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How to Write Amazingly Hypnotic Copy to Sell Your Stuff:
                             Easily and Quickly
                                                  By Curtis Burns

                                                  Copyright 2012 Curtis Burns

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          You may give it away for promotional purposes
          You may not resell this report
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This report has been researched and compiled with the intent to provide information for persons wishing to learn about making a
profit using various online and off line resources. Throughout the making of this consumer report, every effort has been made to
ensure the highest amount of accuracy and effectiveness for the techniques suggested by the author.

The report may contain contextual as well as typographical mistakes. None of the information provided in this report constitutes a
warranty of any kind, nor shall readers of this report rely solely on any such information or advice. All content, products, and
services are not to be considered as legal, financial, or professional advice and are to be used for personal use and information
purposes only.

This report makes no warranties or guarantees express or implied, as to the results provided by the strategies, techniques, and
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techniques, and advice presented in this report.

The purpose of this report is to educate and guide. Neither the publisher nor the author warrant that the information contained
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Introduction ............................................................................................................................... ................... 5

Research............................................................................................................................... ......................... 5

Writing ............................................................................................................................... ........................... 6

   The Cure for Writer’s Block....................................................................................................................... 6

   “What’s In It For Me?” .............................................................................................................................. 7

   Start Off With Your Best Shot ................................................................................................................... 7

   Be Precise, Avoid Generalities .................................................................................................................. 7

   Editing ............................................................................................................................... ........................ 7

   A Simple Plan to Write Short Articles ....................................................................................................... 8

   “It’s Easy” ............................................................................................................................... ................... 8

   Be Open to Inspiration .............................................................................................................................. 8

   Your Writing “Voice”............................................................................................................................... .. 9

Presentation............................................................................................................................... ................... 9

Persuasion............................................................................................................................... ...................... 9

   Persuasion vs. Coercion ............................................................................................................................ 9

   Emotions and the Four Major Fears ......................................................................................................... 9

   Relevance ............................................................................................................................... ................. 10

The Six Major Tactics and Strategies in Sales and Copywriting (Dr. Robert Cialdini) ................................. 10

   1. Reciprocation ............................................................................................................................... ...... 10

   2. Commitment and Consistency ........................................................................................................... 11

   3. Social Proof ............................................................................................................................... ......... 11

   4. Liking ............................................................................................................................... .................... 12

   5. Scarcity ............................................................................................................................... ................. 12

   6. Call to Action ............................................................................................................................... ....... 13

The Power of Words ............................................................................................................................... .... 13

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Tapping the Luminous Power of the Mind ............................................................................................. 13

   Words that Have Amazing Persuasive Power......................................................................................... 13

Summary ............................................................................................................................... ...................... 15

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If you've ever starred despairingly at that blank white screen, utterly helpless to think of anything witty,
interesting, or remotely readable for your articles, blog posts, sales pages, reports, or ebooks; I have great
news for you. Writing is easy. If you have a system for doing your menial tasks like the dishes, you can
have a system that is effective, workable, and lucrative for creating captivating, persuasive, and readable
copy. There is no secret talent; it's all in the execution of easily-understandable strategy.

Further, there are certain tricks, "secret words" and tactics that will give you an extremely unfair
advantage over your unsuspecting reader. I lay them all out here in a simple, concise guide for your easy
reference. You might want to have a copy close by to your computer at all times for quick reference. I've
even created a shortened cheat sheet that you might want to laminate and have close to your computer as
you work.

I break this guide up into five main sections: research, writing, presentation, persuasion, the six major
strategies and tactics in sales and copywriting, and then a list of power words which will effectively
turbo-charge your copy and easily get past any barriers in your prospects mind preventing him or her
from pulling out their credit card and hitting "buy."

The material I will present here is the results of my 30+ years research and experience as a writer; some
of my personal tips, tricks, and observations; information from sources such as Napoleon Hill, Roger
Dawson, David J. Lieberman Ph.D, Brian Tracy, Robert Greene, all of whom I recommend you study
further. I am also indebted Dr. Robert Cialdini’s Six Points of Persuasion.

Let's get right into it:

For whatever product of service that you offer, you need to understand implicitly the mind of the people
who need or desire what you have. You have to get inside their head, and do a little "psychic

Understand that your mind is literally an organic computer; no machine is every going to approximate the
power, memory storage, and versatility of that little organ between your ears. The best way to put it to
use with your product or service is to simply immerse your self in the subject matter for a period of a
couple hours to a few days (or weeks perhaps).

Do Internet searches, read forums, go to stores and look at the sections of the bookstore pertaining to that
subject, buy a few magazines or books (new or used) on the subject. Spend some time viewing online
videos on the subject matter. Just take it all in, not necessarily trying to make sense of it as you go; just
drink it all in like a sponge.

Then, take a break for a couple hours or a day or so. Just relax and don't worry about how you're going to
start writing articles and ads, etc. Just have some fun. (Hey, isn't having more fun what Internet
marketing is all about anyway?)

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So while you're relaxing and engaging in the finer parts of life, your brain like a super-computer is
subconsciously analyzing and making sense of this new info dump you've just put into it. So after you
wake up the next day, or get back to the computer or writing pad after a few days, you will be simply
amazed at what comes out of your head with regards to how you can present, communicate and sell your
product or service.

The key is to let go, relax. Let your amazing mind that the Universe created for you do its stuff.

Bear in mind that the human mind is only good for concentrated work for about an hour at a time, give or
take. Like any muscle it will tire and fatigue after extended use, and you need to let it rest and be
replenished before you can resume using it. In other words, don't kill yourself with this project; spending
hours and hours on end like some fiendish mad scientist in his lab. Chances are that working like that
will produce next to nothing, except more stress on you and your family.

Now after some hours, day, etc.; sit down with a piece of paper or fire up your computer and open up a
new document. Ask yourself just exactly what are my prospects problems, and how does he feel not
having his problem solved? Literally pretend to be him/her, how do you feel inside?

Congratulations, you are "locking in" to your prospect and you are on the road to success in sales with
your product and service. Now, I will be referring to this process again of you connecting with the
prospect, as it is important for an amazing reason. But now you are ready for the next step. I hope you're
having some fun along the way to.

