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Michelle Celia Callanan (Bunton) 
14 t h J u n e 1 9 7 4 – 2 6 t h D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 8 
Tuesday 6th January 2009 
St Pius X, Heidelberg Heights
Messages Posted on 
Jane Montgomery Dunkelberg 
2/01/2009 3:43:39 PM 
I am so sorry. Dear Sean, I remember when you were in first 
grade at East Side. I was not your teacher but I knew you 
well because of teaching with your dad. I have such fond 
memories of John’s year at East Side and watching you kids 
grow up. We have (slightly)kept in touch via Christmas cards. 
I just received their card today (1/2/09) and read about 
Bunny’s illness. I pulled up the website and realized what 
had happened. My heart goes out to you and to John and 
Libby. Love, Jane Montgomery Dunkelberg Submitted By: 
Jane Montgomery Dunkelberg 
2/01/2009 2:00:38 AM 
for Sean Hi Sean, I am one of Cindy’s close friends from 
her Mother’s group, and I had the enjoyment of meeting 
Michelle on several occassions (as a part of Cindy’s ‘girl 
gang’!). Cindy has shared with me, on a few occasions, the 
special relationship you and Michelle have had with Archer 
(and no doubt, with Julia too). This relationship (as conveyed 
to me by Cindy) tells me that both Michelle and yourself 
possess true quality of character, which doesn’t disappear 
with death, because the imprint of it remains, in hearts and 
in minds. My sincere thoughts and prayers are with you. Sim-monne. 
Submitted By: Simmonne 
1/01/2009 7:13:16 AM 
Sean I actually wanted to send Bunny a message just to let 
her know I am thinking of her, but unfortunately I was too 
late. I was fortunate enough to meet bunny a couple of 
times and she seemed like such a lovely, easy going person, 
and I remember that huge smile she had on her face 
showing off her rock after you two got engaged. I truly am 
thinking of you often and wishing you all the best for the next 
few days as i can’t even begin to imagine what it would be 
like to say goodbye to the love of you life and best friend, 
even is she is just in the next room. (meg’s friend) Submitted 
By: Elicia 
1/01/2009 6:00:09 AM 
Hi Sean I found out from Cindy and have been really upset 
for days. Today was the first day I could face the website 
and wanted to say to you that I am so sorry to hear about 
Chelles. Although she wasnt directly my sister in law I always 
felt close to her and loved her very much. We are in Uk at 
the moment but have put a request to return earlier as I re-ally 
want to be with Chelles on 6th Jan. Please take care of 
yourself. Love Eric Lucy and Abby xx Submitted By: Lucy 
Tracie (Bunton) Lacey 
1/01/2009 5:20:55 AM 
Shell Bell Dear Sean, My thoughts are with you. I heard of the 
passing of my little cousin from my brother. I was shocked 
to hear she had suffered from the same terrible illness as my 
Aunty C . I havent been in contact with Shell for many years 
,so only have memories of a little girl,who loved life and her 
family. I have been reading all about the Gorgeous young 
woman who she grew into and how loved she was. She is 
with her Mum and her Aunty Hihene (Irene ) now and at rest. 
Tracie Submitted By: Tracie (Bunton) Lacey 
Michelle (Youngie) 
31/12/2008 3:59:44 PM 
My thoughts go out to you Sean, your family and Bunny’s 
family at this difficult time. I worked with Bunny at Med-ibank. 
When I joined the company in 2001, Bunny instantly 
welcomed me and made me feel part of the team - that 
was how Bunny was. Wicked humour, infectious smile and 
the biggest heart. Over the years I worked there we shared 
many laughs, girlie chats and a few nights out on the tiles. 
What I loved and admired about Bunny was her sense of 
self - she knew who she was, what she wanted and what 
she believed in - and from that she never wavered. Bunny’s 
beautiful legacy to all who knew her will always burn bright. 
Bless Ya Bunny Youngie (Michelle Young) xx Submitted By: 
Michelle (Youngie) 
Blog Posts by Sean 
Times like these 
Jan 3 
Written by: Sean 
3/01/2009 11:12 PM 
The Foo Fighters couldn’t have 
described my day better... 
it’s times like these you learn to live 
it’s times like these you give and 
give again 
it’s times like these you learn to 
love again 
it’s times like these time and time 
What can I say but three words: 
Jade and Rhys. 
They continue to amaze me, let me 
talk and make me laugh. 
Just a simple trip to a shopping 
centre (didn’t want them the only 
ones without sunnies!) was a terrific 
experience. If Collingwood can 
tackle has hard as Rhys hugs then 
they’ll do alright. Jade continues to 
grow up before me her warmth and 
maturity gives me that quantum 
of solace. 
We tackled a super variety bucket 
at KFC and ate way too much (you 
are right hun I am Carl Williams), 
but as Bun taught us we walked it 
off by shopping. JL went back for 
a Krispy Kreme, bless her! Bun is 
very much in our thoughts, Rhys 
mentioned that he and Bun still 
had the Northland to home record 
at 3 minutes, we tried to beat it but 
we think someone was fiddling with 
the lights to prevent us. 
Cel it was good to catch up and see 
some great photos. The kids hadn’t 
seen shots of me dressed as Angel 
and Bun as a Can Can girl at my 
30th, thanks. 
We are headed surfing tomorrow, 
Bunny never surfed always threat-ened 
to. She will be tomorrow. 
I know many of you are finding 
it tough, I can only talk from my 
experience here (doing my personal 
Doogie Howser - world’s first blog-ger) 
getting it out somewhere, no 
matter what you say. It definitely 
helps me. 
Quantum of Solace 
By Sean on 2/01/2009 7:24 PM 
No I am not doing movie reviews 
but I am headed out for with Skip 
& Vlade to see the latest Bond flick. 
The title could not be more apt in 
my life at this minute. 
Lieutenant Dan did a great job 
today fixing up things around the 
house, the security/fly screen door 
out the back in installed I agree 
with Dan when he says “I’m pretty 
happy with that.” 
I think most parts of the service 
for Tuesday are set just need to 
type them up and hand it over 
to our creative team (Larry, Laz 
& Hilario). Thanks Martwell for 
the chat I won’t tell anyone about I promise.
Dominik Pietrzykowski 
30/12/2008 9:14:07 PM 
Michelle Dear Sean, you don’t know me but I worked with 
Michelle at Medibank. I will miss her very much, haven’t 
been at MPL for a while but she is definately a person I have 
fond memories of from my 5 years there. It was always nice 
to see her early in the morning all happy and that was pretty 
much my coffee (pick me up for the day). She definately 
had that affect on a lot of people there and I can only 
imagine the loss you feel. With deepest sympathy, Dominik. 
Submitted By: Dominik Pietrzykowski 
Tilly & Leanne 
30/12/2008 6:13:51 PM 
Not much more to say than we will miss you Bunny! There will 
always be a place in our hearts and thoughts of your beauti-ful 
smiling face! Our hearts go out to you Sean and your 
family at this time. Lots of Love, Tilly & Leanne xox Submitted 
By: Tilly & Leanne 
Bernie Runting (Callanan) 
30/12/2008 6:04:46 PM 
So Sorry Sean I am so sorry to hear about the passing of Bun-ny, 
I did not get to meet her but she sounded like a beautiful 
girl who you loved very much. My thoughts are with you and 
all the Family. Love from Bernie (Your second cousin from 
Pakenham). Submitted By: Bernie Runting (Callanan) 
29/12/2008 9:20:11 PM 
Sean, I’m sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family are 
coping okay. I really can’t think of much else to say. I think I’ll 
go make a donation to the McGrath foundation, just to feel 
a little bit useful. All the best. Ryan Submitted By: Ryan 
Roy and Judy 
29/12/2008 2:51:48 PM 
Just got back in today 30/12 and read the email from Alan. 
It was a shock for Judy and myself - especially since we 
were thinking of Michelle and you very much in the lead up 
to Christmas and on the Day itself. Our thoughts are with you 
and the children Sean. Roy and Judy Submitted By: Roy and 
Douglas Clay 
29/12/2008 3:35:44 AM 
It was such a shock to find out. We used to talk and found 
out we lived in the same street when we were kids. Of the 
many years I have known Bunny, she has always been 
happy, kind and considerate. I, we, are the better to 
have known her. I will miss her. To Sean and the family, my 
thoughts are with you. Doug. Submitted By: Douglas Clay 
Genevieve Heasly 
28/12/2008 4:40:57 AM 
Angels in life Angels are with us for such a short time. They 
come into our lifes and fulfill our needs sadly they leave far 
too soon. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts Love 
Gen Submitted By: Genevieve Heasly 
Anna Smith 
27/12/2008 2:04:43 PM 
Thanks Am sitting in the hotel room in Queenstown and just 
sorted the internet. The first thing I wanted to do was check 
up on Michelle. I am sorry to hear that she has passed away 
but I know she is at peace. I only worked with Michelle for a 
few months but she made everyday that much more worth-while. 
Thanks Michelle for reminding me that lines are there 
to be crossed and that joy and humour can be found in 
the smallest things. Thanks Sean for providing us with the op-portunity 
to send our love and best wishes when we needed 
to. Bless ya Michelle as you blessed us. Anna. Submitted By: 
Anna Smith 
Joe & Debbie Alexander 
27/12/2008 8:37:47 AM 
Bunny’s passing We just received John & Libby’s Christmas 
letter yesterday evening (12-26-08) and learned of Bunny’s 
struggle. Pulling up the site this morning, we are stunned and 
deeply saddened to see she lost her battle with cancer. Our 
love, thoughts, and prayers travel half-way around the world 
from Elizabethton, TN USA to Sean and all of the family. We 
hope that knowing people around the world are thinking of 
you brings some small comfort and peace now and during 
the difficult days, weeks, and months ahead. Love, Joe & 
Debbie Alexander Submitted By: Joe & Debbie Alexander 
A couple of small wins that meant 
a lot today were being able to get 
the 4th Twilight book for JL and 
the perfect parallel park at the dry 
cleaners. I pumped my fists like Hiro 
Nakamura because I know Bun was 
cheering in the passenger seat. 
Can’t wait to see Jade & Rhys 
Good Days Bad Days 
Dec 31 
Written by: Sean 
31/12/2008 4:32 PM 
Heard this on the radio from the 
Kaiser Chiefs sums up my week. At 
the moment the good days are still 
well in front thanks to family and 
friends, I plan to keep it that way 
with your help. 
Thanks to those who have called or 
texted me, I don’t mind the phone 
calls I understand what Ryan is 
feeling (see posts: re useless) Ryan 
you are anything but. Your mes-sages, 
blood and donations mean 
a whole lot! For those who haven’t 
called I can feel your support as 
well, if you can’t think what to say 
that’s fine to. Just post a message of 
what you’re thinking or feeling it 
seems to be working for me. 
Thanks Chinna for the following 
she recieved in a card of support 
(from Henry Scott Holland 1847 
-1918) couldn’t sum it up better 
Death is nothing at all 
I have only slipped away into the 
next room 
I am I and you are you 
Whatever we were to each other 
That we are still 
Call me by my old familiar name 
Speak to me in the easy way you 
always used 
Put no difference into your tone 
Wear no forced air of solemnity or 
Laugh as we always laughed 
At the little jokes we always enjoyed 
Play, smile, think of me, pray for 
Let my name be ever the household 
word that it always was 
Let it be spoken without effort 
Without the ghost of a shadow in it 
Life means all that it ever meant 
It is the same as it ever was 
There is absolute unbroken 
What is death but a negligible 
Why should I be out of mind 
Because I am out of sight? 
I am waiting for you for an interval 
Somewhere very near 
Just around the corner 
All is well. 
Nothing is past; nothing is lost 
One brief moment and all will be 
as it was before 
How we shall laugh at the trouble 
of parting when we meet again!
Rachel Smith 
27/12/2008 4:05:51 AM 
my shinning star How you have brought so much to Re-becca 
and Adam’s life your are shinning star for them a 
DIAMOND, and an inspiration of love and vitality to Steve 
and I. My thoughts to Sean,Jade, Rhys, Orval & Marie, David, 
Cindy, Archer and Julia we are always here for you All our 
love Rachel & Steve xxxxxx Submitted By: rachel smith 
Regina Radcliffe 
26/12/2008 10:29:48 PM 
I had a dream last night, in it I told her how much she made 
a difference in my life. I didn’t know then, that I was really 
saying good bye. She was happy and smiling. Sean, she will 
watch over you. Love Regina, Dom and Joshua xox Submit-ted 
By: Regina Radcliffe 
Karen Jones 
26/12/2008 4:15:09 PM 
There’s a gorgeous new angel in heaven, she’s arrived there 
to be with her mum, there’ll be a place in our hearts forever, 
for the one and only beautiful Bun. To Sean, Jade, Rhys, 
Sean and Michelle’s families, our love and thoughts are with 
you. We will also miss her dearly. Love Troy, Jonesy and Sean. 
xxx Submitted By: Karen Jones 
26/12/2008 3:58:54 PM 
:~( Life is just so frigging unfair sometimes. Michelle was an 
absolute bloody gem of a woman and it was an honour 
and a privilege to have known her. I am a better person for 
it. My heartfelt wishes and thoughts to Sean and Michelle’s 
families. Love Mandi xx (who just sneezed - in her own time 
as Michelle would have requested!) Submitted By: Mandi 
Kate Connelly 
26/12/2008 9:03:00 AM 
Words cannot express how I feel at the moment but I will 
try. Michelle will live forever in my heart as an inspiration to 
live life to the fullest extent every day. I will encourage my 
children to appreciate every day that they have and help 
them to strive to be the very best people that they can be 
using her as an example. She was a courageous woman 
to the very last and an inspiration to me. Sean my love and 
thoughts are with you, Jade and Rhys and Michelle’s family 
as well as everyone else who has posted to this site. I for one 
will miss her dearly. Kate Connelly Submitted By: Kate Con-nelly 
25/12/2008 11:50:58 PM 
love to you To my little sis-in-law. I’ve known you since you 
were 18 with your long blond spiral curled hair and that 
cute tough attitude. You have become an extraordinary 
friend and special little sis over the years and your beam-ing 
vibrant personality will never be lost in my heart. Archer 
and Julia are extra special little kids because of you and the 
magical love you instilled in them and we all will love you 
forever. Peace to you beautiful girl. Chinna xxxx Submitted 
By: chinna 
Kate Connelly 
25/12/2008 9:17:24 PM 
Just dropped by to let you both know that we are thinking 
of you. Alan, Kate, Lachlan and Peter. Submitted By: Kate 
Kate Paynter 
25/12/2008 8:17:29 PM 
love and prayers our love and prayers to sean, bunny and 
all the callanans. thinking of you all. love and peace - from 
Mark and Kate Paynter. xx Submitted By: Kate Paynter 
nick golby 
25/12/2008 1:56:53 AM 
merry christmas hey sean and bunny, merry christmas all the 
way from norway! all our love and thoughts are with you 
today and always, hope u have a merry merry christmas. 
love nick and nikki Submitted By: nick golby 
Happy birthday Matt. Appreciate 
the support, it has been REAL 
Funeral Notice: 2:30pm 6th Janu-ary 
2008 at St Pius X Church 
By Sean on 30/12/2008 9:33 AM 
Dad and I went and spoke with Fr 
Edwards at St Pius X in Waterdale 
Rd. He was very helpful and we 
confirmed that the funeral will be 
at 2:30pm on Tuesday 6th January 
Thanks for all the notices in the 
paper, I’m sure you won’t mind if 
I reprint them on HowIsBunny 
as well. 
Funeral notice will be in the paper 
in time. 
Donations in lieu of flowers to 
McGrath Foundation or Breast 
Cancer Network Australia would 
be appreciated. Donation envelopes 
will be available. 
Today I will open my iPhone and 
look over the music I was playing 
on Boxing Day. It will be tough 
but I will be surrounded by friends. 
As Matt, Dan, Cel & Mellissa can 
attest I was able to pull some tears 
with a few of those, some of which 
were suggested by your posts 
(No Marty I do not have the 
Collingwood Theme song on my 
Bless ya 
How is Sean? Doing OK 
Dec 29 
Written by: Sean 
29/12/2008 8:24 PM 
Not changing the domain name 
but thanks to all who are asking 
“How Is Sean?” I wouldn’t have it 
any other way. I know Bunny was 
always worried about everyone so I 
understand and appreciate it very 
Mum & Dad are down for few 
days helping out around the house. 
We have been sorting through 
washing, cleaning, gardening just 
normal stuff. Yes there are a lot of 
memories surrounding me but they 
give me comfort. It was weird head-ing 
to a few shopping centres with 
Mum (nothing against you Mum) 
but Bunny and I did spend a lot 
time shopping together. Bun would 
be proud of me today I bought 
a new shirt with little indecision 
or procrastination, I can be quite 
frustrating to shop with but Bunny 
put up with it. I just said to myself 
today WWBD or What Would 
Bunny Do, which in this case would 
be, “Hurry up and make a decision 
you are starting to shit me. 
(All with a smile on her face)”. 
Made me smile.
Lucy, Eric and Abby 
25/12/2008 1:14:52 AM 
Merry x-mas Hi Sean and Chelles, thinking of you today and 
sending lots of strong love to you both. Love ya guys Eric 
Lucy and Abby xxx Submitted By: Lucy, Eric and Abby 
All the Heaslys and Glynns 
24/12/2008 7:41:55 PM 
Merry Christmas Hi Bunny and Sean, We’ve managed to put 
Angus (who has been spoilt rotten) off for his afternoon nap 
and are thinking of you at Christmas time. God bless you 
and looking forward to seeing you again soon. Submitted 
By: All the Heaslys and Glynns 
Karen Jones 
24/12/2008 5:43:49 PM 
We Wish you a Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas guys! We 
will certainly be raising those glasses to the gorgeous Bunny 
when we crack open the champers today and we will also 
be raising our glasses to you Sean. Our Sean sends special 
Christmas hugs and kisses to you both and we look forward 
to seeing you very soon. Lots of love from Troy, Jonesy and Submitted By: Karen Jones 
Kate Connelly 
24/12/2008 5:09:22 PM 
Happy Christmas Michelle and Sean - I consumed my fair 
share of champagne last night and Michelle the bubbles 
and happy thoughts were flowing your way. Now the joke 
for the day - “What do you get when you cross Santa with a 
witches cat?” - “Santa Claws”. All the love and best wishes 
in the world - Alan, Kate, Lachlan and Peter Submitted By: 
Kate Connelly 
24/12/2008 4:59:03 PM 
Merry Christmas Bunny!! Love you lots Jade Submitted By: 
Meg Vila Pouca 
24/12/2008 3:45:08 PM 
Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Bun & Sean - we’re thinking 
of you both today & sending all our Christmas wishes your 
way. Bun - it was so nice to spend some time with you last 
night and as always you’re still more worried about others 
than yourself checking that I was comfortable etc, bless ya! 
You will be happy to know that you won’t be the only one 
not tucking into the pork crackle today, Laz’s parents don’t 
do pork for Christmas! (I know what are they thinking!) So 
I will just have to have a champers for you instead :). Love 
you lots & will see you again soon. Meg & Laz xxx p.s. I hope 
you made David watch al the carols last night!! Submitted 
By: Meg Vila Pouca 
Regina Radcliffe 
24/12/2008 2:57:00 PM 
Christmas Wishes for Bunny & Sean & Family Wishing you a 
Merry Christmas filled with oodles of Love and Hope. Love 
Reggie, Dom and Joshie. xoxoxox Submitted By: Regina 
Alyce & Ryan 
24/12/2008 2:26:03 PM 
Merry Christmas Bunny & Sean!!! Why couldn’t the christ-mas 
tree stand up? Because it doesnt have legs. Oh yes, 
I’ve done it again!!! Thinking of you both! xox Submitted By: 
Alyce & Ryan 
24/12/2008 2:24:17 PM 
Happy Christmas beautiful Bunny and Sean. Hope you have 
a really special day together. A cast of hundreds of family 
and friends will be toasting you and sending all the love and 
good wishes in the world. Can’t wait to collect all the Christ-mas 
Cracker jokes to share with you tomoz. Should take the 
lame joke challenge to a whole new level, although Tim and 
Bern have already set a high standard in that department! 
Slainte! Mairs, Pete and gang xox Submitted By: mairs 
I must say I continue to draw great 
strength from my amazing children 
who light up my days with a simple 
text message or phone call. The 
best example I have is a simple text 
I got from them after discussing 
what they wanted in their personal 
notice in the paper. 
“We love you bunny we will miss 
you lots and lots we will always be 
thinking about you love ya jade and 
rhys there it is dad can’t wait till the 
beach cu l8r love ya jade” 
With messages like that how would 
you feel? 
Funeral planned for Tuesday 
6th January 2008 
By Sean on 28/12/2008 4:53 PM 
Thanks again to all from the 
support from all over Australia 
and the world. 
Personally I would like to thank my 
family which includes Callanans, 
Coxs and now Buntons for their 
offers of assistance, food and shoul-ders 
to cry on. 
The funeral is tentatively planned 
for Monday 5th January 2009, 
please check back here or in the 
Herald Sun for confirmation. 
Bunny’s wishes were for no flowers 
but donations to charity again I will 
provide the details soon. 
If you have a fave Bunny photo 
please email them to tellme@ 
Notices will be in Mondays paper 
but I will post them here as well. 
Please enjoy your holidays as much 
as you can, celebrate the end of 
2008 the way Bunny would. 
HowIsBunny exclusive: Monday’s 
Dec 27 
Written by: Sean 
27/12/2008 8:32 PM 
Callanan (nee Bunton) 
– Michelle aka Bunny 
14/06/74 – 26/12/08 
Bunny passed away peacefully after 
a brave fight against breast cancer 
with Sean, Orval, David, Matt and 
Lieutenant Dan by her side. She 
made this “corner of the earth” an 
amazing place with her smile, vital-ity 
and presence. She was ready to 
be with her Mum, Curl, two amaz-ing 
women now at peace together. 
Beloved does not seem strong 
enough for the way we all felt about 
Bunny as a wife, sister, daughter, 
aunty and mate. She loved life and 
the people who played a part in it, 
she made a huge impression on all 
who knew her especially the kids. 
Jade & Rhys, Archie & Julia, Eden 
& Ava, Darcy & Beau, Becky & 
Adam, Aimee, Zoe & Charlie, Finn 
& Lily, little baby Sean and many 
more were all very lucky to have 
known Bunny. She loved all of you 
to bits, you all had a special place in 
her heart. 
Bunny, I cannot express how much 
you enriched the lives of Jade, Rhys 
& I. Our home has been filled with 
love and laughter as it will continue 
to be as you have left us with so 
many great memories.
Tim & Bernie 
24/12/2008 1:27:51 PM 
Merry Christmas Good Morning and Merry Christmas Bunny 
and Sean. These are probably the worst Christmas presents 
“yule” get this year: Good King Wencleslas rang to order a 
pizza, the girl asked “Do you want your usual? Deep pan, 
crisp and even? How do you know Santa has to be a man? 
No woman is going to where the same outfit every year!!! 
