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                                                                            » SERVICE GUIDE WITH CAMPAIGN CALCULATOR

TV ADVERTISING                                                                Discover                  Plan & Create                     Launch                  Measure                     Optimize


                                                                              GreyTV is a Los Angeles-based creative production agency. We engage groups of individuals for
                                                                              our clients, through cause-driven content. We have expertise in DRTV commercial production, online advertising, event
Table of Contents                                                             production, and social media. GreyTV works with agency partners, media organizations, and directly with clients. Our
                                                                              company and its employees guarantee the best client experience, and unmatched production quality, delivered using the
Overview & Process ................................................... 1      highest standards of practice available in our industry.
Targeting & Media ..................................................... 2
Creative Elements & Methodology ............................ 3
Selected DRTV Ad Ratings ........................................ 4                                                                                                                                             PROCESS
Campaign Hyopothetical ............................................ 6
Client Worksheet & Calculator .................................. 7

                                                                              Working with GreyTV to reach your marketing goals through Direct-Response is an easy
                                                                              process that is designed to be transparent and highly efficient. We believe every successful relationship starts with
                                                                              communication, so, the first step for new clients (and periodically for existing clients), is the process of Discovery. This is
EVENTS                                                                        an engaging and structured conversation that allows us to understand the big picture, as well as the nuances of your
                                                                              business, historical sales and marketing activities, and specific goals for your campaign.

BRAND IDENTITY                                                                Now that we’ve spent time getting to know each other, we plan how to make it happen. GreyTV will work with our
                                                                              national network of media outlets, including Cable TV, Online, Print and Radio to optimize your media budget, while
                                                                              insuring your voice is heard by the audience that best suits your product or service. Once the media plan is established,
ENTERTAINMENT                                                                 the creative process begins, incorporating rigorous quality standards based on GreyTV’s proprietary Ad Grading

                                                                              When the media plan and creative are in place, we’ll launch your campaign. Innovation continues as we begin measuring
Contact:                                                                      results, monitoring them against the goals established during the Discovery process. Finally, GreyTV will conduct market
Tel: (888) 909-6670                                                           research using the data from your ongoing campaign to optimize your performance in real time, and maximize your results.

 1155 N LA CIENEGA BLVD, SUITE 503, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90069                                                                                                                         WANT TO KNOW MORE? CALL (888) 909-6670
Page 2

                                                              » SERVICE GUIDE WITH CAMPAIGN CALCULATOR


GreyTV has a track record of providing expert advice on executing media purchases. We pride
ourselves on getting the best rates for our clients, through proven bundling and negotiating
techniques. Our media network spans the globe, and includes regional cable, broadcast television,
radio, print, online, and innovative new technologies including satellite TV and Internet video
                                                                                                                     TARGET MARKET HYPOTHETICAL
                                                                                                         TARGETING   (Selected from 300 + demographic statistics)

Identifying the correct target market, and reaching it with a message that inspires action is critical               Demographic                              Segment
to the success of every campaign. GreyTV uses proprietary tools to assist in the targeting process,                  Gender                                  Male
ensuring that your market, message and media are aligned. We chose from over 300 demographic                         Age                                     45-54
and psychographic market characteristics, to reduce waste, while dialing up credibility and                          Age                                     55-64
increasing emotional connection, and ultimately sales, with your desired audience.                                   Household Composition                   Married couples, dependent children
                                                                                                                     Length of Residence                     6 to 10 years
                                                                                                                     Length of Residence                     11 to 14 years
                                                                                                                     Length of Residence                     15 + years
                                                                                                                     Education                               Bachelors Degree
                                                                                                                     Education                               Graduate Degree
                                                                                                                     Household Income                        $150,000 to $249,999
                                                                                                                     Savings and Investments                 401K
                                                                                                                     Savings and Investments                 IRA
                                                                                                                     Savings and Investments                 KEOGH, SEP-IRA, PENSION
                                                                                                                     Type of Property                        Single family dwellings
                                                                                                                     Property Value                          $300,000 to $499,999
                                                                                                                     Property Value                          $500,000 to $749,999
                                                                                                                     Home Ownership                          Home owner
                                                                                                                     Finance                                 Pay any price for good financial advice
1155 N LA CIENEGA BLVD, SUITE 503, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90069                                                                                          WANT TO KNOW MORE? CALL (888) 909-6670
Page 3

