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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

          A Private Enterprise
          Humanitarian Aid to
           Emerging Economy
Millennial Foundation, Inc.
and its contributing partners

               A Proposal to:
Hydro Lance Engineering, Inc.
               Heads of State, G-20 Nations
Subsidiary of the Hydro Lance Corporation

                                               Presented on
                                               March 22, 2010

         Sxyzicity, Inc.
                                               Presented by:
                                               David F. Aust
                                               Chairman and CEO
                                               Millennial Foundation, Inc.

    The information contained within this document is the property of Millennial Foundation, Inc.
                                   and its contributing partners.

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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

                                 Co-Authors and Partners

SxyzicityTM, Inc.                 Master Architects                 Master Community and Habitat Planning
CA, USA                           Project Management
                                  Habitat Planning
                                  Inhabitable Space Frames; Intrinsically Stable
                                  Any Shape, Any Size, Anywhere

EEI, Inc.                         Civil and Structural Engineering                 Project Planning
CA, USA                           Project Management
                                  Master Contracting

Hydro Lance Corporation           HARTHTM & HARSHTM Technologies                Maritime / Naval Architecture and Engineering
CA, USA                           Project Planning
                                  Project Management

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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

TIG/m, LLC                        Transport Systems                     Trolley Systems
CA, USA                           People Movers
                                  Tram Vehicles & Systems
                                  Mono-Rail High-Speed Systems
                                  Lighter-Than-Air, Airborne Craft

InsulKor, Inc.                    Structural Building Panels & Systems
CA, USA                           Design and Project Management
                                  Construction Contracting

Hyper-Speed Marine, Inc.          HARTHTM Patrol Craft
CA, USA                           Security Resources

HiSCOrETM, Inc.                   Universal Any-Fuel Engines
CA, USA                           Green or Fossil Fuel – High Torque - Silent
                                  Any Power Size Requirement Capability
                                  HiSCOrETM Prime Mover Technologies

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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

Two-Fold Fuel, Inc.               CryoniteTM
CA, USA                           Energy Storage, Fuel, Power Enhancement
                                  Green – No carbon footprint or pollution

Axis InternationalTM, Inc.        System Fabrication                High Definition 5 Axis Plasma Cutting Tables

Linc Management P/L               Project Planning
Brisbane, Australia               Political Consulting

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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

                                                                Table of Contents

1 Current Situation......................................................................................................................6
     1.1 Diplomatic Unrest..............................................................................................................................6
     1.2 Enterprise Expansion Trends............................................................................................................7
     1.3 Emerging Economy Defined.............................................................................................................7
     1.4 Government Outsourcing Trends....................................................................................................11
2 Solution...................................................................................................................................12
     2.1 Objectives.......................................................................................................................................12
     2.2 Approach.........................................................................................................................................13
     Crew:         3 (pilot, co-pilot, observer)....................................................................................................47
     Dimensions: Imperial Metric...........................................................................................................47
     CT7-8 Engines (SL, ISA) Ratings:.......................................................................................................48
     Performance (Sea Level, ISA, 26,150lb/11,861kg):.............................................................................48
     2.3 Benefits...........................................................................................................................................64
     2.4 Methodology...................................................................................................................................71
     2.5 Schedule.........................................................................................................................................73
     2.6 Resources.......................................................................................................................................92
     2.7 Qualifications..................................................................................................................................92
3 Funding...................................................................................................................................93
     3.1 Expenses........................................................................................................................................93
     3.2 Revenues........................................................................................................................................94
     3.3 Return-On-Value.............................................................................................................................95
4 Conclusion..............................................................................................................................96
Appendix A: The Hydro LanceTM HARTHTM Economic Advantage ...................................97
Appendix B: Millennial Foundation Monetary System........................................................102
Appendix C: Millennial Foundation Welfare System...........................................................105

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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

Millennial Foundation, Inc. is a United States tax-exempt organization that currently provides
research on humanitarian aid trends and strategies. The initial project of Millennial Foundation is
the humanitarian aid outreach program defined in this proposal.
This proposal presents data into the current challenges facing the global humanitarian aid
community with cooperative and collaborative solutions on the issues of response time, security,
and sustainability. Millennial Foundation proposes a humanitarian aid dedicated fleet of ships,
submersibles, aircrafts, utility vehicles, with construction and farming equipment to facilitate a
coordinated response, a private military force for humanitarian aid security measures, and a
cooperative network of partners for the creation of emerging economies. Millennial Foundation
and its partners believe that integrating a social and political mindset of abundance over scarcity
must be the foundational premise to building value for all stakeholders. Based on this approach
Millennial Foundation offers solutions for project implementation with related costs and

1 Current Situation
The current situation among under-developed nations is deteriorating because of the lack of aid
that is reaching human needs internationally when it is politically expedient causing diplomatic
unrest. “Humanitarian aid is prone to political and military convenience of both donor and
recipient countries and to the exigencies of the “donor industry”, and often lacks a coordinated
plan. NGOs often compete with each other for donations, with donors generally more sympathetic
to emergencies than longer-term aid and development leading to wide divergence in levels of
funding” (Oloruntoba & Gray, 2006).

According to the UN Financial Tracking Service, (2009), private contributions (individuals and
organizations) made up 4.2% of all contributions for $196,751,627 (not including carry-over
donors which made up 29.2% for $1,365,720,061 of contributions). Millennial Foundation
believes that in order to flip the ratios provided in the UN Financial Tracking Service towards
corporate sponsorship, sponsoring partnerships must align for the creation of national emerging
economies that are based on productivity instead of consumption (See Addendum B - Millennial
Monetary System).

1.1   Diplomatic Unrest
       “A number of speakers from African nations (September 28) addressed the assembly, stressing that
       oft-promised strong international support for African development had yet to materialize. Foreign
       Affairs and Cooperation Minister Aichatou Mindaoudou of Niger urged developed nations to
       cancel poor countries' foreign debt, open markets, pay fair prices for raw materials and do away
       with agricultural subsidies in the interests of increasing African opportunity. Ethiopian Minister for
       Foreign Affairs Seyoum Mesfin said that African political will to improve conditions on that
       continent was at an all-time high.
       “Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, who was also chairman of the African Union (AU),
       (September 23) had told the assembly that the AU would send between 3,000 and 5,000 troops and
       monitors to help establish and keep the peace in the Darfur region of Sudan, where 50,000 people
       had died and 1.4 million people had been displaced over recent months in an ongoing violent

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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

         conflict that the U.S. had deemed genocide. He noted that the AU would require millions of dollars
         to carry out the mission” (World News Digest, 2004).
In order to expand the humanitarian aid contribution for the current 4.2% to an anticipated 75%
within 10 years, humanitarian aid organizations must facilitate the rising need of jointly creating
emerging markets with the international business and diplomatic communities for the purpose of
expanding world trade and economic growth cooperatively.

1.2 Enterprise Expansion Trends
Another trend within mid-market companies in 10 major United States cities offers the following
samplings of key findings from the KPMG Global Enterprise Institute: 2007 Mid-Market Survey
on Global Expansion Survey Report:
•     4 in 10 said global expansion is integral to their growth strategy, while one third stated that
      leadership is focused on global expansion
•     The majority of those surveyed plan to increase their global presence over the next five years
•     Half of respondents said that global expansion does not impact their U.S. employee base
•     Economic factors in the United States and abroad have the greatest influence on their global
      expansion decisions
•     Regulations, local laws, developing new customers, language, and local culture present key-
      but not insurmountable-challenges to their efforts
Source: (KPMG, 2007).
The purpose of global expansion for the international business community is based upon the
ability to access qualified competitive markets who will buy products and services that solve
problems based on the amount of pain the market feels against supply and demand.

1.3     Emerging Economy Defined
There are as many definitions to what an emerging economy is as there are economists. For
purposes of this proposal, an emerging economy is defined as a national economy that creates
more value than it consumes for its stakeholders. Areas of consideration in establishing emerging
economies looks at the social climate, political/legal environment, financial and banking
infrastructure, business development opportunities, consumer savings, consumption patterns, and
the impact on driving national stability and security within sociopolitical systems.

Social Climate: The current social environment is in search of innovative solutions to political
issues surrounding global economic challenges among developed nations. Developed nations
have long searched for social welfare programs that bring value to all constituents, while
facilitating a strong and vibrant free-enterprise system. Unfortunately, governments who have
taken the responsibility of controlling the welfare systems for their constituency have done so
because either the free-enterprise solutions are insufficient or have a preference of controlling the

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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

processes themselves. Governments continue to look for free-enterprise solutions to education,
healthcare, the economy, and other such issues facing indebted and wealthy nations alike.

       “Seven hundred million people live in the 42 so-called Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs),
       where a combination of extreme poverty and financial insolvency marks them for a special kind of
       despair and economic isolation. They escape our notice almost entirely, unless war or an exotic
       disease breaks out, or yet another programme with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is
       signed. We urgently need new creativity and a new partnership between rich and poor if these
       700m people (projected to rise to 1.5 billion by 2030), as well as the extremely poor in other parts
       of the world (especially South Asia), are to enjoy a chance for human betterment” (Sachs, 1999).

Solution Benchmark: Millennial Foundation introduces social entrepreneurship to facilitating
education, healthcare, food, and shelter/utilities welfare systems (Please see addendum C, The
Millennial Foundation Welfare System). The approach of utilizing family fundraising mechanisms
in joint partnership with tax-exempt organizations such as religions, professional organizations,
and other charitable membership-type organizations in providing community value while
promoting corporate sponsorship unites people with shared needs to provide value to businesses
and themselves. Each fundraising activity will allow up to 80% of the revenues to go directly to
the insurance premiums or payments of those who collectively serve together for the needs of
each other. As revenues from each family based fundraising event comes into the Millennial
Foundation account, Millennial Foundation keeps 20% in order to pay for the administration of
each fundraising event. The remaining revenues going to the different health/life insurance plans,
mortgage companies, and retail store credits the participating families choose in order to maintain
competition within free-enterprise system. While a number of these businesses may choose to
financially sponsor some of the family fundraising activities that attract business sponsorship, the
value for the family recipient is in having their needs provided for while the value to the business
is a paying customer that becomes loyal to the sponsoring business.

The social climate Millennial Foundation espouses is one of cooperation and collaboration in
serving the needs of each other through families building value for each other and for businesses
searching for ways to capture target audiences by bringing solutions to the pain the family
experiences. Free-enterprise will drive value through the creation of a medium that focuses
competition strategies that drives value to the consumer.

                                           Note: The above scenario is currently illegal within the
                                           United States and other nations. However, the concept
                                           is worth experimentation within the boundaries of the
                                           Millennial Citadel Sea City. Based on international law,
                                           an island that is in international waters (13 miles from
                                           any other land mass) which has no claim from any
                                           government is a government unto itself. Since the Sea
                                           City is a large man-made floating land-mass without
                                           any sovereign claims of ownership to it by any other
  Picture 1. Reed, Walter R. (2009)
  Millennial Citadel Sea City™
                                           nation, Millennial Foundation will have the right to
                                           establish the sea cities constitutional form of
government, its laws, and all of the responsibilities associated with being an interim head of state

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until one can be chosen by the people. While Millennial Foundation will maintain influence in the
governing process as the largest land owner, we are only interested in using the Sea City as a
laboratory to experiment with government and political processes while providing relief to the
millions of refugees that are homeless and unsafe.

Political and Legal Environment: The political and legal environment varies in form, structure,
capacity, and economic value in preserving the rights of constituents. According to Transparency
International, “Corruption aggravates poverty. Surveys of extreme poverty in developing
countries point to corruption as having a significant and detrimental impact on their lives. For a
poor household, the bribe randomly extorted by a police officer may mean that families cannot
afford to pay school fees for their children or to buy goods to maintain their small business and
source of income. Corruption not only reduces the net income of the poor but also wrecks
programmes related to their basic needs, from sanitation to education to healthcare. Its results, the
misallocation of resources to the detriment of poverty reduction programmes.
       “The attainment of the (United Nations) Millennium Development Goals is put at risk unless
       corruption is tackled as an integral part of poverty reduction strategies. Many political leaders of the
       developing world view corruption as a very serious impediment to the overall development of their
       countries. Corruption threats and risks are increasingly taken into account in the design of national
       development programmes. The growing global consensus on the importance of corruption as an
       impediment to development is reflected in the ratification of the UN Convention Against
       Corruption (UNCAC)” (Transparency International, 2009).
Solution Benchmark: A collaborative cooperative organization that brings the international
diplomatic community together with the international corporate community to create an
environment where humanitarian aid can flourish into emerging economies provides the catylist
for generally accepted compatibility requirements with economic development and pro-business
initiatives such as micro-loans, equity market solutions, and the integration of value driven
political measures for reform. Loans from the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund
should be conditional upon the acceptance of measures designed to transform HIPCs (heavily
indebted poor countries) into competitive governments who can pay their debts through their
emergence as a prosperous economy as defined in this proposal.

Financial/Banking Infrastructure: Initial financial and banking infrastructure will require a
‘barter and trade’ system in order to re-establish trade internally. However, an emerging monetary
system that is traded with other major world currencies with a basis of value on the resources it
holds for stability and a focus on productivity over consumption becomes absolutely required in
order to change the tide of consumer, business, and government debt. Millennial Foundation
encourages multiple free-enterprise Internet monetary systems as suggested in the Cato Institute’s
Publication: The Future of Money in the Information Age with a similar structure that Millennial
Foundation proposes (see Addendum C: The Millennial Foundation Monetary System).

Solution Benchmark: According to Bernard Lietaer of the Center for Sustainable Currency at
University of California-Berkeley and former Belgium Central Banker, the following offers
trends within barter and trade that may facilitate currency trade solutions in the development of
currencies for under-developed nations or nations in need of economic solutions:

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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

       A. “Your money's value is determined by a global casino of unprecedented proportions: $2 trillion
       are traded per day in foreign exchange markets, 100 times more than the trading volume of all the
       stock markets of the world combined. Only 2% of these foreign exchange transactions relate to the
       "real" economy reflecting movements of real goods and services in the world, and 98% are purely
       speculative. This global casino is triggering the foreign exchange crises which shook Mexico in
       1994-5, Asia in 1997 and Russia in 1998. These emergencies are the dislocation symptoms of the
       old Industrial Age money system. Unless some precautions are taken soon, there is at least a 50-50
       chance that the next five to ten years will see a global money meltdown, the only plausible way for
       a global depression.

       B. “The Information Age has already spawned new kinds of currencies: frequent flyer miles are
       evolving toward a "corporate scrip" (a private currency issued by a corporation) for the traveling
       elite; a giant corporation you never heard of is issuing its own "Net-market Cash" for Internet
       commerce; even Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, foresees "new private currency
       markets in the 21st century."

       C. “Exorbitant compensations are paid to the very few at the top: it started with movie stars and
       sports heroes, and has now spread to top lawyers, traders, doctors, and business leaders. In the
       1960’s CEO’s salaries were only thirty times greater than those of the average worker, compared
       with two hundred times today. Is this the dawn of a society where "Winner-takes-all" or a short-
       term last gasp of the transition out of the Industrial Age?

       D. “1,900 local communities in the world, including over a hundred in the US, are now issuing
       their own currency, independently from the national money system. Some communities, like in
       Ithaca, New York, issue paper currency; others in Canada, Australia, the UK or France issue
       complementary electronic money.

       E. “The value of barter transactions — exchanges which do not use any money as medium of
       exchange - totaled almost $6.5 billion in the US and Canada during 1994, and is increasing three
       times faster than normal exchanges. The magazine "Barter News" covers the industry’s
       development and now has 30,000 subscribers. It estimates the total barter worldwide was at $650
       billion in 1997 and growing at an annual rate of 15%” (Lietaer, 2001).

Business Development Opportunities: The business development opportunities found in
nations-in-need are difficult at best because of the lack of education and access to capital from
developed nations and capital markets.
       “Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf (September 22) told assembly delegates that the U.S. and its
       allies were "winning the battle against terrorists" but were losing the larger war against terrorism
       because they were failing to address deep-rooted antagonism against the U.S. and the West. That
       antagonism threatened to throw down an "iron curtain" between the West and the Islamic world
       unless industrialized nations invested financially and politically in opportunities for Muslims in
       underdeveloped countries, he said.

       “Representatives from several small island and archipelago nations (September 24) drew attention
       to their particular plights. Those included the threat to the very existence of such countries posed by
       natural disasters, and aggravated by climate change; economies often overly dependent on tourism
       from abroad; and World Trade Organization standards that made their trade balances especially
       vulnerable to foreign imports.

       “The speeches came just as the Caribbean region was experiencing a devastating series of
       hurricanes [See 2004 Death Toll in Haiti Flooding From Tropical Storm Jeanne Reaches 1,500;
       Jeanne Hits U.S. as Hurricane; Other Developments].

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       “Cuban Foreign Affairs Minister Felipe Perez Roque challenged the idea that the U.N. was an
       effective instrument to promote equality among nations. He argued that small, relatively powerless
       states would have to seize development opportunism for themselves from “those who deny us
       justice today, because they underpin their wealth and arrogance on the disdain for our grief” (World
       News Digest, 2004).
Solution Benchmark: Millennial Foundation’s initial plan is to focus on the financial services,
agricultural, mining, business services and manufacturing industries in order to build supply-chain
infrastructures necessary to promote international corporate investments. There are extensive
programs such as micro loans that offer limited access to capital through tax-exempt and banking
organizations. The micro loans are a major part of bringing communities together to participate in
the free-enterprise structure and potential community prosperity.

