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How To Write An Illustration Essay
Illustration Essay Grandparents relate more closely to grandchildren than to their own children in many ways. Grandparents and their children can be
stubborn and not want to deal with each other anymore because of problems from the past. After so long grandparents give up on their children and
deal with them from a distance. Grandparents are more willing to relate to their grandchildren more than their children because it is another chance of
getting to know their children through their grandchildren. Growing up as a child in a dysfunctional home causes children to abhor their parents and
have a difficult time trusting them. Both parents not staying together in one house cause abhorrence against the parents. Going home every day to
drunk men and loud music, going to bed hearing loud arguments causes children to become afraid. After growing up and understanding everything
that has happened as a kid growing up, gives children a different outlook on life. After years of being in a home where there is no balance causes
children to dislike their parents because of the hurt and lies they have been through. When children get into their adulthood, most of them forgive their
parents and some continue to be stubborn and not forgive them. Some parents today still live the party lifestyle with no responsibilities and do not care. more content...
Growing up trying to deal with the everyday problems and still trying to enjoy life, but forgetting to sit down and talk to their child about their day at
school. Paying attention to the things they like to wear, eat and knowing their favorite color. Missing out on all those possessions causes a big gap to
form and leave lost memories of what should have been. Grandparents picks up the slack with their grandchildren after learning from their mistakes
with their
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American Illustration
After have dinner with a group of illustrator friends, posters on street inadvertently grabs my attention. Walking on a familiar path to home, I see
posters are secretly glued on coner of wall, showed on large screen at side of street, passing around like booklet... if every poster stands for an event,
then it is surprising to notice such many events are silently on going around me.
My major is animation, so my first though on illustration is that: posters are still frame picture with better detail crafted. Most illustration art and
design on these posters are high quliaty in my point of view, yet many of them are having a familiar feeling. I point at an illustration on a flyer, it is a
image of a cute girl drawn in manga style, and I asked my firend Lin Na how she thinks about this illustration in her profession point of view. Lin has
worked as illustrator more than ten years and have lectured in our local university serveral times. "I am not a pro." Said by Lin with a wry smile:"
For this kind of commercial illustration, clients belives in other popular illustration works more than desinger's opinion. Manga style is popular, so it more content...
Government cultivated protectionism is a direct way to immediate interest distribution in market. As we decide to watch a movie tonight, I suddently
think that The"Domestic Film Protection Month" is a good example of this kind. This unwritten rule starts in 2006, every year around July and
August (yes, right now), china mainland cinema will limit the number imported film down to one or two, cut clips out of them or delay others
release time. 9 years past till 2017, I could not say this protection have no help with Chinese film industry, it acutally works. As an audience, I am
happy to see a small local studio I love, finally able to release their first animated film. At the same time, Lin is disappoint to miss a chance to see
Alien on big
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What is Art? Essay
What is Art1
Art can mean many different things to many different people and was one of the earliest ways in which man has expressed him or herself to others,
whether it was through cave drawings or hieroglyphics. It does not begin or end with just drawing or painting, items typically considered art, or the
many other recognized facets of art including architecture, drama, literature, sculpting, and music. The writing of Beowulf, one of the earliest known
written prose, or the Greek plays which have influenced drama since their inception, are considered some of the greatest forms of art in history. Art can
allow us pleasure just simply through the process of creating. Art can allow us to express ourselves to give us better more content...
Dancing as a fine art can incorporate numerous other artistic outlets as well, ranging from the writing of the story, the music and the musicians, the
designing of sets to the creation of simple or lavish costumes. This bringing together of artistic expressions from numerous other sources can be
witnessed in other forms, such as plays and festivals, which allow a diverse collective to share thoughts and styles, these being the most public of art
Poetry is another art form that offers an environment to the creative or expressive need. Writing poetry can be used as an aid to help think through
the conflicting emotions that accompany life. It is an art much as gardening is. An inspiration for a poem can be a seed. The seed is planted on
paper and usually, though not always, after tending to it the seed begins to take shape until it suddenly blooms. Poems such as Byron's "She Walks
in Beauty", Frost's "The Road Not Taken" and Shakespeare's "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day" all began as seeds and have long since been
considered works of art.
Painting and drawing–probably one of the highest acknowledged forms of art–incorporates all aspects of the need to create. The artwork can be
produced simply for the desire to create, whether it is just the study of the human body or the recreation of nature through the various colors, textures
and the styles available to the artist. Nature, commonly reflected in paintings, serves as a great source of
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Illustration In Maus By Art Spiegelman
Illustration is by far one of the best methods of expressing a story or an idea to a large–scale audience. In literature, writer uses various amounts of
illustration to appeal to their audience's interests and point of view.
But with Graphic Novels, readers see things the way the writer/illustrator sees them. Drawings, cartoons, and photographs can give readers the exact
imaging the author wants to share with his readers.
When people think of graphic novels, most likely you would think of children's books or Superhero comics. Now this may be true; but the use of
graphic novels hold a lot of benefits for adults as well. They're the perfect way to share a message without any miscommunication. And let's face it,
almost every adult out has a favorite genre that can be shared in a graphic novel. I for one love comics with Anti–heroes and Sci–fi/Fantasies. One
famous graphic novel that shows the power of illustration is Maus by Art Spiegelman, which illustrates the darkest points of the Holocaust with a
perspective of mice (Jews) being suppressed by cats (Nazis) more content...
