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High-Quality Health Care
Every citizen deserves the right to receive high–quality health care at a low cost. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Of the health care disputes, we
know that a multitude of complicated and challenging problems included. Each country health care system is designed to meet the need of their
people. No one health care system are alike, and they each have similarities and differences that distinguish them from each other. Although, the health
system has changed over the past decade that includes health care cost, managed care, and regulations. The health care system in the past and present
both uses a system thinking strategy to help all health care providers and patients to understand the public health problems. "Public health will be
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Hospitality Service Essay
To identify the unique characteristics of the hospitality and tourism product and discussing their implications in achieving service excellence in the
Hospitality Industry.
Service excellence is an extremely important for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry as the cornerstone of the foundation of this business. Business
depends on travellers; they are number one for prosperity and for future development of a customer– focused Industry. Sarah Cook proposes that "good
service is meeting customer's expectations". (Cook, 2011, p. 17). She shows that excellent service is exceeding customer expectations and "to provide
world class service needs to improve the total relationship with the customer, the customer experience, improving the process through which is
delivered to the customer". (Cook, 2011, p. 17). Most people's definitions will be based on personal experience. Put simply, providing service
excellence in the hospitality industry is about ensuring the guest is happy with the product and its delivery during the product delivery period, but also
that they retain happiness with the product after the product delivery period is over. Disney Institute declares that Service Excellence means exceeding
customers' expectations and more content...
has become a top priority for all hospitality, tourist companies, hotels and restaurants today. It is an undeniable fact, that leaders and managers of
hospitality and tourism businesses should be prepared, well–qualified and lead their companies and staff with the help of modern technologies and
programmes as Totally Quality Management, professional knowledge and management skills in order to maintain a creative and motivated team able
to produce and replicate successful
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Quality Assessment And Quality Assurance
Quality assessment and quality assurance in healthcare: importance, challenges, and facilitators Robert Vining Jefferson College of Health Sciences
Course: Foundations of Healthcare Administration Instructor: Sharon L Hatfield PhD Correspondence Information: Date: Abstract
Quality assessment and quality improvement in healthcare are methods for assessing the performance of healthcare delivery in terms of quality.
Quality is a term broadly describing efficient access to care and effective services, which meet health needs of individuals and populations. Quality
assessments are commonly carried out by health service organizations to comply with regulatory agencies and as part of a continual improvement
process. Data obtained from quality assessments helps determine the need to of implement changes to enhance components of care requiring
improvement. Changes implemented may include provider behaviors, organizational policies, procedures, and infrastructure modification. Examples of
both successful quality improvement programs and barriers limiting their success can be used to inform health service organizations. Quality
assessment and quality assurance in healthcare: importance, challenges, and facilitators Quality assessment in healthcare is a process whereby a
predetermined measure of quality, such as access to care or treatment guideline adherence, is quantified or measured. Quality assessment is one part of
a quality improvement (or quality
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Essay about How To Be A Good Employee
Being a good employee is essential in today's world, especially in these tough economic times when there are many seeking work. Consequently, it
is important to keep in mind that no employee is irreplaceable. While hearing many complain these days about his or her job, one just needs to look
around and be thankful that they have the means in which to survive and are able to work. There are many who are not only unemployed, but also
unable to perform due to illness or a disability. Sometimes when a person is feeling in a mood to complain, they may need to sit back, relax and take
a look around in order to appreciate what they have, and learn how to be a good employee.
Being a good employee means caring about your job and your company. more content...
Staying to finish the job or at least reach a stopping point will not be that much of a delay. If it is impossible to stay later, then you should plan your
day more effectively
Do not call in sick unless you are, or take for granted that you can call in a vacation day spontaneously. Vacations and personal time should be
scheduled. When you are out, your job is delegated to others, and having to take on unexpected responsibilities without being prepared can affect
production or productivity, as well cause stress and conflict among others.
Be that employee who, when someone asks you to do something, will feel confident that the job will be done, and done right, without a doubt.
Dependability goes a long way in the workforce, and having the reputation of being the employee that everyone can count on is a compliment.
*Be respectful
This means to respect others as you would want them to respect you. If you ask someone for help and they concur, do not steal the credit for their
work. On the other hand, if what they helped you with is unintentionally wrong, do not blame them or yell at them, as they were only trying to help you
out. Never cut someone else down in front of others, yell at them or point out their bad qualities.
Do not gossip, or fall in to the trap of one who does. Gossip can destroy a person and ruin their career, and is something that is easy to fall in to.
*Use time wisely
Plan your day, have an agenda of things to
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Quality Management Essay
Executive Summary This report shows the use of Quality management techniques that are essential in the growth of performance in the field of
manufacturing and services in business firms. Effective quality management can underpin organizational success. It is a field that is relatively new and
growing market as it developed from the 1920s gradually to the contemporary society. Originating from principles of quality control that were the initial
stages of the growth of the business, the idea has given growth to the standards of estimation of management standards like the ISO certification that
most organizations pursue. The major areas that have stimulated quality management concern the satisfaction of the final consumer,
more content...
Since most organizations have given credible emphasis on high performance, a lot of resources have been invested in the various efforts to ensure the
improvement in the quality management thus has become a major concern of these organizations. The high rates of globalization has caused a rise in
expectations of the customers due to access to information, improvement of technology as well as increase in standards of service delivery and the
spring of many organizations. Therefore businesses and companies can only survive on commitment to great service delivery.
The world has availed systems that help organizations to analyze the performance of a firm while putting the necessary checks and balances as well as
mechanisms on how to deal with the risks that might be encountered. When they are put in place, the company secures a good reputation and competes
favorably in the market. The central focus of current economic trends in relation to quality management has been on there areas namely; the final
consumer, the empowerment of the employees, the sustainability of growth patterns in the organizations and the impact that every decision has on the
environment (Harrington, 1995, pp. 34–56).
Evolution of Quality Management
Quality management has been in existence an area of interest since the 1920's when the emphasis
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Essay On Healthcare Quality
Improving Healthcare Quality through Learning Organizations
Due to continuous changes and innovations in patient care and medicine, healthcare providers, facilities, and all academic organizations should be
dynamic and constantly change to adapt the evidence based recommendations to improve healthcare quality. Such innovations as utilization of
electronic medical records for management and continuation of patient care, implementation of new medical instruments/tests and standards, as well as
assurance of financial reimbursements (billing) for the provided care have become the essential parts of health care (McDonald, Mateslc,
Contopoulos–Ioannidis, et al., 2011). Therefore, many healthcare organizations, especially small private more content...
