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Hamlet Character Essay
Writing an essay on the character of Hamlet can be a daunting task, to say the least. One of the
primary challenges lies in the sheer complexity of Hamlet himself. He is a character with layers
upon layers of depth, motivations, and contradictions. Unraveling his psyche and analyzing his
actions requires a deep understanding not only of the play itself but also of the historical,
cultural, and philosophical contexts in which it was written.
Moreover, Hamlet is not a static character; he evolves throughout the play, constantly grappling
with his own identity, morality, and purpose. Capturing this evolution in a coherent and
insightful manner requires careful attention to detail and a nuanced interpretation of his words
and actions.
Additionally, Hamlet is surrounded by a cast of equally intricate characters, each contributing to
the overall tapestry of themes and motifs within the play. Analyzing Hamlet in isolation would
be incomplete without considering his relationships with other characters such as Claudius,
Gertrude, Ophelia, and Polonius.
Furthermore, the sheer volume of existing scholarship on Hamlet can be overwhelming.
Navigating through centuries of critical interpretations, theories, and analyses requires not only
extensive research but also the ability to synthesize and evaluate disparate perspectives.
Finally, crafting an original and compelling argument about Hamlet requires more than just
regurgitating existing ideas. It demands creativity, critical thinking, and a willingness to engage
with the text in new and thought-provoking ways.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the character of Hamlet is a formidable task that demands a
deep understanding of the play, its historical context, and its critical reception. It requires
grappling with the complexity of the character himself, as well as the multitude of
interpretations that have been offered over the centuries. However, with diligence, insight, and
perseverance, it is a task that can yield rich rewards in terms of intellectual growth and literary
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Hamlet Character Essay Hamlet Character Essay
El Papel de La Iglesia Catolica
Colombia se ha debatido en los Гєltimos 30 aГ±os entre la guerra y la paz, oscilando
entre el Г©nfasis a polГticas represivas para hacer frente al conflicto armado con la
insurgencia y la promociГіn de procesos de paz encaminados a encontrar una
soluciГіn negociada. No obstante las polГticas de seguridad y paz de los distintos
gobiernos, sГіlo se han logrado acuerdos parciales de paz con algunos grupos
guerrilleros, pero en cambio el conflicto se ha escalado a niveles de intensidad
significativos. En ese contexto se ha generado una importante y masiva movilizaciГіn
por la paz, una de las mГЎs grandes a nivel mundial, ciertamente la mayor
movilizaciГіn en un paГs con un ... Show more content on ...
las acciones mГЎs promovidas por la Iglesia son, por una parte, las marchas y
concentraciones y, por otra, los encuentros, foros y seminarios. Es decir, acciones
demostrativas en contra de la violencia y demandando la paz y acciones que buscan
generar una conciencia favorable a la construcciГіn de la paz y la reconciliaciГіn.
Ya hemos mencionado como ejemplos significativos del primer tipo de acciones el
VГa Crucis Nacional por la vida, la justicia y la paz, multitud de marchas en defensa
de la vida, jornadas de rechazo a la violencia ejercida por los distintos los actores
Para el segundo tipo de acciones, encontramos los encuentros y foros por la paz y la
vida, los encuentros de experiencias de paz, foros y seminarios para discutir opciones
de paz en regiones especГficas, y la participaciГіn en los espacios amplios de
concertaciГіn y debate, como la Asamblea de la Sociedad Civil por la Paz.
La Iglesia ha aportado a configurar una infraestructura organizativa por la paz
La Iglesia no se ha limitado a la promociГіn de acciones colectivas por la paz, es
decir, de eventos mГЎs de carГЎcter puntual. AdemГЎs, muchas de las iniciativas de
paz promovidas por la Iglesia han sido desarrolladas de una manera silenciosa , como
procesos educativos y organizativos, que dados su perseverancia y cobertura
geogrГЎfica, han hecho una contribuciГіn importante la movilizaciГіn masiva por la
The Characteristics And Differences Of Sparta And Athens
In the world of the ancient Greeks, there were hundreds of states that composed the
Peloponnesian group that formed Greece. Among these states, there were two that
stood more prominent and dominant than all of the others: Sparta and Athens. These
two titans of the Archaic periods left lasting marks on history that still reverberate
even to this day. In many ways, they were very similar to each other, and in others,
they could not be more contrasting.
Sparta was somewhat unique, in that they were ruled by two kings, and had
political groups that voted on policies. They had three major assemblies, an elder
council known as the Gerousia, a group of five magistrates known as the Ephors and
a council of all Spartan men, called simply ... Show more content on
Athens, unlike it s contemporary Sparta, was a Democracy. However, many of the
people did not qualify to vote or have political rights. Only adult male citizens of
proven Athenian lineage who had complete their military preparation were allowed
the right to vote in Athens. Even were a Athenian to pass this restriction, there were
other requirements to meet the criteria for political service. There were both
aristocrats and commoners polities, but the amount of power they wielded was
determined by wealth. They were broken down into amounts of grain one could
provide as a measure of their wealth. The minority were the three top ranks, the 500
bushel men comprised of aristocrats, the 300 bushel men encompassing men who
could provide horses to the army and the middle class 200 bushel men who could
afford to equip themselves with armor and weaponry. These men, as was
aforementioned, were only a small margin. The rest of the citizenry, at the bottom,
were composed of the 199 bushels or less. These free men could vote in the assembly,
but couldn t run for any of the major or minor political offices. The actual positions in
Athinian government were broken down several forms of positions from a public
assembly to a
Analysis Of The Passage Of Proverbs
Summary: Literary Context: Proverbs 3:1 12, Wisdom is the most valuable thing
you will process so hold on to it tightly. 3: 1 4 when you are taught good doctrine it
leads to wisdom by having reliable teachers 3:5 6 To Rest in God because you trust
in His leading. 3:7 10 God will reward you for being obedient to His instructions.
3:11 12 God will correct you when you do wrong, but the wisdom is in knowing this.
Historical Context: Author = King Solomon wrote most of the proverbs and was
thought to have written chapter 1 10 along with others. There were others authors
who wrote different proverbs chapters also. Date = Some commentaries said around
the 10th century, but some... Show more content on ...
The Kingdoms of Israel stretch as far north of the Euphrates, to south west of
Egypt s border. The cities were known for the cooper mines. Solomon made store
cities and cities just to hold his chariots and for his army. Cultural Context:
Political = International politics with foreign countries Religion = Jewish
(Monotheistic) but Solomon was close to be Apostasy Economics = Natural
resources, mines, stone quarries, roads built for world trade and seaports for
foreign trade such as gold, silver, ivory, apes and peacocks, having home markets
and domestic products overseas making Israel a very wealthy and prosperous
Kingdom. The people learn Arts, science and music. Observation Context: 1.
Observing that in verse 4 Solomon calls God by the name God, But in verses 5, 7,
9, 11, 12 Solomon call Him Yahweh (Lord). 2. There were commands and rewards
in this passage, when God gave a command in a verse he followed it up with a
reward. There was a command in verse 1, 3, 5 6a, 7, 9, 11 and there were rewards
in verses 2.4, 6b, 8, 10, 12. 3. True Wisdom which was divinely from God,
commentaries say that Solomon understood when the animals and birds spoke.
Solomon could discern truth in a person just by looking at their face. Solomon is
talking to his son giving him instructions for the things that he will encounter in life.
Solomon also tells his son not to forget them because he will need them to make it.
How Did The Decline Of Portugal
From 1580 to 1640, the throne of Portugal was held by the Habsburg kings of Spain.
This period marked a phase of decline for the Portuguese Empire. Spain s enemies,
such as the Netherlands and England, coveted their overseas wealth, and in many
cases found it easier to attack poorly defended Portuguese outposts than Spanish ones;
Spainalso pursued a policy of neglect of the Portuguese colonies it now controlled.
Although Dutch colonies in Brazil were wiped out, over the 17th century the Dutch
were able to occupy Ceylon, the Cape of Good Hope, and the East Indies, and to
take over the trade with Japan at Nagasaki. Portugals Pacific territories were reduced
to the bases at Macao and East Timor.
In 1661 the Portuguese gave Bombay to England
From the first time I watched this show in Vince McMahon...
From the first time I watched this show in Vince McMahon claims that as he was
about to announce Welcome to WrestleMania III, he felt the spirit of his father
Vincent J. McMahon, who had died three years earlier. After he made that
announcement he introduced Aretha Franklin, who opened the show singing a
rendition of America the Beautiful. [24] The first match of the night was The Can
Am Connection versus Bob Orton and The Magnificent Muraco (with Mr. Fuji).
This match ended when Rick Martel gave Don Muraco a high cross body with Zenk
on his hands and knees giving Muraco what Gorilla Monsoon called A little
schoolboy trip from behind allowing Martel to get the win for his team.[1][25] The
next match that aired was Hercules (with... Show more content on ...
Following this Race recovered enough to give the Junkyard Dog a belly to belly
suplex when he was distracted by Bobby Heenan to get the win. Due to the
stipulation, he did a little bow (as he is supposed to, due to the pre match
stipulation) and then hit Harley Race with a steel chair. After attacking Race,
Junkyard Dog took the King s royal robe and left the ring with it in hand to a
standing ovation.[1][25] The next match that aired was The Dream Team (with
Luscious Johnny V and Canadian strong man Dino Bravo) against The Fabulous
Rougeaus. Raymond Rougeau started off the match by locking up with Brutus
Beefcake. The two men later tagged out, and Greg Valentine brawled with Jacques
Rougeau as Bravo looked on from the outside of the ring. Raymond performed a
sleeper hold on Valentine and was followed by Beefcake jumping off the ropes and
accidentally hitting the Hammer with a double axe handle. The Rougeau Brothers
gave Valentine a double team move, but the referee was arguing with Beefcake. The
match ended when Dino Bravo jumped off the top rope and hit Raymond while he
was pinning Valentine, then rolling Valentine on top of him for the win.[26] The
Dream Team argued for most of the match, which led to Greg Valentine and Dino
Bravo departing
The Stone Circles And The United Kingdom
Stone circles are found all around the United Kingdom. These structures vary in
size and meaning, but are usually regarded as being sacred. Many theories have
been crafted over time concerning stone circles, however, their true known origins
and uses are vague and open for interpretation, which makes them a complex topic
to discuss and research. By looking at stone circles throughout the United Kingdom
and examining the ways in which they connect to folktales, cultural practices, and
current ideas, we are able to draw information regarding their importance and
expand our understanding of a significant part of Britain and Ireland s ancient
material culture. Stone circles are found all over the world, but the most notable
are found in Europe. The earliest known stone circles were found in the United
Kingdom during the Neolithic period and have been speculated upon for many
years. Archaeological evidence indicates that stone circles had several applications
such as religious ceremonies, agricultural practices, and solar and lunar
observatories. While researching this topic, I came across a large amount of
information regarding Stonehenge and other well known stone circles, however, as I
continued researching, I began to examine lesser known stone circle formations and
was able to trace more connections to British and Irish folklore. The more obscure
stone circles of Marchrie Moore and the OrkneyIslands, that I took a particular
interest in echo the importance of
California Wildfire
Although naturally encompasses such as season, weather, lightning, and etcetera
may cause wildfires in our environment. However, National Park Service points out
humans cause 90 percent of Wildland fires in the United States as a result from
campfires left unattended, the burning of debris, negligently discarded cigarettes
and intentional acts of arson (NPS). In this study, we will analyze the pattern,
causes and find possible solutions for wildfire activities in the California. Foremost,
it will begin with topic research of reliable sources such as the library, government
websites, and the scholarly search engine. It s not because of the experts reputation
alone, but it s for the study s accuracy, credibility, to eliminate probable bias... Show
more content on ...
As well as the climate is one of the reasons too; it dries up the plants. Likely, the
intense heat from the sun or a lightning strike combusts fire with sawdust, dried
leaves, and trees branches. What s more, it isn t the only findings support the analysis,
the U.S. Wildfire Activity Public Information Map shows the fires are around the
forests, mountains, creeks, side of highways, they located in the dry summer and
highland zones. At this point, we could somewhat determine that climate and
geographical location have a strong connection with all the wildfire
Essay on Video Game Violence and Its Effects on Children
Video Game Violence and Its Effects on Children
As we enter the 21st Century, video games are becoming more popular each and
everyday. People of all ages can and do enjoy video games as a way to spend there
free time. These games allow the player to live in the game whether it s about sports
or a role playing game. The problem with the video games in the market is that they
are becoming too violent in some people s minds. Also, many of these violent
video games are being advertised and directed to America s children. This is my
question for America; can video games influence violence and aggression in
children? In this paper, I will include American s view on this issue, what tests have
shown and what the video game industry has to say ... Show more content on ...
Video games can also lower the violence in the world since people can perform
violence virtually in games instead in real life. But still, even though players aren t
actually killing, they are still possibly involved emotionally in the idea of killing.
This occurs when players play first person shooter games. These types of games
allow the player to experience everything that the killer goes through. Players feel
emotions like anger, nervousness, power and pride while killing its opponent or
being killed. So video games can be seen as a safe way for players to release rage and
emotions. However, Columbine did happen and in a way it took images from a
computer game to the real life.
Video games have been around since 1974 when Pong, the first video game by Atari,
was released in the United States. Since then video games have grown into a huge
industry for all ages. The biggest group of customers for the industry is young
males. Boys aged 8 18 spend an average of 40 minutes a day playing video games.
Girls on the other hand are increasing their game playing but only play (Smith 2).
According to Cassel and Jenkins, editors of From Barbie to Mortal Kombat, found
out that approximately 80 percent of game playing among nine to fifteen year olds
was done by boys in 1990. The reason that for this percentage is due to the type of
video games that are out in the market today. Violence is the key component to most
video games that boys are
My Career As A Registered Nurse
My short term goals include passing my state boards upon graduation and then
finding a fulfilling job as a Registered Nurse (RN) at a major local hospital.
Currently, I work at Summa Akron City Hospital and it would be seamless for me
if I could obtain a job there as a nurse in one of their intensive care units. After a
few years of practice, I plan to get my certification in Critical Care Nursing. Beyond
that, my long term goals for the future are to attend graduate school at University
of Akron and receive my Doctorate of Nursing Practice degree in critical care
nursing. I would like to work in an intensive care unit during graduate school to
better my nursing skills and work toward paying off loans before returning to
school. I would love to continue to work at Summa Akron City Hospital where I
currently work as Nursing Student Technician. I love the broad scope of the patient
population and complex specialized care and treatment services. My clients are
varied; this is another attractive quality of the urban populations that large hospitals
attract. My favorite areas to work within the hospital are the intensive care units.
However, I am humbled by all that I learn when I work on any unit throughout the
hospital. At a level 1 trauma hospital like Summa Akron City, I am able to see a
great variety of patients. I get to see nurses doing diversely different work on the
different units I float to. One universally common thing I always note is the nurses
Death And Death In Margaret Donne s Post-Modern
Donne s 17th century neo classical metaphysical poetry is based around his own
personal experiences and the historic context. While Margaret Edson s 20th century
metatheatrical post modern play Wit has exploited Donne s strong religious ideas and
metaphysical conceits, it has deciphered it towards a more secular context and
audience. Despite contextual differences, the two composers, through in textual
reading, shares and explores the common values and ideas including the value of
relationships and the concept of death. Wit explores the post modern nihilists
perspectives of death then offers comparisons and contrasts of approaching morality.
The title itself W;t being a metaphysical paradox, alludes further connection towards
the structure of Donne s work both visually and verbally, the semi colon is significant
as it is a symbolic play on death and suggests the moment between life and death. The
punctuation acts as a visual sign of insuperable barriers separating life death and
eternal life . Further use of the extended metaphor of the semi colon is shown in the
deliberate intertextual allusion made by Bearing of And Death Capital D shall be no
more semicolon . The deviation surrounding the use of , or ; contrasts to illustrate
shifting perceptions of death between the 17th to the 20th century with semicolon
representing ultimatum while the coma representing continuation. Through the
linguistic metaphor of Death is nothing but a breath a comma emphasises
t With underlying themes of revenge, incest, and suicide, William Shakespeare s
Hamlet was remembered by many Elizabethan Era viewers as both a philosophical
and oft debated masterpiece (Dickson). These controversial themes attracted viewers
everywhere, enticing them to see the play. One scene in particular from the original
text of the play where this proves true is act IV, scene iv, lines 31 65, in which the
titular character Hamletdecides that the time for revenge is at hand in an insightful
soliloquy. The audiencewould have been attracted to the scene because they would
receive a moral insight into Hamlet s mind, revealing his true thoughts. It also would
have expanded on the theme of revenge, and how this theme would affect the... Show
more content on ...
Within his thoughts, Hamlet also provides the audience with meaningful questions,
whose answers affect both the viewers and his own life. One of these questions
occurs when Hamlet asks himself: How stand I then, That have a father killed, a
mother stained, Excitement of my reason and my blood, And let all sleep. (IV, iv, 55
Although the question is rhetorical, the audience still feels a need to answer. They
feel connected to both the play and Hamlet s character, and feel obligated to help
out the character in his time of need. Spectators are able to see the turmoil and
confusion occurring in the young man s mind and heart, and can easily relate the
pain to similar aspects of their own lives. Therefore, the use of a soliloquy by
Shakespeare connects the audience to the play by allowing them to see deeper into
Hamlet s conscience.
Another way Hamlet s soliloquy targets the audience is through his in depth
examination of the theme of revenge. The speech not only informs the audience of
Hamlet s desire for revenge, but also how this theme will affect the concluding
scenes of the play. As the prince s speech comes to an end, he decides that, Oh, from
this time forth,/ My thoughts be bloody, or be worth nothing! (IV. iv. 64 65). It
appears his decision is certain; his revenge is imminent. However, Hamlet has
questioned his own intentions
Movie Going Essay
1946 was the peak of theater going as a pastime in America. 90 million people a
week were going to the movies creating a box office revenue of $1.7 billion dollars.
The invention of television and the Paramount case in 1948 delivered crucial blows
to the industry. By 1957, attendance was down to 40 million viewers per week.
Televisions had become common household appliances and people were watching a
lot of it. In 1960, the average household spent 5 hours a day watching television. The
filmindustry had to adapt and find ways to win back their once loyal fan base. The
studios tried multiple strategies to in an attempt to drive people back to the theaters.
The idea was to leverage what cinema had that television did not. Mainly, that was
big screens and color. Movie going was an experience and that experience needed
improving. Many theaters improved their sound systems and leveraged technologies
like CinemaScope and VistaVision to make the screen look even bigger and provide
a more immersive theatrical experience. Unfortunately, this strategy fell short of
making an impact and box office revenue continued to stay very low.
The studios began to realize that instead of viewing television as a direct competitor,
maybe there were ways to form a multi beneficial relationship. The first step toward a
more modern ... Show more content on ...
The New York State Board of Regents found the film to be blasphemous, seized the
print and banned all screenings. The US Supreme Court overturned the decision
and in doing so breeched the topic of First Amendment protection for films. This
case reversed a precedent and undermined New York State censorship and other
local censorship boards as well. Producers were free to make the films they desired.