I myself enjoy writing and creating characters, but one of the greatest challenges is making molding their image with words. Even if I have a
perfect visual of my character in mind and very descriptive choice of words, my readers will never see my character the same way I do. I might be
able to attempt adding enough description in my text too help the readers see them, but that would take pages and nobody can keep an interest in a
story if it takes a whole chapter to describe a character or a scene. But, if I use graphic illustration instead, I can share my characters along with the
setting of the story and every crucial detail within a portion of a page. Like they say, a picture is worth a thousand
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Essay on Graphic Design
Graphic Design Any paper you pick up was put together using graphic design. It is a very widely used art form incorporated into many different
projects. The ultimate purpose is to communicate. The field takes a lot of knowledge to be able to produce a finished and printed product (Rogers,
interview). Graphic design is an art that uses skill, information, and technology to communicate to the world. Graphic design, even though it may not
have been called that, has evolved with technology. It always has been here to get our thoughts across, but they didn't always use pictures and color.
Graphic design started out as typography, letter writing, which quickly gained popularity. Carvings in wood blocks were used as stamps before Johan more content...
We use the written word to inform or identify, but incorporating the art of design into a project creates a more forceful persuasion. Package design,
while informing the consumer and identifying what they are looking at, persuades them to buy the product or service. Even book design
incorporates information, but the book jackets may try to persuade the consumer (Hurlburt 23). The art of composing information to persuade and
create identity in any piece is a complex process. The logo is the most difficult piece of graphic design. The designer has to be able to make a
portrayal of the company from scratch. The logo has to be able to fit on a stamp or be as big as a billboard. A company communicates to anyone
who runs across their logo, advertisements, menus, or mailer. Even a logo speaks. Logos are important visual representations of a business. The
colors show what kind of people they are. If the colors are bright and cheery, you have a down to earth, happy image. When business uses a
monotonous, dull, deep red or green, they give out the more sophisticated image.
If the company logo consists of only a small forest, then the consumer will know the business is near a forest, using a forest, or has something to do
with trees or forests. (Hopefully your designer is more creative to give you something more than trees and your company name.) Just by giving out the
name of the business, usually the consumer will figure out what type of
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Comparing Forms of Illustration
There are several areas we can explore in regards to specialization in illustration. These areas include fashion, advertising, technical, editorial, and
medical forms.
Although each of these forms has their own unique characteristics and attributes, the two forms that I am most interested in are advertising and editorial.
For some time in my life I used to believe that these two forms of illustration generally meant the same thing. I was wrong because there are many
dissimilar characteristics between the two. One of the main differences between advertising and editorial illustration is that advertising illustration uses
all kinds of visual images and has a vast array of mediums available for usage. This includes photographs and sometimes including illustrations in the
design in order to show something that the photograph cannot. According toThe Art
Institute, "They can emphasize, idealize, and show things that do not exist in reality. In some cases, an illustration may grab a viewer's attention
because they know that the picture is not a photograph and they admire how well it is drawn" (The Art Institute). In my opinion, the possibilities and
creativity is endless in advertising illustration because there are fewer limitations in contrast to editorial advertising. Editorial illustration is a form of
illustration that primarily uses newspapers and magazines to cling to. These illustrations are used frequently to convey a message or opinion about the
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An Illustration With A Charter On The Five Senses
For the lecture, I attended I went to Professor's Eric Palazzo talk on the five senses on an illustration with a charter on it. The piece was from the
middle ages and was depicting a religious scene more specifically Christianity. In the lecture, Professor Eric Palazzo explained the connections if any
from the charter to the illustration. He also takes a time to explain every detail of the Christian illustration from the curtain to the people. In the lecture,
he explains how in the charter it says things that don't match what is drawn in the illustration, which is very uncommon to have a charter with an
illustration. The language of the charter I believe was in french which he explain the meaning of. Me personally never heard of what a
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Which was very confusing to me because at first seeing the image you don't think of any of the five senses. The image looks like a typical painting
from the middle ages depicting religion. But as Professor Eric Palazzo went along explaining his reasoning it all fit in place. The illustration shows
what looks like a deacon or priest holding the incense looking like he's waving across the table. But it is not the deacon but Christ. It was very
confusing to me at first to understand how the deacon was christ and why was he incensing the table. He explained that the deacon using the incense he
become Christ and sees through smelling the incense connecting to the image above which is not two separate image but one, the image above being
Jesus. The men watching the deacon is like them seeing Christ there the incest. Also, the image of the bells represented the hearing sense. People
hearing the harmony of the church. The other two senses are very simple to explain in the painting the taste sense can be explained by the wine in the
painting. The last sense being touch is everywhere in the painting. Like the vision above you can touch it
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Illustration Paragraph
So, let 's suppose that you have done some brainstorming to develop your thesis. What else should you keep in mind as you begin to create
paragraphs? Every paragraph in a paper should be
Unified–All of the sentences in a single paragraph should be related to a single controlling idea (often expressed in the topic sentence of the paragraph).
Clearly related to the thesis–The sentences should all refer to the central idea, or thesis, of the paper (Rosen and Behrens 119).
Coherent–The sentences should be arranged in a logical manner and should follow a definite plan for development (Rosen and Behrens 119).
Well–developed–Every idea discussed in the paragraph should be adequately explained and supported through evidence and more
Step 4. Explain the example(s)
The next movement in paragraph development is an explanation of each example and its relevance to the topic sentence and rationale that were stated
at the beginning of the paragraph. This explanation shows readers why you chose to use this/or these particular examples as evidence to support the
major claim, or focus, in your paragraph.
Continue the pattern of giving examples and explaining them until all points/examples that the writer deems necessary have been made and explained.
NONE of your examples should be left unexplained. You might be able to explain the relationship between the example and the topic sentence in the
same sentence which introduced the example. More often, however, you will need to explain that relationship in a separate sentence. Look at these
explanations for the two examples in the slave spirituals paragraph:
Model explanation for example A– When slaves sang this song, they could have been speaking of their departure from this life and their arrival in
heaven; however, they also could have been describing their plans to leave the South and run, not to Jesus, but to the North.
