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AmCham Taipei

2012 Business Climate Survey

                           Independent   Marketing
Chairman’s Message

2                Independent   Marketing
“Basic Message from 2012 AmCham Chairman Billimprovements.”
           optimism, but spotlighting areas needing Wiseman
         Message from 2012 AmCham Chairman Bill Wiseman

Our 2012 Business Climate Survey asked 387 voting
representatives from AmCham member companies –
mainly CEOs – to answer about 20 questions in an
online questionnaire. 232 members took part - a 60%
response rate.
In general, the results of the 2012 survey were closely
aligned with those of 2011. Members expressed
optimism about the economy and business prospects in
Taiwan, with nearly half citing plans to increase
investment in the coming year.

                                                      Independent   Marketing
Message from 2012 AmCham Chairman Bill Wiseman

If views of the business outlook are slightly less rosy
than a year ago, the driving factor seems to be global
macroeconomic uncertainty and its expected impact on
Taiwan's economy.
Once again, the survey results show that the Taiwan
government deserves commendation for a number of
achievements, including progress in cross-Strait
economic relations, adjustment of the corporate tax
rate to make Taiwan more competitive within the Asian
region, and further strengthening of IPR protection.
                                                   Independent   Marketing
Message from 2012 AmCham Chairman Bill Wiseman

But the survey also pinpoints areas where further
efforts are needed to remove what are currently
perceived as serious obstacles to economic growth:

  • Human Resources. Shortages of talent are developing in
  certain sectors, while constraints remain on hiring
  professionals from abroad. More also needs to be done to
  cultivate creativity and initiative-taking in the Taiwan

                                                   Independent   Marketing
Message from 2012 AmCham Chairman Bill Wiseman

  • Bureaucratic inefficiencies. Among the problems cited are
  inconsistent regulatory interpretations, inadequate or
  outdated laws, and lack of transparency.
  • Tax structure. Although the corporate tax rate has been
  reduced, the high personal income tax rate discourages
  foreign experts from accepting assignments in Taiwan. The
  incentive system for encouraging R&D also needs review.
High-level government officials have indicated to
AmCham that they recognize these problems and are
working on finding solutions.

                                                    Independent   Marketing
Message from 2012 AmCham Chairman Bill Wiseman

We offer the findings of the survey as reference for the
government as President Ma Ying-jeou prepares for his
second term.
In closing, I would like to extend the Chamber’s hearty
thanks to Gordon Stewart of Independent Marketing
Pty Limited for his invaluable guidance in the planning
and execution of this project.

Bill Wiseman
2012 AmCham Taipei Chairman
                                                    Independent   Marketing
Executive Summary

8               Independent   Marketing
Executive Summary – Key Indicators

                2012 Forecast
                                                           Increased                      5 Year
   2011          for Revenue
                                                         Investment in                   Business
Profitability      & Profit
                                                             2012                        Outlook
2010    2011     2011         2012                              2011          2012        2011        2012
73.5%   71.9%    81.2%        58.4%                             54.3%         42.9%       81.0%       70.3%

                     Alert!                                                                  Alert!

                         *Alert! Statistically significant change from 2011
                                                                                      Independent     Marketing
Executive Summary - Key Takeaways
• AmCham’s Business leaders had a reasonably good
  2011 and are focused on (almost 74% of companies
  have a primary focus on the domestic market), and
  generally optimistic, about the future of their
  businesses in Taiwan.
• Many will increase their investment in Taiwan
  during 2012. But there is some softening or
  leveling-off in their forecasts for longer-term
  investment levels and in their prospects for
  growing revenues and profits in the short-term.
  However, the good news is that these softer
  forecasts are counter-balanced by either “Neutral”,
  or “Remain the same” forecasts, rather than by
  negative ones.
                                          Independent   Marketing
Executive Summary - Key Takeaways
• Bureaucracy! Bureaucracy! Bureaucracy! Is a
  common and persistent negative issue for our
  business leaders. It is cited throughout this (and
  last year’s) survey as having negative impacts,
  being a barrier to success and the one major
  thing companies want the Taiwanese
  government to aggressively tackle. While
  recognizing the progress made by the
  Taiwanese government in other certain areas,
  their belief is that more can be done to reduce,
  simplify and clarify government bureaucracy.

                                         Independent   Marketing
Executive Summary - Key Takeaways
• Inter-governmental relations: Our leaders
  would like to see, and believe it would be
  advantageous if there was: a broadening and
  speeding-up of ECFA; a re-engagement on TIFA
  talks; a bilateral investment and a taxation
  agreement between Taiwan and the U.S.A
• Outside of macro-economic risks, issues
  surrounding Human resources are of the most
  concern to our business leaders. Specifically, the
  quantity, quality and costs associated with their
                                         Independent   Marketing
Detailed Findings

13                Independent   Marketing
2011: A Relatively Good Year for Business.

Almost three out of four (71.9%)of our business
leaders assert that their business in Taiwan was
either “relatively” or “very profitable” in 2011. A
very similar response to the one we received in

                                         Independent   Marketing
How would you characterize your Taiwan business’ financial

               Very Profitable

          Relatively Profitable

Break even or small profit/loss

          Relatively Large Loss

               Very Large Loss

                                   Column1   2011

                                                           Independent   Marketing
2012: More of the same…
The majority of our business leaders are
forecasting and expect 2012 to also be a
relatively good year. However, growth in
revenues & profits are forecast to occur at a
lesser rate than was forecast last year (from 81%
to 58%). The balance to this is that many more
expect to “Remain the same” for 2012 – rather
than indicating a decline in either revenues or

                                        Independent   Marketing
What is your Taiwan business’ Revenue & Profits forecast for 2012 compared to
              Substantial growth in both Revenues & Profits                                       11.0%

 Substantial growth in Revenues & modest growth in Profits                               1.8%
                                                                                                7.7%   *Alert!...

Modest growth in Revenues & substantial growth in Profits                               0.4%

                Modest growth in both Revenues & Profits                                                                                  45.2%

                                                       Remain the same                                          22.4%     *Alert!...

         Modest growth in Revenues & no change in Profits                                3.1%

    Modest growth in Revenues & modest decline in Profits                                1.8%

          No change in Revenue & modest decline in Profits                           0.9%

    Modest decline in Revenues & modest growth in Profits                           0.4%

                 Modest decline in both Revenues & Profits                                     9.6%

 Modest decline in Revenues & substantial decline in Profits                        0.4%
 Substantial decline in Revenues & modest decline in Profits                        0.4%
                                                                                    0.0%                                                       2011
              Substantial decline in both Revenues & Profits                         1.3%

                                                                                   0%                  20%                     40%                  60%
                              *Alert! Statistically significant change from 2011

                                                                                                                    Independent        Marketing
Short-term investment : Softening?

There does appear to be some softening/
flattening in planned investment levels - with
only 43% saying they will increase their entity’s
level of investment in 2012 either “slightly” or
“substantially”. This compared to 54% last year.
Statistically, this is bordering on a significant

                                        Independent   Marketing
What is likely to happen to your entity’s level of investment
                     in Taiwan over the next 12 months?

 Substantial Increase              10.0%

      Slight Increase                                         32.9%

          No Change                                                            40.7%

     Slight Decrease                  12.6%

Substantial Decrease     2.2%

Don't know/can't say     1.7%

                                   2012    2011

                                                             Independent    Marketing
Unfortunately, or realistically…
…Taiwan is generally viewed as “Not a high priority”
back at the global head office. Perhaps this also
inhibits greater investment. We said last year that
Taiwan needs to better position and market itself to
try and gain some more global attention. Changes
to: taxation rates; improvements to direct foreign
investment rules and incentives; research &
development incentives; and lowering some of the
bureaucratic barriers, may go a long way here.

