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Learning Healthcare & Clinical Leadership
in an Accountable Environment
Jonathan B. Perlin, MD, PhD, MSHA, MACP, FACMI
President, Clinical Services Group and Chief Medical Officer
HCA / Hospital Corporation of America
Chair, American Hospital Association, 2015
Clinical Professor of Medicine & Biomedical Informatics, Vanderbilt University
Adjunct Professor of Health Administration, Virginia Commonwealth University
It’s a Question of Quality Conference
London, England– February 25, 2016
1.  US: Accountability, Transparency and Health IT
2.  Transformation: Case-Studies from HCA US
–  Learning & Improving at-Scale: The REDUCE MRSA Trial
–  Clinical Leadership: Billion-Dollar Babies
3.  Harvesting the (Big) “Data-Dividend”
CMS (Medicare) Accountability / Payment Measures
Value-Based	Purchasing	
Hospital-Acquired	Condi9ons	Reduc9on	
Readmissions	Reduc9on	
Hospital	Inpa9ent	Quality	Repor9ng	Program	
Ex: CMS Value-Based Purchasing
CMS Hospital Compare: Transparency & Reputation
•  Numerous organizations issue reports ranking and rating hospitals.
•  Use CMS and proprietary data
•  Issue reports, provide websites, offer recognition
•  Some provide a forum for customer/patient reviews
•  Some are “pay to play”
•  Organizational missions include:
•  Consumer advocacy
•  Consumer education
•  Purchaser decision-making
•  Product sales
•  Consulting services sales
Third-Party Assessments
Third-Party Assessments	
Transparency has driven better performance . . . and confusion!
Organizational Responses:
-  Learning
-  Celebrating Success
BREAKING: CMS and health insurers unveil first set of
standardized quality measures
By Melanie Evans | February 16, 2016

The CMS and America's Health Insurance Plans, health plans' trade group,
announced a new agreement to standardize measures of quality for the nation's
doctors. Officials say the measures are necessary as payers and consumers seek
to shop for high-quality care.

The agreement—which outlines seven sets of quality measures to be used
across public and private payers—is the first to be announced by the Core Quality
Measures Collaborative, which includes the CMS, AHIP, the American Academy of
Family Physicians and the National Partnership for Women and Families. ​The
National Quality Forum, an endorsement body for industry quality standards, was
a technical adviser.

The announcement comes as industry stakeholders and policymakers
struggle with how best to identify and reward high-quality healthcare. Measures of
quality are increasingly tied to how much doctors and hospitals are paid and HHS
said that by 2018 half of Medicare spending outside of managed care would be
under contracts with rewards and potential penalties for quality. . . 
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
MU is a Programme in the “HITECH” (Health Information
Technology for Economic & Clinical Health) of ARRA:
•  An “Interstate Highway Program” for Health Information
–  Envisioned Interoperable Electronic Health Records
•  Offered Incentives to Eligible Hospitals & Providers
(Doctors) to adopt Electronic Health Records over a rolling
four year period to end NLT 2017
–  Over $30 BILLION in incentives have been distributed
–  BTW, Hospitals not achieving MU would ultimately
experience (incapacitating) payment penalties
Health IT: The “Meaningful Use” (MU) Programme
Earning Incentives / Avoiding Penalties Requires
Hospitals & Providers to:
•  Use “Certified” Electronic Health Records (EHR)
incorporating Specified Data Standards
•  Progressively Increase Use of EHR for
–  Physician Order Entry (e.g., labs, medications, imaging)
–  Demonstrate interoperability and information exchange
by sharing patient records with other providers and with
–  Providing certain public health data to authorities
–  Demonstrating use of clinical decision support
–  Submitting specified electronic measures of care quality
“Meaningful Use” (MU)
Crossing the Digital Divide . . .
Crossing the Digital Divide . . . Physician Practices
The Data Dividend: Learning Healthcare
EHR	Use	
	>50%	of	Doctors		and	
					>95%	Hospitals	met	
	 														HITECH	Meaningful	Use	*	
*	ONC	(	hKp://	)
EHR	Use	
The Data Dividend: Learning Healthcare
1.  US: Accountability, Transparency and Health IT
2.  Transformation: Case-Studies from HCA US
–  Learning & Improving at-Scale: The REDUCE MRSA Trial
•  Making “Meaningful Use” Meaningful
–  Clinical Leadership: Billion-Dollar Babies
3.  Harvesting the (Big) “Data-Dividend”
Addressing a Significant Problem:
•  In the United States, ~ 1 in 20 patients hospitalized will
develop a healthcare-associated infection (HAIs)
~ 1.9 – 2.1 million patients infected
~ 80,000 die
~ $20- 30 billion avoidable healthcare expenditures
•  Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA),
and other Staphylococcus aureus, account for
approximately 25% of all deaths from HAIs
The REDUCE MRSA Trial – Background
*	Updated	from:	Klevins	RM	et	al,	Pub	Hlth	Rep,	2007;122:160-6.	
What Might be Learned Across a Large Health System ?
