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GLOBAL SOUTH                                                              Development Magazine
#9, April 201 2, A development quarterly,ISSN: 1 799-0769,

            WAR & PEACE IN
Global South Development Magazine is a quarterly magazine
published by Silver Lining Creation, Finland. The magazine covers
a wide range of developmental issues primarily of the developing
world and is an initiative of freelance writers and development
activists from different parts of the world.
Manoj Kr Bhusal
Assistant Editors
Ioulia Fenton
Lawin Khalil Mustafa                                                Marketing Manager
                                                                    Dinesh Poudel (
Regional Editors
Lingson Adam (East Africa)                                          Promoters
Khalid Hussain (South Asia)                                         Saila Ohranen (
Noah Marwil (Latin America)                                         Sudip Joshi (
Catriona Knapman (The Middle East)                                  Suraj Chand (
Special Correspondents                                              Published By
Carolynn Look (Country Profiles)                                    Silver Lining Creation RY-Finland
Mary Namusoke (Women’s issues in Africa)                            Email:
Roxanne Irani (Global environmental issues)               
Sandeep Srivastava (Climate change)                       
Aliza Amlani (Global Health)                                        ISSN 1799-0769
Deanna Morris (Livelihood & Global Economic Affairs)                Subscribe free to Global South Development
Aparna S Patankar (Global Education)                                Magazine at
Scott Ruddick (Development Aid & Conflict States)
Hriday Sarma (South-to-South Development Cooperation)                Read GSDM Blog
Irene Nyambura Mwangi (Development & Democracy in Africa)
Country Correspondents
Victoria Lucy Peel Yates (Argentina)
Tithe Farhana (Bangladesh)
Dr. Lykke E. Andersen (Bolivia)
Marita Haug (Brazil)
James Belgrave (Burundi)
Gareth Mace (Cambodia)
Meerim Shakirova (Central Asia)
Fady Salah (Egypt)
Emily Cavan Lynch (DR Congo)
Dr.P.V.Ravichandiran (India)
Alphonce Gari (Kenya)
Samuel Adikpe (Nigeria)
Ricardo Morel (Peru)
Mohamud Hassan (Somalia)                                             Follow us on Facebook
Moses C Masami (Tanzania)
Kimbowa Richard (Uganda)
Jasen Mphepo (Zimbabwe)
Guest contributors for this issue
Annie Bacon
Kaitlyn Phillips
Zack Wettstein
Narayan Bhatta
Innocent Kazembe
David Meagher
Technology will fix
corruption!                                                       Contents
                                                            Global South Development Magazine, Founded in 2010
Dear Editor,                                                   April 201 2 ISSUE 9 WWW.SILCREATION.ORG
    In the January issue of your magazine, I had
the chance to read an article about anti-
corruption campaigns in India. I think a lot
needs to be done in order to stamp out
corruption from the country, but we should not
forget that the so called anti-corruption
campaigns have thier own agendas too. They
seem to be hungry of media limelight and
attention, and do not digest criticisms easily.
Corruption needs something more than mass
protests and rallies. Without restructuring state
mechanisms, the dream of eliminating
corruption won't come true. Laws and moral
education might be useful, but technology that
ensures transparency is a must!
Madhavi, Pune-India
                                                      Having passed through decades of conflict, instability and
                                                      political turmoil, has peace prevailed in the Democratic
                                                      Republic of the Congo? A special report on the DRC.
                                                     4 South in the Frame              25 US Peace Corps
                                                     A photo presentation of           In The Northern Triangle –
                                                     Pencils of Promise                A shift from development
                                                     5 News Analysis                   to militarisation?
                                                     Global South                      27 Public Health:
                                                     7 Argentina                       Bangladesh's fight to
                                                     the Latin American pioneer restore childhood sight
                                                     in gender and sexual              29 Gender &
                                                     21 Health                         Development
                                                     Doctor in your pocket – the Improving women's
                                                     new era of mobile health! participation: A challenge
                                                                                       for Nepal
                                                     23 Voluntarism                    31 Global South in the
                                                     Mutually Beneficial               news: global south in
                                                     Impacts of International          global media
                                                     Volunteers in Latin               32 Final remarks from
                                                     America                           the editor: When things
                                                                                       fall apart
Failed states? By Which functioning states are labelled as that might be successful within their
Measures?                              failed states, but what about the        territories, but are largely reponsible
                                       states that export weapons and           for making people's life measurable
Dear Editor,                           orchestrate vicious wars overseas? abroad. This would make them a
    I read the January issue of Global What about the states that are crazy little more responsible, if at all.
South Development Magazine with in their consumer habits and
                                       responsible for permanently
                                                                                Suvi, Helsinki- Finland
great interest. The cover story        damaging the environment?
apprently was very interesting.
However, there could have been a twoI categoriesworld should have
                                            think the                           (Dear readers, please send your
                                                        of failed states. The comments, suggestions and quiries by
critical remark on the idea of failed first catagory is alaredy available, email at globalsouth@silcreation. org
states categorization. I am aware      the second one should include states - Editor)
that war trodden, poor, non-
South in the Frame            Pencils of Promise

In Laos, an entire school’s student
population rushes outside at the
news and reception of new school
supplies and personal hygeine

                                                                      From left to right: Little girl in Non
                                                                      Kihow, Laos, plants herself on the
                                                                      classroom floor with her new notepad;
                                                                      cheeky primary school student in
                                                                      Phayong, Laos, during a nutrition lesson
                                                                      on making healthy food snacks; girl at a
                                                                      construction planning meeting in
                                                                      Lizarco, outside of Matagalpa,
 Pencils of Promise is a New York-based NGO that aims to              Nicaragua; bread feast after a
 empower youth by building classrooms, schools, and sustainable       Community Engagement Workshop in
 education resources for communities without proper access to these   Santa Catarina, Guatemala. Photo
 basic elements.                             courtesy: Pencils of Promise
News Analysis Global South

your-vegetables campaign
BANGKOK, March 2012                  measurement of chronic
Celebrities are working with the     malnutrition.
Philippines government in a              The Philippines’ produce
recently launched nationwide         consumption of 60kg per person
media campaign to lift the           per year in 2007 was one of the
consumption of fresh produce         lowest in Asia, according to the
and fight malnutrition among         World Health Organization
young people.                        (WHO).
    The name of the project, ‘Oh         WHO recommends a daily
My Gulay!’ (OMG!) (‘oh my            intake of 400g of vegetables and
vegetables’ in the local Tagalog     fruits per person (150kg per
language) plays off the              year) to help prevent vitamin and
shorthand exclamation                mineral deficiencies as well as
commonly interspersed in text        heart disease, some cancers,
messages sent via mobile phones      diabetes and obesity. An
- ‘OMG’ for ‘oh my god’ - and        estimated 1.7 million (2.8
resonates widely in a country        percent) of deaths every year
where more than one billion text     worldwide are linked to
messages are sent daily.             insufficient vegetable and fruit
    Local celebrities in dance,      consumption, according to the
music and television are featured    health agency.
in print and on television, posing       The celebrity advocacy of
with their favourite vegetables.     OMG! follows a 2011
    “Role models are efficient for   government programme to set up
children, and targeting children     produce gardens in all 42,000
is both boosting immediate           schools by providing tools, seeds
consumption and initiating a         and training.
mindset change about vegetables          “There is no space too little to
and fruits,” explained the           farm. Space-friendly techniques
founder of the campaign, Ed          allow communities and families         YANGON, Myanmar- Aung San Suu Kyi, the
Angara, a parliamentarian from       to produce a lot, even on a tiny       democracy advocate silenced for two decades by
the capital region of Metro          piece of concrete,” said Holmer.       Myanmar’s generals with house arrests and overturned
Manila.                              Container vegetable and fruit          elections, assumed a new role in her country’s political
    “We want to make vegetables      production - for example,              transition on 2 April 2012, winning a seat in Parliament
and fruits sexy - too many           growing a plant in a plastic water     to make the remarkable shift from dissident to
Filipinos prefer to buy meat         bottle - is widely used in cities      lawmaker.
rather than vegetables and fruits    throughout the Philippines and
to complement their rice-based       other countries.
diet,” said Robert Holmer,               “Vegetables and fruits can be
regional director for East and       more expensive than fish in the
Southeast Asia of the World          Philippines, and their prices
Vegetable Centre (AVRDC), a          fluctuate a lot,” said Sheila Aclo
Taiwan-headquartered NGO             de Lima, a training officer with
previously known as the Asian        AVRDC. “Thanks to these
Vegetable Research                   [space-friendly] methods,
Development Centre, which is         underprivileged families can
supporting the campaign.             produce for themselves, and
    According to the most recent     their vegetable and fruit
government national nutrition        consumption is resilient to
survey in 2008, chronic              weather and food crises.”              Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi, a 1991 Nobel Peace laureate
malnutrition (a shortage of          Increasing produce consumption         and the face of Myanmar’s democracy movement, will
intake of vitamins and nutrients)    is key to reducing the                 hold a public office for the first time. But despite her
among children is directly           malnutrition-related illnesses         global prominence, she will be joining a Parliament that
related to the country’s low         that affect some 200 million           is still overwhelmingly controlled by the military-
vegetable and fruit consumption.     children worldwide according to        backed ruling party.
    An estimated 29 percent of       the Paris-based French                     A nominally civilian government took power one
children under five years old and    Agricultural Research for              year ago after years of oppressive military rule and
33 percent of children younger       Development Centre (CIRAD).            introduced political changes it hoped would persuade
than 10 years were too short for     (News coutesy IRIN)                    Western nations to end economic sanctions. (with
their age groups, which is one                                              agencies)
News Analysis Global South

                                            Number of executions around
                                            the world soared last year, with             Deportation
                                            countries such as Iran, Iraq
                                            and Saudi Arabia resorting to                looms for South
                                            the death penalty more often
                                            than in the past                             Sudan migrants
                                                                                         TEL AVIV, March 2012 - Asylum-
                                            China executed more people                   seekers from South Sudan living in
                                            than the rest of the world put               Israel have until 31 March to return
                                            together                                     “home” or face deportation, but some
                                                                                         have asked to stay, saying conditions are
                                            The United States was the only               not yet conducive for their safe return.
                                                                                             According to Israeli Interior Minister
                                            country in the Americas and                  Sabine Haddad, South Sudan nationals
                                            the only member of the Group                 living in Israel will no longer be given
                                            of Eight leading economies to                protected status after the deadline. Until
                                            execute prisoners in 2011,                   then, he added, they will be offered
Death penalty                               something Shetty described as
                                            "very shameful."
