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Deuteronomy Chapter 28:
 In this chapter we will find more curses that were placed upon the children
of Israel, besides the ones that are written in Leviticus 26:, I will not be able
   to present all 68 verses and show how they directly affect us. But I will
present as many as possible, I assure you all 68 verses apply to the "Blacks"
                          of the western hemisphere.
    In this chapter, verses 1 through 14 are the BLESSINGS that would come upon
  Israel if they chose to follow Yah's laws and commandments. Verses 15 through 68
    are the curses that were placed on Israel if they chose to disobey the laws and
                                  commandments of Yah.
                      THE FIELD (RURAL AREA).
  These two verses tell us that everywhere you find Israel; these curses will be upon
  them. It doesn't matter if we are found in the city or in the country / rural or field.
     FACT: If you look at any "inner city" in the United States, you will find
    death and destruction like nowhere else. Many of these cities look like
   they belong in any war-torn country, they're devastated. These cities are
  largely populated by "African Americans", as this is where the majority of
  "blacks" in the United States live. Wherever you find a large population of
   "Blacks" living in rural / country areas, you will find the same death and
                destruction like you find in the urban city areas.
"Blacks" have been cursed in the city and fields
   for as long as we have resided in this country.      Just about everything "African Americans" have tried
                                                        to do to improve our living conditions as a people, has
According to Leonard P. Curry, author of The Free       failed. We have tried the political system (voting), the
Black in Urban America, 1800-1850, "More than a           educational system (attaining college degrees), and
third of the black population in cities like Boston        economics (capitalism). But all these genres have
                                                           been useless to us. Other Ethnic groups have been
 lived in blind alleys, cellars and lofts. Their poor        successful in bringing their people to a decent
and unsanitary living conditions created rampant        standard of living, when they use those same systems
 health problems and shortened their life spans".       (political, educational, and economics). We have been
                                                         in this country longer than almost every ethnic group
 While in chattel slavery, the living conditions on                   accepts the so-called Indians.
    the plantations (fields) were befitting beast.
                                                          We are behind all those other groups in just about
    Slaves lived in extraordinarily dehumanizing        every category of society. Every time we try to make a
        conditions that stripped them of their          move in POLITICS it fails, every time we try to make a
         courage, their labor and their lives.          move in ECONOMICS it fails, and so on and so on. And
                                                        the main reason for this is because we have forsaken /
 VERSE 19: CURSED SHALL YOU BE WHEN YOU                      forgotten Yah and have forgotten our special
 COME IN, AND CURSED SHALL YOU BE WHEN                      connection to him. Most importantly, we have
                                                        forgotten that we made a covenant with Him, in which
               YOU GO OUT.                                we promised to keep his laws. But we have broken
 These curses are going to follow the so-called              that promise and now we are suffering for it.
  "Blacks", for as long as they continue to sin             On the other hand, the Jews who claim they are
                  against Yah.                           descendants of the biblical Israelites have set their
    VERSE 20: YHWH SHALL SEND UPON YOU                    hand to do a lot of things and accomplished them.
                                                        They set their hand to get the land of Israel, they set
            CURSING (an evil oath of                     their hand against their enemies and a host of other
        misfortune, trouble), VEXATION                     things they have been successful at (things I will
 (Torment, Distress and Worry), AND REBUKE (to           mention throughout this dissertation). According to
                                                            the word of Yah, Israel is going to be cursed at
express sharp stern disapproval of), IN ALL THAT         everything they set out to accomplish. So this verse
  YOU SET YOUR HAND UNTO FOR TO DO UNTIL                    could not refer to the Jews, but it does refer to
  YOU BE DESTROYED, AND UNTIL YOU PERISH                ancient Israel and their modern day descendants who
                                                          are referred to as "Blacks" and African Americans"
  QUICKLY; BECAUSE OF THE WICKEDNESS OF                                          today.
(progressive wasting away of the body) AND WITH A
SWORD AND WITH BLASTING (to ruin, spoil, destroy and

       Verse 22 is referring to diseases and Lynching (killings). One of the worst episodes, of
           the life of a slave was the middle passage, the voyage from west Africa to the
         Americas. The conditions on the slave ships were unbearable; two to four hundred
          captives were packed like sardines in the bottom of the ships. In a book Entitled
                 BLACK CARGO, it describes the plagues on slave ships as follows:
        "Some wet and blowing weather having occasioned the porthole to be shut and the
          grating to be covered with blood and mucus which had proceeded from them in
        consequence of the flux that it resembled a slaughterhouse...Number of the slaves
             having fainted they were carried upon deck where several of them died".
             The disease that they feared most on the slave ship was smallpox, because the
           "doctors" had no way of curing it until the end of the 18th century. If one man had
       it, he could infect a whole ship, unless he was thrown overboard the first time the scab
       Extreme burning happen to the "African Americans" when mobs of whites would burn
       "Blacks" alive or burn their dead bodies after they had just lynched them and there is
                                  much documentation about this.
          Also When Verse 22 mentions the sword (weapon) and blasting (to destroy). It is
           talking about Israel ("Blacks") being destroyed, ruined by the weapons of their
            enemies. We have much documentation about this in our History also. This is
          supposed to happen to us, not one, two or even three times but for as long as we
                      continue to walk in opposition to The Father and His laws.
The majority of them will not "migrate" into all kingdoms of the
VERSE 25: YHWH SHALL CAUSE YOU TO BE SMITTEN                                             earth.
WAY AGAINST THEM AND FLEE SEVEN WAYS BEFORE                 This exact situation has happened to the so-called Blacks of the
THEM: AND SHALL BE REMOVED INTO ALL THE                      Western Hemisphere. We were REMOVED (by force, kidnapped /
                                                                 stolen) from the west coast of Africa and transported to
                                                           Europe, the Americas (North - Central and South), and the island of
No way could this verse refer to the modern day            the seas. Every other ethnic group including the Jews came to this
Jew, because as I pointed out in Leviticus 26:37 the         Hemisphere and country on their own free will (if they were not
Jews have defeated their enemies in all military               here already). Jews, Indians, Mexicans and others were not
battles, since 1948. They won the war of 1948-49, the       brought here against their will and scattered as so-called Blacks
war of 1956, the 1967 "Six Day War", the 1973 Yom                                         were.
Kippur War and the Invasion of Lebanon. Not only did
                                                           I must mention that the "Blacks" on the west coast of Africa (who
they win these wars they also were successful in
                                                                 are really Hebrews, a point I will prove later) were being
confiscating land from their enemies                         transported to all the Arab countries one thousand years before
(Jerusalem, Golan Heights, west bank etc.)                          the Europeans came to the shores of West Africa.
The scriptures clearly tell us that Israel is to be
smitten / defeated by their enemies.                             VERSE 28: YHWH SHALL SMITE YOU WITH MADNESS
This has happened to "African Americans" for over 400       (insane, foolish behavior), AND BLINDNESS (spiritual blindness)
                                                                   AND ASTONISHMENT OF HEART (panic and fear)
years. There are countless stories of Whites destroying
many towns of "African Americans" in a matter of days       It is insane and foolish for "African Americans" to imitate those
(just one example is the town of Rosewood).                 who have oppressed them for over 400 years. We want to be like
There are also many stories of "Blacks" being               our oppressors, so we dress like them, try to talk like them and
murdered where their White killers go without                even try to look like them. All this is done, so that we might be
punishment, it is very rare for a White person to get      accepted by the dominate society, but all we ever get is a big slap
the death penalty for murdering a "Black person", no                                    in the face.
matter how many they may have murdered.                    African Americans are in a deep, deep spiritual darkness, we have
As was previously stated in Leviticus 26: we haven't       become ignorant and unaware of the truth about our heritage and
historically been able to stand against our enemies as         our Creator. Instead, we have embraced the slave master's
the Jews have so if they are the children of Israel        religion, doctrines and culture, not realizing that it was under the
according to scripture, how are they able to defeat            auspices of his religion that we were enslaved. Our state of
their enemies?                                             madness and blindness has caused us to be astonished at our own
This would mean that the scriptures are not true. But                                    condition.
with the proper understanding, we now know that they        We are perplexed as to why we seem to be the most hated of all
are not descendants of the biblical Israelites, and that   races of men on the face of the earth. We are always the target of
the scripture are indeed true.                                discrimination, racism or police brutality. Rodney King, Emit
The last half of verse 25: says, Israel shall be            Till, James Byrd Jr. and Ricky Byrdsong, only represent a few of
REMOVED into all the kingdoms of the earth. To be                       the thousands of victims who have been
removed means to be moved by force, this is telling us     raped, lynched, beaten, shot and murdered for no apparent reason
someone (Israel's Enemies) is going to come and move       other than their "racial" identity. This is not to mention the host of
                                                           secret governmental or organizational plots and schemes aimed at
them by force.
                                                                             total annihilation of our people.
       This scripture says Israel is going to grope, which means to search around with
 uncertainty or blindly search. A blind man lives in a world of darkness, and he is forced
                         to grope in order to navigate his surroundings.
    Noonday is when the sun is at its highest peak in the sky, thus giving off the most
   light, the brightest point of the day. This verse is saying to us that Israel is going to
   search around with uncertainty like blind men while the sun is shining the brightest
     (this is symbolic for the word of Yah or the truth), trying to find a way out of their
                    terrible situation (the curses of DEUT 28: and Lev 26:)
      If you get 15 "Black" leaders in a room and have them discuss a solution to help
    "Blacks" lessen their problems, you would get 30 different answers, and not one of
                           them would be to return to Yah our Creator.

  There are so many different groups in the "African American" community who
 claim they're trying to help "African Americans" better our conditions. But all of
 these groups have very different ideologies and doctrines, even if they agree on
     what the major problems are, they still are unable to arrive at a common
  solution. The result is a confusion which keeps our minds from focusing on the
   most important issue of our existence. One would be hard pressed to find a
  house in the "Black" community that doesn't have a bible. Just about every so
called "Black" person has read or heard something about the bible. As a rule, it is
                        in some way a part of our upbringing.
   But, we as a people still don't understand that this book which the Gentiles
  (whites) hold up in such high esteem, is the very book that foretold our entire
history in the Western Hemisphere centuries before we arrived here. With all this
light (The scripture and History) shining toward us, we still are searching around
                       in a world of darkness like blind men.
In 1832 a U.S. Senator named Henry Berry said to the Virginia House of Delegates: "We
have as far as possible closed every avenue by which the LIGHT (truth) may
     enter the slave's mind. If we could extinguish the capacity to see the
light, our work would be complete. They would then be on the level with the
                                beast of the field".
 Freedom will only come through a "spiritual" awakening and healing of the problem that
 causes our captivity and prolongs our continued oppression. We must come back to Yah
                               our holy one the most high.
    The last half of verse 29 says Israel will not prosper in their ways and shall be only
                                oppressed and robbed always.
  "Blacks" as a people have not prospered in this country, right now we are in control of 1
   1/2% of the nation’s wealth. At the end of chattel slavery (1865) we owned 1/2% of the
      nation’s wealth. We buy any and everything and own little or nothing. The social
 acceptance and grants of wealth that the government has given to Europeans, Asians and
Hispanic immigrants, but withheld from "Blacks" left us decidedly ill-equipped to compete
with the more advantaged groups. We were not allowed to compete with whites at any level
      of life. No other racial or ethnic group has been confronted with such systematic
      opposition to their personal economic independence, and right to earn a living.
  We are living in the richest nation on earth, but still haven't prospered as other groups
  have in this country. On the other hand, the Jews have prospered. They are the major
     (newspapers and magazines) BANKS BOTH NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL.
