “Beyond Liberalism and Fundamentalism”
  • 47. Increasing Polarization Medieval church Modern Crisis Conservative way Liberal way
  • 48. Increasing Polarization Medieval church Modern Crisis Conservative way Liberal way
  • 49. The Post-Liberal, Post-Evangelical Convergence Medieval church Modern Crisis Conservative way Liberal way Postmodern Interruption
  • 50. Modern Crisis Conservative way Liberal way A Generous Orthodoxy? A Missional Church?
  • 51. Modern Crisis Conservative way Liberal way
  • 52. Four* Stage Emergence Schema Simplicity - dualism Complexity - pragmatism Perplexity - relativism Harmony - integral/non-dualism
  • 53. Four* Stage Emergence Schema Infancy- Egocentrism Simplicity Complexity Perplexity Harmony
  • 54. The hyphen - in the church premodern-modern-postmodern retrenching-transitioning-exploring polarizing - converging simplicity-complexity complexity-perplexity perplexity-harmony
  • 55.
  • 56. _
  • 57. The hyphen - in the church - in the pastor - healing the hyphen - living the hyphen
  • 58. The hyphen - in the pastor
  • 59. The hyphen - in the pastor employee of an institution member of a community participant in a movement
  • 63.
  • 64.
  • 65.
  • 66.
  • 67. we need a theology of institutions, movements. and Communities
  • 68.
  • 69. we need a theology of institutions, movements. and Communities
  • 70. Communities Families, individuals, and organizations linked to a common environment, collaborating for the common good.
  • 71. Institutions: Organizations which conserve the gains made by past social movements.
  • 72. Social Movements Organizations which make proposals or demands to current institutions to make progress towards new gains.
  • 73. Both movements and institutions... Organize for their purpose Need one another Are frustrated with one another Benefit or harm communities
  • 74. Without movements ... Institutions stagnate ... Without institutions ... Movements evaporate ...
  • 75. Some movements successfully inject their values into the institutions they challenge Other movements create their own institutions, or pass away
  • 76. Vital movements call people to passionate, sacrificial personal commitment Sustainable institutions create loyalty across generations through evocative rituals & traditions
  • 77.
  • 78.
  • 79. Parker Palmer’s 4 stages of social change 1. Divided no more 2. Communities of congruence 3. Going public 4. Alternative Rewards
  • 80. From Greg Leffel Faith Seeking Action: Mission and Social Movements
  • 81. Movements unite people to create or resist change. Through them, individuals seek a common voice to challenge, social, political, economic and cultural powers; movements, in fact, multiply the power of individual action through their unique form of collective, non-institutional power. (47-48) Social movements are non-institutionally organized human collectives, that put meaningful ideas in play in public settings, that actively confront existing powers through the strength of their numbers and the influence of their ideas, and that grow in size and power by inspiring others to act, in order to create or resist change (48) A movement is “a segmented, usually polycephalus cellular organization composed of unites networked by various personal, structural, and ideological ties. (50)
  • 82. It takes collective, non-institutional (or prophetic) power to bring change to institutions. You can’t change the center/inside/priestly without proposals and pressure from the margins/outside/prophetic.
  • 83. Movements are diagnostic, prognostic, and motivational (51) - They say what’s wrong - They say what’s needed - They motivate and mobilize for concerted action.
  • 84. Movements are context dependent. In certain periods, fundamental contradictions in a society’s core understanding of itself create the possibility of widespread and socially disruptive change. (52) Movements exploit opportunity: 1. An active interest among elites in changing the political structure 2. Conflicts or corruption within elites 3. Events that weaken established social control (war, disaster, economic collapse)
  • 85. Leffel’s 6 Characteristics of Vibrant Social Movements
  • 86. 1. Opportunity Structure (Context Awareness) Current restraining realities ... in tension with ... emerging opportunities.