Effective writing evolves; it takes time and doesn't come in a day perfectly formed. The most amazing
computer tool I have ever found in writing is the outlining capability of word processors. Sadly, there are
not many products available that do this very well, except for Microsoft Word, which I advise you to buy
a copy of.

The Cure for Writer’s Block
That agonizing blank white screen can be pretty intimidating. I've been a writer for years and it is still a
daunting thing, but there is a secret weapon against it:

Just start, write whatever comes into your mind, in any order or any particular way it comes out of you.
Get it all down with your outlining tool. When you feel you've gotten all of your thoughts down; take a
break, relax. Rest your weary mind. It's been hard, but now you have something malleable to work with
on your computer.

With an outliner, you can move blocks of text around in any fashion; and if you do it long enough an
order will start to appear to your text, and suddenly you are going to have a good idea of how to present
your ideas. This may take a few days of focused effort, but you will be amazed and quite proud of
yourself with what you've just hammered out.

In fact writing this very report you’re reading started out as a huge block of text in outline form, and I was
not very happy because I had no idea how to put this thing together. Yet, I just started moving text

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around, it’s structure became clear and in a relatively short time my report was written. After that, I just
had to flesh out each main point; not very hard at all.

Now there are a few important points you need to remember about text:

“What’s In It For Me?”
WIIFM, or "what's in it for me"; that's what the reader will be saying constantly in his head while he's
reading your copy. Do not for a second bore him with stories about your youth, your journey to solving
your problem with this amazing product or service that you have, or distract them with unnecessary
details about things that have nothing to do with your prospect and his problem.

They could care less about you and your "amazing" story or the beautiful prose that you can produce, or
that funny thing that your kid did today. Chattiness is good for your nosy neighbor next store, your aunt
or grandma when she comes to visit, or your friend at the cooler at work; you need to get right to business
here and now, because that prospect is just about the click "close" on your page, which you have so
lovingly created.

Start Off With Your Best Shot
We are literally bombarded by media messages every waking moment, if the message conveyed is not
relevant to the problems of the receiver, the message is going to be quickly filtered and tuned out, most
likely never to return. Get them now while you have them.

Start with your best shot and get right to the point. Now I recall in high school I was taught the "correct"
way to present a thesis: create an introduction, write the body of the essay covering all the points, make a
summary and conclusion with voluminous footnotes. Well, that may get you an "A" from your teacher,
but it may cause your prospect to click out, turn the page, or be out the door ten minutes ago. Boring,
boring, boring.

How about this new procedure: JUST GET RIGHT TO THE POINT!

Be Precise, Avoid Generalities
When you say "you're going to get a whole lot of money!", it really is rather transparent to the reader that
you're grasping for superlatives. When you use exact figures, time frames, or physical results you are
creating the effect in the reader's mind that you are the real thing; and one thing is for sure, we all want
the real thing!

Instead of I lost a "lot" of weight, say "I lost 43 pounds in 90 days!" Instead of saying "I made so much
money!", say "I made $1,257 in 10 days!" Using exact figures makes more demands on the minds of
your prospects, and therefore greater penetration into their minds, which binds the prospect to you in the
relationship. Ultimately opening the way for the sale.

You need to be ruthless in your editing; all of this wonderful content can stay in only if it directly
addresses your prospects wants and needs. Believe me, writers love their prose, and they want the world
to see how great they are in expressing things; but ego trips like that having no place in sales.

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Sorry, you may not get the Pulitzer Prize; but don't most famous authors become famous long after they're
dead? Hmm, doesn't exactly put food on your table.

For articles, you can only have one main point for each one you write. This may sound simplistic, but
you have to hit the problem like a hammer on a nail, covering too much territory will only dilute and
soften the impact of your message. Besides, this then gives you more articles that you can write, each one
covering a different point.

A Simple Plan to Write Short Articles
Now if there was ever a "revolutionary" procedure to writing articles quickly and effectively, around 500
or so words, try this basic structure:

    1. Tell them what you're going to tell them

    2. Tell them

    3. Tell them what you just told them. (add your contact info in the resource box)

There's your intro, body, and summary, quick and dirty. No one is fooling anybody, but that is a very
easy way to tap out a 500 word article in 15 or 20 minutes.

“It’s Easy”
Another neat trick for more complicated ideas that some people shy away from is this: instead of saying
something like "now some people have a lot of trouble with this idea, but if you really study it, after a
period of time, you'll understand it." It's almost like you giving them an opening to get out while they

Try this instead: just tell them "this is easy to understand." People will believe almost anything told to
them, so if you tell them it's easy, "poof" now suddenly it's easy for them. You are in the position of
authority, and they will basically follow you.

Be Open to Inspiration
All rules are meant to be broken; there will be times when something amazing comes out of you that defy
all the heretofore established rules of sales copy and writing. This too is a point of persuasion which I'll
be covering later, but don't totally cage up that bird of creativity inside of you. You might notice some of
the grammatical liberties I have taken in this report you’ve read!

In the end your gauge of "correct" sales copy will be in your profits, and this is the other side of writing:
experience. Now I've given you a lot of pointers which I know will help you, but to sum it up:

Get to the point, go for the jugular vein (of the prospect's problems); it's sort of ruthless, but it's what
works. Cut out anything that distracts from this aim. It is win-win; you succeed in the sale, they get their
burning problem solved. Both are happy!

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Your Writing “Voice”
It is said that only seven percent of communications is verbal, the actual words we use. The other 93
percent is facial expression and vocal inflections. My point in saying that is that there is some sort of
"psychic" nature to writing; the reader instantaneously "reads" the energy of the writer.

In fact if you look at a piece of paper with writing on it, such as a letter or an ad, you can almost
immediately "know" what it's all about. You get a feel from it, and it either encourages you to read it or
pass over it.

I don't mean to be metaphysical here, but I want you to understand your "voice" when writing, people can
read you right away. If you're making wild claims in your copy, chances are people are going to know
that you're lying and are likely never to pick up something written by you again.

