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Financial Data Infrastructure
                               with HDF5

Graeme Burnett
Head of Analytics Architecture, Deutsche Bank
Sep 2004
HDF5 - The Big Idea

    For IT Management
          Infrastructure Independence
          Parallel Data Delivery Configurable To Individual Data Set Granularity
          Limitless Data Storage
          Optimised Data Storage
                 Szip compression minimises disk usage/maximises revenue
          Suited to heterogeneous environment
                 Virtual File Layer (VFL) ported to many platforms
          A Solution to the ever growing “Data Storage” Issue

    For Analytics/Market Data Developers
         Potential to capture limitless market depth and generate limitless analytical models
         Arbitrary precision, multidimensional and user defined data sets
         Toolkits in many flavours, C, Java, Perl
         High performance data access
                Statistical analysis, 3 D visualisation and pattern recognition become a reality
HDF5 - Virtual File Layer

    Storage Mechanism is Under Application Control
         e.g network, memory, remote file systems, different file systems on the same machine
         or to specify special-purpose I/O mechanisms such as streaming I/O, MPI I/O, and
         buffered I/O.
         Public APIs so that application developers can write new drivers
HDF5 - Data Manipulation

    Handling Big Data sets
         Unix file system limit (32-bit) is 2GB - you have to write a program to shift data
         HDF5 analogous to albumwrap

    De-aggregation/Re-aggregation of Data Sets
         Data set can be composed of many discrete sets
         Easier manipulation of data
         Sets can be aggregated to form a production set

         Data subset selection
         Transformations during I/O
                2D spatial to 3D spatial
HDF5 - File Formats

          efficient parallel data access

          Pluggable compression mechanism (Szip)

          Allow for expansion - data can be written later
          Extensible along any dimension

          Efficient local I/O bypassing the buffer cache

          Taking advantage of different file systems (JBOD e.g)
The Changing Business and Technology Environment

    The Move Towards Program Trading
         Prediction of 70% of current activity will be automated
         High Frequency Finance
               Models require high frequency data

    Internet Technologies
         The Semantic Web: *ML, RDF, RSS
         Encryption, Digital Value, Electronic Contracts, Business Intelligence, Psuedonymity
         Emerging marketplaces, virtual economies and communities

    Defence Technology Commercialisation
         Traffic Analysis
         Operational Research
         Open Source Intelligence

    Better, Faster Infrastructure and Software
         Optical Networks
         LAMP Architecture
         COTS Hardware: Opteron, 1GE, SATA
HDF5 Feature Overview

    HDF5 File Format
         Public Domain, pioneered by the nuclear science community
         Robust, mature, standards driven

    Scalable Data Delivery, Efficient Storage, Data Transformation
         Virtual file Layer supports “chunked” data sets
         Raw, Standard, Parallel and Networked I/O
         Bandwidth configurable per data set
         Data type and spatial transforms of data or subsets during I/O
         Szip - high performance compression/decompression

    Infrastructure agnostic
         Metadata approach
         No specialised hardware required
         Suitable for distributed/lightweight architectures: Grid, COTS
Today’s Infrastructure

    Architecture in the City
         Record orientated approach to data
               Flat delimited files, ftp and databases
               Time series - a black art
         Poor communication between architecture, infrastructure and developers
         Centralised/Cross-business infrastructure failures

    Hardware/Manufacturer Specific Solutions
         Generic, complex, high-cost, manufacturer lock-in, technological mediocrity
         Designed to suit Manufacturer’s capability model

    Lack of Technology Knowledge Management
         Architecture is vendor and developer driven, should be experience and business driven.
         No framework for conversion of tacit to explicit knowledge results in loss of operational
         Solution: Development portals (CM, Bug tracking etc,) Twiki’s, Blogging
Grid Infrastructure

     Centralised Data Centres
          Centralised data means centralised risk.
          Extreme risk events would render business continuity planning ineffective.
          Huge energy requirements (15MW, 5MW of which is cooling)

     Data is Mobile - Not All Data Needs Enterprise Class Persistence
          HDF5 makes it easy to forward cache static/reference data calved from master data
          Real-time computational derivation using FPGA’s and/or calculation farms
          Reduced cost whilst maintaining regulatory compliance

     Micro-hosting - Crisis Resilient Grid Architecture
          Software chooses the most appropriate execution environment and marshals data
          Each site operational has 20-30 low cost COTS nodes, minimal cooling, energy
          footprint up to 15KW, multiple network connections.
          KNURR Secure 10/20KW Water cooled cabinets located across infrastructure [3]
HDF5 - Enabling High-Frequency Finance