Northeast	C	
Terre	Haute	
Idaho	Falls	
Idaho	Falls	
Las	Vegas	
San	Jose	
Western	Idaho	
W	San	Antonio	
Kansas	City	
Oklahoma	City	
Corpus	ChrisZ	
San	Antonio	
El	Paso	
No.	VA	
Richmond	C	SW	VA	C	
Frankfort	C	 SW	VA	Frankfort	Frankfort	
North	Central	Florida	
Treasure	Coast	
Palm	Beach	
Middle	GA	
Grand	Strand	Augusta	ChaKanooga	
American	Group	
NaZonal	Group	
Central	London	
San	Jose	
Kansas	City	
Oklahoma	City	
25	million	pa9ent	contacts	annually	
Approximately	5%	of	major	hospital	
services	in	U.S.:	
•  Admissions 	>	1.6	million	
•  PaZent	Days	 	>	7.6	million	
•  Deliveries	 	>	0.25	million	
•  Total	Surgeries 	>	1.3	million	
•  ED		Visits 	 	>	8		million	
Ø  170	Hospitals,	120	Freestanding	Surgery	
Centers,	>	850	Physician	PracZces,	>200	Urgent	
Care	Centers	in	23	states	and	London	
Ø  Hospitals	range	from	complex	terZary	referral	
and	academic	medical	centers	to	urban	and	
suburban	community	medical	centers	
Ø ~	215,000	employees,	including																					~	
72,000	nurses	and	30,000	allied	health	
Ø  >	50,000	affiliated	physicians,	including																			
>	3,300	employed	physicians	and	pracZZoners	
Ø  More	than	38,000	licensed	beds
Pragmatic Research – Implemented in course of routine care, in routine
setting, not dedicated research unit
Comparative Effectiveness study – Comparing (three) competing “best
practices” to determine what is truly “best”
Cluster-Randomized (by hospital) trial design
1.  Screen & Isolate: Screen every patient and implement barrier
isolation, if MRSA positive ( HCA’s “base case” with SIR < 0.7 )
2.  Targeted Decolonization: Screen, and if MRSA-positive, isolate
and decolonize (using chlorhexidine antimicrobial soap and
mupurocin nasal ointment)
3.  Universal Decolonization: Decolonize all patients on admission
to ICU
Could MU in HCA Provide a Platform for REDUCE MRSA Trial?
Aggregate:					43	Hospitals;	74,356	pa9ents;	282,803	pa9ent-days	
Arm	1	
16 Hospitals
(23 ICUs)
N = 23,480
Arm	2	
14 Hospitals
(22 ICUs)
N = 24,752
Arm	3	
13 Hospitals
(29 ICUs)
N = 26,024
16 Hospitals
N = 23,480
13 Hospitals
N = 22,105
13 Hospitals
N = 26,024
1 Hospital (2 ICUs)
As	Treated	
REDUCE MRSA: Timeline & Enrollment
Jan	2010	 Apr	2010	 Sep	2011	
12	month	
18	month	
REDUCE	MRSA	–	Cluster-Randomized	Trial	Design	
Answering	QuesZons	Across	MulZple	InsZtuZons	
Arm	1	
Screen	and	Isolate	
Arm	2	
Targeted	Decoloniza9on	
Arm	3	
Universal	Decoloniza9on	
Overall								P<0.0001	
		Arm	1																			Arm	2 													Arm	3	
	Screen	&												Targeted 											Universal	
		Isolate										Decoloniza9on				Decoloniza9on	
Arm	2	vs	1		P=0.04		
Arm	3	vs	1		P<0.0001	
Arm	3	vs	2		P=0.003	
REDUCE MRSA: Results (All Pathogen Bloodstream Infection)
Propor3onal-hazards	models	with	shared	frail3es
Decolonization reduces all blood stream infections (BSIs)
by 44% and MRSA by 37%
•  For every 99 patients decolonized, 1 BSI was avoided
•  Set a new standard for reducing BSIs in ICUs
•  Policy: Demonstrated that (9) state-mandated
screening were expensive and inappropriate
REDUCE MRSA: Study Findings
•  Agency for Healthcare Research and
•  CDC Prevention Epicenters Steering
•  Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
Institute / Harvard Medical School
•  Hospital Corporation of America
•  Rush University
•  University of California Irvine
REDUCE MRSA: Discussion
Fostering a Learning Health System
•  REDUCE MRSA notable not only for its outcomes, but
for its methods:
•  Speed: Did not take one hospital 64 years to amass the
power of the study – it took 43 hospitals 18 months
•  Implementation: Not conducted by a single-purpose research
team, but by nurses and infection prevention professionals
during routing patient care
•  Setting: Did not occur in a controlled research unit, but within
community hospitals across the country, embedded in routine
care . . .
•  Because of interoperable health information, REDUCE MRSA
efficiently answered real-world questions, in real-world
environments, that generalize to real-world situations
•  Size: 33,000 Patients (vs. 75,000)
•  Efficiency: ALLHAT $80M (vs. $3M, including supplies)
•  Length of Study: 10 years (vs. 1½ years)
IT-Related Capabilities from Meaningful Use Investment:
1.  Standard information platform
•  Same EHR system in every hospital (MU Stage 1)
•  Conventions to assure semantic interoperability (conceptual
2.  Aggregation of data into one repository
•  n.b., Current work from enterprise clinical data warehouse
3.  Normalization of non-standardized data
4.  Continuous data quality assessment and feedback
5.  Analysis of aggregate data in situ assuring privacy &
•  i.e., Secure “sandbox” for analytics; no transmission beyond
What Made REDUCE MRSA Possible?