Additional capital for entrepreneurism, industry and market diversification, and trade
cooperation must be at the heart and soul of the creation of emerging markets. Equity markets at a
small scale also needs to establish itself within the context of the creation of emerging markets in
order to offer a cooperative and collaborative offering to the global community of investors.

Consumer Savings and Consumption Patterns: Currently, there is very little data on savings or
consumption patterns that are tracked among economically disadvantaged nations in terms of
financial statements of businesses operating.

Solution Benchmark: Systems and measures for tracking financial statements, consumer pricing
indexes, unemployment rates, gross domestic product (GDP), tax rates, salary averages, savings
rates, debt rates, LIBOR rates, domestic and foreign investment rates, and averaged wealth
growth must be used as key indicators of measuring economic stability with growth opportunities.

Impact on Driving National Stability and Security: There are very few charitable organizations
or for profit corporations who are making an impact on national stability and security among
troubled nations throughout the world.

Solution Benchmark: There must be a cooperative effort between the G-20 nations and the
international corporate community in sponsoring the emergence of the prospective consumption
market projected at 1.5 billion consumers for participation in global trade that will effectively
influence the economic growth and sustainability of the current developed nations.

1.4   Government Outsourcing Trends
Today, there are many outsourced services that government has controlled in the past such as:
monetary and tax collection, private military companies, research and development, strategic
planning, government real estate development, power companies, space and ocean exploration,
accounting services, legal services, and the list continues.
       “Nearly 90 percent of government executives outsource activities that are “important or absolutely
       critical” to their mission of citizen service delivery, finds a recent study by Accenture. Only two
       percent of those surveyed said that outsourcing is “relatively unimportant.”

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         “The study, which entailed surveying and/or interviewing more than 150 executives in 23
         governments in Asia, Europe, North America, and South America, found that governments
         outsource mainly to improve the speed or quality of the service they provide to citizens and others.
         Among the activities and services most often outsourced are staff training and education programs,
         finance and accounting functions, human resources and supply chain operations, and information
         technology applications and infrastructure.
         “According to the study, as governments become more experienced with outsourcing, they seek
         new ways to derive greater value from these arrangements and are therefore more inclined to
         outsource processes such as procurement, finance and accounting, human resources, which were
         previously considered too critical to outsource. By outsourcing certain critical services and
         functions, governments can improve the quality of service they provide to citizens, while increasing
         operational efficiency and lower costs” (Government Procurement, 2003).
The trends in government outsourcing would suggest the potential prospect of nearly all
government services becoming privatized except for the executive functions of government in
determining laws and policies. Millennial Foundation is positioning itself to provide many of the
outsourced services to the world beginning with the humanitarian aid to emerging economy

2     Solution
Millennial Foundation requires a fleet of floating sea city bases, maritime ships, aircrafts, support
vehicles, heavy construction equipment, heavy farming equipment, crews, and a private security
force in order to facilitate a collaborative and cooperative approach with domestic and
international humanitarian aid organizations, educational institutions, research institutions, and
corporate partners in providing relief to families in need and (re)building national infrastructure
systems required to promote social, political, and economic growth for sustainability as emerging
economies. Our required fleet assets will be pre-positioned in ocean and river regions of the world
for the fulfillment of our objectives and meeting global needs. Our fleet will be acquired through
a tax-exempt bond guaranteed by G-20 governments with payback returned through job
development, expanding economies under management, and corporate sponsorships.

2.1     Objectives
1.    Increase Disaster Response Time – Millennial Foundation’s first objective is to provide a
      major response within 48 hours anywhere on earth through an extensive dedicated private
      fleet that has the capacity to respond quickly and effectively with speeds upwards of 150
      knots while not having the appearance of a major military operation.
2.    Improve Humanitarian Security – Millennial Foundation’s second objective is to utilize its
      unified dedicated fleet along with private military contractors from around the world to secure
      all areas necessary to facilitate a high degree of safety within theatres of operation. Millennial
      Foundation will sign agreements with former military and special forces personnel from
      around the world who are trained in intelligence, border security, fleet management, strategy,
      risk management, operations planning, and implementation.
3.    Increase Disaster Relief Sustainability – Millennial Foundation’s third objective is to build
      new emerging economies that will sustain political, social, and economic growth for troubled
      regions of the world. Millennial Foundation recognizes that such an effort will require joint

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      cooperation, collaboration, and implementation with multi-governmental departments and
      agencies, academic and research institutions; humanitarian relief, human rights,
      environmental, emergency response, and healthcare organizations throughout the world for
      the fulfillment of common purposes in providing sustained relief to recipient people and
      nations. The Millennial Foundation fleet proposes specific dedicated assets for the
      cooperation, collaboration, and implementation for each partnership in the development of
      emerging economies.

2.2     Approach
The approach of Millennial Foundation is to create a streamlined approach that will facilitate a
collective and collaborative effort among international humanitarian aid organizations in
providing disaster relief to nations and people who are in need. While less than 5% of support
comes from private corporations and individuals currently, the following approach should
increase support from this segment to more than 75% over the next ten years due to the extended
purpose of humanitarian aid in building emerging economies throughout the world. We cannot
expect to serve the people of a region without lifting their government to greater levels of
prosperity. To not lift the government, we are only placing a temporary bandage on the problem
that will worsen with time.
Millennial Foundation finds it appropriate to establish the first fleet dedicated entirely to
humanitarian aid and building emerging economies with sea city bases that support the regional
command structure, maritime fleet, submersible fleet, aircraft fleet, support vehicles, heavy
construction equipment, and heavy farming equipment as a full compliment to humanitarian aid
and emerging economy systems and processes with quick oceanic and river network logistical
response and support. A description of the capabilities and missions of each fleet asset as
determined by need and budgeted for is explained within the financial section of this proposal.

Disclosure: The following assets are proposed fleet requirements and do not represent a
contractual agreement between Millennial Foundation and the manufacturer of the assets
represented. Many of the following companies may not have been contacted in relation to
this proposal. The missions of each asset represents how each asset would work together in
building value for global humanitarian aid and building emerging economies into the

                      THE MILLENNIAL CITADEL FLEET
The Millennial Citadel Fleet is a fully dedicated fleet designed to provide medical response,
diplomatic response, cultural response, aircraft carrier logistical support, maintenance support,
agricultural support, energy support, research support, passenger transport, submersible support
and security, aircraft logistics support, utility vehicle support, heavy construction vehicle
logistics, and heavy farming vehicle logistical requirements. Each fleet asset has a specific
mission designed to maximize effectiveness and efficiency in the coordination of humanitarian
aid and emerging economy operations even with simultaneous operations in different regions of
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command areas. The fleet assets are considered shared situational resources under the
management of Millennial Foundation with all partners and sponsors.
The maritime fleet has unique characteristics in its design. Each ship, submarine, aircraft, and
vehicle will be painted white with the Millennial Foundation logo displayed in predominant
locations on each fleet asset. One of the greatest advantages of the Millennial Fleet, particularly in
its maritime fleet is in capacity of eliminating some 83% of drag in order to maximize speed
efficiency. Ships and boats are designed specific to the vessel mission. Generally the higher the
extremes of vessel speed, the higher the costs; much like designing a Porsche or jet aircraft. Huge
ship platforms increase the difficulty of extreme speeds just due to the size of wind management
alone, as the frontal cross section increases. A ship traveling at 80 Knots into a 40 Knot wind,
becomes an accumulative 120 Knot (hurricane level speeds) wind resistance to deal with.
Aircraft routinely travel faster, but they have a much smaller frontal cross section. The
engineering phase of each vessel will ultimately decide what prime power system is utilized to
match the demands of the mission specification. Stability in elevated seas is a major factor in
ship design, where as these HARTHTM transoceanic platforms are ultra-stable in and through
elevated sea-states that affords significantly more safety, comfort, speed, and fuel economies.

                                         MARITIME FLEET
The maritime fleet provides an ocean and river fleet that facilitates increased response times to
natural and political disasters. The size of the fleet is one of the predominant security advantages
of the Millennial Citadel Fleet. For over fifty years of humanitarian aid operation, heads of state
have always had issues with foreign militaries doing reconnaissance on their shores. The maritime
fleet has a unique design that is unlike any military in the world with speed and safety capabilities
far superior to any global naval force.

                                        MILLENNIAL CITADEL

                                             ⇒ The Hydro Lance™ Millennial Citadel: Mobile
                                             Floating Sea City™ – The Millennial Citadel Sea City
                                             provides a sea worthy command base to facilitate all
                                             required storage needs for the fleet, a research
                                             infrastructure for cooperative, collaborative, and
                                             implementation efforts based on the platform of
                                             commercial, and residential real estate developments.
                                             Date: 2010              Cost: US$ 30 billion
                                             Population: up to 100,000 people each
    Picture 2. Reed, Walter R. (2009)        Approximate Dimensions: modular up to 4 miles wide
    Millennial Citadel Sea City™
                                             by 5 miles long
The mission of the Millennial Citadel within the Millennial Foundation fleet is four-fold:
•     Facilitate a place of peace for endangered refugees seeking safety;

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•   Develop an evolving political and economic laboratory within the Millennial Citadel Sea City
    to test and demonstrate theories of evolving emerging economies among international
    diplomats, business sponsors, and refugees with a constitutional structure, legal code,
    monetary/banking system, stock market, health care system, education system, welfare
    system, and an economic development system (see Appendix B: Millennial Foundation
    Monetary System and Appendix C: Millennial Foundation Welfare System);
•   Secure off-shore environment for corporate sponsors and partners contributing to affected
    economies for a specified period of time in order to test the market penetration towards
    building an emerging economy in an ecologically sensitive manner;
•   Provide research on ocean living and cultural development among refugees, employee
    families, and diplomatic personnel families as a part of experimental research to determine the
    viability for global warming rescue operations within different environmental conditions.

The Millennial Foundation’s Citadel fleet will utilize its floating base for developing different
culturally sensitive platforms of community, cultural, economic, and political renewal as a
continual learning process. The fleet and its crew will make their homes with their families on the
sea cities they are assigned to with the understanding that additional sea cities will be constructed
for the purpose of building greater value in other parts of the world.

Construction Period: Phase I--4 years; Phase II--3 years; Phase III--2 years

Construction Methods: Each modular city section will be pre-built from materials from
throughout the world and placed on the HARTHTM platform in order to facilitate land expansion
efforts on a continual.

Power Sources: Multiple “green” power sources will fuel the Citadel Sea City including: solar
electrical generators, photovoltaic solar cells, OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy) power plants,
‘green’ fuels and windmill generators.

Food Sources: Agriculture, livestock, fish farming, sea weed cultivation, mar culture (marine
agriculture), horticulture, aeroculture, fresh water distilling, rain collection, humidity
condensation, and OTEC distilling.

Economic Sources: Tourism, marine research exploration, nautical vessel design and production;
development and construction of sea city systems for government and private enterprise use such
as: military base floating sea cities, research floating sea cities, energy floating sea cities (similar
to oil platforms), recreational floating sea cities, and diplomatic floating sea cities; exportation of
sand and ballast dredging, mineral and metal dredging i.e., salt, magnesium, pharmaceuticals,
dyes, strontium (used in fireworks, flares, etc.), Rubidium (used in photoelectric cells), copper,
manganese dioxide and gold, fertilizers manufactured from seaweed, solid waste and sewage,
distilling plants to provide fresh water to the sea city, fresh water to turn formerly arid lands on
mainland to orchards and gardens, exportation of fresh water to distant areas on the mainland, fish
farming (fish have extremely high conversion ratio of feed consumed to meat produced); fish feed
can be processed from waste products, i.e., sewage, and yield of fish produced from fish farms
should equal, if not exceed, the productivity of any warm-water pond; seaweed production,

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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

scientific and technological inventions such as portable sea water-to-fresh water distilleries, more
efficient photovoltaic cells, improved marine culture techniques, improved windmill design, new
kinds of undersea exploration vessels, new developments in boat and floating home designs, etc.

Public Transportation Systems: TIG/m™ electromagnetic high speed train and underwater
"subway" system; Aero-taxi (flying and floating taxi vehicle capable of holding thirty persons),
nautical taxi capable of high speed and undersea travel (12 to 100 person capacity depending
upon size of vehicle). Additional public transportation systems are attachable /detachable such as
the Hydro Lance™ Airport and the Hydro Lance Seaport; each containing their own individual
navigation and transportation systems for scalable logistics and hub development.

Private Transportation: Four person jet-air flying platform, amphibious hovercraft vehicles,
sailing craft, other nautical vehicles and pedal vehicles.

Sea City HARTHTM Platform Propulsion and Navigation: Twenty seven turbo electric drive
water-jet/contra-rotating propeller engine systems or other prime power combinations such as
HiSCORe™ silent, any-fuel closed cycle direct drives. Navigational systems are built into the
structural design at the forward and aft positions.

Range of Speed: 25 to 40 knots

Judicial System: Given that the Millennial Citadel Mobile Floating Sea City Community existing
outside the twelve mile boundary of all governing national jurisdictions Phase I of the project will
contain approximately 5,000 people primarily from Millennial Foundation and diplomatic
partners from sponsoring nations who will act as an focus group to lay down the founding laws
and principles of the city. Because the overall community is made of several very small
neighborhood communities each community might wish to develop their own ways of evolving
laws. The evolving Sea City™ shall be a master Sxyzicity™ planned development, then
involving numerous Architects for individual projects and structures from multiple nations within
the master plan for the individual communities to evolve.

Studies have pointed out that there is a strong tendency for crime in developing circumstances
where individuals feel a lack of relationship with the community due to social or cultural
disconnections with traditions. When a community is relatively small, connections are easier to
make and maintain particularly when everyone has ownership in the outcomes and crime is
usually minimized. This phenomenon is enhanced and strategically applied to the formation of
communities within the Millennial Citadel Project.


UPPER SEA CITY™ DECK: parks, food markets, museums, planetarium, gymnasiums,
libraries; ponds, fountains, waterfalls, canals and irrigation systems, and water features; botanical
gardens, amphitheaters; walking, biking, and running trails; vendor stores, kiosk areas, surface
marine life observation viewing areas, restaurants, theaters, café’s, transport trolleys, major
hotels, electric people mover vehicles, residential areas, recreation centers, landscaped sculptured
terrain, aquariums, community meeting halls, schools, hospitals, horticulture center, aeroculture

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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

center, farming, fish farming areas, livestock sections, horse and carriage trails, university,
airport, television and radio stations, banks, offices; all-view residential communities,
condominiums, and refugee habitats; government buildings and infrastructure systems, and
orientation visitor centers.

MIDDLE (2nd) DECK: high-speed public transport, transportation stations, electrical power
plants from solar and wind power, workshops, machining center, warehouses, pharmaceutical
processes, security quarters, city utility stations, solid waste sorting and shedding, filtration
systems, emergency & fire command, elevator(s) components, cold-storage, packaging and
certain manufacturing and process facilities.

WET DECK: Ship and boat maintenance, small craft storage, loading decks, import and export
docking areas, passenger terminals, staging areas, sand and dredging process plants, transport
containers & staging, eco-fuel refinery sections, fueled power generation plants, steam generation
plant, marine research center, undersea exploration laboratories, livestock staging, potable water
distillery plants (from seawater), propane generation, calcium carbide conversion to acetylene
plant, salt drying plants, sewage treatment plants, elevators components, solid-waste conversion
to bio-char products & fuel plant, CNG storage, certain mining process laboratories, electrical &
Cryonite™ storage, wave-power generation stations (experimental prototypes), produce
distribution centers, marina, submarine launch facilities and ferry terminal.

HARTH PLATFORM HULLS: Underwater observation areas, moon pools, sewage staging
tanks, waste control, rain cistern tanks, fresh water tanks, fire pumping stations, treated water,
sewage control tanks, thrusters, prime drivers, sonar and varied sensory systems, fuel tanks, bulk
heads, double walled hulls, platform steering systems, underwater lighting system, fresh water
and other pumping systems and having reserve floatation foam backfilled zones.

                           MEDICAL RESPONSE FLEET
                                          ⇒ The Hydro Lance™ - Medical Response Hospital
                                          Ship provides medical, alternative, and surgical response
                                          services in support of humanitarian aid and nation
                                          stabilization operations.

                                          The Medical Response Hospital Ships will each come
                                          with 20 surgical rooms, 5 x-ray rooms with CAT Scan/
                                          MRI capacity, 5 chiropractic care rooms, 15 physical
 Picture 3. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Hydro  therapy rooms surrounding fitness room, 100 patient
 Lance™ Aeroscraft™ MSAC Carrier          rooms with monitoring capacity for 4 patients each,
                                          disease control laboratory, medical/holistic vaccination
pharmacy, patient elevators, a health research and disease control with online library connected to
global academic medical schools with tele-medical capabilities, and crew quarters.

