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By Ashley Mizuo, Hawaii Public Radio, APRIL 8, 2020
The federal government has told state officials they are largely on their own when it comes to
finding protective gear for their health care and emergency workers.
So states all over the country are scrambling to find critical items like N95 masks, gowns and
gloves. Gov. David Ige says Hawaii is no exception.
“We have been informed by Federal Emergency Management Agency that we need to work hard
on our own to acquire the personal protective equipment that we need,” Ige said yesterday.
“And we are working very hard to do that. We have situations where we have an order accepted,
that gets cancelled. And they don't always tell us the reason why. But, you know, we want to
make sure that we don't run out of personal protective equipment.” Ige says the most recent
federal PPE shipment came in last week and the state is working to distribute the supplies to
health care and emergency personnel.
But Hawaii has only received about a quarter of the equipment it requested from FEMA's
national stockpile, Ige said. With last week's shipment, the state has enough PPE for now, the
governor said. But he's asking hospitals to estimate how much they’ll need as the pandemic rolls
HAWAII Release Date: MAY 14, 2020 Release Number: HQ-20-143
Critical supplies delivered: 148,122 N95 respirators, 218,724 gloves, 43,079 face shields and
205,857 surgical masks.
As of May 14, FEMA has obligated $30.2 million in federal support to Hawaii.
In support of the White House Task Force's testing initiative, FEMA is supporting the procurement
of specimen collection supplies to supplement the supplies states and healthcare providers are
procuring from the private market. To date we have supplied 8,500 swabs and 5,500 units of media
to Hawaii. Stay at home orders end May 31, a phased reopening is underway with local restrictions.
Source: FEMA <>
HAWAII Release Date: JUNE 4, 2020 Release Number: HQ-20-157
Critical supplies delivered: 146,622 N-95 respirators [1,500 less than May 14, 2020], 224,724
gloves [6,000 plus over May 14,2020], 43,079 face shields [100% of May 14, 2020] and 235,857
surgical masks [30,000 plus over May 14, 2020].
As of June 4, FEMA has obligated $39.8 million in federal support to Hawaii [$9.6 million plus
over May 14, 2020].
A phased reopening is underway with local restrictions.
[Comparison Clarification Supplied]
Source: FEMA <>
By Big Island Now, MAY 19, 2020
More than $1 billion in federal CARES Act funds will likely soon be disbursed to counties across
The Hawaii House of Representatives on Monday passed SB 75 SD2 HD1 to allocate $1.25 billion
in CARES Act funding to provide benefits for county residents and to fund the state government’s
health response during the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic destruction.
The bill earmarks specific portions of the CARES Act funds to be distributed among the four
counties to provide for their residents’ immediate needs such as food and rent support, and to give
state departments specific funding for virus containment response needs such as airport screening,
contact-tracing and the purchasing of personal protective equipment (PPE) for hospitals.
The state is looking to the counties to use the funds before they expire at the end of the year to
provide families with basic living support programs, while the state deals with the larger financial
Based on the bill, counties will receive the following amounts:
➢ Honolulu City & County, $387,176,021
➢ Hawaii County, $80,009,671
➢ Maui County, $66,598,757
➢ Kauai County, $28,715,021
Other funding in the bill includes:
➢ $40 million for the Department of Defense for response activities
➢ $36 million for the Department of Transportation for thermal screening at airports statewide
➢ $1.3 million for the Department of Labor Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)
➢ $8.145 million for the Department of Labor for information technology, systems and staffing
➢ $2 million for the Department of Human Services for EBT (food stamps) and SNAP
technology services
➢ $14 million for the Department of Health for outbreak and control, contact tracing, and PPE
The House also passed SB 3139 SD1 HD1 to transfer the remaining $635 million of the CARES Act
money into the State's Emergency Budget Reserve or “rainy day” fund to hold until a decision can
be made in June how to best use the funds.
All $1.25 billion of CARES Act funds provided to Hawaii must be spent by December 31, 2020.
In other action, the House passed the Supplemental Judiciary budget to include a proviso requiring
detailed information on inmates who are being released from Hawaii's correctional centers to reduce
crowding and limit inmates’ exposure to COVID-19.