Model explanation for example B–[The relationship between example B and the main idea of the paragraph 's controlling idea is clear enough without
adding another sentence to
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Summary: From Illustrations To Babies
The book is very rich in many ways, the "touch and feel" aspect, the combination of playful cartoon like images and beautiful photography for the
animals in bold illustrations with multi layered text which introduce what each animal says or love along with an invite to feel a part of each animal.
This detail allows children to make the connection and lead to captivate and stimulate babies and young children in many ways. Moreover, the book
introduces the animals to babies through delightful illustrations and endearing text, allowing the babies to explore new listening, seeing and touching
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Fashion Illustration Essay
Illustration is an art that allows to create an amazing aesthetics that is hard to remake or achieve with the same aesthetic value using digital
technologies or photography because of the emotional atmosphere, transfer of mood of the work of art and detailed visualization of images. The term
"illustration" itself has a several meanings, but the most known is 'art design'. In the past, illustration due to its characteristics been only associated with
books and magazines as a support for a text. However, as the time passed illustration became an individual type of art that no longer need to play a
supporting role for anything. This evolution leads illustration forward to the division of a broader term into narrower subtopics, which introduced the
creation of fashion illustration. From that point, it was clear that fashion illustration is one of the oldest and most important movements in the history
of illustration. Through the time, it has always had a touch with graphic design and fine arts, it has an undeniable influence on fashion and vice versa.
Right now, it is possible to recognize another story of fashion by them because they reflect an individual and not a group view on it, unlike in
photography. Throughout history, the artists through their works have tried to push the boundaries of our perception, inviting to the world of their
dreams and fantasies. However, before fashion illustration was brought to life, it is initially the engravings in the 16th century are
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Illustration As An Illustration
1.What is illustration?
It's very difficult to give a precise definition to the term " illustration " . Some people think of the illustrated manuals from Ikea , while someone else
thinks about the illustrated children's book by Chris Haughton.
Illustration is a unique art form that is not defined by the media , but by its context. Illustrations bring life into concepts and stories.
Whether they are created digitally or manually , illustrations can be both a masterful work of art as a practical, business apply.
2.Where do Illustrators work?
Images and illustrations are all around us. The most obvious images are book covers , t–shirts , and so on but in addition , you also have the more
subtle artworks as decorative items and more content...
This type of illustrator creates illustrations for magazines and newspapers.
These illustrations are often briefed by an art director . Usually these contracts have also a very short deadline, maybe even several days because
magazines and newspapers often appear weekly or monthly. The size can vary from a few small doodles to a great illustration spread across a double
page .
Book publishing – in any form or medium whatsoever – is a major source of income for illustrators. The main categories are : fiction, non –fiction,
educational children's books , comic books and graphic novels and finally youth literature. For these types of assignments illustrators usually get a
longer period to come to a final product.
3.Design & Advertising
Images for design & advertising are usually commissioned through an agency on behalf of an end client.
Corporate clients may require images for a whole range of contexts that need to perform varied functions across print and digital platforms. This can
include logo's, website's, brochures, newsletters, direct mail to potential customers, annuel reports and in –house promotional material such as cards,
posters and
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My Interest In Art
I believe that everyone has unique interests. Sure, these interests can categorize people into certain groups, but ultimately, everyone will have their
unique personal preference.
Even from an early age, my interest in art is part of what makes me, me. I took, and am currently enrolled, in every available art class possible over my
high school years. I am still a high school student, and so far I have earned an A in each and every art class I have taken. I have also maintained a
high GPA in all my other classes, which I have also taken a high interest in. In my senior year, I even placed in an advanced art course, which I will
be completing in this spring. There was a small window to fit through in order to take this course, and I fit all the qualifications. To the people
surrounding me, it seemed only logical that I pursue a career in graphic communications. In the past, I remember I would spend most of my time just
drawing and creating in all of my free time. I would correctly finish my homework as soon as the teacher would hand it out, just so I could doodle
some unique figures.
I have always been fascinated by books. When I was younger, my mom would question if I had even read the book after I sped through it. In my
freshman year of high school, I started to write my own stories. Not because they were assigned, but simply for fun. I believe reading and writing
has and will always be a habit of mine. I do not think I will ever lose that sparkle of inspiration and
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Descriptive Essay On Sculptures
As the sun started to settling down, you walked into a wonderful museum full of figure sculptures to which the natural spot light shines from the sun hit
the wonderful master pieces. Then you walk more deeply inside an exhibition room, suddenly, you notice that you are surrendered by medium size to
large sculptures. One sculpture that is space equally to one an another, but they all have no cloth on. As you tend to get closer and closer and the
story of the sculptures reveal more details of what is the sculpture tell you like a story telling. Even the details of the bodies tend to give of a more
muscle structures. When looking at a stone sign above, you notice that you are in a theme of nude figure sculptures. In the center were the four
main sculptures which is in order from finest pick from the museum and three from the class room lecture. They are The Lansdown Athlete, the
Roman copy of the Lysippos, and Roman copy after a Greek original by Praxiteles, Hermes and the Infant Dionysos. From my opinion is that the
sculptures are in nude because they tell us that the sculptures are goddesses or a recreation of a person that is not real. The nude sculpture is one
who is not wearing cloth or less who which it shows our body parts. Most of the sculptures are made out of stone, marble, and bronze. They are shown
in large structure or a human size. All figures are mostly made in Greek Late Classical to Hellenistic, thus the artist show more details in human body
structures. For
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Randolph Caldecott Illustrations
Randolph Caldecott was one of three influential picture book illustrators in the 19th century. He was not only a picture book illustrator, but an
illustrator for novels for adults and travel guides. His illustrations were unique in that they showed both humor as well as movement. Two of his most
influential picture books were The House that Jack Built and Sing a Song of Sixpence. Caldecott was such an influential illustrator that they named a
medal after him. There was the Newbery Medal for authors, but none for the illustrators. It was brought to attention that it was not fair to have a medal
for the authors, but not the illustrators when they put in just as much work. In 1937 Frederic G. Melcher established the second annual medal. This
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Animation Essay
My personal enjoyment with animation has inspired me to write this essay, pertaining to animation. Since I was a child I have been fascinated with
cartoons; from when they started out to be black and white, and until now with full colour and computer effects. To better perceive what mypersonal
feelings about animation are, I must first discuss in full detail, a general overview of how animators bring traditional animation alive with motion.