0.671	 0.686	
Q3	2012	 Q4	2012	 Q1	2013	 Q2	2013	 Q3	2013	
Universal	Decoloniza9on		
Phased	In	
42% Reduction
(3Q12 - 3Q13)
Source: National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN)
HCA’s Standardized Infection Ratio for
ICU Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infection
Infect	Control	Hosp	Epidmemiology.	
2014;	35(S3):S23-S31		
The REDUCE MRSA Dividend . . .
Are Learning Opportunities:
- Rare ?
- Subtle ?
- Esoteric ?
Case Study 2: Billion Dollar Babies
Another Significant Question:
When is Term Really ‘Term’?
37	to	39	weeks	babies	
are	generally	robust,	
but	is	there	a	scien9fic	
basis	to	say	they	are	
equally	robust	within	
• 	HCA,	along	with	
March	of	Dimes	(MOD)	
and	American	College	
of	Obstetricians	and	
Gynecologists	(ACOG)	
“called	the	ques9on”	
• 	Does	contemporary	
clinical	prac9ce	=	
op9mal	outcomes?	
		•  What	we	did	
• 	Over	a	90-day	period,	27	hospitals	
collected	outcomes	for	deliveries	at	
>	37	weeks	gestaZon	
• 	17,794	deliveries	met	criteria	
•  What	we	found	
•  37	≠	38	≠	39	weeks	
•  Why	we	did	it		
• 	ACOG	suggested	MOD	approach	
HCA	to	study	quesZon	at	scale	
• 	HCA	commiKed	to	using	data	to	
change	pracZce,	if	indicated	
• 	HCA	delivers	~	250,000	babies	yearly	
in	110	hospitals,	represenZng	~	6%	
of	all	U.S.	births	
*Clark	et	al,	Am	J	Obstet	Gynecol	
37	Weeks	 38	Weeks	 39+	Weeks	
%		NICU	Admissions	
Weeks	of	Gesta9on	
Elec9ve	Term	Delivery	and	
NICU	Admission*	
Preventing	Adverse Neonatal Outcomes
•  Morbidity	
• 	Lung	immaturity,	respiratory	distress	
• 	Unstable	vitals,	nutriZonal	challenge	
• 	Social	disrupZon	of	birth	experience	
•  Long-Term	Morbidity	
• 	Delayed	development	and	weaker	
school	performance	
•  Excess	Resource	U9liza9on	
• 	Unnecessary	NICU	days	and	use	of	
highly	skilled	nurses	and	physicians	
• 	More	frequent	checkups	amer	
discharge;	lost	work	Zme	for	parents	
37	Weeks	 38	Weeks	 39+	Weeks	
%		NICU	Admissions	
Weeks	of	Gesta9on	
Elec9ve	Term	Delivery	and	
NICU	Admission*	
*Clark	et	al,	Am	J	Obstet	Gynecol	
Preventing	Adverse Neonatal Outcomes
Clinical Behavior Change:	
•  Trial	2:	
•  Hard	stop	(Group	1)	
•  Peer-review	model	(Group	2)	
•  Clinical	discussion	(Group	3)	
•  Study	demonstrated	‘hard	stop’	
yielded	best	results	in	reducing	
early,	elec9ve	‘pre-term’	delivery	
•  MoD,	insurers	and	CMS		now	
promoZng	prevenZng	pre-term	&	
‘hard	stop’	as	a	recommended	
Transformative Clinical Leadership:
Moving from Knowledge to Practice
*Clark	et	al,	Am	J	Obstet	Gynecol,	2010	
November 2010
Learning opportunities are ubiquitous
Organizational learning has to be intentional
•  EHR’s don’t yet automate “pattern recognition” (i.e., relationship
between gestational age, complications, type of complications and cost
of potentially avoidable services)
Organizational improvement also has to be intentional
•  Must obligate to using evidence
Clinical behavior change requires clinical leadership
•  Compelling data change discussion from religion to evidence
Learning / Improvement Opportunities
1.  US: Accountability, Transparency and Health IT
2.  Transformation: Case-Studies from HCA US
–  Learning & Improving at-Scale: The REDUCE MRSA Trial
–  Clinical Leadership: Billion-Dollar Babies
3.  Harvesting the (Big) “Data-Dividend”
What if the results of REDUCE MRSA (of the strategies
compared) were already present in data generated by
previous care?
•  What if trials could have been performed “in silica?”
•  In 18 minutes, not 18 months ? (REDUCE)
•  In 9 minutes, not 90 days ? (Pre-term delivery)
What other answers to pressing questions (cost, quality,
precision medicine, policy) might exist in the “collective
memory” of our healthcare services?
How do we harvest the “Data Dividend?”?
What If REDUCE MRSA Didn’t Require 18 Months?