Now people get away with wild, false claims all the time; but I want you to understand that there is a very
subtle quality to writing that can't be faked. Be honest, be truthful. You want people to like you (more on
that later)

It is extremely important to avoid any kind of distraction in your sales pages, copy, or articles; things like:

        Cluttering images

        Garish colors

        Multiple font styles and sizes

….should be avoided. Keep paragraphs to three to five sentences each, and a good amount of white space
will help present a clear, direct, and readable copy that the reader will heartily appreciate, bringing him or
her to your most valued objective, which is to buy now.

Persuasion vs. Coercion
You need to know something right away about persuasion: you can't get anyone to do anything they don't
want to do. The essence of sales is that you qualify the prospect having the critical mass of desire for that
product or service, and you gently push them over into the side of clicking "buy." This is sales.

You can get people to do things they don't want to do, but that is called coercion with threat or
intimidation involved. Sales is bring people to things that honestly want and need, your job as salesman
(or copywriter) is to gently bring them past their own inhibitions from getting that thing or service they
truly need. You might have noticed that sales has many things in common with courtship ;-)

Emotions and the Four Major Fears
It was Socrates who said that persuasion is a combination of ethos, pathos, and logos. In English that
means ethics, passion, and reason, respectively.

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Now most humans run on a little more emotion (or passion) than ethics or reason. You have to
understand that we act mostly on emotions, but we need logic to justify our actions. You supply the logic
and they have all the passion to spare.

One of the most dangerously powerful emotions is that of fear. People will do anything to resolve their
greatest fears. The four major fears are:

        Fear of Poverty: starvation, homelessness, and bankruptcy

        Fear of Inadequacy and Criticism: humiliation, shame, and ridicule

        Fear of the Loss or Lack of Love: abandonment, rejection and loss of connectedness

        Fear of Ill Health, Old Age or Death: extinction, dissolution and decay

These are the key psychological vulnerabilities in the human psyche, which incite us to knee-jerk,
emotion-filled overcompensating actions; i.e. “hitting below the belt” your prospect.

These four major fears connect to social, physical and economic issues as, feeling “ugly” and not
attractive, loneliness, being poor, sick, living in the “wrong” part of town. These are the issues of life that
you must redirect prospect's attention to. If a skinny man was convinced that having a figure like Mr.
Universe is the key to happiness, regardless if it actually is or not, there is almost nothing he wouldn’t do
in pursuit of achieving that state of body (certainly buy any product or service that claims to help him to
his goal.)

For issues of weight, acne, dating, and all the other “evergreen” niches, the problem resides in the
person’s mind, which you must understand implicitly. Their mind is your target.

You need to understand the concept of relevance. If you came across a woman whose hair was on fire,
what do you think would be the most important thing to her? A good burn cream? A how-not-to-let-
your-hair-get-set-on-fire ebook? An appointment with a beautician for a new hair style?

No, she wants a pail of water, dumped on her head....RIGHT NOW!

You need to understand what they want, what they need, and what they think is the solution; NOT, NOT,
NOT what you think they need or how they should go about solving their problem.

How to sell stuff: find out exactly what people want, and give it to them.

The Six Major Tactics and Strategies in Sales and
Copywriting (borrowing from Dr. Robert Cialdini)
1. Reciprocation
When someone gives something to us, we feel obligated to give something back. A tactic in negotiation
is to concede a point, which creates a tendency in the other person to concede a point on your behalf.

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Smartly (or sneakily) done, you initially ask for one thing, knowing full well that what you really want is
something less than what you are originally asking. In the negotiation, you concede to your prospect that
lower price point. They buyer/prospect now feels an obligation to buy it from you because you did him a

In sales copy you'll see lines like "I made a special arrangement with my supplier, and he felt charitable
and agreed to offer this lower price point for one week only." This creates a pressure to buy on the part of
the prospect, knowing that you are "on his side."

2. Commitment and Consistency
We crave consistency, it gives us a feeling of security and we are drawn to it. If we commit to some
principle or thing, we are impelled to stay with that thing in order to remain consistent with ourselves.
These two intertwining principles can be powerful influencers upon our behaviors.

Sales letters and presentations many times have multiple questions asking the reader/prospect "don't you
hate (barky dogs/smoking/acne/overweight/small-breasts-penis-muscles/etc.)?"

The similar questions will be asked throughout the presentation/sales letter, and the objective is to have
you agree and say "yes." So, when they've come to the end of their presentation, which they've
masterfully crafted, due to the factor of commitment and consistency, you will be "forced" to say "yes, I'll
by it."

You'll notice there is a momentum to the commitment and consistency tactic, if you keep the prospect or
reader continuous moving down a line of pre-positioned questions or landmarks, each time agreeing and
identifying with the issue at hand, they will be very strongly induced to click "buy" or sign on the dotted
line, if you will.

You are tying their sense of identity to the subject/issue at hand, and to be consistent with their self-
images they are compelled to say yes or click "buy." Is this manipulation? Well, in a way it certainly is,
and you must be very conscientious in the use of it. However, like I said before, people feel hesitant or
inhibited from getting the things they need. We almost like to keep ourselves in a perpetual state of
misery; but it is your job to help move them into the light, as it were.

3. Social Proof
Nobody wants to be left alone, they have a yearning need to be accepted and loved. One of the ways of
being accepted and being loved is to do what everybody else is doing. This is the "bandwagon" approach:

        "Everybody is doing it!"

        "Bestselling book!"

        "Go to our very popular blog!"

Testimonials serve this tactic, reinforcing the group acceptance part of the appeal. You can have the
"plain folks" appeal with everyday people, or you can go with the "authority approval" method where you
get popular actors and athletes to endorse your product or service. These are all socially valued icons, and
we a literally programmed to follow them in the media.

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Things which are "new" and "improved" show social significance, keeping you up with the Jones', as it

Social Value = Worth = "Yes, I'll buy it."

4. Liking
When you get down to it a business transaction is a relationship; and if they like you, it will be a good
(profitable) relationship. Physical attractiveness, of course, is an advantage to this; but so is the quality of
similarity, how you and the prospect share certain traits or life situations. These associations create
bonding between the seller and buyer.