                                                               » SERVICE GUIDE WITH CAMPAIGN CALCULATOR
CREATIVE ELEMENTS & METHODOLOGY                                                            The DRTV Grading Methodology appraises commercials on a
                                                                                           transparent set of success drivers, which contribute to a commercial’s grade on a
    Motivation: 30%                                                                        weighted scale. The drivers are buying motivation, commercial credibility, audience
### Fundamental elements of a DRTV commercial                                              relatability, and brand equity. Each driver includes observable milestones that must be
                                                                                           met in order to maximize the market’s perception of an immediate need, which elicits an
             • Offer Strength                                                   30%
                                                                                           emotional response, and ultimately a sale.
             • Actionable Information

             • Call to action

             • Means of response
                                                                                           GRADE       GRADING INDEX

                                                                                             A         HONORS
            Credibility: 25%
### Viewer's perception of audio and visual quality
                                                                                                       These commercials have mastered the practice of DRTV. Near-flawless inclusion of motivators is
                                                                                                       presented in the context of a highly credible, and relatable commercial that taps into an
                                                                                25%                    immediate need. This combination of motivation and emotional insight result in outlier outcomes,
             • Talent Performance                                                                      and increased perception of brand value in the marketplace. In nearly all cases, an additional
                                                                                                       flare of creativity, and word-of-mouth notability is present.
             • Copywriting Quality

             •   Production Value
             •   Creativity                                                                  B         ABOVE AVERAGE
                                                                                           80-89       A strong capability for innovation and motivation is present in these commercials. DRTV
                                                                                                       fundamentals are competently addressed, and the commercial gives the marketer an
    Relatability: 25%
### Elements that determine acceptance of the message
                                                                                                       approachable and relatable voice that connects with a majority of the desired target audience,
                                                                                                       and generates strong results. Moderate brand building is accomplished.

             •   Presentation of an immediate problem                           25%
             • Demonstrated understanding of the problem                                     C         AVERAGE
                                                                                                       The basics of DRTV are covered, yet lack innovation and notability. The content of the commercial
             • Solution is directly related to the problem                                 70-79
                                                                                                       is moderately relatable, and may have credibility flaws. The commercial looks like the next, and
             • Engages emotional decision making                                                       captures limited attention from the desired target market. Impact on brand value is negligible, or
                                                                                                       slightly negative.
             • Testimonial

            Brand Equity: 20%                                                                D         BELOW AVERAGE
### Opportunities to equate your brand with value                               20%
                                                                                           60-69       There are noticeable fractures in the credibility and relatability of the commercial. All
                                                                                                       fundamental DRTV motivators may be included, but are often presented in inadequate amounts, or
             • Competitive advantage                                                                   sequenced ineffectively. A problem and target market is not addressed sufficiently, and results
                                                                                                       are poor. The commercial has potential to do meaningful damage to the brand.
             • Cause-driven statement

             • Consistent brand presence

             •   Brand presentation                                                          F         POOR
                                                                                                       A major change in strategy is required.
                                                                                            ‹ 60

 1155 N LA CIENEGA BLVD, SUITE 503, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90069                                                                                     WANT TO KNOW MORE? CALL (888) 909-6670
Page 4

                                                                                                                         Product                   Service                   Non-profit                  International

Rank      Ad                                                  Brand                        Score   Grade   Description                                                                                                     Link

                                                                                                           Start! up wonder Safelite fires on all cylinders, highlighting a differentiated and understanding brand.
1         SAFELITE AUTOGLASS (:60)                            Safelite Group, Inc          91      A-                                                                                                                      YouTube
                                                                                                           Extra points for an infectious jingle that is handy in every media channel.

                                                                                                           Powerful testimonials, and ample time dedicated to the importance of the issue, and how to act. The
2         GOVERNOR RICK SCOTT (:60)                           Florida Homeless Coalition   91      A-                                                                                                                      YouTube
                                                                                                           Florida Homeless Coalition then brings home the message with plenty of ways to fight for the cause.

                                                                                                           This spot is a standout for its unusual blend of creativity, superior copywriting, and offer strength.
3         LIFELOCK (:60)                                      LifeLock, Inc                90      A-                                                                                                                      YouTube
                                                                                                           Encore little robot, encore!

                                                                                                           I'm a single dad. My kids are proud of me, and my dad is proud of me. Not a single shot of books or a
4         ITT-TECH BACHELOR (:60)                             ITT-Tech Institute           90      A-                                                                                                                      YouTube
                                                                                                           campus. To the head of the class for engaging emotional decision making.