   Even the Israeli Jews are prospering as this article from the Chicago Sun times May
                                    14, 2000 states:
"When it comes to business and investment           ANOTHER MAN SHALL LIE WITH HER: YOU SHALL
opportunity outside the United States, there         BUILD AN HOUSE AND YOU SHALL NOT DWELL
are few places more popular than Israel. More        THEREIN, YOU SHALL PLANT A VINEYARD AND
venture capital money is being spent in Israel        SHALL NOT GATHER THE GRAPES THEREOF.
than ANY OTHER NATION EXCEPT THE UNITED             This verse is saying, everything Israel has, is going
STATES. In all, foreign investment in Israel        to be taken or belong to someone else. Once again
totaled about $3.5 billion in 1997, up from $1.5     scripture is describing our situation in the West.
billion in 1996 and $400 million in 1992. There    During slavery, slave owners often took the wives of
also is more startup companies being formed in     "Black" (Israelites) slaves and slept with them. This
Israel than any nation other than the United        happened during the middle passage, and after the
                                                   slaves arrived on land. J.A. Steadman a slave trader
States: About one home-grown technology                 relays of his 5-year slave trade expedition:
company is started every three days. More than
100 Israeli companies, virtually all of them in       "If a Negro and his wife have ever too great an
the high-tech sector, are traded on the stock             attachment for each other, the woman, if
                                                   handsome, must yield to the loathsome embraces of
exchange in New York. Only the U.S. and
                                                     an adulterous and licentious manager or see her
Canada have more."                                  husband cut into pieces for endeavoring to prevent
Does this sound like a people who aren't                                    it".
prospering? Does this sound like a people who
are only oppressed and robbed? The answer is       This is just one account of many, which details how
                                                      slave masters and traders would rape "Black'
NO. But, on the other hand we have been under
oppression in the West for over 400 years. We
have been robbed of our                             Brick by brick, "Blacks" have built nearly every one
CULTURE, LANGUAGE, and HERITAGE AND                    of this nation's great cities. "Blacks" built the
IDEAS.                                              mansions of the south that the slave masters dwelt
                                                       in, while they were forced to live in run-down
The scripture also says that no man shall save
                                                    shacks. We are also the ones who planted not just
Israel. We have in our history countless men       the vineyards but all the crops and were not allowed
(and women) who have tried to save this                         to partake of any of the fruits.
people. Men such as: Frederick Douglass, Nat
Turner, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Elijah             This country was built on the backs of "Black"
                                                    people who till this very day have not been paid a
Muhammad, and a host of others who are just                dime for all our labor and troubles.
too numerous to name here.
  "Black" (ISRAELITES) families were ripped apart during the long harsh period of the Atlantic slave
trade. In some instances, the sons and daughters of "blacks" (Israelites) were captured while away from
 their parents, never to see them again. In other cases, entire families were taken into captivity, where
     parents often watched their children sold to different slave masters and different plantations.
         In his autobiography of 1745, a slave named Olaudah Equiano relates his experience:
   "I remember in the vessel in which I was brought over....there were several brothers who in the
sale, were sold in different lots and it was very moving on this occasion to see and hear their cries in

In another Slave narrative by a female slave name Linda Brent her narrative is called "INCIDENTS IN
  THE LIFE OF A SLAVER GIRL". She explains in detail her eyewitness account of a Hebrew family
                                being given to another people, she says:

  "On one of these sale days, I saw a mother lead seven children to the auction-block. She knew that
some of them would be taken from her, but they took all. The children were sold to a slave trader, and
     their mother was bought by a man in her own town. Before night her children were all far
HE REFUSED TO DO. How could he when he knew he would sell them one by one, wherever he could
 command the highest price? I met that mother in the street, and her wild haggard face lives to- day
                                      DOESN’T GOD KILL ME?"
                              YEA, HOURLY OCCURRENCE.
 Mothers and fathers were separated from their children. Trafficking children even became a specialty
for certain traders. Little slaves were often handed out as gifts. A favorite child, grandchild, or godchild
 might be given a little black boy or girl as a new play thing. All of these are historical facts that can be
 found in history books telling how slave masters sold children away from their parents. Many of these
                               accounts are written by the slaves themselves.

  But even today "African American" children are still being taken away from their parents. There are
over 600,000 children in child welfare services in the United States, and 70 to 80% of them are "Black"
 children. In some states the number is high as 90 to 95%. In the state of Illinois 88% of the children in
state custody are "Black". In the city of Chicago 95% of the children taken into child welfare are black
  This has become a huge problem in the "African American" community, the government is removing
                      mass amounts of "Black" children from their homes of origin.

   Not only are they removing "black" children from their homes, they have made it more difficult for
"Black" parents to get their children back, and easier for whites and others to adopt them. Many of the
        black parents who have children taken away from them also have their parental rights
          terminated, which means they no longer have any parental rights to their own child

 The reason why other people can adopt "Black" children more easily is because of legislation passed.
  The passage of the Multiethnic Placement Act in October 1994, states that agencies which receive
federal funds may not categorically deny to any person the opportunity to become an adoptive or foster
                      parent, solely on the basis of race, color or national origin.

 After these children are taken from their home, it's (in most cases) next to impossible for the parents
to get them back, even after they do what the state requires of them in order to regain custody. This is
  happening to "Black" children only (not Hispanic, Asians, Whites or Indians, because this curse has
                           been placed upon us just as the scriptures predict.

 In the year 2002 on the local news in Chicago (fox news), they presented a special report called ‘THE
     FORGOTTEN CHILDREN’. In this special they were showing how Northern Europeans and some
  Canadians are adopting black children in Mass. These children are removed from their black parents
         and given to these other people overseas. The report was shocking, but informative.

In this program, the women you see pictured were featured. Her name is Judy Pitcher, she adopted the
little black boy you also see pictured when he was less than a week old. Which means as soon as this
  baby was born he was taken from his mother, her parental rights were instantly terminated and the
                                  child was given to white Canadians.
Because "African Americans" have seen and see so much
discrimination, racism, hatred and death directed toward us that is
has literally driven many of us crazy, to the point that we are filling
up the mental institutions in this country.
We are also being diagnosed younger, and more often with mental
illness than any other racial group in the United States.
Psychologists say this is happening because we are under a
tremendous amount of race related stress.
Other's such as Dr. Naim Arkbar calls this "mad" behavior among
African Americans "Psychological Slavery". He says that we are
carrying around the psychological damage that was inflicted upon us
during slavery, thus making us behave as if we are still in chattel
And to add to that, we are still being treated as second class citizens.
Because of this we have become confused angry and dependent.
We are CONFUSED because we have no idea why we are being
treated in the manner that we are.
We are ANGRY because of the things that are happening to us.
And DEPENDANT because we depend on the ruling / dominate
population to find us a way out of this condition.
This is part of the mad insane behavior we exhibit.         Verse 36: also says that we are going
YES WE HAVE INDEED BECOME MAD, BECAUSE OF                    to worship gods (religions) of wood
THE SIGHT OF OUR EYES AND THE CONDITION                      and stone.
WE'RE IN (the curses of Deuteronomy and Leviticus).         Every religion have a god or gods, so
VERSE 36: YAH SHALL BRING YOU, AND YOU’RE                    in this verse "gods" also means the
KING WHICH YOU SHALL SET OVER YOU UNTO A                     various religions. And wood and stone
NATION WHICH NEITHER YOU NOR YOUR FATHERS                    refers to false religions because wood
HAVE KNOWN: AND THERE SHALL YOU, SERVE GODS                  and stone gods can't hear speak or
(Religions) WOOD AND STONE.                                  see and it also refer to actual wood
                                                             and stone idol gods.
During the time of the Trans-Atlantic slave
trade, when the "African" slave traders came and            In a 1996 study by Robert Taylor, an
raided the (Hebrew) villages. They would capture the         associated professor in the school of
entire village including the kings and would sell them       social work and the institute of social
to European slave traders, where they were brought           research at the University of
unto this strange land (THE NEW WORLD).                      Michigan. He found that "Blacks" are
When Moses pronounces this prophecy to the                   more religious than whites and the
                                                             nation at whole. Before this study, it
children of Israel, the United States was not a              was thought that because "blacks"
country (as we know one today). The entire western           are poorer than whites that they
Hemisphere was not yet known, to the majority of the         seem to be more religious. It's not a
"known world". Throughout biblical times the                 social class difference they found
Israelites had knowledge of the surrounding                  out, poor "Blacks" are more religious
lands, where they were taken into as captives. They          than poor whites, middle class
had no knowledge of the western hemisphere                   "Blacks" are more religious than
countries especially the United States, because as I         middle class whites and so on.
just mention the United States was not a nation yet.         "African Americans" are 12% of the
                                                             U.S. population but 80% of them are
It's not a coincidence that this part of the world was       religious (meaning that they are part
known as the 'NEW WORLD' and this is the land that           of a organize religion, pray daily, and
the Hebrew ("African Americans") were brought into           read religious material more and have
as captives, along with our self-appointed kings. We         a belief in a God).
were brought, to a nation neither us nor our fathers
knew about. A nation that was not known to the
entire world until thousands of years after this
prophecy was written.
The study also found out, there is no difference between
poor and middle class "blacks" one is just as religious as
the other. The scripture says we are going to serve gods
 (religions) and as the study in 1996 just proved, we are.
   "Blacks" are part of just about every religion on the
               planet. We are CHRISTIANS (all
   denominations), MUSLIMS (all denominations), JEWS
         (being a Jew is not the same as a Hebrew
Not to mention the various "African gods" (religions) that
we are and were in service to. Some of our people even
worship the many gods of the ancient Egyptians. But as
scripture shows this is just another characteristic of the
  true Hebrews. Now who else fits this prophecy more
This prophecy couldn't fit the Jews because 80 - 90% of
 them are what they call secular (meaning they don't
 believe in a "god"). They aren't serving any gods, the
      ones who are "religious" are in the minority.
YHWH SHALL LEAD YOU (in captivity).
Astonishment means a sad, pitiful amazement, so remarkable as to
elicit disbelief. The general attitude of some "black" people is so
disgraceful that it motivates other races to observe us with
astonishment. This is the reason many people are always asking the
question "why are blacks behind"? "They should be ahead of other
groups since they have been here for over 400 years". "African
Americans" have become an astonishment to the world, other people
are looking at us and wondering why we can't and haven't prospered in
the richest nation on earth as other ethnic groups do (including the
The word proverbs and bywords actually have the same meaning here
in the 37th verse. A proverb and byword are objects of general
reproach, derision, an epithet or scornful nickname. These proverbs
and bywords are nicknames that are used in a scornful manner in
substitution for our true nationality. Names such as -
Nigger, Negro, Coon, Blackey, Spade, and Porch Monkey and so on and
so on. These names are without a doubt proverbs and bywords, but so
are the names African Americans and Blacks. Because they also are
substitution for Israel true nationality, let me explain.
Africa is not a tribe, country, language or nationality, Africa is the name
of a continent. It's the 2nd largest land mass in the world. It has 53
countries with many different people, languages and cultures. Africa is
not a nationality because there's not a country on earth name
Africa, so you can't refer to a group of people as African in reference to
their national origin. The Ancient Egyptians, Nubians, Hebrews and
other people who are indigenous to that continent, never mentions a
place called Africa. And that's because the name Africa is Latin in it's
The name comes from the Romans who spoke Latin. Africa has become synonymous with black and
black skinned people, for the simple reason that the majority of the people who reside on that continent
are black skinned. And the majority of the black skinned people around the world have some kind of
ancestral ties to that continent. But this entire still doesn't change the fact that Africa is the name of a
The same can be said for AMERICA, it's not a COUNTRY, TRIBE, and NATIONALITY OR
LANGUAGE. America is also the name of a continent; it's divided into three parts
NORTH, CENTRAL AND SOUTH. The United States is a country on the continent of America, and in
the United States You has every ethnic / racial group living here. All these groups can name their
national homeland, no matter how long they have resided in this country. For EXAMPLE: Germans
are from Germany, Irish are from Ireland, Italians from Italy, Mexicans are from Mexico, Chinese are
from China, Ghanaian are from Ghana, Ethiopians from Ethiopia, and Jews are from Europe and
All Ethnic groups in the United States can do this except the so called African Americans. We know
our fore parents were brought to this country from various West African nations. This is why
throughout this dissertation I have used quotation marks and the word "so called" in reference to the
names African Americans - Africans and Blacks. None of these names describes a nationality, nation or
national homeland.
The word Black is an adjective and it should only be used to describe a noun or pronoun, for example:
A black car, black hair, black shoes or black skinned people. Black does not constitute a
nationality, there isn't a place called Black Country on earth. If you look up the word black in any
English dictionary, you will find at least 35 different definitions. And out of those 35, more than half
will have a negative meaning such as: EVIL, WICKED, GLOOMY, DEATH AND UNPLEASANT
just to name a few. These false names were placed on us in order to further humiliate us. The reason
why I used African Americas and blacks in reference to true Israel was to let you know who I was
speaking about, but now you know. So from here on out I will only use the names Israel / Hebrews and
Israelites in reference to the people who are called African Americans and blacks.