General Characteristics:

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Propulsion system: Gas Turbines & HiSCOrE
Thrust: Direct and/or Water-jet           Fuel: Bio-Fuel or JP-4
Deck Length: 1,400 ft.                    Deck Width: 500 ft.
Flight Decks: 1                           Decks: 5+
Beam: 525 feet                            Draft: 20 feet
Displacement: 66,000 Tons                 Speed: 80+ Knots
Personnel: Approx. 1,400: 100 Officers, 900 Enlisted & 400 Crew
Cost: US$ 2 Billion                       Aircraft Elevators: four

⇒ Hydro Lance™ Mini-Medical Response Yacht
provides focused fast response with different medical
missions varying significantly. Providing ten or more
smaller, super-speed, ocean-rated medical luxury
vessels would be able to deploy and access critical
medical support through shallow bays, unimproved
beaches and major river systems in times of crises.

Having minimally sufficient numbers of these 120+
Knot luxury boats assures the flexibility of handling
multiple surgical and medical needs with                 Picture 4. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Mini-
                                                         Medical Response Yacht
geographically separated national interests quickly.
These specialty Hydro Lance™ vessels can travel through the ocean 1,000 miles in just eight
hours, without sea-sickness, wave slamming or being slowed by elevated sea-states - and with a
full medical crew attachment aboard.

General Characteristics:

Propulsion System: Direct Thrust - Gas Turbines, HiSCOrE Auxiliary
Fuel: Bio-Fuel, JP-4 or CNG               Propellers: None
Deck Length: 240 ft.                      Deck Width: 75 ft.
House Space: 34,000 sq. ft.               Ship Type: HARTH MSAC
Flight Decks: 1                           Decks: 2.5
Beam: 95 Feet                             Draft: 4 Feet
Displacement: 500 Tons                    Speed: Up to 150 Knots
Crew: approx. 49: 4 officers & 15 crew & 30 enlisted medical specialists
Guests: 60 medical specialists            Luxury: Medical Clinic - High
Cost: US$ 90-150 million each
Attachments: two launches and several recreational shore craft

                                           ⇒ Griffon™ River Medical Response Hovercraft
                                           provides an ambulatory response through hard to reach
                                           river systems within areas of operations because of the
                                           air cushioned landing capabilities of the hovercraft in
                                           getting to remote positions throughout the world.

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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

              General Characteristics
Picture 5. Griffon Hoverwork™ (2009) BHT
180 Hovercraft

              Length (Hovering)                             37.2 m
              Beam (Hovering)                               15.0 m
              Height (Hovering)                             11.2 m
              Passengers (Excl Crew)                        180
              Min. crew                                         2
              Maximum payload                                  22.5 tones
              Endurance                                         6 hours
              Fuel consumption                              650 Liters/hr
              Speed at full payload                           45 knots
              Engine type                                   4 X MTU
              Approx obstacle clearance                     2M
              Max recommended wave height                   2M
              Cost ($ million):                             5

                                           DIPLOMATIC RESPONSE FLEET
              ⇒ Hydro Lance™ - Diplomatic Blue-Water
              Response Ship provides an environment for
              government and political planning, infrastructure
              development, legal systems needs, international trade
              agreements, and diplomatic relations negotiation. The
              Diplomatic Response Ship provides living and office
              suites for diplomats in each of the Diplomatic
              Response Ships no matter what part of the world they
              are located.
                                                                            Picture 6. Reed, Walter R. (2009)
                                                                            Diplomatic Blue-Water Response Ship™ -
              FLEET REQUIREMENTS:                                           Condomar Class Luxury Cruise Ships

              The Diplomatic Response Ships will each come with enlarged 5,000 to 10,000 sq. ft. suites with
              up to 6 bedrooms each having walk-in closets, 3 bathrooms, family and living rooms, private
              galley with bar (room service available) with dining room, and laundry facilities. Connected to
              the living quarters with separate access to the main hall are office accommodations offering the
              following features: reception area with a bar, five offices – to be fully furnished, a conference
              room, file room, and break room. The office space comes with copy machine, computer systems
              with Internet, and satellite telephone systems. Each personal/office suite comes with a luxury
              designer décor, a personal staff consisting of: chef, butler/maids, confidentiality secretary/office
              manager, and a full security attachment.

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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

Transoceanic travel speed and safety is vastly improved: 2,400 miles in 30 hours, providing
extraordinary response time to world diplomatic crises while utilizing half the fuel per passenger /
ton mile, having a like reduction of air pollution as compared to more conventional ships on the
ocean today. These Hydro Lance™ vessels do not experience heave, pitch, roll, sway, yaw, hog
or sag through elevated seas and maintains rate speeds through vessel rated high seas. These new
super-stable ships means having the comfort of no-sea-sickness, or hog and sag of the ship in and
through high seas, becoming not only faster, but vastly safer.

General Characteristics:

Propulsion system: Gas Turbines, HiSCOrE Thrusters
Fuel: Bio-Fuel, JP-4 or CNG                      Propellers: None
Deck Length: 900 ft.                             House Width: 200 ft.
House Space: 720,000+ Sq. Ft.                    Ship Type: HARTH MSAC
Flight Decks: 1                                  Decks: 4+
Beam: 200 Feet                                   Draft: 20 Feet
Displacement: 30,000 Tons                        Speed: 80+ Knots
Crew: approx. 1,000: 100 officers & 900 enlisted
Aircraft Elevators: As Required                  Luxury Level: High
Cost: US$ 970 million

                                          ⇒ Hydro Lance™ Mini-Diplomat Response Yacht
                                          provides focused fast response with different diplomatic
                                          missions varying significantly. Providing ten or more
                                          smaller, super-speed luxury diplomatic vessels would be
                                          able to deploy and access critical talks between select
                                          leaders in privacy, far from shore, in times of crises.

                                           The matched speed aircraft carrier capabilities of these
                                           smaller HARTH MSAC ships allows for the select
  Picture 7. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Mini-
                                           approach and landing of various business jets for when
  Diplomatic Response Yacht™ - Cobra       an additional key diplomatic participant is important to
  Class                                    talks. Having minimally sufficient numbers of these 150
Knot luxury boats assures the flexibility of handling multiple meetings with geographically
separated national interests quickly. These specialty Hydro Lance vessels can travel through the
ocean 1,000 miles in just seven hours, without sea-sickness, wave slamming or being slowed by
elevated sea-states - and with a capacity of designated guests aboard having a full attentive staff
compliment without motion sickness effects.

General Characteristics:

Propulsion System: Direct Thrust - Gas Turbines, HiSCOrE Auxiliary
Fuel: Bio-Fuel, JP-4 or CNG               Propellers: None
Deck Length: 240 ft.                      Deck Width: 75 ft.
House Space: 32,000 sq. ft.               Ship Type: HARTH MSAC
Flight Decks: 1                           Decks: 2.5
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Beam: 95 Feet                             Draft: 4 Feet
Displacement: 500 Tons                    Speed: Up to 145 Knots
Crew: approx. 33: 4 officers & 15 crew & 14 enlisted attendant specialists
Guests: 42 up to 60                       Luxury: Very High
Cost: US$ 90-150 million each
Attachments: two launches and several recreational sport crafts

                           CULTURAL RESPONSE FLEET

                                              ⇒ Hydro Lance™ Cultural Response Ship
                                              provides an environment for high net-worth
                                              individuals and business sponsors in the coordination
                                              of planning needs and preparation within a staged
                                              cultural development environment in the areas of
                                              family education, welfare, performing/visual arts
                                              entertainment, culinary arts, business/economic
                                              development through business sponsors,
                                              social/ethical systems research, scientific research,
                                              and where humanitarian aid organizations work with
 Picture 8. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Cultural   business sponsors and humanitarian aid organizations
 Response Ship™ - Condomar Class Luxury       work together.
 Cruise Ships

Suites are available for the officers, favored employees, and their families on a scheduled basis.
The Cultural Response Ships will each come with enlarged 2,000 to 5,000 sq. ft. suites with a
range of up to 6 bedrooms with walk-in closets and 3 bathrooms, and standard features of office/
meeting room, front room, galley with bar (room service available) with dining room, laundry
facilities, and personal maid/butler services with security attachment if required, for all of our
business and humanitarian aid partners.

Such ships shall not experience pitch, roll, heave, yaw, sway, hog or sag and perform with up to
seven times the fuel economies per ton or passenger mile traveled, with a like reduction of
pollution, as compared with conventional ships on the ocean today. This HARTH ultra-stability
in elevated seas results as a stable platform at sea – no sea-sickness and vastly safer. Making a
2,400 mile trip would require only 30 hours of time.

General Characteristics:

Propulsion system: Gas Turbines, HiSCOrE
Fuel: Bio-Fuel, JP-4 or CNG             Propellers: None
Deck Length: 1260 ft.                   House Width: 240 ft.
House Space: 700,000+ Sq. Ft.           Ship Type: HARTH MSAC
Flight Decks: 1                         Decks: 4.5
Beam: 240 Feet                          Draft: Under 20 Feet
Displacement: 39,000 Tons               Speed: 80 Knots
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Crew: approx. 900: 100 officers & 800 enlisted
Guests: 1,400                              Luxury Level: Very High
VTOL Elevators: Two                        Cost: US$ 1.6 billion

⇒ Hydro Lance™ Littoral Cultural Response
Vessels provides focused fast response with
different cultural missions varying significantly.
Providing ten or more smaller, super-speed luxury
cultural response vessels deployed would
facilitate critical talks between select leaders in
privacy, far from shore, in times of crises.

The matched speed aircraft carrier capabilities of
these smaller HARTH MSAC ships allows for the
select approach and landing of various business         Picture 9. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Cultural
jets for when an additional key diplomatic              Response Yacht – Littoral™ Class Luxury
participant is important to talks. Having               Yacht

minimally sufficient numbers of these 150 Knot
luxury boats assures the flexibility of handling multiple meetings with geographically separated
national interests quickly. These specialty Hydro Lance vessels can travel through the ocean
1,000 miles in just seven hours, without sea-sickness, wave slamming or being slowed by
elevated sea-states - and with all designated guests aboard having a full attentive staff compliment
in a comfort absent of motion sickness.

Propulsion System: Direct Thrust - Gas Turbines, HiSCOrE Auxiliary
Fuel: Bio-Fuel, JP-4 or CNG               Propellers: None
Deck Length: 240 ft.                      Deck Width: 75 ft.
House Space: 30,000 sq. ft.               Ship Type: HARTH MSAC
Flight Decks: 1                           Decks: 2.5
Beam: 95 Feet                             Draft: 4 Feet
Displacement: 500 Tons                    Speed: Up to 150 Knots
Crew: approx. 49: 4 officers & 15 crew & 30 enlisted attendants
Guests: 60                                Luxury: Very High
Cost: US$ 90-150 million each
Attachments: three launches and several recreational sport crafts

                            AIRCRAFT CARRIER FLEET

                                            ⇒ The Hydro Lance™ MSAC Command Aircraft
                                            Carrier provides air-traffic control systems for
                                            coordination with each of the other aircraft carriers for
                                            logistical support within humanitarian aid thru
                                            emerging economy services and operations throughout

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  Picture 10. Reed, Walter R. (2009) MSAC
  Command Aircraft Carrier™
A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

the regional fleet. This ship’s MSAC capability extends flight decks infinitely for maximum
landing and take-off safety of aircraft.

General Characteristics:

Propulsion system: Gas Turbine Direct Thrust & Silent HiSCOReTM Auxiliary
Propellers: Two jet drives - Auxiliary
Speed: Up to 150 Knots                     Electronics: Full Compliment
Deck Length: 1,800 feet                    House Width: 850 feet
Flight Decks: 3                            Decks: 7
Crew: approx. 1,200: 200 officers & 1,000 enlisted specialist
Cost: US$ 2.2 billion
Aircraft Elevators: As Required

  ⇒ Littoral Tactical Command Aircraft Carrier
provides for deployed stealth tactical surveillance and
designated theater command. Able to launch and
receive smaller jet and propeller driven aircraft of
limited numbers, as well as rotary winged airborne
craft and UAV’s, this very fast vessel extends the fleets
tactical reach and intelligence quickly within extended
assigned areas.
                                                             Picture 11. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Tactical
                                                             Command Aircraft Carrier™ - Littoral Class
General Characteristics:                                     Aircraft Carrier

Propulsion System: Direct Thrust - Gas Turbines, HiSCOrE Auxiliary Silent Running
Fuel: Bio-Fuel, JP-4 or CNG               Propellers: None
Deck Length: 240 ft.                      Deck Width: 75 ft.
House Space: 32,000 sq. ft.               Ship Type: HARTH MSAC
Flight Decks: 1                           Decks: 2.5
Beam: 95 Feet                             Draft: 4 Feet
Displacement: 1,200 Tons                  Speed: Up to 145 Knots
Crew: approx. 33: 4 officers & 15 crew & 14 enlisted specialists
Cost: US$ 90-150 million each             Fuel Range: 1500 miles
Attachments: Shore launch, UAVs and two resonance aircraft.

                                          ⇒ Hydro Lance™ Security Aircraft Carrier provides
                                          passenger and security air-traffic control systems, state-
                                          of-the-art intelligence, navigation, and logistical support
                                          for all passenger & security fleet aircrafts. The Security
                                          Aircraft Carrier will likely become the fastest and most
                                          stable of its kind anywhere on earth extending a MSAC

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 Picture 12. Reed, Walter R. (2009)
 Security Aircraft Carrier
A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

flight deck, of 2,200 feet in length, infinitely in order to facilitate logistical requirements for the
Airbus A380 and the Antonov AN 225 Mryias for the safest possible landing and take-off
requirements, as well as for transient storage at lower deck levels.

General Characteristics:

Propulsion system: Gas Turbines            Propellers: Two Jet Drives
Deck Length: 2,200 feet                    Deck Width: 840 feet
Flight Decks: 3                            Decks: 4 Beam: 900 feet
Crew: approx. 1,800: 200 officers & 1,600 enlisted specialist
Cost: US$ 2.3 Billion                      Type: HARTH MSAC Carrier
Aircraft Elevators: As Required            Speed: 155 Knots

⇒ The Hydro Lance™ Cargo Aircraft Carrier
provides joint security and military operations
command, logistical air, maritime, and submersible
command support with intelligence, fleet
management, strategic planning, risk management,
and project implementation in humanitarian aid and
nation stability operations. The Humanitarian
Security Ship will also facilitate military technology
research and development through real-world
applications testing.                                         Picture 13. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Cargo
                                                              Aircraft Carrier™
General Characteristics:

Propulsion system: Gas Turbines           Propellers: None
Deck Length: 2,400 feet                   Deck Width: 240 feet
Flight Decks: 1                           Decks: 4+
Crew: approx. 1,200: 200 officers & 1000 enlisted
Cost: US$ 1.1 Billion                     Aircraft Elevators: As required

                                 SMALL PATROL CRAFTS

                                              ⇒ Hydro Lance™ Special Ops Interceptor provides
                                              joint special mission operations in support of security
                                              reconnaissance within high risk regions in diplomatic
                                              and cultural responses supporting humanitarian aid and
                                              nation stabilization operations.

                                              General Characteristics:

 Picture 14. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Special   Propulsion system: Gas Turbines
 Ops - Interceptor Class Super Speed          Thrusters: 4
 Vessels                                      Deck Length: 120

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Deck Width: 75 feet
Speed: Over 160 Knots                       Decks: 2.5
Crew: approx. 20: 8 officers & 12 enlisted specialist
Type: HARTH, specialized vessel             Armor: Ceramic Composite
Draft: 3 feet                               Beam: 82 feet
Cost: US$ 45 million + avionics             Speed/Force Rating: 7 Beaufort

⇒ Hydro Lance™ Super-Speed Patrol Craft
provides security of coastal zones from drug
smuggling, poachers and insurgents while also
supporting special mission operations in support of
security reconnaissance and enforcement within high
risk regions in diplomatic and cultural responses for the
support of humanitarian aid and nation stabilization

                                                            Picture 15. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Super-
                                                            Speed Patrol Craft™
General Characteristics:

Propulsion system: Gas Turbines             Thrusters: 4 - HiSCORe Auxiliary
Deck Length: 140                            Deck Width: 75 feet
Speed: Over 130 Knots                       Decks: 2.5
Crew: approx. 20: 8 officers & 12 enlisted specialist
Type: HARTH, specialized vessel             Armor: Ceramic Composite
Draft: 3 feet                               Beam: 90 feet
Electronics: Full compliment
Cost: US$ 45 million + avionics             Speed/Force Rating: 7 Beaufort

                         MAINTENANCE SUPPORT FLEET

                                         Hydro Lance™ - Maintenance & Salvage Ship
                                         provides at sea repair and maintenance cycle support for
                                         all maritime, submarine, aircraft, and vehicle fleets
                                         including: parts inventory, heavy lift and transport

                                         General Characteristics:

                                       Propulsion system: HiSCOrE
 Picture 16. Reed, Walter R. (2009)    Propellers: Four Jet-Drives
 Maintenance and Salvage Ship™         Deck Length: 1,600 feet
                                       Deck Width: 400 feet
Heavy-Lift: Recovery / Transport           Decks: 5+
Crew: approx. 200: 50 officers & 150 enlisted specialist

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Cost: US$ 650 million                     Speed: 80 Knots
Helipads: Two                             Draft: 15 Feet
Attachments: Two helicopters, four powered Boston Whaler boats


       Picture 17. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Heavy     Picture 18. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Heavy
       Lift Construction Ship™ - Front View         Lift Construction Ship™

Hydro Lance™ HARTH™ Heavy-Lift Construction Ship carries the required heavy
equipment, tools, materials and components to gain access to un-improved beach or coves and
fully construct a community of buildings, homes, utilities and agriculture with the specialized
crew to accomplish such tasks, enlisting local capabilities where possible. The ultra-stable
HARTH platform does not experience chafing of sand and gravel at shore-side, remains stable in
waves, also having a shallow draft to gain access to shallow bays, beaches and shorelines. The
high Blue-Water speeds of this ship provides for a rapid response to distress areas anywhere in
the world.