                                                                                                           Muzzy is back, sporting superior relatability to both parents and children as a leader in language tutoring.
5         MUZZY (:60)                                         Early Advantage              88      B+                                                                                                                      YouTube
                                                                                                           Seems like it would be easy to insert a cause!driven statement, oui?

                                                                                                           Strong showing by DRTV veteran ADT. Thanks to the testimonial of one very unfortunate woman,
6         ADT SECURITY :(60)                                  ADT Security Services, Inc   87      B+                                                                                                                      YouTube
                                                                                                           hundreds of prospective and existing clients are still thanking ADT, even if they have better luck.

                                                                                                           A smart media tie in for eDiets, which capitalizes on the relatability and credibility of the "Biggest Loser"
7         BIGGEST LOOSER MEAL PLAN (:60)                      eDiets                       84      B                                                                                                                       YouTube
                                                                                                           brand. A respected strategy, but brand overlays rarely build YOUR brand.

                                                                                                           With a strong talent performance, call to action, and a well crafted cause!driven statement, Wen comes
8         WEN BY CHAZ DEAN (:60)                              Guthy-Renker                 84      B                                                                                                                       YouTube
                                                                                                           across as a memorable and differentiated brand. A jingle would have boosted creativity.

                                                                                                           They DO look comfortable, and so does Hampton Direct, with this solid DRTV spot. DRTV 101 is aced,
9         PAJAMA JEANS (:60)                                  Hampton Direct               83      B-                                                                                                                      YouTube
                                                                                                           but this spot average in establishing credibility. A little creativity may have added a "+" to this effort.

                                                                                                  shines in production value and talent showcase, but loses serious marks for failing to
10        LEGALZOOM INCORPORATION (:30)                             81      B-                                                                                                                      YouTube
                                                                                                           present a problem. After all, the legalese of starting a business is no trip to the candy store.

1155 N LA CIENEGA BLVD, SUITE 503, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90069                                                                                                                     WANT TO KNOW MORE? CALL (888) 909-6670
Page 5

                                                                                                                  Product                   Service                   Non-profit                  International

Rank      Ad                                                  Brand                 Score   Grade   Description                                                                                                   Link

                                                                                                    This clever solution to fighting spice cabinet anarchy did a reasonable job of presenting a fundamental
11        SWIVEL STORE (:60)                                  Merchant Media, LLC   80      B-      problem. On balance, credibility suffered from production value, creativity, and talent                       YouTube

                                                                                                    A reasonable amount of actionable information, and means of response get the job done, but for an
12        CLEARSTART CALL CENTRE (:60)                      80      B-                                                                                                                    YouTube
                                                                                                    emotional subject like debt, a testimonial, or some creativity would have made for a stronger connection.

                                                                                                    A solid DRTV spot on fundamentals, but limited creativity, and attention paid to the family members who
13        1-800-MEDICARE (:60)                                79      C+      have an eye on Mom and Dad misses an opportunity for means of response through children and other             YouTube
                                                                                                    family members.

                                                                                                    Rhonda Shear is at the head of its class in DRTV fundamentals, with notable offer strength. That said,
14        RHONDA SHEAR FOR AHH BRA (:60)                      Vereker Inc           78      C+                                                                                                                    YouTube
                                                                                                    support is average for creativity and key brand building opportunities are missed.

                                                                                                    Though this format is admittedly unique, it does not capitalize on all the senses that can be reached in a
15        GIVE LIFE (:60)                                     Red Cross             78      C+                                                                                                                    YouTube
                                                                                                    DRTV spot. Consistent brand presence and AV presentation detract from this global leader's potential.

                                                                                                    St. George shows that they are hungry for your business with a strong offer and call to action. The spot
16        ADVANTAGE HOME LOAN (:60)                           St. George Bank       77      C+                                                                                                                    YouTube
                                                                                                    offers limited opportunity for emotional connection.

                                                                                                    Justin Beiber buys tons of credibility for Proactive line (he scored an A!). That said, most motivational
17        PROACTIV (:60)                                      Guthy-Renker          76      C                                                                                                                     YouTube
                                                                                                    metrics, including actionable information were pedestrian, and brand building was largely absent.