 The bible tells us that ancient Israel went into much captivity (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon
 etc.). But this is exactly how we got here, our fore parents were brought to this part of
  the world as captive slaves. Who were captured on the west coast of Africa? This isn't
  how the Jews or any other ethnic group got here. All other groups came here on their
                                        own free will.

 In this verse, stranger refers to other ethnic / racial groups other than the
children of Israel. This means that other racial / ethnic groups that live in the
same country or city as the Hebrews will rise up the social / economic ladder
  higher than the Hebrews, as a collective people. And because of this the
                Hebrews will be brought down to a lowly state.
The United States has maintained a racial and ethnic ranking preference that
 places European whites, Asians, Hispanics and Indians over Hebrews. They
     have a higher social acceptability and they were never mistreated by
 dominant white society or government the way generation after generations
  of Hebrews has. Nearly 100% of our ancestors were in this country before
                   nearly 100% of the ancestors of today's
Jewish, Italian, German, French, Japanese, Chinese, and Hispanics. All ethnic
groups rank above us in acceptability in the U.S. We have been assigning the
                          lowest level in this country.
 All across this country from coast to coast, if you visit any Hebrew neighborhood
 you will see the stranger (OTHER ETHNIC / RACIAL IMMIGRANT GROUPS) owning
  nearly 100% of the businesses located in Hebrew neighborhoods. Hebrew spend
     95% of our annual disposable income with businesses located within white
 communities. Of the 5% that remains within our communities another 3% is spent
 with non-Hebrew own businesses. With only 2% of our annual disposable income
remains within our communities, it is difficult if not impossible for us to maintain a
             reasonable quality of life and be economically competitive.
   Hebrew take their money to the stranger, which makes jobs available for their
 people, while our people remain unemployed (we have the highest unemployment
 rate in the country despite a "good economy"). Only in our community do you find
                 every other ethnic group running the businesses.
  For example; the Jews own the CURRENCY EXCHANGES, BANKS AND LENDING
            Asians own the CLOTHING STORES AND BEAUTY SALONS,
         East Indians own the CONVENIENT STORES AND GAS STATIONS.
     While whites own the rest, and Hebrew own little if any businesses in our
 We have been brought down low because all our economic power is going into the
   hands of the stranger. This has helped put him in a higher social and economic
 position, thus making the stranger able to lend to us, but we can't lend to him. We
have to go outside of our community to get loans for just about everything. We have
 to go to the stranger to get car loans, Mortgage loan, business loans and loans for
   social / community events, in many cases if the stranger don't loan or give it to
                                  us, we won't get it.
 Because we will never have full membership in this nation, we are now looking at
other ethnic groups as examples we should follow in order to better our condition. If
we are willing to follow the examples of these ethnic groups (strangers), this means
  that these groups are in the lead (head) and we are following them (tail). This is
        prophecy, it is the way Yah said it would be, and this is the way it is.
  No matter where Israel go or what they do these curses are going to be upon
 them. Because we are not keeping YAH laws which he commandment us to do.
Israel in the United States has long forgotten the laws of YAH and this is the sole
  reason why we have been in this terrible condition since our arrival here. No
 matter how hard we try, we never get it right. Yah said the curses are on Israel
 for a sign. A sign is an Indication, Yah uses the curses to indicate who his true
                                    people are.

    The so called experts say the curses that are written in Leviticus 26: and
   Deuteronomy 28: happen to Israel in biblical times. Yes but Yah says these
        curses are going to be on Israel seed (descendants) FOREVER.
This means that they were on Israel in biblical times (as long as they transgress
  the law) and on us now. And as you see, I am showing how these curses are
affecting the Hebrews in the U.S. These things are supposed to happen to us by
     the hand of our enemies, which we can easily prove they are. Yah says
throughout this chapter that we are going to be defeated by our enemies and be
                                  in their land.
 If the Jews are descendants of Israel they ought to be under the same curses
 found in Lev 26: and DEUT 28: Their condition in this country and every other
  country they're in, should resemble the condition of the true Hebrews of the
western Hemisphere. But it doesn't, the Jews are not keeping Yah's laws and they
    admit this openly. In a book entitled 'HOW TO INTRODUCE YOUR JEWISH
                FRIENDS TO THE MESSIAH' on page 20 it states:
The majority of Jews living in the UNITED
STATES AND ISRAEL are not religious. Those
RABBINIC (NOT BIBLICAL) JUDAISM                                 VERSE 48:
Yah never gave Israel a religion called JUDAISM, so         THEREFORE SHALL
any form of Judaism is transgressing the law. Judaism
                                                            YOU SERVE YOUR
is manmade; it's not mention one time throughout the
scriptures. 80-90% of Jews living in Israel today are     ENEMIES WHICH YAH
Secular (Atheist). There are more "religious" Jews        SHALL SEND AGAINST
living in New York than there are in Israel.                     YOU, IN
These curses are the greatest tool in identifying who        HUNGER, AND IN
are the children of Israel in the latter days. Yah said      THIRST, AND IN
these curses are to be for a sign and a wonder and on      NAKEDNESS, AND IN
Israel forever. This means that whatever people are
                                                            THE WANT OF ALL
suffering from all these curses are descendants of the
children of Israel today. I know the Jews have suffered      THINGS: AND HE
mistreatment but so have the                              SHALL PUT A YOKE OF
Irish, Italians, Mexicans, Japanese, and Chinese etc.       IRON UPON YOUR
But how many of them have suffered and are suffering       NECK, UNTIL HE HAS
according to all the curses written in the books of the     DESTROYED YOU.
law. The answer is none. We fit these curses more
perfectly than anybody else.
Israel in the United States has been in total service to our enemies who have opposed
 and worked against us since the time of slavery. We have continued to serve them in
 hunger, thirst and nakedness (oppression) for over 400 years. If you are in want of all
things this means that you are materialistic, which makes you a consumer. We are the
               number one consumers in the United States. We buy more
  products, clothing, cars, computers etc., than any other ethnic group in the United
   States. We constitute only twelve percent of the total U.S. population, but we are
                  responsible for the following consumption statistics:
                             36% of ALL hair conditioners
                               32% of ALL malt liquors
                           30% of ALL movie theater tickets
 Hebrew females who constitute 6% of the population consume 15% ($600,000,000) of
 the 4 billion cosmetic market (mostly to maybe line), spend 23% more on shoes than
the population at large and consume 26% more perfume than any other ethnic group of
Hebrew males aged 13-24 who constitute less than 3% of the population, yet consume
    10% of the 12 billion athletic shoe market, and more than 20% of Nike shoes.
    55% of starter Jacket sales ($283 million in 1993) are linked to Hebrew buyers.
Israelites spend $6,000,000,000, per year on soft drinks and more than $500,000,000 on
     McDonald's fast food, and are twice as likely as whites to own a BMW, Audi or
                                    Mercedes Benz.
    We spend all this money on materialistic nonsense because We are in want of all
things, and the reason for this is, we have been in a very hostile environment and made
 to feel like we are nothing more than slaves, animals, a dumb culture less people. So
we attempt to obtain worth and equality by buying or and possessing all these "things".
     If you need proof of the materialism in our communities look at the rap videos.
The last half of verse 48: says: AND HE SHALL PUT A YOKE OF IRON UPON YOUR NECK
                            UNTIL HE HAS DESTROYED YOU.
Our oppressors literally put yokes of iron around our necks when they brought
us here as captives, (THE Above Pictures). He still has a iron yoke around our
              necks today. The word yoke also means agency of
   oppression, subjection, servitude and slavery. Iron is synonymous with
power, and strength. Our oppressors have subjected and kept us in a powerful
  oppression and servitude. One that has lasted for over four centuries, The
  Hebrews have been destroyed and ONLY YAH CAN REPAIR / RESTORE us.
 When Moses spoke this prophecy to the children of Israel, he was in the part
of the world known as the "middle eastern" (which is really North East Africa).
Yah said he would bring a nation from FAR, FROM THE END OF THE EARTH. If
   we look at all the nations that came against Israel (Egypt, Assyria, Medo-
 Persia, Babylon, Greece and Rome), these were nations that were situated in
   and around the "mid-east" (Greece and Rome are in Europe but were still
close by) and Israel was very familiar with those nations and their languages;
         these were lands Israel could travel to by foot, camel, or boat.
   So where is this FAR NATION spoken of in prophecy??? It's the western
 hemisphere, particularly the United States. If you look on any map of the
world and look at the so called mid-east, then look at the U.S. not only is the
United States far from the mid-east, but it is actually at the end of the earth.
                                                    COUNTENANCE, WHICH SHALL NOT REGARD THE
                                                    PERSON OF THE OLD, NOR SHOW FAVOR TO THE
Scripture mention this nation is swift as a
eagle fly. It's not a coincidence that the
national symbol for the U.S. is the eagle.        Verse 50 is talking about this nation that is mention in verse 49
                                                    (the one from the end of the earth), I showed you this is the
When the slave traders and catchers came          United States, which has and have not cared about the old or the
upon the shores of west Africa, the Hebrews        young Hebrew. Olaudah Equiano also tells of his fears of his
didn't understand their languages. In the slave                               captors:
narrative by the slave Olaudah Equiano
(whom I've already mention) He tells of his        "I asked them if we were not going to be eaten by those white
first encounter with European slave traders.      men with HORRIBLE LOOKS, red faces and long hair, they told
"THEIR COMPLEXIONS                                 me I was not, but still feared I should be put to death, the white
WAS VERY DIFFERENT FROM ANY I                       I must add that Olaudah was only 11 years old when he was
HAD EVER HEARD.                                             captured, and brought to the United States.
Our people had no knowledge of English or
the various other languages the slave traders       During the slave trade the trade in children had become a very
spoke. Once again we fit these curses more so       profitable business, when these children reach the plantations
than anybody else.                                they were treated just as horribly as the adult slaves. Even now in
                                                    2000 the United States is a very dangerous place to live for a
                                                                 Hebrew, according to recent studies.
                                                     You now have Hebrew children being tried as adults in the
                                                   justice system, you also have both Hebrew adults and children
                                                   making up the majority of people on death row, you now have
                                                     both Hebrew adults and children making up the majority of
                                                  Homicide victims, this list can go on and on. This is just to show
                                                  you that there is no difference between the treatment of Hebrew
                                                   children or adults, this nation doesn't care for us at all, none of
                         UNTO YOU.
 These verses are clearly stating that Israel is always going to be a
                 sick and disease stricken people.
  We are only 12% of the U.S. general population, but we have the
  highest rate of cancer in the U.S. We lead in 8 out of the top 10
cancers. Hebrew men have the highest rate of prostate cancer in the
 world, for every 100,000 Hebrew men 185 will get prostate cancer.
    AIDS: While aids and HIV rates continue to drop in every ethnic /
 racial community in the U.S., the rate of infections continue to rise in
the Hebrew community. Hebrews make up 40% of all aids cases in the
 U.S. it is the leading cause of death for Hebrews aged 25 - 44. 55% of
all women with aids are Hebrew women, 60% of all children with aids
 are Hebrew children. In the Year 2001, we became the majority of all
   people with aids in the United States. An aid has become such an
epidemic in the Hebrew communities (across the U.S.). That in may of
 1998, the congressional "black" caucus (the Hebrew members of the
U.S. congress) has asked the federal government to declare a national
  emergency in the Hebrew community, because of this deadly plague
                               (Aids / HIV).
We are 4x's more likely to get / have Alzheimer’s disease than whites and 2x's as likely as
             Hispanics. We also have the highest rates of: HEART DISEASE,
   LUPUS,
   & STD'S (sexually Transmitted Diseases).
We’ve been plague with diseases and sickness ever since we first boarded those slave
 ships 4 centuries ago. In a book called 'The Black American Experience' by Arvarh E.
Strickland and Jerome R. Reich on page 62 it describe some of the disease on the slave
                      COMMON DISEASE ON THESE SHIPS".
 These diseases are on us, just as prophecy said they would. I will continually say we fit
                                 these curses perfectly.
                   KNOWN, WOOD AND STONE.
                  EYES, AND SORROW OF MIND.
