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How Did Josef Mengele Dehumanize
When Josef Mengele's bones were found, the world let out a sigh of relief. For over forty years
survivors of the Nazi death camps, known as Auschwitz, were haunted by the vision of the
handsome, well–dressed man with a caring smile who pointed his white–gloved finger either left or
right deciding who lived and who died. Those who passed this man and survived have always
remembered him as the Angel of Death. Dr. Mengele is directly responsible for the deaths of
thousands at Auschwitz concentration camp. Josef Mengele's horrific experiments prove that he is
the most dehumanizing person in history. Dr. Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911, in
Günzburg, Germany. His upper middle–class family was the proprietors of a machine tools
business. Josef Mengele was the eldest son of Karl Mengele and Walburga Mengele. Josef Mengele
was a promising student and went to Munich to study racial theories and earned a Ph.D. in physical
anthropology. He then moved to Frankfurt–am–Main to ... Show more content on ...
Dr. Mengele wanted to create a Germanic super–race. Twins were the perfect specimens because
one twin could act as the control while the other was horribly experimented on. The twins became
known as Mengele's Children. They received special privileges such as being allowed to keep their
own clothes and their hair (Chris Trueman). But Mengele's Children received a much worse fate
than most other prisoners – the endless experiments. Each day the twins were awakened for daily
blood withdrawals and X rays. He is reported to have bled some to death this way (Louis Bülow).
The blood withdrawal was not even the half of terrible experiments. Dr. Mengele would often
perform experimental surgery removing organs and limbs without using anesthesia. He also injected
chemicals into the eyes of children in an attempt to change their eye color (Louis Bülow). Out of
three thousand pair of twins that came into Auschwitz, only three hundred came out
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Josef Mengele Research Paper
Josef Mengele "Angel of Death" Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911. Josef was the oldest
of three sons in his Bavarian family, and they were strictly Catholic. He was popular and smart in
his town. He went on to study philosophy, medicine, physical anthropology, hereditary biology, and
racial hygiene. He became an assistant to Dr. Otmar von Verschuer, who was a leading scientific
figure. In 1937 he joined the Nazi party, and in 1938 went into the SS. He was drafted into the army
in 1940, and volunteered in the medical service of the Waffen–SS (Armed SS). Later on in 1942, he
was wounded on the Russian front and pronounced unfit for duty. After being cut from the field, he
volunteered to go to to a concentration camp (Auschwitz in particular), and was later transferred
there. To Mengele, Auschwitz seemed like the best location for such research because of the large
number of available twins and subjects to use as specimens for his experiments. In May, 1943,
Mengele ... Show more content on ...
First thing, blood was drawn in large quantities. It was drawn from fingers, arms, and necks
simultaneously. Blood was transfused from one twin to the other. To try and fabricate blue eyes,
drops of chemicals were placed in the eyes. This caused severe pain, infections, and temporary or
permanent blindness. Injections were mostly in the spine or spinal taps with no anesthesia. Diseases,
such as tuberculosis, would be purposely given to one twin and not the other. Various surgeries
without anesthesia included organ removal, castration, and amputations.The final experiments were
autopsies. He performed autopsies on twins who had died from the experiments and ones purposely
killed just for them. Once one twin had died, the other one was killed to compare damage to the
body. Approximately 3,000 twins were pulled from the ramp, mostly children. Only about 200
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Josef Mengele: A Brief Biography
Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911 in Gunzburg neat Ulm. He was the oldest son of
Walburga Mengele and his father Karl Mengele, who was a manufacturer of farming
implements.Walburga was the one everyone feared. She had a terrible temper and would come to
the factory to criticize the workers horrifically. His mother forced his family to be a devout Catholic.
She was just as demanding to her husband. Josef Mengele without a doubt had to be affected
somehow by his mother's wrath. Josef described his mother as not capable of loving. Josef Mengele
grew to be a very evil person. He was considered normal in his early years, and was even deemed to
be intelligent and very popular in his home town. No one would have ever thought he was going ...
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The SS head Heinrich Himmler appointed Mengele the Chief doctor of Auschwitz death camps in
Poland. During his time at Auschwitz, Josef Mengele was not the only physician. He began his
career at Auschwitz as a medical officer responsible for Birkenau. Several weeks later after his
liquidation, he undertook a new position as Chief Camp Physician of Auschwitz two. There were
about 30 other physicians that served with Mengele. He supervised the selection of Auschwitz's'
incoming prisoners for either torturous labor or to be sent to the gas chambers. He was known as the
"Angel of Death" or "White Angel", for his coldly cruel demeanor on the ramp. Mengeler is
associated with his selection duty more than anyone else. On one occasion, 750 women were
infected with lice, and Mengele order that they were sent to the gas chambers and the house they
were living at should be destroyed. Another story says that he condemned a whole trainload of Jews
be instantly gassed when a mother refused to be separated with her daughter and attacked an SS
guard who tried separating the two. Eager to advance his medical career by publishing
groundbreaking work, he then began to work on live Jewish prisoners. In form of medical treatment,
Mengele injected or ordered others to inject, thousands of inmates including children with petrol to
chloroform to study the chemicals' effects. Among other atrocities he plucked out the eyes of
Gypsies corpse to study eye pigmentation. In order to try to change a person's eye color. Many died
as a result of the experimentation or were murdered in order to facilitate post–mortem examination.
Mengele became very interested in utilizing twins for medical research, because of his former
mentor Verschuer. Otmar von Verschuer was famous for experimenting on identical and fraternal
twins in order to trace the genetics of organs of various diseases. During the 1930's, twin
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Dr. Josef Mengele Holocaust
Many know the role of a doctor as someone who provides help for others when they are in need, but
during the Holocaust one doctor was not known as someone who helped the people in need. Dr.
Josef Mengele, who was a research scientist during the Holocaust, conducted many gruesome
experiments on twins, kids, men, and women. Dr. Josef Mengele studied anthropology at the
University of Munich in 1935, where he also earned his Ph.D. In January, 1937, Dr. Josef Mengele
went to study at the Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene in Frankfurt. At the
institute, Dr. Josef Mengele became the assistant of Dr. Otmar von Verschuer, who was known for
his research on twins. In the same year of 1937 Dr. Josef Mengele joined the Nazi party. The ...
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Josef Mengele had a very sick mind for the type of gruesome experiments that he performed on
men, and women. Dr. Josef Mengele performed an experiment where he would test two things. The
first thing the doctor would test is how long it would take for the body temperature to lower to
death, and the second thing that they would test is how long it would take to resuscitate the frozen
victim. The frozen victims would not wear their clothes that were provided to them by the camp, the
victims were put out naked in sub–zero conditions. The frozen victim would also have water that is
heated to a near blistering temperature forcefully irrigated into the stomach, bladder, and intestines.
This experiment killed every person. That is two of the many types ways Dr. Josef Mengele
experimented on men, and women. Another way the doctor experimented on "test subjects" was
they were put under a sun lamp, and it would burn their skin off. Despite being put in a sun lamp,
they were also put in warm water where the water slowly increased. That was the best experiment
the doctors did. There are various ways that men, and women were tortured. Children were usually
instantly killed when they arrived at the camps. ("Medical
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Josef Mengele : The Angel Of Death Essay
Josef Mengele, known to many as the Angel of Death, was one of the most infamous doctors in the
Holocaust. Born to a German, upper class, devout Catholic family in 1911, Mengele began feeling a
sense of social, religious and racial superiority at an incredibly young age ( In 1931, he
joined a nationalistic veteran's organization and began growing incredibly fascinated by the Nazi
regime; reinforcing his already established framework of personal supremacy. At this early stage,
the path to infamy and finding power, superiority and control was starting to be paved. He joined the
SS in 1938, was drafted into the army in 1940, and began his studies in anthropology and racial
morphology around the exact same time; a deadly combination ( His fascination with
the Nazi party, a potential meeting with Hitler himself and his newly established spot in the SS and
military all seemed to drive his intellectual choices and studies (Lifton, 2014, p. 339). He figured
out a way to perfectly weave together his interest in the Nazi's ideals of anti–Semitism, his need for
striving for personal power and control, and his studies on racial dominance, all of which lead him
to Auschwitz where his real infamy began and would ultimately end. Mengele may have not been
born with the goal of becoming powerful by ultimately being responsible for the death of an
estimated 400,000 people in the Holocaust and for his inhumane medical experiments in Auschwitz,
but his acquired and
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How Did Josef Mengele Use Medical Experiments During The...
Dr. Josef Mengele was a doctor in the Auschwitz concentration camp. He conducted many medical
experiments during the Holocaust. One of his experiments consisted on taking baby twins and sew
them together to make Siamese twins, he would see if they could still live while doing these
experiments. Another thing he did to twins was that he would inject different types of drugs into
them and see what would the drug do to them and also see if they could last through all of the
injections. If he messed up one on of the twins he would always have another one to test on.
Freezing people was also another experiment that he conducted to people and especially men. He
would stick the men into a freezer which was at zero degrees. If they didn't put them ... Show more
content on ...
A camp prisoner's day began with an early–morning wake–up call, followed by a wash in dirty
water(Steele 52). They then had to quickly go outside and stand perfectly still while the Nazis called
out their numbers. It would take the Nazis several hours to call out everyone's numbers. Sometimes
they would do it a second time because when they were standing still for hours they could pass out
or even die from standing that long and those standing next to them couldn't do anything about it
until after roll call. After roll call the Jews would go straight to work without anything to eat until
lunch. At lunch time they would all line up with their bowls and wait to get watery soup. Those who
were at the back of the line get nothing but water. When they were finished with their lunch they
had to go back to work. They would work for the rest of the day until dinner time. At dinner, the
prisoners were lucky to even get a small piece of burned bread and after dinner the Jews would go
to bed. "By the time that the
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How Did Josef Mengele Affect His Family
Josef Mengele is known as the angel of death.What did he do to become that and what did he do to
get that name and how did everything Josef has done effect his family?Josef Mengele was born on
March 16,1911.He was the oldest out of his siblings.When Josef grew up, he got a PhD from the
university of Munich in 1935.Before he was a doctor in the Holocaust.Josef joined the military for a
short time because Josef got injured and he could not come back to military for that reason.Not too
long after that he joined the 'national socialist german workers' in 1938.That was when he wanted to
be a medical service for the holocaust.
Josef got inspired by Von Verschuer. Soon after he volunteered to be a doctor in the Holocaust, but
he did not get,has gotten to be a doctor first thing.Josef's first job was to choose who gets to be
gassed.That is how he got the name "Angel of Death".Mengele was only 32 years old when he
gassed 750 women in the gas chamber.The population who worked there had to get intoxicated to
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How Did Josef Mengele Medical Experiments
The Holocaust was led by Adolf Hitler during World War II. There were many countries involved
such as, the United States of America, Italy, France, and Germany. The Angel of Death also known
as Dr. Josef Mengele was one of the most famous doctors that worked in the internment camps.
Some of the experiments were on twins and dwarfs. Dr. Mengele used a lot of different experiments
against the Jews and there are lasting effects/remnants from the experiments. During the first phase
of experiments, pairs of twins and people with abnormalities through heritage were put on display
for Dr. Mengele and were assigned to go through all conceived medical examinations. These people
had their picture taken. Plaster casts were made from their own jaws and teeth. They were also toe
printed and fingerprinted. As soon as the ... Show more content on ...
The tub of ice water proved to be the fastest way to drop the body temperature. The victims of these
experiments were young, healthy Jews and Russians. Usually they were stripped and were to be
prepared for their experiments. An insulated probe, which measured the drop in the body's
temperature was put into the rectum. The probe was held in the rectum by an expandable metal ring
that would have been composed to open the inside of the rectum to hold it thoroughly in place. After
they got the probe in place the victim would then be placed into a tub of ice water and begin to
freeze. It was later learned that most victims strayed from consciousness and died when their body
temperature dropped down to 25 degrees Celsius. The intense winters in Auschwitz made a natural
place for some of these experiments. The other way to freeze a victim was to restrain them on a
stretcher and take them outside naked (Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi
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Dr. Josef Mengele: Inhumane Experimental Activities Essay
Josef Mengele, SS physician notorious for his inhumane experimental activities upon Jewish
prisoners of the Auschwitz death camp during WWII. Mengele performed both physical and
psychological experiments towards both identical and fraternal twins. He preformed experimental
surgeries without anesthesia, made injections with lethal germs, as well as attempting to change eye
color with harsh chemicals. Mengele was commonly referred as "The Angel of Death." Josef
Mengele was born on March 16th, 1911 in Günzberg Bavaria, Germany. Josef was the eldest of his
three children to Karl and Walburga Mengele. His father was a successful manufacturer of farming
machinery. In 1935, Josef earned a Ph.D. in physical anthropology from the ... Show more content
on ...
Mengele had his collection of twins confined in a special block that was specifically for his
experiments. The twins' were often treated better than other Jewish prisoners, he protected his
prisoners from harsh labor assignments and made sure that they were always clean, He gave them
clean clothes and candy. He allowed the children to call him 'uncle' they were known as "Mengele's
Children." Dr. Mengele was said to be friendly and comforting especially towards the young
children. He loved to sit with them and tell stories, he wanted the children to be as comfortable as
possible with him, even though he clearly believed that the prisoners were less than human and
acted upon that belief.
Mengele experimented on twins strictly for research his research was then recorded and sent to his
mentor Dr. Verschuer, yet his intended objective had always been the death of the children. Mengele
had a wide variety of experiments he often experimented on one twin in which he preformed
surgery or anything physically without anesthesia and on the other twin he studied them mentally
such as how long one can live without sleep or food and water. Occasionally, if a twin seemed to be
rather "interesting" physically or mentally, Mengele would inject them with a disease and see if they
can be treated and if not
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Josef Mengele Research Paper
Josef Mengele is one of the world's most known Auschwitz scientists. Although his experiments
were gruesome and evil, we learned much about the human body. We came out of WWII knowing
much more about genetics because of Dr. Mengele's experiments. In WWII, Dr. Mengele,
nicknamed "Angel of Death", used Nazi concentration camps to perform scientific experiments on
"undesirables", through using; children, undesirables, and extermination. Josef Mengele's main
interest was children. During Auschwitz, he experimented on many children, but was specifically
interested in twins. Over 1,000 twins were involved in Josef Mengele's experiments. (Jon
Nordheimer). He would sew them together, even torture one twin to see if it would hurt the other.