The proviso calls for the Judiciary to submit a weekly report to the Legislature with the following
information for all inmates released pursuant to the Hawaii Supreme Court in SCPW-20-0000200
and SCPW-20-0000213:
➢ The inmate's name
➢ The inmate's release date
➢ The correctional center or facility where the inmate was released from
➢ The inmate's criminal status before release — for example, felony probationer, misdemeanant
or petty misdemeanant
➢ Any objections made to the inmate's release
➢ The inmate's verified residence address at the time of release
➢ The inmate's current verified residence address or homeless status
➢ The conditions of supervised release
➢ The name of the person or agency that is responsible for supervising the inmate upon release
➢ If a released inmate is subsequently arrested, the inmate's arrest record following release
House Speaker Scott K. Saiki said there is growing concern that the Department of Public Safety
and the Judiciary have now moved from releasing nonviolent offenders to releasing violent
By State of Hawaii, Department of Health, MAY 20, 2020
HONOLULU – To help protect essential workers who provide mental health services and their
patients, the Hawaii Department of Health and the Behavioral Health and Homelessness Statewide
Unified Response Group (BHHSURG) are coordinating the distribution of donated personal
protective equipment (PPE) across the state. So far, more than 12,000 surgical masks, among other
items, have been donated to one of three drop-off and distribution sites, or “resilience hubs,” on
“We'd like to thank the community for their generous spirit and outpouring of Aloha. The donations
allow our providers to safely ensure a continuity of care while keeping our staff and clients
protected,” said Eddie Mersereau, Department of Health Deputy Director of Behavioral Health.
Donated PPE are being used by behavioral health and homelessness service providers working
across the state, including at the Hawaii State Hospital and the Temporary Quarantine and Isolation
Center on Oahu. A partnership with the Hawaii Public Health Institute will begin establishing
additional resilience hubs on Neighbor Islands to receive donated PPE.
Donations of homemade and unopened store-bought PPE such as masks, goggles, gloves and face
shields continue to be welcomed. In addition, the resilience hubs are now accepting sanitation
supplies including bleach, disinfecting wipes, paper towels, and toilet paper.
To date, the resilience hubs have received:
➢ 12,153 Unused and Unopened Surgical Masks
➢ 8,735 Pairs of Disposable Gloves
➢ 7,069 N95 Masks
➢ 288 Homemade Masks
➢ 590 Unused Medical Gowns
➢ 204 Homemade or Locally Manufactured Face Shields
➢ 315 Pairs of Unused Eyewear or Goggles
Yet, thousands more are needed. The resilience hubs continue to welcome donations from the
public. Three non-profits are hosting the resilience hubs: KROC Center in Kapolei, KEY Project in
Kahaluu and YMCA in Kalihi.
By Kristen Consillio, The Honolulu Star Advertiser, MAY 20, 2020
The state has set up “resilience hubs” to distribute donations of personal protective equipment to
behavioral health and homeless service providers.
The PPE will go to essential workers at the Hawaii State Hospital and Temporary Quarantine and
Isolation Center on Oahu and other groups that provide mental health services, the Department of
Health’s Behavioral Health and Homelessness Statewide Unified Response Group announced today.
It has distributed more than 12,000 surgical masks, and other protective gear, to one of three drop-
off and distribution sites established on Oahu.
“We'd like to thank the community for their generous spirit and outpouring of aloha. The donations
allow our providers to safely ensure a continuity of care while keeping our staff and clients
protected,” Eddie Mersereau, DOH deputy director of behavioral health, said in a news release.
donations of homemade or unopened masks, goggles, gloves and face shields, as well as
sanitation supplies including bleach, disinfecting wipes, paper towels and toilet paper.
Thousands more PPE are needed statewide, the DOH said. [Emphasis Supplied]
As of today, the resilience hubs have received 12,153 surgical masks; 8,735 pairs of disposable
gloves; 7,069 N95 masks; 288 homemade masks; 590 medical gowns; 204 homemade or locally
manufactured face shields; and 315 pairs of eyewear or goggles.