  • 87. Opportunities: - Problems needing to be solved - Elites who hold power, resist change or promote negative change - Fissures, Problems among elites that make the status quo vulnerable - Values of the movement in conflict with values of elites - Potential advocates and allies in academic, civil society, arts, church, government, business, science, etc.
  • 88. 2. Rhetorical Framing/Conceptual Architecture Movement leaders have to make a conceptual and verbal case for their movement by answering questions like these: How do we redefine reality? How do we disrupt or change current realities? How do we name our grievances? Articulate our positive vision for the way forward? How do we motivate and sustain dissatisfaction with the status quo, and affection for our shared vision? How do we justify our aims in terms of 5 lines of moral argument (Jonathan Haidt): justice, compassion, tradition, loyalty, and purity? How is the movement liberating? (liberal) How is the movement conserving? (conservative)
  • 89. 3. Protest (messaging) strategy Raising awareness, attracting growing numbers of participants Campaigns, tactics, deployments, making demands, public relations, sustaining conflict, forcing a crisis, managing internal tensions, managing stigmatization, showing results, maintaining momentum, not overreacting, defining acceptable level of disruption, - Gaining attention - demonstrations, sit-ins, teach-ins, etc. - Building Networks of Participants and Allies - Wisely Identifying and Engaging Opponents Movements must be convergent (creating broad, vigorous alliances) and insurgent (confronting real problems upheld by elites and the systems that privilege them).
  • 90. 4. Mobilization Structures & Strategies - Authority and Decision-Making Structures - Transparency/Confidentiality, Communication Plans - Leadership development, Relational Development, Conflict Management Plans - Coalition development - Resource, Technology, Finance Mobilization and Management - Evangelism, recruitment, induction - Renewal and Increase of commitment - Awareness of levels of commitment (core, activists, supporters, listeners, opposition, indirect impact, unaware
  • 91. 4. Mobilization Structures & Strategies Jesus and the 12 - Intense time of modeling, relationship building and vision sharing - Contagious passion - Periodic sending and returning - Final sending/Succession insured - Warnings of expected trials, failures, conflicts - “Polycephalic” structure - connection without control - Self-organizing units - Welcoming of new leaders (Paul) - Reproducible expansion - Both individual agency and group agency (Paul, Philip, Antioch) - Both planning and spontaneity
  • 92. 5. Movement Culture “Movements are about changing a society’s lifeway; a movement itself becomes an experimental field where a new way of life can be, to some degree, experienced and where the movement’s ideals, values and common vision are put to the test.” (61)
  • 93. 5. Movement culture - Emotional vibe (fun, serious, angry, playful, heady, gutsy, etc.) - Feel of spaces, physical and digital - Songs, slogans - Virtues, values, moral ethos - Dress, Graphics, - Nicknames, terminology - Emotion, motivation, motion
  • 94. 6. Participant Biography How does involvement benefit - or harm - participants? How does the movement promote emotional and social sustainability ... avoiding burnout, squabbles, etc. How does it contribute to personal formation: - character - attitudes - knowledge - recovery from trauma - relationships - renewal What do participants gain from being involved?
  • 95. 1. Opportunity Structure 2. Rhetorical framing 3. Protest (messaging) strategy 4. Mobilization strategy 5. Movement culture 6. Participant Biography
  • 96. Jesus says the kingdom of God is like gardening (an organic movement) not warfare (institutional action): It spreads through seeds ... sown into systems to grow. The seeds of the message. The seeds of people who personally embody the message. The seeds of communities who socially embody the message.
  • 97. Jesus seizes the opportunity structure provided by conflicted elites (Pharisees/Sadducees; Herodians/Zealots) and struggling masses (Galilee/Judea)
  • 98. He provides rhetorical framing on hillsides, in houses, on retreats, in public teach-ins, in debates, through parables, through rituals and practices. He repeats key themes - commonwealth of God, life to the full, life of the ages, liberation - rooted in dynamic tension with tradition.
  • 99. His protest (messaging) strategy includes public demonstrations (healings & miracles), teach-ins (sermon on mount), civil disobedience (turning tables), guerilla theatre (exorcisms), festivals (feasts & feedings), naming evil (woes), naming heroes (blessings).