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Josef Mengele : The Angel Of Death
Being ripped away from loved ones only to never see them again is one of the worst things to
experience, especially at a young age. This happened all too often during the Holocaust.
Many families would ride a train to a death or labor camp. A labor camp is simular to a death camp,
but the nazi's who run the camp make those who are captivated do pointless work. These were
excuses used put to the end of lives of innocent human beings whom Hitler needed to put the blame
on. A lot of these people put through these horrible events were twins. Josef Mengele, also known as
"The Angel of Death," was born March 16, 1911 (Walker). He was known as The Angel of Death.
The worst of the worst who ran these experiments was born March 16, 1911. Josef Mengele, also
known as "The Angel of Death" ( Walker ). Mengele was the most popular out of his town and also
was the oldest of three ( Bulow ). People loved him as a kid.
Once Mengele was old enough to attend college, he attended the college of Munich where he
received his Ph. D. in philosophy ( Bulow ). He then attended Frankfurt University, receiving his
medical degree the same year He joined the Nazi party in 1937 ( "Mengele" ). Josef Mengele joined
the SS in 1938 at Auschwitz Concentration Camp, where he was chief of the gas chambers ( Bulow
). At the start of his career, a block where 750 women stayed was infested with lice. His solution to
rid of this problem before it spread worse was to send them to the "showers," which was
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Josef Mengele
Informational Outline Topic: Josef Mengele General Purpose: To inform Specific purpose: To
inform the audience about Josef Mengele, a doctor in Auschwitz and a psychological quandary.
Thesis: From his early life to his insane experiments, Josef Mengele is a perfect model of the evils
humans are capable of. I. Introduction a. Attention Getter: Josef Mengele, Angel of Death, the man
that ordered the death of around 1.6 million people. Men, women, old, or young, no one was an
exception. At the point of a finger they were sent to the gas chambers. Prisoners learned quickly that
he was someone whose orders were to be followed without argument. Names such as Lord of Life
and Death, Dr. Auschwitz and even God were commonly used by ... Show more content on ...
From 1938 to 1939 Mengele spent six months with a specially trained mountain regiment in Tyrol.
12. Then, in 1940 he served in the reserve medical corps 13. After this, he spent three years with a
Waffen SS unit leading to a wound causing him to be declared medically unfit for combat 14. He
earned four decorations for his service in the SS unit, including the Iron Cross First Class and
Second Class, which are medals awarded for bravery in battle as well as other military contributions
in a battlefield environment. III. Now that I've discussed Mengele's life prior to Auschwitz, I will
tell you about his time spent there. f. Josef Mengele arrived in Auschwitz unaware of the evils he
would discover during his stay; however his quick adjustment to the cruelty of Auschwitz is a sign
of his ability to rationalize the irrational. viii. Mengele had several reasons for wanting to come to
Auschwitz. 15. The main reason for his asking to be sent to Auschwitz was the many opportunities
Auschwitz could provide for his research. 16. All of his scientific works suggest his commitment to
incorporate science into the Nazi vision. 17. "Dr. Mengele had the air of a man who took great
satisfaction in his work and was pleased with his calling." Wrote one inmate. 18. Mengele came to
be a name feared by most living in the camp; it was well known he was not someone to be crossed
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Josef Mengele Research Paper
Rosa Castro
106 Reading Lab
Josef Mengele
Josef Mengele was a Doctor and a Official from Germany he was know as the angel of death. He
was born in march 16th 1911. Mengele was the eldest of three brothers and he was always a good
student. In January of 1937 was assistant of doctor Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer. He was a scientist
who studied genetics which had a great interest in twins. Mengele then wrote a thesis about Cleft lip
and cleft palate, qualified very well which made Josef get a doctorate in medicine. Year later
mengele married Irene Schönbein with whom she contracted her only son named Rolf. During the
year 1937 and 1938 Mengele joined the Nazi party and also the SS. Some months after the Second
World War in 1949 Mengele volunteered for the medical service of the Walffen–SS (They were the
elite fighting body of the Schutzstaffel). Then sent a request for the service of the transfer to the
concentration ... Show more content on ...
For example, typhus among others to see how his body reacted to a twin. When one twin died as a
consequence of the experiments, the other was killed with chloroform and thus able to make
comparatives post mortem reports to see how each body reacts. The mengele experiments on the
eyes were to try to change the color of the iris by injecting chemicals. After these procedures many
were blind or lost one eye or both. Even one a witness who said that mengele in their attempt to
create Conjoined twins sewed up two twins but then both died by the gangrene after so many days
of suffering. In addition, mengele was responsible for the public health measures in the camp. for
example, when there was an outbreak of typhus in the barracks of women, 600 women were gassed
and fumigated the barracks. After the war ended, mengele run away and lived in Latin America with
false identifications. Josef died on February 7, 1979 of an attack while he was swimming in
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How To Write A Research Paper On Josef Mengele
Daisy Goeppner & Isabel Seldomridge Mrs. Cox/5th hour 3/20/17 Josef Mengele Josef Mengele
was an SS physician, famous for his twisted medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners
at Auschwitz. Mengele was born on March 16, 1911, in Gunzburg. He was the oldest son of Karl
Mengele, a manufacturer of farming implements. At the University of Munich in 1935, he earned a anthropology, the study of human societies and cultures and their development. In January
1937, he came the assistant of Dr. Otmar von Verschuer, a widely known scientists for his research
with twins. One of the things that Dr. Mengele used was eugenics. Eugenics is the science of
improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable
characteristics. The study of eugenics actually came from California. Eugenics was born as a
scientific curiosity in the Victorian age. In 1863, Sir Francis Galton theorized that if talented people
only ... Show more content on ...
They performed cruel experiments under the name of scientific inquiry. Hitler's physician, Karl
Brandt, said that the camps were the perfect laboratories for their experiments. The doctors in the
camps thought of the people as experiments and worthless. To them, using them for medical
purposes was a way to make their life meaningful, and if they died because of this nothing was lost.
They put gasoline inside of people and then shocked them with electricity to see if this would kill
them, and they took away food from prisoners and watched how long it would take to starve to
death. According to Tamara L. Roleff, the author of The Holocaust: Death Camps, "The final
objective was the production of pure Germans in numbers sufficient to replace the Czechs,
Hungarians, Poles, all of whom were condemned to be destroyed, but who for the moment we're
living on those territories declared vital to the Third Reich. (Nazi
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Dr. Josef Mengele's Cruel Experiments During The Holocaust
Dr. Josef Mengele's Cruel Experiments
During the Holocaust, Dr. Mengele was the symbol of Nazi cruelty and mysticism due to his
tortuous experiments, mass murders, and gruesome experiments done in the name of science. The
starting of Mengele's experimental interests began when he became anxious to make a name for
himself; he searched for the secrets of heredity. The Nazi ideal of the future would benefit from the
help of genetics. If Aryan women could give birth to blonde and blue eyed children, the future could
be saved (Rosenburg, "Mengele's Children: The twins of Auschwitz"). In 1937 Dr. Josef Mengele
joined the Nazi party, then in 1938 he went to the SS. In 1942 he was wounded at the Russian front
and pronounced unfit for duty. After that he volunteered ... Show more content on ...
He was sent to the death camp, Auschwitz. Mengele was nicknamed the "Angel of Death"; he
became the surviving symbol of Adolf Hitler's "Final Solution" (Louis Bülow, "Angel of Death").
Mengele tested a number of methods in effort to develop an efficient and inexpensive procedure for
the mass sterilization of Jews, Roma, and other groups that were considered to be racially or
genetically undesirable ("Nazi Medical Experiments"). Besides that he had a fascination for finding
twins once the arrival ramps came and other unique children to begin doing experiments ("Who was
Josef Mengele"). As a doctor at Auschwitz, Mengele rarely offered treatment to those who were
sick. His treatment for any disease that might cause an epidemic was simple, if even one prisoner
showed symptoms of a contagious disease every inmate in that barrack would be gassed and the
barrack disinfected. He was known to do this on over 30 occasions (Nazi Medical Experiments). He
had hoped to use the
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Josef Mengele, The Angel Of Death
Introduction Josef Mengele, the Angel of Death, spent 30 years on the run from officials and was
never caught("After"). Josef Mengele was a German doctor. He conducted experiments on prisoners
in Auschwitz. He was also a war criminal after the ending of the war. Josef Mengele intensified
WWII in many ways, and this will be shown through his life, in Auschwitz, and in South America.
Life To fully apprehend Josef Mengele one must first understand his life and how certain events
may have affected him. Josef Mengele was born in Gunzburg, Germany on March 15,
1911(McKale). He mother was Walburga Mengele and his father was Karl Mengele("Life"). He was
the eldest of three sons; Karl and Alois("Life"). His father was a local industrialist and wanted him
to work in his factory("Life"). This might of made him upset because he wanted to be a doctor.
Josef's mother forced them to be devout Catholics("Life"). He would often describe his mother as
not capable of loving("Life"). This might have caused some of his issues in his later life("Life").
Josef was a good student but had an erratic personality("Life")(Posner). His erratic personality often
scared prisoners of Auschwitz. He was as well a self–confident kid("Life"). Josef Mengele was
accepted to the University of Munich("Life"). He began to attend ... Show more content on ...
He was the chief doctor of Auschwitz from 1943 to 1945(Ewers). The camp inmates would call him
the "Angel of Death"(McKale). They would call him this because he would do experiments on
people and kill them. He personally selected over 400,000 prisoners to die in gas
chambers(McKale). Josef used his service as a Nazi doctor as a springboard toward an academic
career(Koren). He would pluck out hunchbacks, pinheads, hermaphrodites, giants, dwarfs, obese
men, and corpulent women but spared Germans(Koren)("Life"). He would traumatize prisoners and
show them his wall of eyeballs("Life"). He was a ruthless, cold blooded
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Josef Mengele Research Paper
The Cruelty of Dr. Mengele and the Nazis Jenkins 1 Dr. Josef Mengele was a Nazi scientist at
Auschwitz concentration camp, where he performed horrible Experiments on innocent people. One
of Dr. Mengele?s main interests was twins. He performed many experiment on them. Most of them
involving injecting one twin with lethal chemicals or viruses making them really sick. Then usually
died within a few weeks. (Rees 180) One case was with Eva Moses Kor and her twin sister Miriam,
who were Jewish concentration camp prisoners in Auschwitz. Eva was injected with a virus that
made her extremely sick. She tried to hide the fact that she was sick, but unfortunately her attempts
failed. She was sent to building 21 where she received no food, water, ... Show more content on ...
(George 87) Since the day he arrived in Auschwitz, on May 24, 1943 (Gilbert 581) he was cruel and
full of hatred. He used his position to torture and kill innocent people. He hid behind the pursuit of
knowledge to justify his actions. The inmates refered to him as ?The Angel of Death?. (George 87)
Over the course of a year and a half Dr. Mengele took part in at least seventy four selections of
prisoners for either the gas chamber, medical experiments, or work detail. (Gilbert 582) Nazi
experiments became a very common thing in concentration camps. Nazi scientists experimented on
human subjects who were prisoners in the camp. Many of these experiments were excruciatingly
painful, and almost all caused people to die. Many became extremely ill and had to fight off illness
alone since the SS wouldn?t treat them. Survivors suffered from complications later on in life. Many
were diagnosed with terminal illnesses like cancer, tuberculosis, ect. One of the worst experiments
was the salt water experiment. During this experiment polish prisoners were given only salt water to
drink. This caused people to become severely dehydrated, have massive organ failure, and
hallucinate. Some people became so desperate for fresh water they would lick the floors that were
freshly mopped just so they could hydrate themselves. Most people died within a few days from
organ Failure.
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Josef Mengele : The Angel Of Death Essay
Josef Mengele, known to many as the Angel of Death, was one of the most infamous doctors in the
Holocaust. Born to a German, upper class, devout Catholic family in 1911, Mengele began feeling a
sense of social, religious and racial superiority at an incredibly young age ( In 1931, he
joined a nationalistic veteran's organization and began growing incredibly fascinated by the Nazi
regime; reinforcing his already established framework of personal supremacy. At this early stage,
the path to infamy and finding power, superiority and control was starting to be paved. He joined the
SS in 1938, was drafted into the army in 1940, and began his studies in anthropology and racial
morphology around the exact same time; a deadly combination ( His fascination with
the Nazi party, a potential meeting with Hitler himself and his newly established spot in the SS and
military all seemed to drive his intellectual choices and studies (Lifton, 2014, p. 339). He figured
out a way to perfectly weave together his interest in the Nazi's ideals of anti–Semitism, his need for
striving for personal power and control, and his studies on racial dominance, all of which lead him
to Auschwitz where his real infamy began and would ultimately end. Mengele may have not been
born with the goal of becoming powerful by ultimately being responsible for the death of an
estimated 400,000 people in the Holocaust and for his inhumane medical experiments in Auschwitz,
but his acquired and
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Why Is Josef Mengele Considered The Angel Of Death?
I felt the prick of the needle. I felt the cold operating table. I saw cold face of a man in a white coat.
I found out that although I escaped death, I was welcomed to a much worse fate. I soon found out
his name was Josef Mengele. Many medical experiments are done in the name of science however,
the horrific procedures performed by Dr. Josef Mengele can hardly be considered scientific.
Through examining the genetic experiments, military experiments, and anatomical capacities of the
human body, it is clear why Mengele is considered the "Angel of Death".
Mengele is from Günzburg, Germany. He was born to a prosperous father who own a factory which
manufactured farming equipment. He was the first of three sons. He joined the Nazi Party in 1937,
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Josef Mengele can hardly be considered scientific. Through his actions with his experiments and
selection process it is clear as to why he is called the "angel of death". In the immediate post–world
war Mengele found himself in custody of the US army, he was quickly released as the US was
unaware of who Mengele was at the time. From the summer of 1945 to the spring of 1949 Mengele
worked on a farm under false papers in Rosenheim, Bavaria. In 1949 his prosperous family helped
him with his escape to Argentina. In 1959 a warrant for his arrest had been issued in West Germany
and in 1960 and extraction order had been placed. Scared of the Capture of Adolf Eichmann in
Buenos Aires (Argentina), Mengele fled to Paraguay and eventually to Brazil. He spent the final
years of his life in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He died while he was on vacation in Bertioga, Brazil. He was
swimming in a resort pool, when he suffered from a stroke and died. He was confirmed dead on
February 7, 1979. He was buried under the fake name Wolfgang Gerhard. In 1992 Germany
authorities exhumed his body and were able to undoubtedly identify it as Josef Mengele (Josef
Mengele). He died escaping justice and going unpenalized for the death and torture of hundreds of
thousands of individuals for 34
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Josef Mengele Research Paper
Acts of a Perpetrator, Josef Mengele To be a perpetrator, usually you are mean, or evil to ones
around you, such as in the Holocaust; the Nazi's were perpetrators. Josef Mengele is an SS Nazi
Doctor at Auschwitz who fulfilled his role as a perpetrator, who seemed to enjoy being a brutal man.