Even the ban of on screen nudity ended in 1957 with Excelsior Pictures v. Regents of
the University of New York
Summary Of Language By Angela Carter
Language is the most complex form of communication. Throughout time, language
has lost some of its meaning, it is no longer all about the conversation. Language has
become such a powerful instrument used for building relationships between people
and even places. Angela Carter, explains her ideas on the topic. She recognizes
languageas something with substance behind it, not just talking for the purpose of
vocalizing. The weight you put behind what you say gives it the meaning. Carter
proposes that language is the tool that holds all power that gets exerted when
speaking. She believes language gives the people everything they need to exist
individually and with one another. The history of a language ties in with the
culture, the roots of certain words are what make the civilization what it is today.
Carter further points out that language influences control and release, the act of
domination and liberation. Everything considered, what Carter reveals about
language is eye opening. She invites a new perspective on the idea that language is
power. Carter leaves this open to interpretation, but we see how language is
powerful enough to emotionally hurt people. Using it as an instrument of culture,
we are able to open our eyes on the stagnation of progress in making the society we
live in today to be as equal it can be. Carter is clear in helping us recognize language
is used to both create and destroy but fails to include the various forms of language
besides speaking vocally.
Differences Between Operating Systems And Software And...
CONTENTS Abstract1 Discussion:1 Comparison:2 Modularity and user privileges:2
Automated Functions and interoperability:2 Open Source and Transparency:3
Security through variety:3 Conclusion:4 References4 ABSTRACT The comparison
between operating systems is a very broad topic and this has been a long running
debate within the computer industry. Microsoft has been a runaway success in the
retail realm with large sales throughout the different iterations of Windows.
Similarly Linux has a successful run and it is still being considered one of the most
prominent open source operating systems and it is being used widely and on a wide
range of devices and has penetration in server and embedded systems markets etc.
Apple iOS is an... Show more content on ...
In fact, in 2014 it is OS X that was found to be riddled with the greatest number of
security problems 147 in total, including 64 rated as high severity, and 67 as
medium. Also from the Apple stables, iOS did not fare all that much better: 127
vulnerabilities including 32 high and 72 with a medium rating (Wilson, 2015).
Linux comes third in the list with 119 vulnerabilities. Windows does surprisingly
well with just 36 vulnerabilities. We will briefly discuss the contrasting security
models. COMPARISON: The security models of these operating systems can be
compared by using the parameters such as modularity, user privileges,
transparency, automation, and other features such as security by variety.
MODULARITY AND USER PRIVILEGES: Windows based operating systems
had to deal with a number of security flaws and vulnerabilities over its lifetime
because secure computing was least on their agenda. The security for Windows was
designed with reference to the TCSEC orange book and it is a reasonably secure
design. Also the most important difference in privileges is the usage of
administrative account which has access to the registry and such and any
compromise with these credentials and it can affect the entire registry. Linux user
accounts do not usually have root access and hence the damage is limited. Also
Linux minimizes the attack surface by just having one kernel. Users on Linux have
the option of modifying the kernel and OS if needed,
Ebola Research Paper
Ebola is the better known member of a small family of viruses known as
Filoviridae. The other lesser known member is Marburg. The Ebola virus has five
known subtypes, four of which are highly pathogenic to humans. The fifth, Ebola
Reston Virus was first isolated in a group of primates that had been imported from
the Philippines to a research laboratory in Reston, Virginia. According to the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, within weeks, the same virus was isolated
during similar outbreaks in labs in Pennsylvania, Texas and Siena, Italy. In each case,
the affected animals had been imported from a facility in the Philippines. (CDC,
2008) The four species that are pathogenic to humans are Zaire, Sudan, Tai Forest and
Bundibugyo.... Show more content on ...
After confirmation of samples tested by the United States National Reference
Laboratories and the CDC, the World Health Organization confirmed the presence of
a new species. An epidemiological study conducted by WHO and Uganda Ministry
of Health scientists determined there were 116 confirmed and probable cases of the
new Ebola species, and that the outbreak had a mortality rate of 34% (39 deaths). In
2012, there was an outbreak of Bundibugyo ebolavirus in a northeastern province of
the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo). There were 15 confirmed cases
and ten fatalities. (Wamala, 2010)
Many medical researchers speculate the Plague of Athens, which wiped out about
a third of its inhabitants during the Peloponnesian War, may have been caused by
Ebola. As noted earlier, the Ebola virus was first isolated in 1976 during an
outbreak of the disease along the border of Zaire and Sudan. (CDC, 2014) Of all
the outbreaks since 1976 this initial outbreak carried the worst mortality rate,
roughly ninety percent of those affected did not survive. (CDC, 2014) Ebola was
named after a river in the Yambuku district of Democratic Republic of the Congo,
which was then known as Zaire.
2007 to
Case Study Cathay Pacific
The Project aims to study the Cathay Pacific Airways Limited (CX) in tourism and
hospitality industry, and the report will critically analysis their strategy and
development through the Cathay Pacific s background information, the company
culture, resources, capabilities and competitive advantage, and different strategies.
Final, to sum up the company s strategy will give its competitive advantage over the
next five years.
2Background of Cathay Pacific
2.1Description of Cathay Pacific
According to Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd, Annual Report (2016), Cathay Pacific
Airways is a Hong Kong registered and Hong Kong based international carrier that
provides regular passenger and cargo services to a total of 181 destinations in 43
countries and territories. ... Show more content on ...
The operating capacity of other airlines has increased significantly, with more direct
flights between mainland China and international destinations. Coupled with the
participation of low cost airlines, the competition in the aviation industry is
exacerbated. Overcapacity in the market is a particularly competitive issue for our
freight business.
2.2Global coverage and plan expansion
In order to be the best airline in the world, Cathay Pacific has flights to many
countries in the world, including Africa, the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific and the
Middle East.
Moreover, the Group is pursuing a business transformation program to make Cathay
Pacific a better airline and a more robust business, benefiting customers with better
The expansion plans include expanding the route network, increasing frequency of
the most popular routes and adding more fuel efficient aircraft to meet the
challenges facing the aviation industry. Such as Cathay Pacific have introduced
new services to Tel Aviv, Barcelona and Christchurch in 2017. In addition, Cathay
Pacific has increased the frequency of service to London Gatwick, Manchester,
Madrid, Paris, Boston, Toronto, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh
City, Adelaide, Brisbane and Cairns, which are the most famous city for customers.
And also Cathay Pacific took delivery of 11 Airbus A350 900 aircraft and already
possesses 17 aircraft of this type. This will enhance the quality of service and help
Cathay Pacific to increase its productivity and reduce costs (Cathay Pacific Airways
The Impulse Of An Impulse Purchase Decision
An impulse purchase decision can be defined as the result of complex behavioural
processes, thoughtful and deliberate consideration of information about the good in
question and its alternatives (Bayley Nancarrow, 1998). An impulse purchase is
typically associated with reckless decision making as the assumption is that it is a
decision made without thinking about the consequences too much. However, this
definition by (Bayley Nancarrow, 1998) suggests that the impulse decision is one
made using complex behavioural processes which take place within a number of
seconds in a consumer s mind. Generally, impulsivity is a personality trait with
negative connotations as in most cases impulsive behaviour leads to rushed
decisions without the individual realising the effect that their decision may have. It
is useful to explore how impulse buying behaviour has risen and become a norm in
the modern era with all but a few retailers targeting certain products at the consumer
who is vulnerable to act impulsively. In terms of where these goods are usually
found, it is usually just before an individual goes to pay for their items in a
supermarket and tends to be relatively inexpensive. A study by Deloitte in 2013
revealed some interesting facts about consumer s buying behaviour and habits. It
found that consumers were diverting attention away from in store purchases and
rather doing their grocery shopping online. The emergence of e commerce has
reduced the proportion of instore impulse
How Gender Roles ( The Way A Person Acts Based On
Their Sex
Games are socially constructed entities and often have a certain set of
conventional rules. The world is home to billions of people said people make up a
society. Societies are broken down in larger social groupings but share similar
attributes like geographical location, culture, and economics. From these, groups
can be broken down even further to subcultures such as LGBT, deaf, and emo.
Individuals absorb knowledge from living in a society that builds a general view of
constructivism in a social setting. Taking part in social grouping expands their
cognitive development of a person this knowledge becomes the building blocks of
the behaviors in which an individual acts upons. Throughout this paper, I will explain
how genderroles ( the way a person acts based on their sex), cultural representations
(views based on race) and social practices (such as dating and marriage) serve as
guidance to the development of an individual s behaviors but do not define a persons
identity. Early in history and still today a societal normis this idea of dating; a human
mating process where two engage socially for companionship beyond the level of
friends. Overtime, dating has slightly changed but the main idea still remain the
same each individual is assessing the other s attributes in order to determine if they
are suitable as a partner in an intimate relationship which in hopes would form into a
marriage. The societal norm is understood that people should aspired to find a partner
The Critical Thinking Process
Metacognition means thinking about thinking and can be applied in two general
ways. It can mean thinking about the way that you learn best. (Capella University,
2017) The other meaning of metacognition is the process of monitoring progress in
thinking and learning in order to improve that way that you think. Monitoring how
you learn and which strategies work the best for you, makes you the manager of
your own learning. By doing this, it will help you be more successful whether it is
with your school work, work at your job, and/or anything else that requires thinking.
There are multiple examples of ways that people learn the best. Some people recall
information better when they read it or see it; this is called visual learning. Others
learn... Show more content on ...
Critical thinkers are aware of what they are trying to do, while metacognitive thinkers
are aware of whether their particular strategies are effective. (Draeger, 2016)
Metacognition is what you are thinking about and what ways you can improve your
learning by thinking about how you think. Critical thinking is how deep into thought
you think about something; it is about expanding your knowledge. Critical think and
metacognition, therefore, differ in the object of awareness. Critical thinking involves
an awareness of mode of thinking within a domain while metacognition involves an
awareness of the efficacy of particular strategies for completing that task. (Draeger,
Differences Between Greek Theatre And Theatre
Opera and theater share many similarities especially since the former is influenced
by the latter. In his text, A Short History of Opera, Donald Grout defines opera as a
drama in music: a dramatic action, exhibited on stage with scenery by actors in
costume, the words conveyed entirely or for the most part by singing, and the whole
sustained and amplified by orchestral music (4). Operaliterally translates to work.
The first known opera that was performed was in 1597. However, interestingly
enough, the word opera was not used until 1634 (Grout 1). The origins of seventeenth
century opera can be traced back to Greek drama and medieval theatre. Throughout
the seventeenth century, many different kinds of operas can be found from countries
such as Italy, Germany, and England. In order to fully understand opera and its inner
workings, it is important to locate and learn the origin of opera.
Greek drama is said to be the model on which the creators of modern opera at the
end of the sixteenth century based their work on (Grout 11). There are substantial
differences between Greek drama and opera. For example, in Greek theater, the
cast was made up of only men and young boys (Grout 13). Also, it is important to
note that these plays were not sung entirely. Rather, many parts were spoken out
loud like the singing was left to the chorus (Grout 12). The chorus s main function
was to express opinions or give advice. They also conveyed emotions for the
audience to react to (Grout 12).
Auditing Chap. 5
5 52
Trend analysis, common size financial statements, and ratios are presented for the
Brody Corporation in Figure 5.4. Assume that you are auditing Brody s financial
statements for the year ended 12/31/X8. You have performed tests of controls over
the recording of gross sales and believe that the system is operating effectively and
that 7 percent represents an accurate estimate of the increase in gross sales for 20X8
over the amount for 20X7. You should also assume that the financial statementsfor
20X6 and 20X7 are not misstated.
a.| | Analyze Figure 5.4 and identify any accounts that appear to represent significant
variations from what one might expect. For each of the accounts, identify another
account that might ... Show more content on ...
John Ross, who had been a manager with a large CPA firm, was quickly hired to
replace Wagner. Although the change in Datasave s chief financial officer caused
some disruption, the audit was completed on a timely basis. As the last step in the
audit process, you have prepared the representation letter for signing. You wanted
the letter to be signed by William Cox, the president; Robert Star, the controller;
and Wagner, who occasionally came to the company s offices to resolve matters
regarding his past compensation. The signatures of Cox and Star were obtained,
and you approached Wagner for his signature. In response to your request, Wagner
replied, I no longer am employed with this crazy company. Why should I take any
responsibility for the financial statements? Despite your attempts to persuade him,
Wagner refused to sign the letter. Wagner also refused to discuss the reasons for his
resignation, other than to say the reasons were personal. When you discussed the
problem of Wagner s refusal to sign with Cox, he indicated that there was no
problem because Ross would sign the letter. You see this as a possible solution, but
you are aware that Ross knows very little about the financial statements for the year
under audit. Also, you are still somewhat concerned about the reasons for Wagner s
resignation.Required: a. Describe fully the alternatives that are available to you in
this situation.Making
Contract Law From Law And Economics Perspective
b.Contract Law from Law and Economics Perspective
Voluntary exchange is of the utmost importance in being able to transfer resources
from less to more valuable uses and to the hands of those that value them the most.
This process of exchange does not face many obstacles when the parties to a
transaction can perform their obligations in a simultaneous manner. In today s world,
most transfers of resources occur through contracts and require agreements as to how,
where, and at what price the transfer will occur at some time in the future. This is
why protection of contract rights is essential.
While voluntary exchange would not necessarily break down entirely without any
form of contract law, it would be highly inefficient. In a legal ... Show more content
on ...
If efficiency is not enforced through contract law it will bias investment toward
economic activity that can only be conducted in a short time period. This will reduce
efficiency in the market and lead to misallocation of resources.
Here is a simple example of how the lack of contract law s existence would affect
how parties interacted in the sale of goods and services. Professor Chrisman has
advertised that he has a hog (not to be confused with a pig), worth $100 to him, for
sale and now has two potential purchasers. Buyer one, Professor Todd, has offered
to purchase the hog today from $150 (he is risk adverse and believes that price of
pigs is going to increase drastically over the next year). Buyer two, Professor Hesch,
has offered to purchase the hog next Saturday at graduation for $200. If Professor
Chrisman lives in a system without contract law he will accept Professor Todd s
offer of $150 today because he will be worried that Professor Hesch will change his
mind before graduation and Professor Todd will have bought another hog. The law s
failure to enforce contract law has caused an inefficient misallocation of resources
because Professor Chrisman cannot enforce the promise made by Professor Hesch
and will not be incentivized to take the risk of selling the hog to him.
The single purpose and goal of all contract law is to impose contract liability only
where it creates incentives to encourage value maximizing conduct in the future.
Benefits Of Vaccines
Infections, outbreaks, diseases, viruses all keep a person vulnerable to deadly
consequences if not treated correctly. Two sides of the community are established:
one fearing for their lives, and the other trying to convince that vaccine
medications are safe. Those who cannot be vaccinated rely on those who can be
vaccinated, but if people decide to not vaccinate themselves, more and more will
continue to suffer and this will cause more outbreaks. Since many people around the
world are falling ill due to deadly diseases that their body cannot fight on their own,
vaccines should therefore be used to fight against diseases with its many benefits and
safety for a better environment. Beneficial to all people young and old, vaccines have
... Show more content on ...
The anti vaccine movement has been trying to tell many parents that the shots are
overused and teeming with toxins. They cause autism, bipolar disorder, ADHD,
allergies and more. They are profit centers for greedy doctors and Big Pharma, and
everybody s keeping the dangers quiet. (Kluger 40 43). With a strong passive voice
and concerned parents, anything can be believable even if it is just a rumor used to
spread lies and prevent adults and children from getting the vaccines they need. In
2007, Maulana Fazlullah, who heads the Pakistani Taliban, went on Pakistani radio
and denounced vaccinations as a conspiracy of western nations to render Muslims
infertile. (Garrett). The consequences of this lead to deadly outbreaks that killed
more people than before vaccines had been denounced. To the anti vaccine
movement, the vaccine business has continued to thrive in spite of its disastrous
failure, for the mere reason that it nets millions of dollars for the promoters, and that
this buys power with governments and propaganda control over the masses who don
t know how to think for themselves (Sinclair). By indirectly stating the other health
problems of general diseases that are vaccine preventable, helps to force patients to
realize that vaccines are not a bad thing at all. Laws ordered by the government has
Super Volcanoe Research Paper
Caitlyn Remson
ESC 1000
July 24, 2015
Earth Science Essay
America s Sleeping Giant Yellowstone Super Volcano
America s northwest is home to a super volcano that, if erupted, has the potential to
wipe out the majority of the United States. Yellowstone National Park is located
within Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming and it spans nearly 3,500 sq. miles.
A super volcano is interrupted as, Any volcano capable of producing a volcanic
eruption with an ejecta volume greater than 1,000 km3 (240 cu mi) (BBC). These
types of volcanoes are considerably rare, yet can be enormously devastating.
Eruptions from a super volcano are thousands of times larger than normal volcanic
eruptions. These types of volcanoes can form when magma in the Earth s mantle
Elephant Stereotypes
The main topic of both the reading and the lecture is about elephant behaviors. The
reading proposes three beliefs about elephants behaviors; the lecture, however, finds
these assumptions questionable, citing three reasons to repudiates what is mentioned
in the passage.
First, the passage claims that elephants have awareness about their death time. It
stands to reason that old elephants leave their herds to live lonely along sites near
water. In addition, a large number of elderly elephants found in sites around water
illustrates this claims. Nevertheless, the lecture rejects this idea, highlighting the fact
that when elephants become old, they lose their ability to shew hard materials. For
this reason, they leave their herd to seek soft vegetables to eat, and because soft
materials are often found near water, they choose sites which are near water to live.
That is why a large number of elephant bones have been found in such places. ...
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On the other hand, the lecturer refutes this assumption, pointing out that because of
the specific structure of elephant s ears, they can be trained to move paintbrush in a
specific pattern based on what trainer teach to them. In other words, they do not have
any cognizance about what they create through paintbrush on
Professional Skepticism and Auditors Workpaper
Professional Skepticism and Auditors Workpaper Review
Kathy Hurtt
University of Wisconsin
Martha Eining and David Plumlee
University of Utah
Draft version
March, 2001
February, 2002
Please do not quote without permission of the authors. Comments are welcome.
We thank the workshop participants at Arizona State University, University of Utah,
University of Wisconsin and Bentley College for their comments on earlier versions
of this paper.
Professional Skepticism and Auditors Workpaper Review
Professional Skepticism and Auditors Workpaper Review
Review of subordinates workpapers by more experienced auditors consumes a
significant portion of the effort on an ... Show more content on ...
Research on SEC Enforcement Actions (1987 1997) by Beasley, Carcello and
Hermanson concurred with this assessment, indicating that 60% of the enforcement
actions were related to a lack of professional skepticism (AICPA 2000). and that
people failure is the most common cause of audit failures (Choo and Tan 1998). In
response to the SEC s concern about the quality of financial audits, the Public
Oversight Board established a panel that recommends recommended to audit firms
that they provide guidance to their audit personnel about the concept of professional
skepticism (POB 2000). Thus, understanding the role of professional skepticism in
workpaper review may provide important insight into a recognized problem within the
audit profession.