Animation seems like a smooth movement of drawn sequences of artwork, pasted together to form a single sequence of animation. This is the basis of
animation, but animation is far simpler than it may seem. "The true more content...
Because so many personnel are involved in producing a single piece of animated film, creation of this is very costly. Companies must create a team of
animators that are willing to work together to get the finished product perfect the first time around. No matter how modest or ambitious the project, the
team of animators follow a strict number of structured procedures, and must possess the understanding of the concepts and terminology in traditional
When the team has been assembled. The team begins a long process of set procedures, which all animators worldwide use. Below the many set
procedures are described in full detail.
The script is the first stage in all film production. In an animation script, the visual action in the plot and performance is far more important than the
The storyboard is a series of roughly drawn images that convey the action described in the script. This scene–by–scene portrayal helps the writer,
director and animation team to access the content of the project and to correct any deficiencies in the scripted story.
After the script and storyboard are completed, the recording of any dialogue or key music is undertaken. Since traditional animation relies on perfect
synchronization of the
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Being Raised By Grandparents
Being raised by grandparents. Every day, the thoughts of never being loved enough by the parent to stay or to help the person, who has the custody,
take care of the child; run around the mind in a repeated process like a scratched CD. Grandparents basically do a rear march as they repeat the
process of taking care of the children of their children. Grandparents are the parents of a person's father or mother – paternal or maternal. There are
many different reasons to why parents give, lend, or are forced their parental rights to their parents, who are the child's grandparents such as the parent
being incarnated, death/illness, on drugs, completing school, or in the armed forces such as the military, navy, or the air force. So basically when the
grandparents take on this role they are becoming a "safety–net" which catches the parents so they don't hit the harsh ground of more
In what used to be called the golden years, a surging number of grandparents are slammed with continued family obligations. According to the U.S.
Census Bureau, the number of grandkids living with a grandparent has jump shot a shockingly 64% in the past two decades.This increase comes as
states are placing more foster children with relatives in response to research which shows that children are better off with family rather than in foster
care. There is an economic incentive, too. Generations United, nonprofit advocates for "kinship families," says taxpayers would see significant savings
by keeping children out of foster care and placing them with family members. African–American and Hispanic grandparents are most likely than
Caucasians to begin and continue a multi–generation household or so–called "skipped–generation" household in which the child's parents are
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Essay For Illustration BFA
I am dedicated in pursuing an illustration degree because of my desire to utilize visual arts to communicate stories and narratives that touch people's
hearts, and speak directly to their experiences and dreams. I want to tap into the bottomless well of storytelling that has nurtured humanity since the
beginning of time. I also want to creat¬e art that adds to the beauty of the world, that inspires, provokes, and captivates the viewer and makes them
think and wonder. Having experience with various art forms I have found my true passion lies in Illustration and the unique medium of visual story
telling. I am looking to expand my skills and harness the power of my imagination with an illustration BFA. Like many others, my goal is to cultivate
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The career of illustration is a unique and fascinating career. where you take ideas and transfer them onto paper. With illustration, everyone can see
someone's world of imagination on display in an image. Chris Van Allsburg had this to say about his creative process "At first, I see pictures of a
story in my mind. Then creating the story comes from asking questions of myself. I guess you might call it the 'what if – what then' approach to writing
and illustration." (Chris Van Allsburg). Many people ignore illustration and brush it off to the side, but it is incredibly useful for society. One reason
why illustrations are beneficial is because illustrations are fundamental parts of children's education. Illustrations can draw kids more
Illustration is full of interesting and influential people that are role models to those in the business and trendsetters. Illustration is also a career where
the principle of practice makes perfect tends to come in handy, and where one can start preparing for it in high school. It is a career made specifically for
those who truly have the passion for art. Illustration is very helpful to society also. An illustration is a necessary part of education and helps children
learn, and without it, teaching would be almost impossible. It also is a huge part of advertising and we see it almost everywhere, from billboards to
magazines to web ads. Illustration is basically everywhere, and without it, and the people who do it, life would be quite
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Group Illustrations
We will know when we see a healthy and productive team. How would we know? We will know just in light of the fact that a profitable group will
center its work on basic targets and discover answers for shared issues. They will utilize formal procedures, for example, record keeping, help and
planned gatherings to accomplish their targets. Hold significant authoritative learning that accompanies the progression of staff and sharing of data.
They are upgrading the power and sentiment fulfillment of people chipping away at the group. They built up trust connections that prompt to better
sharing of learning and comprehension. Consider their colleagues responsible to each other responsible. They join the gifts of numerous people and in
this more content...
