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Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

    What you need to know


                    WEBSITE DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   u A brief history of Markup
   v The design of HTML5
   w Semantics
   x Rich media
   y Using HTML5 today
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   A brief history
   of Markup
   g        HTML was the brainchild of Sir Tim Berners-Lee
   g        Tags already existed in the form of SGML
   g        Never was such a thing as HTML 1

   g        HTML 2 published by the Internet Engineering task Force
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   HTML 2.0                                        1995
   HTML 3.2                                        1997
   HTML 4.0                                        1997
   HTML 4.01                                       1999
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   XHTML 1.0                                       2000
   XHTML 1.1                                       2001
   XHTML 2
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   Ian Hickson
   Editor of the HTML5 Specification

   Web Hypertext
   Working Group
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   WHATWG                                          2004
   W3C                                             2007
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   The design
   of HTML5
   g        HTML Design Principles
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   Design Principles
   u Avoid needless                                x Pave the cowpaths

   v Support existing                              y Degrade gracefully

   w Solve Real                                    z Priority of
           problems                                   constituencies
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

  u Avoid needless
    Simple solutions are preferred to complex ones,
    when possible.
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

    (X)HTML 1.0
       <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN”

       <!DOCTYPE html>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

       <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
       <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type”
       content=”text/html; charset=utf-8” />


       <meta charset=”utf-8”>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

       <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”file.css” />
       <script src=”modernizr-1.5.js” type=”text/javascript” ></script>

       <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”file.css”>
       <script type=”text/javascript”></script>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

  v Support
    existing content
    Existing content often relies upon expected user agent
    processing and behaviour to function as intended.
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

    Accepted coding styles

         <img src=”foo” alt=”bar” />
         <p class=”foo”>Hello world</p>
         <img src=”foo” alt=”bar”>
         <p class=”foo”>Hello world
         <IMG SRC=”foo” ALT=”bar”>
         <P CLASS=”foo”>Hello world</P>
         <img src=foo alt=bar>
         <p class=foo>Hello world</p>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

  w Solve Real
    Abstract architectures that don’t address an existing need
    are less favoured than pragmatic solutions to problems
    that web content faces today.
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

       <h2><a href=”/path/to/resource”>Headline text</a></h2>
       <p><a href=”/path/to/resource”>Paragraph text.</a></p>

       <a href=”/path/to/resource”>
       <h2>Headline text</h2>
       <p>Paragraph text.</p>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

  x Pave the
    Look where people are already coming up with solutions.
    Don’t re-invent the wheel.
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   New elements
   g        In 2005, Google surveyed over three billion web pages to
            find out what id and class attributes web designers most
            commonly use to name HTML elements.

            section                            header
            article                            footer
            aside                              details
            nav                                figure
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

    Swap out those divs with the new HTML5 elements

    (X)HTML                                        HTML5
       <body>                                      <body>
       <div id=”header”>...</div>                  <header>...</header>
       <div id=”navigation”>...</div>              <nav>...</nav>
       <div id=”main”>...</div>                    <div id=”main”>...</div>
       <div id=”sidebar”>...</div>                 <aside>...</aside>
       <div id=”footer”>...</div>                  <footer>...</footer>
       </body>                                     </body>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

    (X)HTML                                        HTML5
       <div class=”item”>                          <section class=”item”>
       <h2>...</h2>                                <header><h1>...</h1></header>
       <div class=”meta”>...</div>                 <footer class=”meta”>...</footer>
       <div class=”content”>                       <div class=”content”>
       ...                                         ...
       </div>                                      </div>
       <div class=”links”>...</div>                <nav class=”links”>...</nav>
       </div>                                      </section>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

  y Degrade
    HTML 5 document conformance requirements should be
    designed so that Web content can degrade gracefully in
    older or less capable user agents, even when making use of
    new elements, attributes, APIs and content models.
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   g Forms have been enhanced in HTML5 using
             the type attributes
       input       type=”number”
       input       type=”search”
       input       type=”range”
       input       type=”email”
       input       type=”date”
       input       type=”url”

   g Existing browsers that don’t understand this
             stuff, degrade gracefully

   g New form attributes including ‘placeholder’
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

  z Priority of
    In case of conflict, consider users over authors over
    implementors over specifiers over theoretical
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   g        Elements used for presentation removed

   g        New elements introduced
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

