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SELLERS - If You Play Your Cards Right:

The Cost-Cutting Buyer Is Your Ally
Turning the 6 buyer strategies for cost reduction to your advantage.

  Today's buyers are hell-bent on cutting cost. However for
  sellers that need not be all bad news. Indeed, the latest wave
  of buyer cost cutting, with its broader and more strategic         “Shaving supplier
  focus, has the potential to take buyer-seller relationships to a   margins is not the
  new level.
                                                                     only way, or even
  Buyers are slowly realizing that shaving supplier margins is not     the best way…”
  the only way, or even the best way, to achieve sustainable cost
  reductions. This presents opportunities for sellers.

  This whitepapers shows how sellers can use the buyer's
  changing focus on cost reduction to unite, rather than divide.
The Traditional Buyer Cost Reduction Strategies

Traditionally, buyers have turned to two strategies in the pursuit of
immediate cost savings:

Strategy 1: The RFx - we are all too familiar with the rise of the
competitive tender and the increased volumes of RFPs (request for
proposal), RFQ's (request for quotation), etc.

Strategy 2: Price Negotiation - the traditional 'jaw-boning' where
buyer and seller go head to head on price reduction.

The bottom line is that the progressive shaving of the supplier's
margin is not the only strategy for cost reduction. For buyers who
have already 'gone to the well' on a number of occasions in pursuit of
supplier margin cuts, that is good news.

In many cases much of the scope for shaving supplier margins may
have already been exploited. Buyers know that there is a point where
it is counter-productive, even risky, to look for another cost reduction:
         Suppliers often cut the quality of service in response to a cut in
         margins. Their attention turns to more profitable customers.
         Competitive tenders and reverse auctions can scare off quality
         suppliers, or at least quality tenders.
         The obsessive focus on lowest price, can result in higher costs
         in the long-run (total lifecycle costs).
         Price is only one dimension of cost and cost itself is only one
         half of the economic cost-benefit analysis.
         The link between cost and quality goes under-appreciated.

So, it is that buyers are exploring other ways of cutting costs too.

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© The ASG Group 2011
New Buyer Strategies For Cost Reduction

Buyers are adopting an increasingly sophisticated approach to the
challenge of cost reduction. This is reflected in the range of strategies
being adopted.

Buyers have moved beyond the more obvious strategies of the
competitive tender (the RFx) and supplier re-negotiation, to adopt a
more integrated, holistic and ultimately more strategic approach. So
buyers are being advised to adopt a number of strategies for cutting

                                                                            “Cost reduction
Strategy 3:
Partner With Suppliers To Identify More Creative
                                                                            becomes a joint
Cost Savings                                                                responsibility of
'Ask and you may receive' is the new motto for the progressive buyer,
                                                                             both buyer and
who has come to see that two heads are better than one when it                    supplier.”
comes to finding new ways to cut costs. In this way cost reduction
becomes the joint responsibility of both buyer and supplier.

Increasingly, buyers are cautioned to take a holistic view of cost
reduction in working with their suppliers. That means finding new
ways to remove cost, rather than simply hitting supplier's margins.
The focus then shifts to greater innovation, process efficiency and so

This has implications for sellers, as it means that they can co-operate
with buyers in the pursuit of cost savings, without the defensiveness
that the direct assault on supplier margins entails.

Sellers who recognize the inescapable fact that buyers are targeted
with delivering additional savings, year on year, partner with buyers in
finding more innovative win-win ways of cutting costs.

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© The ASG Group 2011
Suppliers who come to their customers with new ideas as to how
   costs can be reduced can really distinguish themselves. For example; if
   we did it this way, added more of this, or less of that, if you followed
   this process, etc. With every dollar, or euro they help the buyer to
   save the seller protects, or perhaps even grows, their revenue and

Tick  If ‘Yes’

 Can you identify ways you can partner with the buying
  organization to delivery cost savings through innovation?

   Strategy 4:
   Managing Demand

   Buyers are increasingly focusing their attention on the origin of cost,
   addressing the issue of managing demand, or spend for the various
   products and services used throughout the organization.

   This rather obvious strategy makes total sense. For example, if the
   buyer can curtail demand for new software licenses in the
   organization by 10%, that is going to deliver up to 10 times more than
   a 10% reduction in software license costs from the supplier (which
   incidentally will be sought anyhow).

   The seller who helps the buyer to manage demand has an advantage
   in winning the deal. Although it may result in cannibalizing some sales
   in the short term, helping the buyer to buy less can help the seller to
   sell more in the long term.