Hang in there kids, hope to catch up soon. Love Tim and 
Bern. Submitted By: Tim & Bernie 
Tim & Bernie 
24/12/2008 1:26:22 PM 
Merry Christmas Good Morning and Merry Christmas Bunny 
and Sean. These are probably the worst Christmas presents 
“yule” get this year: Good King Wencleslas rang to order a 
pizza, the girl asked “Do you want your usual? Deep pan, 
crisp and even? How do you know Santa has to be a man? 
No woman is going to where the same outfit every year!!! 
Hang in there kids, hope to catch up soon. Love Tim and 
Bern. Submitted By: Tim & Bernie 
rachel steve beck and adam 
24/12/2008 12:50:35 PM 
Big wishes sailing your way Sean & Michelle wishing you a 
Merry Christmas, may all the bubbles of champayne be 
droplets of rising levels floating your way, Shelly. You will be 
floating at the highest by New Year I’m sure. Toasting you 
both today and a special prayer too. Becky and Adam 
send love and kisses can’t wait to see you. All our love and 
best wishes to you both. xxxx Submitted By: rachel steve 
beck and adam 
Kathy Young 
24/12/2008 12:11:52 PM 
Merry Christmas Merry Christmas dear Bunny & Sean. May 
Santa & God grant you all your wishes today. Bunny your 
courage and determination are inspiring. Sean your love & 
devotion are heart warming. We hope your levels keep rising 
and you feel better soon. We will toast you today with a 
champagne or two.Love & best wishes Kathy & Brian Young 
& family Submitted By: Kathy Young 
Cath and Tim 
24/12/2008 2:53:26 AM 
Bubbly Bubbly bubbly Hi Sean and Bunny.. Bubbly all round 
on my end and lots of ching chings!!! If I give blood you will 
know when and if you get mine coz you will probably end 
pissed!!! Its the festive season LOL. Anyway, have a wonder-ful 
day and check in again soon... Night Bunny and Sean 
Submitted By: Cath and Tim 
Kate Connelly 
23/12/2008 9:53:30 PM 
Have the bubbly in the fridge and quite a few toasts will 
be made in honour of both of you. Have a wonderful day 
tomorrow and I hope that the man in the jolly red suit brings 
us all that we wish for - a better 2009. Love from Alan, Kate, 
Lachlan and Peter Submitted By: Kate Connelly 
Marcus Boere 
23/12/2008 9:21:21 PM 
Hey Bunny, just a quick one to let you know that you are in 
my thoughts and prayers. You’ve always been a great sup-port 
to me with our little talks :) can’t wait to visit you!!! ciao 
for now Submitted By: Marcus Boere 
23/12/2008 8:49:51 PM 
Sleepover - 2nd Shift! Hey pookie, its pookie, last night was 
fun! Merry chiristmas to you my darling - have a good one 
- and in the words of Emma Bunton, Victoria Beckham, the 
two Mels and the ginger one, “FRIENDSHIP NEVER ENDS, 
ZIG A ZIG AH!” Love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Submitted By: 
23/12/2008 8:29:12 PM 
Sleepover Thanks for having me for a sleepover last night 
Niggy. I enjoyed our secret girls club, up late whispering 
with Cel at 1am. It was just like old times, sleepovers with 
you fluffing the sheets to share your lovely fart smells! As we 
discussed, Ian is the nicest smelling male nurse ever, tell him 
to keep up the good work! xox Love u always and forever 
xox Submitted By: Lish 
Thank you to Dr Rowan Doig and 
all the staff at Epworth 4EW. To 
quote Bun, “We welcome the day 
we brought you on board.” 
Thanks to Michelle’s colleagues 
at Medibank Private especially 
her mentor and friend Alan, your 
support over the past two years has 
been remarkable. 
Thanks to everyone for the mes-sages 
of support on HowIsBunny. 
Goodbye my lover, Sean 
CALLANAN, Michelle (Bunny) 
On Boxing Day after a courageous 
battle with cancer. 
Beloved wife of Sean, step mother 
and friend to Jade & Rhys, loved 
and loving daughter in law of John 
and Libby, sister in law of Matt 
and Bridget, Meg and Larry, Dan 
and Kristy, special auntie to Darcy 
and Beau. 
We will miss you Bunny, your smil-ing 
face and your special sayings 
always brightened up our day. 
Rest in peace Bunny. 
Love John & Lib xx 
CALLANAN, Michelle (Bunny) 
We will all miss you Bun. 
Bunny from day one you were 
always so energetic and gener-ous 
- always looking after others 
(especially spoiling Jade and Rhys 
and your niece and nephew). Your 
positive outlook rubbed off on us 
all and we feel privileged to have 
shared so many great times and 
having you as part of our family. 
The love and commitment you and 
Sean shared will not be forgotten, 
nor will the friendship that you 
shared with Jade and Rhys. Your 
fighting spirit was there to the very 
end and the courage, devotion and 
strength Sean displayed is admired 
by us all. 
Bless ya Bun, 
Matt, Bridge, Darcy and Beau, 
Meg and Larry, Dan and Kristy 
Corner of the earth 
By Sean on 26/12/2008 6:31 PM 
It was this song by Jamiroquai that 
was playing as Bunny passed away. 
Thank you all for the support as 
soon as the cricket is finished we’ll 
have a venue to celebrate Bun’s life 
with family and friends. 
Love Sean 
Goodbye my lover 
Dec 26 
Written by: Sean 
26/12/2008 8:48 AM 
This is a rollercoaster ride that’s for 
sure. Sometime in the very near 
future I will say those words to my 
love. If I only had Archie here he 
could tell me what track it is. She 
loved taking Archie to see James 
Her liver is failing, she is sleeping 
but comfortable and not in pain I 
can’t tell as her forehead is relaxed. 
She did not like her forehead fur-row 
joking she’d try Botox one day. 
No need Hun you are as beautiful 
as the day I married you. Two years 
of marraige may not seem long but 
gee we packed in 10 years of life 
in there. 
Please look out for one another 
as Bunny would say, “Bless your 
cotton socks” I know most of you 
are wearing thongs today but you 
get the idea.
Kate Connelly 
23/12/2008 11:27:15 AM 
Alan thought this was a good one so here we go. “What 
do you call a woodpecker without a beak?” - “A Head 
Banger”. Love Kate. Submitted By: Kate Connelly 
Rachel Steve Rebecca Adam 
23/12/2008 3:49:14 AM 
good to see ya It was really good seeing you honey, got to 
keep the cold facewasher happen love. The look of relief 
made you so happy. Would love to give yo a big hug and 
kiss, kids can’t wait to see you. P.S your top looked lovely 
love ya heaps rachel steve rebecca adam Submitted By: 
Rachel Steve Rebecca Adam 
Isabella and Jordan Shade 
23/12/2008 1:42:28 AM 
Thanks Bunny and Sean Hi Bunny and Sean, we wanted to 
say thank you for our great birthday presents (I have already 
worn the pretty dress and love it - Bella) . We love you and 
can’t wait to give you a big kiss and hug. Submitted By: 
Isabella and Jordan Shade 
Isabella and Jordan Shade 
23/12/2008 1:42:11 AM 
Thanks Bunny and Sean Hi Bunny and Sean, we wanted to 
say thank you for our great birthday presents (I have already 
worn the pretty dress and love it - Bella) . We love you and 
can’t wait to give you a big kiss and hug. Submitted By: 
Isabella and Jordan Shade 
Joch & Katherine 
22/12/2008 11:43:46 PM 
Class! Hi guys, good to see you yesterday. Sean don’t be 
forgettin’ that good cream! Checkin’ the website every day. 
Sendin’ all our love. Submitted By: Joch & Katherine 
22/12/2008 10:46:22 PM 
Hi Just received John and Libby’s Christmas card and your 
news. Hope you are coping really well with your treatment 
and our thoughts and prayers are with you. As you have 
Sean and the Callinan spirit, I’m sure the extended family as 
well as your own family are with you 100%. You will be in our 
thoughts too. Submitted By: Rhonda 
22/12/2008 9:05:26 PM 
Fruit Salad Yummy Yummy Hey Bunster!! Man, I think Steve 
beat me again to the messages!! Bugger!! I have to 
apologise but all my song references at the moment refer 
to the Wiggles! So....... Charlie says to eat lots of fruit salad 
(yummy yummy) and maybe some mashed banana too 
(eeww yuk). Bunny, we’re all thinking of you, my family sends 
their love & Anita, well I can’t repeat what she said (F!@#$) 
but she also sends her love too! We check in everyday, 
so please know we’re here and love you so so so so so so 
much! Great to hear the good reports and hope to visit 
soon. Love Ya Chick..........Evie xx Submitted By: Eve 
22/12/2008 8:51:12 PM 
CRAP SONG REFERENCES Hey Bunny we are all sending our 
love from Keilor to you .We want you out ON THE PROWL, 
Just want you to know that you are in our every thought. 
XXXXXX Submitted By: steve 
Kate Ryan 
22/12/2008 8:28:24 PM 
Hi guys! we still haven’t had the internet connected at the 
new house but Mairs relays the blog to us via phone, and it’s 
great to hear about your good results today Bunny– keep up 
the amazing work! still laughing about the nurse with the ice 
pack...Now I’m off to find Conor to teach me about twitters! 
Sending lots of love to you both, Kate xox Submitted By: Kate 
Paula Mason 
22/12/2008 8:21:03 PM 
Hey Bun, I am bored at work so thought I would drop you a 
line. Good news for your tests, fantastic. We will have to save 
you some of Nan’s Christmas pudding and custard for when 
your feeling a bit better. Kaelyn is good and sends his love 
again, this time blowing you a big smoochie kiss. He is very 
excited for Santa, and his list is getting longer by the day. 
Anyway better get back to it I guess. Take care chat soon. 
XOXO Paula Submitted By: Paula Mason 
I am with her now as is Orv, David 
and Lieutenant Dan. 
We’ve seen the doctor and nurses 
this morning they have done a 
wonderful job but all they can do is 
make as comfortable as possible. 
For all the Callanans please try 
your best at Steve’s today keep up 
the laughs and smiles for the kids 
including mine. Darcy girl give 
them a squeezy hug they make the 
world of difference. 
Love to you all 
Spotted Bedside Boy & Sleeping B 
By Sean on 25/12/2008 12:36 PM 
In a corner suite enjoying some 
Christmas lunch. 
We have a lot of hope for Bedside 
Boy and Sleeping B they have a 
history and a future. 
We did hear some groaning. What 
was happening? 
I’ll never tell 
Gossip Girl 
Mirror mirror 
By Sean on 25/12/2008 11:25 AM 
Shrek, Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie 
were chatting over lunch. 
Shrek said, “I’ve always I was the 
strongest man in the world, but 
how can I be sure?” 
Brad said, “I’m pretty sure I am the 
sexiest man in the world but I have 
never confirmed it.” 
Angelina said, “I’ve been told I am 
the most gorgeous women of them 
all but sometimes I wonder.” 
They decided to visit the magic 
mirror to ally their concerns once 
and for all. Shrek asked the mirror 
he sighed with relief which 
confirmed he was the strongest. 
Happy to hear Shrek’s news Brad 
and Angelina stepped up to the 
mirror to ask themselves. 
Brad & Angelina came back and 
asked Shrek the following, 
“Who the f*&k are Michelle & 
Sean Callanan?” 
Merry Christmas everyone 
Sean & Bunny 
All I want for Christmas is you 
By Sean on 24/12/2008 9:14 AM 
Thanks to Lish & Cel for tag 
teaming the night shift much 
It is that kind of support that is 
helping me each and every day. 
We all know why Bunny has so 
many friends and supporters she is 
the most giving and generous spirit 
I have ever known, Auntie Kath 
you are a close second (thanks for 
the regular blank texts by the way 
always happy to call you back). 
Not much medical news today 
trying to reduce the bruising but it 
will take time. 
To all have great Xmas and raise 
your glasses to my beautiful wife 
when you crack open the 
champers, I’m sure you will. 
Cheers and Ho Ho Ho 
Alyce & Ryan 
22/12/2008 8:05:51 PM 
Hi Bunny & Sean! Keep the good news coming. Donated 
blood today, so once you get some of that stuff into you 
you’ll be Dancing on the Ceiling... trying to keep up with the 
themes. Obviously no good at that or jokes! Loving the good 
news though please keep it coming!! Submitted By: Alyce & 
Regina Radcliffe 
22/12/2008 5:05:43 PM 
The GUESS Influence.... Hi Bunny, Its been awhile since I 
posted but I have been reading everyday and twitter is my 
friend. Just had to let you know that I bought my second 
GUESS bag at the GUESS shop in Chaddie. It’s the latest 
range that came out last Friday. It’s black and I know you 
say to always have a matching purse but it didn’t come with 
one, so I chose a brilliant red one instead. Looks great. They 
also have some brilliant shoes, need to wait for the sales 
though, spent way too much on Saturday. I do believe that 
may be your influence at work. Heehee. Love you Bun, take 
care. Reggie. Submitted By: Regina Radcliffe 
Kate Connelly 
22/12/2008 2:42:38 PM 
Hi Michelle and Sean - I just called to say I love you (apolo-gies 
to the great Stevie Wonder). Like a bridge over troubled 
waters (apologies to Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel) Alan 
and I will be there to do what we can for both of you. And 
now for my joke of the day. Why did the man cross a chick-en 
with an octopus?. So everyone in his family could have a 
leg each. xoxoxo Kate Submitted By: Kate Connelly 
Regina Radcliffe 
22/12/2008 2:40:22 PM 
The GUESS Influence.... Hi Bunny, Its been awhile since I 
posted but I have been reading everyday and twitter is my 
friend. Just had to let you know that I bought my second 
GUESS bag at the GUESS shop in Chaddie. It’s the latest 
range that came out last Friday. It’s black and I know you 
say to always have a matching purse but it didn’t come with 
one, so I chose a brilliant red one instead. Looks great. They 
also have some brilliant shoes, need to wait for the sales 
though, spent way too much on Saturday. I do believe that 
may be your influence at work. Heehee. Love you Bun, take 
care. Reggie. Submitted By: Regina Radcliffe 
22/12/2008 3:39:54 AM 
Love ya It was so special for me to see you today. Keep up 
the good results. Pippi misses and loves ya! Submitted By: 
22/12/2008 1:00:13 AM 
Hi! Hi Guys, been reading with interest and sending positive 
vibes in mega-amounts. Reading the titles to Sean’s posts .. I 
almost had to break out the happy pants and MC Ham-mer. 
I settled for some Cyndi Lauper instead. My kids were 
suitably mortified. Missed you at work this week Bun, we had 
to do compliance training! I managed to fail even after 
cheating. I think Alan might be looking for a new PA (that’s 
Project Administrator, NOT Personal Assistant!) :) Lots of love 
and good wishes, m. xx Submitted By: Mandi 
Matt and Bridge 
22/12/2008 12:20:28 AM 
Internet Rumour Bun, great to see you in good spirits yester-day 
keep fighting and keep the good news coming. And 
just to clarify Sean’s blog - we are not pregnant. Submitted 
By: Matt and Bridge 
21/12/2008 8:38:21 PM 
Today is check-up day although we are in regular touch with 
Libby and John. Good report yesterday and better today. 
Great!! Bunny missed your smiling face yesterday and your 
bar-b-qued dimmies Sean. Love judith and Trevor Submitted 
By: Judith 
bruno and claire gissara 
21/12/2008 6:53:52 PM 
thinking of you thinking of you both - we wanted to send 
you a big hello and to let you know your in our thoughts and 
hearts xxxx Submitted By: bruno and claire gissara 
Can’t touch this 
By Sean on 23/12/2008 12:24 PM 
Thanks Mandi for the MC 
Hammer shout out it describes 
Bun’s feeling with her left knee 
perfectly. She took a tumble on the 
car park Thursday week ago and 
is bruised and very sore. They are 
trying to reduce the fluid in it to 
help her out. 
Her bloods and liver continue to 
improve she is still having daily 
platelet transfusions (apparently it 
takes 4 donors to fill one bag so no 
excuses people give blood if you 
can). As she hasn’t been eating too 
much her bloods are a little low in 
protein she is going to have some-thing 
that sounded like BMXing 
not sure if she can handle at bike at 
the moment. 
Other than that she is sleeping and 
drinking well which I guess a lot of 
you are doing with all the Xmas 
parties on. 
PS apologies to Matt & Bridget I 
did realize late last night I left that 
one hanging out there. 
Funny girl 
Dec 22 
Written by: Sean 
22/12/2008 11:13 AM 
Thanks for all the musical themed 
posts of support I know today’s 
is stretching the rules a little but I 
couldn’t think of a better title to 
describe yesterday. Bunny loves her 
Babs and yesterday she could have 
filled her shoes in a Vegas show. 
Sure the mouthwash gave her 
a pick me up but it was vintage 
Bunny here are the highlights... 
Nurse asks where she wants the 
icepack her reply “Where do you 
reckon? Up my a&$!” 
Upon seeing Matt & Bridget “Are 
you pregnant again? Bless ya” 
Trying set Mark up on a date, 
watch out mate she’s on a mission t 
Seeing Archer & Julia playing 
with the water fountain from her 
window. Seeing a beautiful video 
made by Darcy girl and then seeing 
her blow kisses from the window. 
And announcing the Stacey on 
Eastenders is a slapper and she 
makes her sick so please don’t 
mention her. 
Her bloods and liver function have 
improved for the second day in a 
row. Well done Babe keep this up 
and I will bust out my Cotton Eye 
Joe dance in Bourke St Mall for 
everyone’s amusement. 
If she keeps this up she may be 
home before the new year. 
21/12/2008 3:50:30 PM 
Hey guys, it’s such a privilege for all of us to be sharing this 
journey so closely with you both - your love, generosity and 
tenacity are inspirational.Thank you for including us in your 
circle of love. Big hugs, Mairs xox Here comes an absolute 
doozy in keeping with the musical theme eg:Mary Poppins 
Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of 
the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on 
feet. He also ate very little which made him rather frail and 
with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made 
him. (Oh man, this is so bad it’s good)....... A super calloused 
fragile mystic hexed by halitosis. Submitted By: Mairs 
Conor Ryan 
21/12/2008 3:41:58 PM 
NKOTB Sean + Bunny, you two are amazing people. To keep 
with the music references, keep Hangin’ Tough. All love, 
Conor + Jade. ps - Sean i know you were referring to the 
High School Musical song. don’t fight it. Submitted By: Conor 
21/12/2008 1:59:56 PM 
Thinking of you both and wishing you all the best. Keep up 
the good spirits, All my love pip Submitted By: pip 
Craig Kelly 
21/12/2008 4:46:18 AM 
‘dance me to the end of love’ Bunny & Sean, Go you good 
thing(s)! In the words of Leonard Cohen ‘dance me with 
your beauty, let me see your beauty when the witnesses 
have gone’ (continuing the theme) Craig, Tylah & Chlo xxx 
Submitted By: Craig Kelly 
21/12/2008 3:45:50 AM 
Love ya! Cant believe how much we love ya. Keep the 
good results coming Chelles...Hope to see you tommorrow x 
Submitted By: Lucy 
Scott Kelly 
21/12/2008 3:10:26 AM 
Power of Love Hi Bunny & Sean, we pass on our love and 
support from the five of us! On the music theme, I would like 
to add my recommendation of the ‘Power of Love’ (Jennifer 
Rush). We are with you all the way, from afar. Love Scott, 
Eliza, Ruby, Lilly & Matilda. Submitted By: Scott Kelly 
Scott Kelly 
21/12/2008 3:09:54 AM 
Power of Love Hi Bunny & Sean, we pass on our love and 
support from the five of us! On the music theme, I would like 
to add my recommendation of the ‘Power of Love’ (Jennifer 
Rush). We are with you all the way, from afar. Love Scott, 
Eliza, Ruby, Lilly & Matilda. Submitted By: Scott Kelly 
Dean McEwan 
21/12/2008 1:41:49 AM 
Hey bunny, its Dean McEwan from the Wonga Park days. I 
hope your still fartin and burpin like the best of em’!! Sean, 
your doing an exceptionally wonderful thing in this website. 
Hang in there Bun and dont lose your beautiful smile. Love 
from Dean McEwan Submitted By: Dean McEwan 
Marcus, Claire and Angus 
20/12/2008 11:24:02 PM 
Cotton Eyed Joe? Gee, with all these music themed blogs, 
I can’t believe you haven’t put your favourite song in (well, 
that or anything from the Commitments). We gave Angus his 
enormous Bunny hug yesterday as requested which he was 
very happy with! Submitted By: Marcus, Claire and Angus 
Cath and Tim 
20/12/2008 9:11:02 PM 
Hey Bun Hi bunny and Sean.. Just checking in.. Not much 
to report here.. Camryn is FINEALLY walking!!!! She is one 
very lazy bubby and to keep her quiet we feed her.. Loves 
her food... Jake always torments her and Im thinking she 
is going to be a little bit rough around the edges.. She has 
Jake in headlocks and pulls his hair when he is getting rough 
with her. What am I in for!! Jake is 3 on christmas day can 
ou believe. He is loving Sanata and cant wait... Kisses and 
hugs to you and Sean and Seeyou soon Love Tim and Cath 
Submitted By: Cath and Tim 
Gotta get up 
By Sean on 21/12/2008 11:13 AM 
From UK group from the 90s 
Black Box 
The good news is that Bun’s blood 
test came back this morning with 
her white blood cells slightly up 
which is the best news we’ve had 
for a couple of days. Still some 
work to do but it is a small step in 
the right direction. 
Her mouth and throat are still 
pretty sore so they have ordered 
a cocaine mouthwash which will 
deaden the mouth & throat. I don’t 
know if this means Richmond fans 
will be allowed to visit as everyone 
is concerned about Ben’s circle of 
influence check with Terry Wallace 
(again sorry about that but that one 
was like T-ball hard to pass up, gee 
I hope Didak stays in for NYE). 
Anyway I’ll finish with the last line 
from Black Box. 
And time won’t take my love away. 
Were all in this together 
By Sean on 21/12/2008 8:40 AM 
You may have noticed the musi-cal 
theme to my blog titles, even 
though I have the new iPhone I 
haven’t used the iPod that much. 
These tunes seemed to popping 
into my head at the moment. FYI 
I am thinking of the Ben Lee song 
not the High School Musical ver-sion 
but whatever floats your boat. 
Speaking to Lish yesterday 
reminded me of one of Bunny’s 
face questions which I’m sure 
the crew at Medibank know well, 
“What did you have for dinner?” 
with followup methods of cooking 
techniques and of course dessert. 
It’s a Bunton thing but dessert is a 
must, they do all love their dessert. 
Little did I know that these ques-tions 
helped Bun and in turn Lish 
plan their family meals. I guess she 
should come with a privacy policy, 
but those who know her know that 
with Bun it is all out there nothing 
is sacred. 
So for the sake of full disclosure I 
had lasagne for dinner last night 
which was beautiful, thanks Meg. 