Data sizes:
US Library of Congress printed material: 10 Tb
HCA: 120 Petabytes (12,000 Libraries of Congress)
Google: Best Guess 15 Exabytes
(1.5million Libraries of Congress, 100x HCA)
Planet volumes:
Moon: 2.2E-2
Jupiter: 1.4e3 (63,000 moons)
Sun 1.4E6 (63 million moons)
Extabyte: 10^18 bytes
Petabyte: 10^15 bytes
Terrabyte: 10^12 bytes
Gigabye: 10^9 bytes
Note that the Library of Congress has at least 3 petabytes of digital content
What Could be Learned from the “Digital Dividend?”
Care Informs Care: A Learning Health System
* National Research Council, National Academies of Science, “Toward Precision Medicine:
Building a Network for Biomedical Research and a New Taxonomy of Disease.” 2011; p2.
Care	 Data	
Care Changes Care: An Improving Health System
•  Study Design & Question:
•  Large, two-arm,cluster randomized, pragmatic comparative-
effectiveness trial in 50 HCA hospitals (~300,000 patients) to
assess the value of chlorhexidine bathing and MRSA
decolonization in adult patients on non-critical care units
•  Key Outcomes:
−  Unit-associated acquisition of MDROs
−  Bloodstream infections: all pathogens
•  Additional Outcomes:
−  Urinary tract infections: all pathogens
−  Contaminated blood cultures
−  Infectious readmissions: all pathogens
−  Emergence of resistance among key pathogens
−  Cost assessment
Active BAthing To Eliminate (ABATE) Infection Trial
>	600,000
The “Data Dividend”
. . . a Learning & Improvement Engine
The Full Dividend of Transparency,
Accountability & Clinical Leadership:
A “Learning Health System”
•  Major Studies in Progress
•  Bibliography
Planned	Research	Porqolio	–	Selected	Studies	
Project		 HCA	Contribu9on	 Funder	 Poten9al	Impact	
ABATE:	Universal	decolonizaZon	of	
inpaZents	not	in	ICUs	
50	affiliated	hospitals	
~600,000	paZents	
Recommend	new	standard	inpaZent	
care	to	prevent	infecZons	
INSPIRE:	Develop	and	test	materials	
and	methods	to	improve	empiric	
anZbioZc	therapy		
60	HCA	hospitals	
Reduce	unnecessary	and	risky	use	of	
broad	spectrum	anZbioZcs	
SWAPOUT:	Test		iodophor	nasal	
ointment	as	a	component	of	ICU	
decolonizaZon	regimen	
120	affiliated	hospitals	
~220,000	ICU	paZents	
CDC	and	
Improve	the	standard	decolonizaZon	
regimen	by	limiZng	risk	of	resistance	
to	current	agents	
CLUSTER:	Test	impact	of	early	
detecZon	on	size	of	infecZon	
outbreaks	in	hospitals	
80	hospitals	 CDC	
Allow	hospitals	to	mount	early	
response	to	outbreaks.		
Fully	automated	system	reduces	
burden	on	staff.	
iMobile:	Evaluate	effect	of	secure	
messaging	among	hospital	teams	
15	hospitals	 AHRQ	
Improve	paZent	outcomes	through	
efficient	communicaZon	
Sen9nel	System:	Assess	the	safety	of	
marketed	medical	products	
All	HCA	hospitals	 FDA	
Improve	naZonal	capability	to	
idenZfy	risks	of	medicaZons,	
biologics,	and	blood	products	
PAICAP:	Assess	ability	of	CMS	data	to	
monitor	the	impact	of	policies	to	
prevent	healthcare	associated	
All	HCA	hospitals	 AHRQ	
Inform	naZonal	policy	regarding	
quality	monitoring	and	payment	
incenZve	systems
Platt R, Takvorian S, Septimus E, Hickok J, Moody J, Perlin J, Jernigan J, Huang S. “Cluster
Randomized Trials in Comparative Effectiveness Research: Randomizing hospitals to test methods
for prevention of healthcare-associated infections.” Medical Care. 2010; 48:s52-57.
Huang SS, Septimus E, Kleinman K ... Perlin JB, Platt R. “Targeted Versus Universal Decolonization
to Prevent ICU Infection.” New England Journal of Medicine. 2013; 368:2255-2265. DOI: 10.1056/
Platt R, Huang SS, Perlin JB. “A Win for the Learning Health System.” May 29, 2013. Commentary,
Institute of Medicine, Washington, DC. Available at;
Huang SS, Septimus E, Avery TR, Lee GM, Hickok J, Weinstein RA, Moody J, Hayden MK, Perlin JB.,
Platt Richard, Ray GT. “Cost Savings of Universal Decolonization to Prevent ICU Infection:
Implications of the REDUCE MRSA Trial.” Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 2014; In
Septimus E, Hayden MK, Kleinman K, Avery TR, Moody J, Weinstein RA, Hickok J, Lankiewicz J,
Gombosev A, Haffenreffer K, Kaganov RE, Jernigan JA, Perlin JB, Platt R, Huang SS. “Cost-
savings of universal decolonization to prevent intensive care unit infection: implications of the
REDUCE MRSA trial.” Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 2014;35(Suppl3):S23-31.