Building Block 1: Supportive Learning Environment
Based on the assessment, the Psychological Safety of the working environment of the K. Medical Group is very stressful and ranks in the second
quartile (68.6). This means that an event or circumstance that could have resulted or did result some harm to a patient might be hidden and not be
talked about openly by the working personnel, because it might be held against him or her (Garvin, Edmondson & Gino, 2008). Patient safety incident
reports are aimed to improve the safety of health services and are regarded as a cornerstone of initiatives that will lead to safe and effective practice
(Mitchell, Schuster, Smith, Pronovost, & Wu, 2015).
The scores of K. Medical Group for Appreciation of Differences, Openness to New Ideas, Time for Reflection were also low and ranged from bottom
quartile to second quartile (Garvin, Edmondson & Gino, 2008). The share of information regarding success and failure at workplace enhances
productivity and effectiveness of the workers, since through discussion both the managers and workers highlight their strengths and weaknesses while
stressing on the solutions and innovation (Schröder, Henke, Lina, et al., 2017; Mitchell, Schuster, Smith, Pronovost, & Wu, 2015). Therefore, it is
important for the organization to be open to new ideas, appreciate differences, and invest time for reflection and discussion, since through
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Qualities Of A Successful Student
Qualities of a Successful Student
"Success is not an accident, it is hard work, perseverance, learning studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing "– PelГ©, soccer
Success isn't something you can frame on the wall. It is not something that you can attain one time and then discards it as being accomplished. It is not
gifted to anyone; its hard work which leads to success because of determination. This is not a social status, no is it due to the amount of money you
make, neither is based on how many languages you speak or how many business you may own. Becoming a successful student, must realize that
success is what students desire and what they make of it. If students choose to make success unreachable, then more content...
Lapses in organization, unfortunately can lead to penalties with grades and a self–confidence which can lead to less success. "Self–discipline is
self–caring "– Dr. M. Scott Peck. (American psychiatrist).Success takes self–discipline, which is the willingness to do whatever has to be done, whether
you feel like it or not. Most students want to be successful but wanting and doing are two worlds apart. Self–discipline is more commitment. Stay
focused and be persistent are important factors that lead any student to become successful.
Successful students know when to ask for help. Students recognize when they need help when some projects are due on the same day as an exam.
Again, students who procrastinate and don't have their academic activities organized tend to fail. Students who struggle with some courser or some
specific projects stay late or visit their instructor after class regarding to the project. Students do their best to clarify their mind if their instructor cannot
help as much as they wanted to, they follow the next step, and they go and ask for private tutoring. Most of the institutions offer programs to help
students who are struggling in anyway. The mission of every college or university is to help students to cross the comfort zone by challenging them to
use the resources that the school offered to increase their education level, maturity level and commitment to perform college work.
Students who recognize they
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Personal Essay : My Personal Qualities
My Personal Qualities
Over the course, I have learned that all people are unique and have their own personal traits and qualities. One person does not just simply fall into
one category, but various categories. What is beautiful about all of us is that we all have diverse personalities, traits and qualities. I have learned that
we should be proud of and embrace these unique qualities of ours.
As a perfectionist, I like to present my things beautifully and creatively, and it is clearly seen on my collage. I appreciate beautiful things and this is
why I got beauty/aesthetics as one of my highest totals on the values survey. On my collage, I put a picture of a microscope, with the circular flask and
test tubes. I more content...
I know and I have been told that I am a kind and sympathetic person, because I love to help people and put a smile on their faces. Even when someone
is being rude, I try to "kill them with kindness" in return. I used the quote: "Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It is about having a pretty mind, a
pretty heart, and most importantly, a beautiful soul". I chose to use this quote because I adore it and I go by it. What matters most is in the inside, not
on the outside. I think people sometimes, even me, get too caught up and try too hard to look beautiful, but they don't focus on personality.
A) I expected to get artistic, creative and investigative as my results on surveys that I took, because I already knew I had these traits as a part of my
personality. However, the results from mylearning styles survey were a little surprising to me. I got visual as my highest total score, while kinesthetic
and auditory were almost balanced out scores. The reason why I was a little surprised was that last year, I took a survey to figure out my learning
style, and I got both auditory and visual learner. The results have their little differences, but that shows people do change over time. Learning styles can
be learned and strengthened.
I learned plenty of things from my results. My values–which I didn't see clearly–are now clear, and I found out the little unique things that make up my
personality. From my personality survey, I am mostly artistic,
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What is quality Essay
What does quality mean to you?
Every day I meet three businesses that uphold different sets of what they call a quality.
In the morning when I go to work, when I open the front door of my home, I face the view of a small canteen, operated by three ladies. Their market
is the workers of a police headquarter about several hundred meters away from my home. What is quality in this canteen? Quality here means that all
food is warm and freshly made on the same day. It should taste better than other food sold by other stalls on the same street. Quality means that the
ladies have to be able to push their prices as low as possible, even though due to the material quality, their cost is higher than their competitors'.
My office is located more content...
What is quality for Chevron? That's getting everything done by ensuring worker's total safety at the same time, wherever they work.
What is quality for me? I think my set of standards came from what I see every day.
How does good (or bad) quality affect you personally as a consumer?
I don't use the latest laptop. I don't recommend Windows 8. And I still use Android 2.3 in my phone. I don't believe that the latest technology is
always the best. I still use Office 2007. In term of technology, I tend to learn a lot prior to implementing something. Many friends call me some sort
of gadget freak. Yet I don't use the latest technology. The latest technology is not always the best thing for my daily usage. I believe a quality is about
how well you can use a product.
Have you had experiences where your expectations were exceeded, or on the contrary, not met?
In 2010 several Baobab trees were moved by the University of Indonesia from a town called Subang to be planted in front of their administrative
office. When the tree convoy reached the toll road, the toll gate was too small for the trees. They then cut down the branches so the trees fit the toll
gate. What they didn't know is that, unlike Indonesian trees, it may take decades for a baobab to grow a leafy branch. If they needed to cut something,
it should have been the toll gate.
