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VOL. XIII                    The Official Publication of Maryhill College, Elementary Department                                  June-Nov. 2011

Baruelo succeeds Legacy
  There’s nothing permanent
in world but change. This
proves to be true when Rev.            An Institutional Mass lead by the college’s
Fr. Edwin Baruelo was hailed        president Most Rev. Emilio Z. Marquez,DD.
as the new Director and BED         marked the opening of the celebration of the
principal of Maryhill College.      Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Students,
  He previously served as the       parents and faculties alike conducted a floral
principal of Our Lady of Mt.        offering to commemorate the birth of our
Carmel Seminary in Sariaya,         school’s patroness.
Quezon and also served as the
Superintendent of the Lucena           To highlight the event, a cheer dance competi-
Diocese Catholic School Asso-       tion was facilitated. The participants came from
ciation (LUDICSA).                  the group of selected students from grades 4 -6.
                     cont. on p. 16 There were also batches coming from high school
                                    students who vied for other category.
                                       The crowd turned enthusiastic as the first per-
                                    former enters the center stage. The peacock-tailed
  Over a thousand slippers grade four studes amazed the expectators as they
given and more than a thousand wave their gigantic fans. The angelic entrance of
smiles received. Armed with a grade six participants turned the court holy as
total of two thousand five hun- they interpreted a Marian Song which immedi-
dred pairs of slippers, selected ately followed by a dance prod. Finally, the
grade six and fourth year stu-
                                    powerhouse cast of the grade
dents extended their helping
                                    five fellows together with
hands to some public elemen-
                                    their advisers brought the                    Over the past six years, this was the first time that the manage-
tary schools last September 7.                                                ment was able to organize a field trip outside Quezon province for all
  ―It was very rewarding to         house down as they covered
                                                               cont. on p. 2 the elementary levels. October 7, it was a memorable day for many
know how we help those little                                                 of Maryhill College’s students because of the fieldtrip that happened.
kids in our own ways,‖ a grade                                                In every destination, each participants left an experience to share and
six student uttered as he distrib-                                            stories to tell. For each and every one of them, every little moment is
utes a pair of slippers.                                                      a treasure.
  Social Studies committee,                                                       During this day, different places were visited. The first official
headed with Mrs. Lorelie Jasul,                                               destination is the Kulturang Pinoy, all visitors are welcomed with an
continued to give pairs of slip-                                              energetic number portraying a cultural dance in an alternative Fili-
pers each year. This project was                                              pino music and instruments. Kulturang Pinoy depicts many parts
in line with the commemoration SHARE. Lots of slippers were given by Marians.                                                             cont. on p. 3
of BVM’s Nativity Day.
~C.Villaester and AM Gabatin
                                      “Anumang magaling, kahit maliit basta't malimit ay patungong langit.”This was the pro-
                                    posal statement of Pondo ng Pinoy as they continued their advocacy of doing small acts together,
                                    for a common goal and the good of all, that people are able to live their Christian lives to the fullest.
                                      The Pondo ng Pinoy Community Foundation, Inc. came into existence came into reality through
                                    the effort of Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales some 28 years ago. It is not just fund-raising in nature but
                                    also a catechetical mission of uplifting the quality of lives of poor Filipinos.
                                                                                                                   cont. on p. 2
                                                           What’s Inside?

   MC ArcKidz, cop                  Another step higher,               The brain behind               Julia hears a
  awards in DSPC tilt            preparations for a Level up              the Apple                      Who?
          p. 2                                p. 5                                                         p. 11
                                                                                p. 7
2                                                                   June-November 2011                                       NEWS

   “ArcMC what! (What!)                             home several awards. "You         category.
ArcMC Go (Let’s Go!)                                win some…you lose some."             The pair of Maria Angel-
ArcMC, we’ve gonna to                               These were the words cited        ica Roda (6-Love) and Ma.
show you what we’re made                            by all the young journalists      Drixia Flancia (6-Joy) made
of. ArcMC what! (What!)                             as they go up in stage to re-     them land the ninth and the
ArcMC Go (Let’s Go!)                                ceive their recognitions.         tenth spot on Editorial Writ-
ArcMC, one of the best                                 The imagination of our         ing Filipino and English
wherever we go!”                                    feature writers Angelee Mari      category respectively.
   After weeks of sleepless                         Gabatin (5-Joy) and Chastine         The creative imagination
nights of review and all those                      Therese Villaester (5-Joy)        of our duo Maria Nicole Sal-
times of going home late, fi-                       made them land on the sec-        tarin (6-Love) and Mary
nally it all started to pay off.                    ond and the seventh spot on       Kyla Tesalona (6- Wisdom)
Division Schools Press Con-                         Feature Writing Filipino and      made them enter into the
ference began with an occa-                         English category respec-          world of photojournalism as
sional parade with St. Ferdi-                       tively.                           they bagged the second and
nand Cathedral as its starting                         On the other hand, our         the fourth place in English
point. It was then followed by                      taek champ Miguel Alexan-         and Filipino category.
the welcoming ceremonies                            dre Baladad (6-Love) proved          The winners who landed
conducted by the Division of                        that he could also be good in     until the seventh spot will
Lucena officials. Mayor Bar-                        writing when he topple the        qualify to the Regional
bara "Ruby Talaga" gave a                           third spot in Sports Writing      Schools Press Conference
very heart-warming remark to                        (English) Category. Paul          this coming December. The
formally open the said tilt.                        Christian Tanguilan (5-           others may not win places,                         RULE. MC Arckidz dominates the center-stage as
   The following days, the                          Faith) landed on the seventh      but they had fun like they                         they copped numerous awards in the DSPC tilt.
battle of the pen was on. The                       spot on Copyreading and           would have always.
GS Arcade staffers bagged                           Headline Writing (English)                          ~Louie Constantino               Marians pay tribute…
                                                                                                                                         cont. from p1
                                                                                                                                         the stage with their creative
                                                    1 place, Miguel Alexandre         healthy salad while making                         props and stunts.
                                                    Baladad (6- Love) bagged the      their preparation unique.                             The crowd turned restless
                                                    2nd place and Ma. Drixia Flan-        Lastly grade four pupils                       as they wait for the an-
                                                    cia (6-Joy) got the 3rd place.    had their picnic on the ground                     nouncement of the winners.
                                                       In the Poster Making, Ann      wherein they prepared the                          Finally, the grade five stu-
                                                    Kendell Maloles (5- Faith)        three basic food groups that                       dents landed as the victor as
TASTE. Grade 6 students invite onlookers to savor   grabbed the 1st place while       will meet daily nutrient re-                       they seize the first place. The
their deliciously prepared vegetable salad.         Maria Nicole Saltarin (6-         quirements.                                        grades six and four got the
   “Isulong ang Breastfeed-                         Love) landed as 2nd place and         The success of these activi-                   second and the third place
ing-Tama, Sapat at Eksklu-                          Penelope Daphne Villanueva        ties was through the initiative                    respectively.
sibo!” This serves as the                           (5- Joy) on 3rd place.            of Mrs. Celeste Tan, TLE Co-                          A shower of blessing con-
theme for this year’s celebra-                         For Nutri Quiz Bee, finally    ordinator with the help of TLE                     tinued to flow as Mr. Willie
tion of Nutrition Month. The                        Ma. Drixia Flancia (6-Joy)        teachers and Rev. Fr. Edwin                        Pagsuyuin, an alumni and the
aim is to increase awareness                        grabbed the 1st place, Paul       V. Baruelo, Director/BED                           cheer dance ’s chief adjudi-
on the relevancy of eating the                      Christian Tanguilan (5- Faith)    Principal.
                                                                                                                                         cator gave five laptops and
right kind of food.                                 landed on 2nd place while                        ~Angelica Roda
                                                                                                                                         various balikbayan packages
   To recognize creative talent                     Louie Antoine Ma. Constan-
                                                                                                                                         to selected MC personnel.
of pupils/students different                        tino (5- Love) ended on the 3rd
                                                    place.                                                                               The winners were deter-
contests and activities were                                                                                                             mined by means of a raffle
conducted such as Slogan con-                          On the other hand, sand-
                                                    wich making had been as-                                                             draw.
test, Poster making, Nutri Quiz
                                                    signed for the grade five pu-                                                           At the end of the day, stu-
Bee, sandwich making, vegeta-
ble salad making and picnic on                      pils. They made delicious                                                            dents, parents and teachers
the ground.                                         sandwiches wherein the teach-                                                        alike leave a smile on their
   Selected pupils from Grades                      ers and judges enjoyed.                                                              faces, giving thanks to Mary
4, 5 and 6 competed in differ-                         The grade six pupils were                                                         and looking forward for the
ent contests. For Slogan , Gene                     task in vegetable salad mak-      JUDGE. Kyla and Sophia take a pose as Ms.          next BVM day.
Mercado (6- Wisdom) won the                         ing. They were able to prepare    Allen Rivere critics their group’s presentation.                          ~PC Tanguilan
NEWS                         June-November 2011
                                                                                                                         MC meets cont. from p1
                                                                                                                         of the Filipino culture such as
    The expansion of the three-storey canteen was listed as the priority project in this year’s contin-                  different Filipino dances, items,
ued drive to improved school facilities. Funded from the budget proposal, the canteen amounted                           music, and symbols.
more or less ₱10, 400, 000 (accessories/ furniture not included). This infrastruc-                                           The second destination is the
ture lies beside Pope Benedict XVI Building (Grades 5&6 classrooms).                                                     Crocodile Show which features
    It started on the early days of April and finally inaugurated last October 13.                                       different animals such as croco-
The ground floor accommodates the elementary and high school students as                                                 diles, birds, and many more. The
well as parents. The second floor is allotted for the college students’ food hub                                         show further showcased the ex-
and the teachers’ lounge on the half of it. The third floor has three rooms that                                         hibition of talent of the animals
will serve as Dance Room, PE Room and Alumni- PTA Room.                                                                  cited, many kids were in awe and
    Today, the expanded canteen is one of the most useful and enjoyed edifice                                            shouting as they able to witness
in the entire Maryhill community which everyone will surely be proud of.                                                 the exciting tight rope walker
                                                              ~Louie Constantino                                         right in the crocodile pond. Kul-
                                                                                                                         turang Pinoy and the Crocodile
                                                                                                                         show are both located in the
                                                                                                                         Boom na Boom Complex, Pasay
   In this year’s MGCO elec-                      Ma. Constantino (5-Love),          gela Nicole Rosales (4-Joy),
tion, Christian Leaders that are                  though a younger candidate,        Angelee Mari Gabatin (5-Joy)
                                                                                                                             After these two destinations,
Active and Inspired Marians                       bested his competitor and win      and Ralph Emmanuel Hernan-          the group convened for a while
(CLAIM) Partylist scored a                        as MCGO Vice President.            dez (6-Wisdom) won as Rep-          from where the buses are parked
landslide victory garnering ten                      The other elected officers      resantives for grades 3, 4, 5       so as to partake for lunch. At
out of ten seats in the student                   were Mary Kyla Tesalona,           and 6 respectively.                 exactly 12:30 noon, the group
council.                                          Secretary (6- Wisdom),                During the first institu-        immediately moved on going to
   Ma. Drixia Flancia (6- Joy),                   Chastine Therese Villaester,       tional flag ceremony, the new       Araneta Coliseum from where
the small but terrible, won the                   Treasurer (5-Joy), Maureen         set of MCGO officers were           the Disney Live presentation will
presidency hands down over                        Dorothy Merca, Auditor (6-         proclaimed and presented to         be held. The show did able to
the taek champ Miguel Alexan-                     Joy) and Alessandra Chyna          the student body.                   paste different sets of smiles
dre Baladad (6-Love) of                           Marquez, PIO (3- Joy).                        ~Louie Constantino       among us kids and even those
MCDO Team. Louie Antoine                          Loraine Violanda (3-Joy), An-                                          kids at heart. After the two sets
                                                                                                                         of presentations the show finally
                                                                                                                         marked its ending and it signaled
                                                  both public and private            Jayson de Chavez (Math 5 - 6)       that it’s time for us to get back
                                                  schools. One of which is the       won first place.                    for home.
                                                  Division Quiz Bee where the            Even if they didn’t win any         Even though tired, this trip
                                                  participants are from the first    awards, Czar Arman Gabriel          certainly left a memory in the
                                                  up to the sixth graders. Five of   Cedeño (1-Joy, quiz bee),           minds of all the people that par-
SHINE. MC’s young scientists take pride as they   these participants won places      Maria Drixia Flancia (6-Joy,        ticipated in it. In the end, many
pose holding their medals and certificates.       for the school. Katrina Anne       extemporaneous speech) and          people still enjoyed. All of them
   ―Marians Rule‖, Maryhill                       Figuera (2-Joy) won third          Mariel Anne Magbuo (6-              still had a sweet glimpse of the
                                                  place for grade 2 level,           Faith, essay writing) still went    trip. This experience will taint in
College’s students proved this
                                                  Loraine Violanda (3- Joy)          and fought with pride. Ms.          their hearts and a mind, for this
when the school won second
                                                  won second place for grade 3       Marilou Agad (Science 1- 2),        is a single day where everyone
place in the overall winners of
                                                  level, Angela Nicole Rosales       Ms. Jeanza Telar (Science 3-        did able to leave their worries
the Division Science Fair                                                                                                and woes and do nothing but
(DSF). This occasion showed                       (4-Joy) won second place for       4) and Ms. Romalyn Pineda
                                                  grade 4 level, Wensel de Mesa      (Science 5-6) trained the par-      enjoy. All these are significant to
the perseverance of every stu-                                                                                           note because it is an experience
dent who participated in it. For                  (5-Faith) won first place for      ticipants.
                                                                                                                         shared with family and friends.
them this event is not only for                   grade 5 level, and Weaver              Even some of them did not
                                                                                                                             Indeed, in this educational
grades or awards but also to                      Joram Marasigan (6-Joy) won        able to make it in the winning      field trip, we can say that Mary-
develop more the spirit of com-                   the third place for grade 6        list, the important thing is that   hill College meets Mickey and
petitiveness and camaraderie as                   level.                             all of them had faith and con-      Crocs.
well as to gain friends from                         Beside the Quiz Bee, there      fidence in themselves, in their     ~W. Marasigan & W. de Mesa
other schools. This experience                    are also other categories held     trainers, and most importantly
certainly firmed the resolve of                   in the DSF. These categories       in God. From then on, they
the participants to be more pro-                  are the collage making, essay      will continue to bring on the
ductive and cooperative.                          writing, and extemporaneous        Maryhill College’s banner
   The event was held last                        speaking. As for the collage       with utmost pride, because
September13-14 in the Za-                         making, there are two levels;      aside from home this is the
ballero Elementary School,                        the student level wherein          place where their inner most
wherein various events were                       Maria Nicole Saltarin (6-          talent, competence, skills and
                                                  Love) won second place and         more are molded and honed.          TRUST. Sam & Francis enjoy taking photos of
participated by students from                                                                                            animals from the Crocodile Park.
                                                  the teacher level wherein Mr.                  ~Weaver Marasigan
4                                           June-November 2011                        OPINION

