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Realms Of Fiction Quiz
u Written
u 30 questions
u Multiples of 5 are tiebreakers
u QM’s decisions are final and binding
u The titular character of the show, he was once the pet of Count Dracula. He
was found in a locked chamber in the cellar of an apartment complex. Also,
he is shown to have a few strange traits such as hiding from sunlight, sleeping
in a casket, flying with wings, and draining juice from vegetables.
u He sucks juices from vegetables but different kinds of vegetables cause some
kind of reaction in him (sugar beets make him hyperactive and speedy, onions
make him cry powerful jet streams of tears, garlic turns him into a skeleton
_____, ghost peppers make him breathe fire, turnips turn the house upside-
down, wasabi makes him spontaneously combust, leeks give him spider legs,
eggplants turn him into a huge and hideous three-eyed monster, etc.).
u Who?
u ID both references.
u Identify the song.
u Whose voice is in the beginning?
From Eminem’s song Marshall Mathers:
u And amidst all this Crist' poppin' and wrist watches
u I just sit back and just watch and just get nauseous
u And walk around with an empty bottle of Remy Martin
u Startin' shit like some 26-year-old skinny _______ (Goddamn it!)
u An anti-Backstreet and Ricky Martin
u Whose instinct's to kill N'Sync, don't get me started
u The informal unit of measurement, Cuil originated from Reddit. The idea
was to lampoon the terrible search engine capabilities of the Cuil search
engine, while providing a functionally stimulating idea about the
interrelationship between tangential things.
u Example: You ask me for a Hamburger.
u 1 Cuil: if you asked me for a hamburger, and I gave you a raccoon.
u 2 Cuils: If you asked me for a hamburger, but it turns out I don't really exist.
Where I was originally standing, a picture of a hamburger rests on the
u 3 Cuils: You awake as a hamburger. You start screaming only to have
special sauce fly from your lips. The world is in sepia.
u 4 Cuils: Why are we speaking German? A mime cries softly as he cradles a
young cow. Your grandfather stares at you as the cow falls apart into
patties. You look down only to see me with pickles for eyes, I am singing
the song that gives birth to the universe.
u What is one Cuil the measurement of?
u _______ ______, a detective who became internationally famous, has died in
England. His age was unknown. Mr. ______ achieved fame as a private
investigator after he retired as a member of the [redacted] police force in
1904. His career was one of the most illustrious of his profession.
u At the end of his life, he was arthritic and had a bad heart. He was in a
wheelchair often, and was carried from his bedroom to the public lounge at
Styles Court, a nursing home in Essex, wearing a wig and false mustaches to
mask the signs of age that offended his vanity. In his active days, he was
always impeccably dressed.
u Mr. ______, who was just 5 feet 4 inches tall, went to England from [redacted]
during World War I as a refugee. He settled in a little town not far from Styles,
then an elaborate country estate, where he took on his first private case.
u Whose obituary from the NY Times?
u In the "Story Notes" section of Stories of Your Life and Others, Chiang wrote
that inspiration for "Story of Your Life" came from his fascination in the
variational principle in physics. When he saw American actor Paul Linke's
performance in his play Time Flies When You’re Alive, about his wife's
struggle with breast cancer, Chiang realized he could use this principle to
show how someone deals with the inevitable.
u We know it better as a 2016 movie adaptation.
u Which film?
u Standing on the beach
u With a gun in my hand
u Staring at the sea
u Staring at the sand
u Staring down the barrel
u At the Arab on the ground
u I can see his open mouth
u But I hear no sound
u I'm alive
u I'm dead
u I'm ___ ________
u Killing an Arab
u Alien hand syndrome (AHS) is a condition in which a person experiences
their limbs acting seemingly on their own, without control over the actions.
The term is used for a variety of clinical conditions and most commonly
affects the left hand. There are many similar names used to describe the
various forms of the condition but they are often used inappropriately. The
afflicted person may sometimes reach for objects and manipulate them
without wanting to do so, even to the point of having to use the
controllable hand to restrain the alien hand.
u What is the alternate name for AHS?
u The background music of X has garnered much interest due to its creepy
sound. Listing it as the second-most scary video game track, Brittany Vincent
of Bloody Disgusting stated that X's "deceptively calm ... tune ranks highly on
most gamers' lists of terrifying childhood memories.”
u According to a creepypasta story that was uploaded anonymously on
Pastebin in 2010, the music compelled the suicide of over 100 Japanese
children in the spring of 1996. Others allegedly suffered nosebleeds,
headaches, or became irrationally angry. This fabricated illness was dubbed
“X Syndrome”.
u Mark Hill of Kill Screen stated that the appeal of the X Syndrome legend
"comes from corrupting such an innocent symbol of childhood”.
u X?
u Theme song for?
Q12. ID.
Q13. What’s the actual name?
