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timeoutTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2012
controlcontrolThe Scientologist actor’s reputation
takes a beating in the media. P2-3
Nepali women below 30 are not
allowed to work as maids in the Gulf,
according to a new directive by the
government. But how effective is it?
Read the reviews of the latest DVD
releases in Qatar.
Share your news of your community
events with us.
Alana 'Honey Boo Boo' Thompson
is the star of her own series with an
international fan base ... all at the age
of 6.
In Madagascar, women of child-bearing
age are mostly affected by a severe
medical condition called obstetric
Features Editor: Nahla Nainar
Senior Features Writer: G John
Layout Artist: Pushpa Raj Shrestha
Comics, Puzzles, Info-guide Page 14-16
Telephone: 44466405
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timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 • Page 3
I’ll admit, I find it difficult to
imagine that Jackson — who,
according to Sullivan, was using
medication to knock himself out
not for hours but whole days — was
a man overburdened with self-love.
But Sullivan does touch on one of
the many sad truths about Jackson’s
life: how useful he was to the media
as the resident freakshow, the
vessel into which all mockery about
the weird, self-centred, overly
permissive world of celebrity could
be poured.
There are always celebrities
around, usually in the Los Angeles
area, who can justly be described
as at least slightly doolally. To want
to be famous requires a crackpot
nature from the start; to then
become A-list world-famous would
drive most into the far reaches of
egocentric lunacy.
But there is also always one
person who is decreed to be the
weirdest, loopiest, LOL-iest show
in town, the one about whom
anyone can say anything and, no
matter how deranged it sounds, it
will have the smack of plausibility
to it.
During much of the last century
it was the reclusive, compulsive
Howard Hughes. When he finally
died in 1976, pain-raddled
and filth-riddled, Jackson was
conveniently around to fill the role,
which he ably did until the end of
his life. Even before Jackson died, a
new keeper of the weirdo flame was
already lining himself up nicely to
take over.
With his freakishly perfect
face, Tom Cruise has always come
across more like a sexless android
attempting to be a human than
human himself, one who had
studied earthlings from abroad and
was attempting to live among them.
In Rob Lowe’s otherwise blandly
unrevealing autobiography,
Stories I Only Tell My Friends, he
describes filming The Outsiders
back in 1983 with Cruise, Patrick
Swayze, Matt Dillon and a slew
of other pretty boys all waiting
to be famous. During the shoot,
the actors occasionally had to
share bedrooms and the only one
who protested, Lowe recalls, was
Cruise. Panicked, he called his
agent to make the producers find a
single bedroom for this unknown
20-year-old actor.
It’s an anecdote that brings to
mind the scene in Tootsie in which
Dustin Hoffman’s female persona
“Dorothy” realises she’ll have
to share a bedroom with Jessica
Lange on a weekend away. How
to maintain the artifice 24 hours a
But it wasn’t until 2004 when
Cruise fatefully fired his publicist,
Pat Kingsley, and replaced her with
his sister, Lee Anne De Vette, that it
really became obvious who would
follow in the ignoble footsteps of
Hughes and Jackson in the media
pantheon as Cruise, for really the
first time in his life, was pummelled
by various PR disasters.
Cruise replaced his sister with a
professional publicist a year later,
but it was too late. When he sneered
at psychiatry and then jumped on
Oprah’s sofa, he did the equivalent
of extolling the joys of oxygen
chambers and toting about a chimp.
The final kicker for Cruise’s
reputation was when his third wife,
Katie Holmes, fled their marriage
this summer, and now the bloodied
gloves are truly off.
Vanity Fair — a magazine
that has puffed Cruise possibly
more than any other, publishing
the first photos of his daughter
Suri and cooing over the loving
normality of his family life and
how ridiculous all the nefarious
gossip about him is — will this
week publish an excoriating
takedown of the actor.
The article alleges, among many
other things, that in 2005 the
Church of Scientology embarked on
a project to find a suitable partner
for Cruise and interviewed various
Eventually, they settled on a
young actress and she accompanied
Cruise on charmingly romantic
dates in New York: just her and
Cruise and various Scientology
agents, all watching to see if she
was up to snuff. When, for various
ridiculous reasons it was decided
that she wasn’t, Cruise outsourced
dumping her to a Scientology
The woman then made the
mistake of confiding what
had happened to someone
she considered a friend in the
Scientology centre in Florida, only
to then be punished by being forced
to scrub toilets with a toothbrush,
like the Cinderella story in reverse.
Incidentally, the article was
written by Vanity Fair’s celebrity-
destroyer-at-large, Maureen Orth,
whose previous articles include
a particularly eye-popping one
about Woody Allen during his break
up from Mia Farrow and several
similarly brutal ones about Michael
Cruise and the Church of
Scientology have, of course, denied
all charges — but this horse has
Coming after the New Yorker’s
extraordinary article about the
church in 2011, and just as Paul
Thomas Anderson’s cinematic take
on L Ron Hubbard, The Master, is
being lauded in Venice, not even
the best publicist in the world can
save Cruise from his fate as the new
Michael Jackson.
He is the man who, most have
decided, lives a life far weirder than
anything anyone can say and so
anyone can say anything, and he
appears unable to do anything to
refute the assumptions.
Unlike Jackson, Cruise has never
been accused of self-loathing or
self-doubt. But it’s hard to imagine
that this deeply ambitious man
loves what he has become. —
Guardian News & Media
*With his freakishly perfect face, Tom Cruise has always come across more like a sexless android attempting to be a
human than human himself, one who had studied earthlings from abroad and was attempting to live among them.
*Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes ... the final kicker in Cruise’s reputation came
when Holmes fled their marriage this summer.I
n his excellent essay on Michael
Jackson,now titled simply
Michael and included in the
recently published collection
Pulphead,US journalist John
Jeremiah Sullivan looks with clear
eyes and a gossipy but open mind
at how the media — specifically the
white media — lobbed“passive-
aggressive accusations”against
Jackson for pretty much his entire
adult life:“We moan that Michael
changed his face out of self-loathing.
He may have loved what he became,”
writes Sullivan.
A forthcoming Vanity Fair article about the
Scientologist movie star promises eye-popping
revelations. It’s the final proof that he has become the
new Michael Jackson, writes HadleyFreeman
o,do you remember when people wanted to be famous for
As kids growing up in the ’60s,’70s and ’80s,most wanted to
be a famous athlete or actor or world-renowned doctor.But there
was usually an object following the adjective“famous,”implying
that a person must actually do something that other people find notable or
interesting to garner notoriety.
Those days are gone,baby.
These days,“famous”means an ability to carve out a spot in pop culture
for any reason or length of time.Fame is its own reward,and if one isn’t too
picky about how that fame is acquired (and increasingly it seems that people
aren’t),then we’re all one viral video,inflammatory tweet or famous sibling
away from achieving 21st-century fame in this big ol’constantly churning ball
of events,people,news,non-news and random crap we call American pop
And,while many folks believe it is the only culture America has,our
mainstream pop culture is arguably our country’s biggest contribution to
global culture.
Just like the great United States of America - which theoretically welcomes
the world’s tired and poor,its huddled masses yearning to breathe free -
American pop culture is a sponge,taking bits and pieces from its many
subcultures,often ripping out the guts of what made those subcultures
interesting,and repacking it for mass consumption,something at which
Americans are historically awesome.
All kinds of formerly sub- and countercultures are subsumed into
American pop culture,as has always been the case,but it seems to happen at
an increased pace for better and for worse.
It took punk rock nearly two decades to go from scary youth-driven
counterculture to being part of the mainstream (“pop-punk!”yeah),but the
electronic music sub-genre dubstep,which began to spread to the states from
Europe in the mid-2000s,has already become the soundtrack to nearly every
active wear/energy drink/super cool car commercial on television,perhaps
the clearest sign of mainstream acceptance.
Add the fact that the concept of not“selling out,”once a clarion call of
hippies,punks and hip-hoppers,is now the desired endgame for many
aspiring artists.It’s a primary vehicle for getting one’s music into the
mainstream,suggesting that the Mad Men (who now include women and
people of colour) have ultimately won.
While nerds may not have climbed to the top of the high school food chain,
nerd culture — traditionally as exclusive and us-against-them as any — has
been creeping into the mainstream since the’80s.That’s when comic-book-
based films became blockbusters,television shows such as the Star Trek
reboot were hits and there was a proliferation of Nintendo and other video-
game consoles.
There’s even a high school in Pennsylvania designed and built in the shape
of the Millennium Falcon (if you don’t know what that is,you’re simply not
nerdy enough),solidifying the permeation of both nerd and pop culture into
the“real world.”
Other examples: The popular show Glee has“gleeks”(a contraction of glee
and geeks),several of the protagonists of Judd Apatow movies (Superbad,The
40 Year Old Virgin,Knocked Up) could be safely called nerds and/or geeks,and
the basic premise of the recently released 21 Jumpstreet reboot.In that film the
undercover cop (Jonas Hill) who was a nerd in high school is now one of the
cool kids,and his partner (Channing Tatum) who was a cool jock then is now
considered an uncool social anachronism.
I’m not just talking about millennials,many of whom seem to not have
a trash detector when it comes to the stuff that is marketed toward them.
But there are plenty of grown folks who should know better who spend time
discussing the screeching harpies of shows such as VH1’s Love & Hip Hop
and any show with“housewives”in the title whose cast members consist of
people who are notable only for the people with whom they have sex.
Stripper culture is mainstream,with stripper poles turning up in sitcoms
and pole-dancing classes replacing jazzercise.
Hip-hop has helped fuel this with a few years’worth of odes to strippers
and their ambitions (T-Pain’s I’m in Love With a Stripper being an obvious
Growing up in the shadow of the 1960s with boomers constantly informing
me of their generation’s awesomeness and my generation’s apathy,I was
raised with a healthy scepticism of mainstream pop culture even as I absorbed
much of what it had to offer,and watched its marketing with a jaundiced eye.
from free-lovin’,pot-smokin’hippies into trickle-down economics-loving,
power-tie-wearing yuppies,I took that as a sign that much of what we were
inundated with from television,movies and radio was simply trash.
Today,that no longer seems to be the case.The Internet,YouTube,Twitter
and other social media with user-generated content and our society’s
increasing need for attention and/or validation,has turned Andy Warhol’s
famous 15-minutes-of-fame line into“in the future,everyone will be part of
pop culture for 15 minutes.”— Akron Beacon Journal/MCT
The definition of
‘famous’ has changed,
and not for the better
Page 4 • timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 • Page 5
More reforms needed
to protect migrant
domestic workers
especially like taking care of
children and working for longer
“As to the nature of the work,
women grow tolerant and would
not complain as much as younger
women would,” Dr Sharma said.
She also said that about 15
women have been rescued by the
embassy in the past six months
and all of them are under 30.
Misinformed women opt for
foreign employment even at the
age of 15 years in Nepal. According
to Dr Sharma, recruitment agents
themselves go from village to
village tempting them with
promises of a good salary and
better work.
They arrange passports even
for younger girls with a fake age.
When such young women end up
working as domestic helpers, it is
hard for them to cope.
Their intolerance of hard work
and longer working hours irritates
them which is reflected in their
work. It also leads to constant
confrontation with the employer.
“This often results in torture
(physical and psychological),
exploitation and abuse,” Dr
Sharma said.
The government’s official record
shows that about 58,000 Nepali
women work as domestic maids
in Gulf countries including Qatar.
However, human rights agencies
like United Nations Development
Fund for Women (Unifem) estimate
that the number is 200,000. They
say the official figure does not take
into account all those who have
travelled illegally, many through
Human rights activists and
agencies thus say that there is no
use of curtailing women’s right to
opting for foreign employment.
Rather there should be a
mechanism in place to ensure that
these women are not exploited.
“The government’s intention
is good. However, that kind of
decision will have a negative
impact. Even earlier, when the
government had banned them
from working in few countries,
they were found to make out the
way through India,” said Saru
Joshi, South Asia programme co-
ordinator of Unifem. She further
said the agents will get greater
role to play giving rise to illegal
migration and human trafficking.
“As a result they will not get due
pay or compensation when in
If the Nepali government thinks
women are vulnerable, it should
bring some other effective measures
addressing the young women (above
18 to 30) and the rest. Human
Rights Watch, an international
watch group, says in its website,
“Nepal is right to be concerned
about its migrant domestic
workers, but imposing a ban on
women under 30 from travelling
to the Gulf does not solve the
problem and discriminates
against young women.
A better strategy would
be to crack down on abusive
recruitment practices, ensure
that women migrate with an
enforceable contract in hand,
and equip embassies to respond
quickly to complaints of abuse.”
The Nepali government should
perhaps consider revoking its
new ban and instead employ
safeguards so that domestic
workers can migrate safely – such
as by ensuring full monitoring
and accountability of recruitment
agencies in Nepal.
At the same time, governments
in the Gulf should adopt long
overdue labour protections and
immigration reforms, including
ending the discriminatory
treatment of domestic workers,
to combat abuse of Nepali and
other migrant workers, Human
Rights Watch said. However,
the authority said that there
are also other mechanisms to
safeguard women allowed to
work as domestic helpers in
Gulf countries. According to the
Nepal government directive, the
sponsors will have to transfer a
monthly salary of QR1,000 to the
housemaid’s bank account every
The sponsors will also have
to deposit security money of
QR4,000 to the joint account of
employer and the employee to
avoid trouble in case of non-
co-operation by the sponsor.
Between January and July this year,
the embassy has ensured such
guarantees to 83 women who have
come to Qatar to work as domestic
Besides, the sponsor will have
to register the housemaid at the
embassy within two months of
his or her arrival and acquaint
the embassy of his or her status
every four months. The directive
also asks providing one month’s
paid leave to the maid after
completion of a year, and separate
accommodation with all facilities.
The labour law of Qatar does
not address the rights of maids
working in the country. But Qatar
has already announced that it
would soon have a legislation
addressing housemaids. In the
meantime, Qatar has a law against
human trafficking which would
also apply to those who torture
housemaids by denying them
salaries, force them to work for
long hours or physically harass
Countries like Philippines
have signed a memorandum
of understanding with the
government of Qatar to protect
its people who are working as
domestic helpers. Besides Nepal,
Indonesia and Kenya too have
banned its people from working
as maids in the Middle East.
Two months ago, Kenya banned
its citizens from working in the
Middle East citing that many of its
people were mistreated. Similarly,
last year Indonesia introduced a
ban on women working as maids in
the region.
With political instability and
lack of job opportunities within
Nepal, women are often compelled
to look for employment abroad.
When they leave the country
illegally like Sabina Rai, they
run the further risk of being
undocumented. The Nepali
government will never know
the exact situation of its women
working in the domestic sector
in Gulf countries. If women have
legal rights then Nepal can lobby
for their protection.
or many women
from underprivileged
backgrounds, getting a
job in the Middle East
is a passport to a better
life, not just for themselves, but
also for their dependents back
Single women from countries
like Nepal, Indonesia, Sri Lanka
and the Philippines regularly apply
for jobs as domestic servants in the
Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC)
nations. But how successful is
their foray into the vast domestic
workforce here?
According to a case registered
with the Nepal embassy here,
Sabina Rai (name changed) came
to Delhi from her native Nepal
to fly to Qatar. Her job as a maid,
she hoped, would help her build a
better future for her family back
But all her dreams were
shattered when her employer
started beating her. “I was
beaten and scolded for even a
small mistake,” said Rai, 20, in a
telephone interview.
Two domestic helpers, including
Rai from Nepal, supplied by a Sri
Lankan company to a Qatari family
two months ago, ended up locked
in an office building for days. Both
of them were returned by their
employer, who claimed that they
could not work.
The stranded workers sought
help from a Nepali boy, thanks
to a window that faced a nearby
juice shop where he worked. Until
the person responsible from the
company was identified, the boy
provided them with food. Though
one of the two has been sent to
Nepal with the help of Nepali
expatriates in Doha, Rai continues
to live alone in the building, waiting
for some documents to be redone so
that she can return home legally.
Coming from a remote Nepal
district, Rai is just 16 years of age.
But in her passport she is 20 years
old. She says she changed her age
on the advice of her recruitment
agent to get a job in Qatar.
For the past year, the Embassy of
Nepal has banned Nepali women
below the age of 30 from working
in Qatar as domestic maids. It has
also stipulated a minimum salary
of QR1,000 for them.