A critical step in conducting research involving professional skepticism is a means
of identifying individuals who can be characterized as skeptical. Recent research
by Hurtt (2001) has resulted in a 30 item psychological scale that measures the
degree of skepticism possessed by an individual. In addition, a model linking an
auditor s degree of skepticism and certain behaviors has been proposed (Hurtt,
Eining and Plumlee 2001). The model of skepticism, developed from surveys of
professional accountants as well as literatures from
Temptation In The Drunkard By Frank O Connor
Temptation is a desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise. One s
true nature always overpowers the desire to do something that is wise and rightful.
This struggle is due to the urge and fight of his or her instinct. Temptation is filled
throughout the lives of the human race and Frank O Connor displayed this
motivation of temptation in his fable The Drunkard it was a well written short storyby
Frank O Connor in 1948. This short story was said to be written to tell and give
insight of O Connor s life, as well as the other great works he has written that contain
unexpected turns of events, the severe social control on incest and alcoholism. (O
Donovan 1771) Frank O Connor was a writer who used personal experiences to...
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Larry s curiosity of what alcohol tasted like tempted him to try his father s glass I
found if I stood on tiptoe I could just reach fathers glass, and the idea occurred to
me that it would be interesting to know what the contents were like. (O Connor
347). So Larry drank the beer from the glass he began to feel different a pleasantly
elevated and philosophic. (O Connor 347), introducing him to a new feeling he
liked without knowing what this new feeling was he continued to drink and soon
realized he was drunk. Then Mick Delaney noticed the boy was different shook
him making sure he was okay then applauded him pretty much by saying That s a
good boy! (O Connor 348), as if it s okay to be drunk at his age. After thinking
about it he gets really scared and stressed out because the thoughts of the mother
and actions she may perform. The comes to his senses and snaps out of his
drunken high and rushes Larry home scared out of his mind because Mick
Delaney did not want anyone to see his boy like that. He could not hide him he was
loud and he had to wait for a cart home and a group of people looked at him
Roman Ruins Spain
Spain is home of the running of bulls,flamenco,dancers,museums and so much
more.Spain is not all about the bulls but it can be about the ancient times such as the
buildings aqueducts.Spain is a wonderful country to visit in order to see the Roman
ruins because the created works,history and the amazing features.Spainhas much to
offer such as the what life has been in the ancient time.The Roman ruins are one of
the best parts of the country of Spain. First, Spain is a wonderful country to visit in
order to see the Roman ruins because of it created works.One of their created works
was the the sewer system and aqueducts.Based on article one, They created sewer
systems and aqueducts that allowed people in the cities to access fresh water.To
Gender-Polarized Voting In Detroit
In the past decade Detroit municipal government has undergone rapid changes in its
institutional functions. The city government once allowed for all nine members to
be elected at large but since a 2009 referendum was held with overwhelming
approval that amended the city charter, Detroit now requires that just seven of its
nine councilors be elected via wards or districts while two of the cities councilors are
elected at large. The change that occurred in the city of Detroitwas seen by many as
being a way of cleaning the city up after decades of corruption crippling the cities
political functions and economic growth, and after the forced removal and
resignation of the corrupt mayor and council president, the citizens of Detroit sought
to clean... Show more content on ...
there are some issues that critics of amending the charter of the City of Detroit do
point out. The literature on the representation of women finds precisely the
opposite effect for single member districts. While there are some exceptions, the
vast majority of the research has concluded that districts are either meaningless
(Alozie and Manganero 1993; Bullock and MacManus 1991) or disadvantageous
for women candidates. Trounstine and Valdini are quoted as saying . Because
women are nearly always between 48% and 52% of a community s population, we
cannot expect that they will be aided by districts. Furthermore, there is little
evidence of gender polarized voting. A number of studies have found that voters
evaluate female candidates drawing on gendered stereotypes and that these
stereotypes can affect perceptions about candidates and vote choice. While it can be
expected that changing the city charter to elect councilors by district or ward instead
of at large may benefit African American and Latino males, there is no clear evidence
to support that these changes will benefit white women and women of color any in
advancing their ability to hold elected office in Detroit or hold their councilor any
more accountable than
Gotitright Research Paper
The Gotitright family has ruled over the Blue Planet for two hundred eight years and
every twenty years since 1908 the Committee of Twelve performs an ancient tradition,
in which they compete against each other for the privilege of selecting a writer, to
update, The Road to Glory: the History of the Gotitright Family. This primitive
custom insured The Committee of Twelve a stress free day. Therefore, they enter into
the competition with no apprehension and partake in numerous rounds of rock, paper
and scissors, in which the loser wins the honor of selecting a writer from the
Committee s Approved List. At noon on the first of January in 2328, the Selection
Ceremony commenced. Normally, the Committee members wore the traditional
shoulder length pink wig and the... Show more content on ...
Mr. Ink, This is your first and last REPERMAND Refrain from writing non fiction
until otherwise instructed to do so. The Committee of Twelve recommends you
focus on fiction, which you appear to be so good at and write five page novelettes
for the mechanical class or would you rather spend the rest of your existence as a
reprogrammed streetsweepernoid. The Committee of Twelve Addendums:
1.Reprimand Rescinded May 2126 Albert has settled down and writing fiction.
Moreover, his Talking Series shows great promise. The Committee
overwhelmingly agrees The Talking Rock and The Talking Grain of Sand are thus
far his best. Nonetheless, if he should regress, The Committee of Twelve shall
terminate his existence. 2.December 2127 By a vote of 7 YEAs and 6 NEYs the
Committee of Twelve added the name of Alfred Ink to the approved list of
prominent writers, eligible if selected, to update, The Road to Glory: the History of
the Gotitright Family. 3.January, 2128 Samuel Gotitright issues Decree 59867
Committee of Twelve forbidden to add another android to the Approved
Feminist Analysis Of The Awakening
Kira Thomas
Mr. McCarthy
AP Literature and Composition
10 March 2016
Feminist Analysis of The Awakening In The Awakening, Kate Chopin creates a
protagonist that clearly demonstrates a feminist. The protagonist, Edna Pontellier
seeks more from life than what she is living and starts to refuse the standards of the
society she lives in. Edna has many moments of awakening resulting in creating a
new person for herself. She starts to see the life of freedom and individuality she
wants to live. The Awakening encourages feminism as a way for women to obtain
freedom and choose individuality over conformity. Chopin creates a feminist story
that shows a transformation from an obedient mother woman to a woman who is
willing to sacrifice her old life to become independent and make an identity for
herself. As the novel begins we are shown Edna s life before her escape from
society s standards. At the beginning we are shown that Edna is valued by society
because of her physical appearance and is portrayed as a housewife married to a
wealthy husband. On only the seventh page of the novel we are shown the lack of
individuality women had during this time period. We are first introduced to Edna
and Edna s husband, Leonce. Leonce creates the income for the family as well as
viewing his wife more of a possession rather than a partner. Leonce notices Edna is
sunburned when she has come back from swimming and views her as a valuable
piece of property which has suffered some damage (7).
The Siege Of Yorktown During The American War
The Siege of Yorktown
The Siege of Yorktown, otherwise known as the Battle of Yorktown or the German
Battle, was the final and deciding battle in the American War for Independence. This
blockade of American and French troops took place in Yorktown, Virginia, hence the
name entitled to this bombardment. Led by George Washington, a Virginian
Commander in Chief, the Continental Army traveled south out of Williamsburg to
surround Yorktown. Aided by French General de Rochambeau, this organized
military force clashed against British General Lord Charles Cornwallis and his troops
of 9, 000 men. On September 18, 1781, the last major battle in North American of
the American Revolution began. On this day, General Cornwallis chose
Yorktown, the mouth of Chesapeake Bay, as his base due to its deep harbor,
which allowed reinforcements to arrive by ship. Fortunately for the Patriots,
Admiral Comte de Grasse and his French fleet departed Saint Domingo, a French
colony or modern day Haiti, to the south of Chesapeake Bay. There, he defeated
Admiral Thomas Graves, who was supposed to deliver the reinforcements to
Cornwallis, at the Battle of Virginia Capes. As a result, George Washington realized
that it was time to act and ordered Marquis de Lafayette, a French aristocrat and a
military officer, with his troops of 5, 000 to encircle Cornwallis in Yorktown, while
the French naval forces blocked his escapes by sea. With another plan in mind, the
Americans and French dug a trench closer to
Identity In The Bell Jar
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is a book about a young woman who is facing life the
unexpected way. Esther is trying to place the puzzle pieces in order but it isn t quite
working. There is a different view of humanity in this book and it gives chills to read
what she went through. Esther goes through struggles that show her true colors
within throughout the book. The Bell Jarby Sylvia Plath dips into the idea for the
search of social identity, the idea of melting pot , and what the American Dream
really means to oneself.
In The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath it is stated, The mouth in the mirror cracked into a
grin. A minute after the crash another nurse ran in. (Plath 175). Indicating that her
mouth is not worthy to be called her mouth because that would be disgraceful to
others. She is body shaming herself and believes that looking through the mirror is
hurting it and ... Show more content on ...
An American Dream is, It was the custom at my college, the little freckled lady in
the Scholarships Office told me, to write to the person whose scholarship you had,
if they were still alive, and thank them for it. (Plath 40). Indicating that it is the
dream to go to college, have it fully paid for, and to thank the person that gave you
the tremendous honor. Unfortunately, not many get the opportunity to be honored
with a scholarship, Esther was one of the lucky ones who got a great opportunity.
Including this quote showing the American Dream, He folded his hands together
and looked at me and said, Miss Gilling, we have decided that you would benefit by
group therapy. (Plath 197). The American Dream is to be okay or else you are
considered to crazy for expressing emotions. Everyone is unique and so is their
lifestyle so no one is able to obtain the same goal because obstacles might prevent
one for forever and the other might reach it. The American Dream is a phrase that is
just imaginary no one can ever really obtain the American
A Report On The City Of Pakistan
After gazing on Mughal monuments and feeling the beat of pounding drums at Sufi
shrines in Lahore, many travelers choose to head south to Pakistan s financial capital,
Karahi for some fun in the sun, upscale nightclubs, and modern skyscrapers. From
rambling through the ramparts of Old Lahore to an all night beach rave in Karachi,
you might be in for a culture shock, but here s how to get there. Train The cheapest
option is the train. The Fareed Express #38DN leaves Lahore every morning at
10:00am and arrives in Karachi at 12:35pm the next day. That means your train
journey will be at least 26 1/2 hours if the train is running on time. Trains in
Pakistan are not known to be exceptionally punctual or safe. There are 5 possible
classes for this train, including the full berth AC class for 1810 rupees ($23), the
full berth EC (Economy) for 790 rupees ($10), a full seat in economy for 710
rupees ($8.90), a half berth for 480 rupees ($6) and a half seat for 400 rupees ($5).
Sitting on half of a seat for 26 hours is certainly not the most comfortable way to
travel to Karachi, but it is the cheapest. To see fares, timetables, and addresses of
booking agents, you can check out Pakistan Railways online. Tickets are usually
booked through a travel agent in order to avoid the inevitable chaos on the station.
Bus A safer, more comfortable, and faster option is to the take the bus. There are
many different bus companies that ply the route from Lahore to Karachi, but Daewoo
is by
Report on Business Culture in Saudi Arabia
Report on Business Culture in Saudi Arabia
Executive summary: With the globalization of world business, Saudi Arabia has
become an appealing market for foreign investors. But there has long been belief that
the market of Saudi Arabia is difficult to develop and the culture there is inconsistent
with the world. The problem of cross cultural management arises as the cooperation
between Saudi Arabia and its world partners continue to increase at an unprecedented
rate. This paper analyses commercial and cultural feature of Saudi Arabia, presenting
an understanding on the general cultural differences between Saudi Arabia and
Singapore by applying different cultural dimensions. And it explains the influence of
Arabia commercial culture on ... Show more content on ...
Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members
of one category of people from another. (Hofstede, 1991) There are four cultural
dimensions that were defined in Hofstede s research: Power distance, Uncertainty
avoidance, Individualism, Masculinity, and recently Hofstede add one more: long
term short term orientation. In this part of paper, comparison between Singapore and
Saudi Arabia will be discussed, by focusing Hofstede s cultural dimensions as a point
of reference 2.1 The dimension of individualism collectivism
We know that there is a diverse population in Singapore, consisting mainly of
Chinese, Malay and Indians, all of which does not possess one single dominant
national identity. Drawing on a variety of traditions, different ethnic groups all
consider themselves important parts of the diverse society of Singapore. However,
In the Saudi Arabia society, most people believe in Islam, and religious control of
Islam and its influence on the country are political, economical and can be seen in
people s daily life. Neglecting of religion may cause troubles in business activities. In
Islam canon, the most important are: religious service, almsgiving, fasting and
pilgrimage and other activities. Religious service is a ceremony that shows gratitude,
The Battle At Fort Sumter
Natalie Lockman
Professor Campbell
English 112
The Battle at Fort Sumter Being raised in the south, there are somethings that life
teaches a person; you always hold the door, acknowledge someone as they pass you
by, and always say ya ll . The southern culture is something that sites in its own niche
of history and drags the past into the future. In A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner,
the reader gets a taste of the south and the way of southern living through an
outside view of Emily Grierson s life in a strange series of events. Falkner s
character, Emily, symbolizes the conflict of the past and the future in southern
heritage though the events of her life. The first instance in Emily s life that
symbolizes the conflict of the past and future in the south is her refusal to pay
taxes. The story itself is set in a small, southern town, post civil war which only
adds to Emily s symbolism. This is because the south after the civil war was on a
path of major transformation. The start of the conflict is when the new generation
of the towns people send Emily a tax notice her response was, I have no taxes in
Jefferson. Colonel Sartoris explained it to me. Perhaps one of you can gain access
to the city records and satisfy yourselves. (Falkner 157). Later on in the passage,
(Colonel Sartoris had been dead almost ten years.) (Falkner 157). Here the reader
learns that Emily does not understand how the town has changed outside of her home.
The new generation that confronts
Examples Of Social Judgment Theory
Heald, J. E. (1991). Social Judgment Theory: Applications to Educational Decision
Making. Educational Administration Quarterly, 27(3), 343 57.
This study (Heald, 1991) uses social judgment theory, a theory that is supposedly
nontraditional to the field of education to improve the ability of school administrators
in identifying more accurately students who are at risk of dropping out of school. The
study argues that social judgment theory, although it is not traditionally utilized in
educational decision making, has significant potential in that area. Particularly, the
researchers argue that social judgment theory offers decision makers (perhaps not just
those in educational settings) the opportunity to better understand the nature of their
intuitions, inferences, and biases and the role they play in their judgments (p. 355).
Ex post facto data were collected on 120 students who were 7th graders during the
1985 1986 school year. Their records had been randomly chosen from rural, urban,
and suburban school districts in Atlanta, ... Show more content on ...
An odered alternatives scale was created to assess the three latitudes with regard to
the believability of various percentages of students who drink at most five drinks at
social gatherings. Nine questions were given as alternatives. Following the survey, an
intensive social norms campaign that began the previous year was resumed to reduce
high risk alcohol consumption on campus. Posters with several different messages of
the statistics of alcohol consumption were displayed and widely distributed around
campus. In the spring of the following year, another survey was conducted to display
reproductions of the campaign messages and measured the amount of exposure the
students had to the messages in the last three
Neverland Research Paper
In today s society, there is a persistent belief that children and adults are
fundamentally different. Society has placed a gap between both generations that is
evident throughout movies and children s literature. In J.M. Barrie s Peter Pan and
L.M. Montgomery s Anne of Green Gables, binary oppositions come into play
regarding childhoodand adulthood, specifically the difference in imagination and
reality. This binary opposition is expressed greatly among the characters in both
novels. The children are introduced as possessing a wide range of imagination,
however as the novel progress, as do their age, their imagination gradually
diminishes to a more realistic view of life.
The adults focus on the reality of life, so much so, that they do ... Show more content
on ...
Since she is introduced in the novel as a young girl, she does not have many
responsibilities and, therefore, has time to reimagine her reality into something
she desires. When Anne first arrives at Green Gables she renames the avenue to
the White Way of Delight, the lake to the Lake of Shining Waters, and even her
name to Cordelia, because these new names, according to her, give them justice.
Oh, I don t like that name, either. I shall call it let me see the Lake of Shining
Waters. Yes, that is the right name for it. (Montgomery 23) Anne also reimagines
her religious belief to suit her spiritual needs. When Marilla asked her to recite a
prayer, Anne relied on her imagination alone to create a prayer that will suit Marilla s
prayer guidelines. Anne s version can be considered untraditional because she
imagines her prayers rather than memorizing them like Marilla did.
Gracious heavenly Father, I thank Thee for the White Way of Delight and the
Lake of Shining Waters and Bonny and the Snow Queen. I m really extremely
grateful for them. And that s all the blessings I can think of just now to thank thee
for. As for the things I want, they re so numerous that it would take a great deal of
time to name them all so I will only mention the two most important. Please let me
stay at Green Gables; and please let me be good looking when I grow
John Chrysostom s Thesis On The Sacramentality Of The
After a search of the subject of the sacramentality of the poor Mt.25:34 46.The
conclusion is as follows: First, with the development of investigation of the
sacramentality of the poor. The several books used in the subject portrayed how the
poor are thesacrament in the Gospel of Matthew is the key in facing the reality of
the poor people who identified with Jesus. Fortunately, the poor as a sacrament
which pointed to Christ. Whatever you do the least of little brothers, you did it for
me. Mt.25:40. The persons like Pope Francis, Benedict XVI, John Chrysostom
contribute to the elevation of the poor. They give the positive ideas how to care for
the poor and to have mercy with them because they have rights and dignity as other
human beings.... Show more content on ...
The seven sacrament are for the sanctification of a man and salvation of a soul.
Chapter two, once we understand the sacramentality of the poor in connection to
the seven sacraments. but poor become sacrament because Christ identified with
them. Saul, Saul why do you persecute me, who are you, Sir? I am Jesus, the one
you are persecuting me. Chapter three give the clarification of the Church in the
mission of continuation of Christ s work and the place of the poor in presenting
Christ and how they mediate grace to us. The fourth chapter makes clear the
meaning of the sacramentality of the poor and the ways which Christians make
alive through charity and services in the societies. The same to the poor and
spiritually life, which encourage them to trust the providence of God who gives
generously to those who entrust in Him. The work of evangelization and is the
hope for anyone who suffers and assures them the earthly life is like a temporal
tent where a focus on the life to come. The modern world of science technology
reduced poor. The poor always is with us. To speak in the society without poor is a
utopia. It is an idea society difficult to translate in society, rich people must be
encouraged to share resources proportionately with the
Commemorative Speech About Father
Good evening. Thank you. One year ago, I introduced my father when he declared
his candidacy. In his own way, and through his own sheer force of will, he sacrificed
greatly to enter the political arena as an outsider.
And he prevailed against a field of 16 very talented competitors.
For more than a year, Donald Trump has been the people s champion, and tonight he s
the people s nominee.
Like many of my fellow millenials, I do not consider myself categorically
Republican or Democrat. More than party affiliation, I vote on based on what I
believe is right, for my family and for my country. Sometimes it s a tough choice.