General Characteristics:

Propulsion system: Gas Turbines & HiSCOrE           Propellers: None - Jet Drives
Deck Length: 1,200 feet                             Deck Width: 240 feet
Flight Decks: 1                                     Decks: 7
Beam: 260 feet                                      Draft: 20 feet, maximum
Displacement: 80,000 Tons                           Speed: 75 Knots / Force 9 Beaufort
Crew: 60: 20 officers, 30 ship crew and 600 enlisted specialist
Heavy Equipment: Basic Inventory Included
Cost: US$ 1.5 billion

The Hydro Lance™ Construction Equipment Ship
carries, maintains, and deploys heavy construction
equipment, heavy farming equipment, support vehicles,
vehicle maintenance and repair parts inventory, and
operates a full support garage with tools, machines,
electronic diagnostic equipment, and cranes for heavy
lift maintenance repair of humanitarian aid equipment
required for operations.

General Characteristics:                                   Picture 19. Reed, Walter R. (2009)
                                                           Remote Market-Fast Container, Cargo &
                                                           Passenger Ship

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Propulsion system: Gas Turbines/HiSCOrE
Propellers: None - Jet-Drives
Deck Length: 1,600 feet                     Deck Width: 300 feet
Flight Decks: 1                             Decks: 4+
Crew: approx. 40: 10 officers & 30 enlisted Speed: 80 Knots / Force 8 Beaufort
Type: HARTH RO-RO, Heavy Lift, Cargo Draft: 15 Feet
Cost: US$ 390 million                       Helipads: One

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                                            Hydro Lance™ RO/RO PAX Vehicle Cargo Ship
                                            carries and deploys emergency vehicles and heavy
                                            transport vehicles with humanitarian aid equipment such
                                            as: camping tents, cots, sleeping bags, cooking
                                            equipment, clothing, and construction tools/equipment.
                                            The RO/RO PAX Vehicle Cargo Ship also provides for
                                            family refugee placement services in connection with
                                            the Millennial Citadel.
 Picture 20. Reed, Walter R. (2009) RO/RO
 PAX Vehicle Cargo Ship                     General Characteristics:

Propulsion system: Gas Turbines
HiSCOrE: Two Jet-Drives Auxiliary
Deck Length: 2,300 feet                    Deck Width: 320 feet
Helipad / VTOL Pads: 1 optional            Decks: 4.5
Draft: 20 Ft.                              Speed: 70 Knots / Force 9, Beaufort
Beam: 340 Feet                             Type: HARTH RO-RO / PAX
Crew: approx. 100: 20 officers & 105 enlisted specialists
Passengers: 400                            Freight: 15,200 feet of trucks and vehicles
Cost: US$ 1.1 billion                      Hull Loads: 6,000 feet of rail cars

                         AGRICULTURE SUPPORT FLEET

                                            The Hydro Lance™ Livestock Transport Ship
                                            provides deployment of farm animals that may include,
                                            but not be limited to: horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs,
                                            and chickens in support for food chains, logistics,
                                            humanitarian aid and nation stabilization operations.
                                            The HARTH ship relieves stresses on livestock, having
                                            no heave, pitch, roll, sway or yaw. Features RO-RO and
                                            livestock walk-on access, shallow draft for shallow bays
 Picture 21. Reed, Walter R. (2009)         and un-improved beach access thus expanding the
 Livestock Transport Ship™
                                            market reach and shortens livestock drives.

General Characteristics:

Propulsion system: HiSCORe™                 Jet-Drives: 2
Deck Length: 600 feet                       Deck Width: 220 feet
Flight Decks: 1                             Decks: 3.5
Beam: 220 feet                              Draft: 10 feet
Displacement: 3,200 Tons                    Speed: 75 Knots
Crew: approx. 60: 10 officers & 50 enlisted specialist
Cost: US$ 38 million                        Type: HARTH™

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⇒ Hydro Lance™ - Sea-Train™ Food
Replenishment Ship provides multi-environmental
greenhouse production, orchard production,
refrigerated foods, grain production, commodities and
storage, in support of humanitarian aid and nation
stabilization operations. The greenhouse/atrium garden
barges will each have monitored environmental
controls to facilitate the required needs of different       Picture 22. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Food
plant life vegetation and fruit producing trees. Sea-        Replenishment Ship™ - Sea Train Class
Train Greenhouse Replenishment Cars will also
facilitate dry and refrigerated storage systems and containers that are necessary to maintain fresh
food reserves.

General Characteristics:

Propulsion system: Gas Turbines               HiSCOrE: Application - Thrusters
Train Length: 13,400 Feet (3 miles)           Deck Width: 60 feet
Helipad / VTOL Pads: 1                        Decks: 3+
Draft: 20 Ft.                                 Speed: 80 Knots / 70 Knots, Force 9 Beaufort
Beam: 60 Feet                                       Type: HARSH Cargo, Bulk & Freight
Crew: approx. 200: officers / 40 enlisted     Train Cars: Deployable
Cost: US$ 460 million

                            ENERGY SUPPORT FLEET

                                           Hydro Lance™ Stable Ocean Based Wind Farms –
                                           Wind energy is well understood and widely deployed on
                                           land. Land based wind farms are subject to the irregular
                                           presence of wind, but such farms located far out in sea
                                           may be located in known 30-40 Knot ‘constant wind
                                           zones’ and being mobile, so as to take advantage of
                                           temporary locations in the path of major storms. The
                                           HARTH platforms can be designed for stable mooring
                                           locations in known hurricane or typhoon storms
  Picture 23. Reed, Walter R. (2009)       approaching zones. Each such ship produces many
  Windmill Power Ship™ - Wind Farm Class
                                           megawatts (100-300+ Peak Megawatts) of free energy
which is directly converted on-board to safe, bio-friendly CryoniteTM’ for the energy storage of the
power generated. Fleets may produce sufficient amounts for an entire city or country. This new
energy storage commodity is periodically transported by Hydro Lance tender ships for transport
to communities where this ‘fresh ocean-air commodity’ may directly power HiSCOrETM engines
for electric power generation, vehicles - and may also be directly injected through an expander
into insulated rooms or boxes for food storage, fish storage, refrigeration and air-conditioning.
Individual land-side distribution may be accommodated in small cryogenic Dewars or with the
same logistics and equipment as propane is distributed today. Usage results with zero pollution
and fresh air, without having any carbon footprint.

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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

General Characteristics:

Propulsion system: HiSCOrE™                  Jet-Drives: Two to Four
Deck Length: 1,600 feet                      Deck Width: 360 feet
Helipad: 1                                   Decks: 7
Beam: 400 feet                               Draft: 20 feet
Displacement:                                Speed: 60+ Knots / Force 10 Beaufort
Crew: Intermittent attendance: 3-20: 3 officers & 17 enlisted
Cost: US$ 330 million each

Hydro Lance™ Liquid Natural Gas (LNG)
Terminals and Transport Platforms – Large HARTH
ultra-stable ocean platforms afford the capability for
placing LNG terminals far out to sea, if just for safety.
Placing any LNG terminal at or approximated to nearby
(40-50 miles) populated areas is just plain reckless.
While this fuel medium is destined to be a major energy
component of many countries and communities, off-
load terminals are fraught with risks, regardless of the      Picture 24. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Liquid
                                                              Natural Gas Platform™ - Liquid Energy
many safeguards. One human or mechanical error in             Class
any of the processes or equipment connections, and the
resulting explosion would be huge; having been compared to a 20-30 Kiloton nuclear bomb.
Alternatively, by placing these terminals far out to sea on a HARTH stable platform, would
minimize such risks significantly.

Additionally to a terminal off-load, the mammoth sized HARTH platform not only can off-load
LNG transport ships, but then convert that LNG to CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) and consume
large portions of this cleaner fuel for electrical power generation on-board. That power is then
safely transmitted to shore and the existing grid via sea-floor insulated power cable. This then
removes the otherwise more conventional sequential product handling steps which significantly
lowers the cost of energy delivery. These ultra-stable platforms are powered and mobile,
allowing such an investment to move out of the way to safety from any approaching major
hurricane, typhoon, or warning of terrorist activity.

High-speed HARTH LNG transport ships further reduce the logistical costs of transoceanic
delivery. The elevated platforms of the Hydro Lance ships provide un-paralleled ventilation of
these specially designed on-board, Nitrogen Gas Blanketed LNG Dewar tanks and composite
pressurized CNG tanks, maximizing safety.

General Characteristics:

Propulsion system: Gas Turbines / HiSCOrE
Deck Length: 3,200 feet                Deck Width: 840 feet
Helipads: 2                            Decks: 9
Beam: 900 feet                         Draft: 20 feet
Displacement:                          Speed: 40 knots
Type: Mobilized HARTH Terminal / Energy Generation
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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

               Crew: approx. 1,200: 200 officers & 1000 enlisted rotated specialist
               Cost: US$ 2 billion

                                                           Hydro Lance™ - High Speed Fuel Tanker Ship
                                                           provides fuel replenishment for maritime, submersible,
                                                           air, and vehicle fleet in support of humanitarian aid and
                                                           nation stabilization operations while also facilitating
                                                           fuel supplies to the Millennial Citadel from regional oil
                                                           producing locations. These fuel economic vessels have
                                                           no bow wake either at high or low speeds.
Picture 25. Reed, Walter R. (2009) High
Speed Fuel Tanker Ship™
                                           General Characteristics:

               Propulsion system: Gas Turbines & HiSCORe™ systems
               Propellers: Jet-Drives
               Deck Length: 1,400 feet                     Deck Width: 400 feet
               Flight Decks: 1                             Decks: 6
               Beam: 440 feet                              Draft: 15 Feet
               Displacement: 16,800 Tons                   Speed: 85 Knots / Force 8 Beaufort
               Crew: approx. 80: 10 officers & 60 enlisted specialist
               Cost: US$ 460 million                       Helipad: One

               The Hydro Lance™ Fuel Replenishment Ship,
               capable of transporting up to 2 BSF of CNG or
               620,000 cubic yards of fuel, the HARSH™ Sea-
               Train™ is transoceanic through elevated sea-states at
               speeds of 80 Knots, assuring the most expedient
               replenishment of devastated communities and any
               designated market or ports. The shallow draft assures
               access to shallow bays with individually deployed
               train barges, collectively or separately to a plurality of
               harbors. Panamex friendly and all canal friendly,
               these deployed train barge sections may be self-             Picture 26. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Fuel
                                                                            Replenishment Ship - Sea Train Class
               powered and operate autonomously by GPS
               coordinates and micro electronics in place.

               Propulsion system: Gas Turbines                 HiSCOrE™: Powers Thrusters
               Train Length: 13,400 ft. (3 miles)              Deck Width: 60 feet
               Helipad / VTOL Pads: 1                          Decks: 3+
               Draft: 15 to 20 Feet                            Speed: 80 Knots / 70 Knots Force 9 Beaufort
               Beam: 60 Feet                                         Type: HARSH RO-RO
               Crew: approx. 60: 20 officers / 40 enlisted     Train Cars: Individually Deployable
               Cost: US$ 390 million

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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

                             RESEARCH SUPPORT FLEET

                                           Hydro Lance™ Research Replenishment Ship
                                           provides sea food production research, harvest systems,
                                           tide research, mapping, fishery trends, and weather
                                           patterns in support of humanitarian aid and nation
                                           stabilization operations. The Research Replenishment
                                           Ship provides an oceanic base for multi-national
                                           research cooperation for shared research, sampling,
                                           evaluation, and submersible vessel deployment /
                                           retrieval. Holds of freezer, refrigerated and saltwater
 Picture 27. Reed, Walter R. (2009)        aquariums afford either preservation of species or as to
 Research Replenishment Ship               sustain specimen life.

General Characteristics:

Propulsion system: HiSCORe™                 Jet Drives: 2
Deck Length: 400 feet                       Deck Width: 160 feet
Helipads: 1                                 Decks: 4
Beam: 180                                   Draft: 8 feet
Displacement: 2,200 Tons                    Speed: 80 Knots / Force 9 Beaufort
Crew: approx. 100: 30 officers & 70 enlisted specialist
Cost: US$ 95 million each                   Type: HARTH

⇒ Hydro Lance™ Research Craft - are fast (60-80
Knots) and ultra-stable in and through the vessels
maximum Beaufort scale design size. Hydraulic
lowered platforms and moon pools may be
incorporated for water level scuba access, samples,
traps and instrument deployment. Full electronics
affords radar coverage, satellite real time weather
reports, GPS positioning, imaging, night vision and        Picture 28. Reed, Walter R. (2009)
communications. The shallow draft and stability            Research Craft
allows for beach access through waves without chaff.
Special thrusters provide for unparalleled station keeping in addition to ‘tractor turn’ capabilities.
Vessel design sizes may be built to any tonnage and desired Beaufort scale sea-state stability as
required by the client.

General Characteristics:

Propulsion system: HiSCOrE                     Jet Drives: 2
Deck Length: 100 feet                          Deck Width: 40
Decks: 1.5                                     Type: HARTH, Marine Research
Beam: 60 feet                                  Draft: 3 feet
Displacement: 60 Tons                          Speed: 70 knots / Force 7, Beaufort Scale

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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

Crew: 20: 4 officers & 15 enlisted specialist
Cost: US$ 3.6 million

                                           Hydro Lance™ Ocean Life Research Ship provides
                                           research into sea life renewable resources that may
                                           facilitate healthcare, energy, and new innovations into
                                           the improvement of vital eco-systems within ocean
                                           environments. Designed with live-aquarium tanks, deep
                                           water retrieval, refrigeration, heavy lift gantries, and
                                           spacious crew quarters, this vessel is capable of passage
                                           at 75 Knots through a Force 8 Sea State having ultra-
                                           stability through a Force 9 sea-state and capable to carry
Picture 29. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Ocean   and deploy / retrieve deep-dive research or rescue
Life Research Ship                         submarines.

General Characteristics:

Propulsion system: HiSCOrE                  Jet Drives: 2
Deck Length: 980 feet                       Deck Width: 250
Decks: 4.5                                  Type: HARTH, Marine Research
Beam: 260 feet                              Draft: 20 feet
Displacement: 14,600 Tons                   Speed: 75 knots / Force 8 Beaufort Scale
Crew: 120: 20 officers & 100 enlisted specialists
Cost: US$ 230 million                       Fuel: Any; Green or Fossil

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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

                        PASSENGER TRANSPORT FLEET

                                          ⇒ Hydro Lance™ Fast Passenger Transport
                                          expediently transports passengers at 120 Knots utilizing
                                          half of the fuel per passenger / ton mile with a like
                                          reduction of air pollution as compared to conventional.
                                          These Hydro Lance vessels do not experience heave,
                                          pitch, roll, sway, yaw, hog or sag through elevated seas
                                          and maintains rate speeds through vessel rated high seas.
                                          These new ships open the infrastructure of coastal
                                          highways at a fractional cost of building new roads and
 Picture 30. Reed, Walter R. (2009)       highways and may open commerce and trade between
 Passenger Fast Ferry™ - Raptor Class     communities, vastly extending the range of commuting
                                          in the comfort of no-sea-sickness. 100 miles = One
Hour commute time / 500 miles = 4.2 hours. Unique off-load and load systems will also
significantly shorten turn-around times, and all without passenger motion sickness.

General Characteristics:

Propulsion System: Direct Thrust - Gas Turbines, HiSCOrE™ Thrusters
Fuel: Bio-Fuel, JP-4 or CNG               Propellers: None
Deck Length: 240 ft.                      House Width: 100 ft.
House Space: 48,000 sq. ft.               Ship Type: HARTH™
Flight Decks: 1                           Decks: 3
Beam: 120 Feet                            Draft: 6 Feet
Displacement: 700 Tons                    Speed: 120+ Knots
Crew: approx. 49: 4 officers & 15 crew & 30 enlisted attendants
Passengers: 710
Luxury: Elevated                          Cost: US$ 38-46 million each

⇒ Passenger Super-Speed People and Cargo
Transport Retired Airliner HARTHTM Conversions,
currently noting retired, but serviceable commercial
airliner located in desert storage sites, remain flight-
ready but un-economic for commercial application due
mostly to the rising costs of JP-4 fuel. These aircraft,
then converted to HARTH ocean fast-ferries affords an
economic fleet of both people and cargo movers,            Picture 31. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Fast
worldwide and may be tuned to the utilization of bio-      Ferry™ - Ensenada Class
fuel or CNG. The above image is examples a

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A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal

converted and capacity expanded Boeing 727-200 airliner conversion to a 710 passenger high-
speed ferry.