Usually we like to do things for the people we like, so it is always in our best interest to present ourselves
as the prospects best friend. A smile, a warm greeting, or even a small gift creates pleasurable stimuli
which make the prospect associate you with these good things, and to like you subsequently!

Now I don't mean you do this solely to manipulate people, but I want you to understand the psychological
framework of business transactions. I mean, you're not, just going to do anything just to get the sale.
Some people do, of course, and they reap the rewards of that superficiality; but in many ways your
customers are your friends.

Earlier in this report I mentioned how people really can read you almost immediately, this connects with
the point of people liking you. If they can sense that you pose no threat to them or their wallet
inappropriately, but as someone who can help them, you are almost assured of a sale, if all other things
are in order. Being honest, direct, and true in your transactions with people is unbeatable. Humor has an
amazing power help to people like you; when a person laugh they feel good, and when they laugh with
you they associate that good feeling with you.

5. Scarcity
We always want most what we can't have. The fact that something is in limited supply or we only have a
small window of time in order to get it, this makes us crave it ten times more. This touches upon our
deepest fears of loss and inadequacy, and it has the potential to make us to some nutty things, like hit that
"buy" button right now.

Think of that toy that you wanted so much as a kid, you hounded your parents constantly about it, and
when you finally got it for Christmas or as a birthday present that after a short period of time, you didn't
want it so much. In fact it pretty much took its place gathering dust on the shelf, along with all the other
"must have" things you finally got.

When a thing dangled before you with the threat it will be snatched away at any moment, it becomes the
most coveted thing in the world. Once it's in your hand, it loses its glittering allure. So you need to create
a situation of scarcity of the product or service in the prospect's mind to direct them to click buy, pick up
the phone, or say "yes."

Phrases like:

        "Sale ends tomorrow"

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"Only 50 copies available"

        "Price goes up with every sale"

These make prospects nearly crazy with lust for your product or service.

6. Call to Action
When people are reading your copy or listening to your sales presentation, they are in sort of a trance. A
trance is a susceptible state where personal guards and boundaries are let down. You have to take
advantage of that state and literally tell them what to do.

In other words:

        "Click here to buy this now"
        "Call me now to book an appointment"
        "Get this now, before supplies run out"

These are all literally commands, and all of your previous efforts using the above mentioned appeals are
going to bring your client/prospect to that place where "yes" is almost incontrovertibly assured. You are
not taking unfair advantage of them; you are using the principles of communication and psychology to
bring about a win-win situation, and equal exchange of money for value.

The Power of Words
Tapping the Luminous Power of the Mind
We are 99% oblivious to the power of words in our life, yet words have the power to touch the deepest
parts of our subconscious in an instant and release a floodtide of energy that can cause a person to be
highly influenced.

When I say “picnic” to you immediately your mind calls up a happy scene of you and your loved ones in
an idyllic setting, the green grass, possibly mountains in the background, or a fun game of baseball, a
barbecue, etc. with all the attached feelings, sensations and longings about it. You literally are drawn into
a magnetic and luminous part of your mind, and you have a renewed vicarious experience of those
energies, tapping the deepest and most powerful parts of your psyche.

So when you say “amazing” to someone in a speech or ad, you are literally accessing that part of the
listener/readers mind that is electrically lit up whenever they have been truly amazed, and they have a
little vicarious re-enactment of that experience. This is magic of copywriting, and it is very powerful.

A salesman or writer can use this ability of words constructively.

Words that Have Amazing Persuasive Power
According to the psychology department at Yale University, some words in the English language are
more powerful than others, and you would do well to employ them in your sales copy. Here is their top 10
most powerful:

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New -- It's part of basic human makeup to seek novelty.
        Save -- We all want to save something.
        Safety -- This could refer to health or long-lasting quality.
        Proven -- Helps remove fear from trying something new.
        Love -- Continues to be an all-time favorite.
        Discover -- Presents a sense of excitement and adventure.
        Guarantee -- Provides a sense of safety at the time of purchase.
        Health -- Especially powerful when it applies to a product.
        Results -- Works in rationalizing a purchase.
        You -- Listed as the #1 most powerful word in every study reviewed.

Because of the personal nature of advertising copywriting, you should use “you” in your headline,
opening line and as often as possible. In fact, many copywriters will throw out a headline if “you” is not
in it.

Let's not forget a few more that have amazing psychological impact:

        Free – the best motivator for immediate response.
        Immediate – online everything is expected now or instantly.
        Limited – appealing to a sense of urgency.
        Improve – always interested in becoming better.
        Bargain – everybody wants to get something at a better price, and better than “Sale”.
        Exclusive – only those who are invited.

And then there's:

        How to -- very self-empowering!
        Announcing -- full of expectations!
        Challenge -- defeat problems!
        Compare -- easy to understand graphic!
        Discount -- more for less!
        Easy -- no work!
        Exclusive -- just for special people!
        Hurry -- exciting!
        Important -- don't want to miss it!
        Improvement -- make life easier!
        Miracle -- we love miracles!
        Plus -- more!
        Practical -- my parents would approve! ;-)

And last but not least (all very self-explanatory):

        Abundance                                                 Confidence
        Achievement                                               Creativity
        Charity                                                   Energy

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Freedom                                                    Memory
        Grace                                                      Peace
        Guidance                                                   Persistence
        Happiness                                                  Poise
        Harmony                                                    Power
        Health                                                     Purpose
        Honesty                                                    Resourcefulness
        Inspiration                                                Serenity
        Intelligence                                               Strength
        Kindness                                                   Success
        Life                                                       Vitality
        Love                                                       Wisdom

Writing is easy. Write something like you would want to read it. I don't have a lot of time to spare and I
like to get right to the point, the same is true for everybody. Focus solely on the needs of the reader, what
he really wants, and find the ways to deliver it to him the quickest way. Everything else is irrelevant,
distracting, and dangerous to your success.

Remember the main tools/appeals, be true and honorable, and you'll get what you want and your customer
will get what they want. Life is good.