However, the ban’s
implementation remains a
challenge because women like Rai
continue to bend the rules and
travel via India to escape official
Like Rai, Kamala Tamang, 24
(name changed) from an eastern
Nepal district too came to Qatar to
work as domestic maid even when
the Nepal government’s ban was in
force. Four years ago Tamang flew
to Doha from Mumbai, at a time
when the government of Nepal had
not permitted its women to work
as domestic helpers in any Middle
Eastern country.
Tamang is happy with her job.
“I have no complaint because I
am treated like one of the family
members of the house,” she said.
Cases like Rai’s are the main
reason for the government’s move
to fix age and salary limits on
Nepali women coming to Qatar to
work as domestic maids, officials
at the embassy in Qatar said.
“When a woman is young, the risk
of getting abused or exploited is
higher,” said Jaya Bahadur Rai,
second secretary at the embassy of
Nepal adding, “We have continued
our bilateral talks with India to
ensure that women don’t come
through India as well.”
On August 9, based on the
recommendation of Nepal mission
in Qatar, the country’s cabinet
approved a ban on women under
the age of 30 from travelling to the
Gulf countries to work as domestic
helpers. The ban is a response to
several publicised cases of abuse of
Nepali domestic workers.
The recent decision comes 18
months after the government
ended a 12-year ban on female
domestic workers in Gulf
“With the new ruling in
place, Nepal expects better
performance of its women who
work in Middle East as domestic
maids. At the same time we
hope that our women are better
protected,” said Dr Maya Kumari
Sharma, Ambassador of Nepal to
According to the ambassador,
the age of 30 has been fixed as
limit so that women who choose
to come to Qatar are mature
enough to take the decision of
choosing to work as maids. By the
age of 30, most Nepali women are
married and also have children. By
then, women are better equipped
with knowledge and experience
to handle household chores,
*According to Dr Maya Kumari Sharma, Ambassador of Nepal to Qatar, the age of 30 has been fixed as limit so that
women are mature enough to take the decision of choosing to work as maids.
*Besides Nepal, Indonesia and Kenya too have banned its people from working as maids in the Middle East.
Age limit less likely to prevent younger Nepali women from pursuing
employment in Qatar. By Sangeeta Rijal
Page 6 • timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012
By Connie Ogle
FILM: Darling Companion
CAST: Diane Keaton, Kevin Kline, Dianne Wiest, Richard
Jenkins, Sam Shepard, Mark Duplass
DIRECTION: Lawrence Kasdan
f you have to stop and think about the answer
to the question “Whom do you like better, your
spouse or the dog? — and don’t act like the thought
hasn’t occurred to you more than once — Darling
Companion will have no trouble wagging its way into
your heart.
A gentle, winning comedy about a couple, Beth and
Joseph (Diane Keaton and Kevin Kline), who have drifted
apart, the movie takes a simple if shattering occurrence
and uses it as a way to bring a family together — an old
trick but one well played by director Lawrence Kasdan and
his wife and screenwriting partner, Meg.
The event in question involves a runaway dog named
Freeway, a mutt Beth and her daughter Grace (Elisabeth
Moss) rescue from the side of the road. Joseph, a busy,
distracted surgeon, objects to the idea of a pet, but there’s
never any real question that Beth, lonely because both her
girls are grown and living their own lives, is not about to
dump the dog at the pound.
So Freeway is absorbed into the household as a
treasured member of the family.
Then, a year later at Beth’s wedding at the family’s
gorgeous Rocky Mountain vacation home — Utah does
a spectacular job standing in for autumnal Colorado —
Joseph takes the dog out without a leash, and while he’s
talking on his cell phone Freeway runs off after a deer and
doesn’t return.
The rest of Darling Companion focuses on the search
for Freeway, undertaken by a distraught Beth and guilty
Joseph; his free-spirit sister Penny (Dianne Wiest); her
jovial new boyfriend Russell (Richard Jenkins), whom
Joseph suspects is taking advantage of Penny; Penny’s
grown son Bryan (Mark Duplass), who doesn’t trust
Russell either and finds himself drawn to the vacation
home’s caretaker Carmen (Ayelet Zurer).
Carmen takes the search up a notch by claiming her
gypsy ancestry allows her access to visions that Freeway
is not dead. This assertion sounds ridiculous until you
realise that whether Carmen is actually clairvoyant is
beside the point: Her goal is to bolster hope because as
long as there’s hope, Freeway remains alive.
This slight plot is an excuse to allow the various
characters to warm up to or make amends with each
other. Practical doctor Bryan finds himself trusting the
unorthodox (and beautiful) Carmen; he and Russell
have an adventure that bonds them in the way only
comically terrifying experiences can. And of course the
real relationship in need of repair is Beth and Joseph’s;
they have to move past anger and frustration as the search
drags on to some sort of understanding and acceptance
about what the rest of their lives will be like.
Darling Companion’s light tone should reassure animal
lovers that there’s no horrific Marley & Me scenario
looming at the film’s end, but the Kasdans do get the
anguish of a pet owner in distress just right. When Joseph
tells Beth that he feels bad but “we haven’t lost a person;
we’ve lost a dog,” her tearful reply cuts right to the bone:
“Love is love. It doesn’t matter if it’s a dog.”
You don’t have to love dogs to enjoy Darling
Companion, but it couldn’t hurt.—The Miami Herald/
(DVDs courtesy: Saqr Entertainment Stores, Doha)
By Roger Moore
FILM: Think Like a Man
CAST: Taraji P Henson, Kevin
Hart, Gabrielle Union, Meagan
humorous self-help
relationship book
becomes an amusing
and often biting take
on the war between the
sexes with Think Like a Man, based
on comic polymath Steve Harvey’s
Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man.
Funny people in funny situations
deliver funny lines with, thanks to
director Tim (Barbershop) Story,
zippy timing in this somewhat
overlong but still hilarious romp
through the world of “Players”,
“Mama’s Boys” and “90-Day-Rule
The script follows four women
with man problems and four guys
who are the “types” creating
those problems. It lets the women
(Gabrielle Union, Taraji P Henson,
Regina Hall and Meagan Good)
discover Harvey’s best seller and
start putting its tips to use.
Mya (Good) tries to get“the
Player”(Romany Malco) to be patient
and respect her.Kristen (Union) tries
to make her beau since college,a toy-
and-movie poster-collecting fanboy
“Non-commiter”(Jerry Ferrara),
grow up and propose.“The Dreamer”
(Michael Ealy),a would-be chef,has
to hide his income and employment
status from“the Woman Who is
Her Own Man”,high-powered
businesswoman Lauren (Henson).
Single mom Candace (Hall) tries
to figure out if“Mama’s boy”Mike
(Terrence J) can be pried from his
mother’s (Jenifer Lewis,of course)
And here’s Steve Harvey, seen on
a TV interview in one scene and at
other times speaking directly to the
camera, laying out the blunt advice.
“Don’t hate the player. Change
the game.”
“Men respect women who have
And “don’t be a ‘chirp chirp’
girl.” (Expect the man to do more
than merely “chirp chirp” his car
locks. Make him open the door for
Biting banter rules the day
with this ensemble, with Keith
Merryman and David A Newman
peppering the script with Steve
Harveyisms and hilarious cracks
about everything from Star Trek
and Oprah to that “traitor” to men,
This multi-racial blend of talent
in front of and behind the camera
— Ferrara (TV’s Entourage) and
Gary Owen are the white guys in
this gang of friends — makes for
some explosively funny post-racial
America riffs on race, many of them
delivered by Cedric (Kevin Hart),
the about-to-divorce member of
the group.
Cracks about “white boy credit
scores” and Tyler Perry’s For
Coloured Girls ricochet off the
walls, with the black and white
friends pushing each other’s racial
buttons in the way only close
friends can.
“You’re not even white,” Jeremy
(Ferrara) blurts out at the “other”
white guy, the pale, redheaded and
happily married Bennett (Owen).
“You’re CLEAR.”
For all the laughs, Harvey’s
thesis — that women have to
expect more from the arrested-
development crowd that make up
“the men of this generation” —
rings true.
So do his takes on the gender-
bending nature of modern
relationships — women settling on
careers and moving up the ladder,
men clinging to childhood longer
thanks to a culture that rewards
Mark Think Like a Man down as
a rare winner in a genre Hollywood
has found most dif ficult to master
in recent years: romantic comedies
that are both comic and romantic.
A gentle, winning comedy
Relationship guide
By Jennifer Brett
ello from Honey Boo Boo
With a global audience
embracing the small-town,
belly-baring, GoGo Juice-
chugging 6-year-old whose antics on
Toddlers and Tiaras spawned her own show,
we decided to red-neckonise and headed
south this week to meet Alana Thompson and
her family.
“It’s been a blast,” her dad, Mike “Sugar
Bear” Thompson, said of the TLC show. The
premiere episode attracted 2.2mn viewers,
and its fan base is international.
“Honestly, it’s still surreal,” said Alana’s
mom, June Shannon, recalling a fan letter
from Italy. Her youngest daughter “will stop
in the middle of anything she is doing and
watch the commercial,” she said of the Here
Comes Honey Boo Boo promo. (“I will not!”
Alana protested.) The 6-year-old second-
grader, who invented her catchy nickname,
bounced around like a pingpong ball while we
visited on the porch.
“Can I have a Pop-Tart?” she asked, having
determined there were no Oreos in the house.
“I have three boyfriends,” she confided a few
minutes later. “I love them all equally.” Well,
maybe love is too strong a word. “You think I
love taking pictures with boys? I don’t!” Then
she displayed some sparkly pageant shoes
and noted, “I don’t wear them to school. You
know why? They start hurting.” One of the
show’s story lines concerns the quest for
more prominent pageant wins.
Lauretta Hannon of Powder Springs,
Georgia, author of The Cracker Queen, joined
in this little adventure. There is no quick
route to McIntyre, so riding with someone
makes the trip more fun. We also figured
Hannon would bring a certain je ne sais
cracker to the endeavour.
Sure enough, when family friend Tony
Lindsey arrived (he’s the one toppling over
on a four-wheeler during the Honey Boo
Boo credits), Hannon immediately started
figuring out mutual friends. Plus her mama
‘nem live in Dublin, near the site of the annual
“Redneck Games” featured on one episode.
“They personify some of the key points
of my book, one of which is the resilience,
beauty, love, bad choices and good humour
of people who don’t look so promising if you
take them at face value and interpret them
through your own biases,” Hannon said.
Her memoir includes anecdotes such
as roaring around in the butter-coloured
Cadillac her father won in a poker game with
her mother, tossing cartons of cigarettes to
inmates working on road gangs.
The show also has prompted criticism from
pundits commenting on everything from the
family’s diet to Alana’s pregnant 17-year-
old sister. Baby Kaitlyn arrived a month
ago with two right thumbs but otherwise
healthy, Shannon said. She was candid when
discussing the attention her family has
“Yes,I got locked up,”she said,referring to
a contempt-of-court charge four years ago.
“It was the worst four days of my life.Yes,we
really do have our Christmas lights up.The
GoGo Juice was a one-time thing.”Toddlers
and Tiaras captured Alana knocking back the
Mountain Dew-energy drink concoction meant
to give her a boost during long pageant days.
“TLC has been great,” Shannon said,
adding that there is talk of a second season.
“They like that we’re not scripted.”
Driving around McIntyre, which might
take two minutes if you get stopped by the
train, we found locals who love their notable
neighbours and some who think their show
does no favours for the town of less than
1,000 people about 30 miles east of Macon.
“The show should be filmed somewhere
else,” said Terri Jackson, who works at a
convenience store around the corner from
the Honey Boo Boo clan. “I was born here
and I want to be buried here, but I don’t
want ‘hillbilly’ written on my grave.”
Florist Anita McGahee finds Honey Boo Boo
amusing even if it does make her cringe. The
show has featured members of the family
belly-flopping into mud pits, engaging in
malodorous bodily functions.
“We don’t act like that,” McGahee said.
“We do have manners.”
Phyllis Davis, another area resident, can’t
get enough. “They’re doing their thing,” she
said. “Next time y’all need a reality show,
come up to my house!”
During our visit, a Fed Ex guy showed
up and asked for a photo, leaving behind a
package containing an umbrella hat and letter
from Australian fans Michelle Mohr and Paul
Moran. Alana clamped the hat onto her head
and read the letter aloud. The second-grader
is an excellent reader, tackling the word
“Australian” with ease.
In a subsequent e-mail, Mohr explained
the appeal.
“I suppose it’s something that few
Americans and most Australians understand,”
she said. “Life is to be enjoyed and not taken
so seriously and this family gets it.”
Other visitors included a truck driver who
stopped by to say he and his wife are fans and
a car full of people who slowed down and
shouted, “We love you, Honey Boo Boo!”
“It does get crazy at times,” said Shannon,
who shoos away fans after Alana has had
enough. “I am a parent, first and foremost.
We’re down-to-earth, everyday people.
If you actually sit down and talk to me,
you realise we’re not crazy.” — The Atlanta
* Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson, 6, the breakout star of Toddlers and Tiaras, now has her own show — and an international fan base.
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Osn Cinema: The Artist; 9pm.
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0100	 It’s Kind Of A Funny
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0045	 The Sisterhood Of The
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1100	 Thin Red Line, The
1400	 William Shakespeare’s
Romeo + Juliet
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1130	 The Bold and the
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1200	 CSI Las Vegas (Season
1300	 Gilmore Girls (Season
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Order of the Phoenix
1700	 The Bold and the
Beautiful (Season 8)
1730	 Gilmore Girls (Season
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1930	 Emirates News
2000	 CSI Las Vegas (Season
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1400	 Hitler Didi
1430	 Rab Se Sohna Isshq
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1600	 Phir Subha Hogi
1700	 Afsar Bitiya
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Ladakpan Ke
1900	 Hitler Didi
1930	 Rab Se Sohna Isshq
2000	 Pavitra Rishta
2030	 Phir Subha Hogi
2300	 Silver Screen (Chalo
0000	 Dance Ke Super Kids
0030	 Dance Ke Super Kids
0100	 Dance Ke Super Kids
0130	 Dance Ke Super Kids
0200	 Dance Ke Super Kids
0230	 Dance Ke Super Kids
0300	 Ramayan
0330	 Ramayan
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0430	 Baba Ramdev
OSN Movies Action: Final Fantasy The Spirits Within; 3pm.