He had to have been an emotionally strong man, to send prisoners to meet their last breath, face to
face. In the historical event of the "Holocaust", Josef Mengele shares his experiences of providing
life or death for the prisoners. There were rescuers in the Holocaust too, but SS Doctor Josef
Mengele was a perpetrator and was successful at what he did. Being responsible is important and
when you are placed in command of things, you must be really trustworthy. Josef Mengele played
an important role. "In that capacity, he was responsible for the one differentiation and selection of
those fit to work and those destined for gassing (Paragraph)." It is an example of being a perpetrator
because it is explaining his responsibility of being mean and hateful to the prisoners. His choices
reflect the outcome of the events to happen to the prisoners. As an SS Doctor, his experiences are
horrifying to the audience who hears about it. "Josef Mengele was a Nazi doctor at Auschwitz
extermination camp ... Show more content on ...
This all can be seen by knowing he was an SS Nazi Doctor at Auschwitz. Also, hearing of his
enjoyment of deciding the fate of the prisoners, led the readers to describe Mengele as a perpetrator.
Mengele had a negative impact on the world around him in everyday life of those who read and
understand the actions of the Holocaust. If Mengele had never of existed, the prisoners would have
never died so soon. Some of the innocent prisoners were children, and they died for no reason
because of Mengele and other so called
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How Did Josef Mengele Study Twins
Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911 in Gunzburg, Germany. Mengele is most famous for
studying twins. He studied Jewish and gypsy twins, wanting to make them more like the Aryan race.
To do this, he injected chemicals into their eyes to make them blue, pretended to be nice to children
so they would let him do this. In addition, Mengele drew blood from twins, taking so much from
some that they bled to death. After these twins had died, he would dissect their bodies. In one
experiment, he sewed two sisters together to make them siamese twins. Mengele also did
experiments on other people, although it was less common. He impregnated girls with their own
brothers or even their fathers. Other experiments he did include: performing sex changes,
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Josef Mengele Naturally Evil
Josef Mengele tortured and killed many prisoners who stayed at Auschwitz in the worst, and most
inhumanly ways possible. Dr Mengele was known for conducting amputations on prisoners
("Rantings of a Nazi Monster 1"). Other surgeries and experiments that Dr. Mengele conducted
included radiation, electricity, and other evil methods ("Josef Mengele 3"). He didn't just perform
experiments on adults, he also did it to children. Supposedly, in only one night, Josef used injections
and killed fourteen innocent children("Josef Mengele 3"). To make it even worse, after he killed his
victims, he would dissect and perform autopsies on their soulless bodies("Josef Mengele 3"). So,
those poor prisoners that died in Dr. Mengele's possession never had a proper burial. Although many
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Mengele's experiments stated, "My body most of the time was connected to tubes which inserted
some drugs into my body. Many days I was tied up for hours" ("Personal Statements From Victims
of Nazi Medical Experiments" 1). This quote shows yet again the terrible actions that Dr. Mengele
was guilty of and proves that most humans are naturally evil. Although Josef Mengele performed
experiments on the prisoners that stood out to him, he was particularly interested in twins. Mengele
was so obsessed with twins that he oversaw gruesome tests on 3,000 sets ("Rantings of a Nazi
Monster 1"). There is no words to describe how painful and inhumane these tests and experiments
were. A unlucky set of twins had to go through this odious experiment. "The next part of the
examination consisted of tubes being forced through their noses and into their lungs. They were then
ventilated with a gas which caused them to cough so severely they had to be restrained. The sputum
from the lungs was collected for examination" ("Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi
Medicine 1"). This was only one out of the thousands of experiments that Dr. Mengele performed
during the
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Analysis of Sanaotrium Purkersdorf by Josef Hoffmann Essay
The Purkersdorf Sanatorium and the Fusion of Function and Design
Stark white and machine–like from a distance, the Purkersdorf Sanatorium designed by Austrian
architect Josef Hoffmann emanates a feeling of sterility. However, the building also exhibits a hint
of luxurious charm upon closer observation. As the first major commission for the Wiener
Werkstätte company, Josef Hoffmann was determined to introduce his forward looking ideas to the
era. Through the sanatorium, Hoffmann successfully demonstrated not only the visual appeals of
modern simplicity but also how modernism was appropriately adjusted to enhance the building's
intended purpose.
Having studied under renowned architect Otto Wagner, Josef Hoffmann was familiar with the ...
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Even the lamps, tables and window designs mirror similar geometric patterns. By doing so, what
Hoffmann has created is a harmonious environment that is both practical and visually soothing The
sanatorium provided a diverse offering of programs and resources to patients. Their services
included hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, special diets, etc. Their facilities included billiard rooms,
reading rooms, music rooms, saloons, etc. Patients could access everything they needed to feel
comfortable. The effective layout planning of the building contributed to effective therapy practices.
Utilities and services were hidden in the basement, social gathering and dining spaces were on the
first floor, and living quarters were on the second and third floors. This separation of spaces due to
functions created an intuitive organizational structure. The luxury and layout referenced the style of
a grand hotel, but included many quality health related benefits. With an array of functional
offerings, each room in the sanatorium was designed to best serve the function of the room. For
example, the bedrooms intended for tuberculosis patients had the largest windows to allow the
greatest amount of sunlight possible.5
Just as functionally focused as the exterior, Hoffmann used the same concept of practicality when
designing the interior elements of the Purkersdorf Sanatorium. As a traditionally trained artist,
Hoffmann was not just an architect, but innovator in
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The Inhumane Experiments that Happened in Auschwitz:...
"He cut into me, without anesthetic,...The pain was indescribable. I felt every slice of the knife.
Then I saw my kidney pulsating in his hand. I cried like a madman, I cried out the prayer; "Hear, O
Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one...And I prayed to die, that I might not suffer this agony any
more." (Hall). This was said by a 'patient' of Dr. Josef Mengele, Mr. Yitzhak Ganon. Mr. Ganon was
of the survivors of the inhumane experiments that took place in Auschwitz by the hand of the
abominable man that is Josef Mengele. Josef Mengele was one of the most infamous men associated
with the Holocaust, his cruel experiments on twins, jews, gypsies, and the other being held at
Auschwitz made him widely known for his cruelty, warranting him the title of "The Angel of
Death". How is an evil born? How does the Angel of Death get its wings? Josef Mengele was born
in a small town in Germany where his father owned a reasonably successful farming equipment
factory. He was the eldest of three brothers and was very close to his mother who is said to of been a
cruel woman the factory workers feared. As a child, Joseph was a very charming and won people
over with his wit. In Mengele's teen years he decided to pursue the career of a doctor and make a
name for himself and rise from his father's shadow. Josef began his studies by getting a Ph.D. in
anthropology, the science of human beings: especially of human beings and their ancestors, and then
he continued his studies at The
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Josef Mengele Research Paper
Josef Mengele a German SS officer and physician during World War II, is infamous for performing
malicious medical experiments on prisoners at Auschwitz concentration camp, in contemplation of
creating the perfect Aryan race. Mengele is a prominent member of the doctors responsible for the
selections of innocent people who were killed within the camp's gas chambers. Mengele aided
prodigiously in the attempt to fulfill the Nazi's "Final Solution"; their plan to exterminate the Jewish
race. By looking at Dr. Josef Mengele, one can see that he was patently deranged by his malicious
ways, which is important because it gives reasoning for why he aided in the deaths of many Jews
during the Holocaust with no remorse or mercy. Notably, through his focus on conducting in
humane experiments on Jews and the selections at the concentration camps, Dr. Josef Mengele aided
in completing the merciless task of Hitler's Final Solution. "And, in a soft voice, he read out about
ten numbers. We had understood. These were numbers chosen at the selection. Dr. Mengele had not
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"Three days a week, they were marched to blood labs in Birkenau, where they stood naked for hours
waiting to be injected with chemical cocktails, ranging from toxic chemicals and scarlet fever to the
blood of the opposite sex," expresses Watson. Mengele devotedly marched his patients to blood labs
three days every week, in order to gather research and fulfill the goals of the Nazi; this further
insinuates that he was committed to his occupation, regardless of how much misery it caused the
innocent victims. Wiesel accentuates this idea by stating that "Dr. Mengele took stock of them from
head to foot" (65). Mengele was clearly deranged, due to the fondness he expressed towards his
wicked occupation, thus also revealing why he was so dedicated to such an inhumane
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How Did Josef Mengele Use Scientific Experiments
Josef Mengele was a physician that worked in Auschwitz during the Holocaust. He was interested in
experimenting on twins, Gypsies, dwarves, giants, and those that had physical abnormalities such as
heterochromia, or a club foot [1]. Mengele would conduct pseudo–scientific experiments on his test
subjects. He was a part of the ensemble of doctors that decided who would be sent to the gas
chambers upon their arrival to Auschwitz. Most of these were pregnant women, the elderly, and
children[2]. During that time, he would look for twins and others that he would experiment on.
Mengele would visit the infirmary and order that anyone who had not recovered in two weeks
would be sent to the gas chambers. He would also supervise the distribution of ... Show more
content on ...
Mengele and other Nazi officials managed to get rid of most of Mengele's and other doctors'
research on the inhumane experiments that took place in Auschwitz. After all evidence was
destroyed, Mengele fled West of Auschwitz, but was soon arrested by the United States army.
Mengele showed no indication that he was a huge war criminal, or a tattoo of an SS blood group,
which identified members of the Waffen–SS. This led the United States army to free Mengele, even
though he was on a list of huge World War II criminals that needed to be captured. Once Mengele
was freed, he worked humbly as a farm stableman in Bavaria. In 1949, Mengele traveled to
Argentina with the protection and help of his family and other Nazi officials that were able to escape
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Josef Mengele Hero
A mad–scientist by definition is "a stock character in popular fiction; a bubbling scientist working
on unlikely ways to save the world, or a villainous one best on destroying it." ("mad..."). We were
raised hearing the story of Frankenstein and his monster, but what if mad–scientists were in fact
real. Many people see Joseph Mengele as a ruthless murderer, but he actually had a whole lot to do
with the survival of individuals every day. Many don't give him the credit of his findings because it
was done under eerie circumstances, but without Mengele we would not have the information we
have today about the human body. Josef Mengele was the most influential mad–scientist of modern
medicine. Josef Mengele was raised in Günzburg, Bavaria, Germany ... Show more content on ...
N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2016. Brown, Andrew. "I Do Science Everyday." Quora. N.p., 22 Jan. 2014.
Web. 12 May 2016. Fox, Whitney. "The Life of Josef Mengele." The Life of Josef Mengele. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 12 May 2016. Franklin, Cory. "When Are You Officially Dead?" Chicago Tribune. N.p.,
10 Jan. 2014. Web. 12 May 2016. Lifton, Robert Jay. "WHAT MADE THIS MAN? MENGELE."
The New York Times. The New York Times, 20 July 1985. print. "Mad–scientist." YourDictionary,
n.d. Web. 12 May 2016. "Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi Medicine." Editor. N.p., 19 Apr. 2015. Web. 12 May 2016. Posner, Gerald L., and John Ware.
Mengele: The Complete Story. New York: McGraw–Hill, 1986. Print. Wikipedia contributors.
"Miklós Nyiszli." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 27 Apr.
2016. Web. 12 May. 2016 Zimmer, Esther M. "Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg: Otmar Freiherr Von
Verschuer." Otmar Freiherr Von Verschuer. Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg Trust, n.d. Web. 11 May
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Josef Mengele's Research
Throughout World War II, multiple Nazi researchers and physicians experimented upon thousands
of concentration camp prisoners, in painful and often deadly ways. Arguably the most horrific of
them all was Dr. Josef Mengele and his experiments conducted on twins, dwarfs, and prisoners with
physical abnormalities. Mengele's primary aim in research was to prove that certain traits such as
eye colour, obesity, and nasal features were inherited and thusly could be bred out of existence. This
interest stemmed from the Nazi obsession with a pure race, which ultimately led to the extreme
violation and sterilization of "undesirable groups". (Skolnik, 2016, p. 84)
The Ethics
Josef Mengele was a product of the eugenics movement. The Eugenics theory ... Show more content
on ...
One of the main issues is whether or not it is ethically sound to use the results of the medical
research that the Nazi's conducted during World War II; there is much debate on this topic, with
some saying that the research should not be used because most of the experiments were not well
designed, which would result in data that is valueless. Others argue that although the data may have
value, it is not ethical to use it because of the horrible ways in which the data was obtained.