Huang SS, Septimus E, Hayden M, … Perlin JB, Weinstein R. “Effectct of Body Surface
Decolonization on Bacteriuria and Candiduria in Intensive Care Units: an Analysis of a Cluster-
Randomized Trial.” Lancet Infectious Disease. 2016;16(1):70-9.
©	HCAMS,	2014	
Learning Healthcare & Clinical Leadership
in an Accountable Environment
Jonathan B. Perlin, MD, PhD, MSHA, MACP, FACMI
President, Clinical Services Group and Chief Medical Officer
HCA / Hospital Corporation of America
Chair, American Hospital Association, 2015
Clinical Professor of Medicine & Biomedical Informatics, Vanderbilt University
Adjunct Professor of Health Administration, Virginia Commonwealth University
It’s a Question of Quality Conference
London, England– February 25, 2016

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#HCAQofQ Dr Jonathan B Perlin

  • 1. 2/29/16 1 Learning Healthcare & Clinical Leadership in an Accountable Environment Jonathan B. Perlin, MD, PhD, MSHA, MACP, FACMI President, Clinical Services Group and Chief Medical Officer HCA / Hospital Corporation of America Chair, American Hospital Association, 2015 Clinical Professor of Medicine & Biomedical Informatics, Vanderbilt University Adjunct Professor of Health Administration, Virginia Commonwealth University Contact: It’s a Question of Quality Conference London, England– February 25, 2016 1.  US: Accountability, Transparency and Health IT 2.  Transformation: Case-Studies from HCA US –  Learning & Improving at-Scale: The REDUCE MRSA Trial –  Clinical Leadership: Billion-Dollar Babies 3.  Harvesting the (Big) “Data-Dividend” Overview
  • 2. 2/29/16 2 CMS (Medicare) Accountability / Payment Measures Value-Based Purchasing Hospital-Acquired Condi9ons Reduc9on Readmissions Reduc9on MSPB Hospital Inpa9ent Quality Repor9ng Program Ex: CMS Value-Based Purchasing CMS Hospital Compare: Transparency & Reputation
  • 3. 2/29/16 3 •  Numerous organizations issue reports ranking and rating hospitals. •  Use CMS and proprietary data •  Issue reports, provide websites, offer recognition •  Some provide a forum for customer/patient reviews •  Some are “pay to play” •  Organizational missions include: •  Consumer advocacy •  Consumer education •  Purchaser decision-making •  Product sales •  Consulting services sales Third-Party Assessments L Third-Party Assessments Transparency has driven better performance . . . and confusion! Organizational Responses: -  Learning -  Celebrating Success
  • 4. 2/29/16 4 BREAKING: CMS and health insurers unveil first set of standardized quality measures By Melanie Evans | February 16, 2016 The CMS and America's Health Insurance Plans, health plans' trade group, announced a new agreement to standardize measures of quality for the nation's doctors. Officials say the measures are necessary as payers and consumers seek to shop for high-quality care.
 The agreement—which outlines seven sets of quality measures to be used across public and private payers—is the first to be announced by the Core Quality Measures Collaborative, which includes the CMS, AHIP, the American Academy of Family Physicians and the National Partnership for Women and Families. ​The National Quality Forum, an endorsement body for industry quality standards, was a technical adviser.
 The announcement comes as industry stakeholders and policymakers struggle with how best to identify and reward high-quality healthcare. Measures of quality are increasingly tied to how much doctors and hospitals are paid and HHS said that by 2018 half of Medicare spending outside of managed care would be under contracts with rewards and potential penalties for quality. . . Tuesday, February 16, 2016 MU is a Programme in the “HITECH” (Health Information Technology for Economic & Clinical Health) of ARRA: •  An “Interstate Highway Program” for Health Information Technology –  Envisioned Interoperable Electronic Health Records •  Offered Incentives to Eligible Hospitals & Providers (Doctors) to adopt Electronic Health Records over a rolling four year period to end NLT 2017 –  Over $30 BILLION in incentives have been distributed –  BTW, Hospitals not achieving MU would ultimately experience (incapacitating) payment penalties Health IT: The “Meaningful Use” (MU) Programme
  • 5. 2/29/16 5 Earning Incentives / Avoiding Penalties Requires Hospitals & Providers to: •  Use “Certified” Electronic Health Records (EHR) incorporating Specified Data Standards •  Progressively Increase Use of EHR for –  Physician Order Entry (e.g., labs, medications, imaging) –  Demonstrate interoperability and information exchange by sharing patient records with other providers and with patients –  Providing certain public health data to authorities –  Demonstrating use of clinical decision support –  Submitting specified electronic measures of care quality “Meaningful Use” (MU) Crossing the Digital Divide . . .
