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Fabio Perrotta
Company Comparison within the HR Department
Youngstown State University
Table of Contents:
-Overview of Project
-General Discussion of HR
-Interview Process
-Kimberly Pleva (Parker Hannifin)
-Socko Gaetano (
-Denise Carissimo (JMC Steel)
-John Green (475th
Quartermaster Group-US Army)
-Company Comparison
For this project I was asked to conduct a journal in regards to HR practices for different
companies. Not all companies perform the same type of HR practice and operate differently
than one another. Whether the company is running by a bigger corporation or the company is
owned by a single individual, there is bound to be similarities and differences with the way the
company performs their HR practices. For this project, I was asked to interview four different
people who perform anything that deals with HR for the specific company that person works for.
Throughout the project, there will be sections regarding the general overview of HR, the
interview process, each individual that was interviewed, discussion of the interview, comparison
of each company and their differences, and finally the conclusion of this project.
Human resources is very vital to a company and without the practice of this, there would
be no company. HR covers many aspects in regards to a company and their workers. Each
individual that is involved in any type of HR practice cannot be biased in making decisions when
it comes to their company and employees they work for. There are four major skills that HR
managers practice on a day to day basis. Hiring and recruiting, compensation and benefits,
training and development, and performance management. Each one of these skills are utilized in
the workplace every day to ensure that the proper HR practices are being performed for the
company in a professional way.
Hiring and recruiting is very important for a company because the company wants to
make sure that the best of the best workers are the ones being hired for the company. The human
resource manager must be adept at hiring and recruiting new employees. Identifying, recruiting,
interviewing and hiring high-performing employees is essential for the long term success of your
company. Creating policies and procedures for the hiring and recruiting process and teaching
these skills to all of your managers is also critical for the future of your organization. Some
companies may already have some policies in place when it comes to hiring their employees, but
the HR managers can also add more to the policies or amend some policies. When having a
business that is not run by a corporation, the individual who started the corporation is the one
who creates the policies for the company and they rarely change.
Compensation and benefits is another important skill that HR managers hold in order to
properly execute the practices in their workplace. Human resource managers must also create,
administer and improve the compensation and benefit structures. Retaining excellent associates
depends on many factors. Outstanding pay and benefits are two critical factors that will
ultimately determine how well your employees feel about your organization and the likelihood
that they will remain with your company in the future. Crafting an effective compensation
system and determining the best benefits package for all of your employees are skills that are
mandatory for the HR manager. Compensation and benefits play a serious role for a company
because there are has to be many rules and regulations regarding this type of action. Companies
want to keep their employees happy, and in order to do that, the company must have an
understanding of the compensation and benefits. Not every company is the same when it comes
to this but it all revolves around the same type of skill that is acquired by the HR managers and
the company as a whole.
Training and development can cost a lot of money for a company. The HR manager is
responsible for conducting a lot of this because employees need to know and understand
everything around and about the workplace they are currently employed with at the time.
Training and development skills are vital assets for a human resource manager. The ability to
create training programs that solve human performance problems will yield important benefits
for your organization. Instructional design skills, as well as outstanding facilitation and
presentation abilities, result in training programs that produce tangible results for that specific
company. Talents in program evaluation and employee feedback are also needed to constantly
improve the quality of all of the company’s training programs. Receiving employee feedback
about the training and development of the company helps the company prosper and grow. This
also helps the HR manager know what they might need to change in the workplace to make sure
that the training and development can be cost effective and be efficient for the company.
Finally, the fourth skill that is very important for a human resource manager is
performance management. The ability to effectively manage the performances of your
employees is an integral part of a human resource manager's job duties. Establishing and
implementing a complete performance improvement process is an essential skill. Designing a
performance review process, maintaining it and effectively monitoring its implementation are
challenging tasks. Coaching your managers on how to use your performance management
program is also an important function of your HR team. Performance management can be passed
down from the HR manager to other employees in order to implement necessary changes for the
company to perform at its highest.
Each and every one of these skills are requirements for any HR manager in order to
perform their necessary duties. It is important to implement these skills in the workplace or
company because it will help the company be more efficient with the workers. The employees
in a workplace depend on the HR managers for a lot because the employees can go to the HR
manager about any issues regarding the workplace or if they want changes done to the work
place. HR managers do so much more than you think behind the scenes in a workplace
Throughout this project, there will many discussions regarding different companies and
their HR practices and how they would handle the skills HR managers possess. It is important to
understand the differences these companies retain because workers or HR managers will need to
be able to adjust to different companies if need be. The goal is to understand the necessary
requirements for the position these managers hold and to understand the employees of the
company and how those people play into the job of the HR manager. The skills discussed in this
section are universal and are understood by many people in the HR field. As a student studying
HR myself, these skills are definitely a requirement that need to be studied and learned and
implemented into the workplace. The goal is to be able to use these skills to the best of their
knowledge and make the best use of them.