                                                                                         voluntary deportation and around
2011: Alarming                                                                               But Natalina, a 46-year-old single
                                                                                         mother of three who arrived in Israel six
levels of                                   Belarus was the only country
                                            in Europe to carry out
                                                                                         years ago after spending 12 years is
                                                                                         Cairo, said she would find it difficult to
                                                                                         leave. "I don't want to take [the children]
executions                                  executions in 2011
                                            told the Reuters news agency, adding
                                                                                         back because I know their lives will
                                                                                         change dramatically," she told IRIN. "I
                                                                                         have no one in Sudan, I know no one
Amnesty International says executions       that the downside was that "a few            there - no family, nothing. I haven't been
rose by 78 per cent worldwide and by        countries continue to practice it in large   there in 18 years, I am a single Mum and
50 per cent in the Middle East last year.   numbers."                                    I cannot afford to pay for medical
    The number of executions around the         At least 1,923 people are known to       treatment and education in South
world soared last year, with countries      have been sentenced to death in 63           Sudan."
such as Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia         countries in 2011, down from 2,024 in            Natalina, whose three children aged
resorting to the death penalty more         2010, Amnesty's report said. At least        7, 9 and 15 are enrolled in Israeli
often than in the past, rights group        18,750 people were under sentence of         schools, said she and some 700 other
Amnesty International has said in a new     death worldwide at the end of 2011,          South Sudanese asylum-seekers received
report.                                     including 8,300 in Pakistan, it said.        notice from the Ministry of Interior three
    The group said on Tuesday that at       After China, most executions last year       months ago, asking them to report for
least 676 people were executed in 20        were carried out in Iran, where at least     repatriation by 31 March 2012 or be
countries in 2011 compared with 527         360 people were put to death compared        declared illegal aliens in Israel.
executions in 23 countries in 2010, a 78    with at least 252 in 2010, Saudi Arabia          "I do not wish to see my children
per cent increase.                          (at least 82 executions in 2011              suffer. We've had meetings with the
    Executions in the Middle East rose      compared with at least 27 in 2010), and      Israeli government but they will not give
by almost 50 per cent last year to 558,     Iraq (at least 68 executions compared        us answers. If they decide to do this
the group said.                             with at least one), Amnesty said.            (send asylum-seekers back) by 31
    Methods of execution used around        They were followed by the United             March, I will disappear, I cannot go
the world included beheading, hanging,      States, with 43 executions in 2011 down      back," said Natalina, a prominent leader
lethal injection and shooting.              from 46 a year earlier, and Yemen, at        of the small community of South
However, Amnesty said China executed        least 41 executions in 2011 down from        Sudanese in Israel.
more people than the rest of the world      62 officially reported in 2010.                  The Israeli authorities, in a January
put together. Data on the death penalty         The United States was the only           letter circulated among the South
in China is a state secret, and Amnesty     country in the Americas and the only         Sudanese community, said the new state
International no longer publishes a         member of the Group of Eight leading         was safe.
figure for Chinese executions, but it       economies to execute prisoners in 2011,      "We are not asking to stay forever, but to
said they were in the thousands.            something Shetty described as "very          be given enough time until the new state
Salil Shetty, Amnesty's secretary-          shameful."                                   recovers somewhat," Simon,a South
general, said that when Amnesty was             Belarus was the only country in          Sudanese community leader who left his
launched in 1961 only nine countries        Europe to carry out executions in 2011       country 17 years ago, explained. "I know
had abolished the death penalty for all     when it put two people to death. No          of many repatriated community
crimes, whereas last year only 20           executions were recorded in Japan last       members who were forced to flee again
countries carried out executions.           year, for the first time in 19 years.        to the north, to Kenya or Uganda. South
"It's a very important success story," he   (Source Amnesty International and            Sudan is only seven months old and still
                                            Agencies)                                    a failed state." (Source IRIN)
LGBT Latin America

Argentina: the Latin
American pioneer in gender
and sexual equality
                                                                                                B Y VICTORIA PEEL YATES
                                                                                                In Argentina
For a country synonymous with a               equality.
culture of machismo, gauchos                     Argentina was the first (and to date     reported in Chile and Brazil. Despite
(cowboys) and a dance deeply rooted in        the only) Latin American country to         the growing acceptance for LGBT
traditional male-female dominant-             legalise gay marriage and adoptions,        public officials in countries such as
submissive roles, the tango, Argentina        with a law that was passed in 2010,         Colombia (where the appointment of
is surprisingly leading the way for           joining just a handful of countries that    Tatiana Pineros, a transgender woman,
gender and sexual equality in Latin           recognise gay marriage. It has some of      to head of Bogota’s social welfare
America.                                      the most progressive laws promoting         agency was received with little
    Amid the recent drama unfolding in        gender and sexual rights in the entire      opposition from the public), others,
the Argentinean political arena, namely       region. In Chile, Bolivia, Peru,            such as Bolivia, do not even have laws
the dispute with Britain over the             Paraguay and Venezuela there are no         in place to prevent discrimination based
Falklands/Malvinas (among other               laws that recognise or grant rights to      on sexuality. The continent seems to be
things), two bills have been quietly          same sex couples. Brazil, Uruguay,          divided, with conservative religious and
making their way through Congress,            Ecuador and Colombia have followed          political views clashing with supporters
almost unnoticed. The first was passed        in Argentina’s footsteps by passing laws    of LGBT civil rights.
on 14th March 2012, and marked a              that recognise and grant rights to same
huge breakthrough for women’s rights          sex couples. However, despite strong
in Latin America. The bill legalised          lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
abortions for all victims of rape, a          (LGBT) civil rights movements,              "Argentina was the first (and to
modification to an existing law that          homophobia is rife across the continent,    date the only) Latin American
allowed abortion only if the rape victim      even in those countries where same sex      country to legalise gay marriage
was mentally disabled. The second bill        couples are recognised.                     and adoptions, with a law that
is the ‘Ley de Identidad de Géneros’              This is manifested in violent attacks   was passed in 2010, joining just a
(Gender Identity Law), which if passed        and murders of LGBT people; the most        handful of countries that
will allow Argentinean citizens to            extreme example is in Ecuador, where        recognise gay marriage. It has
change their name and gender on their         young women are sent to horrific            some of the most progressive laws
national identity cards. If passed, it will   “clinics” to be “cured” of being            promoting gender and sexual
reaffirm Argentina’s status as the Latin      lesbians. High numbers of homophobic        rights in the entire region."
American leader in gender and sexual          attacks and homicides have also been
LGBT Latin America
                                                   parties has had a profound impact on
                                                   preventing the passing of laws that
                                                   would recognise gay marriage. This has       Global hunger
                                                   most notably taken place in Chile,
                                                   where the Christian Democrat party has       fight depends on
                                                   blocked several bills to recognise same
                                                   sex couples. In Argentina, such parties      better water use-
                                                   do not exist, limiting the power of the
                                                   Church within Congress.                      says U.N. chief
                                                      Another reason may be Argentina’s
                                                   high level of transnational legalism,
                                                   referring to the ease with which
                                                   Argentina imports international norms
                                                   and adopts them domestically. While
                                                   this is high throughout Latin America,
                                                   Argentina is undoubtedly the regional
                                                   leader (incidentally, the US has a very
                                                   low level of transnational legalism).
                                                   This means that proponents of LGBT
 Two transgender partygoers pose for photos at the civil rights have borrowed heavily from      The world will only be able to feed a
 Gay Pride March in Buenos Aires. On the           LGBT rights activists around the world,      rapidly growing population if it
 previous page the author's friends posing with a  often replicating their arguments            improves the use of water, the "most
 reveler at the Gay Pride March in Buenos Aires    verbatim. This is not to say that the        critical finite resource", the head of
                                                   LGBT rights movement in Argentina            the United Nations said on the World
This is no less true in Argentina.                 lacks domestic resources. The agenda         Water Day.
However, the difference in Argentina is of the LGBT movement was cast as part                       "Unless we increase our capacity
that, despite the obstacles faced, LGBT of the country’s broader agenda on                      to use water wisely in agriculture, we
civil rights are advancing, seemingly              behalf of feminism, gender,                  will fail to end hunger and we will
with support from the wider public. So reproduction, health, and sexuality,                     open the door to a range of other ills,
why, despite the dominance of                      which have been part ofArgentina’s           including drought, famine and
relatively progressive leftist                     legislative agenda for decades. They         political instability," U.N. Secretary
governments dominating the Latin                   used innovative strategies, such as          General Ban Ki-moon said in a
American political arena, is Argentina             encouraging gay couples to request           statement.
unique in its efforts to improve gender marriage licences, and when these                           Global food output must double
and sexual equality? The strong LGBT requests are refused, to challenge the                     from 2005-2007 levels in developing
civil rights movement and high levels              refusal on constitutional grounds.           countries and rise 70 percent in
of urbanisation and education only go              Popular support for the cause was            developed nations to feed a world
so far in explaining the phenomenon,               probably also won due to the actions of      population expected to rise to 9
since these are also found in other Latin the Church, whose polarizing rhetoric                 billion in 2050 from about 7 billion
American countries.                                became increasingly and openly               now, according to U.N. estimates.
    There are several possible factors             discriminatory towards the LGBT                  While an average human drinks 2
that may contribute to Argentina’s avant population.                                            to 4 litres of water every day, it takes
garde approach to gender and sexual                    Ultimately, the final say lies with      2,000 to 5,000 litres of water to
equality. The first is that, despite being President Fernandez, who took the risk               produce one person's daily food, the
a predominantly Catholic country,                  of confronting the Church and passing        U.N. Food and Agriculture
attendance within the Catholic Church, the controversial law. There are a                       Organization (FAO) reports.In many
at roughly 22%, is relatively low                  myriad of reasons that she may have          parts of the world, the pace of
compared with its Latin American                   chosen to do so, both domestic and           agricultural production growth has
counterparts, as well as with the US.              foreign, ranging from further splitting      been slowing while water scarcity is
This is significant because the Catholic an already fragmented opposition to                    increasing and climate change is
Church, in Argentina as elsewhere in               advancing Argentina’s position as the        exacerbating risk and unpredictability
Latin America, has been strongly                   Latin American vanguard of gender and        for farmers, especially poor ones, Ban
opposed to the legalisation of gay                 sexual rights.                               said.
marriage. Moreover, the Evangelical                    It is impossible to pinpoint one            Two-thirds of the world's
population, at just 2%, is tiny,                   reason that distinguishes Argentina          population could be living under
compared to a growing number of                    from other countries in the region;          water stressed conditions by 2025, the
followers in Mexico and Brazil and a               many have similar histories of military      FAO said.
