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The	CMO’s	Next	Fron1er	
Adam	Needles	–	Chief	Strategy	Officer,	ANNUITAS,	Inc.	–	TwiDer:		@abneedles
TwiDer:		@abneedles
TwiDer:		@abneedles
TwiDer:		@abneedles
O N L Y 	 2 7 % 	 H A V E 	 M A T U R E 	 D E M A N D 	 G E N E R A T I O N 	 P R O G R A M S 	
Source:		ANNUITAS,	Inc.,	“2016	B2B	
Enterprise	Demand	Genera1on	
•  Direct	response	
•  Vendor	push	
•  Outbound	oriented	
•  Periodic,	short-term	
•  “Perpetual	Demand	GeneraTon”	
•  Buyer	pull	
•  Inbound	oriented	
•  Always	on,	sustainable	
M A T U R I T Y 	 S P E C T R U M 	
TacTcal	Demand	 Strategic	Demand
G E T T I N G 	 T O 	 ‘ P E R P E T U A L 	 D E M A N D 	 G E N E R A T I O N ’ 	
Demand	Engine	 Demand	Process	
TwiDer:		@abneedles
A N A L Y T I C S 	 / 	 O P T I M I Z A T I O N 	 I N V E S T M E N T S 	 G R O W I N G 	 T H E 	 F A S T E S T 	
Source:		Adobe,	“Four	Essen1al	
Elements	for	Digital	Maturity,”	2016.
TwiDer:		@abneedles
W H A T 	 D O 	 D E M A N D 	 G E N E R A T I O N 	 K P I s 	 N E E D 	 T O 	 T E L L 	 U S ?
•  How	can	we	be	sure	of	the	quality	and	
sustainability	of	our	demand	genera1on	
W H A T 	 D O 	 D E M A N D 	 G E N E R A T I O N 	 K P I s 	 N E E D 	 T O 	 T E L L 	 U S ?
•  How	can	we	be	sure	of	the	quality	and	
sustainability	of	our	demand	genera1on	
W H A T 	 D O 	 D E M A N D 	 G E N E R A T I O N 	 K P I s 	 N E E D 	 T O 	 T E L L 	 U S ? 	
•  Demand	CreaTon	Efficiency
•  How	can	we	be	sure	of	the	quality	and	
sustainability	of	our	demand	genera1on	
•  How	can	we	be	sure	we	are	opTmizing	our	
mix	of	content	and	channels	against	the	
‘true’	journey	of	our	targeted	buyer?	
W H A T 	 D O 	 D E M A N D 	 G E N E R A T I O N 	 K P I s 	 N E E D 	 T O 	 T E L L 	 U S ? 	
•  Demand	CreaTon	Efficiency
•  How	can	we	be	sure	of	the	quality	and	
sustainability	of	our	demand	genera1on	
•  How	can	we	be	sure	we	are	opTmizing	our	
mix	of	content	and	channels	against	the	
‘true’	journey	of	our	targeted	buyer?	
W H A T 	 D O 	 D E M A N D 	 G E N E R A T I O N 	 K P I s 	 N E E D 	 T O 	 T E L L 	 U S ? 	
•  Demand	CreaTon	Efficiency	
•  Buyer	CriTcal	Path	Alignment
•  How	can	we	be	sure	of	the	quality	and	
sustainability	of	our	demand	genera1on	
•  How	can	we	be	sure	we	are	opTmizing	our	
mix	of	content	and	channels	against	the	
‘true’	journey	of	our	targeted	buyer?	
•  How	can	we	be	sure	our	marke1ng	efforts		
are	really	providing	‘net	lic’	to	pipeline	and	
W H A T 	 D O 	 D E M A N D 	 G E N E R A T I O N 	 K P I s 	 N E E D 	 T O 	 T E L L 	 U S ? 	
•  Demand	CreaTon	Efficiency	
•  Buyer	CriTcal	Path	Alignment
•  How	can	we	be	sure	of	the	quality	and	
sustainability	of	our	demand	genera1on	
•  How	can	we	be	sure	we	are	opTmizing	our	
mix	of	content	and	channels	against	the	
‘true’	journey	of	our	targeted	buyer?	
•  How	can	we	be	sure	our	marke1ng	efforts		
are	really	providing	‘net	lic’	to	pipeline	and	
W H A T 	 D O 	 D E M A N D 	 G E N E R A T I O N 	 K P I s 	 N E E D 	 T O 	 T E L L 	 U S ? 	