(Skolnik, 2016, p. 84). Another lesson that can be imparted from the occurrences of the Holocaust is
the need for some type of regulation on a global scale of the research and medical practices taking
place all over the world; although this is a very complicated and difficult practice, and although the
vast majority of researchers would never commit such atrocities, if researchers such as Josef
Mengele are left to carry out any experiments and procedures that they wish, the consequences
could be terrible. Research cannot be carried out unchecked; there have to be ethical guidelines in
place and these guidelines have to be enforced in some
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Josef Mengele Research Paper
On March 16th, 1911, Josef Mengele, the eldest of three sons, was born to Karl and Walburga
Mengele in Gunzburg, Germany. In his hometown of Gunzburg, Mengele was considered to be
"refined, intelligent, and popular" ("Josef Mengele, Angel of Death"). His family was considered to
be upper middle class as the Mengele's were the owners of a machine tools business. In 1935,
Mengele earned a PhD in physical anthropology from the University of Munich. From there, he
continues on to the Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene in Frankfurt. While there,
Mengele "became the assistant of Dr. Otmer von Verschuer, a leading scientific figure widely
known for his research with twins" ("US Holocaust Memorial"). In 1931, Josef Mengele joined
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Josef Mengele Case
The struggle to convict Mengele went on year after year. Ten years after the war ended, Mengele's
case was finally open, and by that time Memgele must have felt safe as he was residing under his
own name (Wiesenthal 43). Mengele would move for remote farm all around South American to
avoid the gun at his back (Tony). Mengele was living in Paraguay, enough money from his family's
factories to live a comfortable life, but Paraguay would not extradite him as they said he was a
Paraguay citizen with "no criminal record" (Wiesenthal 43). The West Germans made a last stand;
they demanded the extradition of Dr. Josef Mengele from Paraguay, and the president gave in as
they had just received three–million–dollars of add from the West Germans, but Mengele ... Show
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Many of the Nazis involved had escaped to countries all around the world and a great deal are still
free today ("About Simon Wiesenthal"). Germany has more than 90,000 Nazi war criminal names
on file that are still at large, and thousands more that aren't named in any file ("About Simon
Wiesenthal"). In some instances the United States government even shielded Nazi war criminals as
hundereds of Nazi scientist were brought over to the States under Cold War projects like Project
Paperclip (Sears). Six hundred and forty–two former Nazis were brought over without having to
stand trial for any of their crimes (Sears). Wiesenthal believes that as anti–Semitism and racism
continue, even after the last of the Nazis die off, the world is still at risk of repeating Nazis heinous
crimes (Rosenblum). Wiesenthal helped found the Simon Wiesenthal Center to work to make sure
that history doesn't repeat itself (Rosenblum). When the Simon Wiesenthal Center was created,
Wiesenthal said he could die knowing the Center will carry on his legacy ("About Simon
Wiesenthal"). Wiesenthal died without capturing all the Nazis on his list which isn't surprising given
the process it took to capture one
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Josef Mengele : The Angel Of Death
Being ripped away from loved ones only to never see them again is one of the worst things to
experience, especially at a young age. This happened all too often during the Holocaust.
Many families would ride a train to a death or labor camp. A labor camp is simular to a death camp,
but the nazi's who run the camp make those who are captivated do pointless work. These were
excuses used put to the end of lives of innocent human beings whom Hitler needed to put the blame
on. A lot of these people put through these horrible events were twins. Josef Mengele, also known as
"The Angel of Death," was born March 16, 1911 (Walker). He was known as The Angel of Death.
The worst of the worst who ran these experiments was born March 16, 1911. Josef Mengele, also
known as "The Angel of Death" ( Walker ). Mengele was the most popular out of his town and also
was the oldest of three ( Bulow ). People loved him as a kid.
Once Mengele was old enough to attend college, he attended the college of Munich where he
received his Ph. D. in philosophy ( Bulow ). He then attended Frankfurt University, receiving his
medical degree the same year He joined the Nazi party in 1937 ( "Mengele" ). Josef Mengele joined
the SS in 1938 at Auschwitz Concentration Camp, where he was chief of the gas chambers ( Bulow
). At the start of his career, a block where 750 women stayed was infested with lice. His solution to
rid of this problem before it spread worse was to send them to the "showers," which was
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Josef Mengele Essay
Josef Mengele Josef Mengele was the oldest of three sons born to Karl and Walburga Mengele in
the village of Gunzburg. Karl was a local industrialist who owned a plant that manufactured farming
equipment. He was known as a stern but fair employer and a hard worker. It was his wife Walburga,
however, whom his employees feared the most. A big woman with a terrible temper, she was often
known to walk the floor of her husband's factory and publicly tell off employees for being lazy and
poor workmanship. Warnings were hurriedly passed down the production line whenever Walburga
was seen walking towards the factory, and workers purposely avoided her to get away from her
wicked temper. Walburga ruled her home with an equal amount of ... Show more content on ...
Peers and adults both greeted him as "Beppo," a kind nickname for the young boy. Josef was never
at the top of his class but still was seen as a bright student. He was well behaved, punctual, and
often received praise from teachers for his actions. As Beppo got older he still worked on his social
skills and was considered a handsome young man. Mengele is remembered as someone who had
self–confidence, charming, and a good speaker he caught the eye of the village's young women.
Mengele at this age liked dressing nice in hand–tailored clothes and where he came up with his
trademark, white cotton dress gloves, gloves that Auschwitz survivors used to distinguish him from
other SS doctors. During this time Josef's dreams came into conflict with his father, Karl wanted his
oldest son to work at the factory with him he wanted Josef to become an accountant. However,
young Josef dreamt of a career beyond the business world and beyond his home. Josef wanted to
leave Gunzburg and pursue a career in science and anthropology. He show his ambitions Josef
would talk to friends and say that his name would one day be in the encyclopedia. In 1930 Josef
graduated from the Gunzburg gymnasium, or high school, and passed his Abitur, a college entry
exam. His score was the greatest but it was still good enough for him to be accepted to the
University of Munich. At the time Munich was the start of the growing National
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Josef Mengele Research Paper
Dr Josef Mengele was a German (SS) solider and a Nazi doctor at Auschwitz death camp during
WWII. Dr Mengele was known as the 'Angel of Death' of 'White Angel' because of his cruel
gruesome experiments he performed on prisoners. Dr Josef Mengele, with his role of Nazi doctor at
a famous death camp, was cruel and cold–hearted because of his gruesome experiments on
prisioners. Mengele was the eldest of three children and was born March 11, 1911 in Gunzburg,
Dr Mengele performed medical experiments on men, women and children prisoners of Auschwitz
Death Camp. Mengele was given complete freedom under secrecy enabling him to give lethal
injections, dissect, shot, freeze and even castarate his prisoner test subjects. These lethal injections,
made from germs were used in attempt to artificially change the subject's eye colour. The test
subjects also known as the prisoners, either died from the experiment or from being shoot, very few
survived. However, post mortem examinations were conducted whether they did from the
experiment or ... Show more content on ...
The man Mengele was working with, Dr Omar Von Verschuer, was also widely known for having a
fascination with twins, more specifically identical twins. Mengele performed a range of experiments
on as many as 1500 sets of twins. Some of these experiments were chemically changing eye colour,
conjoining twins and even seeing how long they could last with breathing in poisonous gas daily. He
also attempted to work with genetics as he believed that genetics can help improve our futures. Dr
Mengele a well–educated, experienced, research doctor at Auschwitz death camp believed that; if
Aryan women could assuredly give birth to twins who were sure to be blond and blue eyed – then
the future could essentially be saved. Mengele was a cruel man but there were still a few survivors
from his gruesome
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How Did Josef Mengele Become Synonymous With Evil
Josef Mengele is a name that has become synonymous with evil in more ways than one. In addition
to his highly visible and significant role in Hitler's homicidal reign of horror, he was also involved
in many medical experiments. He was then arrested in the year of 1946 for the murder of over a
thousand innocent human beings, including children at the Death Camp Auschwitz. Despite people's
wishes for him to stay imprisoned, he was later released in the same year he was imprisoned for
unknown circumstances. This caused an investigation to follow later on as to why Dr. Mengele was
roaming around free without any punishment. Dr. Josef Mengele wasn't just known for deciding
people's fate with his main pointing finger, but he was also known for the number of barbaric
medical experiments that he did on children and sometimes adults. Wanting to find the secrets of
heredity, he'd ask SS officers to see if they could find anyone with unusual traits, including twins,
whenever a new group of cattle cars loaded with prisoners arrived at Auschwitz. Although, when
twins were usually found at camps such as Auschwitz, they usually turned out to be orphans.
Therefore, many children, especially the one's with unusual traits, had frequently witnessed the
murder of their beloved ... Show more content on ...
Philip L. Sunshine was an officer who had contracted Deputy Assistant John W. Hicks of the FBI
Laboratory to explore and confirm the possibility of using DNA typing to also confirm the
identification of skeletal remains that might possibly belong to the famous Dr. Josef Mengele. Once
confirmed, Deputy Assistant John W. Hicks suggested that the most appropriate DNA test to do was
a DNA typing procedure that is also referred to as the "Polymese Chain Reaction (PCR) Dot Blot
Test." Once the test results came in 1985, it was confirmed that the skeletal remains were Dr. Josef
Mengele's. Apparently, he had died of a stroke while swimming in the loving country,
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Josef Mengele Research Paper
Jarell Reyes Mr.Flanagan Josef Mengele "The Angel of Death" Many of Josef Mengele victims
recall him as a sweet, almost father like figure. When visiting his child subjects, he introduced
himself as "Uncle Mengele" and offered them sweets. Many of these children knew that Dr.Mengele
would either be there savior or their death. Mengele's research subjects were better fed and housed
than other prisoners and temporarily safe from the gas chambers but how can such a man be capable
of acting so sweet when he's has killed many people by shootings, beatings and deadly experiments.
Josef Mengele was born March 16, 1911. He was the eldest of three sons. Many think his mother is
to blame for his evil acts in the concentration camps. His mom was
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Josef Mengele Research Paper
Stationed in Auschwitz "The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing." This
was spoken a head doctor to his Jewish inmates at the infamous Auschwitz concentration camp.
He's quite important in history, because of the countless deaths he authorized. Josef Mengele,
"Angel of death," greatly impacted history because of his participation in selection, his ruthless
experiments and the killing of Jews. Josef Mengele's choice in selection in Auschwitz, the
concentration camp, didn't go unnoticed Jews found it very scary to have such a calm man direct
them to their deaths. Josef Mengele arrived in Auschwitz on May 24, 1943, when he was 32. There
he spent 21 months and was appointed as the chief physician. He also helped with the selection
decided which Jews died and which lived. He directed them left to die and right to live with a cane
in his gloved hand. Directing people to their death with such a serious face was one of the reasons
he got the name "Angel of Death." The only person that was directed left and survived was ... Show
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Usually, he conducted experiments on people's abnormal features. Thousands of Jews were injected
for his "experiments." Mainly he injected people with two different colored eyes. He studied and
dissected twins and removed organs from healthy people just to see what happened. Many died from
experiments while others were murdered, but when he wasn't experimenting on them he was nice.
He was especially kind to the children, he would give them more food and candy and better clothing
plus joke with them. Also the "Mengele kids" never got beaten by guards or forced to work. He
encouraged kids to call him Uncle Mengele. Josef Mengele thought he would find something
"groundbreaking" that he could
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Josef Mengele Research Paper
Dr. Josef Mengele was a highly unpopular Nazi doctor who performed many horrific operations
which put many men, women and children to rest. He was a cruel man and he was fascinated with
twins, yet with all the sickening experiments he escaped prosecution. Josef Mengele was the eldest
son of Karl Mengele, and was born the sixteenth of March, 1911 (United States Holocaust Memorial
Museum, August 18 2015). He was thought of as a smart, serious and showed obvious intelligent
with ambition. In 1937 Mengele joined the Nazi party and then in June 1940 he was drafted into the
army. He fought in the Russian Campaign and he was so badly wounded that he was considered
unfit. He began his career at Auschwitz in the spring of 1943 as a medical officer. At Auschwitz he
began performing many fatal operations. Josef Mengele's fascination with twins put as many as
1500 (3000 boys and girls) sets of permanently to sleep (Jamie Frater, March 14, 2008). He had an
attraction with them, but in particular, identical twins. He attempted to work with genetics, by
working through Vershuer who was famous for experimenting with twins to be able to trace the ...
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These experiments included trying to change eye colour by injecting chemicals into the eye after
this was performed his patients became blind or their eyes became infected (Jamie Frater, March 14,
2008). He also tested body rewarming by having the subjects sit in ice water and then have them
stand outside, many of these subjects passed away (Jamie Frater, March 14, 2008). Along with this
he also performed transfusions and amputations, and sewed twins together in an attempt to make
conjoined twins and many people became infected and carried diseases (Louis Bülow, 2013).
Although he performed many cruel operations he did treat his twins with good care. He would bring
them chocolates, clothes and lollies and most of the children referred to him as uncle (Louis Bülow,
... Get more on ...
How Did Josef Mengele Contribute To The Holocaust
"The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it." This quote by Josef Mengele
speaks to his time spent as part of the Holocaust. Historically, many may also know him as the
Angel of Death. He is infamous for the inhumane experiments he did on the Jewish children during
the Holocaust. Mengele was cruel and unapologetic. What he did, he believed he did in the name of
Germany and science. Perhaps this lack of remorse and guilt is what is most intriguing about him.
Mengele had an eventful life from his early years, to what he did in the Holocaust, to the time after
the Holocaust was over.
According to Wikipedia, On March 16th, 1911 Josef Mengele, one of the cruelest men on earth, was
born. He was born in Günzburg, Germany and he was the oldest of three children. His father's name
was Karl Mengele a prosperous manufacturer of farming implements. In 1935, the younger Mengele
studied at the University of Munich and earned a Ph.D. in physical anthropology. Josef Mengele
became an assistant of Dr. Otmar von Verschuer at the Institute for Hereditary Biology in 1937. Dr.
Otmar von Verschuer was a scientist who was widely known for his research on twins.
According to the US Holocaust Museum website, Josef joined the Nazi party in 1937. In 1938, he
received his medical degree and joined the SS. He was ... Show more content on ...
In January 1945 he fled Auschwitz as the Soviet Army was advancing through western Poland. To
evade getting captured by the Soviet Union he made his way west after the Gross–Rosen
concentration camp was evacuated. He was in United States custody, however, the United States
was not aware that Mengele's name was on the list of wanted war criminals, and they released him.
From the summer of 1945 until the spring of 1949 he worked under false papers as a farmhand near
Rosenheim, Bavaria. With the help of his wealthy family, he then fled to
... Get more on ...
How Did Josef Mengele Affect The Holocaust
Have you ever wondered about the experiments performed on humans during the Holocaust? Dr.
Josef Mengele, or more commonly known as the Angel of Death, was one the the infamous doctors
to experiment and torture humans, more specifically, children, twins. Dr. Josef Mengele is a man of
pure evil who was devoid of all feelings for the young twins of Auschwitz. The following
paragraphs will tell you about Josef Mengele and his crimes.
The Angel of Death was born in 1911 in Guenzburg Germany, his name was. Mengele left
Gunzburg in October, 1930, to study at Munich University where he earned a PHD in Anthropology,
then he got his medical degree at the University of Frankfurt Am Main. In 1937, Mengele decided to
join the Nazi party. There, he met ... Show more content on ...