huge following in the US. This means               dictatorships, and financial and political      To ensure sustainable food and
that despite fierce opposition to gay              crises. But in Argentina, a particular set   water security for everyone, the world
marriage, the Evangelical Church has               of socio-political factors seems to have     must boost investments in people,
very little influence.                             combined to make it the regional leader      infrastructure, production and
    A second key factor may be the                 in progressive social policies. The rest     education as well as improve water
separation of church and party; most               of the region may have some way to go,       management, FAO's Director General
countries in the region separate church but it is likely that sooner or later they              Jose Graziano da Silva said. (By
and state, but this may not be enough.             will follow suit.                            Svetlana Kovalyova for Alertnet)
Strong opposition from Christian
Cover Story GSDM April 201 2

IN The
Democratic Republic
of the Congo
 The Democratic Republic of the Congo is        rebel movements threatened to overtake parts      genocide of the civilian Tutsi minority in
 not officially at war, but for decades the     of the country in 1964 and in 1977–78,            Rwanda. According to some estimates,
 ordinary Congolese haven't experienced         Western powers intervened with military           around 800,000 people were killed in a few
 an essence of peace either. After years of     support. Even during the last months of           months .
 bloodshed and devastation, the DRC is          Mobutu’s reign in 1997, France allegedly              The RPA and its leader Major Colonel
 staggering towards normalcy, but after         organized the hiring of foreign mercenaries in    Paul Kagame managed to conquer Kigali and
                                                order to avoid the dictator’s fall from power.    oust the Hutu government. Fearing Tutsi
 brief intervals the country finds itself           In the 1970s, Mobutu and his cronies          revenge, around 1.2 million Hutu, including
 rebound into violent conflicts again and       seriously started to lay their hands on the       some 40,000 of the militia responsible for
 again. This edition of Global South            country’s wealth. In a process called             the genocide, fled to the North and South
 Development Magazine tries to analyse          ‘Zairianization’, key economic sectors were       Kivu provinces in neighboring Zaire. At this
 some of the issues that have been              put under direct state control Mobutu’s           point, Mobutu saw an opportunity to regain
 responsible for prolonging conflict and        kleptocratic regime was coupled with poor         the initiative. He agreed to host the refugees
 unrest in the DRC. The first section will      growth rates and a mounting public external       on Congolese soil and thereby became a
 give a historical timeline of the DRC          debt. International donor pressure and the end    partner to international aid organizations. The
 followed by an account of our DRC              of the Cold War finally forced Mobutu to          move also allowed him to regain some
 correspondent from the field. This             abandon one-party rule in 1990. He also           respectability, at least in the eyes of the
                                                became more marginalized as the government        French, who once again embraced him.
 edition's interview section and the            in Kinshasa assumed some of his former               At the same time, Mobutu used the inflow
 editor's column have been dedicated to         powers. But Mobutu would make an                  of Hutu to instigate hostilities towards the
 the DRC issue as well.                         unexpected comeback on the world scene.           Banyamulenge, a people ofTutsi origin who
                                                                                                  had lived in eastern Congo for generations.
 The DRC: A          The Rwanda Genocide and the War
                     Against Mobutu: 1994–97
                        To understand the insurgency against
                                                                                                  The parliament even decided that the
                                                                                                  Banyamulenge should lose their citizenship.
                                                                                                  In October 1996, the governor of South Kivu
 historical Timeline earlier developmentstwo neighboring groups,
                     Mobutu in 1996, it is necessary to recount
                     Rwanda. Rwanda’s major ethnic
                                                                                                  ordered the Banyamulenge to leave their
                                                                                                  homes within a few days. In desperation, they
                                                                                                  turned to their Tutsi cousins in Rwanda for
 Congo gained independence from Belgium         the Hutu and the Tutsi, had fought a              help.
 in 1960 but immediately fell into a state of   smallscale civil war since 1990 when an army          The new rulers in Rwanda had an even
 chaos and disintegration. In 1965, Colonel     ofTutsi rebels (RPA), hosted and supported        greater grievance on their hands. The Hutu
 Joseph Mobutu seized power through a coup      by Uganda, invaded the country. The               militia used the refugee camps in Kivu as a
 quietly approved by the Western powers, and    dramatic turning point happened in 1994           base for attacks against the Tutsi-dominated
 changed the country’s name to Zaire and his    when Rwanda’s Hutu president Habyarimana          regime in Rwanda. Helped by Mobutu, they
 own to Mobutu Sese Seko. Zaire became an       was killed along with Burundi’s president         became a serious threat to the new
 important pawn in the Cold War as an           after their plane was shot down. Although it      government’s security. In September 1996,
 African bastion of anti-communism. This        is still not clear who was responsible for this   the RPA joined the Banyamulenge and
 helped Mobutu to hold his gigantic and         attack, extremist Hutu groups drew their own      attacked the Hutu refugee camps on
 ethnically divided country together. When      conclusions and soon started a systematic         Congolese soil.
Cover Story War & Peace in DR Congo
They were soon joined by several anti-      which in turn led Kabila to marginalize      export of natural resources. This phase
Mobutu rebel groups and engaged in          the Tutsi and Banyamulenge members of        involved both foreign and Congolese
battles against government forces.          his administration. A more plausible         actors. Both phases were greatly
Among the groups that joined the            explanation for this action could be that    facilitated by the strong transportation
rebellion was a small one called PRP led    that Kabila, perhaps inspired by the         networks put in place during the first
by Laurent Kabila. Kabila belonged to       actions of Mobutu before him, was            war.
Lumumba’s socialist faction in the          desirous of keeping the financial gain           Economic data collected by the UN
1960s, but after Mobutu’s consolidation     from Congo’s resources for himself.          illustrate the trends in mineral exports in
of power, Kabila and his men withdrew       Whatever the explanation, Kabila             Uganda and Rwanda for the years 1994
to the South Kivu mountains where they      dismissed a Rwandan military officer of      to 2000 and the trends in mineral
formed something of a mini-state. Not       Tutsi ethnicity as chief of staff for the    production in Rwanda for the years 1995
much is known of his activities from        Congolese armed forces in July 1998. He      to 2000. Uganda had no reported coltan
then on, except that during long periods    then went one step further, sending the      or niobium production after 1995, while
he made a living as a gold smuggler.        commander and his Tutsi Rwandan              exports increased steadily between 1997
  From late 1996 he suddenly appeared       comrades-in arms back to Rwanda on 27        and 1999. Finally, neither Uganda nor
as the leader of the newly formed           July 1998. This move was an apparent         Rwanda has any known diamond
Alliance of the Democratic Forces for       attempt to pre-empt a coup, and was a        production.
the Liberation of Congo (ADFL). It was      direct cause of the rebellions that took         In the case of Zimbabwe, however,
therefore suspected that Kabila was         place in both Goma and Kinshasa six          there is evidence of extensive
something of a puppet, at least initially – days later.                                  commercial activity in the form of joint
suspicions that were later confirmed in         After the failure of these rebellions,   ventures and mining concessions.
interviews with Rwanda’s strongman          troops from Rwanda and Uganda entered        Natural resource extraction, particularly
Paul Kagame. The ADFL and their Tutsi       Congo in August 1998. Both countries         mineral extraction, fuelled the
comrades immediately remarkably             stated security reasons for the              continuation of the conflict in Congo.
successful. Mobutu’s unpaid army, which     deployment. The crisis escalated when            Rwanda’s military benefited directly
he had kept weak and divided so that it     Rwandan troops, with some support            from the war in various ways. The most
would not pose a threat to himself,         from Uganda, attempted to seize              significant of these has been the
melted away as the Tutsi veterans           Kinshasa. At this point, Zimbabwe and        extraction of coltan, the price of which
approached. During their march              Angola intervened on behalf of the           rose phenomenally between late 1999
westwards, some 200,000 Hutu refugees       Kabila government, saving it from            and late 2000. The UN estimates that the
were allegedly killed, and conquered        collapse. Namibia, Chad, and Sudan           Rwandan military could have been
mines were looted.                          would later join Kabila’s allies, although   selling coltan for as much as $20 million
    The old Cold War allies Belgium and     Chad and Sudan withdrew relatively           per month.This allowed Rwanda to
the United States declared that they        early.                                       continue its presence in Congo,
would no longer come to Mobutu’s                Angola entered the war in Congo          protecting individuals and companies
rescue. Only France, frightened by the      primarily for security reasons; UNITA        who provided minerals. In some cases,
prospect of an English-speaking new         rebels had been using Congo to launch        the Rwandan army went so far as to
regime, remained Mobutu’s friend to the     attacks on Angola. Namibia had no            attack rebel groups in order to
bitter end. On 17 May 1997, Kinshasa        immediate security concerns, but rather      appropriate their coltan supplies. While
surrendered to Kabila’s troops and the      supported Kabila based on a decision by      the Ugandan government was not
old dictator fled the country.              President Nujoma, which was mostly           directly involved in the extraction of
                                            symbolic in nature. Zimbabwe does not        natural resources, it did not take action
The Great African War: 1998–                share a border with Congo, and did not       against military and businessmen who
Early in his presidency, Kabila showed face any security threats. The reasons for        participated in this activity.
signs of moving towards one-man rule. its involvement seem to be related to              However, several events have improved
His control over state resources was        investments made in Congo by the             the chances of ending the conflict in
highly personalized, and public             government and Zimbabwean                    Congo. The first is Joseph Kabila’s rise
enterprises were not managed in any         businesses.                                  to power after the assassination of his
long-term sense of the word but rather          Economic gain appears to have been a     father in early 2001. The younger Kabila
used to rapidly generate finances through   powerful motivator in this war, and there    seems to have shown interest in finding a
indiscriminate concession granting          is a general consensus that Rwanda’s and     solution to the conflict and reinstating
Corruption, patronage, and lack of          Uganda’s armies quickly began to shift       democracy in Congo. Agreements
accountability came to characterize         their attention to commercial enterprise     focusing on the transition of the
Kabila’s presidency, rather than the        and exploitation. The gains from these       Congolese government towards
hoped for democracy and national            activities were used to enrich the           democracy have been signed, and foreign
development.                                governments involved, finance the            troops have withdrawn from Congolese
    Kabila’s alliance with Rwanda and continuation of the war, and pay                   soil. However, optimism must be
Uganda was strong immediately               individual soldiers.                         tempered given the persistent fighting
following his rise to power. His                The plunder of Congo’s natural           between rebel groups in the northeastern
government contained many Tutsi (both       resources took place in two phases. The      part of Congo. This has led the UN to
Rwandan and Congolese) and                  first involved the wholesale looting of      adopt Resolution 1493, which authorizes
Banyamulenge in top political and           existing stockpiles and took place in the    the deployment of UN peacekeepers.