  • 100. He develops a mobilization strategy based on 3, 12, 70, and multitudes. He entrusts freely with responsibility and expresses high confidence in his agents (greater things shall you do ...)
  • 101. He associates his movement culture with love, joy, justice, risk, hope, creativity, courage, service, willingness to suffer, nonviolence.
  • 102. He provides his disciples challenge, rest, retreat, encouragement, recovery after failures. They testify that their participant biographies have been forever changed for the better.
  • 103. we need a theology of Communities, institutions and movements
  • 104. What spiritual movement is trying to be born among us today? What are its demands/proposals? What role might we play in its emergence?
  • 105. Movements move with the Holy Spirit.
  • 106.
  • 107. movement proposals/ demands demands demands
  • 108. The Audience Question: To the churches? With the churches, to the world? To the churches and the world?
  • 109. 1. The Bible: In light of how the Bible has been abused up to this moment, we must find new ways of a) describing what the Bible is and b) interpreting and applying it to individual, social, and public life today. 2. The Church: The church must move beyond preoccupation with its own institutional maintenance towards forming Christ-like people who become a blessing to the larger community, and thus embody the message we proclaim.
  • 110. 3. The Poor: In light of the growing gap between rich and poor, we must forge multi-faceted partnerships that express compassion, seek justice, confront exploitation and marginalization, and create opportunity, in our local and global economies. 4. The Planet: We must expose our current unsustainable lifestyles, pioneer new regenerative lifestyles, and help create the regenerative economy needed by the birds of the air, the flowers of the field, the most vulnerable people, and the ecosystems in which we are all connected. 5. Pluralism: To love our neighbors in today’s world means to learn to appreciate our neighbors’ diverse religions. We must create new ways of encountering the other that provide alternatives to both combative fundamentalism and combative atheism. 6. Peace: After two thousand years, the Christian faith must distinguish itself not just by advocating for war with less injustice, but by proclaiming an attainable ideal of peace, along with equipping every Christian as a practical peacemaker/activist.
  • 111. 7. Equality: Women and men, gay and straight, minority and majority, alien and native-born, unbeliever and believer, occupied and occupier, one percent and ninety-nine percent - our world is torn by divisions that put some in a position of of privilege and power, and others in a position of disadvantage and danger. Our churches must become leaders, not laggards, in confronting prejudice and standing for the dignity and equality of all people. 8. Families, Women, and Children: Families face multiple challenges today, including greed-based economies that corrode humane values, exploitive entertainment industries that undermine human dignity, and patriarchal religious systems that reward a crude form of masculinity. Churches must support and embody family life that can overcome these challenges.
  • 112. 9. Business/Economics: Churches must challenge and equip business and economic leaders to create new forms of business that seek a triple bottom line - lasting social, environmental, and economic benefit, not just maximized short-term profit. In a world of rising population and increasing mechanization, churches must also challenge and equip business leaders to seek to maximize employment along with profit, and to discover new ways to reduce economic inequality by expanding opportunity. 10. Personal Dimensions: Those who articulate demands like these must make sustainable demands on themselves, through life-giving personal and communal practices.
  • 113.
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  • 116. The hyphen - in the church - in the pastor - healing the hyphen - living the hyphen
  • 118.
  • 120. Sometimes pastoral work is hard. Very hard.
  • 122.
  • 123. A leadership lesson that has helped me deeply Becoming a friend to myself
  • 124. Jogging one morning, listening to a “motivational tape” - A quote by Abraham Lincoln: I desire so to conduct the affairs of this administration that if at the end... I have lost every other friend on earth, I shall at least have one friend left, and that friend shall be down inside of me.
  • 125. One friend left … a friend to myself: A sob erupted from me. The way I talk to myself … What I expect of myself … How I respond to my failures …
  • 127. Becoming a friend to yourself … Don’t let your morale go extinct! 1. Acknowledge your pain to yourself and God.