   Take for example a bio waste solutions company that provides onsite
   equipment to cut the cost of handling canteen waste by up to 190
   euro per tonne. Such a major saving is obviously appealing to the
   buyer, but that is not all the company offers.

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Equally important for the environmentally conscious buyer, the
    supplier also helps the customer to reduce the total tonnage of
    canteen waste by up to 25%. It does this through a range of related
    activities, including educating canteen customers and staff, backed up
    with full system reporting of volumes of waste handled.

Tick  If ‘Yes’

 Can you help the buying organization to curtail
  unnecessary spending, or waste in your area?

    Although the company charges per tonne of waste handled, it has
    determined that helping to cut waste volumes is the best strategy for
    long term profitability. The bio waste company's solution has a dual
    economic advantage – cutting cost directly through superior
    technology, as well as indirectly through helping the buyer to manage

    As this example shows, the seller who helps the customer to spend
    less can sell more. Helping the buyer to manage demand can be a win-
    win for buyer and seller. It is a means of helping the buyer to cut costs
                                                                                “…the seller who
    without the seller necessarily suffering any margin, or revenue              helps the buyer
                                                                                  spend less can
    For the buyer the starting point for demand management is spend                  sell more.”
    analytics - the process of exposing what the organization spends, how
    and where (and more importantly how this can be reduced). This can
    present challenges however, with many buyers complaining of limited
    visibility of what is spent. Sellers who help provide such visibility, or
    illumination of spend can have an advantage.

Tick  If ‘Yes’

 Can you provide the buyer with greater visibility or
  understanding of what is spent and what should be spent?

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    © The ASG Group 2011
In the bio-waste example, the seller provided the buyer with
increased spend visibility in the following ways:

       Information on bio-waste waste volumes based on data from
       other customer sites (including key metrics, averages and rules
       of thumb). This information enabled the buyer to benchmark
       against others.
                                                                         “...tried & tested
       An audit of bio-waste volumes at proposal stage, presenting              ways to cut
       the buyer with a detailed analysis of volumes and the savings          procurement
       that could be derived in the form of a business case.
                                                                                   cost and
       Weekly and monthly volume reports, detailing the throughput             complexity.”
       and comparing it with volume reduction goals set and savings
       targeted in the business case. The customer is provided with
       alerts when volumes processed and spend reaches 60%, 80% of
       monthly spend allocation.

The seller can play a role in helping the
buyer in respect of profiling,
understanding and managing demand,
often without suffering any margin, or
revenue reduction.

Strategy 5:
Consolidation Or Aggregation Of

The first port of call after the analysis of
spend is typically the consolidation, or
aggregation of purchases.

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© The ASG Group 2011
There are 6 key ways in which buyers approach this challenge:

        1. Getting managers, departments and business units to pool
           their orders to generate bulk discounts.

        2. Framework agreements with selected vendors (covering more
           items for a longer period).

        3. Reducing supplier numbers, with preferred and approved
           vendor lists.

        4. SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) consolidation- reducing the number
           of individual / unique items purchased (e.g. we purchase 18
           different types of ball bearings, lets reduce that to 6).

        5. Specification reduction - where specifications are simplified or
           reduced so as to open up new / cheaper sourcing options.

        6. Category management - that is the focus on particular spend
           pools , or categories of purchases.

    These 6 strategies are tried and tested ways for buyers to manage and
    ultimately cut the procurement complexity and cost. They represent
    aspects of procurement best practice and can present either an
    opportunity or challenge to the seller, depending on the degree to
    which he/she is prepared for them.

Tick  If ‘Yes’
 Do you know what procurement best practice for your area
  is and do you help your customer & prospects to apply it?

    As consolidation/aggregation strategies are an almost inevitable step
    for the buyer, suppliers must be ready.

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    © The ASG Group 2011
Some examples of how suppliers can help their customers to
    aggregate, or consolidate their buying, are as follows:

             'We received 30 individual orders in the past 6 weeks from
             various departments in the buying organization… If we
             combined orders into weekly delivery schedules that could
             reduce transport costs by 30%, while also preventing 'impulse

             'Based on the sample invoices you provided to us, we see that
             there are a total of 15 product substitutions (like for like non-
             premium brand alternatives) that could deliver savings of 25%.'

             'We will provide your end customers with direct access to our
             ordering system through an online catalogue which will show
             availability based on budgeted allocations and will require valid
             order numbers, or other internal ordering processes that you
             may want to follow…'

             'We receive orders from 4 different parts of your organization,
             each with its own account, rates and terms. If we combined
             them all together we could offer better rates to everybody and
             one centralized ordering process.'