Generally, the most capital intensive costs of ship building are the prime power system, the
bridge, the electronics and interiors, which are included with the re-cycled airliner. The aircraft
has the prime power, full electronics, interior seating, service systems, the bridge and
sophisticated controls in place - and these ‘salvage airliners’ can be purchased and flown to the
port of construction at economic costs. Conversion to the HARTH™ ocean-qualified vessels,
specific to a client’s requirements, remains as the incremental capital costs. Such Hydro Lance
conversions travel at 120+ Knots with ultra-stability through elevated rated sea states. The
conversion shown has high-speed passage through Force 7 and 8 Beaufort Scales. A trip of 800
nautical miles would be less than Seven hours in duration and accomplished with far superior
economies as compared to the original aircraft, per passenger or ton mile of cost comparisons.
The aircraft is structurally cradled, eliminating all its original fuselage stresses - and the HARTH
ship conversion experiences no heave, roll, pitch, yaw, sway, hog or sag – no motion-sickness, for
the passengers, thus opening coastal and island ocean highways in comfort at more affordable
passage prices. These ships may also transport refugees from disaster zones.

General Characteristics:

Propulsion System: Direct Thrust - Gas Turbines
Fuel: Bio-Fuel, JP-4 or CNG options        Propellers: None
Deck Length: 160 ft.                       House Width: 120 ft.
House Space: 21,000+ Sq. Ft.               Ship Type: HARTH MSAC
Flight Decks: 1                            Decks: 3
Beam: 140 Feet                             Draft: 6 Feet
Displacement: 800 Tons                     Speed: Up to 140 Knots
Crew: approx. 49: 4 officers, 8 crew & 28 enlisted attendants
Capacity: 700 passengers (or) 250 Passengers +Ro-Ro Cargo / Freight
Luxury: Moderate or custom                 Cost: US$ 15-26 million each
Attachments: None

 Picture 32. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Passenger Fast Ferry™ - Raptor Extended Class

Hydro Lance™ Fast Ferries sized from 80 to over 1000 passenger capacities travel at designed
vessel speeds from 60 to over 100 Knots utilizing half the fuel per passenger mile with no pitch,
roll, heave, yaw or sway (no sea-sickness) and shallow draft which affords oceans to become
commuter highways while having access to shallow bays and beaches, thus affording a fast, less
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Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
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Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
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Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a
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Humanitarian Aid To Emerging Economy Proposal 01 10a