                                        Independent   Marketing
How does Taiwan fit into your global entity’s investment plans?
                            #1 Priority             10.3%
                                                5.2%                                             2011

                          In the top 3              9.9%

                          In the top 5           6.9%

                         In the top 10                   14.7%

                    Not a high priority                                              45.7%

Looking to reduce investment/disinvest         2.6%

                 Don't know/can't say                 9.9%

                                          0%     10%       20%   30%    40%          50%         60%

                                                                       Independent   Marketing
Looking forward five years…
Whilst the vast majority (70%) are “optimistic” or
“slightly optimistic” about their five-year business
outlook in Taiwan, there has been a statistically
significant drop in this score compared to a year
ago, with many taking a more “Neutral” position.
Further suggesting that there is a growing
cautiousness in regards to their future business

                                         Independent   Marketing
How would you describe your five-year business outlook for Taiwan?

         Optimistic                                27.6%

Slightly Optimistic                                                           42.7%

           Neutral                             21.6%    *Alert! Statistically significant change from 2011
Slightly Pessimistic            7.3%

        Pessimistic         0.9%

                       0%       10%      20%      30%            40%                  50%                    60%

                                                                                                  Independent      Marketing
What impacts their business?
Not surprisingly, given their Taiwan market focus,
changes in local demand have the single greatest
impact on their businesses.
However, there are several areas where the
Taiwanese government can have a direct and
substantial influence. These include government
bureaucracy, inconsistent regulatory
interpretation, inadequate or outdated laws, and
company and personal taxation levels. Indeed,
reducing taxation levels may well release more
money into the economy and help stimulate the
area of largest impact – domestic demand.
                                         Independent   Marketing
Which of the following impacts your operation in Taiwan, and how much of an
                           impact do they have?
                         Top Ten Responses overall
2012 Ranking    2011 Ranking   Issues

       1              1        Changes in local demand
       2              3        Inconsistent regulatory interpretation

       3              4        Ability to recruit appropriate new personnel

       4              2        Governmental Bureaucracy
       5              7        Currency Exchange rate fluctuations

       6              5        Inadequate/Out-dated laws
       7              8        China-Taiwan government relations

       8              9        Changes in employment expenses

       9              6        Corporate Taxation levels
      10              10       Lack of transparency

                                                               Independent   Marketing
Average values only shown on 4 point scale where 4 = extreme impact and 1 = no impact

                                                                        Independent   Marketing
Independent   Marketing
Progress (and the lack of it) in Taiwan
Some great strides have been made in the past
three years to help business – especially in
connection with China, like direct flights, better
cross-Strait government relations, and of course
ECFA. There has also been some progress on
important issues such as Corporate Taxation.
But there are also areas where no progress has
been made (e.g., personal taxation), and worse
where there has actually been some perceived
regression (e.g., employment expenses and
domestic protectionism).

                                       Independent   Marketing
‘Significant” & “Some” Progress over 2009-2011 in Taiwan
                                        Direct flights to the Mainland                                                                           85.4%
                               China - Taiwan government relations                                                                             83.2%
          The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)                                                                        72.1%
                                            Corporate Taxation levels                                               50.0%
Infrastructure (Power, Water, Telecommunications, Transport, etc.)                                              45.1%
                                                             Corruption                                       42.9%
                                 USA - Taiwan government relations                                            42.5%
                                   EU - Taiwan government relations                                          42.0%
                                        Strengthening Local Demand                                           41.6%
                         Intellectual Property rights infringements                                         41.2%
                                Governmental reform/restructuring                                           40.7%
                                                          Transparency                                    38.1%
                                    Strengthening Overseas Demand                                      34.1%
                                      Customs and trade regulations                                    34.1%
                                Currency Exchange rate fluctuations                                  32.3%
                                          Governmental Bureaucracy                                   32.3%
                                                     Changes in Tariffs                             30.5%
                                            Financial Industry Reform                           26.1%
                                         Inadequate/Out-dated laws                             25.7%
                                              Personal Taxation levels                        24.3%
                       Ability to recruit appropriate new personnel                          22.6%
                              Inconsistent regulatory interpretation                       20.8%
                                           Changes in Transport costs                      20.4%
                                           Changes in Financing costs                     19.9%
                                                         Illegal imports                  19.5%
                              Government procurement procedures                          19.0%
                                   Changes in Employment expenses                       18.1%
                                              Domestic protectionism                    17.7%
                                       Changes in Raw Material costs                  15.0%

                                                                           0%   10%   20%     30%      40%     50%     60%     70%     80%      90%

                                                                                                                     Independent   Marketing
“No Progress” made over 2009-2011 in Taiwan
                                              Personal Taxation levels                                                             59.3%
                                           Changes in Financing costs                                                      52.7%
                                   Changes in Employment expenses                                                        50.4%
                                           Changes in Transport costs                                                   49.6%
                             Government procurement procedures                                                         48.7%
                                                         Illegal imports                                              47.8%
                       Ability to recruit appropriate new personnel                                                   47.3%
                              Inconsistent regulatory interpretation                                                 46.5%
                                              Domestic protectionism                                                45.6%
                                         Inadequate/Out-dated laws                                                 44.7%
                                Currency Exchange rate fluctuations                                              43.4%
                                      Customs and trade regulations                                             42.0%
                                                     Changes in Tariffs                                        41.6%
                                            Financial Industry Reform                                          41.2%
                                                          Transparency                                       39.8%
Infrastructure (Power, Water, Telecommunications, Transport, etc.)                                         37.6%
                                       Changes in Raw Material costs                                      36.7%
                                        Strengthening Local Demand                                        36.7%
                                    Strengthening Overseas Demand                                        36.3%
                                Governmental reform/restructuring                                        36.3%
                                            Corporate Taxation levels                                    35.8%
                                          Governmental Bureaucracy                                      35.4%
                                   EU - Taiwan government relations                                     35.0%
                         Intellectual Property rights infringements                                    34.1%
                                 USA - Taiwan government relations                                   32.3%
                                                             Corruption                             31.4%
          The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)                        12.8%
                               China - Taiwan government relations                9.3%
                                        Direct flights to the Mainland          7.1%

                                                                           0%   10%     20%   30%        40%       50%        60%          70%

                                                                                                              Independent   Marketing
“Significant” & “Some” Regress over 2009-2011 in Taiwan
                                          Governmental Bureaucracy                                                                     24.3%
                                   Changes in Employment expenses                                                                 22.1%
                              Inconsistent regulatory interpretation                                                             21.7%
                                       Changes in Raw Material costs                                                            21.2%
                       Ability to recruit appropriate new personnel                                                            20.8%
                                              Domestic protectionism                                                          20.4%
                                         Inadequate/Out-dated laws                                              14.6%
                                 USA - Taiwan government relations                                              14.6%
                                Currency Exchange rate fluctuations                                           13.7%
                                                          Transparency                                        13.7%
                                           Changes in Transport costs                                        13.3%
                                            Financial Industry Reform                                      12.4%
                                        Strengthening Local Demand                                        11.9%
                                    Strengthening Overseas Demand                                         11.9%
                                Governmental reform/restructuring                                     10.2%
                                                             Corruption                               10.2%
                             Government procurement procedures                                    8.4%
                                      Customs and trade regulations                               8.4%
                                              Personal Taxation levels                         7.1%
                                           Changes in Financing costs                          7.1%
                         Intellectual Property rights infringements                           6.6%
                                   EU - Taiwan government relations                          6.2%
                                                     Changes in Tariffs                    5.3%
Infrastructure (Power, Water, Telecommunications, Transport, etc.)                         5.3%
                                                         Illegal imports                4.0%
                                            Corporate Taxation levels                   4.0%
          The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)                           4.0%
                                        Direct flights to the Mainland           1.8%
                               China - Taiwan government relations              1.3%

                                                                           0%           5%        10%        15%          20%         25%         30%

                                                                                                                        Independent   Marketing
Much more needs to be done
The survey asked about the main things the
Taiwan government could do in the next 12
months to help business. The top replies:
 – Simplify government bureaucracy
 – Increase incentives for foreign direct investment
 – Lower personal taxation and further reduce
   corporate rates.