    HFF Drivers
         Advances in statistical and Operational Research techniques
         Improved access to data sets by academia.
         Advances in computer infrastructure, reduction in storage costs
         The need to find a trading edge.
         Quantitative approach augmented by statistical analysis

    HDF5 Global Data Repository For Raptor [2]
         Project under way at Deutsche Bank, part of the Raptor infrastructure
                Raptor requires massive data sets
         Providing “early warning” predictive analysis
         Pre transaction validation of complex derivatives transactions
         Synthesised Data: yield curves, volatility surfaces (time/strike), vwap
         News capture
         Sentiment Analysis
         Traffic Analysis
Statistical Data Modelling

    Massive Data Sets
         Required to determine the statistical significance of outliers in data

         Point cloud identification of immediate outliers
         relationships by parallel co-ordinate plotting
Statistical Data Modelling

    Cluster Analysis
         Useful to focus further analysis, and data cleansing.
         Focus on regions in data space where object is dense

    Proprietary Filtering Algorithms
         to determine number and significance of clusters

    Density Estimation
         Visualisation of stochastics
         Optimal means to cluster
         But - real-time computation is difficult

         particularly rich in methods for this
         HDF5 enabled
Time Series Data

    Relationships Between Time Series Data Important
        potentially profitable in High Frequency Finance
        Used to determine ideal hedge etc.

    Exploratory Analysis by Parallel Co-ordinate Plots
        followed by Econometric methods to determine significance.
Point Clouds

    Visualisation Technique for Large Data Sets
         a slice of trades from a multidimensional trade data set.
         Approximately 29K trades being displayed = 2 weeks (VOD).
Data Depth Perspective

     Figures Are Humanly Incomprehensible

     The World Produced in 1999 [1]:
         1.5 exabytes (260) of storable content - 1.5 billion gigabytes
         250 megabytes for every man, woman, and child on earth.
         Printed documents of all kinds make up only .003 percent of the total.
         Magnetic storage is by far the largest medium for storing information and is the most
         rapidly growing
         Shipped hard-drive capacity doubling every year.
         Amount of human generated content - 5TB

     Financial Market Data
         LSE Basic set is 14GB for 2 Years (stock, shares, price, bid, ask, flags)
         Market Depth + News + Traffic Analysis
         VWAP + Volatilities
         Many Terabytes required
HFF/HDF5 Infrastructure

    Lightweight Infrastructure Using COTS Components
         Pattern Recognition/DSS Node - ~$25,000 for 24TB JBOD Node
               Sparse Data Analysis
         Analytics/HDF5 node $2700
               Data delivery, computation
         “Throwaway nodes” - reduced hosting costs
Data Topography
HDF5 Data Distribution Architecture

    Tier 1 - Master Data Sets
         Enterprise grade persistence
         Satisfy Data Retention Regulations:
               Gramm-Leach-Bliley - security and confidentiality
               Sarbanes-Oxley - the need for data retention
         I/O profile per data set to suit predefined SLA

    Tier 2 - Derived Regional Data sets
         Geo-legislative Data Partitioning

    Tier 3 - Divisional/Departmental Data Sets
         Reduced infrastructure requirements
         Forward Caching - data near point of consumption
         Dataset Enrichment - pattern recognition, aggregation, data set generation

    Tier 4 - Workstation
         Spare-cycle computing
         Specialist enrichment
HDF5 Data Delivery
HDF5 Tier Functionality

    Tier 1 - Master Data Sets
         Contiguous Tick Data Sets per exchange
         Data wraps - aggregated small sets

    Tier 2 - Derived Regional Data sets
         Pre-partitioned by stock/year/month/week
         Delivered to lightweight HDF5 near-network server nodes
         Tick Data collection, Location-based analysis, aggregation and enhancement
         Data set discovery using Directory Services

    Tier 3 - Divisional/Departmental Data Sets
         Forward Caching - data near point of consumption
         Data set Enrichment - pattern recognition, aggregation, data set generation
         DSS/Pattern Recognition nodes - JBOD Consumption - high performance I/O
         HDF5 delivery to T4

    Tier 4 - Workstation/Desktop Supercomputer
         Spare-cycle computing
         Data enrichment using specialist hardware/architecture (FPGA)
Data Discovery

         An ontology is a conceptual model about some domain
         Relationships that hold between them
         Characteristics of data