JUNE 6, 2020
By Maui Now
US Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) announced that the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency
(HI-EMA) received $3,704,731.64 in new federal funding to cover the costs of personal
protective equipment (PPE) for health care workers and first responders throughout the state.
The funding, awarded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), comes after
Hawaii was granted a Presidential Disaster Declaration to help the state respond to the pandemic.
[Emphasis Supplied]
“These new funds will help cover the cost of PPE and medical equipment for frontline workers,
ensuring they can keep themselves and our communities safe,” said Senator Schatz, a member of the
Senate Appropriations Committee. “As Hawai‘i begins to reopen, we'll need additional PPE and
supplies so that we can conduct widespread testing and prepare for any future surge in cases.”
HI-EMA will use the funds to help supplement the supply needs of hospitals, nursing homes, private
providers, and dentists that are either unable to source PPE or cannot afford to. In addition, non-
medical PPE – such as cloth masks, hand sanitizers, and cleaning products – will be distributed to a
range of government facilities like airports, schools, and homeless shelters.
The $3.7 million is a first, expedited payment on Hawaii's application for FEMA Public Assistance
funding under the Presidential Disaster Declaration. As the COVID-19 response continues, the state
should be eligible for further FEMA funding.
Population – 1.46 Million (2019) Population – 39.5Million (2019)
Hawaii's Population is 3.5443% of California
State will maintain a stockpile of 100 million N-95 respirators and 200 million surgical masks to
increase preparedness heading into the fall
California also moves to secure an additional 120 million N-95 masks and 300 million more surgical
masks for distribution to front-line workers through new bridge contract
Office of the Governor JULY 22, 2020
Taking aggressive action to boost California's long-term supply of life-saving personal protective
equipment both now and into the fall months, Governor Gavin Newsom today announced new
actions to strengthen the state's response to COVID-19.
“Providing front-line workers the protective equipment they need is critical to our state’s response to
COVID-19,” said Governor Newsom. “Securing a reliable supply chain of PPE allows us to
distribute millions of protective masks to our essential workforce while preserving millions more in
our state’s stockpile for future use.”
Further building a stable stockpile so that health care and essential workers in California do not face
the same supply shortages that characterized the early stages of the pandemic, Governor Newsom
has directed the Department of Public Health and Office of Emergency Services to further increase
the state's strategic stockpile to 100 million N-95 respirators and 200 million surgical masks by early
fall in order to account for the potential need given the recent rise in COVID-19 cases.
Today's announcement builds on early action taken by the state to secure a stable, reliable supply
chain and envision short and long-term strategies to procure respirators and masks.
California's strategy has paid off. The state has been able to supply millions of medical providers,
essential workers, and schools with critical PPE to preserve public health and safety. To date, the
state has distributed 86.4 million N-95 respirators and 297 million surgical masks to Californians
working on the front lines against COVID-19, including to our hospitals, emergency responders,
farm and factory workers and nursing home workers.
In order to fulfill the stockpile goal, which was developed in consultation with health leaders and
informed by advanced modeling data, the Governor's Office of Emergency Services has entered into
a new contract with California-based BYD North America to produce 120 million N-95 respirators
and 300 million surgical masks for the state.
The global COVID-19 pandemic has created worldwide competition and shortages for vital PPE
supply, with certified N-95 respirator masks in highest demand. California, like other states and
national governments all over the world, is working to secure a reliable supply of PPE for the front-
line health care workforce and other critical infrastructure workers.
California has also been able to help other states with their unmet emergency PPE needs, supplying
17 million surgical masks to our neighbors in Arizona, Nevada, Oregon and Alaska.
Ensuring Continued Supply
Today's announcement is part of an ongoing effort to move expeditiously in a globally competitive
market to meet California's anticipated demands, by putting a bridge contract into place with the
critical supply of life-saving masks.
The bridge contract signed today with BYD will ensure California can provide PPE to its front-line
workforce during the ongoing global pandemic, at a competitive price rate and with an established
and reliable partner.
In the longer term, California is establishing a leveraged master procurement where any
manufacturers can apply, and California purchasers can secure supplies at competitive pricing.