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0500 Ruk Jana Nahi
0530 Pyaar Ka Dard Meetha
Meetha Pyara Pyara
0600 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam
0630 Awakening With
0700 Ek Dusre Se Karte Hai
Hum Pyaar
0730 Saath Nibhana
0800 Teleshopping
0900 Ek Hazaron Main Meri
0930 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata
1000 Diya Aur Baati
1030 Pyaar Ka Dard Meetha
Meetha Pyara Pyara
1130 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam
1200 Ruk Jana Nahi
1230 Saath Nibhana
1300 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata
1430 Ek Dusre Se Karte Hai
Hum Pyaar
1500 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam
1530 Ek Hazaron Main Meri
1600 Diya Aur Baati
1630 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata
1700 Pyaar Ka Dard Meetha
Meetha Pyara Pyara
1730 Ruk Jana Nahi
1800 Saath Nibhana
1830 Ek Dusre Se Karte Hai
Hum Pyaar
1900 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam
1930 Ek Hazaron Main Meri
2000 Diya Aur Baati
2030 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata
2100 Pyaar Ka Dard Meetha
Meetha Pyara Pyara
2130 Mann kee Awaaz
2200 Ek Hazaron Main Meri
2230 Ek Dusre Se Karte Hai
Hum Pyaar
2300 Saath Nibhana
2330 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam
0000 Diya Aur Baati
0030 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata
0100 Mann kee Awaaz
0130 Pyaar Ka Dard Meetha
Meetha Pyara Pyara
0200 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam
0230 Ek Dusre Se Karte Hai
Hum Pyaar
0300 Ek Hazaron Main Meri
0330 Saath Nibhaana
0400 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata
0430 Diya Aur Baati
0500 Ugly Betty
0540 Criminal Minds
0620 COPS
0640 Cougar Town
0700 Gary Unmarried
0720 90210
0800 Castle
0840 Melissa and Joey
0900 Cougar Town
0920 Private Practice
1000 Ugly Betty
1040 COPS
1100 Gary Unmarried
1120 Melissa and Joey
1140 Castle
1220 Ugly Betty
1300 Criminal Minds
1340 COPS
1400 90210
1440 Private Practice
1520 Melissa and Joey
1540 Cougar Town
1600 Castle
1640 Criminal Minds
1720 Gary Unmarried
1740 90210
1820 Melissa and Joey
1840 Ugly Betty
1920 Private Practice
2000 90210
2040 Criminal Minds
2120 Castle
2220 Scrubs
2240 Gary Unmarried
2300 Criminal Minds
2340 Cougar Town
0215 Fillers
0240 Brothers& Sisters
0320 Brothers& Sisters
0400 90210
0440 90210
0505 Ben 10 Ultimate Alien
0530 Ben 10 Ultimate Alien
0555 Angelo Rules
0625 Casper’s Scare School
0700 The Amazing World Of
0715 Adventure Time
0740 Johnny Test
0805 Grim Adventures Of...
0945 Bakugan Mechtanium
1010 Young Justice
1035 Powerpuff Girls
1215 Ed, Edd n Eddy
1305 Ben 10
1355 Eliot Kid
1445 Angelo Rules
1535 Powerpuff Girls
1640 Johnny Test
1700 Level Up
1730 Regular Show
1820 Total Drama Island
1845 Total Drama Island
1910 Adventure Time
1935 Generator Rex
2000 Ben 10 Alien Force
2025 Ben 10 Alien Force
2050 Ben 10 Alien Force
2115 Grim Adventures Of...
2250 Ben 10
2315 Ben 10
2340 Chowder
0030 Bakugan New Vestroia
0055 Bakugan New Vestroia
0120 Powerpuff Girls
0325 Ben 10
0350 Adventure Time
0415 Powerpuff Girls
0440 Generator Rex
0500 Double Shot
0530 XO
0630 LOOP
0730 The Playlist
0800 TOP 5
0830 LOOP
0930 Double Shot
1000 LOOP
1100 The Playlist
1130 TOP 5
1200 [V]S
1300 Double Shot
1330 XO
1430 LOOP
1530 The Playlist
1600 TOP 5
1630 [V]S
1730 Double Shot
1800 LOOP
1900 The Playlist
1930 TOP 5
2000 [V]S
2100 Double Shot
2130 XO
2230 LOOP
2330 The Playlist
0000 [V]S
0100 TOP 5
0130 Double Shot
0200 LOOP
0300 The Playlist
0330 TOP 5
0400 [V]S
0500 Lock N’ Load
0600 Ancient Aliens
0700 Pawn Stars
0730 Storage Wars
0800 UFO Hunters
0900 Lock N’ Load
1000 Pawn Stars
1030 Storage Wars
1100 Ancient Aliens
1200 Swamp People
1300 Top Shot
1400 Lock N’ Load
1500 UFO Hunters
1600 Swamp People
1700 Top Shot
1800 Lock N’ Load
1900 UFO Hunters
2000 Pawn Stars
2030 Storage Wars
2100 Ancient Aliens
2200 Ice Road Truckers
2300 Ax Men
0000 Pawn Stars
0030 Storage Wars
0100 Ancient Aliens
0200 Ice Road Truckers
0300 Ax Men
0400 UFO Hunters
0510 Anthony Ant
0535 Angelina Ballerina
0600 Angelina Ballerina
0615 Oswald
0630 Dragon
0642 Dragon
0655 Bob The Builder
0705 Thomas And Friends
0710 Thomas And Friends
0715 Mumuhug
0720 Kipper
0730 Wild Life
0740 Barney And Friends
0805 Igloo-Gloo
0817 Lots & Lots Of...
0955 Jarmies
1010 Danny & Daddy Duet
1015 Pingu
1020 Pingu
1025 Benjamin’s Farm
1030 Benjamin’s Farm
1035 Baby Antonio’s Circus
1040 Zoo Mix
1044 Zoo Mix
1200 Benjamin’s Farm
1205 Barney And Friends
1230 Mega Minimals
1237 Mega Minimals
1245 Jarmies
1300 Igloo-Gloo
1312 Lots & Lots Of...
1325 See The Sea
1330 My Animal Family
1345 Benjamin’s Farm
1350 Angelina Ballerina
1405 Oswald
1420 Dragon
1432 Dragon
1445 Barney And Friends
1510 Mumuhug
1515 Bob The Builder
1740 Kipper
1750 Bob The Builder
1800 Thomas And Friends
1805 Thomas And Friends
1951 Mega Minimals
1957 See The Sea
2000 My Animal Family
2015 Benjamin’s Farm
2020 My Animal Family
2110 Kipper
2120 Mega Minimals
2127 Mega Minimals
2135 Pingu
2210 Barney And Friends
2235 Kipper
2310 Anthony Ant
2335 Angelina Ballerina
2346 Oswald
0000 Barney And Friends
0025 Bob The Builder
0035 Thomas And Friends
0045 Mumuhug
0050 See The Sea
0055 My Animal Family
0110 Benjamin’s Farm
0115 My Animal Family
0125 Barney And Friends
0150 Lots & Lots Of...
0203 Igloo-Gloo
0215 Anthony Ant
0240 Angelina Ballerina
0252 Oswald
0305 Dragon
0317 Dragon
0330 Barney And Friends
0355 Bob The Builder
0405 Thomas And Friends
0415 The Magic Key
0425 Kipper
0435 Wild Life
0440 Wild Life
0445 Pingu
0450 Pingu
0455 Igloo-Gloo
0510 Fairly Odd Parents
0535 Fairly Odd Parents
0600 Phineas And Ferb
0615 Suite Life On Deck
0640 Suite Life On Deck
0705 The Adventures Of
Disney Fairies
0730 Recess
0755 So Random
0820 Timon And Pumbaa
0845 Mickey Mouse
0910 Jake & The Neverland
0925 Handy Manny
0935 The Hive
0945 Mouk
1000 Jonas
1025 So Random
1050 Hannah Montana
1115 Fish Hooks
1125 Fish Hooks
1140 Kim Possible
1205 Shake It Up
1255 Phineas And Ferb
1320 Timon And Pumbaa
1345 Suite Life On Deck
1410 Suite Life On Deck
1435 Suite Life On Deck
1500 Austin And Ally
1525 Shake It Up
1550 Phineas And Ferb
1615 Jessie
1640 Good Luck Charlie
1700 Good Luck Charlie
1730 Wizards Of Waverly
1755 Suite Life On Deck
1820 Austin And Ally
1845 Phineas And Ferb
1910 A.N.T. Farm
1935 Good Luck Charlie
2000 Jessie
2025 Suite Life On Deck
2050 Suite Life On Deck
2115 Jonas
2140 Jonas
2205 Good Luck Charlie
2230 Good Luck Charlie
2255 Wizards Of Waverly
2320 Wizards Of Waverly
2345 Kim Possible
0010 Fairly Odd Parents
0035 Fairly Odd Parents
0100 Brandy & Mr Whiskers
0125 Brandy & Mr Whiskers
0150 Replacements
0215 Replacements
0240 Emperor’s New School
0305 Emperor’s New School
0330 Brandy & Mr Whiskers
0355 Brandy & Mr Whiskers
0420 Replacements
0445 Replacements
0600 Kid vs Kat
0615 Pokemon Black And
0640 Zeke & Luther
0705 Kickin It
0730 Ultimate Spider-Man
0755 Phineas And Ferb
0820 Pair Of Kings
0845 Kick Buttowski
0910 Zeke & Luther
0935 I’m In The Band
1000 Scaredy Squirrel
1025 Pokemon Black And
1050 Rated A For Awesome
1115 Aaron Stone
1140 Rekkit Rabbit
1205 American Dragon
1230 Kick Buttowski
1255 Kid vs Kat
1320 Pair Of Kings
1345 Zeke & Luther
1410 Kid vs Kat
1435 I’m In The Band
1500 Phineas And Ferb
1525 Scaredy Squirrel
1550 Rated A For Awesome
1615 Lab Rats
1640 Pair Of Kings
1705 Mr. Young
1730 Kickin It
1800 Kick Buttowski
1825 Zeke & Luther
1850 Phineas And Ferb
1915 Phineas And Ferb
1940 I’m In The Band
2005 Zeke & Luther
2030 Zeke & Luther
2055 Phineas And Ferb
2120 Mr. Young
2145 Rated A For Awesome
2210 Kick Buttowski
2235 Kid vs Kat
timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 • Page 11
FILM: One in the Chamber
CAST: Cuba Gooding Jr, Dolph
Lundgren, Billy Murray
DIRECTION: William Kaufman
odern day Prague.
A seasoned US
assassin for hire
Ray Carver (Cuba
Gooding Jr) is
working far away from home,
making good money doing what he
does best — killing people.
Ray has his own reasons to be in
Prague as well — a young beautiful
girl, whom he follows every day for
unknown reasons.
In the meantime, there are
several crime families operating in
the city, and Carver is hired by one
of them to do the dirty job.
When the mission fails, and
Carver realises he’s been set up, he
has very little time on his hands to
figure out the situation, as one of
the crime families has already hired
another specialist, Alexei “The
Wolf” Andreev (Dolph Lundgren) to
finish the job, and get rid of Carver
as well.
If you have watched a lot of
“straight to video, DVD” movies,
this action movie is exactly what
you would expect it to be. If you can
bear the fact that Prague was “shot”
in Romania, for financial reasons
obviously, let’s continue.
The $5mn One in the Chamber
is basically a two-man show, with
Gooding and Lundgren. They carry
the whole film, from start to finish.
However, though Cuba’s
performances in such films is
usually enjoyable, here he’s a lot
less than impressive, as his type of
“hit-man” is your usual guy.
Despite the fact that both
Gooding and Lundgren are
technically “bad guys”, or hitmen,
the film openly shows us that
Gooding is in fact a protagonist.
Lundgren is a completely
different story. His character of
Alexei Andreev is the complete
opposite of Gooding’s. Andreev is
a communist (as tattoos of Engels,
Lenin and Stalin on his back show),
who seems to have turned into a
capitalist with a gun in his hand.
He walks around in a Hawaiian
shirt, an old hat, he’s driving old
’70s cars, and he’s ruthless too.
Lundgren gets less screen time in
the film than Gooding Jr, however
his character is bigger and more
interesting to explore.
In the film, the “Big Swede” is
billed second after Gooding, while
IMDB has put the Oscar-winning
Gooding after Lundgren.
Both stars get to trade blows,
and they have quite a nice fight in
the film — a great addition to other
action that One in the Chamber
William Kaufman does a good
job directing the action scenes, no
shaky cam was spotted.
Cast list also includes UK
veteran actor Billy Murray and
Louis Mandylor, who seems to feel
comfortable playing villains one
film after another.
Overall, if you are able to take
this film for what it is, then it is
enjoyable for sure. Gooding gets
one thumb up for standing up to
Lundgren and even roundhouse
kicking him in the face (oh yes, you
get to see that one), while Lundgren
gets two thumbs up for bringing
such a vivid character to life. —
By Cary Darling
FILM: Safe
CAST: Jason Statham, Catherine
ule No 1: If you love Jason
Statham and his brand of
neck-stomping, head-
busting killin’ skills, then
you’re probably going to
like his latest blast of movie mayhem,
Rule No 2: If you don’t like
Statham, then this one a wide berth.
But, if you fall somewhere in the
middle — appreciative of Statham’s
talents at pounding and pummelling
but feel some of his more recent
movies like Transporter 3 and The
Mechanic left something to be desired
— then Safe is more of a mixed bag
full of the same ol’, same ol’.
Statham is Luke Wright, a down-
on-his-luck former cop trying to
make a living on the cage-fighting
circuit. When he doesn’t take
a dive as ordered, he angers the
Russian mob, who kill his wife and
tell him they’re going to, one by
one, slaughter anyone who has any
relationship with him — even his
landlady. With nothing left to live for,
and not wanting to get anyone else
hurt, he considers suicide by subway
when he notices a young, scared
Chinese girl (Catherine Chan) being
chased through the train station by
these same goons.
Turns out she’s being hunted by
the Russians, Chinese gangsters, and
crooked cops because she’s the only
one who knows the code to a safe
containing millions of dollars. Faster
than you can say “skull fracture”,
Luke has something to live — and
fight — for.
Directed by Boaz Yakin (Remember
the Titans) with a brawny efficiency,
Safe gets the job done. There’s a
car-chase scene going the wrong
way down a one-way street that’s
absolutely thrilling and the fight
choreography is often wince-
inducing. Few can turn men into
meatloaf better than Statham
(though, after seeing Indonesian
martial-arts star Iko Uwais in The
Raid: Redemption, Statham definitely
has some company).
Still, in recent years, Statham has
shown he can handle something
slightly more complicated (The Bank
Job) or chosen films with a sense of
pop-culture humour (Death Race,
Crank) that gave them an extra kick.
Unfortunately, Safe doesn’t fall into
either of these categories. Ultimately,
Safe lives up to its title. — The Fort
Worth Star-Telegram/MCT
(DVDs courtesy:
Saqr Entertainment Stores, Doha)
Statham plays it
a little too ‘Safe’
Page 12 • timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012
hen she was
20 years old,
Alphonsina Zara
was pregnant with
her first child.
After three days of excruciating
labour, though she was in a health
centre, her baby was stillborn.
Doctors found that she had
developed a hole in her birth canal,
a severe medical condition called
obstetric fistula. She not only lost
her baby, it disrupted her life for the
next 14 years.
The injury is usually caused by
complications during childbirth,
such as a prolonged labour that
can cause muscle tissues to tear,
creating a hole in the birth canal.
If left untreated — as it is for
tens of thousands of women — it
causes them to urinate or defecate
continuously. Fistula can occur
when care is inadequate, when
women give birth at home, at
an early age, or with traditional
healers. “It is really a problem of
poverty,” said Edwige Ravaomanana
of the UN Population Fund, and a
simple and cheap operation could
turn around many lives.
The condition was eradicated
in wealthy countries in the 19th
century, but the World Health
Organisation (WHO) says it still
afflicts 2mn women in Africa and
developing Asia.
“It’s also because women can’t go
to a (clinic). Maybe because of the
distance, maybe because they don’t
know,” said Ravaomanana. “The
women who live far try to give birth
with a matron,” a traditional birth
Madagascar, one of the world’s
poorest countries, alone accounts
for 2,000 of the more than 50,000
new fistula cases each year around
the globe, according to UN data.
As much as 81% of the population
on this island nation off southeast
Africa live on less than $1.25 a day.
Health facilities are widely
scattered across the country, the
world’s fourth-largest island where
80% of the population lives in rural
About 65% of them reside more
than 10km from their nearest health
centre, according to the health
That distance often is travelled
by foot because Madagascar has few
roads and little transport, forcing
women to give birth at home with
traditional midwives. Widespread
fistula here is also blamed on early
pregnancy, which is very common
in Madagascar. “It’s also the
tradition. Starting from 18, they
are considered old. At 30, a woman
can already have 10 children,”
Ravaomanana said.
A surgical procedure that costs
about $300 can close the hole
and return a woman’s life back
to normal. But until 2011, only
two doctors on Madagascar could
perform the operation.
A €300,000 ($374,000)
campaign by the health ministry
and the UN Population Fund has
trained 14 more, and performed
106 operations in the tourist beach
town of Tulear.
Aphonsina was one of them.
In the soft red sun of a winter
afternoon, Alphonsina said her
baby’s father left her because of the
constant smell of urine. “People
were talking about me, they were
saying I smell bad. When I was
getting close to people, they would
leave,” Alphonsina said with a shy
Fortunately, her parents did not
reject her. She lived with them and
worked as a fish vendor for years.
She consulted the nearest hospital,
which eventually sent her to Tulear.
“When I came here, the doctor
made me come every three months
and still didn’t heal me,” she said. In
Tulear, she started selling fabric.
“Where I live right now, I’m
making friends, not like before.
Though I still don’t have a lot of
friends,” Alphonsina said. She lives
in a small grass hut on a sandy road,
has a mattress and very few objects
in her house, which she rents for
about $5 a month.
Her life has improved, but she’s
not cured, having the misfortune
to be among the 10% of women
who aren’t completely healed after
the surgery. Alphonsina’s doctor
said she needs another operation
which, with medicine, will cost
$100 — money that she doesn’t
have. — AFP
In Madagascar, little help for difficult
pregnancies. By Andreea Campeanu
*Alphonsina Zara in Tulear, South of Madagascar. She has had the obstetric fistula since the age of 20, because of childbirth complication when she was
giving birth to her first child.
*Felicia has had obstetric fistula since the age of 18, because of childbirth
complication when she was giving birth to her first child. She lived with it
for the following 12 years, until 2011, when she was operated, and now she is
completely cured.
timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 • Page 13
ES Indian School kickstarted the second term of the academic
year 2012-2013 with the principal’s address on September 1, in
an orientation programme for the teaching faculty, prior to the
reopening of the school.