How did that change your opinion of the organization and its product or service?
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Reflection On Quality Of Work
Quality of Work: Through out the internship I feel that I have grown in this field. At the beginning there were times that I felt like I should know
information that I didn't which caused me to hesitate asking questions. Once I had a couple days under my belt I do believe that my questions
were only ask after I egahusted all the opitions that I could think of and didn't wait to long after that in order not to waste time. I do feel that I
struggled with distingusihing between material and immaterial items and will continue to work on that moving forward. With two weeks left in the
internship I believe that my strongest area under "Quality of Work" would be able to work independantly and asked good questions when
necessary. This was a focus of mine from the beginning which allowed me to keep myself accountable to not wait to long and not wait long enough
to ask questions. Productivity: At the beginning I would not of said this would be one of my strongest performance categories but looking back on
my internship now I believe that it is. The second day I worked on some payroll and at the end of the day I thought of many different was in which I
could of done my work more effeciantly. After then I started to apply everything that I had learned from orientation as well tried out new things that
helped me out. When importing fixed assets I was instructed to enter each one individualy. after entering couple I started to creating formulas to enter
multiple in at a time which cut
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Essay about Data Quality
Data quality is defined as "an inexact science in terms of assessments and benchmarks" [93]. Similarly high quality data can be described as "data that
is fit for use by data consumers" [94]. 11.2.Origin of Bad Data
There may be different sources from where erroneous data is originated. Data may become dirty if it is mistakenly entered, received from invalid
external data source, or when good data is combined with outdated data and there is no way to distinguish between the two.
11.3.Categories and Dimensions of Data Quality
Since before data was the most valuable asset of an organization and data was rarely shared. Now businesses, governments, and research organizations
rely on the exchange and sharing of various forms more content...
Single–source Problems
Single–Source Problems can be occurred at Schema Level or Instance Level. Database systems usually enforce the restrictions of a specific data
model along with the limitations of the application. Therefore at schema level there may be problems of lack of an appropriate model–specific
integrity constraints or application specific integrity constraints. Data model limitations and poor schema design results in data quality problems at
schema level. Also there is a high probability of errors and inconsistencies in data that arise from the sources having no proper schema, such as files.
The inaccuracies and inconsistencies that cannot be handled at schema level are termed as instance level problems. As shown in above figure 1
instance level problems arise due to data entry errors like misspellings, redundancy and contradictory values. Data cleaning technique helps to
overcome these issues. Data cleaning is an expensive technique, so to avoid all such problems an appropriate design is required. Also, the discovery of
data cleaning rules during warehouse design can suggest improvements to the constraints enforced by existing schemas [95].
11.4.2.Multi–source Problems
When data from multiple sources is integrated it evokes some data quality issues. In heterogeneous source systems; data management systems, data
models, schema designs and actual data are varied in nature. Each source may contain some data
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Essay On Quality Research
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The Quality Of Quality Assurance Essay
Quality assurance can be defined as a system to monitor to and evaluate a product or a service. It identifying and recommending measures to make
improvements to set standards and performance and ensuring everything is working well aiming to avoid problems keeping everything running
smooth and improve products and services. In relation to the teaching, training assessing it ensures the product/service which the learner is receiving
being to correct standard and the internal quality assurance are the checks which are done to ensure this is occurring. The IQA Process is carried
out from the start and only ends at the completion of the product or service, in the case of the assessing is the learner's journey through the learning
cycle, and enables the learner to be tracked at each stage of the process. Assessment and IQA is a continuous process and should be monitored and
evaluated at all times. This allows actions for improvement which can be implemented It is important that an IQA is appointed to carry out quality
assurance when assessment activities are taking place, the IQA should include the following tasks: plan what will be monitored, from whom and when
observe training and assessor practice, and give developmental feedback sample assessment records, learners' work and assessor decisions meet with
learners and others, for example, witnesses facilitate the standardisation of assessor practice hold team meetings support assessors Upholding
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Quality Of Life: An Essay On Quality Of Life
Quality of Life
By:Harjot Khaira 9–1
Quality of life has countless explanations, but overall is an unmeasurable principle of life. Generally, quality of life means how satisfied one is with
their life, socially, physically, psychologically, politically and economically. Essentially, it is a measure of yourhappiness. It is something that can only
be rated personally, since I am the only one who truly knows how happy I am and I cannot measure anyone else's happiness. The definition of a
'good' life varies from person to person and from country to country. Some people say that fitness effects your quality of life the most, while others say
sleep is key for your quality of life. I would rate my own quality of life a 9/10 (1 being the worst more content...
My possessions include things such as money, food on my table every day, clean and safe water to drink, a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in,
clothes to keep me from freezing and the list could go on and on. I am dearly grateful for these things, since not everybody in the world has easy
access to what I have access to every single day. Stats show that there are 1.9 billion children in the developing world, and of those 1 in 3 live
without sufficient shelter, and 1 in 5 without access to clean and safe water. Around the entire world, 795 million people are malnourished. We
take these things for granted, but in reality I know my quality of life would not be as high as it is without these simple possessions that not
everybody in the world has easy access to. I myself think about these facts every time I go to throw away a sandwich or not finish a juice box. I am
blessed to live the life I am living, where I am not only able to gain all my needs to survive a healthy life, but I am also gifted with all my wants,
which are things that make me happy and can increase my quality of life, but are not necessary for me to survive. These things include access to
technology, jerseys, toys, participating in sports, etc. My possessions are something that I am appreciative to have as they enlarge my quality of life
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Characteristics Of A Good Student Essay
A good student is someone who always tries to do the right thing and makes education an important priority. Being a good student in school is an
excellent start on having a successful future. Motivation is the key to their success. There are many qualities to be considered a good student. Three
of the most important qualities are maintaining good grades, having excellent behavior, and managing your time wisely. Trying to maintain good
grades is very important when in school. Having grades like "A's" and "B's" for example will result in having many educational opportunities and
rewards. Colleges, job companies, or scholarship committees will review grades and other information on a school transcript to see if that student is
eligible and satisfy the requirements needed. GPA stands forgrade point average, so the higher the grade, the higher the GPA will climb up. This
results in getting more money for college if the grade point average is an excellent score. There are some events and programs that reward students
for having high and excellent grades. The National Honor Society is one of those programs. In order for a student's grade to stay on top, completing
school assignments are an essential way to do so. It's not possible to get through or even pass a class without completing assignments. Usually, the
class expectations will say for example quizzes are twenty–five percent, homework or classwork is fifteen percent, and tests are forty percent when it
comes to grading work. What if the student just focuses on the bigger percentage? Even though the bigger percent has more impact on a student's
grade, the smaller grade percentages can still affect the student if it has not been completed at all because it adds up and it still badly affects the
grade. This is why completing assignments are important. Participation in a class setting will improve a student's grade because getting involved in
the class discussions will help to understand the subject better. Some teachers even grade on participation, which can be an easy "A". The next quality
of becoming a good student is the type of behavior you must show. Being respectful in the classroom is important because if a student is sent out for
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Quality Assurance Essay
Managing Quality Assurance in the Workplace Essay
With the expected growth in the allied health sector in the coming years due to increased patient care demands, healthcare organizations in the United
State will need to take steps to maintain a high quality of care. These steps will include ways to ensure that well trained staff are hired, adequate new
staff on the job training and orientation, continuous review of policies for improvements in safety, care, risk management and quality assurance. In
addition to focusing on the integration of the incoming allied health personnel, healthcare organizations are expected to review how care is currently
provided, and find new ways to provide care and meet the great increase in demand for more content...
