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Great Depression In The 1930s Essay
Within the 1920s and the 1930s the United States went through a phase of depression. It affected the stock market, the situation of farmers, banks and
businesses, and personal income and debt. People within the United States suffered a great loss. People lost their jobs and could no longer afford
homes. The government needed to pay for things like buildings and other expensive things that were being paid from Americans taxes.
The stock market declined an incredible amount and personal income and debt rose within the 1930s. It is now famously known today as the Great
Depression. This made the American economy take a dive for the worst. In the 1920s there was no extreme debt or financial problems that would cause
an American epidemic. more content...
After the crash during the first 10 months of 1930, 744 banks failed. Within all of the 9,000 banks that failed, 4,000 failed within 1933 alone. By
that time, depositors saw $140 billion disappearing through these bank failures. 30 percent of people were losing jobs, which was about 15 million
people at the time. People sold their cars and other valuable items to pay for things, since they lost a lot in the stock market. The money was no
longer feeding its way through Americans, causing there to grow a huge and noticeable gap between the rich and the poor. There was no longer a
middle class. You either had money or you didn't.
Farmers struggled too. When dryness, heat, and grasshoppers destroyed crops, farmers were left with no money to pay for groceries or to make
farm payments. Neighbors helped out neighbors with illnesses and and paying for things as little as supper. They would have church dinners,
different school programs, and even dances to keep people busy and not thinking about poverty. Most farmers gave up or were forced off their land
because they could pay or keep their crops alive. There was little water to keep them alive, so that is what they called a "Double Whammy."
Overall, the Great Depression was a long and severe recession in an economy or market. It caused the stock market to decline, the situation of farmers
to get worse, the banks and businesses to fail, and personal income and debt to become an out–of–hand
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The Great Depression Research Paper
Putting the Great in The Great Depression The stock market crash in 1929 had a devastating effect on the American citizens and people around the
world. Thousands of men and women were out of work, banks were being closed, people lost all their hard–earned savings, families were being
evicted from their homes, food was hard to attain, the world was in a dismal and desperate state. In one form or another the Great Depression troubled
everyone. However, there was a lot of good and success that occurred during this dark time. As author and English professor Marianna Torgovnick
states " the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, King Kong... Fred Astaire, Shirley Temple... Joe DiMaggio, Amelia Earhart, Dracula Films,
the Lone Ranger, Superman, more content...
Many of the beloved, classic films that are still watched and cherished today, were released during the Depression era. King Kong(1933), Gone
with the Wind (1939), The Wizard of Oz (1939), are all movies that were released during the height of the Depression and reflect the country's
attitude. Hollywood was luckily to be able to survive the economic downturn and continued to create movies. Iconic actors and actresses such as
Fred Astaire and Shirley Temple made their debut during this time and they quickly became popular and well loved by all of their viewers. Gigi
Cortese a survivor of the Great Depression said "Do you know how I survived those days? It was going to the show every Sunday to see Shirley
Temple, but I tell you, she was my inspiration to go on living" (Survivors of the Great Depression). The movies were an inspiration to all, no matter a
person's trouble, it could be escaped by running to the movie theater for a few hours and partaking of the moving art on the
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The Impact of the Great Depression Essay
The Impact of the Great Depression
The stock market crash of 1929 sent the nation spiraling into a state of economic paralysis that became known as the Great Depression. As industries
shrank and businesses collapsed or cut back, up to 25% of Americans were left unemployed. At the same time, the financial crisis destroyed the life
savings of countless Americans (Modern American Poetry). Food, housing and other consumable goods were in short supply for most people (Zinn
282). This widespread state of poverty had serious social repercussions for the country.
America's agricultural economy had already been suffering for a decade when nature conspired against the country to exacerbate the Great Depression.
From 1931 through 1939, more content...
Everyone scrounged about for small, labor intensive jobs at low wages. Even women and children had to work to subsidize the family income. The
recently homeless lived in shantytowns nicknamed "Hoovervilles" after President Hoover who was moving slowly and ineffectually to deal with the
Depression (Wikipedia). Little food was available and many had to search garbage heaps and other such locations for any kind of sustenance. The
economic crisis had ushered in a decade of unprecedented mass poverty and poor living conditions.
Herbert Hoover, the president in office when the Great Depression hit the country, did very little to ameliorate the devastating situation. Hoover
underestimated the seriousness of the crisis, misdiagnosed the causes of the problems, and clung to his beliefs in individual achievement and self–help.
His corrective measures, aimed at inflation and the federal budget, were thus damaging themselves. Furthermore, he hesitated to mobilize government
resources to aid Americans and instead appealed to private groups to lend a hand (Encarta). Thus Hoover's administration did little to mitigate the
impact of the Depression.
With no relief in sight from the government or anyone else, people's anger and resentment grew. The Communist party and other socialist groups saw a
swell in their numbers. Labor strikes and protests against the government began to erupt. The most notable of these was the Bonus Army March on
Washington. More than
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Essay on The Great Depression
The Great Depression was a time of sadness and poverty for many. It became an unforgettable historical time in American history. The author of the
book The Great Depression, Pierre Berton gives a clear view of what happened from 1929–1941. He basically outlines the Depression event by event,
explaining what happened where and who was involved. Although many books can tell stories of the depression, I think the author of this book did a
good job getting all the facts and letting the reader know exactly what happened.      It is easily shown that the author,
Pierre Berton, didn't show much opinion in this book. He mainly focused on just the facts. He would however give some personal views of reasons for more content...
The sluggish economy drastically reduced the quantity of goods and services bought and sold. The industrial and financial urban centers suffered
from large numbers of business failures, which came about in 1932 with over 30,000 failures world wide. Almost 2500 banks were forced to close
their doors because of lack of liquid assets. Because of these massive closings and shut downs, it led to massive unemployment. Unemployment was
at an unheard high of 25 percent in 1933. As a result of this, children received inadequate nutrition and healthcare. Starvation had become an
everyday occurrence. Some unemployed were evicted from their homes and left in search of jobs or charity. Between 1928 and 1932, the suicide
rate in the US rose 30 percent because many people who had lost everything had committed suicide in shame of their losses.
     According to Pierre Berton, the depression in both rural and urban areas demonstrated the inability of the US
economy to cope with the impact of the of the stock market crash. Everything that could go wrong did for the citizens living in America in the 1930's.
The author explains three main ideas of why the economy took so long to recover for the market crash according to economists. One being that
inequality of wealth and income lead to instability and set the stage for the big impact the depression had on those at the bottom of the economic world.