Principal A P Sasidharan briefed the staff about the recent
reforms to be introduced in the CBSE curriculum, which focus on Value Based
Questions, Open Book Examination and Problem Solving Assessment Test
exclusively for classes IX and XI. “With determination and dedication any
challenge can be coped with,” remarked the principal.
He also introduced the newly joined teachers during the function. There was a
section wise meeting by the heads of departments to discuss the various reforms
introduced in the CBSE curriculum. Dr Sophia Rajani, co-ordinator for the
orientation programme, compered the function.
*Students accompanied by parents attend the first day of school.
*A view of the cultural procession held as part of the Onam celebrations of
the CCC Samajam in their camp in Al Khor.
*Trainer NV Kabeer addresses the teachers on new educational
SIS holds training
camp for teachers
two-day training session on new
educational strategies was held
recently at Shantiniketan Indian
School (SIS).Led by eminent
trainer NV Kabeer,it focused on
the topic —‘Towards value loaded excellence’.
The programme was inaugurated by K C
Latheef,president of the school and presided
over by principal Mohamed Ismail.
The president urged the teaching
community to take up the challenges of the
time and to refresh and update the knowledge
and attitude according to the need of hour.
Joint secretary Abdul Khader spoke on the
occasion.Shihabudheen Pulath,headmaster,
welcomed the gathering.Karunakaran
proposed vote of thanks.
Best wishes! Pakistani ambassador to Qatar, Mohamed Sarfraz Khanzada (front row, second right) at the wedding
ceremony of Salma Rais, daughter of noted Doha-based banker Rais Uddin Siddiqui. Prominent members of the
Pakistani community attended the event held recently at Best Western Hotel in Doha.
Share news of your community events with us!
E-mail or call Gulf Times Features Department on 44466405 (6-8pm).
CCC Samajam
celebrates Onam
embers of the CCC
Malayali Samajam,
an expatriate forum,
celebrated Onam
festival at their camp
in Al Khor recently.Malayalis all
over the world celebrated Onam on
August 29.
CCC Malayali Samajam in Qatar
consists of Keralites working
in Consolidated Contractors
International Company,one of the
major construction firms having
presence throughout the region.It
is one of the numerically stronger
forums (5,000 members) among the
country’s Keralites.
At the function held prior to the
celebrations,company officials
Mohamed Bayomi and M Kamal
greeted the members.
General convenor C S Narayana
Kurup lighted the traditional lamp to
mark the start of the event,attended
by a large number of Indians,and
other nationalities in the camp.
As part of the celebrations,a
host of cultural and art forms of
Kerala such as Theyyam,Puli Kali,
Kavadiyattam,Kummatti were on the
Camp administrator Suresh Babu
inaugurated the cultural procession.
Joseph Francis,Sunil Kumar Kurup,
Johan Binumon,Shaji Mathew
Surendran Pillai and Maniyappan
were among others who led the
Floral carpet,one of the key
attractions of the celebrations,was
laid by a team of Sunil Kumar Arjun,
Sunil Kumar Kurup,Aby P Baby and
Prasil Kumar.
A sumptuous Onam feast was also
served to the huge gathering.At the
ceremony,the forum honoured the
children of members who performed
well in school examinations.Student
Maya Mohan received the prize for
scoring the highest marks.
Every letter of the alphabet is used at least once.
Squares with the same number in have the same letter
in. Work out which number represents which letter.
By changing one letter at a time to form a new word,
transform the beginning word to the ending word in the
rated number of steps (or fewer).
Page 14 • timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012
Sudoku is a puzzle based on
a 9x9 grid. The grid is also
divided into nine (3x3) boxes.
You are given a selection
of values and to complete
the puzzle, you must fill the
grid so that every column,
every row and every 3x3 box
contains the digits 1 to 9 and
none is repeated.
Sudoku SpotTheDifference
An older loved one may be having problems. Your
energetic nature and ability to initiate projects
will add to your popularity. Fitness or weight loss
programmes will help your self esteem.
You will have some problems with children,
but if you are patient you will win their favour.
Put something away in case of an emergency.
Confront a situation calmly.
Your determination and sheer desire to do your
own thing will be successful. You might get
behind if you spend too much time debating
senseless issues.
Your ability to ferret out secret information
will lead you to an inside scoop on an amazing
financial deal. You may find that someone at work
hasn’t been trustworthy.
Relax and enjoy what you’ve accomplished when
you’re finished. Don’t let children hold you back
from doing things you enjoy. Your outgoing
nature will surprise others today.
Don’t trust co-workers with important or personal
information. You may divulge private information
without realising it today. Don’t be too quick to
Don’t lament to a friend about any grievance
regarding your mate, or it may be hard to rectify
your relationship. You must not allow them to
force you to rush.
One-sided attractions are likely. Don’t spend
more than is necessary on travel or friends. Be
professional, and you will advance much more
Socialising will be more than just entertaining.
Pamper yourself; the self esteem it brings you will
be most gratifying. It’s a favourable time for real
estate investments.
You should get involved with activities that can
be enjoyed by both young and old alike. You can
make financial gains if you are prepared to take a
risk. Don’t get talked into get-rich-quick schemes.
You need to keep the peace and you will have to
bend in order to do so. Praise will be yours if you
have been pursuing your goals. Your ability to be
a self-starter will help get things done.
Invite friends or relatives into your home. You
can make favourable real estate offers today. You
will communicate easily and should be able to
accomplish all that you set out to do.
ARIES21Mar-20Apr CANCER22Jun-22Jul
TAURUS21Apr-21May LEO23Jul-22Aug SCORPIO24Oct-22 Nov
GEMINI22May-21Jun VIRGO23Aug-23Sep SAGITTARIUS23Nov-21Dec PISCES20Feb-20Mar
timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 • Page 15
LIBRA24Sep-23Oct CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20Jan
Solution on Page 16
1. Persuade (8)
2. Totter (7)
4. On fire (6)
5. Misleading (10)
6. Check accounts (5)
7. Smooth (4)
10. Happen (4,2,4)
12. Slenderness (8)
15. Pamper (7)
16. Paleness (6)
18. Big (5)
19. Raced (4)
1. Throw (4)
3. The profile (4-4)
8. Close (4)
9. Oust (8)
11. Well (2,4,6)
13. Bend (6)
14. Terminate (6)
17. Abruptly (3,2,1,6)
20. Easily carried (8)
21. Hint (4)
22. Kitchen sideboards (8)
23. Minus (4)
1. Amusing people in the show,
it seems (4)
3. Monocle required to look at
the tumbler (8)
8. Tidy collection of cattle (4)
9. Motorway in excellent
setting having the most traffic
lanes? (8)
11. Kind of office for mislaid
piece of theatrical equipment
13. South African gin for the
Persian governor (6)
14. Is obliged with some
hesitation to gather the troops
17. Presumably they were often
reduced to living on the rocks!
20. Correcting the script, we
hear (8)
21. Not working in squalid leg-
shows (4)
22. Chaps near at hand are
good at odd jobs (8)
23. Amphibian went astray (4)
1. For the hoisting device, the girl
has to turn the handle first (8)
2. Conveyance for variety artist
round the north (7)
4. Worry on return about a plant
of the milfoil family (6)
5. Completely following the
prayer in an elegant way (10)
6. Expert incorrectly taped (5)
7. Cause one to be completely
fed up! (4)
10. Father or mother in different
play, seemingly (10)
12. Could it eventually be
enlarged into Half Moon Street?
15. Operated by the footplateman
16. Improvised dance music with
eastern beat! (6)
18. The embargo now includes
gas (5)
19. Tree topped for rustic feature
puzzlesQuickClues CrypticClues
Prayer Time
Fajr 3.58am
Shorooq (sunrise) 5.16am
Zuhr (noon) 11.32am
Asr (afternoon) 3.01pm
Maghreb (sunset) 5.49pm
Isha (night) 7.19pm
Consumer Complaints
(Food control department)
Head of dept 44347633
Help Line
Is drinking a problem for you or
someone you love?
Call Alcoholics Anonymous:
Women’sHospitaland Rumaillah
Useful Numbers
Police, Fire, Ambulance 999
HMC 44392222
Women’s (Rumaillah) 44393333
HMC (Emergency) 44392111
Water & Electricity 991
Flight Inquiries 44622999
Doha Seaport 44457457
Museum of Islamic Art 44224444
Private & Mumtaz Post 44621094
Q Post Registered Mail 44464131
Q Post Customer Service 44464172
Ship Phone Service 44864444
Ministry of Interior main
switchboard 44330000
Public Department
for passports,
nationality and residence 44882882
Capital Security Dept 44444420
Criminal Info Dept 44477477
Boundaries and Coasts
Security 44414488
Civil Defence
Department 44413666
Rescue Service 44682888
Doha Zoo 44682888
The Grand Cinecentre 44839064
Cinema Palace 44320938
The Mall Cineplex 44678666
Cinema Land 44881674
Gulf & Doha Cinema 44671811
Qatar National Theater 44831246
DVD, Video releases
ENGLISH: Think Like A Man
(Taraji P. Henson); Darling
Companion (Diane Keaton); One
In The Chamber (Cuba Gooding
Jr.); Safe (Jason Statham); Avengers
Assemble (Robert Downey Jr.); Lol
(Miley Cyrus); Battleship (Taylor
Kitsch); Warriors Of The Rainbow
(Lin Ching-Tai); The Hunger
Games (Jennifer Lawrence); The
Lucky One (Zac Efron); Bernie
(Jack Black); Jiro Dreams Of Sushi
(Documentary); The Gruffalo’s
Child (animation); The Raid (Iko
Uwais); Marley,(Documentary);
Hatfields And Mccoys (Kevin
Costner); The Pirates! Band of
Misfits (animation); Age of the
Dragons (Danny Glover); Boss
Season One (Kelsey Grammer);
Alphas Season One (David
Straithairn); Strike Back: Season
One (Philip Winchester); The Three
Stooges (Sean Hayes).
HINDI: Agent Vinod (Saif Ali
Khan); Kahaani (Vidya Balan);
Breakaway (Vinay Virmani);
Don 2: The King is Back (Shah
Rukh Khan); Pappu Can’t Dance
Saala (Vinay Pathak); Agneepath
(Hrithik Roshan); Paan Singh
Tomar (Irrfan Khan).
Across: 1 Agriculture; 9
Realise; 10 Paste; 11 Extra; 12
Succour; 13 Indeed; 15 Egress;
18 Incline; 20 Steam; 22 Usage;
23 Certain; 24 Pertinacity.
Down: 2 Grant; 3 Imitate; 4
Uneasy; 5 Topic; 6 Restore; 7
Irreligious; 8 Refreshment; 14
Declare; 16 Gastric; 17 Beacon;
19 Inert; 21 Exact.
Across: 1 Fell through; 9
Thistle; 10 Arena; 11 Gusto; 12
Elector; 13 Feline; 15 Starve; 18
Inspect; 20 Roost; 22 Hoist; 23
Theatre; 24 Escape route.
Down: 2 Exits; 3 Let down; 4
Heeded; 5 Orate; 6 Greater; 7
Stage fright; 8 Fair weather; 14
Lassies; 16 Torpedo; 17 Statue;
19 Extra; 21 Octet.
Change Word
Page 16 • timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012

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Gulf Time Maid story

  • 1. timeoutTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2012 OutofOutof CruiseCruise controlcontrolThe Scientologist actor’s reputation takes a beating in the media. P2-3
  • 2. inside PAGE 4 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 PAGE 12 PAGE 13 SpecialReport Nepali women below 30 are not allowed to work as maids in the Gulf, according to a new directive by the government. But how effective is it? Reviews Read the reviews of the latest DVD releases in Qatar. GulfTimesCommunity Share your news of your community events with us. TV Alana 'Honey Boo Boo' Thompson is the star of her own series with an international fan base ... all at the age of 6. Women In Madagascar, women of child-bearing age are mostly affected by a severe medical condition called obstetric fistula. Features Editor: Nahla Nainar Senior Features Writer: G John Layout Artist: Pushpa Raj Shrestha Regulars Comics, Puzzles, Info-guide Page 14-16 Telephone: 44466405 Fax: 44350474 e-mail: timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 • Page 3 Thenew Wacko Jacko? I’ll admit, I find it difficult to imagine that Jackson — who, according to Sullivan, was using medication to knock himself out not for hours but whole days — was a man overburdened with self-love. But Sullivan does touch on one of the many sad truths about Jackson’s life: how useful he was to the media as the resident freakshow, the vessel into which all mockery about the weird, self-centred, overly permissive world of celebrity could be poured. There are always celebrities around, usually in the Los Angeles area, who can justly be described as at least slightly doolally. To want to be famous requires a crackpot nature from the start; to then become A-list world-famous would drive most into the far reaches of egocentric lunacy. But there is also always one person who is decreed to be the weirdest, loopiest, LOL-iest show in town, the one about whom anyone can say anything and, no matter how deranged it sounds, it will have the smack of plausibility to it. During much of the last century it was the reclusive, compulsive Howard Hughes. When he finally died in 1976, pain-raddled and filth-riddled, Jackson was conveniently around to fill the role, which he ably did until the end of his life. Even before Jackson died, a new keeper of the weirdo flame was already lining himself up nicely to take over. With his freakishly perfect face, Tom Cruise has always come across more like a sexless android attempting to be a human than human himself, one who had studied earthlings from abroad and was attempting to live among them. In Rob Lowe’s otherwise blandly unrevealing autobiography, Stories I Only Tell My Friends, he describes filming The Outsiders back in 1983 with Cruise, Patrick Swayze, Matt Dillon and a slew of other pretty boys all waiting to be famous. During the shoot, the actors occasionally had to share bedrooms and the only one who protested, Lowe recalls, was Cruise. Panicked, he called his agent to make the producers find a single bedroom for this unknown 20-year-old actor. It’s an anecdote that brings to mind the scene in Tootsie in which Dustin Hoffman’s female persona “Dorothy” realises she’ll have to share a bedroom with Jessica Lange on a weekend away. How to maintain the artifice 24 hours a day? But it wasn’t until 2004 when Cruise fatefully fired his publicist, Pat Kingsley, and replaced her with his sister, Lee Anne De Vette, that it really became obvious who would follow in the ignoble footsteps of Hughes and Jackson in the media pantheon as Cruise, for really the first time in his life, was pummelled by various PR disasters. Cruise replaced his sister with a professional publicist a year later, but it was too late. When he sneered at psychiatry and then jumped on Oprah’s sofa, he did the equivalent of extolling the joys of oxygen chambers and toting about a chimp. The final kicker for Cruise’s reputation was when his third wife, Katie Holmes, fled their marriage this summer, and now the bloodied gloves are truly off. Vanity Fair — a magazine that has puffed Cruise possibly more than any other, publishing the first photos of his daughter Suri and cooing over the loving normality of his family life and how ridiculous all the nefarious gossip about him is — will this week publish an excoriating takedown of the actor. The article alleges, among many other things, that in 2005 the Church of Scientology embarked on a project to find a suitable partner for Cruise and interviewed various women. Eventually, they settled on a young actress and she accompanied Cruise on charmingly romantic dates in New York: just her and Cruise and various Scientology agents, all watching to see if she was up to snuff. When, for various ridiculous reasons it was decided that she wasn’t, Cruise outsourced dumping her to a Scientology official. The woman then made the mistake of confiding what had happened to someone she considered a friend in the Scientology centre in Florida, only to then be punished by being forced to scrub toilets with a toothbrush, like the Cinderella story in reverse. Incidentally, the article was written by Vanity Fair’s celebrity- destroyer-at-large, Maureen Orth, whose previous articles include a particularly eye-popping one about Woody Allen during his break up from Mia Farrow and several similarly brutal ones about Michael Jackson. Cruise and the Church of Scientology have, of course, denied all charges — but this horse has bolted. Coming after the New Yorker’s extraordinary article about the church in 2011, and just as Paul Thomas Anderson’s cinematic take on L Ron Hubbard, The Master, is being lauded in Venice, not even the best publicist in the world can save Cruise from his fate as the new Michael Jackson. He is the man who, most have decided, lives a life far weirder than anything anyone can say and so anyone can say anything, and he appears unable to do anything to refute the assumptions. Unlike Jackson, Cruise has never been accused of self-loathing or self-doubt. But it’s hard to imagine that this deeply ambitious man loves what he has become. — Guardian News & Media Cover Story *With his freakishly perfect face, Tom Cruise has always come across more like a sexless android attempting to be a human than human himself, one who had studied earthlings from abroad and was attempting to live among them. *Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes ... the final kicker in Cruise’s reputation came when Holmes fled their marriage this summer.I n his excellent essay on Michael Jackson,now titled simply Michael and included in the recently published collection Pulphead,US journalist John Jeremiah Sullivan looks with clear eyes and a gossipy but open mind at how the media — specifically the white media — lobbed“passive- aggressive accusations”against Jackson for pretty much his entire adult life:“We moan that Michael changed his face out of self-loathing. He may have loved what he became,” writes Sullivan. A forthcoming Vanity Fair article about the Scientologist movie star promises eye-popping revelations. It’s the final proof that he has become the new Michael Jackson, writes HadleyFreeman ByMalcolmXAbram S o,do you remember when people wanted to be famous for something? As kids growing up in the ’60s,’70s and ’80s,most wanted to be a famous athlete or actor or world-renowned doctor.But there was usually an object following the adjective“famous,”implying that a person must actually do something that