Mengele's children did have privileges as well, as they were spared from beatings and forced labor,
and they were allowed to keep their hair, They were given clean clothes as well as chocolates and
sweets. They were allowed to call him Uncle Mengele. These affectionate actions of Mengele were
not because of his impulse of humanity, but for winning the children's trust. This is what people call
the "Devil's Charm". wTwins ere not the only ones who were collected, people with heterochromia
different color iris, dwarfism, short people . They were all put into barracks which people then
named the "zoo" because of all the "species" it held. Mengele did not perform all his gruesome
experiments by himself, he had picked out a few talented prisoners with a educated history, to help
him perform all these experiments. Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, a Jewish prisoner, volunteered to help the
Angel of Death. Dr Miklos volunteered to help Mengele so he would spare his family in exchange.
Mengele's lab was built beside a crematorium, to disposethe dead in a fast and easy manner.
Mengele never really focused on his original goal of trying to find a way in for women to always
give birth to those of blonde hair and blue eyes, instead he seemed more interested in how the
children would react to certain
... Get more on ...

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How Did Josef Mengele Dehumanize

  • 1. How Did Josef Mengele Dehumanize When Josef Mengele's bones were found, the world let out a sigh of relief. For over forty years survivors of the Nazi death camps, known as Auschwitz, were haunted by the vision of the handsome, well–dressed man with a caring smile who pointed his white–gloved finger either left or right deciding who lived and who died. Those who passed this man and survived have always remembered him as the Angel of Death. Dr. Mengele is directly responsible for the deaths of thousands at Auschwitz concentration camp. Josef Mengele's horrific experiments prove that he is the most dehumanizing person in history. Dr. Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911, in Günzburg, Germany. His upper middle–class family was the proprietors of a machine tools business. Josef Mengele was the eldest son of Karl Mengele and Walburga Mengele. Josef Mengele was a promising student and went to Munich to study racial theories and earned a Ph.D. in physical anthropology. He then moved to Frankfurt–am–Main to ... Show more content on ... Dr. Mengele wanted to create a Germanic super–race. Twins were the perfect specimens because one twin could act as the control while the other was horribly experimented on. The twins became known as Mengele's Children. They received special privileges such as being allowed to keep their own clothes and their hair (Chris Trueman). But Mengele's Children received a much worse fate than most other prisoners – the endless experiments. Each day the twins were awakened for daily blood withdrawals and X rays. He is reported to have bled some to death this way (Louis Bülow). The blood withdrawal was not even the half of terrible experiments. Dr. Mengele would often perform experimental surgery removing organs and limbs without using anesthesia. He also injected chemicals into the eyes of children in an attempt to change their eye color (Louis Bülow). Out of three thousand pair of twins that came into Auschwitz, only three hundred came out ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Josef Mengele Research Paper Josef Mengele "Angel of Death" Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911. Josef was the oldest of three sons in his Bavarian family, and they were strictly Catholic. He was popular and smart in his town. He went on to study philosophy, medicine, physical anthropology, hereditary biology, and racial hygiene. He became an assistant to Dr. Otmar von Verschuer, who was a leading scientific figure. In 1937 he joined the Nazi party, and in 1938 went into the SS. He was drafted into the army in 1940, and volunteered in the medical service of the Waffen–SS (Armed SS). Later on in 1942, he was wounded on the Russian front and pronounced unfit for duty. After being cut from the field, he volunteered to go to to a concentration camp (Auschwitz in particular), and was later transferred there. To Mengele, Auschwitz seemed like the best location for such research because of the large number of available twins and subjects to use as specimens for his experiments. In May, 1943, Mengele ... Show more content on ... First thing, blood was drawn in large quantities. It was drawn from fingers, arms, and necks simultaneously. Blood was transfused from one twin to the other. To try and fabricate blue eyes, drops of chemicals were placed in the eyes. This caused severe pain, infections, and temporary or permanent blindness. Injections were mostly in the spine or spinal taps with no anesthesia. Diseases, such as tuberculosis, would be purposely given to one twin and not the other. Various surgeries without anesthesia included organ removal, castration, and amputations.The final experiments were autopsies. He performed autopsies on twins who had died from the experiments and ones purposely killed just for them. Once one twin had died, the other one was killed to compare damage to the body. Approximately 3,000 twins were pulled from the ramp, mostly children. Only about 200 ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Josef Mengele: A Brief Biography Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911 in Gunzburg neat Ulm. He was the oldest son of Walburga Mengele and his father Karl Mengele, who was a manufacturer of farming implements.Walburga was the one everyone feared. She had a terrible temper and would come to the factory to criticize the workers horrifically. His mother forced his family to be a devout Catholic. She was just as demanding to her husband. Josef Mengele without a doubt had to be affected somehow by his mother's wrath. Josef described his mother as not capable of loving. Josef Mengele grew to be a very evil person. He was considered normal in his early years, and was even deemed to be intelligent and very popular in his home town. No one would have ever thought he was going ... Show more content on ... The SS head Heinrich Himmler appointed Mengele the Chief doctor of Auschwitz death camps in Poland. During his time at Auschwitz, Josef Mengele was not the only physician. He began his career at Auschwitz as a medical officer responsible for Birkenau. Several weeks later after his liquidation, he undertook a new position as Chief Camp Physician of Auschwitz two. There were about 30 other physicians that served with Mengele. He supervised the selection of Auschwitz's' incoming prisoners for either torturous labor or to be sent to the gas chambers. He was known as the "Angel of Death" or "White Angel", for his coldly cruel demeanor on the ramp. Mengeler is associated with his selection duty more than anyone else. On one occasion, 750 women were infected with lice, and Mengele order that they were sent to the gas chambers and the house they were living at should be destroyed. Another story says that he condemned a whole trainload of Jews be instantly gassed when a mother refused to be separated with her daughter and attacked an SS guard who tried separating the two. Eager to advance his medical career by publishing groundbreaking work, he then began to work on live Jewish prisoners. In form of medical treatment, Mengele injected or ordered others to inject, thousands of inmates including children with petrol to chloroform to study the chemicals' effects. Among other atrocities he plucked out the eyes of Gypsies corpse to study eye pigmentation. In order to try to change a person's eye color. Many died as a result of the experimentation or were murdered in order to facilitate post–mortem examination. Mengele became very interested in utilizing twins for medical research, because of his former mentor Verschuer. Otmar von Verschuer was famous for experimenting on identical and fraternal twins in order to trace the genetics of organs of various diseases. During the 1930's, twin ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Dr. Josef Mengele Holocaust Many know the role of a doctor as someone who provides help for others when they are in need, but during the Holocaust one doctor was not known as someone who helped the people in need. Dr. Josef Mengele, who was a research scientist during the Holocaust, conducted many gruesome experiments on twins, kids, men, and women. Dr. Josef Mengele studied anthropology at the University of Munich in 1935, where he also earned his Ph.D. In January, 1937, Dr. Josef Mengele went to study at the Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene in Frankfurt. At the institute, Dr. Josef Mengele became the assistant of Dr. Otmar von Verschuer, who was known for his research on twins. In the same year of 1937 Dr. Josef Mengele joined the Nazi party. The ... Show more content on ... Josef Mengele had a very sick mind for the type of gruesome experiments that he performed on men, and women. Dr. Josef Mengele performed an experiment where he would test two things. The first thing the doctor would test is how long it would take for the body temperature to lower to death, and the second thing that they would test is how long it would take to resuscitate the frozen victim. The frozen victims would not wear their clothes that were provided to them by the camp, the victims were put out naked in sub–zero conditions. The frozen victim would also have water that is heated to a near blistering temperature forcefully irrigated into the stomach, bladder, and intestines. This experiment killed every person. That is two of the many types ways Dr. Josef Mengele experimented on men, and women. Another way the doctor experimented on "test subjects" was they were put under a sun lamp, and it would burn their skin off. Despite being put in a sun lamp, they were also put in warm water where the water slowly increased. That was the best experiment the doctors did. There are various ways that men, and women were tortured. Children were usually instantly killed when they arrived at the camps. ("Medical ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Josef Mengele : The Angel Of Death Essay Josef Mengele, known to many as the Angel of Death, was one of the most infamous doctors in the Holocaust. Born to a German, upper class, devout Catholic family in 1911, Mengele began feeling a sense of social, religious and racial superiority at an incredibly young age ( In 1931, he joined a nationalistic veteran's organization and began growing incredibly fascinated by the Nazi regime; reinforcing his already established framework of personal supremacy. At this early stage, the path to infamy and finding power, superiority and control was starting to be paved. He joined the SS in 1938, was drafted into the army in 1940, and began his studies in anthropology and racial morphology around the exact same time; a deadly combination ( His fascination with the Nazi party, a potential meeting with Hitler himself and his newly established spot in the SS and military all seemed to drive his intellectual choices and studies (Lifton, 2014, p. 339). He figured out a way to perfectly weave together his interest in the Nazi's ideals of anti–Semitism, his need for striving for personal power and control, and his studies on racial dominance, all of which lead him to Auschwitz where his real infamy began and would ultimately end. Mengele may have not been born with the goal of becoming powerful by ultimately being responsible for the death of an estimated 400,000 people in the Holocaust and for his inhumane medical experiments in Auschwitz, but his acquired and ... Get more on ...
  • 6. How Did Josef Mengele Use Medical Experiments During The... Dr. Josef Mengele was a doctor in the Auschwitz concentration camp. He conducted many medical experiments during the Holocaust. One of his experiments consisted on taking baby twins and sew them together to make Siamese twins, he would see if they could still live while doing these experiments. Another thing he did to twins was that he would inject different types of drugs into them and see what would the drug do to them and also see if they could last through all of the injections. If he messed up one on of the twins he would always have another one to test on. Freezing people was also another experiment that he conducted to people and especially men. He would stick the men into a freezer which was at zero degrees. If they didn't put them ... Show more content on ... A camp prisoner's day began with an early–morning wake–up call, followed by a wash in dirty water(Steele 52). They then had to quickly go outside and stand perfectly still while the Nazis called out their numbers. It would take the Nazis several hours to call out everyone's numbers. Sometimes they would do it a second time because when they were standing still for hours they could pass out or even die from standing that long and those standing next to them couldn't do anything about it until after roll call. After roll call the Jews would go straight to work without anything to eat until lunch. At lunch time they would all line up with their bowls and wait to get watery soup. Those who were at the back of the line get nothing but water. When they were finished with their lunch they had to go back to work. They would work for the rest of the day until dinner time. At dinner, the prisoners were lucky to even get a small piece of burned bread and after dinner the Jews would go to bed. "By the time that the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. How Did Josef Mengele Affect His Family Dr.Death Josef Mengele is known as the angel of death.What did he do to become that and what did he do to get that name and how did everything Josef has done effect his family?Josef Mengele was born on March 16,1911.He was the oldest out of his siblings.When Josef grew up, he got a PhD from the university of Munich in 1935.Before he was a doctor in the Holocaust.Josef joined the military for a short time because Josef got injured and he could not come back to military for that reason.Not too long after that he joined the 'national socialist german workers' in 1938.That was when he wanted to be a medical service for the holocaust. Josef got inspired by Von Verschuer. Soon after he volunteered to be a doctor in the Holocaust, but he did not get,has gotten to be a doctor first thing.Josef's first job was to choose who gets to be gassed.That is how he got the name "Angel of Death".Mengele was only 32 years old when he gassed 750 women in the gas chamber.The population who worked there had to get intoxicated to cope ... Get more on ...