•  Demand	CreaTon	Efficiency	
•  Buyer	CriTcal	Path	Alignment	
•  Revenue	Impact
T H E 	 E I G H T 	 ‘ C O R E 	 K P I s ’ 	 F O R 	 O P T I M I Z I N G 	 D E M A N D 	
•  Engaged-to-Qualified	Lead	
•  Qualified	Lead-to-
•  Engaged-to-Closed	Won	
•  Pipeline/Revenue	
Marke1ng	Sourced	
•  Pipeline/Revenue	
Marke1ng	Influenced	
•  Channel	/	Content	Elas1city	
•  Channel	/	Content	Velocity	
•  Mul1-touch	ADribu1on	of	
Channel	/	Content	ROI	
Demand	CreaTon	Efficiency	 Buyer	CriTcal	Path	Alignment	 Revenue	Impact
TwiDer:		@abneedles
6 7 % 	 H A V E 	 A 	 D O C U M E N T E D 	 L E A D 	 M A N A G E M E N T 	 F R A M E W O R K 	
Source:		ANNUITAS,	Inc.,	“2016	B2B	
Enterprise	Demand	Genera1on	
T H E 	 E I G H T 	 ‘ C O R E 	 K P I s ’ 	 F O R 	 O P T I M I Z I N G 	 D E M A N D 	
•  Engaged-to-Qualified	Lead	
•  Qualified	Lead-to-
•  Engaged-to-Closed	Won	
•  Pipeline/Revenue	
Marke1ng	Sourced	
•  Pipeline/Revenue	
Marke1ng	Influenced	
•  Channel	/	Content	Elas1city	
•  Channel	/	Content	Velocity	
•  Mul1-touch	ADribu1on	of	
Channel	/	Content	ROI	
Demand	CreaTon	Efficiency	 Buyer	CriTcal	Path	Alignment	 Revenue	Impact
•  Engaged-to-Qualified	Lead	
•  Qualified	Lead-to-
•  Engaged-to-Closed	Won	
Demand	CreaTon	Efficiency	
K P I : 	 	 “ E N G A G E D - T O - Q U A L I F I E D 	 L E A D ” 	 % 	 C O N V E R S I O N 	
•  Efficiency of multi-channel Engagement, Nurturing and Lead Qualification
•  LSCENG>QL	=	#	Qualified	Leads	/	#	Engaged	*	100%	
Program	Age:		3	Quarters	 Program	Age:		8	Quarters	
6.39%	 14.0%
•  Engaged-to-Qualified	Lead	
•  Qualified	Lead-to-
•  Engaged-to-Closed	Won	
Demand	CreaTon	Efficiency	
B E N C H M A R K S : 	 	 “ E N G A G E D - T O - Q U A L I F I E D 	 L E A D ” 	 % 	 C O N V E R S I O N 	
Program	Age:		3	Quarters	 Program	Age:		8	Quarters	
B2B Benchmark Targets
•  Direct-response / ‘Push’ demand generation: 4-6%
•  Perpetual DG / ‘Buyer-pull’ demand generation: 8-16%
•  Engaged-to-Qualified	Lead	
•  Qualified	Lead-to-
•  Engaged-to-Closed	Won	
Demand	CreaTon	Efficiency	
K P I : 	 	 “ Q U A L I F I E D 	 L E A D - T O - O P P O R T U N I T Y ” 	 % 	 C O N V E R S I O N 	
•  Quality of Qualified Leads being produced by demand generation; rate of acceptance of
these Qualified Leads going to sales to build Opportunity pipeline
•  LSCQL>OPPTY	=	#	OpportuniCes	/	#	Qualified	Leads	*	100%	
Program	Age:		3	Quarters	 Program	Age:		8	Quarters	
43.5%	 45.7%
•  Engaged-to-Qualified	Lead	
•  Qualified	Lead-to-
•  Engaged-to-Closed	Won	
Demand	CreaTon	Efficiency	
B E N C H M A R K S : 	 	 “ Q U A L I F I E D 	 L E A D - T O - O P P O R T U N I T Y ” 	 % 	 C O N V E R S I O N 	
Program	Age:		3	Quarters	 Program	Age:		8	Quarters	
B2B Benchmark Targets
•  Direct-response / ‘Push’ demand generation: 30%
•  Perpetual DG / ‘Buyer-pull’ demand generation: 40-50%
•  Engaged-to-Qualified	Lead	
•  Qualified	Lead-to-
•  Engaged-to-Closed	Won	
Demand	CreaTon	Efficiency	
B E N C H M A R K S : 	 	 “ Q U A L I F I E D 	 L E A D - T O - O P P O R T U N I T Y ” 	 % 	 C O N V E R S I O N 	
•  Quality of Qualified Leads being produced by demand generation; rate of acceptance of