That is not the case this time. As the proud daughter of your nominee, I am here to
tell you that this is the moment and ... Show more content on ...
He is tough and he is persevering. He is honest and he is real. He s an optimist and
he s a relentless believer in America and all of her potential. He loves his family and
he loves his country with his heart and his soul.
Politicians ask to be judged by their promises, not their results. I ask you to judge
my father by his results. Judge his values by those he s instilled in his children.
Judge his competency by the towers he s built, the companies he s founded, and the
tens of thousands of jobs he s created.
He is the single most qualified serve as chief executive of an $18 trillion economy.
My father will call upon the best and brightest people from all spheres of industry
and both side of the aisle. A new set of thinkers, to face our countries existing and
future problems with fresh perspective and brave new solutions. Come January 17,
all things will be possible again. We can hope and dream and think big again. No one
has more faith in the American people than my father. He will be your greatest, your
truest and your most loyal champion.
This is the fighter, the doer that you have chosen as your nominee, in ways no one
expected, this moment in the life of our country has defined a mission and given it to
an extraordinary
Definition Of Environmental Racism
Let s begin with a concrete definition of environmental racism. Environmental
racism ...links racism with environmental actions, experiences, and outcomes. In
the broadest sense, environmental racism and its corollary, environmental
discrimination, is the process whereby environmental decisions, actions, and
policies result in racial discrimination or the creation of racial advantages. (Taylor,
2009) This definition explains how the direct outcome of these decisions makes it
racist because of favourism or advantages that certain races or cultures receive over
others. More specifically, it is the disadvantages that cultures, such as Nigerians or
Indians receive because there are viewed as either less valuable or put at a lower
ranking to the point where they do not deserve the same resources as white
Americans might. We will have a look later into a case study where a specific group
of African American s environmentwas indirectly tampered with and that resulted in
polluted water. For now, we will continue to look at how environmental racismcan
present itself in our everyday lives. For indigenous people, they are stripped from
their land and they are unable to rejuvenate the crops and seeds local to their
environment. For example, farmers in the South are impacted the most by climate
change and inclement weather, however any corporation can step in and take over
their land. Farmers are deeply affected by climate change when there is no downpour,
or similarly, when there is
Essay about Timken s Case Study
Timken was known as a leading manufacturer of highly engineered bearings and
alloy steels and famous for its tapered roller bearings with over 200 types in more
than 30,000 sizes. It was also the market leader in mechanical seamless steel tubing
and shipped more than one million tons of premium alloy steels annually. Timken
was located in Canton, Ohio. However, its operation was not limited in Ohio but in
twenty five countries and employed over 20,000 people worldwide. In the early
1990s, Timken intended to take the U.S model to Europe with some customization
for the local market and focused on case carburized tapered roller bearings. In early
1997, Timken reviewed its strategy with specific aim for ... Show more content on ...
With this acquisition, Timken could break into and dominate the European market
and use it as the leverage to be the leader in bearing industry.
However, the investment was not without risks. There are four types of risks in
international business called cross culture risk, country risk, currency risk and
commercial risk. Cross cultural risk refers to a situation or event where a cultural
miscommunication puts some human value at stake. Country risk describes the
potentially adverse effects on company operations and profitability holes by
developments in the political, legal, and economic environment in a foreign
country. Currency risk is the risk of adverse unexpected fluctuations in exchange
rates. Commercial risk refers to potential loss or failure from poorly developed or
executed business strategies, tactics, or procedures (Boter Wincent, 2010).
Investment in Rulmenti Grei, Timken might face the salient risks of political and
economic instability. Romania s economic growth was slower, inflation was higher,
and the labor force was more volatile. Furthermore, there might be a risk of re
nationalization. It is said that economic risk analysis tells corporate leaders the
ability of a particular country to pay its debt while political risk analysis tells them
whether that country will pay its debt. Political risk measures the stability of
individual countries through the
Audi A6 2012 Marketing Plan
Audi is launching the new A6 in the United States in late 2012. This marketing plan
is designed to create awareness and impact around the A6 launch also to increase the
market share by selling new cars. With this campaign, Audi will focus on affecting the
target audience, driving quality user generated content, leveraging social media
platforms and having a high impact launch that will generate buzz around Audi Envy
The creative and media strategy is designed to position A6 as the most modern,
innovative and luxury product in the marketplace. Media budget part will provide A6
dominance especially in Q3 around product launch.
Audi is a manufacturer of exquisite cars: attractive, ... Show more content on ...
Vide can be watched at: urban future
/component/artikel/category/konzept and more information can be found at http:/
/ urban future
Weaknesses Strengths:
Strength: Although Audi does have strong competitors in the luxury auto space, they
have high brand recognition in the U.S. People perceive Audi as an innovative and
high tech company which is a very strong strength against competition.
Strength: Audi automobiles are extremely strong from a design and technology
standpoint. The cars are tested in various conditions and environments, and provide
luxury and a great driving fun to users.
Audi A6 has still big dimensions for midsize.194 inches long auto is an inch longer
than 5 series and 2 inch longer than Mercedes E Class which is a strong advantage.
The extensive use of aluminum has helped to reduce the weight of the car. Now A6
is lighter than 5 series (3,836 pounds, versus 3,880 pounds) and only small difference
left with
Strength: One of Audi s strengths is the top quality. Quality as has been documented
time and time again by surveys, competitions and analyses. Quality starts with the
selection of materials, surfaces and continues with the technology that Audi brings to
the table.
Strength: Pricing is one of the biggest strengths for Audi. Even though there is a small
Relationship Between Equity And The Common Law
Equity has been described as a mysterious creature that lies distinctly alongside the
common law. In considering the statement, there is an almost linear reversal in which
the remedies in equity procure a type of right not necessarily available in the
common law. This peculiar jurisdiction has created consistent controversy especially
in regards to the fusion of the common lawand equity. To understand further, this
essay will consider the relationship between equity and the common law. The
development of equity alongside the common law through its history and intention,
and application in case law will be imperative in the discussion of the statement. In
conjunction with an analysis of fusion, it will become apparent that equitable
damages were enlivened, separate to, in unfair circumstances where no rights
/damages existed within the common law. In trying to tread the murky waters of the
distinction yet the procedural fusion of equity and common law, the contention of
this essay becomes apparent. Effectively, this essay aims to highlight that the history,
intention, application and fusion fallacies regarding equity, all which point to an
assertion that rights in equity are indeed the product of its remedies. Whether they
are merely two streams of jurisdiction, though they run in the same channel, run side
by side and do not mingle their waters , is yet to be seen.
A brief history: Rise and development of Equity Remedies to Rights
A basic understanding for the rise
Essay on Adaptive leadership
Adaptive leadership is becoming widespread in the United States Army amongst
junior officers in leadership positions that require quick thinking and innovation.
Leonard Wong discusses how the versatile and unpredictable enemy and situations in
Iraq produces adaptable junior officers. These officers are learning to make decisions
under chaotic conditions and are becoming more mentally agile. The Army is
changing. The Army is transforming its capabilities in the war in Iraqto be effective
and successful. General Schoomaker states that we will not accomplish our goals as
a nation in the 21st century unless our Army becomes much more agile but with the
capacity for long term, sustained level of conflict. The Army is in the process of...
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Another aspect that Leonard Wong touched on was that because our country is in war
this is the reason why so much adaptive leadership is being produced. The war in
Iraq is very complex and therefore requires leaders to step out of the box and make
decisions on the fly. While in garrison leaders are in a sense hindered due to
complex issues such as personnel, logistics, or training exercises. All these things
are very necessary and help prepare the U.S. Army for situations they find
themselves in over in Iraq. However, just like basketball or any other sport some
might say practice makes perfect but it is argued that true experience comes during
game time. When situations are not simulated and it requires you to think on the fly
and adjust to any imperfections you might find in your team. This is the same case
for post war Iraq. We are putting leaders in leadership positions and developing the
skills they have been taught and trained on constantly day after day in garrison.
The concept that is stressed in the Army from day to day is Attention to detail. The
margin for error is so small that, one second too soon or one second too late, could
cost someone their life. All leaders in the Army have this imprinted in their minds
and hearts. They are required to carry out various tasks from day to day, some of
which they are not sufficiently trained on, but they make due with what they
The Symposium By Plato Analysis
In Plato s, The Symposium, there are a multitude of things that get discussed
amongst the group of men, one of those theories being the idea of beauty. To truly
understand what Plato thinks about beauty, you have to understand his idea of
forms, and the Form of Beauty. He describes this as an everlasting loveliness which
never comes nor goes, which neither flowers nor fades . The essence to
understanding this form, is that we can realize all beautiful things share the Form
of Beauty. But only in their involvement with this form that they become beautiful.
It is an unchanging, absolute, and immortal form that cannot admit to anything
less. The form itself is not ugly or offensive, or it would cease to exist in the form .
This idea is brought forth in The Symposium when Socrates is talking about his
encounter with Diotima and her story of the Ladder of Love . This story gives us
an understanding of how we should love and what it means to be truly beautiful.
Diotima shares with Socrates the process by which one can aquire these final
visions , and then they are explained to us. One begins as a young person by being
attracted to beautiful bodies, and to one beautiful body in particular. This produces
beautiful discourses with this body. Which does not necessarily mean sexual acts. A
person could be attracted to another just because their physical body is beautiful. The
next stage is to... Show more content on ...
This beauty always exists, not coming into being or ceasing to be, nor increasing nor
diminishing. It is absolute beauty, not being beautiful only in some respects or at
some times it is as Plato calls the one . Beauty will not appear in certain bodies or in
certain forms of knowledge or anywhere in particular: it will appear in itself and by
itself, independent of everything else. All beautiful things share in its character, but
these things in no way affect Beauty
Compare And Contrast The Greek Revolution And
lawlessness with Janissaries literally getting away with murder. The first national
awakening of the Balkan people began with, the national revolt in 1804 by Serbia,
started mainly by middle class merchants. The Serbian revolution began with the
breakdown of the Ottoman system, Janissaries were beginning to fight back against
the system they began to defy the pasha. This led to lawlessness and the arming of
Serb peasants. The revolution nonetheless was more of an uprising than a revolution,
its intent was to return to the old and more far system than the new one. Nevertheless
the revolution continued on for more years, Karageorge Petrovich wealthy hog dealer
took over the Serbian Revolution, and in 1806 he defeated three Turkish armies...
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Wallachia undoubtedly is better organized than Moldavia is, Wallachia already has
established freedom of the press, speech, and assembly, they also have already
forced a Hospodar (ruling prince) whom is elected. A new government advocates
nonetheless for the unification of all the Romanian lands; this leads to an
intervention by the great powers. The great powers are divided on what to do,
Russia first called for destruction, while Britain and France were not really interested.
Britain and France became interested when the sultan decided to invade, the
government collapsed, and many people left to Paris to join forces against Louis
Napoleon. Napoleon III urged unification of Romanian lands, while Austria and
Turkey opposed unification of the lands. Nevertheless Russia switches sides, and
begins to say they support unification of Romania. This leads to mistrust with Britain
as they don t want to unify Romanian lands and instead want to strengthen Turkey,
because they believe that Russia is only saying this to exploit Romania and take its
lands. Nonetheless all the differences come together at the Treaty of Paris
Shylock s Characteristics Of Merchantlock In The
Antonio was a typical narrow minded christian when it came to religion; however,
he was so true and passionate about his friends he was willing to risk his life to
help his friend in need. Antonio, a christian, strongly abhors and is very abrasive
towards Shylock, a jew: You call me misbeliever, cutthroat dog, And set upon my
Jewish gaberdine,... You, that did void your rheum upon my beard, And foot me as
you spurn a stranger cur (1.3.121 128). Within this quote Shylockis talking to Antonio
and telling him after he has called him a dirty dog, spit on his beard and Jewish
clothes, and kicked him he wants to ask to loan money from him. This shows that
Antonio is very narrow minded because the main reason he mistreats Shylock is
because he is a Jew. In addition, this shows that he is very abrasive when it comes
to Shylock because he has done so many terrible things to him over a period of
time and hasn t felt sorry or bad once for what he has done and how he as treated
him. In addition, although, Antonio is very narrow minded when it comes to
religion he is willing to risk his life to help a friend in need. Bassanio, one of
Antonio s friends had asked Shylock to put a loan under his name to wow his
dream girl, and Antonio ends up sealing a bond risking his life for Bassanio:
Expressed in the condition, let the forfeit Be nominated for an equal pound Of your
fair flesh, to be cut off and taken In what part of your body pleaseth me.... (1.3.160
163). Within this quote Shylock
Essay On Pickleball
If former Washington congressman Joel Pritchard had a dog with a more
conventional name, millions of people across the country would be playing a game
with a different name. Pritchard, who founded pickleball with friend and
businessman Bill Bell in 1965 in Washington, owned a dog named Pickles when he
and Bell invented the game. According to one theory about the unique name of the
sport, Pickles loved to chase the Wiffle ball his owners used when playing,
resulting in its moniker. Over the years pickleball has grown, with contingents of
players springing up across the country. In Edwardsville, Julie Biggs, of Highland,
learned about it from her mother in Florida. I started playing pickleball about six
years ago, Biggs said. I was introduced to it in Florida.... Show more content on ...
It can be a very social game also because there s a lot of retirees who play it. That s
where it started, and it caught on and it can be super competitive. So I love that
aspect. And I love that it s a great workout.
When they returned to the area, they connected with a small group of people who
shared their passion. In the years since, they have seen the sport become an
increasingly popular recreational option for locals.
Pickleball is played with a paddle and a perforated ball that s very similar to a Wiffle
ball, both of which can be purchased at sporting goods stores and some superstores
like Target. It s played on a court about a quarter of the size of a tenniscourt, and
follows similar rules as that sport.
It s not merely a smaller version of tennis, however, as certain rules make it stand
out, such as players are not allowed to approach the net an area called the kitchen
unless the ball drops there first. Another important rule is the first player or team
many people play doubles reaches 11 points. They must win by two.
Games can last a half hour with skilled players, but they can also take five to ten
minutes, according to
Reflection Of Retreat
Howdy friends, I just came back from a fantastic retreat with my young adult
friends from Times Square Church. To say this retreat was great will be an
understatement! It s amazing how God can alter one s plan for His purpose. My
intention was just to go there and take a break from a hectic week from school and
troubles of NYC. Didn t know that Godhad other plans for me. While on the bus to
the venue of the retreat, I had a quiet moment with the Lord. My desire later changed
from actually wanting to just have fun, to wanting a divine connection with the Lord.
This retreat wouldn t be the first I would be attending, but I wanted this to be
different from the other ones.
The theme of our retreat was IDENTITY, and it was what drew me to wantto attend.
Knowing who you are in Christ as I learned at the retreat, is important because so
often, we let the world define us, instead of what God defines us. I AM A GIANT
KILLER AND NOT A GRASSHOPPER! It is my prayerfor this generation that we
come to know who we are in Christ, especially now that we are living in the last days.
During the preacher s sermon, he said something that had me thinking. He said, until
we define our relationship with God, we will always have problems with our
friendships and relationships with others. I won t dwell on this, but you should think
about that statement.
Still not content, I asked God to give me a word when I went to bed that night. I was
expecting to get a revelation or something in the
Comparing the Attitudes Towards Love and Relationships
Comparing the Attitudes Towards Love and Relationships in The Beggar Woman by
William King and To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell
In this essay I will be comparing two poems, The Beggar Woman and To His Coy
Mistress. I will be looking at how the themes of love and relationships are dealt with.
I will also be looking at the historical context of the poems.
Firstly in The Beggar Woman, written around 1663 to 1712, by William King. The
story within the poem is about a gentleman who, whilst he is out hunting, wants to
do another kind of sport , i.e. looking for a woman to have sex with. He found a
woman who was a beggar. He asked her if she wanted to have sex in the woods, and,
to his delight, she ... Show more content on ...
A gentleman in hunting rode astray,
More out of choice than that he lost his way:
He let his company the hare pursue,
For he himself had other game in view:
This quote shows that he was chasing a woman and that he is not looking for
anything more than sex. He just wants a bit of fun like any sport would give him.
When reading the poems they create images of what is happening are created. In
The Beggar Woman, William King does not use any similes or metaphors. I think
this is because he needs to keep things simple for his audience. When he wrote it,
he relied on his descriptive words to create a mental picture for the reader. For
example, mounts the infant with a gentle toss upon her generous friend, and like a
cross, the sheet she with a dextrous motion winds and her cheeks were fresh and
linen clean. When reading this line, you can imagine her cheeks; they are smooth,
rosy, red, beaming cheeks. Both these quotes make you see an image created by his
cleverly written words.
In To His Coy Mistress, Andrew Marvelldoes use metaphors and similes because he
thinks the audience expects them as they are upper class. Some examples of the
imagery created by metaphors and similes are vegetable love, which is a metaphor;
times winged chariot and his slow chapped power , which are personification; like
morning dew and like
Toilet Learning
When you are teaching Special Needs Kids to use the toilet, parents basically
undressed them and sat them in a potty stool for extended periods until they
eliminated. Then often called toilet training, past practices and past terms have been
updated. Research has shown that seeing the kid as an active player makes the
toileting technique more enjoyable. Therefore, a more appropriate name for the
technique is toiletmastery or toilet learning. Toilet learning is a developmental
technique in which a kid learns to make use of the toilet appropriately. As in lots of
areas of kid development, kids must reach a positive age or be in the proper setting
or situation before they are prepared to learn. Kids are prepared to learn when they
are healthy, well nourished, and not pressured to accomplish at a level above their
capability. Toilet learning usually is initiated in early childhood, which in itself can
be a challenging period. At this time, kids are becoming independent and parents are
trying to balance helping the kid with allowing independence. With encouragement,
kids can give parents clues about their toilet readiness.... Show more content on ...
Accidental embarrassment combined with parental disapproval increases the kid s
sense of disgrace and slows the natural sense of independence. Punishing kids for
toileting accidents can turn in to an unhealthy and intense struggle. Praising success
will be more accepted by kids than shaming them for accidents.Each kid will have his
or her own schedule.Children start toilet learning first in the daytime then progress to
nighttime learning.when parents think through the technique and give the kid
strategies and reinforcement to start work on this special growing
Network Topologies And The Network
Introduction Network Topology is how computers, printers, and other devices are
connected over a network ( Guide to Network Topology , 2015 ). The word
topology means shape and the term network topology refers to the shape of a
network ( Guide to Network Topology , 2015). Network topologies refer not only
to the physical layout of the devices connected but how the devices communicate to
each other ( Tomsho, Tiffel Johnson, 2004, pg 48 ). There are several different
topologies and the choice of a topology is determined by how the network works.
The network cabling system carries all the data from one point to another and the
design is determined by how the network should function, the reliability and how
accessible the network should... Show more content on ...