Curtis Burns

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How to Write Amazingly Hypnotic Copy to Sell Your Stuff Quickly and Easily

  • 2. How to Write Amazingly Hypnotic Copy to Sell Your Stuff: Easily and Quickly By Curtis Burns http://www.internet Copyright 2012 Curtis Burns You may use this product for your own personal use You may give it away for promotional purposes You may not resell this report You may not change or delete any of its contents. Legal Disclaimer This report has been researched and compiled with the intent to provide information for persons wishing to learn about making a profit using various online and off line resources. Throughout the making of this consumer report, every effort has been made to ensure the highest amount of accuracy and effectiveness for the techniques suggested by the author. The report may contain contextual as well as typographical mistakes. None of the information provided in this report constitutes a warranty of any kind, nor shall readers of this report rely solely on any such information or advice. All content, products, and services are not to be considered as legal, financial, or professional advice and are to be used for personal use and information purposes only. This report makes no warranties or guarantees express or implied, as to the results provided by the strategies, techniques, and advice presented in this report. The publishers of this report expressly disclaim any liability arising from any strategies, techniques, and advice presented in this report. The purpose of this report is to educate and guide. Neither the publisher nor the author warrant that the information contained within this report is free of omissions or errors and is fully complete. Furthermore, neither the publisher nor the author shall have responsibility or liability to any entity or person as a result of any loss or damage alleged to be caused or caused indirectly or directly by this report. http://www.Internet Page 2 of 15
  • 3. Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................... ................... 5 Research............................................................................................................................... ......................... 5 Writing ............................................................................................................................... ........................... 6 The Cure for Writer’s Block....................................................................................................................... 6 “What’s In It For Me?” .............................................................................................................................. 7 Start Off With Your Best Shot ................................................................................................................... 7 Be Precise, Avoid Generalities .................................................................................................................. 7 Editing ............................................................................................................................... ........................ 7 A Simple Plan to Write Short Articles ....................................................................................................... 8 “It’s Easy” ............................................................................................................................... ................... 8 Be Open to Inspiration .............................................................................................................................. 8 Your Writing “Voice”............................................................................................................................... .. 9 Presentation............................................................................................................................... ................... 9 Persuasion............................................................................................................................... ...................... 9 Persuasion vs. Coercion ............................................................................................................................ 9 Emotions and the Four Major Fears ......................................................................................................... 9 Relevance ............................................................................................................................... ................. 10 The Six Major Tactics and Strategies in Sales and Copywriting (Dr. Robert Cialdini) ................................. 10 1. Reciprocation ............................................................................................................................... ...... 10 2. Commitment and Consistency ........................................................................................................... 11 3. Social Proof ............................................................................................................................... ......... 11 4. Liking ............................................................................................................................... .................... 12 5. Scarcity ............................................................................................................................... ................. 12 6. Call to Action ............................................................................................................................... ....... 13 The Power of Words ............................................................................................................................... .... 13 http://www.Internet Page 3 of 15
  • 4. Tapping the Luminous Power of the Mind ............................................................................................. 13 Words that Have Amazing Persuasive Power......................................................................................... 13 Summary ............................................................................................................................... ...................... 15 http://www.Internet Page 4 of 15
  • 5. Introduction If you've ever starred despairingly at that blank white screen, utterly helpless to think of anything witty, interesting, or remotely readable for your articles, blog posts, sales pages, reports, or ebooks; I have great news for you. Writing is easy. If you have a system for doing your menial tasks like the dishes, you can have a system that is effective, workable, and lucrative for creating captivating, persuasive, and readable copy. There is no secret talent; it's all in the execution of easily-understandable strategy. Further, there are certain tricks, "secret words" and tactics that will give you an extremely unfair advantage over your unsuspecting reader. I lay them all out here in a simple, concise guide for your easy reference. You might want to have a copy close by to your computer at all times for quick reference. I've even created a shortened cheat sheet that you might want to laminate and have close to your computer as you work. I break this guide up into five main sections: research, writing, presentation, persuasion, the six major strategies and tactics in sales and copywriting, and then a list of power words which will effectively turbo-charge your copy and easily get past any barriers in your prospects mind preventing him or her from pulling out their credit card and hitting "buy." The material I will present here is the results of my 30+ years research and experience as a writer; some of my personal tips, tricks, and observations; information from sources such as Napoleon Hill, Roger Dawson, David J. Lieberman Ph.D, Brian Tracy, Robert Greene, all of whom I recommend you study further. I am also indebted Dr. Robert Cialdini’s Six Points of Persuasion. Let's get right into it: Research For whatever product of service that you offer, you need to understand implicitly the mind of the people who need or desire what you have. You have to get inside their head, and do a little "psychic surveillance." Understand that your mind is literally an organic computer; no machine is every going to approximate the power, memory storage, and versatility of that little organ between your ears. The best way to put it to use with your product or service is to simply immerse your self in the subject matter for a period of a couple hours to a few days (or weeks perhaps). Do Internet searches, read forums, go to stores and look at the sections of the bookstore pertaining to that subject, buy a few magazines or books (new or used) on the subject. Spend some time viewing online videos on the subject matter. Just take it all in, not necessarily trying to make sense of it as you go; just drink it all in like a sponge. Then, take a break for a couple hours or a day or so. Just relax and don't worry about how you're going to start writing articles and ads, etc. Just have some fun. (Hey, isn't having more fun what Internet marketing is all about anyway?) http://www.Internet Page 5 of 15