other people find notable or interesting to garner notoriety. Those days are gone,baby. These days,“famous”means an ability to carve out a spot in pop culture for any reason or length of time.Fame is its own reward,and if one isn’t too picky about how that fame is acquired (and increasingly it seems that people aren’t),then we’re all one viral video,inflammatory tweet or famous sibling away from achieving 21st-century fame in this big ol’constantly churning ball of events,people,news,non-news and random crap we call American pop culture. And,while many folks believe it is the only culture America has,our mainstream pop culture is arguably our country’s biggest contribution to global culture. Just like the great United States of America - which theoretically welcomes the world’s tired and poor,its huddled masses yearning to breathe free - American pop culture is a sponge,taking bits and pieces from its many subcultures,often ripping out the guts of what made those subcultures interesting,and repacking it for mass consumption,something at which Americans are historically awesome. All kinds of formerly sub- and countercultures are subsumed into American pop culture,as has always been the case,but it seems to happen at an increased pace for better and for worse. It took punk rock nearly two decades to go from scary youth-driven counterculture to being part of the mainstream (“pop-punk!”yeah),but the electronic music sub-genre dubstep,which began to spread to the states from Europe in the mid-2000s,has already become the soundtrack to nearly every active wear/energy drink/super cool car commercial on television,perhaps the clearest sign of mainstream acceptance. Add the fact that the concept of not“selling out,”once a clarion call of hippies,punks and hip-hoppers,is now the desired endgame for many aspiring artists.It’s a primary vehicle for getting one’s music into the mainstream,suggesting that the Mad Men (who now include women and people of colour) have ultimately won. While nerds may not have climbed to the top of the high school food chain, nerd culture — traditionally as exclusive and us-against-them as any — has been creeping into the mainstream since the’80s.That’s when comic-book- based films became blockbusters,television shows such as the Star Trek reboot were hits and there was a proliferation of Nintendo and other video- game consoles. There’s even a high school in Pennsylvania designed and built in the shape of the Millennium Falcon (if you don’t know what that is,you’re simply not nerdy enough),solidifying the permeation of both nerd and pop culture into the“real world.” Other examples: The popular show Glee has“gleeks”(a contraction of glee and geeks),several of the protagonists of Judd Apatow movies (Superbad,The 40 Year Old Virgin,Knocked Up) could be safely called nerds and/or geeks,and the basic premise of the recently released 21 Jumpstreet reboot.In that film the undercover cop (Jonas Hill) who was a nerd in high school is now one of the cool kids,and his partner (Channing Tatum) who was a cool jock then is now considered an uncool social anachronism. I’m not just talking about millennials,many of whom seem to not have a trash detector when it comes to the stuff that is marketed toward them. But there are plenty of grown folks who should know better who spend time discussing the screeching harpies of shows such as VH1’s Love & Hip Hop and any show with“housewives”in the title whose cast members consist of people who are notable only for the people with whom they have sex. Stripper culture is mainstream,with stripper poles turning up in sitcoms and pole-dancing classes replacing jazzercise. Hip-hop has helped fuel this with a few years’worth of odes to strippers and their ambitions (T-Pain’s I’m in Love With a Stripper being an obvious example). Growing up in the shadow of the 1960s with boomers constantly informing me of their generation’s awesomeness and my generation’s apathy,I was raised with a healthy scepticism of mainstream pop culture even as I absorbed much of what it had to offer,and watched its marketing with a jaundiced eye. Likewise,whenmanyofthosesamefreak-flag-flyingboomerstransformed from free-lovin’,pot-smokin’hippies into trickle-down economics-loving, power-tie-wearing yuppies,I took that as a sign that much of what we were inundated with from television,movies and radio was simply trash. Today,that no longer seems to be the case.The Internet,YouTube,Twitter and other social media with user-generated content and our society’s increasing need for attention and/or validation,has turned Andy Warhol’s famous 15-minutes-of-fame line into“in the future,everyone will be part of pop culture for 15 minutes.”— Akron Beacon Journal/MCT The definition of ‘famous’ has changed, and not for the better
  • 3. issue Page 4 • timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 • Page 5 More reforms needed to protect migrant domestic workers especially like taking care of children and working for longer hours. “As to the nature of the work, women grow tolerant and would not complain as much as younger women would,” Dr Sharma said. She also said that about 15 women have been rescued by the embassy in the past six months and all of them are under 30. Misinformed women opt for foreign employment even at the age of 15 years in Nepal. According to Dr Sharma, recruitment agents themselves go from village to village tempting them with promises of a good salary and better work. They arrange passports even for younger girls with a fake age. When such young women end up working as domestic helpers, it is hard for them to cope. Their intolerance of hard work and longer working hours irritates them which is reflected in their work. It also leads to constant confrontation with the employer. “This often results in torture (physical and psychological), exploitation and abuse,” Dr Sharma said. The government’s official record shows that about 58,000 Nepali women work as domestic maids in Gulf countries including Qatar. However, human rights agencies like United Nations Development Fund for Women (Unifem) estimate that the number is 200,000. They say the official figure does not take into account all those who have travelled illegally, many through India. Human rights activists and agencies thus say that there is no use of curtailing women’s right to opting for foreign employment. Rather there should be a mechanism in place to ensure that these women are not exploited. “The government’s intention is good. However, that kind of decision will have a negative impact. Even earlier, when the government had banned them from working in few countries, they were found to make out the way through India,” said Saru Joshi, South Asia programme co- ordinator of Unifem. She further said the agents will get greater role to play giving rise to illegal migration and human trafficking. “As a result they will not get due pay or compensation when in problem.” If the Nepali government thinks women are vulnerable, it should bring some other effective measures addressing the young women (above 18 to 30) and the rest. Human Rights Watch, an international watch group, says in its website, “Nepal is right to be concerned about its migrant domestic workers, but imposing a ban on women under 30 from travelling to the Gulf does not solve the problem and discriminates against young women. A better strategy would be to crack down on abusive recruitment practices, ensure that women migrate with an enforceable contract in hand, and equip embassies to respond quickly to complaints of abuse.” The Nepali government should perhaps consider revoking its new ban and instead employ safeguards so that domestic workers can migrate safely – such as by ensuring full monitoring and accountability of recruitment agencies in Nepal. At the same time, governments in the Gulf should adopt long overdue labour protections and immigration reforms, including ending the discriminatory treatment of domestic workers, to combat abuse of Nepali and other migrant workers, Human Rights Watch said. However, the authority said that there are also other mechanisms to safeguard women allowed to work as domestic helpers in Gulf countries. According to the Nepal government directive, the sponsors will have to transfer a monthly salary of QR1,000 to the housemaid’s bank account every month. The sponsors will also have to deposit security money of QR4,000 to the joint account of employer and the employee to avoid trouble in case of non- co-operation by the sponsor. Between January and July this year, the embassy has ensured such guarantees to 83 women who have come to Qatar to work as domestic helpers. Besides, the sponsor will have to register the housemaid at the embassy within two months of his or her arrival and acquaint the embassy of his or her status every four months. The directive also asks providing one month’s paid leave to the maid after completion of a year, and separate accommodation with all facilities. The labour law of Qatar does not address the rights of maids working in the country. But Qatar has already announced that it would soon have a legislation addressing housemaids. In the meantime, Qatar has a law against human trafficking which would also apply to those who torture housemaids by denying them salaries, force them to work for long hours or physically harass them. Countries like Philippines have signed a memorandum of understanding with the government of Qatar to protect its people who are working as domestic helpers. Besides Nepal, Indonesia and Kenya too have banned its people from working as maids in the Middle East. Two months ago, Kenya banned its citizens from working in the Middle East citing that many of its people were mistreated. Similarly, last year Indonesia introduced a ban on women working as maids in the region. With political instability and lack of job opportunities within Nepal, women are often compelled to look for employment abroad. When they leave the country illegally like Sabina Rai, they run the further risk of being undocumented. The Nepali government will never know the exact situation of its women working in the domestic sector in Gulf countries. If women have legal rights then Nepal can lobby for their protection. F or many women from underprivileged backgrounds, getting a job in the Middle East is a passport to a better life, not just for themselves, but also for their dependents back home. Single women from countries like Nepal, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Philippines regularly apply for jobs as domestic servants in the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) nations. But how successful is their foray into the vast domestic workforce here? According to a case registered with the Nepal embassy here, Sabina Rai (name changed) came to Delhi from her native Nepal to fly to Qatar. Her job as a maid, she hoped, would help her build a better future for her family back home. But all her dreams were shattered when her employer started beating her. “I was beaten and scolded for even a small mistake,” said Rai, 20, in a telephone interview. Two domestic helpers, including Rai from Nepal, supplied by a Sri Lankan company to a Qatari family two months ago, ended up locked in an office building for days. Both of them were returned by their employer, who claimed that they could not work. The stranded workers sought help from a Nepali boy, thanks to a window that faced a nearby juice shop where he worked. Until the person responsible from the company was identified, the boy provided them with food. Though one of the two has been sent to Nepal with the help of Nepali expatriates in Doha, Rai continues to live alone in the building, waiting for some documents to be redone so that she can return home legally. Coming from a remote Nepal district, Rai is just 16 years of age. But in her passport she is 20 years old. She says she changed her age on the advice of her recruitment agent to get a job in Qatar. For the past year, the Embassy of Nepal has banned Nepali women below the age of 30 from working in Qatar as domestic maids. It has also stipulated a minimum salary of QR1,000 for them. However, the ban’s implementation remains a challenge because women like Rai continue to bend the rules and travel via India to escape official scrutiny. Like Rai, Kamala Tamang, 24 (name changed) from an eastern Nepal district too came to Qatar to work as domestic maid even when the Nepal government’s ban was in force. Four years ago Tamang flew to Doha from Mumbai, at a time when the government of Nepal had not permitted its women to work as domestic helpers in any Middle Eastern country. Tamang is happy with her job. “I have no complaint because I am treated like one of the family members of the house,” she said. Cases like Rai’s are the main reason for the government’s move to fix age and salary limits on Nepali women coming to Qatar to work as domestic maids, officials at the embassy in Qatar said. “When a woman is young, the risk of getting abused or exploited is higher,” said Jaya Bahadur Rai, second secretary at the embassy of Nepal adding, “We have continued our bilateral talks with India to ensure that women don’t come through India as well.” On August 9, based on the recommendation of Nepal mission in Qatar, the country’s cabinet approved a ban on women under the age of 30 from travelling to the Gulf countries to work as domestic helpers. The ban is a response to several publicised cases of abuse of Nepali domestic workers. The recent decision comes 18 months after the government ended a 12-year ban on female domestic workers in Gulf countries. “With the new ruling in place, Nepal expects better performance of its women who work in Middle East as domestic maids. At the same time we hope that our women are better protected,” said Dr Maya Kumari Sharma, Ambassador of Nepal to Qatar. According to the ambassador, the age of 30 has been fixed as limit so that women who choose to come to Qatar are mature enough to take the decision of choosing to work as maids. By the age of 30, most Nepali women are married and also have children. By then, women are better equipped with knowledge and experience to handle household chores, *According to Dr Maya Kumari Sharma, Ambassador of Nepal to Qatar, the age of 30 has been fixed as limit so that women are mature enough to take the decision of choosing to work as maids. *Besides Nepal, Indonesia and Kenya too have banned its people from working as maids in the Middle East. Age limit less likely to prevent younger Nepali women from pursuing employment in Qatar. By Sangeeta Rijal
  • 4. Page 6 • timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 reviews By Connie Ogle FILM: Darling Companion CAST: Diane Keaton, Kevin Kline, Dianne Wiest, Richard Jenkins, Sam Shepard, Mark Duplass DIRECTION: Lawrence Kasdan I f you have to stop and think about the answer to the question “Whom do you like better, your spouse or the dog? — and don’t act like the thought hasn’t occurred to you more than once — Darling Companion will have no trouble wagging its way into your heart. A gentle, winning comedy about a couple, Beth and Joseph (Diane Keaton and Kevin Kline), who have drifted apart, the movie takes a simple if shattering occurrence and uses it as a way to bring a family together — an old trick but one well played by director Lawrence Kasdan and his wife and screenwriting partner, Meg. The event in question involves a runaway dog named Freeway, a mutt Beth and her daughter Grace (Elisabeth Moss) rescue from the side of the road. Joseph, a busy, distracted surgeon, objects to the idea of a pet, but there’s never any real question that Beth, lonely because both her girls are grown and living their own lives, is not about to dump the dog at the pound. So Freeway is absorbed into the household as a treasured member of the family. Then, a year later at Beth’s wedding at the family’s gorgeous Rocky Mountain vacation home — Utah does a spectacular job standing in for autumnal Colorado — Joseph takes the dog out without a leash, and while he’s talking on his cell phone Freeway runs off after a deer and doesn’t return. The rest of Darling Companion focuses on the search for Freeway, undertaken by a distraught Beth and guilty Joseph; his free-spirit sister Penny (Dianne Wiest); her jovial new boyfriend Russell (Richard Jenkins), whom Joseph suspects is taking advantage of Penny; Penny’s grown son Bryan (Mark Duplass), who doesn’t trust Russell either and finds himself drawn to the vacation home’s caretaker Carmen (Ayelet Zurer). Carmen takes the search up a notch by claiming her gypsy ancestry allows her access to visions that Freeway is not dead. This assertion sounds ridiculous until you realise that whether Carmen is actually clairvoyant is beside the point: Her goal is to bolster hope because as long as there’s hope, Freeway remains alive. This slight plot is an excuse to allow the various characters to warm up to or make amends with each other. Practical doctor Bryan finds himself trusting the unorthodox (and beautiful) Carmen; he and Russell have an adventure that bonds them in the way only comically terrifying experiences can. And of course the real relationship in need of repair is Beth and Joseph’s; they have to move past anger and frustration as the search drags on to some sort of understanding and acceptance about what the rest of their lives will be like. Darling Companion’s light tone should reassure animal lovers that there’s no horrific Marley & Me scenario looming at the film’s end, but the Kasdans do get the anguish of a pet owner in distress just right. When Joseph tells Beth that he feels bad but “we haven’t lost a person; we’ve lost a dog,” her tearful reply cuts right to the bone: “Love is love. It doesn’t matter if it’s a dog.” You don’t have to love dogs to enjoy Darling Companion, but it couldn’t hurt.