  • 1. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Millennial Foundation, Inc. Proposal and its contributing partners A Proposal to: Hydro Lance Engineering, Inc. Heads of State, G-20 Nations Subsidiary of the Hydro Lance Corporation Presented on March 22, 2010 Sxyzicity, Inc. Presented by: David F. Aust Chairman and CEO Millennial Foundation, Inc. 801-367-0664 The information contained within this document is the property of Millennial Foundation, Inc. and its contributing partners. Page 1 of 120
  • 2. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal Co-Authors and Partners SxyzicityTM, Inc. Master Architects Master Community and Habitat Planning CA, USA Project Management Habitat Planning Inhabitable Space Frames; Intrinsically Stable Any Shape, Any Size, Anywhere EEI, Inc. Civil and Structural Engineering Project Planning CA, USA Project Management Master Contracting Manufacturing Hydro Lance Corporation HARTHTM & HARSHTM Technologies Maritime / Naval Architecture and Engineering CA, USA Project Planning Project Management Manufacturing Page 2 of 120
  • 3. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal TIG/m, LLC Transport Systems Trolley Systems CA, USA People Movers Tram Vehicles & Systems Mono-Rail High-Speed Systems Lighter-Than-Air, Airborne Craft InsulKor, Inc. Structural Building Panels & Systems CA, USA Design and Project Management Construction Contracting Manufacturing Hyper-Speed Marine, Inc. HARTHTM Patrol Craft CA, USA Security Resources HiSCOrETM, Inc. Universal Any-Fuel Engines CA, USA Green or Fossil Fuel – High Torque - Silent Any Power Size Requirement Capability HiSCOrETM Prime Mover Technologies Page 3 of 120
  • 4. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal Two-Fold Fuel, Inc. CryoniteTM CA, USA Energy Storage, Fuel, Power Enhancement Green – No carbon footprint or pollution Axis InternationalTM, Inc. System Fabrication High Definition 5 Axis Plasma Cutting Tables NV, USA Linc Management P/L Project Planning Brisbane, Australia Political Consulting Page 4 of 120
  • 5. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal Table of Contents 1 Current Situation......................................................................................................................6 1.1 Diplomatic Unrest..............................................................................................................................6 1.2 Enterprise Expansion Trends............................................................................................................7 1.3 Emerging Economy Defined.............................................................................................................7 1.4 Government Outsourcing Trends....................................................................................................11 2 Solution...................................................................................................................................12 2.1 Objectives.......................................................................................................................................12 2.2 Approach.........................................................................................................................................13 Crew: 3 (pilot, co-pilot, observer)....................................................................................................47 .........................................................................................................................................................47 Dimensions: Imperial Metric...........................................................................................................47 Cabin:...................................................................................................................................................47 Weights:...............................................................................................................................................47 CT7-8 Engines (SL, ISA) Ratings:.......................................................................................................48 Performance (Sea Level, ISA, 26,150lb/11,861kg):.............................................................................48 2.3 Benefits...........................................................................................................................................64 2.4 Methodology...................................................................................................................................71 2.5 Schedule.........................................................................................................................................73 2.6 Resources.......................................................................................................................................92 2.7 Qualifications..................................................................................................................................92 3 Funding...................................................................................................................................93 3.1 Expenses........................................................................................................................................93 3.2 Revenues........................................................................................................................................94 3.3 Return-On-Value.............................................................................................................................95 4 Conclusion..............................................................................................................................96 Appendix A: The Hydro LanceTM HARTHTM Economic Advantage ...................................97 Appendix B: Millennial Foundation Monetary System........................................................102 Appendix C: Millennial Foundation Welfare System...........................................................105 Page 5 of 120
  • 6. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal Introduction Millennial Foundation, Inc. is a United States tax-exempt organization that currently provides research on humanitarian aid trends and strategies. The initial project of Millennial Foundation is the humanitarian aid outreach program defined in this proposal. This proposal presents data into the current challenges facing the global humanitarian aid community with cooperative and collaborative solutions on the issues of response time, security, and sustainability. Millennial Foundation proposes a humanitarian aid dedicated fleet of ships, submersibles, aircrafts, utility vehicles, with construction and farming equipment to facilitate a coordinated response, a private military force for humanitarian aid security measures, and a cooperative network of partners for the creation of emerging economies. Millennial Foundation and its partners believe that integrating a social and political mindset of abundance over scarcity must be the foundational premise to building value for all stakeholders. Based on this approach Millennial Foundation offers solutions for project implementation with related costs and revenues. 1 Current Situation The current situation among under-developed nations is deteriorating because of the lack of aid that is reaching human needs internationally when it is politically expedient causing diplomatic unrest. “Humanitarian aid is prone to political and military convenience of both donor and recipient countries and to the exigencies of the “donor industry”, and often lacks a coordinated plan. NGOs often compete with each other for donations, with donors generally more sympathetic to emergencies than longer-term aid and development leading to wide divergence in levels of funding” (Oloruntoba & Gray, 2006). According to the UN Financial Tracking Service, (2009), private contributions (individuals and organizations) made up 4.2% of all contributions for $196,751,627 (not including carry-over donors which made up 29.2% for $1,365,720,061 of contributions). Millennial Foundation believes that in order to flip the ratios provided in the UN Financial Tracking Service towards corporate sponsorship, sponsoring partnerships must align for the creation of national emerging economies that are based on productivity instead of consumption (See Addendum B - Millennial Monetary System). 1.1 Diplomatic Unrest “A number of speakers from African nations (September 28) addressed the assembly, stressing that oft-promised strong international support for African development had yet to materialize. Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Minister Aichatou Mindaoudou of Niger urged developed nations to cancel poor countries' foreign debt, open markets, pay fair prices for raw materials and do away with agricultural subsidies in the interests of increasing African opportunity. Ethiopian Minister for Foreign Affairs Seyoum Mesfin said that African political will to improve conditions on that continent was at an all-time high. “Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, who was also chairman of the African Union (AU), (September 23) had told the assembly that the AU would send between 3,000 and 5,000 troops and monitors to help establish and keep the peace in the Darfur region of Sudan, where 50,000 people had died and 1.4 million people had been displaced over recent months in an ongoing violent Page 6 of 120
  • 7. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal conflict that the U.S. had deemed genocide. He noted that the AU would require millions of dollars to carry out the mission” (World News Digest, 2004). In order to expand the humanitarian aid contribution for the current 4.2% to an anticipated 75% within 10 years, humanitarian aid organizations must facilitate the rising need of jointly creating emerging markets with the international business and diplomatic communities for the purpose of expanding world trade and economic growth cooperatively. 1.2 Enterprise Expansion Trends Another trend within mid-market companies in 10 major United States cities offers the following samplings of key findings from the KPMG Global Enterprise Institute: 2007 Mid-Market Survey on Global Expansion Survey Report: • 4 in 10 said global expansion is integral to their growth strategy, while one third stated that leadership is focused on global expansion • The majority of those surveyed plan to increase their global presence over the next five years • Half of respondents said that global expansion does not impact their U.S. employee base • Economic factors in the United States and abroad have the greatest influence on their global expansion decisions • Regulations, local laws, developing new customers, language, and local culture present key- but not insurmountable-challenges to their efforts Source: (KPMG, 2007). The purpose of global expansion for the international business community is based upon the ability to access qualified competitive markets who will buy products and services that solve problems based on the amount of pain the market feels against supply and demand. 1.3 Emerging Economy Defined There are as many definitions to what an emerging economy is as there are economists. For purposes of this proposal, an emerging economy is defined as a national economy that creates more value than it consumes for its stakeholders. Areas of consideration in establishing emerging economies looks at the social climate, political/legal environment, financial and banking infrastructure, business development opportunities, consumer savings, consumption patterns, and the impact on driving national stability and security within sociopolitical systems. Social Climate: The current social environment is in search of innovative solutions to political issues surrounding global economic challenges among developed nations. Developed nations have long searched for social welfare programs that bring value to all constituents, while facilitating a strong and vibrant free-enterprise system. Unfortunately, governments who have taken the responsibility of controlling the welfare systems for their constituency have done so because either the free-enterprise solutions are insufficient or have a preference of controlling the Page 7 of 120
  • 8. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal processes themselves. Governments continue to look for free-enterprise solutions to education, healthcare, the economy, and other such issues facing indebted and wealthy nations alike. “Seven hundred million people live in the 42 so-called Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs), where a combination of extreme poverty and financial insolvency marks them for a special kind of despair and economic isolation. They escape our notice almost entirely, unless war or an exotic disease breaks out, or yet another programme with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is signed. We urgently need new creativity and a new partnership between rich and poor if these 700m people (projected to rise to 1.5 billion by 2030), as well as the extremely poor in other parts of the world (especially South Asia), are to enjoy a chance for human betterment” (Sachs, 1999). Solution Benchmark: Millennial Foundation introduces social entrepreneurship to facilitating education, healthcare, food, and shelter/utilities welfare systems (Please see addendum C, The Millennial Foundation Welfare System). The approach of utilizing family fundraising mechanisms in joint partnership with tax-exempt organizations such as religions, professional organizations, and other charitable membership-type organizations in providing community value while promoting corporate sponsorship unites people with shared needs to provide value to businesses and themselves. Each fundraising activity will allow up to 80% of the revenues to go directly to the insurance premiums or payments of those who collectively serve together for the needs of each other. As revenues from each family based fundraising event comes into the Millennial Foundation account, Millennial Foundation keeps 20% in order to pay for the administration of each fundraising event. The remaining revenues going to the different health/life insurance plans, mortgage companies, and retail store credits the participating families choose in order to maintain competition within free-enterprise system. While a number of these businesses may choose to financially sponsor some of the family fundraising activities that attract business sponsorship, the value for the family recipient is in having their needs provided for while the value to the business is a paying customer that becomes loyal to the sponsoring business. The social climate Millennial Foundation espouses is one of cooperation and collaboration in serving the needs of each other through families building value for each other and for businesses searching for ways to capture target audiences by bringing solutions to the pain the family experiences. Free-enterprise will drive value through the creation of a medium that focuses competition strategies that drives value to the consumer. Note: The above scenario is currently illegal within the United States and other nations. However, the concept is worth experimentation within the boundaries of the Millennial Citadel Sea City. Based on international law, an island that is in international waters (13 miles from any other land mass) which has no claim from any government is a government unto itself. Since the Sea City is a large man-made floating land-mass without any sovereign claims of ownership to it by any other Picture 1. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Millennial Citadel Sea City™ nation, Millennial Foundation will have the right to establish the sea cities constitutional form of government, its laws, and all of the responsibilities associated with being an interim head of state Page 8 of 120
  • 9. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal until one can be chosen by the people. While Millennial Foundation will maintain influence in the governing process as the largest land owner, we are only interested in using the Sea City as a laboratory to experiment with government and political processes while providing relief to the millions of refugees that are homeless and unsafe. Political and Legal Environment: The political and legal environment varies in form, structure, capacity, and economic value in preserving the rights of constituents. According to Transparency International, “Corruption aggravates poverty. Surveys of extreme poverty in developing countries point to corruption as having a significant and detrimental impact on their lives. For a poor household, the bribe randomly extorted by a police officer may mean that families cannot afford to pay school fees for their children or to buy goods to maintain their small business and source of income. Corruption not only reduces the net income of the poor but also wrecks programmes related to their basic needs, from sanitation to education to healthcare. Its results, the misallocation of resources to the detriment of poverty reduction programmes. “The attainment of the (United Nations) Millennium Development Goals is put at risk unless corruption is tackled as an integral part of poverty reduction strategies. Many political leaders of the developing world view corruption as a very serious impediment to the overall development of their countries. Corruption threats and risks are increasingly taken into account in the design of national development programmes. The growing global consensus on the importance of corruption as an impediment to development is reflected in the ratification of the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC)” (Transparency International, 2009). Solution Benchmark: A collaborative cooperative organization that brings the international diplomatic community together with the international corporate community to create an environment where humanitarian aid can flourish into emerging economies provides the catylist for generally accepted compatibility requirements with economic development and pro-business initiatives such as micro-loans, equity market solutions, and the integration of value driven political measures for reform. Loans from the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund should be conditional upon the acceptance of measures designed to transform HIPCs (heavily indebted poor countries) into competitive governments who can pay their debts through their emergence as a prosperous economy as defined in this proposal. Financial/Banking Infrastructure: Initial financial and banking infrastructure will require a ‘barter and trade’ system in order to re-establish trade internally. However, an emerging monetary system that is traded with other major world currencies with a basis of value on the resources it holds for stability and a focus on productivity over consumption becomes absolutely required in order to change the tide of consumer, business, and government debt. Millennial Foundation encourages multiple free-enterprise Internet monetary systems as suggested in the Cato Institute’s Publication: The Future of Money in the Information Age with a similar structure that Millennial Foundation proposes (see Addendum C: The Millennial Foundation Monetary System). Solution Benchmark: According to Bernard Lietaer of the Center for Sustainable Currency at University of California-Berkeley and former Belgium Central Banker, the following offers trends within barter and trade that may facilitate currency trade solutions in the development of currencies for under-developed nations or nations in need of economic solutions: Page 9 of 120
  • 10. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal A. “Your money's value is determined by a global casino of unprecedented proportions: $2 trillion are traded per day in foreign exchange markets, 100 times more than the trading volume of all the stock markets of the world combined. Only 2% of these foreign exchange transactions relate to the "real" economy reflecting movements of real goods and services in the world, and 98% are purely speculative. This global casino is triggering the foreign exchange crises which shook Mexico in 1994-5, Asia in 1997 and Russia in 1998. These emergencies are the dislocation symptoms of the old Industrial Age money system. Unless some precautions are taken soon, there is at least a 50-50 chance that the next five to ten years will see a global money meltdown, the only plausible way for a global depression. B. “The Information Age has already spawned new kinds of currencies: frequent flyer miles are evolving toward a "corporate scrip" (a private currency issued by a corporation) for the traveling elite; a giant corporation you never heard of is issuing its own "Net-market Cash" for Internet commerce; even Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, foresees "new private currency markets in the 21st century." C. “Exorbitant compensations are paid to the very few at the top: it started with movie stars and sports heroes, and has now spread to top lawyers, traders, doctors, and business leaders. In the 1960’s CEO’s salaries were only thirty times greater than those of the average worker, compared with two hundred times today. Is this the dawn of a society where "Winner-takes-all" or a short- term last gasp of the transition out of the Industrial Age? D. “1,900 local communities in the world, including over a hundred in the US, are now issuing their own currency, independently from the national money system. Some communities, like in Ithaca, New York, issue paper currency; others in Canada, Australia, the UK or France issue complementary electronic money. E. “The value of barter transactions — exchanges which do not use any money as medium of exchange - totaled almost $6.5 billion in the US and Canada during 1994, and is increasing three times faster than normal exchanges. The magazine "Barter News" covers the industry’s development and now has 30,000 subscribers. It estimates the total barter worldwide was at $650 billion in 1997 and growing at an annual rate of 15%” (Lietaer, 2001). Business Development Opportunities: The business development opportunities found in nations-in-need are difficult at best because of the lack of education and access to capital from developed nations and capital markets. “Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf (September 22) told assembly delegates that the U.S. and its allies were "winning the battle against terrorists" but were losing the larger war against terrorism because they were failing to address deep-rooted antagonism against the U.S. and the West. That antagonism threatened to throw down an "iron curtain" between the West and the Islamic world unless industrialized nations invested financially and politically in opportunities for Muslims in underdeveloped countries, he said. “Representatives from several small island and archipelago nations (September 24) drew attention to their particular plights. Those included the threat to the very existence of such countries posed by natural disasters, and aggravated by climate change; economies often overly dependent on tourism from abroad; and World Trade Organization standards that made their trade balances especially vulnerable to foreign imports. “The speeches came just as the Caribbean region was experiencing a devastating series of hurricanes [See 2004 Death Toll in Haiti Flooding From Tropical Storm Jeanne Reaches 1,500; Jeanne Hits U.S. as Hurricane; Other Developments]. Page 10 of 120
  • 11. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal “Cuban Foreign Affairs Minister Felipe Perez Roque challenged the idea that the U.N. was an effective instrument to promote equality among nations. He argued that small, relatively powerless states would have to seize development opportunism for themselves from “those who deny us justice today, because they underpin their wealth and arrogance on the disdain for our grief” (World News Digest, 2004). Solution Benchmark: Millennial Foundation’s initial plan is to focus on the financial services, agricultural, mining, business services and manufacturing industries in order to build supply-chain infrastructures necessary to promote international corporate investments. There are extensive programs such as micro loans that offer limited access to capital through tax-exempt and banking organizations. The micro loans are a major part of bringing communities together to participate in the free-enterprise structure and potential community prosperity. Additional capital for entrepreneurism, industry and market diversification, and trade cooperation must be at the heart and soul of the creation of emerging markets. Equity markets at a small scale also needs to establish itself within the context of the creation of emerging markets in order to offer a cooperative and collaborative offering to the global community of investors. Consumer Savings and Consumption Patterns: Currently, there is very little data on savings or consumption patterns that are tracked among economically disadvantaged nations in terms of financial statements of businesses operating. Solution Benchmark: Systems and measures for tracking financial statements, consumer pricing indexes, unemployment rates, gross domestic product (GDP), tax rates, salary averages, savings rates, debt rates, LIBOR rates, domestic and foreign investment rates, and averaged wealth growth must be used as key indicators of measuring economic stability with growth opportunities. Impact on Driving National Stability and Security: There are very few charitable organizations or for profit corporations who are making an impact on national stability and security among troubled nations throughout the world. Solution Benchmark: There must be a cooperative effort between the G-20 nations and the international corporate community in sponsoring the emergence of the prospective consumption market projected at 1.5 billion consumers for participation in global trade that will effectively influence the economic growth and sustainability of the current developed nations. 1.4 Government Outsourcing Trends Today, there are many outsourced services that government has controlled in the past such as: monetary and tax collection, private military companies, research and development, strategic planning, government real estate development, power companies, space and ocean exploration, accounting services, legal services, and the list continues. “Nearly 90 percent of government executives outsource activities that are “important or absolutely critical” to their mission of citizen service delivery, finds a recent study by Accenture. Only two percent of those surveyed said that outsourcing is “relatively unimportant.” Page 11 of 120