 As previously stated, the true Israelites have been scattered from East to West - North
to South. There probably isn't a country on earth where Israelites don't represent some
     percent of the population. The Hebrews can't be back in the land of Israel as a
sovereign nation right now, and at the same time breaking the laws of Yah. This is why
  the Hebrew of the Western Hemisphere is here today. In these lands where Israel is
    going to be scattered, we are going to serve every and all kinds of strange gods.
   Israel's ancient forefathers didn't know about these gods (religions) that Israel is
                   serving today, they didn't know about "Jesus", the
 Christian, Christ, Allah, Buddha, Krishna, Voodoo, New Ageism and the many gods
 Israel was in service to on the west coast of Africa. Many of these gods are actually
 wood and stone gods, and many of them were created after 70 CE (the expulsion of
       Israel from the land) so these are some of the newest gods on the scene.
  But we should also remember that wood and stone gods are the same as false gods
(religions), because wood and stone gods can't talk hear or speak, in other words they
don't exist. Now we know this couldn't apply to the Jews, because as I have mentioned
         before, the majority of Jews are atheist, they don't believe in any god.
Verse 65 states that among those nations where we have been scattered we would find
no ease or rest for our feet. Here in the Western Hemisphere the Israelites have found
no ease or peace, but rather horror and terror. Ralph Ginsberg documents some of the
 terror Hebrew have suffered in the United States in his book, 100 Years of Lynching.
 His book is a compilation of actual press accounts of lynching beginning in 1880. On
 pages 253-270, he gives a partial listing of approximately 5,000 Hebrews lynched in
      the United States from 1859 to 1961, not to mention all the ones who were
                         shot, poisoned, clubbed, and strangled.
In our 400 year history in North America, there hasn't been one instance of peace
  for us, from slavery to Jim Crowism to segregation and lynching to racism and
                             discrimination and so on.
    There has been constant, trouble and oppression for us. Numerous sources
including the federal government's Center for Disease Control reported that being
             Hebrew in the United States is hazardous to our health.
      Being Hebrew in the U.S. means higher mortality rates, lower levels of
    education, lower levels of occupational status, lower incomes, lower levels of
           health, poorer housing, fewer two-parent households, higher
unemployment, greater contact with the criminal justice system and higher levels
 of marital disruption than the general population. The report suggests that social
economic conditions among Hebrews to a large degree, stemmed directly from the
 structural economic and social inequalities produced by centuries of slavery, Jim
                            Crowism, and benign neglect.
Since the Hebrew man is the primary target of racism, the report explains, in large
measure, why Hebrew men are disproportionately burdened with health problems
             and the shortest life expectancy of any race or gender.
 The soles of Israel feet have not rested in over 2000 years; we are always on the
move, running for our lives. This is how we arrived on the west coast of Africa from
  the so-called Middle East. There was a 1400 year migration from the so-called
   Middle East to the west coast of Africa starting in the first century CE. These
 Hebrew migrations went on with great frequency from about 300 CE and they
            continued with utmost regularity for twelve hundred years.
  Here, in the United States the Hebrew are responsible for what is known as the
  great migration. This was the largest peace time migration of people in human
history. Between 1940 and 1970, over 5 million Hebrews left the rural south for the
  we called the "Promised Land" of the urban North, in the greatest migration in
 United States history. We left share cropper shacks for dubious shelters of ghetto
 housing projects, and fled one kind of poverty and oppression only to encounter
                                another just as bleak.
50,000 Hebrews moved to Chicago from the south in 18 months during World War II (This is
why I was born in Chicago, both my parents and grandparents came from Mississippi during this
migration period). To this very day the Hebrew are still on the move in search of a better
way, this scripture also says that Israel was going to have a trembling heart which is panic, and
failing of eyes and sorrow of mind. This is showing that Israel is going to be a sad, grief
stricken, fearful and spiritually blind people, plagued by misfortune. Israel in the United States
has all of these characteristics described in this verse of scripture. We have been living in a very
hostile environment for a long time.
Hebrew has feared for our lives since the times of slavery, it is a historical fact that a Hebrew
life has never had any value in this country. This is the reason for centuries, Israel has been
murdered and terrorized and no one can seem to stop it. Our lives hang in the balance before us.
All the statistics show that we die from violence in the prime of our lives, more than any other
ethnic group. In 1990 Hebrews represented 50% of the 23,760 murder victims known to police.
The homicide rate among Hebrew men is generally 6 to 7 times higher than the rate among
gentile men. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported that in 1990
Hebrew males had a homicide rate of 68.7 per 100,000 compared with 8.9 per 100,000 for
gentile males. Homicide is now the leading cause of death for Hebrew males 16-24 years of age.
In 1987, homicide accounted for 42% of all death among Young Hebrew males 15-24, Hebrew
males in this age group had a homicide rate (138.3), more than nine times the homicide rate of
young gentile males (15.4). In a study, the Bureau of Justice statistics estimated that the lifetime
risk of death by homicide is greater for Hebrews, (1 in 21 for Hebrew males) and ( 1 in 104 for
Hebrew females) than it is for gentiles / whites (1 in 131 for gentile males and 1 in 369 for
gentile females).
The number of Hebrew females murdered between 1980 and 1985 exceeds the number of
casualties (9500) in the Vietnam War in 1967 for the U.S., one of the peak years of fighting.
44,428 Hebrew males were murdered between 1980 and 1985, nearly equal the total number of
"Americans" killed during the entire Vietnam conflict. Hebrew men have the shortest life
expectancy of any males in the United States (except a small group of Sioux Indians).
With statistics like these, it is no wonder why many Hebrew are very afraid
    to come out of their homes in the day or night, because we have little
       assurance that we will make it back alive. This is why in Hebrew
 communities across the country, there are children 9, 10, 11 and 12 years
 old planning for their own funeral, these children have seen so much death
and destruction until they have lost all hope that any change will come. In a
study done in 1996, of children in war torn countries and Hebrew children in
 the United States, it was found that the children in war torn countries are
better off mentally than Hebrew children in the U.S. The children in the war
torn country knew one day the war (death and destruction) in their country
      would end, but Hebrew children don't see an end to the death and
                        destruction they witness daily.
The suicide rate for Hebrews has more than doubled, from 3.6% per 1,000 to
8.1% per 1,000. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for Hebrew men.
   The Hebrew is so unsure about their lives that now we have begun to kill
  ourselves. In the U.S. a simple traffic stop by police can mean death for a
Hebrew. Between 1976 and 1987 the most recent period studied, some 1800
Hebrew were killed by law enforcement bullets. Hebrew is three times more
 likely to die from a police bullet than gentiles. Hebrew are more likely than
    gentiles to be killed in error, in many cases no weapon is found on the
   suspects body. Even Today, unarmed Hebrew men and women are being
     gunned down almost daily by law enforcement officers. We have NO
 All of this is not happening to us by coincidence, this is the fulfilling of long
 awaited forgotten PROPHECY. This is the reason, that a "white person" can
  walk down a Hebrew street in a Hebrew neighborhood and the majority of
the time, no one will touch them (I see Mormon "missionaries" all the time in
 our neighborhoods riding bikes and they come in peace and leave in peace).
  But a Hebrew man, woman or child can come down the same street and is
much more likely to be harmed in some way. The curses are on us that's why
we have all this violence in our communities. If the racist police hate groups
                    or others don't get us, our own people will.
                             NO MAN SHALL BUYYOU.
  In this verse Egypt is synonymous with OPPRESSION, SLAVERY, CAPTIVITY AND AFFLICTION.
                                    In scripture Egypt is referred to as:
                The House Of Bondage (Ex 13:3,14 / 20:4,- DEUT 5:6 / 7:8 / 26:6),
                                    The Iron Furnace (DEUT 4:20),
                                  Furnace of Affliction (Isaiah 48:10).
          Egypt was the symbol of hard severs bondage to the Hebrews (EX 1:13-14).
  What this verse is saying is that Israel will go into an "Egypt Like" oppressive, powerful, sever bondage
   (slavery, captivity) IN SHIPS. This is exactly how we got to this country / hemisphere. We were taken
 captive from the west coast of Africa, and brought to the Americas in the bottom of Slave Ships. Once we
arrived in the West we were placed on auction blocks and sold as chattel to the highest bidder. This process
 happen for over 300 years, this is an historical fact that can't be denied, just check your American history
                                                      books .
 As I already mentioned earlier, those people that brought us to this country in slave ships, and subjected us
to the worst form of slavery and oppression ever. Were indeed our enemies, and these were the people who
  were the buyers, at those slave auctions, we were sold as slaves to our enemies just as scripture says. No
  other racial / ethnic group in the western hemisphere can claim this has happen to them. Only we were
               brought into an oppressive bondage in ships and sold unto our enemies as slaves.
This prophecy was only fulfilled with the advent of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
There isn't one instant in scripture where ancient Israel went back into Egypt in ships.
They walked into Egypt on dry land (Genesis 46:5-6). During biblical times the land of
  Israel and Egypt was one continual land mass, so there were no needs to go into
                                     Egypt in ships.
  So when and where was this prophecy fulfilled???? ANSWER: DURING THE TRANS
 ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE, when no less than 100 million of our people were brought
                                 here as slaves.
  When the scripture says no man will buy them, it's saying that no man will buy or
redeem us out of our condition. Because this same scripture says, we were to be sold
       unto our enemies, and you can't sell anything if there is no buyer. Oprah
 Winfrey, Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, and Bill Cosby money combined could not
buy us out of our condition. You tell me do the Jews or anybody else fit the description
           of Israel in the latter days. We fit the description down to a tee.
Many, if not the majority of bible reading people have never heard of or understood
 these curses, Especially the so called African Americans. We have been told that all
our misfortune has come upon us because we are an inferior people. And because of
this many of our people have become shameful of our history, but as prophecy says
           "In the last days knowledge shall be increased" (Daniel 12:4).
 Now with the right understanding of bible prophecy and with the right understanding
   of our history; we have begun to set the record straight. And show the world and
 especially our people that we are not or have not suffered for nothing. We are not a
   curse people in the WAY that Slave Masters taught the Slave (he lied and said we
  were cursed with black skin). We are not curse or being punished because we are
  hated or Genetic inferior. We are under the curses of the father because we have a
 special calling and a special relationship to the most high (a relationship in which no
other people on earth have ever experienced Amos 3:1-2). One in which we have long
forgotten about. We will rise up and be the people we were destine to be, this fact the
  whole world will bear witness too in the very near future. Now allow me to further
         provide more proof and prophecy about the true Hebrews of the bible.

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  • 2. Deuteronomy Chapter 28: In this chapter we will find more curses that were placed upon the children of Israel, besides the ones that are written in Leviticus 26:, I will not be able to present all 68 verses and show how they directly affect us. But I will present as many as possible, I assure you all 68 verses apply to the "Blacks" of the western hemisphere. In this chapter, verses 1 through 14 are the BLESSINGS that would come upon Israel if they chose to follow Yah's laws and commandments. Verses 15 through 68 are the curses that were placed on Israel if they chose to disobey the laws and commandments of Yah. VERSE 15: BUT IT SHALL COME TO PASS, IF YOU WILL NOT LISTEN UNTO THE VOICE OF YHWH, TO OBSERVE TO DO ALL HIS COMMANDMENTS AND STATUTES WHICH I COMMAND YOU THIS DAY; THAT ALL THESE CURSES SHALL COME UPON YOU AND OVERTAKE YOU. (16) CURSED SHALL YOU BE IN THE CITY, AND CURSED SHALL YOU BE IN THE FIELD (RURAL AREA). These two verses tell us that everywhere you find Israel; these curses will be upon them. It doesn't matter if we are found in the city or in the country / rural or field. FACT: If you look at any "inner city" in the United States, you will find death and destruction like nowhere else. Many of these cities look like they belong in any war-torn country, they're devastated. These cities are largely populated by "African Americans", as this is where the majority of "blacks" in the United States live. Wherever you find a large population of "Blacks" living in rural / country areas, you will find the same death and destruction like you find in the urban city areas.