Commonly, this happens with identity sorts that convey negative vitality to a group situation. Illustrations incorporate the individuals who look for
acknowledgment and wind up upsetting the efficiency of the group, the individuals who hoard exercises and dialogs and the individuals who
reliably neglect to add to collaborations. Poor collaboration can make a climate of perplexity inside the group, the office and the partnership. Cases
of poor cooperation crosswise over offices incorporate the inability to share fitting data in an opportune way and the powerlessness to organize each
other's needs and dreams. Inability to distinguish the current issues, for example, poor correspondence or absence of enthusiasm for others' triumphs,
and not finding a way to right them can be exorbitant for a private venture. Generally speaking, poor collaboration comes about because of an absence
of vision and an inability to impart objectives and desires. Nonstop input identified with individual and group achievements and viability can help avert
poor collaboration and disappointment in a group
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How To Write An Illustration Essay

  • 1. How To Write An Illustration Essay Illustration Essay Grandparents relate more closely to grandchildren than to their own children in many ways. Grandparents and their children can be stubborn and not want to deal with each other anymore because of problems from the past. After so long grandparents give up on their children and deal with them from a distance. Grandparents are more willing to relate to their grandchildren more than their children because it is another chance of getting to know their children through their grandchildren. Growing up as a child in a dysfunctional home causes children to abhor their parents and have a difficult time trusting them. Both parents not staying together in one house cause abhorrence against the parents. Going home every day to drunk men and loud music, going to bed hearing loud arguments causes children to become afraid. After growing up and understanding everything that has happened as a kid growing up, gives children a different outlook on life. After years of being in a home where there is no balance causes children to dislike their parents because of the hurt and lies they have been through. When children get into their adulthood, most of them forgive their parents and some continue to be stubborn and not forgive them. Some parents today still live the party lifestyle with no responsibilities and do not care. more content... Growing up trying to deal with the everyday problems and still trying to enjoy life, but forgetting to sit down and talk to their child about their day at school. Paying attention to the things they like to wear, eat and knowing their favorite color. Missing out on all those possessions causes a big gap to form and leave lost memories of what should have been. Grandparents picks up the slack with their grandchildren after learning from their mistakes with their Get more content on
  • 2. American Illustration After have dinner with a group of illustrator friends, posters on street inadvertently grabs my attention. Walking on a familiar path to home, I see posters are secretly glued on coner of wall, showed on large screen at side of street, passing around like booklet... if every poster stands for an event, then it is surprising to notice such many events are silently on going around me. My major is animation, so my first though on illustration is that: posters are still frame picture with better detail crafted. Most illustration art and design on these posters are high quliaty in my point of view, yet many of them are having a familiar feeling. I point at an illustration on a flyer, it is a image of a cute girl drawn in manga style, and I asked my firend Lin Na how she thinks about this illustration in her profession point of view. Lin has worked as illustrator more than ten years and have lectured in our local university serveral times. "I am not a pro." Said by Lin with a wry smile:" For this kind of commercial illustration, clients belives in other popular illustration works more than desinger's opinion. Manga style is popular, so it more content... Government cultivated protectionism is a direct way to immediate interest distribution in market. As we decide to watch a movie tonight, I suddently think that The"Domestic Film Protection Month" is a good example of this kind. This unwritten rule starts in 2006, every year around July and August (yes, right now), china mainland cinema will limit the number imported film down to one or two, cut clips out of them or delay others release time. 9 years past till 2017, I could not say this protection have no help with Chinese film industry, it acutally works. As an audience, I am happy to see a small local studio I love, finally able to release their first animated film. At the same time, Lin is disappoint to miss a chance to see Alien on big Get more content on
  • 3. What is Art? Essay What is Art1 Art can mean many different things to many different people and was one of the earliest ways in which man has expressed him or herself to others, whether it was through cave drawings or hieroglyphics. It does not begin or end with just drawing or painting, items typically considered art, or the many other recognized facets of art including architecture, drama, literature, sculpting, and music. The writing of Beowulf, one of the earliest known written prose, or the Greek plays which have influenced drama since their inception, are considered some of the greatest forms of art in history. Art can allow us pleasure just simply through the process of creating. Art can allow us to express ourselves to give us better more content... Dancing as a fine art can incorporate numerous other artistic outlets as well, ranging from the writing of the story, the music and the musicians, the designing of sets to the creation of simple or lavish costumes. This bringing together of artistic expressions from numerous other sources can be witnessed in other forms, such as plays and festivals, which allow a diverse collective to share thoughts and styles, these being the most public of art forms. Poetry is another art form that offers an environment to the creative or expressive need. Writing poetry can be used as an aid to help think through the conflicting emotions that accompany life. It is an art much as gardening is. An inspiration for a poem can be a seed. The seed is planted on paper and usually, though not always, after tending to it the seed begins to take shape until it suddenly blooms. Poems such as Byron's "She Walks in Beauty", Frost's "The Road Not Taken" and Shakespeare's "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day" all began as seeds and have long since been considered works of art. Painting and drawing–probably one of the highest acknowledged forms of art–incorporates all aspects of the need to create. The artwork can be produced simply for the desire to create, whether it is just the study of the human body or the recreation of nature through the various colors, textures and the styles available to the artist. Nature, commonly reflected in paintings, serves as a great source of Get more content on