    Presentational (moved to CSS)
         <font> <big> <center> & attributes - border, bgcolor etc

         <frame> <frameset> <noframes> <acronym> <axis> <summary>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

         <a>            “…may be wrapped around entire paragraphs, lists,
                        tables, and so forth, even entire sections, so long as
                        there is no interactive content within.”

         <b>            “…a span of text to be stylistically offset from
                        the normal prose without conveying any extra

         <i>            “…a span of text in an alternate voice or mood, or
                        otherwise offset from the normal prose..”
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

        <hr>            “…a paragraph-level thematic break.”

   <small> “…small print (for side comments and legal print).”
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   New elements
     <mark> “…a run of text in one document marked or
                        highlighted for reference purposes, due to its
                        relevance in another context.”

     <time> “This element is intended as a way to encode
                        modern dates and times in a machine-readable way
                        so that user agents can offer to add them to the
                        user’s calendar”
                           <time datetime=”2009-09-02T09:30:00” pubdate>
                           September 2nd, 9:30am</time>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   New elements
      <section>                                    <header>   <details>
      <article>                                    <footer>   <figure>
      <nav>                                        <hgroup>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

    (X)HTML                           <div class=”content”>
                                         <div class=”content-uk”>[…]</div>
                                         <div class=”content-usa”>[…]</div>
                                         <div class=”content-world”>[…]</div>

   <section>                          <section id=”content-uk”>
                                         <h1>Stories from the UK</h1>
                                      <section id=”content-usa”>
                                         <h1>Stories from the USA</h1>
                                      <section id=”content-world”>
                                         <h1>Stories from around the world</h1>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   <article>                          <section id=”content-uk”>
                                         <h1>Stories from the UK</h1>

                                      <section id=”content-usa”>
                                         <h1>Stories from the USA</h1>

                                      <section id=”content-world”>
                                         <h1>Stories from around the world</h1>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

    Articles                          <article>
    can have                             <section id=”raymond-chandler”>[…]</section>
    sections                             <section id=”dashiell-hammett”>[…]</section>

    too!                                 <section id=”mickey-spillane”>[…]</section>

   <header>                           <header>
                                         <h1>Punchy title</h1>