For this project, I conducted a 14 question interview for each person and the company
that they work for. It was very interesting to gather the information from each person because
although there were some similarities, there were many differences as well. I had to privilege to
talk to each and every one of these people one on one and get more of an insight on the company
they work for and the practices they utilize with the company. I interviewed a total of four
people with different backgrounds in the field. Some of the candidates that I interviewed either
owned their own company or worked for a larger corporation. Here is a list of the questions that
were asked during the interview:
1. What company do you work for?
2. How long have you been with the company?
3. Is the company corporately run?
4. What do you like best/least about working for this company?
5. Can you describe a typical workday in the department?
6. Do your employees feel free to express their ideas and concerns?
7. Do you have an open door policy?
8. What are the possibilities for professional growth and promotion?
9. How much interaction do you have with superiors, colleagues, employees, and customers?
10. Do you have the opportunity to work independently?
11. Does your future here seem secure?
12. What is the department’s environment/culture like?
13. What type of work does your company do?
14. Any previous experience with HR?
Each participant answered each question to the best of their knowledge and what they had
retained over the years of working with the company. It was very important to gather the most
accurate information in order to do a good comparison between the companies. No two
companies are the same which made this project rather interesting. It was intriguing to find out
more about the inside parts of these companies and each company practices their specific HR
management. Each participant was more than happy to let me interview them for this project. I
wrote down the answers to each question I asked and recorded them in a notebook for me to
copy into this project. Each interview was done through the course of this semester and took
about three months total to gather the information that I needed in order to complete the entirety
of this project.
Each and every company has some sort of HR manager that oversees the company and
the employees of the company. The HR manager has a very important position in a company
because they make sure that everything is running smoothly for the workers and the company.
As it was mentioned before, HR managers tend to specific skills in order to maintain the balance
in the workplace. Throughout the rest of this project, the type of discussion that will be taking
place is the interview with each candidate, the date the interview was done, the candidates
responses, a comparison amongst each company, and how each company differentiates. This is
something very important to understand amongst the companies because in order for the
company to run a certain way, each company will have to have different operations concerning
the HR practices.
The first person I interviewed was my Employee Relations and Workplace Ethics
professor, Kimberly Pleva. Pleva is a part-time professor here at YSU and I had the privilege to
be able to interview her and ask her what her experience was in the HR field. Pleva works for
Parker Hannifin as an HR manager. The company is headquartered in Cleveland and has over
60,000 employees throughout the United States. Parker Hannifin manufactures parts for
essentially anything that moves. There are a total of 12 manufacturing sites located all over the
United States. The following section will include the interview that took place with Kimberly
1. What company do you work for?
a. “Parker Hannifin.”
2. How long have you been with the company?
a. “I was with the company for 16 years now. My first year there I was just an intern
and ended up staying with company because I was offered a position there.”
3. Is the company corporately run?
a. “Yes, the company is a large Fortune 200 company headquartered in Cleveland. I
am currently in the largest division. There are about 60,000 employees spread out
over 12 manufacturing sites.”
4. What do you like best/least about working for this company?
a. “What I like most about the company is the job security and stability of the
company. I am also my own boss, so I enjoy making decisions on my own that
positively affect the company. What I like least about the job is that I have to
sometimes travel to other locations all over the US and that takes time away from
my family.”
5. Can you describe a typical workday in the department?
a. “In a typical workday, I plan and organize different departments of my division.
The hours are very long and strenuous since I oversee so many employees.
Payroll, compensation, worker benefits, employees, all of these functions that
need to be reviewed are done by me and a few others. The workload is not
divided much amongst other HR personnel.”
6. Do your employees feel free to express their ideas and concerns?
a. “Yes, every employee has every right to express their ideas to me about the
7. Do you have an open door policy?
a. “Yes, there is absolutely an open door policy within my company. Employees can
come to me in regards to any issue there is in the work place.”
8. What are the possibilities for professional growth and promotion?
a. “There is significant growth and promotion within the company. The hiring
process is mostly done within the company and some people are recruited for the
company as well. I am a prime example since I started off with the company as
an intern 16 years ago.”
9. How much interaction do you have with superiors, colleagues, employees, and
a. “There are 12 people in my scope of the department. I collaborate with these
members daily. I also talk to many superiors throughout the course of the day to
discuss some issues in the workplace. There is some interaction over the web
with colleagues from other plants around the US.”
10. Do you have the opportunity to work independently?
a. “I have a lot of opportunity to work independently throughout my work day since
I am the main person in control of the HR department. I usually associate others
when I need to.”
11. Does your future here seem secure?
a. “My future seems very secure because I have been promoted to the top position
that I wanted to be in. There are many benefits that are also associated with this
career that allow me to live comfortably.”
12. What is the department’s environment/culture like?
a. “The culture is a very collaborative type of culture and team oriented. There are
many hats to pitch in.”
13. What type of work does your company do?
a. “Essentially the company manufactures products for anything that moves. Such
as: cars, aircrafts, space crafts, etc.”
14. Any previous experience with HR?
a. “Other than graduating with my masters in HR, that was my only prior
experience. I have always been with Parker Hannifin from day one.”
Kimberly Pleva provided very detailed answers to my questions during the interview.
Pleva even gave details I did not ask for but that made the interview process so much better
because I was able to understand more about the company she worked for. It was interesting to
know all the work that goes into the company and what her title actually entails. I thanked
Kimberly after the interview was done and was pleased to have her as one of my candidates to
interview for my project.
Socko Gaetano is another candidate that I interviewed for this project. Socko was a very
different type of candidate because he did not work for someone else. Socko owns his own
company, he is a photographer. 25 years ago, Socko started his company called,
Socko specializes in many different types of photography that has a very wide range of the type
of photography he does. Socko travels all over the US and to some other countries to do his
work. Socko mentioned that he is mostly in Chicago because he has a studio out there, but most
of the time, he is located here in Youngstown, Ohio. Socko has his own office and studio in
Youngstown where he operates his business most of the time. The most interesting part of
interviewing Socko was that he did this all on his own. Socko did not have a business partner
that would have helped him get a head start on his business. Socko currently has one assistant
on site that helps him with appointments and sales. This summer, I have to opportunity to intern
Socko and help his manage appointments and schedule clients. Socko plans on retiring after this
year, so I am honored to have the opportunity to work with him. The following section will
include the interview I had with Socko Gaetano and his responses.