    Those suppliers who proactively help buyers to more effectively
    aggregate and consolidate demand begin the transition from supplier
    to partner.

 Tick  If ‘Yes’
 Can you help the buying organization to consolidate,
  categorize, or aggregate what they spend in your area?

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    © The ASG Group 2011
Strategy 6:
   Re-engineering The Supply Chain

   Procurement is increasingly the focus of strategic, or joined up
   thinking that sees buying in the context of the total supply chain with
   its multiplicity of inputs and outputs, customers, suppliers and
   partners. That means procurement is looking for economies and
   efficiencies in new areas.

   The focus has shifted to total supply chain efficiency and in particular
   to leveraging supplier partner innovation in getting their
   product/service into the hands of the customer. It has also shifted to
   the suppliers of your suppliers (e.g. raw materials) in terms of seeking
   cost reduction, or managing supply risk.

Tick  If ‘Yes’

 Can you map your customer’s supply chain and how it is

   When buyers see their business as a supply chain, they quickly begin
   to see that certain steps in the supply chain could be done by others.
   That may mean out-sourcing the procurement of particular products,
   or categories, or it may be the out-sourcing of stages / steps within
   the supply chain. This presents opportunities, as well as challenges for

   In a world where the biggest one time manufacturers don't own
                                                                              “Sellers need to
   factories, or fleets of delivery vehicles, but instead manage supply       see themselves
   chains, what matters is the end-to-end performance of the business
                                                                                   as links in a
   (or supply chain), not who owns the various pieces in between. With
   companies focusing on core competence, the trend is towards out-           supply chain...”
   sourcing everything else and that presents opportunities for suppliers
   to become strategic partners.

   This new out-sourced business model presents opportunities for
   sellers. Buyers are regularly reminded the issue of out-sourcing
   requires asking not 'Who is best to do it?', but 'Who is best at doing

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it?' Sellers need to see themselves not as suppliers, but as links in a
   supply chain. They need to adopt a full customer supply chain focus.

Tick  If ‘Yes’
 Can you help the buyer to optimize their supply chain
  efficiency - from raw materials, or inputs to outputs, or
  finished products provided to their end customers?

   What happens when sellers adopt a supply chain view? Well, here
   are some of the opportunities it presents:

            Help the customer to optimize their supply chain – starting
            with the step that they are presently on, but looking forward to
            the end customer and backward to the raw material. This
            enables sellers to take cross selling and up selling to a new

            Adopt a total solution, or 'total ecosystem' view to more
            comprehensively address the buying organization's needs.

            See opportunities where one product, or service ends and
            another begins. For example the IT solutions vendor whose
            system must integrate with a myriad of other supplier systems
            in the buying organization partners with those other suppliers
            with respect to integration, or the total solution.

            Recognize that solutions don't just have internal, but also
            external customers. For example the IT vendor whose system
            enables self-provisioning by the buying organization's end
            customers, as well as its channel intermediaries.

            Optimize, develop and re-engineer their own supply chains –
            that is their own suppliers and distributors to enhance
            competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Tick  If ‘Yes’

 Can you help the buyer to out-source and thereby focus
  more on their core competence?

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   © The ASG Group 2011
Your Sales Gauge:           The Cost-Cutting Buyer Is Your Ally

There are 8 checklist in the article. Use these to gauge how effectively
you are transforming the cost-cutting buyer into an ally.

Tick the ones for which you can answer 'Yes' – that is those that are
presently being addressed, or covered by your sales approach. Pay
particular attention to those that you cannot Tick – they could be
limiting your success.

What Should You Do Next?
Use the checklist above to decide what you want to do next. In
particular, see how many items were you able to tick 'Yes'.

If you ticked most, or all of them then you have the cost-cutting buyer
under control. So, you might like to navigate to some other aspect of
the Orders Stage (i.e. proposals, negotiation and closing), or
elsewhere in the sales process.

If not, this area could be limiting your sales success. You can start
addressing it by tackling those items in the checklist that you could
not tick. For each make a note of specific actions you can take – you
will find space to write earlier in this paper.

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© The ASG Group 2011
The Science Behind This Paper
These insights and tools are based on extensive research under 3

1. Buyer Research – our ground-breaking research into how modern
   buying decisions are made and the implications for sellers.