The scope of allied health practice extents to the individual, the families, the community and to public education; many allied health professions
specialize in the promotion of optimum function and health and the improvement of health–related quality of life. In addition, health systems
administration are important gears of allied health. Managing the growth of allied health care sector in the United State. Healthcare delivery system
changings are most effectual when they are cohesive and ensure real answerability from providers to patient to improve outcomes. With the expected
increase in allied health staff in the healthcare organizations, the first need will be to ensure that the care provided to patients is not impacted in
anyway. Hiring new allied health staff allows organization to provide to provide adequate care for patients, but it also increases the cost to provide
care. This means that recovering the financial costs of care and minimizing the cost of care takes a higher priority. Evidence proposes that multiple
methods to delivery system changes may be necessary bend the cost curve and improve care quality. For example, the efficiency of a single disease
administration program may be limited for patients who have multiple chronic conditions and who require coordinated care from many
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Evidence Based Quality Improvement Essay
Evidence–Based Quality Improvement For Older Adults The purpose of this paper is to communicate issues surrounding Quality Assurance and
Performance Improvement (QAPI) within the elderly community. Age related challenges, review of literature, barriers, physical and emotional
challenges, and future impact are topics for discussion. Can data support putting QAPI into practice? Shall executing the items make a difference?
Now, determine how each section applies to your workplace. Age Related Challenges As people age, they develop dental problems, which lead to
nutritional issues. Cognitive function decline affects memory, decision making, conversing, and problem solving. In addition, falls occur with mental
status disturbances. more content...
They may experience confusion, anxiety, or depression. Cognitive issues impact learning abilities. Physically, ambulating, swallowing, or completing
hygiene are problems. Fall prevention, skin checks, and aspiration precautions are utilized. Although, quality improvement programs are utilized, the
individual may not understand the safety protocols. Barriers and Solutions to Quality Improvement Programs A few barriers include: family
involvement, self–care, and responsibility. Adult children help by assisting residents with walking, or toileting. This poses a fall risk. In addition,
residents' physical or cognitive abilities are diminished. Memory difficulties make teaching a barrier. Solutions to the above problems: early education,
social service referral, and case manager involvement with the family. Future Impact on Care of the Quality of care of the elderly After researching the
elderly, I feel, the quality of medical care received will be enhanced. Understanding the aging process, benefit both staff and patient. Comparing
collected data, and accessing evidence based material ensure best practices, Communication with staff, patient, and families enhance medical attention.
Education creates confidence in everyone. Overtime, QAPI programs will raise the bar on elderly
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The Qualities Of Social Work
Social work is considered a helping profession and a profession for people. If you aren't a people person with a compassionate heart this profession
maybe difficult for you. Possessing a genuine personality, empathy, displaying compassion, and being transparent are all healthy characteristics to have
as a social worker. These qualities make social work practice with individuals, families, and treatment groups easier and more enjoyable. From
experience the more genuine you are to a client the more you can achieve with them. It's not just on a business level but there is the opportunity for
personal growth for you and the client.
I find my approach to be especially helpful when working with children. In therapy a child a may feel like they are talking to just another adult. But
I don't come off that way. They want someone they feel that they can relate to and being transparent with them is how I give them this assurance. It
is also a good way to build rapport. From experience I've learned once you build rapport it is easier to get information from them and for them to
share experiences with you. Having a child who doesn't talk to you puts you in a very difficult situation.
Furthermore, while developing my orientation to social work practice I've discovered that I have a low tolerance for adults. Personally, I expect a lot
more from them. I do agree that some may not be able to control their circumstances but there are some who can but choose not to. Those are the adults
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Research Paper On Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a complete and structured approach to organizational management that seeks to make better the quality of
products and services through ongoing refinements in answer to continuous feedback. The importance and value of TQM was stressed by European
Foundation of Quality Management to reach total customer satisfaction. TQM necessities may be defined separately for a organization or may be in
adherence to established standards, such as the International Organization for Standardization's ISO 9000 series. Total Quality Management can define
aims for the continuous improvement in all levels and functions of the organization. The continuous improvement suggests that quality management
system should be a circle.
TQM the process for managing quality must be a continuous way of life, a philosophy of perpetual improvement in everything that companies do.
TQM is an integrated more content...