  • 6. 2/29/16 6 Crossing the Digital Divide . . . Physician Practices The Data Dividend: Learning Healthcare EHR Use Decision Support Data Genera9on Advanced Analy9cs >50% of Doctors and >95% Hospitals met HITECH Meaningful Use * * ONC ( hKp:// )
  • 7. 2/29/16 7 EHR Use Decision Support Data Genera9on Advanced Analy9cs The Data Dividend: Learning Healthcare 1.  US: Accountability, Transparency and Health IT 2.  Transformation: Case-Studies from HCA US –  Learning & Improving at-Scale: The REDUCE MRSA Trial •  Making “Meaningful Use” Meaningful –  Clinical Leadership: Billion-Dollar Babies 3.  Harvesting the (Big) “Data-Dividend” Overview
  • 8. 2/29/16 8 Addressing a Significant Problem: •  In the United States, ~ 1 in 20 patients hospitalized will develop a healthcare-associated infection (HAIs) ~ 1.9 – 2.1 million patients infected ~ 80,000 die ~ $20- 30 billion avoidable healthcare expenditures •  Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and other Staphylococcus aureus, account for approximately 25% of all deaths from HAIs The REDUCE MRSA Trial – Background * Updated from: Klevins RM et al, Pub Hlth Rep, 2007;122:160-6. What Might be Learned Across a Large Health System ? InternaZonal Anchorage NW GA Northeast C Terre Haute Idaho Falls Columbus Atlanta Panhandle** Orleans Idaho Falls Tallahassee W W W Las Vegas W W San Jose W Western Idaho Utah Southern California Utah W Denver W W San Antonio AusZn Dallas/FW Houston Kansas City Oklahoma City W W Corpus ChrisZ Brownsville W Wichita W W San Antonio AusZn Dallas/FtW Wichita El Paso New Central Louisiana LafayeKe C No. VA C Richmond C SW VA C Frankfort C SW VA Frankfort Frankfort Tampa North Central Florida Treasure Coast E E Palm Beach Dade Broward Jacksonville Columbus Panhandle Terre Haute Middle GA Trident/Charleston Grand Strand Augusta ChaKanooga SW VA American Group NaZonal Group Central London Western Idaho San Jose Houston Kansas City NW GA Atlanta Oklahoma City Nashville 25 million pa9ent contacts annually Approximately 5% of major hospital services in U.S.: •  Admissions > 1.6 million •  PaZent Days > 7.6 million •  Deliveries > 0.25 million •  Total Surgeries > 1.3 million •  ED Visits > 8 million Ø  170 Hospitals, 120 Freestanding Surgery Centers, > 850 Physician PracZces, >200 Urgent Care Centers in 23 states and London Ø  Hospitals range from complex terZary referral and academic medical centers to urban and suburban community medical centers Ø ~ 215,000 employees, including ~ 72,000 nurses and 30,000 allied health professionals Ø  > 50,000 affiliated physicians, including > 3,300 employed physicians and pracZZoners Ø  More than 38,000 licensed beds
  • 9. 2/29/16 9 Pragmatic Research – Implemented in course of routine care, in routine setting, not dedicated research unit Comparative Effectiveness study – Comparing (three) competing “best practices” to determine what is truly “best” Cluster-Randomized (by hospital) trial design 1.  Screen & Isolate: Screen every patient and implement barrier isolation, if MRSA positive ( HCA’s “base case” with SIR < 0.7 ) 2.  Targeted Decolonization: Screen, and if MRSA-positive, isolate and decolonize (using chlorhexidine antimicrobial soap and mupurocin nasal ointment) 3.  Universal Decolonization: Decolonize all patients on admission to ICU Could MU in HCA Provide a Platform for REDUCE MRSA Trial? Aggregate: 43 Hospitals; 74,356 pa9ents; 282,803 pa9ent-days Arm 1 16 Hospitals (23 ICUs) N = 23,480 Arm 2 14 Hospitals (22 ICUs) N = 24,752 Arm 3 13 Hospitals (29 ICUs) N = 26,024 16 Hospitals N = 23,480 13 Hospitals N = 22,105 13 Hospitals N = 26,024 1 Hospital (2 ICUs) withdraws As Randomized As Treated REDUCE MRSA: Timeline & Enrollment Jan 2010 Apr 2010 Sep 2011 Baseline 12 month Phase In Interven9on 18 month HITECH (MU I)
  • 11. 2/29/16 11 Decolonization reduces all blood stream infections (BSIs) by 44% and MRSA by 37% •  For every 99 patients decolonized, 1 BSI was avoided •  Set a new standard for reducing BSIs in ICUs •  Policy: Demonstrated that (9) state-mandated screening were expensive and inappropriate REDUCE MRSA: Study Findings •  Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality •  CDC Prevention Epicenters Steering Committee •  Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute / Harvard Medical School •  Hospital Corporation of America •  Rush University •  University of California Irvine REDUCE MRSA: Discussion Fostering a Learning Health System •  REDUCE MRSA notable not only for its outcomes, but for its methods: •  Speed: Did not take one hospital 64 years to amass the power of the study – it took 43 hospitals 18 months •  Implementation: Not conducted by a single-purpose research team, but by nurses and infection prevention professionals during routing patient care •  Setting: Did not occur in a controlled research unit, but within community hospitals across the country, embedded in routine care . . . •  Because of interoperable health information, REDUCE MRSA efficiently answered real-world questions, in real-world environments, that generalize to real-world situations
  • 12. 2/29/16 12 •  Size: 33,000 Patients (vs. 75,000) •  Efficiency: ALLHAT $80M (vs. $3M, including supplies) •  Length of Study: 10 years (vs. 1½ years) IT-Related Capabilities from Meaningful Use Investment: 1.  Standard information platform •  Same EHR system in every hospital (MU Stage 1) •  Conventions to assure semantic interoperability (conceptual consistency) 2.  Aggregation of data into one repository •  n.b., Current work from enterprise clinical data warehouse 3.  Normalization of non-standardized data 4.  Continuous data quality assessment and feedback 5.  Analysis of aggregate data in situ assuring privacy & security •  i.e., Secure “sandbox” for analytics; no transmission beyond organization What Made REDUCE MRSA Possible?