1. What company do you work for?
a. “I own and operate photography.”
2. How long have you been with the company?
a. “I started this company 25 year ago at my house by myself.”
3. Is the company corporately run?
a. “No, the company is being operate by myself.”
4. What do you like best/least about working for this company?
a. “What I like best about my company is the amount of traveling I get to do and the
different sites I get to see. Being able to experience this has opened my eyes to so
many more opportunities. What I like least about my job was that in the
beginning, it was tough to start a business on my own, there was a lot of money
that I put into it and it took years before I started noticing a profit.”
5. Can you describe a typical workday in the department?
a. “A typical workday consists of daily planning of where and when appointments
are going to be. Planning future appointments and scheduling clients is
something that I do daily with my assistant.”
6. Do your employees feel free to express their ideas and concerns?
a. “Every employee I have had working under me could express any way they
wanted to me directly. Since I owned the business, there was no need to go to a
higher authority, I am the highest authority.”
7. Do you have an open door policy?
a. “As I mentioned before, I do have an open door policy with every employee that I
have ever had. I am always open to any suggestions that an employee might
make to me or the company.”
8. What are the possibilities for professional growth and promotion?
a. “Since I own the company, there have been many opportunities for growth and
promotion. I took every opportunity I could get when it came to expanding my
company. I was able to start my own business and grow from there.”
9. How much interaction do you have with superiors, colleagues, employees, and
a. “There is a ton of interaction with my assistant and the clients that I work with. I
am constantly in contact before and after photoshoots.”
10. Do you have the opportunity to work independently?
a. “I do work independently, other than when I work with my assistant when she
comes to appointments with me.”
11. Does your future here seem secure?
a. “I made sure that this business was secure for me and that it would keep on
growing as I got older. I made sure to insure the company if anything were to
happen. I put money away for myself I ensure a proper secure position for
12. What is the department’s environment/culture like?
a. “The environment can be laid back at times. Most of the time it is more of a
business environment when it comes to dealing with clients.”
13. What type of work does your company do?
a. “The company that I work for is photography.”
14. Any previous experience with HR?
a. “I had no previous experience in HR but I graduated with a business degree,
therefore I had some knowledge what I was getting into whenever I started the
business 25 years ago.”
Socko Gaetano was a very interesting candidate to interview. It was nice to be able to
learn more about a company that was started up by one person alone. Socko does everything for
the company. Socko does the payroll for his assistant, pricing and sales for his clients, and also
books appointments. Although he has an assistant, Socko mentioned he likes doing a lot of
things on his own. Some companies depend on many others to help with operating a business or
corporation. Since Socko and his assistant are the only ones working for the company, it is very
easy to manage the typical HR practices.
Denise Carissimo was somewhat similar to Kimberly Pleva. Denise is a part-time
professor at Youngstown State University and works for JMC Steel. Denise does HR
management work for the plants in Ohio and Pennsylvania. The company is headquartered in
Chicago and Denise mentioned that she sometimes travels there for work seminars. The most
interesting thing about Denise is that she and I have many similarities when it comes to what we
studied in college. Denise was a communications major with an HR minor, then she received
her MBA as well. That is the exact path I plan on taking after I graduate. The interview was
very conversational because there were many laughs throughout the interview. I was very
comfortable talking to Denise and the interview went very well. The following section will
include the questions and answers to the interview I administered to Denise Carissimo.
1. What company do you work for?
a. “I work for JMC Steel.”
2. How long have you been with the company?
a. “I have been with the company for three years now, about to be going on my
fourth year.”
3. Is the company corporately run?
a. “Yes, there are 12 locations total with 15,000 employees.”
4. What do you like best/least about working for this company?
a. “What I like best about the company is the employee relations within the
company. It is like a family. The bonuses for the company are great as well, we
are given very generous bonuses each year. What I do not like about the
company is that I have to go through three layers of authority to make decisions.”
5. Can you describe a typical workday in the department?
a. “A typical work day in my department is very hectic. I am usually there from 7
AM to about 5 PM, Monday – Friday. I mostly deal with attendance and talk to
supervisors about who needs to be written up in the workplace.”
6. Do your employees feel free to express their ideas and concerns?
a. “The employees are free to express any ideas or concerns regarding the work
place. Employees are constantly asking for some type of change within the
workplace. As long as the change is within reason with the company, the
company is pretty good with implementing changes.”
7. Do you have an open door policy?
a. “Yes, there is a completely open door policy.”
8. What are the possibilities for professional growth and promotion?
a. “As of right now, I have not been with the company long enough to experience
much growth or promotion, but definitely within the next 3-5 years.”
9. How much interaction do you have with superiors, colleagues, employees, and
a. “There is constant daily interaction.”
10. Do you have the opportunity to work independently?
a. “I do have opportunity to work independently, but I do work with many
colleagues throughout the day.”
11. Does your future here seem secure?
a. “I have a very secure future with this company.”
12. What is the department’s environment/culture like?
a. “The environment is very family-like. All of the employees are very close with
one another.”
13. What type of work does your company do?
a. “The company manufactures steel tubing.”
14. Any previous experience with HR?
a. “I have 15 years of HR experience and I worked for another steel company, so I
was extremely experienced for my current position with JMC Steel.”
Denise Carissimo was a great candidate to interview. Denise was full of life and
enthusiasm while I was interviewing her. This helped the interview go a lot smoother than I
anticipated. I was very captivated by Denise because we had very similar goals when she was in
school and we also studied the some major. It was great having Denise as a professor this
semester, and I was grateful to have the chance to interview her and have more insight on the
company that she worked for.