Alternate titles for a 2005 film:
u High Nooner
u Jeremiah's Johnson
u How The West Was Hung
u Very Raw Hide
u A Fistful of Ned
u Bone-Nanza
u Don't Mess With Tex' Ass
u Oklahomo
u Prances With Wolves
u What is this song a reference to?
u Perhaps the most moving final soliloquy in cinematic history, _____ __ ___
____ is also known as the C-Beams Speech, incredibly improvised on the
eve of filming.
u Tannhauser Gate is an unexplained place name which is mentioned in
the film.
u The academic writer Joanne Taylor, in an article discussing film noir and its
epistemology, remarks that Y aligns himself with Wagner's Tannhäuser, a
character who has fallen from grace with men and with God. Both men
and God, as she claims, are characters whose fate is beyond their own
u What is the speech commonly known as?
u According to the Hebrew Bible, X was the wife of Uriah the Hittite and
later of David, king of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah. She is most
known for the Bible story in which she was summoned by King David who
had seen her bathing and lusted after her. David is not innocent of sexual
misbehavior because of either adultery or rape. The text in the Bible does
not explicitly state as to whether Bathsheba consented to sex or not.
u X is also the name of the antagonist of a 2013 horror film.
u X?
u “Dil ki gar sunoon to hai
u Dimaag ki to hai nahi
u Jaan loon ke jaan doon
u ____ ______ __ ____ ____”
FITB, or mention the lines which inspired this.
u To Say Nothing of the Dog: or, How We Found the Bishop's Bird Stump at
Last is a 1997 comic science fiction novel by Connie Willis. It takes place a
universe of time-traveling historians.
u In the novel, the protagonists, while searching for the Bird Stump stumble
into the 19th century, into a story that is referenced in the title of the book.
u What classic 1889 work?
u Reference to?
u Early concept art of?
u Poster for?
u Inspired by?
u Since the author struggled to come up for a title for his Pulitzer-winning
book, his wife lent him a hand. She gleaned the famous title from “The
Battle Hymn of the Republic,” by Julia Ward Howe:
u “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:

u He is trampling out the vintage where the ______ __ _____ are stored;

u He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:

u His truth is marching on.”
u Three frames from a recent movie follow.
u Who is the movie about?
u What is so special about the movie?
u Extract from “On the Road” by Kerouac.
u "But then they danced down the streets like dingledodies, and I shambled
after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because
the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live,
mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time,
the ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn,
burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the
stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody
goes 'Awww!’”
u Inspired what?
u Memoranda is a surreal game that inspired by someone’s stories.
u “Most of the short stories by ________ happen in a very calm and realistic
setting and the introduction of a strange and unexpected character or a
small event will break the atmosphere and change everything. Suspense
and fright are very clear elements that have been ingrained in my mind
while reading ________’s stories,” Saedi explains. “These feelings, and also
________’s knowledge about music and many aspects of technology,
made me think that a videogame can be made by combining them.”
u _________ ______ _______, often referred to by his initials, was an American
author, and a staunch supporter of a system he called “the modern
science of mental health".
u According to the Guinness Book of World Records, he is listed as the most
translated and published author in the world. The Guinness World Record
for the most audio books published for one author is also held by him. In
2014, he was cited by Smithsonian magazine as one of the 100 most
significant Americans of all time.
u Despite being one of the most famous authors of all time, his background
remains elusive, with many aspects of his life disputed.
u Who?
u Who’s the character?
u Which artist is being referenced?
u Bioshock is a game inspired by the fictional and philosophical works of X.
The philosophy of the game’s character, Andrew Ryan, creator of the
underwater city Rapture, was based on X.
u Both Andrew Ryan and X were originally from the Soviet Union but moved
to America to avoid the increasing tensions of Communism. Both created
their own city to explore their ideas: X created Y while Ryan created
Rapture. Bioshock explores a single question in X’s fiction and philosophy:
“What would a society look like if everyone were really in it for themselves
and owed no allegiance to anyone but themselves?”
u X and Y?
Q29. FITB.
u The imagery of the _____ __ _____ relates technology to myth and legend.
The biblical myth is used to construct the ideological message about the
division of labor into the hands that build and the brains that plan and
conceive, a division which, as the film suggests, must be overcome.
u “Having conceived _____, yet unable to build it themselves, they hired
thousands to build it for them.
u But those who toiled knew nothing of the dreams of those who planned
u And the minds that planned the _____ __ _____ cared nothing for the
workers that built it.
u The hymns of pray of the few became the curses of the many.”
u What is the following known as?
u "Will mankind one day without the net expenditure of energy be able to
restore the sun to its full youthfulness even after it had died of old age?
u Or maybe it could be put more simply like this: How can the net amount
of entropy of the universe be massively decreased?”
u The titular character of the show, he was once the pet of Count Dracula. He
was found in a locked chamber in the cellar of an apartment complex. Also,
he is shown to have a few strange traits such as hiding from sunlight, sleeping
in a casket, flying with wings, and draining juice from vegetables.
u He sucks juices from vegetables but different kinds of vegetables cause some
kind of reaction in him (sugar beets make him hyperactive and speedy, onions
make him cry powerful jet streams of tears, garlic turns him into a skeleton
_____, ghost peppers make him breathe fire, turnips turn the house upside-
down, wasabi makes him spontaneously combust, leeks give him spider legs,
eggplants turn him into a huge and hideous three-eyed monster, etc.).
u Who?