When the competition was growing in service sector the demand for service quality was understood. At this time a new question was emerged, if it
is possible to apply the principles of TQM in service industry. The literatures and viewpoints of different researchers made the latest moderations to
TQM concepts and made TQM adaptable for service sector also.(2) Today, customers have a wide choice of service providers and they would
choose only the best service providers in terms of quality, reliability, and profitability and who are at par with international standards. Therefore, the
quality of service plays a dominant role and is a primary factor in ensuring the survival of the service provider in the global market. The whole focus
is now concentrated on providing services to customer beyond his expectations. This concept is applicable to all service industries and has given birth
to the concept of TQM in service
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High-Quality Health Care

  • 1. High-Quality Health Care Every citizen deserves the right to receive high–quality health care at a low cost. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Of the health care disputes, we know that a multitude of complicated and challenging problems included. Each country health care system is designed to meet the need of their people. No one health care system are alike, and they each have similarities and differences that distinguish them from each other. Although, the health system has changed over the past decade that includes health care cost, managed care, and regulations. The health care system in the past and present both uses a system thinking strategy to help all health care providers and patients to understand the public health problems. "Public health will be Get more content on
  • 2. Hospitality Service Essay To identify the unique characteristics of the hospitality and tourism product and discussing their implications in achieving service excellence in the Hospitality Industry. Introduction Service excellence is an extremely important for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry as the cornerstone of the foundation of this business. Business depends on travellers; they are number one for prosperity and for future development of a customer– focused Industry. Sarah Cook proposes that "good service is meeting customer's expectations". (Cook, 2011, p. 17). She shows that excellent service is exceeding customer expectations and "to provide world class service needs to improve the total relationship with the customer, the customer experience, improving the process through which is delivered to the customer". (Cook, 2011, p. 17). Most people's definitions will be based on personal experience. Put simply, providing service excellence in the hospitality industry is about ensuring the guest is happy with the product and its delivery during the product delivery period, but also that they retain happiness with the product after the product delivery period is over. Disney Institute declares that Service Excellence means exceeding customers' expectations and more content... has become a top priority for all hospitality, tourist companies, hotels and restaurants today. It is an undeniable fact, that leaders and managers of hospitality and tourism businesses should be prepared, well–qualified and lead their companies and staff with the help of modern technologies and programmes as Totally Quality Management, professional knowledge and management skills in order to maintain a creative and motivated team able to produce and replicate successful Get more content on
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  • 4. Essay about How To Be A Good Employee Being a good employee is essential in today's world, especially in these tough economic times when there are many seeking work. Consequently, it is important to keep in mind that no employee is irreplaceable. While hearing many complain these days about his or her job, one just needs to look around and be thankful that they have the means in which to survive and are able to work. There are many who are not only unemployed, but also unable to perform due to illness or a disability. Sometimes when a person is feeling in a mood to complain, they may need to sit back, relax and take a look around in order to appreciate what they have, and learn how to be a good employee. Being a good employee means caring about your job and your company. more content... Staying to finish the job or at least reach a stopping point will not be that much of a delay. If it is impossible to stay later, then you should plan your day more effectively Do not call in sick unless you are, or take for granted that you can call in a vacation day spontaneously. Vacations and personal time should be scheduled. When you are out, your job is delegated to others, and having to take on unexpected responsibilities without being prepared can affect production or productivity, as well cause stress and conflict among others. Be that employee who, when someone asks you to do something, will feel confident that the job will be done, and done right, without a doubt. Dependability goes a long way in the workforce, and having the reputation of being the employee that everyone can count on is a compliment. *Be respectful This means to respect others as you would want them to respect you. If you ask someone for help and they concur, do not steal the credit for their work. On the other hand, if what they helped you with is unintentionally wrong, do not blame them or yell at them, as they were only trying to help you out. Never cut someone else down in front of others, yell at them or point out their bad qualities. Do not gossip, or fall in to the trap of one who does. Gossip can destroy a person and ruin their career, and is something that is easy to fall in to. *Use time wisely Plan your day, have an agenda of things to
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  • 6. Quality Management Essay Executive Summary This report shows the use of Quality management techniques that are essential in the growth of performance in the field of manufacturing and services in business firms. Effective quality management can underpin organizational success. It is a field that is relatively new and growing market as it developed from the 1920s gradually to the contemporary society. Originating from principles of quality control that were the initial stages of the growth of the business, the idea has given growth to the standards of estimation of management standards like the ISO certification that most organizations pursue. The major areas that have stimulated quality management concern the satisfaction of the final consumer, more content... Since most organizations have given credible emphasis on high performance, a lot of resources have been invested in the various efforts to ensure the improvement in the quality management thus has become a major concern of these organizations. The high rates of globalization has caused a rise in expectations of the customers due to access to information, improvement of technology as well as increase in standards of service delivery and the spring of many organizations. Therefore businesses and companies can only survive on commitment to great service delivery. The world has availed systems that help organizations to analyze the performance of a firm while putting the necessary checks and balances as well as mechanisms on how to deal with the risks that might be encountered. When they are put in place, the company secures a good reputation and competes favorably in the market. The central focus of current economic trends in relation to quality management has been on there areas namely; the final consumer, the empowerment of the employees, the sustainability of growth patterns in the organizations and the impact that every decision has on the environment (Harrington, 1995, pp. 34–56). Evolution of Quality Management Quality management has been in existence an area of interest since the 1920's when the emphasis Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Healthcare Quality Improving Healthcare Quality through Learning Organizations Due to continuous changes and innovations in patient care and medicine, healthcare providers, facilities, and all academic organizations should be dynamic and constantly change to adapt the evidence based recommendations to improve healthcare quality. Such innovations as utilization of electronic