5TH 2016:
In order to conduct this project in a way that viewed various sides of HR practices, I
made sure to interview a variety of people. John Green, who is currently a student in most of my
HR management classes, actually performed HR work in the Army. This was very interesting to
be able to learn more about because I have gathered a lot of information from a wide selection of
candidates and their different ways of performing HR management practices. John is currently
an HR major at Youngstown State University and is planning on continuing with HR with an
internship this summer in Cleveland. The following section will include the questions provided
by me, and responses provided by John Green.
1. What company do you work for?
a. “I am currently working for the 475th
Quartermaster Group U.S. Army Reserve.”
2. How long have you been with the company?
a. “I have been enlisted in the Army for 6 years now.”
3. Is the company corporately run?
a. “The government is running the company.”
4. What do you like best/least about working for this company?
a. “The thing that I like least about working here is the repetitiveness of the work.
What I like the best about working here is the military experience.”
5. Can you describe a typical workday in the department?
a. “A typical work day includes updating forms and clerical support for soldiers in
the unit.”
6. Do your employees feel free to express their ideas and concerns?
a. “Yes, the lower enlisted ranks are able to express more than the higher enlisted
7. Do you have an open door policy?
a. “Yes, there has always been an open door policy when I was enlisted.”
8. What are the possibilities for professional growth and promotion?
a. “I was promoted frequently with a possible promotion to a Sergeant.”
9. How much interaction do you have with superiors, colleagues, employees, and
a. “There is a lot of interaction throughout the whole day, especially amongst higher
10. Do you have the opportunity to work independently?
a. “You are able to work independently if your superior knows you are capable of
doing so by yourself.”
11. Does your future here seem secure?
a. “Yes, my future is very secure if I continue to enlist, I could have a job for the rest
of my life.”
12. What is the department’s environment/culture like?
a. “The environment used to be close, but people are constantly coming and going
with a high turnover rate, so there is a lot of distance between us now.”
13. What type of work does your company do?
a. “We train other units on petroleum/fuel/water operations. We are the last unit to
train on petroleum.”
14. Any previous experience with HR?
a. “I have no prior experience with HR because I enlisted in the Army right out of
high school. What I learned in the Army and what I have learned so far in college,
is the current experience that I have.”
John Green may have been the most interesting candidate that I had interviewed
throughout this whole project. To be able to receive information about HR practices in an
environment other than an office setting is refreshing to hear because that is something that most
HR managers have in common. The interview was also very interesting because it was with a
current student at Youngstown State University who has had experience in HR management just
like the other candidates that I had interviewed. John is only 24 years old and already has 6
years of experience in the field. That is very admirable and influential to have a candidate that I
can at least relate to on the same age level, although we have different experience. I thanked him
for allowing me to interview him and including his responses into this project.
Amongst all of the candidates that were interviewed in this project, there were many
similarities and also many differences that accompanied the information gathered. The
similarities that all of these companies have in common is the use of HR practices and skills.
There are very specific skills that are required by HR managers to perform in the workplace.
Another similarity that all of these candidates had in common was that they all have decent
amount of knowledge and experience in the field. The main components that differentiate these
candidates is obviously the companies each candidate is part of and that they are from
completely different entities.
The first candidate, Kimberly Pleva works for a Fortune 200 company and the other
candidate that was similar to this was Denise Carissimo. Since both of these candidates work for
larger corporations, they are both in charge of a large quantity of employees. Socko Gaetano is
self-employed and was able to perform the proper HR practices like the other candidates. John
Green, a student, has experience in HR through the Army, and that is where he has gained the
experience he has in HR management.
The main differences that set each candidate apart is how they each acquired the
knowledge in HR management. Kimberly Pleva worked for her company for 16 years where she
started as an intern and worked her way up to the top of her company. Kimberly previously had
some experience based on her education and degree in Human Resources. Socko Gaetano built
his business 25 years ago in his own home. Socko had received a degree in Business and was
able to utilize the knowledge he already had and implement that into his business. Socko now
has a very prosperous business in photography. Denise Carissimo has had 15 years of prior
experience in the field of Human Resources on top of receiving her MBA. Denise now works for
a company that she expects to move higher up in the upcoming years. Finally, John Green, who
is only a student at Youngstown State University practices HR management in the Army. John
gained 6 years of experience doing HR with his fellow soldiers in the Army. John is currently
working on receiving his bachelors in Human Resource Management from Youngstown State
All in all, each and every single one of these candidates that I had the wonderful
opportunity to interview had definitely enlightened me more and more with each interview. It
was captivating to hear the different ways that each candidate used the proper skills in order to
perform the basic tasks of an HR manager. The purpose of this project was to interview a
number of candidate and receive information in regards to how each candidate utilizes their skill
in Human Resource Management. As mentioned before, I had the wonderful opportunity to get a
chance hear from four completely different people and how each of them works in the HR field.
Carissimo, D. (2016, March 7). Personal Interview.
Gaetano, S. (2016, February 24). Personal Interview.
Green, J. (2016, April 5). Personal Interview.
Pleva, Kimberly. (2016, February 18). Personal Interview.