Every breath you take 
By Sean on 20/12/2008 5:17 PM 
Spent most of today simply 
watching Bun sleeping. She seems 
more comfortable today the 
morphine drip is having the desired 
effect, unfortunately her blood 
counts have not bounced back as 
we’d hoped. 
We hope that there is a change for 
the positive overnight to see her 
immune system make a recovery 
so she has ammunition to fight this 
Thanks for all the messages, texts 
& phone calls. I pass them on when 
Bun wakes up and asks for a Big M 
or icypole. 
She is in great hands and they are 
looking after the both of us well. 
I know Margaret from the visitors 
waiting room will wonder on 
Monday what happened to her 
bowl of Clinkers? What can I say I 
keep getting pink ones I have to go 
back until I get a green one :) 
Lish & Shane 
20/12/2008 9:02:30 PM 
Sean Just to follow on from Dan’s message, Shane and I are 
in full agreeance and support of your comments, Dan. Sean, 
your strength & courage are amazing, your humour helps 
to ease, you are Bun’s rock. To see her reaction yesterday 
when you came into the room was something that we’ll 
never forget. Your love for each other is one of the most 
beautiful things we’ve witnessed. And to follow in your 
theme of songs, as Dan said (and in the words of Grinspoon) 
- You’re a hard act to follow.....and what’s the next line? 
Such a fine looking fellow - OK we’ll give u that one too! You 
two are a great team...keep punching xoxo Submitted By: 
Lish & Shane 
Paula Mason 
20/12/2008 9:02:22 PM 
Hey Bun, Not much to report having a bit of a lazy weekend. 
Hope your doing ok, Kaelyn says hi and wants me to tell you 
he beat me in need for speed again, which really means 
he plays way too much X Box. Sending you both big hughs 
and kisses from all of us. Loads of Love Paula Clint & Kaelyn 
Submitted By: Paula Mason 
Joch & Katherine 
20/12/2008 7:13:04 PM 
Thinkin’ of ya Dear Bunny and Sean, we’re thinking of you 
and sending you all of our love and crossing all of our fingers 
and toes for you. Love Joch & Katherine Submitted By: Joch 
& Katherine 
20/12/2008 4:32:23 PM 
Sean, it was good to catch up with you yesterday and on 
reflection it made me think about showing courage and 
and mental toughness. I’m not real good with words but see 
if you understand what i mean.When i think of these things 
gernerally i think of football players for example, Jonathon 
Brown running back with the flight of the ball with the full 
forward and fullback coming the other way but he keeps his 
eyes on it and takes the mark, thats courage. Or the poor 
bugger who had to stand in the spot in front of plugger, 
thats courage. Rob Harvey and Shane Crawford who man-age 
to go through the pain barrier time and time again to 
make the next contest. You are showing all these qualities 
plus much more, you are one tough bugger. You set a very 
high standard for us to follow, and keep up the good work. 
Pass on our love Bunny. Love Dan & Kristy Submitted By: Dan 
20/12/2008 3:08:35 PM 
Maxwell No 5 Just to keep your musical theme going, how 
about Side By Side We Stick Together!As the coffee is play-ing 
a vital riole at the moment, may I suggest you try a new 
drop of Maxwell House No 5. Comes highly recommended 
by Eddie. Mick and Bucks! Submitted By: Martwell 
Tim & Bern Golby 
20/12/2008 6:02:23 AM 
Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you. By the 
way, we bumped into a guy carrying a 10 foot stick. Bern 
said to him “Are you a pole vaulter?: He replied “No I’m Ger-man 
but how did you know my name is Walter???”. Love 
Tim & Bern Submitted By: Tim & Bern Golby 
Tim & Bern Golby 
20/12/2008 6:02:15 AM 
Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you. By the 
way, we bumped into a guy carrying a 10 foot stick. Bern 
said to him “Are you a pole vaulter?: He replied “No I’m Ger-man 
but how did you know my name is Walter???”. Love 
Tim & Bern Submitted By: Tim & Bern Golby 
A hard day’s night 
By Sean on 20/12/2008 7:19 AM 
Well if you know how I’ve been 
sleeping, if that dog was on a vinyl 
recliner. Much like sleeping on a 
plane without the customs checks 
and beggars at the airport when 
you wake up. Anyway enough 
about me nothing a coffee followed 
by a red bull can’t fix. 
Bunny’s pain and nausea is fluc-tuating 
in equal amounts the staff 
here are doing a great job to level 
things out. Had another blood test 
this morning hoping they come 
back with better numbers than 
Matty Hayden this time. Until that 
happens she’ll be in here for a bit 
longer. She may be home for Xmas 
if we see enough improvement so 
her immune system can handle the 
outside world. 
Thanks for all the support and mes-sages 
keep them coming in. Bunny 
knows there is a lot of support out 
there to all of you she says 
“Bless ya”. 
xoxo Gossip Girl 
I mean Sean 
Can’t wait to be home to watch 
crap TV with my girl 
Make that a weekend stay 
By Sean on 19/12/2008 8:27 AM 
Just finished speaking with our on-cologist, 
unfortunately she won’t be 
coming home just yet. Her platelets 
and white blood cell counts are 
very low and she needs to more 
blood and monitoring. She is in 
very capable hands and they are 
doing everything they can to keep 
her as comfortable as possible. 
I know everyone feels for Bunny at 
the minute and would love to visit 
but the doctors want the visitors 
to be kept at a minimum as she in 
under risk of infection. I will pass 
ok messages and love to her from 
you all. 
Please know she may be fighting 
outside her weight class but she is 
punching like crazy thanks for 
being in our corner. 
Overnight stay at Epworth 
Dec 19 
Written by: Sean 
19/12/2008 7:30 AM 
Bunny spent the night at Epworth 
as they wanted to keep an eye on 
her and give her blood a boost. 
Platelets too low to have chemo 
and other blood counts done. She 
has has a platelet transfusion and 
4 bags of blood. She wants to 
come home which is a good sign, 
last night she was too exhausted to 
care. For those wanting to help can 
you please find some time to give 
blood? Michelle has the most com-mon 
blood type O+ (38% of world 
population according to Google) 
the blood bank always needs more 
especially over the holidays. 
Waiting on results and to see the 
doctors ttyl. (That’s Internet short-hand 
Mum Talk To You Later, Jade 
can explain it) 
Alan Connelly 
20/12/2008 3:17:41 AM 
To you both Our thoughts are with you both Sean and 
Bunny. We hope you enjoy your next icypole, we will keep 
one at work waiting for you. Submitted By: Alan Connelly 
20/12/2008 2:33:29 AM 
Lovin ya nig It was beautiful spending a few hours with you 
today niggy and I was glad when you gave me that look 
that Karen Walker would give Grace Adler troubled by what 
she’s wearing....I missed that look. Hate to use this site as a 
type of chat room but Jade if you’re reading, thanks for a 
loan of Twilight the book - I absolutely loved it!! And just to 
finish off, Meg makes a mean looking lasagne for anyone 
who cares. Lovin ya niggy xxxxxxx Submitted By: Chinna 
Marty C 
20/12/2008 2:22:19 AM 
Thinking of you! Hi Bunny and Sean. Just letting you both 
know that we’re thinking of you and sending you all our 
love. Marty, Julie, Patrick, Georgia and Ronan. Submitted By: 
Marty C 
Kerry Gilbert (wilson) 
20/12/2008 1:10:03 AM 
Thinking of you both Dear Bunny, We hope today that you 
have had a restful day. You are in our thoughts always Kerry 
& Ash xoxox PS Sean I would have kept looking for the green 
clinkers too they are the best!!!! Submitted By: Kerry Gilbert 
19/12/2008 11:03:29 PM 
hey bun hope u feel better soon missin u lots cu l8r love jade 
xox Submitted By: Jade 
Chris Wilson 
19/12/2008 6:58:51 PM 
Sal & Chris Hi Sean and Bunny, Just letting you know that Sal 
and I are thinking of you both. All the best Chris and Sally 
Wilson (junior Wilba) Submitted By: Chris Wilson 
19/12/2008 3:36:35 PM 
hi bun last night i had a sleepover at ryans house he is 8. To-day 
we played skirmish it was funny. I wish we could visit you 
but not ava she was naughty when we visited pop in hos-pidal. 
she would have to stay with someone else. Mummy 
said we might have jerms under our finger nails they can 
make you more sick so when you come home i will clean 
my fingers in the bath before we visit you and sean and jade 
and rhysy. do you rember when we went to a restorant and 
put bits of food in the hot water that was fun. Then i had a 
sleepover at your house and you helped me when i cried a 
little bit. Sean siad xox gossip girl and mum always says that 
to and she always says contratulations you are still in the 
running to becoming americas next top model. I love you so 
much from Eden& Ava & Shane & Alisha or mum & daddy. 
Submitted By: Edey 
Alyce &Ryan 
19/12/2008 1:26:53 AM 
Hey you two. Thinking of you both as always! Also thinking 
how we can be funnier than Mairs... Two sausages were fry-ing 
in a pan, one says to the other ‘how’s it going’ and the 
other screams “AAARGH A TALKING SAUSAGE!!!” Lots of love 
xoxo Submitted By: Alyce &Ryan 
Meg Vila Pouca 
19/12/2008 12:41:15 AM 
Hi Bun, just wanted to send you a little msg and say hi! Hope 
you are getting some rest at the epworth & they are looking 
after you. Must be nice to have Sean there with you tonight. 
You are always in my thoughts so know I’m sending lots of 
love & big hugs your way. I will have a champers for you on 
Sun. Lots of love, meg xx p.s I’m even missing your burps - I 
never thought I’d say that! Thought you would appreciate 
that one!! xx Submitted By: Meg Vila Pouca 
18/12/2008 10:03:08 PM 
Hi Bun, just wanted to check in and let you know you are 
constantly on our minds and in our hearts xoxo keep strong 
darling girl...rob,mands and thomas Submitted By: mandy. 
Back to the Epworth 
Dec 18 
Written by: Sean 
18/12/2008 10:26 AM 
Heading back to the Epworth 
today for more treatment and 
check ups. 
Bun isn’t feeling the greatest today, 
still unsteady on her feet and a bit 
nauseaus. We are waiting for an 
ambulance to take her into the Ep-worth, 
nothing major just a more 
comfortable ride for Michelle. 
I’ll let you all know how we go later 
in the day. 
Slept better coffee still 
Dec 17 
Written by: Sean 
17/12/2008 10:03 AM 
Last night was a lot better as we 
got a script filled yesterday for 
more pain killers and it definitely 
helped through the night. It was a 
2 icypole night but there wasn’t dis-tressed 
as much as previous nights. 
Bunny is sleeping soundly right 
now after taking more pills this 
morning than Ben Cousins on a 
bender (sorry Tiger fans couldn’t 
Today has nothing planned, she 
is most happy in her bedroom 
with no distractions (not even the 
TV which is rare for her as Edey 
Tomorrow we hard back into the 
Epworth for another round of IV 
chemo and to check in with all the 
doctors, nurses, social worker, dieti-cians 
and probably a few more. 
She is eating enough even if it is 
only watermelon (due to mouth 
ulcers) but she has fallen in love 
with Banana Big Ms which is great 
according to the dietician. 
Anyway gotta go trying to build 
another website for work this one 
has been a great playground to test 
ideas out on. 
Thanks for all the calls, texts and 
messages. Yes I am doing fine, 
keeping on top of things and 
distracting myself researching work 
stuff in my Harry Potter study (for 
those who don’t know I have my 
PCs setup under the stairs). 
Can’t finish without congratulat-ing 
Jade and Rhys on their terrific 
reports from school, well done you 
should be very proud of yourselves 
I know Bunny & I are. 
PS Get well soon Jeanne, you have 
been a great support to Bunny & I. 
Here’s to a speed recovery. 
Sleep optional, 
Coffee mandatory 
Dec 16 
Written by: Sean 
16/12/2008 11:16 AM 
Been a battle last few days to try a 
get the right medicine to manage 
Bun’s pain and allow her to sleep 
comfortably. I think (hope) we have 
it right now, in close contact with 
the Epworth and our oncologist 
who have been a great help. 
The nights have been tough but 
the early morning icypoles seem 
to help. I am very thankful for our 
expresso machine though it has 
got a punishing, I can’t remember 
how I functioned in the morning 
before the age of 25 (the pre-coffee 
years). Thankfully working at the
18/12/2008 8:35:26 PM 
Hi Sean and Bunny, here’s a little dose to help you feel a bit 
smiley on such a tough day... Two cows are standing next 
to each other in a field. Daisy says to Dolly, ‘I was artificially 
inseminated this morning.’ ‘I don’t believe you, says Dolly. It’s 
true, no bull! exclaims Daisy. ..... DejaMoo: the feeling that 
you’ve heard this bull before. ...and just to keep you rolling 
on the floor with laughter....Two fish swim into a concrete 
wall. Then one turns to the other and says “Dam!” (even I 
groaned at that one!) Go gently, Mairs xox Submitted By: Mairs 
18/12/2008 4:06:01 PM 
Morning Pookie!! Hey gorgeous, hope they have got you in 
the Presidential Suite there! Thinking of you always... Wes and 
I are off to ‘the rat’ for more painting and getting ready for 
visitors at Christmas. Having my weekends off is pure luxury! 
love you darling girl - you are in my mind constantly. xxx Cel 
Submitted By: Celestine 
18/12/2008 4:04:41 PM 
Hi Bunny, Hope your stay in Hospital is okay, you are in the 
best place, they will be able to monitor your meds (ER speak 
coming out). Sean has been doing a great job but I think 
you need the professionals at this moment then you can go 
home. We are having Champagne day on Sunday sorry you 
both will be missing it, we will be having a few drinks for you. 
Brian Young is another absentee as he is in hospital recover-ing 
from knee surgery. Keep punching Bunny we are thinking 
of you al the time. Love Libby & John xx P.S. Sorry no jokes 
leave that to Mairs. Submitted By: Libby 
17/12/2008 7:29:42 PM 
Nan & Pop Hey darling girl, just got back from Nan and 
Pop’s, Pop’s home from hospital today and enjoying Nan’s 
cooking much more than hospital food. They urged me 
to send their love and support to you and Sean. When I 
showed them the website they thought it was magic! They 
asked me to post a message on their behalf, thinking that I 
must be on par with Einstein to be able to do such a thing 
on a computer - god love em. Nan’s making her Christmas 
shortbreads and there’ll be a batch on their way to you 
guys. Love you both xo Submitted By: Lish 
Anna Smith 
17/12/2008 3:24:35 PM 
Hello lovely Hi Michelle, Just wanting to let you know we are 
still missing you here in Telco land. Dennis just handed me a 
line but I dared not cross it without backup (weak I know!) I 
am about to disappear for a few weeks but will be checking 
out to see how things are progressing. Wishing you all the 
best. Anna. Submitted By: Anna Smith 
Cath and Tim 
17/12/2008 2:32:50 PM 
Hi Bunny and Sean Hi Bunny and Sean We think about you 
guys daily. Reading all the love and support that all your 
loving family and friends are sending is truly amazing. We 
look froward in seeing you again in good time. Just thought I 
will post this link for you to have a giggle at Camryn being a 
dancing Santa. You may have to cut and paste http://apps. All our 
love to Tim, Cath, Jake and Camryn Submitted By: Cath and 
Craig Kelly 
17/12/2008 6:06:52 AM 
Sean & Bunny, Reading that the Banana Big M’s are suitable 
for your appetite can I also recommend the Banana Paddle 
Pops - ‘very nice’ It is wonderful to read all the love in mes-sages 
posted daily, yet you are the true inspiration Bunny..... 
Not forgetting you Sean, great stuff pal. Love Craig, Tylah & 
Chloe xxx Submitted By: Craig Kelly 
Karen Jones 
16/12/2008 3:02:18 PM 
Hey guys, our little man Sean just reminded me that it’s time 
to check in on you again so here’s a whole loada love com-ing 
your way.You’re always in our thoughts and in our hearts. 
Til next time. Love from Troy, Jonesy and Submitted 
By: Karen Jones 
DOJ and those mandatory 3pm 
coffee shop sessions got me started 
on the stuff. 
Although Bun is drifting in and 
out of slumber I am keeping her 
informed of all your messages, so 
thanks again. 
I know a lot of you are feeling help-less 
and want to do more. Please 
know your support is appreciated 
and you will be called upon. 
Thanks to all but worth 
Dec 14 
Written by: Sean 
14/12/2008 1:21 PM 
A big thanks to everyone who is 
posting their support as the mes-sages 
keep coming in here’s a few I 
wanted to repeat here. 
From Alan (Michelle’s bossmen-tor 
“I thought it was time to tell on 
Michelle, just to remind people 
who may not know, exactly how 
strong she really is. Sean I was 
fortunate to interview Michelle 
some 7 years ago for a job. While 
we were very impressed with her 
and had already decided to give 
her the position it was only after I 
found out she had experienced her 
car being run into and written off 
straight after the interview and he 
plight leading into the interview 
(read Ansett) that I had a glimpse 
into how much she will fight for 
what she what. It was later when 
she was determined that you were 
the right person for her that I really 
saw her determination and fight 
for what she felt was correct that 
you would appreciate there was no 
alternative for you. You where both 
destined for each other, and the last 
few week have confirmed it, Sean 
you have my utmost appreciation 
of your strength and determination 
to support Bunny. I have seen her 
never turn away from a challenge 
and win, I can only repeat I have 
seen her never turn away from 
a challenge and win, I can only 
repeat what I said to you on Friday, 
if any one is going to beat this then 
Michelle is the person to do it. As 
I suspect you know, your support 
is key to this, I can only offer the 
support for both of you from the 
side and that of where she works, if 
there is anything we can do let me 
know, I will ensure it happens.” 
Thanks to Alan and Michelle’s 
work colleagues for your support it 
is very much appreciated. Michelle 
is looking forward to a return to 
work, who else is going to boss 
you all around in her no-nonsense 
From Mairs (my Aunty) 
“Hi guys,its Mairs calling. I am 
blown away by what you have both 
been going through - together and 
separately. I hope you can feel the 
wall of love and support surround-ing 
you and hoping for the best 
possible outcome. You have already 
shown your family and friends 
the remarkable depths of your 
endurance and perserverance in 
the journey so far and no doubt this 
will continue in the battle ahead. 
When I call you both to mind the 
first image that comes is the joy 
you eminated on your wedding 
day. We all agreed we had never 
seen a groom with such a broard 
and permanent grin, and who will 
ever forget your briliant response 
Bunny, when asked by the celebrant
Kate Connelly 
16/12/2008 12:53:26 PM 
Jokes This one may not live up to Mairs but here we go - The 
Good Wish Fairy flies down to two statues in a park and says 
“If I could grant you both a wish what would it be?” They 
answer “We would like to be human for a day”. “Granted” 
says the Fairy. They run off into the bushes and a rustling 
noise is heard. Five minutes later they re-appear with beam-ing 
smiles and the Fairy asks “Did you have fun?”. “Yes” says 
one statue as he turns to the other statue and she says “I did 
too, but next time you hold down the pigeons and I’ll crap 
on them” Submitted By: Kate Connelly 
16/12/2008 4:43:17 AM Hi Sean and Chelles, think about 
you both every day. Please call on us anytime and we will 
be there! Love Lucy x Submitted By: Lucy 
15/12/2008 10:54:46 PM 
thinking of you Hi Bunny and Sean.Just checking in. Think of 
you both each day.Your love for each other will give you 
strength to fight this. All our love Judith & Trevor Submitted 
By: Judith 
15/12/2008 10:07:19 PM 
Hi sean and Bunny, just touching base with some more 
irresistable ‘Callanan Jokes’. They say laughter’s the best 
medicine, hope these help. Love Mairs xoxo Two peanuts 
walk into a bar, and one was a salted! A man walks into a 
bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm and says: A beer 
please and one for the road. ....and one more dose for 
good measure... Two cannibals were eating a clown. One 
says to the other: Does this taste funny to you?’ Love you 
guys xox Submitted By: Mairs 
15/12/2008 5:48:30 PM 
Hey Sean , you are doing a great job looking after Bun! 
Michelle i miss you so much - see you soon, love you lots 
xxxxxCel x Submitted By: Celestine 
15/12/2008 5:48:23 PM 
Hey Sean , you are doing a great job looking after Bun! 
Michelle i miss you so much - see you soon, love you lots 
xxxxxCel x Submitted By: Celestine 
Paula Mason 
15/12/2008 3:26:36 PM 
Hey Bun and Sean, just thinking of you both and sendind 
all our love. Kaelyn says hello and hopes your feeling ok, 
he wants to know who you like best from the hills, he likes 
Spencer with the spikey face??? I think he means the beard. 
He is checking the planner daily to tape the eps for me, well 
trained I know. Take care xoxo Paula Clint & Kaelyn Submit-ted 
By: Paula Mason 
Kate Connelly 
14/12/2008 8:05:03 PM 
Hey there Sean and Michelle - I am definately missing the 
“Michelle” stories that Alan brings home from work, they 
inspire me to give him heaps at home. I admire your strength 
and the depth of your love for each other and I do believe 
that together you will beat this. As always my thoughts are 
with you both. Kate Submitted By: Kate Connelly 
Mandi Nugent 
14/12/2008 5:21:39 PM 
Hi Guys, just checking in. I can’t wait for you to come back 
to work Bunny - the inappropriate comment quota is slipping 
to dangerously low levels (though Anna and I are definitely 
trying, and Tim is doing his fair share also). I miss our chats 
about Merrick Watts (mmm) and you rolling your eyes at our 
wow chatter :) Lots of hugs and good vibes heading your 
way, Love Mandi xx Submitted By: Mandi Nugent 
if you would take Sean to be your 
You are a great team 
and the power of the love you share 
is tangible. Rest in it on the tough 
days, dance in it on the good days 
and be gentle with yourselves along 
the way. We are all cheering you 
on from the sidelines! All my love, 
Mairs xoxo 
PS. Pete and gang send their love 
and warmest wishes. Kate and 
Trent shift on Monday and so are 
off line, but she will be in touch. 
PPS. Thought I’d finish with a 
couple of lame jokes (otherwise 
known in this house as Callanan 
jokes - go figure?) just to put a smile 
on the dial.... Two antennas met on 
a roof, fell in love and got married. 
the ceremony wasn’t much but the 
reception was excellent. but wait 
there’s more.... A jumper cable 
walks into a bar. The bartender 
says, ‘I’ll serve you, but don’t start 
anything.’ Is that laughter or groans 
I hear? I hereby challenge my fel-low 
bloggers to surpass my efforts! 
Cheers, M” 
Thanks Mairs and I thought those 
jokes were restricted to Dads only, 
you’re telling me the whole fam-ily 
is afflicted with these sense of 
From Eden (one of Bun’s favourite 
kids in the world) “Hi bun we hope 
you can come tomorow. I love you 
more than anyone in the hole intire 
world. you give mum dad ava and 
me lots of presents. But the good 
thing about you that you love us ! 
and we love you to once again ilove 
you more than anyone in the hole 
intire world. love Edey&ava” 
Thanks Edey, Bun was very happy 
to see your smiling face today. She 
loves you very much and she loves 
hearing you giggling so keep it up 
Thanks to everyone for the 
messages, texts, cards and prayers. 