                                                                                                    Talent performance/direction was the biggest roadblock on this baby's road to greatness. The upside
18        YOUR BABY CAN READ II (:60)                         Your Baby Can, LLC    74      C                                                                                                                     YouTube
                                                                                                    were numerous testimonials, and a strong offer.

                                                                                                    Another good cause misses the mark as UNICEF's spot offers distracting production quality, and limited
19        PUT IT RIGHT (:60)                                  Unicef                74      C       actionable information. Despite these drawbacks, we see that there is a serious problem, and UNICEF           YouTube
                                                                                                    presents itself as a credible organization.

                                                                                                    Kids, do not attempt this at home. With a call to action like "Want it? Get It!" its clear that any kind of
20        RIP:60 WORKOUT DVD (:60)                               54      F                                                                                                                     YouTube
                                                                                                    actionable information was overpowered by talent performance.

1155 N LA CIENEGA BLVD, SUITE 503, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90069                                                                                                             WANT TO KNOW MORE? CALL (888) 909-6670

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  • 1. Page 1 GREYTV DIRECT!RESPONSE SOLUTIONS » SERVICE GUIDE WITH CAMPAIGN CALCULATOR TV ADVERTISING Discover Plan & Create Launch Measure Optimize OVERVIEW GreyTV is a Los Angeles-based creative production agency. We engage groups of individuals for our clients, through cause-driven content. We have expertise in DRTV commercial production, online advertising, event Table of Contents production, and social media. GreyTV works with agency partners, media organizations, and directly with clients. Our company and its employees guarantee the best client experience, and unmatched production quality, delivered using the Overview & Process ................................................... 1 highest standards of practice available in our industry. Targeting & Media ..................................................... 2 Creative Elements & Methodology ............................ 3 Selected DRTV Ad Ratings ........................................ 4 PROCESS Campaign Hyopothetical ............................................ 6 Client Worksheet & Calculator .................................. 7 Working with GreyTV to reach your marketing goals through Direct-Response is an easy process that is designed to be transparent and highly efficient. We believe every successful relationship starts with communication, so, the first step for new clients (and periodically for existing clients), is the process of Discovery. This is EVENTS an engaging and structured conversation that allows us to understand the big picture, as well as the nuances of your business, historical sales and marketing activities, and specific goals for your campaign. BRAND IDENTITY Now that we’ve spent time getting to know each other, we plan how to make it happen. GreyTV will work with our national network of media outlets, including Cable TV, Online, Print and Radio to optimize your media budget, while insuring your voice is heard by the audience that best suits your product or service. Once the media plan is established, ENTERTAINMENT the creative process begins, incorporating rigorous quality standards based on GreyTV’s proprietary Ad Grading Methodology. When the media plan and creative are in place, we’ll launch your campaign. Innovation continues as we begin measuring Contact: results, monitoring them against the goals established during the Discovery process. Finally, GreyTV will conduct market Tel: (888) 909-6670 research using the data from your ongoing campaign to optimize your performance in real time, and maximize your results. Email: GREYTV MEDIA • WWW.GREYTV.COM • TEL (888) 909-6670 1155 N LA CIENEGA BLVD, SUITE 503, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90069 WANT TO KNOW MORE? CALL (888) 909-6670