Other Actions to Secure PPE
This new bridge contract is part of a wider effort by the administration to prioritize the acquisition,
dispersal and reuse of critical personal protective equipment and other emergency assets and
commodities during the COVID-19 pandemic to protect the public health and safety.
Operation Airbridge: The state has worked closely with FEMA and the federal government to
provide a total of 14,757,500 N-95 masks, and 87,552,500 surgical masks to private sector medical
providers who sold to hospitals and clients.
Safely Making CA: In June, the Governor announced a partnership with the California
Manufacturers and Technology Association (CMTA) to allow small businesses, health care
providers and others in need of PPE to purchase PPE directly from the California-based businesses.
There are approximately 400 companies signed up to sell non-medical grade PPE on this website.
Since the Governor announced Safely Making CA, the site has had over 40,300 unique hits, with
435 product listings (e.g. cloth masks, face shields, hand sanitizer and gloves).
For more information about California PPE manufacturers, visit: <>
Battelle Units: Through partnership with FEMA, the state leveraged Battelle Critical Care
Decontamination systems to decontaminate N-95 respirators, allowing for their reuse during the
supply chain shortage of this critical piece of PPE. On April 20, the first Battelle site was
established in Burbank. The second was established in Fremont on April 25.
As of July 19, California's Battelle units have decontaminated 194,865 N-95 respirators, with 1,904
facilities signed up for the service.
Facilities currently utilizing the decontamination units include hospitals, assisted living facilities,
skilled nursing facilities, hospice care, first responders, state and local government, U.S. Veterans
Affairs hospitals and other health care facilities.

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Hawaii COVID-19 Response - Helping Hands - Moving Forward In Sync

  • 1. GOVERNOR: STATE'S PPE ORDERS CANCELED WITH NO EXPLANATION By Ashley Mizuo, Hawaii Public Radio, APRIL 8, 2020 <> The federal government has told state officials they are largely on their own when it comes to finding protective gear for their health care and emergency workers. So states all over the country are scrambling to find critical items like N95 masks, gowns and gloves. Gov. David Ige says Hawaii is no exception. “We have been informed by Federal Emergency Management Agency that we need to work hard on our own to acquire the personal protective equipment that we need,” Ige said yesterday. “And we are working very hard to do that. We have situations where we have an order accepted, that gets cancelled. And they don't always tell us the reason why. But, you know, we want to make sure that we don't run out of personal protective equipment.” Ige says the most recent federal PPE shipment came in last week and the state is working to distribute the supplies to health care and emergency personnel. But Hawaii has only received about a quarter of the equipment it requested from FEMA's national stockpile, Ige said. With last week's shipment, the state has enough PPE for now, the governor said. But he's asking hospitals to estimate how much they’ll need as the pandemic rolls on. _____________________ FEMA RELEASES STATE-BY-STATE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) DATA HAWAII Release Date: MAY 14, 2020 Release Number: HQ-20-143 Critical supplies delivered: 148,122 N95 respirators, 218,724 gloves, 43,079 face shields and 205,857 surgical masks. As of May 14, FEMA has obligated $30.2 million in federal support to Hawaii. In support of the White House Task Force's testing initiative, FEMA is supporting the procurement of specimen collection supplies to supplement the supplies states and healthcare providers are procuring from the private market. To date we have supplied 8,500 swabs and 5,500 units of media to Hawaii. Stay at home orders end May 31, a phased reopening is underway with local restrictions. Source: FEMA <> HAWAII Release Date: JUNE 4, 2020 Release Number: HQ-20-157 Critical supplies delivered: 146,622 N-95 respirators [1,500 less than May 14, 2020], 224,724 gloves [6,000 plus over May 14,2020], 43,079 face shields [100% of May 14, 2020] and 235,857 surgical masks [30,000 plus over May 14, 2020].