   <hgroup>                           <header>
                                            <h1>Punchy title</h1>
                                            <h2>Very catchy strapline</h2>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   combining                          <article>
   <section>                             <header>
                                            <h1>Punchy title</h1>
   <article>                             </header>
   and                                   <section id=”raymond-chandler”>
   <header>                                     <h1>Raymond Chandler</h1>
                                         <section id=”dashiell-hammett”>
                                                <h1>Dashiell Hammett</h1>
                                         <section id=”mickey-spillane”>
                                                <h1>Mickey Spillane</h1>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   <footer>                           <footer>
   “…typically                        </footer>
   information about
                                      <section class=”item”>
   its section such                      <header>
   as who wrote it,                          <h1>...</h1>
   links to related                      </header>
                                         <footer class=”meta”>...</footer>
   documents,                            <div class=”content”>
   copyright data,                       ...
   and the like.”
                                         <nav class=”links”>...</nav>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   <nav>                              <nav>
                                             <li><a href=”/”>Home</a></li>
   “...a section of a                        <li><a href=”/about”>About</a></li>
   page that links to                        <li><a href=”/contact”>Contact</a></li>
   other pages or to                  </nav>
   parts within the
   page: a section
   with navigation
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   <aside>                            <article>
                                            <h1>Mickey Spillane</h1>
   “...represents a
   section of a page                     <footer>
   that consists                            <p>Published by Andy Clarke on November
                                      20th, 2010</p>
   of content that                       </footer>
   is tangentially                       <p>Frank Morrison Spillane, better known as
   related to the                     Mickey Spillane… </p>
   content around it,                       <h2>My Gun Is Quick</h2>
   and which could                          <p>Mickey Spillane’s second novel
                                      featuring private investigator Mike Hammer.</p>
   be considered
   separate from                      </article>
   that content.”
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   <figure> &                         <dl class=”figure”>
   <figcaption>                          <dt><img src=”jury.jpg” alt=”The Jury”></dt>
                                         <dd>The Jury by Mickey Spillane</dd>
   flow content,
   optionally with                    <figure>
                                          <img src=”jury.jpg” alt=”I, The Jury”>
   a caption, that is                     <img src=”gun.jpg” alt=”My Gun is Quick”>
   self-contained                         <img src=”vengeance.jpg” alt=”Vengeance”>
                                          <figcaption>Books by Mickey Spillane</figcaption>
   and is typically
   referenced as a
   single unit from
   the main flow of
   the document.”
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   <details>                          <details>
                                         <summary>Log in</summary>
                                         <form method=”post” action=”login”>
   “…a disclosure                           <label for=”username”>Username</label>
   widget from                              <input type=”text” name=”username”
   which the user can                       <label for=”password”>Password</label>
   obtain additional                        <input type=”password” name=”password”
   information or                     id=”password”>
   controls.”                         </details>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   Rich media
   HTML is filling holes and doing away with the need
   to use proprietary technologies and plug-ins

   g         The <canvas> element

   g         The <audio> element

   g         The <video> element
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   g         Created by Apple

   g         The element itself is very simple

         <canvas id=”my-first-canvas” width=”360” height=”240”>
               <p>No canvas support? Have an old fashioned image
               <img src=”puppy.jpg” alt=”a cute puppy”>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   <canvas>                                        Cont...

   g         All the hard work is done in JavaScript

   g         The real power of canvas is that it’s content can be
             updated at any moment based on the actions of the user

   g         Current accessibility issues. No DOM = no access to
             screen readers. But being addressed.

   g         Should be used as an enhancement for existing content
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   g         HTML5 is taking on the Flash plug-in

         <audio src=”audiotrack.mp3” autoplay loop controls>

   g         You can use JavaScript to interact with the audio API

   g         Big problem with MP3 not being an open technology
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   <audio>                                         Cont...

   g         Fall backs

         <audio controls>
            <source src=”soundfile.ogg” type=”audio/ogg”>
            <source src=”soundfile.mp3” type=”audio/mp3”>
            <object type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”
               <param name=”movie”
               <a href=”soundfile.mp3”>Download the song</a>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   g         Works just like the audio element

         <video src=”movie.mp4” controls width=”360” height=”240”

   g         Even bloodier battleground for competing video formats

   g         MP4 is patent-encumbered also
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   <video>                                         Cont...

         <video controls width=”360” height=”240”
            <source src=”movie.ogv” type=”video/ogg”>
            <source src=”movie.mp4” type=”video/mp4”>
            <object type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”
            width=”360” height=”240” data=”player.swf?file=movie.
               <param name=”movie”
               <a href=”movie.mp4”>Download this movie</a>
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   <video>                                         Cont...

   g         Pretty exciting to add video natively to web pages

   g         No sandbox issues, so plays nice with CSS and

   g         Actually styleable as well as scriptable
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   Using HTML5
   g         Using the new doctype, charset, input types and attributes
             should not cause any issues at all.

   g         All the rich media elements have fallbacks so are safe to
             use also.
   g         The new structural elements will need extra effort to
             work cross-browser
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   Internet Exploer
    To style the new elements with CSS
        <!--[if lt IE 9]>
        <script src=”

    This tiny script creates elements in Internet Explorer’s DOM so we
    can style them using CSS.
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

   Further Reading
   HTML5                                           Boiled
   for web                                         Web
   designers                                       Design
   by Jeremy                                       by Andy
   Keith                                           Clarke          
Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd

                                Matt Fielding


                                                   WEBSITE DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT


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HTML5 - What you need to know

  • 1. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd HTML5 What you need to know PANOETIC ® WEBSITE DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT
  • 2. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd Overview u A brief history of Markup v The design of HTML5 w Semantics x Rich media y Using HTML5 today
  • 3. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd A brief history of Markup g HTML was the brainchild of Sir Tim Berners-Lee g Tags already existed in the form of SGML g Never was such a thing as HTML 1 g HTML 2 published by the Internet Engineering task Force (IETF)
  • 4. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd HTML HTML 2.0 1995 HTML 3.2 1997 HTML 4.0 1997 HTML 4.01 1999
  • 5. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd XHTML XHTML 1.0 2000 XHTML 1.1 2001 XHTML 2
  • 6. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd Ian Hickson Editor of the HTML5 Specification WHATWG Web Hypertext Applications Technology Working Group
  • 7. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd HTML5 WHATWG 2004 W3C 2007
  • 8. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd The design of HTML5 g HTML Design Principles
  • 9. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd Design Principles u Avoid needless x Pave the cowpaths complexity v Support existing y Degrade gracefully content w Solve Real z Priority of problems constituencies
  • 10. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd u Avoid needless complexity Simple solutions are preferred to complex ones, when possible.
  • 11. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd (X)HTML 1.0 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN” “”> HTML5 <!DOCTYPE html>
  • 12. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd (X)HTML <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8” /> HTML5 <meta charset=”utf-8”>
  • 13. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd (X)HTML <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”file.css” /> <script src=”modernizr-1.5.js” type=”text/javascript” ></script> HTML5 <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”file.css”> <script type=”text/javascript”></script>
  • 14. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd v Support existing content Existing content often relies upon expected user agent processing and behaviour to function as intended.
  • 15. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd Accepted coding styles <img src=”foo” alt=”bar” /> <p class=”foo”>Hello world</p> <img src=”foo” alt=”bar”> <p class=”foo”>Hello world <IMG SRC=”foo” ALT=”bar”> <P CLASS=”foo”>Hello world</P> <img src=foo alt=bar> <p class=foo>Hello world</p>
  • 16. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd w Solve Real problems Abstract architectures that don’t address an existing need are less favoured than pragmatic solutions to problems that web content faces today.
  • 17. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd (X)HTML <h2><a href=”/path/to/resource”>Headline text</a></h2> <p><a href=”/path/to/resource”>Paragraph text.</a></p> HTML5 <a href=”/path/to/resource”> <h2>Headline text</h2> <p>Paragraph text.</p> </a>
  • 18. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd x Pave the cowpaths Look where people are already coming up with solutions. Don’t re-invent the wheel.
  • 19. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd New elements g In 2005, Google surveyed over three billion web pages to find out what id and class attributes web designers most commonly use to name HTML elements. section header article footer aside details nav figure
  • 20. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd Swap out those divs with the new HTML5 elements (X)HTML HTML5 <body> <body> <div id=”header”>...</div> <header>...</header> <div id=”navigation”>...</div> <nav>...</nav> <div id=”main”>...</div> <div id=”main”>...</div> <div id=”sidebar”>...</div> <aside>...</aside> <div id=”footer”>...</div> <footer>...</footer> </body> </body>
  • 21. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd (X)HTML HTML5 <div class=”item”> <section class=”item”> <h2>...</h2> <header><h1>...</h1></header> <div class=”meta”>...</div> <footer class=”meta”>...</footer> <div class=”content”> <div class=”content”> ... ... </div> </div> <div class=”links”>...</div> <nav class=”links”>...</nav> </div> </section>
  • 22. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd y Degrade gracefully HTML 5 document conformance requirements should be designed so that Web content can degrade gracefully in older or less capable user agents, even when making use of new elements, attributes, APIs and content models.