  • 2. Page 2 GREYTV DIRECT!RESPONSE SOLUTIONS » SERVICE GUIDE WITH CAMPAIGN CALCULATOR TARGETING & MEDIA MEDIA GreyTV has a track record of providing expert advice on executing media purchases. We pride ourselves on getting the best rates for our clients, through proven bundling and negotiating techniques. Our media network spans the globe, and includes regional cable, broadcast television, radio, print, online, and innovative new technologies including satellite TV and Internet video outlets. TARGET MARKET HYPOTHETICAL TARGETING (Selected from 300 + demographic statistics) Identifying the correct target market, and reaching it with a message that inspires action is critical Demographic Segment to the success of every campaign. GreyTV uses proprietary tools to assist in the targeting process, Gender Male ensuring that your market, message and media are aligned. We chose from over 300 demographic Age 45-54 and psychographic market characteristics, to reduce waste, while dialing up credibility and Age 55-64 increasing emotional connection, and ultimately sales, with your desired audience. Household Composition Married couples, dependent children Length of Residence 6 to 10 years Length of Residence 11 to 14 years Length of Residence 15 + years Education Bachelors Degree Education Graduate Degree Household Income $150,000 to $249,999 Savings and Investments 401K Savings and Investments IRA Savings and Investments KEOGH, SEP-IRA, PENSION Type of Property Single family dwellings Property Value $300,000 to $499,999 Property Value $500,000 to $749,999 Home Ownership Home owner Finance Pay any price for good financial advice GREYTV MEDIA • WWW.GREYTV.COM • TEL (888) 909-6670 1155 N LA CIENEGA BLVD, SUITE 503, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90069 WANT TO KNOW MORE? CALL (888) 909-6670
  • 3. Page 3 GREYTV DIRECT!RESPONSE SOLUTIONS » SERVICE GUIDE WITH CAMPAIGN CALCULATOR CREATIVE ELEMENTS & METHODOLOGY The DRTV Grading Methodology appraises commercials on a transparent set of success drivers, which contribute to a commercial’s grade on a Motivation: 30% weighted scale. The drivers are buying motivation, commercial credibility, audience ### Fundamental elements of a DRTV commercial relatability, and brand equity. Each driver includes observable milestones that must be met in order to maximize the market’s perception of an immediate need, which elicits an • Offer Strength 30% emotional response, and ultimately a sale. • Actionable Information • Call to action • Means of response GRADE GRADING INDEX A HONORS Credibility: 25% ### Viewer's perception of audio and visual quality These commercials have mastered the practice of DRTV. Near-flawless inclusion of motivators is 90-100 presented in the context of a highly credible, and relatable commercial that taps into an 25% immediate need. This combination of motivation and emotional insight result in outlier outcomes, • Talent Performance and increased perception of brand value in the marketplace. In nearly all cases, an additional flare of creativity, and word-of-mouth notability is present. • Copywriting Quality • Production Value • Creativity B ABOVE AVERAGE 80-89 A strong capability for innovation and motivation is present in these commercials. DRTV fundamentals are competently addressed, and the commercial gives the marketer an Relatability: 25% ### Elements that determine acceptance of the message approachable and relatable voice that connects with a majority of the desired target audience, and generates strong results. Moderate brand building is accomplished. • Presentation of an immediate problem 25% • Demonstrated understanding of the problem C AVERAGE The basics of DRTV are covered, yet lack innovation and notability. The content of the commercial • Solution is directly related to the problem 70-79 is moderately relatable, and may have credibility flaws. The commercial looks like the next, and • Engages emotional decision making captures limited attention from the desired target market. Impact on brand value is negligible, or slightly negative. • Testimonial Brand Equity: 20% D BELOW AVERAGE ### Opportunities to equate your brand with value 20% 60-69 There are noticeable fractures in the credibility and relatability of the commercial. All fundamental DRTV motivators may be included, but are often presented in inadequate amounts, or • Competitive advantage sequenced ineffectively. A problem and target market is not addressed sufficiently, and results are poor. The commercial has potential to do meaningful damage to the brand. • Cause-driven statement • Consistent brand presence • Brand presentation F POOR A major change in strategy is required. ‹ 60 GREYTV MEDIA • WWW.GREYTV.COM • TEL (888) 909-6670 1155 N LA CIENEGA BLVD, SUITE 503, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90069 WANT TO KNOW MORE? CALL (888) 909-6670