  • 13. 2/29/16 13 0.671 0.686 0.648 0.52 0.388 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Q3 2012 Q4 2012 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Universal Decoloniza9on Phased In 42% Reduction (3Q12 - 3Q13) StandardizedInfectionRatio Source: National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) HCA’s Standardized Infection Ratio for ICU Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infection $170,000/1,000 $19,720,000 Infect Control Hosp Epidmemiology. 2014; 35(S3):S23-S31 The REDUCE MRSA Dividend . . . Are Learning Opportunities: - Rare ? - Subtle ? - Esoteric ? Case Study 2: Billion Dollar Babies
  • 14. 2/29/16 14 Another Significant Question: When is Term Really ‘Term’? 37 to 39 weeks babies are generally robust, but is there a scien9fic basis to say they are equally robust within range? •  HCA, along with March of Dimes (MOD) and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) “called the ques9on” •  Does contemporary clinical prac9ce = op9mal outcomes? •  What we did •  Over a 90-day period, 27 hospitals collected outcomes for deliveries at > 37 weeks gestaZon •  17,794 deliveries met criteria •  What we found •  37 ≠ 38 ≠ 39 weeks •  Why we did it •  ACOG suggested MOD approach HCA to study quesZon at scale •  HCA commiKed to using data to change pracZce, if indicated •  HCA delivers ~ 250,000 babies yearly in 110 hospitals, represenZng ~ 6% of all U.S. births *Clark et al, Am J Obstet Gynecol 17.8 8 4.6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 37 Weeks 38 Weeks 39+ Weeks % NICU Admissions Weeks of Gesta9on Elec9ve Term Delivery and NICU Admission* Preventing Adverse Neonatal Outcomes
  • 15. 2/29/16 15 •  Morbidity •  Lung immaturity, respiratory distress •  Unstable vitals, nutriZonal challenge •  Social disrupZon of birth experience •  Long-Term Morbidity •  Delayed development and weaker school performance •  Excess Resource U9liza9on •  Unnecessary NICU days and use of highly skilled nurses and physicians •  More frequent checkups amer discharge; lost work Zme for parents 17.8 8 4.6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 37 Weeks 38 Weeks 39+ Weeks % NICU Admissions Weeks of Gesta9on Elec9ve Term Delivery and NICU Admission* *Clark et al, Am J Obstet Gynecol Preventing Adverse Neonatal Outcomes Clinical Behavior Change: •  Trial 2: •  Hard stop (Group 1) •  Peer-review model (Group 2) •  Clinical discussion (Group 3) •  Study demonstrated ‘hard stop’ yielded best results in reducing early, elec9ve ‘pre-term’ delivery •  MoD, insurers and CMS now promoZng prevenZng pre-term & ‘hard stop’ as a recommended pracZce Transformative Clinical Leadership: Moving from Knowledge to Practice *Clark et al, Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2010 November 2010
  • 16. 2/29/16 16 Learning opportunities are ubiquitous Organizational learning has to be intentional •  EHR’s don’t yet automate “pattern recognition” (i.e., relationship between gestational age, complications, type of complications and cost of potentially avoidable services) Organizational improvement also has to be intentional •  Must obligate to using evidence Clinical behavior change requires clinical leadership •  Compelling data change discussion from religion to evidence Learning / Improvement Opportunities 1.  US: Accountability, Transparency and Health IT 2.  Transformation: Case-Studies from HCA US –  Learning & Improving at-Scale: The REDUCE MRSA Trial –  Clinical Leadership: Billion-Dollar Babies 3.  Harvesting the (Big) “Data-Dividend” Overview
  • 17. 2/29/16 17 What if the results of REDUCE MRSA (of the strategies compared) were already present in data generated by previous care? •  What if trials could have been performed “in silica?” •  In 18 minutes, not 18 months ? (REDUCE) •  In 9 minutes, not 90 days ? (Pre-term delivery) What other answers to pressing questions (cost, quality, precision medicine, policy) might exist in the “collective memory” of our healthcare services? How do we harvest the “Data Dividend?”? What If REDUCE MRSA Didn’t Require 18 Months? 34 Data sizes: US Library of Congress printed material: 10 Tb HCA: 120 Petabytes (12,000 Libraries of Congress) Google: Best Guess 15 Exabytes (1.5million Libraries of Congress, 100x HCA) Planet volumes: Moon: 2.2E-2 Jupiter: 1.4e3 (63,000 moons) Sun 1.4E6 (63 million moons) Units: Extabyte: 10^18 bytes Petabyte: 10^15 bytes Terrabyte: 10^12 bytes Gigabye: 10^9 bytes Note that the Library of Congress has at least 3 petabytes of digital content What Could be Learned from the “Digital Dividend?”