                                          Independent   Marketing
What are the top things the Taiwan Government could do to help
                          your entity in the next 12 months?
            Simplify Government Bureaucracy                                                                                                    43.8%

 Increase Direct Foreign Investment incentives                                                                 24.7%

                     Reduce Personal Taxation                                                            21.5%                    *Alert!...

           Reduce Corporate Taxation further                                                           20.1%

  Improve Research & Development incentives                                                      16.9%

                   Liberalize the Labor market                                                   16.4%

                                    Broaden ECFA                                               15.5%

                                  Speed-up ECFA                                              15.1%
                                                                                                     18.7%                                       2012
         *Re-engage in TIFA talks with the USA                                             14.2%
   Increase direct flights to/from the Mainland                                           13.2%

Introduce stronger Corporate Governance rules                                           11.4%

  Tighten enforcement of Intellectual Property…                                        11.0%

Sign bilateral trade deals with other (non-USA)…                                    10.5%

                                    Reduce Tariffs                                 10.0%

                   Improve Training Incentives                                    8.7%

                                                                    0%           10%              20%             30%            40%               50%

                            *Alert! Statistically significant change from 2011                                    Independent    Marketing
Notes on “Other” items mentioned (12.8% in total)
These mostly related to topics about: Transparency in both government and private dealings ,
to reduce corruption; and specific laws and regulations, e.g., in the Health care, Energy,
Financial services , Food safety, Environmental safety and Broadcast markets

                                                                               Independent   Marketing
The major worries confronting
Asked about the major risks facing their entity in
the coming years, most responses related to
economic slowdowns, whether globally, in Taiwan,
along with growing concerns about the China and
the U.S.A. markets.
“Europe” was added this year as an option and is
the 5th greatest concern.
Outside of economic slowdowns, Human
Resources remain the largest concern for business

                                       Independent   Marketing
What are the major risks facing your entity in the coming years?
                 Global economic slowdown                                                                                                 73.5%
Economic slowdown in domestic consumption                                                                               54.3%
      Economic slowdown in Mainland China                                                                40.6%      *Alert!...
                 Economic slowdown in USA                                                               39.7%       *Alert!...
             Economic slowdown in Europe*                                                             35.6%

                   Lack of Human Resources                                                 35.2%
       Increased Governmental interference                                                34.2%
          Increased domestic political unrest                                           32.4%
                          TWD depreciation                                        24.2%
                      Taiwan Inflation rising                                  21.5%
                          TWD appreciation                                 17.4%
                                                                               21.5%                                                2012
               Taiwan Unemployment rising                                 16.4%
                                                                              19.6%                                                 2011
                          Decreased exports                              14.6%
                          Increased imports              1.8%
                                       Other              3.7%
                                                  0%            10%            20%           30%      40%     50%          60%      70%      80%

                                        *Alert! Statistically significant change from 2011                    Independent        Marketing
Human Resources – A big issue
Deficiencies in the quantity and quality of
available human resources are one of the highest
risk factors seen as confronting businesses in the
We asked our corporate leaders to give us their
impressions of the quality of available human
capital in Taiwan. First the positives…

                                        Independent   Marketing
Taiwanese Human Resources are seen
              as …
…Hard-working, very trustworthy, extremely well-
educated, highly productive, very loyal, and easy
to develop or train. A very positive profile of the
workforce. Understandably, no major changes
where seen in this year’s survey compared to last.

                                         Independent   Marketing
How would you describe the quality of available Human Capital in Taiwan?
              Very Trustworthy
       Extremely well-educated
              Highly Productive
                       Very Loyal
          Easy to develop/train
Show high degree of emotional…
 Show a great deal of initiative
                 Easy to recruit
                  Easy to retain
Show a great deal of creativity
       Of 'World class' standard

-60%          -40%          -20%           0%           20%        40%           60%         80%             100%
                       Disagree     Strongly Disagree     Agree   Strongly Agree

                                                                                   Independent   Marketing
Human Capital in Taiwan - Net Scores
                              Hardworking                                                          82.7%
                         Very Trustworthy                                                   72.3%
                  Extremely well-educated                                               65.7%
                         Highly Productive                                 44.8%
                                 Very Loyal                                45.2%
                     Easy to develop/train                                41.6%
Show high degree of emotional intelligence…                       24.1%
             Show a great deal of initiative           9.6%
                             Well-rounded              9.5%
                             Easy to recruit        -5.4%
                             Easy to retain         -10.5%
            Show a great deal of creativity         -10.9%
                 Of 'World class' standard          -12.3%

                                 -20%          0%           20%      40%      60%            80%             100%
                                                                                   Independent   Marketing
…They are not perceived as being of “World-class”
standard, nor displaying a great deal of creativity.
They are also not easy to recruit and retain. There
are also concerns over their inability to display
initiative. Our respondent leaders were also
somewhat divided over whether they are “well-
rounded” enough and generally display a high
emotional intelligence quotient (EQ).

                                         Independent   Marketing
ECFA…Business leaders are (still)
      bullish on ECFA but…
Last year when asked what impact they felt
ECFA would have on their business and on
Taiwan as a whole, the response was
overwhelmingly positive. However, a year on, it
seems that their experience/knowledge of ECFA
has pushed many more into a more neutral
position with regards to their perceived impact
on the country and on their businesses.
In terms of the perceived impact on the U.S.A.,
many seem unsure what, if any, impact it has, or
will have, on the U.S.A.
                                     Independent   Marketing
ECFA’s effect on My Business

         Very Positive Effect                     8.7%

        Some Positive Effect                                                                                  38.4%

Neither Positive nor Negative           Alert! Statistically significant change from 2011

       Some Negative Effect           2.8%

        Very Negative Effect         0.9%
        Don't know/can't say                  7.3%                                                               2011

                                0%     5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

                                                                                                Independent    Marketing
ECFA’s effect on Taiwan

         Very Positive Effect                                              30.1%

        Some Positive Effect                                                                               45.7%

Neither Positive nor Negative                  11.0%   Alert! Statistically significant change from 2011

       Some Negative Effect          1.8%

        Very Negative Effect          2.7%
        Don't know/can't say                 8.7%                                                                    2011

                                0%      10%         20%             30%                  40%               50%       60%

                                                                                                   Independent   Marketing
ECFA’s effect on the U.S.A.
                           (NB: New Question in 2012)

         Very Positive Effect           5.0%

        Some Positive Effect                                          26.5%

Neither Positive nor Negative                                                   31.5%

       Some Negative Effect                 7.8%

        Very Negative Effect         2.3%

        Don't know/can't say                                          26.9%

                                0%    5%    10%    15%    20%   25%     30%        35%

                                                                 Independent   Marketing
TIFA…Business leaders want an
          updated one.

This year we asked about the lack of an updated
Trade and Investment Framework Agreement
(TIFA), between Taiwan and the U.S.A.
Generally, there was a strong belief that this
disadvantages Taiwan (greatly) and to a slightly
lesser extent, the U.S.A. However, whilst also a
disadvantage to their businesses, it is seen as
more disadvantageous to the two countries.

                                     Independent   Marketing
Independent   Marketing
The lack of a Bilateral Investment

This year we also asked who, if anyone, was
disadvantaged by a lack of a Bilateral
Investment Agreement between the U.S.A. and
Taiwan. Much like the response to the question
on TIFA, Taiwan is perceived as the biggest loser,
followed by the U.S.A. and to a lesser extent
their individual businesses.

                                       Independent   Marketing
Independent   Marketing
The lack of a Bilateral Taxation

This year we also asked who, if anyone, was
disadvantaged by a lack of a Bilateral Taxation
Agreement between the U.S.A. and Taiwan.
Much like the two earlier responses, Taiwan is
perceived as the most disadvantaged, followed
by the U.S.A. and to a lesser extent their
individual businesses.