A. Bunnicula
u ID both references.
u Gorillaz – Demon Days
u Stranger Things
u Identify the song.
u Whose voice is in the beginning?
u Pure Imagination
u Gene Wilder
From Eminem’s song Marshall Mathers:
u And amidst all this Crist' poppin' and wrist watches
u I just sit back and just watch and just get nauseous
u And walk around with an empty bottle of Remy Martin
u Startin' shit like some 26-year-old skinny _______ (Goddamn it!)
u An anti-Backstreet and Ricky Martin
u Whose instinct's to kill N'Sync, don't get me started
u Cartman
u The informal unit of measurement, Cuil originated from Reddit. The idea
was to lampoon the terrible search engine capabilities of the Cuil search
engine, while providing a functionally stimulating idea about the
interrelationship between tangential things.
u Example: You ask me for a Hamburger.
u 1 Cuil: if you asked me for a hamburger, and I gave you a raccoon.
u 2 Cuils: If you asked me for a hamburger, but it turns out I don't really exist.
Where I was originally standing, a picture of a hamburger rests on the
u 3 Cuils: You awake as a hamburger. You start screaming only to have
special sauce fly from your lips. The world is in sepia.
u 4 Cuils: Why are we speaking German? A mime cries softly as he cradles a
young cow. Your grandfather stares at you as the cow falls apart into
patties. You look down only to see me with pickles for eyes, I am singing
the song that gives birth to the universe.
u What is one Cuil the measurement of?
u One unit of abstraction from reality
u _______ ______, a detective who became internationally famous, has died in
England. His age was unknown. Mr. ______ achieved fame as a private
investigator after he retired as a member of the [redacted] police force in
1904. His career was one of the most illustrious of his profession.
u At the end of his life, he was arthritic and had a bad heart. He was in a
wheelchair often, and was carried from his bedroom to the public lounge at
Styles Court, a nursing home in Essex, wearing a wig and false mustaches to
mask the signs of age that offended his vanity. In his active days, he was
always impeccably dressed.
u Mr. ______, who was just 5 feet 4 inches tall, went to England from [redacted]
during World War I as a refugee. He settled in a little town not far from Styles,
then an elaborate country estate, where he took on his first private case.
u Whose obituary from the NY Times?
u Poirot
u In the "Story Notes" section of Stories of Your Life and Others, Chiang wrote
that inspiration for "Story of Your Life" came from his fascination in the
variational principle in physics. When he saw American actor Paul Linke's
performance in his play Time Flies When You’re Alive, about his wife's
struggle with breast cancer, Chiang realized he could use this principle to
show how someone deals with the inevitable.
u We know it better as a 2016 movie adaptation.
u Which film?
u Arrival
u Standing on the beach
u With a gun in my hand
u Staring at the sea
u Staring at the sand
u Staring down the barrel
u At the Arab on the ground
u I can see his open mouth
u But I hear no sound
u I'm alive
u I'm dead
u I'm ___ ________
u Killing an Arab
u The Stranger
u Alien hand syndrome (AHS) is a condition in which a person experiences
their limbs acting seemingly on their own, without control over the actions.
The term is used for a variety of clinical conditions and most commonly
affects the left hand. There are many similar names used to describe the
various forms of the condition but they are often used inappropriately. The
afflicted person may sometimes reach for objects and manipulate them
without wanting to do so, even to the point of having to use the
controllable hand to restrain the alien hand.
u What is the alternate name for AHS?
u Strangelove Syndrome
u The background music of X has garnered much interest due to its creepy
sound. Listing it as the second-most scary video game track, Brittany Vincent
of Bloody Disgusting stated that X's "deceptively calm ... tune ranks highly on
most gamers' lists of terrifying childhood memories.”
u According to a creepypasta story that was uploaded anonymously on
Pastebin in 2010, the music compelled the suicide of over 100 Japanese
children in the spring of 1996. Others allegedly suffered nosebleeds,
headaches, or became irrationally angry. This fabricated illness was dubbed
“X Syndrome”.
u Mark Hill of Kill Screen stated that the appeal of the X Syndrome legend
"comes from corrupting such an innocent symbol of childhood”.
u X?
u Lavender Town
u Theme song for?
u Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Q12. ID.
Q13. What’s the actual name?