  • 18. 2/29/16 18 Care Informs Care: A Learning Health System * National Research Council, National Academies of Science, “Toward Precision Medicine: Building a Network for Biomedical Research and a New Taxonomy of Disease.” 2011; p2. * Knowledge Care Data Wisdom Care Changes Care: An Improving Health System Afferent Efferent •  Study Design & Question: •  Large, two-arm,cluster randomized, pragmatic comparative- effectiveness trial in 50 HCA hospitals (~300,000 patients) to assess the value of chlorhexidine bathing and MRSA decolonization in adult patients on non-critical care units •  Key Outcomes: −  Unit-associated acquisition of MDROs −  Bloodstream infections: all pathogens •  Additional Outcomes: −  Urinary tract infections: all pathogens −  Contaminated blood cultures −  Infectious readmissions: all pathogens −  Emergence of resistance among key pathogens −  Cost assessment Active BAthing To Eliminate (ABATE) Infection Trial > 600,000
  • 19. 2/29/16 19 The “Data Dividend” . . . a Learning & Improvement Engine The Full Dividend of Transparency, Accountability & Clinical Leadership: A “Learning Health System”
  • 20. 2/29/16 20 APPENDIX •  Major Studies in Progress •  Bibliography Planned Research Porqolio – Selected Studies Project HCA Contribu9on Funder Poten9al Impact 1 ABATE: Universal decolonizaZon of inpaZents not in ICUs 50 affiliated hospitals ~600,000 paZents NIH Recommend new standard inpaZent care to prevent infecZons 2 INSPIRE: Develop and test materials and methods to improve empiric anZbioZc therapy 60 HCA hospitals NIH Reduce unnecessary and risky use of broad spectrum anZbioZcs 3 SWAPOUT: Test iodophor nasal ointment as a component of ICU decolonizaZon regimen 120 affiliated hospitals ~220,000 ICU paZents CDC and Clorox Improve the standard decolonizaZon regimen by limiZng risk of resistance to current agents 4 CLUSTER: Test impact of early detecZon on size of infecZon outbreaks in hospitals 80 hospitals CDC Allow hospitals to mount early response to outbreaks. Fully automated system reduces burden on staff. 5 iMobile: Evaluate effect of secure messaging among hospital teams 15 hospitals AHRQ Improve paZent outcomes through efficient communicaZon 6 Sen9nel System: Assess the safety of marketed medical products All HCA hospitals FDA Improve naZonal capability to idenZfy risks of medicaZons, biologics, and blood products 7 PAICAP: Assess ability of CMS data to monitor the impact of policies to prevent healthcare associated infecZons All HCA hospitals AHRQ Inform naZonal policy regarding quality monitoring and payment incenZve systems
  • 21. 2/29/16 21 Bibliography Platt R, Takvorian S, Septimus E, Hickok J, Moody J, Perlin J, Jernigan J, Huang S. “Cluster Randomized Trials in Comparative Effectiveness Research: Randomizing hospitals to test methods for prevention of healthcare-associated infections.” Medical Care. 2010; 48:s52-57. Huang SS, Septimus E, Kleinman K ... Perlin JB, Platt R. “Targeted Versus Universal Decolonization to Prevent ICU Infection.” New England Journal of Medicine. 2013; 368:2255-2265. DOI: 10.1056/ NEJMoa1207290. Platt R, Huang SS, Perlin JB. “A Win for the Learning Health System.” May 29, 2013. Commentary, Institute of Medicine, Washington, DC. Available at; Huang SS, Septimus E, Avery TR, Lee GM, Hickok J, Weinstein RA, Moody J, Hayden MK, Perlin JB., Platt Richard, Ray GT. “Cost Savings of Universal Decolonization to Prevent ICU Infection: Implications of the REDUCE MRSA Trial.” Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 2014; In Press. Septimus E, Hayden MK, Kleinman K, Avery TR, Moody J, Weinstein RA, Hickok J, Lankiewicz J, Gombosev A, Haffenreffer K, Kaganov RE, Jernigan JA, Perlin JB, Platt R, Huang SS. “Cost- savings of universal decolonization to prevent intensive care unit infection: implications of the REDUCE MRSA trial.” Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 2014;35(Suppl3):S23-31. Huang SS, Septimus E, Hayden M, … Perlin JB, Weinstein R. “Effectct of Body Surface Decolonization on Bacteriuria and Candiduria in Intensive Care Units: an Analysis of a Cluster- Randomized Trial.” Lancet Infectious Disease. 2016;16(1):70-9. © HCAMS, 2014 Learning Healthcare & Clinical Leadership in an Accountable Environment Jonathan B. Perlin, MD, PhD, MSHA, MACP, FACMI President, Clinical Services Group and Chief Medical Officer HCA / Hospital Corporation of America Chair, American Hospital Association, 2015 Clinical Professor of Medicine & Biomedical Informatics, Vanderbilt University Adjunct Professor of Health Administration, Virginia Commonwealth University Contact: It’s a Question of Quality Conference London, England– February 25, 2016