  • 2. As of June 4, FEMA has obligated $39.8 million in federal support to Hawaii [$9.6 million plus over May 14, 2020]. A phased reopening is underway with local restrictions. [Comparison Clarification Supplied] Source: FEMA <> ____________________ HAWAII HOUSE PASSES BILL TO DISBURSE CARES ACT FUNDS By Big Island Now, MAY 19, 2020 <> More than $1 billion in federal CARES Act funds will likely soon be disbursed to counties across Hawai‘i. The Hawaii House of Representatives on Monday passed SB 75 SD2 HD1 to allocate $1.25 billion in CARES Act funding to provide benefits for county residents and to fund the state government’s health response during the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic destruction. The bill earmarks specific portions of the CARES Act funds to be distributed among the four counties to provide for their residents’ immediate needs such as food and rent support, and to give state departments specific funding for virus containment response needs such as airport screening, contact-tracing and the purchasing of personal protective equipment (PPE) for hospitals. The state is looking to the counties to use the funds before they expire at the end of the year to provide families with basic living support programs, while the state deals with the larger financial issues. Based on the bill, counties will receive the following amounts: ➢ Honolulu City & County, $387,176,021 ➢ Hawaii County, $80,009,671 ➢ Maui County, $66,598,757 ➢ Kauai County, $28,715,021 Other funding in the bill includes: ➢ $40 million for the Department of Defense for response activities ➢ $36 million for the Department of Transportation for thermal screening at airports statewide ➢ $1.3 million for the Department of Labor Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) ➢ $8.145 million for the Department of Labor for information technology, systems and staffing ➢ $2 million for the Department of Human Services for EBT (food stamps) and SNAP technology services ➢ $14 million for the Department of Health for outbreak and control, contact tracing, and PPE
  • 3. The House also passed SB 3139 SD1 HD1 to transfer the remaining $635 million of the CARES Act money into the State's Emergency Budget Reserve or “rainy day” fund to hold until a decision can be made in June how to best use the funds. All $1.25 billion of CARES Act funds provided to Hawaii must be spent by December 31, 2020. In other action, the House passed the Supplemental Judiciary budget to include a proviso requiring detailed information on inmates who are being released from Hawaii's correctional centers to reduce crowding and limit inmates’ exposure to COVID-19. The proviso calls for the Judiciary to submit a weekly report to the Legislature with the following information for all inmates released pursuant to the Hawaii Supreme Court in SCPW-20-0000200 and SCPW-20-0000213: ➢ The inmate's name ➢ The inmate's release date ➢ The correctional center or facility where the inmate was released from ➢ The inmate's criminal status before release — for example, felony probationer, misdemeanant or petty misdemeanant ➢ Any objections made to the inmate's release ➢ The inmate's verified residence address at the time of release ➢ The inmate's current verified residence address or homeless status ➢ The conditions of supervised release ➢ The name of the person or agency that is responsible for supervising the inmate upon release ➢ If a released inmate is subsequently arrested, the inmate's arrest record following release House Speaker Scott K. Saiki said there is growing concern that the Department of Public Safety and the Judiciary have now moved from releasing nonviolent offenders to releasing violent offenders. _________________ RESILIENCE HUBS DISTRIBUTE PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT DONATIONS TO BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND HOMELESSNESS SERVICE PROVIDERS By State of Hawaii, Department of Health, MAY 20, 2020 <> HONOLULU – To help protect essential workers who provide mental health services and their patients, the Hawaii Department of Health and the Behavioral Health and Homelessness Statewide Unified Response Group (BHHSURG) are coordinating the distribution of donated personal protective equipment (PPE) across the state. So far, more than 12,000 surgical masks, among other items, have been donated to one of three drop-off and distribution sites, or “resilience hubs,” on Oahu. “We'd like to thank the community for their generous spirit and outpouring of Aloha. The donations allow our providers to safely ensure a continuity of care while keeping our staff and clients protected,” said Eddie Mersereau, Department of Health Deputy Director of Behavioral Health.