  • 23. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd g Forms have been enhanced in HTML5 using the type attributes input type=”number” input type=”search” input type=”range” input type=”email” input type=”date” input type=”url” g Existing browsers that don’t understand this stuff, degrade gracefully g New form attributes including ‘placeholder’
  • 24. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd z Priority of constituencies In case of conflict, consider users over authors over implementors over specifiers over theoretical purity.
  • 25. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd Semantics g Elements used for presentation removed g New elements introduced
  • 26. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd Removed Presentational (moved to CSS) <font> <big> <center> & attributes - border, bgcolor etc others <frame> <frameset> <noframes> <acronym> <axis> <summary>
  • 27. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd Changed <a> “…may be wrapped around entire paragraphs, lists, tables, and so forth, even entire sections, so long as there is no interactive content within.” <b> “…a span of text to be stylistically offset from the normal prose without conveying any extra importance.” <i> “…a span of text in an alternate voice or mood, or otherwise offset from the normal prose..”
  • 28. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd Changed <hr> “…a paragraph-level thematic break.” <small> “…small print (for side comments and legal print).”
  • 29. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd New elements <mark> “…a run of text in one document marked or highlighted for reference purposes, due to its relevance in another context.” <time> “This element is intended as a way to encode modern dates and times in a machine-readable way so that user agents can offer to add them to the user’s calendar” <time datetime=”2009-09-02T09:30:00” pubdate> September 2nd, 9:30am</time>
  • 30. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd New elements <section> <header> <details> <article> <footer> <figure> <nav> <hgroup> <aside>
  • 31. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd (X)HTML <div class=”content”> <div class=”content-uk”>[…]</div> <div class=”content-usa”>[…]</div> <div class=”content-world”>[…]</div> </div> <section> <section id=”content-uk”> <h1>Stories from the UK</h1> </section> <section id=”content-usa”> <h1>Stories from the USA</h1> </section> <section id=”content-world”> <h1>Stories from around the world</h1> </section>
  • 32. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd <article> <section id=”content-uk”> <h1>Stories from the UK</h1> <article>[…]</article> <article>[…]</article> </section> <section id=”content-usa”> <h1>Stories from the USA</h1> <article>[…]</article> <article>[…]</article> </section> <section id=”content-world”> <h1>Stories from around the world</h1> <article>[…]</article> <article>[…]</article> </section>
  • 33. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd Articles <article> can have <section id=”raymond-chandler”>[…]</section> sections <section id=”dashiell-hammett”>[…]</section> too! <section id=”mickey-spillane”>[…]</section> </article> <header> <header> <h1>Punchy title</h1> </header> <hgroup> <header> <hgroup> <h1>Punchy title</h1> <h2>Very catchy strapline</h2> </hgroup> </header>
  • 34. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd combining <article> <section> <header> <h1>Punchy title</h1> <article> </header> and <section id=”raymond-chandler”> <header> <header> <h1>Raymond Chandler</h1> </header> </section> <section id=”dashiell-hammett”> <header> <h1>Dashiell Hammett</h1> </header> </section> <section id=”mickey-spillane”> <header> <h1>Mickey Spillane</h1> </header> </section> </article>
  • 35. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd <footer> <footer> <h3>...</h3> <p>...</p> “…typically </footer> contains information about <section class=”item”> its section such <header> as who wrote it, <h1>...</h1> links to related </header> <footer class=”meta”>...</footer> documents, <div class=”content”> copyright data, ... </div> and the like.” <nav class=”links”>...</nav> </section>
  • 36. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd <nav> <nav> <ul> <li><a href=”/”>Home</a></li> “...a section of a <li><a href=”/about”>About</a></li> page that links to <li><a href=”/contact”>Contact</a></li> </ul> other pages or to </nav> parts within the page: a section with navigation links.”