  • 4. Illustration In Maus By Art Spiegelman Illustration is by far one of the best methods of expressing a story or an idea to a large–scale audience. In literature, writer uses various amounts of illustration to appeal to their audience's interests and point of view. But with Graphic Novels, readers see things the way the writer/illustrator sees them. Drawings, cartoons, and photographs can give readers the exact imaging the author wants to share with his readers. When people think of graphic novels, most likely you would think of children's books or Superhero comics. Now this may be true; but the use of graphic novels hold a lot of benefits for adults as well. They're the perfect way to share a message without any miscommunication. And let's face it, almost every adult out has a favorite genre that can be shared in a graphic novel. I for one love comics with Anti–heroes and Sci–fi/Fantasies. One famous graphic novel that shows the power of illustration is Maus by Art Spiegelman, which illustrates the darkest points of the Holocaust with a perspective of mice (Jews) being suppressed by cats (Nazis) more content... I myself enjoy writing and creating characters, but one of the greatest challenges is making molding their image with words. Even if I have a perfect visual of my character in mind and very descriptive choice of words, my readers will never see my character the same way I do. I might be able to attempt adding enough description in my text too help the readers see them, but that would take pages and nobody can keep an interest in a story if it takes a whole chapter to describe a character or a scene. But, if I use graphic illustration instead, I can share my characters along with the setting of the story and every crucial detail within a portion of a page. Like they say, a picture is worth a thousand Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Graphic Design Graphic Design Any paper you pick up was put together using graphic design. It is a very widely used art form incorporated into many different projects. The ultimate purpose is to communicate. The field takes a lot of knowledge to be able to produce a finished and printed product (Rogers, interview). Graphic design is an art that uses skill, information, and technology to communicate to the world. Graphic design, even though it may not have been called that, has evolved with technology. It always has been here to get our thoughts across, but they didn't always use pictures and color. Graphic design started out as typography, letter writing, which quickly gained popularity. Carvings in wood blocks were used as stamps before Johan more content... We use the written word to inform or identify, but incorporating the art of design into a project creates a more forceful persuasion. Package design, while informing the consumer and identifying what they are looking at, persuades them to buy the product or service. Even book design incorporates information, but the book jackets may try to persuade the consumer (Hurlburt 23). The art of composing information to persuade and create identity in any piece is a complex process. The logo is the most difficult piece of graphic design. The designer has to be able to make a portrayal of the company from scratch. The logo has to be able to fit on a stamp or be as big as a billboard. A company communicates to anyone who runs across their logo, advertisements, menus, or mailer. Even a logo speaks. Logos are important visual representations of a business. The colors show what kind of people they are. If the colors are bright and cheery, you have a down to earth, happy image. When business uses a monotonous, dull, deep red or green, they give out the more sophisticated image. If the company logo consists of only a small forest, then the consumer will know the business is near a forest, using a forest, or has something to do with trees or forests. (Hopefully your designer is more creative to give you something more than trees and your company name.) Just by giving out the name of the business, usually the consumer will figure out what type of Get more content on
  • 6. Comparing Forms of Illustration There are several areas we can explore in regards to specialization in illustration. These areas include fashion, advertising, technical, editorial, and medical forms. Although each of these forms has their own unique characteristics and attributes, the two forms that I am most interested in are advertising and editorial. For some time in my life I used to believe that these two forms of illustration generally meant the same thing. I was wrong because there are many dissimilar characteristics between the two. One of the main differences between advertising and editorial illustration is that advertising illustration uses all kinds of visual images and has a vast array of mediums available for usage. This includes photographs and sometimes including illustrations in the design in order to show something that the photograph cannot. According toThe Art Institute, "They can emphasize, idealize, and show things that do not exist in reality. In some cases, an illustration may grab a viewer's attention because they know that the picture is not a photograph and they admire how well it is drawn" (The Art Institute). In my opinion, the possibilities and creativity is endless in advertising illustration because there are fewer limitations in contrast to editorial advertising. Editorial illustration is a form of illustration that primarily uses newspapers and magazines to cling to. These illustrations are used frequently to convey a message or opinion about the topic Get more content on
  • 7. An Illustration With A Charter On The Five Senses For the lecture, I attended I went to Professor's Eric Palazzo talk on the five senses on an illustration with a charter on it. The piece was from the middle ages and was depicting a religious scene more specifically Christianity. In the lecture, Professor Eric Palazzo explained the connections if any from the charter to the illustration. He also takes a time to explain every detail of the Christian illustration from the curtain to the people. In the lecture, he explains how in the charter it says things that don't match what is drawn in the illustration, which is very uncommon to have a charter with an illustration. The language of the charter I believe was in french which he explain the meaning of. Me personally never heard of what a more content... Which was very confusing to me because at first seeing the image you don't think of any of the five senses. The image looks like a typical painting from the middle ages depicting religion. But as Professor Eric Palazzo went along explaining his reasoning it all fit in place. The illustration shows what looks like a deacon or priest holding the incense looking like he's waving across the table. But it is not the deacon but Christ. It was very confusing to me at first to understand how the deacon was christ and why was he incensing the table. He explained that the deacon using the incense he become Christ and sees through smelling the incense connecting to the image above which is not two separate image but one, the image above being Jesus. The men watching the deacon is like them seeing Christ there the incest. Also, the image of the bells represented the hearing sense. People hearing the harmony of the church. The other two senses are very simple to explain in the painting the taste sense can be explained by the wine in the painting. The last sense being touch is everywhere in the painting. Like the vision above you can touch it Get more content on
  • 8. Illustration Paragraph So, let 's suppose that you have done some brainstorming to develop your thesis. What else should you keep in mind as you begin to create paragraphs? Every paragraph in a paper should be Unified–All of the sentences in a single paragraph should be related to a single controlling idea (often expressed in the topic sentence of the paragraph). Clearly related to the thesis–The sentences should all refer to the central idea, or thesis, of the paper (Rosen and Behrens 119). Coherent–The sentences should be arranged in a logical manner and should follow a definite plan for development (Rosen and Behrens 119). Well–developed–Every idea discussed in the paragraph should be adequately explained and supported through evidence and more content... Step 4. Explain the example(s) The next movement in paragraph development is an explanation of each example and its relevance to the topic sentence and rationale that were stated at the beginning of the paragraph. This explanation shows readers why you chose to use this/or these particular examples as evidence to support the major claim, or focus, in your paragraph. Continue the pattern of giving examples and explaining them until all points/examples that the writer deems necessary have been made and explained. NONE of your examples should be left unexplained. You might be able to explain the relationship between the example and the topic sentence in the same sentence which introduced the example. More often, however, you will need to explain that relationship in a separate sentence. Look at these explanations for the two examples in the slave spirituals paragraph: Model explanation for example A– When slaves sang this song, they could have been speaking of their departure from this life and their arrival in heaven; however, they also could have been describing their plans to leave the South and run, not to Jesus, but to the North. Model explanation for example B–[The relationship between example B and the main idea of the paragraph 's controlling idea is clear enough without adding another sentence to