Alternate titles for a 2005 film:
u High Nooner
u Jeremiah's Johnson
u How The West Was Hung
u Very Raw Hide
u A Fistful of Ned
u Bone-Nanza
u Don't Mess With Tex' Ass
u Oklahomo
u Prances With Wolves
u Brokeback Mountain
u What is this song a reference to?
u A Brave New World
u Perhaps the most moving final soliloquy in cinematic history, _____ __ ___
____ is also known as the C-Beams Speech, incredibly improvised on the
eve of filming.
u Tannhauser Gate is an unexplained place name which is mentioned in
the film.
u The academic writer Joanne Taylor, in an article discussing film noir and its
epistemology, remarks that Y aligns himself with Wagner's Tannhäuser, a
character who has fallen from grace with men and with God. Both men
and God, as she claims, are characters whose fate is beyond their own
u What is the speech commonly known as?
u Tears in the Rain
u According to the Hebrew Bible, X was the wife of Uriah the Hittite and
later of David, king of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah. She is most
known for the Bible story in which she was summoned by King David who
had seen her bathing and lusted after her. David is not innocent of sexual
misbehavior because of either adultery or rape. The text in the Bible does
not explicitly state as to whether Bathsheba consented to sex or not.
u X is also the name of the antagonist of a 2013 horror film.
u X?
u Bathsheba
u “Dil ki gar sunoon to hai
u Dimaag ki to hai nahi
u Jaan loon ke jaan doon
u ____ ______ __ ____ ____”
FITB, or mention the lines which inspired this.
u Main hoon ki hoon nahi
u To be or not to be
u To Say Nothing of the Dog: or, How We Found the Bishop's Bird Stump at
Last is a 1997 comic science fiction novel by Connie Willis. It takes place a
universe of time-traveling historians.
u In the novel, the protagonists, while searching for the Bird Stump stumble
into the 19th century, into a story that is referenced in the title of the book.
u What classic 1889 work?
u Reference to?
u The Last Supper
u Early concept art of?
u Poster for?
u Inspired by?
u Rogue One
u Full Metal Jacket
u Since the author struggled to come up for a title for his Pulitzer-winning
book, his wife lent him a hand. She gleaned the famous title from “The
Battle Hymn of the Republic,” by Julia Ward Howe:
u “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:

u He is trampling out the vintage where the ______ __ _____ are stored;

u He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:

u His truth is marching on.”
u Grapes of Wrath
u Three frames from a recent movie follow.
u Who is the movie about?
u What is so special about the movie?
u Vincent van Gogh
u First fully painted feature film
u Extract from “On the Road” by Kerouac.
u "But then they danced down the streets like dingledodies, and I shambled
after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because
the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live,
mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time,
the ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn,
burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the
stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody
goes 'Awww!’”
u Inspired what?
u Memoranda is a surreal game that inspired by someone’s stories.
u “Most of the short stories by ________ happen in a very calm and realistic
setting and the introduction of a strange and unexpected character or a
small event will break the atmosphere and change everything. Suspense
and fright are very clear elements that have been ingrained in my mind
while reading ________’s stories,” Saedi explains. “These feelings, and also
________’s knowledge about music and many aspects of technology,
made me think that a videogame can be made by combining them.”
u Haruki Murakami
u _________ ______ _______, often referred to by his initials, was an American
author, and a staunch supporter of a system he called “the modern
science of mental health".
u According to the Guinness Book of World Records, he is listed as the most
translated and published author in the world. The Guinness World Record
for the most audio books published for one author is also held by him. In
2014, he was cited by Smithsonian magazine as one of the 100 most
significant Americans of all time.
u Despite being one of the most famous authors of all time, his background
remains elusive, with many aspects of his life disputed.
u Who?
u Who’s the character?
u Which artist is being referenced?
u Pikachu
u Andy Warhol
u Bioshock is a game inspired by the fictional and philosophical works of X.
The philosophy of the game’s character, Andrew Ryan, creator of the
underwater city Rapture, was based on X.
u Both Andrew Ryan and X were originally from the Soviet Union but moved
to America to avoid the increasing tensions of Communism. Both created
their own city to explore their ideas: X created Y while Ryan created
Rapture. Bioshock explores a single question in X’s fiction and philosophy:
“What would a society look like if everyone were really in it for themselves
and owed no allegiance to anyone but themselves?”
u X?
u Ayn Rand
Q29. FITB.
u The imagery of the _____ __ _____ relates technology to myth and legend.
The biblical myth is used to construct the ideological message about the
division of labor into the hands that build and the brains that plan and
conceive, a division which, as the film suggests, must be overcome.
u “Having conceived _____, yet unable to build it themselves, they hired
thousands to build it for them.
u But those who toiled knew nothing of the dreams of those who planned
u And the minds that planned the _____ __ _____ cared nothing for the
workers that built it.
u The hymns of pray of the few became the curses of the many.”
u Tower of Babel
u What is the following known as?
u "Will mankind one day without the net expenditure of energy be able to
restore the sun to its full youthfulness even after it had died of old age?
u Or maybe it could be put more simply like this: How can the net amount
of entropy of the universe be massively decreased?”