  • 129.
  • 130.
  • 131. 2. Find some non-utilitarian friends. The power of generative friendships … FNMW
  • 132. THE LATE SHOW Jackson Browne (1974) Everyone I've ever known has wished me well Anyway that's how it seems, it's hard to tell Maybe people only ask you how you're doing 'Cause that's easier than letting on how little they could care But when you know that you've got a real friend somewhere Suddenly all the others are so much easier to bear.
  • 133. Friends “outside the system” help you maintain a non-anxious presence inside the system.
  • 134. 3. Give yourself permission to create or find safe* places - boundaries for protection from toxic people and situations, time and social space to think (plausibility structures).
  • 135. Thinking is a social act … The center of gravity shifts
  • 136. Thinking is a social act … The center of gravity shifts and the boundaries expand
  • 137. Thinking is a social act … The center of gravity shifts and the boundaries expand - and a counter-movement may form.
  • 138. Thinking is a social act …
  • 139. 4. Know what recharges you … and do it religiously. Beauty, Laughter, Rest, Sport, Art … (and when possible delegate or drop what drains you)
  • 140. Realize that ministry is not life. You have to “smoke what you’re selling.”
  • 142. 5. Communicate clearly and redundantly and wisely. Even if you aren’t certain … you can be clear. In the absence communication, organizations burn trust.
  • 143. Do not answer badly framed questions. Reframe them or deconstruct them. Ask needed questions. I have never regretted being kind.
  • 144. 6. Expect criticism. Prepare for it in solitude. Process it with friends. Respond to it in solitude. Be thankful for grains of truth - and opportunities to clarify your position.
  • 145. A Prayer Bishop Nikolai Velimirovic, Serbian bishop who spoke out against Naziism, was arrested, and taken to Dachau.
  • 146. Bless my enemies, O Lord. Even I bless them and do not curse them. Enemies have driven me into your embrace more than friends have…
  • 147. Just as a hunted animal finds safer shelter than an unhunted animal does, so have I, persecuted by enemies, found the safest sanctuary, having ensconced myself beneath Your tabernacle, where neither friends nor enemies can slay my soul. Bless my enemies, O Lord. Even I bless and do not curse them. They, rather than I, have confessed my sins before the world.
  • 148. They have punished me, whenever I have hesitated to punish myself. They have tormented me, whenever I have tried to flee torments. They have scolded me, whenever I have flattered myself. They have spat upon me, whenever I have filled myself with arrogance. Bless my enemies, O Lord. Even I bless them and do not curse them.
  • 149. Whenever I have made myself wise, they have called me foolish. Whenever I have made myself mighty, they have mocked me as though I were a [fly]. Whenever I have wanted to lead people, they have shoved me into the background. Whenever I have rushed to enrich myself, they have prevented me with an iron hand. Whenever I thought that I would sleep peacefully, they have wakened me from sleep.
  • 150. Whenever I have tried to build a home for a long and tranquil life, they have demolished it and driven me out. Truly, enemies have cut me loose from the world and have stretched out my hands to the hem of your garment. Bless my enemies, O Lord. Even I bless them and do not curse them.
  • 151. Bless them and multiply them; multiply them and make them even more bitterly against me… So that my heart may become the grave of my two evil twins: arrogance and anger; So that I might amass all my treasure in heaven; Ah, so that I may for once be freed from self-deception, which has entangled me in the dreadful web of illusory life.
  • 152. Enemies have taught me to know what hardly anyone knows, that a person has no enemies in the world except himself. One hates his enemies only when he fails to realize that they are not enemies, but cruel friends. It is truly difficult for me to say who has done me more good and who has done me more evil in the world: friends or enemies. Therefore bless, O Lord, both my friends and my enemies.