  • 8. How Did Josef Mengele Medical Experiments The Holocaust was led by Adolf Hitler during World War II. There were many countries involved such as, the United States of America, Italy, France, and Germany. The Angel of Death also known as Dr. Josef Mengele was one of the most famous doctors that worked in the internment camps. Some of the experiments were on twins and dwarfs. Dr. Mengele used a lot of different experiments against the Jews and there are lasting effects/remnants from the experiments. During the first phase of experiments, pairs of twins and people with abnormalities through heritage were put on display for Dr. Mengele and were assigned to go through all conceived medical examinations. These people had their picture taken. Plaster casts were made from their own jaws and teeth. They were also toe printed and fingerprinted. As soon as the ... Show more content on ... The tub of ice water proved to be the fastest way to drop the body temperature. The victims of these experiments were young, healthy Jews and Russians. Usually they were stripped and were to be prepared for their experiments. An insulated probe, which measured the drop in the body's temperature was put into the rectum. The probe was held in the rectum by an expandable metal ring that would have been composed to open the inside of the rectum to hold it thoroughly in place. After they got the probe in place the victim would then be placed into a tub of ice water and begin to freeze. It was later learned that most victims strayed from consciousness and died when their body temperature dropped down to 25 degrees Celsius. The intense winters in Auschwitz made a natural place for some of these experiments. The other way to freeze a victim was to restrain them on a stretcher and take them outside naked (Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Dr. Josef Mengele: Inhumane Experimental Activities Essay Josef Mengele, SS physician notorious for his inhumane experimental activities upon Jewish prisoners of the Auschwitz death camp during WWII. Mengele performed both physical and psychological experiments towards both identical and fraternal twins. He preformed experimental surgeries without anesthesia, made injections with lethal germs, as well as attempting to change eye color with harsh chemicals. Mengele was commonly referred as "The Angel of Death." Josef Mengele was born on March 16th, 1911 in Günzberg Bavaria, Germany. Josef was the eldest of his three children to Karl and Walburga Mengele. His father was a successful manufacturer of farming machinery. In 1935, Josef earned a Ph.D. in physical anthropology from the ... Show more content on ... Mengele had his collection of twins confined in a special block that was specifically for his experiments. The twins' were often treated better than other Jewish prisoners, he protected his prisoners from harsh labor assignments and made sure that they were always clean, He gave them clean clothes and candy. He allowed the children to call him 'uncle' they were known as "Mengele's Children." Dr. Mengele was said to be friendly and comforting especially towards the young children. He loved to sit with them and tell stories, he wanted the children to be as comfortable as possible with him, even though he clearly believed that the prisoners were less than human and acted upon that belief. Mengele experimented on twins strictly for research his research was then recorded and sent to his mentor Dr. Verschuer, yet his intended objective had always been the death of the children. Mengele had a wide variety of experiments he often experimented on one twin in which he preformed surgery or anything physically without anesthesia and on the other twin he studied them mentally such as how long one can live without sleep or food and water. Occasionally, if a twin seemed to be rather "interesting" physically or mentally, Mengele would inject them with a disease and see if they can be treated and if not ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Josef Mengele Research Paper Josef Mengele is one of the world's most known Auschwitz scientists. Although his experiments were gruesome and evil, we learned much about the human body. We came out of WWII knowing much more about genetics because of Dr. Mengele's experiments. In WWII, Dr. Mengele, nicknamed "Angel of Death", used Nazi concentration camps to perform scientific experiments on "undesirables", through using; children, undesirables, and extermination. Josef Mengele's main interest was children. During Auschwitz, he experimented on many children, but was specifically interested in twins. Over 1,000 twins were involved in Josef Mengele's experiments. (Jon Nordheimer). He would sew them together, even torture one twin to see if it would hurt the other. However, ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Josef Mengele : The Angel Of Death Being ripped away from loved ones only to never see them again is one of the worst things to experience, especially at a young age. This happened all too often during the Holocaust. Many families would ride a train to a death or labor camp. A labor camp is simular to a death camp, but the nazi's who run the camp make those who are captivated do pointless work. These were excuses used put to the end of lives of innocent human beings whom Hitler needed to put the blame on. A lot of these people put through these horrible events were twins. Josef Mengele, also known as "The Angel of Death," was born March 16, 1911 (Walker). He was known as The Angel of Death. The worst of the worst who ran these experiments was born March 16, 1911. Josef Mengele, also known as "The Angel of Death" ( Walker ). Mengele was the most popular out of his town and also was the oldest of three ( Bulow ). People loved him as a kid. Once Mengele was old enough to attend college, he attended the college of Munich where he received his Ph. D. in philosophy ( Bulow ). He then attended Frankfurt University, receiving his medical degree the same year He joined the Nazi party in 1937 ( "Mengele" ). Josef Mengele joined the SS in 1938 at Auschwitz Concentration Camp, where he was chief of the gas chambers ( Bulow ). At the start of his career, a block where 750 women stayed was infested with lice. His solution to rid of this problem before it spread worse was to send them to the "showers," which was ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Josef Mengele Informational Outline Topic: Josef Mengele General Purpose: To inform Specific purpose: To inform the audience about Josef Mengele, a doctor in Auschwitz and a psychological quandary. Thesis: From his early life to his insane experiments, Josef Mengele is a perfect model of the evils humans are capable of. I. Introduction a. Attention Getter: Josef Mengele, Angel of Death, the man that ordered the death of around 1.6 million people. Men, women, old, or young, no one was an exception. At the point of a finger they were sent to the gas chambers. Prisoners learned quickly that he was someone whose orders were to be followed without argument. Names such as Lord of Life and Death, Dr. Auschwitz and even God were commonly used by ... Show more content on ... From 1938 to 1939 Mengele spent six months with a specially trained mountain regiment in Tyrol. 12. Then, in 1940 he served in the reserve medical corps 13. After this, he spent three years with a Waffen SS unit leading to a wound causing him to be declared medically unfit for combat 14. He earned four decorations for his service in the SS unit, including the Iron Cross First Class and Second Class, which are medals awarded for bravery in battle as well as other military contributions in a battlefield environment. III. Now that I've discussed Mengele's life prior to Auschwitz, I will tell you about his time spent there. f. Josef Mengele arrived in Auschwitz unaware of the evils he would discover during his stay; however his quick adjustment to the cruelty of Auschwitz is a sign of his ability to rationalize the irrational. viii. Mengele had several reasons for wanting to come to Auschwitz. 15. The main reason for his asking to be sent to Auschwitz was the many opportunities Auschwitz could provide for his research. 16. All of his scientific works suggest his commitment to incorporate science into the Nazi vision. 17. "Dr. Mengele had the air of a man who took great satisfaction in his work and was pleased with his calling." Wrote one inmate. 18. Mengele came to be a name feared by most living in the camp; it was well known he was not someone to be crossed ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Josef Mengele Research Paper Rosa Castro 106 Reading Lab 10/18/17 Josef Mengele Josef Mengele was a Doctor and a Official from Germany he was know as the angel of death. He was born in march 16th 1911. Mengele was the eldest of three brothers and he was always a good student. In January of 1937 was assistant of doctor Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer. He was a scientist who studied genetics which had a great interest in twins. Mengele then wrote a thesis about Cleft lip and cleft palate, qualified very well which made Josef get a doctorate in medicine. Year later mengele married Irene Schönbein with whom she contracted her only son named Rolf. During the year 1937 and 1938 Mengele joined the Nazi party and also the SS. Some months after the Second World War in 1949 Mengele volunteered for the medical service of the Walffen–SS (They were the elite fighting body of the Schutzstaffel). Then sent a request for the service of the transfer to the concentration ... Show more content on ... For example, typhus among others to see how his body reacted to a twin. When one twin died as a consequence of the experiments, the other was killed with chloroform and thus able to make comparatives post mortem reports to see how each body reacts. The mengele experiments on the eyes were to try to change the color of the iris by injecting chemicals. After these procedures many were blind or lost one eye or both. Even one a witness who said that mengele in their attempt to create Conjoined twins sewed up two twins but then both died by the gangrene after so many days of suffering. In addition, mengele was responsible for the public health measures in the camp. for example, when there was an outbreak of typhus in the barracks of women, 600 women were gassed and fumigated the barracks. After the war ended, mengele run away and lived in Latin America with false identifications. Josef died on February 7, 1979 of an attack while he was swimming in ... Get more on ...
  • 14. How To Write A Research Paper On Josef Mengele Daisy Goeppner & Isabel Seldomridge Mrs. Cox/5th hour 3/20/17 Josef Mengele Josef Mengele was an SS physician, famous for his twisted medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners at Auschwitz. Mengele was born on March 16, 1911, in Gunzburg. He was the oldest son of Karl Mengele, a manufacturer of farming implements. At the University of Munich in 1935, he earned a anthropology, the study of human societies and cultures and their development. In January 1937, he came the assistant of Dr. Otmar von Verschuer, a widely known scientists for his research with twins. One of the things that Dr. Mengele used was eugenics. Eugenics is the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable characteristics. The study of eugenics actually came from California. Eugenics was born as a scientific curiosity in the Victorian age. In 1863, Sir Francis Galton theorized that if talented people only ... Show more content on ... They performed cruel experiments under the name of scientific inquiry. Hitler's physician, Karl Brandt, said that the camps were the perfect laboratories for their experiments. The doctors in the camps thought of the people as experiments and worthless. To them, using them for medical purposes was a way to make their life meaningful, and if they died because of this nothing was lost. They put gasoline inside of people and then shocked them with electricity to see if this would kill them, and they took away food from prisoners and watched how long it would take to starve to death. According to Tamara L. Roleff, the author of The Holocaust: Death Camps, "The final objective was the production of pure Germans in numbers sufficient to replace the Czechs, Hungarians, Poles, all of whom were condemned to be destroyed, but who for the moment we're living on those territories declared vital to the Third Reich. (Nazi ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Dr. Josef Mengele's Cruel Experiments During The Holocaust Dr. Josef Mengele's Cruel Experiments During the Holocaust, Dr. Mengele was the symbol of Nazi cruelty and mysticism due to his tortuous experiments, mass murders, and gruesome experiments done in the name of science. The starting of Mengele's experimental interests began when he became anxious to make a name for himself; he searched for the secrets of heredity. The Nazi ideal of the future would benefit from the help of genetics. If Aryan women could give birth to blonde and blue eyed children, the future could be saved (Rosenburg, "Mengele's Children: The twins of Auschwitz"). In 1937 Dr. Josef Mengele joined the Nazi party, then in 1938 he went to the SS. In 1942 he was wounded at the Russian front and pronounced unfit for duty. After that he volunteered ... Show more content on ... He was sent to the death camp, Auschwitz. Mengele was nicknamed the "Angel of Death"; he became the surviving symbol of Adolf Hitler's "Final Solution" (Louis Bülow, "Angel of Death"). Mengele tested a number of methods in effort to develop an efficient and inexpensive procedure for the mass sterilization of Jews, Roma, and other groups that were considered to be racially or genetically undesirable ("Nazi Medical Experiments"). Besides that he had a fascination for finding twins once the arrival ramps came and other unique children to begin doing experiments ("Who was Josef Mengele"). As a doctor at Auschwitz, Mengele rarely offered treatment to those who were sick. His treatment for any disease that might cause an epidemic was simple, if even one prisoner showed symptoms of a contagious disease every inmate in that barrack would be gassed and the barrack disinfected. He was known to do this on over 30 occasions (Nazi Medical Experiments). He had hoped to use the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Josef Mengele, The Angel Of Death Introduction Josef Mengele, the Angel of Death, spent 30 years on the run from officials and was never caught("After"). Josef Mengele was a German doctor. He conducted experiments on prisoners in Auschwitz. He was also a war criminal after the ending of the war. Josef Mengele intensified WWII in many ways, and this will be shown through his life, in Auschwitz, and in South America. Life To fully apprehend Josef Mengele one must first understand his life and how certain events may have affected him. Josef Mengele was born in Gunzburg, Germany on March 15, 1911(McKale). He mother was Walburga Mengele and his father was Karl Mengele("Life"). He was the eldest of three sons; Karl and Alois("Life"). His father was a local industrialist and wanted him to work in his factory("Life"). This might of made him upset because he wanted to be a doctor. Josef's mother forced them to be devout Catholics("Life"). He would often describe his mother as not capable of loving("Life"). This might have caused some of his issues in his later life("Life"). Josef was a good student but had an erratic personality("Life")(Posner). His erratic personality often scared prisoners of Auschwitz. He was as well a self–confident kid("Life"). Josef Mengele was accepted to the University of Munich("Life"). He began to attend ... Show more content on ... He was the chief doctor of Auschwitz from 1943 to 1945(Ewers). The camp inmates would call him the "Angel of Death"(McKale). They would call him this because he would do experiments on people and kill them. He personally selected over 400,000 prisoners to die in gas chambers(McKale). Josef used his service as a Nazi doctor as a springboard toward an academic career(Koren). He would pluck out hunchbacks, pinheads, hermaphrodites, giants, dwarfs, obese men, and corpulent women but spared Germans(Koren)("Life"). He would traumatize prisoners and show them his wall of eyeballs("Life"). He was a ruthless, cold blooded ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Josef Mengele Research Paper The Cruelty of Dr. Mengele and the Nazis Jenkins 1 Dr. Josef Mengele was a Nazi scientist at Auschwitz concentration camp, where he performed horrible Experiments on innocent people. One of Dr. Mengele?s main interests was twins. He performed many experiment on them. Most of them involving injecting one twin with lethal chemicals or viruses making them really sick. Then usually died within a few weeks. (Rees 180) One case was with Eva Moses Kor and her twin sister Miriam, who were Jewish concentration camp prisoners in Auschwitz. Eva was injected with a virus that made her extremely sick. She tried to hide the fact that she was sick, but unfortunately her attempts failed. She was sent to building 21 where she received no food, water, ... Show more content on ... (George 87) Since the day he arrived in Auschwitz, on May 24, 1943 (Gilbert 581) he was cruel and full of hatred. He used his position to torture and kill innocent people. He hid behind the pursuit of knowledge to justify his actions. The inmates refered to him as ?The Angel of Death?. (George 87) Over the course of a year and a half Dr. Mengele took part in at least seventy four selections of prisoners for either the gas chamber, medical experiments, or work detail. (Gilbert 582) Nazi experiments became a very common thing in concentration camps. Nazi scientists experimented on human subjects who were prisoners in the camp. Many of these experiments were excruciatingly painful, and almost all caused people to die. Many became extremely ill and had to fight off illness alone since the SS wouldn?t treat them. Survivors suffered from complications later on in life. Many were diagnosed with terminal illnesses like cancer, tuberculosis, ect. One of the worst experiments was the salt water experiment. During this experiment polish prisoners were given only salt water to drink. This caused people to become severely dehydrated, have massive organ failure, and hallucinate. Some people became so desperate for fresh water they would lick the floors that were freshly mopped just so they could hydrate themselves. Most people died within a few days from organ Failure. ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Josef Mengele : The Angel Of Death Essay Josef Mengele, known to many as the Angel of Death, was one of the most infamous doctors in the Holocaust. Born to a German, upper class, devout Catholic family in 1911, Mengele began feeling a sense of social, religious and racial superiority at an incredibly young age ( In 1931, he joined a nationalistic veteran's organization and began growing incredibly fascinated by the Nazi regime; reinforcing his already established framework of personal supremacy. At this early stage, the path to infamy and finding power, superiority and control was starting to be paved. He joined the SS in 1938, was drafted into the army in 1940, and began his studies in anthropology and racial morphology around the exact same time; a deadly combination ( His fascination with the Nazi party, a potential meeting with Hitler himself and his newly established spot in the SS and military all seemed to drive his intellectual choices and studies (Lifton, 2014, p. 339). He figured out a way to perfectly weave together his interest in the Nazi's ideals of anti–Semitism, his need for striving for personal power and control, and his studies on racial dominance, all of which lead him to Auschwitz where his real infamy began and would ultimately end. Mengele may have not been born with the goal of becoming powerful by ultimately being responsible for the death of an estimated 400,000 people in the Holocaust and for his inhumane medical experiments in Auschwitz, but his acquired and ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Why Is Josef Mengele Considered The Angel Of Death? I felt the prick of the needle. I felt the cold operating table. I saw cold face of a man in a white coat. I found out that although I escaped death, I was welcomed to a much worse fate. I soon found out his name was Josef Mengele. Many medical experiments are done in the name of science however, the horrific procedures performed by Dr. Josef Mengele can hardly be considered scientific. Through examining the genetic experiments, military experiments, and anatomical capacities of the human body, it is clear why Mengele is considered the "Angel of Death". Mengele is from Günzburg, Germany. He was born to a prosperous father who own a factory which manufactured farming equipment. He was the first of three sons. He joined the Nazi Party in 1937, ... Show more content on ... Josef Mengele can hardly be considered scientific. Through his actions with his experiments and selection process it is clear as to why he is called the "angel of death". In the immediate post–world war Mengele found himself in custody of the US army, he was quickly released as the US was unaware of who Mengele was at the time. From the summer of 1945 to the spring of 1949 Mengele worked on a farm under false papers in Rosenheim, Bavaria. In 1949 his prosperous family helped him with his escape to Argentina. In 1959 a warrant for his arrest had been issued in West Germany and in 1960 and extraction order had been placed. Scared of the Capture of Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires (Argentina), Mengele fled to Paraguay and eventually to Brazil. He spent the final years of his life in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He died while he was on vacation in Bertioga, Brazil. He was swimming in a resort pool, when he suffered from a stroke and died. He was confirmed dead on February 7, 1979. He was buried under the fake name Wolfgang Gerhard. In 1992 Germany authorities exhumed his body and were able to undoubtedly identify it as Josef Mengele (Josef Mengele). He died escaping justice and going unpenalized for the death and torture of hundreds of thousands of individuals for 34 ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Josef Mengele Research Paper Acts of a Perpetrator, Josef Mengele To be a perpetrator, usually you are mean, or evil to ones around you, such as in the Holocaust; the Nazi's were perpetrators. Josef Mengele is an SS Nazi Doctor at Auschwitz who fulfilled his role as a perpetrator, who seemed to enjoy being a brutal man. He had to have been an emotionally strong man, to send prisoners to meet their last breath, face to face. In the historical event of the "Holocaust", Josef Mengele shares his experiences of providing life or death for the prisoners. There were rescuers in the Holocaust too, but SS Doctor Josef Mengele was a perpetrator and was successful at what he did. Being responsible is important and when you are placed in command of things, you must be really trustworthy. Josef Mengele played an important role. "In that capacity, he was responsible for the one differentiation and selection of those fit to work and those destined for gassing (Paragraph)." It is an example of being a perpetrator because it is explaining his responsibility of being mean and hateful to the prisoners. His choices reflect the outcome of the events to happen to the prisoners. As an SS Doctor, his experiences are horrifying to the audience who hears about it. "Josef Mengele was a Nazi doctor at Auschwitz extermination camp ... Show more content on ... This all can be seen by knowing he was an SS Nazi Doctor at Auschwitz. Also, hearing of his enjoyment of deciding the fate of the prisoners, led the readers to describe Mengele as a perpetrator. Mengele had a negative impact on the world around him in everyday life of those who read and understand the actions of the Holocaust. If Mengele had never of existed, the prisoners would have never died so soon. Some of the innocent prisoners were children, and they died for no reason because of Mengele and other so called ... Get more on ...