these Qualified Leads going to sales to build Opportunity pipeline
•  LSCQL>OPPTY	=	#	OpportuniCes	/	#	Qualified	Leads	*	100%	
Program	Age:		3	Quarters
•  Engaged-to-Qualified	Lead	
•  Qualified	Lead-to-
•  Engaged-to-Closed	Won	
Demand	CreaTon	Efficiency	
K P I : 	 	 “ E N G A G E D - T O - C L O S E D 	 W O N ” 	 % 	 C O N V E R S I O N 	
•  Balanced, end-to-end view of how effective up-stream demand generation activities are
on driving downstream revenue; adds win rate to funnel conversion perspective
•  LSCENG>CW	=	#	Closed	Won	/	#	Engaged	*	100%	
Program	Age:		3	Quarters	 Program	Age:		8	Quarters	
0.44%	 3.58%
•  Engaged-to-Qualified	Lead	
•  Qualified	Lead-to-
•  Engaged-to-Closed	Won	
Demand	CreaTon	Efficiency	
B E N C H M A R K S : 	 	 “ E N G A G E D - T O - C L O S E D 	 W O N ” 	 % 	 C O N V E R S I O N 	
Program	Age:		3	Quarters	 Program	Age:		8	Quarters	
B2B Benchmark Targets
•  Direct-response / ‘Push’ demand generation: 0.2-0.85%
•  Perpetual DG / ‘Buyer-pull’ demand generation: 1-4%
TwiDer:		@abneedles
B U Y E R 	 E X P E R I E N C E 	 T H A T 	 ‘ E X C E E D S ’ 	 I S 	 N O T 	 T H E 	 N O R M 	
Source:		Forrester,	”Expecta1on	Vs.	
Experience:		The	Good,	The	Bad,	The	
Opportunity,”	June	2016.
“CMOs	...	report	that	of	all	the	
individuals	they	reach	with	their	
marke1ng	messages,	fewer	
than	18	percent	are	actually	in	
the	market	for	the	product	or	
service	on	offer.”	
8 2 % 	 O F 	 D E M A N D 	 G E N E R A T I O N 	 I S 	 ‘ W R O N G 	 P L A C E , 	 W R O N G 	 T I M E ’ 	
Source:		Accenture	Interac1ve,	”Waste	
or	Win?		The	Case	for	Just-in-1me	
Marke1ng,”	2016.
B U Y E R 	 J O U R N E Y 	 A L I G N M E N T 	 L E A D S 	 T O 	 M A R K E T I N G 	 ‘ O U T P E R F O R M A N C E ’ 	
Source:		Salesforce	Research,	”2016	
State	of	Marke1ng.”	
142016 State of Marketing
Salesforce Research
High performers Moderate performers Underperformers
Top Marketing Teams Commit to the Customer Journey
From adopting strategy to actively mapping touchpoints, high-performing marketing leaders
make the customer journey a priority.
In our 2016 research, “customer
journey” is defined as all interactions
that customers have with a company’s
brands, products, or services across
all touchpoints and channels. High-
performing marketing teams are 8.8x
more likely than underperformers to
strongly agree that they have adopted a
customer journey strategy as part of their
overall business strategy.
But top marketers know that identifying
the customer journey is an ongoing
pursuit. Whether a marathon or a series
of sprints, well-executed journeys must
be contextual to the moment and
personalized to individual customers.
While 65% of high performers strongly
agree their company has adopted a
customer journey approach, 61% are
actively mapping their journeys.
Among high-performing teams,
88% say a customer journey strategy
is critical to the success of their
overall marketing.
Has adopted a customer
journey strategy as part of
its overall business strategy
22%Is actively mapping the
customer journey
High-performing vs.