It is used from one end of the network to the other with different network devices
called nodes. Bus topologies are commonly used on LAN networks because they
are inexpensive and easily install. In today s business society, bus topologies are
not commonly used and in the past years 10Base2 Ethernet, Thin Ethernet and
10Base5 are examples of LAN technology that uses bus topology. The structure of
bus topologies is where nodes are connected to a central cable called a bus where
messages are sent by a nodes and travels along the bus through all other nodes (
Guide to Networking, 2015 ). Bus topology networks use coaxial cables and at the
end of each network segment there is a terminator ( Hallberg,2014, pg 39 ), The
terminator is important for a bus topology to function properly, without a
terminator the data will bounce from end to end causing a signal bounce ( Guide
to Networking, 2015 ). Bus topologies are not commonly used today but were
easily installed and used less cable than other topologies. Bus topologies work best
with least number of devices. Bus topology does not handle heavy traffic well,
therefore; if more than dozen computers are added you will mostly see performance
issues. Although bus topologies are has the advantage of being the least expensive
and user friendly, they do have their drawbacks. Some disadvantages of bus
topologies are the network is easily to be disruptive. To add or remove a computer
the network has to be completed shut
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Hamlet Character Essay.pdf

  • 1. Hamlet Character Essay Writing an essay on the character of Hamlet can be a daunting task, to say the least. One of the primary challenges lies in the sheer complexity of Hamlet himself. He is a character with layers upon layers of depth, motivations, and contradictions. Unraveling his psyche and analyzing his actions requires a deep understanding not only of the play itself but also of the historical, cultural, and philosophical contexts in which it was written. Moreover, Hamlet is not a static character; he evolves throughout the play, constantly grappling with his own identity, morality, and purpose. Capturing this evolution in a coherent and insightful manner requires careful attention to detail and a nuanced interpretation of his words and actions. Additionally, Hamlet is surrounded by a cast of equally intricate characters, each contributing to the overall tapestry of themes and motifs within the play. Analyzing Hamlet in isolation would be incomplete without considering his relationships with other characters such as Claudius, Gertrude, Ophelia, and Polonius. Furthermore, the sheer volume of existing scholarship on Hamlet can be overwhelming. Navigating through centuries of critical interpretations, theories, and analyses requires not only extensive research but also the ability to synthesize and evaluate disparate perspectives. Finally, crafting an original and compelling argument about Hamlet requires more than just regurgitating existing ideas. It demands creativity, critical thinking, and a willingness to engage with the text in new and thought-provoking ways. In conclusion, writing an essay on the character of Hamlet is a formidable task that demands a deep understanding of the play, its historical context, and its critical reception. It requires grappling with the complexity of the character himself, as well as the multitude of interpretations that have been offered over the centuries. However, with diligence, insight, and perseverance, it is a task that can yield rich rewards in terms of intellectual growth and literary appreciation. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Hamlet Character Essay Hamlet Character Essay
  • 2. El Papel de La Iglesia Catolica EL PAPEL DE LA IGLESIA CATГ“LICA EN LOS PROCESOS POR LA PAZ EN COLOMBIA Colombia se ha debatido en los Гєltimos 30 aГ±os entre la guerra y la paz, oscilando entre el Г©nfasis a polГticas represivas para hacer frente al conflicto armado con la insurgencia y la promociГіn de procesos de paz encaminados a encontrar una soluciГіn negociada. No obstante las polГticas de seguridad y paz de los distintos gobiernos, sГіlo se han logrado acuerdos parciales de paz con algunos grupos guerrilleros, pero en cambio el conflicto se ha escalado a niveles de intensidad significativos. En ese contexto se ha generado una importante y masiva movilizaciГіn por la paz, una de las mГЎs grandes a nivel mundial, ciertamente la mayor movilizaciГіn en un paГs con un ... Show more content on ... las acciones mГЎs promovidas por la Iglesia son, por una parte, las marchas y concentraciones y, por otra, los encuentros, foros y seminarios. Es decir, acciones demostrativas en contra de la violencia y demandando la paz y acciones que buscan generar una conciencia favorable a la construcciГіn de la paz y la reconciliaciГіn. Ya hemos mencionado como ejemplos significativos del primer tipo de acciones el VГa Crucis Nacional por la vida, la justicia y la paz, multitud de marchas en defensa de la vida, jornadas de rechazo a la violencia ejercida por los distintos los actores armados. Para el segundo tipo de acciones, encontramos los encuentros y foros por la paz y la vida, los encuentros de experiencias de paz, foros y seminarios para discutir opciones de paz en regiones especГficas, y la participaciГіn en los espacios amplios de concertaciГіn y debate, como la Asamblea de la Sociedad Civil por la Paz. La Iglesia ha aportado a configurar una infraestructura organizativa por la paz La Iglesia no se ha limitado a la promociГіn de acciones colectivas por la paz, es decir, de eventos mГЎs de carГЎcter puntual. AdemГЎs, muchas de las iniciativas de paz promovidas por la Iglesia han sido desarrolladas de una manera silenciosa , como procesos educativos y organizativos, que dados su perseverancia y cobertura geogrГЎfica, han hecho una contribuciГіn importante la movilizaciГіn masiva por la paz,
  • 3. The Characteristics And Differences Of Sparta And Athens In the world of the ancient Greeks, there were hundreds of states that composed the Peloponnesian group that formed Greece. Among these states, there were two that stood more prominent and dominant than all of the others: Sparta and Athens. These two titans of the Archaic periods left lasting marks on history that still reverberate even to this day. In many ways, they were very similar to each other, and in others, they could not be more contrasting. Sparta was somewhat unique, in that they were ruled by two kings, and had political groups that voted on policies. They had three major assemblies, an elder council known as the Gerousia, a group of five magistrates known as the Ephors and a council of all Spartan men, called simply ... Show more content on ... Athens, unlike it s contemporary Sparta, was a Democracy. However, many of the people did not qualify to vote or have political rights. Only adult male citizens of proven Athenian lineage who had complete their military preparation were allowed the right to vote in Athens. Even were a Athenian to pass this restriction, there were other requirements to meet the criteria for political service. There were both aristocrats and commoners polities, but the amount of power they wielded was determined by wealth. They were broken down into amounts of grain one could provide as a measure of their wealth. The minority were the three top ranks, the 500 bushel men comprised of aristocrats, the 300 bushel men encompassing men who could provide horses to the army and the middle class 200 bushel men who could afford to equip themselves with armor and weaponry. These men, as was aforementioned, were only a small margin. The rest of the citizenry, at the bottom, were composed of the 199 bushels or less. These free men could vote in the assembly, but couldn t run for any of the major or minor political offices. The actual positions in Athinian government were broken down several forms of positions from a public assembly to a
  • 4. Analysis Of The Passage Of Proverbs EXEGETICAL ANALYSIS OF THE PASSAGE OF PROVERBS 3 Exegetical Summary: Literary Context: Proverbs 3:1 12, Wisdom is the most valuable thing you will process so hold on to it tightly. 3: 1 4 when you are taught good doctrine it leads to wisdom by having reliable teachers 3:5 6 To Rest in God because you trust in His leading. 3:7 10 God will reward you for being obedient to His instructions. 3:11 12 God will correct you when you do wrong, but the wisdom is in knowing this. Historical Context: Author = King Solomon wrote most of the proverbs and was thought to have written chapter 1 10 along with others. There were others authors who wrote different proverbs chapters also. Date = Some commentaries said around the 10th century, but some... Show more content on ... The Kingdoms of Israel stretch as far north of the Euphrates, to south west of Egypt s border. The cities were known for the cooper mines. Solomon made store cities and cities just to hold his chariots and for his army. Cultural Context: Political = International politics with foreign countries Religion = Jewish (Monotheistic) but Solomon was close to be Apostasy Economics = Natural resources, mines, stone quarries, roads built for world trade and seaports for foreign trade such as gold, silver, ivory, apes and peacocks, having home markets and domestic products overseas making Israel a very wealthy and prosperous Kingdom. The people learn Arts, science and music. Observation Context: 1. Observing that in verse 4 Solomon calls God by the name God, But in verses 5, 7, 9, 11, 12 Solomon call Him Yahweh (Lord). 2. There were commands and rewards in this passage, when God gave a command in a verse he followed it up with a reward. There was a command in verse 1, 3, 5 6a, 7, 9, 11 and there were rewards in verses 2.4, 6b, 8, 10, 12. 3. True Wisdom which was divinely from God, commentaries say that Solomon understood when the animals and birds spoke. Solomon could discern truth in a person just by looking at their face. Solomon is talking to his son giving him instructions for the things that he will encounter in life. Solomon also tells his son not to forget them because he will need them to make it.
  • 5. How Did The Decline Of Portugal From 1580 to 1640, the throne of Portugal was held by the Habsburg kings of Spain. This period marked a phase of decline for the Portuguese Empire. Spain s enemies, such as the Netherlands and England, coveted their overseas wealth, and in many cases found it easier to attack poorly defended Portuguese outposts than Spanish ones; Spainalso pursued a policy of neglect of the Portuguese colonies it now controlled. Although Dutch colonies in Brazil were wiped out, over the 17th century the Dutch were able to occupy Ceylon, the Cape of Good Hope, and the East Indies, and to take over the trade with Japan at Nagasaki. Portugals Pacific territories were reduced to the bases at Macao and East Timor. In 1661 the Portuguese gave Bombay to England
  • 6. From the first time I watched this show in Vince McMahon... From the first time I watched this show in Vince McMahon claims that as he was about to announce Welcome to WrestleMania III, he felt the spirit of his father Vincent J. McMahon, who had died three years earlier. After he made that announcement he introduced Aretha Franklin, who opened the show singing a rendition of America the Beautiful. [24] The first match of the night was The Can Am Connection versus Bob Orton and The Magnificent Muraco (with Mr. Fuji). This match ended when Rick Martel gave Don Muraco a high cross body with Zenk on his hands and knees giving Muraco what Gorilla Monsoon called A little schoolboy trip from behind allowing Martel to get the win for his team.[1][25] The next match that aired was Hercules (with... Show more content on ... Following this Race recovered enough to give the Junkyard Dog a belly to belly suplex when he was distracted by Bobby Heenan to get the win. Due to the stipulation, he did a little bow (as he is supposed to, due to the pre match stipulation) and then hit Harley Race with a steel chair. After attacking Race, Junkyard Dog took the King s royal robe and left the ring with it in hand to a standing ovation.[1][25] The next match that aired was The Dream Team (with Luscious Johnny V and Canadian strong man Dino Bravo) against The Fabulous Rougeaus. Raymond Rougeau started off the match by locking up with Brutus Beefcake. The two men later tagged out, and Greg Valentine brawled with Jacques Rougeau as Bravo looked on from the outside of the ring. Raymond performed a sleeper hold on Valentine and was followed by Beefcake jumping off the ropes and accidentally hitting the Hammer with a double axe handle. The Rougeau Brothers gave Valentine a double team move, but the referee was arguing with Beefcake. The match ended when Dino Bravo jumped off the top rope and hit Raymond while he was pinning Valentine, then rolling Valentine on top of him for the win.[26] The Dream Team argued for most of the match, which led to Greg Valentine and Dino Bravo departing
  • 7. The Stone Circles And The United Kingdom Stone circles are found all around the United Kingdom. These structures vary in size and meaning, but are usually regarded as being sacred. Many theories have been crafted over time concerning stone circles, however, their true known origins and uses are vague and open for interpretation, which makes them a complex topic to discuss and research. By looking at stone circles throughout the United Kingdom and examining the ways in which they connect to folktales, cultural practices, and current ideas, we are able to draw information regarding their importance and expand our understanding of a significant part of Britain and Ireland s ancient material culture. Stone circles are found all over the world, but the most notable are found in Europe. The earliest known stone circles were found in the United Kingdom during the Neolithic period and have been speculated upon for many years. Archaeological evidence indicates that stone circles had several applications such as religious ceremonies, agricultural practices, and solar and lunar observatories. While researching this topic, I came across a large amount of information regarding Stonehenge and other well known stone circles, however, as I continued researching, I began to examine lesser known stone circle formations and was able to trace more connections to British and Irish folklore. The more obscure stone circles of Marchrie Moore and the OrkneyIslands, that I took a particular interest in echo the importance of
  • 8. California Wildfire Although naturally encompasses such as season, weather, lightning, and etcetera may cause wildfires in our environment. However, National Park Service points out humans cause 90 percent of Wildland fires in the United States as a result from campfires left unattended, the burning of debris, negligently discarded cigarettes and intentional acts of arson (NPS). In this study, we will analyze the pattern, causes and find possible solutions for wildfire activities in the California. Foremost, it will begin with topic research of reliable sources such as the library, government websites, and the scholarly search engine. It s not because of the experts reputation alone, but it s for the study s accuracy, credibility, to eliminate probable bias... Show more content on ... As well as the climate is one of the reasons too; it dries up the plants. Likely, the intense heat from the sun or a lightning strike combusts fire with sawdust, dried leaves, and trees branches. What s more, it isn t the only findings support the analysis, the U.S. Wildfire Activity Public Information Map shows the fires are around the forests, mountains, creeks, side of highways, they located in the dry summer and highland zones. At this point, we could somewhat determine that climate and geographical location have a strong connection with all the wildfire
  • 9. Essay on Video Game Violence and Its Effects on Children Video Game Violence and Its Effects on Children As we enter the 21st Century, video games are becoming more popular each and everyday. People of all ages can and do enjoy video games as a way to spend there free time. These games allow the player to live in the game whether it s about sports or a role playing game. The problem with the video games in the market is that they are becoming too violent in some people s minds. Also, many of these violent video games are being advertised and directed to America s children. This is my question for America; can video games influence violence and aggression in children? In this paper, I will include American s view on this issue, what tests have shown and what the video game industry has to say ... Show more content on ... Video games can also lower the violence in the world since people can perform violence virtually in games instead in real life. But still, even though players aren t actually killing, they are still possibly involved emotionally in the idea of killing. This occurs when players play first person shooter games. These types of games allow the player to experience everything that the killer goes through. Players feel emotions like anger, nervousness, power and pride while killing its opponent or being killed. So video games can be seen as a safe way for players to release rage and emotions. However, Columbine did happen and in a way it took images from a computer game to the real life. Video games have been around since 1974 when Pong, the first video game by Atari, was released in the United States. Since then video games have grown into a huge industry for all ages. The biggest group of customers for the industry is young males. Boys aged 8 18 spend an average of 40 minutes a day playing video games. Girls on the other hand are increasing their game playing but only play (Smith 2). According to Cassel and Jenkins, editors of From Barbie to Mortal Kombat, found out that approximately 80 percent of game playing among nine to fifteen year olds was done by boys in 1990. The reason that for this percentage is due to the type of video games that are out in the market today. Violence is the key component to most video games that boys are
  • 10. My Career As A Registered Nurse My short term goals include passing my state boards upon graduation and then finding a fulfilling job as a Registered Nurse (RN) at a major local hospital. Currently, I work at Summa Akron City Hospital and it would be seamless for me if I could obtain a job there as a nurse in one of their intensive care units. After a few years of practice, I plan to get my certification in Critical Care Nursing. Beyond that, my long term goals for the future are to attend graduate school at University of Akron and receive my Doctorate of Nursing Practice degree in critical care nursing. I would like to work in an intensive care unit during graduate school to better my nursing skills and work toward paying off loans before returning to school. I would love to continue to work at Summa Akron City Hospital where I currently work as Nursing Student Technician. I love the broad scope of the patient population and complex specialized care and treatment services. My clients are varied; this is another attractive quality of the urban populations that large hospitals attract. My favorite areas to work within the hospital are the intensive care units. However, I am humbled by all that I learn when I work on any unit throughout the hospital. At a level 1 trauma hospital like Summa Akron City, I am able to see a great variety of patients. I get to see nurses doing diversely different work on the different units I float to. One universally common thing I always note is the nurses working
  • 11. Death And Death In Margaret Donne s Post-Modern Poetical... Donne s 17th century neo classical metaphysical poetry is based around his own personal experiences and the historic context. While Margaret Edson s 20th century metatheatrical post modern play Wit has exploited Donne s strong religious ideas and metaphysical conceits, it has deciphered it towards a more secular context and audience. Despite contextual differences, the two composers, through in textual reading, shares and explores the common values and ideas including the value of relationships and the concept of death. Wit explores the post modern nihilists perspectives of death then offers comparisons and contrasts of approaching morality. The title itself W;t being a metaphysical paradox, alludes further connection towards the structure of Donne s work both visually and verbally, the semi colon is significant as it is a symbolic play on death and suggests the moment between life and death. The punctuation acts as a visual sign of insuperable barriers separating life death and eternal life . Further use of the extended metaphor of the semi colon is shown in the deliberate intertextual allusion made by Bearing of And Death Capital D shall be no more semicolon . The deviation surrounding the use of , or ; contrasts to illustrate shifting perceptions of death between the 17th to the 20th century with semicolon representing ultimatum while the coma representing continuation. Through the linguistic metaphor of Death is nothing but a breath a comma emphasises
  • 12. Hamlet t With underlying themes of revenge, incest, and suicide, William Shakespeare s Hamlet was remembered by many Elizabethan Era viewers as both a philosophical and oft debated masterpiece (Dickson). These controversial themes attracted viewers everywhere, enticing them to see the play. One scene in particular from the original text of the play where this proves true is act IV, scene iv, lines 31 65, in which the titular character Hamletdecides that the time for revenge is at hand in an insightful soliloquy. The audiencewould have been attracted to the scene because they would receive a moral insight into Hamlet s mind, revealing his true thoughts. It also would have expanded on the theme of revenge, and how this theme would affect the... Show more content on ... Within his thoughts, Hamlet also provides the audience with meaningful questions, whose answers affect both the viewers and his own life. One of these questions occurs when Hamlet asks himself: How stand I then, That have a father killed, a mother stained, Excitement of my reason and my blood, And let all sleep. (IV, iv, 55 58) Although the question is rhetorical, the audience still feels a need to answer. They feel connected to both the play and Hamlet s character, and feel obligated to help out the character in his time of need. Spectators are able to see the turmoil and confusion occurring in the young man s mind and heart, and can easily relate the pain to similar aspects of their own lives. Therefore, the use of a soliloquy by Shakespeare connects the audience to the play by allowing them to see deeper into Hamlet s conscience. Another way Hamlet s soliloquy targets the audience is through his in depth examination of the theme of revenge. The speech not only informs the audience of Hamlet s desire for revenge, but also how this theme will affect the concluding scenes of the play. As the prince s speech comes to an end, he decides that, Oh, from this time forth,/ My thoughts be bloody, or be worth nothing! (IV. iv. 64 65). It appears his decision is certain; his revenge is imminent. However, Hamlet has questioned his own intentions
  • 13. Movie Going Essay 1946 was the peak of theater going as a pastime in America. 90 million people a week were going to the movies creating a box office revenue of $1.7 billion dollars. The invention of television and the Paramount case in 1948 delivered crucial blows to the industry. By 1957, attendance was down to 40 million viewers per week. Televisions had become common household appliances and people were watching a lot of it. In 1960, the average household spent 5 hours a day watching television. The filmindustry had to adapt and find ways to win back their once loyal fan base. The studios tried multiple strategies to in an attempt to drive people back to the theaters. The idea was to leverage what cinema had that television did not. Mainly, that was big screens and color. Movie going was an experience and that experience needed improving. Many theaters improved their sound systems and leveraged technologies like CinemaScope and VistaVision to make the screen look even bigger and provide a more immersive theatrical experience. Unfortunately, this strategy fell short of making an impact and box office revenue continued to stay very low. The studios began to realize that instead of viewing television as a direct competitor, maybe there were ways to form a multi beneficial relationship. The first step toward a more modern ... Show more content on ... The New York State Board of Regents found the film to be blasphemous, seized the print and banned all screenings. The US Supreme Court overturned the decision and in doing so breeched the topic of First Amendment protection for films. This case reversed a precedent and undermined New York State censorship and other local censorship boards as well. Producers were free to make the films they desired. Even the ban of on screen nudity ended in 1957 with Excelsior Pictures v. Regents of the University of New York
  • 14. Summary Of Language By Angela Carter Language is the most complex form of communication. Throughout time, language has lost some of its meaning, it is no longer all about the conversation. Language has become such a powerful instrument used for building relationships between people and even places. Angela Carter, explains her ideas on the topic. She recognizes languageas something with substance behind it, not just talking for the purpose of vocalizing. The weight you put behind what you say gives it the meaning. Carter proposes that language is the tool that holds all power that gets exerted when speaking. She believes language gives the people everything they need to exist individually and with one another. The history of a language ties in with the culture, the roots of certain words are what make the civilization what it is today. Carter further points out that language influences control and release, the act of domination and liberation. Everything considered, what Carter reveals about language is eye opening. She invites a new perspective on the idea that language is power. Carter leaves this open to interpretation, but we see how language is powerful enough to emotionally hurt people. Using it as an instrument of culture, we are able to open our eyes on the stagnation of progress in making the society we live in today to be as equal it can be. Carter is clear in helping us recognize language is used to both create and destroy but fails to include the various forms of language besides speaking vocally.