Secondly the industrial
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The Great Depression And World War II Essay
From 1929 to 1945, two catastrophes occurred: the Great Depression and World War II. American political leaders established a cause
relationship between economic collapse and total war, based on these two events, which defined their policy approach in the post–war period. In the
1930s, American leadership, and most importantly, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, came to view economic decline, political radicalization, and
instability as forming a vicious cycle that led to utter chaos and war. Although FDR did not know the future consequences of the economic fallout, he
did know that breaking the cycle was of systemic importance. FDR's policy platform, known as the New Deal, disregarded the historical wariness for
government intervention and boldly connected economic security to freedom. Essentially, he attempted to push the American system to its limit in
order to save it. Even with conservative elements constantly attempting to restrain his initiatives, FDR expanded his focus in the latter years of the
1930s to include international affairs as war broke out in Europe, Africa, and Asia. FDR and other government elites openly talked about the
responsibility America had to build a new world order. Before further analyzing why American leadership correlated economic insecurity with armed
conflict, it is important to understand whom that leadership included. Riding a wave of public discontent, FDR won a landslide election in 1932,
ushering in an era of government
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The Great Depression is probably one of the most misunderstood events in American history. It is routinely cited, as proof that unregulated capitalism is
not the best in the world, and that only a massive welfare state, huge amounts of economic regulation, and other interventions can save capitalism from
itself. The Great Depression had important consequences and was a devastating event in America, however many good policies and programs became
available as a result of the great depression, some of which exist even today. When the stock market crashed in October 1929, the nation plummeted
into a major depression. An economic catastrophe of major proportions had been building for years. The worldwide demand more content...
It was a time when federal and state officials were still developing work programs for the unemployed. This great industrial slump continued
throughout the 1930's, shaking the foundations of Western capitalism. When the Depression began, there was no federal relief for the unemployed
or assistance for families facing starvation. Some states operated relief programs but curtailed them due to declining tax revenues. Religious and
charitable organizations provided relief in many urban areas; however, in many of these organizations operating in the North as well as the South,
there was a lot of discrimination and racism, which excluded African Americans from their "soup kitchens." In communities where relief work was
offered through state agencies, African Americans were given less in monthly aid than white applicants. The reason I am referring to African
Americans is because I have recently read a book that dealt mostly with the great depression and welfare programs. This book is called "There are
no children here" and it is written by Alex Kotlowitz. This is not about a fictional story of hardships and struggles but rather it is a harsh reality that
exists in this country, one to which we turn our backs and close our eyes to daily. This book is touching only if you understand and acknowledge the
facts that perpetuate poverty and welfare dependency in the United States. Although I learned a lot from this book I
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Women in the Great Depression Essay
The Great Depression can be a tough subject for most people, but still inspiring to others. The Great Depression was a very difficult time for America
as well as women. The women of the Great Depression struggled through many trials, as did many others in the United States, but they were able to get
through it all. The women of the Great Depression worked their hardest to stay true to themselves, and their family, as well as, to keep a job, a stable
household, and for some, a strong marriage.
Women primarily worked as teachers, nurses, and telephone workers, but when the Great Depression hit, women began to be fired from their jobs.
Plus many men disagreed with women working during the Depression, especially if they were married to more content...
The fortunate middle class Americans unexpectedly, during the Great Depression, didn't even look twice at the luxuries of the world. Just as any
American during that time, they had their focus on the necessities of life such as food and shelter. Many worried about losing their home because
they could barely keep up with the paying bills. As a result, the Homeowners Loan Corporation (HOLC) helped refinance home loans supporting
Americans and allowing them to stay within their homes. Many middle class and upper class women began writing their own personal budgeting
accounts to help them pay bills as well as food. They also taught other women how to properly budget their own small sum of money. They
budgeted to help them keep control of the money they had and make sure that they had the right amount of money with them all the time. In an
article written by Richard C. and Sharon M. Hanes told a little bit about a lady and how she and other women handled money for the food for their
family and others saying, "...prided herself on "making do" when feeding her family. If very careful, a woman could feed a family of six on five
dollars a week...Mothers could make a pot roast last an entire week...Vegetable gardens sprang up in backyards and vacant city lots. Women did their
own canning, pickling, and preserving..." (Hanes). These women were inspiring and thought of the most interesting
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The Great Depression Essay example
The Depression was a period of time after the economic boom of the 1920's in America, when the economy went downhill. People lost money, jobs,
shares, businusses went bankrupt and the farming industry suffered greatly. The Republic Government at the time lead by Hoover was still following
policies of Lassez Faire so business was not getting the support it needed to get it back on track.
The Republic Governments Protectionist policies were one of the causes of the great depression. There were trade problems associated with their
protectionist policies. The Republic Government made high tarrifs on imported goods. This was to make sure that the Americans were buying their
own products. Buying American products meant that they would more content...
The Farmers found that they could not payy of their mortgage debts and got evicted from their residences and farms as a result. Workers lost their
jobs because the employees were no longer in control as they had been evicted because they couldnt pay off debts.
International Debt was another cause of the depression in the United States. The United States was still being effected by International trends. Even
though the US was going through a stage of prosperity, the International economy was still recovering from war. There were war debts that needed to
be repayed to other nations. There were reparation repayments that needed to be payed because of the effects of the war. Also the depression and
inflation of Germany which was Europe's largest economy had an impact on the economy of the United States.
The Wall Street Crash was a trigger for the collapse of the United States economy.On Tuesday the 24th of October lots of inverstors tried to sell their
shares at once. this made share prices drop very fast. by the end of the day the stock exchange had lost four billion dollars. Many of the stock brokers
sold shares on margin. To buy shares to begin with they had to borrow money from the banks. when the stock prices began falling the brokers needed
to repay their debts to the banks. the only way to do that was if their customers payed them back. the customers had to sell their shares to pay the
brokers back and they
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Thesis For The Great Depression Essay
The Great Depression Thesis Paper
The Great Depression lasted from 1929 to mid 1940s. It was a time of misery and suffering for everyone around the world. The stock market crash
caused millions of people to end up without a job and hungry. Up to 7 million people worldwide lost their lives. This devastation made many families
start over and begin again.
Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929 was the official beginning of TheGreat Depression, the day the stock market crashed. The stock market business was
the way of getting rich, now was a way to go bankrupt. The government determined people invested in stocks lost $40 billion. People were so far in
debt that they could not pay back the banks. 13 to 18 million people across the world had no more content...
After that people had no money in their bank accounts, or in their pockets. Many people traveled on foot looking for a place to work, not being very
successful. These people were mostly teenagers, but you could also find groups of families and friends traveling together.
The Great Plains had become a home for 2.5 million people by 1940. 200,000 others had fled to California. Thousands of people had also set up camps
at the Great Lawn at Central Park in New York. Most of these people dined in soup kitchens after a day of looking for a workplace.