medical records for management and continuation of patient care, implementation of new medical instruments/tests and standards, as well as assurance of financial reimbursements (billing) for the provided care have become the essential parts of health care (McDonald, Mateslc, Contopoulos–Ioannidis, et al., 2011). Therefore, many healthcare organizations, especially small private more content... Building Block 1: Supportive Learning Environment Based on the assessment, the Psychological Safety of the working environment of the K. Medical Group is very stressful and ranks in the second quartile (68.6). This means that an event or circumstance that could have resulted or did result some harm to a patient might be hidden and not be talked about openly by the working personnel, because it might be held against him or her (Garvin, Edmondson & Gino, 2008). Patient safety incident reports are aimed to improve the safety of health services and are regarded as a cornerstone of initiatives that will lead to safe and effective practice (Mitchell, Schuster, Smith, Pronovost, & Wu, 2015). The scores of K. Medical Group for Appreciation of Differences, Openness to New Ideas, Time for Reflection were also low and ranged from bottom quartile to second quartile (Garvin, Edmondson & Gino, 2008). The share of information regarding success and failure at workplace enhances productivity and effectiveness of the workers, since through discussion both the managers and workers highlight their strengths and weaknesses while stressing on the solutions and innovation (SchrГ¶der, Henke, Lina, et al., 2017; Mitchell, Schuster, Smith, Pronovost, & Wu, 2015). Therefore, it is important for the organization to be open to new ideas, appreciate differences, and invest time for reflection and discussion, since through Get more content on
  • 8. Qualities Of A Successful Student Qualities of a Successful Student "Success is not an accident, it is hard work, perseverance, learning studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing "– PelГ©, soccer legend Success isn't something you can frame on the wall. It is not something that you can attain one time and then discards it as being accomplished. It is not gifted to anyone; its hard work which leads to success because of determination. This is not a social status, no is it due to the amount of money you make, neither is based on how many languages you speak or how many business you may own. Becoming a successful student, must realize that success is what students desire and what they make of it. If students choose to make success unreachable, then more content... Lapses in organization, unfortunately can lead to penalties with grades and a self–confidence which can lead to less success. "Self–discipline is self–caring "– Dr. M. Scott Peck. (American psychiatrist).Success takes self–discipline, which is the willingness to do whatever has to be done, whether you feel like it or not. Most students want to be successful but wanting and doing are two worlds apart. Self–discipline is more commitment. Stay focused and be persistent are important factors that lead any student to become successful. Successful students know when to ask for help. Students recognize when they need help when some projects are due on the same day as an exam. Again, students who procrastinate and don't have their academic activities organized tend to fail. Students who struggle with some courser or some specific projects stay late or visit their instructor after class regarding to the project. Students do their best to clarify their mind if their instructor cannot help as much as they wanted to, they follow the next step, and they go and ask for private tutoring. Most of the institutions offer programs to help students who are struggling in anyway. The mission of every college or university is to help students to cross the comfort zone by challenging them to use the resources that the school offered to increase their education level, maturity level and commitment to perform college work. Students who recognize they Get more content on
  • 9. Personal Essay : My Personal Qualities My Personal Qualities Over the course, I have learned that all people are unique and have their own personal traits and qualities. One person does not just simply fall into one category, but various categories. What is beautiful about all of us is that we all have diverse personalities, traits and qualities. I have learned that we should be proud of and embrace these unique qualities of ours. As a perfectionist, I like to present my things beautifully and creatively, and it is clearly seen on my collage. I appreciate beautiful things and this is why I got beauty/aesthetics as one of my highest totals on the values survey. On my collage, I put a picture of a microscope, with the circular flask and test tubes. I more content... I know and I have been told that I am a kind and sympathetic person, because I love to help people and put a smile on their faces. Even when someone is being rude, I try to "kill them with kindness" in return. I used the quote: "Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and most importantly, a beautiful soul". I chose to use this quote because I adore it and I go by it. What matters most is in the inside, not on the outside. I think people sometimes, even me, get too caught up and try too hard to look beautiful, but they don't focus on personality. A) I expected to get artistic, creative and investigative as my results on surveys that I took, because I already knew I had these traits as a part of my personality. However, the results from mylearning styles survey were a little surprising to me. I got visual as my highest total score, while kinesthetic and auditory were almost balanced out scores. The reason why I was a little surprised was that last year, I took a survey to figure out my learning style, and I got both auditory and visual learner. The results have their little differences, but that shows people do change over time. Learning styles can be learned and strengthened. I learned plenty of things from my results. My values–which I didn't see clearly–are now clear, and I found out the little unique things that make up my personality. From my personality survey, I am mostly artistic, Get more content on
  • 10. What is quality Essay What does quality mean to you? Every day I meet three businesses that uphold different sets of what they call a quality. In the morning when I go to work, when I open the front door of my home, I face the view of a small canteen, operated by three ladies. Their market is the workers of a police headquarter about several hundred meters away from my home. What is quality in this canteen? Quality here means that all food is warm and freshly made on the same day. It should taste better than other food sold by other stalls on the same street. Quality means that the ladies have to be able to push their prices as low as possible, even though due to the material quality, their cost is higher than their competitors'. My office is located more content... What is quality for Chevron? That's getting everything done by ensuring worker's total safety at the same time, wherever they work. What is quality for me? I think my set of standards came from what I see every day. How does good (or bad) quality affect you personally as a consumer? I don't use the latest laptop. I don't recommend Windows 8. And I still use Android 2.3 in my phone. I don't believe that the latest technology is always the best. I still use Office 2007. In term of technology, I tend to learn a lot prior to implementing something. Many friends call me some sort of gadget freak. Yet I don't use the latest technology. The latest technology is not always the best thing for my daily usage. I believe a quality is about how well you can use a product. Have you had experiences where your expectations were exceeded, or on the contrary, not met? In 2010 several Baobab trees were moved by the University of Indonesia from a town called Subang to be planted in front of their administrative office. When the tree convoy reached the toll road, the toll gate was too small for the trees. They then cut down the branches so the trees fit the toll gate. What they didn't know is that, unlike Indonesian trees, it may take decades for a baobab to grow a leafy branch. If they needed to cut something, it should have been the toll gate. How did that change your opinion of the organization and its product or service?