—The Miami Herald/ MCT (DVDs courtesy: Saqr Entertainment Stores, Doha) By Roger Moore FILM: Think Like a Man CAST: Taraji P Henson, Kevin Hart, Gabrielle Union, Meagan Good DIRECTION: Tim Story A humorous self-help relationship book becomes an amusing and often biting take on the war between the sexes with Think Like a Man, based on comic polymath Steve Harvey’s Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man. Funny people in funny situations deliver funny lines with, thanks to director Tim (Barbershop) Story, zippy timing in this somewhat overlong but still hilarious romp through the world of “Players”, “Mama’s Boys” and “90-Day-Rule Girls”. The script follows four women with man problems and four guys who are the “types” creating those problems. It lets the women (Gabrielle Union, Taraji P Henson, Regina Hall and Meagan Good) discover Harvey’s best seller and start putting its tips to use. Mya (Good) tries to get“the Player”(Romany Malco) to be patient and respect her.Kristen (Union) tries to make her beau since college,a toy- and-movie poster-collecting fanboy “Non-commiter”(Jerry Ferrara), grow up and propose.“The Dreamer” (Michael Ealy),a would-be chef,has to hide his income and employment status from“the Woman Who is Her Own Man”,high-powered businesswoman Lauren (Henson). Single mom Candace (Hall) tries to figure out if“Mama’s boy”Mike (Terrence J) can be pried from his mother’s (Jenifer Lewis,of course) clutches. And here’s Steve Harvey, seen on a TV interview in one scene and at other times speaking directly to the camera, laying out the blunt advice. “Don’t hate the player. Change the game.” “Men respect women who have standards.” And “don’t be a ‘chirp chirp’ girl.” (Expect the man to do more than merely “chirp chirp” his car locks. Make him open the door for you.) Biting banter rules the day with this ensemble, with Keith Merryman and David A Newman peppering the script with Steve Harveyisms and hilarious cracks about everything from Star Trek and Oprah to that “traitor” to men, Harvey. This multi-racial blend of talent in front of and behind the camera — Ferrara (TV’s Entourage) and Gary Owen are the white guys in this gang of friends — makes for some explosively funny post-racial America riffs on race, many of them delivered by Cedric (Kevin Hart), the about-to-divorce member of the group. Cracks about “white boy credit scores” and Tyler Perry’s For Coloured Girls ricochet off the walls, with the black and white friends pushing each other’s racial buttons in the way only close friends can. “You’re not even white,” Jeremy (Ferrara) blurts out at the “other” white guy, the pale, redheaded and happily married Bennett (Owen). “You’re CLEAR.” For all the laughs, Harvey’s thesis — that women have to expect more from the arrested- development crowd that make up “the men of this generation” — rings true. So do his takes on the gender- bending nature of modern relationships — women settling on careers and moving up the ladder, men clinging to childhood longer thanks to a culture that rewards that. Mark Think Like a Man down as a rare winner in a genre Hollywood has found most dif ficult to master in recent years: romantic comedies that are both comic and romantic. — MCT A gentle, winning comedy Relationship guide
  • 5. tvlistings 06/09/12 By Jennifer Brett H ello from Honey Boo Boo Country. With a global audience embracing the small-town, belly-baring, GoGo Juice- chugging 6-year-old whose antics on Toddlers and Tiaras spawned her own show, we decided to red-neckonise and headed south this week to meet Alana Thompson and her family. “It’s been a blast,” her dad, Mike “Sugar Bear” Thompson, said of the TLC show. The premiere episode attracted 2.2mn viewers, and its fan base is international. “Honestly, it’s still surreal,” said Alana’s mom, June Shannon, recalling a fan letter from Italy. Her youngest daughter “will stop in the middle of anything she is doing and watch the commercial,” she said of the Here Comes Honey Boo Boo promo. (“I will not!” Alana protested.) The 6-year-old second- grader, who invented her catchy nickname, bounced around like a pingpong ball while we visited on the porch. “Can I have a Pop-Tart?” she asked, having determined there were no Oreos in the house. “I have three boyfriends,” she confided a few minutes later. “I love them all equally.” Well, maybe love is too strong a word. “You think I love taking pictures with boys? I don’t!” Then she displayed some sparkly pageant shoes and noted, “I don’t wear them to school. You know why? They start hurting.” One of the show’s story lines concerns the quest for more prominent pageant wins. Lauretta Hannon of Powder Springs, Georgia, author of The Cracker Queen, joined in this little adventure. There is no quick route to McIntyre, so riding with someone makes the trip more fun. We also figured Hannon would bring a certain je ne sais cracker to the endeavour. Sure enough, when family friend Tony Lindsey arrived (he’s the one toppling over on a four-wheeler during the Honey Boo Boo credits), Hannon immediately started figuring out mutual friends. Plus her mama ‘nem live in Dublin, near the site of the annual “Redneck Games” featured on one episode. “They personify some of the key points of my book, one of which is the resilience, beauty, love, bad choices and good humour of people who don’t look so promising if you take them at face value and interpret them through your own biases,” Hannon said. Her memoir includes anecdotes such as roaring around in the butter-coloured Cadillac her father won in a poker game with her mother, tossing cartons of cigarettes to inmates working on road gangs. The show also has prompted criticism from pundits commenting on everything from the family’s diet to Alana’s pregnant 17-year- old sister. Baby Kaitlyn arrived a month ago with two right thumbs but otherwise healthy, Shannon said. She was candid when discussing the attention her family has attracted. “Yes,I got locked up,”she said,referring to a contempt-of-court charge four years ago. “It was the worst four days of my life.Yes,we really do have our Christmas lights up.The GoGo Juice was a one-time thing.”Toddlers and Tiaras captured Alana knocking back the Mountain Dew-energy drink concoction meant to give her a boost during long pageant days. “TLC has been great,” Shannon said, adding that there is talk of a second season. “They like that we’re not scripted.” Driving around McIntyre, which might take two minutes if you get stopped by the train, we found locals who love their notable neighbours and some who think their show does no favours for the town of less than 1,000 people about 30 miles east of Macon. “The show should be filmed somewhere else,” said Terri Jackson, who works at a convenience store around the corner from the Honey Boo Boo clan. “I was born here and I want to be buried here, but I don’t want ‘hillbilly’ written on my grave.” Florist Anita McGahee finds Honey Boo Boo amusing even if it does make her cringe. The show has featured members of the family belly-flopping into mud pits, engaging in malodorous bodily functions. “We don’t act like that,” McGahee said. “We do have manners.” Phyllis Davis, another area resident, can’t get enough. “They’re doing their thing,” she said. “Next time y’all need a reality show, come up to my house!” During our visit, a Fed Ex guy showed up and asked for a photo, leaving behind a package containing an umbrella hat and letter from Australian fans Michelle Mohr and Paul Moran. Alana clamped the hat onto her head and read the letter aloud. The second-grader is an excellent reader, tackling the word “Australian” with ease. In a subsequent e-mail, Mohr explained the appeal. “I suppose it’s something that few Americans and most Australians understand,” she said. “Life is to be enjoyed and not taken so seriously and this family gets it.” Other visitors included a truck driver who stopped by to say he and his wife are fans and a car full of people who slowed down and shouted, “We love you, Honey Boo Boo!” “It does get crazy at times,” said Shannon, who shoos away fans after Alana has had enough. “I am a parent, first and foremost. We’re down-to-earth, everyday people. If you actually sit down and talk to me, you realise we’re not crazy.” — The Atlanta Journal-Constitution/MCT * Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson, 6, the breakout star of Toddlers and Tiaras, now has her own show — and an international fan base. Droppinginon HoneyBooBoo
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Page 8 • timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 • Page 9 Osn Cinema: The Artist; 9pm. 1000 European Tour Weekly 1030 Rugby Union Currie Cup 1230 Futbol Mundial 1300 Trans World Sport 1400 PGA European Tour Highlights 1500 European Tour Weekly 1530 Live PGA European Tour 1930 Rugby Union ITM Cup 2130 Live Premier League Snooker 0100 Trans World Sports 0200 PGA European Tour 0520 Shamwari A Wild Life 0545 RSPCA Have You Got What It Takes? 0610 RSPCA Have You Got What It Takes? 0635 Wildlife SOS International 0725 Crocodile Hunter 0815 Dick ‘n’ Dom Go Wild 0840 Breed All About It 0910 The Really Wild Show 0935 The Really Wild Show 1005 Deadly Waters 1125 Orangutan Island 1155 Animal Cops Houston 1250 Escape To Chimp Eden 1315 Escape To Chimp Eden 1345 Animal Precinct 1440 Deadly Waters 1600 Dick ‘n’ Dom Go Wild 1630 Pandamonium 1725 Britain’s Worst Pet 1750 Britain’s Worst Pet 1820 Dogs 101 1940 Orangutan Island 2010 Animal Kingdom 2035 Shamwari A Wild Life 2105 Air Jaws Apocalypse 2350 Animal Cops Houston 0045 I’m Alive 0135 Untamed & Uncut 0225 Air Jaws Apocalypse 0315 Austin Stevens Adventures 0405 Venom Hunter With Donald Schultz 0455 Animal Kingdom 0515 How Do They Do It? 0540 How It’s Made 0605 Deadliest Catch 0700 American Chopper 0750 Mythbusters 0845 Ultimate Survival 0940 Border Security 1005 Auction Hunters 1030 How Do They Do It? 1055 How It’s Made 1125 Superhuman Showdown 1220 Mythbusters 1315 Mythbusters 1410 Border Security 1435 Auction Hunters 1505 Ultimate Survival 1600 American Chopper 1655 Fifth Gear 1720 Deadliest Catch 1815 Mythbusters 1910 How Do They Do It? 1940 How It’s Made 2005 Border Security 2035 Auction Hunters 2100 Deconstruction 2130 American Guns 2225 First Week In 2320 Surviving Disaster 0015 Deadliest Catch 0110 Shocking Survival Videos 0135 American Guns 0230 First Week In 0325 Surviving Disaster 0420 Border Security 0450 Auction Hunters 0515 Mighty Ships 0605 The Future Of... 0700 Race To Mars 0750 Head Rush 0753 Weird Connections 0820 Test Case 0850 Sport Science 0940 Smash Lab 1030 The Gadget Show 1055 The Gadget Show 1120 Mighty Ships 1210 Race To Mars 1300 Meteorite Men 1350 NASA’s Greatest Missions 1445 Smash Lab 1535 The Gadget Show 1600 Head Rush 1603 Weird Connections 1630 Test Case 1700 The Future Of... 1750 Sport Science 1840 NASA’s Greatest Missions 1930 Speed Junkie 2020 Bang Goes The Theory 2045 Bang Goes The Theory 2110 The Gadget Show 2135 The Gadget Show 2200 Speed Junkie 2250 Bang Goes The Theory 2315 Bang Goes The Theory 2340 Sport Science 0035 Mighty Ships 0125 The Future Of... 0215 Speed Junkie 0305 The Gadget Show 0335 Smash Lab 0425 NASA’s Greatest Missions 0540 Trapped 0635 Travel Madness 0700 Travel Madness 0730 Most Amazing Moments 0825 Dog Whisperer 0920 World’s Deadliest Animals 1015 Shanghai Super Tower 2100 Witness 2200 Locked Up Abroad 2300 Megastructures 0000 Secrets of The Taj Mahal 0100 Witness 0200 Locked Up Abroad 0255 Megastructures 0445 World’s Weirdest 0500 Quest Means Business 0600 The Situation Room 0700 World Sport 0730 Talk Asia 0800 World Report 0900 World Report 1000 World Sport 1030 Eco Solutions 1100 World Business Today 1200 Amanpour 1230 Living Golf 1300 World One 1400 Piers Morgan Tonight 1500 News Stream 1600 World Business Today 1700 International Desk 1800 Global Exchange 1845 CNN Marketplace Middle East 1900 World Sport 1930 Living Golf 2000 International Desk 2100 Quest Means Business 2145 CNN Marketplace Europe 2200 Amanpour 2230 CNN Newscenter 2300 Connect The World With Becky... 0000 Amanpour 0030 World Sport 0100 Piers Morgan Tonight 0200 World Report 0300 Anderson Cooper 360 0400 Piers Morgan Tonight 0600 Privileged 0645 Better Of Ted 0730 Extreme Celebrity rehab 0815 Eastwick 0900 30 Rock 0930 30 rock 1000 Privileged 1100 Eastwick 1200 Keeping Up With The Kardashians 1230 Keeping Up With The Kardashians 1300 Home Shopping 1330 Zaman Ki 1645 Home Shopping 1700 Top Chef 1800 Movie Step Up 1930 New So You Think You can Dance S8 2130 Movie The Last Kiss 2300 Damages S3 0000 Damages 0100 Movie Step Up 0230 Glee 0500 Sunrise 0800 Sky News With Charlotte Hawkins 0830 Sky News 0900 Sky News With Colin Brazier 0930 Sky News 1030 Sky News 1100 Sky News With Colin Brazier 1130 Sky News 1200 Boulton & Co 1230 Boulton & Co 1330 Sky News 1430 Sky News 1530 Sky News 1630 Sky News 1730 Sky News 1800 Jeff Randall Live 1830 Jeff Randall Live 1900 News, Sport, Weather 2000 Sky News At Nine 2030 Press Preview 2100 Sky News At Ten 2130 Sky News At Ten 2230 Press Preview 2300 Sky Midnight News 2330 Cbs News 0000 News On The Hour 0030 News, Sport, Weather 0100 News On The Hour 0130 Cbs News 0200 Sky World News 0230 Sky World Review & Business Report 0300 Sky World News 0330 Sky World Review & Business Report 0400 Sky World News 0430 Sky World Review & Business Report 0630 The New World 0900 The Replacements 1100 Fair Game 1300 Catwoman 1500 Forever Strong 1700 The New World 1900 The Illusionist 2100 Spider-Man 3 2330 Tropic Thunder 0230 The Lodger 0300 The Last Sin Eater 0545 The 4400 0630 Jag 0715 Knockout Sportsworld 0815 Terminator The Series 0900 Kings 0945 The 4400 1030 Knockout Sportsworld 1115 Cops, Cars & Superstars Bullrun 1130 WWE Afterburn 1300 Knockout Sportsworld 1515 Action Ya Dawry 1600 Fist Of The Warrior 1730 WWE Afterburn 1845 WWE Afterburn 1930 The Quest 2100 WWE Raw 2300 Action Ya Dawry 0000 Mr. Nice Guy 0200 Action Ya Dawry 0300 WWE Raw 0445 The Quest 0500 M1 Challenge 0555 Pro Bull Riders 2010 0700 Ride Guide Snow 2009 0725 Ride Guide Snow 2009 0755 Alli Presents 0850 AMA Motocross 2011 0945 Blood, Sweat And Gears 1040 Fantasy Factory 1105 Fantasy Factory 1135 Pro Bull Riders 2010 1230 Transworld Sessions 1255 Transworld Sessions 1325 Mantracker 1420 World Combat League 1515 Fantasy Factory 1540 Fantasy Factory 1610 Alli Presents 1705 AMA Motocross 2011 1800 Transworld Sessions 1825 Transworld Sessions 1855 Pro Bull Riders 2010 1950 Mantracker 2045 World Combat League 2140 Kenny Belaey’s Big Time 2205 Kenny Belaey’s Big Time 2235 TNA Greatest Matches 2330 M1 Challenge 0025 Aiya TV 0050 Aiya TV 0120 Pro Bull Riders 2010 0215 World Combat League 0310 TNA Greatest Matches 0405 Kenny Belaey’s Big Time 0430 Kenny Belaey’s Big Time 0600 Kung Fu Panda 2-PG 0800 Love The Beast-PG 1000 Spy Kids All The Time In The World-PG 1145 X-Men First Class-PG15 1400 Flash Of Genius-PG15 1600 Love The Beast-PG 1800 Transformers Dark Of The Moon-PG15 2030 The Romantics-PG15 2215 Piranha-R 0000 Looking For Eric-18 0200 Transformers Dark Of The Moon-PG15 0430 Flash Of Genius-PG15 0500 Vengeance-PG15 0700 The Reunion-PG15 0900 Final Fantasy The Spirits Within-PG 1100 Vengeance-PG15 1300 Dangerous Flowers- PG15 1500 Final Fantasy The Spirits Within-PG 1700 X-Men-PG15 1900 Alien-18 2100 The Echo-18 2300 The Speak-18 0100 Alien-18 0300 The Echo-18 0515 Arthur-PG15 0715 The Cry Of The Owl- PG15 0900 The Borrowers-PG 1100 Yogi Bear-FAM 1300 The Lost Future-PG15 1500 Love Hurts-PG15 1700 Green Lantern-PG15 1900 It’s Kind Of A Funny Story-PG15 2100 The Artist-PG 2300 Last Night-PG15 0100 It’s Kind Of A Funny Story-PG15 0300 Love Hurts-PG15 0630 The Proposal 0815 When A Man Loves A Woman 1000 The Hurricane 1145 Cocktail 1330 El Cantante 1500 The Perfect Roommate 1645 American Heart 1830 El Cantante 2000 Mulan 2145 No Such Thing 2330 When In Rome 0115 The Proposal 0300 When A Man Loves A Woman 0445 No Such Thing 0700 Julie-PG 0840 Anna Christie-PG 1010 Home From The Hill-PG 1245 Each Dawn I Die-PG 1415 Ride The High Country- PG 1550 The Sandpiper-PG 1745 The Tender Trap-PG 1940 Kelly’s Heroes-PG 2200 What’s Up, Doc?-FAM 2335 The Color Purple 0205 Quo Vadis-PG 0455 The Journey-FAM 0600 Love And Mary-PG15 0800 The Open Road-PG15 1000 The Bad News Bears (2005)-PG 1200 Fat Albert-PG 1400 Mean Girls 2-PG15 1600 The Bad News Bears (2005)-PG 1800 Can’t Hardly Wait-PG15 2000 Life As We Know It- PG15 2200 Cyrus-18 0000 Beavis And Butt-Head Do America-PG15 0200 Can’t Hardly Wait-PG15 0400 The Bad News Bears (2005)-PG 0500 Dog Days Of Summer 0630 House Arrest 0830 Shrek 2 1000 The End Of The Affair 1100 The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants 1330 Lucky You 1500 Shrek The Third 1700 Ella Enchanted 1900 Blind Dating 2100 The Story Of Us 2300 Bad Santa 0045 The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants 0230 Finding Home 0430 The End Of The Affair 0500 Thin Red Line, The 0700 William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet 0900 Painted Veil,The 1100 Thin Red Line, The 1400 William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet 1600 Paid In Full 1800 E! Special Reese Witherspoon 1900 Duchess, The 2100 Upside Of Anger, The No 2300 Invincible 0100 Miss March 0300 Mr. Brooks 0530 The Bold and the Beautiful (Season 8) 0600 Emirates News 0630 Smallville (Season 7) 0730 CSI Miami (Season 5) 0830 Gilmore Girls (Season 7) 0930 Fracture 1130 The Bold and the Beautiful (Season 8) 1200 CSI Las Vegas (Season 7) 1300 Gilmore Girls (Season 7) 1400 Smallville (Season 7) 1430 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 1700 The Bold and the Beautiful (Season 8) 1730 Gilmore Girls (Season 7) 1830 Smallville (Season 7) 1930 Emirates News 2000 CSI Las Vegas (Season 7) 2100 I Am Legend 2300 Max Payne 0100 Frantic 0300 The Closer (Season 4) 0400 Films & Stars 0430 CSI Las Vegas (Season 7) 0500 Dars E Hadith 0530 Yoga For you 0600 Kismet Ke Sitaare 0700 Khana khazana 0730 Narayan Sewa Sangh 0800 Hitler Didi 0830 Rab Se Sohna Isshq 0900 Pavitra Rishta 0930 Phir Subha Hogi 1030 Afsar Bitiya 1100 GTM 1130 Ramayan 1200 Ramayan 1300 Punar Vivah 1400 Hitler Didi 1430 Rab Se Sohna Isshq 1500 Teleshopping 1530 Pavitra Rishta 1600 Phir Subha Hogi 1700 Afsar Bitiya 1800 Bollywood Business 1830 Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 1900 Hitler Didi 1930 Rab Se Sohna Isshq 2000 Pavitra Rishta 2030 Phir Subha Hogi 2300 Silver Screen (Chalo Delhi) 0000 Dance Ke Super Kids 0030 Dance Ke Super Kids 0100 Dance Ke Super Kids 0130 Dance Ke Super Kids 0200 Dance Ke Super Kids 0230 Dance Ke Super Kids 0300 Ramayan 0330 Ramayan 0400 Baba Ramdev 0430 Baba Ramdev OSN Movies Action: Final Fantasy The Spirits Within; 3pm.