2. Best Practice Research – Over 1 million pages of best practice sales
   case studies, books and research.

3. Common Practice Research – Our peer comparison benchmark of
   1,000s of your competitors and peers.

The Sales Engine® and SellerNav are trademarks of The ASG Group.
The entire contents of this document are copyright of The ASG Group
and cannot be reproduced in any format without written permission.

Would you like help in tackling your sales challenges? Contact us at:

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© The ASG Group 2011

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How To Make The Cost-Cutting Buyer Your Ally?

  • 1. Retail Price: $9.99 SELLERS - If You Play Your Cards Right: The Cost-Cutting Buyer Is Your Ally Turning the 6 buyer strategies for cost reduction to your advantage. Today's buyers are hell-bent on cutting cost. However for sellers that need not be all bad news. Indeed, the latest wave of buyer cost cutting, with its broader and more strategic “Shaving supplier focus, has the potential to take buyer-seller relationships to a margins is not the new level. only way, or even Buyers are slowly realizing that shaving supplier margins is not the best way…” the only way, or even the best way, to achieve sustainable cost reductions. This presents opportunities for sellers. This whitepapers shows how sellers can use the buyer's changing focus on cost reduction to unite, rather than divide.
  • 2. The Traditional Buyer Cost Reduction Strategies Traditionally, buyers have turned to two strategies in the pursuit of immediate cost savings: Strategy 1: The RFx - we are all too familiar with the rise of the competitive tender and the increased volumes of RFPs (request for proposal), RFQ's (request for quotation), etc. Strategy 2: Price Negotiation - the traditional 'jaw-boning' where buyer and seller go head to head on price reduction. The bottom line is that the progressive shaving of the supplier's margin is not the only strategy for cost reduction. For buyers who have already 'gone to the well' on a number of occasions in pursuit of supplier margin cuts, that is good news. In many cases much of the scope for shaving supplier margins may have already been exploited. Buyers know that there is a point where it is counter-productive, even risky, to look for another cost reduction: Suppliers often cut the quality of service in response to a cut in margins. Their attention turns to more profitable customers. Competitive tenders and reverse auctions can scare off quality suppliers, or at least quality tenders. The obsessive focus on lowest price, can result in higher costs in the long-run (total lifecycle costs). Price is only one dimension of cost and cost itself is only one half of the economic cost-benefit analysis. The link between cost and quality goes under-appreciated. So, it is that buyers are exploring other ways of cutting costs too. P a g e |2 © The ASG Group 2011
  • 3. New Buyer Strategies For Cost Reduction Buyers are adopting an increasingly sophisticated approach to the challenge of cost reduction. This is reflected in the range of strategies being adopted. Buyers have moved beyond the more obvious strategies of the competitive tender (the RFx) and supplier re-negotiation, to adopt a more integrated, holistic and ultimately more strategic approach. So buyers are being advised to adopt a number of strategies for cutting costs: “Cost reduction Strategy 3: Partner With Suppliers To Identify More Creative becomes a joint Cost Savings responsibility of 'Ask and you may receive' is the new motto for the progressive buyer, both buyer and who has come to see that two heads are better than one when it supplier.” comes to finding new ways to cut costs. In this way cost reduction becomes the joint responsibility of both buyer and supplier. Increasingly, buyers are cautioned to take a holistic view of cost reduction in working with their suppliers. That means finding new ways to remove cost, rather than simply hitting supplier's margins. The focus then shifts to greater innovation, process efficiency and so on. This has implications for sellers, as it means that they can co-operate with buyers in the pursuit of cost savings, without the defensiveness that the direct assault on supplier margins entails. Sellers who recognize the inescapable fact that buyers are targeted with delivering additional savings, year on year, partner with buyers in finding more innovative win-win ways of cutting costs. P a g e |3 © The ASG Group 2011
  • 4. Suppliers who come to their customers with new ideas as to how costs can be reduced can really distinguish themselves. For example; if we did it this way, added more of this, or less of that, if you followed this process, etc. With every dollar, or euro they help the buyer to save the seller protects, or perhaps even grows, their revenue and margin. Tick  If ‘Yes’  Can you identify ways you can partner with the buying organization to delivery cost savings through innovation? Strategy 4: Managing Demand Buyers are increasingly focusing their attention on the origin of cost, addressing the issue of managing demand, or spend for the various products and services used throughout the organization. This rather obvious strategy makes total sense. For example, if the buyer can curtail demand for new software licenses in the organization by 10%, that is going to deliver up to 10 times more than a 10% reduction in software license costs from the supplier (which incidentally will be sought anyhow). The seller who helps the buyer to manage demand has an advantage in winning the deal. Although it may result in cannibalizing some sales in the short term, helping the buyer to buy less can help the seller to sell more in the long term. Take for example a bio waste solutions company that provides onsite equipment to cut the cost of handling canteen waste by up to 190 euro per tonne. Such a major saving is obviously appealing to the buyer, but that is not all the company offers. P a g e |4 © The ASG Group 2011