  • 3. "Blacks" have been cursed in the city and fields for as long as we have resided in this country. Just about everything "African Americans" have tried to do to improve our living conditions as a people, has According to Leonard P. Curry, author of The Free failed. We have tried the political system (voting), the Black in Urban America, 1800-1850, "More than a educational system (attaining college degrees), and third of the black population in cities like Boston economics (capitalism). But all these genres have been useless to us. Other Ethnic groups have been lived in blind alleys, cellars and lofts. Their poor successful in bringing their people to a decent and unsanitary living conditions created rampant standard of living, when they use those same systems health problems and shortened their life spans". (political, educational, and economics). We have been in this country longer than almost every ethnic group While in chattel slavery, the living conditions on accepts the so-called Indians. the plantations (fields) were befitting beast. We are behind all those other groups in just about Slaves lived in extraordinarily dehumanizing every category of society. Every time we try to make a conditions that stripped them of their move in POLITICS it fails, every time we try to make a courage, their labor and their lives. move in ECONOMICS it fails, and so on and so on. And the main reason for this is because we have forsaken / VERSE 19: CURSED SHALL YOU BE WHEN YOU forgotten Yah and have forgotten our special COME IN, AND CURSED SHALL YOU BE WHEN connection to him. Most importantly, we have forgotten that we made a covenant with Him, in which YOU GO OUT. we promised to keep his laws. But we have broken These curses are going to follow the so-called that promise and now we are suffering for it. "Blacks", for as long as they continue to sin On the other hand, the Jews who claim they are against Yah. descendants of the biblical Israelites have set their VERSE 20: YHWH SHALL SEND UPON YOU hand to do a lot of things and accomplished them. They set their hand to get the land of Israel, they set CURSING (an evil oath of their hand against their enemies and a host of other misfortune, trouble), VEXATION things they have been successful at (things I will (Torment, Distress and Worry), AND REBUKE (to mention throughout this dissertation). According to the word of Yah, Israel is going to be cursed at express sharp stern disapproval of), IN ALL THAT everything they set out to accomplish. So this verse YOU SET YOUR HAND UNTO FOR TO DO UNTIL could not refer to the Jews, but it does refer to YOU BE DESTROYED, AND UNTIL YOU PERISH ancient Israel and their modern day descendants who are referred to as "Blacks" and African Americans" QUICKLY; BECAUSE OF THE WICKEDNESS OF today. YOUR DOINGS WHEREBY YOU HAVE FORSAKEN ME.
  • 4. VERSE 22: YAH SHALL SMITE YOU WITH A CONSUMPTION (progressive wasting away of the body) AND WITH A FEVER, AND WITH AN INFLAMMATION (red burning open sore), AND WITH EXTREME BURNING AND WITH THE SWORD AND WITH BLASTING (to ruin, spoil, destroy and annihilate). AND WITH MILDEW AND THEY SHALL PURSUE YOU UNTIL YOU PERISH. Verse 22 is referring to diseases and Lynching (killings). One of the worst episodes, of the life of a slave was the middle passage, the voyage from west Africa to the Americas. The conditions on the slave ships were unbearable; two to four hundred captives were packed like sardines in the bottom of the ships. In a book Entitled BLACK CARGO, it describes the plagues on slave ships as follows: "Some wet and blowing weather having occasioned the porthole to be shut and the grating to be covered with blood and mucus which had proceeded from them in consequence of the flux that it resembled a slaughterhouse...Number of the slaves having fainted they were carried upon deck where several of them died". The disease that they feared most on the slave ship was smallpox, because the "doctors" had no way of curing it until the end of the 18th century. If one man had it, he could infect a whole ship, unless he was thrown overboard the first time the scab appeared. Extreme burning happen to the "African Americans" when mobs of whites would burn "Blacks" alive or burn their dead bodies after they had just lynched them and there is much documentation about this. Also When Verse 22 mentions the sword (weapon) and blasting (to destroy). It is talking about Israel ("Blacks") being destroyed, ruined by the weapons of their enemies. We have much documentation about this in our History also. This is supposed to happen to us, not one, two or even three times but for as long as we continue to walk in opposition to The Father and His laws.
  • 5. The majority of them will not "migrate" into all kingdoms of the VERSE 25: YHWH SHALL CAUSE YOU TO BE SMITTEN earth. BEFORE YOUR ENEMIES: YOU SHALL GO OUT ONE WAY AGAINST THEM AND FLEE SEVEN WAYS BEFORE This exact situation has happened to the so-called Blacks of the THEM: AND SHALL BE REMOVED INTO ALL THE Western Hemisphere. We were REMOVED (by force, kidnapped / stolen) from the west coast of Africa and transported to KINGDOMS OF THE EARTH. Europe, the Americas (North - Central and South), and the island of No way could this verse refer to the modern day the seas. Every other ethnic group including the Jews came to this Jew, because as I pointed out in Leviticus 26:37 the Hemisphere and country on their own free will (if they were not Jews have defeated their enemies in all military here already). Jews, Indians, Mexicans and others were not battles, since 1948. They won the war of 1948-49, the brought here against their will and scattered as so-called Blacks war of 1956, the 1967 "Six Day War", the 1973 Yom were. Kippur War and the Invasion of Lebanon. Not only did I must mention that the "Blacks" on the west coast of Africa (who they win these wars they also were successful in are really Hebrews, a point I will prove later) were being confiscating land from their enemies transported to all the Arab countries one thousand years before (Jerusalem, Golan Heights, west bank etc.) the Europeans came to the shores of West Africa. The scriptures clearly tell us that Israel is to be smitten / defeated by their enemies. VERSE 28: YHWH SHALL SMITE YOU WITH MADNESS This has happened to "African Americans" for over 400 (insane, foolish behavior), AND BLINDNESS (spiritual blindness) AND ASTONISHMENT OF HEART (panic and fear) years. There are countless stories of Whites destroying many towns of "African Americans" in a matter of days It is insane and foolish for "African Americans" to imitate those (just one example is the town of Rosewood). who have oppressed them for over 400 years. We want to be like There are also many stories of "Blacks" being our oppressors, so we dress like them, try to talk like them and murdered where their White killers go without even try to look like them. All this is done, so that we might be punishment, it is very rare for a White person to get accepted by the dominate society, but all we ever get is a big slap the death penalty for murdering a "Black person", no in the face. matter how many they may have murdered. African Americans are in a deep, deep spiritual darkness, we have As was previously stated in Leviticus 26: we haven't become ignorant and unaware of the truth about our heritage and historically been able to stand against our enemies as our Creator. Instead, we have embraced the slave master's the Jews have so if they are the children of Israel religion, doctrines and culture, not realizing that it was under the according to scripture, how are they able to defeat auspices of his religion that we were enslaved. Our state of their enemies? madness and blindness has caused us to be astonished at our own This would mean that the scriptures are not true. But condition. with the proper understanding, we now know that they We are perplexed as to why we seem to be the most hated of all are not descendants of the biblical Israelites, and that races of men on the face of the earth. We are always the target of the scripture are indeed true. discrimination, racism or police brutality. Rodney King, Emit The last half of verse 25: says, Israel shall be Till, James Byrd Jr. and Ricky Byrdsong, only represent a few of REMOVED into all the kingdoms of the earth. To be the thousands of victims who have been removed means to be moved by force, this is telling us raped, lynched, beaten, shot and murdered for no apparent reason someone (Israel's Enemies) is going to come and move other than their "racial" identity. This is not to mention the host of secret governmental or organizational plots and schemes aimed at them by force. total annihilation of our people.
  • 6. VERSE 29: AND YOU SHALL GROPE AT NOONDAY, AS THE BLIND GROPE IN DARKNESS, AND YOU SHALL NOT PROSPER IN YOUR WAYS: AND YOU SHALL BE ONLY OPPRESSED AND ROBBED ALWAYS, AND NO MAN SHALL SAVE YOU. This scripture says Israel is going to grope, which means to search around with uncertainty or blindly search. A blind man lives in a world of darkness, and he is forced to grope in order to navigate his surroundings. Noonday is when the sun is at its highest peak in the sky, thus giving off the most light, the brightest point of the day. This verse is saying to us that Israel is going to search around with uncertainty like blind men while the sun is shining the brightest (this is symbolic for the word of Yah or the truth), trying to find a way out of their terrible situation (the curses of DEUT 28: and Lev 26:) If you get 15 "Black" leaders in a room and have them discuss a solution to help "Blacks" lessen their problems, you would get 30 different answers, and not one of them would be to return to Yah our Creator. There are so many different groups in the "African American" community who claim they're trying to help "African Americans" better our conditions. But all of these groups have very different ideologies and doctrines, even if they agree on what the major problems are, they still are unable to arrive at a common solution. The result is a confusion which keeps our minds from focusing on the most important issue of our existence. One would be hard pressed to find a house in the "Black" community that doesn't have a bible. Just about every so called "Black" person has read or heard something about the bible. As a rule, it is in some way a part of our upbringing. But, we as a people still don't understand that this book which the Gentiles (whites) hold up in such high esteem, is the very book that foretold our entire history in the Western Hemisphere centuries before we arrived here. With all this light (The scripture and History) shining toward us, we still are searching around in a world of darkness like blind men.
  • 7. In 1832 a U.S. Senator named Henry Berry said to the Virginia House of Delegates: "We have as far as possible closed every avenue by which the LIGHT (truth) may enter the slave's mind. If we could extinguish the capacity to see the light, our work would be complete. They would then be on the level with the beast of the field". Freedom will only come through a "spiritual" awakening and healing of the problem that causes our captivity and prolongs our continued oppression. We must come back to Yah our holy one the most high. The last half of verse 29 says Israel will not prosper in their ways and shall be only oppressed and robbed always. "Blacks" as a people have not prospered in this country, right now we are in control of 1 1/2% of the nation’s wealth. At the end of chattel slavery (1865) we owned 1/2% of the nation’s wealth. We buy any and everything and own little or nothing. The social acceptance and grants of wealth that the government has given to Europeans, Asians and Hispanic immigrants, but withheld from "Blacks" left us decidedly ill-equipped to compete with the more advantaged groups. We were not allowed to compete with whites at any level of life. No other racial or ethnic group has been confronted with such systematic opposition to their personal economic independence, and right to earn a living. We are living in the richest nation on earth, but still haven't prospered as other groups have in this country. On the other hand, the Jews have prospered. They are the major owners of the MOVIE INDUSTRY, TELEVISION STATIONS, and PRINT MEDIA (newspapers and magazines) BANKS BOTH NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL. Even the Israeli Jews are prospering as this article from the Chicago Sun times May 14, 2000 states:
  • 8. VERSE 30: YOU SHALL BETROTH A WIFE, AND "When it comes to business and investment ANOTHER MAN SHALL LIE WITH HER: YOU SHALL opportunity outside the United States, there BUILD AN HOUSE AND YOU SHALL NOT DWELL are few places more popular than Israel. More THEREIN, YOU SHALL PLANT A VINEYARD AND venture capital money is being spent in Israel SHALL NOT GATHER THE GRAPES THEREOF. than ANY OTHER NATION EXCEPT THE UNITED This verse is saying, everything Israel has, is going STATES. In all, foreign investment in Israel to be taken or belong to someone else. Once again totaled about $3.5 billion in 1997, up from $1.5 scripture is describing our situation in the West. billion in 1996 and $400 million in 1992. There During slavery, slave owners often took the wives of also is more startup companies being formed in "Black" (Israelites) slaves and slept with them. This Israel than any nation other than the United happened during the middle passage, and after the slaves arrived on land. J.A. Steadman a slave trader States: About one home-grown technology relays of his 5-year slave trade expedition: company is started every three days. More than 100 Israeli companies, virtually all of them in "If a Negro and his wife have ever too great an the high-tech sector, are traded on the stock attachment for each other, the woman, if handsome, must yield to the loathsome embraces of exchange in New York. Only the U.S. and an adulterous and licentious manager or see her Canada have more." husband cut into pieces for endeavoring to prevent Does this sound like a people who aren't it". prospering? Does this sound like a people who are only oppressed and robbed? The answer is This is just one account of many, which details how slave masters and traders would rape "Black' NO. But, on the other hand we have been under women. oppression in the West for over 400 years. We have been robbed of our Brick by brick, "Blacks" have built nearly every one CULTURE, LANGUAGE, and HERITAGE AND of this nation's great cities. "Blacks" built the IDEAS. mansions of the south that the slave masters dwelt in, while they were forced to live in run-down The scripture also says that no man shall save shacks. We are also the ones who planted not just Israel. We have in our history countless men the vineyards but all the crops and were not allowed (and women) who have tried to save this to partake of any of the fruits. people. Men such as: Frederick Douglass, Nat Turner, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Elijah This country was built on the backs of "Black" people who till this very day have not been paid a Muhammad, and a host of others who are just dime for all our labor and troubles. too numerous to name here.