                                                                Today a war of three giant
                                                            and important masses is mak-
                                                            ing an imbalance in a stu-
                                                            dent’s well being. It’s a big
                                                            triple threat.
                                                                Too much technology can
                                                            make us lessen our homework        STRICTLY ADLIB
                                                            time. Too much technology              Gene Mercado
                                                            can also lessen our time with
                                                            our family. Today, different
                                                            games and applications can be way. But, our bonding time
                                                            found in PCs, Ipods, Iphones, with our family is deteriorat-
                                                            Laptops, etc. that affect us in a ing. This is because too much
                                                            great way. It has been said homework and online gaming
                                                            that too much games and com- are consuming the time that we
                                                            puter stuffs which lead us to can use with our family.
                                                            pleasure can drive us to addic-        All of these factors are im-
                                                            tion. We would be affected         portant. But we need to balance
                                                            greatly in our                     all of these so all of these may
                                                            time manage- “...too much games and computer affect us in
                                                            ment and may stuffs which lead us to pleasure an orderly
                                                            lessen our time                                         and posi-
                                                            with our family
                                                                                  can drive us to addiction.”       tive fash-
                                                            and schooling.                                          ion.
                                                            But a little of game time is not       As a student, after a day at
   Extracurricular activities have over-whelmed some        that bad. This may relax us school, we can have at least an
top students. They are regularly excused for competi-       and may lessen our stress lev- hour of game time a day. After
                                                            els.                               a student plays, he or she must
tions, teacher’s errands, announcements and more.
Some students don’t balance what they do. They do               Homework...Homework do homework next. But teach-
                                                            can also affect us in a great ers, must not conflict students’
more of this than that. Some of them do more aca-           way. It may lessen our time homework with other subjects.
demic and less extracurricular activities which is          for our family due to some Because, personally, I experi-
good.                                                       time constraint. Yes, home- enced a lot of days having to
   Some on the other hand, do more extracurricular          work is an important factor in do five homeworks, and I was
                   activities and less academic which is    the grading system, but, too very tired after doing my task
                   not so good. Extracurricular activi-     much of it will affect us in a and I had no time to spend with
                   ties are good to earn you a little re-   negative manner and may my family.
                                                            consume our bonding time               If you do these, you would
ward for your good deeds. But they sometimes fall           with our love ones.                have enough time with your
behind with the academic stuff and their high grades            All of these factors that I family to bond. A bonding time
go low. They are supposed to keep up with their les-        mentioned earlier may affect with one’s family may re-
sons for it is the one that teaches new things under the    something that we had since charge you from your tired-
teacher’s supervision. They are here to show that we        we were born. And that is ness.
                                                            family. Bonding with our fam-          If you manage your time
can excel, not be excused all the time. Being excused                                          properly, you would have a
sometimes makes other people be higher than your            ily is fun. It is natural to us
                                                            and doesn’t affect us in a bad good time.
position in the Top 10. It is our job to catch up with
our lessons because we benefit new things such as new                               The Official Publication of Maryhill College -
vocabulary, new words and more.                                                     Grade School Department
                                                            Editor-in-chief Louie Antoine Ma. Constantino || Associate Editor Gene Mercado
   Extracurricular activities are too much to do for        || Managing Editor Ma. Angelica Roda || News Editor Weaver Joram Marasigan ||
some students. They must learn to keep up with what         Feature Editor Ma. Drixia Flancia || Sports Editor Miguel Alexandre Baladad ||
                                                            Photojournalists Maria Nicole Saltarin, Mary Kyla Tesalona || Cartoonists Ann
they do in academics and extracurricular activities         Kendell Maloles, Marianne Gene Mesa || Senior Staffers Mariel Anne Magbuo,
benefit only a few things, they benefit exercise, but not   Paul Christian Tanguilan, Angelee Mari Gabatin, Wensel de Mesa, Anna Andrea
                                                            Buenafe, Patricia Julia Bunyi, Louise Margarette Atienza || Junior Staffers Shania
much. We have to make sure they must learn to go            Raagas, Chastine Therese Villaester, Jude Vernard Ragudo, Paul Matthew Dio,
back to their regular activities. Sometimes, extracur-      Julienne Patrice Roda || Contributors Mikayla Louise Stokes, Darren Ray Torres,
                                                            Roi Vincent Merca || Moderator Ms. Jennifer Magboo || Consultant Mrs. Hazel
ricular activities are not so beneficial.                   Hernandez || Director/Principal Rev. Fr. Edwin Baruelo
OPINION                            June-November 2011

Dear Ed Chief,

   I thought that our campus is entirely an English Speaking Zone as what
they’ve said. But in my entire stay in this institution, I honestly seldom hear
students converse in English. Where’s that speaking Zone that they are refer-
ring to?
   It is not bad to preserve and used our native tongue whenever we communi-
cate. It is the easiest way to express our sibcerest feelings, emotions and ac-
   The problem is, the students find it hard to communicate even in just simple
sentences. English classes, are turning into translation session whenever stu-
dents are saying “Ms. pwede pong Tagalog…Tagalog nalang po…or worst
“Ms. paki-Tagalog nga po.” Some are hesitant to recite in fear of embarrass-
ment and ridiculed from others. Teachers often find the difficulty to let stu-
dents express themselves in their subjects.
   Students sometimes speak in English but they just make it for fun. The Eng-
lish carabao (crooked one) was always the center of every laughs and giggles.
What’s funny on that? They are always laughing on their own mistake with-
out further realizing that it is not good at all. The level of learning.
   Being in one of the biggest and the most established school in Lucena, every-
one should take part and exert in effoert for us to learn how to communicate
and express ourselves using the second language which is Engish. So, every-
where and anywhere we could be competent in confident in carrying the name
of our school

          From someone…who must not be named.

    For twenty years Maryhill             school of class, and a school                 other pertinent materials
College has not been accred-              of sheer magnificence.                        related to PAASCU re-
ited by the Philippine Accred-                There are many prepara-                   quirements.
iting Association for                     tions being made by the                      Maintain the best fea-
Schools ,Colleges ,and Uni-               school to be accredited by                    tures commended by the        INNOVATIONS
ve r si t i es( P AA S CU ) .T hi s       the PAASCU once more.                         PAASCU team.                 Weaver Marasigan
year ,the school is going to do           But what are these prepara-                  Develop and improve
its best to win the price that it         tions?                                        the recommendations         ing its core values that imbed-
haven’t tasted for a long time.               According to the Prefect                  made by the PAASCU          ded in their mission to pro-
Every detail is now being                 of Discipline (POD) Office                    team.                       vide quality education among
looked upon by the school so              and the Guidance Office                      Orientations, plenums,      students. Thus, ensuring stu-
as to win the hearts of every             there are many things done                    and exhibits are also       dent’s intelligence, competi-
member of the PAASCU                      to meet the criteria of the                   made to prove that eve-     tiveness and active participa-
team. Every preparation has               PAASCU .The Guidance                          rything is being done to    tion in and out of school fur-
to be flawless just to meet the           Office also stated that there                 meet the expectations of    ther honing individual's basic
very criteria of the PAASCU.              are seven areas on which the                  the PAASCU.                 social responsibilities.
    Maryhill College is a                 PAASCU will be looking at                   The PAASCU does not              The officers, faculty and the
school of high standard. This             to see if Maryhill College is            only consider the quantita-      student body are optimistic
may be true but why does it               fit to be given a level                  tive aspect or the physical      once again that the school
want the ever evasive accredi-            up .One of these areas is the            structure the school has. But    will be accredited by this high
tation of the PAASCU? The                 Student Service Area                     they are also taking a wider     esteemed accrediting body.
reason behind this is that                (involves the Guidance,                  look in the qualitative aspect   Maryhill College is looking
when a school is accredited               clinic, and canteen).These               from where the school con-       forward of joining in the ros-
by the PAASCU it is not only              are the preparations being               sists of high skilled faculty    ter of other academic institu-
a school of high standard but             made by this area:                       under a well-organized man-      tions accredited by PAASCU.
a school of high calibre, a                   Preparing exhibits and              agement structure, promot-
6                                               June-November 2011                    OPINION