  • 5. Equally important for the environmentally conscious buyer, the supplier also helps the customer to reduce the total tonnage of canteen waste by up to 25%. It does this through a range of related activities, including educating canteen customers and staff, backed up with full system reporting of volumes of waste handled. Tick  If ‘Yes’  Can you help the buying organization to curtail unnecessary spending, or waste in your area? Although the company charges per tonne of waste handled, it has determined that helping to cut waste volumes is the best strategy for long term profitability. The bio waste company's solution has a dual economic advantage – cutting cost directly through superior technology, as well as indirectly through helping the buyer to manage demand. As this example shows, the seller who helps the customer to spend less can sell more. Helping the buyer to manage demand can be a win- win for buyer and seller. It is a means of helping the buyer to cut costs “…the seller who without the seller necessarily suffering any margin, or revenue helps the buyer reduction. spend less can For the buyer the starting point for demand management is spend sell more.” analytics - the process of exposing what the organization spends, how and where (and more importantly how this can be reduced). This can present challenges however, with many buyers complaining of limited visibility of what is spent. Sellers who help provide such visibility, or illumination of spend can have an advantage. Tick  If ‘Yes’  Can you provide the buyer with greater visibility or understanding of what is spent and what should be spent? P a g e |5 © The ASG Group 2011
  • 6. In the bio-waste example, the seller provided the buyer with increased spend visibility in the following ways: Information on bio-waste waste volumes based on data from other customer sites (including key metrics, averages and rules of thumb). This information enabled the buyer to benchmark against others. “...tried & tested An audit of bio-waste volumes at proposal stage, presenting ways to cut the buyer with a detailed analysis of volumes and the savings procurement that could be derived in the form of a business case. cost and Weekly and monthly volume reports, detailing the throughput complexity.” and comparing it with volume reduction goals set and savings targeted in the business case. The customer is provided with alerts when volumes processed and spend reaches 60%, 80% of monthly spend allocation. The seller can play a role in helping the buyer in respect of profiling, understanding and managing demand, often without suffering any margin, or revenue reduction. Strategy 5: Consolidation Or Aggregation Of Purchases The first port of call after the analysis of spend is typically the consolidation, or aggregation of purchases. P a g e |6 © The ASG Group 2011
  • 7. There are 6 key ways in which buyers approach this challenge: 1. Getting managers, departments and business units to pool their orders to generate bulk discounts. 2. Framework agreements with selected vendors (covering more items for a longer period). 3. Reducing supplier numbers, with preferred and approved vendor lists. 4. SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) consolidation- reducing the number of individual / unique items purchased (e.g. we purchase 18 different types of ball bearings, lets reduce that to 6). 5. Specification reduction - where specifications are simplified or reduced so as to open up new / cheaper sourcing options. 6. Category management - that is the focus on particular spend pools , or categories of purchases. These 6 strategies are tried and tested ways for buyers to manage and ultimately cut the procurement complexity and cost. They represent aspects of procurement best practice and can present either an opportunity or challenge to the seller, depending on the degree to which he/she is prepared for them. Tick  If ‘Yes’  Do you know what procurement best practice for your area is and do you help your customer & prospects to apply it? As consolidation/aggregation strategies are an almost inevitable step for the buyer, suppliers must be ready. P a g e |7 © The ASG Group 2011
  • 8. Some examples of how suppliers can help their customers to aggregate, or consolidate their buying, are as follows: 'We received 30 individual orders in the past 6 weeks from various departments in the buying organization… If we combined orders into weekly delivery schedules that could reduce transport costs by 30%, while also preventing 'impulse orders'. 'Based on the sample invoices you provided to us, we see that there are a total of 15 product substitutions (like for like non- premium brand alternatives) that could deliver savings of 25%.' 'We will provide your end customers with direct access to our ordering system through an online catalogue which will show availability based on budgeted allocations and will require valid order numbers, or other internal ordering processes that you may want to follow…' 'We receive orders from 4 different parts of your organization, each with its own account, rates and terms. If we combined them all together we could offer better rates to everybody and one centralized ordering process.' Those suppliers who proactively help buyers to more effectively aggregate and consolidate demand begin the transition from supplier to partner. Tick  If ‘Yes’  Can you help the buying organization to consolidate, categorize, or aggregate what they spend in your area? P a g e |8 © The ASG Group 2011