  • 15. Differences Between Operating Systems And Software And... CONTENTS Abstract1 Discussion:1 Comparison:2 Modularity and user privileges:2 Automated Functions and interoperability:2 Open Source and Transparency:3 Security through variety:3 Conclusion:4 References4 ABSTRACT The comparison between operating systems is a very broad topic and this has been a long running debate within the computer industry. Microsoft has been a runaway success in the retail realm with large sales throughout the different iterations of Windows. Similarly Linux has a successful run and it is still being considered one of the most prominent open source operating systems and it is being used widely and on a wide range of devices and has penetration in server and embedded systems markets etc. Apple iOS is an... Show more content on ... In fact, in 2014 it is OS X that was found to be riddled with the greatest number of security problems 147 in total, including 64 rated as high severity, and 67 as medium. Also from the Apple stables, iOS did not fare all that much better: 127 vulnerabilities including 32 high and 72 with a medium rating (Wilson, 2015). Linux comes third in the list with 119 vulnerabilities. Windows does surprisingly well with just 36 vulnerabilities. We will briefly discuss the contrasting security models. COMPARISON: The security models of these operating systems can be compared by using the parameters such as modularity, user privileges, transparency, automation, and other features such as security by variety. MODULARITY AND USER PRIVILEGES: Windows based operating systems had to deal with a number of security flaws and vulnerabilities over its lifetime because secure computing was least on their agenda. The security for Windows was designed with reference to the TCSEC orange book and it is a reasonably secure design. Also the most important difference in privileges is the usage of administrative account which has access to the registry and such and any compromise with these credentials and it can affect the entire registry. Linux user accounts do not usually have root access and hence the damage is limited. Also Linux minimizes the attack surface by just having one kernel. Users on Linux have the option of modifying the kernel and OS if needed,
  • 16. Ebola Research Paper Ebola is the better known member of a small family of viruses known as Filoviridae. The other lesser known member is Marburg. The Ebola virus has five known subtypes, four of which are highly pathogenic to humans. The fifth, Ebola Reston Virus was first isolated in a group of primates that had been imported from the Philippines to a research laboratory in Reston, Virginia. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, within weeks, the same virus was isolated during similar outbreaks in labs in Pennsylvania, Texas and Siena, Italy. In each case, the affected animals had been imported from a facility in the Philippines. (CDC, 2008) The four species that are pathogenic to humans are Zaire, Sudan, Tai Forest and Bundibugyo.... Show more content on ... After confirmation of samples tested by the United States National Reference Laboratories and the CDC, the World Health Organization confirmed the presence of a new species. An epidemiological study conducted by WHO and Uganda Ministry of Health scientists determined there were 116 confirmed and probable cases of the new Ebola species, and that the outbreak had a mortality rate of 34% (39 deaths). In 2012, there was an outbreak of Bundibugyo ebolavirus in a northeastern province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo). There were 15 confirmed cases and ten fatalities. (Wamala, 2010) HISTORY Many medical researchers speculate the Plague of Athens, which wiped out about a third of its inhabitants during the Peloponnesian War, may have been caused by Ebola. As noted earlier, the Ebola virus was first isolated in 1976 during an outbreak of the disease along the border of Zaire and Sudan. (CDC, 2014) Of all the outbreaks since 1976 this initial outbreak carried the worst mortality rate, roughly ninety percent of those affected did not survive. (CDC, 2014) Ebola was named after a river in the Yambuku district of Democratic Republic of the Congo, which was then known as Zaire. 2007 to
  • 17. Case Study Cathay Pacific The Project aims to study the Cathay Pacific Airways Limited (CX) in tourism and hospitality industry, and the report will critically analysis their strategy and development through the Cathay Pacific s background information, the company culture, resources, capabilities and competitive advantage, and different strategies. Final, to sum up the company s strategy will give its competitive advantage over the next five years. 2Background of Cathay Pacific 2.1Description of Cathay Pacific According to Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd, Annual Report (2016), Cathay Pacific Airways is a Hong Kong registered and Hong Kong based international carrier that provides regular passenger and cargo services to a total of 181 destinations in 43 countries and territories. ... Show more content on ... The operating capacity of other airlines has increased significantly, with more direct flights between mainland China and international destinations. Coupled with the participation of low cost airlines, the competition in the aviation industry is exacerbated. Overcapacity in the market is a particularly competitive issue for our freight business. 2.2Global coverage and plan expansion In order to be the best airline in the world, Cathay Pacific has flights to many countries in the world, including Africa, the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East. Moreover, the Group is pursuing a business transformation program to make Cathay Pacific a better airline and a more robust business, benefiting customers with better productivity. The expansion plans include expanding the route network, increasing frequency of the most popular routes and adding more fuel efficient aircraft to meet the challenges facing the aviation industry. Such as Cathay Pacific have introduced new services to Tel Aviv, Barcelona and Christchurch in 2017. In addition, Cathay Pacific has increased the frequency of service to London Gatwick, Manchester, Madrid, Paris, Boston, Toronto, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Adelaide, Brisbane and Cairns, which are the most famous city for customers. And also Cathay Pacific took delivery of 11 Airbus A350 900 aircraft and already possesses 17 aircraft of this type. This will enhance the quality of service and help Cathay Pacific to increase its productivity and reduce costs (Cathay Pacific Airways Limited,
  • 18. The Impulse Of An Impulse Purchase Decision An impulse purchase decision can be defined as the result of complex behavioural processes, thoughtful and deliberate consideration of information about the good in question and its alternatives (Bayley Nancarrow, 1998). An impulse purchase is typically associated with reckless decision making as the assumption is that it is a decision made without thinking about the consequences too much. However, this definition by (Bayley Nancarrow, 1998) suggests that the impulse decision is one made using complex behavioural processes which take place within a number of seconds in a consumer s mind. Generally, impulsivity is a personality trait with negative connotations as in most cases impulsive behaviour leads to rushed decisions without the individual realising the effect that their decision may have. It is useful to explore how impulse buying behaviour has risen and become a norm in the modern era with all but a few retailers targeting certain products at the consumer who is vulnerable to act impulsively. In terms of where these goods are usually found, it is usually just before an individual goes to pay for their items in a supermarket and tends to be relatively inexpensive. A study by Deloitte in 2013 revealed some interesting facts about consumer s buying behaviour and habits. It found that consumers were diverting attention away from in store purchases and rather doing their grocery shopping online. The emergence of e commerce has reduced the proportion of instore impulse
  • 19. How Gender Roles ( The Way A Person Acts Based On Their Sex Games are socially constructed entities and often have a certain set of conventional rules. The world is home to billions of people said people make up a society. Societies are broken down in larger social groupings but share similar attributes like geographical location, culture, and economics. From these, groups can be broken down even further to subcultures such as LGBT, deaf, and emo. Individuals absorb knowledge from living in a society that builds a general view of constructivism in a social setting. Taking part in social grouping expands their cognitive development of a person this knowledge becomes the building blocks of the behaviors in which an individual acts upons. Throughout this paper, I will explain how genderroles ( the way a person acts based on their sex), cultural representations (views based on race) and social practices (such as dating and marriage) serve as guidance to the development of an individual s behaviors but do not define a persons identity. Early in history and still today a societal normis this idea of dating; a human mating process where two engage socially for companionship beyond the level of friends. Overtime, dating has slightly changed but the main idea still remain the same each individual is assessing the other s attributes in order to determine if they are suitable as a partner in an intimate relationship which in hopes would form into a marriage. The societal norm is understood that people should aspired to find a partner
  • 20. The Critical Thinking Process Metacognition means thinking about thinking and can be applied in two general ways. It can mean thinking about the way that you learn best. (Capella University, 2017) The other meaning of metacognition is the process of monitoring progress in thinking and learning in order to improve that way that you think. Monitoring how you learn and which strategies work the best for you, makes you the manager of your own learning. By doing this, it will help you be more successful whether it is with your school work, work at your job, and/or anything else that requires thinking. There are multiple examples of ways that people learn the best. Some people recall information better when they read it or see it; this is called visual learning. Others learn... Show more content on ... Critical thinkers are aware of what they are trying to do, while metacognitive thinkers are aware of whether their particular strategies are effective. (Draeger, 2016) Metacognition is what you are thinking about and what ways you can improve your learning by thinking about how you think. Critical thinking is how deep into thought you think about something; it is about expanding your knowledge. Critical think and metacognition, therefore, differ in the object of awareness. Critical thinking involves an awareness of mode of thinking within a domain while metacognition involves an awareness of the efficacy of particular strategies for completing that task. (Draeger,
  • 21. Differences Between Greek Theatre And Theatre Opera and theater share many similarities especially since the former is influenced by the latter. In his text, A Short History of Opera, Donald Grout defines opera as a drama in music: a dramatic action, exhibited on stage with scenery by actors in costume, the words conveyed entirely or for the most part by singing, and the whole sustained and amplified by orchestral music (4). Operaliterally translates to work. The first known opera that was performed was in 1597. However, interestingly enough, the word opera was not used until 1634 (Grout 1). The origins of seventeenth century opera can be traced back to Greek drama and medieval theatre. Throughout the seventeenth century, many different kinds of operas can be found from countries such as Italy, Germany, and England. In order to fully understand opera and its inner workings, it is important to locate and learn the origin of opera. Greek drama is said to be the model on which the creators of modern opera at the end of the sixteenth century based their work on (Grout 11). There are substantial differences between Greek drama and opera. For example, in Greek theater, the cast was made up of only men and young boys (Grout 13). Also, it is important to note that these plays were not sung entirely. Rather, many parts were spoken out loud like the singing was left to the chorus (Grout 12). The chorus s main function was to express opinions or give advice. They also conveyed emotions for the audience to react to (Grout 12).
  • 22. Auditing Chap. 5 5 52 Trend analysis, common size financial statements, and ratios are presented for the Brody Corporation in Figure 5.4. Assume that you are auditing Brody s financial statements for the year ended 12/31/X8. You have performed tests of controls over the recording of gross sales and believe that the system is operating effectively and that 7 percent represents an accurate estimate of the increase in gross sales for 20X8 over the amount for 20X7. You should also assume that the financial statementsfor 20X6 and 20X7 are not misstated. Required a.| | Analyze Figure 5.4 and identify any accounts that appear to represent significant variations from what one might expect. For each of the accounts, identify another account that might ... Show more content on ... John Ross, who had been a manager with a large CPA firm, was quickly hired to replace Wagner. Although the change in Datasave s chief financial officer caused some disruption, the audit was completed on a timely basis. As the last step in the audit process, you have prepared the representation letter for signing. You wanted the letter to be signed by William Cox, the president; Robert Star, the controller; and Wagner, who occasionally came to the company s offices to resolve matters regarding his past compensation. The signatures of Cox and Star were obtained, and you approached Wagner for his signature. In response to your request, Wagner replied, I no longer am employed with this crazy company. Why should I take any responsibility for the financial statements? Despite your attempts to persuade him, Wagner refused to sign the letter. Wagner also refused to discuss the reasons for his resignation, other than to say the reasons were personal. When you discussed the problem of Wagner s refusal to sign with Cox, he indicated that there was no problem because Ross would sign the letter. You see this as a possible solution, but you are aware that Ross knows very little about the financial statements for the year under audit. Also, you are still somewhat concerned about the reasons for Wagner s resignation.Required: a. Describe fully the alternatives that are available to you in this situation.Making
  • 23. Contract Law From Law And Economics Perspective b.Contract Law from Law and Economics Perspective Voluntary exchange is of the utmost importance in being able to transfer resources from less to more valuable uses and to the hands of those that value them the most. This process of exchange does not face many obstacles when the parties to a transaction can perform their obligations in a simultaneous manner. In today s world, most transfers of resources occur through contracts and require agreements as to how, where, and at what price the transfer will occur at some time in the future. This is why protection of contract rights is essential. While voluntary exchange would not necessarily break down entirely without any form of contract law, it would be highly inefficient. In a legal ... Show more content on ... If efficiency is not enforced through contract law it will bias investment toward economic activity that can only be conducted in a short time period. This will reduce efficiency in the market and lead to misallocation of resources. Here is a simple example of how the lack of contract law s existence would affect how parties interacted in the sale of goods and services. Professor Chrisman has advertised that he has a hog (not to be confused with a pig), worth $100 to him, for sale and now has two potential purchasers. Buyer one, Professor Todd, has offered to purchase the hog today from $150 (he is risk adverse and believes that price of pigs is going to increase drastically over the next year). Buyer two, Professor Hesch, has offered to purchase the hog next Saturday at graduation for $200. If Professor Chrisman lives in a system without contract law he will accept Professor Todd s offer of $150 today because he will be worried that Professor Hesch will change his mind before graduation and Professor Todd will have bought another hog. The law s failure to enforce contract law has caused an inefficient misallocation of resources because Professor Chrisman cannot enforce the promise made by Professor Hesch and will not be incentivized to take the risk of selling the hog to him. The single purpose and goal of all contract law is to impose contract liability only where it creates incentives to encourage value maximizing conduct in the future.