Underperforming Teams
Percentage Who Strongly Agree with Each Statement
more likely to
strongly agree
more likely to
strongly agree
Practices of High-Performing Marketing Teams
Top Marketing Teams Win with a Customer Journey Strategy01
T H E 	 E I G H T 	 ‘ C O R E 	 K P I s ’ 	 F O R 	 O P T I M I Z I N G 	 D E M A N D 	
•  Engaged-to-Qualified	Lead	
•  Qualified	Lead-to-
•  Engaged-to-Closed	Won	
•  Pipeline/Revenue	
Marke1ng	Sourced	
•  Pipeline/Revenue	
Marke1ng	Influenced	
•  Channel	/	Content	Elas1city	
•  Channel	/	Content	Velocity	
•  Mul1-touch	ADribu1on	of	
Channel	/	Content	ROI	
Demand	CreaTon	Efficiency	 Buyer	CriTcal	Path	Alignment	 Revenue	Impact
•  Channel	/	Content	ElasTcity	
•  Channel	/	Content	Velocity	
•  Mul1-touch	ADribu1on	of	
Channel	/	Content	ROI	
Buyer	CriTcal	Path	Alignment	
K P I : 	 	 “ C H A N N E L 	 / 	 C O N T E N T 	 E L A S T I C I T Y ” 	
•  Probability that a Prospect’s interaction with a given Engagement Channel or Content
Offer will lead to a Closed Won outcome
•  ECHANNEL	/	CONTENT	=	#	Closed	Won	/	#	Channel	or	Content	InteracCons	*	100%	
Channel	ElasTcity	 Content	ElasTcity	
•  Channel	/	Content	Elas1city	
•  Channel	/	Content	Velocity	
•  Mul1-touch	ADribu1on	of	
Channel	/	Content	ROI	
Buyer	CriTcal	Path	Alignment	
•  Time from the point where a Prospect interacts with a given Engagement Channel or
Content Offer to the point where (s)he becomes Closed Won
•  VELCHANNEL	/	CONTENT	=	AVERAGE	#	DAYS	(Date	of	Closed	Won	–	Date	of		Channel	or	Content	InteracCons)	
Content	Velocity	
Channel	Velocity	
K P I : 	 	 “ C H A N N E L 	 / 	 C O N T E N T 	 V E L O C I T Y ”
•  Channel	/	Content	Elas1city	
•  Channel	/	Content	Velocity	
•  MulT-touch	AmribuTon	of	
Channel	/	Content	ROI	
Buyer	CriTcal	Path	Alignment	
K P I : 	 	 “ C H A N N E L 	 / 	 C O N T E N T 	 E L A S T I C I T Y ” 	
•  Distributing the results from a Closed Won result across all of the Engagement Channels
and/or Content Offers consumed during the course of the buyer's journey
•  ROI	ATTRCHANNEL	/	CONTENT		=	1	/	Total	#	of	Channel	or	Content	InteracCons	*	$	Spend	per	Channel	or	Content	
MulT-touch	Analysis	
MulT-touch	AmribuTon	/	ROI	
•  Channel	/	Content	Elas1city	
•  Channel	/	Content	Velocity	
•  MulT-touch	AmribuTon	of	
Channel	/	Content	ROI	
Buyer	CriTcal	Path	Alignment	
K P I : 	 	 “ C H A N N E L 	 / 	 C O N T E N T 	 E L A S T I C I T Y ” 	
•  Distributing the results from a Closed Won result across all of the Engagement Channels
and/or Content Offers consumed during the course of the buyer's journey
•  ROI	ATTRCHANNEL	/	CONTENT		=	1	/	Total	#	of	Channel	or	Content	InteracCons	*	$	Spend	per	Channel	or	Content