  • 6. So while you're relaxing and engaging in the finer parts of life, your brain like a super-computer is subconsciously analyzing and making sense of this new info dump you've just put into it. So after you wake up the next day, or get back to the computer or writing pad after a few days, you will be simply amazed at what comes out of your head with regards to how you can present, communicate and sell your product or service. The key is to let go, relax. Let your amazing mind that the Universe created for you do its stuff. Bear in mind that the human mind is only good for concentrated work for about an hour at a time, give or take. Like any muscle it will tire and fatigue after extended use, and you need to let it rest and be replenished before you can resume using it. In other words, don't kill yourself with this project; spending hours and hours on end like some fiendish mad scientist in his lab. Chances are that working like that will produce next to nothing, except more stress on you and your family. Now after some hours, day, etc.; sit down with a piece of paper or fire up your computer and open up a new document. Ask yourself just exactly what are my prospects problems, and how does he feel not having his problem solved? Literally pretend to be him/her, how do you feel inside? Congratulations, you are "locking in" to your prospect and you are on the road to success in sales with your product and service. Now, I will be referring to this process again of you connecting with the prospect, as it is important for an amazing reason. But now you are ready for the next step. I hope you're having some fun along the way to. Writing Effective writing evolves; it takes time and doesn't come in a day perfectly formed. The most amazing computer tool I have ever found in writing is the outlining capability of word processors. Sadly, there are not many products available that do this very well, except for Microsoft Word, which I advise you to buy a copy of. The Cure for Writer’s Block That agonizing blank white screen can be pretty intimidating. I've been a writer for years and it is still a daunting thing, but there is a secret weapon against it: Just start, write whatever comes into your mind, in any order or any particular way it comes out of you. Get it all down with your outlining tool. When you feel you've gotten all of your thoughts down; take a break, relax. Rest your weary mind. It's been hard, but now you have something malleable to work with on your computer. With an outliner, you can move blocks of text around in any fashion; and if you do it long enough an order will start to appear to your text, and suddenly you are going to have a good idea of how to present your ideas. This may take a few days of focused effort, but you will be amazed and quite proud of yourself with what you've just hammered out. In fact writing this very report you’re reading started out as a huge block of text in outline form, and I was not very happy because I had no idea how to put this thing together. Yet, I just started moving text http://www.Internet Page 6 of 15
  • 7. around, it’s structure became clear and in a relatively short time my report was written. After that, I just had to flesh out each main point; not very hard at all. Now there are a few important points you need to remember about text: “What’s In It For Me?” WIIFM, or "what's in it for me"; that's what the reader will be saying constantly in his head while he's reading your copy. Do not for a second bore him with stories about your youth, your journey to solving your problem with this amazing product or service that you have, or distract them with unnecessary details about things that have nothing to do with your prospect and his problem. They could care less about you and your "amazing" story or the beautiful prose that you can produce, or that funny thing that your kid did today. Chattiness is good for your nosy neighbor next store, your aunt or grandma when she comes to visit, or your friend at the cooler at work; you need to get right to business here and now, because that prospect is just about the click "close" on your page, which you have so lovingly created. Start Off With Your Best Shot We are literally bombarded by media messages every waking moment, if the message conveyed is not relevant to the problems of the receiver, the message is going to be quickly filtered and tuned out, most likely never to return. Get them now while you have them. Start with your best shot and get right to the point. Now I recall in high school I was taught the "correct" way to present a thesis: create an introduction, write the body of the essay covering all the points, make a summary and conclusion with voluminous footnotes. Well, that may get you an "A" from your teacher, but it may cause your prospect to click out, turn the page, or be out the door ten minutes ago. Boring, boring, boring. How about this new procedure: JUST GET RIGHT TO THE POINT! Be Precise, Avoid Generalities When you say "you're going to get a whole lot of money!", it really is rather transparent to the reader that you're grasping for superlatives. When you use exact figures, time frames, or physical results you are creating the effect in the reader's mind that you are the real thing; and one thing is for sure, we all want the real thing! Instead of I lost a "lot" of weight, say "I lost 43 pounds in 90 days!" Instead of saying "I made so much money!", say "I made $1,257 in 10 days!" Using exact figures makes more demands on the minds of your prospects, and therefore greater penetration into their minds, which binds the prospect to you in the relationship. Ultimately opening the way for the sale. Editing You need to be ruthless in your editing; all of this wonderful content can stay in only if it directly addresses your prospects wants and needs. Believe me, writers love their prose, and they want the world to see how great they are in expressing things; but ego trips like that having no place in sales. http://www.Internet Page 7 of 15
  • 8. Sorry, you may not get the Pulitzer Prize; but don't most famous authors become famous long after they're dead? Hmm, doesn't exactly put food on your table. For articles, you can only have one main point for each one you write. This may sound simplistic, but you have to hit the problem like a hammer on a nail, covering too much territory will only dilute and soften the impact of your message. Besides, this then gives you more articles that you can write, each one covering a different point. A Simple Plan to Write Short Articles Now if there was ever a "revolutionary" procedure to writing articles quickly and effectively, around 500 or so words, try this basic structure: 1. Tell them what you're going to tell them 2. Tell them 3. Tell them what you just told them. (add your contact info in the resource box) There's your intro, body, and summary, quick and dirty. No one is fooling anybody, but that is a very easy way to tap out a 500 word article in 15 or 20 minutes. “It’s Easy” Another neat trick for more complicated ideas that some people shy away from is this: instead of saying something like "now some people have a lot of trouble with this idea, but if you really study it, after a period of time, you'll understand it." It's almost like you giving them an opening to get out while they can. Try this instead: just tell them "this is easy to understand." People will believe almost anything told to them, so if you tell them it's easy, "poof" now suddenly it's easy for them. You are in the position of authority, and they will basically follow you. Be Open to Inspiration All rules are meant to be broken; there will be times when something amazing comes out of you that defy all the heretofore established rules of sales copy and writing. This too is a point of persuasion which I'll be covering later, but don't totally cage up that bird of creativity inside of you. You might notice some of the grammatical liberties I have taken in this report you’ve read! In the end your gauge of "correct" sales copy will be in your profits, and this is the other side of writing: experience. Now I've given you a lot of pointers which I know will help you, but to sum it up: Get to the point, go for the jugular vein (of the prospect's problems); it's sort of ruthless, but it's what works. Cut out anything that distracts from this aim. It is win-win; you succeed in the sale, they get their burning problem solved. Both are happy! http://www.Internet Page 8 of 15