  • 4. Page 4 GREYTV DIRECT!RESPONSE SOLUTIONS SELECTED DRTV AD RATINGS (2011) Product Service Non-profit International Rank Ad Brand Score Grade Description Link Start! up wonder Safelite fires on all cylinders, highlighting a differentiated and understanding brand. 1 SAFELITE AUTOGLASS (:60) Safelite Group, Inc 91 A- YouTube Extra points for an infectious jingle that is handy in every media channel. Powerful testimonials, and ample time dedicated to the importance of the issue, and how to act. The 2 GOVERNOR RICK SCOTT (:60) Florida Homeless Coalition 91 A- YouTube Florida Homeless Coalition then brings home the message with plenty of ways to fight for the cause. This spot is a standout for its unusual blend of creativity, superior copywriting, and offer strength. 3 LIFELOCK (:60) LifeLock, Inc 90 A- YouTube Encore little robot, encore! I'm a single dad. My kids are proud of me, and my dad is proud of me. Not a single shot of books or a 4 ITT-TECH BACHELOR (:60) ITT-Tech Institute 90 A- YouTube campus. To the head of the class for engaging emotional decision making. Muzzy is back, sporting superior relatability to both parents and children as a leader in language tutoring. 5 MUZZY (:60) Early Advantage 88 B+ YouTube Seems like it would be easy to insert a cause!driven statement, oui? Strong showing by DRTV veteran ADT. Thanks to the testimonial of one very unfortunate woman, 6 ADT SECURITY :(60) ADT Security Services, Inc 87 B+ YouTube hundreds of prospective and existing clients are still thanking ADT, even if they have better luck. A smart media tie in for eDiets, which capitalizes on the relatability and credibility of the "Biggest Loser" 7 BIGGEST LOOSER MEAL PLAN (:60) eDiets 84 B YouTube brand. A respected strategy, but brand overlays rarely build YOUR brand. With a strong talent performance, call to action, and a well crafted cause!driven statement, Wen comes 8 WEN BY CHAZ DEAN (:60) Guthy-Renker 84 B YouTube across as a memorable and differentiated brand. A jingle would have boosted creativity. They DO look comfortable, and so does Hampton Direct, with this solid DRTV spot. DRTV 101 is aced, 9 PAJAMA JEANS (:60) Hampton Direct 83 B- YouTube but this spot average in establishing credibility. A little creativity may have added a "+" to this effort. shines in production value and talent showcase, but loses serious marks for failing to 10 LEGALZOOM INCORPORATION (:30) 81 B- YouTube present a problem. After all, the legalese of starting a business is no trip to the candy store. GREYTV MEDIA • WWW.GREYTV.COM • TEL (888) 909-6670 1155 N LA CIENEGA BLVD, SUITE 503, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90069 WANT TO KNOW MORE? CALL (888) 909-6670
  • 5. Page 5 GREYTV DIRECT!RESPONSE SOLUTIONS SELECTED DRTV AD RATINGS (2011) Product Service Non-profit International Rank Ad Brand Score Grade Description Link This clever solution to fighting spice cabinet anarchy did a reasonable job of presenting a fundamental 11 SWIVEL STORE (:60) Merchant Media, LLC 80 B- problem. On balance, credibility suffered from production value, creativity, and talent YouTube performance/directing. A reasonable amount of actionable information, and means of response get the job done, but for an 12 CLEARSTART CALL CENTRE (:60) 80 B- YouTube emotional subject like debt, a testimonial, or some creativity would have made for a stronger connection. A solid DRTV spot on fundamentals, but limited creativity, and attention paid to the family members who 13 1-800-MEDICARE (:60) 79 C+ have an eye on Mom and Dad misses an opportunity for means of response through children and other YouTube family members. Rhonda Shear is at the head of its class in DRTV fundamentals, with notable offer strength. That said, 14 RHONDA SHEAR FOR AHH BRA (:60) Vereker Inc 78 C+ YouTube support is average for creativity and key brand building opportunities are missed. Though this format is admittedly unique, it does not capitalize on all the senses that can be reached in a 15 GIVE LIFE (:60) Red Cross 78 C+ YouTube DRTV spot. Consistent brand presence and AV presentation detract from this global leader's potential. St. George shows that they are hungry for your business with a strong offer and call to action. The spot 16 ADVANTAGE HOME LOAN (:60) St. George Bank 77 C+ YouTube offers limited opportunity for emotional connection. Justin Beiber buys tons of credibility for Proactive line (he scored an A!). That said, most motivational 17 PROACTIV (:60) Guthy-Renker 76 C YouTube metrics, including actionable information were pedestrian, and brand building was largely absent. Talent performance/direction was the biggest roadblock on this baby's road to greatness. The upside 18 YOUR BABY CAN READ II (:60) Your Baby Can, LLC 74 C YouTube were numerous testimonials, and a strong offer. Another good cause misses the mark as UNICEF's spot offers distracting production quality, and limited 19 PUT IT RIGHT (:60) Unicef 74 C actionable information. Despite these drawbacks, we see that there is a serious problem, and UNICEF YouTube presents itself as a credible organization. Kids, do not attempt this at home. With a call to action like "Want it? Get It!" its clear that any kind of 20 RIP:60 WORKOUT DVD (:60) 54 F YouTube actionable information was overpowered by talent performance. GREYTV MEDIA • WWW.GREYTV.COM • TEL (888) 909-6670 1155 N LA CIENEGA BLVD, SUITE 503, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90069 WANT TO KNOW MORE? CALL (888) 909-6670