  • 153. … Therefore he freely steps among them and prays to God for them. Bless my enemies, O Lord. Even I bless them and do not curse them. (available at
  • 154. 7. Lean into God. Believe God is for you. Stay in touch - even in doubt. Maintain first order disciplines …
  • 155. 8. Admit what you must do, what you can not not do. I can not, I will not recant …
  • 156. If some people will not hear you, will not allow you to have a voice … that may constitute your call to go to other people, people who may be dying for the chance to enter into conversation …
  • 157. 9. Allow yourself to be human - boldly: Strengths - weaknesses Work - rest Intensity - latency Public - private Sexuality - Intimacy Money - family
  • 158. The great martyrs of the faith didn’t ask their spouses to go with them. Mrs. Inqvist (Garrison Keillor’s Prairie Home Companion)
  • 159. A word from one of my mentors: -In your 20’s you think you can be good at anything. -In your 30’s you develop strengths and bolster weaknesses, realizing you’ll never be good at some things. -In your 40’s you work to get out of doing the things you’re not good at. -So that in your 50’s and beyond you can focus on what you’re best at.
  • 160. 10. Invest in your professional development. You’re worth it. Consultants … Good Books … Conferences … Vacations
  • 161. You don’t have to do this … but you are needed, and this is a great adventure … and I would wish this on my best friend (if he or she could handle it).
  • 162. Challenging times can destroy us … or they can elicit from us actions and virtues we didn’t know we were capable of, as we believe … “All things are possible with God … for those who believe.”
  • 163.
  • 164. _
  • 165.
  • 166.
  • 167. 167
  • 168. The hyphen - in the church - in the pastor - healing the hyphen - living the hyphen
  • 170. Living the hyphen You as a pastor-organizer ... Locally: Choose your prepositions wisely.
  • 171. Francisco Sanchez Roso Peralta, Azua, DR
  • 172.
  • 173. “I used to be the pastor of the Pentecostal Church in Peralta. Now I am the pastor from the Pentecostal Church for the city of Peralta.”
  • 174. Roy Soto Fraijanes, Alajuela, Costa Rica
  • 175.
  • 176.
  • 177. “What would Fraijanes look like if the kingdom of God were more fully realized?”
  • 178. Rob Bell formerly of Grand Rapids, MI
  • 179. Don Golden former pastor with Rob
  • 180. Church Mission: “To join the God of the oppressed.”
  • 181. To Mayor: “This is our mission. How can we help you make Grand Rapids a better city?”
  • 182.
  • 183. Living the hyphen You as a pastor-organizer ... Globally: Never forget the big three: Planet, Poverty, Peace
  • 184. God of Creation God of the Poor God of Peace
  • 185. Being “good for nothing” - What you do as a “civilian” Testimonies of God at work.
  • 186.
  • 187. Living the hyphen You as a pastor-organizer ... Institutionally: Ignore the crap. Water the seeds.
  • 188. A non-anxious presence Working your polity Keep God and money distinct
  • 189.
  • 190. Living the hyphen You as a pastor-organizer ... Movement:
  • 191. Movement: Wake up - lots is happening! Speak up - “I am commtted.” Link up - not against is for. Opt out - of lesser things. Fill up - with the Spirit.
  • 192. The movement that counts is a movement of the Spirit. It blows where it wills. It can be neither stopped nor contained. Wind. Breath. Fire. Cloud. Water. Wine. Dove
  • 194. Wine Wineskins old in old old in new new in old new in new
  • 195. let go let be let come
  • 196. _
  • 197. The hyphen - in the church - in the pastor - healing the hyphen - living the hyphen

Editor's Notes

  1. The Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of a violent collision of two distant galaxies which triggered massive amounts of star formations in a spectacular fireworks show. (Accessed on November 15, 2004 from Let’s draw a parallel. When 2 worlds collide in space, it creates a galactic fireworks show. When 2 worldviews collide, the effects are similar in the social, cultural, and spiritual realms. On the lower left you see the leadership paradigm belonging to modernity. On the upper right you see the leadership paradigm belonging to postmodernity. Notice these are such distinct models that there is no overlap. Modernity was characterized by organizations that were centralized, hierarchical, vertical, mechanistic, executive-oriented, bureaucratic, rigid and transactional. Postmodern organizations are decentralized, flattened, horizontal, team-based, organic, fluid, flexible and transformational. The only connector is the fact that we are in transition from one to another. And it is this period of history, the transition, that we currently find ourselves in. And it’s bound to be a painful journey for leaders who care to make the trek. But as Ronald Heifitz of Howard University’s Leadership Education Project asserted, “There are lots of things in life that are worth the pain. Leadership is one of them.” That statement could never be more true than when applied to this most challenging period of worldview transition.