u The Last Question

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Realms Of Fiction Quiz Prelims (Oasis 2017)

  • 1. Realms Of Fiction Quiz Prelims SAMKSHA BHARDWAJ
  • 2. Format u Written u 30 questions u Multiples of 5 are tiebreakers u QM’s decisions are final and binding
  • 3. Q1. u The titular character of the show, he was once the pet of Count Dracula. He was found in a locked chamber in the cellar of an apartment complex. Also, he is shown to have a few strange traits such as hiding from sunlight, sleeping in a casket, flying with wings, and draining juice from vegetables. u He sucks juices from vegetables but different kinds of vegetables cause some kind of reaction in him (sugar beets make him hyperactive and speedy, onions make him cry powerful jet streams of tears, garlic turns him into a skeleton _____, ghost peppers make him breathe fire, turnips turn the house upside- down, wasabi makes him spontaneously combust, leeks give him spider legs, eggplants turn him into a huge and hideous three-eyed monster, etc.). u Who?
  • 4. Q2. u ID both references.
  • 5. Q3. u Identify the song. u Whose voice is in the beginning?
  • 6. Q4. From Eminem’s song Marshall Mathers: u And amidst all this Crist' poppin' and wrist watches u I just sit back and just watch and just get nauseous u And walk around with an empty bottle of Remy Martin u Startin' shit like some 26-year-old skinny _______ (Goddamn it!) u An anti-Backstreet and Ricky Martin u Whose instinct's to kill N'Sync, don't get me started FITB.
  • 7. *Q5. u The informal unit of measurement, Cuil originated from Reddit. The idea was to lampoon the terrible search engine capabilities of the Cuil search engine, while providing a functionally stimulating idea about the interrelationship between tangential things. u Example: You ask me for a Hamburger. u 1 Cuil: if you asked me for a hamburger, and I gave you a raccoon. u 2 Cuils: If you asked me for a hamburger, but it turns out I don't really exist. Where I was originally standing, a picture of a hamburger rests on the ground. u 3 Cuils: You awake as a hamburger. You start screaming only to have special sauce fly from your lips. The world is in sepia.
  • 8. u 4 Cuils: Why are we speaking German? A mime cries softly as he cradles a young cow. Your grandfather stares at you as the cow falls apart into patties. You look down only to see me with pickles for eyes, I am singing the song that gives birth to the universe. u What is one Cuil the measurement of?
  • 9. Q6. u _______ ______, a detective who became internationally famous, has died in England. His age was unknown. Mr. ______ achieved fame as a private investigator after he retired as a member of the [redacted] police force in 1904. His career was one of the most illustrious of his profession. u At the end of his life, he was arthritic and had a bad heart. He was in a wheelchair often, and was carried from his bedroom to the public lounge at Styles Court, a nursing home in Essex, wearing a wig and false mustaches to mask the signs of age that offended his vanity. In his active days, he was always impeccably dressed. u Mr. ______, who was just 5 feet 4 inches tall, went to England from [redacted] during World War I as a refugee. He settled in a little town not far from Styles, then an elaborate country estate, where he took on his first private case. u Whose obituary from the NY Times?
  • 10. Q7. u In the "Story Notes" section of Stories of Your Life and Others, Chiang wrote that inspiration for "Story of Your Life" came from his fascination in the variational principle in physics. When he saw American actor Paul Linke's performance in his play Time Flies When You’re Alive, about his wife's struggle with breast cancer, Chiang realized he could use this principle to show how someone deals with the inevitable. u We know it better as a 2016 movie adaptation. u Which film?
  • 11. Q8. FITB. u Standing on the beach u With a gun in my hand u Staring at the sea u Staring at the sand u Staring down the barrel u At the Arab on the ground u I can see his open mouth u But I hear no sound u I'm alive u I'm dead u I'm ___ ________ u Killing an Arab
  • 12. Q9. u Alien hand syndrome (AHS) is a condition in which a person experiences their limbs acting seemingly on their own, without control over the actions. The term is used for a variety of clinical conditions and most commonly affects the left hand. There are many similar names used to describe the various forms of the condition but they are often used inappropriately. The afflicted person may sometimes reach for objects and manipulate them without wanting to do so, even to the point of having to use the controllable hand to restrain the alien hand. u What is the alternate name for AHS?
  • 13. *Q10. u The background music of X has garnered much interest due to its creepy sound. Listing it as the second-most scary video game track, Brittany Vincent of Bloody Disgusting stated that X's "deceptively calm ... tune ranks highly on most gamers' lists of terrifying childhood memories.” u According to a creepypasta story that was uploaded anonymously on Pastebin in 2010, the music compelled the suicide of over 100 Japanese children in the spring of 1996. Others allegedly suffered nosebleeds, headaches, or became irrationally angry. This fabricated illness was dubbed “X Syndrome”. u Mark Hill of Kill Screen stated that the appeal of the X Syndrome legend "comes from corrupting such an innocent symbol of childhood”. u X?
  • 16. Q13. What’s the actual name? Alternate titles for a 2005 film: u High Nooner u Jeremiah's Johnson u How The West Was Hung u Very Raw Hide u A Fistful of Ned u Bone-Nanza u Don't Mess With Tex' Ass u Oklahomo u Prances With Wolves
  • 17. Q14. u What is this song a reference to?