military positions. This placed a strain on occupied regions of Congo during the         (Timeline text source: Congo: The Prize
Kabila’s legitimacy, as most Congolese first year of the second war. The second          of Predation by Ola Olsson & Heather
regarded them as foreign occupiers,         phase involved systematic extraction and     Congdon Forse )
Country profile The Democratic Republic of the Congo

                                                                                               Official language: French(official),
                                                                                               Lingala,Kingwana,Kikongo, Tshiluba
                                                                                               Ethnic groups: Over 200 ethnic
                                                                                               groups,the majority are Bantu; the four
                                                                                               largest tribes – Mongo, Luba, Kongo
                                                                                               (all Bantu), and the Mangbetu-Azande
                                                                                               (Hamitic) make up about 45 % of the
 By CAROLYNN LOOK                                                                              Religion: Roman Catholic 50%,
                                                                                               Protestant 20%, Kimbanguist 10%,
                                                                                               Muslim 10%, other (includes syncretic
Untamed jungles, breathtaking nature, and       the Congolese to fill with their own people.   sects and indigenous beliefs) 10%
abundant mineral resources aren’t all that          However, a crisis developed that same      Human Development Index: 0.286;
make up this fierce ‘heart of darkness’.        year between the two leaders, when             rank 187 out of 187 (last)
Whether for its six name changes in the         Kasavubu kicked Lumumba out of office.         EDUCATION
course of a little more than a century, its     The appointed chief of staff of the new        -Literacy 67.2% (male 80%, female
important role in African relations, or its     army, Joseph Mobuto, used the moment of        54.1%)
“God-forsaken wilderness” described by          tension and the financial support from the     ROLE OF WOMEN
Joseph Conrad, we have all heard of this        U.S. and Belgium to stage a coup in 1965,      -Widespread rape and other forms of
African giant in one way or another.            under the pretext of wanting to maintain       sexual violence, often by government
    Pre-colonial Congo was well known for       order. He renamed the nation ‘Democratic       security officials
its iron and copper technology, but was         Republic of the Congo’, and later, in 1971,    -Almost no representation in
heavily disrupted by slave trading in its       to ‘Republic of Zaire’, where he became        government
Eastern regions around the 16th century. By     famous for the relative stability he created   CHILDREN
the time King Leopold II of Belgium             and his promotion ofAfrican nationalism in     -Child soldiers recruited by LRA
officially claimed ‘Congo Free State’ at the    renaming the cities and rivers. However, he    (Ugandan), FDLR (Rwandan), and
1885 Conference of Berlin, he had a clear       was also known for his extensive violation
idea about how much he would gain due to        of human rights and corruption, which was      FARDC (Congolese)
the region’s mineral wealth, and was ready      aided by receivingfinancial support from       -28.2% under age of 5 are underweight
to exploit the local people at all costs. He    the U.S. government for his opposition to      -Low quality education limits future
established intricate infrastructure projects   communism in the heat of the Cold War.         FREEDOM
and a high-yielding rubber industry, whose          Inner tensions bubbled up and ended up     -Abuses by armed groups
high output quotas he managed to maintain       forcing Mobuto out of the country in 1997,     -Unlawful killings
by threatening the local population with        after he failed to reform his corrupt          -High number of internally displaced
brutal displays of limb chopping. Many          policies, and the country took back its        people and refugees
died due to extensive exploitation and          name of ‘Democratic Republic of the            -Torture and other ill-treatment
disease, but the King’s actions were soon       Congo’. At the same time, the Rwandan          -Prevalence of death penalty
met by international protests and led to the    conflict spilled over to its big neighbour,    -Poor administration of justice
handing over of power to the Belgian            with Rwandan and Ugandan militia joining       ECONOMY
government in 1908. The situation in the        the unsuccessful local rebels in their         -GDP per capita: $300 (2011 est.)
newly named ‘Belgian Congo’ improved            overthrow of Mobuto. This strong coalition     -Much economic activity still occurs in
greatly, but despite its social and economic    of armies was led by Laurence-Désiré           the informal sector, and is not reflected
advancements, the region’s people still         Kabila, who, after their successful coup,      in GDP data
suffered under the patronizing eye of the       hoped the foreign armies would leave due       -Mining is the source of most export
white man.                                      to his suspicion of their true intentions.     income
    In 1960, the parliament implemented by      They, however, began to fight their former     -An uncertain legal framework,
the Belgian government was for the first        ally. The conlfict transformed into a large-
time overtaken by the growing nationalist       scale war involving nine African nations,      corruption, and a lack of transparency
movement led by Patrice Lumumba, known          5.4 million deaths, and five years of          in government policy are long-term
as the Mouvement National Congolais. He         horrific scale violence dubbed as the          problems for the mining sector and for
was appointed Prime Minister next to            ‘African world war’. Due to efforts of the     the economy as a whole
Joseph Kasavubu as the elected President.       international community, the conflict          ENVIRONMENT
The ‘République de Congo’ achieved its          ‘officially’ ended in 2003, but government     -Deforestation (overuse of wood for
independence soon thereafter, and it was        instability, conflict, and human rights        fuel)
then that most of the left over Europeans       abuses continue to this day, resulting in      -Increases in urban population
fled the country, leaving empty                 one of the worst humanitarian catastrophes     -Issues in protection of wildlife
administrative and military positions for       ever seen.                                     -air pollution from vehicles and water
                                                                                               pollution from sewage
Cover Story War & Peace in DR Congo

DRC Diary: A reflection from
the field!
                                                                                                               By EMILY LYNCH
 Emily Cavan Lynch, Global
 South Development Magazine's
 country correspondent for the
 Democratic Republic of the
 Congo, also works for an
 international relief organization
 as a public health consultant. In
 this article Emily shares her
 everyday experience in the
 DRCongo and presents a holistic
 picture of a war troddon society
 that is struggling to overcome
 decades long trauma of bloodshed
 and killings, yet finds it caught up
 in new forms of unrest and
 conflict everyday.

Since 2009 Eastern Congo has gained conversation from one that ought to be
a certain reputation. Through the well- focused on a much broader scope of
intentioned efforts of caring individuals,   needs and causing, in some cases, far
the relief of organizations searching for    more harm than good (offer a woman            The donors of the current
a convenient way to define the muddle        who lives on less than $1 a day $60, or a     system of international aid are
of armed groups and ongoing conflict,        $100 sewing machine, to testify that she      not think-tanks, philosophers
and the perpetual funder's need to be        was raped and see what you do for the
able to measure progress, Congo is these     perceived credibility of anyone else who      or academics. They are
days known to most in the developed          has been raped).                              program managers, lobbyists,
world as the “rape capital of the world.”
Last spring the American Journal of
                                                  The history and instability of Eastern
                                             Congo is generally framed as impossibly
                                                                                           bureaucrats and politicians
Public Health dropped the media bomb         complicated; and in the need to address       with constituencies. They
that the number of rapes per day in          it, international actors are caught           need a hat stand. They need a
Congo had been grossly underestimated
and was 26 times higher than a previous
                                             unprepared.                                   hook. They need it to be a
                                                  The donors of the current system of      sound clip, for goodness sake!
UN report had estimated, with at least       international aid are not think-tanks,
1,152 women raped every day (equal to        philosophers or academics. They are
48 per hour).                                program managers, lobbyists,
    This phrase and associated imagery       bureaucrats and politicians with
has been the inspiration behind              constituencies. They need a hat stand.
international advocacy and fund-raising      They need a hook. They need it to be a
efforts, documentaries and news              sound clip, for goodness sake.                into an already devastated country after
features, the allocation of monies for bi-        Stretched taught between the last        a 50 year absence. Development
lateral donors, and the program              civil war and something currently             organizations, on the other hand, come
strategies thus dictated to any number of    resembling stability, Eastern Congo is a      in when people are no longer fleeing for
NGOs funded by them.                         funder's dilemma.                             their lives, when schools are again open
   Yet it is an identity neither chosen           In the system of international aid,      and kids can be given uniforms and
(nor in most cases even known) by the        implementers usually specialize in one        books, when there is some sort of
majority of people implicated in its         of two categories: humanitarian               government or civil society framework
reach. It has also become something that     organizations are called for when             to enable foreign organizations to do
certain organizations have grown to          tsunamis wipe out an entire coastline,        their work, and when their teams are not
detest, watching it grow from one            when 120,000 people flow into a               being hijacked, their bases are not being
important voice in the dialogue to an        refugee camp built for 40,000, when           stormed by armed men, and there are no
overfed red herring of the system,           hospitals overflow with people starving       longer deadly skirmishes between armed
distracting, in their view, the              or wounded, and when cholera floods           groups.
Cover Story War & Peace in DR Congo
                                  These two categories of organizations         phrases, beginning with “general
                                  have entirely different cultures, rules,      population.” People said: beneficiary,
 Unfortunately, political         capacities, funding limitations and           displaced, sick or ill, vulnerable, victim.
 resolutions do not always        paradigms. They may partner with each
                                  other, and though they are often
                                                                                Then I asked for their associations with
                                                                                the word 'incivique,' which means
 filter down to daily reality,    indistinguishable by those not working        something like “criminal” or “civil
 and in this changeable           in the sector, they are in no way             disturber”. They responded quickly:
 world a resolution today         interchangeable, without inviting
                                  disastrous implications (see: Haiti after
                                                                                immoral, delinquent, rapist, assassin,
                                                                                bandit. The first group of words are
 does not dictate peace           the earthquake or Indonesia after the         those with which we associate sympathy
 tomorrow. Eastern Congo is       tsunami).                                     and empathy; we usually want to help
 no longer considered to be           Following the political end to the        the vulnerable. The second group of
 in a state war. Rather, it has   most recent large-scale conflict in DRC       words are about actions and are framed
                                  in 2009, the world of international aid       in terms of blame and contradiction to a
 been in a state of low-to-       (e.g. the funders) decided that it was        norm, encouraging the feeling that
 moderate level conflict and      time to transition from an emergency          whereas the first group deserves our
 instability , with a handful     intervention to a framework of long-term
                                  development, feeling that Congo was
                                                                                sympathy and help, the second group
                                                                                can be ostracized and blamed. After the
 of villages pillaged every       close enough to a kind of peace that the      exercise I raised these points and asked
 month, consistent waves of       priority could change from flying in food     the group, but does this mean that the
 hundreds to thousands of         rations and UN helicopters to supporting
                                  school fees, funding economic
                                                                                “inciviques” are not part of the
                                                                                population? Because of the diversified
 people fleeing into 'the         development programs and sorting out          nature of the conflict in this region they
 bush' out of fear of attack,     whatever residual trauma remained             most definitely are, and everyone
 regular targeted killings or     through piece-meal psychosocial               immediately pointed that out, laughing
 skirmishes between armed         programs.                                     as they did so at the obvious
                                      Unfortunately, political resolutions do   contradiction.
 groups, and one or two           not always filter down to daily reality,          However it was a good reminder (and
 incidents of mass rapes          and in this changeable world a resolution     intended as such) that what we call
 (and yes, ongoing and            today does not dictate peace tomorrow.