  • 9. Strategy 6: Re-engineering The Supply Chain Procurement is increasingly the focus of strategic, or joined up thinking that sees buying in the context of the total supply chain with its multiplicity of inputs and outputs, customers, suppliers and partners. That means procurement is looking for economies and efficiencies in new areas. The focus has shifted to total supply chain efficiency and in particular to leveraging supplier partner innovation in getting their product/service into the hands of the customer. It has also shifted to the suppliers of your suppliers (e.g. raw materials) in terms of seeking cost reduction, or managing supply risk. Tick  If ‘Yes’  Can you map your customer’s supply chain and how it is changing? When buyers see their business as a supply chain, they quickly begin to see that certain steps in the supply chain could be done by others. That may mean out-sourcing the procurement of particular products, or categories, or it may be the out-sourcing of stages / steps within the supply chain. This presents opportunities, as well as challenges for sellers. In a world where the biggest one time manufacturers don't own “Sellers need to factories, or fleets of delivery vehicles, but instead manage supply see themselves chains, what matters is the end-to-end performance of the business as links in a (or supply chain), not who owns the various pieces in between. With companies focusing on core competence, the trend is towards out- supply chain...” sourcing everything else and that presents opportunities for suppliers to become strategic partners. This new out-sourced business model presents opportunities for sellers. Buyers are regularly reminded the issue of out-sourcing requires asking not 'Who is best to do it?', but 'Who is best at doing P a g e |9 © The ASG Group 2011
  • 10. it?' Sellers need to see themselves not as suppliers, but as links in a supply chain. They need to adopt a full customer supply chain focus. Tick  If ‘Yes’  Can you help the buyer to optimize their supply chain efficiency - from raw materials, or inputs to outputs, or finished products provided to their end customers? What happens when sellers adopt a supply chain view? Well, here are some of the opportunities it presents: Help the customer to optimize their supply chain – starting with the step that they are presently on, but looking forward to the end customer and backward to the raw material. This enables sellers to take cross selling and up selling to a new level. Adopt a total solution, or 'total ecosystem' view to more comprehensively address the buying organization's needs. See opportunities where one product, or service ends and another begins. For example the IT solutions vendor whose system must integrate with a myriad of other supplier systems in the buying organization partners with those other suppliers with respect to integration, or the total solution. Recognize that solutions don't just have internal, but also external customers. For example the IT vendor whose system enables self-provisioning by the buying organization's end customers, as well as its channel intermediaries. Optimize, develop and re-engineer their own supply chains – that is their own suppliers and distributors to enhance competitive advantage in the marketplace. Tick  If ‘Yes’  Can you help the buyer to out-source and thereby focus more on their core competence? P a g e | 10 © The ASG Group 2011
  • 11. Your Sales Gauge: The Cost-Cutting Buyer Is Your Ally There are 8 checklist in the article. Use these to gauge how effectively you are transforming the cost-cutting buyer into an ally. Tick the ones for which you can answer 'Yes' – that is those that are presently being addressed, or covered by your sales approach. Pay particular attention to those that you cannot Tick – they could be limiting your success. What Should You Do Next? Use the checklist above to decide what you want to do next. In particular, see how many items were you able to tick 'Yes'. If you ticked most, or all of them then you have the cost-cutting buyer under control. So, you might like to navigate to some other aspect of the Orders Stage (i.e. proposals, negotiation and closing), or elsewhere in the sales process. If not, this area could be limiting your sales success. You can start addressing it by tackling those items in the checklist that you could not tick. For each make a note of specific actions you can take – you will find space to write earlier in this paper. P a g e | 11 © The ASG Group 2011
  • 12. The Science Behind This Paper These insights and tools are based on extensive research under 3 headings: 1. Buyer Research – our ground-breaking research into how modern buying decisions are made and the implications for sellers. 2. Best Practice Research – Over 1 million pages of best practice sales case studies, books and research. 3. Common Practice Research – Our peer comparison benchmark of 1,000s of your competitors and peers. The Sales Engine® and SellerNav are trademarks of The ASG Group. The entire contents of this document are copyright of The ASG Group and cannot be reproduced in any format without written permission. Would you like help in tackling your sales challenges? Contact us at: P a g e | 12 © The ASG Group 2011