   Bullying is a problem of families.
all schools today. However,         On the seminar conducted                                       ISSUE: Tutorial Abolition at
bullying has always been a last October 12, Prof. Rene                                             Maryhil College
problem.                         Zubieto of Southern Luzon
   Bullying as defined is a State University facilitated a                                         MCArcKid Correspondent :
form of aggressive behavior, talk about ―Coaching kids                                             Are you in favor on the policy
which may manifest as abu- how to handle bullying‖ to            NOTES AND QUOTES                  of tutorial abolition at
sive treatment, the use of elementary teachers and par-            Angelica Roda                   school? Why?
force or coercion to affect ents.
others, particularly when ha-       ―Not only was I bullied as   on the bully that they turn to     It's ok because I study at
bitual and involving an imbal- a child, but I continue to get    be aggressive just to protect       home with my mom. (Lanz
ance of power.                   bullied today as an adult‖                                          Constantino, Gr.1-Joy)
   Let us first talk about the cited Prof. Zubieto as he            To remedy such cases,
characteristics of bullying. shared his personal experi-                                            Yes, because I can still
                                                                 Marian teachers together            study without someone tu-
Typically, bullies and their ences on bullying.                  with the Guidance and               toring me…(Kim Saltarin,
victims share the same char-        Bullying can cause stu-      Counseling Center joined            Gr. 2-Joy)
acteristic—low steam. These dents’ academic perform-             hands to boost student’s self
were the results gained from ance to bog down. They find         confidence through recrea-         No because sometimes I am
painful experi-                                   t h e m -      tional activities, clubs and        struggling in studying my
ences or events “Not only was I bullied as a selves un-          educational trips. Those are        lessons…(Kristen Loraine
on the part of the child, but I continue to get focused in       made possible through learn-        Violanda, Gr. 3-Joy)
bully and the                                     studying       ing logs, reflection and self-
being bullied. bullied today as an adult” l e s s o n s .        introspection related tasks.       No because my mom has
Externalizing or                                  The social        I believe the answer to the      other things to do and my
expressing those feeling can being of the students are be-       issue of bullying rest with all     sister has to study too...
cause some children to be- ing deteriorated. They lack           of us, especially the victims       (Wilmer Quierrez, Gr. 4-
come bullies as they attempt confidence to interact with         of bullying. We all have the        Faith)
to control their environment others due to fear of being         power to think, behave and
and to compensate for their hurt again. They may also                                               Yes because I don't need
                                                                 react in ways that limits or
deficient control on their developed vengeance or hate                                               tutoring because I can study
                                                                 eradicates bullying.                on my own and save
                                                                                                     money…( Chastine Therese
                                                                                                     Villaester, Gr. 5-Joy)
                                  What could be the effect of help their classmates.
                                  this to the lives of the stu-      Some students who are
                                                                                                    I think it is a yes and a no
                                  dents? What would other going to fail are sometimes                because it has advantages
                                  people thought about them?      cheating just to pass. But         and disadvantages in tutor-
                                     Cheating is like stealing why are they doing this in            ing…(Patricia Bunyi, Gr. 6
QUEST AND QUERY                   something from someone. If those ways? Instead they can            Love)
  Drixia Flancia                  you cheat you might get an approach their teacher in
                                  offense. If you’re a cheater their free time and ask if
                                  you can also be called a rob- they can help him/her in the
   ―Honesty is the best pol-
                                  ber, but if you helped the lesson but still they are
icy‖. This is one of the quota-                                                                       GS Arcade is currently in
                                  cheater you might be called choosing to cheat. Why can’t
tions that are hard to follow                                                                      need of cartoonists, lay-out
                                  sidekick or an accomplice. this cheating be stopped?             artists, and photo editors. If you
for some students. What is
                                  Who are more prone to This cheating must end now.                are interested and you’re the
much easier to do- to tell the
                                  cheat, is it the ones who are We must help every student         one we’re looking for, you may
truth or to lie about some-
                                  in top or the                                 to understand      take the Qualifying Examina-
thing? Perhaps lying is much
                                  ones who are “Cheating is like stealing” this. We must           tion in our office.
easier for some people.
                                  going          to     f a i l ? encourage them to study             For comments and sugges-
   Some grade six students                                                                         tions, please drop by to our
                                  Why would some honor stu- harder to pass. The honor
were caught cheating and                                                                           office, 5-Faith room, Pope
                                  dents cheat? Maybe it’s be- students must keep on giving
sharing their answers to one                                                                       Benedict XVI Building.
                                  cause they can’t stand their their best and to do the right
another. Some cheated by                                                                              GS Arcade is extending its
                                  seatmate or friend. Or, they thing. If they want to help
using their cell phones and                                                                        sincerest and deepest gratitude
                                  want their classmate to pass. students who are going to          to all Marians for making this
some by just telling their an-
                                  Or, he/she just like to do it. fail, they must help them in      publication into reality.
swers to their seatmates.
                                  Well, there are still ways to the right way.
TECHNOLOGY                          June-November 2011
                                                                                                                    Technology is of the must
                                                                                                                 needs in our generations today.
                                                                                                                 MC ArcKidz researched some
                                                                                                                 of the newest and the latest
                                                                                                                 gadgets in the world of innova-
 ―     f you live each day as if it was your last, someday                                                       tion today.
       you’ll most certainly be right.‖ These were the lines                                                        Speed Cell- equipment
 cited by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar                                                         launched by
 Animation Studios as he delivered his commencement ad-                                                          Adidas which
 dress at Standard University.                                                                                   is attach to the
          Steve Jobs is known as the brain child of the Apple                                                    shoe to keep
 creations and coolest gadgets. Here's a brief rundown of some                                                   track of work-
 of his greatest contributions to our increasingly tech-savvy                                                    outs and fit-
                                                                                                                 ness      levels
 and interconnected global society. He released Apple II, the
                                                                                                                 such as foot
 world’s first mass-market personal computer. Under his lead-                                                    speed, accel-
 ership, Apple introduced the all-in-one iMac computer, be-                                                      eration      and
 coming the first machine to eschew a floppy-disk drive. It                                                      distanced trav-
 was also marketed as being Internet-ready out of the box.                                                       eled. It is fitted for running and
           The iBook was introduced in 1999, equipped with                                                       multiple sports.
 Wi-Fi technology and included some style updates as well.                                                          SteriPEN Freedom - is
 The iPod was first introduced in 2001, that its name has be-                                                    a portable UV water purifier
 come synonymous with mp3 players. The iPod wouldn't have                                                        that can produce drinking water
 been such a smash without the help of other products backing                                                    by removing 99% of bacteria,
 it up. Chief among these was the media-player program                                                           viruses, and protozoa. As for
 iTunes, which Apple also introduced in 2001.                                                                    the usage, you have to do is to
 The introduction of the iPhone in 2007 had a seismic effect                                                                            remove the
                                                                                                                                        lamp cover,
 on the smart phone industry that reverberates to this day; now
 they are web-surfing, do-everything machines packed full of                                                                            the     UV
 useful apps. By 2010, Steve Jobs was confident the world was                                                                           lamp in a
 ready to embrace a new type of device — a tablet computer                                                                              glass     of
 that would be great for watching movies and playing games.                                                                             water and
 The glass staircase incorporates some novel engineering and                                                                            steer it for
 architectural feats.                                                                                                                   48 seconds.
          Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died October 5 at age                                                                             SteriPEN
 56 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Though his life                                                  Freedom comes with built-in
                                                                                                                 rechargeable battery that can be
 ended, his memory will continue to leave forever. Cool is
                                                                                                                 charged via USB port, AC
 what makes Apple—and Steve Jobs—so hot. One day the                                                             adapter, or even a compati-
 company will go on without Steve, and if it's to remain a                                                       ble solar charger. This device
 force in the market, it will have to keep its cool.                                                             measures 5.1-inch x 1.4-inch x
                                                  ~PC Tanguilan                                                  0.8-inch and it weighs only 74
                                                                                                                    Kudos credit card acceptance
                                                                                                                 kit is developed by NetSecure
   Angry Birds is a puzzle video game developed by Finnish computer game developer Rovio Mobile.                 and it is cur-
The game has been called one of the most mainstream games out right now, one and the largest mobile              rently avail-
app success the world has seen so far. Here’s how to play the game.                                              able in the
                                                                                                                 United States,
1. The task is to recover the eggs that have been taken by a group of evil green pigs.
                                                                                                                 and the thing
2. The objective of the game is to eliminate all the pigs in all levels such as wood, ice and stone.
                                                                                                                 that     makes
3. Using a slingshot, players launch the birds with the intent of hitting or killing the pigs directly or dam-
                                                                                                                 Kudos         so
aging its structures.
                                                                                                                 special is its
4. In various stages, additional objects such as explosive crates and rocks are found in the structures and
                                                                                                                 ability to turn desktops, laptops,
the bird’s strength activates as the level increases. 5. Points are scored for each pig defeated as well as
for damage to, or destruction of, structures, and bonus points are awarded for any unused birds.                 tablets and smartphones into
6. Upon completing each level, players receive one, two, or three stars, depending on the score received.        credit card terminals.
                                                                                                     ~PM Dio                          ~AM Gabatin
8             June-November 2011                PHOTO ESSAY

         Maryhill College, being a bit se-
    cluded from the huzzle and buzzle
    heart of the city, provides ample
    grounds for peaceful and quiet study.
    Through the years, MC remains to cul-
    tivate students’ unique potential and
    in-depth academic capacity.
         As one walks through its long
    roofed pedestrian lane, you can notice
    the campus’ well-established buildings
    carefully founded by busy hands and
    creative minds throughout the years.
    One beholds the refreshing coolness of
    green trees rarely found in institu-
    tions located in the city proper. Inside,
    live the peace-loving young dreamers
    that will soon be pride of the entire
    province or even the world. This is truly
    a paradise that encloses happiness, love
    and prosperity.
         Beyond the wall, on the other side
    of that same long roofed pedestrian
    await poverty-stricken fellow, almost
    dying at heart, losing hope for the
    misfortunes that befall on them. You
    can see them with eyes wide open but
    seemed invisible at all. You passed that
    lane almost every day but do you ever
    have time to eye on their sufferings?
    It’s indeed ironical that within the seat
PHOTO ESSAY   June-November 2011

               of the Catholic faith spread those hope-
               less people sullied of the day’s work,
               selling sampaguita, candles and other
               stuffs to passers-by. Some lend an ear
               to their fruitless calling but most ig-
               nored .
                   MC being run by mostly priests as
               its board of trustees patronizes charity
               works and humanitarian acts. Some
               of those fund-raising projects were the
               Pondo ng Pinoy, Tsinelas ni Maria,
               Mission Sunday, Red Cross, Alay-
               Kapwa and others.
                   Indeed Marians, in the wall and off
               the wall have a very open heart for eve-
               ryone because MC is an educational
               institution that aims to further en-
               hance students’ academic excellence,
               concern to the natural environment,
               response to the urgent issues of time,
               been evangelize evangelizer, and out-
               standing in humility, charity , fidel-
               ity, wisdom, justice and peace while
               maintaining its filial devotion to
                   “Just be open to the call, and then
               you will hear the voice beyond the
                   Marians do. Marians did. Marians
                                       Wensel de Mesa
10                                                  June-November 2011                         FEATURE

                   Have you             It was the month of            a more challenging roles.”           say that my parents are
                   ever     felt    May, when my parents told          Meet people in one of the            right. I am happier and
                   that    you      me that I will be transfer-        biggest       and     well-          more relieved. I easily ad-
                   are in a         ring, I immediately replied,       established schools here in          justed myself to the people
                   different        “I don’t like, I want to stay      Lucena City.” After their            around me. I feel that I am
                   p l a c e        here.” Because the first           explanations why we have             an old student here. I can
                   which      is    thing I thought of was I’ll        to transfer the school? I            say now, that if you want to
totally not familiar to you?        be far away from my                realized that they are cor-          learn and explore yourself,
Have you ever felt that you         friends, classmates, and my        rect. I understood them.             just listen to your parents
are all alone and is starting       teachers. I was sad, really           My first day of class in          because they know what the
all over again. If not, let me      sad. “I was praying that my        my new school was very               best thing is for you. Just
tell you my story.                  parents would change their         exciting and nervous be-             believe in your parents and
    I studied there since I         minds”. But unfortunately,         cause I don’t know what              most of all believe in your-
was pre-elementary. There,          my parents and I together          will happen next. I was              self keep on praying be-
I build up my true friends          with my brother have a             very happy because I saw             cause only GOD can give
whom I would be cherishing          talk; we had a meeting in          my      two    classmates            and guide you for the rest of
forever. The teachers are           the family. My parents ex-         (Marianne and Loch) from             your life.
very kind and helpful. I am         plained to us the reality of       my old school and fortu-                Thank you to my friends,
very active and participative       our lives. They told me            nately we are of the same            classmates and teachers in
every time there’s a pro-           “There’s no such thing per-        section. Well, just a little         my old school. I will never
gram. Luckily, I gain               manent in this world, Shan.        adjustment to my new                 forget you.
awards, every time I joined         You have to face and ac-           classmates and friends in               Now, I belong to Marians,
in and out of school activi-        cept the reality of life.”         my new school.                       I’m very happy and thankful
ties. I told myself, this           These are the words came              However, because of my            to my parents because they
school would be my Alma             out from them. “If you are         previous school, I have              put us in one of the biggest,
Mater until my high school.         truly good in your class,          good foundations too; I am           established and best school
The teachers and students           you have to find yourself in       now doing better in our              in Lucena City I have a true
here are like a family. I can’t     a huge and wide school”.           class. I have new friends            Alma Mater, Maryhill Col-
say anything because I              You have to explore your-          too; they are also kind to           lege…
know this is one of the best        selves in different situa-         me. The teachers here are               God Bless!!!
schools here in Lucena.             tions, involve yourselves in       also kind and helpful. I can                      ~Shania Raagas

   The family that prays to-        with   Most   Rev.   Emilio   Z.   for Mary. The Group Mass is          possible without the school’s
gether   stays   together.   This   Marquez,DD as the officiating      also celebrated with grades 2,       chaplain Rev.Fr. Guian Alvarez
dogma was proven to be true         priest. This is the mass which     4 and 5 or 1, 3 and 6. That’s        and Rev.Fr. Ramil Ansay to-
as Maryhill College, being a        marks the beginning of the         why it is called group mass.         gether with Bro. Rev. Eamon
Catholic institution continuous     school year and was cele-          First Friday mass was also           Panganiban and Rev. Ruzzel
its advocacy to bring young         brated by all Marians.             celebrated every first Friday of     Habito, and Bro. Ronals End-
minds and souls to God.                Next is Institutional Mass      the month. Lastly, the Family        encia for the Marian Choir. All
   Being a family, the whole        which is the mass, honoring        Mass which was done by               of these masses were different.
MC community celebrates dif-        the Nativity of Blessed Virgin     Maryhill students. It is for cele-   But all of them were celebrated
ferent kinds of masses suited       Mary. This was celebrated          brated by the entire BED and         with reverence.
for every occasion. The Mass        every September 8 wherein          HED students and personnels.                   ~Chastine Villaester
of the Holy Spirit is celebrated    students offer flowers and gifts      These masses were not be
FEATURE                      June-November 2011

    Pssssst…Can we talk for a        utes for she was surely fun to be   of MC. This was the title ap-      to continue her tasks. Her
while? Hope you don’t mind if I      with. This pretty June bride        propriate for her. She was al-     unique way of speaking makes
bother. This would not take          often carries herself well that’s   ways on a parachute-panic          the whole class adore and imitate
long. Just listen, keep your heart   why her students love her so        whenever deadlines, submissions    her. ―Are you getting it..can you
wide open.                           much.                               and requirements were on her       follow..who told you to do so..?
    In our ever-changing world           Q2: Who’s this Farmville        way. But mind you, behind her          Q7: The Master of Rhythm
where things happen in a just a      Chic who patronizes the conser-     worries lie a very tough young     and Rhythmitic. Gifted with a
blink of an eye, with just a click   vation and protection of plants     lady whom anybody can count        towering height and irresistible
of a button everything is in in-     and animals. Her true age was       on for she is a good adviser and   charm, this promising young
stant. Everything can change but     hidden in her baby-face appear-     confidant. Her name is stressed    buddy stands to be the thorn
there’s someone who stays the        ance and fashionable attires.       on the third syllable.             among those roses that sur-
same.                                The ―next Anne Curtis‖ as what          Q5: Who’s this ―Color          rounds him. His jovial and child-
    They are everywhere, walking     students dubbed her. Truly a‖       Coding Queen‖ for she often        ish ways in teaching make the
around, moving around without        Green Lantern‖ for she’s a star-    matches her earrings, shoes,       class goes round.
being noticed. They did great        light guide in the young minds      bags etc. with the color of the         It’s not yet too late. Come
things for you without being         of her students.                    clothing she wears. Truly a        up with creative ways to show
asked to do so. They are your            Q3: Not a soul in the MC        ―Dyosa‖ for those drama enthu-     them that we have become the
teachers. Do you know your           crowd doesn’t know her name.        siasts for she loves acting and    best of what we can be – respon-
them well? Have you ever             As she was always fresh vibrant     conquering the stage.              sible, caring, and contributing
thanked them at least once in        enthusiastic, young- at heart           Q6: The ―tsunami walk          citizens of our country and the
your lives? Let’s take this quiz     and ever generous. Call for it—     goddess.‖This young mademoi-       global community. Flowers and
for us to determine whether we       and she all have it. This madam     selle proved this adage to be      cards may say it all, but heartfelt
know our teachers well.              with a red-hot passion for high-    true. She always struggles with    thanks will be the icing that will
    Q1: Who’s this ―wardrobe         heeled shoes always mesmerize       time for she’s always running      bring hundredth-folds of
goddess‖ for she never repeats       the runway with her timeless        out of it. Thank God, her          strength for them.
her clothing. Behind her hardcore    beauty.                             ―super Faith to the 5th power‖         ―OUR TEACHER, OUR
kakikayan lies her jologs attrib-        Q4: The ―STRESS LADY‖           gives her strength and courage                  HERO.‖
                                                                                                                                 ~Julia Bunyi

1. It has been scientifically proven that stroking a
cat can lower one's blood pressure.
2. A cockroach will live nine days without its head
before it starves to death.
3. Women have a better sense of smell than men.
4. You are about 1 centimeter taller in the morning
than in the evening.
5. Right-handed people live, on average, nine years
longer than left-handed people.
6. The average person has 100,000 hairs on his/her                                                          ~
head. Each hair grows about 5 inches (12.7 cm)
every year.
7. The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a
lazy dog." uses every letter of the alphabet! 8. The
word Tips is actually an acronym standing for 'To
Insure Prompt Service'.
8. A mosquito has 47 teeth.
9. Wearing headphones for just an hour
will increase the bacteria in your ear by
700 times.
10. The strongest muscle in the body is
the tongue.
12                         June-November 2011                       LITERARY

                                                     in’t gonna go, ain’t gonna run
                                                     eaching out our goals
                                                     esterday, today, and the future is ours
                                                     oping the values, visions and missions
                                                     n our Heart, in our soul
                                                     ove and respect be always in our mind
                                                     ord with Your help, help us to be bind

                                                     ome yeah! Oh Come yeah!
                                                     n the busy street of Maryhill,
                                                     ooking for the better you, better
                                                     eader of the country, never
                                                     nding story about Maryhill College
                                                     ives you opportunity to be one of the best
                                                     xtreme yourself to the highest degree
     Would I be a lawyer, who defends cases,
     Or be a dentist who puts some braces?
     Would I be a photographer who takes pictures,
     Or a writer who makes scriptures?
                  Would I be an architect who designs houses,      To study hard and to have good education,
                  Or a dressmaker who makes blouses?               To receive awards and recognition.
                  An actor that can be seen in TV                  These were the dreams that lives on,
                  Who am I kidding that could be me!               And still continues on and on.