The presidential election took place in 1932 with Franklin D. Roosevelt against Herbert Hoover for reelection. Hoover didn't stand a chance against
Roosevelt. The people had hopes that Roosevelt would help solve their problems and end the depression faster. In fact, they disliked Hoover so
much people who lost their homes had to move into what they called "Hoovervilles", which were crummy places. Roosevelt after becoming president
spoke this to the people of America "Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself– needless, unreasoning, unjustified
terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." After Roosevelt was elected people started to realise they had to start doing
something to get back to their normal
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Essay on Great Depression
Great Depression "No one can possibly have lived through the Great Depression without being scarred by it. No amount of experience since the
depression can convince someone who has lived through it that the world is safe economically." was once stated by Isaac Asimov. The Great
Depression was one of the horrific and troubling times of American history. Many homes were affected by this tragedy and many families were
broken as a result of it. Man had the opportunity to prove himself by both continuing and struggling with his family of leaving them. In Cinderella
Man Jim Braddock was the type of man to do anything for his family. His determination and strong will to provide for his family made him excel in
his boxing matches. Their more content...
The crash did contribute to the depression but many other things helped worsen it. The stock market crash was only initially the problem of the
great depression. The crash of October 1929 gave many people a negative view toward the economy and their future. Living through a thing such
as the depression was cold and miserable. The conditions after several years only worsened. In Cinderella Man Jim Braddock was at first a
wealthy man who lived in a nice house and when the depression came about his life turned upside down and he had to live in a old run down
apartment. Man people's lives dramatically changed and their reality of a normal life was quickly changed. The Braddock family was used to
having enough food and clothing but when the depression came and the reality sank in, they barley had enough money to put food on the table.
They also had to come to reality with the fact that they heater and electricity was turned off but they continued as a family and never gave up. One
third of all blue collar workers lost their jobs. The high unemployment rate gave fear and anxiety to many workers. At any moment their job could be
next and there was no other source for money. Hoovervilles popped up from coast to coast throughout the country. Homeless men, women, and
children were forced out of their homes into these run down shacks. The people who lived in King 3 these areas blamed President Hoover for
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Essay on The Great Depression
The Great Depression
"In other periods of depression, it has always been possible to see some things which were solid and upon which you could base hope... but as I look
around about, I now see nothing to give ground to hope." This great quote was made by former president, Coolidge. In the great depression people in
cities and towns already lost too many jobs. Farmers struggles have already been happening since the 1920s, and farmers tried to do anything to save
their farms. However, farmers may have been better off than city folk. The government tried to pitch in multiple times, but did not succeed as people
hoped. After the great depression, people were all shaken up and scared. Also Hoover, was not very much liked during this more content...
After the WW1, land prices and food dropped so low it was hard to make little to any money at all. Many farmers had a hard time paying off debts,
taxes, and living expenses. To make times even tougher, 167 banks closed in 1920 and 505 in 1921. Prices of corn dropped to 8 to 10 cents a
bushel. Often the countryside smelled of popcorn, because instead oil or wood farmers used corn. Farmers led many events to save themselves
and other farmers. Such examples of this would be the Cow War, Farmers Holiday Association in Des Moines. Le Mars in 1931. The Cow War
was not really a war at all. Vets from ISU would come to farmer's barns at check their cows for tuberculosis. Some farmers thought the vets were
kind of shady though. They thought they were making deals with meat packer in Chicago. They thought the vets would send healthy cows to
chicago, and the meat packers would send a little extra money back to the vets. Some farmers hanged an ISU dummy to protest the testing. The
farmers were desperate and outraged. On many occasions, large groups of farmers showed up on a farm, and prevented the vets to the tuberculosis
test. The high point of the Cow War was in Tipton in 1931. Farmers attacked state vets, but the very next day the government bought it in the National
Guard to end the protest. In 1932, farmers organized the Farmers Holiday Association. The president of this association was Milo Reno of Iowa.
Farmers prevented other farmers from selling their product
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Essay on Great depression
University of Phoenix Material
The Great Depression
Part 1
Complete the chart by filling in each president's views on the Great Depression.
Herbert Hoover
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Causes of the Great Depression
*Weak agricultural and industrial growth in the US was due to foreign competition with domestic businesses, and a solution that helped both domestic
and foreign economies grow mutually was not necessary.
*The lack of individual and voluntary response to the depression, especially response from industry leaders, was the issue, and policies regarding
"CEO philanthropy" should be encouraged in lieu of federal intervention.
*Lack of employment was due to a lack of public projects and improvements more content...
The first act FDR passed was the Emergency Banking Reliefs Act. That gave the federal government control over the banks. The next significant act
passed was the, National Industrial Recovery Act. Another significant act that Roosevelt pushed for was the National Labor Relations Act. TheSocial
Security act played a huge role in America. One of the more significant acts passed was the Aid to Department Children act.
Success or failure of his program and why
After everything president hoover tried and came up with some of his policies worked and most did not. He helps millions of people but did not end the
great depression and most of his programs were failures.
Most of the acts passed in the 1900's by president Roosevelt were all significant, but some more than others but they were all created to improve the
country and the people who work and live here. The National Industrial Recovery Act which was a union created to regulate industries and improve
the working conditions of the factory workers. The National Labor Relations Act was put in place to oversee industrial compliance and to resolve
employee grievances against management (K.M. Schultz, 2012 para 50). But the Social Security Act was one of the most important acts passed at that
time because it was government benefits to help disable workers or people who could not work. Aid to Department Children Act was
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The Great Depression Essay
The world had faced two main economic problems. The first one was the Great Depression in the early of 20th Century. The second was the recent
international financial crisis in 2008. The United States and Europe suffered severely for a long time from the great depression. The great depression
was a great step and changed completely the economic policy making and the economic thoughts. It was not only an economic situation bit it was also
miserable making, made people more attention and aggressive until they might lose their lives. All the society was frightened from losing money, work
and stable. In America the housing market was the main factor of the great depression. A crisis of liquidity appeared in the banks forming a credit
crunch. This period was influenced by over extended stock market shortage of water in the south and over trusting. The American government put down
some regulations to control the productions which were essential for the war.
Literature Review:
Great Depression:
The great depression hadn't appeared before in the history of the economic field. It was something unprecedented. Some countries recovered during
a decade while others not. This depression affected the smallest individual tin the society even farmers were affected. This collapse created a special
case which was known as bowl. In the west a catastrophe appeared from August 1929 to March 1939. It affected the economic field very severely for a
long period. In spite of being
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Essay on The Great Depression
The Great Depression
The Great Depression was an economic slump in North America, Europe, and other industrialized areas of the world that began in 1929 and lasted
until about 1939. There were a few main areas of focus during the Great Depression. The key areas were the Crash of the Stock Market,
Unemployment Rate, the effect on the rest of the world, World War II and our political out look and the way different countries handle themselves
today. The Great Depression was the longest and most severe depression ever experienced by the industrialized Western world.
Though the U.S. economy had gone into depression six months earlier, the Great Depression may be said to have begun with a catastrophic collapse of
stock–market prices more content...