  • 24. Benefits Of Vaccines Infections, outbreaks, diseases, viruses all keep a person vulnerable to deadly consequences if not treated correctly. Two sides of the community are established: one fearing for their lives, and the other trying to convince that vaccine medications are safe. Those who cannot be vaccinated rely on those who can be vaccinated, but if people decide to not vaccinate themselves, more and more will continue to suffer and this will cause more outbreaks. Since many people around the world are falling ill due to deadly diseases that their body cannot fight on their own, vaccines should therefore be used to fight against diseases with its many benefits and safety for a better environment. Beneficial to all people young and old, vaccines have ... Show more content on ... The anti vaccine movement has been trying to tell many parents that the shots are overused and teeming with toxins. They cause autism, bipolar disorder, ADHD, allergies and more. They are profit centers for greedy doctors and Big Pharma, and everybody s keeping the dangers quiet. (Kluger 40 43). With a strong passive voice and concerned parents, anything can be believable even if it is just a rumor used to spread lies and prevent adults and children from getting the vaccines they need. In 2007, Maulana Fazlullah, who heads the Pakistani Taliban, went on Pakistani radio and denounced vaccinations as a conspiracy of western nations to render Muslims infertile. (Garrett). The consequences of this lead to deadly outbreaks that killed more people than before vaccines had been denounced. To the anti vaccine movement, the vaccine business has continued to thrive in spite of its disastrous failure, for the mere reason that it nets millions of dollars for the promoters, and that this buys power with governments and propaganda control over the masses who don t know how to think for themselves (Sinclair). By indirectly stating the other health problems of general diseases that are vaccine preventable, helps to force patients to realize that vaccines are not a bad thing at all. Laws ordered by the government has
  • 25. Super Volcanoe Research Paper Caitlyn Remson ESC 1000 July 24, 2015 Earth Science Essay America s Sleeping Giant Yellowstone Super Volcano America s northwest is home to a super volcano that, if erupted, has the potential to wipe out the majority of the United States. Yellowstone National Park is located within Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming and it spans nearly 3,500 sq. miles. A super volcano is interrupted as, Any volcano capable of producing a volcanic eruption with an ejecta volume greater than 1,000 km3 (240 cu mi) (BBC). These types of volcanoes are considerably rare, yet can be enormously devastating. Eruptions from a super volcano are thousands of times larger than normal volcanic eruptions. These types of volcanoes can form when magma in the Earth s mantle
  • 26. Elephant Stereotypes The main topic of both the reading and the lecture is about elephant behaviors. The reading proposes three beliefs about elephants behaviors; the lecture, however, finds these assumptions questionable, citing three reasons to repudiates what is mentioned in the passage. First, the passage claims that elephants have awareness about their death time. It stands to reason that old elephants leave their herds to live lonely along sites near water. In addition, a large number of elderly elephants found in sites around water illustrates this claims. Nevertheless, the lecture rejects this idea, highlighting the fact that when elephants become old, they lose their ability to shew hard materials. For this reason, they leave their herd to seek soft vegetables to eat, and because soft materials are often found near water, they choose sites which are near water to live. That is why a large number of elephant bones have been found in such places. ... Show more content on ... On the other hand, the lecturer refutes this assumption, pointing out that because of the specific structure of elephant s ears, they can be trained to move paintbrush in a specific pattern based on what trainer teach to them. In other words, they do not have any cognizance about what they create through paintbrush on
  • 27. Professional Skepticism and Auditors Workpaper Professional Skepticism and Auditors Workpaper Review Kathy Hurtt University of Wisconsin Martha Eining and David Plumlee University of Utah Draft version March, 2001 February, 2002 Please do not quote without permission of the authors. Comments are welcome. We thank the workshop participants at Arizona State University, University of Utah, University of Wisconsin and Bentley College for their comments on earlier versions of this paper. Professional Skepticism and Auditors Workpaper Review Professional Skepticism and Auditors Workpaper Review Review of subordinates workpapers by more experienced auditors consumes a significant portion of the effort on an ... Show more content on ... Research on SEC Enforcement Actions (1987 1997) by Beasley, Carcello and Hermanson concurred with this assessment, indicating that 60% of the enforcement actions were related to a lack of professional skepticism (AICPA 2000). and that people failure is the most common cause of audit failures (Choo and Tan 1998). In response to the SEC s concern about the quality of financial audits, the Public Oversight Board established a panel that recommends recommended to audit firms that they provide guidance to their audit personnel about the concept of professional skepticism (POB 2000). Thus, understanding the role of professional skepticism in workpaper review may provide important insight into a recognized problem within the audit profession. A critical step in conducting research involving professional skepticism is a means of identifying individuals who can be characterized as skeptical. Recent research by Hurtt (2001) has resulted in a 30 item psychological scale that measures the degree of skepticism possessed by an individual. In addition, a model linking an auditor s degree of skepticism and certain behaviors has been proposed (Hurtt, Eining and Plumlee 2001). The model of skepticism, developed from surveys of professional accountants as well as literatures from
  • 28. Temptation In The Drunkard By Frank O Connor Temptation is a desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise. One s true nature always overpowers the desire to do something that is wise and rightful. This struggle is due to the urge and fight of his or her instinct. Temptation is filled throughout the lives of the human race and Frank O Connor displayed this motivation of temptation in his fable The Drunkard it was a well written short storyby Frank O Connor in 1948. This short story was said to be written to tell and give insight of O Connor s life, as well as the other great works he has written that contain unexpected turns of events, the severe social control on incest and alcoholism. (O Donovan 1771) Frank O Connor was a writer who used personal experiences to... Show more content on ... Larry s curiosity of what alcohol tasted like tempted him to try his father s glass I found if I stood on tiptoe I could just reach fathers glass, and the idea occurred to me that it would be interesting to know what the contents were like. (O Connor 347). So Larry drank the beer from the glass he began to feel different a pleasantly elevated and philosophic. (O Connor 347), introducing him to a new feeling he liked without knowing what this new feeling was he continued to drink and soon realized he was drunk. Then Mick Delaney noticed the boy was different shook him making sure he was okay then applauded him pretty much by saying That s a good boy! (O Connor 348), as if it s okay to be drunk at his age. After thinking about it he gets really scared and stressed out because the thoughts of the mother and actions she may perform. The comes to his senses and snaps out of his drunken high and rushes Larry home scared out of his mind because Mick Delaney did not want anyone to see his boy like that. He could not hide him he was loud and he had to wait for a cart home and a group of people looked at him
  • 29. Roman Ruins Spain Spain is home of the running of bulls,flamenco,dancers,museums and so much more.Spain is not all about the bulls but it can be about the ancient times such as the buildings aqueducts.Spain is a wonderful country to visit in order to see the Roman ruins because the created works,history and the amazing features.Spainhas much to offer such as the what life has been in the ancient time.The Roman ruins are one of the best parts of the country of Spain. First, Spain is a wonderful country to visit in order to see the Roman ruins because of it created works.One of their created works was the the sewer system and aqueducts.Based on article one, They created sewer systems and aqueducts that allowed people in the cities to access fresh water.To elaborate,
  • 30. Gender-Polarized Voting In Detroit In the past decade Detroit municipal government has undergone rapid changes in its institutional functions. The city government once allowed for all nine members to be elected at large but since a 2009 referendum was held with overwhelming approval that amended the city charter, Detroit now requires that just seven of its nine councilors be elected via wards or districts while two of the cities councilors are elected at large. The change that occurred in the city of Detroitwas seen by many as being a way of cleaning the city up after decades of corruption crippling the cities political functions and economic growth, and after the forced removal and resignation of the corrupt mayor and council president, the citizens of Detroit sought to clean... Show more content on ... there are some issues that critics of amending the charter of the City of Detroit do point out. The literature on the representation of women finds precisely the opposite effect for single member districts. While there are some exceptions, the vast majority of the research has concluded that districts are either meaningless (Alozie and Manganero 1993; Bullock and MacManus 1991) or disadvantageous for women candidates. Trounstine and Valdini are quoted as saying . Because women are nearly always between 48% and 52% of a community s population, we cannot expect that they will be aided by districts. Furthermore, there is little evidence of gender polarized voting. A number of studies have found that voters evaluate female candidates drawing on gendered stereotypes and that these stereotypes can affect perceptions about candidates and vote choice. While it can be expected that changing the city charter to elect councilors by district or ward instead of at large may benefit African American and Latino males, there is no clear evidence to support that these changes will benefit white women and women of color any in advancing their ability to hold elected office in Detroit or hold their councilor any more accountable than
  • 31. Gotitright Research Paper The Gotitright family has ruled over the Blue Planet for two hundred eight years and every twenty years since 1908 the Committee of Twelve performs an ancient tradition, in which they compete against each other for the privilege of selecting a writer, to update, The Road to Glory: the History of the Gotitright Family. This primitive custom insured The Committee of Twelve a stress free day. Therefore, they enter into the competition with no apprehension and partake in numerous rounds of rock, paper and scissors, in which the loser wins the honor of selecting a writer from the Committee s Approved List. At noon on the first of January in 2328, the Selection Ceremony commenced. Normally, the Committee members wore the traditional shoulder length pink wig and the... Show more content on ... Mr. Ink, This is your first and last REPERMAND Refrain from writing non fiction until otherwise instructed to do so. The Committee of Twelve recommends you focus on fiction, which you appear to be so good at and write five page novelettes for the mechanical class or would you rather spend the rest of your existence as a reprogrammed streetsweepernoid. The Committee of Twelve Addendums: 1.Reprimand Rescinded May 2126 Albert has settled down and writing fiction. Moreover, his Talking Series shows great promise. The Committee overwhelmingly agrees The Talking Rock and The Talking Grain of Sand are thus far his best. Nonetheless, if he should regress, The Committee of Twelve shall terminate his existence. 2.December 2127 By a vote of 7 YEAs and 6 NEYs the Committee of Twelve added the name of Alfred Ink to the approved list of prominent writers, eligible if selected, to update, The Road to Glory: the History of the Gotitright Family. 3.January, 2128 Samuel Gotitright issues Decree 59867 Committee of Twelve forbidden to add another android to the Approved
  • 32. Feminist Analysis Of The Awakening Kira Thomas Mr. McCarthy AP Literature and Composition 10 March 2016 Feminist Analysis of The Awakening In The Awakening, Kate Chopin creates a protagonist that clearly demonstrates a feminist. The protagonist, Edna Pontellier seeks more from life than what she is living and starts to refuse the standards of the society she lives in. Edna has many moments of awakening resulting in creating a new person for herself. She starts to see the life of freedom and individuality she wants to live. The Awakening encourages feminism as a way for women to obtain freedom and choose individuality over conformity. Chopin creates a feminist story that shows a transformation from an obedient mother woman to a woman who is willing to sacrifice her old life to become independent and make an identity for herself. As the novel begins we are shown Edna s life before her escape from society s standards. At the beginning we are shown that Edna is valued by society because of her physical appearance and is portrayed as a housewife married to a wealthy husband. On only the seventh page of the novel we are shown the lack of individuality women had during this time period. We are first introduced to Edna and Edna s husband, Leonce. Leonce creates the income for the family as well as viewing his wife more of a possession rather than a partner. Leonce notices Edna is sunburned when she has come back from swimming and views her as a valuable piece of property which has suffered some damage (7).
  • 33. The Siege Of Yorktown During The American War The Siege of Yorktown The Siege of Yorktown, otherwise known as the Battle of Yorktown or the German Battle, was the final and deciding battle in the American War for Independence. This blockade of American and French troops took place in Yorktown, Virginia, hence the name entitled to this bombardment. Led by George Washington, a Virginian Commander in Chief, the Continental Army traveled south out of Williamsburg to surround Yorktown. Aided by French General de Rochambeau, this organized military force clashed against British General Lord Charles Cornwallis and his troops of 9, 000 men. On September 18, 1781, the last major battle in North American of the American Revolution began. On this day, General Cornwallis chose Yorktown, the mouth of Chesapeake Bay, as his base due to its deep harbor, which allowed reinforcements to arrive by ship. Fortunately for the Patriots, Admiral Comte de Grasse and his French fleet departed Saint Domingo, a French colony or modern day Haiti, to the south of Chesapeake Bay. There, he defeated Admiral Thomas Graves, who was supposed to deliver the reinforcements to Cornwallis, at the Battle of Virginia Capes. As a result, George Washington realized that it was time to act and ordered Marquis de Lafayette, a French aristocrat and a military officer, with his troops of 5, 000 to encircle Cornwallis in Yorktown, while the French naval forces blocked his escapes by sea. With another plan in mind, the Americans and French dug a trench closer to
  • 34. Identity In The Bell Jar The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is a book about a young woman who is facing life the unexpected way. Esther is trying to place the puzzle pieces in order but it isn t quite working. There is a different view of humanity in this book and it gives chills to read what she went through. Esther goes through struggles that show her true colors within throughout the book. The Bell Jarby Sylvia Plath dips into the idea for the search of social identity, the idea of melting pot , and what the American Dream really means to oneself. In The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath it is stated, The mouth in the mirror cracked into a grin. A minute after the crash another nurse ran in. (Plath 175). Indicating that her mouth is not worthy to be called her mouth because that would be disgraceful to others. She is body shaming herself and believes that looking through the mirror is hurting it and ... Show more content on ... An American Dream is, It was the custom at my college, the little freckled lady in the Scholarships Office told me, to write to the person whose scholarship you had, if they were still alive, and thank them for it. (Plath 40). Indicating that it is the dream to go to college, have it fully paid for, and to thank the person that gave you the tremendous honor. Unfortunately, not many get the opportunity to be honored with a scholarship, Esther was one of the lucky ones who got a great opportunity. Including this quote showing the American Dream, He folded his hands together and looked at me and said, Miss Gilling, we have decided that you would benefit by group therapy. (Plath 197). The American Dream is to be okay or else you are considered to crazy for expressing emotions. Everyone is unique and so is their lifestyle so no one is able to obtain the same goal because obstacles might prevent one for forever and the other might reach it. The American Dream is a phrase that is just imaginary no one can ever really obtain the American
  • 35. A Report On The City Of Pakistan After gazing on Mughal monuments and feeling the beat of pounding drums at Sufi shrines in Lahore, many travelers choose to head south to Pakistan s financial capital, Karahi for some fun in the sun, upscale nightclubs, and modern skyscrapers. From rambling through the ramparts of Old Lahore to an all night beach rave in Karachi, you might be in for a culture shock, but here s how to get there. Train The cheapest option is the train. The Fareed Express #38DN leaves Lahore every morning at 10:00am and arrives in Karachi at 12:35pm the next day. That means your train journey will be at least 26 1/2 hours if the train is running on time. Trains in Pakistan are not known to be exceptionally punctual or safe. There are 5 possible classes for this train, including the full berth AC class for 1810 rupees ($23), the full berth EC (Economy) for 790 rupees ($10), a full seat in economy for 710 rupees ($8.90), a half berth for 480 rupees ($6) and a half seat for 400 rupees ($5). Sitting on half of a seat for 26 hours is certainly not the most comfortable way to travel to Karachi, but it is the cheapest. To see fares, timetables, and addresses of booking agents, you can check out Pakistan Railways online. Tickets are usually booked through a travel agent in order to avoid the inevitable chaos on the station. Bus A safer, more comfortable, and faster option is to the take the bus. There are many different bus companies that ply the route from Lahore to Karachi, but Daewoo is by
  • 36. Report on Business Culture in Saudi Arabia Report on Business Culture in Saudi Arabia Executive summary: With the globalization of world business, Saudi Arabia has become an appealing market for foreign investors. But there has long been belief that the market of Saudi Arabia is difficult to develop and the culture there is inconsistent with the world. The problem of cross cultural management arises as the cooperation between Saudi Arabia and its world partners continue to increase at an unprecedented rate. This paper analyses commercial and cultural feature of Saudi Arabia, presenting an understanding on the general cultural differences between Saudi Arabia and Singapore by applying different cultural dimensions. And it explains the influence of Arabia commercial culture on ... Show more content on ... Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another. (Hofstede, 1991) There are four cultural dimensions that were defined in Hofstede s research: Power distance, Uncertainty avoidance, Individualism, Masculinity, and recently Hofstede add one more: long term short term orientation. In this part of paper, comparison between Singapore and Saudi Arabia will be discussed, by focusing Hofstede s cultural dimensions as a point of reference 2.1 The dimension of individualism collectivism We know that there is a diverse population in Singapore, consisting mainly of Chinese, Malay and Indians, all of which does not possess one single dominant national identity. Drawing on a variety of traditions, different ethnic groups all consider themselves important parts of the diverse society of Singapore. However, In the Saudi Arabia society, most people believe in Islam, and religious control of Islam and its influence on the country are political, economical and can be seen in people s daily life. Neglecting of religion may cause troubles in business activities. In Islam canon, the most important are: religious service, almsgiving, fasting and pilgrimage and other activities. Religious service is a ceremony that shows gratitude,
  • 37. The Battle At Fort Sumter Natalie Lockman Professor Campbell English 112 The Battle at Fort Sumter Being raised in the south, there are somethings that life teaches a person; you always hold the door, acknowledge someone as they pass you by, and always say ya ll . The southern culture is something that sites in its own niche of history and drags the past into the future. In A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner, the reader gets a taste of the south and the way of southern living through an outside view of Emily Grierson s life in a strange series of events. Falkner s character, Emily, symbolizes the conflict of the past and the future in southern heritage though the events of her life. The first instance in Emily s life that symbolizes the conflict of the past and future in the south is her refusal to pay taxes. The story itself is set in a small, southern town, post civil war which only adds to Emily s symbolism. This is because the south after the civil war was on a path of major transformation. The start of the conflict is when the new generation of the towns people send Emily a tax notice her response was, I have no taxes in Jefferson. Colonel Sartoris explained it to me. Perhaps one of you can gain access to the city records and satisfy yourselves. (Falkner 157). Later on in the passage, (Colonel Sartoris had been dead almost ten years.) (Falkner 157). Here the reader learns that Emily does not understand how the town has changed outside of her home. The new generation that confronts
  • 38. Examples Of Social Judgment Theory Heald, J. E. (1991). Social Judgment Theory: Applications to Educational Decision Making. Educational Administration Quarterly, 27(3), 343 57. This study (Heald, 1991) uses social judgment theory, a theory that is supposedly nontraditional to the field of education to improve the ability of school administrators in identifying more accurately students who are at risk of dropping out of school. The study argues that social judgment theory, although it is not traditionally utilized in educational decision making, has significant potential in that area. Particularly, the researchers argue that social judgment theory offers decision makers (perhaps not just those in educational settings) the opportunity to better understand the nature of their intuitions, inferences, and biases and the role they play in their judgments (p. 355). Ex post facto data were collected on 120 students who were 7th graders during the 1985 1986 school year. Their records had been randomly chosen from rural, urban, and suburban school districts in Atlanta, ... Show more content on ... An odered alternatives scale was created to assess the three latitudes with regard to the believability of various percentages of students who drink at most five drinks at social gatherings. Nine questions were given as alternatives. Following the survey, an intensive social norms campaign that began the previous year was resumed to reduce high risk alcohol consumption on campus. Posters with several different messages of the statistics of alcohol consumption were displayed and widely distributed around campus. In the spring of the following year, another survey was conducted to display reproductions of the campaign messages and measured the amount of exposure the students had to the messages in the last three
  • 39. Neverland Research Paper In today s society, there is a persistent belief that children and adults are fundamentally different. Society has placed a gap between both generations that is evident throughout movies and children s literature. In J.M. Barrie s Peter Pan and L.M. Montgomery s Anne of Green Gables, binary oppositions come into play regarding childhoodand adulthood, specifically the difference in imagination and reality. This binary opposition is expressed greatly among the characters in both novels. The children are introduced as possessing a wide range of imagination, however as the novel progress, as do their age, their imagination gradually diminishes to a more realistic view of life. The adults focus on the reality of life, so much so, that they do ... Show more content on ... Since she is introduced in the novel as a young girl, she does not have many responsibilities and, therefore, has time to reimagine her reality into something she desires. When Anne first arrives at Green Gables she renames the avenue to the White Way of Delight, the lake to the Lake of Shining Waters, and even her name to Cordelia, because these new names, according to her, give them justice. Oh, I don t like that name, either. I shall call it let me see the Lake of Shining Waters. Yes, that is the right name for it. (Montgomery 23) Anne also reimagines her religious belief to suit her spiritual needs. When Marilla asked her to recite a prayer, Anne relied on her imagination alone to create a prayer that will suit Marilla s prayer guidelines. Anne s version can be considered untraditional because she imagines her prayers rather than memorizing them like Marilla did. Gracious heavenly Father, I thank Thee for the White Way of Delight and the Lake of Shining Waters and Bonny and the Snow Queen. I m really extremely grateful for them. And that s all the blessings I can think of just now to thank thee for. As for the things I want, they re so numerous that it would take a great deal of time to name them all so I will only mention the two most important. Please let me stay at Green Gables; and please let me be good looking when I grow
  • 40. John Chrysostom s Thesis On The Sacramentality Of The Poor After a search of the subject of the sacramentality of the poor Mt.25:34 46.The conclusion is as follows: First, with the development of investigation of the sacramentality of the poor. The several books used in the subject portrayed how the poor are thesacrament in the Gospel of Matthew is the key in facing the reality of the poor people who identified with Jesus. Fortunately, the poor as a sacrament which pointed to Christ. Whatever you do the least of little brothers, you did it for me. Mt.25:40. The persons like Pope Francis, Benedict XVI, John Chrysostom contribute to the elevation of the poor. They give the positive ideas how to care for the poor and to have mercy with them because they have rights and dignity as other human beings.... Show more content on ... The seven sacrament are for the sanctification of a man and salvation of a soul. Chapter two, once we understand the sacramentality of the poor in connection to the seven sacraments. but poor become sacrament because Christ identified with them. Saul, Saul why do you persecute me, who are you, Sir? I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting me. Chapter three give the clarification of the Church in the mission of continuation of Christ s work and the place of the poor in presenting Christ and how they mediate grace to us. The fourth chapter makes clear the meaning of the sacramentality of the poor and the ways which Christians make alive through charity and services in the societies. The same to the poor and spiritually life, which encourage them to trust the providence of God who gives generously to those who entrust in Him. The work of evangelization and is the hope for anyone who suffers and assures them the earthly life is like a temporal tent where a focus on the life to come. The modern world of science technology reduced poor. The poor always is with us. To speak in the society without poor is a utopia. It is an idea society difficult to translate in society, rich people must be encouraged to share resources proportionately with the
  • 41. Commemorative Speech About Father Good evening. Thank you. One year ago, I introduced my father when he declared his candidacy. In his own way, and through his own sheer force of will, he sacrificed greatly to enter the political arena as an outsider. And he prevailed against a field of 16 very talented competitors. For more than a year, Donald Trump has been the people s champion, and tonight he s the people s nominee. Like many of my fellow millenials, I do not consider myself categorically Republican or Democrat. More than party affiliation, I vote on based on what I believe is right, for my family and for my country. Sometimes it s a tough choice. That is not the case this time. As the proud daughter of your nominee, I am here to tell you that this is the moment and ... Show more content on ... He is tough and he is persevering. He is honest and he is real. He s an optimist and he s a relentless believer in America and all of her potential. He loves his family and he loves his country with his heart and his soul. Politicians ask to be judged by their promises, not their results. I ask you to judge my father by his results. Judge his values by those he s instilled in his children. Judge his competency by the towers he s built, the companies he s founded, and the tens of thousands of jobs he s created. He is the single most qualified serve as chief executive of an $18 trillion economy. My father will call upon the best and brightest people from all spheres of industry and both side of the aisle. A new set of thinkers, to face our countries existing and future problems with fresh perspective and brave new solutions. Come January 17, all things will be possible again. We can hope and dream and think big again. No one has more faith in the American people than my father. He will be your greatest, your truest and your most loyal champion. (APPLAUSE) This is the fighter, the doer that you have chosen as your nominee, in ways no one expected, this moment in the life of our country has defined a mission and given it to an extraordinary
  • 42. Definition Of Environmental Racism Let s begin with a concrete definition of environmental racism. Environmental racism ...links racism with environmental actions, experiences, and outcomes. In the broadest sense, environmental racism and its corollary, environmental discrimination, is the process whereby environmental decisions, actions, and policies result in racial discrimination or the creation of racial advantages. (Taylor, 2009) This definition explains how the direct outcome of these decisions makes it racist because of favourism or advantages that certain races or cultures receive over others. More specifically, it is the disadvantages that cultures, such as Nigerians or Indians receive because there are viewed as either less valuable or put at a lower ranking to the point where they do not deserve the same resources as white Americans might. We will have a look later into a case study where a specific group of African American s environmentwas indirectly tampered with and that resulted in polluted water. For now, we will continue to look at how environmental racismcan present itself in our everyday lives. For indigenous people, they are stripped from their land and they are unable to rejuvenate the crops and seeds local to their environment. For example, farmers in the South are impacted the most by climate change and inclement weather, however any corporation can step in and take over their land. Farmers are deeply affected by climate change when there is no downpour, or similarly, when there is
  • 43. Essay about Timken s Case Study TIMKEN CASE STUDY1Doan Thi Thu Ha Timken was known as a leading manufacturer of highly engineered bearings and alloy steels and famous for its tapered roller bearings with over 200 types in more than 30,000 sizes. It was also the market leader in mechanical seamless steel tubing and shipped more than one million tons of premium alloy steels annually. Timken was located in Canton, Ohio. However, its operation was not limited in Ohio but in twenty five countries and employed over 20,000 people worldwide. In the early 1990s, Timken intended to take the U.S model to Europe with some customization for the local market and focused on case carburized tapered roller bearings. In early 1997, Timken reviewed its strategy with specific aim for ... Show more content on ... With this acquisition, Timken could break into and dominate the European market and use it as the leverage to be the leader in bearing industry. However, the investment was not without risks. There are four types of risks in international business called cross culture risk, country risk, currency risk and commercial risk. Cross cultural risk refers to a situation or event where a cultural miscommunication puts some human value at stake. Country risk describes the potentially adverse effects on company operations and profitability holes by developments in the political, legal, and economic environment in a foreign country. Currency risk is the risk of adverse unexpected fluctuations in exchange rates. Commercial risk refers to potential loss or failure from poorly developed or executed business strategies, tactics, or procedures (Boter Wincent, 2010). Investment in Rulmenti Grei, Timken might face the salient risks of political and economic instability. Romania s economic growth was slower, inflation was higher, and the labor force was more volatile. Furthermore, there might be a risk of re nationalization. It is said that economic risk analysis tells corporate leaders the ability of a particular country to pay its debt while political risk analysis tells them whether that country will pay its debt. Political risk measures the stability of individual countries through the
  • 44. Audi A6 2012 Marketing Plan 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Audi is launching the new A6 in the United States in late 2012. This marketing plan is designed to create awareness and impact around the A6 launch also to increase the market share by selling new cars. With this campaign, Audi will focus on affecting the target audience, driving quality user generated content, leveraging social media platforms and having a high impact launch that will generate buzz around Audi Envy The creative and media strategy is designed to position A6 as the most modern, innovative and luxury product in the marketplace. Media budget part will provide A6 dominance especially in Q3 around product launch. 2. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS Audi is a manufacturer of exquisite cars: attractive, ... Show more content on ... Vide can be watched at: urban future /component/artikel/category/konzept and more information can be found at http:/ / urban future [pic] 3. SWOT ANALYSIS Weaknesses Strengths: Strength: Although Audi does have strong competitors in the luxury auto space, they have high brand recognition in the U.S. People perceive Audi as an innovative and high tech company which is a very strong strength against competition. Strength: Audi automobiles are extremely strong from a design and technology standpoint. The cars are tested in various conditions and environments, and provide luxury and a great driving fun to users. Audi A6 has still big dimensions for midsize.194 inches long auto is an inch longer than 5 series and 2 inch longer than Mercedes E Class which is a strong advantage. The extensive use of aluminum has helped to reduce the weight of the car. Now A6 is lighter than 5 series (3,836 pounds, versus 3,880 pounds) and only small difference left with Strength: One of Audi s strengths is the top quality. Quality as has been documented time and time again by surveys, competitions and analyses. Quality starts with the selection of materials, surfaces and continues with the technology that Audi brings to the table.