     Would I be a nurse and take care of the sick,
                                                                Then, I realized is it really my intentions?
     Or maybe a plumber who fixes the pipe leak?
                                                                I notice I have lots of friends to count on.
     Would I be a teacher who teaches,
                                                                They were my buddies, my great companions,
     Or maybe a priest who preaches?
                                                                    That supports me to reach my vision.
                Would I be a farmer who plant trees,
                Or a sailor who sails the seven seas?              As life goes on, I learn how to carry on
                Would I be an astronaut who goes in space,         Continue my passion with my companions
                Or a scientist who experiments in different ways? Because I believed it’s the journey
                               When I grow up I want to be successful,               not the destination.
                             To have a life that is happy and beautiful.
                             I want to share what God gave me,
                             That’s why I’m asking myself who would I be?
LITERARY                         June-November 2011                                                                                                 13

                                                                   Have you ever swim in the deep blue sea,
                                                                   Or climb in the world’s highest tree.
                                                                   Did you ever imagine flying in the sky?
                                                                   Or draw the mountain up so high.                           e sky make you
                                                                                                         Do  the clouds in th dancing baby.
                                                                                                         Like a cute and the biggest eagle,
                        What a wonderful music I hear                                                      Have you ever             m wiggle.
                         This sound makes me tear,                                                         Or make  the smallest wor
                         This world is full of music
                        That creates a touch of magic.                                          e with the tig
                                                                           Can you communicat e buzzers.
      When I hear the guitar I want to rock                                            s that are lik                         There are many things in this world to wonder,
      And go around poking people’s back,                                  Even the bee live with the monkeys?
                                                                                       t to                                   That is given by our one and only Father.
      When I hear drums I want to shake                                     Do you wan forest’s strongest trees.
                                                                                        the                                   We must make these things last longer,
      People’s arms I will take.                                            To swing in
                                                                                                                              And make this world wonderful and better.
I love hearing the sound of saxophones
While eating three pieces of ice cream cones,                                                                                      ings,
                                                                                                                            ing th
If the piano starts to play
                                                                                                               ll of the liv
I will stop to listen and stay.                                                                        e for a
                                                                                               ar e mad an beings.
                                                                                        things        um                ,
       When I hear the trumpet I want to sway                                     These lly for the h in this place our days.
                                                                                         a                                s
       And I might dance all the way,                                              Especi lucky to live at complete
                                                                                           e             th
       If I hear the violin I always cry                                            We ar erful world
       I always ask myself why?                                                      Aw  ond

The most important instrument is the human voice
It is more than millions of toys,
These instruments make music                                                                          I know that I will always treasure,
That creates a wonderful magic.                                                                       A true and loyal friend for sure.
                                                                                                      A friend who will cry and laugh with me,
                                                                                                      On time of sorrow and glee.

                                                                                                                     A friend who is ready to stand by me,
                                                                                                                     Through hardship and adversity.
                                                                                                                     A friend who will be faithful to the end,
                                  ol,                                  ity,           ts.                            And our friendship she will tend.
                       p in scho                             ool activ         pponen
            r first ste people around.
    On you nd new                               In y our sch re your best o
                                                         ates a
    You will to your eyes,                       Classm ve your goals, h them..
                                                         ie                 it
    Stran  gers
                       be called
                                 .               To ach to compete w                                  And in return will strive to be,
     A cla ssmate to                              y ou have                                           The same good friend she is to me.
                                                                                                      There are many kinds of friends indeed,
                     As time goes by,                                                                 But true friend is what I need.
                     You’ll never notice that
                                                                          nd. h,
                     You’ll find a friend                          a frie      it
                                                           m ate is an play w s you
                     With your classmates.
                                                   A class you c            a nie       s.
                                                         one          comp        n wit
                                                   Some lk and ac an lean o
                                                         ta           c
                                                    Can metimes
                                                     an d so
                                                      Acquainted in scho
                                                                         ol time,
                                                      Parting ways when
                                                                         school ends.
                                                      Memories are to be
                                                      Remembering as a
14                                                    June-November 2011                         SPORTS

   Winning is not the case of        achieves something not just
us to succeed in sports or in        for himself but also for the
any aspects of life; it is           team or school that he is rep-
about learning how to be             resenting. It opens a better
humble with every accom-             room for opportunities. But
plishments.                          too much pride can swallow
   Behind every game is a            one's good intentions. Hu-
good player who humbly re-           mility must be the guiding
spects the person or team            force to move us up when
                    which he is      we are winning.
                    competing           Loosing is sometimes
                    with.            painful especially when you
   Not every player always           really prepared for the com-
wins. Losing is another part         petition. Players could be so
of the story that could not be       wrapped up in the game;
avoided. A person who                they desperately want to win
achieves something may also          that they forgot the true es-
start in losing; a person who        sence of the game,
loses becomes strong and             ―SPORTMANSHIP‖.
more determined not just in             With a positive mind;
sports but also in life.             losing or winning is never a
   Winning gives every               hindrance for a game, it is
player pride and honor that he       the sportsmanship within.
                                                                            T h e Philippine National Football Team (Azkals) is the
                                                                         national football (soccer) team of the Philippines and repre-
    Maryhill College has a               MC Team has two                 sents the country in international football. The Philippine Az-
Basketball team named MC             coaches. They are Coach Ato         kals team is controlled by the Philippine Football Federation
Team. They represent our             and Coach Aris. They both           (PFF), the governing body of football in the Philippines.
school in the game of basket-        follow a saying which says,            The national team is most popularly referred to as the
ball. They are truly someone             ―God first, Family Sec-         "Azkals". The name was coined when an online Philippine
to be proud of.                      ond, Education third, Basket-       football community proposed the nickname Calle
    MC Team is composed of           ball fourth‖                        Azul (Spanish meaning Streets of Blue, referring to the color
two divisions/halves. They               Both of them are wise and       of their kit) which was modified to Azul Calle, shortened
are Team A and Team B.               skillful. They both drive and       into AzCal, and finally became Azkal – a word that is similar
Team A has a record of 3             guide MC Team to success            to Filipino term Askal meaning street dog.
wins and 1 loss. They re-            in the world of basketball.            The Philippine Azkals national team is becoming a much
cently lost to another school            MC Team represents us           stronger force to reckon with in Southeast Asian football, es-
in their last game.                  always when in a game.              pecially with the addition of some experienced foreign-based
    Team B has 1 win and 2           They are really someone to          Filipino players. The Filipino people hope that they will con-
losses. Even though they are         be proud of. And remember,          tinue to blaze anew the Philippine footballing trail and inspire
in a losing streak, they are         they win for our school, and        a new generation of young players that will carry on the torch
currently improving their            not for themselves.                 of hope in the field of football development in the country.
skills in the game of basket-                      ~Gene Mercado                         

     Our taek champs Lynard Adrian Rivera (6-Love) stamped the first spot in forms and first spot in sparring while Miguel Alexandre Bal-
adad (6-Love) seized the first place in forms and second place in sparring competition last October 9,2011 at Sariaya Sports Center .
     ―Luckily I manage to win against my opponents, though a bit nervous,‖ cited Rivera after being declared as champ.
     The events were divided into individual, pair and team categories. Forms (poomsae) is performed by following a systematic time of
movement in a consecutive sequence against an imaginary opponent or multiple opponents. It consists of movements using the hands and feet
and interconnected techniques like blocking, punching, striking, thrusting and kicking. Sparring (Kyeorugi) on the other hand, is an attempt to
best each other in a controlled form of mock combat.
     This was not the first time they won for the school. Truly, Rivera and Baladad were the type of Marian students that we will be proud of.
                                                                                                                      ~Gene Mercado
SPORTS                                 June-November 2011                                                                                              15

                                                                                                                                                     Results of the Mini-
                                                                                                                                                      Olympics Event
                                                                                                                                                   Chess Boys
                                                                                                                                                   1. Gabriel Martin Morfe-6 Joy
                                                                                                                                                   2. John Patrick Atienza- 6 Faith
                                                                                                                                                   3. Paul Christian Tanguilan-5 Faith
                                                                                                                                                   Chess Girls
                                                                                                                                                   1. Ma. Drixia Flancia- 6 Joy
                                                                                                                                                   2. Ira Garcia-6 Joy
                                                                                                                                                   3. Klarisse Garcia- 6 Faith

SOAR . Grade 6 -Love demonstrates the spirit of camaraderie as they cherished their winning moment and unforgettable experience during the game.   1. Charlene de Guzman- 6 Love
                                                                                                                                                   2. Mariel Anne Magbuo- 6 Faith
   Students from Grades 4 -                         Sudoku Master as she                               Guian Dave Adion of 6-                      3. Maxine Papica- 5 Wisdom
6 passed their way thru all                         grabbed the first spot. Mariel                     Love was hailed as the Most
the events in the Mini –                            Anne Magbuo (6- Faith) and                         Valuable Player as he earned                Volleyball Girls
Olympics held last Septem-                          Maxine Papica (5- Wisdom)                          the record of 15 points, 2                  1. 6-Love
ber 3, 2011 in the MC                               followed as they captured                          assists and 7 rebounds.                     2. 4- Faith
school ground.                                      the 2nd and 3rd place respec-                          “It’s been hard playing
   The day started with the                         tively.                                            for such competitive players.               Volleyball Boys
kids getting pumped up for                             The girls from Grade 6-                         We just gave our best and                   1. 6- Faith
their respective events. As the                     Love and the boys from                             enjoyed the game.” said                     2. 5-Joy
opening ceremony started, all                       Grade 6-Wisdom won in the                          Adion after grabbing the ti-                Basketball Boys
sections from grades 4 – 6                          Patintero event. In the Vol-                       tle.                                        1.6-Love
shouted out their yells.                            leyball competition, 6-Love                            All throughout the events,              2. 5-Joy
   “We are the champions,                           girls and 6-Faith boys topped                      it wouldn’t be made possible
we are the best.” These were                        their opponents.                                   if no sportsmanship in-                     Patintero Girls
the words cited by the grade 6                         In the main event, Grade                        volved.                                     1. 6-Love
- Love as they won the cov-                         6-Love snatched the champi-                            The celebration does not                2. 5-Wisdom
eted Mini-Olympics Champi-                          onship title in the most                           end this year but rather it is
onship title.                                       awaited basketball game as                         only a preparation for the                  Patintero Boys
   Charlene de Guzman (6-                           they defeated Grade 5-Joy                          coming years.                               1. 6-Wisdom
Love) was acclaimed as the                          with the score of 24-15.                                        ~Miguel Baladad                2. 5-Faith

                                                      There is a new sport in town, Fingerboard. This is a working replica of a skateboard
                                                   that a person "rides" by replicating skateboarding maneuvers with their hand. The de-
                                                   vice itself is a scaled-down skateboard complete with moving wheels, graphics and
                                                   trucks. This device was invented by Cam Fox Bryant. Others that have been given
   SPORTS TRIVIA                                   credit to the improvements of the common fingerboard are Andrew Lenert Maffson,
     Migz Baladad                                  Cody Fegger as well as Timothy Puffet.
                                                      A fingerboard is 96 millimeters long or longer, and can have a variety of widths like
26mm (regular), 28mm (wide), and 29mm and up (extra wide). There are the 57mm minis and the 96mm regular
and the cruiser boards. Skateboarding tricks may be performed using fingers instead of feet. Most tricks done on a
fingerboard are the same as people do on skateboards.
   Although barely "rideable," they were improved upon by the Tech Deck brand which mass produced a "rideable"
miniature skateboard. The first entertainment licensed fingerboards were introduced by Bratz Toys. Marian students
enjoy playing Tech Deck during their free time. This is a sport which is safe because no physical contacts and no vio-
lent movements are involved.
   Now Fingerboard is not just considered as widely toy for the ages but now a popular sport in the new generation.
NEWS                               June-November 2011                                                                                              16