Between the years of 1930 and 1939 the Unemployment Rate of the United States was the highest it has ever been in history according
( In 1930 the Unemployment Rate, or Unemp, was at 8.7 percent. In 1931 the Unemp went up to 15.9 percent or a 7.2 percent
increase. In the next year the Unemp went up another 7.7 percent to 23.6 percent. 1933 was the year that the Unemp went to the highest it was in
during the Great Depression, a whooping 24.9 percent. 1934 was the year that the Unemp started to show a steady decline and dropped to 21.7
percent. The next year it continued to drop and went to 20.1 percent. In 1936 and 1937 the Unemp continued to drop to 16.9 percent and 14.3 percent
showing a great turn around for our economy but as soon as Recession started the rate went up in 1938 to 19.0 percent. With Recession ending the
Unemp went back down to 17.2 percent turning the country back in the right direction.
( states that The Great Depression began in the United States but quickly turned into a worldwide economic slump owing to
the special and intimate relationships that had been forged between the United States and European economies after World War I. The United States
had emerged from the war as the major creditor and financier of postwar Europe, whose national economies had been greatly weakened by the war
itself, by war debts, and, in
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Argumentative Essay On The Great Depression
Sleepless nights, drowning debt, suicide attempts, and the inevitable fall towards unemployment. These are the things that not only make up but
almost define the title "The Great Depression." The Great Depression was a collapsing disaster. One after another, the government along with society
fell to their knees. Stock markets crashed leaving most Americans bankrupt and on their own to support themselves and their families off of loose
change. Jobs were as rare as ever, people went unemployed left and right. People were left to fend for themselves on the streets with no roof over their
heads. This along with everything else, took a tremendous, emotional toll on society. Some even saw no other options than ending their lives. TheGreat
Depression had an emotion drenching and ground breaking effect on the generation to go through it.
One of the first things that led to a crashing course of events was the people financial tragedies. According to one person who had lived through
that time, "We weren't hungry but we were penniless" (Hastings). The use of the word "penniless" really represented how people had zero money.
This was not the type of poverty where society was not able to afford self wants. This was the type of poverty that people could barely afford their
own needs and necessities. It's very important how stressed this topic must be. Another quote says "With no dependable income we cut back on
everything possible." (Hastings). That means even the simplest things such as toothpaste and towels. This time period,1930s, was the greatest stock
market crash. Stock markets crashed simply because of many economic failures, and when this happened many people were left with nothing. "Most
Americans, of course, owned no stocks at all, so they were not in danger of going bankrupt overnight" (Hayes). This quote from the text was brought
up to show how mostAmericans did not even own stocks because it was a perfectly common thing for someone to end up with nothing in less than 24
hours, "overnight." Althoug h, stocks were not the only reason people had no money. Credit and banks failing had a huge part in that as well. "Banks
stopped lending money. In 1930 and 1931, many banks failed, and customers lost all their
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What Is The Conclusion Of The Great Depression
In conclusion, The Great Depression is a time when the United States economy first went into an economic recession. Countless people suffered from
the phenomenon; it's an incident numerous people consider to be the most devastating period of time the world has yet to witness.
Alternatively, starvation has been a grave result of TheGreat Depression. The decline of personal income, together with the droughts and dwindling
numbers of food supplies, formed a widespread wave of starvation. By the end of The Great Depression, tens of thousands were suffering from
deficiencies, such as pellagra, anemia, and malnutrition. Many starved to death after proving unable to endure the torment much longer.
If you think times are tough now, you should think
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Great Depression In Germany Essay
Prior to the Great Depression, Germany was already in a poor economic and political state. More than 6 million Germans were out of work. Germany
also had to pay massive reparations for supposedly being solely responsible for all the destruction that WWI caused, and the government was unstable,
with several parties vying for power. The current government, the Weimar Republic, was losing support and there was no clear successor to be the new
government of Germany. How did the Great Depression affect an already gloomy Germany? How did Hitler and the Nazis take advantage of the
economic crisis? In 1920–1923, the inflation of the German mark led to the decrease of private capital in German merchant banks. These banks had no
choice but to take more content...
Unemployment was on the rise and personal income on the fall. The government's budget was in the negatives and industrialists were insisting on
lower taxes for employers and capital, while also insisting on higher taxes on the working class. It was this new tax that led to the dissolve of the
coalition of the parties of the Weimar Republic. The Reichstag was dissolved soon after. The new head of the Weimar Republic enacted more taxes to
push the working class further into poverty. The election in 1930 show the correlation between economic crisis and political radicalism. The right–wing
parties, with their traditional voter base of Protestants and the middle class, no longer had sufficient support and their voters went to Hitler's party, the
National Socialists. This sudden rise of support for National socialism was the result of the radicalization of the middle class (Frey, Bruno S. Effect of
the Great Depression, 410). The unemployed, and the employed who felt their jobs were not secure, in a last–ditch effort to save their social status,
took to supporting radical parties. There was also a large number of first–time voters without party affiliations who were easy targets for the
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The Great Depression: A Narrative Analysis
The main thing we need to learn from the great depression is that we can't put all our trust in big banks like this. Everyone put all their money and
trust into the stock markets and they lost everything. If people had been more wary of what they're doing they're doing with their money this might
not have happened. The first picture shows a boy with a presumably unemployed father. The worst part about the depression is that it wasn't just
affecting the people who made the mistakes, it was affecting the younger generation as well. These people's children needed to live in poverty
because of a stupid mistake made by their parents. The second picture shows a group of men who unemployed and can't even take care of their
families. These men were
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Essay on The Great Depression
The Great Depression
Many times throughout history, the United States has undergone economic depression.
The most recognized period of economic depression is called the Great Depression. The Great
Depression is well known because of the seriousness of the stock market crash. The results of the
crash were more serious than any other crash throughout American History. The Great
Depression caused a change in the nature of the American family, an increase in poverty, and
President Herbert Hoover's proposal for immediate action by the government, balanced his belief
in "rugged individualism" with the economic necessities. While most Americans are familiar
with the Great Depression as a time of economic disaster, more content...
According to an old study, 26,000 American businesses collapsed; in 1931, 28,000
more met the same fate. In addition, by the beginning of 1932, nearly 3,500 banks, holding
billions of dollars in uninsured deposits, had gone under. Twelve million people were
unemployed (nearly 25 percent of the workforce), and the real earnings for those still lucky
enough to have jobs fell by a third. This statistical evidence effectively illustrates the increase in
poverty caused by the Great Depression.