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  • 12. Reflection On Quality Of Work Quality of Work: Through out the internship I feel that I have grown in this field. At the beginning there were times that I felt like I should know information that I didn't which caused me to hesitate asking questions. Once I had a couple days under my belt I do believe that my questions were only ask after I egahusted all the opitions that I could think of and didn't wait to long after that in order not to waste time. I do feel that I struggled with distingusihing between material and immaterial items and will continue to work on that moving forward. With two weeks left in the internship I believe that my strongest area under "Quality of Work" would be able to work independantly and asked good questions when necessary. This was a focus of mine from the beginning which allowed me to keep myself accountable to not wait to long and not wait long enough to ask questions. Productivity: At the beginning I would not of said this would be one of my strongest performance categories but looking back on my internship now I believe that it is. The second day I worked on some payroll and at the end of the day I thought of many different was in which I could of done my work more effeciantly. After then I started to apply everything that I had learned from orientation as well tried out new things that helped me out. When importing fixed assets I was instructed to enter each one individualy. after entering couple I started to creating formulas to enter multiple in at a time which cut Get more content on
  • 13. Essay about Data Quality Data quality is defined as "an inexact science in terms of assessments and benchmarks" [93]. Similarly high quality data can be described as "data that is fit for use by data consumers" [94]. 11.2.Origin of Bad Data There may be different sources from where erroneous data is originated. Data may become dirty if it is mistakenly entered, received from invalid external data source, or when good data is combined with outdated data and there is no way to distinguish between the two. 11.3.Categories and Dimensions of Data Quality Since before data was the most valuable asset of an organization and data was rarely shared. Now businesses, governments, and research organizations rely on the exchange and sharing of various forms more content... Single–source Problems Single–Source Problems can be occurred at Schema Level or Instance Level. Database systems usually enforce the restrictions of a specific data model along with the limitations of the application. Therefore at schema level there may be problems of lack of an appropriate model–specific integrity constraints or application specific integrity constraints. Data model limitations and poor schema design results in data quality problems at schema level. Also there is a high probability of errors and inconsistencies in data that arise from the sources having no proper schema, such as files. The inaccuracies and inconsistencies that cannot be handled at schema level are termed as instance level problems. As shown in above figure 1 instance level problems arise due to data entry errors like misspellings, redundancy and contradictory values. Data cleaning technique helps to overcome these issues. Data cleaning is an expensive technique, so to avoid all such problems an appropriate design is required. Also, the discovery of data cleaning rules during warehouse design can suggest improvements to the constraints enforced by existing schemas [95]. 11.4.2.Multi–source Problems When data from multiple sources is integrated it evokes some data quality issues. In heterogeneous source systems; data management systems, data models, schema designs and actual data are varied in nature. Each source may contain some data
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  • 15. Essay On Quality Research Quality research papers Take advantage of our professional writings services that are packed to ensure that you have the best team working with you to get the best results in your academics. Research paper web is a team of dedicated professionals and writers who have a big passion for writing. We have a variety of services on offer to our clients ranging from term papers, high school homework help, dissertation, thesis, term paper, case study, research paper, course, lab report andessay writing. We have developed a tailored approach in attending to our clients needs by investing in writers from all fields of study who before recruitment to our team have to be taken through intensive recruitment standards to ensure we have the more content... Customer Testimonials 1 I want to take this opportunity to thank the team at research paper web, I'm amazed by your level of dedication in helping me finish my dissertation in good time and ended up with the highest mark. I surely do agree that you are the best. Amanda Allen 2 thank you guys I couldn't have done it better than you did. I commit to recommend your services to my friends free of charge and the charges not to forget are very pocket friendly. At first I didn't' believe that I could get a good discount and get the best quality but now I know better that your word is your bond. Mary from Utah 3 I wish to thank the writer that guided and wrote my project whereby he did an outstanding job. My lecturer was so amazed by the quality of work and I got my distinction. is the best 4 it's always good to know that there is someone you can turn to for help in your academic journey and for me from time to time I come here and so far I haven't been disappointed and the people I have referred have also given positive comments about the quality and professionalism of research paper web writers Cheap research papers for sale, offered by professionals As we are all aware about research papers for sale, this is an academic project or job done in advance to suite needs of students in various popular topics on various subjects undertaken in various institutions. In
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  • 17. The Quality Of Quality Assurance Essay Quality assurance can be defined as a system to monitor to and evaluate a product or a service. It identifying and recommending measures to make improvements to set standards and performance and ensuring everything is working well aiming to avoid problems keeping everything running smooth and improve products and services. In relation to the teaching, training assessing it ensures the product/service which the learner is receiving being to correct standard and the internal quality assurance are the checks which are done to ensure this is occurring. The IQA Process is carried out from the start and only ends at the completion of the product or service, in the case of the assessing is the learner's journey through the learning cycle, and enables the learner to be tracked at each stage of the process. Assessment and IQA is a continuous process and should be monitored and evaluated at all times. This allows actions for improvement which can be implemented It is important that an IQA is appointed to carry out quality assurance when assessment activities are taking place, the IQA should include the following tasks: plan what will be monitored, from whom and when observe training and assessor practice, and give developmental feedback sample assessment records, learners' work and assessor decisions meet with learners and others, for example, witnesses facilitate the standardisation of assessor practice hold team meetings support assessors Upholding Get more content on
  • 18. Quality Of Life: An Essay On Quality Of Life Quality of Life By:Harjot Khaira 9–1 Quality of life has countless explanations, but overall is an unmeasurable principle of life. Generally, quality of life means how satisfied one is with their life, socially, physically, psychologically, politically and economically. Essentially, it is a measure of yourhappiness. It is something that can only be rated personally, since I am the only one who truly knows how happy I am and I cannot measure anyone else's happiness. The definition of a 'good' life varies from person to person and from country to country. Some people say that fitness effects your quality of life the most, while others say sleep is key for your quality of life. I would rate my own quality of life a 9/10 (1 being the worst more content... My possessions include things such as money, food on my table every day, clean and safe water to drink, a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, clothes to keep me from freezing and the list could go on and on. I am dearly grateful for these things, since not everybody in the world has easy access to what I have access to every single day. Stats show that there are 1.9 billion children in the developing world, and of those 1 in 3 live without sufficient shelter, and 1 in 5 without access to clean and safe water. Around the entire world, 795 million people are malnourished. We take these things for granted, but in reality I know my quality of life would not be as high as it is without these simple possessions that not everybody in the world has easy access to. I myself think about these facts every time I go to throw away a sandwich or not finish a juice box. I am blessed to live the life I am living, where I am not only able to gain all my needs to survive a healthy life, but I am also gifted with all my wants, which are things that make me happy and can increase my quality of life, but are not necessary for me to survive. These things include access to technology, jerseys, toys, participating in sports, etc. My possessions are something that I am appreciative to have as they enlarge my quality of life Get more content on