                                  Eastern Congo is no longer considered to
                                                                                someone influences how we feel towards
                                                                                them, and how we feel towards someone
 pervasive sexual violence)       be in a state of full-out war. Rather, it     influences how we act, how far we go to
 every half year or so.           has been in a state of low-to-moderate        help them and how much we do to hurt
                                  level conflict and instability , with a       them.
                                  handful of villages pillaged every month,         In the Kivu region of Congo – where
                                  consistent waves of hundreds to               the majority of the conflict and
                                  thousands of people fleeing into 'the         instability is concentrated – it is in these
                                  bush' out of fear of attack, regular          names and underlying associations that
                                  targeted killings or skirmishes between       we get lost. There are so many armed
                                  armed groups, and one or two incidents        groups and their alliances, histories and
                                  of mass rapes (and yes, ongoing and           loyalties so complicated that in general
                                  pervasive sexual violence) every half         conversation we just call them this,
                                  year or so.                                   “armed groups,” rather than trying to
                                      With informed analysis and an ear to      name them all. What we actually mean
                                  the ground, there is a certain amount of      can range from members of the official
                                  predictability. Where there are schools,      Congolese army to a successful
                                  most are still open. Some branches of the     shopkeeper in some village who gives
                                  government function a bit. Most of the        guns to a group of 19 year olds and tells
                                  time you are not hijacked on the road.        them to rob a truck on its way to market.
                                  Outbreaks of preventable epidemics               One of the hindrances of the
                                  remain inexcusably frequent but people        traditional vocabulary of war is that we
                                  are used to their cyclical nature and take    talk about civilians and soldiers or armed
                                  them in some amount of stride, keening        actors as if they are clearly separated
                                  for and burying their dead out of sight of    groups. The distinction is important (and
                                  most who can help, and out of mind of         considered a very useful thing) in terms
                                  most who should be held accountable.          of international humanitarian law; it
                                                                                allows the international community to
                                  who suffers the most?                         agree on (and, more importantly, have a
                                  The other day I conducted a focus group       basis for prosecution based on)
                                  with representatives from various ethnic      principles such as that of limiting
                                  groups in North Kivu. We started off          collateral damage, meaning that a
                                  with an exercise about perceptions called     military strategy should avoid
                                  “quick thinking,” where I asked them to       implicating civilians (e.g. if you must
                                  tell me the first words that popped into      attack a village as part of an offensive
                                  their head when I mentioned several           strategy, you should not rape, pillage and
                                                                                murder civilians as well, but rather
Cover Story War & Peace in DR Congo
concentrate on the destruction of
military targets or armed actors).                                                         One of the hindrances of the
    As a humanitarian it is hard for me to
accept that even this kind of dialogue is                                                  traditional vocabulary of
ultimately encouraging broad-scale                                                         war is that we talk about
respect of human rights but of course I                                                    civilians and soldiers or
can acknowledge that, within a limited
viewpoint, the intention is there.                                                         armed actors as if they are
    And yet, even with this benefit of the                                                 clearly separated groups.
doubt, how do you apply such a precise
framework to the definition of conflict                                                    Much of Congo is covered
in much of the modern world? In Eastern
DRC, in addition to formal armies, you                                                     with lush, fertile, productive
have a grassroots patchwork of what                                                        land; there is no reason that
started as well-organized community                                                        anyone should go without
militias who are not separate from the
communities in which they live. They                                                       food in this country, no
are not just “integrated,” in the common                                                   reason that there should be
parlance; they are from the community.                                                     stunting and micronutrient
And perhaps they originally organized
themselves according to ethnicity or                                                       deficiencies and
place of origin or mother tongue, so now                              © Ian Steele/MONUC   malnutrition common
all who share that definition (whether
bearing arms or not) are implicated by
                                                                                           enough that you can walk
                                              things that benefit the population, like     through a village and point
the consequences of their actions.            infrastructure.
    A community who “hosts” (whether             The instability in Eastern Congo          out all the children suffering
or not they have ever been asked for          affects everyone. Access to crops            from it.
their consent or opinion to do so) an         ensures the link to a fundamental level
opposition group is thus often                of caloric intake and nutrition that is
considered a collaborator and may be          snapped like sugarcane the moment            So who suffers the most? It
free game for an attack. So in this way       people feel forced to flee their villages.   is easy to say that it is
the armed groups ping-pong over the net
of the population, moving into and out of
                                              Even for places stable enough to harvest,    children, women and the
                                              the presence and passage of armed            elderly. Yet in a landscape
a community and then taking turns             groups often means ongoing forced
attacking the community for hosting the       labor, unjust detention or bribery,          where fear is endemic,
opposition group.                             frequent violence, and pillaging of goods    suffering is also endemic;
    Of course it is true that in some         and food. It may be that the armed           trying to live with a
places in the region people are living in     conflict involves the participation of
relative stability. I do not say comfort or   much of the general population (when         mentality where violence,
health, though this is of course also true    there is no clear leader, how can there be   hatred and domination are
in some areas, but stability. This means,     confidence in the scattered leaders          the only understood forms
first of all, that they can get to their      around?), but it also demands the
fields when they need to in order to plant    suffering of nearly the entire population.   of survival is no way to live
and to cultivate crops, and that they are         So who suffers the most? It is easy to   at all.
able to stay in one place long enough to      say that it is children, women and the
harvest them.                                 elderly. Yet in a landscape where fear is
    Much of Congo is covered with lush,       endemic, suffering is also endemic;
fertile, productive land; there is no         trying to live with a mentality where
reason that anyone should go without          violence, hatred and domination are the
food in this country, no reason that there    only understood forms of survival is no
should be stunting and micronutrient          way to live at all.
deficiencies and malnutrition common
enough that you can walk through a            Ongoing conflicts and future
village and point out all the children        prospects
suffering from it.                            Around the time of the presidential
    This is not a given condition of life;    elections in November, rumors of
this is a direct result of the choices made   crackling instability in DRC flew around
by those in power. Why should there be        the world. The end of all hesitant peace
food insecurity in this region of Congo?      was predicted; civil war said to be right
For the same reason that people are           around the corner.
dying from diseases like measles,                At that time I was part of a rural
malaria and upper respiratory infections.     vaccination campaign in the southern
For the same reason that maternal and         province of the country and during the
infant mortality in DRC is among the          week leading up to the vote itself a small
highest in the world: lack of access, lack    team of us were progressing slowly up
of basic healthcare, lack of investment in
Cover Story War & Peace in DR Congo

 One surprising benefit to a
 country with such high
 levels of instability and
 under-development is that
 you do see, in precarious
 measure, a slight protective
 effect on the ecosystem.
 Congo's burden is its
 wealth; its wealth is its
 In its purgatorial state – not
 at war, yet hardly at peace -
 the non-profit world still
 leans towards a                  the lower Congo river in boats,                 hats, and step up to the plates of their
 humanitarian inclination;        vaccinating hundreds of children during         promises.
                                                                                      But, in truth, none of these hopes have
 few others are willing to, or    the day in churches and shaded
                                  courtyards and camping each night in the        materialized.
 have the capacity to deal        mud yards of tiny health centers.                   Traveling throughout North and South
 with the still frequent              That week we also shared the river          Kivu these days you get the most
                                                                                  profound sense - not that it is being used
 reality of armed robberies       with puttering boats transporting voting
                                  boxes, election officials and the same          as a proxy battlefield for competing
 and violent attacks on their     gentian violet dye that we used to mark         interests (as might be presumed from the
 houses, vehicles and             the pinkie fingers of all of the children       press) but rather that it has been largely
                                                                                  abandoned. Controlled, oppressed, stifled
 projects.                        who had been vaccinated already.                and forgotten. In the North, baboons play
                                  Exhausted in my tent at night I had             on the roofs of the abandoned buildings
                                  multiple confused dreams about putting
 This is not a poor country;      used needles into the ballot boxes instead      at what used to be the entrance and
 it is a country where a very     of election papers, and of accusations of       stopover to Virunga National Park.
                                                                                  Guards still lift the gate for vehicles to
 few people in power refuse       fraud by election observers accusing us
                                  of marking the fingers of babies who            pass through but now, as you drive past
 to direct the wealth of the      were not even eligible for school, let          them and wave, it is not with the
 country to those who by          alone for voting.                               expectation of seeing mountain gorillas;
                                                                                  it is instead with worry about seeing
 their birthright own it.             In the end, the elections passed by         armed guerillas.
                                  with a sort of peace truce, if not actually         But these sentiments have all been
                                  a set of comprehensive results. Since that      negative. What else of Congo these days?
                                  time the international community has            One surprising benefit to a country with
                                  mumbled and grumbled and even                   such high levels of instability and under-
                                  published various official objections to        development is that you do see, in
                                  dissociate themselves from what                 precarious measure, a slight protective
                                  everyone generally now agrees was, at           effect on the ecosystem. Of course you
                                  best, an inadequate electoral process.          also see total destruction of ecosystems
                                      But for a time afterwards it felt that if   but at least where there no roads, the
                                  Congo did not have the 100% democracy           accompanying human chaos is also
                                  that the Western observers were looking         limited. Caught in mud up to our hubcaps
                                  for, it might at least have avoided             one day, I bent down to the shock of
                                  disintegrating again into civil chaos. And      grasses that our guide had just cut
                                  for those who live here, that was not an        through with his machete. In this random
                                  inconsequential result.                         spot on a hillside in South Kivu, and
                                      Unfortunately, in Eastern Congo at          without even searching, I saw more than
                                  least, that feeling has now been replaced       ten insects crawling about and I heard a
                                  with a sense of apprehension. The               cacophony of others. Crunching,
                                  elections provided a possibility that           munching, crawling. It was an
                                  things might change; the disputes of the        astonishing experience.