  • 9. VERSE 32: YOU’RE SONS AND YOUR DAUGHTERS SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO ANOTHER PEOPLE, AND YOUR EYES SHALL LOOK, AND FAIL WITH LONGING FOR THEM ALL THE DAY LONG: AND THERE SHALL BE NO MIGHT IN YOUR HAND. "Black" (ISRAELITES) families were ripped apart during the long harsh period of the Atlantic slave trade. In some instances, the sons and daughters of "blacks" (Israelites) were captured while away from their parents, never to see them again. In other cases, entire families were taken into captivity, where parents often watched their children sold to different slave masters and different plantations. In his autobiography of 1745, a slave named Olaudah Equiano relates his experience: "I remember in the vessel in which I was brought over....there were several brothers who in the sale, were sold in different lots and it was very moving on this occasion to see and hear their cries in parting". In another Slave narrative by a female slave name Linda Brent her narrative is called "INCIDENTS IN THE LIFE OF A SLAVER GIRL". She explains in detail her eyewitness account of a Hebrew family being given to another people, she says: "On one of these sale days, I saw a mother lead seven children to the auction-block. She knew that some of them would be taken from her, but they took all. The children were sold to a slave trader, and their mother was bought by a man in her own town. Before night her children were all far away. SHE BEGGED THE TRADER TO TELL HER WHERE HE INTENDED TO TAKE THEM THIS HE REFUSED TO DO. How could he when he knew he would sell them one by one, wherever he could command the highest price? I met that mother in the street, and her wild haggard face lives to- day in my mind. SHE WRUNG HER HANDS IN ANGUISH AND EXCLAIMED 'GONE! ALL GONE! WHY DOESN’T GOD KILL ME?"
  • 10. I HAD NO WORDS WHEREWITH TO COMFORT HER, INSTANCES OF THIS KIND ARE OF DAILY YEA, HOURLY OCCURRENCE. Mothers and fathers were separated from their children. Trafficking children even became a specialty for certain traders. Little slaves were often handed out as gifts. A favorite child, grandchild, or godchild might be given a little black boy or girl as a new play thing. All of these are historical facts that can be found in history books telling how slave masters sold children away from their parents. Many of these accounts are written by the slaves themselves. But even today "African American" children are still being taken away from their parents. There are over 600,000 children in child welfare services in the United States, and 70 to 80% of them are "Black" children. In some states the number is high as 90 to 95%. In the state of Illinois 88% of the children in state custody are "Black". In the city of Chicago 95% of the children taken into child welfare are black This has become a huge problem in the "African American" community, the government is removing mass amounts of "Black" children from their homes of origin. Not only are they removing "black" children from their homes, they have made it more difficult for "Black" parents to get their children back, and easier for whites and others to adopt them. Many of the black parents who have children taken away from them also have their parental rights terminated, which means they no longer have any parental rights to their own child The reason why other people can adopt "Black" children more easily is because of legislation passed. The passage of the Multiethnic Placement Act in October 1994, states that agencies which receive federal funds may not categorically deny to any person the opportunity to become an adoptive or foster parent, solely on the basis of race, color or national origin. After these children are taken from their home, it's (in most cases) next to impossible for the parents to get them back, even after they do what the state requires of them in order to regain custody. This is happening to "Black" children only (not Hispanic, Asians, Whites or Indians, because this curse has been placed upon us just as the scriptures predict. In the year 2002 on the local news in Chicago (fox news), they presented a special report called ‘THE FORGOTTEN CHILDREN’. In this special they were showing how Northern Europeans and some Canadians are adopting black children in Mass. These children are removed from their black parents and given to these other people overseas. The report was shocking, but informative. In this program, the women you see pictured were featured. Her name is Judy Pitcher, she adopted the little black boy you also see pictured when he was less than a week old. Which means as soon as this baby was born he was taken from his mother, her parental rights were instantly terminated and the child was given to white Canadians.
  • 11. VERSE 34: SO THAT YOU SHALL BE MAD (INSANE, CRAZY) FOR THE SIGHT OF YOUR EYES WHICH YOU SHALL SEE Because "African Americans" have seen and see so much discrimination, racism, hatred and death directed toward us that is has literally driven many of us crazy, to the point that we are filling up the mental institutions in this country. We are also being diagnosed younger, and more often with mental illness than any other racial group in the United States. Psychologists say this is happening because we are under a tremendous amount of race related stress. Other's such as Dr. Naim Arkbar calls this "mad" behavior among African Americans "Psychological Slavery". He says that we are carrying around the psychological damage that was inflicted upon us during slavery, thus making us behave as if we are still in chattel slavery. And to add to that, we are still being treated as second class citizens. Because of this we have become confused angry and dependent. We are CONFUSED because we have no idea why we are being treated in the manner that we are. We are ANGRY because of the things that are happening to us. And DEPENDANT because we depend on the ruling / dominate population to find us a way out of this condition.
  • 12. This is part of the mad insane behavior we exhibit.  Verse 36: also says that we are going YES WE HAVE INDEED BECOME MAD, BECAUSE OF to worship gods (religions) of wood THE SIGHT OF OUR EYES AND THE CONDITION and stone. WE'RE IN (the curses of Deuteronomy and Leviticus).  Every religion have a god or gods, so VERSE 36: YAH SHALL BRING YOU, AND YOU’RE in this verse "gods" also means the KING WHICH YOU SHALL SET OVER YOU UNTO A various religions. And wood and stone NATION WHICH NEITHER YOU NOR YOUR FATHERS refers to false religions because wood HAVE KNOWN: AND THERE SHALL YOU, SERVE GODS and stone gods can't hear speak or (Religions) WOOD AND STONE. see and it also refer to actual wood and stone idol gods. During the time of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, when the "African" slave traders came and  In a 1996 study by Robert Taylor, an raided the (Hebrew) villages. They would capture the associated professor in the school of entire village including the kings and would sell them social work and the institute of social to European slave traders, where they were brought research at the University of unto this strange land (THE NEW WORLD). Michigan. He found that "Blacks" are When Moses pronounces this prophecy to the more religious than whites and the nation at whole. Before this study, it children of Israel, the United States was not a was thought that because "blacks" country (as we know one today). The entire western are poorer than whites that they Hemisphere was not yet known, to the majority of the seem to be more religious. It's not a "known world". Throughout biblical times the social class difference they found Israelites had knowledge of the surrounding out, poor "Blacks" are more religious lands, where they were taken into as captives. They than poor whites, middle class had no knowledge of the western hemisphere "Blacks" are more religious than countries especially the United States, because as I middle class whites and so on. just mention the United States was not a nation yet. "African Americans" are 12% of the U.S. population but 80% of them are It's not a coincidence that this part of the world was religious (meaning that they are part known as the 'NEW WORLD' and this is the land that of a organize religion, pray daily, and the Hebrew ("African Americans") were brought into read religious material more and have as captives, along with our self-appointed kings. We a belief in a God). were brought, to a nation neither us nor our fathers knew about. A nation that was not known to the entire world until thousands of years after this prophecy was written.
  • 13. The study also found out, there is no difference between poor and middle class "blacks" one is just as religious as the other. The scripture says we are going to serve gods (religions) and as the study in 1996 just proved, we are. "Blacks" are part of just about every religion on the planet. We are CHRISTIANS (all denominations), MUSLIMS (all denominations), JEWS (being a Jew is not the same as a Hebrew Israelite), BUDDHIST, TAOISM, VOODOO ETC. ETC. Not to mention the various "African gods" (religions) that we are and were in service to. Some of our people even worship the many gods of the ancient Egyptians. But as scripture shows this is just another characteristic of the true Hebrews. Now who else fits this prophecy more perfectly? This prophecy couldn't fit the Jews because 80 - 90% of them are what they call secular (meaning they don't believe in a "god"). They aren't serving any gods, the ones who are "religious" are in the minority.
  • 14. VERSE 37: AND YOU SHALL BECOME AN ASTONISHMENT, A PROVERB, AND BYWORD, and AMONG ALL NATIONS WHERE YHWH SHALL LEAD YOU (in captivity). Astonishment means a sad, pitiful amazement, so remarkable as to elicit disbelief. The general attitude of some "black" people is so disgraceful that it motivates other races to observe us with astonishment. This is the reason many people are always asking the question "why are blacks behind"? "They should be ahead of other groups since they have been here for over 400 years". "African Americans" have become an astonishment to the world, other people are looking at us and wondering why we can't and haven't prospered in the richest nation on earth as other ethnic groups do (including the Jews). The word proverbs and bywords actually have the same meaning here in the 37th verse. A proverb and byword are objects of general reproach, derision, an epithet or scornful nickname. These proverbs and bywords are nicknames that are used in a scornful manner in substitution for our true nationality. Names such as - Nigger, Negro, Coon, Blackey, Spade, and Porch Monkey and so on and so on. These names are without a doubt proverbs and bywords, but so are the names African Americans and Blacks. Because they also are substitution for Israel true nationality, let me explain. Africa is not a tribe, country, language or nationality, Africa is the name of a continent. It's the 2nd largest land mass in the world. It has 53 countries with many different people, languages and cultures. Africa is not a nationality because there's not a country on earth name Africa, so you can't refer to a group of people as African in reference to their national origin. The Ancient Egyptians, Nubians, Hebrews and other people who are indigenous to that continent, never mentions a place called Africa. And that's because the name Africa is Latin in it's origin.
  • 15. The name comes from the Romans who spoke Latin. Africa has become synonymous with black and black skinned people, for the simple reason that the majority of the people who reside on that continent are black skinned. And the majority of the black skinned people around the world have some kind of ancestral ties to that continent. But this entire still doesn't change the fact that Africa is the name of a CONTINENT NOT A RACE OR GROUP OF PEOPLE. The same can be said for AMERICA, it's not a COUNTRY, TRIBE, and NATIONALITY OR LANGUAGE. America is also the name of a continent; it's divided into three parts NORTH, CENTRAL AND SOUTH. The United States is a country on the continent of America, and in the United States You has every ethnic / racial group living here. All these groups can name their national homeland, no matter how long they have resided in this country. For EXAMPLE: Germans are from Germany, Irish are from Ireland, Italians from Italy, Mexicans are from Mexico, Chinese are from China, Ghanaian are from Ghana, Ethiopians from Ethiopia, and Jews are from Europe and Israel. All Ethnic groups in the United States can do this except the so called African Americans. We know our fore parents were brought to this country from various West African nations. This is why throughout this dissertation I have used quotation marks and the word "so called" in reference to the names African Americans - Africans and Blacks. None of these names describes a nationality, nation or national homeland. The word Black is an adjective and it should only be used to describe a noun or pronoun, for example: A black car, black hair, black shoes or black skinned people. Black does not constitute a nationality, there isn't a place called Black Country on earth. If you look up the word black in any English dictionary, you will find at least 35 different definitions. And out of those 35, more than half will have a negative meaning such as: EVIL, WICKED, GLOOMY, DEATH AND UNPLEASANT just to name a few. These false names were placed on us in order to further humiliate us. The reason why I used African Americas and blacks in reference to true Israel was to let you know who I was speaking about, but now you know. So from here on out I will only use the names Israel / Hebrews and Israelites in reference to the people who are called African Americans and blacks.
  • 16. VERSE 41: YOU SHALL BEGET SONS AND DAUGHTERS, BUT YOU SHALL NOT ENJOY THEM FOR THEY WILL GO INTO CAPTIVITY. The bible tells us that ancient Israel went into much captivity (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon etc.). But this is exactly how we got here, our fore parents were brought to this part of the world as captive slaves. Who were captured on the west coast of Africa? This isn't how the Jews or any other ethnic group got here. All other groups came here on their own free will. VERSE 43: THE STRANGER THAT IS WITHIN YOU SHALL GET UP ABOVE YOU VERY HIGH AND YOU SHALL COME DOWN VERY LOW. In this verse, stranger refers to other ethnic / racial groups other than the children of Israel. This means that other racial / ethnic groups that live in the same country or city as the Hebrews will rise up the social / economic ladder higher than the Hebrews, as a collective people. And because of this the Hebrews will be brought down to a lowly state. The United States has maintained a racial and ethnic ranking preference that places European whites, Asians, Hispanics and Indians over Hebrews. They have a higher social acceptability and they were never mistreated by dominant white society or government the way generation after generations of Hebrews has. Nearly 100% of our ancestors were in this country before nearly 100% of the ancestors of today's Jewish, Italian, German, French, Japanese, Chinese, and Hispanics. All ethnic groups rank above us in acceptability in the U.S. We have been assigning the lowest level in this country.