TwiDer:		@abneedles
~ 6 5 % 	 S A Y 	 ‘ P I P E L I N E ’ / ‘ R E V E N U E S ’ 	 A R E 	 T O P 	 M E A S U R E S 	 O F 	 S U C C E S S 	
Source:		ANNUITAS,	Inc.,	“2016	B2B	
Enterprise	Demand	Genera1on	
11 What is your PRIMARY measure of success for Demand Generation programs/campaigns?
This ind
set of K
Opens, Clic
New Activi
No Consist
Revenue Generated, 20.4% Net New Leads, 16.8%
Pipeline Generated, 23.9%
Pipeline Generated 23.9%
Revenue Generated 20.4%
Net New Leads 16.8%
Qualified Leads Delivered 15%
Opportunities Delivered 8%
Opens, Clicks, Impressions, etc. 6.2%
New Activity at Known/Target Accounts 3.5%
No Consistent Measurement 3.5%
Other 2.7%
As in years past, the measurements that are being applied
to demand generation are not aligned to what respondents
stated as their overall objectives. While the measurement
of contribution to pipeline and revenue are an indication
of a quality lead, 15% of firms stated that they have a
separate metric for quality leads (a 14% decrease from last
years survey) delivered yet 81% it was their number one
T H E 	 E I G H T 	 ‘ C O R E 	 K P I s ’ 	 F O R 	 O P T I M I Z I N G 	 D E M A N D 	
•  Engaged-to-Qualified	Lead	
•  Qualified	Lead-to-
•  Engaged-to-Closed	Won	
•  Pipeline/Revenue	
Marke1ng	Sourced	
•  Pipeline/Revenue	
Marke1ng	Influenced	
•  Channel	/	Content	Elas1city	
•  Channel	/	Content	Velocity	
•  Mul1-touch	ADribu1on	of	
Channel	/	Content	ROI	
Demand	CreaTon	Efficiency	 Buyer	CriTcal	Path	Alignment	 Revenue	Impact
•  Pipeline/Revenue	
MarkeTng	Sourced	
•  Pipeline/Revenue	
Marke1ng	Influenced	
Revenue	Impact	
K P I : 	 	 “ P I P E L I N E 	 / 	 R E V E N U E 	 M A R K E T I N G 	 S O U R C E D ” 	
•  Tracking the pipeline Opportunities and Closed Won revenue that are originally
attributable to a marketing interaction
•  CONTRDEMAND	=	#	DG	Sourced	OpportuniCes	(Closed	Won)	/	#	Total	OpportuniCes	(Closed	Won)	*	100%
•  Pipeline/Revenue	
MarkeTng	Sourced	
•  Pipeline/Revenue	
Marke1ng	Influenced	
Revenue	Impact	
B E N C H M A R K S : 	 	 “ P I P E L I N E 	 / 	 R E V E N U E 	 M A R K E T I N G 	 S O U R C E D ” 	
B2B Benchmark Targets
•  Direct-response / ‘Push’ demand generation: 2.5-6.5%
•  Perpetual DG / ‘Buyer-pull’ demand generation: 6.5-20%
•  Pipeline/Revenue	
Marke1ng	Sourced	
•  Pipeline/Revenue	
MarkeTng	Influenced	
Revenue	Impact	
K P I : 	 	 “ P I P E L I N E 	 / 	 R E V E N U E 	 M A R K E T I N G 	 I N F L U E N C E D ” 	
•  Tracking the pipeline Opportunities and Closed Won revenue that are originally
attributable to a marketing interaction
•  CONTRDEMAND	=	#	DG	Influenced	OpportuniCes	(Closed	Won)	/	#	Total	OpportuniCes	(Closed	Won)	*	100%
•  Pipeline/Revenue	
Marke1ng	Sourced	
•  Pipeline/Revenue	
MarkeTng	Influenced	
Revenue	Impact	
B E N C H M A R K S : 	 	 “ P I P E L I N E 	 / 	 R E V E N U E 	 M A R K E T I N G 	 I N F L U E N C E D ” 	
B2B Benchmark Targets
•  Direct-response / ‘Push’ demand generation: 4-20%
•  Perpetual DG / ‘Buyer-pull’ demand generation: 15-60%
TwiDer:		@abneedles
TwiDer:		@abneedles
H O W 	 C A N 	 Y O U 	 D R I V E 	 C O N T I N U O U S 	 O P T I M I Z A T I O N ?
•  Full,	closed-loop	‘point	visualizaTon’	of	performance	
§  Focus	on	content,	channel,	LDT	and	sales	‘levers’	
§  Iden1fy	how/where	incremental	adjustments	can	impact	the	en1re	lead-to-revenue	equa1on	
H O W 	 C A N 	 Y O U 	 D R I V E 	 C O N T I N U O U S 	 O P T I M I Z A T I O N ?
•  Full,	closed-loop	‘point	visualizaTon’	of	performance	
§  Focus	on	content,	channel,	LDT	and	sales	‘levers’	
§  Iden1fy	how/where	incremental	adjustments	can	impact	the	en1re	lead-to-revenue	equa1on	
•  Cadence	of	review	and	opTmizaTon	acTon	items	
§  Bi-monthly	
§  Monthly	
§  Quarterly	
H O W 	 C A N 	 Y O U 	 D R I V E 	 C O N T I N U O U S 	 O P T I M I Z A T I O N ?
•  Full,	closed-loop	‘point	visualizaTon’	of	performance	
§  Focus	on	content,	channel,	LDT	and	sales	‘levers’	
§  Iden1fy	how/where	incremental	adjustments	can	impact	the	en1re	lead-to-revenue	equa1on	
•  Cadence	of	review	and	opTmizaTon	acTon	items	
§  Bi-monthly	
§  Monthly	
§  Quarterly	
•  Governance	and	accountability	–	with	some	‘reciprocity’	
§  Marke1ng	
§  Sales	
§  Finance	
H O W 	 C A N 	 Y O U 	 D R I V E 	 C O N T I N U O U S 	 O P T I M I Z A T I O N ?
Adam	Needles	
Chief	Strategy	Officer,	ANNUITAS,	Inc.	
TwiDer:		@abneedles

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