  In the observance of Linggo                      Interpretive Dance lead by                        four pupils.
ng Wika, the Filipino Com-                         Teatro Arko.                                        The Cariñosa got the
mittee headed by Ms. Irene                            The intensified Sabayang                       fourth place, Salakot got the
Umbrete conducted various                          Pagbigkas highlighted the                         third place, Bakya got sec-
contests for the Marian stu-                       event. It was participated by                                                         DIGNIFIED. Rev. Fr. Baruelo delivers his speech
                                                                                                     ond place, and Singkil got          as he formally opens the school year.
dents.                                             students from grades 5 and                        the first place .
  ―Ang Filipino ay Wikang                          6. The contest was divided                          The pre-school pupils and         Baruelo succeeds…
Panlahat, Ilaw at Lakas sa                         into two groups, A and B                          also the primary (grades 1-3)       cont. from p1
Tuwid na Landas,‖ this                             where Grade 6-A won the                           levels also participated in the       “Though the task that is now
served as the years’s theme of                     first prize, Grade 5-A as 2nd                     celebration.                        laid on shoulders seems heavy,
the said event.                                    place, Grade 6-B as 3rd , and                       Students from grades 1-3          I consider it a great privilege
   August 8-12 were the big                        Grad 5-B as 4th place.                            amazed the entire Multi-            and opportunity to be a mem-
days for Maryhill College as                          In the essay writing con-                      media Center as they recited        ber of the Maryhill College
they celebrated Buwan ng                           test, Wensel de Mesa (5-                          patriotic poems.                    Family,‖ cited Baruelo as he
Wika to commemorate the                            Faith), Maria Angelica Roda                         Indeed, the celebration of        gives his welcoming remarks
importance of Filipino lan-                        (6-Love) and Mary Kyla                            the Linggo ng Wika was one          on the official opening of the
guage and culture.                                 Tesalona (6-Wisdom) won                           of the Maryhill College’s           school year 2011-2012.
  Part of the opening salvo                        the first, second and third                       most awaited event each               Now, Rev.Fr.Baruelo was a
was the opening prayer. It                         places respectively.                              year.                               very hands-on person when
was then followed by singing                          The Katutubong Sayaw                                                               he does his task. You can al-
                                                                                                                      ~Shania Raagas
of the National Anthem and                         were performed by the grade                                                           ways see him roaming all
                                                                                                                                         over the campus, doing class
                                                                                                                                         observations and inspections.
                                                                                                                                         He never fails to check
                                                                                                                                         school-related documents,
                                                                                                                                         teachers’ lesson and learning
                                                                                                                                         plans, TOS, test drafts and the
                                                                                                                                           With unending support and
                                                                                                                                         cooperation from everyone,
                                                                                                                                         Maryhill College will soon
                                                                                                                                         reach its goal for a PAASCU
                                                                                                                                         level up.
                                                                                                                                                         ~MA Magbuo

INTENSIFY. Selected grade 5 pupils turned the crowd astounded as they deliver their heart-felt choral recitation.                        Maryhill College
                                                                                                                                         backs up… cont. from p1
                                                                                                                                            The main sources of funds
                                                                                                                                         are the 5 and 10 or the 25-
    ―It is fitting and proper                      pated by city and government                      very own student, Ann               centavo coins that church-
that the people of the City of                     officials, different schools and                  Kendell Maloles (Gr.5-Faith).
                                                                                                                                         goers and devotees save up in
Lucena, be given full oppor-                       organizations showcase the                        The third spot was taken by a
tunity to celebrate the occa-                      best of the city. It is a day for                 student from Saint Philomena        empty plastic bottles or cans –
sion with appropriate cere-                        everyone in the city. "Araw ng                    School. The prizes were given       from extra loose changes they
monies."                                           Lucena" is one day that we                        on the night of August 16,          accumulate daily, and give,
   This was the phrase cited                       need to look forward to.                          2011. Also, an off the wall/ on     when the container is full, to
under Proclamation 14 signed                           As we celebrate ―Araw ng                      the wall painting contest was       their parish church.
by President Benigno                               Lucena‖, students from                            also held.                             Maryhill College supports
"Noynoy" Aquino III as he                          schools around Lucena par-                           The nights of songs This         the ―Pondo ng Pinoy‖ thus
declared August 20 as special                      ticipated in contests such as                     week-long celebration ends up
non-working holiday in Lucena                      poster making. The event was                                                          putting some empty 1.5 Coca-
                                                                                                     into a GABI NG PARAN-               cola bottles as containers in
City.                                              held at the Maryhill College                      GAL AT PASASALAMAT
   Every 20th of August, the                       Covered Court on August 16,                                                           almost all the classrooms of
                                                                                                     and a grand parade. ANG GA-         MC. Every little crumb of
city celebrates "Araw ng Lu-                       2011, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m..
cena". The celebration feature                     The winner of the first place                     LING NG LUCENAHIN was               coins they put inside counts a
activities that showcased the                      in elementary was a student                       once again witnessed on this        lot. Marians help, even unno-
spirit of the city.                                from Holy Rosary. The sec-                        50th Charter Anniversary.
                                                                                                                                         ticed, in their own little ways.
     The Grand Parade partici-                     ond place was grabbed by our                              ~J. Ragudo and L. Atienza