Sleep and 18-1 
Dec 13 
Written by: Sean 
13/12/2008 12:04 PM 
Bunny is sleeping well now she is 
back in her bed, must admit it was 
easier getting a good night sleep 
with her by my side. She is eating 
her fruit salad around the clock 
and taking all our medications 
whenever I ask or nag, how the 
tables have turned :) I look for for 
her naggin’ to return. 
Thanks to Mum & Dad for coming 
down today to take the kids out 
for the day and buy us a Xmas 
tree. Mum has been cooking up a 
storm can’t wait to get into those 
home made vegie and sausage rolls! 
Thanks Mum. 
Wearing my 18-1 t-shirt today as 
a reminder that things that are not 
meant to happen sometimes do. I 
follow sports are there is always big 
upsets from bigger underdogs. 
18-1 represent the record of the 
New England Patriots lasy year 
perfect record entering the the 
Super Bowl but their perfect season 
was ruined by the New York Giants 
showing that the unexpected can 
happen at anytime. 
This is your Super Bowl Babe, 
gotta believe 
Kate Ryan 
14/12/2008 5:19:59 PM 
Bunny, you are in our thoughts and our hearts. It is truly inspir-ing 
to read the previous posts and blogs, pages upon pages 
of people who love you, all cheering you on in this fight. You 
have supported our little family from day one and it means 
more to us than words can say. Reading these messages it is 
clear that ours are just a drop in the pond, there are count-less 
lives you have touched with your beautiful spirit. We 
know this spirit will keep you strong and positive, and we are 
behind you and Sean all the way!! Love Kate, Trent, Finn & 
Lily xox ...P.S. apologies for Mairs’ lame jokes!! xox Submitted 
By: Kate Ryan 
14/12/2008 1:44:33 PM 
Dear Bunny and Sean, Luv you both. Just keep on fighting!!! 
Submitted By: Dave 
14/12/2008 3:23:29 AM 
Bunny The journey is not of your choosing but take strength 
from your man by your side and family and friends who love 
you Our prayers and thoughts are with you both love Gay 
and Pete Submitted By: Gay 
Bernie Golby 
14/12/2008 2:48:22 AM 
Hi guys, you are in our thoughts and prayers. As a couple 
you are an inspiration in the way you have taken on the 
challenges of the past. With the love and support you have, 
we know you’ll meet this head -on love Bernie&Tim Submit-ted 
By: Bernie Golby 
Ryan & Alyce 
14/12/2008 1:38:15 AM 
Hi Sean and Bunny. We are both thinking of you and are 
sending our love. You are both incredibly strong people and 
together can beat anything life throws at you! Thinking of 
you always, Ryan & Alyce xoxo Submitted By: Ryan & Alyce 
Jenny Evans 
13/12/2008 8:50:47 PM 
message to bunny & sean Dear Bunny & Sean, we want to 
send our love and prayers to you and to let you know that 
we are thinking of you. We know that you are both very 
strong and that you will get through this with the help from 
everyone that loves you...Love Jenny & Nick xx Submitted 
By: Jenny Evans 
Scott Kelly 
13/12/2008 5:24:47 PM 
Hi Sean & Bunny, We are thinking of you. Love Scott, Eliza, 
Ruby, Lilly & Matilda. Submitted By: Scott Kelly 
Anna Vila Pouca 
13/12/2008 10:00:52 AM 
Thinking of You Dear Bunny & Sean - Meg passed on this site 
to us and we wanted to pass on lots of love to you both. You 
are very much in our thoughts and willing you to get through 
this. Anna & Ed xxxx Submitted By: Anna Vila Pouca 
Craig Kelly 
13/12/2008 4:31:45 AM 
CAN DO Bunny / Sean, Your courage will know doubt place 
you in good stead to again win this battle. My mail tells me 
that could’ve, would’ve, should’ve is not in your vocab. 
‘CAN DO’ is your only method of thinking.. By the way this 
is Craig, (Sean’s cousin) and you are both very much in my 
and my girls’ thoughts today, tomorrow and everyday until I 
hear Lib & John announce the great news of your overcom-ing 
this interim hurdle. Craig, Tylah & Chloe xxx Submitted By: 
Craig Kelly 
Craig Kelly 
13/12/2008 4:31:28 AM 
CAN DO Bunny / Sean, Your courage will know doubt place 
you in good stead to again win this battle. My mail tells me 
that could’ve, would’ve, should’ve is not in your vocab. 
‘CAN DO’ is your only method of thinking.. By the way this 
is Craig, (Sean’s cousin) and you are both very much in my 
and my girls’ thoughts today, tomorrow and everyday until I 
hear Lib & John announce the great news of your overcom-ing 
this interim hurdle. Craig, Tylah & Chloe xxx Submitted By: 
Craig Kelly 
Home Sweet Home 
Dec 12 
Written by: Sean 
12/12/2008 3:37 PM 
It was only a day in hospital but it 
felt much longer. Thanks to my 
driver David for helping me out 
today, no sleep and driving do not 
I can feel the relief in Michelle 
now back in our own bed (BIE Best 
Investment Ever!). 
She isn’t up for much talking just 
sleeping but I know as she sleeps 
in our bed I know she feels a little 
like this... 
Ready for the fight of our lives 
By Sean on 12/12/2008 7:41 AM 
Sleep seems to be optional for the 
both of us at the moment. Very 
tired but getting our strength back 
to put up a big fight. 
Got the bone marrow results back 
and unfortunately the cancer has 
moved in more than expected. 
The plan and treatment course 
remains the same as we need to get 
this damn thing under control first 
before we can try different treat-ments. 
We are both very happy that 
the team of doctors and nurses are 
working hard behind the scenes to 
find whatever edge we can. 
Michelle is a tough and stubborn 
women and I love her for it we are 
going to put all our energy into 
this fight. There has to be someone 
defy and baffle medical opinion so 
medical breakthroughs can happen 
(here’s hoping you see Bunny’s 
story on House one day). 
Thanks for the support it is 
appreciated and needed. 
A hectic day at Epworth 
By Sean on 11/12/2008 3:29 PM 
It has been a busy day & Bunny has 
been exceptional. 
She got thru a bone marrow biopsy 
with no problems we are waiting on 
the results. 
She now has a pick line to give her 
all the chemo so less needles which 
Bun is happy about. 
I am waiting at the Mountain View 
for an order of chips for Bunny so 
that’s a good sign that her appetite 
is coming back a little. 
All things being equal she will be 
home tomorrow. 
Bun says thanks to everyone. 
Heading into hospital... 
Dec 10 
Written by: Sean 
10/12/2008 6:49 PM 
We have seen all the doctors we can 
in the past week. We (I say we but I 
really mean Bun) had more tests for 
blood and a CT scan of her brain. 
The good news is that her brain 
scan came back clear (from cancer 
not of a brain!), however there is 
some concern from her blood tests. 
More tests are to be done at the Ep-worth 
specifically a bone marrow 
biopsy to confirm if the cancer is in 
the bone marrow which would help 
explain the aches and pains Bunny 
has had over the past 4-6 weeks. 
So it looks like she will start some 
form of chemo tomorrow most 
likely with a hospital stay to get the 
cancer under control so her blood 
results improve. Bunny wishes she 
could post herself but she is so 
“knackered” (her words not mine) 
but she does want me to pass on
Vlade, Sally, Elli and Jemma 
13/12/2008 3:53:35 AM 
Hi Bunny, Our thoughts our with you guys. Our warmest 
wishes. We know you’ll get through this. Vlade, Sally, Elli and 
Jemma Submitted By: Vlade, Sally, Elli and Jemma 
Renae D’Arcy 
13/12/2008 2:54:27 AM 
Hi Bunny, lots of love flowing your way from us and we will 
be thinking of each of you. Love Aaron,Renae,Millie and 
Charlotte D’Arcy. Submitted By: Renae D’Arcy 
Alan Connelly 
13/12/2008 12:24:42 AM 
next part I have seen her never turn away from a challenge 
and win, I can only repeat what I said to you on Friday, if any 
one is going to beat this then Michelle id the person to do it. 
As I suspect you know, your support is key to this, I can only 
offer the support for both of you from the side and that of 
where she works, if there is anything we can do let me know, 
I will ensure it happens. Submitted By: Alan Connelly 
Alan Connelly 
13/12/2008 12:22:53 AM 
ongoing support Hi Sean and Michelle, I thought it was time 
to tell on Michelle, just to remind people who may not know, 
exactly how strong she really is. Sean I was fortunate to in-terview 
Michelle some 7 years ago for a job. While we were 
very impressed with her and had already decided to give 
her the position it was only after I found out she had expe-rienced 
her car being run into and written off straight after 
the interview and he plight leading into the interview (read 
Ansett) that I had a glimpse into how much she will fight 
for what she what. It was later when she was determined 
that you were the right person for her that I really saw her 
determination and fight for what she felt was correct that 
you would appreciate there was no alternative for you. You 
where both destined for each other, and the last few week 
have confirmed it, Sean you have mu utmost appreciation 
of your strength and determination to support Bunny. I have 
seen her never turn away from a challenge and win, I can 
only repeat 
12/12/2008 7:34:45 PM 
PS. Pete and gang send their love and warmest wishes. Kate 
and Trent shift on Monday and so are off line, but she will 
be in touch. PPS. Thought I’d finish with a couple of lame 
jokes (otherwise known in this house as Callanan jokes - go 
figure?) just to put a smile on the dial.... Two antennas met 
on a roof, fell in love and got married. the ceremony wasn’t 
much but the reception was excellent. but wait there’s 
more.... A jumper cable walks into a bar. The bartender 
says, ‘I’ll serve you, but don’t start anything.’ Is that laughter 
or groans I hear? I hereby challenge my fellow bloggers to 
surpass my efforts! Cheers, M xox Submitted By: Mairs 
12/12/2008 7:23:53 PM 
Hi guys,its Mairs calling. I am blown away by what you have 
both been going through - together and separately. I hope 
you can feel the wall of love and support surrounding you 
and hoping for the best possible outcome. You have al-ready 
shown your family and friends the remarkable depths 
of your endurance and perserverance in the journey so far 
and no doubt this will continue in the battle ahead. When 
I call you both to mind the first image that comes is the joy 
you eminated on your wedding day. We all agreed we had 
never seen a groom with such a broard and permanent 
grin, and who will ever forget your briliant response Bunny, 
when asked by the celebrant if you would take Sean to be 
your husband... ABSO-BLOODY-LUTELY! You are a great team 
and the power of the love you share is tangible. Rest in it on 
the tough days, dance in it on the good days and be gentle 
with yourselves along the way. We are all cheering you on 
from the sidelines! All my love, Mairs xoxo PS. Pete and gang 
send th 
12/12/2008 3:58:59 PM 
Hi bun we hope you can come tomorow. I love you more 
than anyone in the hole intire world. you give mum dad ava 
and me lots of presents. But the good thing about you that 
you love us ! and we love you to once again ilove you more 
than anyone in the hole intire world. love Edey&ava Submit-ted 
By: Eden 
thanks to each and everyone who 
has been posting to the site. She 
would also like to thank the people 
who don’t know about the internet 
that have passed on best wishes by 
this olden-days method called the 
post (my words not hers). 
Thanks for your prayers, 
Getting thru the weekend... 
By Sean on 7/12/2008 6:08 PM 
Just an update from the weekend. 
First of all thanks to Chris Bourke, 
Seamus Ryan and Norm for install-ing 
our new split system air con-ditioning 
it took most of Saturday 
thru the rain and heat but Bunny 
is now more comfortable even if I 
am freezing my nuts off ! It was a 
long day for Bun but the Ivanhoe 
crew with help from Orv gave her 
some comfort while the boys were 
working away. 
I know Bunny intends to make a 
blog post herself but she isn’t up 
to it at the minute. The pain killers 
and other mess have her a little 
disoriented for the time being she is 
happiest when sleeping. 
Again thanks for the messages and 
PS In cool (techy) news I am writ-ing 
the post from my iPhone. Jade 
is so jealous :) 
Thank you, thank you, thank 
Dec 5 
Written by: Sean 
5/12/2008 8:59 AM 
I guess the title says it all but I feel 
like I am Thanksgiving albeit a 
week late. 
Thank you to all the great 
messages posted to the site. 
Thank you for all the offers 
of support I will take them 
up at some stage 
Thank you for all the love 
and best wishes 
A big thanks to our employers 
Medibank & Devtest, 
I know I appreciate it a lot, 
I know Bunny does too.
Marcus, Claire and Angus 
12/12/2008 3:41:54 AM 
All our love to Bunny and Sean. You are in our thoughts and 
our hearts. Angus likes bunnies. Submitted By: Marcus, Claire 
and Angus 
12/12/2008 3:23:19 AM 
Sending you Angels from Perth! Bunny when i heard the 
news from Lishy I couldn’t believe it!! Sending you our love, 
all our strength & best wishes every single day all the way 
from Perth Darling girl. You’ve done it once mate you can & 
will do it again! YOU’RE A SURVIVOR! Great idea Sean, look 
after yourselves. Love Brooke, Trent, Ethan, Cohen & Ally 
xoxoxo :) :) :) Submitted By: Brooke 
11/12/2008 10:06:30 PM 
Pookie its pookie hey im off to ballarat again tonight , get-ting 
my little house ready for you to visit! i can’t wait i think 
you’ll love what ive done with the place!! your room is ready 
and the bathroom is brand new!! And guess what - after all 
the physio we’ve been giving dodgey, ( hooking him up to 
the hills hoist by his special pants!!) he is now walking on his 
own again. love you xxxxx Submitted By: Celestine 
11/12/2008 9:36:54 PM 
Bunny & Sean, we are all behind you(as Sean would 
say”BEHIND YOU”ha ha) you both are extremly stong, keep 
it up. Lots of luv going your way from Kristy and Dan xxoo. 
Submitted By: Dan 
Leanne & Tyler 
11/12/2008 8:51:33 PM 
Bunny & Sean Hey Bun & Sean, just wanted to say a quick 
hello and to let you know we are both thinking of you. Keep 
your chins up as much as possible. Hugs, Kisses and Positive 
Vibes coming your way, Love, Tilly & Leenan xoxoxox Submit-ted 
By: Leanne & Tyler 
Regina Radcliffe 
11/12/2008 7:15:32 PM 
Just popped in to say Hello. Hi Bunny, This is just a quick Hello, 
thinking of you as always. Just read Sean’s latest blog. Kinda 
teary eye’d but I feel that the love and strength you and 
Sean have for each other will see you through the battles 
ahead. Michelle, I truelly believe with all my heart that you 
will get through this because you are a Strong and Deter-mined 
woman. Thinking of you everyday, Hugs and Kissess 
from Joshie. Love Regina Submitted By: Regina Radcliffe 
11/12/2008 7:14:43 PM 
hey you both very very much, always sending 
our love and can’t wait to down some of those apple cider 
cocktails with you on boxing day.........wot can I say, they’re 
awesome...........and so are you!! Luv ya xxxxxx Submitted By: 
11/12/2008 6:47:19 PM 
Choppa Hey Nig, Choppa wants to know if you want to 
come around and watch Ariel with her in her bedroom? She 
said you can sit on her Barbie couch. Looking forward to it. 
love ya niggyyyyyyyy x Submitted By: Chinna 
Kate Connelly 
11/12/2008 4:49:14 PM 
Michelle and Sean There are those who defy the odds and 
they are truly special people. Michelle you are one of those 
rare special people and I truly believe that you will beat 
this and come through the other side then watch out world 
there will be no stopping you. All my love and support to you 
both. Kate Submitted By: Kate Connelly 
11/12/2008 1:46:39 PM 
Hi Bunny, Just a quick one from my Dad & I to say hang in 
there and we are thinking of you. Take care, xo Love, Sim & 
Les Submitted By: Simone 
How is Bunny 
twitter feed 
Jonesy thanks for your 
message, the present and 
the photos of beautiful baby 
Sean. Bless ya enjoy your 
Xmas with Troy. 
Jade I know I was sleepy this 
morning but seeing you guys 
made my day. You and Rhys 
make your Dad and I very 
happy we love you heaps 
Meg it is great to have a sister 
like you. Give your beautiful 
husband a Xmas kiss from 
Regina wishing you and your 
family a merry Xmas. Hope 
Santa brought you that 
matching Guess bag 
Alyce & Ryan just had some 
platelets think they might be 
yours I am feeling a little bit 
silly. Thank you 
Mairs thanks for all your 
messages hope the Ryans 
have a happy Xmas give 
those champers a thrashing 
for me 
Thanks Tim & Bernie looks the 
your Xmas crackers will are 
empty you used all the 
material in you post. So nice 
you posted twice 
Becky & Adam have a great 
Xmas your Aunty Bun loves 
you very much 
Thanks Kathy keep supporting 
John & Libby too bless ya 
Cheers Cath & Tim have a 
happy birthday Jake! 
Thanks Kate have a merry 
Thanks Marcus I look forward 
to having a good chat soon 
Thanks Lish & Cel looking 
forward to more sleepovers 
keep that lavender spray 
handy though 
Thanks Kate & Alan for your 
support bless you both 
Thanks for the visit Rach. 
Give Becky & Adam a big kiss 
from me. 
Isabella, Jordan & Alexis too 
I’m sure you look great you 
always do, love you guys to 
Thanks Joch & Kathryn have 
to hide the hand cream from 
the nurses it’s a big hit 
Thanks for the support 
Rhonda bless ya 
Eve please give Charlie girl a 
big Bunny kiss 
Thanks Steve keep those hits 
Thanks Kate be sure to give 
your beautiful kids a hug from 
Thanks for the big smooch 
Kate Connelly 
11/12/2008 12:43:05 PM 
Good Morning Guys - glad to hear that things are progress-ing 
positively. Lachlan sends his love. Kate. P S just let me 
know when you’re ready to attack some Lindor Balls and 
they’ll be on their way with wings. Submitted By: Kate Con-nelly 
11/12/2008 2:39:13 AM 
Pookie its pookie great effort! i hope you are feeling better 
soon i miss you so much. i did the emma and tom christmas 
run last night - 2 laps of albert park lake - gosh it seems like 
years since we used to do a run and a pot!! oh yeah, it is 
years!! im about to settle into The Closer. xxxxx Submitted By: 
11/12/2008 1:52:25 AM 
Good girl Niggy we are so proud of you, you’ve been poked 
and prodded so many times (that’s enough Sean - he 
he)and here you are taking it like a trooper. Good to see 
you are keeping our “god love ya” going - Curl would be 
proud. Scoff your chips babe, Shane, Lish and the ruggies 
xoxoxo Submitted By: Lish 
10/12/2008 11:59:30 PM 
love to you Hello lovely Michelle and Sean. . . Much love, 
hugs, cocktails, smiles, magic to you both. xxxx Submitted By: 
Anna Smith 
10/12/2008 9:48:32 PM 
Hospital Staff Hi Michelle, remember to tell the hospital staff 
when you need something. They are there to make you 
feel better. Boss them around when you have the energy!!! 
Here’s hoping the tests come out ok. God luv ya! A. Submit-ted 
By: Anna Smith 
unca steve 
10/12/2008 5:23:56 PM 
the bunster well congrats on getting my first bog (i mean 
blog) message you both sending all our thoughts 
all the time..good luck today..........luv steve evie and girls 
xxxxxxxxxxxx Submitted By: unca steve 
10/12/2008 4:44:15 PM 
Hi hi! Hi Guys, Just checking in! This site is such a cool idea. 
Good luck with the upcoming weeks, I’ll have my fingers 
(and other bits) crossed and send good vibes your way! 
Cheers :) m. xx Submitted By: Mandi 
Meg Vila Pouca 
10/12/2008 4:30:23 PM 
Hey there Bun, good luck for your tests & treatment & the 
epworth today - we’re thinking of you!! Love you lots - Meg 
& Laz xxxx p.s. I’ve finally started watching gossip girl on free 
to air - lots to catch up on - you can fill me in!! Submitted By: 
Meg Vila Pouca 
Kate Connelly 
10/12/2008 1:00:09 PM 
Hello Michelle and Sean Hi Guys - Just popped by to say 
hello and let you both know that I am thinking of both of 
you. All my love and all that stuff. Kate Submitted By: Kate 
10/12/2008 4:04:41 AM 
me again when i left work for my few months off, you asked 
me to keep in touch to let you know if i turned from suit to 
earth mother. Not transformed yet but a few days ago i 
planted a tub of lettuce and a tub of parsley. Ok, not a total 
conversion but its the start of a makeover. You keep pushing 
too, thinking about you heaps. Hilary Submitted By: hilary 
Kathy & Brian Young 
10/12/2008 2:10:36 AM 
Hi Bunny Our love & prayers are with you both. You have 
such wonderful family & friends supporting you & a wonder-ful 
fighting spirit. We hope you are free from pain soon. Love 
Kathy & Brian Young Submitted By: Kathy & Brian Young 
Well done Alyce & Ryan 
thanks for the platelets http:// 
Thanks Kate my mouth is 
feeling better nearly ready to 
add the chocolate group to 
my diet 
Hey Reg that is easily fixed 
get a matching bag for the 
purse and a purse for the 
bag all sorted, bless ya 
Thanks Lucy have a safe flight 
Mandi I don’t miss 
compliance training but I miss 
you guy 
Matt & Bridget, 
Sean apologises but make 
sure you keep practising love 
Judith & Trevor sorry we 
missed you we’ll have the 
dummies ready 
Bruno & Clare been a while 
thanks for the support 
Sean found this in the hospital 
kitchen we think it is a bit 
strange what do you think? 
Mairs it be the mouthwash 
talking but that last one did 
get a laugh bless ya 
Thanks Conor & Jade you 
guys are so sweet love ya 
Ta Pip give Lachy a smooch 
from me 
Craig thanks for your 
messages you’re a love 
Thanks Lucy looking forward 
to seeing you give Abbey girl 
a big kiss from me 
Thanks Scott give your girls a 
big hug from me 
Thanks Dean good to hear 
from you 
Thanks Marcus & Clare, 
Sean will keep finding a way 
to entertain even at my 
embarrassment bless him 
wouldn’t have him any other 
Thanks bro that was the best 
iced coffee ever 
Well done Camryn that’s 
bloody fantastic! Give both 
kids a big kiss from me (no 
cheek rubbish on the lips) 
Thanks Shane & Lish just 
remember this is HowIsBunny 
not HowIsSean God love him 
Thanks Paula and keep 
smiling Kaelyn you beautiful 
By the way did I mention 
that this custard rocks! 