  • 9. Get more content on
  • 10. Summary: From Illustrations To Babies The book is very rich in many ways, the "touch and feel" aspect, the combination of playful cartoon like images and beautiful photography for the animals in bold illustrations with multi layered text which introduce what each animal says or love along with an invite to feel a part of each animal. This detail allows children to make the connection and lead to captivate and stimulate babies and young children in many ways. Moreover, the book introduces the animals to babies through delightful illustrations and endearing text, allowing the babies to explore new listening, seeing and touching Get more content on
  • 11. Fashion Illustration Essay Illustration is an art that allows to create an amazing aesthetics that is hard to remake or achieve with the same aesthetic value using digital technologies or photography because of the emotional atmosphere, transfer of mood of the work of art and detailed visualization of images. The term "illustration" itself has a several meanings, but the most known is 'art design'. In the past, illustration due to its characteristics been only associated with books and magazines as a support for a text. However, as the time passed illustration became an individual type of art that no longer need to play a supporting role for anything. This evolution leads illustration forward to the division of a broader term into narrower subtopics, which introduced the creation of fashion illustration. From that point, it was clear that fashion illustration is one of the oldest and most important movements in the history of illustration. Through the time, it has always had a touch with graphic design and fine arts, it has an undeniable influence on fashion and vice versa. Right now, it is possible to recognize another story of fashion by them because they reflect an individual and not a group view on it, unlike in photography. Throughout history, the artists through their works have tried to push the boundaries of our perception, inviting to the world of their dreams and fantasies. However, before fashion illustration was brought to life, it is initially the engravings in the 16th century are Get more content on
  • 12. Illustration As An Illustration 1.What is illustration? It's very difficult to give a precise definition to the term " illustration " . Some people think of the illustrated manuals from Ikea , while someone else thinks about the illustrated children's book by Chris Haughton. Illustration is a unique art form that is not defined by the media , but by its context. Illustrations bring life into concepts and stories. Whether they are created digitally or manually , illustrations can be both a masterful work of art as a practical, business apply. 2.Where do Illustrators work? Images and illustrations are all around us. The most obvious images are book covers , t–shirts , and so on but in addition , you also have the more subtle artworks as decorative items and more content... This type of illustrator creates illustrations for magazines and newspapers. These illustrations are often briefed by an art director . Usually these contracts have also a very short deadline, maybe even several days because magazines and newspapers often appear weekly or monthly. The size can vary from a few small doodles to a great illustration spread across a double page . 2.Publishing Book publishing – in any form or medium whatsoever – is a major source of income for illustrators. The main categories are : fiction, non –fiction, educational children's books , comic books and graphic novels and finally youth literature. For these types of assignments illustrators usually get a longer period to come to a final product. 3.Design & Advertising Images for design & advertising are usually commissioned through an agency on behalf of an end client. Corporate clients may require images for a whole range of contexts that need to perform varied functions across print and digital platforms. This can include logo's, website's, brochures, newsletters, direct mail to potential customers, annuel reports and in –house promotional material such as cards,
  • 13. posters and Get more content on
  • 14. My Interest In Art I believe that everyone has unique interests. Sure, these interests can categorize people into certain groups, but ultimately, everyone will have their unique personal preference. Even from an early age, my interest in art is part of what makes me, me. I took, and am currently enrolled, in every available art class possible over my high school years. I am still a high school student, and so far I have earned an A in each and every art class I have taken. I have also maintained a high GPA in all my other classes, which I have also taken a high interest in. In my senior year, I even placed in an advanced art course, which I will be completing in this spring. There was a small window to fit through in order to take this course, and I fit all the qualifications. To the people surrounding me, it seemed only logical that I pursue a career in graphic communications. In the past, I remember I would spend most of my time just drawing and creating in all of my free time. I would correctly finish my homework as soon as the teacher would hand it out, just so I could doodle some unique figures. I have always been fascinated by books. When I was younger, my mom would question if I had even read the book after I sped through it. In my freshman year of high school, I started to write my own stories. Not because they were assigned, but simply for fun. I believe reading and writing has and will always be a habit of mine. I do not think I will ever lose that sparkle of inspiration and Get more content on
  • 15. Descriptive Essay On Sculptures As the sun started to settling down, you walked into a wonderful museum full of figure sculptures to which the natural spot light shines from the sun hit the wonderful master pieces. Then you walk more deeply inside an exhibition room, suddenly, you notice that you are surrendered by medium size to large sculptures. One sculpture that is space equally to one an another, but they all have no cloth on. As you tend to get closer and closer and the story of the sculptures reveal more details of what is the sculpture tell you like a story telling. Even the details of the bodies tend to give of a more muscle structures. When looking at a stone sign above, you notice that you are in a theme of nude figure sculptures. In the center were the four main sculptures which is in order from finest pick from the museum and three from the class room lecture. They are The Lansdown Athlete, the Roman copy of the Lysippos, and Roman copy after a Greek original by Praxiteles, Hermes and the Infant Dionysos. From my opinion is that the sculptures are in nude because they tell us that the sculptures are goddesses or a recreation of a person that is not real. The nude sculpture is one who is not wearing cloth or less who which it shows our body parts. Most of the sculptures are made out of stone, marble, and bronze. They are shown in large structure or a human size. All figures are mostly made in Greek Late Classical to Hellenistic, thus the artist show more details in human body structures. For Get more content on
  • 16. Randolph Caldecott Illustrations Randolph Caldecott was one of three influential picture book illustrators in the 19th century. He was not only a picture book illustrator, but an illustrator for novels for adults and travel guides. His illustrations were unique in that they showed both humor as well as movement. Two of his most influential picture books were The House that Jack Built and Sing a Song of Sixpence. Caldecott was such an influential illustrator that they named a medal after him. There was the Newbery Medal for authors, but none for the illustrators. It was brought to attention that it was not fair to have a medal for the authors, but not the illustrators when they put in just as much work. In 1937 Frederic G. Melcher established the second annual medal. This medal Get more content on