  • 45. Strength: Pricing is one of the biggest strengths for Audi. Even though there is a small
  • 46. Relationship Between Equity And The Common Law Equity has been described as a mysterious creature that lies distinctly alongside the common law. In considering the statement, there is an almost linear reversal in which the remedies in equity procure a type of right not necessarily available in the common law. This peculiar jurisdiction has created consistent controversy especially in regards to the fusion of the common lawand equity. To understand further, this essay will consider the relationship between equity and the common law. The development of equity alongside the common law through its history and intention, and application in case law will be imperative in the discussion of the statement. In conjunction with an analysis of fusion, it will become apparent that equitable damages were enlivened, separate to, in unfair circumstances where no rights /damages existed within the common law. In trying to tread the murky waters of the distinction yet the procedural fusion of equity and common law, the contention of this essay becomes apparent. Effectively, this essay aims to highlight that the history, intention, application and fusion fallacies regarding equity, all which point to an assertion that rights in equity are indeed the product of its remedies. Whether they are merely two streams of jurisdiction, though they run in the same channel, run side by side and do not mingle their waters , is yet to be seen. A brief history: Rise and development of Equity Remedies to Rights A basic understanding for the rise
  • 47. Essay on Adaptive leadership Adaptive leadership is becoming widespread in the United States Army amongst junior officers in leadership positions that require quick thinking and innovation. Leonard Wong discusses how the versatile and unpredictable enemy and situations in Iraq produces adaptable junior officers. These officers are learning to make decisions under chaotic conditions and are becoming more mentally agile. The Army is changing. The Army is transforming its capabilities in the war in Iraqto be effective and successful. General Schoomaker states that we will not accomplish our goals as a nation in the 21st century unless our Army becomes much more agile but with the capacity for long term, sustained level of conflict. The Army is in the process of... Show more content on ... Another aspect that Leonard Wong touched on was that because our country is in war this is the reason why so much adaptive leadership is being produced. The war in Iraq is very complex and therefore requires leaders to step out of the box and make decisions on the fly. While in garrison leaders are in a sense hindered due to complex issues such as personnel, logistics, or training exercises. All these things are very necessary and help prepare the U.S. Army for situations they find themselves in over in Iraq. However, just like basketball or any other sport some might say practice makes perfect but it is argued that true experience comes during game time. When situations are not simulated and it requires you to think on the fly and adjust to any imperfections you might find in your team. This is the same case for post war Iraq. We are putting leaders in leadership positions and developing the skills they have been taught and trained on constantly day after day in garrison. The concept that is stressed in the Army from day to day is Attention to detail. The margin for error is so small that, one second too soon or one second too late, could cost someone their life. All leaders in the Army have this imprinted in their minds and hearts. They are required to carry out various tasks from day to day, some of which they are not sufficiently trained on, but they make due with what they
  • 48. The Symposium By Plato Analysis In Plato s, The Symposium, there are a multitude of things that get discussed amongst the group of men, one of those theories being the idea of beauty. To truly understand what Plato thinks about beauty, you have to understand his idea of forms, and the Form of Beauty. He describes this as an everlasting loveliness which never comes nor goes, which neither flowers nor fades . The essence to understanding this form, is that we can realize all beautiful things share the Form of Beauty. But only in their involvement with this form that they become beautiful. It is an unchanging, absolute, and immortal form that cannot admit to anything less. The form itself is not ugly or offensive, or it would cease to exist in the form . This idea is brought forth in The Symposium when Socrates is talking about his encounter with Diotima and her story of the Ladder of Love . This story gives us an understanding of how we should love and what it means to be truly beautiful. Diotima shares with Socrates the process by which one can aquire these final visions , and then they are explained to us. One begins as a young person by being attracted to beautiful bodies, and to one beautiful body in particular. This produces beautiful discourses with this body. Which does not necessarily mean sexual acts. A person could be attracted to another just because their physical body is beautiful. The next stage is to... Show more content on ... This beauty always exists, not coming into being or ceasing to be, nor increasing nor diminishing. It is absolute beauty, not being beautiful only in some respects or at some times it is as Plato calls the one . Beauty will not appear in certain bodies or in certain forms of knowledge or anywhere in particular: it will appear in itself and by itself, independent of everything else. All beautiful things share in its character, but these things in no way affect Beauty
  • 49. Compare And Contrast The Greek Revolution And Wallachia lawlessness with Janissaries literally getting away with murder. The first national awakening of the Balkan people began with, the national revolt in 1804 by Serbia, started mainly by middle class merchants. The Serbian revolution began with the breakdown of the Ottoman system, Janissaries were beginning to fight back against the system they began to defy the pasha. This led to lawlessness and the arming of Serb peasants. The revolution nonetheless was more of an uprising than a revolution, its intent was to return to the old and more far system than the new one. Nevertheless the revolution continued on for more years, Karageorge Petrovich wealthy hog dealer took over the Serbian Revolution, and in 1806 he defeated three Turkish armies... Show more content on ... Wallachia undoubtedly is better organized than Moldavia is, Wallachia already has established freedom of the press, speech, and assembly, they also have already forced a Hospodar (ruling prince) whom is elected. A new government advocates nonetheless for the unification of all the Romanian lands; this leads to an intervention by the great powers. The great powers are divided on what to do, Russia first called for destruction, while Britain and France were not really interested. Britain and France became interested when the sultan decided to invade, the government collapsed, and many people left to Paris to join forces against Louis Napoleon. Napoleon III urged unification of Romanian lands, while Austria and Turkey opposed unification of the lands. Nevertheless Russia switches sides, and begins to say they support unification of Romania. This leads to mistrust with Britain as they don t want to unify Romanian lands and instead want to strengthen Turkey, because they believe that Russia is only saying this to exploit Romania and take its lands. Nonetheless all the differences come together at the Treaty of Paris
  • 50. Shylock s Characteristics Of Merchantlock In The Merchant... Antonio was a typical narrow minded christian when it came to religion; however, he was so true and passionate about his friends he was willing to risk his life to help his friend in need. Antonio, a christian, strongly abhors and is very abrasive towards Shylock, a jew: You call me misbeliever, cutthroat dog, And set upon my Jewish gaberdine,... You, that did void your rheum upon my beard, And foot me as you spurn a stranger cur (1.3.121 128). Within this quote Shylockis talking to Antonio and telling him after he has called him a dirty dog, spit on his beard and Jewish clothes, and kicked him he wants to ask to loan money from him. This shows that Antonio is very narrow minded because the main reason he mistreats Shylock is because he is a Jew. In addition, this shows that he is very abrasive when it comes to Shylock because he has done so many terrible things to him over a period of time and hasn t felt sorry or bad once for what he has done and how he as treated him. In addition, although, Antonio is very narrow minded when it comes to religion he is willing to risk his life to help a friend in need. Bassanio, one of Antonio s friends had asked Shylock to put a loan under his name to wow his dream girl, and Antonio ends up sealing a bond risking his life for Bassanio: Expressed in the condition, let the forfeit Be nominated for an equal pound Of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken In what part of your body pleaseth me.... (1.3.160 163). Within this quote Shylock
  • 51. Essay On Pickleball If former Washington congressman Joel Pritchard had a dog with a more conventional name, millions of people across the country would be playing a game with a different name. Pritchard, who founded pickleball with friend and businessman Bill Bell in 1965 in Washington, owned a dog named Pickles when he and Bell invented the game. According to one theory about the unique name of the sport, Pickles loved to chase the Wiffle ball his owners used when playing, resulting in its moniker. Over the years pickleball has grown, with contingents of players springing up across the country. In Edwardsville, Julie Biggs, of Highland, learned about it from her mother in Florida. I started playing pickleball about six years ago, Biggs said. I was introduced to it in Florida.... Show more content on ... It can be a very social game also because there s a lot of retirees who play it. That s where it started, and it caught on and it can be super competitive. So I love that aspect. And I love that it s a great workout. When they returned to the area, they connected with a small group of people who shared their passion. In the years since, they have seen the sport become an increasingly popular recreational option for locals. Pickleball is played with a paddle and a perforated ball that s very similar to a Wiffle ball, both of which can be purchased at sporting goods stores and some superstores like Target. It s played on a court about a quarter of the size of a tenniscourt, and follows similar rules as that sport. It s not merely a smaller version of tennis, however, as certain rules make it stand out, such as players are not allowed to approach the net an area called the kitchen unless the ball drops there first. Another important rule is the first player or team many people play doubles reaches 11 points. They must win by two. Games can last a half hour with skilled players, but they can also take five to ten minutes, according to
  • 52. Reflection Of Retreat Howdy friends, I just came back from a fantastic retreat with my young adult friends from Times Square Church. To say this retreat was great will be an understatement! It s amazing how God can alter one s plan for His purpose. My intention was just to go there and take a break from a hectic week from school and troubles of NYC. Didn t know that Godhad other plans for me. While on the bus to the venue of the retreat, I had a quiet moment with the Lord. My desire later changed from actually wanting to just have fun, to wanting a divine connection with the Lord. This retreat wouldn t be the first I would be attending, but I wanted this to be different from the other ones. The theme of our retreat was IDENTITY, and it was what drew me to wantto attend. Knowing who you are in Christ as I learned at the retreat, is important because so often, we let the world define us, instead of what God defines us. I AM A GIANT KILLER AND NOT A GRASSHOPPER! It is my prayerfor this generation that we come to know who we are in Christ, especially now that we are living in the last days. During the preacher s sermon, he said something that had me thinking. He said, until we define our relationship with God, we will always have problems with our friendships and relationships with others. I won t dwell on this, but you should think about that statement. Still not content, I asked God to give me a word when I went to bed that night. I was expecting to get a revelation or something in the
  • 53. Comparing the Attitudes Towards Love and Relationships in... Comparing the Attitudes Towards Love and Relationships in The Beggar Woman by William King and To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell In this essay I will be comparing two poems, The Beggar Woman and To His Coy Mistress. I will be looking at how the themes of love and relationships are dealt with. I will also be looking at the historical context of the poems. Firstly in The Beggar Woman, written around 1663 to 1712, by William King. The story within the poem is about a gentleman who, whilst he is out hunting, wants to do another kind of sport , i.e. looking for a woman to have sex with. He found a woman who was a beggar. He asked her if she wanted to have sex in the woods, and, to his delight, she ... Show more content on ... A gentleman in hunting rode astray, More out of choice than that he lost his way: He let his company the hare pursue, For he himself had other game in view: This quote shows that he was chasing a woman and that he is not looking for anything more than sex. He just wants a bit of fun like any sport would give him. When reading the poems they create images of what is happening are created. In The Beggar Woman, William King does not use any similes or metaphors. I think this is because he needs to keep things simple for his audience. When he wrote it, he relied on his descriptive words to create a mental picture for the reader. For example, mounts the infant with a gentle toss upon her generous friend, and like a cross, the sheet she with a dextrous motion winds and her cheeks were fresh and linen clean. When reading this line, you can imagine her cheeks; they are smooth, rosy, red, beaming cheeks. Both these quotes make you see an image created by his cleverly written words. In To His Coy Mistress, Andrew Marvelldoes use metaphors and similes because he thinks the audience expects them as they are upper class. Some examples of the imagery created by metaphors and similes are vegetable love, which is a metaphor; times winged chariot and his slow chapped power , which are personification; like morning dew and like
  • 54. Toilet Learning When you are teaching Special Needs Kids to use the toilet, parents basically undressed them and sat them in a potty stool for extended periods until they eliminated. Then often called toilet training, past practices and past terms have been updated. Research has shown that seeing the kid as an active player makes the toileting technique more enjoyable. Therefore, a more appropriate name for the technique is toiletmastery or toilet learning. Toilet learning is a developmental technique in which a kid learns to make use of the toilet appropriately. As in lots of areas of kid development, kids must reach a positive age or be in the proper setting or situation before they are prepared to learn. Kids are prepared to learn when they are healthy, well nourished, and not pressured to accomplish at a level above their capability. Toilet learning usually is initiated in early childhood, which in itself can be a challenging period. At this time, kids are becoming independent and parents are trying to balance helping the kid with allowing independence. With encouragement, kids can give parents clues about their toilet readiness.... Show more content on ... Accidental embarrassment combined with parental disapproval increases the kid s sense of disgrace and slows the natural sense of independence. Punishing kids for toileting accidents can turn in to an unhealthy and intense struggle. Praising success will be more accepted by kids than shaming them for accidents.Each kid will have his or her own schedule.Children start toilet learning first in the daytime then progress to nighttime learning.when parents think through the technique and give the kid strategies and reinforcement to start work on this special growing
  • 55. Network Topologies And The Network Introduction Network Topology is how computers, printers, and other devices are connected over a network ( Guide to Network Topology , 2015 ). The word topology means shape and the term network topology refers to the shape of a network ( Guide to Network Topology , 2015). Network topologies refer not only to the physical layout of the devices connected but how the devices communicate to each other ( Tomsho, Tiffel Johnson, 2004, pg 48 ). There are several different topologies and the choice of a topology is determined by how the network works. The network cabling system carries all the data from one point to another and the design is determined by how the network should function, the reliability and how accessible the network should... Show more content on ... It is used from one end of the network to the other with different network devices called nodes. Bus topologies are commonly used on LAN networks because they are inexpensive and easily install. In today s business society, bus topologies are not commonly used and in the past years 10Base2 Ethernet, Thin Ethernet and 10Base5 are examples of LAN technology that uses bus topology. The structure of bus topologies is where nodes are connected to a central cable called a bus where messages are sent by a nodes and travels along the bus through all other nodes ( Guide to Networking, 2015 ). Bus topology networks use coaxial cables and at the end of each network segment there is a terminator ( Hallberg,2014, pg 39 ), The terminator is important for a bus topology to function properly, without a terminator the data will bounce from end to end causing a signal bounce ( Guide to Networking, 2015 ). Bus topologies are not commonly used today but were easily installed and used less cable than other topologies. Bus topologies work best with least number of devices. Bus topology does not handle heavy traffic well, therefore; if more than dozen computers are added you will mostly see performance issues. Although bus topologies are has the advantage of being the least expensive and user friendly, they do have their drawbacks. Some disadvantages of bus topologies are the network is easily to be disruptive. To add or remove a computer the network has to be completed shut