  • 18. *Q15. u Perhaps the most moving final soliloquy in cinematic history, _____ __ ___ ____ is also known as the C-Beams Speech, incredibly improvised on the eve of filming. u Tannhauser Gate is an unexplained place name which is mentioned in the film. u The academic writer Joanne Taylor, in an article discussing film noir and its epistemology, remarks that Y aligns himself with Wagner's Tannhäuser, a character who has fallen from grace with men and with God. Both men and God, as she claims, are characters whose fate is beyond their own control. u What is the speech commonly known as?
  • 19. Q16. u According to the Hebrew Bible, X was the wife of Uriah the Hittite and later of David, king of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah. She is most known for the Bible story in which she was summoned by King David who had seen her bathing and lusted after her. David is not innocent of sexual misbehavior because of either adultery or rape. The text in the Bible does not explicitly state as to whether Bathsheba consented to sex or not. u X is also the name of the antagonist of a 2013 horror film. u X?
  • 20. Q17. u “Dil ki gar sunoon to hai u Dimaag ki to hai nahi u Jaan loon ke jaan doon u ____ ______ __ ____ ____” FITB, or mention the lines which inspired this.
  • 21. Q18. u To Say Nothing of the Dog: or, How We Found the Bishop's Bird Stump at Last is a 1997 comic science fiction novel by Connie Willis. It takes place a universe of time-traveling historians. u In the novel, the protagonists, while searching for the Bird Stump stumble into the 19th century, into a story that is referenced in the title of the book. u What classic 1889 work?
  • 24. Q21. u Poster for? u Inspired by?
  • 25. Q22. u Since the author struggled to come up for a title for his Pulitzer-winning book, his wife lent him a hand. She gleaned the famous title from “The Battle Hymn of the Republic,” by Julia Ward Howe: u “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:
 u He is trampling out the vintage where the ______ __ _____ are stored;
 u He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
 u His truth is marching on.” FITB.
  • 26. Q23. u Three frames from a recent movie follow. u Who is the movie about? u What is so special about the movie?
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30. Q24. u Extract from “On the Road” by Kerouac. u "But then they danced down the streets like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!’” u Inspired what?
  • 31. *Q25. u Memoranda is a surreal game that inspired by someone’s stories. u “Most of the short stories by ________ happen in a very calm and realistic setting and the introduction of a strange and unexpected character or a small event will break the atmosphere and change everything. Suspense and fright are very clear elements that have been ingrained in my mind while reading ________’s stories,” Saedi explains. “These feelings, and also ________’s knowledge about music and many aspects of technology, made me think that a videogame can be made by combining them.” u FITB.
  • 32. Q26. u _________ ______ _______, often referred to by his initials, was an American author, and a staunch supporter of a system he called “the modern science of mental health". u According to the Guinness Book of World Records, he is listed as the most translated and published author in the world. The Guinness World Record for the most audio books published for one author is also held by him. In 2014, he was cited by Smithsonian magazine as one of the 100 most significant Americans of all time. u Despite being one of the most famous authors of all time, his background remains elusive, with many aspects of his life disputed. u Who?
  • 33. Q27. u Who’s the character? u Which artist is being referenced?
  • 34. Q28. u Bioshock is a game inspired by the fictional and philosophical works of X. The philosophy of the game’s character, Andrew Ryan, creator of the underwater city Rapture, was based on X. u Both Andrew Ryan and X were originally from the Soviet Union but moved to America to avoid the increasing tensions of Communism. Both created their own city to explore their ideas: X created Y while Ryan created Rapture. Bioshock explores a single question in X’s fiction and philosophy: “What would a society look like if everyone were really in it for themselves and owed no allegiance to anyone but themselves?” u X and Y?
  • 35. Q29. FITB. u The imagery of the _____ __ _____ relates technology to myth and legend. The biblical myth is used to construct the ideological message about the division of labor into the hands that build and the brains that plan and conceive, a division which, as the film suggests, must be overcome. u “Having conceived _____, yet unable to build it themselves, they hired thousands to build it for them. u But those who toiled knew nothing of the dreams of those who planned it. u And the minds that planned the _____ __ _____ cared nothing for the workers that built it. u The hymns of pray of the few became the curses of the many.”
  • 36.
  • 37. *Q30. u What is the following known as? u "Will mankind one day without the net expenditure of energy be able to restore the sun to its full youthfulness even after it had died of old age? u Or maybe it could be put more simply like this: How can the net amount of entropy of the universe be massively decreased?”
  • 40. Q1. u The titular character of the show, he was once the pet of Count Dracula. He was found in a locked chamber in the cellar of an apartment complex. Also, he is shown to have a few strange traits such as hiding from sunlight, sleeping in a casket, flying with wings, and draining juice from vegetables. u He sucks juices from vegetables but different kinds of vegetables cause some kind of reaction in him (sugar beets make him hyperactive and speedy, onions make him cry powerful jet streams of tears, garlic turns him into a skeleton _____, ghost peppers make him breathe fire, turnips turn the house upside- down, wasabi makes him spontaneously combust, leeks give him spider legs, eggplants turn him into a huge and hideous three-eyed monster, etc.). u Who?