    Data set Description using Protégé and OWL
         XML/RDF Metadata
         Can forward generate Database and XML Schema’s

    Data Classification
         WEKA - data classification suite written in Java
         Pattern Recognition
         News analysis
         Envelope/Outlier analysis
Ontology Modelling
Security Framework

   Basic Access Control Primitives
        Advisory security mechanism
        Read-only, read-write etc - stored in file meta data
        Host based access control

   Global/Federated Operation Requires Third-party Access Control Manager
        Xboost from
        Integration to enterprise directories - both .Net and LDAP
        Service Orientated Architecture:
HDF5 Data Format

    HDF5 File
         is a container for storing a variety of scientific data is composed of two primary types of objects:
         groups and data sets.

    HDF5 Group
         a grouping structure containing zero or more HDF5 objects, together with supporting metadata

    HDF5 Data Set
         a multidimensional array of data elements, together with supporting metadata
         Similar to working with directories and files in UNIX: an HDF5 object in an HDF5 file is often referred to by its full path
         name (also called an absolute path name).
         / signifies the root group.
         /foo signifies a member of the root group called foo.
         /foo/zoo signifies a member of the group foo, which in turn is a member of the root group.

    HDF5 Attribute List
         Any HDF5 group or data set may have an associated attribute list. An HDF5 attribute is a user-
         defined HDF5 structure that provides extra information about an HDF5 object.
HDF5 Library

    The HDF5 library
          provides several interfaces, or APIs. These APIs provide routines for creating, accessing, and
          manipulating HDF5 files and objects.
          The library itself is implemented in C.
          HDF5 function wrappers have been developed in Java/Fortran90
          All C routines in the HDF5 library begin with a prefix of the form H5*, where * is one or two
          uppercase letters indicating the type of object on which the function operates.

          HF - Library Functions: general-purpose H5 functions
          H5A - Annotation Interface: attribute access and manipulation routines
          H5D - Data set Interface: data set access and manipulation routines
          H5E - Error Interface: error handling routines
          H5F- File Interface: file access routines
          H5G- Group Interface: group creation and operation routines
          H5I - Identifier Interface: identifier routines
          H5P- Property List Interface: object property list manipulation routines
          H5R - Reference Interface: reference routines
          H5S - Data space Interface: data space definition and access routines
          H5T - Data type Interface: data type creation and manipulation routines
          H5Z - Compression Interface: compression routine(s)
HDF5 File Creation

#include "hdf5.h"
#define FILE "dset.h5”

main() {
hid_t file_id, dataset_id, dataspace_id; /* identifiers */
hsize_t dims[2];
herr_t status;

/* Create a new file using default properties. */

/* Create the data space for the dataset. */
dims[0] = 4;
dims[1] = 6;
dataspace_id = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL);

/* Create the dataset. */
dataset_id = H5Dcreate(file_id, "/dset", H5T_STD_I32BE, dataspace_id,

/* End access to the dataset and release resources used by it. */
status = H5Dclose(dataset_id);

/* Terminate access to the data space. */
status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id);

/* Close the file. */
status = H5Fclose(file_id);
HDF5 Reading and Writing Existing Datasets

#include "hdf5.h"
#define FILE "dset.h5"
  * Writing and reading an existing dataset.
main() {
hid_t file_id, dataset_id; /* identifiers */
herr_t status;
int#include "hdf5.h"
    i, j, dset_data[4][6];
  #define FILE "dset.h5"
/* Initialise the dataset. */
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
formain() j{< 6; j++)
    (j = 0;
dset_data[i][j] = i * 6 + j + 1;

/* hid_t existing file. */
   Open an file_id, dataset_id; /* identifiers               */
file_id = H5Fopen(FILE, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT);
   herr_t status;
/* int an existing dataset. */
   Open i, j, dset_data[4][6];
dataset_id = H5Dopen(file_id, "/dset");

/* /* Initialize */
   Write the dataset. the dataset. */
status = H5Dwrite(dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,dset_data);
   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
status = (j = 0; j < 6; H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL,
   for H5Dread(dataset_id, j++)                       H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,dset_data);

/* dset_data[i][j] = i * 6 + j + 1;
   Close the dataset. */
status = H5Dclose(dataset_id);

/* /* Open file. existing file. */
   Close the an */
status = H5Fclose(file_id);
   file_id = H5Fopen(FILE, H5F_ACC_RDWR,                H5P_DEFAULT);

  /* Open an existing dataset. */
  dataset_id = H5Dopen(file_id, "/dset");

  /* Write the dataset. */
  status = H5Dwrite(dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
To Probe Further

    HDF5 Home Page

    HDF5 Tutorial

    Enhyper Knowledgebase
         Many grid, finance and operational research related resources

   [1] How Much Storage is Enough?