  • 9. Your Writing “Voice” It is said that only seven percent of communications is verbal, the actual words we use. The other 93 percent is facial expression and vocal inflections. My point in saying that is that there is some sort of "psychic" nature to writing; the reader instantaneously "reads" the energy of the writer. In fact if you look at a piece of paper with writing on it, such as a letter or an ad, you can almost immediately "know" what it's all about. You get a feel from it, and it either encourages you to read it or pass over it. I don't mean to be metaphysical here, but I want you to understand your "voice" when writing, people can read you right away. If you're making wild claims in your copy, chances are people are going to know that you're lying and are likely never to pick up something written by you again. Now people get away with wild, false claims all the time; but I want you to understand that there is a very subtle quality to writing that can't be faked. Be honest, be truthful. You want people to like you (more on that later) Presentation It is extremely important to avoid any kind of distraction in your sales pages, copy, or articles; things like: Cluttering images Garish colors Multiple font styles and sizes ….should be avoided. Keep paragraphs to three to five sentences each, and a good amount of white space will help present a clear, direct, and readable copy that the reader will heartily appreciate, bringing him or her to your most valued objective, which is to buy now. Persuasion Persuasion vs. Coercion You need to know something right away about persuasion: you can't get anyone to do anything they don't want to do. The essence of sales is that you qualify the prospect having the critical mass of desire for that product or service, and you gently push them over into the side of clicking "buy." This is sales. You can get people to do things they don't want to do, but that is called coercion with threat or intimidation involved. Sales is bring people to things that honestly want and need, your job as salesman (or copywriter) is to gently bring them past their own inhibitions from getting that thing or service they truly need. You might have noticed that sales has many things in common with courtship ;-) Emotions and the Four Major Fears It was Socrates who said that persuasion is a combination of ethos, pathos, and logos. In English that means ethics, passion, and reason, respectively. http://www.Internet Page 9 of 15
  • 10. Now most humans run on a little more emotion (or passion) than ethics or reason. You have to understand that we act mostly on emotions, but we need logic to justify our actions. You supply the logic and they have all the passion to spare. One of the most dangerously powerful emotions is that of fear. People will do anything to resolve their greatest fears. The four major fears are: Fear of Poverty: starvation, homelessness, and bankruptcy Fear of Inadequacy and Criticism: humiliation, shame, and ridicule Fear of the Loss or Lack of Love: abandonment, rejection and loss of connectedness Fear of Ill Health, Old Age or Death: extinction, dissolution and decay These are the key psychological vulnerabilities in the human psyche, which incite us to knee-jerk, emotion-filled overcompensating actions; i.e. “hitting below the belt” your prospect. These four major fears connect to social, physical and economic issues as, feeling “ugly” and not attractive, loneliness, being poor, sick, living in the “wrong” part of town. These are the issues of life that you must redirect prospect's attention to. If a skinny man was convinced that having a figure like Mr. Universe is the key to happiness, regardless if it actually is or not, there is almost nothing he wouldn’t do in pursuit of achieving that state of body (certainly buy any product or service that claims to help him to his goal.) For issues of weight, acne, dating, and all the other “evergreen” niches, the problem resides in the person’s mind, which you must understand implicitly. Their mind is your target. Relevance You need to understand the concept of relevance. If you came across a woman whose hair was on fire, what do you think would be the most important thing to her? A good burn cream? A how-not-to-let- your-hair-get-set-on-fire ebook? An appointment with a beautician for a new hair style? No, she wants a pail of water, dumped on her head....RIGHT NOW! You need to understand what they want, what they need, and what they think is the solution; NOT, NOT, NOT what you think they need or how they should go about solving their problem. How to sell stuff: find out exactly what people want, and give it to them. The Six Major Tactics and Strategies in Sales and Copywriting (borrowing from Dr. Robert Cialdini) 1. Reciprocation When someone gives something to us, we feel obligated to give something back. A tactic in negotiation is to concede a point, which creates a tendency in the other person to concede a point on your behalf. http://www.Internet Page 10 of 15
  • 11. Smartly (or sneakily) done, you initially ask for one thing, knowing full well that what you really want is something less than what you are originally asking. In the negotiation, you concede to your prospect that lower price point. They buyer/prospect now feels an obligation to buy it from you because you did him a "favor." In sales copy you'll see lines like "I made a special arrangement with my supplier, and he felt charitable and agreed to offer this lower price point for one week only." This creates a pressure to buy on the part of the prospect, knowing that you are "on his side." 2. Commitment and Consistency We crave consistency, it gives us a feeling of security and we are drawn to it. If we commit to some principle or thing, we are impelled to stay with that thing in order to remain consistent with ourselves. These two intertwining principles can be powerful influencers upon our behaviors. Sales letters and presentations many times have multiple questions asking the reader/prospect "don't you hate (barky dogs/smoking/acne/overweight/small-breasts-penis-muscles/etc.)?" The similar questions will be asked throughout the presentation/sales letter, and the objective is to have you agree and say "yes." So, when they've come to the end of their presentation, which they've masterfully crafted, due to the factor of commitment and consistency, you will be "forced" to say "yes, I'll by it." You'll notice there is a momentum to the commitment and consistency tactic, if you keep the prospect or reader continuous moving down a line of pre-positioned questions or landmarks, each time agreeing and identifying with the issue at hand, they will be very strongly induced to click "buy" or sign on the dotted line, if you will. You are tying their sense of identity to the subject/issue at hand, and to be consistent with their self- images they are compelled to say yes or click "buy." Is this manipulation? Well, in a way it certainly is, and you must be very conscientious in the use of it. However, like I said before, people feel hesitant or inhibited from getting the things they need. We almost like to keep ourselves in a perpetual state of misery; but it is your job to help move them into the light, as it were. 3. Social Proof Nobody wants to be left alone, they have a yearning need to be accepted and loved. One of the ways of being accepted and being loved is to do what everybody else is doing. This is the "bandwagon" approach: "Everybody is doing it!" "Bestselling book!" "Go to our very popular blog!" Testimonials serve this tactic, reinforcing the group acceptance part of the appeal. You can have the "plain folks" appeal with everyday people, or you can go with the "authority approval" method where you get popular actors and athletes to endorse your product or service. These are all socially valued icons, and we a literally programmed to follow them in the media. http://www.Internet Page 11 of 15