                                      Independent   Marketing
Independent   Marketing
Still not much happening in M&A
Few businesses pursued any form of merger and
acquisition (M&A) activity during 2010. Of those
that did, a few completed the exercise (4%), a few
more are still in the process (4%), some tried and
failed (less than 4%), and some considered it but
didn’t pursue it (23%). However, for the vast
majority of business leaders (more than 71%),
M&A simply wasn’t on their radar for 2011.

                                        Independent   Marketing
Did your entity pursue, or consider, a merger or acquisition of a Taiwanese
                       entity in the past 12 months?


30%                                                                                                            2011
20%                                                               17.3%

10%                                7.2%
       4.0% 4.5%           4.0%                3.5% 3.6%
      Yes, and completed Yes, and still in the Yes, but failed to No, but considered No, did not consider
      merger/acquisition     process of           complete
                         merger/acquisition merger/acquisition

                                                                                              Independent   Marketing
Sound business reasons for M&A
While only a few companies did attempt the M&A
route in the past 12 months, their reasons for
doing so again, as in 2010, show sound business
logic: To enlarge their customer base; increase
local market access; acquire capacity; and
otherwise gain synergies (by reducing costs and
improving profits), were the major drivers behind
M&A, as they were 12 months ago.

                                       Independent   Marketing
Independent   Marketing
But (again) finding an appropriate
   target was the single major barrier
…Along with negotiating the valuation gap and
conducting due diligence. Whilst it would be
inappropriate to statistically analyze these results
against last year’s, it is interesting to note a subtle
change in the order of issues, e.g., the rising
importance of ‘post-deal restructuring’ and
‘cultural’ issues which have emerged this year as
barriers to M&A - both ranked much lower as
issues in 2010.
                                            Independent   Marketing
Independent   Marketing
However, still some ongoing M&A
          interest for 2012

22% of all entities in our survey would either
“possibly” or “definitely” consider M&A in the
next 12 months.

                                        Independent   Marketing
Independent   Marketing
And finally…”The Living is Easy”
When asked about the quality of life in Taiwan*,
corporate leaders strongly agree that Taiwan is
a place where:
–   “My family feels safe.”
–   Taiwanese people are extremely nice.
–   Taiwan provides quality healthcare services.
–   Taiwan is an easy country to live in.
    *Whilst we use the term “Taiwan” it should be remembered that most of our
    leaders live in the Taipei area and many of their comments will reflect “living in

                                                                          Independent    Marketing
The Top Ten Benefits of living in Taiwan (Net Promoter Score)
2012 Ranking   2011 Ranking    Benefits

      1               1       My family feels safe in Taiwan
      2               2       Taiwanese people are extremely nice

      3               3       Taiwan provides quality Health/Medical/Dental
      4               6       Taiwan delivers reliable electricity.
      5               4       Taiwan is an easy country to live in

      6               5       Alternative transportation options are usable and
                              provide options to driving my car (i.e., buses, bike
                              lanes, taxis, trains, sidewalks).
      7               7       Taiwan provides adequate shopping opportunities

      8               9       Internet connectivity is excellent

      9              10       Mobile telephone coverage is excellent
      10              8       The Postal service is excellent

                                                                   Independent   Marketing
Living in Taiwan…The not so great
• Water runoff from storms is not controlled and
  results in flooding.
• Taiwan doesn’t provide quality activities for
• Taiwan doesn’t provide quality drinking water.
• Banking and other financial services are seen as
• Library services provided to their community
  are insufficient.

                                        Independent   Marketing
The Bottom Ten Least appreciated aspects of living in Taiwan (Net Promoter Score)
  2012 Ranking    2011 Ranking    Concerns

         1          New in 2012   Taiwan provides an 'English-friendly' environment
                                  for me and my family
         2               1        Water runoff from storms is controlled and
                                  minimizes flooding
         3               3        Taiwan provides quality drinking water.

         4               2        Taiwan provides quality youth activities
         5               4        The library services provided to our community are
                                  current and meet our needs
         6               4        Banking and other financial services are excellent

         7              15        Street surfaces are drivable and safe.

         8               7        The sewer system in Taiwan works reliably
         9               6        Taiwan provides quality Police services
        10               8        The standard of schooling is excellent

                                                                    Independent   Marketing
Independent   Marketing
About our sample

65               Independent   Marketing
Who, When and How
• The survey was addressed, via email, to the 387 voting
  representatives – usually the CEO – among AmCham’s
  Corporate Sustaining and Company membership.
• The survey invitation was sent out on December 6, 2011,
  and most responses were received by January 10, 2012.
• The 22-question survey was conducted online with each
  respondent receiving a unique link.
• Certain question choices were randomized - to avoid
• The survey received a total of 232 responses,
  representing a 60% response rate.

                                            Independent   Marketing
Industry Classifications
• Our respondents identified their industry
  classification based upon the one which best
  described their principal business in Taiwan.
• We have reclassified our sample according to the
  THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA(Rev.9 , 2011)’
• Our sample draws from all of the major industrial
  classifications in Taiwan.

                                        Independent   Marketing
Industry Classifications (Cont’d.)
• Our sample is more skewed towards ‘Manufacturing’,
  ‘Professional Scientific and technical services’, and the
  ‘Finance and Insurances’ industries. And it is under-
  weighted in the ‘Wholesale and Retail Trade’ industry –
  by virtue of the fact there are some 627,000 of these
  businesses registered in Taiwan, representing 52% of all
  business numbers. With these covenants, we believe
  the sample to be a fairly good representation of
  business in Taiwan and an extremely good sample of
  AmCham’s corporate membership.

                                              Independent   Marketing
Sample      Total Taiwan (source: Statistical Yearbook of The Republic of China 2010, Edited 2011)

Agriculture, forestry, fishing, & animal husbandry     1.3%
                              Mining & quarrying      0.4%
                                   Manufacturing                                 24.7%
                            Electricity, gas supply    1.7%
            Water supply & remediation services       0.4%
                                     Construction     0.9%
                         Wholesale & retail trade       2.1%
                        Transportation & storage              5.2%
                 Accommodation & food services                 6.0%
                   Information & communication                 5.6%
                             Finance & insurance                       11.6%
                                       Real estate      2.6%
      Professional, scientific & technical services                            22.0%
                                 Support services       2.6%
                                        Education      1.7%
                Arts, entertainment & recreation        2.6%
                                   Other services                 8.6%

                                                                                         Independent   Marketing
Type of legal entity
• Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of businesses in this
  sample are wholly foreign-owned through a
  combination of subsidiaries, branch offices and
  wholly-owned full companies.
• A few of those surveyed also have R&D centers and
  some have regional HQ’s and even global HQ’s,
  located in Taiwan. Consequently, the results in the
  next chart show multiple responses and total more
  than 100%.
• The “Other” entities relate mostly to: Law firm
  partnerships, NGO’s, and not-for-profit organizations
                                             Independent   Marketing
Independent   Marketing
Time in Taiwan
• Our sample is split between those who are relatively
  new to Taiwan (less than 15 years with a physical
  presence here) at 33%, those who are established
  15-30 years at 39%, and those who are well-
  established (more than 30 years) at 29%. The most
  frequent length of a physical presence in Taiwan is 21
  to 25 years.
• There seems to have been a ‘graduation’ since the
  2011 survey, up one level, as last year the 16-20 year
  olds were the most frequent respondents.
                                            Independent   Marketing
How long has your business been in Taiwan?
20%                                                                                                    2011

15%                                                14.5%
10%              9.1%         9.4%                         9.1%

                                                                                5.6% 6.0%

                                                                                                      0.4% 0.9%
         Less     6-10      11-15     16-20      21-25      26-30     31-50      51-75 76-100 More
       than 5     years     years     years      years      years     years*     years* years than 100
        years                                                                                   years

                                                                                        Independent   Marketing
Number of Full Time Equivalent
          Employees (FTEE)
• Our sample covers a wide spectrum of employers -
  from the very small to the very large. However, 50%
  employ less than 100 FTEE, 29% employ between
  100 and 500, and a further 21% employ more than

                                           Independent   Marketing
Independent   Marketing
Business Focus
• The business leaders surveyed are clearly focused on
  Taiwan as the primary goal for nearly 74% of the
  entities is to supply the Taiwan market with goods or
  services. This makes their comments and
  observations especially pertinent to the Taiwan

                                            Independent   Marketing
What is your business' primary goal in Taiwan?