An additional result of the Great Depression was that President Hoover balanced his
belief of "rugged individualism" with the economic necessities of the time by proposing direct
action by the government. Hoover had only been in office for eight months when the stock
market crashed. At first, he treated this financial disaster and decline in employment and
business that followed the Great Depression as a panic. According to The American Pageant "He
was accused of saying, yet did not use these precise words, that prosperity was just around the
corner". As the depression got worse, Hoover became increasingly concerned about the troubles
of Americans. Hoover refused to agree with the request of the Democrats in Congress, who
wanted the government to distribute money to the unemployed. ...[Hoover] as a "rugged
individualist" deeply rooted in an earlier era of free enterprise, shrank from the heresy of
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Great Depression In The 1930S Essay

  • 1. Great Depression In The 1930s Essay Within the 1920s and the 1930s the United States went through a phase of depression. It affected the stock market, the situation of farmers, banks and businesses, and personal income and debt. People within the United States suffered a great loss. People lost their jobs and could no longer afford homes. The government needed to pay for things like buildings and other expensive things that were being paid from Americans taxes. The stock market declined an incredible amount and personal income and debt rose within the 1930s. It is now famously known today as the Great Depression. This made the American economy take a dive for the worst. In the 1920s there was no extreme debt or financial problems that would cause an American epidemic. more content... After the crash during the first 10 months of 1930, 744 banks failed. Within all of the 9,000 banks that failed, 4,000 failed within 1933 alone. By that time, depositors saw $140 billion disappearing through these bank failures. 30 percent of people were losing jobs, which was about 15 million people at the time. People sold their cars and other valuable items to pay for things, since they lost a lot in the stock market. The money was no longer feeding its way through Americans, causing there to grow a huge and noticeable gap between the rich and the poor. There was no longer a middle class. You either had money or you didn't. Farmers struggled too. When dryness, heat, and grasshoppers destroyed crops, farmers were left with no money to pay for groceries or to make farm payments. Neighbors helped out neighbors with illnesses and and paying for things as little as supper. They would have church dinners, different school programs, and even dances to keep people busy and not thinking about poverty. Most farmers gave up or were forced off their land because they could pay or keep their crops alive. There was little water to keep them alive, so that is what they called a "Double Whammy." Overall, the Great Depression was a long and severe recession in an economy or market. It caused the stock market to decline, the situation of farmers to get worse, the banks and businesses to fail, and personal income and debt to become an out–of–hand Get more content on
  • 2. The Great Depression Research Paper Putting the Great in The Great Depression The stock market crash in 1929 had a devastating effect on the American citizens and people around the world. Thousands of men and women were out of work, banks were being closed, people lost all their hard–earned savings, families were being evicted from their homes, food was hard to attain, the world was in a dismal and desperate state. In one form or another the Great Depression troubled everyone. However, there was a lot of good and success that occurred during this dark time. As author and English professor Marianna Torgovnick states " the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, King Kong... Fred Astaire, Shirley Temple... Joe DiMaggio, Amelia Earhart, Dracula Films, the Lone Ranger, Superman, more content... Many of the beloved, classic films that are still watched and cherished today, were released during the Depression era. King Kong(1933), Gone with the Wind (1939), The Wizard of Oz (1939), are all movies that were released during the height of the Depression and reflect the country's attitude. Hollywood was luckily to be able to survive the economic downturn and continued to create movies. Iconic actors and actresses such as Fred Astaire and Shirley Temple made their debut during this time and they quickly became popular and well loved by all of their viewers. Gigi Cortese a survivor of the Great Depression said "Do you know how I survived those days? It was going to the show every Sunday to see Shirley Temple, but I tell you, she was my inspiration to go on living" (Survivors of the Great Depression). The movies were an inspiration to all, no matter a person's trouble, it could be escaped by running to the movie theater for a few hours and partaking of the moving art on the Get more content on
  • 3. The Impact of the Great Depression Essay The Impact of the Great Depression The stock market crash of 1929 sent the nation spiraling into a state of economic paralysis that became known as the Great Depression. As industries shrank and businesses collapsed or cut back, up to 25% of Americans were left unemployed. At the same time, the financial crisis destroyed the life savings of countless Americans (Modern American Poetry). Food, housing and other consumable goods were in short supply for most people (Zinn 282). This widespread state of poverty had serious social repercussions for the country. America's agricultural economy had already been suffering for a decade when nature conspired against the country to exacerbate the Great Depression. From 1931 through 1939, more content... Everyone scrounged about for small, labor intensive jobs at low wages. Even women and children had to work to subsidize the family income. The recently homeless lived in shantytowns nicknamed "Hoovervilles" after President Hoover who was moving slowly and ineffectually to deal with the Depression (Wikipedia). Little food was available and many had to search garbage heaps and other such locations for any kind of sustenance. The economic crisis had ushered in a decade of unprecedented mass poverty and poor living conditions. Herbert Hoover, the president in office when the Great Depression hit the country, did very little to ameliorate the devastating situation. Hoover underestimated the seriousness of the crisis, misdiagnosed the causes of the problems, and clung to his beliefs in individual achievement and self–help. His corrective measures, aimed at inflation and the federal budget, were thus damaging themselves. Furthermore, he hesitated to mobilize government resources to aid Americans and instead appealed to private groups to lend a hand (Encarta). Thus Hoover's administration did little to mitigate the impact of the Depression. With no relief in sight from the government or anyone else, people's anger and resentment grew. The Communist party and other socialist groups saw a swell in their numbers. Labor strikes and protests against the government began to erupt. The most notable of these was the Bonus Army March on Washington. More than
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  • 5. Essay on The Great Depression The Great Depression was a time of sadness and poverty for many. It became an unforgettable historical time in American history. The author of the book The Great Depression, Pierre Berton gives a clear view of what happened from 1929–1941. He basically outlines the Depression event by event, explaining what happened where and who was involved. Although many books can tell stories of the depression, I think the author of this book did a good job getting all the facts and letting the reader know exactly what happened.      It is easily shown that the author, Pierre Berton, didn't show much opinion in this book. He mainly focused on just the facts. He would however give some personal views of reasons for more content... The sluggish economy drastically reduced the quantity of goods and services bought and sold. The industrial and financial urban centers suffered from large numbers of business failures, which came about in 1932 with over 30,000 failures world wide. Almost 2500 banks were forced to close their doors because of lack of liquid assets. Because of these massive closings and shut downs, it led to massive unemployment. Unemployment was at an unheard high of 25 percent in 1933. As a result of this, children received inadequate nutrition and healthcare. Starvation had become an everyday occurrence. Some unemployed were evicted from their homes and left in search of jobs or charity. Between 1928 and 1932, the suicide rate in the US rose 30 percent because many people who had lost everything had committed suicide in shame of their losses.      According to Pierre Berton, the depression in both rural and urban areas demonstrated the inability of the US economy to cope with the impact of the of the stock market crash. Everything that could go wrong did for the citizens living in America in the 1930's. The author explains three main ideas of why the economy took so long to recover for the market crash according to economists. One being that inequality of wealth and income lead to instability and set the stage for the big impact the depression had on those at the bottom of the economic world. Secondly the industrial Get more content on