  • 4. Donated PPE are being used by behavioral health and homelessness service providers working across the state, including at the Hawaii State Hospital and the Temporary Quarantine and Isolation Center on Oahu. A partnership with the Hawaii Public Health Institute will begin establishing additional resilience hubs on Neighbor Islands to receive donated PPE. Donations of homemade and unopened store-bought PPE such as masks, goggles, gloves and face shields continue to be welcomed. In addition, the resilience hubs are now accepting sanitation supplies including bleach, disinfecting wipes, paper towels, and toilet paper. To date, the resilience hubs have received: ➢ 12,153 Unused and Unopened Surgical Masks ➢ 8,735 Pairs of Disposable Gloves ➢ 7,069 N95 Masks ➢ 288 Homemade Masks ➢ 590 Unused Medical Gowns ➢ 204 Homemade or Locally Manufactured Face Shields ➢ 315 Pairs of Unused Eyewear or Goggles Yet, thousands more are needed. The resilience hubs continue to welcome donations from the public. Three non-profits are hosting the resilience hubs: KROC Center in Kapolei, KEY Project in Kahaluu and YMCA in Kalihi. ___________________ STATE SETS UP 'RESILIENCE HUBS' TO DISTRIBUTE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT TO KEY HAWAII ESSENTIAL WORKERS By Kristen Consillio, The Honolulu Star Advertiser, MAY 20, 2020 < hawaii-essential-workers/#:~:text=The%20state%20has%20partnered%20with,paper%20towels%20and%20toilet%20paper.> The state has set up “resilience hubs” to distribute donations of personal protective equipment to behavioral health and homeless service providers. The PPE will go to essential workers at the Hawaii State Hospital and Temporary Quarantine and Isolation Center on Oahu and other groups that provide mental health services, the Department of Health’s Behavioral Health and Homelessness Statewide Unified Response Group announced today. It has distributed more than 12,000 surgical masks, and other protective gear, to one of three drop- off and distribution sites established on Oahu. “We'd like to thank the community for their generous spirit and outpouring of aloha. The donations allow our providers to safely ensure a continuity of care while keeping our staff and clients protected,” Eddie Mersereau, DOH deputy director of behavioral health, said in a news release. THE STATE HAS PARTNERED WITH THE HAWAII PUBLIC HEALTH INSTITUTE TO ESTABLISH RESILIENCE HUBS ON THE NEIGHBOR ISLANDS and is requesting donations of homemade or unopened masks, goggles, gloves and face shields, as well as sanitation supplies including bleach, disinfecting wipes, paper towels and toilet paper. Thousands more PPE are needed statewide, the DOH said. [Emphasis Supplied]
  • 5. As of today, the resilience hubs have received 12,153 surgical masks; 8,735 pairs of disposable gloves; 7,069 N95 masks; 288 homemade masks; 590 medical gowns; 204 homemade or locally manufactured face shields; and 315 pairs of eyewear or goggles. ____________________ $3.7M ALLOCATED TO HAWAII HEALTHCARE WORKERS FOR PPE, EQUIPMENT JUNE 6, 2020 By Maui Now <> US Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) announced that the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA) received $3,704,731.64 in new federal funding to cover the costs of personal protective equipment (PPE) for health care workers and first responders throughout the state. The funding, awarded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), comes after Hawaii was granted a Presidential Disaster Declaration to help the state respond to the pandemic. [Emphasis Supplied] “These new funds will help cover the cost of PPE and medical equipment for frontline workers, ensuring they can keep themselves and our communities safe,” said Senator Schatz, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee. “As Hawai‘i begins to reopen, we'll need additional PPE and supplies so that we can conduct widespread testing and prepare for any future surge in cases.” HI-EMA will use the funds to help supplement the supply needs of hospitals, nursing homes, private providers, and dentists that are either unable to source PPE or cannot afford to. In addition, non- medical PPE – such as cloth masks, hand sanitizers, and cleaning products – will be distributed to a range of government facilities like airports, schools, and homeless shelters. The $3.7 million is a first, expedited payment on Hawaii's application for FEMA Public Assistance funding under the Presidential Disaster Declaration. As the COVID-19 response continues, the state should be eligible for further FEMA funding. FLOWER POWER THE HAWAIIAN YELLOW HIBISCUS – THE CALIFORNIA POPPY Population – 1.46 Million (2019) Population – 39.5Million (2019) Hawaii's Population is 3.5443% of California