(post mouthwash) 
Thanks Jochen & Kathryn I’m 
glad you stopped at toes 
Thanks Dan he learnt 
everything from me bless him 
he’s a love
Jeff Warner 
9/12/2008 5:13:38 PM 
Hi Miss Bunny You know me and email miss placed the 
orginal from Alan. Missing my regular bunny fix and chat 
Thinking of you lots keep up that wonderful attitude miising 
you heaps Jeff Submitted By: Jeff Warner 
9/12/2008 2:48:48 AM 
Hey Chelles Just thinking of you! Love Lucy x Submitted By: 
9/12/2008 2:48:21 AM 
Hey Chelles Just thinking of you! Love Lucy x Submitted By: 
8/12/2008 7:39:51 PM 
Hello there beautiful Just popped by to say hello and to let 
you know that I bought some Lindor Balls today (they were 
on special) and they are sitting here whispering “Eat me, eat 
me” but I’m going to be good and wait. Love to you as well 
Sean. Love Kate. Submitted By: Kate 
Anna Smith 
8/12/2008 3:50:22 PM 
Hello lovely Morning Michelle, feeling lonely today as Mandi 
is working from home and I have no backup for when I am 
giving Dennis a hard time. (Sadly I am not half as good as 
you with that). Thinking of you heaps, missing your smile. 
Anna. Submitted By: Anna Smith 
Matt Callanan 
8/12/2008 1:48:23 AM 
Bun Dear Bunny - We are all thinking of you - keep up your 
fighting spirit - you are one of the toughest people we know. 
Hope to see you soon. Love Matt and Bridge, Darcy and 
Beau PS - Darcy loves her purple tutu and wants to wear it 
everyday! Submitted By: Matt Callanan 
Alisha Champion 
7/12/2008 10:51:39 PM 
Entourage Hey Niggy, Just letting u know, u and Sean can 
relax as we’ve IQ’d season 5 Entourage. Still haven’t seen all 
of season 4, bless us! The Bun & Sean foxtel training wheels 
can nearly come off for us xox Lish xox Submitted By: Alisha 
Scott Heaney 
7/12/2008 5:28:36 PM 
Thinking of You Mate Bunny, Just heard from Alan how you 
are, as I noticed you had been absent for a while and IT 
Security called me to say that our ebay traffic is down 95%!. 
Stay positive and our thoughts are with you. Keep up the 
fight. All the best mate - Scott, Donna, Emily, Audrey & Mat-thew. 
Submitted By: Scott Heaney 
Judith Wilson 
7/12/2008 5:00:22 PM 
Bunny Hi Bunny and Sean our love and support are with you 
during this time.Your positive thoughts and bright messages 
were a joy to me , so now I hope my return ones are the 
same for you. Family and are friends are the best medicine 
so make sure you take all your required dosage. Love Judith 
and Trevor. Submitted By: Judith Wilson 
Mark Seymour 
7/12/2008 3:58:48 PM 
Hope all goes well today. Thoughts are with you both. Sub-mitted 
By: Mark Seymour 
Libby Callanan 
7/12/2008 3:11:15 PM 
Dear Bunny, Hope you are feeling better today. All the best 
for the Doctor’s visit. We are thinking of you as are all our 
family & friends who we have contacted, they send their 
love & support. Keep going girl remember you are a shin-boner 
& they are tough!!!Love you. Libby xx Submitted By: 
Libby Callanan 
Laura Shannon 
7/12/2008 2:42:14 AM 
Bunny, My love and support is with you and Sean at this time. 
I know that you will find the courage and the strength to get 
through this. All my love, Laura. xoxo Submitted By: Laura 
Thanks Martwell Sean doesn’t 
mind the House blend but 
as Archie would say Go 
Love you too Archie 
Great view from my room 
love you Snow White 
Thanks Tim & Bernie that 
joke was terrible but funnily 
enough it is now the 
clubhouse leader :) 
Thanks a lot Alan tell Kate to 
leave me some chocolate 
Thanks Chinna give Cheech 
& Chops their 5 kisses from 
Thanks Marty give your kids 
a big hug from me bless em 
Thanks Kerry I don’t plan 
on going for a run so resting 
sounds good 
Thanks JL your messages 
mean a lot to me and your 
Dad love Bun 
Thanks Chris & Sal bless ya 
Thanks Edey you’re the best 
buddy love you to bits! 
Thanks & Congrats Ryan & 
Alyce you’ve done well. 
GSOH not high on list Alyce? 
Only kidding keep smiling 
Thanks Meg don’t worry still 
got more burps in me 
Thanks Mands give Thommo 
a big kiss from me Rob not so 
much ;) 
Thanks Pookie yes just got the 
upgrade rm w/vu back to 
sleep now 
Thanks Libby the staff at 
Epworth doing great job 
please raise you glasses to 
them at champagne day 
Thanks Nan THANKS POP 
Seano loves this tech stuff 
doesn’t he? Bless him 
Thanks Anna I miss Telco land 
believe it or not 
Thanks Cath & Tim we’ll 
check out Camryn later on 
Headed back to the Epworth 
for more treatment - 
Thanks Craig Banana Paddle 
Pops are now on the 
shopping list 
Happy Birthday David, love 
ya bro 
Thanks to the Shannons for 
the card and gift 
Thanks Jonesy bless little Sean 
he’s a darling love him to bits 
Thanks Kate, looks like the 
gauntlet has been thrown 
down Mairs 
Thanks Lucy give Abbey girl a
How is Bunny Booklet
How is Bunny Booklet
How is Bunny Booklet
How is Bunny Booklet
How is Bunny Booklet

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How is Bunny Booklet

  • 1. A C E L E B R AT I O N O F T H E L I F E O F Michelle Celia Callanan (Bunton) 14 t h J u n e 1 9 7 4 – 2 6 t h D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 8 Tuesday 6th January 2009 St Pius X, Heidelberg Heights
  • 2. Messages Posted on Jane Montgomery Dunkelberg 2/01/2009 3:43:39 PM I am so sorry. Dear Sean, I remember when you were in first grade at East Side. I was not your teacher but I knew you well because of teaching with your dad. I have such fond memories of John’s year at East Side and watching you kids grow up. We have (slightly)kept in touch via Christmas cards. I just received their card today (1/2/09) and read about Bunny’s illness. I pulled up the website and realized what had happened. My heart goes out to you and to John and Libby. Love, Jane Montgomery Dunkelberg Submitted By: Jane Montgomery Dunkelberg Simmonne 2/01/2009 2:00:38 AM for Sean Hi Sean, I am one of Cindy’s close friends from her Mother’s group, and I had the enjoyment of meeting Michelle on several occassions (as a part of Cindy’s ‘girl gang’!). Cindy has shared with me, on a few occasions, the special relationship you and Michelle have had with Archer (and no doubt, with Julia too). This relationship (as conveyed to me by Cindy) tells me that both Michelle and yourself possess true quality of character, which doesn’t disappear with death, because the imprint of it remains, in hearts and in minds. My sincere thoughts and prayers are with you. Sim-monne. Submitted By: Simmonne Elicia 1/01/2009 7:13:16 AM Sean I actually wanted to send Bunny a message just to let her know I am thinking of her, but unfortunately I was too late. I was fortunate enough to meet bunny a couple of times and she seemed like such a lovely, easy going person, and I remember that huge smile she had on her face showing off her rock after you two got engaged. I truly am thinking of you often and wishing you all the best for the next few days as i can’t even begin to imagine what it would be like to say goodbye to the love of you life and best friend, even is she is just in the next room. (meg’s friend) Submitted By: Elicia Lucy 1/01/2009 6:00:09 AM Hi Sean I found out from Cindy and have been really upset for days. Today was the first day I could face the website and wanted to say to you that I am so sorry to hear about Chelles. Although she wasnt directly my sister in law I always felt close to her and loved her very much. We are in Uk at the moment but have put a request to return earlier as I re-ally want to be with Chelles on 6th Jan. Please take care of yourself. Love Eric Lucy and Abby xx Submitted By: Lucy Tracie (Bunton) Lacey 1/01/2009 5:20:55 AM Shell Bell Dear Sean, My thoughts are with you. I heard of the passing of my little cousin from my brother. I was shocked to hear she had suffered from the same terrible illness as my Aunty C . I havent been in contact with Shell for many years ,so only have memories of a little girl,who loved life and her family. I have been reading all about the Gorgeous young woman who she grew into and how loved she was. She is with her Mum and her Aunty Hihene (Irene ) now and at rest. Tracie Submitted By: Tracie (Bunton) Lacey Michelle (Youngie) 31/12/2008 3:59:44 PM My thoughts go out to you Sean, your family and Bunny’s family at this difficult time. I worked with Bunny at Med-ibank. When I joined the company in 2001, Bunny instantly welcomed me and made me feel part of the team - that was how Bunny was. Wicked humour, infectious smile and the biggest heart. Over the years I worked there we shared many laughs, girlie chats and a few nights out on the tiles. What I loved and admired about Bunny was her sense of self - she knew who she was, what she wanted and what she believed in - and from that she never wavered. Bunny’s beautiful legacy to all who knew her will always burn bright. Bless Ya Bunny Youngie (Michelle Young) xx Submitted By: Michelle (Youngie) Blog Posts by Sean Times like these Jan 3 Written by: Sean 3/01/2009 11:12 PM The Foo Fighters couldn’t have described my day better... it’s times like these you learn to live again it’s times like these you give and give again it’s times like these you learn to love again it’s times like these time and time again What can I say but three words: Jade and Rhys. They continue to amaze me, let me talk and make me laugh. Just a simple trip to a shopping centre (didn’t want them the only ones without sunnies!) was a terrific experience. If Collingwood can tackle has hard as Rhys hugs then they’ll do alright. Jade continues to grow up before me her warmth and maturity gives me that quantum of solace. We tackled a super variety bucket at KFC and ate way too much (you are right hun I am Carl Williams), but as Bun taught us we walked it off by shopping. JL went back for a Krispy Kreme, bless her! Bun is very much in our thoughts, Rhys mentioned that he and Bun still had the Northland to home record at 3 minutes, we tried to beat it but we think someone was fiddling with the lights to prevent us. Cel it was good to catch up and see some great photos. The kids hadn’t seen shots of me dressed as Angel and Bun as a Can Can girl at my 30th, thanks. We are headed surfing tomorrow, Bunny never surfed always threat-ened to. She will be tomorrow. I know many of you are finding it tough, I can only talk from my experience here (doing my personal Doogie Howser - world’s first blog-ger) getting it out somewhere, no matter what you say. It definitely helps me. Quantum of Solace By Sean on 2/01/2009 7:24 PM No I am not doing movie reviews but I am headed out for with Skip & Vlade to see the latest Bond flick. The title could not be more apt in my life at this minute. Lieutenant Dan did a great job today fixing up things around the house, the security/fly screen door out the back in installed I agree with Dan when he says “I’m pretty happy with that.” I think most parts of the service for Tuesday are set just need to type them up and hand it over to our creative team (Larry, Laz & Hilario). Thanks Martwell for the chat I won’t tell anyone about I promise.
  • 3. Dominik Pietrzykowski 30/12/2008 9:14:07 PM Michelle Dear Sean, you don’t know me but I worked with Michelle at Medibank. I will miss her very much, haven’t been at MPL for a while but she is definately a person I have fond memories of from my 5 years there. It was always nice to see her early in the morning all happy and that was pretty much my coffee (pick me up for the day). She definately had that affect on a lot of people there and I can only imagine the loss you feel. With deepest sympathy, Dominik. Submitted By: Dominik Pietrzykowski Tilly & Leanne 30/12/2008 6:13:51 PM Not much more to say than we will miss you Bunny! There will always be a place in our hearts and thoughts of your beauti-ful smiling face! Our hearts go out to you Sean and your family at this time. Lots of Love, Tilly & Leanne xox Submitted By: Tilly & Leanne Bernie Runting (Callanan) 30/12/2008 6:04:46 PM So Sorry Sean I am so sorry to hear about the passing of Bun-ny, I did not get to meet her but she sounded like a beautiful girl who you loved very much. My thoughts are with you and all the Family. Love from Bernie (Your second cousin from Pakenham). Submitted By: Bernie Runting (Callanan) Ryan 29/12/2008 9:20:11 PM Sean, I’m sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family are coping okay. I really can’t think of much else to say. I think I’ll go make a donation to the McGrath foundation, just to feel a little bit useful. All the best. Ryan Submitted By: Ryan Roy and Judy 29/12/2008 2:51:48 PM Just got back in today 30/12 and read the email from Alan. It was a shock for Judy and myself - especially since we were thinking of Michelle and you very much in the lead up to Christmas and on the Day itself. Our thoughts are with you and the children Sean. Roy and Judy Submitted By: Roy and Judy Douglas Clay 29/12/2008 3:35:44 AM It was such a shock to find out. We used to talk and found out we lived in the same street when we were kids. Of the many years I have known Bunny, she has always been happy, kind and considerate. I, we, are the better to have known her. I will miss her. To Sean and the family, my thoughts are with you. Doug. Submitted By: Douglas Clay Genevieve Heasly 28/12/2008 4:40:57 AM Angels in life Angels are with us for such a short time. They come into our lifes and fulfill our needs sadly they leave far too soon. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts Love Gen Submitted By: Genevieve Heasly Anna Smith 27/12/2008 2:04:43 PM Thanks Am sitting in the hotel room in Queenstown and just sorted the internet. The first thing I wanted to do was check up on Michelle. I am sorry to hear that she has passed away but I know she is at peace. I only worked with Michelle for a few months but she made everyday that much more worth-while. Thanks Michelle for reminding me that lines are there to be crossed and that joy and humour can be found in the smallest things. Thanks Sean for providing us with the op-portunity to send our love and best wishes when we needed to. Bless ya Michelle as you blessed us. Anna. Submitted By: Anna Smith Joe & Debbie Alexander 27/12/2008 8:37:47 AM Bunny’s passing We just received John & Libby’s Christmas letter yesterday evening (12-26-08) and learned of Bunny’s struggle. Pulling up the site this morning, we are stunned and deeply saddened to see she lost her battle with cancer. Our love, thoughts, and prayers travel half-way around the world from Elizabethton, TN USA to Sean and all of the family. We hope that knowing people around the world are thinking of you brings some small comfort and peace now and during the difficult days, weeks, and months ahead. Love, Joe & Debbie Alexander Submitted By: Joe & Debbie Alexander A couple of small wins that meant a lot today were being able to get the 4th Twilight book for JL and the perfect parallel park at the dry cleaners. I pumped my fists like Hiro Nakamura because I know Bun was cheering in the passenger seat. Can’t wait to see Jade & Rhys tommorow. xoxo Sean Good Days Bad Days Dec 31 Written by: Sean 31/12/2008 4:32 PM Heard this on the radio from the Kaiser Chiefs sums up my week. At the moment the good days are still well in front thanks to family and friends, I plan to keep it that way with your help. Thanks to those who have called or texted me, I don’t mind the phone calls I understand what Ryan is feeling (see posts: re useless) Ryan you are anything but. Your mes-sages, blood and donations mean a whole lot! For those who haven’t called I can feel your support as well, if you can’t think what to say that’s fine to. Just post a message of what you’re thinking or feeling it seems to be working for me. Thanks Chinna for the following she recieved in a card of support (from Henry Scott Holland 1847 -1918) couldn’t sum it up better myself. Death is nothing at all I have only slipped away into the next room I am I and you are you Whatever we were to each other That we are still Call me by my old familiar name Speak to me in the easy way you always used Put no difference into your tone Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow Laugh as we always laughed At the little jokes we always enjoyed together Play, smile, think of me, pray for me Let my name be ever the household word that it always was Let it be spoken without effort Without the ghost of a shadow in it Life means all that it ever meant It is the same as it ever was There is absolute unbroken continuity What is death but a negligible accident? Why should I be out of mind Because I am out of sight? I am waiting for you for an interval Somewhere very near Just around the corner All is well. Nothing is past; nothing is lost One brief moment and all will be as it was before How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!
  • 4. Rachel Smith 27/12/2008 4:05:51 AM my shinning star How you have brought so much to Re-becca and Adam’s life your are shinning star for them a DIAMOND, and an inspiration of love and vitality to Steve and I. My thoughts to Sean,Jade, Rhys, Orval & Marie, David, Cindy, Archer and Julia we are always here for you All our love Rachel & Steve xxxxxx Submitted By: rachel smith Regina Radcliffe 26/12/2008 10:29:48 PM I had a dream last night, in it I told her how much she made a difference in my life. I didn’t know then, that I was really saying good bye. She was happy and smiling. Sean, she will watch over you. Love Regina, Dom and Joshua xox Submit-ted By: Regina Radcliffe Karen Jones 26/12/2008 4:15:09 PM There’s a gorgeous new angel in heaven, she’s arrived there to be with her mum, there’ll be a place in our hearts forever, for the one and only beautiful Bun. To Sean, Jade, Rhys, Sean and Michelle’s families, our love and thoughts are with you. We will also miss her dearly. Love Troy, Jonesy and Sean. xxx Submitted By: Karen Jones Mandi 26/12/2008 3:58:54 PM :~( Life is just so frigging unfair sometimes. Michelle was an absolute bloody gem of a woman and it was an honour and a privilege to have known her. I am a better person for it. My heartfelt wishes and thoughts to Sean and Michelle’s families. Love Mandi xx (who just sneezed - in her own time as Michelle would have requested!) Submitted By: Mandi Kate Connelly 26/12/2008 9:03:00 AM Words cannot express how I feel at the moment but I will try. Michelle will live forever in my heart as an inspiration to live life to the fullest extent every day. I will encourage my children to appreciate every day that they have and help them to strive to be the very best people that they can be using her as an example. She was a courageous woman to the very last and an inspiration to me. Sean my love and thoughts are with you, Jade and Rhys and Michelle’s family as well as everyone else who has posted to this site. I for one will miss her dearly. Kate Connelly Submitted By: Kate Con-nelly chinna 25/12/2008 11:50:58 PM love to you To my little sis-in-law. I’ve known you since you were 18 with your long blond spiral curled hair and that cute tough attitude. You have become an extraordinary friend and special little sis over the years and your beam-ing vibrant personality will never be lost in my heart. Archer and Julia are extra special little kids because of you and the magical love you instilled in them and we all will love you forever. Peace to you beautiful girl. Chinna xxxx Submitted By: chinna Kate Connelly 25/12/2008 9:17:24 PM Just dropped by to let you both know that we are thinking of you. Alan, Kate, Lachlan and Peter. Submitted By: Kate Connelly Kate Paynter 25/12/2008 8:17:29 PM love and prayers our love and prayers to sean, bunny and all the callanans. thinking of you all. love and peace - from Mark and Kate Paynter. xx Submitted By: Kate Paynter nick golby 25/12/2008 1:56:53 AM merry christmas hey sean and bunny, merry christmas all the way from norway! all our love and thoughts are with you today and always, hope u have a merry merry christmas. love nick and nikki Submitted By: nick golby Happy birthday Matt. Appreciate the support, it has been REAL good. Funeral Notice: 2:30pm 6th Janu-ary 2008 at St Pius X Church By Sean on 30/12/2008 9:33 AM Dad and I went and spoke with Fr Edwards at St Pius X in Waterdale Rd. He was very helpful and we confirmed that the funeral will be at 2:30pm on Tuesday 6th January 2009. Thanks for all the notices in the paper, I’m sure you won’t mind if I reprint them on HowIsBunny as well. Funeral notice will be in the paper in time. Donations in lieu of flowers to McGrath Foundation or Breast Cancer Network Australia would be appreciated. Donation envelopes will be available. Today I will open my iPhone and look over the music I was playing on Boxing Day. It will be tough but I will be surrounded by friends. As Matt, Dan, Cel & Mellissa can attest I was able to pull some tears with a few of those, some of which were suggested by your posts (No Marty I do not have the Collingwood Theme song on my iPhone). Bless ya Sean How is Sean? Doing OK Dec 29 Written by: Sean 29/12/2008 8:24 PM Not changing the domain name but thanks to all who are asking “How Is Sean?” I wouldn’t have it any other way. I know Bunny was always worried about everyone so I understand and appreciate it very much. Mum & Dad are down for few days helping out around the house. We have been sorting through washing, cleaning, gardening just normal stuff. Yes there are a lot of memories surrounding me but they give me comfort. It was weird head-ing to a few shopping centres with Mum (nothing against you Mum) but Bunny and I did spend a lot time shopping together. Bun would be proud of me today I bought a new shirt with little indecision or procrastination, I can be quite frustrating to shop with but Bunny put up with it. I just said to myself today WWBD or What Would Bunny Do, which in this case would be, “Hurry up and make a decision you are starting to shit me. (All with a smile on her face)”. Made me smile.
  • 5. Lucy, Eric and Abby 25/12/2008 1:14:52 AM Merry x-mas Hi Sean and Chelles, thinking of you today and sending lots of strong love to you both. Love ya guys Eric Lucy and Abby xxx Submitted By: Lucy, Eric and Abby All the Heaslys and Glynns 24/12/2008 7:41:55 PM Merry Christmas Hi Bunny and Sean, We’ve managed to put Angus (who has been spoilt rotten) off for his afternoon nap and are thinking of you at Christmas time. God bless you and looking forward to seeing you again soon. Submitted By: All the Heaslys and Glynns Karen Jones 24/12/2008 5:43:49 PM We Wish you a Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas guys! We will certainly be raising those glasses to the gorgeous Bunny when we crack open the champers today and we will also be raising our glasses to you Sean. Our Sean sends special Christmas hugs and kisses to you both and we look forward to seeing you very soon. Lots of love from Troy, Jonesy and Submitted By: Karen Jones Kate Connelly 24/12/2008 5:09:22 PM Happy Christmas Michelle and Sean - I consumed my fair share of champagne last night and Michelle the bubbles and happy thoughts were flowing your way. Now the joke for the day - “What do you get when you cross Santa with a witches cat?” - “Santa Claws”. All the love and best wishes in the world - Alan, Kate, Lachlan and Peter Submitted By: Kate Connelly Jade 24/12/2008 4:59:03 PM Merry Christmas Bunny!! Love you lots Jade Submitted By: Jade Meg Vila Pouca 24/12/2008 3:45:08 PM Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Bun & Sean - we’re thinking of you both today & sending all our Christmas wishes your way. Bun - it was so nice to spend some time with you last night and as always you’re still more worried about others than yourself checking that I was comfortable etc, bless ya! You will be happy to know that you won’t be the only one not tucking into the pork crackle today, Laz’s parents don’t do pork for Christmas! (I know what are they thinking!) So I will just have to have a champers for you instead :). Love you lots & will see you again soon. Meg & Laz xxx p.s. I hope you made David watch al the carols last night!! Submitted By: Meg Vila Pouca Regina Radcliffe 24/12/2008 2:57:00 PM Christmas Wishes for Bunny & Sean & Family Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with oodles of Love and Hope. Love Reggie, Dom and Joshie. xoxoxox Submitted By: Regina Radcliffe Alyce & Ryan 24/12/2008 2:26:03 PM Merry Christmas Bunny & Sean!!! Why couldn’t the christ-mas tree stand up? Because it doesnt have legs. Oh yes, I’ve done it again!!! Thinking of you both! xox Submitted By: Alyce & Ryan mairs 24/12/2008 2:24:17 PM Happy Christmas beautiful Bunny and Sean. Hope you have a really special day together. A cast of hundreds of family and friends will be toasting you and sending all the love and good wishes in the world. Can’t wait to collect all the Christ-mas Cracker jokes to share with you tomoz. Should take the lame joke challenge to a whole new level, although Tim and Bern have already set a high standard in that department! Slainte! Mairs, Pete and gang xox Submitted By: mairs I must say I continue to draw great strength from my amazing children who light up my days with a simple text message or phone call. The best example I have is a simple text I got from them after discussing what they wanted in their personal notice in the paper. “We love you bunny we will miss you lots and lots we will always be thinking about you love ya jade and rhys there it is dad can’t wait till the beach cu l8r love ya jade” With messages like that how would you feel? Funeral planned for Tuesday 6th January 2008 By Sean on 28/12/2008 4:53 PM Thanks again to all from the support from all over Australia and the world. Personally I would like to thank my family which includes Callanans, Coxs and now Buntons for their offers of assistance, food and shoul-ders to cry on. The funeral is tentatively planned for Monday 5th January 2009, please check back here or in the Herald Sun for confirmation. Bunny’s wishes were for no flowers but donations to charity again I will provide the details soon. If you have a fave Bunny photo please email them to tellme@ Notices will be in Mondays paper but I will post them here as well. Please enjoy your holidays as much as you can, celebrate the end of 2008 the way Bunny would. HowIsBunny exclusive: Monday’s notices Dec 27 Written by: Sean 27/12/2008 8:32 PM Callanan (nee Bunton) – Michelle aka Bunny 14/06/74 – 26/12/08 Bunny passed away peacefully after a brave fight against breast cancer with Sean, Orval, David, Matt and Lieutenant Dan by her side. She made this “corner of the earth” an amazing place with her smile, vital-ity and presence. She was ready to be with her Mum, Curl, two amaz-ing women now at peace together. Beloved does not seem strong enough for the way we all felt about Bunny as a wife, sister, daughter, aunty and mate. She loved life and the people who played a part in it, she made a huge impression on all who knew her especially the kids. Jade & Rhys, Archie & Julia, Eden & Ava, Darcy & Beau, Becky & Adam, Aimee, Zoe & Charlie, Finn & Lily, little baby Sean and many more were all very lucky to have known Bunny. She loved all of you to bits, you all had a special place in her heart. Bunny, I cannot express how much you enriched the lives of Jade, Rhys & I. Our home has been filled with love and laughter as it will continue to be as you have left us with so many great memories.