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Page 10 • timeout• Thursday, September 6, 2012 0500 Ruk Jana Nahi 0530 Pyaar Ka Dard Meetha Meetha Pyara Pyara 0600 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 0630 Awakening With Brahmakumari 0700 Ek Dusre Se Karte Hai Hum Pyaar 0730 Saath Nibhana Saathiya 0800 Teleshopping 0900 Ek Hazaron Main Meri Behna 0930 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 1000 Diya Aur Baati 1030 Pyaar Ka Dard Meetha Meetha Pyara Pyara 1130 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 1200 Ruk Jana Nahi 1230 Saath Nibhana Saathiya 1300 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 1430 Ek Dusre Se Karte Hai Hum Pyaar 1500 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 1530 Ek Hazaron Main Meri Behna 1600 Diya Aur Baati 1630 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 1700 Pyaar Ka Dard Meetha Meetha Pyara Pyara 1730 Ruk Jana Nahi 1800 Saath Nibhana Saathiya 1830 Ek Dusre Se Karte Hai Hum Pyaar 1900 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 1930 Ek Hazaron Main Meri Behna 2000 Diya Aur Baati 2030 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 2100 Pyaar Ka Dard Meetha Meetha Pyara Pyara 2130 Mann kee Awaaz Pratigya 2200 Ek Hazaron Main Meri Behna 2230 Ek Dusre Se Karte Hai Hum Pyaar 2300 Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2330 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 0000 Diya Aur Baati 0030 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 0100 Mann kee Awaaz Pratigya 0130 Pyaar Ka Dard Meetha Meetha Pyara Pyara 0200 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 0230 Ek Dusre Se Karte Hai Hum Pyaar 0300 Ek Hazaron Main Meri Behna 0330 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 0400 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 0430 Diya Aur Baati 0500 Ugly Betty 0540 Criminal Minds 0620 COPS 0640 Cougar Town 0700 Gary Unmarried 0720 90210 0800 Castle 0840 Melissa and Joey 0900 Cougar Town 0920 Private Practice 1000 Ugly Betty 1040 COPS 1100 Gary Unmarried 1120 Melissa and Joey 1140 Castle 1220 Ugly Betty 1300 Criminal Minds 1340 COPS 1400 90210 1440 Private Practice 1520 Melissa and Joey 1540 Cougar Town 1600 Castle 1640 Criminal Minds 1720 Gary Unmarried 1740 90210 1820 Melissa and Joey 1840 Ugly Betty 1920 Private Practice 2000 90210 2040 Criminal Minds 2120 Castle 2220 Scrubs 2240 Gary Unmarried 2300 Criminal Minds 2340 Cougar Town 0215 Fillers 0240 Brothers& Sisters 0320 Brothers& Sisters 0400 90210 0440 90210 0505 Ben 10 Ultimate Alien 0530 Ben 10 Ultimate Alien 0555 Angelo Rules 0625 Casper’s Scare School 0700 The Amazing World Of Gumball 0715 Adventure Time 0740 Johnny Test 0805 Grim Adventures Of... 0945 Bakugan Mechtanium Surge 1010 Young Justice 1035 Powerpuff Girls 1215 Ed, Edd n Eddy 1305 Ben 10 1355 Eliot Kid 1445 Angelo Rules 1535 Powerpuff Girls 1640 Johnny Test 1700 Level Up 1730 Regular Show 1820 Total Drama Island 1845 Total Drama Island 1910 Adventure Time 1935 Generator Rex 2000 Ben 10 Alien Force 2025 Ben 10 Alien Force 2050 Ben 10 Alien Force 2115 Grim Adventures Of... 2250 Ben 10 2315 Ben 10 2340 Chowder 0030 Bakugan New Vestroia 0055 Bakugan New Vestroia 0120 Powerpuff Girls 0325 Ben 10 0350 Adventure Time 0415 Powerpuff Girls 0440 Generator Rex 0500 Double Shot 0530 XO 0630 LOOP 0730 The Playlist 0800 TOP 5 0830 LOOP 0930 Double Shot 1000 LOOP 1100 The Playlist 1130 TOP 5 1200 [V]S 1300 Double Shot 1330 XO 1430 LOOP 1530 The Playlist 1600 TOP 5 1630 [V]S 1730 Double Shot 1800 LOOP 1900 The Playlist 1930 TOP 5 2000 [V]S 2100 Double Shot 2130 XO 2230 LOOP 2330 The Playlist 0000 [V]S 0100 TOP 5 0130 Double Shot 0200 LOOP 0300 The Playlist 0330 TOP 5 0400 [V]S 0500 Lock N’ Load 0600 Ancient Aliens 0700 Pawn Stars 0730 Storage Wars 0800 UFO Hunters 0900 Lock N’ Load 1000 Pawn Stars 1030 Storage Wars 1100 Ancient Aliens 1200 Swamp People 1300 Top Shot 1400 Lock N’ Load 1500 UFO Hunters 1600 Swamp People 1700 Top Shot 1800 Lock N’ Load 1900 UFO Hunters 2000 Pawn Stars 2030 Storage Wars 2100 Ancient Aliens 2200 Ice Road Truckers 2300 Ax Men 0000 Pawn Stars 0030 Storage Wars 0100 Ancient Aliens 0200 Ice Road Truckers 0300 Ax Men 0400 UFO Hunters 0510 Anthony Ant 0535 Angelina Ballerina 0600 Angelina Ballerina 0615 Oswald 0630 Dragon 0642 Dragon 0655 Bob The Builder 0705 Thomas And Friends 0710 Thomas And Friends 0715 Mumuhug 0720 Kipper 0730 Wild Life 0740 Barney And Friends 0805 Igloo-Gloo 0817 Lots & Lots Of... 0955 Jarmies 1010 Danny & Daddy Duet 1015 Pingu 1020 Pingu 1025 Benjamin’s Farm 1030 Benjamin’s Farm 1035 Baby Antonio’s Circus 1040 Zoo Mix 1044 Zoo Mix 1200 Benjamin’s Farm 1205 Barney And Friends 1230 Mega Minimals 1237 Mega Minimals 1245 Jarmies 1300 Igloo-Gloo 1312 Lots & Lots Of... 1325 See The Sea 1330 My Animal Family 1345 Benjamin’s Farm 1350 Angelina Ballerina 1405 Oswald 1420 Dragon 1432 Dragon 1445 Barney And Friends 1510 Mumuhug 1515 Bob The Builder 1740 Kipper 1750 Bob The Builder 1800 Thomas And Friends 1805 Thomas And Friends 1951 Mega Minimals 1957 See The Sea 2000 My Animal Family 2015 Benjamin’s Farm 2020 My Animal Family 2110 Kipper 2120 Mega Minimals 2127 Mega Minimals 2135 Pingu 2210 Barney And Friends 2235 Kipper 2310 Anthony Ant 2335 Angelina Ballerina 2346 Oswald 0000 Barney And Friends 0025 Bob The Builder 0035 Thomas And Friends 0045 Mumuhug 0050 See The Sea 0055 My Animal Family 0110 Benjamin’s Farm 0115 My Animal Family 0125 Barney And Friends 0150 Lots & Lots Of... 0203 Igloo-Gloo 0215 Anthony Ant 0240 Angelina Ballerina 0252 Oswald 0305 Dragon 0317 Dragon 0330 Barney And Friends 0355 Bob The Builder 0405 Thomas And Friends 0415 The Magic Key Adventures 0425 Kipper 0435 Wild Life 0440 Wild Life 0445 Pingu 0450 Pingu 0455 Igloo-Gloo 0510 Fairly Odd Parents 0535 Fairly Odd Parents 0600 Phineas And Ferb 0615 Suite Life On Deck 0640 Suite Life On Deck 0705 The Adventures Of Disney Fairies 0730 Recess 0755 So Random 0820 Timon And Pumbaa 0845 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 0910 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 0925 Handy Manny 0935 The Hive 0945 Mouk 1000 Jonas 1025 So Random 1050 Hannah Montana 1115 Fish Hooks 1125 Fish Hooks 1140 Kim Possible 1205 Shake It Up 1255 Phineas And Ferb 1320 Timon And Pumbaa 1345 Suite Life On Deck 1410 Suite Life On Deck 1435 Suite Life On Deck 1500 Austin And Ally 1525 Shake It Up 1550 Phineas And Ferb 1615 Jessie 1640 Good Luck Charlie 1700 Good Luck Charlie 1730 Wizards Of Waverly Place 1755 Suite Life On Deck 1820 Austin And Ally 1845 Phineas And Ferb 1910 A.N.T. Farm 1935 Good Luck Charlie 2000 Jessie 2025 Suite Life On Deck 2050 Suite Life On Deck 2115 Jonas 2140 Jonas 2205 Good Luck Charlie 2230 Good Luck Charlie 2255 Wizards Of Waverly Place 2320 Wizards Of Waverly Place 2345 Kim Possible 0010 Fairly Odd Parents 0035 Fairly Odd Parents 0100 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 0125 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 0150 Replacements 0215 Replacements 0240 Emperor’s New School 0305 Emperor’s New School 0330 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 0355 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 0420 Replacements 0445 Replacements 0600 Kid vs Kat 0615 Pokemon Black And White 0640 Zeke & Luther 0705 Kickin It 0730 Ultimate Spider-Man 0755 Phineas And Ferb 0820 Pair Of Kings 0845 Kick Buttowski 0910 Zeke & Luther 0935 I’m In The Band 1000 Scaredy Squirrel 1025 Pokemon Black And White 1050 Rated A For Awesome 1115 Aaron Stone 1140 Rekkit Rabbit 1205 American Dragon 1230 Kick Buttowski 1255 Kid vs Kat 1320 Pair Of Kings 1345 Zeke & Luther 1410 Kid vs Kat 1435 I’m In The Band 1500 Phineas And Ferb 1525 Scaredy Squirrel 1550 Rated A For Awesome 1615 Lab Rats 1640 Pair Of Kings 1705 Mr. Young 1730 Kickin It 1800 Kick Buttowski 1825 Zeke & Luther 1850 Phineas And Ferb 1915 Phineas And Ferb 1940 I’m In The Band 2005 Zeke & Luther 2030 Zeke & Luther 2055 Phineas And Ferb 2120 Mr. Young 2145 Rated A For Awesome 2210 Kick Buttowski 2235 Kid vs Kat
  • 8. timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 • Page 11 FILM: One in the Chamber CAST: Cuba Gooding Jr, Dolph Lundgren, Billy Murray DIRECTION: William Kaufman M odern day Prague. A seasoned US assassin for hire Ray Carver (Cuba Gooding Jr) is working far away from home, making good money doing what he does best — killing people. Ray has his own reasons to be in Prague as well — a young beautiful girl, whom he follows every day for unknown reasons. In the meantime, there are several crime families operating in the city, and Carver is hired by one of them to do the dirty job. When the mission fails, and Carver realises he’s been set up, he has very little time on his hands to figure out the situation, as one of the crime families has already hired another specialist, Alexei “The Wolf” Andreev (Dolph Lundgren) to finish the job, and get rid of Carver as well. If you have watched a lot of “straight to video, DVD” movies, this action movie is exactly what you would expect it to be. If you can bear the fact that Prague was “shot” in Romania, for financial reasons obviously, let’s continue. The $5mn One in the Chamber is basically a two-man show, with Gooding and Lundgren. They carry the whole film, from start to finish. However, though Cuba’s performances in such films is usually enjoyable, here he’s a lot less than impressive, as his type of “hit-man” is your usual guy. Despite the fact that both Gooding and Lundgren are technically “bad guys”, or hitmen, the film openly shows us that Gooding is in fact a protagonist. Lundgren is a completely different story. His character of Alexei Andreev is the complete opposite of Gooding’s. Andreev is a communist (as tattoos of Engels, Lenin and Stalin on his back show), who seems to have turned into a capitalist with a gun in his hand. He walks around in a Hawaiian shirt, an old hat, he’s driving old ’70s cars, and he’s ruthless too. Lundgren gets less screen time in the film than Gooding Jr, however his character is bigger and more interesting to explore. In the film, the “Big Swede” is billed second after Gooding, while IMDB has put the Oscar-winning Gooding after Lundgren. Both stars get to trade blows, and they have quite a nice fight in the film — a great addition to other action that One in the Chamber provides. William Kaufman does a good job directing the action scenes, no shaky cam was spotted. Cast list also includes UK veteran actor Billy Murray and Louis Mandylor, who seems to feel comfortable playing villains one film after another. Overall, if you are able to take this film for what it is, then it is enjoyable for sure. Gooding gets one thumb up for standing up to Lundgren and even roundhouse kicking him in the face (oh yes, you get to see that one), while Lundgren gets two thumbs up for bringing such a vivid character to life. — Atwo-manshow offisticuffs By Cary Darling FILM: Safe CAST: Jason Statham, Catherine Chan DIRECTION: Boaz Yakin R ule No 1: If you love Jason Statham and his brand of neck-stomping, head- busting killin’ skills, then you’re probably going to like his latest blast of movie mayhem, Safe. Rule No 2: If you don’t like Statham, then this one a wide berth. But, if you fall somewhere in the middle — appreciative of Statham’s talents at pounding and pummelling but feel some of his more recent movies like Transporter 3 and The Mechanic left something to be desired — then Safe is more of a mixed bag full of the same ol’, same ol’. Statham is Luke Wright, a down- on-his-luck former cop trying to make a living on the cage-fighting circuit. When he doesn’t take a dive as ordered, he angers the Russian mob, who kill his wife and tell him they’re going to, one by one, slaughter anyone who has any relationship with him — even his landlady. With nothing left to live for, and not wanting to get anyone else hurt, he considers suicide by subway when he notices a young, scared Chinese girl (Catherine Chan) being chased through the train station by these same goons. Turns out she’s being hunted by the Russians, Chinese gangsters, and crooked cops because she’s the only one who knows the code to a safe containing millions of dollars. Faster than you can say “skull fracture”, Luke has something to live — and fight — for. Directed by Boaz Yakin (Remember the Titans) with a brawny efficiency, Safe gets the job done. There’s a car-chase scene going the wrong way down a one-way street that’s absolutely thrilling and the fight choreography is often wince- inducing. Few can turn men into meatloaf better than Statham (though, after seeing Indonesian martial-arts star Iko Uwais in The Raid: Redemption, Statham definitely has some company). Still, in recent years, Statham has shown he can handle something slightly more complicated (The Bank Job) or chosen films with a sense of pop-culture humour (Death Race, Crank) that gave them an extra kick. Unfortunately, Safe doesn’t fall into either of these categories. Ultimately, Safe lives up to its title. — The Fort Worth Star-Telegram/MCT (DVDs courtesy: Saqr Entertainment Stores, Doha) Statham plays it a little too ‘Safe’