                                       Provide goods/service for Taiwanese
        0.0%                           market
 1.3%             8.6%
3.4%                                   Provide/source goods/services for the
                                       Greater China market

    12.9%                              Provide/source goods/services for export
                                       to the U.S.A.
                                       Provide/source goods/services for export
                                       to markets other than Greater China or
                                       Provide/source goods/services for export
                                       to Mainland China

                                       Other (mostly global services)

                                                               Independent   Marketing
Statistical Testing for Significance
• When comparing the results against last year’s survey
  we performed a Chi-square test for the comparison of
  two proportions (from the two independent samples),
  expressed as a percentage. Note that for this Chi-
  square test Yates' correction for continuity is applied,
  and that P-values are two-sided (or two-tailed). When
  the calculated P value is less than 0.05, the conclusion
  is that the two proportions are significantly different.
• Throughout the results we have displayed the
  difference between the two proportions (at the 95%
  confidence level) with an ‘Alert!’ symbol when we
  have detected a significant change.

                                               Independent   Marketing
For more details, contact…
• American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei
  Suite 706, Worldwide House, 129 MinSheng
  East Road, Section 3, Taipei 10596, Taiwan
  Tel: +886-2-2718-8226 Fax: +886-2-2718-8182
• Gordon Stewart of Independent Marketing
  Limited at:
                                    Independent   Marketing

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AmCham Taipei 2012 Business Climate Survey January