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GS-Arcade Newsletter

  • 1. VOL. XIII The Official Publication of Maryhill College, Elementary Department June-Nov. 2011 Baruelo succeeds Legacy There’s nothing permanent in world but change. This proves to be true when Rev. An Institutional Mass lead by the college’s Fr. Edwin Baruelo was hailed president Most Rev. Emilio Z. Marquez,DD. as the new Director and BED marked the opening of the celebration of the principal of Maryhill College. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Students, He previously served as the parents and faculties alike conducted a floral principal of Our Lady of Mt. offering to commemorate the birth of our Carmel Seminary in Sariaya, school’s patroness. Quezon and also served as the Superintendent of the Lucena To highlight the event, a cheer dance competi- Diocese Catholic School Asso- tion was facilitated. The participants came from ciation (LUDICSA). the group of selected students from grades 4 -6. cont. on p. 16 There were also batches coming from high school students who vied for other category. The crowd turned enthusiastic as the first per- former enters the center stage. The peacock-tailed Over a thousand slippers grade four studes amazed the expectators as they given and more than a thousand wave their gigantic fans. The angelic entrance of smiles received. Armed with a grade six participants turned the court holy as total of two thousand five hun- they interpreted a Marian Song which immedi- dred pairs of slippers, selected ately followed by a dance prod. Finally, the grade six and fourth year stu- powerhouse cast of the grade dents extended their helping five fellows together with hands to some public elemen- their advisers brought the Over the past six years, this was the first time that the manage- tary schools last September 7. ment was able to organize a field trip outside Quezon province for all ―It was very rewarding to house down as they covered cont. on p. 2 the elementary levels. October 7, it was a memorable day for many know how we help those little of Maryhill College’s students because of the fieldtrip that happened. kids in our own ways,‖ a grade In every destination, each participants left an experience to share and six student uttered as he distrib- stories to tell. For each and every one of them, every little moment is utes a pair of slippers. a treasure. Social Studies committee, During this day, different places were visited. The first official headed with Mrs. Lorelie Jasul, destination is the Kulturang Pinoy, all visitors are welcomed with an continued to give pairs of slip- energetic number portraying a cultural dance in an alternative Fili- pers each year. This project was pino music and instruments. Kulturang Pinoy depicts many parts in line with the commemoration SHARE. Lots of slippers were given by Marians. cont. on p. 3 of BVM’s Nativity Day. ~C.Villaester and AM Gabatin “Anumang magaling, kahit maliit basta't malimit ay patungong langit.”This was the pro- posal statement of Pondo ng Pinoy as they continued their advocacy of doing small acts together, for a common goal and the good of all, that people are able to live their Christian lives to the fullest. The Pondo ng Pinoy Community Foundation, Inc. came into existence came into reality through the effort of Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales some 28 years ago. It is not just fund-raising in nature but also a catechetical mission of uplifting the quality of lives of poor Filipinos. cont. on p. 2 What’s Inside? MC ArcKidz, cop Another step higher, The brain behind Julia hears a awards in DSPC tilt preparations for a Level up the Apple Who? p. 2 p. 5 p. 11 p. 7
  • 2. 2 June-November 2011 NEWS “ArcMC what! (What!) home several awards. "You category. ArcMC Go (Let’s Go!) win some…you lose some." The pair of Maria Angel- ArcMC, we’ve gonna to These were the words cited ica Roda (6-Love) and Ma. show you what we’re made by all the young journalists Drixia Flancia (6-Joy) made of. ArcMC what! (What!) as they go up in stage to re- them land the ninth and the ArcMC Go (Let’s Go!) ceive their recognitions. tenth spot on Editorial Writ- ArcMC, one of the best The imagination of our ing Filipino and English wherever we go!” feature writers Angelee Mari category respectively. After weeks of sleepless Gabatin (5-Joy) and Chastine The creative imagination nights of review and all those Therese Villaester (5-Joy) of our duo Maria Nicole Sal- times of going home late, fi- made them land on the sec- tarin (6-Love) and Mary nally it all started to pay off. ond and the seventh spot on Kyla Tesalona (6- Wisdom) Division Schools Press Con- Feature Writing Filipino and made them enter into the ference began with an occa- English category respec- world of photojournalism as sional parade with St. Ferdi- tively. they bagged the second and nand Cathedral as its starting On the other hand, our the fourth place in English point. It was then followed by taek champ Miguel Alexan- and Filipino category. the welcoming ceremonies dre Baladad (6-Love) proved The winners who landed conducted by the Division of that he could also be good in until the seventh spot will Lucena officials. Mayor Bar- writing when he topple the qualify to the Regional bara "Ruby Talaga" gave a third spot in Sports Writing Schools Press Conference very heart-warming remark to (English) Category. Paul this coming December. The formally open the said tilt. Christian Tanguilan (5- others may not win places, RULE. MC Arckidz dominates the center-stage as The following days, the Faith) landed on the seventh but they had fun like they they copped numerous awards in the DSPC tilt. battle of the pen was on. The spot on Copyreading and would have always. GS Arcade staffers bagged Headline Writing (English) ~Louie Constantino Marians pay tribute… cont. from p1 the stage with their creative st 1 place, Miguel Alexandre healthy salad while making props and stunts. Baladad (6- Love) bagged the their preparation unique. The crowd turned restless 2nd place and Ma. Drixia Flan- Lastly grade four pupils as they wait for the an- cia (6-Joy) got the 3rd place. had their picnic on the ground nouncement of the winners. In the Poster Making, Ann wherein they prepared the Finally, the grade five stu- Kendell Maloles (5- Faith) three basic food groups that dents landed as the victor as TASTE. Grade 6 students invite onlookers to savor grabbed the 1st place while will meet daily nutrient re- they seize the first place. The their deliciously prepared vegetable salad. Maria Nicole Saltarin (6- quirements. grades six and four got the “Isulong ang Breastfeed- Love) landed as 2nd place and The success of these activi- second and the third place ing-Tama, Sapat at Eksklu- Penelope Daphne Villanueva ties was through the initiative respectively. sibo!” This serves as the (5- Joy) on 3rd place. of Mrs. Celeste Tan, TLE Co- A shower of blessing con- theme for this year’s celebra- For Nutri Quiz Bee, finally ordinator with the help of TLE tinued to flow as Mr. Willie tion of Nutrition Month. The Ma. Drixia Flancia (6-Joy) teachers and Rev. Fr. Edwin Pagsuyuin, an alumni and the aim is to increase awareness grabbed the 1st place, Paul V. Baruelo, Director/BED cheer dance ’s chief adjudi- on the relevancy of eating the Christian Tanguilan (5- Faith) Principal. cator gave five laptops and right kind of food. landed on 2nd place while ~Angelica Roda various balikbayan packages To recognize creative talent Louie Antoine Ma. Constan- to selected MC personnel. of pupils/students different tino (5- Love) ended on the 3rd place. The winners were deter- contests and activities were mined by means of a raffle conducted such as Slogan con- On the other hand, sand- wich making had been as- draw. test, Poster making, Nutri Quiz signed for the grade five pu- At the end of the day, stu- Bee, sandwich making, vegeta- ble salad making and picnic on pils. They made delicious dents, parents and teachers the ground. sandwiches wherein the teach- alike leave a smile on their Selected pupils from Grades ers and judges enjoyed. faces, giving thanks to Mary 4, 5 and 6 competed in differ- The grade six pupils were and looking forward for the ent contests. For Slogan , Gene task in vegetable salad mak- JUDGE. Kyla and Sophia take a pose as Ms. next BVM day. Mercado (6- Wisdom) won the ing. They were able to prepare Allen Rivere critics their group’s presentation. ~PC Tanguilan
  • 3. NEWS June-November 2011 3 MC meets cont. from p1 of the Filipino culture such as The expansion of the three-storey canteen was listed as the priority project in this year’s contin- different Filipino dances, items, ued drive to improved school facilities. Funded from the budget proposal, the canteen amounted music, and symbols. more or less ₱10, 400, 000 (accessories/ furniture not included). This infrastruc- The second destination is the ture lies beside Pope Benedict XVI Building (Grades 5&6 classrooms). Crocodile Show which features It started on the early days of April and finally inaugurated last October 13. different animals such as croco- The ground floor accommodates the elementary and high school students as diles, birds, and many more. The well as parents. The second floor is allotted for the college students’ food hub show further showcased the ex- and the teachers’ lounge on the half of it. The third floor has three rooms that hibition of talent of the animals will serve as Dance Room, PE Room and Alumni- PTA Room. cited, many kids were in awe and Today, the expanded canteen is one of the most useful and enjoyed edifice shouting as they able to witness in the entire Maryhill community which everyone will surely be proud of. the exciting tight rope walker ~Louie Constantino right in the crocodile pond. Kul- turang Pinoy and the Crocodile show are both located in the Boom na Boom Complex, Pasay In this year’s MGCO elec- Ma. Constantino (5-Love), gela Nicole Rosales (4-Joy), City. tion, Christian Leaders that are though a younger candidate, Angelee Mari Gabatin (5-Joy) After these two destinations, Active and Inspired Marians bested his competitor and win and Ralph Emmanuel Hernan- the group convened for a while (CLAIM) Partylist scored a as MCGO Vice President. dez (6-Wisdom) won as Rep- from where the buses are parked landslide victory garnering ten The other elected officers resantives for grades 3, 4, 5 so as to partake for lunch. At out of ten seats in the student were Mary Kyla Tesalona, and 6 respectively. exactly 12:30 noon, the group council. Secretary (6- Wisdom), During the first institu- immediately moved on going to Ma. Drixia Flancia (6- Joy), Chastine Therese Villaester, tional flag ceremony, the new Araneta Coliseum from where the small but terrible, won the Treasurer (5-Joy), Maureen set of MCGO officers were the Disney Live presentation will presidency hands down over Dorothy Merca, Auditor (6- proclaimed and presented to be held. The show did able to the taek champ Miguel Alexan- Joy) and Alessandra Chyna the student body. paste different sets of smiles dre Baladad (6-Love) of Marquez, PIO (3- Joy). ~Louie Constantino among us kids and even those MCDO Team. Louie Antoine Loraine Violanda (3-Joy), An- kids at heart. After the two sets of presentations the show finally marked its ending and it signaled both public and private Jayson de Chavez (Math 5 - 6) that it’s time for us to get back schools. One of which is the won first place. for home. Division Quiz Bee where the Even if they didn’t win any Even though tired, this trip participants are from the first awards, Czar Arman Gabriel certainly left a memory in the up to the sixth graders. Five of Cedeño (1-Joy, quiz bee), minds of all the people that par- SHINE. MC’s young scientists take pride as they these participants won places Maria Drixia Flancia (6-Joy, ticipated in it. In the end, many pose holding their medals and certificates. for the school. Katrina Anne extemporaneous speech) and people still enjoyed. All of them ―Marians Rule‖, Maryhill Figuera (2-Joy) won third Mariel Anne Magbuo (6- still had a sweet glimpse of the place for grade 2 level, Faith, essay writing) still went trip. This experience will taint in College’s students proved this Loraine Violanda (3- Joy) and fought with pride. Ms. their hearts and a mind, for this when the school won second won second place for grade 3 Marilou Agad (Science 1- 2), is a single day where everyone place in the overall winners of level, Angela Nicole Rosales Ms. Jeanza Telar (Science 3- did able to leave their worries the Division Science Fair and woes and do nothing but (DSF). This occasion showed (4-Joy) won second place for 4) and Ms. Romalyn Pineda grade 4 level, Wensel de Mesa (Science 5-6) trained the par- enjoy. All these are significant to the perseverance of every stu- note because it is an experience dent who participated in it. For (5-Faith) won first place for ticipants. shared with family and friends. them this event is not only for grade 5 level, and Weaver Even some of them did not Indeed, in this educational grades or awards but also to Joram Marasigan (6-Joy) won able to make it in the winning field trip, we can say that Mary- develop more the spirit of com- the third place for grade 6 list, the important thing is that hill College meets Mickey and petitiveness and camaraderie as level. all of them had faith and con- Crocs. well as to gain friends from Beside the Quiz Bee, there fidence in themselves, in their ~W. Marasigan & W. de Mesa other schools. This experience are also other categories held trainers, and most importantly certainly firmed the resolve of in the DSF. These categories in God. From then on, they the participants to be more pro- are the collage making, essay will continue to bring on the ductive and cooperative. writing, and extemporaneous Maryhill College’s banner The event was held last speaking. As for the collage with utmost pride, because September13-14 in the Za- making, there are two levels; aside from home this is the ballero Elementary School, the student level wherein place where their inner most wherein various events were Maria Nicole Saltarin (6- talent, competence, skills and Love) won second place and more are molded and honed. TRUST. Sam & Francis enjoy taking photos of participated by students from animals from the Crocodile Park. the teacher level wherein Mr. ~Weaver Marasigan
  • 4. 4 June-November 2011 OPINION Today a war of three giant and important masses is mak- ing an imbalance in a stu- dent’s well being. It’s a big triple threat. Too much technology can make us lessen our homework STRICTLY ADLIB time. Too much technology Gene Mercado can also lessen our time with our family. Today, different games and applications can be way. But, our bonding time found in PCs, Ipods, Iphones, with our family is deteriorat- Laptops, etc. that affect us in a ing. This is because too much great way. It has been said homework and online gaming that too much games and com- are consuming the time that we puter stuffs which lead us to can use with our family. pleasure can drive us to addic- All of these factors are im- tion. We would be affected portant. But we need to balance greatly in our all of these so all of these may time manage- “...too much games and computer affect us in ment and may stuffs which lead us to pleasure an orderly lessen our time and posi- with our family can drive us to addiction.” tive fash- and schooling. ion. But a little of game time is not As a student, after a day at Extracurricular activities have over-whelmed some that bad. This may relax us school, we can have at least an top students. They are regularly excused for competi- and may lessen our stress lev- hour of game time a day. After els. a student plays, he or she must tions, teacher’s errands, announcements and more. Some students don’t balance what they do. They do Homework...Homework do homework next. But teach- can also affect us in a great ers, must not conflict students’ more of this than that. Some of them do more aca- way. It may lessen our time homework with other subjects. demic and less extracurricular activities which is for our family due to some Because, personally, I experi- good. time constraint. Yes, home- enced a lot of days having to Some on the other hand, do more extracurricular work is an important factor in do five homeworks, and I was activities and less academic which is the grading system, but, too very tired after doing my task not so good. Extracurricular activi- much of it will affect us in a and I had no time to spend with ties are good to earn you a little re- negative manner and may my family. consume our bonding time If you do these, you would ward for your good deeds. But they sometimes fall with our love ones. have enough time with your behind with the academic stuff and their high grades All of these factors that I family to bond. A bonding time go low. They are supposed to keep up with their les- mentioned earlier may affect with one’s family may re- sons for it is the one that teaches new things under the something that we had since charge you from your tired- teacher’s supervision. They are here to show that we we were born. And that is ness. family. Bonding with our fam- If you manage your time can excel, not be excused all the time. Being excused properly, you would have a sometimes makes other people be higher than your ily is fun. It is natural to us and doesn’t affect us in a bad good time. position in the Top 10. It is our job to catch up with our lessons because we benefit new things such as new The Official Publication of Maryhill College - vocabulary, new words and more. Grade School Department Editor-in-chief Louie Antoine Ma. Constantino || Associate Editor Gene Mercado Extracurricular activities are too much to do for || Managing Editor Ma. Angelica Roda || News Editor Weaver Joram Marasigan || some students. They must learn to keep up with what Feature Editor Ma. Drixia Flancia || Sports Editor Miguel Alexandre Baladad || Photojournalists Maria Nicole Saltarin, Mary Kyla Tesalona || Cartoonists Ann they do in academics and extracurricular activities Kendell Maloles, Marianne Gene Mesa || Senior Staffers Mariel Anne Magbuo, benefit only a few things, they benefit exercise, but not Paul Christian Tanguilan, Angelee Mari Gabatin, Wensel de Mesa, Anna Andrea Buenafe, Patricia Julia Bunyi, Louise Margarette Atienza || Junior Staffers Shania much. We have to make sure they must learn to go Raagas, Chastine Therese Villaester, Jude Vernard Ragudo, Paul Matthew Dio, back to their regular activities. Sometimes, extracur- Julienne Patrice Roda || Contributors Mikayla Louise Stokes, Darren Ray Torres, Roi Vincent Merca || Moderator Ms. Jennifer Magboo || Consultant Mrs. Hazel ricular activities are not so beneficial. Hernandez || Director/Principal Rev. Fr. Edwin Baruelo