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HR practices

  • 1. Running Head: COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN THE HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 1 Fabio Perrotta Company Comparison within the HR Department Youngstown State University
  • 2. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 2 Table of Contents: -Overview of Project -General Discussion of HR -Interview Process -Introduction -Kimberly Pleva (Parker Hannifin) -Discussion -Socko Gaetano ( -Discussion -Denise Carissimo (JMC Steel) -Discussion -John Green (475th Quartermaster Group-US Army) -Discussion -Company Comparison
  • 3. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 3 -Conclusion -References
  • 4. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 4 OVERVIEW OF PROJECT: For this project I was asked to conduct a journal in regards to HR practices for different companies. Not all companies perform the same type of HR practice and operate differently than one another. Whether the company is running by a bigger corporation or the company is owned by a single individual, there is bound to be similarities and differences with the way the company performs their HR practices. For this project, I was asked to interview four different people who perform anything that deals with HR for the specific company that person works for. Throughout the project, there will be sections regarding the general overview of HR, the interview process, each individual that was interviewed, discussion of the interview, comparison of each company and their differences, and finally the conclusion of this project. GENERAL DISCUSSION OF HR: Human resources is very vital to a company and without the practice of this, there would be no company. HR covers many aspects in regards to a company and their workers. Each individual that is involved in any type of HR practice cannot be biased in making decisions when it comes to their company and employees they work for. There are four major skills that HR managers practice on a day to day basis. Hiring and recruiting, compensation and benefits, training and development, and performance management. Each one of these skills are utilized in the workplace every day to ensure that the proper HR practices are being performed for the company in a professional way. Hiring and recruiting is very important for a company because the company wants to make sure that the best of the best workers are the ones being hired for the company. The human
  • 5. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 5 resource manager must be adept at hiring and recruiting new employees. Identifying, recruiting, interviewing and hiring high-performing employees is essential for the long term success of your company. Creating policies and procedures for the hiring and recruiting process and teaching these skills to all of your managers is also critical for the future of your organization. Some companies may already have some policies in place when it comes to hiring their employees, but the HR managers can also add more to the policies or amend some policies. When having a business that is not run by a corporation, the individual who started the corporation is the one who creates the policies for the company and they rarely change. Compensation and benefits is another important skill that HR managers hold in order to properly execute the practices in their workplace. Human resource managers must also create, administer and improve the compensation and benefit structures. Retaining excellent associates depends on many factors. Outstanding pay and benefits are two critical factors that will ultimately determine how well your employees feel about your organization and the likelihood that they will remain with your company in the future. Crafting an effective compensation system and determining the best benefits package for all of your employees are skills that are mandatory for the HR manager. Compensation and benefits play a serious role for a company because there are has to be many rules and regulations regarding this type of action. Companies want to keep their employees happy, and in order to do that, the company must have an understanding of the compensation and benefits. Not every company is the same when it comes to this but it all revolves around the same type of skill that is acquired by the HR managers and the company as a whole.
  • 6. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 6 Training and development can cost a lot of money for a company. The HR manager is responsible for conducting a lot of this because employees need to know and understand everything around and about the workplace they are currently employed with at the time. Training and development skills are vital assets for a human resource manager. The ability to create training programs that solve human performance problems will yield important benefits for your organization. Instructional design skills, as well as outstanding facilitation and presentation abilities, result in training programs that produce tangible results for that specific company. Talents in program evaluation and employee feedback are also needed to constantly improve the quality of all of the company’s training programs. Receiving employee feedback about the training and development of the company helps the company prosper and grow. This also helps the HR manager know what they might need to change in the workplace to make sure that the training and development can be cost effective and be efficient for the company. Finally, the fourth skill that is very important for a human resource manager is performance management. The ability to effectively manage the performances of your employees is an integral part of a human resource manager's job duties. Establishing and implementing a complete performance improvement process is an essential skill. Designing a performance review process, maintaining it and effectively monitoring its implementation are challenging tasks. Coaching your managers on how to use your performance management program is also an important function of your HR team. Performance management can be passed down from the HR manager to other employees in order to implement necessary changes for the company to perform at its highest.
  • 7. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 7 Each and every one of these skills are requirements for any HR manager in order to perform their necessary duties. It is important to implement these skills in the workplace or company because it will help the company be more efficient with the workers. The employees in a workplace depend on the HR managers for a lot because the employees can go to the HR manager about any issues regarding the workplace or if they want changes done to the work place. HR managers do so much more than you think behind the scenes in a workplace environment. Throughout this project, there will many discussions regarding different companies and their HR practices and how they would handle the skills HR managers possess. It is important to understand the differences these companies retain because workers or HR managers will need to be able to adjust to different companies if need be. The goal is to understand the necessary requirements for the position these managers hold and to understand the employees of the company and how those people play into the job of the HR manager. The skills discussed in this section are universal and are understood by many people in the HR field. As a student studying HR myself, these skills are definitely a requirement that need to be studied and learned and implemented into the workplace. The goal is to be able to use these skills to the best of their knowledge and make the best use of them. INTERVIEW PROCESS: For this project, I conducted a 14 question interview for each person and the company that they work for. It was very interesting to gather the information from each person because although there were some similarities, there were many differences as well. I had to privilege to
  • 8. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 8 talk to each and every one of these people one on one and get more of an insight on the company they work for and the practices they utilize with the company. I interviewed a total of four people with different backgrounds in the field. Some of the candidates that I interviewed either owned their own company or worked for a larger corporation. Here is a list of the questions that were asked during the interview: 1. What company do you work for? 2. How long have you been with the company? 3. Is the company corporately run? 4. What do you like best/least about working for this company? 5. Can you describe a typical workday in the department? 6. Do your employees feel free to express their ideas and concerns? 7. Do you have an open door policy? 8. What are the possibilities for professional growth and promotion? 9. How much interaction do you have with superiors, colleagues, employees, and customers? 10. Do you have the opportunity to work independently? 11. Does your future here seem secure? 12. What is the department’s environment/culture like? 13. What type of work does your company do? 14. Any previous experience with HR?