  • 6. The Great Depression And World War II Essay From 1929 to 1945, two catastrophes occurred: the Great Depression and World War II. American political leaders established a cause –effect relationship between economic collapse and total war, based on these two events, which defined their policy approach in the post–war period. In the 1930s, American leadership, and most importantly, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, came to view economic decline, political radicalization, and instability as forming a vicious cycle that led to utter chaos and war. Although FDR did not know the future consequences of the economic fallout, he did know that breaking the cycle was of systemic importance. FDR's policy platform, known as the New Deal, disregarded the historical wariness for government intervention and boldly connected economic security to freedom. Essentially, he attempted to push the American system to its limit in order to save it. Even with conservative elements constantly attempting to restrain his initiatives, FDR expanded his focus in the latter years of the 1930s to include international affairs as war broke out in Europe, Africa, and Asia. FDR and other government elites openly talked about the responsibility America had to build a new world order. Before further analyzing why American leadership correlated economic insecurity with armed conflict, it is important to understand whom that leadership included. Riding a wave of public discontent, FDR won a landslide election in 1932, ushering in an era of government Get more content on
  • 7. The Great Depression is probably one of the most misunderstood events in American history. It is routinely cited, as proof that unregulated capitalism is not the best in the world, and that only a massive welfare state, huge amounts of economic regulation, and other interventions can save capitalism from itself. The Great Depression had important consequences and was a devastating event in America, however many good policies and programs became available as a result of the great depression, some of which exist even today. When the stock market crashed in October 1929, the nation plummeted into a major depression. An economic catastrophe of major proportions had been building for years. The worldwide demand more content... It was a time when federal and state officials were still developing work programs for the unemployed. This great industrial slump continued throughout the 1930's, shaking the foundations of Western capitalism. When the Depression began, there was no federal relief for the unemployed or assistance for families facing starvation. Some states operated relief programs but curtailed them due to declining tax revenues. Religious and charitable organizations provided relief in many urban areas; however, in many of these organizations operating in the North as well as the South, there was a lot of discrimination and racism, which excluded African Americans from their "soup kitchens." In communities where relief work was offered through state agencies, African Americans were given less in monthly aid than white applicants. The reason I am referring to African Americans is because I have recently read a book that dealt mostly with the great depression and welfare programs. This book is called "There are no children here" and it is written by Alex Kotlowitz. This is not about a fictional story of hardships and struggles but rather it is a harsh reality that exists in this country, one to which we turn our backs and close our eyes to daily. This book is touching only if you understand and acknowledge the facts that perpetuate poverty and welfare dependency in the United States. Although I learned a lot from this book I Get more content on
  • 8. Women in the Great Depression Essay The Great Depression can be a tough subject for most people, but still inspiring to others. The Great Depression was a very difficult time for America as well as women. The women of the Great Depression struggled through many trials, as did many others in the United States, but they were able to get through it all. The women of the Great Depression worked their hardest to stay true to themselves, and their family, as well as, to keep a job, a stable household, and for some, a strong marriage. Women primarily worked as teachers, nurses, and telephone workers, but when the Great Depression hit, women began to be fired from their jobs. Plus many men disagreed with women working during the Depression, especially if they were married to more content... The fortunate middle class Americans unexpectedly, during the Great Depression, didn't even look twice at the luxuries of the world. Just as any American during that time, they had their focus on the necessities of life such as food and shelter. Many worried about losing their home because they could barely keep up with the paying bills. As a result, the Homeowners Loan Corporation (HOLC) helped refinance home loans supporting Americans and allowing them to stay within their homes. Many middle class and upper class women began writing their own personal budgeting accounts to help them pay bills as well as food. They also taught other women how to properly budget their own small sum of money. They budgeted to help them keep control of the money they had and make sure that they had the right amount of money with them all the time. In an article written by Richard C. and Sharon M. Hanes told a little bit about a lady and how she and other women handled money for the food for their family and others saying, "...prided herself on "making do" when feeding her family. If very careful, a woman could feed a family of six on five dollars a week...Mothers could make a pot roast last an entire week...Vegetable gardens sprang up in backyards and vacant city lots. Women did their own canning, pickling, and preserving..." (Hanes). These women were inspiring and thought of the most interesting Get more content on
  • 9. The Great Depression Essay example The Depression was a period of time after the economic boom of the 1920's in America, when the economy went downhill. People lost money, jobs, shares, businusses went bankrupt and the farming industry suffered greatly. The Republic Government at the time lead by Hoover was still following policies of Lassez Faire so business was not getting the support it needed to get it back on track. The Republic Governments Protectionist policies were one of the causes of the great depression. There were trade problems associated with their protectionist policies. The Republic Government made high tarrifs on imported goods. This was to make sure that the Americans were buying their own products. Buying American products meant that they would more content... The Farmers found that they could not payy of their mortgage debts and got evicted from their residences and farms as a result. Workers lost their jobs because the employees were no longer in control as they had been evicted because they couldnt pay off debts. International Debt was another cause of the depression in the United States. The United States was still being effected by International trends. Even though the US was going through a stage of prosperity, the International economy was still recovering from war. There were war debts that needed to be repayed to other nations. There were reparation repayments that needed to be payed because of the effects of the war. Also the depression and inflation of Germany which was Europe's largest economy had an impact on the economy of the United States. The Wall Street Crash was a trigger for the collapse of the United States economy.On Tuesday the 24th of October lots of inverstors tried to sell their shares at once. this made share prices drop very fast. by the end of the day the stock exchange had lost four billion dollars. Many of the stock brokers sold shares on margin. To buy shares to begin with they had to borrow money from the banks. when the stock prices began falling the brokers needed to repay their debts to the banks. the only way to do that was if their customers payed them back. the customers had to sell their shares to pay the brokers back and they Get more content on
  • 10. Thesis For The Great Depression Essay The Great Depression Thesis Paper The Great Depression lasted from 1929 to mid 1940s. It was a time of misery and suffering for everyone around the world. The stock market crash caused millions of people to end up without a job and hungry. Up to 7 million people worldwide lost their lives. This devastation made many families start over and begin again. Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929 was the official beginning of TheGreat Depression, the day the stock market crashed. The stock market business was the way of getting rich, now was a way to go bankrupt. The government determined people invested in stocks lost $40 billion. People were so far in debt that they could not pay back the banks. 13 to 18 million people across the world had no more content... After that people had no money in their bank accounts, or in their pockets. Many people traveled on foot looking for a place to work, not being very successful. These people were mostly teenagers, but you could also find groups of families and friends traveling together. The Great Plains had become a home for 2.5 million people by 1940. 200,000 others had fled to California. Thousands of people had also set up camps at the Great Lawn at Central Park in New York. Most of these people dined in soup kitchens after a day of looking for a workplace. The presidential election took place in 1932 with Franklin D. Roosevelt against Herbert Hoover for reelection. Hoover didn't stand a chance against Roosevelt. The people had hopes that Roosevelt would help solve their problems and end the depression faster. In fact, they disliked Hoover so much people who lost their homes had to move into what they called "Hoovervilles", which were crummy places. Roosevelt after becoming president spoke this to the people of America "Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself– needless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." After Roosevelt was elected people started to realise they had to start doing something to get back to their normal Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Great Depression Great Depression "No one can possibly have lived through the Great Depression without being scarred by it. No amount of experience since the depression can convince someone who has lived through it that the world is safe economically." was once stated by Isaac Asimov. The Great Depression was one of the horrific and troubling times of American history. Many homes were affected by this tragedy and many families were broken as a result of it. Man had the opportunity to prove himself by both continuing and struggling with his family of leaving them. In Cinderella Man Jim Braddock was the type of man to do anything for his family. His determination and strong will to provide for his family made him excel in his boxing matches. Their more content... The crash did contribute to the depression but many other things helped worsen it. The stock market crash was only initially the problem of the great depression. The crash of October 1929 gave many people a negative view toward the economy and their future. Living through a thing such as the depression was cold and miserable. The conditions after several years only worsened. In Cinderella Man Jim Braddock was at first a wealthy man who lived in a nice house and when the depression came about his life turned upside down and he had to live in a old run down apartment. Man people's lives dramatically changed and their reality of a normal life was quickly changed. The Braddock family was used to having enough food and clothing but when the depression came and the reality sank in, they barley had enough money to put food on the table. They also had to come to reality with the fact that they heater and electricity was turned off but they continued as a family and never gave up. One third of all blue collar workers lost their jobs. The high unemployment rate gave fear and anxiety to many workers. At any moment their job could be next and there was no other source for money. Hoovervilles popped up from coast to coast throughout the country. Homeless men, women, and children were forced out of their homes into these run down shacks. The people who lived in King 3 these areas blamed President Hoover for Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on The Great Depression The Great Depression "In other periods of depression, it has always been possible to see some things which were solid and upon which you could base hope... but as I look around about, I now see nothing to give ground to hope." This great quote was made by former president, Coolidge. In the great depression people in cities and towns already lost too many jobs. Farmers struggles have already been happening since the 1920s, and farmers tried to do anything to save their farms. However, farmers may have been better off than city folk. The government tried to pitch in multiple times, but did not succeed as people hoped. After the great depression, people were all shaken up and scared. Also Hoover, was not very much liked during this more content... After the WW1, land prices and food dropped so low it was hard to make little to any money at all. Many farmers had a hard time paying off debts, taxes, and living expenses. To make times even tougher, 167 banks closed in 1920 and 505 in 1921. Prices of corn dropped to 8 to 10 cents a bushel. Often the countryside smelled of popcorn, because instead oil or wood farmers used corn. Farmers led many events to save themselves and other farmers. Such examples of this would be the Cow War, Farmers Holiday Association in Des Moines. Le Mars in 1931. The Cow War was not really a war at all. Vets from ISU would come to farmer's barns at check their cows for tuberculosis. Some farmers thought the vets were kind of shady though. They thought they were making deals with meat packer in Chicago. They thought the vets would send healthy cows to chicago, and the meat packers would send a little extra money back to the vets. Some farmers hanged an ISU dummy to protest the testing. The farmers were desperate and outraged. On many occasions, large groups of farmers showed up on a farm, and prevented the vets to the tuberculosis test. The high point of the Cow War was in Tipton in 1931. Farmers attacked state vets, but the very next day the government bought it in the National Guard to end the protest. In 1932, farmers organized the Farmers Holiday Association. The president of this association was Milo Reno of Iowa. Farmers prevented other farmers from selling their product Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Great depression University of Phoenix Material The Great Depression Part 1 Complete the chart by filling in each president's views on the Great Depression. Herbert Hoover Franklin Delano Roosevelt Causes of the Great Depression *Weak agricultural and industrial growth in the US was due to foreign competition with domestic businesses, and a solution that helped both domestic and foreign economies grow mutually was not necessary. *The lack of individual and voluntary response to the depression, especially response from industry leaders, was the issue, and policies regarding "CEO philanthropy" should be encouraged in lieu of federal intervention. *Lack of employment was due to a lack of public projects and improvements more content... The first act FDR passed was the Emergency Banking Reliefs Act. That gave the federal government control over the banks. The next significant act passed was the, National Industrial Recovery Act. Another significant act that Roosevelt pushed for was the National Labor Relations Act. TheSocial Security act played a huge role in America. One of the more significant acts passed was the Aid to Department Children act. Success or failure of his program and why After everything president hoover tried and came up with some of his policies worked and most did not. He helps millions of people but did not end the great depression and most of his programs were failures.
  • 14. Most of the acts passed in the 1900's by president Roosevelt were all significant, but some more than others but they were all created to improve the country and the people who work and live here. The National Industrial Recovery Act which was a union created to regulate industries and improve the working conditions of the factory workers. The National Labor Relations Act was put in place to oversee industrial compliance and to resolve employee grievances against management (K.M. Schultz, 2012 para 50). But the Social Security Act was one of the most important acts passed at that time because it was government benefits to help disable workers or people who could not work. Aid to Department Children Act was Get more content on
  • 15. The Great Depression Essay Introduction: The world had faced two main economic problems. The first one was the Great Depression in the early of 20th Century. The second was the recent international financial crisis in 2008. The United States and Europe suffered severely for a long time from the great depression. The great depression was a great step and changed completely the economic policy making and the economic thoughts. It was not only an economic situation bit it was also miserable making, made people more attention and aggressive until they might lose their lives. All the society was frightened from losing money, work and stable. In America the housing market was the main factor of the great depression. A crisis of liquidity appeared in the banks forming a credit crunch. This period was influenced by over extended stock market shortage of water in the south and over trusting. The American government put down some regulations to control the productions which were essential for the war. Literature Review: Great Depression: The great depression hadn't appeared before in the history of the economic field. It was something unprecedented. Some countries recovered during a decade while others not. This depression affected the smallest individual tin the society even farmers were affected. This collapse created a special case which was known as bowl. In the west a catastrophe appeared from August 1929 to March 1939. It affected the economic field very severely for a long period. In spite of being Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on The Great Depression The Great Depression The Great Depression was an economic slump in North America, Europe, and other industrialized areas of the world that began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939. There were a few main areas of focus during the Great Depression. The key areas were the Crash of the Stock Market, Unemployment Rate, the effect on the rest of the world, World War II and our political out look and the way different countries handle themselves today. The Great Depression was the longest and most severe depression ever experienced by the industrialized Western world. Though the U.S. economy had gone into depression six months earlier, the Great Depression may be said to have begun with a catastrophic collapse of stock–market prices more content... Between the years of 1930 and 1939 the Unemployment Rate of the United States was the highest it has ever been in history according ( In 1930 the Unemployment Rate, or Unemp, was at 8.7 percent. In 1931 the Unemp went up to 15.9 percent or a 7.2 percent increase. In the next year the Unemp went up another 7.7 percent to 23.6 percent. 1933 was the year that the Unemp went to the highest it was in during the Great Depression, a whooping 24.9 percent. 1934 was the year that the Unemp started to show a steady decline and dropped to 21.7 percent. The next year it continued to drop and went to 20.1 percent. In 1936 and 1937 the Unemp continued to drop to 16.9 percent and 14.3 percent showing a great turn around for our economy but as soon as Recession started the rate went up in 1938 to 19.0 percent. With Recession ending the Unemp went back down to 17.2 percent turning the country back in the right direction. ( states that The Great Depression began in the United States but quickly turned into a worldwide economic slump owing to the special and intimate relationships that had been forged between the United States and European economies after World War I. The United States had emerged from the war as the major creditor and financier of postwar Europe, whose national economies had been greatly weakened by the war itself, by war debts, and, in Get more content on
  • 17. Argumentative Essay On The Great Depression Sleepless nights, drowning debt, suicide attempts, and the inevitable fall towards unemployment. These are the things that not only make up but almost define the title "The Great Depression." The Great Depression was a collapsing disaster. One after another, the government along with society fell to their knees. Stock markets crashed leaving most Americans bankrupt and on their own to support themselves and their families off of loose change. Jobs were as rare as ever, people went unemployed left and right. People were left to fend for themselves on the streets with no roof over their heads. This along with everything else, took a tremendous, emotional toll on society. Some even saw no other options than ending their lives. TheGreat Depression had an emotion drenching and ground breaking effect on the generation to go through it. One of the first things that led to a crashing course of events was the people financial tragedies. According to one person who had lived through that time, "We weren't hungry but we were penniless" (Hastings). The use of the word "penniless" really represented how people had zero money. This was not the type of poverty where society was not able to afford self wants. This was the type of poverty that people could barely afford their own needs and necessities. It's very important how stressed this topic must be. Another quote says "With no dependable income we cut back on everything possible." (Hastings). That means even the simplest things such as toothpaste and towels. This time period,1930s, was the greatest stock market crash. Stock markets crashed simply because of many economic failures, and when this happened many people were left with nothing. "Most Americans, of course, owned no stocks at all, so they were not in danger of going bankrupt overnight" (Hayes). This quote from the text was brought up to show how mostAmericans did not even own stocks because it was a perfectly common thing for someone to end up with nothing in less than 24 hours, "overnight." Althoug h, stocks were not the only reason people had no money. Credit and banks failing had a huge part in that as well. "Banks stopped lending money. In 1930 and 1931, many banks failed, and customers lost all their Get more content on
  • 18. What Is The Conclusion Of The Great Depression In conclusion, The Great Depression is a time when the United States economy first went into an economic recession. Countless people suffered from the phenomenon; it's an incident numerous people consider to be the most devastating period of time the world has yet to witness. Alternatively, starvation has been a grave result of TheGreat Depression. The decline of personal income, together with the droughts and dwindling numbers of food supplies, formed a widespread wave of starvation. By the end of The Great Depression, tens of thousands were suffering from deficiencies, such as pellagra, anemia, and malnutrition. Many starved to death after proving unable to endure the torment much longer. If you think times are tough now, you should think Get more content on
  • 19. Great Depression In Germany Essay Prior to the Great Depression, Germany was already in a poor economic and political state. More than 6 million Germans were out of work. Germany also had to pay massive reparations for supposedly being solely responsible for all the destruction that WWI caused, and the government was unstable, with several parties vying for power. The current government, the Weimar Republic, was losing support and there was no clear successor to be the new government of Germany. How did the Great Depression affect an already gloomy Germany? How did Hitler and the Nazis take advantage of the economic crisis? In 1920–1923, the inflation of the German mark led to the decrease of private capital in German merchant banks. These banks had no choice but to take more content... Unemployment was on the rise and personal income on the fall. The government's budget was in the negatives and industrialists were insisting on lower taxes for employers and capital, while also insisting on higher taxes on the working class. It was this new tax that led to the dissolve of the coalition of the parties of the Weimar Republic. The Reichstag was dissolved soon after. The new head of the Weimar Republic enacted more taxes to push the working class further into poverty. The election in 1930 show the correlation between economic crisis and political radicalism. The right–wing parties, with their traditional voter base of Protestants and the middle class, no longer had sufficient support and their voters went to Hitler's party, the National Socialists. This sudden rise of support for National socialism was the result of the radicalization of the middle class (Frey, Bruno S. Effect of the Great Depression, 410). The unemployed, and the employed who felt their jobs were not secure, in a last–ditch effort to save their social status, took to supporting radical parties. There was also a large number of first–time voters without party affiliations who were easy targets for the Get more content on
  • 20. The Great Depression: A Narrative Analysis The main thing we need to learn from the great depression is that we can't put all our trust in big banks like this. Everyone put all their money and trust into the stock markets and they lost everything. If people had been more wary of what they're doing they're doing with their money this might not have happened. The first picture shows a boy with a presumably unemployed father. The worst part about the depression is that it wasn't just affecting the people who made the mistakes, it was affecting the younger generation as well. These people's children needed to live in poverty because of a stupid mistake made by their parents. The second picture shows a group of men who unemployed and can't even take care of their families. These men were Get more content on
  • 21. Essay on The Great Depression The Great Depression Many times throughout history, the United States has undergone economic depression. The most recognized period of economic depression is called the Great Depression. The Great Depression is well known because of the seriousness of the stock market crash. The results of the crash were more serious than any other crash throughout American History. The Great Depression caused a change in the nature of the American family, an increase in poverty, and President Herbert Hoover's proposal for immediate action by the government, balanced his belief in "rugged individualism" with the economic necessities. While most Americans are familiar with the Great Depression as a time of economic disaster, more content... According to an old study, 26,000 American businesses collapsed; in 1931, 28,000 more met the same fate. In addition, by the beginning of 1932, nearly 3,500 banks, holding billions of dollars in uninsured deposits, had gone under. Twelve million people were unemployed (nearly 25 percent of the workforce), and the real earnings for those still lucky enough to have jobs fell by a third. This statistical evidence effectively illustrates the increase in
  • 22. poverty caused by the Great Depression. An additional result of the Great Depression was that President Hoover balanced his belief of "rugged individualism" with the economic necessities of the time by proposing direct action by the government. Hoover had only been in office for eight months when the stock market crashed. At first, he treated this financial disaster and decline in employment and business that followed the Great Depression as a panic. According to The American Pageant "He was accused of saying, yet did not use these precise words, that prosperity was just around the corner". As the depression got worse, Hoover became increasingly concerned about the troubles of Americans. Hoover refused to agree with the request of the Democrats in Congress, who wanted the government to distribute money to the unemployed. ...[Hoover] as a "rugged individualist" deeply rooted in an earlier era of free enterprise, shrank from the heresy of government Get more content on