  • 17. Animation Essay Animation My personal enjoyment with animation has inspired me to write this essay, pertaining to animation. Since I was a child I have been fascinated with cartoons; from when they started out to be black and white, and until now with full colour and computer effects. To better perceive what mypersonal feelings about animation are, I must first discuss in full detail, a general overview of how animators bring traditional animation alive with motion. Animation seems like a smooth movement of drawn sequences of artwork, pasted together to form a single sequence of animation. This is the basis of animation, but animation is far simpler than it may seem. "The true more content... Because so many personnel are involved in producing a single piece of animated film, creation of this is very costly. Companies must create a team of animators that are willing to work together to get the finished product perfect the first time around. No matter how modest or ambitious the project, the team of animators follow a strict number of structured procedures, and must possess the understanding of the concepts and terminology in traditional animation. When the team has been assembled. The team begins a long process of set procedures, which all animators worldwide use. Below the many set procedures are described in full detail. 1.Script The script is the first stage in all film production. In an animation script, the visual action in the plot and performance is far more important than the dialogue. 2.Storyboard The storyboard is a series of roughly drawn images that convey the action described in the script. This scene–by–scene portrayal helps the writer, director and animation team to access the content of the project and to correct any deficiencies in the scripted story. 3.Soundtrack After the script and storyboard are completed, the recording of any dialogue or key music is undertaken. Since traditional animation relies on perfect
  • 18. synchronization of the Get more content on
  • 19. Being Raised By Grandparents Being raised by grandparents. Every day, the thoughts of never being loved enough by the parent to stay or to help the person, who has the custody, take care of the child; run around the mind in a repeated process like a scratched CD. Grandparents basically do a rear march as they repeat the process of taking care of the children of their children. Grandparents are the parents of a person's father or mother – paternal or maternal. There are many different reasons to why parents give, lend, or are forced their parental rights to their parents, who are the child's grandparents such as the parent being incarnated, death/illness, on drugs, completing school, or in the armed forces such as the military, navy, or the air force. So basically when the grandparents take on this role they are becoming a "safety–net" which catches the parents so they don't hit the harsh ground of more content... In what used to be called the golden years, a surging number of grandparents are slammed with continued family obligations. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of grandkids living with a grandparent has jump shot a shockingly 64% in the past two decades.This increase comes as states are placing more foster children with relatives in response to research which shows that children are better off with family rather than in foster care. There is an economic incentive, too. Generations United, nonprofit advocates for "kinship families," says taxpayers would see significant savings by keeping children out of foster care and placing them with family members. African–American and Hispanic grandparents are most likely than Caucasians to begin and continue a multi–generation household or so–called "skipped–generation" household in which the child's parents are Get more content on
  • 20. Essay For Illustration BFA I am dedicated in pursuing an illustration degree because of my desire to utilize visual arts to communicate stories and narratives that touch people's hearts, and speak directly to their experiences and dreams. I want to tap into the bottomless well of storytelling that has nurtured humanity since the beginning of time. I also want to creatВ¬e art that adds to the beauty of the world, that inspires, provokes, and captivates the viewer and makes them think and wonder. Having experience with various art forms I have found my true passion lies in Illustration and the unique medium of visual story telling. I am looking to expand my skills and harness the power of my imagination with an illustration BFA. Like many others, my goal is to cultivate Get more content on
  • 21. The career of illustration is a unique and fascinating career. where you take ideas and transfer them onto paper. With illustration, everyone can see someone's world of imagination on display in an image. Chris Van Allsburg had this to say about his creative process "At first, I see pictures of a story in my mind. Then creating the story comes from asking questions of myself. I guess you might call it the 'what if – what then' approach to writing and illustration." (Chris Van Allsburg). Many people ignore illustration and brush it off to the side, but it is incredibly useful for society. One reason why illustrations are beneficial is because illustrations are fundamental parts of children's education. Illustrations can draw kids more content... Illustration is full of interesting and influential people that are role models to those in the business and trendsetters. Illustration is also a career where the principle of practice makes perfect tends to come in handy, and where one can start preparing for it in high school. It is a career made specifically for those who truly have the passion for art. Illustration is very helpful to society also. An illustration is a necessary part of education and helps children learn, and without it, teaching would be almost impossible. It also is a huge part of advertising and we see it almost everywhere, from billboards to magazines to web ads. Illustration is basically everywhere, and without it, and the people who do it, life would be quite Get more content on
  • 22. Group Illustrations We will know when we see a healthy and productive team. How would we know? We will know just in light of the fact that a profitable group will center its work on basic targets and discover answers for shared issues. They will utilize formal procedures, for example, record keeping, help and planned gatherings to accomplish their targets. Hold significant authoritative learning that accompanies the progression of staff and sharing of data. They are upgrading the power and sentiment fulfillment of people chipping away at the group. They built up trust connections that prompt to better sharing of learning and comprehension. Consider their colleagues responsible to each other responsible. They join the gifts of numerous people and in this more content... Commonly, this happens with identity sorts that convey negative vitality to a group situation. Illustrations incorporate the individuals who look for acknowledgment and wind up upsetting the efficiency of the group, the individuals who hoard exercises and dialogs and the individuals who reliably neglect to add to collaborations. Poor collaboration can make a climate of perplexity inside the group, the office and the partnership. Cases of poor cooperation crosswise over offices incorporate the inability to share fitting data in an opportune way and the powerlessness to organize each other's needs and dreams. Inability to distinguish the current issues, for example, poor correspondence or absence of enthusiasm for others' triumphs, and not finding a way to right them can be exorbitant for a private venture. Generally speaking, poor collaboration comes about because of an absence of vision and an inability to impart objectives and desires. Nonstop input identified with individual and group achievements and viability can help avert poor collaboration and disappointment in a group Get more content on