  • 9. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 9 Each participant answered each question to the best of their knowledge and what they had retained over the years of working with the company. It was very important to gather the most accurate information in order to do a good comparison between the companies. No two companies are the same which made this project rather interesting. It was intriguing to find out more about the inside parts of these companies and each company practices their specific HR management. Each participant was more than happy to let me interview them for this project. I wrote down the answers to each question I asked and recorded them in a notebook for me to copy into this project. Each interview was done through the course of this semester and took about three months total to gather the information that I needed in order to complete the entirety of this project. INTRODUCTION: Each and every company has some sort of HR manager that oversees the company and the employees of the company. The HR manager has a very important position in a company because they make sure that everything is running smoothly for the workers and the company. As it was mentioned before, HR managers tend to specific skills in order to maintain the balance in the workplace. Throughout the rest of this project, the type of discussion that will be taking place is the interview with each candidate, the date the interview was done, the candidates responses, a comparison amongst each company, and how each company differentiates. This is something very important to understand amongst the companies because in order for the company to run a certain way, each company will have to have different operations concerning the HR practices. KIMBERLY PLEVA (PARKER HANNIFIN) FEBRUARY 18TH 2016.
  • 10. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 10 The first person I interviewed was my Employee Relations and Workplace Ethics professor, Kimberly Pleva. Pleva is a part-time professor here at YSU and I had the privilege to be able to interview her and ask her what her experience was in the HR field. Pleva works for Parker Hannifin as an HR manager. The company is headquartered in Cleveland and has over 60,000 employees throughout the United States. Parker Hannifin manufactures parts for essentially anything that moves. There are a total of 12 manufacturing sites located all over the United States. The following section will include the interview that took place with Kimberly Pleva. 1. What company do you work for? a. “Parker Hannifin.” 2. How long have you been with the company? a. “I was with the company for 16 years now. My first year there I was just an intern and ended up staying with company because I was offered a position there.” 3. Is the company corporately run? a. “Yes, the company is a large Fortune 200 company headquartered in Cleveland. I am currently in the largest division. There are about 60,000 employees spread out over 12 manufacturing sites.” 4. What do you like best/least about working for this company? a. “What I like most about the company is the job security and stability of the company. I am also my own boss, so I enjoy making decisions on my own that positively affect the company. What I like least about the job is that I have to
  • 11. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 11 sometimes travel to other locations all over the US and that takes time away from my family.” 5. Can you describe a typical workday in the department? a. “In a typical workday, I plan and organize different departments of my division. The hours are very long and strenuous since I oversee so many employees. Payroll, compensation, worker benefits, employees, all of these functions that need to be reviewed are done by me and a few others. The workload is not divided much amongst other HR personnel.” 6. Do your employees feel free to express their ideas and concerns? a. “Yes, every employee has every right to express their ideas to me about the workplace.” 7. Do you have an open door policy? a. “Yes, there is absolutely an open door policy within my company. Employees can come to me in regards to any issue there is in the work place.” 8. What are the possibilities for professional growth and promotion? a. “There is significant growth and promotion within the company. The hiring process is mostly done within the company and some people are recruited for the company as well. I am a prime example since I started off with the company as an intern 16 years ago.” 9. How much interaction do you have with superiors, colleagues, employees, and customers?
  • 12. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 12 a. “There are 12 people in my scope of the department. I collaborate with these members daily. I also talk to many superiors throughout the course of the day to discuss some issues in the workplace. There is some interaction over the web with colleagues from other plants around the US.” 10. Do you have the opportunity to work independently? a. “I have a lot of opportunity to work independently throughout my work day since I am the main person in control of the HR department. I usually associate others when I need to.” 11. Does your future here seem secure? a. “My future seems very secure because I have been promoted to the top position that I wanted to be in. There are many benefits that are also associated with this career that allow me to live comfortably.” 12. What is the department’s environment/culture like? a. “The culture is a very collaborative type of culture and team oriented. There are many hats to pitch in.” 13. What type of work does your company do? a. “Essentially the company manufactures products for anything that moves. Such as: cars, aircrafts, space crafts, etc.” 14. Any previous experience with HR? a. “Other than graduating with my masters in HR, that was my only prior experience. I have always been with Parker Hannifin from day one.”
  • 13. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 13 AFTER INTERVIEW DISCUSSION: Kimberly Pleva provided very detailed answers to my questions during the interview. Pleva even gave details I did not ask for but that made the interview process so much better because I was able to understand more about the company she worked for. It was interesting to know all the work that goes into the company and what her title actually entails. I thanked Kimberly after the interview was done and was pleased to have her as one of my candidates to interview for my project. SOCKO GAETANO (iSOCKO.COM) FEBRUARY 24TH 2016 Socko Gaetano is another candidate that I interviewed for this project. Socko was a very different type of candidate because he did not work for someone else. Socko owns his own company, he is a photographer. 25 years ago, Socko started his company called, Socko specializes in many different types of photography that has a very wide range of the type of photography he does. Socko travels all over the US and to some other countries to do his work. Socko mentioned that he is mostly in Chicago because he has a studio out there, but most of the time, he is located here in Youngstown, Ohio. Socko has his own office and studio in Youngstown where he operates his business most of the time. The most interesting part of interviewing Socko was that he did this all on his own. Socko did not have a business partner that would have helped him get a head start on his business. Socko currently has one assistant on site that helps him with appointments and sales. This summer, I have to opportunity to intern Socko and help his manage appointments and schedule clients. Socko plans on retiring after this
  • 14. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 14 year, so I am honored to have the opportunity to work with him. The following section will include the interview I had with Socko Gaetano and his responses. 1. What company do you work for? a. “I own and operate photography.” 2. How long have you been with the company? a. “I started this company 25 year ago at my house by myself.” 3. Is the company corporately run? a. “No, the company is being operate by myself.” 4. What do you like best/least about working for this company? a. “What I like best about my company is the amount of traveling I get to do and the different sites I get to see. Being able to experience this has opened my eyes to so many more opportunities. What I like least about my job was that in the beginning, it was tough to start a business on my own, there was a lot of money that I put into it and it took years before I started noticing a profit.” 5. Can you describe a typical workday in the department? a. “A typical workday consists of daily planning of where and when appointments are going to be. Planning future appointments and scheduling clients is something that I do daily with my assistant.” 6. Do your employees feel free to express their ideas and concerns? a. “Every employee I have had working under me could express any way they wanted to me directly. Since I owned the business, there was no need to go to a higher authority, I am the highest authority.”