  • 1. AmCham Taipei 2012 Business Climate Survey Independent Marketing
  • 2. Chairman’s Message 2 Independent Marketing
  • 3. “Basic Message from 2012 AmCham Chairman Billimprovements.” optimism, but spotlighting areas needing Wiseman “ Message from 2012 AmCham Chairman Bill Wiseman Our 2012 Business Climate Survey asked 387 voting representatives from AmCham member companies – mainly CEOs – to answer about 20 questions in an online questionnaire. 232 members took part - a 60% response rate. In general, the results of the 2012 survey were closely aligned with those of 2011. Members expressed optimism about the economy and business prospects in Taiwan, with nearly half citing plans to increase investment in the coming year. Independent Marketing
  • 4. Message from 2012 AmCham Chairman Bill Wiseman If views of the business outlook are slightly less rosy than a year ago, the driving factor seems to be global macroeconomic uncertainty and its expected impact on Taiwan's economy. Once again, the survey results show that the Taiwan government deserves commendation for a number of achievements, including progress in cross-Strait economic relations, adjustment of the corporate tax rate to make Taiwan more competitive within the Asian region, and further strengthening of IPR protection. Independent Marketing
  • 5. Message from 2012 AmCham Chairman Bill Wiseman But the survey also pinpoints areas where further efforts are needed to remove what are currently perceived as serious obstacles to economic growth: • Human Resources. Shortages of talent are developing in certain sectors, while constraints remain on hiring professionals from abroad. More also needs to be done to cultivate creativity and initiative-taking in the Taiwan workforce. Independent Marketing
  • 6. Message from 2012 AmCham Chairman Bill Wiseman • Bureaucratic inefficiencies. Among the problems cited are inconsistent regulatory interpretations, inadequate or outdated laws, and lack of transparency. • Tax structure. Although the corporate tax rate has been reduced, the high personal income tax rate discourages foreign experts from accepting assignments in Taiwan. The incentive system for encouraging R&D also needs review. High-level government officials have indicated to AmCham that they recognize these problems and are working on finding solutions. Independent Marketing
  • 7. Message from 2012 AmCham Chairman Bill Wiseman We offer the findings of the survey as reference for the government as President Ma Ying-jeou prepares for his second term. In closing, I would like to extend the Chamber’s hearty thanks to Gordon Stewart of Independent Marketing Pty Limited for his invaluable guidance in the planning and execution of this project. Bill Wiseman 2012 AmCham Taipei Chairman Independent Marketing
  • 8. Executive Summary 8 Independent Marketing
  • 9. Executive Summary – Key Indicators 2012 Forecast Increased 5 Year 2011 for Revenue Investment in Business Profitability & Profit 2012 Outlook Growth 2010 2011 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 73.5% 71.9% 81.2% 58.4% 54.3% 42.9% 81.0% 70.3% Alert! Alert! *Alert! Statistically significant change from 2011 Independent Marketing
  • 10. Executive Summary - Key Takeaways • AmCham’s Business leaders had a reasonably good 2011 and are focused on (almost 74% of companies have a primary focus on the domestic market), and generally optimistic, about the future of their businesses in Taiwan. • Many will increase their investment in Taiwan during 2012. But there is some softening or leveling-off in their forecasts for longer-term investment levels and in their prospects for growing revenues and profits in the short-term. However, the good news is that these softer forecasts are counter-balanced by either “Neutral”, or “Remain the same” forecasts, rather than by negative ones. Independent Marketing
  • 11. Executive Summary - Key Takeaways • Bureaucracy! Bureaucracy! Bureaucracy! Is a common and persistent negative issue for our business leaders. It is cited throughout this (and last year’s) survey as having negative impacts, being a barrier to success and the one major thing companies want the Taiwanese government to aggressively tackle. While recognizing the progress made by the Taiwanese government in other certain areas, their belief is that more can be done to reduce, simplify and clarify government bureaucracy. Independent Marketing
  • 12. Executive Summary - Key Takeaways • Inter-governmental relations: Our leaders would like to see, and believe it would be advantageous if there was: a broadening and speeding-up of ECFA; a re-engagement on TIFA talks; a bilateral investment and a taxation agreement between Taiwan and the U.S.A • Outside of macro-economic risks, issues surrounding Human resources are of the most concern to our business leaders. Specifically, the quantity, quality and costs associated with their employment. Independent Marketing
  • 13. Detailed Findings 13 Independent Marketing
  • 14. 2011: A Relatively Good Year for Business. Almost three out of four (71.9%)of our business leaders assert that their business in Taiwan was either “relatively” or “very profitable” in 2011. A very similar response to the one we received in 2010. Independent Marketing
  • 15. How would you characterize your Taiwan business’ financial performance? 14.3% Very Profitable 20.5% 57.6% Relatively Profitable 53.0% 23.8% Break even or small profit/loss 23.9% 3.0% Relatively Large Loss 2.6% 1.3% Very Large Loss 0.0% 2012 Column1 2011 Independent Marketing
  • 16. 2012: More of the same… The majority of our business leaders are forecasting and expect 2012 to also be a relatively good year. However, growth in revenues & profits are forecast to occur at a lesser rate than was forecast last year (from 81% to 58%). The balance to this is that many more expect to “Remain the same” for 2012 – rather than indicating a decline in either revenues or profits. Independent Marketing
  • 17. What is your Taiwan business’ Revenue & Profits forecast for 2012 compared to 2011? Substantial growth in both Revenues & Profits 11.0% 17.1% Substantial growth in Revenues & modest growth in Profits 1.8% 7.7% *Alert!... Modest growth in Revenues & substantial growth in Profits 0.4% 2.6% Modest growth in both Revenues & Profits 45.2% 53.8% Remain the same 22.4% *Alert!... 7.7% Modest growth in Revenues & no change in Profits 3.1% 2.6% Modest growth in Revenues & modest decline in Profits 1.8% 2.6% No change in Revenue & modest decline in Profits 0.9% 0.0% Modest decline in Revenues & modest growth in Profits 0.4% 0.0% Modest decline in both Revenues & Profits 9.6% 6.0% Modest decline in Revenues & substantial decline in Profits 0.4% 0.0% 2012 Substantial decline in Revenues & modest decline in Profits 0.4% 0.0% 2011 Substantial decline in both Revenues & Profits 1.3% 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% *Alert! Statistically significant change from 2011 Independent Marketing
  • 18. Short-term investment : Softening? There does appear to be some softening/ flattening in planned investment levels - with only 43% saying they will increase their entity’s level of investment in 2012 either “slightly” or “substantially”. This compared to 54% last year. Statistically, this is bordering on a significant drop. Independent Marketing
  • 19. What is likely to happen to your entity’s level of investment in Taiwan over the next 12 months? Substantial Increase 10.0% 16.4% Slight Increase 32.9% 37.9% No Change 40.7% 36.2% Slight Decrease 12.6% 5.2% Substantial Decrease 2.2% 3.4% Don't know/can't say 1.7% 0.9% 2012 2011 Independent Marketing
  • 20. Unfortunately, or realistically… …Taiwan is generally viewed as “Not a high priority” back at the global head office. Perhaps this also inhibits greater investment. We said last year that Taiwan needs to better position and market itself to try and gain some more global attention. Changes to: taxation rates; improvements to direct foreign investment rules and incentives; research & development incentives; and lowering some of the bureaucratic barriers, may go a long way here. Independent Marketing
  • 21. How does Taiwan fit into your global entity’s investment plans? 2012 #1 Priority 10.3% 5.2% 2011 In the top 3 9.9% 6.9% In the top 5 6.9% 9.5% In the top 10 14.7% 11.2% Not a high priority 45.7% 54.3% Looking to reduce investment/disinvest 2.6% 2.6% Don't know/can't say 9.9% 10.3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Independent Marketing
  • 22. Looking forward five years… Whilst the vast majority (70%) are “optimistic” or “slightly optimistic” about their five-year business outlook in Taiwan, there has been a statistically significant drop in this score compared to a year ago, with many taking a more “Neutral” position. Further suggesting that there is a growing cautiousness in regards to their future business prospects. Independent Marketing
  • 23. How would you describe your five-year business outlook for Taiwan? Optimistic 27.6% 29.3% Slightly Optimistic 42.7% 51.7% Neutral 21.6% *Alert! Statistically significant change from 2011 2012 6.9% 2011 Slightly Pessimistic 7.3% 9.5% Pessimistic 0.9% 2.6% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Independent Marketing
  • 24. What impacts their business? Not surprisingly, given their Taiwan market focus, changes in local demand have the single greatest impact on their businesses. However, there are several areas where the Taiwanese government can have a direct and substantial influence. These include government bureaucracy, inconsistent regulatory interpretation, inadequate or outdated laws, and company and personal taxation levels. Indeed, reducing taxation levels may well release more money into the economy and help stimulate the area of largest impact – domestic demand. Independent Marketing
  • 25. Which of the following impacts your operation in Taiwan, and how much of an impact do they have? Top Ten Responses overall 2012 Ranking 2011 Ranking Issues 1 1 Changes in local demand 2 3 Inconsistent regulatory interpretation 3 4 Ability to recruit appropriate new personnel 4 2 Governmental Bureaucracy 5 7 Currency Exchange rate fluctuations 6 5 Inadequate/Out-dated laws 7 8 China-Taiwan government relations 8 9 Changes in employment expenses 9 6 Corporate Taxation levels 10 10 Lack of transparency Independent Marketing
  • 26. Average values only shown on 4 point scale where 4 = extreme impact and 1 = no impact Independent Marketing
  • 27. Independent Marketing
  • 28. Progress (and the lack of it) in Taiwan Some great strides have been made in the past three years to help business – especially in connection with China, like direct flights, better cross-Strait government relations, and of course ECFA. There has also been some progress on important issues such as Corporate Taxation. But there are also areas where no progress has been made (e.g., personal taxation), and worse where there has actually been some perceived regression (e.g., employment expenses and domestic protectionism). Independent Marketing