  • 42. Q2. u ID both references.
  • 43. A. u Gorillaz – Demon Days u Stranger Things
  • 44. Q3. u Identify the song. u Whose voice is in the beginning?
  • 45. A. u Pure Imagination u Gene Wilder
  • 46. Q4. From Eminem’s song Marshall Mathers: u And amidst all this Crist' poppin' and wrist watches u I just sit back and just watch and just get nauseous u And walk around with an empty bottle of Remy Martin u Startin' shit like some 26-year-old skinny _______ (Goddamn it!) u An anti-Backstreet and Ricky Martin u Whose instinct's to kill N'Sync, don't get me started FITB.
  • 48. *Q5. u The informal unit of measurement, Cuil originated from Reddit. The idea was to lampoon the terrible search engine capabilities of the Cuil search engine, while providing a functionally stimulating idea about the interrelationship between tangential things. u Example: You ask me for a Hamburger. u 1 Cuil: if you asked me for a hamburger, and I gave you a raccoon. u 2 Cuils: If you asked me for a hamburger, but it turns out I don't really exist. Where I was originally standing, a picture of a hamburger rests on the ground. u 3 Cuils: You awake as a hamburger. You start screaming only to have special sauce fly from your lips. The world is in sepia.
  • 49. u 4 Cuils: Why are we speaking German? A mime cries softly as he cradles a young cow. Your grandfather stares at you as the cow falls apart into patties. You look down only to see me with pickles for eyes, I am singing the song that gives birth to the universe. u What is one Cuil the measurement of?
  • 50. A. u One unit of abstraction from reality
  • 51. Q6. u _______ ______, a detective who became internationally famous, has died in England. His age was unknown. Mr. ______ achieved fame as a private investigator after he retired as a member of the [redacted] police force in 1904. His career was one of the most illustrious of his profession. u At the end of his life, he was arthritic and had a bad heart. He was in a wheelchair often, and was carried from his bedroom to the public lounge at Styles Court, a nursing home in Essex, wearing a wig and false mustaches to mask the signs of age that offended his vanity. In his active days, he was always impeccably dressed. u Mr. ______, who was just 5 feet 4 inches tall, went to England from [redacted] during World War I as a refugee. He settled in a little town not far from Styles, then an elaborate country estate, where he took on his first private case. u Whose obituary from the NY Times?
  • 53. Q7. u In the "Story Notes" section of Stories of Your Life and Others, Chiang wrote that inspiration for "Story of Your Life" came from his fascination in the variational principle in physics. When he saw American actor Paul Linke's performance in his play Time Flies When You’re Alive, about his wife's struggle with breast cancer, Chiang realized he could use this principle to show how someone deals with the inevitable. u We know it better as a 2016 movie adaptation. u Which film?
  • 55. Q8. FITB. u Standing on the beach u With a gun in my hand u Staring at the sea u Staring at the sand u Staring down the barrel u At the Arab on the ground u I can see his open mouth u But I hear no sound u I'm alive u I'm dead u I'm ___ ________ u Killing an Arab
  • 57. Q9. u Alien hand syndrome (AHS) is a condition in which a person experiences their limbs acting seemingly on their own, without control over the actions. The term is used for a variety of clinical conditions and most commonly affects the left hand. There are many similar names used to describe the various forms of the condition but they are often used inappropriately. The afflicted person may sometimes reach for objects and manipulate them without wanting to do so, even to the point of having to use the controllable hand to restrain the alien hand. u What is the alternate name for AHS?
  • 59. *Q10. u The background music of X has garnered much interest due to its creepy sound. Listing it as the second-most scary video game track, Brittany Vincent of Bloody Disgusting stated that X's "deceptively calm ... tune ranks highly on most gamers' lists of terrifying childhood memories.” u According to a creepypasta story that was uploaded anonymously on Pastebin in 2010, the music compelled the suicide of over 100 Japanese children in the spring of 1996. Others allegedly suffered nosebleeds, headaches, or became irrationally angry. This fabricated illness was dubbed “X Syndrome”. u Mark Hill of Kill Screen stated that the appeal of the X Syndrome legend "comes from corrupting such an innocent symbol of childhood”. u X?
  • 62. A. u Fresh Prince of Bel Air
  • 64. A.
  • 65. Q13. What’s the actual name? Alternate titles for a 2005 film: u High Nooner u Jeremiah's Johnson u How The West Was Hung u Very Raw Hide u A Fistful of Ned u Bone-Nanza u Don't Mess With Tex' Ass u Oklahomo u Prances With Wolves
  • 67. Q14. u What is this song a reference to?