                                  results maintained that sense of hope,
                                  leading some to think that perhaps, with
                                  all the international criticism the old         Role of international players
                                  political status quo might change;              Congo's burden is its wealth; its wealth is
                                  perhaps the politicians would put on new        its burden.I live on the Rwandan
Cover Story War & Peace in DR Congo
 /Congolese border, on the shores of the         “right-holders”) in the system of
limnic Lake Kivu, in Goma, a town that           international aid? To whom is the aid
grew on the substrate of the Rwandan             community accountable? If we have been
genocide as passageway for tens of               acting in the place of the government
thousands of refugees. Settled at the base       then why should the population not begin
of a still-active volcano, Goma is now a         to ask us to be more accountable as a
dusty base for NGOs, UN deployments,             government? If we did not want the role,
miners and business people profiting             then why did we take it? And can we
from cross-border trade, as well as an           reject it now, while still wanting to
ongoing mixture of floating expatriates          maintain our invested presence?
who fit no clear category.                           What is primarily fascinating to me is
    In its purgatorial state – not at war, yet   that in this region of Congo the
hardly at peace - the non-profit world           government has been for so long so
still leans towards a humanitarian               ineffective and seemingly uninterested in     Today, as I write this, we
inclination; few others are willing to, or       providing its most basic match to the         received news of a new
have the capacity to deal with the still
frequent reality of armed robberies and
                                                 social contract that the international
                                                 community has felt obligated to invest in
                                                                                               group of 20,000 people
violent attacks on their houses, vehicles        the long-term. It has saved lives,            displaced in the south
and projects. There is a sprinkling of           certainly; for all extents and purposes the   because of attacks on their
smaller development NGOs as well who
have tried to break into a range of longer-
                                                 people of Congo seem to be an
                                                 expendable resource for their
                                                                                               towns and villages, and
term goals. But donors are trigger shy.          government.                                   another 3-5,000 displaced
Who wants to invest in a place where any             In fact, the longer you stay in the       across the border in the
day the city might be threatened by rebel        country the more unbelievable it              north, as well as various
groups, the smoldering volcano might             becomes that people here are living in        villages pillaged and emptied
rumble over again as it did in 2002, or          abject poverty.
the methane-floored lake might erupt,                This is not a poor country; it is a       in the center of the country.
with earthquakes and mythical tsunamis?          country where a very few people in
    Surrounding the aid community are
the various branches of the UN, with
                                                 power refuse to direct the wealth of the
                                                 country to those who by their birthright
                                                                                               We are often trained, in the
MONUSCO (the so-called peace-keeping             own it.                                       West, to view poverty and
mission in DRC) lumbering or hovering                In Eastern DRC the aid community          the suffering of people living
by at all times in Goma, and throughout          has been present for decades, during          in conditions of conflict as
the region. They have a staff                    which time the government has been            very sad and inevitable
photographer who takes beautiful                 largely absent (in terms of providing
photographs, run a radio station known           anything for the people) and international    things.
for decent journalistic standards and            actors have been invited in for their own
otherwise maintain a mission whose               benefit. The aid community's investment
silence speaks loudly to those in search         in this area of the world has begun to
of transparency. They are a “peace-              strike those who live here as shallow.
keeping” mission but what peace, in fact,        Those of us in the aid community like to
are they keeping? And whose peace?               distinguish between ourselves and the
They are questions for which I do not,           UN forces. But for the population I do
but I imagine that someone does, have            not believe there is any such clear
the answer.                                      distinction. In spite of whatever efforts,
    What is interesting about being in           most people are still living without
DRC at this time in history is that civil        employment, without access to basic
groups (students, representative of              healthcare, without access to education
grassroots NGOs, women's groups) have            and with an unreasonably high level of
also begun to ask why, when the aid              insecurity that often enough turns to
community has now been here for                  terror and fleeing.
decades, and the UN semi-occupies their              Today, as I write this, we received
towns, the situation is still so bad for the     news of a new group of 20,000 people
population.                                      displaced in the south because of attacks
    This questioning may take the form of        on their towns and villages, and another
threats to NGOs for what are seen as             3-5,000 displaced across the border in
biased recruitment practices, or                 the north, as well as various villages
demonstrations against the aid                   pillaged and emptied in the center of the
community in general. I work for an              country. These numbers are difficult to
NGO, so this kind of response is perhaps         care about. Perhaps that sounds cold but
professionally concerning but I find it          is it not true for most of us, much of the
personally fascinating, and cannot quite         time? Life is complicated and busy; what
avoid a sense of pride when I see it. In         does it mean that 20,000 people were
the last 25-30 years, where have been the        displaced? They were not killed, or
voices of these “beneficiaries” (or, as a        drowned, or burned, or dying from car
friend of a friend once called them, these       crashes. They just had to move.
Cover Story War & Peace in DR Congo
    In our garden on the edge of Lake         works” to a new expat. He tossed his           suffering does as well.
Kivu, the morning sun distributes itself      hands around, trying to illustrate the             We are often trained, in the West, to
as if committed to a black and white          mess of armed groups and economic              view poverty and the suffering of people
spectrum: the qualities of brightness and     power players - mining and                     living in conditions of conflict as very
saturation (flower stalks between the         technological and pharmaceutical               sad and inevitable things. I certainly
lava rock walls, grass blades rolling into    companies - the way they are all               grew up thinking this: how sad that there
the ripples on the shimmering and             subsidiaries of the other, who is loyalist     are poor people who cannot eat and are
oceanic surface of the lake) somehow          to, and who is enemy of whom, what             caught in war; we must take them food,
carry more meaning than the color. The        Rwanda wants, what the government              we must bring them to a place of peace.
color is so saturated (fuscia, orange,        wants, what China and Europe want, and
white-green new leaves) that it almost        also how to recognize the heart of a
outdoes itself, and leaves room in the        soldier by the shape of his nose. It is the
mind only for form.                           pride of the foreigner here to be able to
    Congo is a riot of color, and the color   recite these things; but their reports are
so cinematic, and so real, that there is      given with such gusto that it makes me
rarely a struggle to define its quality, or   wonder how genuinely we would want
to pin down a moment in its transience,       to remove the cause of such excellent
and so somewhere in the experience of         entertainment.
these extremes the mind becomes oddly             What is it, this quality of stability,
free to see what is otherwise so often        that allows us to live our lives? We
disguised by beauty.                          speak about instability as the root cause
Form. Depth. Movement.                        of so much suffering in eastern Congo,
    Today we will leave the city of Goma      assuming or stating, that what we would        I did not grow up thinking, “it is my
to go 3-4 hours north to one of our           wish for the country is for it to be stable    responsibility to research the
projects, driving straight towards            and the people to have this thing,             pharmaceutical and technological
towering Nyirongongo. Yesterday I             stability, otherwise defined as:               countries that make the items I want to
watched the steam trail of this hulking       constancy, steadiness, firmness, fixity,       buy because it is the market demand for
volcano pouring to the west, only 10km        permanence.                                    their products that is continuing this
from the city and for once free from              But stability is not a goal in and of      conflict a million human-paradigm years
haze or clouds. As we drive north we          itself; it is a consequence.                   away.”
will see other volcanoes – baby ones,             Yesterday we drove through a town              I did not grow up thinking, “nobody
grandfather ones – one long chain of          that seemed like a town. It was not            in Congo should actually be living in
seismic gasps in the earth’s surface.         deserted or pillaged; it was full of           poverty and the fact that they are is not a
    We are like Pompeii; our human            normal life. Market women called out           fatalistic sad fact of life. No. The fact
history ripe for repetition.                  greetings to passer-bys, or sat with           that they are is a direct result of our (and
    The helicopters have begun again. It      sleepy eyes next to piles of avocados.         I speak of the world) choices.”
is a measure throughout the world, or at      Men repaired motorcycles next to shops.            It is not an oversight of Mother
least throughout the UN-occupied              Children gossiped in school uniforms.          Nature that people in Congo are living in
world, that the number of helicopters         Life seemed calm and, yes, stable.             poverty and dying of preventable
you hear corresponds directly to the              Just north of this town in the past        diseases and violence; it is our ongoing
state of security of the country. Here, the   month several thousands of people have         investment in political and economic
helicopters and the planes and the            run from their homes across the border         systems whose implementation, if not
armored vehicles and the egg-carton UN        to Uganda, seeking refuge. Life in war is      intent, is criminal: criminal because we
trucks with their legions of homesick         like this; alternately calm and terrifying     are making specific choices that allow
soldiers are omni-present and have            and, often, simply surreal.                    these systems to continue, and we are
begun to multiply like bacteria in a petri        Driving through North Kivu                 passing off the costs to those who cannot
dish: exponential, overnight. We wish         yesterday it occurred to me to remind          object.
they wouldn’t. We know that                   myself that I am living in a country at            This is an abuse of power, and no
peacekeeping is only useful when there        war. We prefer now – and it is probably        matter how diffused we render the
is war-making. We know that carrying          officially classified this way – to say that   responsibility, no matter how well we
guns makes things worse, even when            the Kivus are in a state of ongoing            hide the links between death on the
you hope to make things better.               instability and conflict. Ok, fine.            ground and a product in the store, no
    I spent more than two years living in     Then what, I wonder, is war?                   matter how many millions of dollars we
Rwanda. And although Rwanda is a                  Something well-defined? One group          spend on conciliatory peacekeeping and
world and culture of its own, returning       versus another? The groups                     micro-economic development efforts,
to Congo last September still felt like       internationally powerful and the cause         we are still in the wrong. Quite simply.
coming home; the film-set quality of          considered admirable?                          We are in the wrong.
central African light, the forehead knob          Or is “war” simply a definition that is        Human history is always ripe for
greetings, the petites aubergines: these      useful for clarifying when and how and         repetition, true, but we are the ones
were things I knew, and had already           where another government is obligated          choosing what it is that we will repeat.