  • 6. GOVERNOR NEWSOM ANNOUNCES ENHANCED STATE STOCKPILE, PURCHASE OF 420 MILLION NEW PROTECTIVE MASKS State will maintain a stockpile of 100 million N-95 respirators and 200 million surgical masks to increase preparedness heading into the fall California also moves to secure an additional 120 million N-95 masks and 300 million more surgical masks for distribution to front-line workers through new bridge contract Office of the Governor JULY 22, 2020 <> Taking aggressive action to boost California's long-term supply of life-saving personal protective equipment both now and into the fall months, Governor Gavin Newsom today announced new actions to strengthen the state's response to COVID-19. “Providing front-line workers the protective equipment they need is critical to our state’s response to COVID-19,” said Governor Newsom. “Securing a reliable supply chain of PPE allows us to distribute millions of protective masks to our essential workforce while preserving millions more in our state’s stockpile for future use.” Further building a stable stockpile so that health care and essential workers in California do not face the same supply shortages that characterized the early stages of the pandemic, Governor Newsom has directed the Department of Public Health and Office of Emergency Services to further increase the state's strategic stockpile to 100 million N-95 respirators and 200 million surgical masks by early fall in order to account for the potential need given the recent rise in COVID-19 cases. Today's announcement builds on early action taken by the state to secure a stable, reliable supply chain and envision short and long-term strategies to procure respirators and masks. California's strategy has paid off. The state has been able to supply millions of medical providers, essential workers, and schools with critical PPE to preserve public health and safety. To date, the state has distributed 86.4 million N-95 respirators and 297 million surgical masks to Californians working on the front lines against COVID-19, including to our hospitals, emergency responders, farm and factory workers and nursing home workers. In order to fulfill the stockpile goal, which was developed in consultation with health leaders and informed by advanced modeling data, the Governor's Office of Emergency Services has entered into a new contract with California-based BYD North America to produce 120 million N-95 respirators and 300 million surgical masks for the state. The global COVID-19 pandemic has created worldwide competition and shortages for vital PPE supply, with certified N-95 respirator masks in highest demand. California, like other states and national governments all over the world, is working to secure a reliable supply of PPE for the front- line health care workforce and other critical infrastructure workers. California has also been able to help other states with their unmet emergency PPE needs, supplying 17 million surgical masks to our neighbors in Arizona, Nevada, Oregon and Alaska.
  • 7. Ensuring Continued Supply Today's announcement is part of an ongoing effort to move expeditiously in a globally competitive market to meet California's anticipated demands, by putting a bridge contract into place with the critical supply of life-saving masks. The bridge contract signed today with BYD will ensure California can provide PPE to its front-line workforce during the ongoing global pandemic, at a competitive price rate and with an established and reliable partner. In the longer term, California is establishing a leveraged master procurement where any manufacturers can apply, and California purchasers can secure supplies at competitive pricing. Other Actions to Secure PPE This new bridge contract is part of a wider effort by the administration to prioritize the acquisition, dispersal and reuse of critical personal protective equipment and other emergency assets and commodities during the COVID-19 pandemic to protect the public health and safety. Operation Airbridge: The state has worked closely with FEMA and the federal government to provide a total of 14,757,500 N-95 masks, and 87,552,500 surgical masks to private sector medical providers who sold to hospitals and clients. Safely Making CA: In June, the Governor announced a partnership with the California Manufacturers and Technology Association (CMTA) to allow small businesses, health care providers and others in need of PPE to purchase PPE directly from the California-based businesses. There are approximately 400 companies signed up to sell non-medical grade PPE on this website. Since the Governor announced Safely Making CA, the site has had over 40,300 unique hits, with 435 product listings (e.g. cloth masks, face shields, hand sanitizer and gloves). For more information about California PPE manufacturers, visit: <> Battelle Units: Through partnership with FEMA, the state leveraged Battelle Critical Care Decontamination systems to decontaminate N-95 respirators, allowing for their reuse during the supply chain shortage of this critical piece of PPE. On April 20, the first Battelle site was established in Burbank. The second was established in Fremont on April 25. As of July 19, California's Battelle units have decontaminated 194,865 N-95 respirators, with 1,904 facilities signed up for the service. Facilities currently utilizing the decontamination units include hospitals, assisted living facilities, skilled nursing facilities, hospice care, first responders, state and local government, U.S. Veterans Affairs hospitals and other health care facilities.