  • 68. A. u A Brave New World
  • 69. *Q15. u Perhaps the most moving final soliloquy in cinematic history, _____ __ ___ ____ is also known as the C-Beams Speech, incredibly improvised on the eve of filming. u Tannhauser Gate is an unexplained place name which is mentioned in the film. u The academic writer Joanne Taylor, in an article discussing film noir and its epistemology, remarks that Y aligns himself with Wagner's Tannhäuser, a character who has fallen from grace with men and with God. Both men and God, as she claims, are characters whose fate is beyond their own control. u What is the speech commonly known as?
  • 70. A. u Tears in the Rain
  • 71. Q16. u According to the Hebrew Bible, X was the wife of Uriah the Hittite and later of David, king of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah. She is most known for the Bible story in which she was summoned by King David who had seen her bathing and lusted after her. David is not innocent of sexual misbehavior because of either adultery or rape. The text in the Bible does not explicitly state as to whether Bathsheba consented to sex or not. u X is also the name of the antagonist of a 2013 horror film. u X?
  • 73. Q17. u “Dil ki gar sunoon to hai u Dimaag ki to hai nahi u Jaan loon ke jaan doon u ____ ______ __ ____ ____” FITB, or mention the lines which inspired this.
  • 74. A. u Main hoon ki hoon nahi u To be or not to be
  • 75. Q18. u To Say Nothing of the Dog: or, How We Found the Bishop's Bird Stump at Last is a 1997 comic science fiction novel by Connie Willis. It takes place a universe of time-traveling historians. u In the novel, the protagonists, while searching for the Bird Stump stumble into the 19th century, into a story that is referenced in the title of the book. u What classic 1889 work?
  • 76. A.
  • 78. A. u The Last Supper
  • 80. A.
  • 81. Q21. u Poster for? u Inspired by?
  • 82. A. u Rogue One u Full Metal Jacket
  • 83. Q22. u Since the author struggled to come up for a title for his Pulitzer-winning book, his wife lent him a hand. She gleaned the famous title from “The Battle Hymn of the Republic,” by Julia Ward Howe: u “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:
 u He is trampling out the vintage where the ______ __ _____ are stored;
 u He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
 u His truth is marching on.” FITB.
  • 84. A. u Grapes of Wrath
  • 85. Q23. u Three frames from a recent movie follow. u Who is the movie about? u What is so special about the movie?
  • 86.
  • 87.
  • 88.
  • 89. A. u Vincent van Gogh u First fully painted feature film
  • 90. Q24. u Extract from “On the Road” by Kerouac. u "But then they danced down the streets like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!’” u Inspired what?
  • 91. A.
  • 92. *Q25. u Memoranda is a surreal game that inspired by someone’s stories. u “Most of the short stories by ________ happen in a very calm and realistic setting and the introduction of a strange and unexpected character or a small event will break the atmosphere and change everything. Suspense and fright are very clear elements that have been ingrained in my mind while reading ________’s stories,” Saedi explains. “These feelings, and also ________’s knowledge about music and many aspects of technology, made me think that a videogame can be made by combining them.” u FITB.
  • 94. Q26. u _________ ______ _______, often referred to by his initials, was an American author, and a staunch supporter of a system he called “the modern science of mental health". u According to the Guinness Book of World Records, he is listed as the most translated and published author in the world. The Guinness World Record for the most audio books published for one author is also held by him. In 2014, he was cited by Smithsonian magazine as one of the 100 most significant Americans of all time. u Despite being one of the most famous authors of all time, his background remains elusive, with many aspects of his life disputed. u Who?
  • 95. A.
  • 96. Q27. u Who’s the character? u Which artist is being referenced?
  • 98. Q28. u Bioshock is a game inspired by the fictional and philosophical works of X. The philosophy of the game’s character, Andrew Ryan, creator of the underwater city Rapture, was based on X. u Both Andrew Ryan and X were originally from the Soviet Union but moved to America to avoid the increasing tensions of Communism. Both created their own city to explore their ideas: X created Y while Ryan created Rapture. Bioshock explores a single question in X’s fiction and philosophy: “What would a society look like if everyone were really in it for themselves and owed no allegiance to anyone but themselves?” u X?
  • 100. Q29. FITB. u The imagery of the _____ __ _____ relates technology to myth and legend. The biblical myth is used to construct the ideological message about the division of labor into the hands that build and the brains that plan and conceive, a division which, as the film suggests, must be overcome. u “Having conceived _____, yet unable to build it themselves, they hired thousands to build it for them. u But those who toiled knew nothing of the dreams of those who planned it. u And the minds that planned the _____ __ _____ cared nothing for the workers that built it. u The hymns of pray of the few became the curses of the many.”
  • 101.
  • 102. A. u Tower of Babel
  • 103. *Q30. u What is the following known as? u "Will mankind one day without the net expenditure of energy be able to restore the sun to its full youthfulness even after it had died of old age? u Or maybe it could be put more simply like this: How can the net amount of entropy of the universe be massively decreased?”
  • 104. A. u The Last Question