grown to love.                                to break the autonomy of a nation state        (Photos used in the article: source UN,
    But Congo, or at least the region of      and intervene, on an international level?      under creative commons license. Emily
the Kivus, where I now live, is already           But what autonomy, I ask? Our              can be reached by email at
loved by too many. Last night I heard         worlds and our economies are inter-   and follow her
someone try to explain the “way it all        linked. Our minerals and our natural           DRC experience on her blog
                                              resources cross all borders. Our human
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Global south development_magazine_april_2012

  • 1. GLOBAL SOUTH Development Magazine #9, April 201 2, A development quarterly,ISSN: 1 799-0769, WAR & PEACE IN CONGO
  • 2. Global South Development Magazine is a quarterly magazine published by Silver Lining Creation, Finland. The magazine covers a wide range of developmental issues primarily of the developing world and is an initiative of freelance writers and development activists from different parts of the world. Editor-in-Chief Manoj Kr Bhusal Assistant Editors Ioulia Fenton Lawin Khalil Mustafa Marketing Manager Dinesh Poudel ( Regional Editors Lingson Adam (East Africa) Promoters Khalid Hussain (South Asia) Saila Ohranen ( Noah Marwil (Latin America) Sudip Joshi ( Catriona Knapman (The Middle East) Suraj Chand ( Special Correspondents Published By Carolynn Look (Country Profiles) Silver Lining Creation RY-Finland Mary Namusoke (Women’s issues in Africa) Email: Roxanne Irani (Global environmental issues) Sandeep Srivastava (Climate change) Aliza Amlani (Global Health) ISSN 1799-0769 Deanna Morris (Livelihood & Global Economic Affairs) Subscribe free to Global South Development Aparna S Patankar (Global Education) Magazine at Scott Ruddick (Development Aid & Conflict States) Hriday Sarma (South-to-South Development Cooperation) Read GSDM Blog Irene Nyambura Mwangi (Development & Democracy in Africa) Country Correspondents Victoria Lucy Peel Yates (Argentina) Tithe Farhana (Bangladesh) Dr. Lykke E. Andersen (Bolivia) Marita Haug (Brazil) James Belgrave (Burundi) Gareth Mace (Cambodia) Meerim Shakirova (Central Asia) Fady Salah (Egypt) Emily Cavan Lynch (DR Congo) Dr.P.V.Ravichandiran (India) Alphonce Gari (Kenya) Samuel Adikpe (Nigeria) Ricardo Morel (Peru) Mohamud Hassan (Somalia) Follow us on Facebook Moses C Masami (Tanzania) Kimbowa Richard (Uganda) Jasen Mphepo (Zimbabwe) Guest contributors for this issue Annie Bacon Kaitlyn Phillips Zack Wettstein Narayan Bhatta Innocent Kazembe David Meagher
  • 3. Technology will fix corruption! Contents Global South Development Magazine, Founded in 2010 Dear Editor, April 201 2 ISSUE 9 WWW.SILCREATION.ORG In the January issue of your magazine, I had the chance to read an article about anti- corruption campaigns in India. I think a lot needs to be done in order to stamp out corruption from the country, but we should not forget that the so called anti-corruption campaigns have thier own agendas too. They seem to be hungry of media limelight and attention, and do not digest criticisms easily. Corruption needs something more than mass protests and rallies. Without restructuring state mechanisms, the dream of eliminating corruption won't come true. Laws and moral education might be useful, but technology that ensures transparency is a must! Madhavi, Pune-India Having passed through decades of conflict, instability and political turmoil, has peace prevailed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo? A special report on the DRC. 4 South in the Frame 25 US Peace Corps A photo presentation of In The Northern Triangle – Pencils of Promise A shift from development 5 News Analysis to militarisation? Global South 27 Public Health: 7 Argentina Bangladesh's fight to the Latin American pioneer restore childhood sight in gender and sexual 29 Gender & equality 21 Health Development Doctor in your pocket – the Improving women's new era of mobile health! participation: A challenge for Nepal 23 Voluntarism 31 Global South in the Mutually Beneficial news: global south in Impacts of International global media Volunteers in Latin 32 Final remarks from America the editor: When things fall apart Failed states? By Which functioning states are labelled as that might be successful within their Measures? failed states, but what about the territories, but are largely reponsible states that export weapons and for making people's life measurable Dear Editor, orchestrate vicious wars overseas? abroad. This would make them a I read the January issue of Global What about the states that are crazy little more responsible, if at all. South Development Magazine with in their consumer habits and responsible for permanently Suvi, Helsinki- Finland great interest. The cover story damaging the environment? apprently was very interesting. However, there could have been a twoI categoriesworld should have think the (Dear readers, please send your of failed states. The comments, suggestions and quiries by critical remark on the idea of failed first catagory is alaredy available, email at globalsouth@silcreation. org states categorization. I am aware the second one should include states - Editor) that war trodden, poor, non-
  • 4. South in the Frame Pencils of Promise In Laos, an entire school’s student population rushes outside at the news and reception of new school supplies and personal hygeine accessories. From left to right: Little girl in Non Kihow, Laos, plants herself on the classroom floor with her new notepad; cheeky primary school student in Phayong, Laos, during a nutrition lesson on making healthy food snacks; girl at a construction planning meeting in Lizarco, outside of Matagalpa, Pencils of Promise is a New York-based NGO that aims to Nicaragua; bread feast after a empower youth by building classrooms, schools, and sustainable Community Engagement Workshop in education resources for communities without proper access to these Santa Catarina, Guatemala. Photo basic elements. courtesy: Pencils of Promise
  • 5. News Analysis Global South PHILIPPINES: OMG! Eat- your-vegetables campaign BANGKOK, March 2012 measurement of chronic Celebrities are working with the malnutrition. Philippines government in a The Philippines’ produce recently launched nationwide consumption of 60kg per person media campaign to lift the per year in 2007 was one of the consumption of fresh produce lowest in Asia, according to the and fight malnutrition among World Health Organization young people. (WHO). The name of the project, ‘Oh WHO recommends a daily My Gulay!’ (OMG!) (‘oh my intake of 400g of vegetables and vegetables’ in the local Tagalog fruits per person (150kg per language) plays off the year) to help prevent vitamin and shorthand exclamation mineral deficiencies as well as commonly interspersed in text heart disease, some cancers, messages sent via mobile phones diabetes and obesity. An - ‘OMG’ for ‘oh my god’ - and estimated 1.7 million (2.8 resonates widely in a country percent) of deaths every year where more than one billion text worldwide are linked to messages are sent daily. insufficient vegetable and fruit Local celebrities in dance, consumption, according to the music and television are featured health agency. in print and on television, posing The celebrity advocacy of with their favourite vegetables. OMG! follows a 2011 “Role models are efficient for government programme to set up children, and targeting children produce gardens in all 42,000 is both boosting immediate schools by providing tools, seeds consumption and initiating a and training. mindset change about vegetables “There is no space too little to and fruits,” explained the farm. Space-friendly techniques founder of the campaign, Ed allow communities and families YANGON, Myanmar- Aung San Suu Kyi, the Angara, a parliamentarian from to produce a lot, even on a tiny democracy advocate silenced for two decades by the capital region of Metro piece of concrete,” said Holmer. Myanmar’s generals with house arrests and overturned Manila. Container vegetable and fruit elections, assumed a new role in her country’s political “We want to make vegetables production - for example, transition on 2 April 2012, winning a seat in Parliament and fruits sexy - too many growing a plant in a plastic water to make the remarkable shift from dissident to Filipinos prefer to buy meat bottle - is widely used in cities lawmaker. rather than vegetables and fruits throughout the Philippines and to complement their rice-based other countries. diet,” said Robert Holmer, “Vegetables and fruits can be regional director for East and more expensive than fish in the Southeast Asia of the World Philippines, and their prices Vegetable Centre (AVRDC), a fluctuate a lot,” said Sheila Aclo Taiwan-headquartered NGO de Lima, a training officer with previously known as the Asian AVRDC. “Thanks to these Vegetable Research [space-friendly] methods, Development Centre, which is underprivileged families can supporting the campaign. produce for themselves, and According to the most recent their vegetable and fruit government national nutrition consumption is resilient to survey in 2008, chronic weather and food crises.” Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi, a 1991 Nobel Peace laureate malnutrition (a shortage of Increasing produce consumption and the face of Myanmar’s democracy movement, will intake of vitamins and nutrients) is key to reducing the hold a public office for the first time. But despite her among children is directly malnutrition-related illnesses global prominence, she will be joining a Parliament that related to the country’s low that affect some 200 million is still overwhelmingly controlled by the military- vegetable and fruit consumption. children worldwide according to backed ruling party. An estimated 29 percent of the Paris-based French A nominally civilian government took power one children under five years old and Agricultural Research for year ago after years of oppressive military rule and 33 percent of children younger Development Centre (CIRAD). introduced political changes it hoped would persuade than 10 years were too short for (News coutesy IRIN) Western nations to end economic sanctions. (with their age groups, which is one agencies)
  • 6. News Analysis Global South Number of executions around ISRAEL: the world soared last year, with Deportation countries such as Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia resorting to looms for South the death penalty more often than in the past Sudan migrants TEL AVIV, March 2012 - Asylum- China executed more people seekers from South Sudan living in than the rest of the world put Israel have until 31 March to return together “home” or face deportation, but some have asked to stay, saying conditions are The United States was the only not yet conducive for their safe return. According to Israeli Interior Minister country in the Americas and Sabine Haddad, South Sudan nationals the only member of the Group living in Israel will no longer be given of Eight leading economies to protected status after the deadline. Until execute prisoners in 2011, then, he added, they will be offered Death penalty something Shetty described as "very shameful." voluntary deportation and around US$1,300. 2011: Alarming But Natalina, a 46-year-old single mother of three who arrived in Israel six levels of Belarus was the only country in Europe to carry out years ago after spending 12 years is Cairo, said she would find it difficult to leave. "I don't want to take [the children] executions executions in 2011 told the Reuters news agency, adding back because I know their lives will change dramatically," she told IRIN. "I have no one in Sudan, I know no one Amnesty International says executions that the downside was that "a few there - no family, nothing. I haven't been rose by 78 per cent worldwide and by countries continue to practice it in large there in 18 years, I am a single Mum and 50 per cent in the Middle East last year. numbers." I cannot afford to pay for medical The number of executions around the At least 1,923 people are known to treatment and education in South world soared last year, with countries have been sentenced to death in 63 Sudan." such as Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia countries in 2011, down from 2,024 in Natalina, whose three children aged resorting to the death penalty more 2010, Amnesty's report said. At least 7, 9 and 15 are enrolled in Israeli often than in the past, rights group 18,750 people were under sentence of schools, said she and some 700 other Amnesty International has said in a new death worldwide at the end of 2011, South Sudanese asylum-seekers received report. including 8,300 in Pakistan, it said. notice from the Ministry of Interior three The group said on Tuesday that at After China, most executions last year months ago, asking them to report for least 676 people were executed in 20 were carried out in Iran, where at least repatriation by 31 March 2012 or be countries in 2011 compared with 527 360 people were put to death compared declared illegal aliens in Israel. executions in 23 countries in 2010, a 78 with at least 252 in 2010, Saudi Arabia "I do not wish to see my children per cent increase. (at least 82 executions in 2011 suffer. We've had meetings with the Executions in the Middle East rose compared with at least 27 in 2010), and Israeli government but they will not give by almost 50 per cent last year to 558, Iraq (at least 68 executions compared us answers. If they decide to do this the group said. with at least one), Amnesty said. (send asylum-seekers back) by 31 Methods of execution used around They were followed by the United March, I will disappear, I cannot go the world included beheading, hanging, States, with 43 executions in 2011 down back," said Natalina, a prominent leader lethal injection and shooting. from 46 a year earlier, and Yemen, at of the small community of South However, Amnesty said China executed least 41 executions in 2011 down from Sudanese in Israel. more people than the rest of the world 62 officially reported in 2010. The Israeli authorities, in a January put together. Data on the death penalty The United States was the only letter circulated among the South in China is a state secret, and Amnesty country in the Americas and the only Sudanese community, said the new state International no longer publishes a member of the Group of Eight leading was safe. figure for Chinese executions, but it economies to execute prisoners in 2011, "We are not asking to stay forever, but to said they were in the thousands. something Shetty described as "very be given enough time until the new state Salil Shetty, Amnesty's secretary- shameful." recovers somewhat," Simon,a South general, said that when Amnesty was Belarus was the only country in Sudanese community leader who left his launched in 1961 only nine countries Europe to carry out executions in 2011 country 17 years ago, explained. "I know had abolished the death penalty for all when it put two people to death. No of many repatriated community crimes, whereas last year only 20 executions were recorded in Japan last members who were forced to flee again countries carried out executions. year, for the first time in 19 years. to the north, to Kenya or Uganda. South "It's a very important success story," he (Source Amnesty International and Sudan is only seven months old and still Agencies) a failed state." (Source IRIN)