  • 5. OPINION June-November 2011 5 Dear Ed Chief, I thought that our campus is entirely an English Speaking Zone as what they’ve said. But in my entire stay in this institution, I honestly seldom hear students converse in English. Where’s that speaking Zone that they are refer- ring to? It is not bad to preserve and used our native tongue whenever we communi- cate. It is the easiest way to express our sibcerest feelings, emotions and ac- tions. The problem is, the students find it hard to communicate even in just simple sentences. English classes, are turning into translation session whenever stu- dents are saying “Ms. pwede pong Tagalog…Tagalog nalang po…or worst “Ms. paki-Tagalog nga po.” Some are hesitant to recite in fear of embarrass- ment and ridiculed from others. Teachers often find the difficulty to let stu- dents express themselves in their subjects. Students sometimes speak in English but they just make it for fun. The Eng- lish carabao (crooked one) was always the center of every laughs and giggles. What’s funny on that? They are always laughing on their own mistake with- out further realizing that it is not good at all. The level of learning. Being in one of the biggest and the most established school in Lucena, every- one should take part and exert in effoert for us to learn how to communicate and express ourselves using the second language which is Engish. So, every- where and anywhere we could be competent in confident in carrying the name of our school From someone…who must not be named. For twenty years Maryhill school of class, and a school other pertinent materials College has not been accred- of sheer magnificence. related to PAASCU re- ited by the Philippine Accred- There are many prepara- quirements. iting Association for tions being made by the  Maintain the best fea- Schools ,Colleges ,and Uni- school to be accredited by tures commended by the INNOVATIONS ve r si t i es( P AA S CU ) .T hi s the PAASCU once more. PAASCU team. Weaver Marasigan year ,the school is going to do But what are these prepara-  Develop and improve its best to win the price that it tions? the recommendations ing its core values that imbed- haven’t tasted for a long time. According to the Prefect made by the PAASCU ded in their mission to pro- Every detail is now being of Discipline (POD) Office team. vide quality education among looked upon by the school so and the Guidance Office  Orientations, plenums, students. Thus, ensuring stu- as to win the hearts of every there are many things done and exhibits are also dent’s intelligence, competi- member of the PAASCU to meet the criteria of the made to prove that eve- tiveness and active participa- team. Every preparation has PAASCU .The Guidance rything is being done to tion in and out of school fur- to be flawless just to meet the Office also stated that there meet the expectations of ther honing individual's basic very criteria of the PAASCU. are seven areas on which the the PAASCU. social responsibilities. Maryhill College is a PAASCU will be looking at The PAASCU does not The officers, faculty and the school of high standard. This to see if Maryhill College is only consider the quantita- student body are optimistic may be true but why does it fit to be given a level tive aspect or the physical once again that the school want the ever evasive accredi- up .One of these areas is the structure the school has. But will be accredited by this high tation of the PAASCU? The Student Service Area they are also taking a wider esteemed accrediting body. reason behind this is that (involves the Guidance, look in the qualitative aspect Maryhill College is looking when a school is accredited clinic, and canteen).These from where the school con- forward of joining in the ros- by the PAASCU it is not only are the preparations being sists of high skilled faculty ter of other academic institu- a school of high standard but made by this area: under a well-organized man- tions accredited by PAASCU. a school of high calibre, a  Preparing exhibits and agement structure, promot-
  • 6. 6 June-November 2011 OPINION Bullying is a problem of families. all schools today. However, On the seminar conducted ISSUE: Tutorial Abolition at bullying has always been a last October 12, Prof. Rene Maryhil College problem. Zubieto of Southern Luzon Bullying as defined is a State University facilitated a MCArcKid Correspondent : form of aggressive behavior, talk about ―Coaching kids Are you in favor on the policy which may manifest as abu- how to handle bullying‖ to NOTES AND QUOTES of tutorial abolition at sive treatment, the use of elementary teachers and par- Angelica Roda school? Why? force or coercion to affect ents. others, particularly when ha- ―Not only was I bullied as on the bully that they turn to  It's ok because I study at bitual and involving an imbal- a child, but I continue to get be aggressive just to protect home with my mom. (Lanz ance of power. bullied today as an adult‖ Constantino, Gr.1-Joy) themselves. Let us first talk about the cited Prof. Zubieto as he To remedy such cases, characteristics of bullying. shared his personal experi-  Yes, because I can still Marian teachers together study without someone tu- Typically, bullies and their ences on bullying. with the Guidance and toring me…(Kim Saltarin, victims share the same char- Bullying can cause stu- Counseling Center joined Gr. 2-Joy) acteristic—low steam. These dents’ academic perform- hands to boost student’s self were the results gained from ance to bog down. They find confidence through recrea-  No because sometimes I am painful experi- t h e m - tional activities, clubs and struggling in studying my ences or events “Not only was I bullied as a selves un- educational trips. Those are lessons…(Kristen Loraine on the part of the child, but I continue to get focused in made possible through learn- Violanda, Gr. 3-Joy) bully and the studying ing logs, reflection and self- being bullied. bullied today as an adult” l e s s o n s . introspection related tasks.  No because my mom has Externalizing or The social I believe the answer to the other things to do and my expressing those feeling can being of the students are be- issue of bullying rest with all sister has to study too... cause some children to be- ing deteriorated. They lack of us, especially the victims (Wilmer Quierrez, Gr. 4- come bullies as they attempt confidence to interact with of bullying. We all have the Faith) to control their environment others due to fear of being power to think, behave and and to compensate for their hurt again. They may also  Yes because I don't need react in ways that limits or deficient control on their developed vengeance or hate tutoring because I can study eradicates bullying. on my own and save money…( Chastine Therese Villaester, Gr. 5-Joy) What could be the effect of help their classmates. this to the lives of the stu- Some students who are  I think it is a yes and a no dents? What would other going to fail are sometimes because it has advantages people thought about them? cheating just to pass. But and disadvantages in tutor- Cheating is like stealing why are they doing this in ing…(Patricia Bunyi, Gr. 6 QUEST AND QUERY something from someone. If those ways? Instead they can Love) Drixia Flancia you cheat you might get an approach their teacher in offense. If you’re a cheater their free time and ask if you can also be called a rob- they can help him/her in the ―Honesty is the best pol- ber, but if you helped the lesson but still they are icy‖. This is one of the quota- GS Arcade is currently in cheater you might be called choosing to cheat. Why can’t tions that are hard to follow need of cartoonists, lay-out sidekick or an accomplice. this cheating be stopped? artists, and photo editors. If you for some students. What is Who are more prone to This cheating must end now. are interested and you’re the much easier to do- to tell the cheat, is it the ones who are We must help every student one we’re looking for, you may truth or to lie about some- in top or the to understand take the Qualifying Examina- thing? Perhaps lying is much ones who are “Cheating is like stealing” this. We must tion in our office. easier for some people. going to f a i l ? encourage them to study For comments and sugges- Some grade six students tions, please drop by to our Why would some honor stu- harder to pass. The honor were caught cheating and office, 5-Faith room, Pope dents cheat? Maybe it’s be- students must keep on giving sharing their answers to one Benedict XVI Building. cause they can’t stand their their best and to do the right another. Some cheated by GS Arcade is extending its seatmate or friend. Or, they thing. If they want to help using their cell phones and sincerest and deepest gratitude want their classmate to pass. students who are going to to all Marians for making this some by just telling their an- Or, he/she just like to do it. fail, they must help them in publication into reality. swers to their seatmates. Well, there are still ways to the right way.
  • 7. TECHNOLOGY June-November 2011 7 Technology is of the must needs in our generations today. MC ArcKidz researched some of the newest and the latest gadgets in the world of innova- ― f you live each day as if it was your last, someday tion today. you’ll most certainly be right.‖ These were the lines Speed Cell- equipment cited by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar launched by Animation Studios as he delivered his commencement ad- Adidas which dress at Standard University. is attach to the Steve Jobs is known as the brain child of the Apple shoe to keep creations and coolest gadgets. Here's a brief rundown of some track of work- of his greatest contributions to our increasingly tech-savvy outs and fit- ness levels and interconnected global society. He released Apple II, the such as foot world’s first mass-market personal computer. Under his lead- speed, accel- ership, Apple introduced the all-in-one iMac computer, be- eration and coming the first machine to eschew a floppy-disk drive. It distanced trav- was also marketed as being Internet-ready out of the box. eled. It is fitted for running and The iBook was introduced in 1999, equipped with multiple sports. Wi-Fi technology and included some style updates as well. SteriPEN Freedom - is The iPod was first introduced in 2001, that its name has be- a portable UV water purifier come synonymous with mp3 players. The iPod wouldn't have that can produce drinking water been such a smash without the help of other products backing by removing 99% of bacteria, it up. Chief among these was the media-player program viruses, and protozoa. As for iTunes, which Apple also introduced in 2001. the usage, you have to do is to The introduction of the iPhone in 2007 had a seismic effect remove the lamp cover, on the smart phone industry that reverberates to this day; now immerse they are web-surfing, do-everything machines packed full of the UV useful apps. By 2010, Steve Jobs was confident the world was lamp in a ready to embrace a new type of device — a tablet computer glass of that would be great for watching movies and playing games. water and The glass staircase incorporates some novel engineering and steer it for architectural feats. 48 seconds. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died October 5 at age SteriPEN 56 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Though his life Freedom comes with built-in rechargeable battery that can be ended, his memory will continue to leave forever. Cool is charged via USB port, AC what makes Apple—and Steve Jobs—so hot. One day the adapter, or even a compati- company will go on without Steve, and if it's to remain a ble solar charger. This device force in the market, it will have to keep its cool. measures 5.1-inch x 1.4-inch x ~PC Tanguilan 0.8-inch and it weighs only 74 grams. Kudos credit card acceptance kit is developed by NetSecure Payments, Angry Birds is a puzzle video game developed by Finnish computer game developer Rovio Mobile. and it is cur- The game has been called one of the most mainstream games out right now, one and the largest mobile rently avail- app success the world has seen so far. Here’s how to play the game. able in the United States, 1. The task is to recover the eggs that have been taken by a group of evil green pigs. and the thing 2. The objective of the game is to eliminate all the pigs in all levels such as wood, ice and stone. that makes 3. Using a slingshot, players launch the birds with the intent of hitting or killing the pigs directly or dam- Kudos so aging its structures. special is its 4. In various stages, additional objects such as explosive crates and rocks are found in the structures and ability to turn desktops, laptops, the bird’s strength activates as the level increases. 5. Points are scored for each pig defeated as well as for damage to, or destruction of, structures, and bonus points are awarded for any unused birds. tablets and smartphones into 6. Upon completing each level, players receive one, two, or three stars, depending on the score received. credit card terminals. ~PM Dio ~AM Gabatin
  • 8. 8 June-November 2011 PHOTO ESSAY Maryhill College, being a bit se- cluded from the huzzle and buzzle heart of the city, provides ample grounds for peaceful and quiet study. Through the years, MC remains to cul- tivate students’ unique potential and in-depth academic capacity. As one walks through its long roofed pedestrian lane, you can notice the campus’ well-established buildings carefully founded by busy hands and creative minds throughout the years. One beholds the refreshing coolness of green trees rarely found in institu- tions located in the city proper. Inside, live the peace-loving young dreamers that will soon be pride of the entire province or even the world. This is truly a paradise that encloses happiness, love and prosperity. Beyond the wall, on the other side of that same long roofed pedestrian await poverty-stricken fellow, almost dying at heart, losing hope for the misfortunes that befall on them. You can see them with eyes wide open but seemed invisible at all. You passed that lane almost every day but do you ever have time to eye on their sufferings? It’s indeed ironical that within the seat
  • 9. PHOTO ESSAY June-November 2011 9 of the Catholic faith spread those hope- less people sullied of the day’s work, selling sampaguita, candles and other stuffs to passers-by. Some lend an ear to their fruitless calling but most ig- nored . MC being run by mostly priests as its board of trustees patronizes charity works and humanitarian acts. Some of those fund-raising projects were the Pondo ng Pinoy, Tsinelas ni Maria, Mission Sunday, Red Cross, Alay- Kapwa and others. Indeed Marians, in the wall and off the wall have a very open heart for eve- ryone because MC is an educational institution that aims to further en- hance students’ academic excellence, concern to the natural environment, response to the urgent issues of time, been evangelize evangelizer, and out- standing in humility, charity , fidel- ity, wisdom, justice and peace while maintaining its filial devotion to Mary. “Just be open to the call, and then you will hear the voice beyond the wall”. Marians do. Marians did. Marians will. Wensel de Mesa
  • 10. 10 June-November 2011 FEATURE Have you It was the month of a more challenging roles.” say that my parents are ever felt May, when my parents told Meet people in one of the right. I am happier and that you me that I will be transfer- biggest and well- more relieved. I easily ad- are in a ring, I immediately replied, established schools here in justed myself to the people different “I don’t like, I want to stay Lucena City.” After their around me. I feel that I am p l a c e here.” Because the first explanations why we have an old student here. I can which is thing I thought of was I’ll to transfer the school? I say now, that if you want to totally not familiar to you? be far away from my realized that they are cor- learn and explore yourself, Have you ever felt that you friends, classmates, and my rect. I understood them. just listen to your parents are all alone and is starting teachers. I was sad, really My first day of class in because they know what the all over again. If not, let me sad. “I was praying that my my new school was very best thing is for you. Just tell you my story. parents would change their exciting and nervous be- believe in your parents and I studied there since I minds”. But unfortunately, cause I don’t know what most of all believe in your- was pre-elementary. There, my parents and I together will happen next. I was self keep on praying be- I build up my true friends with my brother have a very happy because I saw cause only GOD can give whom I would be cherishing talk; we had a meeting in my two classmates and guide you for the rest of forever. The teachers are the family. My parents ex- (Marianne and Loch) from your life. very kind and helpful. I am plained to us the reality of my old school and fortu- Thank you to my friends, very active and participative our lives. They told me nately we are of the same classmates and teachers in every time there’s a pro- “There’s no such thing per- section. Well, just a little my old school. I will never gram. Luckily, I gain manent in this world, Shan. adjustment to my new forget you. awards, every time I joined You have to face and ac- classmates and friends in Now, I belong to Marians, in and out of school activi- cept the reality of life.” my new school. I’m very happy and thankful ties. I told myself, this These are the words came However, because of my to my parents because they school would be my Alma out from them. “If you are previous school, I have put us in one of the biggest, Mater until my high school. truly good in your class, good foundations too; I am established and best school The teachers and students you have to find yourself in now doing better in our in Lucena City I have a true here are like a family. I can’t a huge and wide school”. class. I have new friends Alma Mater, Maryhill Col- say anything because I You have to explore your- too; they are also kind to lege… know this is one of the best selves in different situa- me. The teachers here are God Bless!!! schools here in Lucena. tions, involve yourselves in also kind and helpful. I can ~Shania Raagas The family that prays to- with Most Rev. Emilio Z. for Mary. The Group Mass is possible without the school’s gether stays together. This Marquez,DD as the officiating also celebrated with grades 2, chaplain Rev.Fr. Guian Alvarez dogma was proven to be true priest. This is the mass which 4 and 5 or 1, 3 and 6. That’s and Rev.Fr. Ramil Ansay to- as Maryhill College, being a marks the beginning of the why it is called group mass. gether with Bro. Rev. Eamon Catholic institution continuous school year and was cele- First Friday mass was also Panganiban and Rev. Ruzzel its advocacy to bring young brated by all Marians. celebrated every first Friday of Habito, and Bro. Ronals End- minds and souls to God. Next is Institutional Mass the month. Lastly, the Family encia for the Marian Choir. All Being a family, the whole which is the mass, honoring Mass which was done by of these masses were different. MC community celebrates dif- the Nativity of Blessed Virgin Maryhill students. It is for cele- But all of them were celebrated ferent kinds of masses suited Mary. This was celebrated brated by the entire BED and with reverence. for every occasion. The Mass every September 8 wherein HED students and personnels. ~Chastine Villaester of the Holy Spirit is celebrated students offer flowers and gifts These masses were not be