  • 6. Tim & Bernie 24/12/2008 1:27:51 PM Merry Christmas Good Morning and Merry Christmas Bunny and Sean. These are probably the worst Christmas presents “yule” get this year: Good King Wencleslas rang to order a pizza, the girl asked “Do you want your usual? Deep pan, crisp and even? How do you know Santa has to be a man? No woman is going to where the same outfit every year!!! Hang in there kids, hope to catch up soon. Love Tim and Bern. Submitted By: Tim & Bernie Tim & Bernie 24/12/2008 1:26:22 PM Merry Christmas Good Morning and Merry Christmas Bunny and Sean. These are probably the worst Christmas presents “yule” get this year: Good King Wencleslas rang to order a pizza, the girl asked “Do you want your usual? Deep pan, crisp and even? How do you know Santa has to be a man? No woman is going to where the same outfit every year!!! Hang in there kids, hope to catch up soon. Love Tim and Bern. Submitted By: Tim & Bernie rachel steve beck and adam 24/12/2008 12:50:35 PM Big wishes sailing your way Sean & Michelle wishing you a Merry Christmas, may all the bubbles of champayne be droplets of rising levels floating your way, Shelly. You will be floating at the highest by New Year I’m sure. Toasting you both today and a special prayer too. Becky and Adam send love and kisses can’t wait to see you. All our love and best wishes to you both. xxxx Submitted By: rachel steve beck and adam Kathy Young 24/12/2008 12:11:52 PM Merry Christmas Merry Christmas dear Bunny & Sean. May Santa & God grant you all your wishes today. Bunny your courage and determination are inspiring. Sean your love & devotion are heart warming. We hope your levels keep rising and you feel better soon. We will toast you today with a champagne or two.Love & best wishes Kathy & Brian Young & family Submitted By: Kathy Young Cath and Tim 24/12/2008 2:53:26 AM Bubbly Bubbly bubbly Hi Sean and Bunny.. Bubbly all round on my end and lots of ching chings!!! If I give blood you will know when and if you get mine coz you will probably end pissed!!! Its the festive season LOL. Anyway, have a wonder-ful day and check in again soon... Night Bunny and Sean Submitted By: Cath and Tim Kate Connelly 23/12/2008 9:53:30 PM Have the bubbly in the fridge and quite a few toasts will be made in honour of both of you. Have a wonderful day tomorrow and I hope that the man in the jolly red suit brings us all that we wish for - a better 2009. Love from Alan, Kate, Lachlan and Peter Submitted By: Kate Connelly Marcus Boere 23/12/2008 9:21:21 PM Hey Bunny, just a quick one to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. You’ve always been a great sup-port to me with our little talks :) can’t wait to visit you!!! ciao for now Submitted By: Marcus Boere Celestine 23/12/2008 8:49:51 PM Sleepover - 2nd Shift! Hey pookie, its pookie, last night was fun! Merry chiristmas to you my darling - have a good one - and in the words of Emma Bunton, Victoria Beckham, the two Mels and the ginger one, “FRIENDSHIP NEVER ENDS, ZIG A ZIG AH!” Love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Submitted By: Celestine Lish 23/12/2008 8:29:12 PM Sleepover Thanks for having me for a sleepover last night Niggy. I enjoyed our secret girls club, up late whispering with Cel at 1am. It was just like old times, sleepovers with you fluffing the sheets to share your lovely fart smells! As we discussed, Ian is the nicest smelling male nurse ever, tell him to keep up the good work! xox Love u always and forever xox Submitted By: Lish Thank you to Dr Rowan Doig and all the staff at Epworth 4EW. To quote Bun, “We welcome the day we brought you on board.” Thanks to Michelle’s colleagues at Medibank Private especially her mentor and friend Alan, your support over the past two years has been remarkable. Thanks to everyone for the mes-sages of support on HowIsBunny. com. Goodbye my lover, Sean BLESS YA CALLANAN, Michelle (Bunny) On Boxing Day after a courageous battle with cancer. Beloved wife of Sean, step mother and friend to Jade & Rhys, loved and loving daughter in law of John and Libby, sister in law of Matt and Bridget, Meg and Larry, Dan and Kristy, special auntie to Darcy and Beau. We will miss you Bunny, your smil-ing face and your special sayings always brightened up our day. Rest in peace Bunny. Love John & Lib xx CALLANAN, Michelle (Bunny) We will all miss you Bun. Bunny from day one you were always so energetic and gener-ous - always looking after others (especially spoiling Jade and Rhys and your niece and nephew). Your positive outlook rubbed off on us all and we feel privileged to have shared so many great times and having you as part of our family. The love and commitment you and Sean shared will not be forgotten, nor will the friendship that you shared with Jade and Rhys. Your fighting spirit was there to the very end and the courage, devotion and strength Sean displayed is admired by us all. Bless ya Bun, Matt, Bridge, Darcy and Beau, Meg and Larry, Dan and Kristy xoxo Corner of the earth By Sean on 26/12/2008 6:31 PM It was this song by Jamiroquai that was playing as Bunny passed away. Thank you all for the support as soon as the cricket is finished we’ll have a venue to celebrate Bun’s life with family and friends. Love Sean Goodbye my lover Dec 26 Written by: Sean 26/12/2008 8:48 AM This is a rollercoaster ride that’s for sure. Sometime in the very near future I will say those words to my love. If I only had Archie here he could tell me what track it is. She loved taking Archie to see James Blunt. Her liver is failing, she is sleeping but comfortable and not in pain I can’t tell as her forehead is relaxed. She did not like her forehead fur-row joking she’d try Botox one day. No need Hun you are as beautiful as the day I married you. Two years of marraige may not seem long but gee we packed in 10 years of life in there. Please look out for one another as Bunny would say, “Bless your cotton socks” I know most of you are wearing thongs today but you get the idea.
  • 7. Kate Connelly 23/12/2008 11:27:15 AM Alan thought this was a good one so here we go. “What do you call a woodpecker without a beak?” - “A Head Banger”. Love Kate. Submitted By: Kate Connelly Rachel Steve Rebecca Adam 23/12/2008 3:49:14 AM good to see ya It was really good seeing you honey, got to keep the cold facewasher happen love. The look of relief made you so happy. Would love to give yo a big hug and kiss, kids can’t wait to see you. P.S your top looked lovely love ya heaps rachel steve rebecca adam Submitted By: Rachel Steve Rebecca Adam Isabella and Jordan Shade 23/12/2008 1:42:28 AM Thanks Bunny and Sean Hi Bunny and Sean, we wanted to say thank you for our great birthday presents (I have already worn the pretty dress and love it - Bella) . We love you and can’t wait to give you a big kiss and hug. Submitted By: Isabella and Jordan Shade Isabella and Jordan Shade 23/12/2008 1:42:11 AM Thanks Bunny and Sean Hi Bunny and Sean, we wanted to say thank you for our great birthday presents (I have already worn the pretty dress and love it - Bella) . We love you and can’t wait to give you a big kiss and hug. Submitted By: Isabella and Jordan Shade Joch & Katherine 22/12/2008 11:43:46 PM Class! Hi guys, good to see you yesterday. Sean don’t be forgettin’ that good cream! Checkin’ the website every day. Sendin’ all our love. Submitted By: Joch & Katherine Rhonda 22/12/2008 10:46:22 PM Hi Just received John and Libby’s Christmas card and your news. Hope you are coping really well with your treatment and our thoughts and prayers are with you. As you have Sean and the Callinan spirit, I’m sure the extended family as well as your own family are with you 100%. You will be in our thoughts too. Submitted By: Rhonda Eve 22/12/2008 9:05:26 PM Fruit Salad Yummy Yummy Hey Bunster!! Man, I think Steve beat me again to the messages!! Bugger!! I have to apologise but all my song references at the moment refer to the Wiggles! So....... Charlie says to eat lots of fruit salad (yummy yummy) and maybe some mashed banana too (eeww yuk). Bunny, we’re all thinking of you, my family sends their love & Anita, well I can’t repeat what she said (F!@#$) but she also sends her love too! We check in everyday, so please know we’re here and love you so so so so so so much! Great to hear the good reports and hope to visit soon. Love Ya Chick..........Evie xx Submitted By: Eve steve 22/12/2008 8:51:12 PM CRAP SONG REFERENCES Hey Bunny we are all sending our love from Keilor to you .We want you out ON THE PROWL, DANCIN IN THE STREETS, WALING ON SUNSHINE o.k. I’ll stop. Just want you to know that you are in our every thought. XXXXXX Submitted By: steve Kate Ryan 22/12/2008 8:28:24 PM Hi guys! we still haven’t had the internet connected at the new house but Mairs relays the blog to us via phone, and it’s great to hear about your good results today Bunny– keep up the amazing work! still laughing about the nurse with the ice pack...Now I’m off to find Conor to teach me about twitters! Sending lots of love to you both, Kate xox Submitted By: Kate Ryan Paula Mason 22/12/2008 8:21:03 PM Hey Bun, I am bored at work so thought I would drop you a line. Good news for your tests, fantastic. We will have to save you some of Nan’s Christmas pudding and custard for when your feeling a bit better. Kaelyn is good and sends his love again, this time blowing you a big smoochie kiss. He is very excited for Santa, and his list is getting longer by the day. Anyway better get back to it I guess. Take care chat soon. XOXO Paula Submitted By: Paula Mason I am with her now as is Orv, David and Lieutenant Dan. We’ve seen the doctor and nurses this morning they have done a wonderful job but all they can do is make as comfortable as possible. For all the Callanans please try your best at Steve’s today keep up the laughs and smiles for the kids including mine. Darcy girl give them a squeezy hug they make the world of difference. Love to you all Sean Spotted Bedside Boy & Sleeping B By Sean on 25/12/2008 12:36 PM In a corner suite enjoying some Christmas lunch. We have a lot of hope for Bedside Boy and Sleeping B they have a history and a future. We did hear some groaning. What was happening? I’ll never tell xoxo Gossip Girl Mirror mirror By Sean on 25/12/2008 11:25 AM Shrek, Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie were chatting over lunch. Shrek said, “I’ve always I was the strongest man in the world, but how can I be sure?” Brad said, “I’m pretty sure I am the sexiest man in the world but I have never confirmed it.” Angelina said, “I’ve been told I am the most gorgeous women of them all but sometimes I wonder.” They decided to visit the magic mirror to ally their concerns once and for all. Shrek asked the mirror he sighed with relief which confirmed he was the strongest. Happy to hear Shrek’s news Brad and Angelina stepped up to the mirror to ask themselves. Brad & Angelina came back and asked Shrek the following, “Who the f*&k are Michelle & Sean Callanan?” Merry Christmas everyone Sean & Bunny All I want for Christmas is you By Sean on 24/12/2008 9:14 AM Thanks to Lish & Cel for tag teaming the night shift much appreciated. It is that kind of support that is helping me each and every day. We all know why Bunny has so many friends and supporters she is the most giving and generous spirit I have ever known, Auntie Kath you are a close second (thanks for the regular blank texts by the way always happy to call you back). Not much medical news today trying to reduce the bruising but it will take time. To all have great Xmas and raise your glasses to my beautiful wife when you crack open the champers, I’m sure you will. Cheers and Ho Ho Ho Sean
  • 8. Alyce & Ryan 22/12/2008 8:05:51 PM Hi Bunny & Sean! Keep the good news coming. Donated blood today, so once you get some of that stuff into you you’ll be Dancing on the Ceiling... trying to keep up with the themes. Obviously no good at that or jokes! Loving the good news though please keep it coming!! Submitted By: Alyce & Ryan Regina Radcliffe 22/12/2008 5:05:43 PM The GUESS Influence.... Hi Bunny, Its been awhile since I posted but I have been reading everyday and twitter is my friend. Just had to let you know that I bought my second GUESS bag at the GUESS shop in Chaddie. It’s the latest range that came out last Friday. It’s black and I know you say to always have a matching purse but it didn’t come with one, so I chose a brilliant red one instead. Looks great. They also have some brilliant shoes, need to wait for the sales though, spent way too much on Saturday. I do believe that may be your influence at work. Heehee. Love you Bun, take care. Reggie. Submitted By: Regina Radcliffe Kate Connelly 22/12/2008 2:42:38 PM Hi Michelle and Sean - I just called to say I love you (apolo-gies to the great Stevie Wonder). Like a bridge over troubled waters (apologies to Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel) Alan and I will be there to do what we can for both of you. And now for my joke of the day. Why did the man cross a chick-en with an octopus?. So everyone in his family could have a leg each. xoxoxo Kate Submitted By: Kate Connelly Regina Radcliffe 22/12/2008 2:40:22 PM The GUESS Influence.... Hi Bunny, Its been awhile since I posted but I have been reading everyday and twitter is my friend. Just had to let you know that I bought my second GUESS bag at the GUESS shop in Chaddie. It’s the latest range that came out last Friday. It’s black and I know you say to always have a matching purse but it didn’t come with one, so I chose a brilliant red one instead. Looks great. They also have some brilliant shoes, need to wait for the sales though, spent way too much on Saturday. I do believe that may be your influence at work. Heehee. Love you Bun, take care. Reggie. Submitted By: Regina Radcliffe Lucy 22/12/2008 3:39:54 AM Love ya It was so special for me to see you today. Keep up the good results. Pippi misses and loves ya! Submitted By: Lucy Mandi 22/12/2008 1:00:13 AM Hi! Hi Guys, been reading with interest and sending positive vibes in mega-amounts. Reading the titles to Sean’s posts .. I almost had to break out the happy pants and MC Ham-mer. I settled for some Cyndi Lauper instead. My kids were suitably mortified. Missed you at work this week Bun, we had to do compliance training! I managed to fail even after cheating. I think Alan might be looking for a new PA (that’s Project Administrator, NOT Personal Assistant!) :) Lots of love and good wishes, m. xx Submitted By: Mandi Matt and Bridge 22/12/2008 12:20:28 AM Internet Rumour Bun, great to see you in good spirits yester-day keep fighting and keep the good news coming. And just to clarify Sean’s blog - we are not pregnant. Submitted By: Matt and Bridge Judith 21/12/2008 8:38:21 PM Today is check-up day although we are in regular touch with Libby and John. Good report yesterday and better today. Great!! Bunny missed your smiling face yesterday and your bar-b-qued dimmies Sean. Love judith and Trevor Submitted By: Judith bruno and claire gissara 21/12/2008 6:53:52 PM thinking of you thinking of you both - we wanted to send you a big hello and to let you know your in our thoughts and hearts xxxx Submitted By: bruno and claire gissara Can’t touch this By Sean on 23/12/2008 12:24 PM Thanks Mandi for the MC Hammer shout out it describes Bun’s feeling with her left knee perfectly. She took a tumble on the car park Thursday week ago and is bruised and very sore. They are trying to reduce the fluid in it to help her out. Her bloods and liver continue to improve she is still having daily platelet transfusions (apparently it takes 4 donors to fill one bag so no excuses people give blood if you can). As she hasn’t been eating too much her bloods are a little low in protein she is going to have some-thing that sounded like BMXing not sure if she can handle at bike at the moment. Other than that she is sleeping and drinking well which I guess a lot of you are doing with all the Xmas parties on. Ttyl Sean PS apologies to Matt & Bridget I did realize late last night I left that one hanging out there. Funny girl Dec 22 Written by: Sean 22/12/2008 11:13 AM Thanks for all the musical themed posts of support I know today’s is stretching the rules a little but I couldn’t think of a better title to describe yesterday. Bunny loves her Babs and yesterday she could have filled her shoes in a Vegas show. Sure the mouthwash gave her a pick me up but it was vintage Bunny here are the highlights... Nurse asks where she wants the icepack her reply “Where do you reckon? Up my a&$!” Upon seeing Matt & Bridget “Are you pregnant again? Bless ya” Trying set Mark up on a date, watch out mate she’s on a mission t here. Seeing Archer & Julia playing with the water fountain from her window. Seeing a beautiful video made by Darcy girl and then seeing her blow kisses from the window. And announcing the Stacey on Eastenders is a slapper and she makes her sick so please don’t mention her. Her bloods and liver function have improved for the second day in a row. Well done Babe keep this up and I will bust out my Cotton Eye Joe dance in Bourke St Mall for everyone’s amusement. If she keeps this up she may be home before the new year. Cheers Sean
  • 9. Mairs 21/12/2008 3:50:30 PM Hey guys, it’s such a privilege for all of us to be sharing this journey so closely with you both - your love, generosity and tenacity are inspirational.Thank you for including us in your circle of love. Big hugs, Mairs xox Here comes an absolute doozy in keeping with the musical theme eg:Mary Poppins Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on feet. He also ate very little which made him rather frail and with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him. (Oh man, this is so bad it’s good)....... A super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis. Submitted By: Mairs Conor Ryan 21/12/2008 3:41:58 PM NKOTB Sean + Bunny, you two are amazing people. To keep with the music references, keep Hangin’ Tough. All love, Conor + Jade. ps - Sean i know you were referring to the High School Musical song. don’t fight it. Submitted By: Conor Ryan pip 21/12/2008 1:59:56 PM Thinking of you both and wishing you all the best. Keep up the good spirits, All my love pip Submitted By: pip Craig Kelly 21/12/2008 4:46:18 AM ‘dance me to the end of love’ Bunny & Sean, Go you good thing(s)! In the words of Leonard Cohen ‘dance me with your beauty, let me see your beauty when the witnesses have gone’ (continuing the theme) Craig, Tylah & Chlo xxx Submitted By: Craig Kelly Lucy 21/12/2008 3:45:50 AM Love ya! Cant believe how much we love ya. Keep the good results coming Chelles...Hope to see you tommorrow x Submitted By: Lucy Scott Kelly 21/12/2008 3:10:26 AM Power of Love Hi Bunny & Sean, we pass on our love and support from the five of us! On the music theme, I would like to add my recommendation of the ‘Power of Love’ (Jennifer Rush). We are with you all the way, from afar. Love Scott, Eliza, Ruby, Lilly & Matilda. Submitted By: Scott Kelly Scott Kelly 21/12/2008 3:09:54 AM Power of Love Hi Bunny & Sean, we pass on our love and support from the five of us! On the music theme, I would like to add my recommendation of the ‘Power of Love’ (Jennifer Rush). We are with you all the way, from afar. Love Scott, Eliza, Ruby, Lilly & Matilda. Submitted By: Scott Kelly Dean McEwan 21/12/2008 1:41:49 AM Hey bunny, its Dean McEwan from the Wonga Park days. I hope your still fartin and burpin like the best of em’!! Sean, your doing an exceptionally wonderful thing in this website. Hang in there Bun and dont lose your beautiful smile. Love from Dean McEwan Submitted By: Dean McEwan Marcus, Claire and Angus 20/12/2008 11:24:02 PM Cotton Eyed Joe? Gee, with all these music themed blogs, I can’t believe you haven’t put your favourite song in (well, that or anything from the Commitments). We gave Angus his enormous Bunny hug yesterday as requested which he was very happy with! Submitted By: Marcus, Claire and Angus Cath and Tim 20/12/2008 9:11:02 PM Hey Bun Hi bunny and Sean.. Just checking in.. Not much to report here.. Camryn is FINEALLY walking!!!! She is one very lazy bubby and to keep her quiet we feed her.. Loves her food... Jake always torments her and Im thinking she is going to be a little bit rough around the edges.. She has Jake in headlocks and pulls his hair when he is getting rough with her. What am I in for!! Jake is 3 on christmas day can ou believe. He is loving Sanata and cant wait... Kisses and hugs to you and Sean and Seeyou soon Love Tim and Cath Submitted By: Cath and Tim Gotta get up By Sean on 21/12/2008 11:13 AM From UK group from the 90s Black Box The good news is that Bun’s blood test came back this morning with her white blood cells slightly up which is the best news we’ve had for a couple of days. Still some work to do but it is a small step in the right direction. Her mouth and throat are still pretty sore so they have ordered a cocaine mouthwash which will deaden the mouth & throat. I don’t know if this means Richmond fans will be allowed to visit as everyone is concerned about Ben’s circle of influence check with Terry Wallace (again sorry about that but that one was like T-ball hard to pass up, gee I hope Didak stays in for NYE). Anyway I’ll finish with the last line from Black Box. And time won’t take my love away. Sean Were all in this together By Sean on 21/12/2008 8:40 AM You may have noticed the musi-cal theme to my blog titles, even though I have the new iPhone I haven’t used the iPod that much. These tunes seemed to popping into my head at the moment. FYI I am thinking of the Ben Lee song not the High School Musical ver-sion but whatever floats your boat. Speaking to Lish yesterday reminded me of one of Bunny’s face questions which I’m sure the crew at Medibank know well, “What did you have for dinner?” with followup methods of cooking techniques and of course dessert. It’s a Bunton thing but dessert is a must, they do all love their dessert. Little did I know that these ques-tions helped Bun and in turn Lish plan their family meals. I guess she should come with a privacy policy, but those who know her know that with Bun it is all out there nothing is sacred. So for the sake of full disclosure I had lasagne for dinner last night which was beautiful, thanks Meg. Cheers Sean Every breath you take By Sean on 20/12/2008 5:17 PM Spent most of today simply watching Bun sleeping. She seems more comfortable today the morphine drip is having the desired effect, unfortunately her blood counts have not bounced back as we’d hoped. We hope that there is a change for the positive overnight to see her immune system make a recovery so she has ammunition to fight this with. Thanks for all the messages, texts & phone calls. I pass them on when Bun wakes up and asks for a Big M or icypole. She is in great hands and they are looking after the both of us well. I know Margaret from the visitors waiting room will wonder on Monday what happened to her bowl of Clinkers? What can I say I keep getting pink ones I have to go back until I get a green one :) Cheers Sean