  • 12. Things which are "new" and "improved" show social significance, keeping you up with the Jones', as it were. Social Value = Worth = "Yes, I'll buy it." 4. Liking When you get down to it a business transaction is a relationship; and if they like you, it will be a good (profitable) relationship. Physical attractiveness, of course, is an advantage to this; but so is the quality of similarity, how you and the prospect share certain traits or life situations. These associations create bonding between the seller and buyer. Usually we like to do things for the people we like, so it is always in our best interest to present ourselves as the prospects best friend. A smile, a warm greeting, or even a small gift creates pleasurable stimuli which make the prospect associate you with these good things, and to like you subsequently! Now I don't mean you do this solely to manipulate people, but I want you to understand the psychological framework of business transactions. I mean, you're not, just going to do anything just to get the sale. Some people do, of course, and they reap the rewards of that superficiality; but in many ways your customers are your friends. Earlier in this report I mentioned how people really can read you almost immediately, this connects with the point of people liking you. If they can sense that you pose no threat to them or their wallet inappropriately, but as someone who can help them, you are almost assured of a sale, if all other things are in order. Being honest, direct, and true in your transactions with people is unbeatable. Humor has an amazing power help to people like you; when a person laugh they feel good, and when they laugh with you they associate that good feeling with you. 5. Scarcity We always want most what we can't have. The fact that something is in limited supply or we only have a small window of time in order to get it, this makes us crave it ten times more. This touches upon our deepest fears of loss and inadequacy, and it has the potential to make us to some nutty things, like hit that "buy" button right now. Think of that toy that you wanted so much as a kid, you hounded your parents constantly about it, and when you finally got it for Christmas or as a birthday present that after a short period of time, you didn't want it so much. In fact it pretty much took its place gathering dust on the shelf, along with all the other "must have" things you finally got. When a thing dangled before you with the threat it will be snatched away at any moment, it becomes the most coveted thing in the world. Once it's in your hand, it loses its glittering allure. So you need to create a situation of scarcity of the product or service in the prospect's mind to direct them to click buy, pick up the phone, or say "yes." Phrases like: "Sale ends tomorrow" http://www.Internet Page 12 of 15
  • 13. "Only 50 copies available" "Price goes up with every sale" These make prospects nearly crazy with lust for your product or service. 6. Call to Action When people are reading your copy or listening to your sales presentation, they are in sort of a trance. A trance is a susceptible state where personal guards and boundaries are let down. You have to take advantage of that state and literally tell them what to do. In other words: "Click here to buy this now" "Call me now to book an appointment" "Get this now, before supplies run out" These are all literally commands, and all of your previous efforts using the above mentioned appeals are going to bring your client/prospect to that place where "yes" is almost incontrovertibly assured. You are not taking unfair advantage of them; you are using the principles of communication and psychology to bring about a win-win situation, and equal exchange of money for value. The Power of Words Tapping the Luminous Power of the Mind We are 99% oblivious to the power of words in our life, yet words have the power to touch the deepest parts of our subconscious in an instant and release a floodtide of energy that can cause a person to be highly influenced. When I say “picnic” to you immediately your mind calls up a happy scene of you and your loved ones in an idyllic setting, the green grass, possibly mountains in the background, or a fun game of baseball, a barbecue, etc. with all the attached feelings, sensations and longings about it. You literally are drawn into a magnetic and luminous part of your mind, and you have a renewed vicarious experience of those energies, tapping the deepest and most powerful parts of your psyche. So when you say “amazing” to someone in a speech or ad, you are literally accessing that part of the listener/readers mind that is electrically lit up whenever they have been truly amazed, and they have a little vicarious re-enactment of that experience. This is magic of copywriting, and it is very powerful. A salesman or writer can use this ability of words constructively. Words that Have Amazing Persuasive Power According to the psychology department at Yale University, some words in the English language are more powerful than others, and you would do well to employ them in your sales copy. Here is their top 10 most powerful: http://www.Internet Page 13 of 15
  • 14. New -- It's part of basic human makeup to seek novelty. Save -- We all want to save something. Safety -- This could refer to health or long-lasting quality. Proven -- Helps remove fear from trying something new. Love -- Continues to be an all-time favorite. Discover -- Presents a sense of excitement and adventure. Guarantee -- Provides a sense of safety at the time of purchase. Health -- Especially powerful when it applies to a product. Results -- Works in rationalizing a purchase. You -- Listed as the #1 most powerful word in every study reviewed. Because of the personal nature of advertising copywriting, you should use “you” in your headline, opening line and as often as possible. In fact, many copywriters will throw out a headline if “you” is not in it. Let's not forget a few more that have amazing psychological impact: Free – the best motivator for immediate response. Immediate – online everything is expected now or instantly. Limited – appealing to a sense of urgency. Improve – always interested in becoming better. Bargain – everybody wants to get something at a better price, and better than “Sale”. Exclusive – only those who are invited. And then there's: How to -- very self-empowering! Announcing -- full of expectations! Challenge -- defeat problems! Compare -- easy to understand graphic! Discount -- more for less! Easy -- no work! Exclusive -- just for special people! Hurry -- exciting! Important -- don't want to miss it! Improvement -- make life easier! Miracle -- we love miracles! Plus -- more! Practical -- my parents would approve! ;-) And last but not least (all very self-explanatory): Abundance Confidence Achievement Creativity Charity Energy http://www.Internet Page 14 of 15
  • 15. Freedom Memory Grace Peace Guidance Persistence Happiness Poise Harmony Power Health Purpose Honesty Resourcefulness Inspiration Serenity Intelligence Strength Kindness Success Life Vitality Love Wisdom Summary Writing is easy. Write something like you would want to read it. I don't have a lot of time to spare and I like to get right to the point, the same is true for everybody. Focus solely on the needs of the reader, what he really wants, and find the ways to deliver it to him the quickest way. Everything else is irrelevant, distracting, and dangerous to your success. Remember the main tools/appeals, be true and honorable, and you'll get what you want and your customer will get what they want. Life is good. Curtis Burns http://www.Internet Page 15 of 15