  • 15. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 15 7. Do you have an open door policy? a. “As I mentioned before, I do have an open door policy with every employee that I have ever had. I am always open to any suggestions that an employee might make to me or the company.” 8. What are the possibilities for professional growth and promotion? a. “Since I own the company, there have been many opportunities for growth and promotion. I took every opportunity I could get when it came to expanding my company. I was able to start my own business and grow from there.” 9. How much interaction do you have with superiors, colleagues, employees, and customers? a. “There is a ton of interaction with my assistant and the clients that I work with. I am constantly in contact before and after photoshoots.” 10. Do you have the opportunity to work independently? a. “I do work independently, other than when I work with my assistant when she comes to appointments with me.” 11. Does your future here seem secure? a. “I made sure that this business was secure for me and that it would keep on growing as I got older. I made sure to insure the company if anything were to happen. I put money away for myself I ensure a proper secure position for myself.” 12. What is the department’s environment/culture like?
  • 16. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 16 a. “The environment can be laid back at times. Most of the time it is more of a business environment when it comes to dealing with clients.” 13. What type of work does your company do? a. “The company that I work for is photography.” 14. Any previous experience with HR? a. “I had no previous experience in HR but I graduated with a business degree, therefore I had some knowledge what I was getting into whenever I started the business 25 years ago.” AFTER INTERVIEW DISCUSSION: Socko Gaetano was a very interesting candidate to interview. It was nice to be able to learn more about a company that was started up by one person alone. Socko does everything for the company. Socko does the payroll for his assistant, pricing and sales for his clients, and also books appointments. Although he has an assistant, Socko mentioned he likes doing a lot of things on his own. Some companies depend on many others to help with operating a business or corporation. Since Socko and his assistant are the only ones working for the company, it is very easy to manage the typical HR practices. DENISE CARISSIMO (JMC STEEL) MARCH 7TH 2016: Denise Carissimo was somewhat similar to Kimberly Pleva. Denise is a part-time professor at Youngstown State University and works for JMC Steel. Denise does HR management work for the plants in Ohio and Pennsylvania. The company is headquartered in Chicago and Denise mentioned that she sometimes travels there for work seminars. The most
  • 17. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 17 interesting thing about Denise is that she and I have many similarities when it comes to what we studied in college. Denise was a communications major with an HR minor, then she received her MBA as well. That is the exact path I plan on taking after I graduate. The interview was very conversational because there were many laughs throughout the interview. I was very comfortable talking to Denise and the interview went very well. The following section will include the questions and answers to the interview I administered to Denise Carissimo. 1. What company do you work for? a. “I work for JMC Steel.” 2. How long have you been with the company? a. “I have been with the company for three years now, about to be going on my fourth year.” 3. Is the company corporately run? a. “Yes, there are 12 locations total with 15,000 employees.” 4. What do you like best/least about working for this company? a. “What I like best about the company is the employee relations within the company. It is like a family. The bonuses for the company are great as well, we are given very generous bonuses each year. What I do not like about the company is that I have to go through three layers of authority to make decisions.” 5. Can you describe a typical workday in the department?
  • 18. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 18 a. “A typical work day in my department is very hectic. I am usually there from 7 AM to about 5 PM, Monday – Friday. I mostly deal with attendance and talk to supervisors about who needs to be written up in the workplace.” 6. Do your employees feel free to express their ideas and concerns? a. “The employees are free to express any ideas or concerns regarding the work place. Employees are constantly asking for some type of change within the workplace. As long as the change is within reason with the company, the company is pretty good with implementing changes.” 7. Do you have an open door policy? a. “Yes, there is a completely open door policy.” 8. What are the possibilities for professional growth and promotion? a. “As of right now, I have not been with the company long enough to experience much growth or promotion, but definitely within the next 3-5 years.” 9. How much interaction do you have with superiors, colleagues, employees, and customers? a. “There is constant daily interaction.” 10. Do you have the opportunity to work independently? a. “I do have opportunity to work independently, but I do work with many colleagues throughout the day.” 11. Does your future here seem secure? a. “I have a very secure future with this company.” 12. What is the department’s environment/culture like?