   [2] Different Shades of Meaning in the Stock Market

   [3] Knurr 10/20KW Water-cooled Environments

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  • 1. Financial Data Infrastructure with HDF5 Graeme Burnett Head of Analytics Architecture, Deutsche Bank Sep 2004
  • 2. HDF5 - The Big Idea For IT Management Infrastructure Independence Parallel Data Delivery Configurable To Individual Data Set Granularity Limitless Data Storage Optimised Data Storage Szip compression minimises disk usage/maximises revenue Suited to heterogeneous environment Virtual File Layer (VFL) ported to many platforms A Solution to the ever growing “Data Storage” Issue For Analytics/Market Data Developers Potential to capture limitless market depth and generate limitless analytical models Arbitrary precision, multidimensional and user defined data sets Toolkits in many flavours, C, Java, Perl High performance data access Statistical analysis, 3 D visualisation and pattern recognition become a reality
  • 3. HDF5 - Virtual File Layer Storage Mechanism is Under Application Control e.g network, memory, remote file systems, different file systems on the same machine or to specify special-purpose I/O mechanisms such as streaming I/O, MPI I/O, and buffered I/O. Public APIs so that application developers can write new drivers
  • 4. HDF5 - Data Manipulation Handling Big Data sets Unix file system limit (32-bit) is 2GB - you have to write a program to shift data HDF5 analogous to albumwrap De-aggregation/Re-aggregation of Data Sets Data set can be composed of many discrete sets Easier manipulation of data Sets can be aggregated to form a production set Hyperslabs Data subset selection Transformations during I/O 2D spatial to 3D spatial
  • 5. HDF5 - File Formats Chunking efficient parallel data access Compression Pluggable compression mechanism (Szip) Extensible Allow for expansion - data can be written later Extensible along any dimension Raw Efficient local I/O bypassing the buffer cache External Taking advantage of different file systems (JBOD e.g)
  • 6. The Changing Business and Technology Environment The Move Towards Program Trading Prediction of 70% of current activity will be automated High Frequency Finance Models require high frequency data Internet Technologies The Semantic Web: *ML, RDF, RSS Encryption, Digital Value, Electronic Contracts, Business Intelligence, Psuedonymity Emerging marketplaces, virtual economies and communities Defence Technology Commercialisation Traffic Analysis Operational Research Open Source Intelligence Better, Faster Infrastructure and Software Optical Networks LAMP Architecture COTS Hardware: Opteron, 1GE, SATA
  • 7. HDF5 Feature Overview HDF5 File Format Public Domain, pioneered by the nuclear science community Robust, mature, standards driven Scalable Data Delivery, Efficient Storage, Data Transformation Virtual file Layer supports “chunked” data sets Raw, Standard, Parallel and Networked I/O Bandwidth configurable per data set Data type and spatial transforms of data or subsets during I/O Szip - high performance compression/decompression Infrastructure agnostic Metadata approach No specialised hardware required Suitable for distributed/lightweight architectures: Grid, COTS
  • 8. Today’s Infrastructure Architecture in the City Record orientated approach to data Flat delimited files, ftp and databases Time series - a black art Poor communication between architecture, infrastructure and developers Centralised/Cross-business infrastructure failures Hardware/Manufacturer Specific Solutions Generic, complex, high-cost, manufacturer lock-in, technological mediocrity Designed to suit Manufacturer’s capability model Lack of Technology Knowledge Management Architecture is vendor and developer driven, should be experience and business driven. No framework for conversion of tacit to explicit knowledge results in loss of operational expertise. Solution: Development portals (CM, Bug tracking etc,) Twiki’s, Blogging
  • 9. Grid Infrastructure Centralised Data Centres Centralised data means centralised risk. Extreme risk events would render business continuity planning ineffective. Huge energy requirements (15MW, 5MW of which is cooling) Data is Mobile - Not All Data Needs Enterprise Class Persistence HDF5 makes it easy to forward cache static/reference data calved from master data sets Regional/Divisional/Departmental/Workgroup Real-time computational derivation using FPGA’s and/or calculation farms Reduced cost whilst maintaining regulatory compliance Micro-hosting - Crisis Resilient Grid Architecture Software chooses the most appropriate execution environment and marshals data accordingly Each site operational has 20-30 low cost COTS nodes, minimal cooling, energy footprint up to 15KW, multiple network connections. KNURR Secure 10/20KW Water cooled cabinets located across infrastructure [3]