  • 17. VERSE 44: HE (the stranger) SHALL LEND TO YOU, AND YOU SHALL NOT LEND TO HIM: HE SHALL BE THE HEAD AND YOU SHALL BE THE TAIL. All across this country from coast to coast, if you visit any Hebrew neighborhood you will see the stranger (OTHER ETHNIC / RACIAL IMMIGRANT GROUPS) owning nearly 100% of the businesses located in Hebrew neighborhoods. Hebrew spend 95% of our annual disposable income with businesses located within white communities. Of the 5% that remains within our communities another 3% is spent with non-Hebrew own businesses. With only 2% of our annual disposable income remains within our communities, it is difficult if not impossible for us to maintain a reasonable quality of life and be economically competitive. Hebrew take their money to the stranger, which makes jobs available for their people, while our people remain unemployed (we have the highest unemployment rate in the country despite a "good economy"). Only in our community do you find every other ethnic group running the businesses. For example; the Jews own the CURRENCY EXCHANGES, BANKS AND LENDING INSTITUTIONS. Arabs own the GROCERY STORES, & FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS, Asians own the CLOTHING STORES AND BEAUTY SALONS, East Indians own the CONVENIENT STORES AND GAS STATIONS. While whites own the rest, and Hebrew own little if any businesses in our community. We have been brought down low because all our economic power is going into the hands of the stranger. This has helped put him in a higher social and economic position, thus making the stranger able to lend to us, but we can't lend to him. We have to go outside of our community to get loans for just about everything. We have to go to the stranger to get car loans, Mortgage loan, business loans and loans for social / community events, in many cases if the stranger don't loan or give it to us, we won't get it. Because we will never have full membership in this nation, we are now looking at other ethnic groups as examples we should follow in order to better our condition. If we are willing to follow the examples of these ethnic groups (strangers), this means that these groups are in the lead (head) and we are following them (tail). This is prophecy, it is the way Yah said it would be, and this is the way it is.
  • 18. VERSE 45: MOREOVER ALL THESE CURSES SHALL COME UPON YOU, AND SHALL PURSUE YOU AND OVERTAKE YOU, TILL YOU BE DESTROYED: BECAUSE YOU HEARKENED NOT UNTO THE VOICE OF YHWH, TO KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS AND HIS STATUES WHICH HE COMMANDED YOU. (46) AND THEY SHALL BE UPON YOU FOR A SIGN AND FOR A WONDER, AND UPON YOUR SEED FOREVER. No matter where Israel go or what they do these curses are going to be upon them. Because we are not keeping YAH laws which he commandment us to do. Israel in the United States has long forgotten the laws of YAH and this is the sole reason why we have been in this terrible condition since our arrival here. No matter how hard we try, we never get it right. Yah said the curses are on Israel for a sign. A sign is an Indication, Yah uses the curses to indicate who his true people are. The so called experts say the curses that are written in Leviticus 26: and Deuteronomy 28: happen to Israel in biblical times. Yes but Yah says these curses are going to be on Israel seed (descendants) FOREVER. This means that they were on Israel in biblical times (as long as they transgress the law) and on us now. And as you see, I am showing how these curses are affecting the Hebrews in the U.S. These things are supposed to happen to us by the hand of our enemies, which we can easily prove they are. Yah says throughout this chapter that we are going to be defeated by our enemies and be in their land. If the Jews are descendants of Israel they ought to be under the same curses found in Lev 26: and DEUT 28: Their condition in this country and every other country they're in, should resemble the condition of the true Hebrews of the western Hemisphere. But it doesn't, the Jews are not keeping Yah's laws and they admit this openly. In a book entitled 'HOW TO INTRODUCE YOUR JEWISH FRIENDS TO THE MESSIAH' on page 20 it states:
  • 19. The majority of Jews living in the UNITED STATES AND ISRAEL are not religious. Those who are religious PRACTICE VARIOUS FORMS OF RABBINIC (NOT BIBLICAL) JUDAISM VERSE 48: Yah never gave Israel a religion called JUDAISM, so THEREFORE SHALL any form of Judaism is transgressing the law. Judaism YOU SERVE YOUR is manmade; it's not mention one time throughout the scriptures. 80-90% of Jews living in Israel today are ENEMIES WHICH YAH Secular (Atheist). There are more "religious" Jews SHALL SEND AGAINST living in New York than there are in Israel. YOU, IN These curses are the greatest tool in identifying who HUNGER, AND IN are the children of Israel in the latter days. Yah said THIRST, AND IN these curses are to be for a sign and a wonder and on NAKEDNESS, AND IN Israel forever. This means that whatever people are THE WANT OF ALL suffering from all these curses are descendants of the children of Israel today. I know the Jews have suffered THINGS: AND HE mistreatment but so have the SHALL PUT A YOKE OF Irish, Italians, Mexicans, Japanese, and Chinese etc. IRON UPON YOUR But how many of them have suffered and are suffering NECK, UNTIL HE HAS according to all the curses written in the books of the DESTROYED YOU. law. The answer is none. We fit these curses more perfectly than anybody else.
  • 20. Israel in the United States has been in total service to our enemies who have opposed and worked against us since the time of slavery. We have continued to serve them in hunger, thirst and nakedness (oppression) for over 400 years. If you are in want of all things this means that you are materialistic, which makes you a consumer. We are the number one consumers in the United States. We buy more products, clothing, cars, computers etc., than any other ethnic group in the United States. We constitute only twelve percent of the total U.S. population, but we are responsible for the following consumption statistics: 36% of ALL hair conditioners 32% of ALL malt liquors 30% of ALL movie theater tickets Hebrew females who constitute 6% of the population consume 15% ($600,000,000) of the 4 billion cosmetic market (mostly to maybe line), spend 23% more on shoes than the population at large and consume 26% more perfume than any other ethnic group of females. Hebrew males aged 13-24 who constitute less than 3% of the population, yet consume 10% of the 12 billion athletic shoe market, and more than 20% of Nike shoes. 55% of starter Jacket sales ($283 million in 1993) are linked to Hebrew buyers. Israelites spend $6,000,000,000, per year on soft drinks and more than $500,000,000 on McDonald's fast food, and are twice as likely as whites to own a BMW, Audi or Mercedes Benz. We spend all this money on materialistic nonsense because We are in want of all things, and the reason for this is, we have been in a very hostile environment and made to feel like we are nothing more than slaves, animals, a dumb culture less people. So we attempt to obtain worth and equality by buying or and possessing all these "things". If you need proof of the materialism in our communities look at the rap videos. The last half of verse 48: says: AND HE SHALL PUT A YOKE OF IRON UPON YOUR NECK UNTIL HE HAS DESTROYED YOU.
  • 21. Our oppressors literally put yokes of iron around our necks when they brought us here as captives, (THE Above Pictures). He still has a iron yoke around our necks today. The word yoke also means agency of oppression, subjection, servitude and slavery. Iron is synonymous with power, and strength. Our oppressors have subjected and kept us in a powerful oppression and servitude. One that has lasted for over four centuries, The Hebrews have been destroyed and ONLY YAH CAN REPAIR / RESTORE us. VERSE 49: YHWH SHALL BRING A NATION AGAINST YOU FROM FAR, FROM THE END OF THE EARTH, AS SWIFT AS THE EAGLE FLY: A NATION WHOSE LANGUAGE YOU SHALL NOT UNDERSTAND. When Moses spoke this prophecy to the children of Israel, he was in the part of the world known as the "middle eastern" (which is really North East Africa). Yah said he would bring a nation from FAR, FROM THE END OF THE EARTH. If we look at all the nations that came against Israel (Egypt, Assyria, Medo- Persia, Babylon, Greece and Rome), these were nations that were situated in and around the "mid-east" (Greece and Rome are in Europe but were still close by) and Israel was very familiar with those nations and their languages; these were lands Israel could travel to by foot, camel, or boat. So where is this FAR NATION spoken of in prophecy??? It's the western hemisphere, particularly the United States. If you look on any map of the world and look at the so called mid-east, then look at the U.S. not only is the United States far from the mid-east, but it is actually at the end of the earth.
  • 22. VERSE 50: A NATION OF FIERCE COUNTENANCE, WHICH SHALL NOT REGARD THE PERSON OF THE OLD, NOR SHOW FAVOR TO THE Scripture mention this nation is swift as a YOUNG. eagle fly. It's not a coincidence that the national symbol for the U.S. is the eagle. Verse 50 is talking about this nation that is mention in verse 49 (the one from the end of the earth), I showed you this is the When the slave traders and catchers came United States, which has and have not cared about the old or the upon the shores of west Africa, the Hebrews young Hebrew. Olaudah Equiano also tells of his fears of his didn't understand their languages. In the slave captors: narrative by the slave Olaudah Equiano (whom I've already mention) He tells of his "I asked them if we were not going to be eaten by those white first encounter with European slave traders. men with HORRIBLE LOOKS, red faces and long hair, they told "THEIR COMPLEXIONS me I was not, but still feared I should be put to death, the white TOO, DIFFERENT SO MUCH FROM man LOOKED AND ACTED AS I THOUGHT, IN SO SAVAGE OURS, THEIR LONG HAIR, AND THE A MANNER: FOR I HAVE NEVER SEEN AMONG ANY LANGUAGE THEY SPOKE, WHICH PEOPLE SUCH INSTANCES OF BRUTAL CRUELTY". WAS VERY DIFFERENT FROM ANY I I must add that Olaudah was only 11 years old when he was HAD EVER HEARD. captured, and brought to the United States. Our people had no knowledge of English or the various other languages the slave traders During the slave trade the trade in children had become a very spoke. Once again we fit these curses more so profitable business, when these children reach the plantations than anybody else. they were treated just as horribly as the adult slaves. Even now in 2000 the United States is a very dangerous place to live for a Hebrew, according to recent studies. You now have Hebrew children being tried as adults in the justice system, you also have both Hebrew adults and children making up the majority of people on death row, you now have both Hebrew adults and children making up the majority of Homicide victims, this list can go on and on. This is just to show you that there is no difference between the treatment of Hebrew children or adults, this nation doesn't care for us at all, none of us.
  • 23. VERSE 58: IF YOU WILL NOT OBSERVE TO DO ALL THE WORDS OF THIS LAW THAT ARE WRITTEN IN THIS BOOK, THAT YOU MAY FEAR THIS GLORIOUS AND FEARFUL NAME, YHWH (59) THEN YAH WILL MAKE YOUR PLAGUES WONDERFUL AND THE PLAGUES OF YOUR SEED, (descendants) GREAT PLAGUES, AND OF LONG CONTINUANCE, AND SORE SICKNESS, AND OF LONG CONTINUANCE, (60) MOREOVER HE WILL BRING UPON YOU ALL THE DISEASES OF EGYPT, WHICH YOU WERE AFRAID OF: AND THEY SHALL CLEAVE UNTO YOU. (61) ALSO EVERY SICKNESS, AND EVERY PLAGUE, WHICH IS NOT WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF THIS LAW, THEM WILL YAH BRING UPON YOU UNTIL YOU BE DESTROYED. These verses are clearly stating that Israel is always going to be a sick and disease stricken people. We are only 12% of the U.S. general population, but we have the highest rate of cancer in the U.S. We lead in 8 out of the top 10 cancers. Hebrew men have the highest rate of prostate cancer in the world, for every 100,000 Hebrew men 185 will get prostate cancer. AIDS: While aids and HIV rates continue to drop in every ethnic / racial community in the U.S., the rate of infections continue to rise in the Hebrew community. Hebrews make up 40% of all aids cases in the U.S. it is the leading cause of death for Hebrews aged 25 - 44. 55% of all women with aids are Hebrew women, 60% of all children with aids are Hebrew children. In the Year 2001, we became the majority of all people with aids in the United States. An aid has become such an epidemic in the Hebrew communities (across the U.S.). That in may of 1998, the congressional "black" caucus (the Hebrew members of the U.S. congress) has asked the federal government to declare a national emergency in the Hebrew community, because of this deadly plague (Aids / HIV).