  • 21. How Did Josef Mengele Study Twins Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911 in Gunzburg, Germany. Mengele is most famous for studying twins. He studied Jewish and gypsy twins, wanting to make them more like the Aryan race. To do this, he injected chemicals into their eyes to make them blue, pretended to be nice to children so they would let him do this. In addition, Mengele drew blood from twins, taking so much from some that they bled to death. After these twins had died, he would dissect their bodies. In one experiment, he sewed two sisters together to make them siamese twins. Mengele also did experiments on other people, although it was less common. He impregnated girls with their own brothers or even their fathers. Other experiments he did include: performing sex changes, ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Josef Mengele Naturally Evil Josef Mengele tortured and killed many prisoners who stayed at Auschwitz in the worst, and most inhumanly ways possible. Dr Mengele was known for conducting amputations on prisoners ("Rantings of a Nazi Monster 1"). Other surgeries and experiments that Dr. Mengele conducted included radiation, electricity, and other evil methods ("Josef Mengele 3"). He didn't just perform experiments on adults, he also did it to children. Supposedly, in only one night, Josef used injections and killed fourteen innocent children("Josef Mengele 3"). To make it even worse, after he killed his victims, he would dissect and perform autopsies on their soulless bodies("Josef Mengele 3"). So, those poor prisoners that died in Dr. Mengele's possession never had a proper burial. Although many ... Show more content on ... Mengele's experiments stated, "My body most of the time was connected to tubes which inserted some drugs into my body. Many days I was tied up for hours" ("Personal Statements From Victims of Nazi Medical Experiments" 1). This quote shows yet again the terrible actions that Dr. Mengele was guilty of and proves that most humans are naturally evil. Although Josef Mengele performed experiments on the prisoners that stood out to him, he was particularly interested in twins. Mengele was so obsessed with twins that he oversaw gruesome tests on 3,000 sets ("Rantings of a Nazi Monster 1"). There is no words to describe how painful and inhumane these tests and experiments were. A unlucky set of twins had to go through this odious experiment. "The next part of the examination consisted of tubes being forced through their noses and into their lungs. They were then ventilated with a gas which caused them to cough so severely they had to be restrained. The sputum from the lungs was collected for examination" ("Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi Medicine 1"). This was only one out of the thousands of experiments that Dr. Mengele performed during the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Analysis of Sanaotrium Purkersdorf by Josef Hoffmann Essay The Purkersdorf Sanatorium and the Fusion of Function and Design Stark white and machine–like from a distance, the Purkersdorf Sanatorium designed by Austrian architect Josef Hoffmann emanates a feeling of sterility. However, the building also exhibits a hint of luxurious charm upon closer observation. As the first major commission for the Wiener Werkstätte company, Josef Hoffmann was determined to introduce his forward looking ideas to the era. Through the sanatorium, Hoffmann successfully demonstrated not only the visual appeals of modern simplicity but also how modernism was appropriately adjusted to enhance the building's intended purpose. Having studied under renowned architect Otto Wagner, Josef Hoffmann was familiar with the ... Show more content on ... Even the lamps, tables and window designs mirror similar geometric patterns. By doing so, what Hoffmann has created is a harmonious environment that is both practical and visually soothing The sanatorium provided a diverse offering of programs and resources to patients. Their services included hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, special diets, etc. Their facilities included billiard rooms, reading rooms, music rooms, saloons, etc. Patients could access everything they needed to feel comfortable. The effective layout planning of the building contributed to effective therapy practices. Utilities and services were hidden in the basement, social gathering and dining spaces were on the first floor, and living quarters were on the second and third floors. This separation of spaces due to functions created an intuitive organizational structure. The luxury and layout referenced the style of a grand hotel, but included many quality health related benefits. With an array of functional offerings, each room in the sanatorium was designed to best serve the function of the room. For example, the bedrooms intended for tuberculosis patients had the largest windows to allow the greatest amount of sunlight possible.5 Just as functionally focused as the exterior, Hoffmann used the same concept of practicality when designing the interior elements of the Purkersdorf Sanatorium. As a traditionally trained artist, Hoffmann was not just an architect, but innovator in ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Inhumane Experiments that Happened in Auschwitz:... "He cut into me, without anesthetic,...The pain was indescribable. I felt every slice of the knife. Then I saw my kidney pulsating in his hand. I cried like a madman, I cried out the prayer; "Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one...And I prayed to die, that I might not suffer this agony any more." (Hall). This was said by a 'patient' of Dr. Josef Mengele, Mr. Yitzhak Ganon. Mr. Ganon was of the survivors of the inhumane experiments that took place in Auschwitz by the hand of the abominable man that is Josef Mengele. Josef Mengele was one of the most infamous men associated with the Holocaust, his cruel experiments on twins, jews, gypsies, and the other being held at Auschwitz made him widely known for his cruelty, warranting him the title of "The Angel of Death". How is an evil born? How does the Angel of Death get its wings? Josef Mengele was born in a small town in Germany where his father owned a reasonably successful farming equipment factory. He was the eldest of three brothers and was very close to his mother who is said to of been a cruel woman the factory workers feared. As a child, Joseph was a very charming and won people over with his wit. In Mengele's teen years he decided to pursue the career of a doctor and make a name for himself and rise from his father's shadow. Josef began his studies by getting a Ph.D. in anthropology, the science of human beings: especially of human beings and their ancestors, and then he continued his studies at The ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Josef Mengele Research Paper Josef Mengele a German SS officer and physician during World War II, is infamous for performing malicious medical experiments on prisoners at Auschwitz concentration camp, in contemplation of creating the perfect Aryan race. Mengele is a prominent member of the doctors responsible for the selections of innocent people who were killed within the camp's gas chambers. Mengele aided prodigiously in the attempt to fulfill the Nazi's "Final Solution"; their plan to exterminate the Jewish race. By looking at Dr. Josef Mengele, one can see that he was patently deranged by his malicious ways, which is important because it gives reasoning for why he aided in the deaths of many Jews during the Holocaust with no remorse or mercy. Notably, through his focus on conducting in humane experiments on Jews and the selections at the concentration camps, Dr. Josef Mengele aided in completing the merciless task of Hitler's Final Solution. "And, in a soft voice, he read out about ten numbers. We had understood. These were numbers chosen at the selection. Dr. Mengele had not ... Show more content on ... "Three days a week, they were marched to blood labs in Birkenau, where they stood naked for hours waiting to be injected with chemical cocktails, ranging from toxic chemicals and scarlet fever to the blood of the opposite sex," expresses Watson. Mengele devotedly marched his patients to blood labs three days every week, in order to gather research and fulfill the goals of the Nazi; this further insinuates that he was committed to his occupation, regardless of how much misery it caused the innocent victims. Wiesel accentuates this idea by stating that "Dr. Mengele took stock of them from head to foot" (65). Mengele was clearly deranged, due to the fondness he expressed towards his wicked occupation, thus also revealing why he was so dedicated to such an inhumane ... Get more on ...
  • 26. How Did Josef Mengele Use Scientific Experiments Josef Mengele was a physician that worked in Auschwitz during the Holocaust. He was interested in experimenting on twins, Gypsies, dwarves, giants, and those that had physical abnormalities such as heterochromia, or a club foot [1]. Mengele would conduct pseudo–scientific experiments on his test subjects. He was a part of the ensemble of doctors that decided who would be sent to the gas chambers upon their arrival to Auschwitz. Most of these were pregnant women, the elderly, and children[2]. During that time, he would look for twins and others that he would experiment on. Mengele would visit the infirmary and order that anyone who had not recovered in two weeks would be sent to the gas chambers. He would also supervise the distribution of ... Show more content on ... Mengele and other Nazi officials managed to get rid of most of Mengele's and other doctors' research on the inhumane experiments that took place in Auschwitz. After all evidence was destroyed, Mengele fled West of Auschwitz, but was soon arrested by the United States army. Mengele showed no indication that he was a huge war criminal, or a tattoo of an SS blood group, which identified members of the Waffen–SS. This led the United States army to free Mengele, even though he was on a list of huge World War II criminals that needed to be captured. Once Mengele was freed, he worked humbly as a farm stableman in Bavaria. In 1949, Mengele traveled to Argentina with the protection and help of his family and other Nazi officials that were able to escape as ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Josef Mengele Hero A mad–scientist by definition is "a stock character in popular fiction; a bubbling scientist working on unlikely ways to save the world, or a villainous one best on destroying it." ("mad..."). We were raised hearing the story of Frankenstein and his monster, but what if mad–scientists were in fact real. Many people see Joseph Mengele as a ruthless murderer, but he actually had a whole lot to do with the survival of individuals every day. Many don't give him the credit of his findings because it was done under eerie circumstances, but without Mengele we would not have the information we have today about the human body. Josef Mengele was the most influential mad–scientist of modern medicine. Josef Mengele was raised in Günzburg, Bavaria, Germany ... Show more content on ... N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2016. Brown, Andrew. "I Do Science Everyday." Quora. N.p., 22 Jan. 2014. Web. 12 May 2016. Fox, Whitney. "The Life of Josef Mengele." The Life of Josef Mengele. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2016. Franklin, Cory. "When Are You Officially Dead?" Chicago Tribune. N.p., 10 Jan. 2014. Web. 12 May 2016. Lifton, Robert Jay. "WHAT MADE THIS MAN? MENGELE." The New York Times. The New York Times, 20 July 1985. print. "Mad–scientist." YourDictionary, n.d. Web. 12 May 2016. "Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi Medicine." Editor. N.p., 19 Apr. 2015. Web. 12 May 2016. Posner, Gerald L., and John Ware. Mengele: The Complete Story. New York: McGraw–Hill, 1986. Print. Wikipedia contributors. "Miklós Nyiszli." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 27 Apr. 2016. Web. 12 May. 2016 Zimmer, Esther M. "Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg: Otmar Freiherr Von Verschuer." Otmar Freiherr Von Verschuer. Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg Trust, n.d. Web. 11 May ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Josef Mengele's Research Throughout World War II, multiple Nazi researchers and physicians experimented upon thousands of concentration camp prisoners, in painful and often deadly ways. Arguably the most horrific of them all was Dr. Josef Mengele and his experiments conducted on twins, dwarfs, and prisoners with physical abnormalities. Mengele's primary aim in research was to prove that certain traits such as eye colour, obesity, and nasal features were inherited and thusly could be bred out of existence. This interest stemmed from the Nazi obsession with a pure race, which ultimately led to the extreme violation and sterilization of "undesirable groups". (Skolnik, 2016, p. 84) The Ethics Josef Mengele was a product of the eugenics movement. The Eugenics theory ... Show more content on ... One of the main issues is whether or not it is ethically sound to use the results of the medical research that the Nazi's conducted during World War II; there is much debate on this topic, with some saying that the research should not be used because most of the experiments were not well designed, which would result in data that is valueless. Others argue that although the data may have value, it is not ethical to use it because of the horrible ways in which the data was obtained. (Skolnik, 2016, p. 84). Another lesson that can be imparted from the occurrences of the Holocaust is the need for some type of regulation on a global scale of the research and medical practices taking place all over the world; although this is a very complicated and difficult practice, and although the vast majority of researchers would never commit such atrocities, if researchers such as Josef Mengele are left to carry out any experiments and procedures that they wish, the consequences could be terrible. Research cannot be carried out unchecked; there have to be ethical guidelines in place and these guidelines have to be enforced in some ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Josef Mengele Research Paper On March 16th, 1911, Josef Mengele, the eldest of three sons, was born to Karl and Walburga Mengele in Gunzburg, Germany. In his hometown of Gunzburg, Mengele was considered to be "refined, intelligent, and popular" ("Josef Mengele, Angel of Death"). His family was considered to be upper middle class as the Mengele's were the owners of a machine tools business. In 1935, Mengele earned a PhD in physical anthropology from the University of Munich. From there, he continues on to the Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene in Frankfurt. While there, Mengele "became the assistant of Dr. Otmer von Verschuer, a leading scientific figure widely known for his research with twins" ("US Holocaust Memorial"). In 1931, Josef Mengele joined ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Josef Mengele Case The struggle to convict Mengele went on year after year. Ten years after the war ended, Mengele's case was finally open, and by that time Memgele must have felt safe as he was residing under his own name (Wiesenthal 43). Mengele would move for remote farm all around South American to avoid the gun at his back (Tony). Mengele was living in Paraguay, enough money from his family's factories to live a comfortable life, but Paraguay would not extradite him as they said he was a Paraguay citizen with "no criminal record" (Wiesenthal 43). The West Germans made a last stand; they demanded the extradition of Dr. Josef Mengele from Paraguay, and the president gave in as they had just received three–million–dollars of add from the West Germans, but Mengele ... Show more content on ... Many of the Nazis involved had escaped to countries all around the world and a great deal are still free today ("About Simon Wiesenthal"). Germany has more than 90,000 Nazi war criminal names on file that are still at large, and thousands more that aren't named in any file ("About Simon Wiesenthal"). In some instances the United States government even shielded Nazi war criminals as hundereds of Nazi scientist were brought over to the States under Cold War projects like Project Paperclip (Sears). Six hundred and forty–two former Nazis were brought over without having to stand trial for any of their crimes (Sears). Wiesenthal believes that as anti–Semitism and racism continue, even after the last of the Nazis die off, the world is still at risk of repeating Nazis heinous crimes (Rosenblum). Wiesenthal helped found the Simon Wiesenthal Center to work to make sure that history doesn't repeat itself (Rosenblum). When the Simon Wiesenthal