  • 10. HDF5 - Enabling High-Frequency Finance HFF Drivers Advances in statistical and Operational Research techniques Improved access to data sets by academia. Advances in computer infrastructure, reduction in storage costs The need to find a trading edge. Quantitative approach augmented by statistical analysis HDF5 Global Data Repository For Raptor [2] Project under way at Deutsche Bank, part of the Raptor infrastructure Raptor requires massive data sets Providing “early warning” predictive analysis Pre transaction validation of complex derivatives transactions Synthesised Data: yield curves, volatility surfaces (time/strike), vwap News capture Sentiment Analysis Traffic Analysis
  • 11. Statistical Data Modelling Massive Data Sets Required to determine the statistical significance of outliers in data Visualisation Point cloud identification of immediate outliers relationships by parallel co-ordinate plotting
  • 12. Statistical Data Modelling Cluster Analysis Useful to focus further analysis, and data cleansing. Focus on regions in data space where object is dense Proprietary Filtering Algorithms to determine number and significance of clusters Density Estimation Visualisation of stochastics Optimal means to cluster But - real-time computation is difficult MATLAB particularly rich in methods for this HDF5 enabled
  • 13. Time Series Data Relationships Between Time Series Data Important potentially profitable in High Frequency Finance Used to determine ideal hedge etc. Exploratory Analysis by Parallel Co-ordinate Plots followed by Econometric methods to determine significance.
  • 14. Point Clouds Visualisation Technique for Large Data Sets a slice of trades from a multidimensional trade data set. Approximately 29K trades being displayed = 2 weeks (VOD).
  • 15. Data Depth Perspective Figures Are Humanly Incomprehensible The World Produced in 1999 [1]: 1.5 exabytes (260) of storable content - 1.5 billion gigabytes 250 megabytes for every man, woman, and child on earth. Printed documents of all kinds make up only .003 percent of the total. Magnetic storage is by far the largest medium for storing information and is the most rapidly growing Shipped hard-drive capacity doubling every year. Amount of human generated content - 5TB Financial Market Data LSE Basic set is 14GB for 2 Years (stock, shares, price, bid, ask, flags) Market Depth + News + Traffic Analysis VWAP + Volatilities Many Terabytes required
  • 16. HFF/HDF5 Infrastructure Lightweight Infrastructure Using COTS Components Pattern Recognition/DSS Node - ~$25,000 for 24TB JBOD Node Sparse Data Analysis Analytics/HDF5 node $2700 Data delivery, computation “Throwaway nodes” - reduced hosting costs
  • 18. HDF5 Data Distribution Architecture Tier 1 - Master Data Sets Enterprise grade persistence Satisfy Data Retention Regulations: Gramm-Leach-Bliley - security and confidentiality Sarbanes-Oxley - the need for data retention I/O profile per data set to suit predefined SLA Tier 2 - Derived Regional Data sets Geo-legislative Data Partitioning Tier 3 - Divisional/Departmental Data Sets Reduced infrastructure requirements Forward Caching - data near point of consumption Dataset Enrichment - pattern recognition, aggregation, data set generation Tier 4 - Workstation Spare-cycle computing Specialist enrichment
  • 20. HDF5 Tier Functionality Tier 1 - Master Data Sets Contiguous Tick Data Sets per exchange Data wraps - aggregated small sets Tier 2 - Derived Regional Data sets Pre-partitioned by stock/year/month/week Delivered to lightweight HDF5 near-network server nodes Tick Data collection, Location-based analysis, aggregation and enhancement Data set discovery using Directory Services Tier 3 - Divisional/Departmental Data Sets Forward Caching - data near point of consumption Data set Enrichment - pattern recognition, aggregation, data set generation DSS/Pattern Recognition nodes - JBOD Consumption - high performance I/O HDF5 delivery to T4 Tier 4 - Workstation/Desktop Supercomputer Spare-cycle computing Data enrichment using specialist hardware/architecture (FPGA)
  • 21. Data Discovery Ontologies An ontology is a conceptual model about some domain Relationships that hold between them Characteristics of data Data set Description using Protégé and OWL XML/RDF Metadata Can forward generate Database and XML Schema’s Data Classification WEKA - data classification suite written in Java Pattern Recognition News analysis Envelope/Outlier analysis
  • 23. Security Framework Basic Access Control Primitives Advisory security mechanism Read-only, read-write etc - stored in file meta data Host based access control Global/Federated Operation Requires Third-party Access Control Manager Xboost from Integration to enterprise directories - both .Net and LDAP Service Orientated Architecture:
  • 24. HDF5 Data Format HDF5 File is a container for storing a variety of scientific data is composed of two primary types of objects: groups and data sets. HDF5 Group a grouping structure containing zero or more HDF5 objects, together with supporting metadata HDF5 Data Set a multidimensional array of data elements, together with supporting metadata Similar to working with directories and files in UNIX: an HDF5 object in an HDF5 file is often referred to by its full path name (also called an absolute path name). / signifies the root group. /foo signifies a member of the root group called foo. /foo/zoo signifies a member of the group foo, which in turn is a member of the root group. HDF5 Attribute List Any HDF5 group or data set may have an associated attribute list. An HDF5 attribute is a user- defined HDF5 structure that provides extra information about an HDF5 object.
  • 25. HDF5 Library The HDF5 library provides several interfaces, or APIs. These APIs provide routines for creating, accessing, and manipulating HDF5 files and objects. The library itself is implemented in C. HDF5 function wrappers have been developed in Java/Fortran90 All C routines in the HDF5 library begin with a prefix of the form H5*, where * is one or two uppercase letters indicating the type of object on which the function operates. API HF - Library Functions: general-purpose H5 functions H5A - Annotation Interface: attribute access and manipulation routines H5D - Data set Interface: data set access and manipulation routines H5E - Error Interface: error handling routines H5F- File Interface: file access routines H5G- Group Interface: group creation and operation routines H5I - Identifier Interface: identifier routines H5P- Property List Interface: object property list manipulation routines H5R - Reference Interface: reference routines H5S - Data space Interface: data space definition and access routines H5T - Data type Interface: data type creation and manipulation routines H5Z - Compression Interface: compression routine(s)
  • 26. HDF5 File Creation #include "hdf5.h" #define FILE "dset.h5” main() { hid_t file_id, dataset_id, dataspace_id; /* identifiers */ hsize_t dims[2]; herr_t status; /* Create a new file using default properties. */ file_id = H5Fcreate(FILE, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT); /* Create the data space for the dataset. */ dims[0] = 4; dims[1] = 6; dataspace_id = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL); /* Create the dataset. */ dataset_id = H5Dcreate(file_id, "/dset", H5T_STD_I32BE, dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT); /* End access to the dataset and release resources used by it. */ status = H5Dclose(dataset_id); /* Terminate access to the data space. */ status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id); /* Close the file. */ status = H5Fclose(file_id); }
  • 27. HDF5 Reading and Writing Existing Datasets #include "hdf5.h" /* #define FILE "dset.h5" * Writing and reading an existing dataset. main() { */ hid_t file_id, dataset_id; /* identifiers */ herr_t status; int#include "hdf5.h" i, j, dset_data[4][6]; #define FILE "dset.h5" /* Initialise the dataset. */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) formain() j{< 6; j++) (j = 0; dset_data[i][j] = i * 6 + j + 1; /* hid_t existing file. */ Open an file_id, dataset_id; /* identifiers */ file_id = H5Fopen(FILE, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT); herr_t status; /* int an existing dataset. */ Open i, j, dset_data[4][6]; dataset_id = H5Dopen(file_id, "/dset"); /* /* Initialize */ Write the dataset. the dataset. */ status = H5Dwrite(dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,dset_data); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) status = (j = 0; j < 6; H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, for H5Dread(dataset_id, j++) H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,dset_data); /* dset_data[i][j] = i * 6 + j + 1; Close the dataset. */ status = H5Dclose(dataset_id); /* /* Open file. existing file. */ Close the an */ status = H5Fclose(file_id); file_id = H5Fopen(FILE, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT); } /* Open an existing dataset. */ dataset_id = H5Dopen(file_id, "/dset"); /* Write the dataset. */ status = H5Dwrite(dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,
  • 28. To Probe Further HDF5 Home Page HDF5 Tutorial Enhyper Knowledgebase Many grid, finance and operational research related resources
  • 29. References [1] How Much Storage is Enough? [2] Different Shades of Meaning in the Stock Market [3] Knurr 10/20KW Water-cooled Environments