  • 12. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal “The study, which entailed surveying and/or interviewing more than 150 executives in 23 governments in Asia, Europe, North America, and South America, found that governments outsource mainly to improve the speed or quality of the service they provide to citizens and others. Among the activities and services most often outsourced are staff training and education programs, finance and accounting functions, human resources and supply chain operations, and information technology applications and infrastructure. “According to the study, as governments become more experienced with outsourcing, they seek new ways to derive greater value from these arrangements and are therefore more inclined to outsource processes such as procurement, finance and accounting, human resources, which were previously considered too critical to outsource. By outsourcing certain critical services and functions, governments can improve the quality of service they provide to citizens, while increasing operational efficiency and lower costs” (Government Procurement, 2003). The trends in government outsourcing would suggest the potential prospect of nearly all government services becoming privatized except for the executive functions of government in determining laws and policies. Millennial Foundation is positioning itself to provide many of the outsourced services to the world beginning with the humanitarian aid to emerging economy effort. 2 Solution Millennial Foundation requires a fleet of floating sea city bases, maritime ships, aircrafts, support vehicles, heavy construction equipment, heavy farming equipment, crews, and a private security force in order to facilitate a collaborative and cooperative approach with domestic and international humanitarian aid organizations, educational institutions, research institutions, and corporate partners in providing relief to families in need and (re)building national infrastructure systems required to promote social, political, and economic growth for sustainability as emerging economies. Our required fleet assets will be pre-positioned in ocean and river regions of the world for the fulfillment of our objectives and meeting global needs. Our fleet will be acquired through a tax-exempt bond guaranteed by G-20 governments with payback returned through job development, expanding economies under management, and corporate sponsorships. 2.1 Objectives 1. Increase Disaster Response Time – Millennial Foundation’s first objective is to provide a major response within 48 hours anywhere on earth through an extensive dedicated private fleet that has the capacity to respond quickly and effectively with speeds upwards of 150 knots while not having the appearance of a major military operation. 2. Improve Humanitarian Security – Millennial Foundation’s second objective is to utilize its unified dedicated fleet along with private military contractors from around the world to secure all areas necessary to facilitate a high degree of safety within theatres of operation. Millennial Foundation will sign agreements with former military and special forces personnel from around the world who are trained in intelligence, border security, fleet management, strategy, risk management, operations planning, and implementation. 3. Increase Disaster Relief Sustainability – Millennial Foundation’s third objective is to build new emerging economies that will sustain political, social, and economic growth for troubled regions of the world. Millennial Foundation recognizes that such an effort will require joint Page 12 of 120
  • 13. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal cooperation, collaboration, and implementation with multi-governmental departments and agencies, academic and research institutions; humanitarian relief, human rights, environmental, emergency response, and healthcare organizations throughout the world for the fulfillment of common purposes in providing sustained relief to recipient people and nations. The Millennial Foundation fleet proposes specific dedicated assets for the cooperation, collaboration, and implementation for each partnership in the development of emerging economies. 2.2 Approach The approach of Millennial Foundation is to create a streamlined approach that will facilitate a collective and collaborative effort among international humanitarian aid organizations in providing disaster relief to nations and people who are in need. While less than 5% of support comes from private corporations and individuals currently, the following approach should increase support from this segment to more than 75% over the next ten years due to the extended purpose of humanitarian aid in building emerging economies throughout the world. We cannot expect to serve the people of a region without lifting their government to greater levels of prosperity. To not lift the government, we are only placing a temporary bandage on the problem that will worsen with time. Millennial Foundation finds it appropriate to establish the first fleet dedicated entirely to humanitarian aid and building emerging economies with sea city bases that support the regional command structure, maritime fleet, submersible fleet, aircraft fleet, support vehicles, heavy construction equipment, and heavy farming equipment as a full compliment to humanitarian aid and emerging economy systems and processes with quick oceanic and river network logistical response and support. A description of the capabilities and missions of each fleet asset as determined by need and budgeted for is explained within the financial section of this proposal. Disclosure: The following assets are proposed fleet requirements and do not represent a contractual agreement between Millennial Foundation and the manufacturer of the assets represented. Many of the following companies may not have been contacted in relation to this proposal. The missions of each asset represents how each asset would work together in building value for global humanitarian aid and building emerging economies into the future. THE MILLENNIAL CITADEL FLEET The Millennial Citadel Fleet is a fully dedicated fleet designed to provide medical response, diplomatic response, cultural response, aircraft carrier logistical support, maintenance support, agricultural support, energy support, research support, passenger transport, submersible support and security, aircraft logistics support, utility vehicle support, heavy construction vehicle logistics, and heavy farming vehicle logistical requirements. Each fleet asset has a specific mission designed to maximize effectiveness and efficiency in the coordination of humanitarian aid and emerging economy operations even with simultaneous operations in different regions of Page 13 of 120
  • 14. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal command areas. The fleet assets are considered shared situational resources under the management of Millennial Foundation with all partners and sponsors. The maritime fleet has unique characteristics in its design. Each ship, submarine, aircraft, and vehicle will be painted white with the Millennial Foundation logo displayed in predominant locations on each fleet asset. One of the greatest advantages of the Millennial Fleet, particularly in its maritime fleet is in capacity of eliminating some 83% of drag in order to maximize speed efficiency. Ships and boats are designed specific to the vessel mission. Generally the higher the extremes of vessel speed, the higher the costs; much like designing a Porsche or jet aircraft. Huge ship platforms increase the difficulty of extreme speeds just due to the size of wind management alone, as the frontal cross section increases. A ship traveling at 80 Knots into a 40 Knot wind, becomes an accumulative 120 Knot (hurricane level speeds) wind resistance to deal with. Aircraft routinely travel faster, but they have a much smaller frontal cross section. The engineering phase of each vessel will ultimately decide what prime power system is utilized to match the demands of the mission specification. Stability in elevated seas is a major factor in ship design, where as these HARTHTM transoceanic platforms are ultra-stable in and through elevated sea-states that affords significantly more safety, comfort, speed, and fuel economies. MARITIME FLEET The maritime fleet provides an ocean and river fleet that facilitates increased response times to natural and political disasters. The size of the fleet is one of the predominant security advantages of the Millennial Citadel Fleet. For over fifty years of humanitarian aid operation, heads of state have always had issues with foreign militaries doing reconnaissance on their shores. The maritime fleet has a unique design that is unlike any military in the world with speed and safety capabilities far superior to any global naval force. MILLENNIAL CITADEL A HUMANITARIAN AID REFUGEE FLOATING SEA CITY ⇒ The Hydro Lance™ Millennial Citadel: Mobile Floating Sea City™ – The Millennial Citadel Sea City provides a sea worthy command base to facilitate all required storage needs for the fleet, a research infrastructure for cooperative, collaborative, and implementation efforts based on the platform of commercial, and residential real estate developments. Date: 2010 Cost: US$ 30 billion Population: up to 100,000 people each Picture 2. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Approximate Dimensions: modular up to 4 miles wide Millennial Citadel Sea City™ by 5 miles long The mission of the Millennial Citadel within the Millennial Foundation fleet is four-fold: • Facilitate a place of peace for endangered refugees seeking safety; Page 14 of 120
  • 15. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal • Develop an evolving political and economic laboratory within the Millennial Citadel Sea City to test and demonstrate theories of evolving emerging economies among international diplomats, business sponsors, and refugees with a constitutional structure, legal code, monetary/banking system, stock market, health care system, education system, welfare system, and an economic development system (see Appendix B: Millennial Foundation Monetary System and Appendix C: Millennial Foundation Welfare System); • Secure off-shore environment for corporate sponsors and partners contributing to affected economies for a specified period of time in order to test the market penetration towards building an emerging economy in an ecologically sensitive manner; • Provide research on ocean living and cultural development among refugees, employee families, and diplomatic personnel families as a part of experimental research to determine the viability for global warming rescue operations within different environmental conditions. The Millennial Foundation’s Citadel fleet will utilize its floating base for developing different culturally sensitive platforms of community, cultural, economic, and political renewal as a continual learning process. The fleet and its crew will make their homes with their families on the sea cities they are assigned to with the understanding that additional sea cities will be constructed for the purpose of building greater value in other parts of the world. Construction Period: Phase I--4 years; Phase II--3 years; Phase III--2 years Construction Methods: Each modular city section will be pre-built from materials from throughout the world and placed on the HARTHTM platform in order to facilitate land expansion efforts on a continual. Power Sources: Multiple “green” power sources will fuel the Citadel Sea City including: solar electrical generators, photovoltaic solar cells, OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy) power plants, ‘green’ fuels and windmill generators. Food Sources: Agriculture, livestock, fish farming, sea weed cultivation, mar culture (marine agriculture), horticulture, aeroculture, fresh water distilling, rain collection, humidity condensation, and OTEC distilling. Economic Sources: Tourism, marine research exploration, nautical vessel design and production; development and construction of sea city systems for government and private enterprise use such as: military base floating sea cities, research floating sea cities, energy floating sea cities (similar to oil platforms), recreational floating sea cities, and diplomatic floating sea cities; exportation of sand and ballast dredging, mineral and metal dredging i.e., salt, magnesium, pharmaceuticals, dyes, strontium (used in fireworks, flares, etc.), Rubidium (used in photoelectric cells), copper, manganese dioxide and gold, fertilizers manufactured from seaweed, solid waste and sewage, distilling plants to provide fresh water to the sea city, fresh water to turn formerly arid lands on mainland to orchards and gardens, exportation of fresh water to distant areas on the mainland, fish farming (fish have extremely high conversion ratio of feed consumed to meat produced); fish feed can be processed from waste products, i.e., sewage, and yield of fish produced from fish farms should equal, if not exceed, the productivity of any warm-water pond; seaweed production, Page 15 of 120
  • 16. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal scientific and technological inventions such as portable sea water-to-fresh water distilleries, more efficient photovoltaic cells, improved marine culture techniques, improved windmill design, new kinds of undersea exploration vessels, new developments in boat and floating home designs, etc. Public Transportation Systems: TIG/m™ electromagnetic high speed train and underwater "subway" system; Aero-taxi (flying and floating taxi vehicle capable of holding thirty persons), nautical taxi capable of high speed and undersea travel (12 to 100 person capacity depending upon size of vehicle). Additional public transportation systems are attachable /detachable such as the Hydro Lance™ Airport and the Hydro Lance Seaport; each containing their own individual navigation and transportation systems for scalable logistics and hub development. Private Transportation: Four person jet-air flying platform, amphibious hovercraft vehicles, sailing craft, other nautical vehicles and pedal vehicles. Sea City HARTHTM Platform Propulsion and Navigation: Twenty seven turbo electric drive water-jet/contra-rotating propeller engine systems or other prime power combinations such as HiSCORe™ silent, any-fuel closed cycle direct drives. Navigational systems are built into the structural design at the forward and aft positions. Range of Speed: 25 to 40 knots Judicial System: Given that the Millennial Citadel Mobile Floating Sea City Community existing outside the twelve mile boundary of all governing national jurisdictions Phase I of the project will contain approximately 5,000 people primarily from Millennial Foundation and diplomatic partners from sponsoring nations who will act as an focus group to lay down the founding laws and principles of the city. Because the overall community is made of several very small neighborhood communities each community might wish to develop their own ways of evolving laws. The evolving Sea City™ shall be a master Sxyzicity™ planned development, then involving numerous Architects for individual projects and structures from multiple nations within the master plan for the individual communities to evolve. Studies have pointed out that there is a strong tendency for crime in developing circumstances where individuals feel a lack of relationship with the community due to social or cultural disconnections with traditions. When a community is relatively small, connections are easier to make and maintain particularly when everyone has ownership in the outcomes and crime is usually minimized. This phenomenon is enhanced and strategically applied to the formation of communities within the Millennial Citadel Project. LIST OF PHYSICAL DESIGN ELEMENTS UPPER SEA CITY™ DECK: parks, food markets, museums, planetarium, gymnasiums, libraries; ponds, fountains, waterfalls, canals and irrigation systems, and water features; botanical gardens, amphitheaters; walking, biking, and running trails; vendor stores, kiosk areas, surface marine life observation viewing areas, restaurants, theaters, café’s, transport trolleys, major hotels, electric people mover vehicles, residential areas, recreation centers, landscaped sculptured terrain, aquariums, community meeting halls, schools, hospitals, horticulture center, aeroculture Page 16 of 120
  • 17. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal center, farming, fish farming areas, livestock sections, horse and carriage trails, university, airport, television and radio stations, banks, offices; all-view residential communities, condominiums, and refugee habitats; government buildings and infrastructure systems, and orientation visitor centers. MIDDLE (2nd) DECK: high-speed public transport, transportation stations, electrical power plants from solar and wind power, workshops, machining center, warehouses, pharmaceutical processes, security quarters, city utility stations, solid waste sorting and shedding, filtration systems, emergency & fire command, elevator(s) components, cold-storage, packaging and certain manufacturing and process facilities. WET DECK: Ship and boat maintenance, small craft storage, loading decks, import and export docking areas, passenger terminals, staging areas, sand and dredging process plants, transport containers & staging, eco-fuel refinery sections, fueled power generation plants, steam generation plant, marine research center, undersea exploration laboratories, livestock staging, potable water distillery plants (from seawater), propane generation, calcium carbide conversion to acetylene plant, salt drying plants, sewage treatment plants, elevators components, solid-waste conversion to bio-char products & fuel plant, CNG storage, certain mining process laboratories, electrical & Cryonite™ storage, wave-power generation stations (experimental prototypes), produce distribution centers, marina, submarine launch facilities and ferry terminal. HARTH PLATFORM HULLS: Underwater observation areas, moon pools, sewage staging tanks, waste control, rain cistern tanks, fresh water tanks, fire pumping stations, treated water, sewage control tanks, thrusters, prime drivers, sonar and varied sensory systems, fuel tanks, bulk heads, double walled hulls, platform steering systems, underwater lighting system, fresh water and other pumping systems and having reserve floatation foam backfilled zones. MEDICAL RESPONSE FLEET ⇒ The Hydro Lance™ - Medical Response Hospital Ship provides medical, alternative, and surgical response services in support of humanitarian aid and nation stabilization operations. The Medical Response Hospital Ships will each come with 20 surgical rooms, 5 x-ray rooms with CAT Scan/ MRI capacity, 5 chiropractic care rooms, 15 physical Picture 3. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Hydro therapy rooms surrounding fitness room, 100 patient Lance™ Aeroscraft™ MSAC Carrier rooms with monitoring capacity for 4 patients each, disease control laboratory, medical/holistic vaccination pharmacy, patient elevators, a health research and disease control with online library connected to global academic medical schools with tele-medical capabilities, and crew quarters. General Characteristics: Page 17 of 120
  • 18. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal Propulsion system: Gas Turbines & HiSCOrE Thrust: Direct and/or Water-jet Fuel: Bio-Fuel or JP-4 Deck Length: 1,400 ft. Deck Width: 500 ft. Flight Decks: 1 Decks: 5+ Beam: 525 feet Draft: 20 feet Displacement: 66,000 Tons Speed: 80+ Knots Personnel: Approx. 1,400: 100 Officers, 900 Enlisted & 400 Crew Cost: US$ 2 Billion Aircraft Elevators: four ⇒ Hydro Lance™ Mini-Medical Response Yacht provides focused fast response with different medical missions varying significantly. Providing ten or more smaller, super-speed, ocean-rated medical luxury vessels would be able to deploy and access critical medical support through shallow bays, unimproved beaches and major river systems in times of crises. Having minimally sufficient numbers of these 120+ Knot luxury boats assures the flexibility of handling multiple surgical and medical needs with Picture 4. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Mini- Medical Response Yacht geographically separated national interests quickly. These specialty Hydro Lance™ vessels can travel through the ocean 1,000 miles in just eight hours, without sea-sickness, wave slamming or being slowed by elevated sea-states - and with a full medical crew attachment aboard. General Characteristics: Propulsion System: Direct Thrust - Gas Turbines, HiSCOrE Auxiliary Fuel: Bio-Fuel, JP-4 or CNG Propellers: None Deck Length: 240 ft. Deck Width: 75 ft. House Space: 34,000 sq. ft. Ship Type: HARTH MSAC Flight Decks: 1 Decks: 2.5 Beam: 95 Feet Draft: 4 Feet Displacement: 500 Tons Speed: Up to 150 Knots Crew: approx. 49: 4 officers & 15 crew & 30 enlisted medical specialists Guests: 60 medical specialists Luxury: Medical Clinic - High Cost: US$ 90-150 million each Attachments: two launches and several recreational shore craft ⇒ Griffon™ River Medical Response Hovercraft provides an ambulatory response through hard to reach river systems within areas of operations because of the air cushioned landing capabilities of the hovercraft in getting to remote positions throughout the world. Page 18 of 120
  • 19. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal General Characteristics Picture 5. Griffon Hoverwork™ (2009) BHT 180 Hovercraft Length (Hovering) 37.2 m Beam (Hovering) 15.0 m Height (Hovering) 11.2 m Passengers (Excl Crew) 180 Min. crew 2 Maximum payload 22.5 tones Endurance 6 hours Fuel consumption 650 Liters/hr Speed at full payload 45 knots Engine type 4 X MTU Approx obstacle clearance 2M Max recommended wave height 2M Cost ($ million): 5 DIPLOMATIC RESPONSE FLEET ⇒ Hydro Lance™ - Diplomatic Blue-Water Response Ship provides an environment for government and political planning, infrastructure development, legal systems needs, international trade agreements, and diplomatic relations negotiation. The Diplomatic Response Ship provides living and office suites for diplomats in each of the Diplomatic Response Ships no matter what part of the world they are located. Picture 6. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Diplomatic Blue-Water Response Ship™ - FLEET REQUIREMENTS: Condomar Class Luxury Cruise Ships The Diplomatic Response Ships will each come with enlarged 5,000 to 10,000 sq. ft. suites with up to 6 bedrooms each having walk-in closets, 3 bathrooms, family and living rooms, private galley with bar (room service available) with dining room, and laundry facilities. Connected to the living quarters with separate access to the main hall are office accommodations offering the following features: reception area with a bar, five offices – to be fully furnished, a conference room, file room, and break room. The office space comes with copy machine, computer systems with Internet, and satellite telephone systems. Each personal/office suite comes with a luxury designer décor, a personal staff consisting of: chef, butler/maids, confidentiality secretary/office manager, and a full security attachment. Page 19 of 120
  • 20. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal Transoceanic travel speed and safety is vastly improved: 2,400 miles in 30 hours, providing extraordinary response time to world diplomatic crises while utilizing half the fuel per passenger / ton mile, having a like reduction of air pollution as compared to more conventional ships on the ocean today. These Hydro Lance™ vessels do not experience heave, pitch, roll, sway, yaw, hog or sag through elevated seas and maintains rate speeds through vessel rated high seas. These new super-stable ships means having the comfort of no-sea-sickness, or hog and sag of the ship in and through high seas, becoming not only faster, but vastly safer. General Characteristics: Propulsion system: Gas Turbines, HiSCOrE Thrusters Fuel: Bio-Fuel, JP-4 or CNG Propellers: None Deck Length: 900 ft. House Width: 200 ft. House Space: 720,000+ Sq. Ft. Ship Type: HARTH MSAC Flight Decks: 1 Decks: 4+ Beam: 200 Feet Draft: 20 Feet Displacement: 30,000 Tons Speed: 80+ Knots Crew: approx. 1,000: 100 officers & 900 enlisted Aircraft Elevators: As Required Luxury Level: High Cost: US$ 970 million ⇒ Hydro Lance™ Mini-Diplomat Response Yacht provides focused fast response with different diplomatic missions varying significantly. Providing ten or more smaller, super-speed luxury diplomatic vessels would be able to deploy and access critical talks between select leaders in privacy, far from shore, in times of crises. The matched speed aircraft carrier capabilities of these smaller HARTH MSAC ships allows for the select Picture 7. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Mini- approach and landing of various business jets for when Diplomatic Response Yacht™ - Cobra an additional key diplomatic participant is important to Class talks. Having minimally sufficient numbers of these 150 Knot luxury boats assures the flexibility of handling multiple meetings with geographically separated national interests quickly. These specialty Hydro Lance vessels can travel through the ocean 1,000 miles in just seven hours, without sea-sickness, wave slamming or being slowed by elevated sea-states - and with a capacity of designated guests aboard having a full attentive staff compliment without motion sickness effects. General Characteristics: Propulsion System: Direct Thrust - Gas Turbines, HiSCOrE Auxiliary Fuel: Bio-Fuel, JP-4 or CNG Propellers: None Deck Length: 240 ft. Deck Width: 75 ft. House Space: 32,000 sq. ft. Ship Type: HARTH MSAC Flight Decks: 1 Decks: 2.5 Page 20 of 120
  • 21. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal Beam: 95 Feet Draft: 4 Feet Displacement: 500 Tons Speed: Up to 145 Knots Crew: approx. 33: 4 officers & 15 crew & 14 enlisted attendant specialists Guests: 42 up to 60 Luxury: Very High Cost: US$ 90-150 million each Attachments: two launches and several recreational sport crafts CULTURAL RESPONSE FLEET ⇒ Hydro Lance™ Cultural Response Ship provides an environment for high net-worth individuals and business sponsors in the coordination of planning needs and preparation within a staged cultural development environment in the areas of family education, welfare, performing/visual arts entertainment, culinary arts, business/economic development through business sponsors, social/ethical systems research, scientific research, and where humanitarian aid organizations work with Picture 8. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Cultural business sponsors and humanitarian aid organizations Response Ship™ - Condomar Class Luxury work together. Cruise Ships Suites are available for the officers, favored employees, and their families on a scheduled basis. The Cultural Response Ships will each come with enlarged 2,000 to 5,000 sq. ft. suites with a range of up to 6 bedrooms with walk-in closets and 3 bathrooms, and standard features of office/ meeting room, front room, galley with bar (room service available) with dining room, laundry facilities, and personal maid/butler services with security attachment if required, for all of our business and humanitarian aid partners. Such ships shall not experience pitch, roll, heave, yaw, sway, hog or sag and perform with up to seven times the fuel economies per ton or passenger mile traveled, with a like reduction of pollution, as compared with conventional ships on the ocean today. This HARTH ultra-stability in elevated seas results as a stable platform at sea – no sea-sickness and vastly safer. Making a 2,400 mile trip would require only 30 hours of time. General Characteristics: Propulsion system: Gas Turbines, HiSCOrE Fuel: Bio-Fuel, JP-4 or CNG Propellers: None Deck Length: 1260 ft. House Width: 240 ft. House Space: 700,000+ Sq. Ft. Ship Type: HARTH MSAC Flight Decks: 1 Decks: 4.5 Beam: 240 Feet Draft: Under 20 Feet Displacement: 39,000 Tons Speed: 80 Knots Page 21 of 120