Center was created, Wiesenthal said he could die knowing the Center will carry on his legacy ("About Simon Wiesenthal"). Wiesenthal died without capturing all the Nazis on his list which isn't surprising given the process it took to capture one ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Josef Mengele : The Angel Of Death Being ripped away from loved ones only to never see them again is one of the worst things to experience, especially at a young age. This happened all too often during the Holocaust. Many families would ride a train to a death or labor camp. A labor camp is simular to a death camp, but the nazi's who run the camp make those who are captivated do pointless work. These were excuses used put to the end of lives of innocent human beings whom Hitler needed to put the blame on. A lot of these people put through these horrible events were twins. Josef Mengele, also known as "The Angel of Death," was born March 16, 1911 (Walker). He was known as The Angel of Death. The worst of the worst who ran these experiments was born March 16, 1911. Josef Mengele, also known as "The Angel of Death" ( Walker ). Mengele was the most popular out of his town and also was the oldest of three ( Bulow ). People loved him as a kid. Once Mengele was old enough to attend college, he attended the college of Munich where he received his Ph. D. in philosophy ( Bulow ). He then attended Frankfurt University, receiving his medical degree the same year He joined the Nazi party in 1937 ( "Mengele" ). Josef Mengele joined the SS in 1938 at Auschwitz Concentration Camp, where he was chief of the gas chambers ( Bulow ). At the start of his career, a block where 750 women stayed was infested with lice. His solution to rid of this problem before it spread worse was to send them to the "showers," which was ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Josef Mengele Essay Josef Mengele Josef Mengele was the oldest of three sons born to Karl and Walburga Mengele in the village of Gunzburg. Karl was a local industrialist who owned a plant that manufactured farming equipment. He was known as a stern but fair employer and a hard worker. It was his wife Walburga, however, whom his employees feared the most. A big woman with a terrible temper, she was often known to walk the floor of her husband's factory and publicly tell off employees for being lazy and poor workmanship. Warnings were hurriedly passed down the production line whenever Walburga was seen walking towards the factory, and workers purposely avoided her to get away from her wicked temper. Walburga ruled her home with an equal amount of ... Show more content on ... Peers and adults both greeted him as "Beppo," a kind nickname for the young boy. Josef was never at the top of his class but still was seen as a bright student. He was well behaved, punctual, and often received praise from teachers for his actions. As Beppo got older he still worked on his social skills and was considered a handsome young man. Mengele is remembered as someone who had self–confidence, charming, and a good speaker he caught the eye of the village's young women. Mengele at this age liked dressing nice in hand–tailored clothes and where he came up with his trademark, white cotton dress gloves, gloves that Auschwitz survivors used to distinguish him from other SS doctors. During this time Josef's dreams came into conflict with his father, Karl wanted his oldest son to work at the factory with him he wanted Josef to become an accountant. However, young Josef dreamt of a career beyond the business world and beyond his home. Josef wanted to leave Gunzburg and pursue a career in science and anthropology. He show his ambitions Josef would talk to friends and say that his name would one day be in the encyclopedia. In 1930 Josef graduated from the Gunzburg gymnasium, or high school, and passed his Abitur, a college entry exam. His score was the greatest but it was still good enough for him to be accepted to the University of Munich. At the time Munich was the start of the growing National ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Josef Mengele Research Paper Dr Josef Mengele was a German (SS) solider and a Nazi doctor at Auschwitz death camp during WWII. Dr Mengele was known as the 'Angel of Death' of 'White Angel' because of his cruel gruesome experiments he performed on prisoners. Dr Josef Mengele, with his role of Nazi doctor at a famous death camp, was cruel and cold–hearted because of his gruesome experiments on prisioners. Mengele was the eldest of three children and was born March 11, 1911 in Gunzburg, Germany. Dr Mengele performed medical experiments on men, women and children prisoners of Auschwitz Death Camp. Mengele was given complete freedom under secrecy enabling him to give lethal injections, dissect, shot, freeze and even castarate his prisoner test subjects. These lethal injections, made from germs were used in attempt to artificially change the subject's eye colour. The test subjects also known as the prisoners, either died from the experiment or from being shoot, very few survived. However, post mortem examinations were conducted whether they did from the experiment or ... Show more content on ... The man Mengele was working with, Dr Omar Von Verschuer, was also widely known for having a fascination with twins, more specifically identical twins. Mengele performed a range of experiments on as many as 1500 sets of twins. Some of these experiments were chemically changing eye colour, conjoining twins and even seeing how long they could last with breathing in poisonous gas daily. He also attempted to work with genetics as he believed that genetics can help improve our futures. Dr Mengele a well–educated, experienced, research doctor at Auschwitz death camp believed that; if Aryan women could assuredly give birth to twins who were sure to be blond and blue eyed – then the future could essentially be saved. Mengele was a cruel man but there were still a few survivors from his gruesome ... Get more on ...
  • 34. How Did Josef Mengele Become Synonymous With Evil Josef Mengele is a name that has become synonymous with evil in more ways than one. In addition to his highly visible and significant role in Hitler's homicidal reign of horror, he was also involved in many medical experiments. He was then arrested in the year of 1946 for the murder of over a thousand innocent human beings, including children at the Death Camp Auschwitz. Despite people's wishes for him to stay imprisoned, he was later released in the same year he was imprisoned for unknown circumstances. This caused an investigation to follow later on as to why Dr. Mengele was roaming around free without any punishment. Dr. Josef Mengele wasn't just known for deciding people's fate with his main pointing finger, but he was also known for the number of barbaric medical experiments that he did on children and sometimes adults. Wanting to find the secrets of heredity, he'd ask SS officers to see if they could find anyone with unusual traits, including twins, whenever a new group of cattle cars loaded with prisoners arrived at Auschwitz. Although, when twins were usually found at camps such as Auschwitz, they usually turned out to be orphans. Therefore, many children, especially the one's with unusual traits, had frequently witnessed the murder of their beloved ... Show more content on ... Philip L. Sunshine was an officer who had contracted Deputy Assistant John W. Hicks of the FBI Laboratory to explore and confirm the possibility of using DNA typing to also confirm the identification of skeletal remains that might possibly belong to the famous Dr. Josef Mengele. Once confirmed, Deputy Assistant John W. Hicks suggested that the most appropriate DNA test to do was a DNA typing procedure that is also referred to as the "Polymese Chain Reaction (PCR) Dot Blot Test." Once the test results came in 1985, it was confirmed that the skeletal remains were Dr. Josef Mengele's. Apparently, he had died of a stroke while swimming in the loving country, ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Josef Mengele Research Paper Jarell Reyes Mr.Flanagan Josef Mengele "The Angel of Death" Many of Josef Mengele victims recall him as a sweet, almost father like figure. When visiting his child subjects, he introduced himself as "Uncle Mengele" and offered them sweets. Many of these children knew that Dr.Mengele would either be there savior or their death. Mengele's research subjects were better fed and housed than other prisoners and temporarily safe from the gas chambers but how can such a man be capable of acting so sweet when he's has killed many people by shootings, beatings and deadly experiments. Josef Mengele was born March 16, 1911. He was the eldest of three sons. Many think his mother is to blame for his evil acts in the concentration camps. His mom was ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Josef Mengele Research Paper Stationed in Auschwitz "The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing." This was spoken a head doctor to his Jewish inmates at the infamous Auschwitz concentration camp. He's quite important in history, because of the countless deaths he authorized. Josef Mengele, "Angel of death," greatly impacted history because of his participation in selection, his ruthless experiments and the killing of Jews. Josef Mengele's choice in selection in Auschwitz, the concentration camp, didn't go unnoticed Jews found it very scary to have such a calm man direct them to their deaths. Josef Mengele arrived in Auschwitz on May 24, 1943, when he was 32. There he spent 21 months and was appointed as the chief physician. He also helped with the selection decided which Jews died and which lived. He directed them left to die and right to live with a cane in his gloved hand. Directing people to their death with such a serious face was one of the reasons he got the name "Angel of Death." The only person that was directed left and survived was ... Show more content on ... Usually, he conducted experiments on people's abnormal features. Thousands of Jews were injected for his "experiments." Mainly he injected people with two different colored eyes. He studied and dissected twins and removed organs from healthy people just to see what happened. Many died from experiments while others were murdered, but when he wasn't experimenting on them he was nice. He was especially kind to the children, he would give them more food and candy and better clothing plus joke with them. Also the "Mengele kids" never got beaten by guards or forced to work. He encouraged kids to call him Uncle Mengele. Josef Mengele thought he would find something "groundbreaking" that he could ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Josef Mengele Research Paper Dr. Josef Mengele was a highly unpopular Nazi doctor who performed many horrific operations which put many men, women and children to rest. He was a cruel man and he was fascinated with twins, yet with all the sickening experiments he escaped prosecution. Josef Mengele was the eldest son of Karl Mengele, and was born the sixteenth of March, 1911 (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, August 18 2015). He was thought of as a smart, serious and showed obvious intelligent with ambition. In 1937 Mengele joined the Nazi party and then in June 1940 he was drafted into the army. He fought in the Russian Campaign and he was so badly wounded that he was considered unfit. He began his career at Auschwitz in the spring of 1943 as a medical officer. At Auschwitz he began performing many fatal operations. Josef Mengele's fascination with twins put as many as 1500 (3000 boys and girls) sets of permanently to sleep (Jamie Frater, March 14, 2008). He had an attraction with them, but in particular, identical twins. He attempted to work with genetics, by working through Vershuer who was famous for experimenting with twins to be able to trace the ... Show more content on ... These experiments included trying to change eye colour by injecting chemicals into the eye after this was performed his patients became blind or their eyes became infected (Jamie Frater, March 14, 2008). He also tested body rewarming by having the subjects sit in ice water and then have them stand outside, many of these subjects passed away (Jamie Frater, March 14, 2008). Along with this he also performed transfusions and amputations, and sewed twins together in an attempt to make conjoined twins and many people became infected and carried diseases (Louis Bülow, 2013). Although he performed many cruel operations he did treat his twins with good care. He would bring them chocolates, clothes and lollies and most of the children referred to him as uncle (Louis Bülow, ... Get more on ...
  • 38. How Did Josef Mengele Contribute To The Holocaust "The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it." This quote by Josef Mengele speaks to his time spent as part of the Holocaust. Historically, many may also know him as the Angel of Death. He is infamous for the inhumane experiments he did on the Jewish children during the Holocaust. Mengele was cruel and unapologetic. What he did, he believed he did in the name of Germany and science. Perhaps this lack of remorse and guilt is what is most intriguing about him. Mengele had an eventful life from his early years, to what he did in the Holocaust, to the time after the Holocaust was over. According to Wikipedia, On March 16th, 1911 Josef Mengele, one of the cruelest men on earth, was born. He was born in Günzburg, Germany and he was the oldest of three children. His father's name was Karl Mengele a prosperous manufacturer of farming implements. In 1935, the younger Mengele studied at the University of Munich and earned a Ph.D. in physical anthropology. Josef Mengele became an assistant of Dr. Otmar von Verschuer at the Institute for Hereditary Biology in 1937. Dr. Otmar von Verschuer was a scientist who was widely known for his research on twins. According to the US Holocaust Museum website, Josef joined the Nazi party in 1937. In 1938, he received his medical degree and joined the SS. He was ... Show more content on ... In January 1945 he fled Auschwitz as the Soviet Army was advancing through western Poland. To evade getting captured by the Soviet Union he made his way west after the Gross–Rosen concentration camp was evacuated. He was in United States custody, however, the United States was not aware that Mengele's name was on the list of wanted war criminals, and they released him. From the summer of 1945 until the spring of 1949 he worked under false papers as a farmhand near Rosenheim, Bavaria. With the help of his wealthy family, he then fled to ... Get more on ...
  • 39. How Did Josef Mengele Affect The Holocaust Have you ever wondered about the experiments performed on humans during the Holocaust? Dr. Josef Mengele, or more commonly known as the Angel of Death, was one the the infamous doctors to experiment and torture humans, more specifically, children, twins. Dr. Josef Mengele is a man of pure evil who was devoid of all feelings for the young twins of Auschwitz. The following paragraphs will tell you about Josef Mengele and his crimes. The Angel of Death was born in 1911 in Guenzburg Germany, his name was. Mengele left Gunzburg in October, 1930, to study at Munich University where he earned a PHD in Anthropology, then he got his medical degree at the University of Frankfurt Am Main. In 1937, Mengele decided to join the Nazi party. There, he met ... Show more content on ... Mengele's children did have privileges as well, as they were spared from beatings and forced labor, and they were allowed to keep their hair, They were given clean clothes as well as chocolates and sweets. They were allowed to call him Uncle Mengele. These affectionate actions of Mengele were not because of his impulse of humanity, but for winning the children's trust. This is what people call the "Devil's Charm". wTwins ere not the only ones who were collected, people with heterochromia different color iris, dwarfism, short people . They were all put into barracks which people then named the "zoo" because of all the "species" it held. Mengele did not perform all his gruesome experiments by himself, he had picked out a few talented prisoners with a educated history, to help him perform all these experiments. Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, a Jewish prisoner, volunteered to help the Angel of Death. Dr Miklos volunteered to help Mengele so he would spare his family in exchange. Mengele's lab was built beside a crematorium, to disposethe dead in a fast and easy manner. Mengele never really focused on his original goal of trying to find a way in for women to always give birth to those of blonde hair and blue eyes, instead he seemed more interested in how the children would react to certain ... Get more on ...