  • 10. Lish & Shane 20/12/2008 9:02:30 PM Sean Just to follow on from Dan’s message, Shane and I are in full agreeance and support of your comments, Dan. Sean, your strength & courage are amazing, your humour helps to ease, you are Bun’s rock. To see her reaction yesterday when you came into the room was something that we’ll never forget. Your love for each other is one of the most beautiful things we’ve witnessed. And to follow in your theme of songs, as Dan said (and in the words of Grinspoon) - You’re a hard act to follow.....and what’s the next line? Such a fine looking fellow - OK we’ll give u that one too! You two are a great team...keep punching xoxo Submitted By: Lish & Shane Paula Mason 20/12/2008 9:02:22 PM Hey Bun, Not much to report having a bit of a lazy weekend. Hope your doing ok, Kaelyn says hi and wants me to tell you he beat me in need for speed again, which really means he plays way too much X Box. Sending you both big hughs and kisses from all of us. Loads of Love Paula Clint & Kaelyn Submitted By: Paula Mason Joch & Katherine 20/12/2008 7:13:04 PM Thinkin’ of ya Dear Bunny and Sean, we’re thinking of you and sending you all of our love and crossing all of our fingers and toes for you. Love Joch & Katherine Submitted By: Joch & Katherine Dan 20/12/2008 4:32:23 PM Sean, it was good to catch up with you yesterday and on reflection it made me think about showing courage and and mental toughness. I’m not real good with words but see if you understand what i mean.When i think of these things gernerally i think of football players for example, Jonathon Brown running back with the flight of the ball with the full forward and fullback coming the other way but he keeps his eyes on it and takes the mark, thats courage. Or the poor bugger who had to stand in the spot in front of plugger, thats courage. Rob Harvey and Shane Crawford who man-age to go through the pain barrier time and time again to make the next contest. You are showing all these qualities plus much more, you are one tough bugger. You set a very high standard for us to follow, and keep up the good work. Pass on our love Bunny. Love Dan & Kristy Submitted By: Dan Martwell 20/12/2008 3:08:35 PM Maxwell No 5 Just to keep your musical theme going, how about Side By Side We Stick Together!As the coffee is play-ing a vital riole at the moment, may I suggest you try a new drop of Maxwell House No 5. Comes highly recommended by Eddie. Mick and Bucks! Submitted By: Martwell Tim & Bern Golby 20/12/2008 6:02:23 AM Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you. By the way, we bumped into a guy carrying a 10 foot stick. Bern said to him “Are you a pole vaulter?: He replied “No I’m Ger-man but how did you know my name is Walter???”. Love Tim & Bern Submitted By: Tim & Bern Golby Tim & Bern Golby 20/12/2008 6:02:15 AM Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you. By the way, we bumped into a guy carrying a 10 foot stick. Bern said to him “Are you a pole vaulter?: He replied “No I’m Ger-man but how did you know my name is Walter???”. Love Tim & Bern Submitted By: Tim & Bern Golby A hard day’s night By Sean on 20/12/2008 7:19 AM Well if you know how I’ve been sleeping, if that dog was on a vinyl recliner. Much like sleeping on a plane without the customs checks and beggars at the airport when you wake up. Anyway enough about me nothing a coffee followed by a red bull can’t fix. Bunny’s pain and nausea is fluc-tuating in equal amounts the staff here are doing a great job to level things out. Had another blood test this morning hoping they come back with better numbers than Matty Hayden this time. Until that happens she’ll be in here for a bit longer. She may be home for Xmas if we see enough improvement so her immune system can handle the outside world. Thanks for all the support and mes-sages keep them coming in. Bunny knows there is a lot of support out there to all of you she says “Bless ya”. Cheers xoxo Gossip Girl I mean Sean Can’t wait to be home to watch crap TV with my girl Make that a weekend stay By Sean on 19/12/2008 8:27 AM Just finished speaking with our on-cologist, unfortunately she won’t be coming home just yet. Her platelets and white blood cell counts are very low and she needs to more blood and monitoring. She is in very capable hands and they are doing everything they can to keep her as comfortable as possible. I know everyone feels for Bunny at the minute and would love to visit but the doctors want the visitors to be kept at a minimum as she in under risk of infection. I will pass ok messages and love to her from you all. Please know she may be fighting outside her weight class but she is punching like crazy thanks for being in our corner. Thanks Sean Overnight stay at Epworth Dec 19 Written by: Sean 19/12/2008 7:30 AM Bunny spent the night at Epworth as they wanted to keep an eye on her and give her blood a boost. Platelets too low to have chemo and other blood counts done. She has has a platelet transfusion and 4 bags of blood. She wants to come home which is a good sign, last night she was too exhausted to care. For those wanting to help can you please find some time to give blood? Michelle has the most com-mon blood type O+ (38% of world population according to Google) the blood bank always needs more especially over the holidays. Waiting on results and to see the doctors ttyl. (That’s Internet short-hand Mum Talk To You Later, Jade can explain it) Cheers Sean
  • 11. Alan Connelly 20/12/2008 3:17:41 AM To you both Our thoughts are with you both Sean and Bunny. We hope you enjoy your next icypole, we will keep one at work waiting for you. Submitted By: Alan Connelly Chinna 20/12/2008 2:33:29 AM Lovin ya nig It was beautiful spending a few hours with you today niggy and I was glad when you gave me that look that Karen Walker would give Grace Adler troubled by what she’s wearing....I missed that look. Hate to use this site as a type of chat room but Jade if you’re reading, thanks for a loan of Twilight the book - I absolutely loved it!! And just to finish off, Meg makes a mean looking lasagne for anyone who cares. Lovin ya niggy xxxxxxx Submitted By: Chinna Marty C 20/12/2008 2:22:19 AM Thinking of you! Hi Bunny and Sean. Just letting you both know that we’re thinking of you and sending you all our love. Marty, Julie, Patrick, Georgia and Ronan. Submitted By: Marty C Kerry Gilbert (wilson) 20/12/2008 1:10:03 AM Thinking of you both Dear Bunny, We hope today that you have had a restful day. You are in our thoughts always Kerry & Ash xoxox PS Sean I would have kept looking for the green clinkers too they are the best!!!! Submitted By: Kerry Gilbert (wilson) Jade 19/12/2008 11:03:29 PM hey bun hope u feel better soon missin u lots cu l8r love jade xox Submitted By: Jade Chris Wilson 19/12/2008 6:58:51 PM Sal & Chris Hi Sean and Bunny, Just letting you know that Sal and I are thinking of you both. All the best Chris and Sally Wilson (junior Wilba) Submitted By: Chris Wilson Edey 19/12/2008 3:36:35 PM hi bun last night i had a sleepover at ryans house he is 8. To-day we played skirmish it was funny. I wish we could visit you but not ava she was naughty when we visited pop in hos-pidal. she would have to stay with someone else. Mummy said we might have jerms under our finger nails they can make you more sick so when you come home i will clean my fingers in the bath before we visit you and sean and jade and rhysy. do you rember when we went to a restorant and put bits of food in the hot water that was fun. Then i had a sleepover at your house and you helped me when i cried a little bit. Sean siad xox gossip girl and mum always says that to and she always says contratulations you are still in the running to becoming americas next top model. I love you so much from Eden& Ava & Shane & Alisha or mum & daddy. Submitted By: Edey Alyce &Ryan 19/12/2008 1:26:53 AM Hey you two. Thinking of you both as always! Also thinking how we can be funnier than Mairs... Two sausages were fry-ing in a pan, one says to the other ‘how’s it going’ and the other screams “AAARGH A TALKING SAUSAGE!!!” Lots of love xoxo Submitted By: Alyce &Ryan Meg Vila Pouca 19/12/2008 12:41:15 AM Hi Bun, just wanted to send you a little msg and say hi! Hope you are getting some rest at the epworth & they are looking after you. Must be nice to have Sean there with you tonight. You are always in my thoughts so know I’m sending lots of love & big hugs your way. I will have a champers for you on Sun. Lots of love, meg xx p.s I’m even missing your burps - I never thought I’d say that! Thought you would appreciate that one!! xx Submitted By: Meg Vila Pouca mandy.mac 18/12/2008 10:03:08 PM Hi Bun, just wanted to check in and let you know you are constantly on our minds and in our hearts xoxo keep strong darling girl...rob,mands and thomas Submitted By: mandy. mac Back to the Epworth Dec 18 Written by: Sean 18/12/2008 10:26 AM Heading back to the Epworth today for more treatment and check ups. Bun isn’t feeling the greatest today, still unsteady on her feet and a bit nauseaus. We are waiting for an ambulance to take her into the Ep-worth, nothing major just a more comfortable ride for Michelle. I’ll let you all know how we go later in the day. Cheers Sean Slept better coffee still mandatory Dec 17 Written by: Sean 17/12/2008 10:03 AM Last night was a lot better as we got a script filled yesterday for more pain killers and it definitely helped through the night. It was a 2 icypole night but there wasn’t dis-tressed as much as previous nights. Bunny is sleeping soundly right now after taking more pills this morning than Ben Cousins on a bender (sorry Tiger fans couldn’t resist). Today has nothing planned, she is most happy in her bedroom with no distractions (not even the TV which is rare for her as Edey knows). Tomorrow we hard back into the Epworth for another round of IV chemo and to check in with all the doctors, nurses, social worker, dieti-cians and probably a few more. She is eating enough even if it is only watermelon (due to mouth ulcers) but she has fallen in love with Banana Big Ms which is great according to the dietician. Anyway gotta go trying to build another website for work this one has been a great playground to test ideas out on. Thanks for all the calls, texts and messages. Yes I am doing fine, keeping on top of things and distracting myself researching work stuff in my Harry Potter study (for those who don’t know I have my PCs setup under the stairs). Can’t finish without congratulat-ing Jade and Rhys on their terrific reports from school, well done you should be very proud of yourselves I know Bunny & I are. Cheers Sean PS Get well soon Jeanne, you have been a great support to Bunny & I. Here’s to a speed recovery. Sleep optional, Coffee mandatory Dec 16 Written by: Sean 16/12/2008 11:16 AM Been a battle last few days to try a get the right medicine to manage Bun’s pain and allow her to sleep comfortably. I think (hope) we have it right now, in close contact with the Epworth and our oncologist who have been a great help. The nights have been tough but the early morning icypoles seem to help. I am very thankful for our expresso machine though it has got a punishing, I can’t remember how I functioned in the morning before the age of 25 (the pre-coffee years). Thankfully working at the
  • 12. Mairs 18/12/2008 8:35:26 PM Hi Sean and Bunny, here’s a little dose to help you feel a bit smiley on such a tough day... Two cows are standing next to each other in a field. Daisy says to Dolly, ‘I was artificially inseminated this morning.’ ‘I don’t believe you, says Dolly. It’s true, no bull! exclaims Daisy. ..... DejaMoo: the feeling that you’ve heard this bull before. ...and just to keep you rolling on the floor with laughter....Two fish swim into a concrete wall. Then one turns to the other and says “Dam!” (even I groaned at that one!) Go gently, Mairs xox Submitted By: Mairs Celestine 18/12/2008 4:06:01 PM Morning Pookie!! Hey gorgeous, hope they have got you in the Presidential Suite there! Thinking of you always... Wes and I are off to ‘the rat’ for more painting and getting ready for visitors at Christmas. Having my weekends off is pure luxury! love you darling girl - you are in my mind constantly. xxx Cel Submitted By: Celestine Libby 18/12/2008 4:04:41 PM Hi Bunny, Hope your stay in Hospital is okay, you are in the best place, they will be able to monitor your meds (ER speak coming out). Sean has been doing a great job but I think you need the professionals at this moment then you can go home. We are having Champagne day on Sunday sorry you both will be missing it, we will be having a few drinks for you. Brian Young is another absentee as he is in hospital recover-ing from knee surgery. Keep punching Bunny we are thinking of you al the time. Love Libby & John xx P.S. Sorry no jokes leave that to Mairs. Submitted By: Libby Lish 17/12/2008 7:29:42 PM Nan & Pop Hey darling girl, just got back from Nan and Pop’s, Pop’s home from hospital today and enjoying Nan’s cooking much more than hospital food. They urged me to send their love and support to you and Sean. When I showed them the website they thought it was magic! They asked me to post a message on their behalf, thinking that I must be on par with Einstein to be able to do such a thing on a computer - god love em. Nan’s making her Christmas shortbreads and there’ll be a batch on their way to you guys. Love you both xo Submitted By: Lish Anna Smith 17/12/2008 3:24:35 PM Hello lovely Hi Michelle, Just wanting to let you know we are still missing you here in Telco land. Dennis just handed me a line but I dared not cross it without backup (weak I know!) I am about to disappear for a few weeks but will be checking out to see how things are progressing. Wishing you all the best. Anna. Submitted By: Anna Smith Cath and Tim 17/12/2008 2:32:50 PM Hi Bunny and Sean Hi Bunny and Sean We think about you guys daily. Reading all the love and support that all your loving family and friends are sending is truly amazing. We look froward in seeing you again in good time. Just thought I will post this link for you to have a giggle at Camryn being a dancing Santa. You may have to cut and paste http://apps. All our love to Tim, Cath, Jake and Camryn Submitted By: Cath and Tim Craig Kelly 17/12/2008 6:06:52 AM Sean & Bunny, Reading that the Banana Big M’s are suitable for your appetite can I also recommend the Banana Paddle Pops - ‘very nice’ It is wonderful to read all the love in mes-sages posted daily, yet you are the true inspiration Bunny..... Not forgetting you Sean, great stuff pal. Love Craig, Tylah & Chloe xxx Submitted By: Craig Kelly Karen Jones 16/12/2008 3:02:18 PM Hey guys, our little man Sean just reminded me that it’s time to check in on you again so here’s a whole loada love com-ing your way.You’re always in our thoughts and in our hearts. Til next time. Love from Troy, Jonesy and Submitted By: Karen Jones DOJ and those mandatory 3pm coffee shop sessions got me started on the stuff. Although Bun is drifting in and out of slumber I am keeping her informed of all your messages, so thanks again. I know a lot of you are feeling help-less and want to do more. Please know your support is appreciated and you will be called upon. Cheers Sean Thanks to all but worth repeating Dec 14 Written by: Sean 14/12/2008 1:21 PM A big thanks to everyone who is posting their support as the mes-sages keep coming in here’s a few I wanted to repeat here. From Alan (Michelle’s bossmen-tor friendsupporter) “I thought it was time to tell on Michelle, just to remind people who may not know, exactly how strong she really is. Sean I was fortunate to interview Michelle some 7 years ago for a job. While we were very impressed with her and had already decided to give her the position it was only after I found out she had experienced her car being run into and written off straight after the interview and he plight leading into the interview (read Ansett) that I had a glimpse into how much she will fight for what she what. It was later when she was determined that you were the right person for her that I really saw her determination and fight for what she felt was correct that you would appreciate there was no alternative for you. You where both destined for each other, and the last few week have confirmed it, Sean you have my utmost appreciation of your strength and determination to support Bunny. I have seen her never turn away from a challenge and win, I can only repeat I have seen her never turn away from a challenge and win, I can only repeat what I said to you on Friday, if any one is going to beat this then Michelle is the person to do it. As I suspect you know, your support is key to this, I can only offer the support for both of you from the side and that of where she works, if there is anything we can do let me know, I will ensure it happens.” Thanks to Alan and Michelle’s work colleagues for your support it is very much appreciated. Michelle is looking forward to a return to work, who else is going to boss you all around in her no-nonsense manner? From Mairs (my Aunty) “Hi guys,its Mairs calling. I am blown away by what you have both been going through - together and separately. I hope you can feel the wall of love and support surround-ing you and hoping for the best possible outcome. You have already shown your family and friends the remarkable depths of your endurance and perserverance in the journey so far and no doubt this will continue in the battle ahead. When I call you both to mind the first image that comes is the joy you eminated on your wedding day. We all agreed we had never seen a groom with such a broard and permanent grin, and who will ever forget your briliant response Bunny, when asked by the celebrant
  • 13. Kate Connelly 16/12/2008 12:53:26 PM Jokes This one may not live up to Mairs but here we go - The Good Wish Fairy flies down to two statues in a park and says “If I could grant you both a wish what would it be?” They answer “We would like to be human for a day”. “Granted” says the Fairy. They run off into the bushes and a rustling noise is heard. Five minutes later they re-appear with beam-ing smiles and the Fairy asks “Did you have fun?”. “Yes” says one statue as he turns to the other statue and she says “I did too, but next time you hold down the pigeons and I’ll crap on them” Submitted By: Kate Connelly Lucy 16/12/2008 4:43:17 AM Hi Sean and Chelles, think about you both every day. Please call on us anytime and we will be there! Love Lucy x Submitted By: Lucy Judith 15/12/2008 10:54:46 PM thinking of you Hi Bunny and Sean.Just checking in. Think of you both each day.Your love for each other will give you strength to fight this. All our love Judith & Trevor Submitted By: Judith Mairs 15/12/2008 10:07:19 PM Hi sean and Bunny, just touching base with some more irresistable ‘Callanan Jokes’. They say laughter’s the best medicine, hope these help. Love Mairs xoxo Two peanuts walk into a bar, and one was a salted! A man walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm and says: A beer please and one for the road. ....and one more dose for good measure... Two cannibals were eating a clown. One says to the other: Does this taste funny to you?’ Love you guys xox Submitted By: Mairs Celestine 15/12/2008 5:48:30 PM Hey Sean , you are doing a great job looking after Bun! Michelle i miss you so much - see you soon, love you lots xxxxxCel x Submitted By: Celestine Celestine 15/12/2008 5:48:23 PM Hey Sean , you are doing a great job looking after Bun! Michelle i miss you so much - see you soon, love you lots xxxxxCel x Submitted By: Celestine Paula Mason 15/12/2008 3:26:36 PM Hey Bun and Sean, just thinking of you both and sendind all our love. Kaelyn says hello and hopes your feeling ok, he wants to know who you like best from the hills, he likes Spencer with the spikey face??? I think he means the beard. He is checking the planner daily to tape the eps for me, well trained I know. Take care xoxo Paula Clint & Kaelyn Submit-ted By: Paula Mason Kate Connelly 14/12/2008 8:05:03 PM Hey there Sean and Michelle - I am definately missing the “Michelle” stories that Alan brings home from work, they inspire me to give him heaps at home. I admire your strength and the depth of your love for each other and I do believe that together you will beat this. As always my thoughts are with you both. Kate Submitted By: Kate Connelly Mandi Nugent 14/12/2008 5:21:39 PM Hi Guys, just checking in. I can’t wait for you to come back to work Bunny - the inappropriate comment quota is slipping to dangerously low levels (though Anna and I are definitely trying, and Tim is doing his fair share also). I miss our chats about Merrick Watts (mmm) and you rolling your eyes at our wow chatter :) Lots of hugs and good vibes heading your way, Love Mandi xx Submitted By: Mandi Nugent if you would take Sean to be your husband... ABSO-BLOODY-LUTELY! You are a great team and the power of the love you share is tangible. Rest in it on the tough days, dance in it on the good days and be gentle with yourselves along the way. We are all cheering you on from the sidelines! All my love, Mairs xoxo PS. Pete and gang send their love and warmest wishes. Kate and Trent shift on Monday and so are off line, but she will be in touch. PPS. Thought I’d finish with a couple of lame jokes (otherwise known in this house as Callanan jokes - go figure?) just to put a smile on the dial.... Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. the ceremony wasn’t much but the reception was excellent. but wait there’s more.... A jumper cable walks into a bar. The bartender says, ‘I’ll serve you, but don’t start anything.’ Is that laughter or groans I hear? I hereby challenge my fel-low bloggers to surpass my efforts! Cheers, M” Thanks Mairs and I thought those jokes were restricted to Dads only, you’re telling me the whole fam-ily is afflicted with these sense of humour? From Eden (one of Bun’s favourite kids in the world) “Hi bun we hope you can come tomorow. I love you more than anyone in the hole intire world. you give mum dad ava and me lots of presents. But the good thing about you that you love us ! and we love you to once again ilove you more than anyone in the hole intire world. love Edey&ava” Thanks Edey, Bun was very happy to see your smiling face today. She loves you very much and she loves hearing you giggling so keep it up buddy. Thanks to everyone for the messages, texts, cards and prayers. Sean Sleep and 18-1 Dec 13 Written by: Sean 13/12/2008 12:04 PM Bunny is sleeping well now she is back in her bed, must admit it was easier getting a good night sleep with her by my side. She is eating her fruit salad around the clock and taking all our medications whenever I ask or nag, how the tables have turned :) I look for for her naggin’ to return. Thanks to Mum & Dad for coming down today to take the kids out for the day and buy us a Xmas tree. Mum has been cooking up a storm can’t wait to get into those home made vegie and sausage rolls! Thanks Mum. Wearing my 18-1 t-shirt today as a reminder that things that are not meant to happen sometimes do. I follow sports are there is always big upsets from bigger underdogs. 18-1 represent the record of the New England Patriots lasy year perfect record entering the the Super Bowl but their perfect season was ruined by the New York Giants showing that the unexpected can happen at anytime. This is your Super Bowl Babe, gotta believe Sean
