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2014 . .mrs Kl oDvdx yd
, < ¿cd lrK ms sno jevuq j
< ; ; ;= ;uOHu m d a f dr re dËK tallh
Tool kit
Tool kit
Tool kit
Tool kit
Tool kit
Network Tool ( Clipping Tool )
Screwdriver Set
Multi Meter
Digital Multi Meter
.mß Kl ljrfha fldgia Parts of
;fuys my wdldrhg WmlrK iúlsÍug wjYH
neúka flaiskfha fomi mshka iy bosßmi mshka
; .; ;=bj alr hq h'
Power Cable
AT Power Unit
ATX Power Unit
ATX Power Unit
ATX Power Unit
ATX Casing
ATX Casing
ATX Casing
Processor Socket
Processor Socket
Dual Core Socket
AMD Processor
AMD Processor
AMD Athlon
AMD sempron Processor
Cache Memory
% ; ; ; ; ; ;= . "m Odk u lfhka o a ilikh fj f dr re ikaksfõokh jk fõ h
; ; . ; . ¿o a ilikfha fõ j a njg fkdiEfyk neúka eg j uÕ yerùug fuu m
% ; ; ; ; ; ; . ; ; ;Odk u lh a o a ilikh a w rg wêfõ S u lhl wjYH djh we s
úh' ta i|yd Cache Memory ; , ;Ndõ fõ' wêl ksIamdok ñ la iys
; % ; ;fõ' fuh 80$20 kS shg wkqj l shd aulfõ' tkï ksYaÑ
, % ; ¨ .ld hloS hï l shdjla i|yd Ndú jk ish u mß Kl jev igyka
; ;= ; ;f dr re iy o a Cache ; ] %u lfhka 20 l m udKhla tu ld¾h
, ] ;=< ; % .flfrk ld fhka 80 la Ndú fõ' fïjd m Odk j¾ folls'
• L1 Cache - % ;=< ; . ; ;fm dfiirh we s fõ j a u l Ñmhhs'
• L2 Cache - % , ; . ; ;fm dfiirh wi we s fõ j a u l Ñmhls
Intel (8008) Micro Processor
Intel (8080) Micro Processor
Slot Processor
Intel Processor
Intel Processor
Core 2 Duo Processor
Intel celeron Processor
CPU Register – CPU memory
; ;o a ilik Processor ;=< . ;iuyr wêfõ Sj u lhka
. < : ;nvd l yels ia dk we ' fïjd Internal registers ,f i
yÿkajhs' RAM , . ;j g jvd fú j ah' CPU tl yd ALU ;tl fuu u l
. ; ; ; , . ; , ,nvd Ndú d lrñka o a nd kS' tfukau djld slj ilik o
; ; . ; ;= ; ; . ;o a o nvd lr nhs' fuu fya fjka o a ilikfha fú j a nj
.jeäfú' fïjd j¾ lsysmhls'
PCR - Programme Counter Register
IR - Instruction Register
MBR - Memory Buffer Register
MAR - Memory Address Register
IO/AR- Input Output Address Register
I/OBR- Input Output Buffer Register
Heat Zink, Cooling Fan
Mother Board
Mother Board
Mother Board
Mother Board
Mother Board
Mocury Mother Board
Foxconn Mother Board
fuu BIOS , , ., ; <fmr ld j oS jd kej iõ l yels jqjo
wo Flash BIOS ; <iú lr we s neõka th l
; ; ;= <fkdyel' tfy a tys f dr re fjkia l yelsh'
BIOS program hï hï fodaI oelaùug Beep
Sound ;Ndõ d lrhs
Ami BIOS jdr jro
2-3 RAM
4-5-7-10 Mother Board
9 BIOS Chip
6 Key Board
Primay Memory
1 Rom (Read Only Memory
Rom - ; ;+ , ; .Ñmfha f dr re sùfï dlaIKh wkqj j¾ flf¾
PROM – Programmable Read Only Memory
. , ‘fuu j¾ fha tlajrla muKla súh yelsh
EPROM- Eraseble Programmable Read Only Memory ;kej
; , , ; ;+ ,kej shk o f dr re ulñka sõh yelsh' uelSu
i|yd ,mdrcïnq lsrK (Ultra Violet Ray) ;Ndú d
EEPROM – Electrically Eraseble Programmable Rom:-
“Flash” ; , % ;u lh f i oekg ckms h fjïka mj sk
.fuuß Ñma j¾ hls fuys (Electrical field) ; ;%úoHq a fCIa hla
. ; ;= ,u ska f dr re sùu yd uelSu folu isÿlrhs
2 Ram ((Random Access Memory)
; ; . ; %o a nvdjl wNHka ßl m Odk tallh
% ; ,jk fuh iiïNdù m fõY u lh f i
, ; , ; ; .yÿkajkq efí' djld slj o a r|jd ekSfï
; ; ; .yelshdj we s neúka kej kej nvdjk
; ; ; ; / ; <o a bj a lsÍu a |ùu a isÿ l yels
neúka Volatile Memory ,f i o ye|
;ksIamdok dËKh wkqj
.j¾ ’lrKh
SRAM –Static RAM
, ; % .fuf i yÿkajk w r g dkaisiag¾ muKla fhdodf k
; ,fndfyda úg fuu u l tall ksmojkq nhs
DRAM - Dynamic Ram
, ; %f i yÿkajk w r g dkaisiag¾ yd
.lemEisg¾ fhdodf k fndfyda úg
, ; ; ; ;ksmojkq nhs' fuys o a kej kej
< ;wdfrdamKh fkdl fyd a (refresh)
; ; ‘o a uelS hhs
Differences in DDR Family
Hard Disk
Hard Disk
Hard Disk
Hard Disk
Hard Disk
SATA Hard Disk
)A Magnetic tape
^pqïNl má 300 $ 600 $ 1200 $ 2400 $ 3600feet ;merKs u
. * , < ;nvd udOH jk fuys f ßla Tlaihsâ wdf am l mÜhlska iukaõ h' wâ
. ;2400 muK os pqñNl má o Ndõ d õh'
B) Magnetic Drum
. ; ; . < % ; ;jYfhka j¾ 2 ls o a nvd lsÍu máfha fl jrl isg wkql ñj isÿfõ b du a
. ; ;wvq fõ hlska o a ikaksfõokh lrhs' Read head yd Write head 2 la
; ‘Ndú d fõ
A)Magnetic Disk –
Floppy Disk ; ; ;fyj a kuH eá s kñka yÿka jk fïjdfha (Iron Oxide
Coating) , ; ;fmßla Tlaihsä wdf amhla jrd ksmojd we '
Single side ; ; .tl me a l muKla nvd lrk Double side ; ;fome af u
.nvd lrk úYalïNh wkqj 8” " 5'25” " 3'5” , ;f i Ndú úh'
• Hard Disk -
• ;eá kñka yÿka jk fïjd iron oxide , ;wdf amlr fydoska Tm oud we '
* Zip Disk - Jass Disk .= ; . ; %fïjd o úfYaI jQ pqïNl K iys j wê K aj l u
;Ndú lr úfYaI Zip Driver . ; ;= . ;u ska f dr re nvd lsÍug Ndú d lrhs'
; .oDYH udOHh Ndú d lrk nvd WmlrK
Optical Media
. ; ;= ; ; . <wêl K ajhlska hq j o a nvd l yelsh'
, ; . ; ; . ;f ai¾ lsrK dCIKh u ska o a nvd lsÍu iy kej
, . , ’ ,nd ekSu isÿlrkq nhs i¾ms dldrj fuys
; ; . ;’o a nvd jk má msysgd we (Spiral track)
"úYalïnh wkqj
0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
data layer
0 0 0 0
layer (clear plastic)
aluminum layer
laquer layer
reflective layer
reflective layer (gold)
Protective coating
Laquer layer
Spiral groove is a guide.
It is pressed into the blank disk
when manufactured.
Reflective layer (gold)
Recording layer (dye)
Disc substrate (polycarbonate resin)
Laser beam
top side
printed here)
DVD - Digital Versatile Disk
,f i yÿkajk fïjd CD , ; ; .j g yevyqrefjka iudk jqjo tys o a nvd lsÍfï
: ; ; ;. ; ;oS ia r lsysmhla hgf a o a nvd lsÍfï ishqï dËKhla Ndú
lrhs' (Several layers data records) 12cm fyda 8cm
, .= ; .úYalïNj ska oelsh yelsh' fïjdfha Kd aul nj wkqj j¾
, ‘5 la olakg efí
D V D 2 GB
4 GB
4 . 5 GB
6 . 5 GB
8 GB
16 GB
200 GB
(B) OPTICAL CARDS ;by CD ; ;dËKhg iudkj ksmojd we s
card úfYaIhls fuys 4 mb ; ;isg 6 olajd Odß djla we '
Network Card
VGA Card
IDE Cable
SATA Cable
TV/FM card
.%-ikaksfõok w iñnkaOl Comunication
Port & Connector
BNC Connector—
British Naval
Centronics Connector
-SCSI Interface
TV/FM card
The last device in
both the internal and
external chain must
be terminated.
SCSI host adapter
RJ45 - RJ11 Connector
DIN Connector-
USB Connector
IDE connector - Integrated Drive Electronic
5-pin DIN
Used on earlier PC keyboards
and various audio
6-pin Mini-DIN
Used on mouse, keyboard and other devices
(PS/2 connector)
Parallel Port & Connector
Sound card port & connector
; .moaO s uDÿldx
(System software) .fhojqï uDÿldx
(Application software)
;fufyhqï moaO s
(Operating Systems)
; .Wmhqla uDÿldx
(Utility Software)
; .mßj¾ k uDÿldx (Translator
fhojqï meflac
Application packages
.mß Kl NdId
. ,mß Kl cd Computer Network
, =cd hla hkq l ula o ? What is a
=idudcslhska tla wfhll g jvd jeäfhka isák
; ;yd ta ishÆu idudcslhska w f¾ wka ¾
; ; . , ,iïnkaO djh mj ajd f k hkakla cd hla f i
(- = ,Wod uyck nexl cd h
% , , ,Ys xld fg sfldï cd h
. , ,mß Kl cd j jdis Advantages of
computer network
. ; . ;1 mß Kl w r oDVdx iïm a (hardware
resources) .fnod ekSug yels ùu'
Printer / HDD
. ; .2 mß Kl w r uDÿldx (software recourses)
.fnod ekSug yels ùu'
. ; .;3 mß Kl w r mKsúv yqjudre lr yels ùu'
( E-Mail / Fax / Video Phone )
. , ,mß Kl cd j wjdis Disadvantage
of computer network
. , : ;1 mß Kl cd hla ia dms lsÍfï úhou
‘jeä fõ
2 hardware iy software ,fldgia j g
;ydks we s úh yels ùu' (Virus)
. ; ; ; ,3 mß Klfha we s o a j wdrlaIdj
< . ¿ ;=ms sno eg u ùu' (Hackers
. ,mß Kl cd hg iïnkaO computer, printer, file
server . ,jeks oE mß Kl cd fha node ,f i yÿkajkq
, . ,efí' mß Kl cd fha iEu node tllgu wkkH jQ
, ;smskhla we ' ( Unique IP Address )
. , , ,mß Kl cd fhka hï lsis fiajdjla b a d isák
(Request) node tl client , ,f i yÿkajkq efí'
Client . , , ,u ska b a d isák fiajh imhkq nk node
tl Server , ,f i yÿkajkq efí'
Network Topology
. , !; : ; ;mß Kl cd hla fN sl jYfhka ia dms lr we s wdldrh
(physical layout) network topology , ,f i yÿkajkq efí'
Star Topology
. ,rEmfha oelafjk wdldrhg fuysoS mß Kl cd hg iïnkaO
.iEu mß Klhlau Hub / Switch tllg fyda Host
Computer . ,tllg iïnkaO ùfuka mß Kl cd h ks¾udKh
‘fõ Host ComputerHub / Switch
Host Computer
Hub / Switch
Ring Topology
. , ;rEmfha oelafjk wdldrhg mß Kl cd fha we s
. ; ; ; .tla mß Klhla ks ru j a mß Kl follg iïnkaO ù
, ; . ,j hdldrj we s kï tjeks mß Kl cd hla Ring
Topology , ,f i yÿkajkq efí'
Bus topology
. , ;rEmfha oelafjk wdldrhg mß Kl cd fha we s
. % ,ieu mß Klhlau tla m Odk k hlg (Common
Channel) . ,iïnkaO ùfuka mß Kl cd h
ks¾udKh fõ'
Tree topology
. , ;rEmfha oelafjk wdldrhg mß Kl cd fha we s
. . ;= ;ieu mß Klhlau il w úysos we s wdldrhg
. ,iïnkaO ùfuka mß Kl cd h ks¾udKh fõ'
. , .mß Kl cd j¾ SlrKh Types of Network
. , = . , ; ;mß Kl cd hla N f da Sh jYfhka me sÍ we s
, , , . ; .wdldrh ie ls a g f k my ioyka wdldrhg mß Kl
, . < ‘cd j¾ slrKh l yel
1. Local Area Network (LAN)
2. Wide Area Network (WAN)
3. Metropolitan Area Network
1 Local Area Network (LAN)
!; ; , . . ,fN sl jYfhka t rï úYd fkdjq f dvke s s úYaj
, ; , ; . ,úoHd jeks wdh k j Ndú jk mß Kl cd (1km
. %j¾ m udKhla muK ) LAN , ,f i yÿkajkq efí'
;tla wdh khl LAN , % ;úYd m udKhla we ' Bus /
star network topology ;Ndú d flf¾'
2 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
Local Area Network , , + . ,j g jvd úYd N f da sh m
% . , ,foaYhla wdjrKh lrkakd jq mß Kl cd hla f i
, ,yÿkajkq efí' WodyrKhla f i fuys oS iudk
; ; % ; . ;dËKhla hgf a ls hd aul jk k r lsysmhl we s
; ; .wdh k tlg iïnkaO lr msysgqjd we s mß Kl
,cd hla yÿkajd osh yel'
3 Wide Area Network (WAN)
+ . , : , ;N f da Sh jYfhka úúO ia dk j we s
.mß Kl tlg iïnkaO ùfuka Wide Area Network
ìys fõ' tkï WAN . , , ,hkq mß Kl cd j cd hls'
WAN ;=, LAN yd MAN , %úYd m udKhla
oelsh yel'
. , ; %mß Kl cd hla iEoSug Ndú jk m Odk
Main Devices that are used to create a network
.lsishï WmlrKhla mß Klh yd iïnkaO lsÍu
; .ioyd w rueos WmlrK wjYH jkjd fiau mß Klhla
. ,mß Kl cd hlg iúlsÍu ioydo WmlrK wjYHfõ'
Network Interface Card (NIC)
Network Interface Card (NIC)
. , ; % :mß Klhla cd hlg iú lsÍu ioyd wjYH b d m d ñl
,WmlrKh f i Network Interface Card tl yeoskaúh yel'
Network Interface Card tlla tl milska motherboard tl
;u jQ slot .tlla u ska motherboard yd iïnkaO fõ'
; ; .wfkla miska msysgqjd we s fidlÜ Ndú d lr mß Klh
, < ; ;cd hg iïnkaO l yel' úúO dlaIK hgf a ksmojk
. , . .mß Kl cd yd iu mß Klh iïnkaO lrùu ioyd wjYH
;fidlÜ fujeks ldâ msgqmiska msysgqjd sfí'' ieu
Network Interface Card ,tllgu wkkHh jQ smskhla
;we ' fuh MAC Address , ,f i yÿkajkq efí
Network Interface Card
Hub or
RJ 45 Connectors
UTP Cable
. ; ,mß Klhla wka ¾cd hg iïnkaO jkafka Analog Signal
; : . . ;Ndú lrkd ÿrl k ud¾ hla yryd kï mß Klh yd ÿrl k
. ; = ,ud¾ h tlsfklg iïnkaO lsÍfï w rueosfhl f i Modem kï
; . .WmlrKh Ndú d flf¾' fï u ska isÿ flfrkqfha mß Klh
.u ska ckkh lrk Digital Signal : . .ÿrl k ud¾ h Tiafia uka
<l yels Analog Signal ; ; :njg mßj¾ kh lr oSu a ÿrl k
. ,ud¾ h yryd efnkd Analog Signal . ; .;mß Klhg f areï
yels Digital Signal ; ;njg mßj¾ kh lr oSu ah' fuys oS
RJ11 Connecters ; .Ndú d lr mß Klh yd Modem
%WmlrKh iïnkaO flf¾' m Odk jYfhka Modem .j¾
;folla we '
1 Internal Modem
2 External Modem
Digital Signal Analog Signal
Digital Device
Analog Device
Digital Signals
Analog Signals
. ,tlsfklg wiudk jQ mß Kl cd hka folla tlg
iïnkaO lsÍu ioyd Router ;kï WmlrKh Ndú fõ'
Router kï ; ;úfYaIs WmlrKh my ioyka ld¾hka
.ioyd fhdod kS'
1 tlsfklg fjkia jQ LAN folla iïnkaO lsÍug'
(Dissimilar type of LAN)Router
2 LAN yd WAN tlsfklg iïnkaO lsÍug'
Router %tllg m Odk jYfhka Port ;folla we '
1 LAN Port
2 WAN Port
tu ksid Router tllg IP Address ;folla we '
1 LAN ,tlg nd fok IP Address tl
2 WAN ,tlg nd fok IP Address tl
fuys os WAN Port ; ;tlg my ioyka iïnkaO d
; <Ndú l yels fõ'
1 Dial-Up connection
2 Leased Line Connections
3 ISDN Connections
4 ADSL Connections
.mß Kl , .cd hla ks¾udKh lsÍfïos mß Kl tlsfklg
iïnkaO lsÍu ioyd Hub ; ; .keu s WmlrKh Ndú d fõ' mß Kl
, ; .cd fha we s ieu mß Klhlau Hub tlg fjk fjku iïnkaO fõ'
fï ioyd RJ 45 Connectors iy UTP Cable ; ‘Ndú d fõ
Hub tlla Passive Device ,tlla f i kï flf¾'
. , ; ;tkï tla tla mß Klfhka efnk o a
(Data Packet) ,úYaf aIKh lsÍfï yelshdjla Hub ;tlg fkdue '
Hub ;tlla Ndú lr LAN < < .tlla ms sfh lr ekSug wjYH
Network Interface Card (NIC)
UTP Cable
RJ 45 Connectors
. , .mß Kl cd hla ks¾udKh lsÍfïoS mß Kl tlsfklg
iïnkaO lsÍu ioyd Switch ;keue s
; ;WmlrKh Ndú d fõ' fuu WmlrKh nqoaêu a
WmlrKhla (Intelligent Device) ,f i yeoska fõ' tkï
. , ; ; , ,tla mß Klhlska efnk o a úYaf aIKh lr th nd
;= .osh hq mß Klh (Using Destination Address) fï
. . ,u ska yÿkd kq efí' fï ioyd NIC Card , ;j we s
MAC Address ;Ndú d flf¾'
tlsfklg iudk jQ Protocol ;Ndú lrkakd
jQ Network folla tlsfklg iïnkaO
lsÍu ioyd Bridge ;Ndú
. , =; . ,mß Kl cd hlg iïnkaO wfkl a mß Kl j g
, .imhkq nk mß Kl jevigyka (Computer
.= .wvx úfYaI mß Kl Server , ,f i yÿkajkq efÄ'
UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair)
STP (Shielded Twisted Pair)
Coaxial Cable
Fiber Optics Cables

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Computer tool kit and parts guide

  • 1. 2014 . .mrs Kl oDvdx yd , < ¿cd lrK ms sno jevuq j fufyhùu < ; ; ;= ;uOHu m d a f dr re dËK tallh
  • 7. Network Tool ( Clipping Tool )
  • 10.
  • 15. .mß Kl ljrfha fldgia Parts of Casing ;fuys my wdldrhg WmlrK iúlsÍug wjYH neúka flaiskfha fomi mshka iy bosßmi mshka ; .; ;=bj alr hq h'
  • 31. Cache Memory % ; ; ; ; ; ;= . "m Odk u lfhka o a ilikh fj f dr re ikaksfõokh jk fõ h ; ; . ; . ¿o a ilikfha fõ j a njg fkdiEfyk neúka eg j uÕ yerùug fuu m % ; ; ; ; ; ; . ; ; ;Odk u lh a o a ilikh a w rg wêfõ S u lhl wjYH djh we s úh' ta i|yd Cache Memory ; , ;Ndõ fõ' wêl ksIamdok ñ la iys ; % ; ;fõ' fuh 80$20 kS shg wkqj l shd aulfõ' tkï ksYaÑ , % ; ¨ .ld hloS hï l shdjla i|yd Ndú jk ish u mß Kl jev igyka ; ;= ; ;f dr re iy o a Cache ; ] %u lfhka 20 l m udKhla tu ld¾h , ] ;=< ; % .flfrk ld fhka 80 la Ndú fõ' fïjd m Odk j¾ folls' • L1 Cache - % ;=< ; . ; ;fm dfiirh we s fõ j a u l Ñmhhs' • L2 Cache - % , ; . ; ;fm dfiirh wi we s fõ j a u l Ñmhls
  • 32. Intel (8008) Micro Processor
  • 33. Intel (8080) Micro Processor
  • 38. Core 2 Duo Processor
  • 40. CPU Register – CPU memory ; ;o a ilik Processor ;=< . ;iuyr wêfõ Sj u lhka . < : ;nvd l yels ia dk we ' fïjd Internal registers ,f i yÿkajhs' RAM , . ;j g jvd fú j ah' CPU tl yd ALU ;tl fuu u l . ; ; ; , . ; , ,nvd Ndú d lrñka o a nd kS' tfukau djld slj ilik o ; ; . ; ;= ; ; . ;o a o nvd lr nhs' fuu fya fjka o a ilikfha fú j a nj .jeäfú' fïjd j¾ lsysmhls' PCR - Programme Counter Register IR - Instruction Register MBR - Memory Buffer Register MAR - Memory Address Register IO/AR- Input Output Address Register I/OBR- Input Output Buffer Register
  • 49.
  • 50. BIOS fuu BIOS , , ., ; <fmr ld j oS jd kej iõ l yels jqjo wo Flash BIOS ; <iú lr we s neõka th l ; ; ;= <fkdyel' tfy a tys f dr re fjkia l yelsh' BIOS program hï hï fodaI oelaùug Beep Sound ;Ndõ d lrhs Ami BIOS jdr jro 2-3 RAM 4-5-7-10 Mother Board 8 VGA 9 BIOS Chip 6 Key Board
  • 51. Primay Memory 1 Rom (Read Only Memory Rom - ; ;+ , ; .Ñmfha f dr re sùfï dlaIKh wkqj j¾ flf¾ PROM – Programmable Read Only Memory . , ‘fuu j¾ fha tlajrla muKla súh yelsh EPROM- Eraseble Programmable Read Only Memory ;kej ; , , ; ;+ ,kej shk o f dr re ulñka sõh yelsh' uelSu i|yd ,mdrcïnq lsrK (Ultra Violet Ray) ;Ndú d ‘lrhs EEPROM – Electrically Eraseble Programmable Rom:- “Flash” ; , % ;u lh f i oekg ckms h fjïka mj sk .fuuß Ñma j¾ hls fuys (Electrical field) ; ;%úoHq a fCIa hla . ; ;= ,u ska f dr re sùu yd uelSu folu isÿlrhs '
  • 52. 2 Ram ((Random Access Memory) ; ; . ; %o a nvdjl wNHka ßl m Odk tallh % ; ,jk fuh iiïNdù m fõY u lh f i , ; , ; ; .yÿkajkq efí' djld slj o a r|jd ekSfï ; ; ; .yelshdj we s neúka kej kej nvdjk ; ; ; ; / ; <o a bj a lsÍu a |ùu a isÿ l yels neúka Volatile Memory ,f i o ye| skafõ'
  • 55. ;ksIamdok dËKh wkqj .j¾ ’lrKh SRAM –Static RAM , ; % .fuf i yÿkajk w r g dkaisiag¾ muKla fhdodf k ; ,fndfyda úg fuu u l tall ksmojkq nhs
  • 57. RAM
  • 58. DRAM - Dynamic Ram , ; %f i yÿkajk w r g dkaisiag¾ yd .lemEisg¾ fhdodf k fndfyda úg , ; ; ; ;ksmojkq nhs' fuys o a kej kej < ;wdfrdamKh fkdl fyd a (refresh) ; ; ‘o a uelS hhs
  • 60. DDR1
  • 63. Differences in DDR Family DDR 1 DDR 2DDR 2 DDR 3
  • 70. )A Magnetic tape ^pqïNl má 300 $ 600 $ 1200 $ 2400 $ 3600feet ;merKs u . * , < ;nvd udOH jk fuys f ßla Tlaihsâ wdf am l mÜhlska iukaõ h' wâ . ;2400 muK os pqñNl má o Ndõ d õh' B) Magnetic Drum . ; ; . < % ; ;jYfhka j¾ 2 ls o a nvd lsÍu máfha fl jrl isg wkql ñj isÿfõ b du a . ; ;wvq fõ hlska o a ikaksfõokh lrhs' Read head yd Write head 2 la ; ‘Ndú d fõ A)Magnetic Disk – Floppy Disk ; ; ;fyj a kuH eá s kñka yÿka jk fïjdfha (Iron Oxide Coating) , ; ;fmßla Tlaihsä wdf amhla jrd ksmojd we ' Single side ; ; .tl me a l muKla nvd lrk Double side ; ;fome af u .nvd lrk úYalïNh wkqj 8” " 5'25” " 3'5” , ;f i Ndú úh' • Hard Disk - • ;eá kñka yÿka jk fïjd iron oxide , ;wdf amlr fydoska Tm oud we ' • * Zip Disk - Jass Disk .= ; . ; %fïjd o úfYaI jQ pqïNl K iys j wê K aj l u ;Ndú lr úfYaI Zip Driver . ; ;= . ;u ska f dr re nvd lsÍug Ndú d lrhs'
  • 71. ; .oDYH udOHh Ndú d lrk nvd WmlrK Optical Media . ; ;= ; ; . <wêl K ajhlska hq j o a nvd l yelsh' , ; . ; ; . ;f ai¾ lsrK dCIKh u ska o a nvd lsÍu iy kej , . , ’ ,nd ekSu isÿlrkq nhs i¾ms dldrj fuys ; ; . ;’o a nvd jk má msysgd we (Spiral track) "úYalïnh wkqj 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PIT LAND laser aluminum data layer clear plastic sensor laser sensor 0 0 0 0 LAND polycarbonate layer (clear plastic) aluminum layer laquer layer motion polycarbonate substrate aluminum reflective layer laquer laquer polycarbonate substrate reflective layer (gold) dye CD-ROM CD-R Protective coating Laquer layer Spiral groove is a guide. It is pressed into the blank disk when manufactured. Reflective layer (gold) Recording layer (dye) Disc substrate (polycarbonate resin) Laser beam top side (label printed here)
  • 72. DVD - Digital Versatile Disk ,f i yÿkajk fïjd CD , ; ; .j g yevyqrefjka iudk jqjo tys o a nvd lsÍfï : ; ; ;. ; ;oS ia r lsysmhla hgf a o a nvd lsÍfï ishqï dËKhla Ndú lrhs' (Several layers data records) 12cm fyda 8cm , .= ; .úYalïNj ska oelsh yelsh' fïjdfha Kd aul nj wkqj j¾ , ‘5 la olakg efí D V D 2 GB 4 GB 4 . 5 GB 6 . 5 GB 8 GB 16 GB 200 GB (B) OPTICAL CARDS ;by CD ; ;dËKhg iudkj ksmojd we s card úfYaIhls fuys 4 mb ; ;isg 6 olajd Odß djla we '
  • 77. TV/FM card .%-ikaksfõok w iñnkaOl Comunication Port & Connector BNC Connector— British Naval Connector Centronics Connector -SCSI Interface TV/FM card The last device in both the internal and external chain must be terminated. SCSI host adapter CD-ROM hard disks scanner external chain internal chain
  • 78. RJ45 - RJ11 Connector DIN Connector- USB Connector IDE connector - Integrated Drive Electronic 5-pin DIN Used on earlier PC keyboards and various audio 6-pin Mini-DIN Used on mouse, keyboard and other devices (PS/2 connector) 5/16" 1/2"
  • 79. Parallel Port & Connector Sound card port & connector
  • 80. .uDÿldx (Software) ; .moaO s uDÿldx (System software) .fhojqï uDÿldx (Application software) ;fufyhqï moaO s (Operating Systems) ; .Wmhqla uDÿldx (Utility Software) ; .mßj¾ k uDÿldx (Translator Programs) fhojqï meflac Application packages .mß Kl NdId Languages
  • 81. . ,mß Kl cd Computer Network , =cd hla hkq l ula o ? What is a Network? =idudcslhska tla wfhll g jvd jeäfhka isák ; ;yd ta ishÆu idudcslhska w f¾ wka ¾ ; ; . , ,iïnkaO djh mj ajd f k hkakla cd hla f i yÿkajhs (- = ,Wod uyck nexl cd h % , , ,Ys xld fg sfldï cd h
  • 82. . , ,mß Kl cd j jdis Advantages of computer network . ; . ;1 mß Kl w r oDVdx iïm a (hardware resources) .fnod ekSug yels ùu' Printer / HDD . ; .2 mß Kl w r uDÿldx (software recourses) .fnod ekSug yels ùu' (DBMS ) . ; .;3 mß Kl w r mKsúv yqjudre lr yels ùu' ( E-Mail / Fax / Video Phone )
  • 83. . , ,mß Kl cd j wjdis Disadvantage of computer network . , : ;1 mß Kl cd hla ia dms lsÍfï úhou ‘jeä fõ 2 hardware iy software ,fldgia j g ;ydks we s úh yels ùu' (Virus) . ; ; ; ,3 mß Klfha we s o a j wdrlaIdj < . ¿ ;=ms sno eg u ùu' (Hackers
  • 84. node . ,mß Kl cd hg iïnkaO computer, printer, file server . ,jeks oE mß Kl cd fha node ,f i yÿkajkq , . ,efí' mß Kl cd fha iEu node tllgu wkkH jQ , ;smskhla we ' ( Unique IP Address ) Client . , , ,mß Kl cd fhka hï lsis fiajdjla b a d isák (Request) node tl client , ,f i yÿkajkq efí' Server Client . , , ,u ska b a d isák fiajh imhkq nk node tl Server , ,f i yÿkajkq efí'
  • 86. Network Topology . , !; : ; ;mß Kl cd hla fN sl jYfhka ia dms lr we s wdldrh (physical layout) network topology , ,f i yÿkajkq efí' Star Topology . ,rEmfha oelafjk wdldrhg fuysoS mß Kl cd hg iïnkaO .iEu mß Klhlau Hub / Switch tllg fyda Host Computer . ,tllg iïnkaO ùfuka mß Kl cd h ks¾udKh ‘fõ Host ComputerHub / Switch Host Computer Hub / Switch
  • 87. Ring Topology . , ;rEmfha oelafjk wdldrhg mß Kl cd fha we s . ; ; ; .tla mß Klhla ks ru j a mß Kl follg iïnkaO ù , ; . ,j hdldrj we s kï tjeks mß Kl cd hla Ring Topology , ,f i yÿkajkq efí'
  • 88. Bus topology . , ;rEmfha oelafjk wdldrhg mß Kl cd fha we s . % ,ieu mß Klhlau tla m Odk k hlg (Common Channel) . ,iïnkaO ùfuka mß Kl cd h ks¾udKh fõ' Terminator
  • 89. Tree topology . , ;rEmfha oelafjk wdldrhg mß Kl cd fha we s . . ;= ;ieu mß Klhlau il w úysos we s wdldrhg . ,iïnkaO ùfuka mß Kl cd h ks¾udKh fõ'
  • 90. . , .mß Kl cd j¾ SlrKh Types of Network . , = . , ; ;mß Kl cd hla N f da Sh jYfhka me sÍ we s , , , . ; .wdldrh ie ls a g f k my ioyka wdldrhg mß Kl , . < ‘cd j¾ slrKh l yel 1. Local Area Network (LAN) 2. Wide Area Network (WAN) 3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
  • 91. 1 Local Area Network (LAN) !; ; , . . ,fN sl jYfhka t rï úYd fkdjq f dvke s s úYaj , ; , ; . ,úoHd jeks wdh k j Ndú jk mß Kl cd (1km . %j¾ m udKhla muK ) LAN , ,f i yÿkajkq efí' ;tla wdh khl LAN , % ;úYd m udKhla we ' Bus / star network topology ;Ndú d flf¾'
  • 92. 2 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) Local Area Network , , + . ,j g jvd úYd N f da sh m % . , ,foaYhla wdjrKh lrkakd jq mß Kl cd hla f i , ,yÿkajkq efí' WodyrKhla f i fuys oS iudk ; ; % ; . ;dËKhla hgf a ls hd aul jk k r lsysmhl we s ; ; .wdh k tlg iïnkaO lr msysgqjd we s mß Kl ,cd hla yÿkajd osh yel'
  • 93. 3 Wide Area Network (WAN) + . , : , ;N f da Sh jYfhka úúO ia dk j we s .mß Kl tlg iïnkaO ùfuka Wide Area Network ìys fõ' tkï WAN . , , ,hkq mß Kl cd j cd hls' WAN ;=, LAN yd MAN , %úYd m udKhla oelsh yel'
  • 94.
  • 95. . , ; %mß Kl cd hla iEoSug Ndú jk m Odk WmlrK Main Devices that are used to create a network .lsishï WmlrKhla mß Klh yd iïnkaO lsÍu ; .ioyd w rueos WmlrK wjYH jkjd fiau mß Klhla . ,mß Kl cd hlg iúlsÍu ioydo WmlrK wjYHfõ' Network Interface Card (NIC) Modem Router Hub Switches Bridge
  • 96. Network Interface Card (NIC) . , ; % :mß Klhla cd hlg iú lsÍu ioyd wjYH b d m d ñl ,WmlrKh f i Network Interface Card tl yeoskaúh yel' Network Interface Card tlla tl milska motherboard tl ;u jQ slot .tlla u ska motherboard yd iïnkaO fõ' ; ; .wfkla miska msysgqjd we s fidlÜ Ndú d lr mß Klh , < ; ;cd hg iïnkaO l yel' úúO dlaIK hgf a ksmojk . , . .mß Kl cd yd iu mß Klh iïnkaO lrùu ioyd wjYH ;fidlÜ fujeks ldâ msgqmiska msysgqjd sfí'' ieu Network Interface Card ,tllgu wkkHh jQ smskhla ;we ' fuh MAC Address , ,f i yÿkajkq efí
  • 97. Network Interface Card (NIC) Hub or Switch RJ 45 Connectors UTP Cable
  • 98. . ; ,mß Klhla wka ¾cd hg iïnkaO jkafka Analog Signal ; : . . ;Ndú lrkd ÿrl k ud¾ hla yryd kï mß Klh yd ÿrl k . ; = ,ud¾ h tlsfklg iïnkaO lsÍfï w rueosfhl f i Modem kï ; . .WmlrKh Ndú d flf¾' fï u ska isÿ flfrkqfha mß Klh .u ska ckkh lrk Digital Signal : . .ÿrl k ud¾ h Tiafia uka <l yels Analog Signal ; ; :njg mßj¾ kh lr oSu a ÿrl k . ,ud¾ h yryd efnkd Analog Signal . ; .;mß Klhg f areï yels Digital Signal ; ;njg mßj¾ kh lr oSu ah' fuys oS RJ11 Connecters ; .Ndú d lr mß Klh yd Modem %WmlrKh iïnkaO flf¾' m Odk jYfhka Modem .j¾ ;folla we ' 1 Internal Modem 2 External Modem
  • 99. Digital Signal Analog Signal Modulation Demodulation Modem Computer Digital Device Analog Device Digital Signals Analog Signals Telephone
  • 100.
  • 101. Router Routers . ,tlsfklg wiudk jQ mß Kl cd hka folla tlg iïnkaO lsÍu ioyd Router ;kï WmlrKh Ndú fõ' Router kï ; ;úfYaIs WmlrKh my ioyka ld¾hka .ioyd fhdod kS' 1 tlsfklg fjkia jQ LAN folla iïnkaO lsÍug' (Dissimilar type of LAN)Router
  • 102. 2 LAN yd WAN tlsfklg iïnkaO lsÍug'
  • 103. Router %tllg m Odk jYfhka Port ;folla we ' 1 LAN Port 2 WAN Port tu ksid Router tllg IP Address ;folla we ' 1 LAN ,tlg nd fok IP Address tl 2 WAN ,tlg nd fok IP Address tl fuys os WAN Port ; ;tlg my ioyka iïnkaO d ; <Ndú l yels fõ' 1 Dial-Up connection 2 Leased Line Connections 3 ISDN Connections 4 ADSL Connections
  • 104. Hub .mß Kl , .cd hla ks¾udKh lsÍfïos mß Kl tlsfklg iïnkaO lsÍu ioyd Hub ; ; .keu s WmlrKh Ndú d fõ' mß Kl , ; .cd fha we s ieu mß Klhlau Hub tlg fjk fjku iïnkaO fõ' fï ioyd RJ 45 Connectors iy UTP Cable ; ‘Ndú d fõ Hub tlla Passive Device ,tlla f i kï flf¾' . , ; ;tkï tla tla mß Klfhka efnk o a (Data Packet) ,úYaf aIKh lsÍfï yelshdjla Hub ;tlg fkdue ' Hub ;tlla Ndú lr LAN < < .tlla ms sfh lr ekSug wjYH (-oE Network Interface Card (NIC) UTP Cable RJ 45 Connectors
  • 105. Switch . , .mß Kl cd hla ks¾udKh lsÍfïoS mß Kl tlsfklg iïnkaO lsÍu ioyd Switch ;keue s ; ;WmlrKh Ndú d fõ' fuu WmlrKh nqoaêu a WmlrKhla (Intelligent Device) ,f i yeoska fõ' tkï . , ; ; , ,tla mß Klhlska efnk o a úYaf aIKh lr th nd ;= .osh hq mß Klh (Using Destination Address) fï . . ,u ska yÿkd kq efí' fï ioyd NIC Card , ;j we s MAC Address ;Ndú d flf¾'
  • 106.
  • 107.
  • 108. Bridge Bridge tlsfklg iudk jQ Protocol ;Ndú lrkakd jQ Network folla tlsfklg iïnkaO lsÍu ioyd Bridge ;Ndú
  • 109. Server . , =; . ,mß Kl cd hlg iïnkaO wfkl a mß Kl j g fiajd , .imhkq nk mß Kl jevigyka (Computer Program) .= .wvx úfYaI mß Kl Server , ,f i yÿkajkq efÄ' Server ClientClient
  • 110. UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) Coaxial Cable Fiber Optics Cables