  • 24. We are 4x's more likely to get / have Alzheimer’s disease than whites and 2x's as likely as Hispanics. We also have the highest rates of: HEART DISEASE,  DIABETES,  HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE,  SICKLE CELL ANIMA,  STROKES,  THYROID TUMORS,  ASTHMA,  LUPUS,  & STD'S (sexually Transmitted Diseases). We’ve been plague with diseases and sickness ever since we first boarded those slave ships 4 centuries ago. In a book called 'The Black American Experience' by Arvarh E. Strickland and Jerome R. Reich on page 62 it describe some of the disease on the slave ships: "THE FILTHY SLAVE SHIPS WITH THEIR CROWED, ILL-FED HUMAN CARGOES ALSO WERE FILLED WITH SICKNESS AND DISEASE. SMALLPOX, MEASLES, GONORRHEA, SYPHILIS, YELLOW FEVER, AND MALARIA WERE COMMON DISEASE ON THESE SHIPS". These diseases are on us, just as prophecy said they would. I will continually say we fit these curses perfectly.
  • 25. Verse 64: "AND YAH SHALL SCATTER YOU AMONG ALL PEOPLE, FROM ONE END OF THE EARTH EVEN UNTO THE OTHER; AND THERE YOU SHALL SERVE GODS WHICH NEITHER YOU NOR YOUR FATHERS HAVE KNOWN, WOOD AND STONE. Verse 65: AND AMONG THESE NATIONS YOU SHALL FIND NO EASE NEITHER SHALL THE SOLE OF YOUR FEET HAVE REST, BUT YAH SHALL GIVE YOU THERE A TREMBLING HEART AND FAILING OF EYES, AND SORROW OF MIND. As previously stated, the true Israelites have been scattered from East to West - North to South. There probably isn't a country on earth where Israelites don't represent some percent of the population. The Hebrews can't be back in the land of Israel as a sovereign nation right now, and at the same time breaking the laws of Yah. This is why the Hebrew of the Western Hemisphere is here today. In these lands where Israel is going to be scattered, we are going to serve every and all kinds of strange gods. Israel's ancient forefathers didn't know about these gods (religions) that Israel is serving today, they didn't know about "Jesus", the Christian, Christ, Allah, Buddha, Krishna, Voodoo, New Ageism and the many gods Israel was in service to on the west coast of Africa. Many of these gods are actually wood and stone gods, and many of them were created after 70 CE (the expulsion of Israel from the land) so these are some of the newest gods on the scene. But we should also remember that wood and stone gods are the same as false gods (religions), because wood and stone gods can't talk hear or speak, in other words they don't exist. Now we know this couldn't apply to the Jews, because as I have mentioned before, the majority of Jews are atheist, they don't believe in any god. Verse 65 states that among those nations where we have been scattered we would find no ease or rest for our feet. Here in the Western Hemisphere the Israelites have found no ease or peace, but rather horror and terror. Ralph Ginsberg documents some of the terror Hebrew have suffered in the United States in his book, 100 Years of Lynching. His book is a compilation of actual press accounts of lynching beginning in 1880. On pages 253-270, he gives a partial listing of approximately 5,000 Hebrews lynched in the United States from 1859 to 1961, not to mention all the ones who were shot, poisoned, clubbed, and strangled.
  • 26. In our 400 year history in North America, there hasn't been one instance of peace for us, from slavery to Jim Crowism to segregation and lynching to racism and discrimination and so on. There has been constant, trouble and oppression for us. Numerous sources including the federal government's Center for Disease Control reported that being Hebrew in the United States is hazardous to our health. Being Hebrew in the U.S. means higher mortality rates, lower levels of education, lower levels of occupational status, lower incomes, lower levels of health, poorer housing, fewer two-parent households, higher unemployment, greater contact with the criminal justice system and higher levels of marital disruption than the general population. The report suggests that social economic conditions among Hebrews to a large degree, stemmed directly from the structural economic and social inequalities produced by centuries of slavery, Jim Crowism, and benign neglect. Since the Hebrew man is the primary target of racism, the report explains, in large measure, why Hebrew men are disproportionately burdened with health problems and the shortest life expectancy of any race or gender. The soles of Israel feet have not rested in over 2000 years; we are always on the move, running for our lives. This is how we arrived on the west coast of Africa from the so-called Middle East. There was a 1400 year migration from the so-called Middle East to the west coast of Africa starting in the first century CE. These Hebrew migrations went on with great frequency from about 300 CE and they continued with utmost regularity for twelve hundred years. Here, in the United States the Hebrew are responsible for what is known as the great migration. This was the largest peace time migration of people in human history. Between 1940 and 1970, over 5 million Hebrews left the rural south for the we called the "Promised Land" of the urban North, in the greatest migration in United States history. We left share cropper shacks for dubious shelters of ghetto housing projects, and fled one kind of poverty and oppression only to encounter another just as bleak.
  • 27. 50,000 Hebrews moved to Chicago from the south in 18 months during World War II (This is why I was born in Chicago, both my parents and grandparents came from Mississippi during this migration period). To this very day the Hebrew are still on the move in search of a better way, this scripture also says that Israel was going to have a trembling heart which is panic, and failing of eyes and sorrow of mind. This is showing that Israel is going to be a sad, grief stricken, fearful and spiritually blind people, plagued by misfortune. Israel in the United States has all of these characteristics described in this verse of scripture. We have been living in a very hostile environment for a long time. Verse 66: AND YOUR LIFE SHALL HANG IN DOUBT BEFORE YOU; AND YOU SHALL FEAR DAY AND NIGHT, AND SHALL HAVE NONE ASSURANCE OF YOUR LIFE: Hebrew has feared for our lives since the times of slavery, it is a historical fact that a Hebrew life has never had any value in this country. This is the reason for centuries, Israel has been murdered and terrorized and no one can seem to stop it. Our lives hang in the balance before us. All the statistics show that we die from violence in the prime of our lives, more than any other ethnic group. In 1990 Hebrews represented 50% of the 23,760 murder victims known to police. The homicide rate among Hebrew men is generally 6 to 7 times higher than the rate among gentile men. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported that in 1990 Hebrew males had a homicide rate of 68.7 per 100,000 compared with 8.9 per 100,000 for gentile males. Homicide is now the leading cause of death for Hebrew males 16-24 years of age. In 1987, homicide accounted for 42% of all death among Young Hebrew males 15-24, Hebrew males in this age group had a homicide rate (138.3), more than nine times the homicide rate of young gentile males (15.4). In a study, the Bureau of Justice statistics estimated that the lifetime risk of death by homicide is greater for Hebrews, (1 in 21 for Hebrew males) and ( 1 in 104 for Hebrew females) than it is for gentiles / whites (1 in 131 for gentile males and 1 in 369 for gentile females). The number of Hebrew females murdered between 1980 and 1985 exceeds the number of casualties (9500) in the Vietnam War in 1967 for the U.S., one of the peak years of fighting. 44,428 Hebrew males were murdered between 1980 and 1985, nearly equal the total number of "Americans" killed during the entire Vietnam conflict. Hebrew men have the shortest life expectancy of any males in the United States (except a small group of Sioux Indians).
  • 28. With statistics like these, it is no wonder why many Hebrew are very afraid to come out of their homes in the day or night, because we have little assurance that we will make it back alive. This is why in Hebrew communities across the country, there are children 9, 10, 11 and 12 years old planning for their own funeral, these children have seen so much death and destruction until they have lost all hope that any change will come. In a study done in 1996, of children in war torn countries and Hebrew children in the United States, it was found that the children in war torn countries are better off mentally than Hebrew children in the U.S. The children in the war torn country knew one day the war (death and destruction) in their country would end, but Hebrew children don't see an end to the death and destruction they witness daily. The suicide rate for Hebrews has more than doubled, from 3.6% per 1,000 to 8.1% per 1,000. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for Hebrew men. The Hebrew is so unsure about their lives that now we have begun to kill ourselves. In the U.S. a simple traffic stop by police can mean death for a Hebrew. Between 1976 and 1987 the most recent period studied, some 1800 Hebrew were killed by law enforcement bullets. Hebrew is three times more likely to die from a police bullet than gentiles. Hebrew are more likely than gentiles to be killed in error, in many cases no weapon is found on the suspects body. Even Today, unarmed Hebrew men and women are being gunned down almost daily by law enforcement officers. We have NO ASSURANCE OF OUR LIVES, WE LIVE IN CONSTANT FEAR. All of this is not happening to us by coincidence, this is the fulfilling of long awaited forgotten PROPHECY. This is the reason, that a "white person" can walk down a Hebrew street in a Hebrew neighborhood and the majority of the time, no one will touch them (I see Mormon "missionaries" all the time in our neighborhoods riding bikes and they come in peace and leave in peace). But a Hebrew man, woman or child can come down the same street and is much more likely to be harmed in some way. The curses are on us that's why we have all this violence in our communities. If the racist police hate groups or others don't get us, our own people will.
  • 29. VERSE 68: AND YAH SHALL BRINGYOU INTO EGYPT AGAIN WITH SHIPS BY THE WAY WHEREOF I SPOKE UNTO YOU,YOU SHALL SEE IT NO MORE AGAIN AND THEREYOU SHALL BE SOLD UNTO YOUR ENEMIES FOR BONDMEN (slaves) AND BONDWOMEN (slaves), AND NO MAN SHALL BUYYOU. In this verse Egypt is synonymous with OPPRESSION, SLAVERY, CAPTIVITY AND AFFLICTION. In scripture Egypt is referred to as: The House Of Bondage (Ex 13:3,14 / 20:4,- DEUT 5:6 / 7:8 / 26:6), The Iron Furnace (DEUT 4:20), Furnace of Affliction (Isaiah 48:10). Egypt was the symbol of hard severs bondage to the Hebrews (EX 1:13-14). What this verse is saying is that Israel will go into an "Egypt Like" oppressive, powerful, sever bondage (slavery, captivity) IN SHIPS. This is exactly how we got to this country / hemisphere. We were taken captive from the west coast of Africa, and brought to the Americas in the bottom of Slave Ships. Once we arrived in the West we were placed on auction blocks and sold as chattel to the highest bidder. This process happen for over 300 years, this is an historical fact that can't be denied, just check your American history books . As I already mentioned earlier, those people that brought us to this country in slave ships, and subjected us to the worst form of slavery and oppression ever. Were indeed our enemies, and these were the people who were the buyers, at those slave auctions, we were sold as slaves to our enemies just as scripture says. No other racial / ethnic group in the western hemisphere can claim this has happen to them. Only we were brought into an oppressive bondage in ships and sold unto our enemies as slaves.
  • 30. This prophecy was only fulfilled with the advent of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. There isn't one instant in scripture where ancient Israel went back into Egypt in ships. They walked into Egypt on dry land (Genesis 46:5-6). During biblical times the land of Israel and Egypt was one continual land mass, so there were no needs to go into Egypt in ships. So when and where was this prophecy fulfilled???? ANSWER: DURING THE TRANS ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE, when no less than 100 million of our people were brought here as slaves. When the scripture says no man will buy them, it's saying that no man will buy or redeem us out of our condition. Because this same scripture says, we were to be sold unto our enemies, and you can't sell anything if there is no buyer. Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, and Bill Cosby money combined could not buy us out of our condition. You tell me do the Jews or anybody else fit the description of Israel in the latter days. We fit the description down to a tee. Many, if not the majority of bible reading people have never heard of or understood these curses, Especially the so called African Americans. We have been told that all our misfortune has come upon us because we are an inferior people. And because of this many of our people have become shameful of our history, but as prophecy says "In the last days knowledge shall be increased" (Daniel 12:4). Now with the right understanding of bible prophecy and with the right understanding of our history; we have begun to set the record straight. And show the world and especially our people that we are not or have not suffered for nothing. We are not a curse people in the WAY that Slave Masters taught the Slave (he lied and said we were cursed with black skin). We are not curse or being punished because we are hated or Genetic inferior. We are under the curses of the father because we have a special calling and a special relationship to the most high (a relationship in which no other people on earth have ever experienced Amos 3:1-2). One in which we have long forgotten about. We will rise up and be the people we were destine to be, this fact the whole world will bear witness too in the very near future. Now allow me to further provide more proof and prophecy about the true Hebrews of the bible.