  • 29. ‘Significant” & “Some” Progress over 2009-2011 in Taiwan Direct flights to the Mainland 85.4% China - Taiwan government relations 83.2% The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) 72.1% Corporate Taxation levels 50.0% Infrastructure (Power, Water, Telecommunications, Transport, etc.) 45.1% Corruption 42.9% USA - Taiwan government relations 42.5% EU - Taiwan government relations 42.0% Strengthening Local Demand 41.6% Intellectual Property rights infringements 41.2% Governmental reform/restructuring 40.7% Transparency 38.1% Strengthening Overseas Demand 34.1% Customs and trade regulations 34.1% Currency Exchange rate fluctuations 32.3% Governmental Bureaucracy 32.3% Changes in Tariffs 30.5% Financial Industry Reform 26.1% Inadequate/Out-dated laws 25.7% Personal Taxation levels 24.3% Ability to recruit appropriate new personnel 22.6% Inconsistent regulatory interpretation 20.8% Changes in Transport costs 20.4% Changes in Financing costs 19.9% Illegal imports 19.5% Government procurement procedures 19.0% Changes in Employment expenses 18.1% Domestic protectionism 17.7% Changes in Raw Material costs 15.0% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Independent Marketing
  • 30. “No Progress” made over 2009-2011 in Taiwan Personal Taxation levels 59.3% Changes in Financing costs 52.7% Changes in Employment expenses 50.4% Changes in Transport costs 49.6% Government procurement procedures 48.7% Illegal imports 47.8% Ability to recruit appropriate new personnel 47.3% Inconsistent regulatory interpretation 46.5% Domestic protectionism 45.6% Inadequate/Out-dated laws 44.7% Currency Exchange rate fluctuations 43.4% Customs and trade regulations 42.0% Changes in Tariffs 41.6% Financial Industry Reform 41.2% Transparency 39.8% Infrastructure (Power, Water, Telecommunications, Transport, etc.) 37.6% Changes in Raw Material costs 36.7% Strengthening Local Demand 36.7% Strengthening Overseas Demand 36.3% Governmental reform/restructuring 36.3% Corporate Taxation levels 35.8% Governmental Bureaucracy 35.4% EU - Taiwan government relations 35.0% Intellectual Property rights infringements 34.1% USA - Taiwan government relations 32.3% Corruption 31.4% The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) 12.8% China - Taiwan government relations 9.3% Direct flights to the Mainland 7.1% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Independent Marketing
  • 31. “Significant” & “Some” Regress over 2009-2011 in Taiwan Governmental Bureaucracy 24.3% Changes in Employment expenses 22.1% Inconsistent regulatory interpretation 21.7% Changes in Raw Material costs 21.2% Ability to recruit appropriate new personnel 20.8% Domestic protectionism 20.4% Inadequate/Out-dated laws 14.6% USA - Taiwan government relations 14.6% Currency Exchange rate fluctuations 13.7% Transparency 13.7% Changes in Transport costs 13.3% Financial Industry Reform 12.4% Strengthening Local Demand 11.9% Strengthening Overseas Demand 11.9% Governmental reform/restructuring 10.2% Corruption 10.2% Government procurement procedures 8.4% Customs and trade regulations 8.4% Personal Taxation levels 7.1% Changes in Financing costs 7.1% Intellectual Property rights infringements 6.6% EU - Taiwan government relations 6.2% Changes in Tariffs 5.3% Infrastructure (Power, Water, Telecommunications, Transport, etc.) 5.3% Illegal imports 4.0% Corporate Taxation levels 4.0% The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) 4.0% Direct flights to the Mainland 1.8% China - Taiwan government relations 1.3% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Independent Marketing
  • 32. Much more needs to be done The survey asked about the main things the Taiwan government could do in the next 12 months to help business. The top replies: – Simplify government bureaucracy – Increase incentives for foreign direct investment – Lower personal taxation and further reduce corporate rates. Independent Marketing
  • 33. What are the top things the Taiwan Government could do to help your entity in the next 12 months? Simplify Government Bureaucracy 43.8% 46.7% Increase Direct Foreign Investment incentives 24.7% 25.2% Reduce Personal Taxation 21.5% *Alert!... 32.7% Reduce Corporate Taxation further 20.1% 19.6% Improve Research & Development incentives 16.9% 16.8% Liberalize the Labor market 16.4% 15.0% Broaden ECFA 15.5% 18.7% Speed-up ECFA 15.1% 18.7% 2012 *Re-engage in TIFA talks with the USA 14.2% 2011 Increase direct flights to/from the Mainland 13.2% 12.1% Introduce stronger Corporate Governance rules 11.4% Tighten enforcement of Intellectual Property… 11.0% 9.3% Sign bilateral trade deals with other (non-USA)… 10.5% 18.7% Reduce Tariffs 10.0% 9.3% Improve Training Incentives 8.7% 8.4% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% *Alert! Statistically significant change from 2011 Independent Marketing
  • 34. Notes on “Other” items mentioned (12.8% in total) These mostly related to topics about: Transparency in both government and private dealings , to reduce corruption; and specific laws and regulations, e.g., in the Health care, Energy, Financial services , Food safety, Environmental safety and Broadcast markets Independent Marketing
  • 35. The major worries confronting business Asked about the major risks facing their entity in the coming years, most responses related to economic slowdowns, whether globally, in Taiwan, along with growing concerns about the China and the U.S.A. markets. “Europe” was added this year as an option and is the 5th greatest concern. Outside of economic slowdowns, Human Resources remain the largest concern for business leaders. Independent Marketing
  • 36. What are the major risks facing your entity in the coming years? Global economic slowdown 73.5% 69.2% Economic slowdown in domestic consumption 54.3% 63.6% Economic slowdown in Mainland China 40.6% *Alert!... 28.0% Economic slowdown in USA 39.7% *Alert!... 27.1% Economic slowdown in Europe* 35.6% Lack of Human Resources 35.2% 35.5% Increased Governmental interference 34.2% 28.0% Increased domestic political unrest 32.4% 32.7% TWD depreciation 24.2% 17.8% Taiwan Inflation rising 21.5% 18.7% TWD appreciation 17.4% 21.5% 2012 Taiwan Unemployment rising 16.4% 19.6% 2011 Decreased exports 14.6% 10.3% Increased imports 1.8% 1.9% Other 3.7% 3.7% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% *Alert! Statistically significant change from 2011 Independent Marketing
  • 37. Human Resources – A big issue Deficiencies in the quantity and quality of available human resources are one of the highest risk factors seen as confronting businesses in the future. We asked our corporate leaders to give us their impressions of the quality of available human capital in Taiwan. First the positives… Independent Marketing
  • 38. Taiwanese Human Resources are seen as … …Hard-working, very trustworthy, extremely well- educated, highly productive, very loyal, and easy to develop or train. A very positive profile of the workforce. Understandably, no major changes where seen in this year’s survey compared to last. Independent Marketing
  • 39. How would you describe the quality of available Human Capital in Taiwan? Hardworking Very Trustworthy Extremely well-educated Highly Productive Very Loyal Easy to develop/train Show high degree of emotional… Show a great deal of initiative Well-rounded Easy to recruit Easy to retain Show a great deal of creativity Of 'World class' standard -60% -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Disagree Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Independent Marketing
  • 40. Human Capital in Taiwan - Net Scores Hardworking 82.7% Very Trustworthy 72.3% Extremely well-educated 65.7% Highly Productive 44.8% Very Loyal 45.2% Easy to develop/train 41.6% Show high degree of emotional intelligence… 24.1% Show a great deal of initiative 9.6% Well-rounded 9.5% Easy to recruit -5.4% Easy to retain -10.5% Show a great deal of creativity -10.9% Of 'World class' standard -12.3% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Independent Marketing
  • 41. However… …They are not perceived as being of “World-class” standard, nor displaying a great deal of creativity. They are also not easy to recruit and retain. There are also concerns over their inability to display initiative. Our respondent leaders were also somewhat divided over whether they are “well- rounded” enough and generally display a high emotional intelligence quotient (EQ). Independent Marketing
  • 42. ECFA…Business leaders are (still) bullish on ECFA but… Last year when asked what impact they felt ECFA would have on their business and on Taiwan as a whole, the response was overwhelmingly positive. However, a year on, it seems that their experience/knowledge of ECFA has pushed many more into a more neutral position with regards to their perceived impact on the country and on their businesses. In terms of the perceived impact on the U.S.A., many seem unsure what, if any, impact it has, or will have, on the U.S.A. Independent Marketing
  • 43. ECFA’s effect on My Business Very Positive Effect 8.7% 15.0% Some Positive Effect 38.4% 42.1% Neither Positive nor Negative Alert! Statistically significant change from 2011 40.6% 27.1% Some Negative Effect 2.8% 6.5% Very Negative Effect 0.9% 1.9% 2012 Don't know/can't say 7.3% 2011 7.5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% Independent Marketing
  • 44. ECFA’s effect on Taiwan Very Positive Effect 30.1% 40.2% Some Positive Effect 45.7% 48.6% Neither Positive nor Negative 11.0% Alert! Statistically significant change from 2011 2.8% Some Negative Effect 1.8% 4.7% Very Negative Effect 2.7% 1.9% 2012 Don't know/can't say 8.7% 2011 1.9% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Independent Marketing
  • 45. ECFA’s effect on the U.S.A. (NB: New Question in 2012) 2012 Very Positive Effect 5.0% Some Positive Effect 26.5% Neither Positive nor Negative 31.5% Some Negative Effect 7.8% Very Negative Effect 2.3% Don't know/can't say 26.9% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Independent Marketing
  • 46. TIFA…Business leaders want an updated one. This year we asked about the lack of an updated Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA), between Taiwan and the U.S.A. Generally, there was a strong belief that this disadvantages Taiwan (greatly) and to a slightly lesser extent, the U.S.A. However, whilst also a disadvantage to their businesses, it is seen as more disadvantageous to the two countries. Independent Marketing
  • 47. Independent Marketing
  • 48. The lack of a Bilateral Investment Agreement… This year we also asked who, if anyone, was disadvantaged by a lack of a Bilateral Investment Agreement between the U.S.A. and Taiwan. Much like the response to the question on TIFA, Taiwan is perceived as the biggest loser, followed by the U.S.A. and to a lesser extent their individual businesses. Independent Marketing
  • 49. Independent Marketing
  • 50. The lack of a Bilateral Taxation Agreement… This year we also asked who, if anyone, was disadvantaged by a lack of a Bilateral Taxation Agreement between the U.S.A. and Taiwan. Much like the two earlier responses, Taiwan is perceived as the most disadvantaged, followed by the U.S.A. and to a lesser extent their individual businesses. Independent Marketing
  • 51. Independent Marketing
  • 52. Still not much happening in M&A Few businesses pursued any form of merger and acquisition (M&A) activity during 2010. Of those that did, a few completed the exercise (4%), a few more are still in the process (4%), some tried and failed (less than 4%), and some considered it but didn’t pursue it (23%). However, for the vast majority of business leaders (more than 71%), M&A simply wasn’t on their radar for 2011. Independent Marketing
  • 53. Did your entity pursue, or consider, a merger or acquisition of a Taiwanese entity in the past 12 months? 80% 71.2% 70% 61.3% 60% 50% 40% 2012 30% 2011 23.4% 20% 17.3% 10% 7.2% 4.0% 4.5% 4.0% 3.5% 3.6% 0% Yes, and completed Yes, and still in the Yes, but failed to No, but considered No, did not consider merger/acquisition process of complete merger/acquisition merger/acquisition Independent Marketing
  • 54. Sound business reasons for M&A While only a few companies did attempt the M&A route in the past 12 months, their reasons for doing so again, as in 2010, show sound business logic: To enlarge their customer base; increase local market access; acquire capacity; and otherwise gain synergies (by reducing costs and improving profits), were the major drivers behind M&A, as they were 12 months ago. Independent Marketing
  • 55. Independent Marketing
  • 56. But (again) finding an appropriate target was the single major barrier …Along with negotiating the valuation gap and conducting due diligence. Whilst it would be inappropriate to statistically analyze these results against last year’s, it is interesting to note a subtle change in the order of issues, e.g., the rising importance of ‘post-deal restructuring’ and ‘cultural’ issues which have emerged this year as barriers to M&A - both ranked much lower as issues in 2010. Independent Marketing
  • 57. Independent Marketing
  • 58. However, still some ongoing M&A interest for 2012 22% of all entities in our survey would either “possibly” or “definitely” consider M&A in the next 12 months. Independent Marketing
  • 59. Independent Marketing
  • 60. And finally…”The Living is Easy” When asked about the quality of life in Taiwan*, corporate leaders strongly agree that Taiwan is a place where: – “My family feels safe.” – Taiwanese people are extremely nice. – Taiwan provides quality healthcare services. – Taiwan is an easy country to live in. *Whilst we use the term “Taiwan” it should be remembered that most of our leaders live in the Taipei area and many of their comments will reflect “living in Taipei”. Independent Marketing
  • 61. The Top Ten Benefits of living in Taiwan (Net Promoter Score) 2012 Ranking 2011 Ranking Benefits 1 1 My family feels safe in Taiwan 2 2 Taiwanese people are extremely nice 3 3 Taiwan provides quality Health/Medical/Dental services 4 6 Taiwan delivers reliable electricity. 5 4 Taiwan is an easy country to live in 6 5 Alternative transportation options are usable and provide options to driving my car (i.e., buses, bike lanes, taxis, trains, sidewalks). 7 7 Taiwan provides adequate shopping opportunities 8 9 Internet connectivity is excellent 9 10 Mobile telephone coverage is excellent 10 8 The Postal service is excellent Independent Marketing
  • 62. Living in Taiwan…The not so great things. • Water runoff from storms is not controlled and results in flooding. • Taiwan doesn’t provide quality activities for youths. • Taiwan doesn’t provide quality drinking water. • Banking and other financial services are seen as sub-par. • Library services provided to their community are insufficient. Independent Marketing
  • 63. The Bottom Ten Least appreciated aspects of living in Taiwan (Net Promoter Score) 2012 Ranking 2011 Ranking Concerns 1 New in 2012 Taiwan provides an 'English-friendly' environment for me and my family 2 1 Water runoff from storms is controlled and minimizes flooding 3 3 Taiwan provides quality drinking water. 4 2 Taiwan provides quality youth activities 5 4 The library services provided to our community are current and meet our needs 6 4 Banking and other financial services are excellent 7 15 Street surfaces are drivable and safe. 8 7 The sewer system in Taiwan works reliably 9 6 Taiwan provides quality Police services 10 8 The standard of schooling is excellent Independent Marketing
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  • 65. About our sample 65 Independent Marketing
  • 66. Who, When and How • The survey was addressed, via email, to the 387 voting representatives – usually the CEO – among AmCham’s Corporate Sustaining and Company membership. • The survey invitation was sent out on December 6, 2011, and most responses were received by January 10, 2012. • The 22-question survey was conducted online with each respondent receiving a unique link. • Certain question choices were randomized - to avoid bias. • The survey received a total of 232 responses, representing a 60% response rate. Independent Marketing
  • 67. Industry Classifications • Our respondents identified their industry classification based upon the one which best described their principal business in Taiwan. • We have reclassified our sample according to the ‘STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA(Rev.9 , 2011)’ • Our sample draws from all of the major industrial classifications in Taiwan. Independent Marketing
  • 68. Industry Classifications (Cont’d.) • Our sample is more skewed towards ‘Manufacturing’, ‘Professional Scientific and technical services’, and the ‘Finance and Insurances’ industries. And it is under- weighted in the ‘Wholesale and Retail Trade’ industry – by virtue of the fact there are some 627,000 of these businesses registered in Taiwan, representing 52% of all business numbers. With these covenants, we believe the sample to be a fairly good representation of business in Taiwan and an extremely good sample of AmCham’s corporate membership. Independent Marketing
  • 69. Sample Total Taiwan (source: Statistical Yearbook of The Republic of China 2010, Edited 2011) Agriculture, forestry, fishing, & animal husbandry 1.3% 1.0% Mining & quarrying 0.4% 0.1% Manufacturing 24.7% 10.7% Electricity, gas supply 1.7% 0.0% Water supply & remediation services 0.4% 0.6% Construction 0.9% 7.3% Wholesale & retail trade 2.1% 51.6% Transportation & storage 5.2% 2.5% Accommodation & food services 6.0% 8.9% Information & communication 5.6% 1.3% Finance & insurance 11.6% 1.9% Real estate 2.6% 1.8% Professional, scientific & technical services 22.0% 2.8% Support services 2.6% 2.2% Education 1.7% 0.1% Arts, entertainment & recreation 2.6% 1.7% Other services 8.6% 5.6% Independent Marketing
  • 70. Type of legal entity • Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of businesses in this sample are wholly foreign-owned through a combination of subsidiaries, branch offices and wholly-owned full companies. • A few of those surveyed also have R&D centers and some have regional HQ’s and even global HQ’s, located in Taiwan. Consequently, the results in the next chart show multiple responses and total more than 100%. • The “Other” entities relate mostly to: Law firm partnerships, NGO’s, and not-for-profit organizations Independent Marketing
  • 71. Independent Marketing
  • 72. Time in Taiwan • Our sample is split between those who are relatively new to Taiwan (less than 15 years with a physical presence here) at 33%, those who are established 15-30 years at 39%, and those who are well- established (more than 30 years) at 29%. The most frequent length of a physical presence in Taiwan is 21 to 25 years. • There seems to have been a ‘graduation’ since the 2011 survey, up one level, as last year the 16-20 year olds were the most frequent respondents. Independent Marketing
  • 73. How long has your business been in Taiwan? 25% 22.0% 21.4% 2012 20% 2011 17.9% 15.9% 15% 14.5% 13.8% 12.5% 11.6% 11.1% 10.3% 10% 9.1% 9.4% 9.1% 8.5% 5.6% 6.0% 5% 0.4% 0.9% 0% Less 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-50 51-75 76-100 More than 5 years years years years years years* years* years than 100 years years Independent Marketing
  • 74. Number of Full Time Equivalent Employees (FTEE) • Our sample covers a wide spectrum of employers - from the very small to the very large. However, 50% employ less than 100 FTEE, 29% employ between 100 and 500, and a further 21% employ more than 500. Independent Marketing
  • 75. Independent Marketing
  • 76. Business Focus • The business leaders surveyed are clearly focused on Taiwan as the primary goal for nearly 74% of the entities is to supply the Taiwan market with goods or services. This makes their comments and observations especially pertinent to the Taiwan government. Independent Marketing
  • 77. What is your business' primary goal in Taiwan? Provide goods/service for Taiwanese 0.0% market 1.3% 8.6% 3.4% Provide/source goods/services for the Greater China market 12.9% Provide/source goods/services for export to the U.S.A. 73.7% Provide/source goods/services for export to markets other than Greater China or U.S.A Provide/source goods/services for export to Mainland China Other (mostly global services) Independent Marketing
  • 78. Statistical Testing for Significance • When comparing the results against last year’s survey we performed a Chi-square test for the comparison of two proportions (from the two independent samples), expressed as a percentage. Note that for this Chi- square test Yates' correction for continuity is applied, and that P-values are two-sided (or two-tailed). When the calculated P value is less than 0.05, the conclusion is that the two proportions are significantly different. • Throughout the results we have displayed the difference between the two proportions (at the 95% confidence level) with an ‘Alert!’ symbol when we have detected a significant change. Independent Marketing
  • 79. For more details, contact… • American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei Suite 706, Worldwide House, 129 MinSheng East Road, Section 3, Taipei 10596, Taiwan Tel: +886-2-2718-8226 Fax: +886-2-2718-8182 Or: • Gordon Stewart of Independent Marketing Limited at: Independent Marketing