  • 19. Characteristics Of A Good Student Essay A good student is someone who always tries to do the right thing and makes education an important priority. Being a good student in school is an excellent start on having a successful future. Motivation is the key to their success. There are many qualities to be considered a good student. Three of the most important qualities are maintaining good grades, having excellent behavior, and managing your time wisely. Trying to maintain good grades is very important when in school. Having grades like "A's" and "B's" for example will result in having many educational opportunities and rewards. Colleges, job companies, or scholarship committees will review grades and other information on a school transcript to see if that student is eligible and satisfy the requirements needed. GPA stands forgrade point average, so the higher the grade, the higher the GPA will climb up. This results in getting more money for college if the grade point average is an excellent score. There are some events and programs that reward students for having high and excellent grades. The National Honor Society is one of those programs. In order for a student's grade to stay on top, completing school assignments are an essential way to do so. It's not possible to get through or even pass a class without completing assignments. Usually, the class expectations will say for example quizzes are twenty–five percent, homework or classwork is fifteen percent, and tests are forty percent when it comes to grading work. What if the student just focuses on the bigger percentage? Even though the bigger percent has more impact on a student's grade, the smaller grade percentages can still affect the student if it has not been completed at all because it adds up and it still badly affects the grade. This is why completing assignments are important. Participation in a class setting will improve a student's grade because getting involved in the class discussions will help to understand the subject better. Some teachers even grade on participation, which can be an easy "A". The next quality of becoming a good student is the type of behavior you must show. Being respectful in the classroom is important because if a student is sent out for Get more content on
  • 20. Quality Assurance Essay Managing Quality Assurance in the Workplace Essay With the expected growth in the allied health sector in the coming years due to increased patient care demands, healthcare organizations in the United State will need to take steps to maintain a high quality of care. These steps will include ways to ensure that well trained staff are hired, adequate new staff on the job training and orientation, continuous review of policies for improvements in safety, care, risk management and quality assurance. In addition to focusing on the integration of the incoming allied health personnel, healthcare organizations are expected to review how care is currently provided, and find new ways to provide care and meet the great increase in demand for more content... The scope of allied health practice extents to the individual, the families, the community and to public education; many allied health professions specialize in the promotion of optimum function and health and the improvement of health–related quality of life. In addition, health systems administration are important gears of allied health. Managing the growth of allied health care sector in the United State. Healthcare delivery system changings are most effectual when they are cohesive and ensure real answerability from providers to patient to improve outcomes. With the expected increase in allied health staff in the healthcare organizations, the first need will be to ensure that the care provided to patients is not impacted in anyway. Hiring new allied health staff allows organization to provide to provide adequate care for patients, but it also increases the cost to provide care. This means that recovering the financial costs of care and minimizing the cost of care takes a higher priority. Evidence proposes that multiple methods to delivery system changes may be necessary bend the cost curve and improve care quality. For example, the efficiency of a single disease administration program may be limited for patients who have multiple chronic conditions and who require coordinated care from many Get more content on
  • 21. Evidence Based Quality Improvement Essay Evidence–Based Quality Improvement For Older Adults The purpose of this paper is to communicate issues surrounding Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI) within the elderly community. Age related challenges, review of literature, barriers, physical and emotional challenges, and future impact are topics for discussion. Can data support putting QAPI into practice? Shall executing the items make a difference? Now, determine how each section applies to your workplace. Age Related Challenges As people age, they develop dental problems, which lead to nutritional issues. Cognitive function decline affects memory, decision making, conversing, and problem solving. In addition, falls occur with mental status disturbances. more content... They may experience confusion, anxiety, or depression. Cognitive issues impact learning abilities. Physically, ambulating, swallowing, or completing hygiene are problems. Fall prevention, skin checks, and aspiration precautions are utilized. Although, quality improvement programs are utilized, the individual may not understand the safety protocols. Barriers and Solutions to Quality Improvement Programs A few barriers include: family involvement, self–care, and responsibility. Adult children help by assisting residents with walking, or toileting. This poses a fall risk. In addition, residents' physical or cognitive abilities are diminished. Memory difficulties make teaching a barrier. Solutions to the above problems: early education, social service referral, and case manager involvement with the family. Future Impact on Care of the Quality of care of the elderly After researching the elderly, I feel, the quality of medical care received will be enhanced. Understanding the aging process, benefit both staff and patient. Comparing collected data, and accessing evidence based material ensure best practices, Communication with staff, patient, and families enhance medical attention. Education creates confidence in everyone. Overtime, QAPI programs will raise the bar on elderly Get more content on
  • 22. The Qualities Of Social Work Social work is considered a helping profession and a profession for people. If you aren't a people person with a compassionate heart this profession maybe difficult for you. Possessing a genuine personality, empathy, displaying compassion, and being transparent are all healthy characteristics to have as a social worker. These qualities make social work practice with individuals, families, and treatment groups easier and more enjoyable. From experience the more genuine you are to a client the more you can achieve with them. It's not just on a business level but there is the opportunity for personal growth for you and the client. I find my approach to be especially helpful when working with children. In therapy a child a may feel like they are talking to just another adult. But I don't come off that way. They want someone they feel that they can relate to and being transparent with them is how I give them this assurance. It is also a good way to build rapport. From experience I've learned once you build rapport it is easier to get information from them and for them to share experiences with you. Having a child who doesn't talk to you puts you in a very difficult situation. Furthermore, while developing my orientation to social work practice I've discovered that I have a low tolerance for adults. Personally, I expect a lot more from them. I do agree that some may not be able to control their circumstances but there are some who can but choose not to. Those are the adults that Get more content on
  • 23. Research Paper On Total Quality Management Total Quality Management Total Quality Management (TQM) is a complete and structured approach to organizational management that seeks to make better the quality of products and services through ongoing refinements in answer to continuous feedback. The importance and value of TQM was stressed by European Foundation of Quality Management to reach total customer satisfaction. TQM necessities may be defined separately for a organization or may be in adherence to established standards, such as the International Organization for Standardization's ISO 9000 series. Total Quality Management can define aims for the continuous improvement in all levels and functions of the organization. The continuous improvement suggests that quality management system should be a circle. TQM the process for managing quality must be a continuous way of life, a philosophy of perpetual improvement in everything that companies do. TQM is an integrated more content... When the competition was growing in service sector the demand for service quality was understood. At this time a new question was emerged, if it is possible to apply the principles of TQM in service industry. The literatures and viewpoints of different researchers made the latest moderations to TQM concepts and made TQM adaptable for service sector also.(2) Today, customers have a wide choice of service providers and they would choose only the best service providers in terms of quality, reliability, and profitability and who are at par with international standards. Therefore, the quality of service plays a dominant role and is a primary factor in ensuring the survival of the service provider in the global market. The whole focus is now concentrated on providing services to customer beyond his expectations. This concept is applicable to all service industries and has given birth to the concept of TQM in service Get more content on