  • 19. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 19 a. “The environment is very family-like. All of the employees are very close with one another.” 13. What type of work does your company do? a. “The company manufactures steel tubing.” 14. Any previous experience with HR? a. “I have 15 years of HR experience and I worked for another steel company, so I was extremely experienced for my current position with JMC Steel.” AFTER INTERVIEW DISCUSSION: Denise Carissimo was a great candidate to interview. Denise was full of life and enthusiasm while I was interviewing her. This helped the interview go a lot smoother than I anticipated. I was very captivated by Denise because we had very similar goals when she was in school and we also studied the some major. It was great having Denise as a professor this semester, and I was grateful to have the chance to interview her and have more insight on the company that she worked for. JOHN GREEN (475TH QUARTERMASTER GROUP – U.S. ARMY RESERVE) APRIL 5TH 2016: In order to conduct this project in a way that viewed various sides of HR practices, I made sure to interview a variety of people. John Green, who is currently a student in most of my HR management classes, actually performed HR work in the Army. This was very interesting to be able to learn more about because I have gathered a lot of information from a wide selection of candidates and their different ways of performing HR management practices. John is currently
  • 20. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 20 an HR major at Youngstown State University and is planning on continuing with HR with an internship this summer in Cleveland. The following section will include the questions provided by me, and responses provided by John Green. 1. What company do you work for? a. “I am currently working for the 475th Quartermaster Group U.S. Army Reserve.” 2. How long have you been with the company? a. “I have been enlisted in the Army for 6 years now.” 3. Is the company corporately run? a. “The government is running the company.” 4. What do you like best/least about working for this company? a. “The thing that I like least about working here is the repetitiveness of the work. What I like the best about working here is the military experience.” 5. Can you describe a typical workday in the department? a. “A typical work day includes updating forms and clerical support for soldiers in the unit.” 6. Do your employees feel free to express their ideas and concerns? a. “Yes, the lower enlisted ranks are able to express more than the higher enlisted ranks.” 7. Do you have an open door policy? a. “Yes, there has always been an open door policy when I was enlisted.” 8. What are the possibilities for professional growth and promotion? a. “I was promoted frequently with a possible promotion to a Sergeant.”
  • 21. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 21 9. How much interaction do you have with superiors, colleagues, employees, and customers? a. “There is a lot of interaction throughout the whole day, especially amongst higher ranks.” 10. Do you have the opportunity to work independently? a. “You are able to work independently if your superior knows you are capable of doing so by yourself.” 11. Does your future here seem secure? a. “Yes, my future is very secure if I continue to enlist, I could have a job for the rest of my life.” 12. What is the department’s environment/culture like? a. “The environment used to be close, but people are constantly coming and going with a high turnover rate, so there is a lot of distance between us now.” 13. What type of work does your company do? a. “We train other units on petroleum/fuel/water operations. We are the last unit to train on petroleum.” 14. Any previous experience with HR? a. “I have no prior experience with HR because I enlisted in the Army right out of high school. What I learned in the Army and what I have learned so far in college, is the current experience that I have.” AFTER INTERVIEW DISCUSSION:
  • 22. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 22 John Green may have been the most interesting candidate that I had interviewed throughout this whole project. To be able to receive information about HR practices in an environment other than an office setting is refreshing to hear because that is something that most HR managers have in common. The interview was also very interesting because it was with a current student at Youngstown State University who has had experience in HR management just like the other candidates that I had interviewed. John is only 24 years old and already has 6 years of experience in the field. That is very admirable and influential to have a candidate that I can at least relate to on the same age level, although we have different experience. I thanked him for allowing me to interview him and including his responses into this project. COM PANY COMPARISON: Amongst all of the candidates that were interviewed in this project, there were many similarities and also many differences that accompanied the information gathered. The similarities that all of these companies have in common is the use of HR practices and skills. There are very specific skills that are required by HR managers to perform in the workplace. Another similarity that all of these candidates had in common was that they all have decent amount of knowledge and experience in the field. The main components that differentiate these candidates is obviously the companies each candidate is part of and that they are from completely different entities. The first candidate, Kimberly Pleva works for a Fortune 200 company and the other candidate that was similar to this was Denise Carissimo. Since both of these candidates work for larger corporations, they are both in charge of a large quantity of employees. Socko Gaetano is
  • 23. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 23 self-employed and was able to perform the proper HR practices like the other candidates. John Green, a student, has experience in HR through the Army, and that is where he has gained the experience he has in HR management. The main differences that set each candidate apart is how they each acquired the knowledge in HR management. Kimberly Pleva worked for her company for 16 years where she started as an intern and worked her way up to the top of her company. Kimberly previously had some experience based on her education and degree in Human Resources. Socko Gaetano built his business 25 years ago in his own home. Socko had received a degree in Business and was able to utilize the knowledge he already had and implement that into his business. Socko now has a very prosperous business in photography. Denise Carissimo has had 15 years of prior experience in the field of Human Resources on top of receiving her MBA. Denise now works for a company that she expects to move higher up in the upcoming years. Finally, John Green, who is only a student at Youngstown State University practices HR management in the Army. John gained 6 years of experience doing HR with his fellow soldiers in the Army. John is currently working on receiving his bachelors in Human Resource Management from Youngstown State University. CONCLUSION: All in all, each and every single one of these candidates that I had the wonderful opportunity to interview had definitely enlightened me more and more with each interview. It was captivating to hear the different ways that each candidate used the proper skills in order to perform the basic tasks of an HR manager. The purpose of this project was to interview a
  • 24. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 24 number of candidate and receive information in regards to how each candidate utilizes their skill in Human Resource Management. As mentioned before, I had the wonderful opportunity to get a chance hear from four completely different people and how each of them works in the HR field.
  • 25. COMPANY COMPARISON WITHIN HR DEPARTMENT Perrotta 25 REFERENCES: Carissimo, D. (2016, March 7). Personal Interview. Gaetano, S. (2016, February 24). Personal Interview. Green, J. (2016, April 5). Personal Interview. Pleva, Kimberly. (2016, February 18). Personal Interview.