  • 37. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd <aside> <article> <header> <h1>Mickey Spillane</h1> “...represents a </header> section of a page <footer> that consists <p>Published by Andy Clarke on November 20th, 2010</p> of content that </footer> is tangentially <p>Frank Morrison Spillane, better known as related to the Mickey Spillane… </p> <aside> content around it, <h2>My Gun Is Quick</h2> and which could <p>Mickey Spillane’s second novel featuring private investigator Mike Hammer.</p> be considered </aside> separate from </article> that content.”
  • 38. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd <figure> & <dl class=”figure”> <figcaption> <dt><img src=”jury.jpg” alt=”The Jury”></dt> <dd>The Jury by Mickey Spillane</dd> </dl> “...some flow content, optionally with <figure> <img src=”jury.jpg” alt=”I, The Jury”> a caption, that is <img src=”gun.jpg” alt=”My Gun is Quick”> self-contained <img src=”vengeance.jpg” alt=”Vengeance”> <figcaption>Books by Mickey Spillane</figcaption> and is typically </figure> referenced as a single unit from the main flow of the document.”
  • 39. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd <details> <details> <summary>Log in</summary> <form method=”post” action=”login”> “…a disclosure <label for=”username”>Username</label> widget from <input type=”text” name=”username” id=”username”> which the user can <label for=”password”>Password</label> obtain additional <input type=”password” name=”password” information or id=”password”> </form> controls.” </details>
  • 40. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd Rich media HTML is filling holes and doing away with the need to use proprietary technologies and plug-ins g The <canvas> element g The <audio> element g The <video> element
  • 41. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd <canvas> g Created by Apple g The element itself is very simple <canvas id=”my-first-canvas” width=”360” height=”240”> <p>No canvas support? Have an old fashioned image instead:</p> <img src=”puppy.jpg” alt=”a cute puppy”> </canvas>
  • 42. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd <canvas> Cont... g All the hard work is done in JavaScript g The real power of canvas is that it’s content can be updated at any moment based on the actions of the user g Current accessibility issues. No DOM = no access to screen readers. But being addressed. g Should be used as an enhancement for existing content
  • 43. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd <audio> g HTML5 is taking on the Flash plug-in <audio src=”audiotrack.mp3” autoplay loop controls> </audio> g You can use JavaScript to interact with the audio API g Big problem with MP3 not being an open technology
  • 44. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd <audio> Cont... g Fall backs <audio controls> <source src=”soundfile.ogg” type=”audio/ogg”> <source src=”soundfile.mp3” type=”audio/mp3”> <object type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” data=”player.swf?soundFile=soundfile.mp3”> <param name=”movie” value=”player.swf?soundFile=soundfile.mp3”> <a href=”soundfile.mp3”>Download the song</a> </object> </audio>
  • 45. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd <video> g Works just like the audio element <video src=”movie.mp4” controls width=”360” height=”240” poster=”placeholder.jpg”> </video> g Even bloodier battleground for competing video formats g MP4 is patent-encumbered also
  • 46. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd <video> Cont... <video controls width=”360” height=”240” poster=”placeholder.jpg”> <source src=”movie.ogv” type=”video/ogg”> <source src=”movie.mp4” type=”video/mp4”> <object type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”360” height=”240” data=”player.swf?file=movie. mp4”> <param name=”movie” value=”player.swf?file=movie.mp4”> <a href=”movie.mp4”>Download this movie</a> </object> </video>
  • 47. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd <video> Cont... g Pretty exciting to add video natively to web pages g No sandbox issues, so plays nice with CSS and JavaScript g Actually styleable as well as scriptable
  • 48. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd Using HTML5 today g Using the new doctype, charset, input types and attributes should not cause any issues at all. g All the rich media elements have fallbacks so are safe to use also. g The new structural elements will need extra effort to work cross-browser
  • 49. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd Internet Exploer To style the new elements with CSS <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src=” html5.js”> </script> <![endif]--> This tiny script creates elements in Internet Explorer’s DOM so we can style them using CSS.
  • 50. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd Further Reading Hard HTML5 Boiled for web Web designers Design by Jeremy by Andy Keith Clarke
  • 51. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd Questions?
  • 52. Matt Fielding | Creative Director | Panoetic Ltd Matt Fielding PANOETIC ® WEBSITE DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT