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ü Contents
1. Introduction
2. Representation and roles of medical representative
3. Qualifications of the medical representative
4. How to prepare your persuasive c.v
5. Interview skills
6. Selling skills
7. I.M.S
8. Career path through
- I am one of thousands whom work in the medical representation
field ..
- Through my work, I found many qualified individuals, they have
very good selling and marketable skill, and, they actually work in
our field with very successful stories
- Others , have the same skills , but , they didn t get their own chances
to work and our career
- The causes may be due to their fear to invade the representation
world or they couldn t pass through the gates of persuasive C.V.
preparation or interviews
- So, I decided to write this book, just to be used as a reference
through your first days
- From your date of graduation, till your first few, months in the
- In this book , I tried to introduce information in simple terms in
order to be fully understood from all of us , within the frame of
business language
- Hope that this book reaches the objectives of what it written for
- To help you open your Golden Gate to the Representation world
Thanks & Best regards
Representation and Roles of the
Medical Representative
- As a start, you have to know what the Representation is, yet your
roles through this changeable world.
- Representation is the process of introduction, delivering new
concepts of your product, and so follows up with your customer.
Roles could be divided into 3 main categories...
1. Communication role
- You are the main communication channel between your
organization and the customer.
- You deliver your organization in the market in right and effective
- Yet, you deliver right and true feedback from the customers to your
- These are the expectations of your organization from you
- You are the one .
Company Customer
2. Technical role
- Before you say any word , you must know what you talk about
.either indications or your product
- What are the best and right indications for your product?
- What are the recent and best protocols that the customers deal
with or use in these indications?
- What are the main symptoms of these indications?
- What are the recent studies and trials of your products?
- Your product mode of actions?
- Safety and side effects of your product?
- Way of administration?
- Precautions of using your product?
- Drug .Drug interactions?
- Don t panic, all of the above your organization will give to you
through full and effective training program .
- Just be open-minded to gather information
- Always remember that the patient could be your father , mother or
anyone of your family , so be honest in your messages to the
3. Commercial role
That is the main point of view
Your target
- That is why your organization is still standing.
- That is why you are there.
- Always try to achieve it in an honest and right way .
- Don t panic , your organization will give you responsible and
achievable target just try to achieve it and never give up
- You must try to be positive, as long as positive attitude is our core of
- Success of all medical representatives is the one who always search
for solutions to achieve , not , excuses of failure
Good luck
Personal Qualifications
- There are many qualifications; some of us could have them all .
- Others could have only some of them...
- To have all of them does not mean that you will be superstar
medical representative .
- And so to have only some of them, does not mean that you will be
ordinary or loses medical representative .
- The only way to be super star is about how you can use your
- How to play with your good qualifications in the right game in the
right and suitable situation.
- There are many medical representative have very good
qualifications, but they couldn t use them.
- So, day by day they start to lose it
- The others whom only have some of these qualifications, and they
are very good and capable enough to use it, yet, develop it .
- So, day by day, they grow it up, and earn more qualifications in
order to build up their future .
- Because all of the above, there is only one manager responsible for
six-ten medical representatives .
- Hope that you aim to be a manager develop yourself and build up
your future.
- Now , let us start our journey through these qualifications :
v Honesty
- have you ever dealt with a dishonest person?
- Just think remember any dishonest person.
- What did he drag you for?
- Sure, for a blocked way or at least exhaust you .
- Less honesty is one of the fatal mistakes in our field.
- It may lead your organization to a blocked way and so leads you also
to a blocked way
- It may destroy your future and so, your organization s future.
- imagine if you trust in anyone, then, he does not give you honesty,
what will you feel?
- As long as your organization trusts in you, you have to give it honesty.
- Honest work, honest feedback, honest thinking and honesty of any
other things.
- You will be honest, will you?
v Persistence
- Before we invade this point, let us remember together Ghana 2008,
Goal of Mohamed Zidan in the final match vs. Cameron.
- He fell and got up, been pushed, fell and got up, never give up.
- persist to catch the ball. Finally, he got it and passed it, which was the
only goal and Egypt won the Cup 2008
- You see, persistence of only one player gave happiness to eighty
millions of Egyptians.
- So, you should be your persistence build up your organization, which
finally will support your career path through.
- You have to persist for your R, orders and all your rights and never
give up.
- As long s people are different, their resistance to accept, you or your
messages are different too.
- Your persistence will liquefy these resistances, in order to achieve
your goals and targets.
v Initiative
- Imagine the feather in the air.
- It moves up and down, right and left... With no directions, only the
directions of the wind.
- Cannot choose its directions.
- This is the non-initiative person, cannot choose his directions.
- Simply, moves with the flow, flow of the market.
- When the market gets up, he gets up.
- When the market gets down, he also gets down too.
- He is an invaluable person.
- Always try to take initiation, always try to be the first one.
- To be the first one gives you a trade name; a trade name to brand
yourself in our market.
- Never lose the first flavor of success, just remember to be the first
with honesty and within the frame of your organization s ethics.
- So, many medical representatives lose their credibility as they tried to
be initiatives in a dishonest way and out of ethics.
v Responsiveness
ý Are you alive?
ý Do you breathe?
ý Are you vital enough to work?
- If yes, you have to be responsive as long as you are still alive.
- Responsive to everything surrounds you. The right thing to catch it
up and start to use it. The bad thing to overcome it and trying to fix
- Whenever you will be responsive, you will be able to catch
opportunities, yet, being the one l; always first one.
- Just know that there are too many persons lose golden chances in
their life, due to their lack of responsiveness.
- Don t lose your chances and catch up every one in order to grow up
and build up your career.
- We are in a very dynamic market, in a very dynamic world.
- So you have to be dynamic too, dynamic in your responses towards
your surrounding media.
v Working by objective
- Let us get back few pages
- do you remember the feather?
- Yes, the feather in the wind?
- That is the meaning of working by objectives.
- Simply, ask yourself .
A. why are you working?
B. why do you go especially to this customer?
C. why, why, why etc?
- You should know every answer of the why questions. Simply, why
are you doing what you do?
- Working by objectives saves time, thinking, effort and money.
- Always ask yourself why you do this and what the end result is.
- Then you will be easily able to take you decision, and so, you
- Are you a feather?
v Emotionally mature
- Have you ever been to a theatre to watch any play, while the actor
has just lost one of his family, father, mother or son, in reality?
- What did he do?
- Continued his acting and tried to make audience laugh.
He controlled his emotions in order to not affect his business.
- So, we have to control our emotions either happiness or sadness.
- Imagine yourself as an actor you are an actor.
- Our business like acting, it is not your organization s fault, yet, your
audiences too.
- Always control your emotions in order to send your effective
messages in effective ways.
- As you are a human being, express your emotions with yourself in
your private world and make or hide it from the others.
- I know it will be very hard for you at your first period, but you can do it!!
- You are the one!
vManaging time
Everyone of us did this before !!
- Do you know when, and how?
- During your study and exams, as you managed your time during your
study, you are now a member of one of the top faculties
- can you do it now, in your business?
- Sure you can, you just only need to organize your tasks.
- categorize your tasks up to urgency and importance in a table as below.
Urgent Important
Not urgent Important
Urgent Not important
Not urgent Not important
- As soon as you categorize your tasks as above, you will be able to
manage your time in as effective and simple way.
- You deserve spare time to refresh yourself, try to save your time and have fun.
v Self-motivation
- Can any car move without fuel?
- Of course not, so you are you can t continue your work, especially
successful work, yet your life without motivation
-There are two types of motivation .
- External motivation is not in your hands, this type of motivation done by
others to you.
- So, you can t manage it, as you can t manage all people surround you
- On the other hand.
- Self motivation is fully yours; it depends on your dealing with your
surrounding environment.
- To catch it, look always to the full half of the glass, not the empty half.
Be optimistic as much as you can.
External Internal
- Just try to accept criticism, never give up; you are the main cause of
what happens to you.
- cross over de-motivation and motivating yourself.
- No one can drag you back without your permission.
- Just look at the mirror and tell the person you see that you are the cause
of what I m in now .
v Self development
- At the past, your parents tried to push you forward, gave you
right directions as much as they could .
- Nowadays, you are responsible for yourself
-Never imagine that anyone will deal with you as your parents,
and give you right the directions at the right situation .
- Be responsible and develop yourself .
- Build up your personality, your career, your future, yet, your
superstar medical representative .
- Main weapon of any civilization is knowledge, you are not less
than them .
- Gain your knowledge and never wait for the angel who will give
it to you, you are a human being living on earth .
- Always remember that there is only one manager for any team,
develop yourself, and be the manager is the one .
v Co-operation
- The Pyramid is one of the 7 wonders.
- What does it consist of?
- If there are only one brick, could it form a pyramid, the one
of the seven wonders?
- You are the brick, brick of the wall, the wall of your
- Without you, your organization wall will be uncompleted.
- All for one, one for all, simple way to adopt your
cooperation with your colleagues.
- Try to be a brick, link to your colleagues through
cooperation, in order to form strong and high wall, wall of
your organization.
- All for one, one for all, simple way to build up yourself and
so secure your future, yet, your organization.
v Enthusiasm
- Enthusiasm is contagious
- As high as your enthusiasm level reaches, the second party
gets the same, almost at level.
- Can you imagine yourself dealing with someone who wants
to convince you with his product or opinion about
- He talks to you with mono tone voice, broken eye contact,
what will be your impression about his or her product or
- Sure, you will be hesitated in accepting this product, and so
lacking he trusts in, what he just said to you.
- Enthusiasm reflects self confidence and motivation to the
other party to accept your opinion or message.
- Up to all the above, will you be enthusiastic? , will you be
self confident..?
- As long as you want to be the one, you should be
enthusiastic .
v Strategic thinking
- There are many ways to deal with any problem.
- It is all depends upon your attitude, yet, way of thinking towards this
- Let us think simply.
- What are the problem layers?
- There are three layers:
A. Surface layer.
B. Event causing the problem.
C. Root of the problem.
From all of the above, we can recognize the best way to deal with any problem:
a. Digging down at least 3 layers.
b. Gathering facts
c. Weigh all sides &take your suitable decision.
- N.B
* Digging 3 layers through continuous questions.
* Separate facts from irrelevant details.
* Always try to put 3 scenarios and choose the best one which satisfies you.
- That is the simple way to lead with any problem, either in your
business or in your personal life .
Good Luck.
- As you can see from all of the above.
- I have just tried to introduce and emphasize on some of good
personal qualifications.
- There are many other qualifications, if you have them all save them
and try to develop them.
- If not, try to earn them, at least some of them at the beginning.
- If you can t help yourself, yet, develop yourself.
- Never imagine that anyone can do it for you.
Persuasive C.V.
- Have you ever gone shopping before?
- Which shop attracts you first?
- Which shop makes you feel that you will find all what you need
- That is your C.V. curriculum vitae .
- Your C.V. is your first gate to introduce yourself to any organization.
- Simply it is your frame.
- It represents your personality.
- Do you know how?
- If it was organized, it will indicate your organization.
- If it was free from any spelling mistakes it will indicate your care
about your image.
- some of freshly graduated through that whole world against them ,
they sent their c.v. to many companies , in order to get a chance of
working at these companies, but no one called them for any
- Do you know why?
· They couldn t pass through the first gate; they failed to attract the
· They couldn t represent themselves.
· As long as they couldn t represent themselves, they will not be able
to represent their products.
- Recently, at many of multinational brands there are departments
for visual merchandizing.
- This department is responsible for matching colors of any site of the
- Do you know why?
- To attract your eyes, attract your willing to buy and so motivation
to feel that you are in the right shop, in order to buy all what you
need from them.
- Now, you may ask yourself: How could I prepare persuasive C.V.?
- Here you are, an example for a C.V., you can add or remove any item
of it up on your personality, just within the frame of formal ethics.
- Firstly, you have to use clear and unsophisticated font; the font
which not affects or hides any letter characters.
- Preferred to use black color in writing the C.V., try to avoid colored
fonts on order to give your C.V. the formal image.
- Try to categorize your life history and try to represent your success
- If you don t have any success stories, try to emphasize on the least
qualifications of your personality or at least your interests.
- Never hide any success story, because of shyness.
- Just express yourself, it may be the key of your interview gate.
- Here is an example of persuasive C.V.
Dr. Amr Adel Tawfik
Curriculum Vitae
Dear Sirs,
It will be of my great pleasure to apply my
application at your company in order to join
the Sales & Marketing Department to
enhance my career , whereas my experience &
intellectual dimensions would positively
contribute to its success .
Dr. Amr Adel Tawfik
Personal Data
Address : 14, Medhat Hasanin st., El.Amal buildings, Maadi, Cairo
Tel. : 02 23708633
Mobile : 019 9913506, 0120860486
E-mail :
Date of birth : 23, Nov., 1975
Driving License : Valid
· Bachelor of Vet. Medicine, Cairo University, 1998 .
· Diploma of Pharmacology, Cairo University, 2000
Personal Skills
Leader-ship, Good planer, Active, self motivated, Enthusiastic,
Co-operative, Productive, Convincing, Sense of urgency, and, Very Hunger
to Success
· Expressive
Work Experiences and Achievements
ü 2007 2009 : District manager ######## Egypt
· Responsible for different regions in Cairo Sales Office (Cairo ,Guiza &
Remote areas) .
· Prepared & developed a well trained sales team
· Owened an effective & long-term relationships with key
customers .(Ortho.,Derma.,Paed. & G.P.)
· Successful Launch of different products such as ######## .
· Successful implementation of different products such as
##### & ##### at different accounts
· Expanded territorial sales by 30-50%..
ü 2000 2006 : Medical Representative - ######### Egypt
· Expanded territorial sales by 110 - 150%...
· Succeeded to introduce #### products in many M.O.H.hospitals
& Companies
· Successful implementation of the launch programs for different
anti- infective, Anti-viral & Dermatology brands...
· Share in launching of #### during 2004
· Share in re-launching of ##### during 2002
· Share in launching of ##### during 2000
· Member of the best team through 2005
· Appraisal ranged bet. Top performer & Exceed Expectation..
Training Courses Attended
· Marketing & Business development....
· Stress Management .....
· Teams That Work ....
· Marketing & Business development....
· Motivation Methods & Strategies .
· Management Skills Introduction ....
· Communication Skills ........
· Building Effective Relationship .....
· Huthwaite Negotiation Skills
· Targeting & Budgeting .. ...
· Situational Leadership ....
· Coaching & Counseling Course .
· Leadership ...
· Team Building .
· Advanced Selling Skills courses .
· Worldwide Sales Force Excellence
· Sales Excellence Leadership Ladder
· Presentation Skills course . .
· Basic Selling Skills courses ..
· Furnished upon request.
Thank you .!
Interview Skills
o Scared... Never mind, it s normal.
- Remember your fear before any exam you have passed before.
- Every one of us got scared of his first interview, especially if this
interview affects his future.
- Specially when you in front of your gate towards your willing
- It s one of many situations in which you must use your emotions
- If you fear controls you, it will lead you to be in a defensive attitude
and so, negative attitude.
- Attitude which may affect your interview completely prevents you
from showing your best to the interviewer.
- The best to fulfill this job.
- Just as a start, try to manage your fear or any other stress.
- Kill your fear before it kills you.
- It could be done through revising your personal qualifications, your
marketable skills to fulfill these job responsibilities.
- Just remember that everyone at this field had faced this situation
before, even your interview himself.
- But, he was good enough to manage his fear.
- You are not less than him, sure your are not.
ü How could we pass this situation?
ü It could be done through acting on several axes.
a)First axe:
Try to make first good impression
- Arriving at the exact time is a very important point.
- Then, try to appear in a general neat looking.
- Neat suit, neat hair style, neat dress code similar to formal dress
code of your job.
- Control your stress and fear as much as you can in order to show
your self confidence to your interviewer.
- Never get scared as you have enough skills and personal
qualifications to fulfill his job responsibilities.
b)Second axe
"Prepare yourself well"
- Definitely, it does not mean externally preparation, but it means
knowledge preparation.
- It could be done through gathering information about this
· What s the main type of business of this company?
· What s its rank among other companies?
· What are the most popular products of this company?
· What s its strategy?
· What s its vision and mission?
- You can gather all these information from any other employee
works at this company or from the receptionist herself, at least from
any leaflet or printed materials you found at the reception.
- One of the very important points is the major and minor
responsibilities of this job you want to catch, is your personal
qualifications and skills suit these responsibilities or not?
- If yes, always try to emphasize your skills which may suit these job
c) Third Axe
"During the interview itself"
- Really, it is the best time to use your communication and
negotiation skills.
- Always try to answer any question in brief answers, just be specific
and concise.
- Try to use your non verbal and verbal skills
o non verbal :
- Through your hand shaking, your facial expressions, your smile, your
way of walking, your eye to eye contact, yet, your posture during
- Always try to express your self confidence; confidence in catching this
o verbal:
- Through using 4 Ps during your conversation
ý4 Ps are:
i. Pause
ii. Pace
iii. Power
iv. Pitch .
- Just don t forget to be concise and brief.
Selling skills
· Congratulations, you have been just passed all gates for your new
life, your dynamic career and your future.
· Are you ready? Hope you are.
· Before we start journey, you should know the need of each party of
our pharmaceutical business.
· Pharmaceutical business contains 4 parties :
1. Physician
2. Company.
3. Patient.
4. You the medical representative.
- Their need is different as they all different.
- The only thing they are looking for is to satisfy their need.
- But , what are their needs
- Their needs are :
1. Physician
- Earning reputation, willing to be the most famous and reputable
physician, and, his patient flow never stops.
- All people talks about his marvelous skills to cure all his patients.
2. Company
- Profit and growth.
- Growth in order to be No. 1 Company allover the world.
- Gain excessive net profit to build up its future from new launched
product and growth of old products, that is could be done by money,
net profitable money.
3. Patient
- Cure: cures and gets back to his life as soon as possible, without any
suffer and complication.
- Health the crown of healthy people.
- Health the fuel of our dynamic life.
4. Medical representative
- Salary, security and career.
- Sure we all seek for better salary in order to live in well living
standard and build our future.
- Security from any downs could happen to us.
- Career; as you are successive medical representative, you will be
very hungry for success, aiming at building up your career in order
to reach the sky.
- From all the above, you can recognize that every one is seeking for
his need satisfaction.
- So, always try to be human being and you are.
- Always put yourself in the other party shoes.
- well , our selling process could be moved through 6 main steps :
- these steps are :
Follow Up
-Are you ready to start our selling skills journey?
- Hope you are as we will start immediately.
A) Prospection
- Can you imagine yourself in a desert, very wide one, in a desert
without any map, what will you do?
- How much exhausted will you be?
- How many misdirections ill you take?
- simply , prospecting is your map , your map in the desert of your
area , your map to reduce your exhaustion and , and to take almost
right directions , in order to catch your goals
- in our field , there are many methods of prospecting ,
- as examples :
1. Printed material.
2. Direct supervisors.
3. Other medical representatives.
4. Competitors.
5. Conferences.
6. Personal observation
7. Others.
8. Pharmacy visits.
- during you work you have to use all available methods as much as
you can , which will help you categorize your customers , yet , your
tasks towards them .
Conference Competitor
Med. Rep.s
1. Printed materials
- Printed materials mean lists of each area, which contains name,
address, and telephone no. , emails, and so, grading of each physician.
- Some lists contain all items of the above, others, lose one or two
- One of your job descriptions is to update your area list during your
work in order to prepare the best list of your area as much as you can...
- This will help you categorize your customers.
2. Direct supervisors
- Many medical representatives think that their direct supervisors are
the only sources of their prospecting process.
- Yet, their thoughts that if their supervisors did not order them to visit
some physicians, is a permission to not visit them.
- These are all wrong thoughts, meaning of direct supervisors is to use
your direst supervisor experiences to identify K.O.L (key Opinion
Leaders), and so history of unknown physicians to you, if these
physicians have previous deals with any other company or not.
3. Other Medical Representatives
- Many new hired medical representatives think that they know
everything and they don t need other medical representatives
- Other thinks that the other medical representatives may inform them
with wrong information.
- Which is good?
- To give trust to every colleague in order to gather information and
experiences to build on it or live in fear from everyone and lose
using of their experience.
- Try to gather information from everyone either medical or sales
representatives and then filter it.
- Try to be sponge at your first days, absorb any information from
others as much as you can.
- Your direct supervisor is there to help you in filtering this
information, just get it!!
4. Competitors
- What..? My competitors..? How..?
- Simply, you have to observe any unusual moves of your competitors
in your are.
- If you visit any specialist and your competitors visit any other one.
- This means that the other specialist may have the keys of the area,
just investigate.
- Always try to observe your competitors strategies and analyze their
moves in neutral way.
- Know them to beat them.
5. Conferences
- Conferences seem to be like festivals, it is a very good media to
explore new physicians, those whom are not visited or recently
graduated physicians.
- You can notice that in any conference, there are always some medical
representatives mainly responsible for collecting data from any
physician visit their sites.
- These data reviewed and analyzed from the company in order to
expand their data base.
6. Personal observation
- Do you have eyes?
- can you read?
- can you observe?
- If yes, you have to observe any new physician which may not be in
your list or even recently open clinics.
Never work blindly, just observe efficiently your surrounded
environment, your surrounded area.
6. Others
- This means any other way to gather information about your area.
- Some physicians now have their own advertisements in newspapers
and magazines.
- Some organizations or federations have their own consultants.
- Many health insurance organizations have their own contacts with
many physicians.
- Just observe, it will be very simple method to explore new clinics,
yet, gather information about your physicians.
8. Pharmacies visit
- One of the golden roles in communication skills is to put the other
party at ease.
- At ease to build an effective communication process in order to
gather facts not only information.
- Imagine yourself as an officer and you are asking a criminal many
continuous questions, this criminal is the pharmacist.
- Could you imagine that, many medical representatives do that?
- It is the worst method to gather any information from any
- Always try to put your pharmacist at ease.
- Try to visit him at his low frequency time just before or after the
peak of patients flow.
- Deal with him as a human being , and human being he is Never
deal within as ATM machine , you insert your card and order for
money .
- Firstly, try to build your effective relation with him, then, gather
your facts, which will be so easy if your effective relation based on
human being base.
- Well, from all of the above, hope that you are now able to imagine
how much important is the prospection process which is continuous
and endless process.
- A process to form your map, your map of your desert your area , in
order to reduce your effort and misdirections to catch your goals.
B) Approach
- What will be your impression, if there are 2 persons, both want to
talk to you about anything. One of them appears neat looking with his
own happy face and smile, while the other one appears missy looking
with unhappy face, yet, unorganized way of talking?
- Which will you accept to talk with?
- Which one will attract you to communicate with?
- Which one will you prefer to get in effective conversation with him?
- This is the main idea of approaching process, good approach and
smile always pave the road toward effective conversation.
- Approach starting from entering physician clinic, till start opening
statement of the business conversation.
- It includes your appearance, way of greeting, way of walking, and so,
your way of handshaking.
- Simply, approach is the first face to face contact with the customer.
- It is very important for:
1. Qualifying customers.
2. Getting his interest.
3. Elaborating customer need.
4. Help in moving to next step conversation.
- So, never lose the first impression of the customer as it almost lasting
for a long period.
* 6 As
- Avoid deviation of your organization dress code .
- Avoid strong perfumes .
- Avoid shinny colors, the most formal colors are: blue, grey, and black,
with all degrees of it .
-Avoid very expensive clothes
- Avoid excessive jewelry or make up for females .
-Avoid very loss or very hard hand shaking
Hard hand
Shinny colors
dress code
1. Opening
- Opening is your second gate for effective conversation with your
- Could you drive a car without wheels?
- That is the opening statement, your wheels of your effective
conversation car.
- It could have many methods For example :
1. Introductory.
2. Patient benefit.
3. Product.
4. Question
5. Shock.
6. Survey.
7. Referral.
During your conversations, you can use any method of the above with
the same customer but not in the same conversation, all up to your
scenario of conversations.
- Each method could be suitable for some types of customers, while
others, not suitable for them.
- Ok, shall we get into the gut of each method?
1. Introductory opening
- In this method you mention your name, company, product, etc.
- Always suitable for the first conversation or with customers whom
didn t remember you.
- It will be of nonsense after many conversations with the same
customer as he knows you well.
- put yourself in your customer shoes.
2. Patient benefit method
- In this type, you mention the benefits of your products to the patient.
- It will be easily done if you point patient profile to your customer, in
which indication you will talk about.
- Just imagine the picture of the patient and describe it in simple terms
to the customer.
3. Product method
- In this type, you can describe any feature of your product which
indicates efficacy, safety, compliance etc,
- It will be suitable when you introduce new products.
4. Question method
- this method mainly based on asking your customer a question in
order to push him toward the indication you are going to talk about .
- Question may be about his protocol or experience about your
5. Shock method
-Very suitable when you have recent of new studies or trials, yet, new
indications for your products.
- Depend mainly on ignorance of the customers about these new studies
or trials.
- It meads your enthusiasm through this type, very high enthusiasm to
attract the customer.
6. Survey method
- Always done when you survey for any new indications or opinions,
yet, experiences of your products with customers
7. Referral method
- Could be done with key opinion leaders, in order to satisfy their self
actualization "Ego", to encourage them to get into two ways of
conversation with you.
Shock ReferralPatient Product Question Survey
D) Core
- Woo, finally I will discus the main issues with the customer.
- shall do all the above to reach this point ?
- Of course it is preferable to do all of the above ..
- Now, you will start your battle, all of the above was the preparation in
order to win your battle .
- Battle with your competitors not the customers ..
- Always try to win, as long as win win situation not necessary to be
50%-50%, you should win at least few steps toward your goals .
- To win, you should firstly set your objectives which you will fight for.
- To set good objectives, it should contain some basics .
- These basics could be different from one person to another, this
difference only in definition, not the core of the basics itself
1. Objective
- Finally they all agree on smart objectives
To be SMART means .
- S Specific
- M Measurable ..
- A Achievable ..
- R Realistic ..
- T time limited .
- Specific
To be at paint, related to customer specialty and to
the main indication of your products ..
- Measurable
Could be measured, not mean that you have to count each R or patient,
but it means that you can measure it through ant way you could use ..
- Achievable
This means that your customer can achieve it for you, which leads to your
- Realistic
Really, based on facts ..
Really , your customer can do it ..
Really , you can talk or deal about it .
Really , it is sound seems to be accepted .
- Time limited
Time is like sward, always link any objective to time, you will not spend
all your life to reach only one objective, as you will have more than one
objective with your customers .
ý Just ask yourself a question ..
- Why am I here and what do I want to gain?
- Whenever you have an answer, know that you almost have a good
objective ..
Good luck
2. Probing
- During your conversation with the customer, it will be more beneficial
to make it 2 ways of communication, not one way.
- Just to reduce your effort, and shorten the way to your objectives.
- probing is one of your beneficial weapons in your battle
- probing has two types ..
a) Closed b) Open
a) Closed probe
Is the probe in which you ask a question and it is answered with
Yes or no?
a) Open probe
- is the probe in which you ask a question and it is answered with a
statement in which your customer expresses himself
- It could be about his experience or favorable proto...
- Open probe encourages your customer to keep on with you .
- Good medical representative is the one who can use both types easily in
the right situation .
Both, in order to reach his objectives .
3. Objections
- Objections are the rocks which delay you to reach your objectives .
- It could have 2 types
a) False b) True
a) True objection
- Is the objection that is really related to your products either in
safety, dosage or even price and based on facts
b) False objection
In this type the customer may have hidden needs, you have to
elaborate these needs .
- You can feel it easily, but how?
- When your customer says that your product is not effective at all or
not safe at all ..
- How it got its license of production from ministry of health if it is not
effective or safe at all?
- There are many tactics to deal with these objections.
- One of the simplest one is CARB.C.
Benefit React
* Clarification
Through many continues questions:
Questions related to the objections it ..
- For how many patients you it?
- How many patients complained?
- How, How, How .etc until you reach the core of the objection.
* Acknowledge
Just repeat the paint you understood, in order to set the base point to
* Response
Response through your answers.
It should be supported with studies or trials.
Simply, should be documented.
* Benefit
After your answer, try to state an extra benefit of your product, which will
be accepted from the customer.
Benefit which will reflect on his patient positively.
* Close
After you gave your customer the extra benefit, try to close your
conversation. Close with the accepted points.
4. Dramatization
Please, answer the following questions.
Which one is more attractive?
1- Television or radio?
2- Colored television or black and white one.
3- B.M.W or 128?
4- Vital person or in vital one?
- Did you recognize the difference?
That is the main core of
- If you didn t dramatize your message to the customer you will be
like the radio compared with others medical representatives whom
will be like
- Dramatization will smooth and simply of your message in order to
touch the customer feelings, so, it will be easily accepted by your
customer, yet, branding yourself among your competitions.
- You try to use your imagination, your imagination which based on
facts and real symptoms of patients.
- Your imagination to paint patient profile "P.P.P."
For example:-
If you will talk about Antibiotic for children and one of its features is good
flavored taste.
1. Ordinary one
- Dear Dr. , this Antibiotic is of orange taste , which will be very
palatable for any child you Rx
- So, you will be ordinary medical representative, as many medical
representatives say it before.
2. Dramatized one
- Dear Dr. , as you know , if there is any medication with unpalatable
taste for children , they will not accept it at all , which will be very
difficult for parents to administer it to them , yet , the child may be
throw it away after administration , which may lead to inadequate
dosage , so our antibiotic is with orange flavor , which is palatable for
many children , and so , easily administered by parents , and , to be
sure of adequate dosages at right time .
- Different and attractive picture, does it?
- As you see, one statement with 2 ways, that is the different.
- try to paint patient profile and, use your verbal and non-verbal skills.
A. Verbal skills
* Through your simple terms and words.
* Through your voice which should contain 4 Ps: Power, Pause, Pitch
and Pace.
B. Non-verbal skills
* Through your facial expressions.
* Through your eye to eye contacts.
* Through your acting, yes acting, we are all like actors on the stage of
life theatre of representation While the audiences are your
customers; will they like your acting? It's better for you to be liked.
- As long as we have only 1 mouth and 2 ears.
- It indicates that we have to listen more than talking.
- Do you know the difference between listening and hearing?
* Hearing
- is hear any sound or voice involuntary.
- You hear horns of cars, side talks of any surrounded people.
- Hearing without any attention from you toward these sounds.
- You can't close your ears.
* listening
- Hearing with attention toward what is said.
- You give your attention when you want to.
- You listen to anyone; you decide to get in conversations with him.
- listening has many types, the master popular 2 types are.
1. Active listening 2. Passive listening
- The most preferable one is active listening.
- Active listening as you encourages the customer to participate and
elaborate his needs during your conversation with him, yet increase
his willingness to listen to you.
- could be done through some certain actions from you to show him
that you listen carefully to him.
- Active listening passes through 3 stages:
1. Hearing
2. Giving attention
3. Understanding
- Though these 3 stages, you should use your verbal and non-verbal
skills in order to encourage the customer to keep on talking with you.
- You should tune out any destruction, never interrupt, obtain
feedback, and take notes as soon as you can.
- From all the above, we can recognize that active listening is one of
our effective weapons in our effective conversation.
- Just always remember that you only have 1 mouth and 2 ears.
- what will be your impressions when you receive 2 gifts , one of them
is well packaged ,and had simple greeting words on it , otherwise is
unpackaged , just through you ?
- Simply, this is the closing process, packaging of your effective
conversation with your customer, packaging in order to know
impression of your customer and to get his commitment, his
commitment to build up your next conversation with him.
- Always try to close effectively and with enthusiasm.
- There are many types of closing, depend mainly up on your
personality, customer personality and your relation with the customer.
- We can know some of them from the next table.
Type Example
Asking for
Up to all of this, Rx for patients Suffering from Y?
Yes - Yes
Up to all of this, don't you agree that X assures your
patient needs?
Up to all of this, will any patient suffer from Y, X
will be your 1st choice?
If X gives you more efficacy and safety than W, will you R
it to any patient suffer from Y?
Summarize the
As we agreed upon the efficacy, and, safety of X through
our conversation, so will you R it for any patient suffer
from Y
- When should you close your conversation?
· You should close it whenever you got it any buying signals from the
· It may be either positive question, positive reaction verbal or non-
verbal toward your products. Or even positive sentences which will
mainly depend on your gut feelings.
F) Follow up
- follow up will be for 2 main categories :
1. one of them for the end results of your conversation
· Did the customer convert your conversation into actions?
· Did he do what you agreed for?
· Did he Rx your products?
- You can simply answer all of these questions through collecting
feedback from surrounded pharmacies within next few days.
- Or even, from orders collected by sales representatives within next
cycle of sales.
- Upon these results, you can set your action plans for your next
conversations with this customer.
2. The other one, depends on you, it's about yourself.
- It is called post call analysis.
- It could be done after you have just exit from the customer clinic.
- it is done through many simple questions :
· Did you achieve your previously set objectives?
· What did you do well?
· What are things need to be developed within next conversations?
· What can you do more to achieve more?
· Shall you change your way of introducing your products?
· If you are the physician , will you R this product for
· Why do you accept to be ordinary, while you can be a star?
· Why do you accept to be on the land, while you can reach the sky?
· Why do you accept to be no.2, while you can be no. 1?
· Are you ambitious? You have to be, as you accept to invade
representation world.
- I.M.S is information medical statistics through which you can
exactly know where you are in the market, yet your rank among
your competitor.
- Mirror of what you are doing in the market, and so, good base to set
your next action plan.
- Indicate which new segment you could invade?
- Simply I.M.S points your picture comparing to your competitors.
- Through I.M.S you can know your market share, growth, Geo share,
and so, your in market sales either units or value against your
a) Market share
- It's your piece of the pie of your area.
- Through it you can know if you are on the right track or you are
lose, could be done through simple comparison with National and
Area market share.
- Market share: is the share you have gained from your competitors
in your area.
a) Growth
- Where you are now comparing with the same period last year ?
- Are you growing or shrinking ?
- It's the percentage of your value or units now, over your value or
units at the same period last year.
b) Geo share
- In which you can recognize your share comparable to your
colleagues allover the country.
- And so, your competitors in your area against their colleagues.
c) M.A.T.
- It meaning Movement Annual To date
- Indicate your momentum for 12 months ago
- Yet, your competitors too
- Help you to know the highest season and the lowest one for your
- There are many other factors you can elaborate from I.M.S...
- Like. Which segments of physicians R your products?
- What are your competitor's strategies and how do they work?
- Simply, I.M.S gives you almost clear picture for your recent situation
comparable to your competitors, inside your market frame, which
helps set your future goals, yet, your action plans for next period in
order to reach your vision.
- Gives you clear information and momentum of your products
through a year ago.
Career Path through
§ How do you imagine your future?
§ How do you imagine yourself after 10 years?
§ Which title will you achieve after 10 years?
§ What are your opportunities to grow up?
§ Which department will you path through?
- Through your first years, your personality will be reshaped.
- You will feel with your interests, which department is affinity for?
- Sales department, marketing, human resource, etc.
- Upon your interests, you have to develop yourself, which could be
done through reading or gaining some courses from any reputable
education center in order organize your thoughts and skills,
Yet, paves your road toward your future objectives ..
o Here is simple diagram for our career path through.
Sales supervisor Product manager Human Resource
Sales manager Group product
Human Resource
Sales director Marketing
Human resource
Senior Medical
- all of the above terms could be changed upon your organization
terms and job responsibilities
· e.g.
Sales supervisor = territory manager = district manager
- You may find some intermediate steps between any post and next
· e.g.
- Medical representative assistant product manager
Product manager.
- Time for passing through any post depend mainly on your skills
and your development steps.
- Build up your career and be ambitious person.
Good luck

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Golden gate to the representation world

  • 1. 1
  • 2. 2
  • 4. 4 ü Contents 1. Introduction 2. Representation and roles of medical representative 3. Qualifications of the medical representative 4. How to prepare your persuasive c.v 5. Interview skills 6. Selling skills 7. I.M.S 8. Career path through
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 6 Introduction Dears, - I am one of thousands whom work in the medical representation field .. - Through my work, I found many qualified individuals, they have very good selling and marketable skill, and, they actually work in our field with very successful stories - Others , have the same skills , but , they didn t get their own chances to work and our career - The causes may be due to their fear to invade the representation world or they couldn t pass through the gates of persuasive C.V. preparation or interviews - So, I decided to write this book, just to be used as a reference through your first days - From your date of graduation, till your first few, months in the work - In this book , I tried to introduce information in simple terms in order to be fully understood from all of us , within the frame of business language - Hope that this book reaches the objectives of what it written for - To help you open your Golden Gate to the Representation world Thanks & Best regards
  • 7. 7
  • 8. 8 Representation and Roles of the Medical Representative - As a start, you have to know what the Representation is, yet your roles through this changeable world. - Representation is the process of introduction, delivering new concepts of your product, and so follows up with your customer. Roles could be divided into 3 main categories... Commercia l Technical Communic ation Roles
  • 9. 9 1. Communication role - You are the main communication channel between your organization and the customer. - You deliver your organization in the market in right and effective way. - Yet, you deliver right and true feedback from the customers to your organization - These are the expectations of your organization from you - You are the one . Medical Representative Company Customer Message Message ResponseFeedback
  • 10. 10 2. Technical role - Before you say any word , you must know what you talk about .either indications or your product - What are the best and right indications for your product? - What are the recent and best protocols that the customers deal with or use in these indications? - What are the main symptoms of these indications? - What are the recent studies and trials of your products? Also, - Your product mode of actions? - Safety and side effects of your product? - Way of administration? - Precautions of using your product? - Drug .Drug interactions? - Don t panic, all of the above your organization will give to you through full and effective training program . - Just be open-minded to gather information - Always remember that the patient could be your father , mother or anyone of your family , so be honest in your messages to the customers
  • 11. 11 3. Commercial role That is the main point of view Your target - That is why your organization is still standing. - That is why you are there. - Always try to achieve it in an honest and right way . - Don t panic , your organization will give you responsible and achievable target just try to achieve it and never give up - You must try to be positive, as long as positive attitude is our core of representation. - Success of all medical representatives is the one who always search for solutions to achieve , not , excuses of failure Good luck ..
  • 12. 12
  • 13. 13 Personal Qualifications - There are many qualifications; some of us could have them all . - Others could have only some of them... - To have all of them does not mean that you will be superstar medical representative . - And so to have only some of them, does not mean that you will be ordinary or loses medical representative . - The only way to be super star is about how you can use your qualifications. - How to play with your good qualifications in the right game in the right and suitable situation. - There are many medical representative have very good qualifications, but they couldn t use them. - So, day by day they start to lose it - The others whom only have some of these qualifications, and they are very good and capable enough to use it, yet, develop it . - So, day by day, they grow it up, and earn more qualifications in order to build up their future . - Because all of the above, there is only one manager responsible for six-ten medical representatives . - Hope that you aim to be a manager develop yourself and build up your future. - Now , let us start our journey through these qualifications :
  • 14. 14 v Honesty - have you ever dealt with a dishonest person? - Just think remember any dishonest person. - What did he drag you for? - Sure, for a blocked way or at least exhaust you . - Less honesty is one of the fatal mistakes in our field. - It may lead your organization to a blocked way and so leads you also to a blocked way - It may destroy your future and so, your organization s future. - imagine if you trust in anyone, then, he does not give you honesty, what will you feel? - As long as your organization trusts in you, you have to give it honesty. - Honest work, honest feedback, honest thinking and honesty of any other things. - You will be honest, will you?
  • 15. 15 v Persistence - Before we invade this point, let us remember together Ghana 2008, Goal of Mohamed Zidan in the final match vs. Cameron. - He fell and got up, been pushed, fell and got up, never give up. - persist to catch the ball. Finally, he got it and passed it, which was the only goal and Egypt won the Cup 2008 - You see, persistence of only one player gave happiness to eighty millions of Egyptians. - So, you should be your persistence build up your organization, which finally will support your career path through. - You have to persist for your R, orders and all your rights and never give up. - As long s people are different, their resistance to accept, you or your messages are different too. - Your persistence will liquefy these resistances, in order to achieve your goals and targets.
  • 16. 16 v Initiative - Imagine the feather in the air. - It moves up and down, right and left... With no directions, only the directions of the wind. - Cannot choose its directions. - This is the non-initiative person, cannot choose his directions. - Simply, moves with the flow, flow of the market. - When the market gets up, he gets up. - When the market gets down, he also gets down too. - He is an invaluable person. - Always try to take initiation, always try to be the first one. - To be the first one gives you a trade name; a trade name to brand yourself in our market. - Never lose the first flavor of success, just remember to be the first with honesty and within the frame of your organization s ethics. - So, many medical representatives lose their credibility as they tried to be initiatives in a dishonest way and out of ethics.
  • 17. 17 v Responsiveness ý Are you alive? ý Do you breathe? ý Are you vital enough to work? - If yes, you have to be responsive as long as you are still alive. - Responsive to everything surrounds you. The right thing to catch it up and start to use it. The bad thing to overcome it and trying to fix it. - Whenever you will be responsive, you will be able to catch opportunities, yet, being the one l; always first one. - Just know that there are too many persons lose golden chances in their life, due to their lack of responsiveness. - Don t lose your chances and catch up every one in order to grow up and build up your career. - We are in a very dynamic market, in a very dynamic world. - So you have to be dynamic too, dynamic in your responses towards your surrounding media.
  • 18. 18 v Working by objective - Let us get back few pages - do you remember the feather? - Yes, the feather in the wind? - That is the meaning of working by objectives. - Simply, ask yourself . A. why are you working? B. why do you go especially to this customer? C. why, why, why etc? - You should know every answer of the why questions. Simply, why are you doing what you do? - Working by objectives saves time, thinking, effort and money. - Always ask yourself why you do this and what the end result is. - Then you will be easily able to take you decision, and so, you directions. - Are you a feather?
  • 19. 19 v Emotionally mature - Have you ever been to a theatre to watch any play, while the actor has just lost one of his family, father, mother or son, in reality? - What did he do? - Continued his acting and tried to make audience laugh. He controlled his emotions in order to not affect his business. - So, we have to control our emotions either happiness or sadness. - Imagine yourself as an actor you are an actor. - Our business like acting, it is not your organization s fault, yet, your audiences too. - Always control your emotions in order to send your effective messages in effective ways. - As you are a human being, express your emotions with yourself in your private world and make or hide it from the others. - I know it will be very hard for you at your first period, but you can do it!! - You are the one!
  • 20. 20 vManaging time Everyone of us did this before !! - Do you know when, and how? - During your study and exams, as you managed your time during your study, you are now a member of one of the top faculties - can you do it now, in your business? - Sure you can, you just only need to organize your tasks. - categorize your tasks up to urgency and importance in a table as below. 1st Urgent Important 2nd Not urgent Important 3rd Urgent Not important 4th Not urgent Not important - As soon as you categorize your tasks as above, you will be able to manage your time in as effective and simple way. - You deserve spare time to refresh yourself, try to save your time and have fun.
  • 21. 21 v Self-motivation - Can any car move without fuel? - Of course not, so you are you can t continue your work, especially successful work, yet your life without motivation -There are two types of motivation . - External motivation is not in your hands, this type of motivation done by others to you. - So, you can t manage it, as you can t manage all people surround you - On the other hand. - Self motivation is fully yours; it depends on your dealing with your surrounding environment. - To catch it, look always to the full half of the glass, not the empty half. Be optimistic as much as you can. Motivation External Internal
  • 22. 22 - Just try to accept criticism, never give up; you are the main cause of what happens to you. - cross over de-motivation and motivating yourself. - No one can drag you back without your permission. - Just look at the mirror and tell the person you see that you are the cause of what I m in now .
  • 23. 23 v Self development - At the past, your parents tried to push you forward, gave you right directions as much as they could . - Nowadays, you are responsible for yourself -Never imagine that anyone will deal with you as your parents, and give you right the directions at the right situation . - Be responsible and develop yourself . - Build up your personality, your career, your future, yet, your superstar medical representative . - Main weapon of any civilization is knowledge, you are not less than them . - Gain your knowledge and never wait for the angel who will give it to you, you are a human being living on earth . - Always remember that there is only one manager for any team, develop yourself, and be the manager is the one .
  • 24. 24 v Co-operation - The Pyramid is one of the 7 wonders. - What does it consist of? Bricks - If there are only one brick, could it form a pyramid, the one of the seven wonders? - You are the brick, brick of the wall, the wall of your organization. - Without you, your organization wall will be uncompleted. - All for one, one for all, simple way to adopt your cooperation with your colleagues. - Try to be a brick, link to your colleagues through cooperation, in order to form strong and high wall, wall of your organization. - All for one, one for all, simple way to build up yourself and so secure your future, yet, your organization.
  • 25. 25 v Enthusiasm - Enthusiasm is contagious - As high as your enthusiasm level reaches, the second party gets the same, almost at level. - Can you imagine yourself dealing with someone who wants to convince you with his product or opinion about anything? - He talks to you with mono tone voice, broken eye contact, what will be your impression about his or her product or opinion? - Sure, you will be hesitated in accepting this product, and so lacking he trusts in, what he just said to you. - Enthusiasm reflects self confidence and motivation to the other party to accept your opinion or message. - Up to all the above, will you be enthusiastic? , will you be self confident..? - As long as you want to be the one, you should be enthusiastic .
  • 26. 26 v Strategic thinking - There are many ways to deal with any problem. - It is all depends upon your attitude, yet, way of thinking towards this problem. - Let us think simply. - What are the problem layers? - There are three layers: A. Surface layer. B. Event causing the problem. C. Root of the problem. Surface layer Event Root
  • 27. 27 From all of the above, we can recognize the best way to deal with any problem: a. Digging down at least 3 layers. b. Gathering facts c. Weigh all sides &take your suitable decision. Digging down Gathering facts Take decision
  • 28. 28 - N.B * Digging 3 layers through continuous questions. * Separate facts from irrelevant details. * Always try to put 3 scenarios and choose the best one which satisfies you. - That is the simple way to lead with any problem, either in your business or in your personal life . Good Luck. - As you can see from all of the above. - I have just tried to introduce and emphasize on some of good personal qualifications. - There are many other qualifications, if you have them all save them and try to develop them. - If not, try to earn them, at least some of them at the beginning. - If you can t help yourself, yet, develop yourself. - Never imagine that anyone can do it for you.
  • 29. 29
  • 30. 30 Persuasive C.V. - Have you ever gone shopping before? - Which shop attracts you first? - Which shop makes you feel that you will find all what you need there? - That is your C.V. curriculum vitae . - Your C.V. is your first gate to introduce yourself to any organization. - Simply it is your frame. - It represents your personality. - Do you know how? - If it was organized, it will indicate your organization. - If it was free from any spelling mistakes it will indicate your care about your image. - some of freshly graduated through that whole world against them , they sent their c.v. to many companies , in order to get a chance of working at these companies, but no one called them for any interview. - Do you know why? · They couldn t pass through the first gate; they failed to attract the companies. · They couldn t represent themselves.
  • 31. 31 · As long as they couldn t represent themselves, they will not be able to represent their products. - Recently, at many of multinational brands there are departments for visual merchandizing. - This department is responsible for matching colors of any site of the shop. - Do you know why? - To attract your eyes, attract your willing to buy and so motivation to feel that you are in the right shop, in order to buy all what you need from them. - Now, you may ask yourself: How could I prepare persuasive C.V.? - Here you are, an example for a C.V., you can add or remove any item of it up on your personality, just within the frame of formal ethics. - Firstly, you have to use clear and unsophisticated font; the font which not affects or hides any letter characters. - Preferred to use black color in writing the C.V., try to avoid colored fonts on order to give your C.V. the formal image. - Try to categorize your life history and try to represent your success stories. - If you don t have any success stories, try to emphasize on the least qualifications of your personality or at least your interests. - Never hide any success story, because of shyness. - Just express yourself, it may be the key of your interview gate. - Here is an example of persuasive C.V.
  • 32. 32 Dr. Amr Adel Tawfik Curriculum Vitae 2010
  • 33. 33 Dear Sirs, It will be of my great pleasure to apply my application at your company in order to join the Sales & Marketing Department to enhance my career , whereas my experience & intellectual dimensions would positively contribute to its success . Dr. Amr Adel Tawfik
  • 34. 34 Personal Data Address : 14, Medhat Hasanin st., El.Amal buildings, Maadi, Cairo Tel. : 02 23708633 Mobile : 019 9913506, 0120860486 E-mail : Date of birth : 23, Nov., 1975 Driving License : Valid Education · Bachelor of Vet. Medicine, Cairo University, 1998 . · Diploma of Pharmacology, Cairo University, 2000 Personal Skills Leader-ship, Good planer, Active, self motivated, Enthusiastic, Co-operative, Productive, Convincing, Sense of urgency, and, Very Hunger to Success · Expressive
  • 35. 35 Work Experiences and Achievements ü 2007 2009 : District manager ######## Egypt · Responsible for different regions in Cairo Sales Office (Cairo ,Guiza & Remote areas) . · Prepared & developed a well trained sales team · Owened an effective & long-term relationships with key customers .(Ortho.,Derma.,Paed. & G.P.) · Successful Launch of different products such as ######## . · Successful implementation of different products such as ##### & ##### at different accounts · Expanded territorial sales by 30-50%.. ü 2000 2006 : Medical Representative - ######### Egypt · Expanded territorial sales by 110 - 150%... · Succeeded to introduce #### products in many M.O.H.hospitals & Companies · Successful implementation of the launch programs for different anti- infective, Anti-viral & Dermatology brands... · Share in launching of #### during 2004 · Share in re-launching of ##### during 2002 · Share in launching of ##### during 2000 · Member of the best team through 2005 · Appraisal ranged bet. Top performer & Exceed Expectation..
  • 36. 36 Training Courses Attended · Marketing & Business development.... · Stress Management ..... · Teams That Work .... · Marketing & Business development.... · Motivation Methods & Strategies . · Management Skills Introduction .... · Communication Skills ........ · Building Effective Relationship ..... · Huthwaite Negotiation Skills · Targeting & Budgeting .. ... · Situational Leadership .... · Coaching & Counseling Course . · Leadership ... · Team Building . · Advanced Selling Skills courses . · Worldwide Sales Force Excellence · Sales Excellence Leadership Ladder · Presentation Skills course . . · Basic Selling Skills courses .. References · Furnished upon request. Thank you .!
  • 37. 37
  • 38. 38 Interview Skills o Scared... Never mind, it s normal. - Remember your fear before any exam you have passed before. - Every one of us got scared of his first interview, especially if this interview affects his future. - Specially when you in front of your gate towards your willing organization. - It s one of many situations in which you must use your emotions maturity. - If you fear controls you, it will lead you to be in a defensive attitude and so, negative attitude. - Attitude which may affect your interview completely prevents you from showing your best to the interviewer. - The best to fulfill this job. - Just as a start, try to manage your fear or any other stress. - Kill your fear before it kills you. - It could be done through revising your personal qualifications, your marketable skills to fulfill these job responsibilities. - Just remember that everyone at this field had faced this situation before, even your interview himself. - But, he was good enough to manage his fear.
  • 39. 39 - You are not less than him, sure your are not. ü How could we pass this situation? ü It could be done through acting on several axes. a)First axe: Try to make first good impression - Arriving at the exact time is a very important point. - Then, try to appear in a general neat looking. - Neat suit, neat hair style, neat dress code similar to formal dress code of your job. - Control your stress and fear as much as you can in order to show your self confidence to your interviewer. - Never get scared as you have enough skills and personal qualifications to fulfill his job responsibilities.
  • 40. 40 b)Second axe "Prepare yourself well" - Definitely, it does not mean externally preparation, but it means knowledge preparation. - It could be done through gathering information about this company. · What s the main type of business of this company? · What s its rank among other companies? · What are the most popular products of this company? · What s its strategy? · What s its vision and mission? - You can gather all these information from any other employee works at this company or from the receptionist herself, at least from any leaflet or printed materials you found at the reception. - One of the very important points is the major and minor responsibilities of this job you want to catch, is your personal qualifications and skills suit these responsibilities or not? - If yes, always try to emphasize your skills which may suit these job responsibilities.
  • 41. 41 c) Third Axe "During the interview itself" - Really, it is the best time to use your communication and negotiation skills. - Always try to answer any question in brief answers, just be specific and concise. - Try to use your non verbal and verbal skills o non verbal : - Through your hand shaking, your facial expressions, your smile, your way of walking, your eye to eye contact, yet, your posture during sitting. - Always try to express your self confidence; confidence in catching this job. o verbal: - Through using 4 Ps during your conversation ý4 Ps are: i. Pause ii. Pace iii. Power iv. Pitch . - Just don t forget to be concise and brief.
  • 42. 42
  • 43. 43 Selling skills · Congratulations, you have been just passed all gates for your new life, your dynamic career and your future. · Are you ready? Hope you are. · Before we start journey, you should know the need of each party of our pharmaceutical business. · Pharmaceutical business contains 4 parties : 1. Physician 2. Company. 3. Patient. 4. You the medical representative. - Their need is different as they all different. - The only thing they are looking for is to satisfy their need. - But , what are their needs - Their needs are : 1. Physician - Earning reputation, willing to be the most famous and reputable physician, and, his patient flow never stops. - All people talks about his marvelous skills to cure all his patients.
  • 44. 44 2. Company - Profit and growth. - Growth in order to be No. 1 Company allover the world. - Gain excessive net profit to build up its future from new launched product and growth of old products, that is could be done by money, net profitable money. 3. Patient - Cure: cures and gets back to his life as soon as possible, without any suffer and complication. - Health the crown of healthy people. - Health the fuel of our dynamic life. 4. Medical representative - Salary, security and career. - Sure we all seek for better salary in order to live in well living standard and build our future. - Security from any downs could happen to us. - Career; as you are successive medical representative, you will be very hungry for success, aiming at building up your career in order to reach the sky.
  • 46. 46 - From all the above, you can recognize that every one is seeking for his need satisfaction. - So, always try to be human being and you are. - Always put yourself in the other party shoes. - well , our selling process could be moved through 6 main steps : - these steps are : . Follow Up Closing Core Opening Approach Prospection
  • 47. 47 -Are you ready to start our selling skills journey? - Hope you are as we will start immediately.
  • 48. 48 A) Prospection - Can you imagine yourself in a desert, very wide one, in a desert without any map, what will you do? - How much exhausted will you be? - How many misdirections ill you take? - simply , prospecting is your map , your map in the desert of your area , your map to reduce your exhaustion and , and to take almost right directions , in order to catch your goals - in our field , there are many methods of prospecting , - as examples : 1. Printed material. 2. Direct supervisors. 3. Other medical representatives. 4. Competitors. 5. Conferences. 6. Personal observation 7. Others. 8. Pharmacy visits. - during you work you have to use all available methods as much as you can , which will help you categorize your customers , yet , your tasks towards them .
  • 50. 50 1. Printed materials - Printed materials mean lists of each area, which contains name, address, and telephone no. , emails, and so, grading of each physician. - Some lists contain all items of the above, others, lose one or two items. - One of your job descriptions is to update your area list during your work in order to prepare the best list of your area as much as you can... - This will help you categorize your customers. 2. Direct supervisors - Many medical representatives think that their direct supervisors are the only sources of their prospecting process. - Yet, their thoughts that if their supervisors did not order them to visit some physicians, is a permission to not visit them. - These are all wrong thoughts, meaning of direct supervisors is to use your direst supervisor experiences to identify K.O.L (key Opinion Leaders), and so history of unknown physicians to you, if these physicians have previous deals with any other company or not.
  • 51. 51 3. Other Medical Representatives - Many new hired medical representatives think that they know everything and they don t need other medical representatives experiences. - Other thinks that the other medical representatives may inform them with wrong information. - Which is good? - To give trust to every colleague in order to gather information and experiences to build on it or live in fear from everyone and lose using of their experience. - Try to gather information from everyone either medical or sales representatives and then filter it. - Try to be sponge at your first days, absorb any information from others as much as you can. - Your direct supervisor is there to help you in filtering this information, just get it!!
  • 52. 52 4. Competitors - What..? My competitors..? How..? - Simply, you have to observe any unusual moves of your competitors in your are. - If you visit any specialist and your competitors visit any other one. - This means that the other specialist may have the keys of the area, just investigate. - Always try to observe your competitors strategies and analyze their moves in neutral way. - Know them to beat them. 5. Conferences - Conferences seem to be like festivals, it is a very good media to explore new physicians, those whom are not visited or recently graduated physicians. - You can notice that in any conference, there are always some medical representatives mainly responsible for collecting data from any physician visit their sites. - These data reviewed and analyzed from the company in order to expand their data base.
  • 53. 53 6. Personal observation - Do you have eyes? - can you read? - can you observe? - If yes, you have to observe any new physician which may not be in your list or even recently open clinics. Never work blindly, just observe efficiently your surrounded environment, your surrounded area. 6. Others - This means any other way to gather information about your area. - Some physicians now have their own advertisements in newspapers and magazines. - Some organizations or federations have their own consultants. - Many health insurance organizations have their own contacts with many physicians. - Just observe, it will be very simple method to explore new clinics, yet, gather information about your physicians.
  • 54. 54 8. Pharmacies visit - One of the golden roles in communication skills is to put the other party at ease. - At ease to build an effective communication process in order to gather facts not only information. - Imagine yourself as an officer and you are asking a criminal many continuous questions, this criminal is the pharmacist. - Could you imagine that, many medical representatives do that? - It is the worst method to gather any information from any pharmacist. - Always try to put your pharmacist at ease. - Try to visit him at his low frequency time just before or after the peak of patients flow. - Deal with him as a human being , and human being he is Never deal within as ATM machine , you insert your card and order for money . - Firstly, try to build your effective relation with him, then, gather your facts, which will be so easy if your effective relation based on human being base. - Well, from all of the above, hope that you are now able to imagine how much important is the prospection process which is continuous and endless process. - A process to form your map, your map of your desert your area , in order to reduce your effort and misdirections to catch your goals.
  • 55. 55 B) Approach - What will be your impression, if there are 2 persons, both want to talk to you about anything. One of them appears neat looking with his own happy face and smile, while the other one appears missy looking with unhappy face, yet, unorganized way of talking? - Which will you accept to talk with? - Which one will attract you to communicate with? - Which one will you prefer to get in effective conversation with him? - This is the main idea of approaching process, good approach and smile always pave the road toward effective conversation. - Approach starting from entering physician clinic, till start opening statement of the business conversation. - It includes your appearance, way of greeting, way of walking, and so, your way of handshaking. - Simply, approach is the first face to face contact with the customer. - It is very important for: 1. Qualifying customers. 2. Getting his interest. 3. Elaborating customer need. 4. Help in moving to next step conversation. - So, never lose the first impression of the customer as it almost lasting for a long period.
  • 56. 56 * 6 As - Avoid deviation of your organization dress code . - Avoid strong perfumes . - Avoid shinny colors, the most formal colors are: blue, grey, and black, with all degrees of it . -Avoid very expensive clothes - Avoid excessive jewelry or make up for females . -Avoid very loss or very hard hand shaking Hard hand shaking Excessive jewelry Expensive clothes Shinny colors Strong perfumes Unformed dress code Avoid
  • 57. 57 1. Opening - Opening is your second gate for effective conversation with your customer. - Could you drive a car without wheels? - That is the opening statement, your wheels of your effective conversation car. - It could have many methods For example : 1. Introductory. 2. Patient benefit. 3. Product. 4. Question 5. Shock. 6. Survey. 7. Referral. During your conversations, you can use any method of the above with the same customer but not in the same conversation, all up to your scenario of conversations. - Each method could be suitable for some types of customers, while others, not suitable for them. - Ok, shall we get into the gut of each method?
  • 58. 58 1. Introductory opening - In this method you mention your name, company, product, etc. - Always suitable for the first conversation or with customers whom didn t remember you. - It will be of nonsense after many conversations with the same customer as he knows you well. - put yourself in your customer shoes. 2. Patient benefit method - In this type, you mention the benefits of your products to the patient. - It will be easily done if you point patient profile to your customer, in which indication you will talk about. - Just imagine the picture of the patient and describe it in simple terms to the customer. 3. Product method - In this type, you can describe any feature of your product which indicates efficacy, safety, compliance etc, - It will be suitable when you introduce new products.
  • 59. 59 4. Question method - this method mainly based on asking your customer a question in order to push him toward the indication you are going to talk about . - Question may be about his protocol or experience about your products. 5. Shock method -Very suitable when you have recent of new studies or trials, yet, new indications for your products. - Depend mainly on ignorance of the customers about these new studies or trials. - It meads your enthusiasm through this type, very high enthusiasm to attract the customer. 6. Survey method - Always done when you survey for any new indications or opinions, yet, experiences of your products with customers 7. Referral method - Could be done with key opinion leaders, in order to satisfy their self actualization "Ego", to encourage them to get into two ways of conversation with you.
  • 61. 61 D) Core - Woo, finally I will discus the main issues with the customer. - shall do all the above to reach this point ? - Of course it is preferable to do all of the above .. - Now, you will start your battle, all of the above was the preparation in order to win your battle . - Battle with your competitors not the customers .. - Always try to win, as long as win win situation not necessary to be 50%-50%, you should win at least few steps toward your goals . - To win, you should firstly set your objectives which you will fight for. - To set good objectives, it should contain some basics . - These basics could be different from one person to another, this difference only in definition, not the core of the basics itself
  • 62. 62 1. Objective - Finally they all agree on smart objectives To be SMART means . - S Specific - M Measurable .. - A Achievable .. - R Realistic .. - T time limited . - Specific To be at paint, related to customer specialty and to the main indication of your products .. - Measurable Could be measured, not mean that you have to count each R or patient, but it means that you can measure it through ant way you could use .. - Achievable This means that your customer can achieve it for you, which leads to your achievement.
  • 63. 63 - Realistic Really, based on facts .. Really , your customer can do it .. Really , you can talk or deal about it . Really , it is sound seems to be accepted . - Time limited Time is like sward, always link any objective to time, you will not spend all your life to reach only one objective, as you will have more than one objective with your customers . ý Just ask yourself a question .. - Why am I here and what do I want to gain? - Whenever you have an answer, know that you almost have a good objective .. Good luck
  • 64. 64 2. Probing - During your conversation with the customer, it will be more beneficial to make it 2 ways of communication, not one way. - Just to reduce your effort, and shorten the way to your objectives. - probing is one of your beneficial weapons in your battle - probing has two types .. a) Closed b) Open a) Closed probe Is the probe in which you ask a question and it is answered with Yes or no? a) Open probe - is the probe in which you ask a question and it is answered with a statement in which your customer expresses himself - It could be about his experience or favorable proto... - Open probe encourages your customer to keep on with you . - Good medical representative is the one who can use both types easily in the right situation . Both, in order to reach his objectives .
  • 65. 65 3. Objections - Objections are the rocks which delay you to reach your objectives . - It could have 2 types a) False b) True a) True objection - Is the objection that is really related to your products either in safety, dosage or even price and based on facts b) False objection In this type the customer may have hidden needs, you have to elaborate these needs . - You can feel it easily, but how? - When your customer says that your product is not effective at all or not safe at all .. - How it got its license of production from ministry of health if it is not effective or safe at all? - There are many tactics to deal with these objections. - One of the simplest one is CARB.C.
  • 67. 67 * Clarification Through many continues questions: Questions related to the objections it .. Like... - For how many patients you it? - How many patients complained? - How, How, How .etc until you reach the core of the objection. * Acknowledge Just repeat the paint you understood, in order to set the base point to answer * Response Response through your answers. It should be supported with studies or trials. Simply, should be documented.
  • 68. 68 * Benefit After your answer, try to state an extra benefit of your product, which will be accepted from the customer. Benefit which will reflect on his patient positively. * Close After you gave your customer the extra benefit, try to close your conversation. Close with the accepted points.
  • 69. 69 4. Dramatization Please, answer the following questions. Which one is more attractive? 1- Television or radio? 2- Colored television or black and white one. 3- B.M.W or 128? 4- Vital person or in vital one? - Did you recognize the difference? That is the main core of - If you didn t dramatize your message to the customer you will be like the radio compared with others medical representatives whom will be like Televisions. - Dramatization will smooth and simply of your message in order to touch the customer feelings, so, it will be easily accepted by your customer, yet, branding yourself among your competitions. - You try to use your imagination, your imagination which based on facts and real symptoms of patients. - Your imagination to paint patient profile "P.P.P."
  • 70. 70 For example:- If you will talk about Antibiotic for children and one of its features is good flavored taste. 1. Ordinary one - Dear Dr. , this Antibiotic is of orange taste , which will be very palatable for any child you Rx - So, you will be ordinary medical representative, as many medical representatives say it before. 2. Dramatized one - Dear Dr. , as you know , if there is any medication with unpalatable taste for children , they will not accept it at all , which will be very difficult for parents to administer it to them , yet , the child may be throw it away after administration , which may lead to inadequate dosage , so our antibiotic is with orange flavor , which is palatable for many children , and so , easily administered by parents , and , to be sure of adequate dosages at right time . - Different and attractive picture, does it? - As you see, one statement with 2 ways, that is the different. - try to paint patient profile and, use your verbal and non-verbal skills.
  • 71. 71 A. Verbal skills * Through your simple terms and words. * Through your voice which should contain 4 Ps: Power, Pause, Pitch and Pace. Pace Pitch Pause Power P
  • 72. 72 B. Non-verbal skills * Through your facial expressions. * Through your eye to eye contacts. * Through your acting, yes acting, we are all like actors on the stage of life theatre of representation While the audiences are your customers; will they like your acting? It's better for you to be liked.
  • 73. 73 3.Listening - As long as we have only 1 mouth and 2 ears. - It indicates that we have to listen more than talking. - Do you know the difference between listening and hearing? * Hearing - is hear any sound or voice involuntary. - You hear horns of cars, side talks of any surrounded people. - Hearing without any attention from you toward these sounds. - You can't close your ears. * listening - Hearing with attention toward what is said. - You give your attention when you want to. - You listen to anyone; you decide to get in conversations with him. - listening has many types, the master popular 2 types are. 1. Active listening 2. Passive listening - The most preferable one is active listening. - Active listening as you encourages the customer to participate and elaborate his needs during your conversation with him, yet increase his willingness to listen to you.
  • 74. 74 - could be done through some certain actions from you to show him that you listen carefully to him. - Active listening passes through 3 stages: 1. Hearing 2. Giving attention 3. Understanding - Though these 3 stages, you should use your verbal and non-verbal skills in order to encourage the customer to keep on talking with you. - You should tune out any destruction, never interrupt, obtain feedback, and take notes as soon as you can. - From all the above, we can recognize that active listening is one of our effective weapons in our effective conversation. - Just always remember that you only have 1 mouth and 2 ears.
  • 75. 75 E)Closing - what will be your impressions when you receive 2 gifts , one of them is well packaged ,and had simple greeting words on it , otherwise is unpackaged , just through you ? - Simply, this is the closing process, packaging of your effective conversation with your customer, packaging in order to know impression of your customer and to get his commitment, his commitment to build up your next conversation with him. - Always try to close effectively and with enthusiasm. - There are many types of closing, depend mainly up on your personality, customer personality and your relation with the customer. - We can know some of them from the next table.
  • 76. 76 Type Example Asking for commitment Up to all of this, Rx for patients Suffering from Y? Yes - Yes Up to all of this, don't you agree that X assures your patient needs? Assume Up to all of this, will any patient suffer from Y, X will be your 1st choice? Balance If X gives you more efficacy and safety than W, will you R it to any patient suffer from Y? Summarize the benefits As we agreed upon the efficacy, and, safety of X through our conversation, so will you R it for any patient suffer from Y - When should you close your conversation? · You should close it whenever you got it any buying signals from the customer.
  • 77. 77 · It may be either positive question, positive reaction verbal or non- verbal toward your products. Or even positive sentences which will mainly depend on your gut feelings.
  • 78. 78 F) Follow up - follow up will be for 2 main categories : 1. one of them for the end results of your conversation · Did the customer convert your conversation into actions? · Did he do what you agreed for? · Did he Rx your products? - You can simply answer all of these questions through collecting feedback from surrounded pharmacies within next few days. - Or even, from orders collected by sales representatives within next cycle of sales. - Upon these results, you can set your action plans for your next conversations with this customer. 2. The other one, depends on you, it's about yourself. - It is called post call analysis. - It could be done after you have just exit from the customer clinic. - it is done through many simple questions : · Did you achieve your previously set objectives? · What did you do well? · What are things need to be developed within next conversations? · What can you do more to achieve more? · Shall you change your way of introducing your products? · If you are the physician , will you R this product for
  • 79. 79 · Why do you accept to be ordinary, while you can be a star? · Why do you accept to be on the land, while you can reach the sky? · Why do you accept to be no.2, while you can be no. 1? · Are you ambitious? You have to be, as you accept to invade representation world.
  • 80. 80
  • 81. 81 I.M.S. - I.M.S is information medical statistics through which you can exactly know where you are in the market, yet your rank among your competitor. - Mirror of what you are doing in the market, and so, good base to set your next action plan. - Indicate which new segment you could invade? - Simply I.M.S points your picture comparing to your competitors. - Through I.M.S you can know your market share, growth, Geo share, and so, your in market sales either units or value against your competitors. a) Market share - It's your piece of the pie of your area. - Through it you can know if you are on the right track or you are lose, could be done through simple comparison with National and Area market share. - Market share: is the share you have gained from your competitors in your area.
  • 82. 82 a) Growth - Where you are now comparing with the same period last year ? - Are you growing or shrinking ? - It's the percentage of your value or units now, over your value or units at the same period last year. b) Geo share - In which you can recognize your share comparable to your colleagues allover the country. - And so, your competitors in your area against their colleagues. c) M.A.T. - It meaning Movement Annual To date - Indicate your momentum for 12 months ago - Yet, your competitors too - Help you to know the highest season and the lowest one for your category
  • 83. 83 - There are many other factors you can elaborate from I.M.S... - Like. Which segments of physicians R your products? - What are your competitor's strategies and how do they work? - Simply, I.M.S gives you almost clear picture for your recent situation comparable to your competitors, inside your market frame, which helps set your future goals, yet, your action plans for next period in order to reach your vision. - Gives you clear information and momentum of your products through a year ago.
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  • 85. 85 Career Path through § How do you imagine your future? § How do you imagine yourself after 10 years? § Which title will you achieve after 10 years? § What are your opportunities to grow up? § Which department will you path through? - Through your first years, your personality will be reshaped. - You will feel with your interests, which department is affinity for? - Sales department, marketing, human resource, etc. - Upon your interests, you have to develop yourself, which could be done through reading or gaining some courses from any reputable education center in order organize your thoughts and skills, Yet, paves your road toward your future objectives .. o Here is simple diagram for our career path through.
  • 86. 86 Medical Representative Sales supervisor Product manager Human Resource specialist Sales manager Group product manager Human Resource manager Sales director Marketing director Human resource director General Manager Senior Medical Representative
  • 87. 87 - all of the above terms could be changed upon your organization terms and job responsibilities · e.g. Sales supervisor = territory manager = district manager - You may find some intermediate steps between any post and next one... · e.g. - Medical representative assistant product manager Product manager. - Time for passing through any post depend mainly on your skills and your development steps. - Build up your career and be ambitious person. Good luck