  • 9. women Page 12 • timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 W hen she was 20 years old, Alphonsina Zara was pregnant with her first child. After three days of excruciating labour, though she was in a health centre, her baby was stillborn. Doctors found that she had developed a hole in her birth canal, a severe medical condition called obstetric fistula. She not only lost her baby, it disrupted her life for the next 14 years. The injury is usually caused by complications during childbirth, such as a prolonged labour that can cause muscle tissues to tear, creating a hole in the birth canal. If left untreated — as it is for tens of thousands of women — it causes them to urinate or defecate continuously. Fistula can occur when care is inadequate, when women give birth at home, at an early age, or with traditional healers. “It is really a problem of poverty,” said Edwige Ravaomanana of the UN Population Fund, and a simple and cheap operation could turn around many lives. The condition was eradicated in wealthy countries in the 19th century, but the World Health Organisation (WHO) says it still afflicts 2mn women in Africa and developing Asia. “It’s also because women can’t go to a (clinic). Maybe because of the distance, maybe because they don’t know,” said Ravaomanana. “The women who live far try to give birth with a matron,” a traditional birth attendant.” Madagascar, one of the world’s poorest countries, alone accounts for 2,000 of the more than 50,000 new fistula cases each year around the globe, according to UN data. As much as 81% of the population on this island nation off southeast Africa live on less than $1.25 a day. Health facilities are widely scattered across the country, the world’s fourth-largest island where 80% of the population lives in rural areas. About 65% of them reside more than 10km from their nearest health centre, according to the health ministry. That distance often is travelled by foot because Madagascar has few roads and little transport, forcing women to give birth at home with traditional midwives. Widespread fistula here is also blamed on early pregnancy, which is very common in Madagascar. “It’s also the tradition. Starting from 18, they are considered old. At 30, a woman can already have 10 children,” Ravaomanana said. A surgical procedure that costs about $300 can close the hole and return a woman’s life back to normal. But until 2011, only two doctors on Madagascar could perform the operation. A €300,000 ($374,000) campaign by the health ministry and the UN Population Fund has trained 14 more, and performed 106 operations in the tourist beach town of Tulear. Aphonsina was one of them. In the soft red sun of a winter afternoon, Alphonsina said her baby’s father left her because of the constant smell of urine. “People were talking about me, they were saying I smell bad. When I was getting close to people, they would leave,” Alphonsina said with a shy voice. Fortunately, her parents did not reject her. She lived with them and worked as a fish vendor for years. She consulted the nearest hospital, which eventually sent her to Tulear. “When I came here, the doctor made me come every three months and still didn’t heal me,” she said. In Tulear, she started selling fabric. “Where I live right now, I’m making friends, not like before. Though I still don’t have a lot of friends,” Alphonsina said. She lives in a small grass hut on a sandy road, has a mattress and very few objects in her house, which she rents for about $5 a month. Her life has improved, but she’s not cured, having the misfortune to be among the 10% of women who aren’t completely healed after the surgery. Alphonsina’s doctor said she needs another operation which, with medicine, will cost $100 — money that she doesn’t have. — AFP Givingbirth ariskyaffair In Madagascar, little help for difficult pregnancies. By Andreea Campeanu *Alphonsina Zara in Tulear, South of Madagascar. She has had the obstetric fistula since the age of 20, because of childbirth complication when she was giving birth to her first child. *Felicia has had obstetric fistula since the age of 18, because of childbirth complication when she was giving birth to her first child. She lived with it for the following 12 years, until 2011, when she was operated, and now she is completely cured.
  • 10. timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 • Page 13 MESushers innewterm M ES Indian School kickstarted the second term of the academic year 2012-2013 with the principal’s address on September 1, in an orientation programme for the teaching faculty, prior to the reopening of the school. Principal A P Sasidharan briefed the staff about the recent reforms to be introduced in the CBSE curriculum, which focus on Value Based Questions, Open Book Examination and Problem Solving Assessment Test exclusively for classes IX and XI. “With determination and dedication any challenge can be coped with,” remarked the principal. He also introduced the newly joined teachers during the function. There was a section wise meeting by the heads of departments to discuss the various reforms introduced in the CBSE curriculum. Dr Sophia Rajani, co-ordinator for the orientation programme, compered the function. *Students accompanied by parents attend the first day of school. *A view of the cultural procession held as part of the Onam celebrations of the CCC Samajam in their camp in Al Khor. *Trainer NV Kabeer addresses the teachers on new educational strategies. SIS holds training camp for teachers A two-day training session on new educational strategies was held recently at Shantiniketan Indian School (SIS).Led by eminent trainer NV Kabeer,it focused on the topic —‘Towards value loaded excellence’. The programme was inaugurated by K C Latheef,president of the school and presided over by principal Mohamed Ismail. The president urged the teaching community to take up the challenges of the time and to refresh and update the knowledge and attitude according to the need of hour. Joint secretary Abdul Khader spoke on the occasion.Shihabudheen Pulath,headmaster, welcomed the gathering.Karunakaran proposed vote of thanks. Best wishes! Pakistani ambassador to Qatar, Mohamed Sarfraz Khanzada (front row, second right) at the wedding ceremony of Salma Rais, daughter of noted Doha-based banker Rais Uddin Siddiqui. Prominent members of the Pakistani community attended the event held recently at Best Western Hotel in Doha. Share news of your community events with us! E-mail or call Gulf Times Features Department on 44466405 (6-8pm). CCC Samajam celebrates Onam M embers of the CCC Malayali Samajam, an expatriate forum, celebrated Onam festival at their camp in Al Khor recently.Malayalis all over the world celebrated Onam on August 29. CCC Malayali Samajam in Qatar consists of Keralites working in Consolidated Contractors International Company,one of the major construction firms having presence throughout the region.It is one of the numerically stronger forums (5,000 members) among the country’s Keralites. At the function held prior to the celebrations,company officials Mohamed Bayomi and M Kamal greeted the members. General convenor C S Narayana Kurup lighted the traditional lamp to mark the start of the event,attended by a large number of Indians,and other nationalities in the camp. As part of the celebrations,a host of cultural and art forms of Kerala such as Theyyam,Puli Kali, Kavadiyattam,Kummatti were on the display. Camp administrator Suresh Babu inaugurated the cultural procession. Joseph Francis,Sunil Kumar Kurup, Johan Binumon,Shaji Mathew Surendran Pillai and Maniyappan were among others who led the procession. Floral carpet,one of the key attractions of the celebrations,was laid by a team of Sunil Kumar Arjun, Sunil Kumar Kurup,Aby P Baby and Prasil Kumar. A sumptuous Onam feast was also served to the huge gathering.At the ceremony,the forum honoured the children of members who performed well in school examinations.Student Maya Mohan received the prize for scoring the highest marks.
  • 11. comicsAdam PoochCafe Garfield BoundAndGagged Wordsearch Codeword Every letter of the alphabet is used at least once. Squares with the same number in have the same letter in. Work out which number represents which letter. ChangeWord By changing one letter at a time to form a new word, transform the beginning word to the ending word in the rated number of steps (or fewer). Page 14 • timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 L O V E G L E E
  • 12. puzzles horoscopes Sudoku is a puzzle based on a 9x9 grid. The grid is also divided into nine (3x3) boxes. You are given a selection of values and to complete the puzzle, you must fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9 and none is repeated. Sudoku SpotTheDifference An older loved one may be having problems. Your energetic nature and ability to initiate projects will add to your popularity. Fitness or weight loss programmes will help your self esteem. You will have some problems with children, but if you are patient you will win their favour. Put something away in case of an emergency. Confront a situation calmly. Your determination and sheer desire to do your own thing will be successful. You might get behind if you spend too much time debating senseless issues. Your ability to ferret out secret information will lead you to an inside scoop on an amazing financial deal. You may find that someone at work hasn’t been trustworthy. Relax and enjoy what you’ve accomplished when you’re finished. Don’t let children hold you back from doing things you enjoy. Your outgoing nature will surprise others today. Don’t trust co-workers with important or personal information. You may divulge private information without realising it today. Don’t be too quick to react. Don’t lament to a friend about any grievance regarding your mate, or it may be hard to rectify your relationship. You must not allow them to force you to rush. One-sided attractions are likely. Don’t spend more than is necessary on travel or friends. Be professional, and you will advance much more quickly. Socialising will be more than just entertaining. Pamper yourself; the self esteem it brings you will be most gratifying. It’s a favourable time for real estate investments. You should get involved with activities that can be enjoyed by both young and old alike. You can make financial gains if you are prepared to take a risk. Don’t get talked into get-rich-quick schemes. You need to keep the peace and you will have to bend in order to do so. Praise will be yours if you have been pursuing your goals. Your ability to be a self-starter will help get things done. Invite friends or relatives into your home. You can make favourable real estate offers today. You will communicate easily and should be able to accomplish all that you set out to do. ARIES21Mar-20Apr CANCER22Jun-22Jul TAURUS21Apr-21May LEO23Jul-22Aug SCORPIO24Oct-22 Nov GEMINI22May-21Jun VIRGO23Aug-23Sep SAGITTARIUS23Nov-21Dec PISCES20Feb-20Mar timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 • Page 15 LIBRA24Sep-23Oct CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20Jan AQUARIUS21Jan-19Feb Solution on Page 16
  • 13. Down 1. Persuade (8) 2. Totter (7) 4. On fire (6) 5. Misleading (10) 6. Check accounts (5) 7. Smooth (4) 10. Happen (4,2,4) 12. Slenderness (8) 15. Pamper (7) 16. Paleness (6) 18. Big (5) 19. Raced (4) Across 1. Throw (4) 3. The profile (4-4) 8. Close (4) 9. Oust (8) 11. Well (2,4,6) 13. Bend (6) 14. Terminate (6) 17. Abruptly (3,2,1,6) 20. Easily carried (8) 21. Hint (4) 22. Kitchen sideboards (8) 23. Minus (4) Across 1. Amusing people in the show, it seems (4) 3. Monocle required to look at the tumbler (8) 8. Tidy collection of cattle (4) 9. Motorway in excellent setting having the most traffic lanes? (8) 11. Kind of office for mislaid piece of theatrical equipment (4,8) 13. South African gin for the Persian governor (6) 14. Is obliged with some hesitation to gather the troops (6) 17. Presumably they were often reduced to living on the rocks! (4-8) 20. Correcting the script, we hear (8) 21. Not working in squalid leg- shows (4) 22. Chaps near at hand are good at odd jobs (8) 23. Amphibian went astray (4) Down 1. For the hoisting device, the girl has to turn the handle first (8) 2. Conveyance for variety artist round the north (7) 4. Worry on return about a plant of the milfoil family (6) 5. Completely following the prayer in an elegant way (10) 6. Expert incorrectly taped (5) 7. Cause one to be completely fed up! (4) 10. Father or mother in different play, seemingly (10) 12. Could it eventually be enlarged into Half Moon Street? (8) 15. Operated by the footplateman (7) 16. Improvised dance music with eastern beat! (6) 18. The embargo now includes gas (5) 19. Tree topped for rustic feature (4) puzzlesQuickClues CrypticClues Prayer Time Fajr 3.58am Shorooq (sunrise) 5.16am Zuhr (noon) 11.32am Asr (afternoon) 3.01pm Maghreb (sunset) 5.49pm Isha (night) 7.19pm Consumer Complaints (Food control department) Head of dept 44347633 Help Line Is drinking a problem for you or someone you love? Call Alcoholics Anonymous: 55605901 Hospitals VISITING HOURS: HamadGeneralHospital, Women’sHospitaland Rumaillah Hospital:6amto7.30am,4pmto8pm. Useful Numbers Police, Fire, Ambulance 999 HMC 44392222 Women’s (Rumaillah) 44393333 HMC (Emergency) 44392111 Water & Electricity 991 Flight Inquiries 44622999 Doha Seaport 44457457 Museum of Islamic Art 44224444 Private & Mumtaz Post 44621094 Q Post Registered Mail 44464131 Q Post Customer Service 44464172 Ship Phone Service 44864444 Ministry of Interior main switchboard 44330000 Public Department for passports, nationality and residence 44882882 Capital Security Dept 44444420 Criminal Info Dept 44477477 Boundaries and Coasts Security 44414488 Civil Defence Department 44413666 Rescue Service 44682888 Doha Zoo 44682888 The Grand Cinecentre 44839064 Cinema Palace 44320938 The Mall Cineplex 44678666 Cinema Land 44881674 Gulf & Doha Cinema 44671811 Qatar National Theater 44831246 DVD, Video releases ENGLISH: Think Like A Man (Taraji P. Henson); Darling Companion (Diane Keaton); One In The Chamber (Cuba Gooding Jr.); Safe (Jason Statham); Avengers Assemble (Robert Downey Jr.); Lol (Miley Cyrus); Battleship (Taylor Kitsch); Warriors Of The Rainbow (Lin Ching-Tai); The Hunger Games (Jennifer Lawrence); The Lucky One (Zac Efron); Bernie (Jack Black); Jiro Dreams Of Sushi (Documentary); The Gruffalo’s Child (animation); The Raid (Iko Uwais); Marley,(Documentary); Hatfields And Mccoys (Kevin Costner); The Pirates! Band of Misfits (animation); Age of the Dragons (Danny Glover); Boss Season One (Kelsey Grammer); Alphas Season One (David Straithairn); Strike Back: Season One (Philip Winchester); The Three Stooges (Sean Hayes). HINDI: Agent Vinod (Saif Ali Khan); Kahaani (Vidya Balan); Breakaway (Vinay Virmani); Don 2: The King is Back (Shah Rukh Khan); Pappu Can’t Dance Saala (Vinay Pathak); Agneepath (Hrithik Roshan); Paan Singh Tomar (Irrfan Khan). Information QUICK Across: 1 Agriculture; 9 Realise; 10 Paste; 11 Extra; 12 Succour; 13 Indeed; 15 Egress; 18 Incline; 20 Steam; 22 Usage; 23 Certain; 24 Pertinacity. Down: 2 Grant; 3 Imitate; 4 Uneasy; 5 Topic; 6 Restore; 7 Irreligious; 8 Refreshment; 14 Declare; 16 Gastric; 17 Beacon; 19 Inert; 21 Exact. CRYPTIC Across: 1 Fell through; 9 Thistle; 10 Arena; 11 Gusto; 12 Elector; 13 Feline; 15 Starve; 18 Inspect; 20 Roost; 22 Hoist; 23 Theatre; 24 Escape route. Down: 2 Exits; 3 Let down; 4 Heeded; 5 Orate; 6 Greater; 7 Stage fright; 8 Fair weather; 14 Lassies; 16 Torpedo; 17 Statue; 19 Extra; 21 Octet. Answers Wordsearch Codeword Change Word L O V E L O S E L O S T L O U T G O U T G L U T G L U E G L E E Page 16 • timeout • Thursday, September 6, 2012 Yesterday’sSolutions SpotTheDifference