  • 11. FEATURE June-November 2011 11 Pssssst…Can we talk for a utes for she was surely fun to be of MC. This was the title ap- to continue her tasks. Her while? Hope you don’t mind if I with. This pretty June bride propriate for her. She was al- unique way of speaking makes bother. This would not take often carries herself well that’s ways on a parachute-panic the whole class adore and imitate long. Just listen, keep your heart why her students love her so whenever deadlines, submissions her. ―Are you getting it..can you wide open. much. and requirements were on her follow..who told you to do so..? In our ever-changing world Q2: Who’s this Farmville way. But mind you, behind her Q7: The Master of Rhythm where things happen in a just a Chic who patronizes the conser- worries lie a very tough young and Rhythmitic. Gifted with a blink of an eye, with just a click vation and protection of plants lady whom anybody can count towering height and irresistible of a button everything is in in- and animals. Her true age was on for she is a good adviser and charm, this promising young stant. Everything can change but hidden in her baby-face appear- confidant. Her name is stressed buddy stands to be the thorn there’s someone who stays the ance and fashionable attires. on the third syllable. among those roses that sur- same. The ―next Anne Curtis‖ as what Q5: Who’s this ―Color rounds him. His jovial and child- They are everywhere, walking students dubbed her. Truly a‖ Coding Queen‖ for she often ish ways in teaching make the around, moving around without Green Lantern‖ for she’s a star- matches her earrings, shoes, class goes round. being noticed. They did great light guide in the young minds bags etc. with the color of the It’s not yet too late. Come things for you without being of her students. clothing she wears. Truly a up with creative ways to show asked to do so. They are your Q3: Not a soul in the MC ―Dyosa‖ for those drama enthu- them that we have become the teachers. Do you know your crowd doesn’t know her name. siasts for she loves acting and best of what we can be – respon- them well? Have you ever As she was always fresh vibrant conquering the stage. sible, caring, and contributing thanked them at least once in enthusiastic, young- at heart Q6: The ―tsunami walk citizens of our country and the your lives? Let’s take this quiz and ever generous. Call for it— goddess.‖This young mademoi- global community. Flowers and for us to determine whether we and she all have it. This madam selle proved this adage to be cards may say it all, but heartfelt know our teachers well. with a red-hot passion for high- true. She always struggles with thanks will be the icing that will Q1: Who’s this ―wardrobe heeled shoes always mesmerize time for she’s always running bring hundredth-folds of goddess‖ for she never repeats the runway with her timeless out of it. Thank God, her strength for them. her clothing. Behind her hardcore beauty. ―super Faith to the 5th power‖ ―OUR TEACHER, OUR kakikayan lies her jologs attrib- Q4: The ―STRESS LADY‖ gives her strength and courage HERO.‖ ~Julia Bunyi 1. It has been scientifically proven that stroking a cat can lower one's blood pressure. 2. A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death. 3. Women have a better sense of smell than men. 4. You are about 1 centimeter taller in the morning than in the evening. 5. Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people. 6. The average person has 100,000 hairs on his/her ~ head. Each hair grows about 5 inches (12.7 cm) every year. 7. The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog." uses every letter of the alphabet! 8. The word Tips is actually an acronym standing for 'To Insure Prompt Service'. 8. A mosquito has 47 teeth. 9. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times. 10. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. facts
  • 12. 12 June-November 2011 LITERARY arians,Marians in’t gonna go, ain’t gonna run eaching out our goals esterday, today, and the future is ours oping the values, visions and missions n our Heart, in our soul ove and respect be always in our mind ord with Your help, help us to be bind ome yeah! Oh Come yeah! n the busy street of Maryhill, ooking for the better you, better eader of the country, never nding story about Maryhill College ives you opportunity to be one of the best xtreme yourself to the highest degree Would I be a lawyer, who defends cases, Or be a dentist who puts some braces? Would I be a photographer who takes pictures, Or a writer who makes scriptures? Would I be an architect who designs houses, To study hard and to have good education, Or a dressmaker who makes blouses? To receive awards and recognition. An actor that can be seen in TV These were the dreams that lives on, Who am I kidding that could be me! And still continues on and on. Would I be a nurse and take care of the sick, Then, I realized is it really my intentions? Or maybe a plumber who fixes the pipe leak? I notice I have lots of friends to count on. Would I be a teacher who teaches, They were my buddies, my great companions, Or maybe a priest who preaches? That supports me to reach my vision. Would I be a farmer who plant trees, Or a sailor who sails the seven seas? As life goes on, I learn how to carry on Would I be an astronaut who goes in space, Continue my passion with my companions Or a scientist who experiments in different ways? Because I believed it’s the journey When I grow up I want to be successful, not the destination. To have a life that is happy and beautiful. I want to share what God gave me, That’s why I’m asking myself who would I be?
  • 13. LITERARY June-November 2011 13 Have you ever swim in the deep blue sea, Or climb in the world’s highest tree. Did you ever imagine flying in the sky? happy? Or draw the mountain up so high. e sky make you Do the clouds in th dancing baby. funny Like a cute and the biggest eagle, ride What a wonderful music I hear Have you ever m wiggle. This sound makes me tear, Or make the smallest wor This world is full of music ers? That creates a touch of magic. e with the tig Can you communicat e buzzers. When I hear the guitar I want to rock s that are lik There are many things in this world to wonder, And go around poking people’s back, Even the bee live with the monkeys? t to That is given by our one and only Father. When I hear drums I want to shake Do you wan forest’s strongest trees. the We must make these things last longer, People’s arms I will take. To swing in And make this world wonderful and better. I love hearing the sound of saxophones While eating three pieces of ice cream cones, ings, ing th If the piano starts to play ll of the liv I will stop to listen and stay. e for a ar e mad an beings. things um , When I hear the trumpet I want to sway These lly for the h in this place our days. a s And I might dance all the way, Especi lucky to live at complete e th If I hear the violin I always cry We ar erful world I always ask myself why? Aw ond The most important instrument is the human voice It is more than millions of toys, These instruments make music I know that I will always treasure, That creates a wonderful magic. A true and loyal friend for sure. A friend who will cry and laugh with me, On time of sorrow and glee. A friend who is ready to stand by me, Through hardship and adversity. A friend who will be faithful to the end, ol, ity, ts. And our friendship she will tend. p in scho ool activ pponen r first ste people around. On you nd new In y our sch re your best o ates a fi You will to your eyes, Classm ve your goals, h them.. ie it Stran gers be called . To ach to compete w And in return will strive to be, A cla ssmate to y ou have The same good friend she is to me. There are many kinds of friends indeed, As time goes by, But true friend is what I need. You’ll never notice that nd. h, You’ll find a friend a frie it m ate is an play w s you With your classmates. A class you c a nie s. one comp n wit Some lk and ac an lean o ta c Can metimes an d so Acquainted in scho ol time, Parting ways when school ends. Memories are to be treasured, Remembering as a pleasure.
  • 14. 14 June-November 2011 SPORTS Winning is not the case of achieves something not just us to succeed in sports or in for himself but also for the any aspects of life; it is team or school that he is rep- about learning how to be resenting. It opens a better humble with every accom- room for opportunities. But plishments. too much pride can swallow Behind every game is a one's good intentions. Hu- good player who humbly re- mility must be the guiding spects the person or team force to move us up when which he is we are winning. competing Loosing is sometimes with. painful especially when you Not every player always really prepared for the com- wins. Losing is another part petition. Players could be so of the story that could not be wrapped up in the game; avoided. A person who they desperately want to win achieves something may also that they forgot the true es- start in losing; a person who sence of the game, loses becomes strong and ―SPORTMANSHIP‖. more determined not just in With a positive mind; sports but also in life. losing or winning is never a Winning gives every hindrance for a game, it is player pride and honor that he the sportsmanship within. T h e Philippine National Football Team (Azkals) is the national football (soccer) team of the Philippines and repre- Maryhill College has a MC Team has two sents the country in international football. The Philippine Az- Basketball team named MC coaches. They are Coach Ato kals team is controlled by the Philippine Football Federation Team. They represent our and Coach Aris. They both (PFF), the governing body of football in the Philippines. school in the game of basket- follow a saying which says, The national team is most popularly referred to as the ball. They are truly someone ―God first, Family Sec- "Azkals". The name was coined when an online Philippine to be proud of. ond, Education third, Basket- football community proposed the nickname Calle MC Team is composed of ball fourth‖ Azul (Spanish meaning Streets of Blue, referring to the color two divisions/halves. They Both of them are wise and of their kit) which was modified to Azul Calle, shortened are Team A and Team B. skillful. They both drive and into AzCal, and finally became Azkal – a word that is similar Team A has a record of 3 guide MC Team to success to Filipino term Askal meaning street dog. wins and 1 loss. They re- in the world of basketball. The Philippine Azkals national team is becoming a much cently lost to another school MC Team represents us stronger force to reckon with in Southeast Asian football, es- in their last game. always when in a game. pecially with the addition of some experienced foreign-based Team B has 1 win and 2 They are really someone to Filipino players. The Filipino people hope that they will con- losses. Even though they are be proud of. And remember, tinue to blaze anew the Philippine footballing trail and inspire in a losing streak, they are they win for our school, and a new generation of young players that will carry on the torch currently improving their not for themselves. of hope in the field of football development in the country. skills in the game of basket- ~Gene Mercado ball. Our taek champs Lynard Adrian Rivera (6-Love) stamped the first spot in forms and first spot in sparring while Miguel Alexandre Bal- adad (6-Love) seized the first place in forms and second place in sparring competition last October 9,2011 at Sariaya Sports Center . ―Luckily I manage to win against my opponents, though a bit nervous,‖ cited Rivera after being declared as champ. The events were divided into individual, pair and team categories. Forms (poomsae) is performed by following a systematic time of movement in a consecutive sequence against an imaginary opponent or multiple opponents. It consists of movements using the hands and feet and interconnected techniques like blocking, punching, striking, thrusting and kicking. Sparring (Kyeorugi) on the other hand, is an attempt to best each other in a controlled form of mock combat. This was not the first time they won for the school. Truly, Rivera and Baladad were the type of Marian students that we will be proud of. ~Gene Mercado
  • 15. SPORTS June-November 2011 15 Results of the Mini- Olympics Event Chess Boys 1. Gabriel Martin Morfe-6 Joy 2. John Patrick Atienza- 6 Faith 3. Paul Christian Tanguilan-5 Faith Chess Girls 1. Ma. Drixia Flancia- 6 Joy 2. Ira Garcia-6 Joy 3. Klarisse Garcia- 6 Faith Sudoku SOAR . Grade 6 -Love demonstrates the spirit of camaraderie as they cherished their winning moment and unforgettable experience during the game. 1. Charlene de Guzman- 6 Love 2. Mariel Anne Magbuo- 6 Faith Students from Grades 4 - Sudoku Master as she Guian Dave Adion of 6- 3. Maxine Papica- 5 Wisdom 6 passed their way thru all grabbed the first spot. Mariel Love was hailed as the Most the events in the Mini – Anne Magbuo (6- Faith) and Valuable Player as he earned Volleyball Girls Olympics held last Septem- Maxine Papica (5- Wisdom) the record of 15 points, 2 1. 6-Love ber 3, 2011 in the MC followed as they captured assists and 7 rebounds. 2. 4- Faith school ground. the 2nd and 3rd place respec- “It’s been hard playing The day started with the tively. for such competitive players. Volleyball Boys kids getting pumped up for The girls from Grade 6- We just gave our best and 1. 6- Faith their respective events. As the Love and the boys from enjoyed the game.” said 2. 5-Joy opening ceremony started, all Grade 6-Wisdom won in the Adion after grabbing the ti- Basketball Boys sections from grades 4 – 6 Patintero event. In the Vol- tle. 1.6-Love shouted out their yells. leyball competition, 6-Love All throughout the events, 2. 5-Joy “We are the champions, girls and 6-Faith boys topped it wouldn’t be made possible we are the best.” These were their opponents. if no sportsmanship in- Patintero Girls the words cited by the grade 6 In the main event, Grade volved. 1. 6-Love - Love as they won the cov- 6-Love snatched the champi- The celebration does not 2. 5-Wisdom eted Mini-Olympics Champi- onship title in the most end this year but rather it is onship title. awaited basketball game as only a preparation for the Patintero Boys Charlene de Guzman (6- they defeated Grade 5-Joy coming years. 1. 6-Wisdom Love) was acclaimed as the with the score of 24-15. ~Miguel Baladad 2. 5-Faith There is a new sport in town, Fingerboard. This is a working replica of a skateboard that a person "rides" by replicating skateboarding maneuvers with their hand. The de- vice itself is a scaled-down skateboard complete with moving wheels, graphics and trucks. This device was invented by Cam Fox Bryant. Others that have been given SPORTS TRIVIA credit to the improvements of the common fingerboard are Andrew Lenert Maffson, Migz Baladad Cody Fegger as well as Timothy Puffet. A fingerboard is 96 millimeters long or longer, and can have a variety of widths like 26mm (regular), 28mm (wide), and 29mm and up (extra wide). There are the 57mm minis and the 96mm regular and the cruiser boards. Skateboarding tricks may be performed using fingers instead of feet. Most tricks done on a fingerboard are the same as people do on skateboards. Although barely "rideable," they were improved upon by the Tech Deck brand which mass produced a "rideable" miniature skateboard. The first entertainment licensed fingerboards were introduced by Bratz Toys. Marian students enjoy playing Tech Deck during their free time. This is a sport which is safe because no physical contacts and no vio- lent movements are involved. Now Fingerboard is not just considered as widely toy for the ages but now a popular sport in the new generation. ~
  • 16. NEWS June-November 2011 16 In the observance of Linggo Interpretive Dance lead by four pupils. ng Wika, the Filipino Com- Teatro Arko. The Cariñosa got the mittee headed by Ms. Irene The intensified Sabayang fourth place, Salakot got the Umbrete conducted various Pagbigkas highlighted the third place, Bakya got sec- contests for the Marian stu- event. It was participated by DIGNIFIED. Rev. Fr. Baruelo delivers his speech ond place, and Singkil got as he formally opens the school year. dents. students from grades 5 and the first place . ―Ang Filipino ay Wikang 6. The contest was divided The pre-school pupils and Baruelo succeeds… Panlahat, Ilaw at Lakas sa into two groups, A and B also the primary (grades 1-3) cont. from p1 Tuwid na Landas,‖ this where Grade 6-A won the levels also participated in the “Though the task that is now served as the years’s theme of first prize, Grade 5-A as 2nd celebration. laid on shoulders seems heavy, the said event. place, Grade 6-B as 3rd , and Students from grades 1-3 I consider it a great privilege August 8-12 were the big Grad 5-B as 4th place. amazed the entire Multi- and opportunity to be a mem- days for Maryhill College as In the essay writing con- media Center as they recited ber of the Maryhill College they celebrated Buwan ng test, Wensel de Mesa (5- patriotic poems. Family,‖ cited Baruelo as he Wika to commemorate the Faith), Maria Angelica Roda Indeed, the celebration of gives his welcoming remarks importance of Filipino lan- (6-Love) and Mary Kyla the Linggo ng Wika was one on the official opening of the guage and culture. Tesalona (6-Wisdom) won of the Maryhill College’s school year 2011-2012. Part of the opening salvo the first, second and third most awaited event each Now, Rev.Fr.Baruelo was a was the opening prayer. It places respectively. year. very hands-on person when was then followed by singing The Katutubong Sayaw he does his task. You can al- ~Shania Raagas of the National Anthem and were performed by the grade ways see him roaming all over the campus, doing class observations and inspections. He never fails to check school-related documents, teachers’ lesson and learning plans, TOS, test drafts and the likes. With unending support and cooperation from everyone, Maryhill College will soon reach its goal for a PAASCU level up. ~MA Magbuo INTENSIFY. Selected grade 5 pupils turned the crowd astounded as they deliver their heart-felt choral recitation. Maryhill College backs up… cont. from p1 The main sources of funds are the 5 and 10 or the 25- ―It is fitting and proper pated by city and government very own student, Ann centavo coins that church- that the people of the City of officials, different schools and Kendell Maloles (Gr.5-Faith). goers and devotees save up in Lucena, be given full oppor- organizations showcase the The third spot was taken by a tunity to celebrate the occa- best of the city. It is a day for student from Saint Philomena empty plastic bottles or cans – sion with appropriate cere- everyone in the city. "Araw ng School. The prizes were given from extra loose changes they monies." Lucena" is one day that we on the night of August 16, accumulate daily, and give, This was the phrase cited need to look forward to. 2011. Also, an off the wall/ on when the container is full, to under Proclamation 14 signed As we celebrate ―Araw ng the wall painting contest was their parish church. by President Benigno Lucena‖, students from also held. Maryhill College supports "Noynoy" Aquino III as he schools around Lucena par- The nights of songs This the ―Pondo ng Pinoy‖ thus declared August 20 as special ticipated in contests such as week-long celebration ends up non-working holiday in Lucena poster making. The event was putting some empty 1.5 Coca- into a GABI NG PARAN- cola bottles as containers in City. held at the Maryhill College GAL AT PASASALAMAT Every 20th of August, the Covered Court on August 16, almost all the classrooms of and a grand parade. ANG GA- MC. Every little crumb of city celebrates "Araw ng Lu- 2011, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.. cena". The celebration feature The winner of the first place LING NG LUCENAHIN was coins they put inside counts a activities that showcased the in elementary was a student once again witnessed on this lot. Marians help, even unno- spirit of the city. from Holy Rosary. The sec- 50th Charter Anniversary. ticed, in their own little ways. The Grand Parade partici- ond place was grabbed by our ~J. Ragudo and L. Atienza