  2. The Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of a violent collision of two distant galaxies which triggered massive amounts of star formations in a spectacular fireworks show. (Accessed on November 15, 2004 from Let’s draw a parallel. When 2 worlds collide in space, it creates a galactic fireworks show. When 2 worldviews collide, the effects are similar in the social, cultural, and spiritual realms. On the lower left you see the leadership paradigm belonging to modernity. On the upper right you see the leadership paradigm belonging to postmodernity. Notice these are such distinct models that there is no overlap. Modernity was characterized by organizations that were centralized, hierarchical, vertical, mechanistic, executive-oriented, bureaucratic, rigid and transactional. Postmodern organizations are decentralized, flattened, horizontal, team-based, organic, fluid, flexible and transformational. The only connector is the fact that we are in transition from one to another. And it is this period of history, the transition, that we currently find ourselves in. And it’s bound to be a painful journey for leaders who care to make the trek. But as Ronald Heifitz of Howard University’s Leadership Education Project asserted, “There are lots of things in life that are worth the pain. Leadership is one of them.” That statement could never be more true than when applied to this most challenging period of worldview transition.
  3. The Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of a violent collision of two distant galaxies which triggered massive amounts of star formations in a spectacular fireworks show. (Accessed on November 15, 2004 from Let’s draw a parallel. When 2 worlds collide in space, it creates a galactic fireworks show. When 2 worldviews collide, the effects are similar in the social, cultural, and spiritual realms. On the lower left you see the leadership paradigm belonging to modernity. On the upper right you see the leadership paradigm belonging to postmodernity. Notice these are such distinct models that there is no overlap. Modernity was characterized by organizations that were centralized, hierarchical, vertical, mechanistic, executive-oriented, bureaucratic, rigid and transactional. Postmodern organizations are decentralized, flattened, horizontal, team-based, organic, fluid, flexible and transformational. The only connector is the fact that we are in transition from one to another. And it is this period of history, the transition, that we currently find ourselves in. And it’s bound to be a painful journey for leaders who care to make the trek. But as Ronald Heifitz of Howard University’s Leadership Education Project asserted, “There are lots of things in life that are worth the pain. Leadership is one of them.” That statement could never be more true than when applied to this most challenging period of worldview transition.
  4. The Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of a violent collision of two distant galaxies which triggered massive amounts of star formations in a spectacular fireworks show. (Accessed on November 15, 2004 from Let’s draw a parallel. When 2 worlds collide in space, it creates a galactic fireworks show. When 2 worldviews collide, the effects are similar in the social, cultural, and spiritual realms. On the lower left you see the leadership paradigm belonging to modernity. On the upper right you see the leadership paradigm belonging to postmodernity. Notice these are such distinct models that there is no overlap. Modernity was characterized by organizations that were centralized, hierarchical, vertical, mechanistic, executive-oriented, bureaucratic, rigid and transactional. Postmodern organizations are decentralized, flattened, horizontal, team-based, organic, fluid, flexible and transformational. The only connector is the fact that we are in transition from one to another. And it is this period of history, the transition, that we currently find ourselves in. And it’s bound to be a painful journey for leaders who care to make the trek. But as Ronald Heifitz of Howard University’s Leadership Education Project asserted, “There are lots of things in life that are worth the pain. Leadership is one of them.” That statement could never be more true than when applied to this most challenging period of worldview transition.