  • 14. Kate Ryan 14/12/2008 5:19:59 PM Bunny, you are in our thoughts and our hearts. It is truly inspir-ing to read the previous posts and blogs, pages upon pages of people who love you, all cheering you on in this fight. You have supported our little family from day one and it means more to us than words can say. Reading these messages it is clear that ours are just a drop in the pond, there are count-less lives you have touched with your beautiful spirit. We know this spirit will keep you strong and positive, and we are behind you and Sean all the way!! Love Kate, Trent, Finn & Lily xox ...P.S. apologies for Mairs’ lame jokes!! xox Submitted By: Kate Ryan Dave 14/12/2008 1:44:33 PM Dear Bunny and Sean, Luv you both. Just keep on fighting!!! Submitted By: Dave Gay 14/12/2008 3:23:29 AM Bunny The journey is not of your choosing but take strength from your man by your side and family and friends who love you Our prayers and thoughts are with you both love Gay and Pete Submitted By: Gay Bernie Golby 14/12/2008 2:48:22 AM Hi guys, you are in our thoughts and prayers. As a couple you are an inspiration in the way you have taken on the challenges of the past. With the love and support you have, we know you’ll meet this head -on love Bernie&Tim Submit-ted By: Bernie Golby Ryan & Alyce 14/12/2008 1:38:15 AM Hi Sean and Bunny. We are both thinking of you and are sending our love. You are both incredibly strong people and together can beat anything life throws at you! Thinking of you always, Ryan & Alyce xoxo Submitted By: Ryan & Alyce Jenny Evans 13/12/2008 8:50:47 PM message to bunny & sean Dear Bunny & Sean, we want to send our love and prayers to you and to let you know that we are thinking of you. We know that you are both very strong and that you will get through this with the help from everyone that loves you...Love Jenny & Nick xx Submitted By: Jenny Evans Scott Kelly 13/12/2008 5:24:47 PM Hi Sean & Bunny, We are thinking of you. Love Scott, Eliza, Ruby, Lilly & Matilda. Submitted By: Scott Kelly Anna Vila Pouca 13/12/2008 10:00:52 AM Thinking of You Dear Bunny & Sean - Meg passed on this site to us and we wanted to pass on lots of love to you both. You are very much in our thoughts and willing you to get through this. Anna & Ed xxxx Submitted By: Anna Vila Pouca Craig Kelly 13/12/2008 4:31:45 AM CAN DO Bunny / Sean, Your courage will know doubt place you in good stead to again win this battle. My mail tells me that could’ve, would’ve, should’ve is not in your vocab. ‘CAN DO’ is your only method of thinking.. By the way this is Craig, (Sean’s cousin) and you are both very much in my and my girls’ thoughts today, tomorrow and everyday until I hear Lib & John announce the great news of your overcom-ing this interim hurdle. Craig, Tylah & Chloe xxx Submitted By: Craig Kelly Craig Kelly 13/12/2008 4:31:28 AM CAN DO Bunny / Sean, Your courage will know doubt place you in good stead to again win this battle. My mail tells me that could’ve, would’ve, should’ve is not in your vocab. ‘CAN DO’ is your only method of thinking.. By the way this is Craig, (Sean’s cousin) and you are both very much in my and my girls’ thoughts today, tomorrow and everyday until I hear Lib & John announce the great news of your overcom-ing this interim hurdle. Craig, Tylah & Chloe xxx Submitted By: Craig Kelly Home Sweet Home Dec 12 Written by: Sean 12/12/2008 3:37 PM It was only a day in hospital but it felt much longer. Thanks to my driver David for helping me out today, no sleep and driving do not mix. I can feel the relief in Michelle now back in our own bed (BIE Best Investment Ever!). She isn’t up for much talking just sleeping but I know as she sleeps in our bed I know she feels a little like this... Ready for the fight of our lives By Sean on 12/12/2008 7:41 AM Sleep seems to be optional for the both of us at the moment. Very tired but getting our strength back to put up a big fight. Got the bone marrow results back and unfortunately the cancer has moved in more than expected. The plan and treatment course remains the same as we need to get this damn thing under control first before we can try different treat-ments. We are both very happy that the team of doctors and nurses are working hard behind the scenes to find whatever edge we can. Michelle is a tough and stubborn women and I love her for it we are going to put all our energy into this fight. There has to be someone defy and baffle medical opinion so medical breakthroughs can happen (here’s hoping you see Bunny’s story on House one day). Thanks for the support it is appreciated and needed. Sean A hectic day at Epworth By Sean on 11/12/2008 3:29 PM It has been a busy day & Bunny has been exceptional. She got thru a bone marrow biopsy with no problems we are waiting on the results. She now has a pick line to give her all the chemo so less needles which Bun is happy about. I am waiting at the Mountain View for an order of chips for Bunny so that’s a good sign that her appetite is coming back a little. All things being equal she will be home tomorrow. Bun says thanks to everyone. Cheers Sean Heading into hospital... Dec 10 Written by: Sean 10/12/2008 6:49 PM We have seen all the doctors we can in the past week. We (I say we but I really mean Bun) had more tests for blood and a CT scan of her brain. The good news is that her brain scan came back clear (from cancer not of a brain!), however there is some concern from her blood tests. More tests are to be done at the Ep-worth specifically a bone marrow biopsy to confirm if the cancer is in the bone marrow which would help explain the aches and pains Bunny has had over the past 4-6 weeks. So it looks like she will start some form of chemo tomorrow most likely with a hospital stay to get the cancer under control so her blood results improve. Bunny wishes she could post herself but she is so “knackered” (her words not mine) but she does want me to pass on
  • 15. Vlade, Sally, Elli and Jemma 13/12/2008 3:53:35 AM Hi Bunny, Our thoughts our with you guys. Our warmest wishes. We know you’ll get through this. Vlade, Sally, Elli and Jemma Submitted By: Vlade, Sally, Elli and Jemma Renae D’Arcy 13/12/2008 2:54:27 AM Hi Bunny, lots of love flowing your way from us and we will be thinking of each of you. Love Aaron,Renae,Millie and Charlotte D’Arcy. Submitted By: Renae D’Arcy Alan Connelly 13/12/2008 12:24:42 AM next part I have seen her never turn away from a challenge and win, I can only repeat what I said to you on Friday, if any one is going to beat this then Michelle id the person to do it. As I suspect you know, your support is key to this, I can only offer the support for both of you from the side and that of where she works, if there is anything we can do let me know, I will ensure it happens. Submitted By: Alan Connelly Alan Connelly 13/12/2008 12:22:53 AM ongoing support Hi Sean and Michelle, I thought it was time to tell on Michelle, just to remind people who may not know, exactly how strong she really is. Sean I was fortunate to in-terview Michelle some 7 years ago for a job. While we were very impressed with her and had already decided to give her the position it was only after I found out she had expe-rienced her car being run into and written off straight after the interview and he plight leading into the interview (read Ansett) that I had a glimpse into how much she will fight for what she what. It was later when she was determined that you were the right person for her that I really saw her determination and fight for what she felt was correct that you would appreciate there was no alternative for you. You where both destined for each other, and the last few week have confirmed it, Sean you have mu utmost appreciation of your strength and determination to support Bunny. I have seen her never turn away from a challenge and win, I can only repeat Mairs 12/12/2008 7:34:45 PM PS. Pete and gang send their love and warmest wishes. Kate and Trent shift on Monday and so are off line, but she will be in touch. PPS. Thought I’d finish with a couple of lame jokes (otherwise known in this house as Callanan jokes - go figure?) just to put a smile on the dial.... Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. the ceremony wasn’t much but the reception was excellent. but wait there’s more.... A jumper cable walks into a bar. The bartender says, ‘I’ll serve you, but don’t start anything.’ Is that laughter or groans I hear? I hereby challenge my fellow bloggers to surpass my efforts! Cheers, M xox Submitted By: Mairs Mairs 12/12/2008 7:23:53 PM Hi guys,its Mairs calling. I am blown away by what you have both been going through - together and separately. I hope you can feel the wall of love and support surrounding you and hoping for the best possible outcome. You have al-ready shown your family and friends the remarkable depths of your endurance and perserverance in the journey so far and no doubt this will continue in the battle ahead. When I call you both to mind the first image that comes is the joy you eminated on your wedding day. We all agreed we had never seen a groom with such a broard and permanent grin, and who will ever forget your briliant response Bunny, when asked by the celebrant if you would take Sean to be your husband... ABSO-BLOODY-LUTELY! You are a great team and the power of the love you share is tangible. Rest in it on the tough days, dance in it on the good days and be gentle with yourselves along the way. We are all cheering you on from the sidelines! All my love, Mairs xoxo PS. Pete and gang send th Eden 12/12/2008 3:58:59 PM Hi bun we hope you can come tomorow. I love you more than anyone in the hole intire world. you give mum dad ava and me lots of presents. But the good thing about you that you love us ! and we love you to once again ilove you more than anyone in the hole intire world. love Edey&ava Submit-ted By: Eden thanks to each and everyone who has been posting to the site. She would also like to thank the people who don’t know about the internet that have passed on best wishes by this olden-days method called the post (my words not hers). Thanks for your prayers, Sean Getting thru the weekend... By Sean on 7/12/2008 6:08 PM Just an update from the weekend. First of all thanks to Chris Bourke, Seamus Ryan and Norm for install-ing our new split system air con-ditioning it took most of Saturday thru the rain and heat but Bunny is now more comfortable even if I am freezing my nuts off ! It was a long day for Bun but the Ivanhoe crew with help from Orv gave her some comfort while the boys were working away. I know Bunny intends to make a blog post herself but she isn’t up to it at the minute. The pain killers and other mess have her a little disoriented for the time being she is happiest when sleeping. Again thanks for the messages and support. Cheers Sean PS In cool (techy) news I am writ-ing the post from my iPhone. Jade is so jealous :) Thank you, thank you, thank you Dec 5 Written by: Sean 5/12/2008 8:59 AM I guess the title says it all but I feel like I am Thanksgiving albeit a week late. Thank you to all the great messages posted to the site. Thank you for all the offers of support I will take them up at some stage Thank you for all the love and best wishes A big thanks to our employers Medibank & Devtest, I know I appreciate it a lot, I know Bunny does too.
  • 16. Marcus, Claire and Angus 12/12/2008 3:41:54 AM All our love to Bunny and Sean. You are in our thoughts and our hearts. Angus likes bunnies. Submitted By: Marcus, Claire and Angus Brooke 12/12/2008 3:23:19 AM Sending you Angels from Perth! Bunny when i heard the news from Lishy I couldn’t believe it!! Sending you our love, all our strength & best wishes every single day all the way from Perth Darling girl. You’ve done it once mate you can & will do it again! YOU’RE A SURVIVOR! Great idea Sean, look after yourselves. Love Brooke, Trent, Ethan, Cohen & Ally xoxoxo :) :) :) Submitted By: Brooke Celestine 11/12/2008 10:06:30 PM Pookie its pookie hey im off to ballarat again tonight , get-ting my little house ready for you to visit! i can’t wait i think you’ll love what ive done with the place!! your room is ready and the bathroom is brand new!! And guess what - after all the physio we’ve been giving dodgey, ( hooking him up to the hills hoist by his special pants!!) he is now walking on his own again. love you xxxxx Submitted By: Celestine Dan 11/12/2008 9:36:54 PM Bunny & Sean, we are all behind you(as Sean would say”BEHIND YOU”ha ha) you both are extremly stong, keep it up. Lots of luv going your way from Kristy and Dan xxoo. Submitted By: Dan Leanne & Tyler 11/12/2008 8:51:33 PM Bunny & Sean Hey Bun & Sean, just wanted to say a quick hello and to let you know we are both thinking of you. Keep your chins up as much as possible. Hugs, Kisses and Positive Vibes coming your way, Love, Tilly & Leenan xoxoxox Submit-ted By: Leanne & Tyler Regina Radcliffe 11/12/2008 7:15:32 PM Just popped in to say Hello. Hi Bunny, This is just a quick Hello, thinking of you as always. Just read Sean’s latest blog. Kinda teary eye’d but I feel that the love and strength you and Sean have for each other will see you through the battles ahead. Michelle, I truelly believe with all my heart that you will get through this because you are a Strong and Deter-mined woman. Thinking of you everyday, Hugs and Kissess from Joshie. Love Regina Submitted By: Regina Radcliffe Evie 11/12/2008 7:14:43 PM hey you both very very much, always sending our love and can’t wait to down some of those apple cider cocktails with you on boxing day.........wot can I say, they’re awesome...........and so are you!! Luv ya xxxxxx Submitted By: Evie Chinna 11/12/2008 6:47:19 PM Choppa Hey Nig, Choppa wants to know if you want to come around and watch Ariel with her in her bedroom? She said you can sit on her Barbie couch. Looking forward to it. love ya niggyyyyyyyy x Submitted By: Chinna Kate Connelly 11/12/2008 4:49:14 PM Michelle and Sean There are those who defy the odds and they are truly special people. Michelle you are one of those rare special people and I truly believe that you will beat this and come through the other side then watch out world there will be no stopping you. All my love and support to you both. Kate Submitted By: Kate Connelly Simone 11/12/2008 1:46:39 PM Hi Bunny, Just a quick one from my Dad & I to say hang in there and we are thinking of you. Take care, xo Love, Sim & Les Submitted By: Simone How is Bunny twitter feed Jonesy thanks for your message, the present and the photos of beautiful baby Sean. Bless ya enjoy your Xmas with Troy. Jade I know I was sleepy this morning but seeing you guys made my day. You and Rhys make your Dad and I very happy we love you heaps too. Meg it is great to have a sister like you. Give your beautiful husband a Xmas kiss from me. Regina wishing you and your family a merry Xmas. Hope Santa brought you that matching Guess bag Alyce & Ryan just had some platelets think they might be yours I am feeling a little bit silly. Thank you Mairs thanks for all your messages hope the Ryans have a happy Xmas give those champers a thrashing for me Thanks Tim & Bernie looks the your Xmas crackers will are empty you used all the material in you post. So nice you posted twice Becky & Adam have a great Xmas your Aunty Bun loves you very much Thanks Kathy keep supporting John & Libby too bless ya Cheers Cath & Tim have a happy birthday Jake! Thanks Kate have a merry Xmas Thanks Marcus I look forward to having a good chat soon Thanks Lish & Cel looking forward to more sleepovers keep that lavender spray handy though Thanks Kate & Alan for your support bless you both Thanks for the visit Rach. Give Becky & Adam a big kiss from me. Isabella, Jordan & Alexis too I’m sure you look great you always do, love you guys to bits Thanks Joch & Kathryn have to hide the hand cream from the nurses it’s a big hit Thanks for the support Rhonda bless ya Eve please give Charlie girl a big Bunny kiss Thanks Steve keep those hits coming Thanks Kate be sure to give your beautiful kids a hug from me Thanks for the big smooch Kaelyn
  • 17. Kate Connelly 11/12/2008 12:43:05 PM Good Morning Guys - glad to hear that things are progress-ing positively. Lachlan sends his love. Kate. P S just let me know when you’re ready to attack some Lindor Balls and they’ll be on their way with wings. Submitted By: Kate Con-nelly Celestine 11/12/2008 2:39:13 AM Pookie its pookie great effort! i hope you are feeling better soon i miss you so much. i did the emma and tom christmas run last night - 2 laps of albert park lake - gosh it seems like years since we used to do a run and a pot!! oh yeah, it is years!! im about to settle into The Closer. xxxxx Submitted By: Celestine Lish 11/12/2008 1:52:25 AM Good girl Niggy we are so proud of you, you’ve been poked and prodded so many times (that’s enough Sean - he he)and here you are taking it like a trooper. Good to see you are keeping our “god love ya” going - Curl would be proud. Scoff your chips babe, Shane, Lish and the ruggies xoxoxo Submitted By: Lish Melissa 10/12/2008 11:59:30 PM love to you Hello lovely Michelle and Sean. . . Much love, hugs, cocktails, smiles, magic to you both. xxxx Submitted By: Melissa Anna Smith 10/12/2008 9:48:32 PM Hospital Staff Hi Michelle, remember to tell the hospital staff when you need something. They are there to make you feel better. Boss them around when you have the energy!!! Here’s hoping the tests come out ok. God luv ya! A. Submit-ted By: Anna Smith unca steve 10/12/2008 5:23:56 PM the bunster well congrats on getting my first bog (i mean blog) message you both sending all our thoughts all the time..good luck today..........luv steve evie and girls xxxxxxxxxxxx Submitted By: unca steve Mandi 10/12/2008 4:44:15 PM Hi hi! Hi Guys, Just checking in! This site is such a cool idea. Good luck with the upcoming weeks, I’ll have my fingers (and other bits) crossed and send good vibes your way! Cheers :) m. xx Submitted By: Mandi Meg Vila Pouca 10/12/2008 4:30:23 PM Hey there Bun, good luck for your tests & treatment & the epworth today - we’re thinking of you!! Love you lots - Meg & Laz xxxx p.s. I’ve finally started watching gossip girl on free to air - lots to catch up on - you can fill me in!! Submitted By: Meg Vila Pouca Kate Connelly 10/12/2008 1:00:09 PM Hello Michelle and Sean Hi Guys - Just popped by to say hello and let you both know that I am thinking of both of you. All my love and all that stuff. Kate Submitted By: Kate Connelly hilary 10/12/2008 4:04:41 AM me again when i left work for my few months off, you asked me to keep in touch to let you know if i turned from suit to earth mother. Not transformed yet but a few days ago i planted a tub of lettuce and a tub of parsley. Ok, not a total conversion but its the start of a makeover. You keep pushing too, thinking about you heaps. Hilary Submitted By: hilary Kathy & Brian Young 10/12/2008 2:10:36 AM Hi Bunny Our love & prayers are with you both. You have such wonderful family & friends supporting you & a wonder-ful fighting spirit. We hope you are free from pain soon. Love Kathy & Brian Young Submitted By: Kathy & Brian Young Well done Alyce & Ryan thanks for the platelets http:// Thanks Kate my mouth is feeling better nearly ready to add the chocolate group to my diet Hey Reg that is easily fixed get a matching bag for the purse and a purse for the bag all sorted, bless ya Thanks Lucy have a safe flight Mandi I don’t miss compliance training but I miss you guy Matt & Bridget, Sean apologises but make sure you keep practising love Bun Judith & Trevor sorry we missed you we’ll have the dummies ready Bruno & Clare been a while thanks for the support Sean found this in the hospital kitchen we think it is a bit strange what do you think? Mairs it be the mouthwash talking but that last one did get a laugh bless ya Thanks Conor & Jade you guys are so sweet love ya Ta Pip give Lachy a smooch from me Craig thanks for your messages you’re a love Thanks Lucy looking forward to seeing you give Abbey girl a big kiss from me Thanks Scott give your girls a big hug from me Thanks Dean good to hear from you Thanks Marcus & Clare, Sean will keep finding a way to entertain even at my embarrassment bless him wouldn’t have him any other way Thanks bro that was the best iced coffee ever Well done Camryn that’s bloody fantastic! Give both kids a big kiss from me (no cheek rubbish on the lips) Thanks Shane & Lish just remember this is HowIsBunny not HowIsSean God love him Thanks Paula and keep smiling Kaelyn you beautiful boy By the way did I mention that this custard rocks! (post mouthwash) Thanks Jochen & Kathryn I’m glad you stopped at toes Thanks Dan he learnt everything from me bless him he’s a love
  • 18. Jeff Warner 9/12/2008 5:13:38 PM Hi Miss Bunny You know me and email miss placed the orginal from Alan. Missing my regular bunny fix and chat Thinking of you lots keep up that wonderful attitude miising you heaps Jeff Submitted By: Jeff Warner Lucy 9/12/2008 2:48:48 AM Hey Chelles Just thinking of you! Love Lucy x Submitted By: Lucy Lucy 9/12/2008 2:48:21 AM Hey Chelles Just thinking of you! Love Lucy x Submitted By: Lucy Kate 8/12/2008 7:39:51 PM Hello there beautiful Just popped by to say hello and to let you know that I bought some Lindor Balls today (they were on special) and they are sitting here whispering “Eat me, eat me” but I’m going to be good and wait. Love to you as well Sean. Love Kate. Submitted By: Kate Anna Smith 8/12/2008 3:50:22 PM Hello lovely Morning Michelle, feeling lonely today as Mandi is working from home and I have no backup for when I am giving Dennis a hard time. (Sadly I am not half as good as you with that). Thinking of you heaps, missing your smile. Anna. Submitted By: Anna Smith Matt Callanan 8/12/2008 1:48:23 AM Bun Dear Bunny - We are all thinking of you - keep up your fighting spirit - you are one of the toughest people we know. Hope to see you soon. Love Matt and Bridge, Darcy and Beau PS - Darcy loves her purple tutu and wants to wear it everyday! Submitted By: Matt Callanan Alisha Champion 7/12/2008 10:51:39 PM Entourage Hey Niggy, Just letting u know, u and Sean can relax as we’ve IQ’d season 5 Entourage. Still haven’t seen all of season 4, bless us! The Bun & Sean foxtel training wheels can nearly come off for us xox Lish xox Submitted By: Alisha Champion Scott Heaney 7/12/2008 5:28:36 PM Thinking of You Mate Bunny, Just heard from Alan how you are, as I noticed you had been absent for a while and IT Security called me to say that our ebay traffic is down 95%!. Stay positive and our thoughts are with you. Keep up the fight. All the best mate - Scott, Donna, Emily, Audrey & Mat-thew. Submitted By: Scott Heaney Judith Wilson 7/12/2008 5:00:22 PM Bunny Hi Bunny and Sean our love and support are with you during this time.Your positive thoughts and bright messages were a joy to me , so now I hope my return ones are the same for you. Family and are friends are the best medicine so make sure you take all your required dosage. Love Judith and Trevor. Submitted By: Judith Wilson Mark Seymour 7/12/2008 3:58:48 PM Hope all goes well today. Thoughts are with you both. Sub-mitted By: Mark Seymour Libby Callanan 7/12/2008 3:11:15 PM Dear Bunny, Hope you are feeling better today. All the best for the Doctor’s visit. We are thinking of you as are all our family & friends who we have contacted, they send their love & support. Keep going girl remember you are a shin-boner & they are tough!!!Love you. Libby xx Submitted By: Libby Callanan Laura Shannon 7/12/2008 2:42:14 AM Bunny, My love and support is with you and Sean at this time. I know that you will find the courage and the strength to get through this. All my love, Laura. xoxo Submitted By: Laura Thanks Martwell Sean doesn’t mind the House blend but as Archie would say Go Rooboys! Love you too Archie Great view from my room love you Snow White Thanks Tim & Bernie that joke was terrible but funnily enough it is now the clubhouse leader :) Thanks a lot Alan tell Kate to leave me some chocolate Thanks Chinna give Cheech & Chops their 5 kisses from Michelle Thanks Marty give your kids a big hug from me bless em Thanks Kerry I don’t plan on going for a run so resting sounds good Thanks JL your messages mean a lot to me and your Dad love Bun Thanks Chris & Sal bless ya Thanks Edey you’re the best buddy love you to bits! Thanks & Congrats Ryan & Alyce you’ve done well. GSOH not high on list Alyce? Only kidding keep smiling Thanks Meg don’t worry still got more burps in me Thanks Mands give Thommo a big kiss from me Rob not so much ;) Thanks Pookie yes just got the upgrade rm w/vu back to sleep now Thanks Libby the staff at Epworth doing great job please raise you glasses to them at champagne day Thanks Nan THANKS POP Seano loves this tech stuff doesn’t he? Bless him Thanks Anna I miss Telco land believe it or not Thanks Cath & Tim we’ll check out Camryn later on Headed back to the Epworth for more treatment - http://www.howisbunny. com/B... Thanks Craig Banana Paddle Pops are now on the shopping list Happy Birthday David, love ya bro Thanks to the Shannons for the card and gift Thanks Jonesy bless little Sean he’s a darling love him to bits Thanks Kate, looks like the gauntlet has been thrown down Mairs Thanks Lucy give Abbey girl a