  • 22. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal Crew: approx. 900: 100 officers & 800 enlisted Guests: 1,400 Luxury Level: Very High VTOL Elevators: Two Cost: US$ 1.6 billion ⇒ Hydro Lance™ Littoral Cultural Response Vessels provides focused fast response with different cultural missions varying significantly. Providing ten or more smaller, super-speed luxury cultural response vessels deployed would facilitate critical talks between select leaders in privacy, far from shore, in times of crises. The matched speed aircraft carrier capabilities of these smaller HARTH MSAC ships allows for the select approach and landing of various business Picture 9. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Cultural jets for when an additional key diplomatic Response Yacht – Littoral™ Class Luxury participant is important to talks. Having Yacht minimally sufficient numbers of these 150 Knot luxury boats assures the flexibility of handling multiple meetings with geographically separated national interests quickly. These specialty Hydro Lance vessels can travel through the ocean 1,000 miles in just seven hours, without sea-sickness, wave slamming or being slowed by elevated sea-states - and with all designated guests aboard having a full attentive staff compliment in a comfort absent of motion sickness. Propulsion System: Direct Thrust - Gas Turbines, HiSCOrE Auxiliary Fuel: Bio-Fuel, JP-4 or CNG Propellers: None Deck Length: 240 ft. Deck Width: 75 ft. House Space: 30,000 sq. ft. Ship Type: HARTH MSAC Flight Decks: 1 Decks: 2.5 Beam: 95 Feet Draft: 4 Feet Displacement: 500 Tons Speed: Up to 150 Knots Crew: approx. 49: 4 officers & 15 crew & 30 enlisted attendants Guests: 60 Luxury: Very High Cost: US$ 90-150 million each Attachments: three launches and several recreational sport crafts AIRCRAFT CARRIER FLEET ⇒ The Hydro Lance™ MSAC Command Aircraft Carrier provides air-traffic control systems for coordination with each of the other aircraft carriers for logistical support within humanitarian aid thru emerging economy services and operations throughout Page 22 of 120 Picture 10. Reed, Walter R. (2009) MSAC Command Aircraft Carrier™
  • 23. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal the regional fleet. This ship’s MSAC capability extends flight decks infinitely for maximum landing and take-off safety of aircraft. General Characteristics: Propulsion system: Gas Turbine Direct Thrust & Silent HiSCOReTM Auxiliary Propellers: Two jet drives - Auxiliary Speed: Up to 150 Knots Electronics: Full Compliment Deck Length: 1,800 feet House Width: 850 feet Flight Decks: 3 Decks: 7 Crew: approx. 1,200: 200 officers & 1,000 enlisted specialist Cost: US$ 2.2 billion Aircraft Elevators: As Required ⇒ Littoral Tactical Command Aircraft Carrier provides for deployed stealth tactical surveillance and designated theater command. Able to launch and receive smaller jet and propeller driven aircraft of limited numbers, as well as rotary winged airborne craft and UAV’s, this very fast vessel extends the fleets tactical reach and intelligence quickly within extended assigned areas. Picture 11. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Tactical Command Aircraft Carrier™ - Littoral Class General Characteristics: Aircraft Carrier Propulsion System: Direct Thrust - Gas Turbines, HiSCOrE Auxiliary Silent Running Fuel: Bio-Fuel, JP-4 or CNG Propellers: None Deck Length: 240 ft. Deck Width: 75 ft. House Space: 32,000 sq. ft. Ship Type: HARTH MSAC Flight Decks: 1 Decks: 2.5 Beam: 95 Feet Draft: 4 Feet Displacement: 1,200 Tons Speed: Up to 145 Knots Crew: approx. 33: 4 officers & 15 crew & 14 enlisted specialists Cost: US$ 90-150 million each Fuel Range: 1500 miles Attachments: Shore launch, UAVs and two resonance aircraft. ⇒ Hydro Lance™ Security Aircraft Carrier provides passenger and security air-traffic control systems, state- of-the-art intelligence, navigation, and logistical support for all passenger & security fleet aircrafts. The Security Aircraft Carrier will likely become the fastest and most stable of its kind anywhere on earth extending a MSAC Page 23 of 120 Picture 12. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Security Aircraft Carrier
  • 24. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal flight deck, of 2,200 feet in length, infinitely in order to facilitate logistical requirements for the Airbus A380 and the Antonov AN 225 Mryias for the safest possible landing and take-off requirements, as well as for transient storage at lower deck levels. General Characteristics: Propulsion system: Gas Turbines Propellers: Two Jet Drives Deck Length: 2,200 feet Deck Width: 840 feet Flight Decks: 3 Decks: 4 Beam: 900 feet Crew: approx. 1,800: 200 officers & 1,600 enlisted specialist Cost: US$ 2.3 Billion Type: HARTH MSAC Carrier Aircraft Elevators: As Required Speed: 155 Knots ⇒ The Hydro Lance™ Cargo Aircraft Carrier provides joint security and military operations command, logistical air, maritime, and submersible command support with intelligence, fleet management, strategic planning, risk management, and project implementation in humanitarian aid and nation stability operations. The Humanitarian Security Ship will also facilitate military technology research and development through real-world applications testing. Picture 13. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Cargo Aircraft Carrier™ General Characteristics: Propulsion system: Gas Turbines Propellers: None Deck Length: 2,400 feet Deck Width: 240 feet Flight Decks: 1 Decks: 4+ Crew: approx. 1,200: 200 officers & 1000 enlisted Cost: US$ 1.1 Billion Aircraft Elevators: As required SMALL PATROL CRAFTS ⇒ Hydro Lance™ Special Ops Interceptor provides joint special mission operations in support of security reconnaissance within high risk regions in diplomatic and cultural responses supporting humanitarian aid and nation stabilization operations. General Characteristics: Picture 14. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Special Propulsion system: Gas Turbines Ops - Interceptor Class Super Speed Thrusters: 4 Vessels Deck Length: 120 Page 24 of 120
  • 25. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal Deck Width: 75 feet Speed: Over 160 Knots Decks: 2.5 Crew: approx. 20: 8 officers & 12 enlisted specialist Type: HARTH, specialized vessel Armor: Ceramic Composite Draft: 3 feet Beam: 82 feet Cost: US$ 45 million + avionics Speed/Force Rating: 7 Beaufort ⇒ Hydro Lance™ Super-Speed Patrol Craft provides security of coastal zones from drug smuggling, poachers and insurgents while also supporting special mission operations in support of security reconnaissance and enforcement within high risk regions in diplomatic and cultural responses for the support of humanitarian aid and nation stabilization operations. Picture 15. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Super- Speed Patrol Craft™ General Characteristics: Propulsion system: Gas Turbines Thrusters: 4 - HiSCORe Auxiliary Deck Length: 140 Deck Width: 75 feet Speed: Over 130 Knots Decks: 2.5 Crew: approx. 20: 8 officers & 12 enlisted specialist Type: HARTH, specialized vessel Armor: Ceramic Composite Draft: 3 feet Beam: 90 feet Electronics: Full compliment Cost: US$ 45 million + avionics Speed/Force Rating: 7 Beaufort MAINTENANCE SUPPORT FLEET Hydro Lance™ - Maintenance & Salvage Ship provides at sea repair and maintenance cycle support for all maritime, submarine, aircraft, and vehicle fleets including: parts inventory, heavy lift and transport systems. General Characteristics: Propulsion system: HiSCOrE Picture 16. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Propellers: Four Jet-Drives Maintenance and Salvage Ship™ Deck Length: 1,600 feet Deck Width: 400 feet Heavy-Lift: Recovery / Transport Decks: 5+ Crew: approx. 200: 50 officers & 150 enlisted specialist Page 25 of 120
  • 26. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal Cost: US$ 650 million Speed: 80 Knots Helipads: Two Draft: 15 Feet Attachments: Two helicopters, four powered Boston Whaler boats ⇒ Picture 17. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Heavy Picture 18. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Heavy Lift Construction Ship™ - Front View Lift Construction Ship™ Hydro Lance™ HARTH™ Heavy-Lift Construction Ship carries the required heavy equipment, tools, materials and components to gain access to un-improved beach or coves and fully construct a community of buildings, homes, utilities and agriculture with the specialized crew to accomplish such tasks, enlisting local capabilities where possible. The ultra-stable HARTH platform does not experience chafing of sand and gravel at shore-side, remains stable in waves, also having a shallow draft to gain access to shallow bays, beaches and shorelines. The high Blue-Water speeds of this ship provides for a rapid response to distress areas anywhere in the world. General Characteristics: Propulsion system: Gas Turbines & HiSCOrE Propellers: None - Jet Drives Deck Length: 1,200 feet Deck Width: 240 feet Flight Decks: 1 Decks: 7 Beam: 260 feet Draft: 20 feet, maximum Displacement: 80,000 Tons Speed: 75 Knots / Force 9 Beaufort Crew: 60: 20 officers, 30 ship crew and 600 enlisted specialist Heavy Equipment: Basic Inventory Included Cost: US$ 1.5 billion The Hydro Lance™ Construction Equipment Ship carries, maintains, and deploys heavy construction equipment, heavy farming equipment, support vehicles, vehicle maintenance and repair parts inventory, and operates a full support garage with tools, machines, electronic diagnostic equipment, and cranes for heavy lift maintenance repair of humanitarian aid equipment required for operations. General Characteristics: Picture 19. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Remote Market-Fast Container, Cargo & Passenger Ship Page 26 of 120
  • 27. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal Propulsion system: Gas Turbines/HiSCOrE Propellers: None - Jet-Drives Deck Length: 1,600 feet Deck Width: 300 feet Flight Decks: 1 Decks: 4+ Crew: approx. 40: 10 officers & 30 enlisted Speed: 80 Knots / Force 8 Beaufort Type: HARTH RO-RO, Heavy Lift, Cargo Draft: 15 Feet Cost: US$ 390 million Helipads: One Page 27 of 120
  • 28. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal Hydro Lance™ RO/RO PAX Vehicle Cargo Ship carries and deploys emergency vehicles and heavy transport vehicles with humanitarian aid equipment such as: camping tents, cots, sleeping bags, cooking equipment, clothing, and construction tools/equipment. The RO/RO PAX Vehicle Cargo Ship also provides for family refugee placement services in connection with the Millennial Citadel. Picture 20. Reed, Walter R. (2009) RO/RO PAX Vehicle Cargo Ship General Characteristics: Propulsion system: Gas Turbines HiSCOrE: Two Jet-Drives Auxiliary Deck Length: 2,300 feet Deck Width: 320 feet Helipad / VTOL Pads: 1 optional Decks: 4.5 Draft: 20 Ft. Speed: 70 Knots / Force 9, Beaufort Beam: 340 Feet Type: HARTH RO-RO / PAX Crew: approx. 100: 20 officers & 105 enlisted specialists Passengers: 400 Freight: 15,200 feet of trucks and vehicles Cost: US$ 1.1 billion Hull Loads: 6,000 feet of rail cars AGRICULTURE SUPPORT FLEET The Hydro Lance™ Livestock Transport Ship provides deployment of farm animals that may include, but not be limited to: horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and chickens in support for food chains, logistics, humanitarian aid and nation stabilization operations. The HARTH ship relieves stresses on livestock, having no heave, pitch, roll, sway or yaw. Features RO-RO and livestock walk-on access, shallow draft for shallow bays Picture 21. Reed, Walter R. (2009) and un-improved beach access thus expanding the Livestock Transport Ship™ market reach and shortens livestock drives. General Characteristics: Propulsion system: HiSCORe™ Jet-Drives: 2 Deck Length: 600 feet Deck Width: 220 feet Flight Decks: 1 Decks: 3.5 Beam: 220 feet Draft: 10 feet Displacement: 3,200 Tons Speed: 75 Knots Crew: approx. 60: 10 officers & 50 enlisted specialist Cost: US$ 38 million Type: HARTH™ Page 28 of 120
  • 29. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal ⇒ Hydro Lance™ - Sea-Train™ Food Replenishment Ship provides multi-environmental greenhouse production, orchard production, refrigerated foods, grain production, commodities and storage, in support of humanitarian aid and nation stabilization operations. The greenhouse/atrium garden barges will each have monitored environmental controls to facilitate the required needs of different Picture 22. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Food plant life vegetation and fruit producing trees. Sea- Replenishment Ship™ - Sea Train Class Train Greenhouse Replenishment Cars will also facilitate dry and refrigerated storage systems and containers that are necessary to maintain fresh food reserves. General Characteristics: Propulsion system: Gas Turbines HiSCOrE: Application - Thrusters Train Length: 13,400 Feet (3 miles) Deck Width: 60 feet Helipad / VTOL Pads: 1 Decks: 3+ Draft: 20 Ft. Speed: 80 Knots / 70 Knots, Force 9 Beaufort Beam: 60 Feet Type: HARSH Cargo, Bulk & Freight Crew: approx. 200: officers / 40 enlisted Train Cars: Deployable Cost: US$ 460 million ENERGY SUPPORT FLEET Hydro Lance™ Stable Ocean Based Wind Farms – Wind energy is well understood and widely deployed on land. Land based wind farms are subject to the irregular presence of wind, but such farms located far out in sea may be located in known 30-40 Knot ‘constant wind zones’ and being mobile, so as to take advantage of temporary locations in the path of major storms. The HARTH platforms can be designed for stable mooring locations in known hurricane or typhoon storms Picture 23. Reed, Walter R. (2009) approaching zones. Each such ship produces many Windmill Power Ship™ - Wind Farm Class megawatts (100-300+ Peak Megawatts) of free energy which is directly converted on-board to safe, bio-friendly CryoniteTM’ for the energy storage of the power generated. Fleets may produce sufficient amounts for an entire city or country. This new energy storage commodity is periodically transported by Hydro Lance tender ships for transport to communities where this ‘fresh ocean-air commodity’ may directly power HiSCOrETM engines for electric power generation, vehicles - and may also be directly injected through an expander into insulated rooms or boxes for food storage, fish storage, refrigeration and air-conditioning. Individual land-side distribution may be accommodated in small cryogenic Dewars or with the same logistics and equipment as propane is distributed today. Usage results with zero pollution and fresh air, without having any carbon footprint. Page 29 of 120
  • 30. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal General Characteristics: Propulsion system: HiSCOrE™ Jet-Drives: Two to Four Deck Length: 1,600 feet Deck Width: 360 feet Helipad: 1 Decks: 7 Beam: 400 feet Draft: 20 feet Displacement: Speed: 60+ Knots / Force 10 Beaufort Crew: Intermittent attendance: 3-20: 3 officers & 17 enlisted Cost: US$ 330 million each Hydro Lance™ Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Terminals and Transport Platforms – Large HARTH ultra-stable ocean platforms afford the capability for placing LNG terminals far out to sea, if just for safety. Placing any LNG terminal at or approximated to nearby (40-50 miles) populated areas is just plain reckless. While this fuel medium is destined to be a major energy component of many countries and communities, off- load terminals are fraught with risks, regardless of the Picture 24. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Liquid Natural Gas Platform™ - Liquid Energy many safeguards. One human or mechanical error in Class any of the processes or equipment connections, and the resulting explosion would be huge; having been compared to a 20-30 Kiloton nuclear bomb. Alternatively, by placing these terminals far out to sea on a HARTH stable platform, would minimize such risks significantly. Additionally to a terminal off-load, the mammoth sized HARTH platform not only can off-load LNG transport ships, but then convert that LNG to CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) and consume large portions of this cleaner fuel for electrical power generation on-board. That power is then safely transmitted to shore and the existing grid via sea-floor insulated power cable. This then removes the otherwise more conventional sequential product handling steps which significantly lowers the cost of energy delivery. These ultra-stable platforms are powered and mobile, allowing such an investment to move out of the way to safety from any approaching major hurricane, typhoon, or warning of terrorist activity. High-speed HARTH LNG transport ships further reduce the logistical costs of transoceanic delivery. The elevated platforms of the Hydro Lance ships provide un-paralleled ventilation of these specially designed on-board, Nitrogen Gas Blanketed LNG Dewar tanks and composite pressurized CNG tanks, maximizing safety. General Characteristics: Propulsion system: Gas Turbines / HiSCOrE Deck Length: 3,200 feet Deck Width: 840 feet Helipads: 2 Decks: 9 Beam: 900 feet Draft: 20 feet Displacement: Speed: 40 knots Type: Mobilized HARTH Terminal / Energy Generation Page 30 of 120
  • 31. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal Crew: approx. 1,200: 200 officers & 1000 enlisted rotated specialist Cost: US$ 2 billion Hydro Lance™ - High Speed Fuel Tanker Ship provides fuel replenishment for maritime, submersible, air, and vehicle fleet in support of humanitarian aid and nation stabilization operations while also facilitating fuel supplies to the Millennial Citadel from regional oil producing locations. These fuel economic vessels have no bow wake either at high or low speeds. Picture 25. Reed, Walter R. (2009) High Speed Fuel Tanker Ship™ General Characteristics: Propulsion system: Gas Turbines & HiSCORe™ systems Propellers: Jet-Drives Deck Length: 1,400 feet Deck Width: 400 feet Flight Decks: 1 Decks: 6 Beam: 440 feet Draft: 15 Feet Displacement: 16,800 Tons Speed: 85 Knots / Force 8 Beaufort Crew: approx. 80: 10 officers & 60 enlisted specialist Cost: US$ 460 million Helipad: One The Hydro Lance™ Fuel Replenishment Ship, capable of transporting up to 2 BSF of CNG or 620,000 cubic yards of fuel, the HARSH™ Sea- Train™ is transoceanic through elevated sea-states at speeds of 80 Knots, assuring the most expedient replenishment of devastated communities and any designated market or ports. The shallow draft assures access to shallow bays with individually deployed train barges, collectively or separately to a plurality of harbors. Panamex friendly and all canal friendly, these deployed train barge sections may be self- Picture 26. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Fuel Replenishment Ship - Sea Train Class powered and operate autonomously by GPS coordinates and micro electronics in place. Propulsion system: Gas Turbines HiSCOrE™: Powers Thrusters Train Length: 13,400 ft. (3 miles) Deck Width: 60 feet Helipad / VTOL Pads: 1 Decks: 3+ Draft: 15 to 20 Feet Speed: 80 Knots / 70 Knots Force 9 Beaufort Beam: 60 Feet Type: HARSH RO-RO Crew: approx. 60: 20 officers / 40 enlisted Train Cars: Individually Deployable Cost: US$ 390 million Page 31 of 120
  • 32. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal RESEARCH SUPPORT FLEET Hydro Lance™ Research Replenishment Ship provides sea food production research, harvest systems, tide research, mapping, fishery trends, and weather patterns in support of humanitarian aid and nation stabilization operations. The Research Replenishment Ship provides an oceanic base for multi-national research cooperation for shared research, sampling, evaluation, and submersible vessel deployment / retrieval. Holds of freezer, refrigerated and saltwater Picture 27. Reed, Walter R. (2009) aquariums afford either preservation of species or as to Research Replenishment Ship sustain specimen life. General Characteristics: Propulsion system: HiSCORe™ Jet Drives: 2 Deck Length: 400 feet Deck Width: 160 feet Helipads: 1 Decks: 4 Beam: 180 Draft: 8 feet Displacement: 2,200 Tons Speed: 80 Knots / Force 9 Beaufort Crew: approx. 100: 30 officers & 70 enlisted specialist Cost: US$ 95 million each Type: HARTH ⇒ Hydro Lance™ Research Craft - are fast (60-80 Knots) and ultra-stable in and through the vessels maximum Beaufort scale design size. Hydraulic lowered platforms and moon pools may be incorporated for water level scuba access, samples, traps and instrument deployment. Full electronics affords radar coverage, satellite real time weather reports, GPS positioning, imaging, night vision and Picture 28. Reed, Walter R. (2009) communications. The shallow draft and stability Research Craft allows for beach access through waves without chaff. Special thrusters provide for unparalleled station keeping in addition to ‘tractor turn’ capabilities. Vessel design sizes may be built to any tonnage and desired Beaufort scale sea-state stability as required by the client. General Characteristics: Propulsion system: HiSCOrE Jet Drives: 2 Deck Length: 100 feet Deck Width: 40 Decks: 1.5 Type: HARTH, Marine Research Beam: 60 feet Draft: 3 feet Displacement: 60 Tons Speed: 70 knots / Force 7, Beaufort Scale Page 32 of 120
  • 33. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal Crew: 20: 4 officers & 15 enlisted specialist Cost: US$ 3.6 million Hydro Lance™ Ocean Life Research Ship provides research into sea life renewable resources that may facilitate healthcare, energy, and new innovations into the improvement of vital eco-systems within ocean environments. Designed with live-aquarium tanks, deep water retrieval, refrigeration, heavy lift gantries, and spacious crew quarters, this vessel is capable of passage at 75 Knots through a Force 8 Sea State having ultra- stability through a Force 9 sea-state and capable to carry Picture 29. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Ocean and deploy / retrieve deep-dive research or rescue Life Research Ship submarines. General Characteristics: Propulsion system: HiSCOrE Jet Drives: 2 Deck Length: 980 feet Deck Width: 250 Decks: 4.5 Type: HARTH, Marine Research Beam: 260 feet Draft: 20 feet Displacement: 14,600 Tons Speed: 75 knots / Force 8 Beaufort Scale Crew: 120: 20 officers & 100 enlisted specialists Cost: US$ 230 million Fuel: Any; Green or Fossil Page 33 of 120
  • 34. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal PASSENGER TRANSPORT FLEET ⇒ Hydro Lance™ Fast Passenger Transport expediently transports passengers at 120 Knots utilizing half of the fuel per passenger / ton mile with a like reduction of air pollution as compared to conventional. These Hydro Lance vessels do not experience heave, pitch, roll, sway, yaw, hog or sag through elevated seas and maintains rate speeds through vessel rated high seas. These new ships open the infrastructure of coastal highways at a fractional cost of building new roads and Picture 30. Reed, Walter R. (2009) highways and may open commerce and trade between Passenger Fast Ferry™ - Raptor Class communities, vastly extending the range of commuting in the comfort of no-sea-sickness. 100 miles = One Hour commute time / 500 miles = 4.2 hours. Unique off-load and load systems will also significantly shorten turn-around times, and all without passenger motion sickness. General Characteristics: Propulsion System: Direct Thrust - Gas Turbines, HiSCOrE™ Thrusters Fuel: Bio-Fuel, JP-4 or CNG Propellers: None Deck Length: 240 ft. House Width: 100 ft. House Space: 48,000 sq. ft. Ship Type: HARTH™ Flight Decks: 1 Decks: 3 Beam: 120 Feet Draft: 6 Feet Displacement: 700 Tons Speed: 120+ Knots Crew: approx. 49: 4 officers & 15 crew & 30 enlisted attendants Passengers: 710 Luxury: Elevated Cost: US$ 38-46 million each ⇒ Passenger Super-Speed People and Cargo Transport Retired Airliner HARTHTM Conversions, currently noting retired, but serviceable commercial airliner located in desert storage sites, remain flight- ready but un-economic for commercial application due mostly to the rising costs of JP-4 fuel. These aircraft, then converted to HARTH ocean fast-ferries affords an economic fleet of both people and cargo movers, Picture 31. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Fast worldwide and may be tuned to the utilization of bio- Ferry™ - Ensenada Class fuel or CNG. The above image is examples a Page 34 of 120
  • 35. A Private Enterprise Strategy: Humanitarian Aid to Emerging Economy Proposal converted and capacity expanded Boeing 727-200 airliner conversion to a 710 passenger high- speed ferry. Generally, the most capital intensive costs of ship building are the prime power system, the bridge, the electronics and interiors, which are included with the re-cycled airliner. The aircraft has the prime power, full electronics, interior seating, service systems, the bridge and sophisticated controls in place - and these ‘salvage airliners’ can be purchased and flown to the port of construction at economic costs. Conversion to the HARTH™ ocean-qualified vessels, specific to a client’s requirements, remains as the incremental capital costs. Such Hydro Lance conversions travel at 120+ Knots with ultra-stability through elevated rated sea states. The conversion shown has high-speed passage through Force 7 and 8 Beaufort Scales. A trip of 800 nautical miles would be less than Seven hours in duration and accomplished with far superior economies as compared to the original aircraft, per passenger or ton mile of cost comparisons. The aircraft is structurally cradled, eliminating all its original fuselage stresses - and the HARTH ship conversion experiences no heave, roll, pitch, yaw, sway, hog or sag – no motion-sickness, for the passengers, thus opening coastal and island ocean highways in comfort at more affordable passage prices. These ships may also transport refugees from disaster zones. General Characteristics: Propulsion System: Direct Thrust - Gas Turbines Fuel: Bio-Fuel, JP-4 or CNG options Propellers: None Deck Length: 160 ft. House Width: 120 ft. House Space: 21,000+ Sq. Ft. Ship Type: HARTH MSAC Flight Decks: 1 Decks: 3 Beam: 140 Feet Draft: 6 Feet Displacement: 800 Tons Speed: Up to 140 Knots Crew: approx. 49: 4 officers, 8 crew & 28 enlisted attendants Capacity: 700 passengers (or) 250 Passengers +Ro-Ro Cargo / Freight Luxury: Moderate or custom Cost: US$ 15-26 million each Attachments: None Picture 32. Reed, Walter R. (2009) Passenger Fast Ferry™ - Raptor Extended Class Hydro Lance™ Fast Ferries sized from 80 to over 1000 passenger capacities travel at designed vessel speeds from 60 to over 100 Knots utilizing half the fuel per passenger mile with no pitch, roll, heave, yaw or sway (no sea-sickness) and shallow draft which affords oceans to become commuter highways while having access to shallow bays and beaches, thus affording a fast, less Page 35 of 120