  • 7. LGBT Latin America Argentina: the Latin American pioneer in gender and sexual equality B Y VICTORIA PEEL YATES In Argentina For a country synonymous with a equality. culture of machismo, gauchos Argentina was the first (and to date reported in Chile and Brazil. Despite (cowboys) and a dance deeply rooted in the only) Latin American country to the growing acceptance for LGBT traditional male-female dominant- legalise gay marriage and adoptions, public officials in countries such as submissive roles, the tango, Argentina with a law that was passed in 2010, Colombia (where the appointment of is surprisingly leading the way for joining just a handful of countries that Tatiana Pineros, a transgender woman, gender and sexual equality in Latin recognise gay marriage. It has some of to head of Bogota’s social welfare America. the most progressive laws promoting agency was received with little Amid the recent drama unfolding in gender and sexual rights in the entire opposition from the public), others, the Argentinean political arena, namely region. In Chile, Bolivia, Peru, such as Bolivia, do not even have laws the dispute with Britain over the Paraguay and Venezuela there are no in place to prevent discrimination based Falklands/Malvinas (among other laws that recognise or grant rights to on sexuality. The continent seems to be things), two bills have been quietly same sex couples. Brazil, Uruguay, divided, with conservative religious and making their way through Congress, Ecuador and Colombia have followed political views clashing with supporters almost unnoticed. The first was passed in Argentina’s footsteps by passing laws of LGBT civil rights. on 14th March 2012, and marked a that recognise and grant rights to same huge breakthrough for women’s rights sex couples. However, despite strong in Latin America. The bill legalised lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender abortions for all victims of rape, a (LGBT) civil rights movements, "Argentina was the first (and to modification to an existing law that homophobia is rife across the continent, date the only) Latin American allowed abortion only if the rape victim even in those countries where same sex country to legalise gay marriage was mentally disabled. The second bill couples are recognised. and adoptions, with a law that is the ‘Ley de Identidad de Géneros’ This is manifested in violent attacks was passed in 2010, joining just a (Gender Identity Law), which if passed and murders of LGBT people; the most handful of countries that will allow Argentinean citizens to extreme example is in Ecuador, where recognise gay marriage. It has change their name and gender on their young women are sent to horrific some of the most progressive laws national identity cards. If passed, it will “clinics” to be “cured” of being promoting gender and sexual reaffirm Argentina’s status as the Latin lesbians. High numbers of homophobic rights in the entire region." American leader in gender and sexual attacks and homicides have also been
  • 8. LGBT Latin America parties has had a profound impact on preventing the passing of laws that would recognise gay marriage. This has Global hunger most notably taken place in Chile, where the Christian Democrat party has fight depends on blocked several bills to recognise same sex couples. In Argentina, such parties better water use- do not exist, limiting the power of the Church within Congress. says U.N. chief Another reason may be Argentina’s high level of transnational legalism, referring to the ease with which Argentina imports international norms and adopts them domestically. While this is high throughout Latin America, Argentina is undoubtedly the regional leader (incidentally, the US has a very low level of transnational legalism). This means that proponents of LGBT Two transgender partygoers pose for photos at the civil rights have borrowed heavily from The world will only be able to feed a Gay Pride March in Buenos Aires. On the LGBT rights activists around the world, rapidly growing population if it previous page the author's friends posing with a often replicating their arguments improves the use of water, the "most reveler at the Gay Pride March in Buenos Aires verbatim. This is not to say that the critical finite resource", the head of LGBT rights movement in Argentina the United Nations said on the World This is no less true in Argentina. lacks domestic resources. The agenda Water Day. However, the difference in Argentina is of the LGBT movement was cast as part "Unless we increase our capacity that, despite the obstacles faced, LGBT of the country’s broader agenda on to use water wisely in agriculture, we civil rights are advancing, seemingly behalf of feminism, gender, will fail to end hunger and we will with support from the wider public. So reproduction, health, and sexuality, open the door to a range of other ills, why, despite the dominance of which have been part ofArgentina’s including drought, famine and relatively progressive leftist legislative agenda for decades. They political instability," U.N. Secretary governments dominating the Latin used innovative strategies, such as General Ban Ki-moon said in a American political arena, is Argentina encouraging gay couples to request statement. unique in its efforts to improve gender marriage licences, and when these Global food output must double and sexual equality? The strong LGBT requests are refused, to challenge the from 2005-2007 levels in developing civil rights movement and high levels refusal on constitutional grounds. countries and rise 70 percent in of urbanisation and education only go Popular support for the cause was developed nations to feed a world so far in explaining the phenomenon, probably also won due to the actions of population expected to rise to 9 since these are also found in other Latin the Church, whose polarizing rhetoric billion in 2050 from about 7 billion American countries. became increasingly and openly now, according to U.N. estimates. There are several possible factors discriminatory towards the LGBT While an average human drinks 2 that may contribute to Argentina’s avant population. to 4 litres of water every day, it takes garde approach to gender and sexual Ultimately, the final say lies with 2,000 to 5,000 litres of water to equality. The first is that, despite being President Fernandez, who took the risk produce one person's daily food, the a predominantly Catholic country, of confronting the Church and passing U.N. Food and Agriculture attendance within the Catholic Church, the controversial law. There are a Organization (FAO) reports.In many at roughly 22%, is relatively low myriad of reasons that she may have parts of the world, the pace of compared with its Latin American chosen to do so, both domestic and agricultural production growth has counterparts, as well as with the US. foreign, ranging from further splitting been slowing while water scarcity is This is significant because the Catholic an already fragmented opposition to increasing and climate change is Church, in Argentina as elsewhere in advancing Argentina’s position as the exacerbating risk and unpredictability Latin America, has been strongly Latin American vanguard of gender and for farmers, especially poor ones, Ban opposed to the legalisation of gay sexual rights. said. marriage. Moreover, the Evangelical It is impossible to pinpoint one Two-thirds of the world's population, at just 2%, is tiny, reason that distinguishes Argentina population could be living under compared to a growing number of from other countries in the region; water stressed conditions by 2025, the followers in Mexico and Brazil and a many have similar histories of military FAO said. huge following in the US. This means dictatorships, and financial and political To ensure sustainable food and that despite fierce opposition to gay crises. But in Argentina, a particular set water security for everyone, the world marriage, the Evangelical Church has of socio-political factors seems to have must boost investments in people, very little influence. combined to make it the regional leader infrastructure, production and A second key factor may be the in progressive social policies. The rest education as well as improve water separation of church and party; most of the region may have some way to go, management, FAO's Director General countries in the region separate church but it is likely that sooner or later they Jose Graziano da Silva said. (By and state, but this may not be enough. will follow suit. Svetlana Kovalyova for Alertnet) Strong opposition from Christian
  • 9. Cover Story GSDM April 201 2 WAR & PEACE IN The Democratic Republic of the Congo The Democratic Republic of the Congo is rebel movements threatened to overtake parts genocide of the civilian Tutsi minority in not officially at war, but for decades the of the country in 1964 and in 1977–78, Rwanda. According to some estimates, ordinary Congolese haven't experienced Western powers intervened with military around 800,000 people were killed in a few an essence of peace either. After years of support. Even during the last months of months . bloodshed and devastation, the DRC is Mobutu’s reign in 1997, France allegedly The RPA and its leader Major Colonel staggering towards normalcy, but after organized the hiring of foreign mercenaries in Paul Kagame managed to conquer Kigali and order to avoid the dictator’s fall from power. oust the Hutu government. Fearing Tutsi brief intervals the country finds itself In the 1970s, Mobutu and his cronies revenge, around 1.2 million Hutu, including rebound into violent conflicts again and seriously started to lay their hands on the some 40,000 of the militia responsible for again. This edition of Global South country’s wealth. In a process called the genocide, fled to the North and South Development Magazine tries to analyse ‘Zairianization’, key economic sectors were Kivu provinces in neighboring Zaire. At this some of the issues that have been put under direct state control Mobutu’s point, Mobutu saw an opportunity to regain responsible for prolonging conflict and kleptocratic regime was coupled with poor the initiative. He agreed to host the refugees unrest in the DRC. The first section will growth rates and a mounting public external on Congolese soil and thereby became a give a historical timeline of the DRC debt. International donor pressure and the end partner to international aid organizations. The followed by an account of our DRC of the Cold War finally forced Mobutu to move also allowed him to regain some correspondent from the field. This abandon one-party rule in 1990. He also respectability, at least in the eyes of the became more marginalized as the government French, who once again embraced him. edition's interview section and the in Kinshasa assumed some of his former At the same time, Mobutu used the inflow editor's column have been dedicated to powers. But Mobutu would make an of Hutu to instigate hostilities towards the the DRC issue as well. unexpected comeback on the world scene. Banyamulenge, a people ofTutsi origin who had lived in eastern Congo for generations. The DRC: A The Rwanda Genocide and the War Against Mobutu: 1994–97 To understand the insurgency against The parliament even decided that the Banyamulenge should lose their citizenship. In October 1996, the governor of South Kivu historical Timeline earlier developmentstwo neighboring groups, Mobutu in 1996, it is necessary to recount in Rwanda. Rwanda’s major ethnic ordered the Banyamulenge to leave their homes within a few days. In desperation, they turned to their Tutsi cousins in Rwanda for Congo gained independence from Belgium the Hutu and the Tutsi, had fought a help. in 1960 but immediately fell into a state of smallscale civil war since 1990 when an army The new rulers in Rwanda had an even chaos and disintegration. In 1965, Colonel ofTutsi rebels (RPA), hosted and supported greater grievance on their hands. The Hutu Joseph Mobutu seized power through a coup by Uganda, invaded the country. The militia used the refugee camps in Kivu as a quietly approved by the Western powers, and dramatic turning point happened in 1994 base for attacks against the Tutsi-dominated changed the country’s name to Zaire and his when Rwanda’s Hutu president Habyarimana regime in Rwanda. Helped by Mobutu, they own to Mobutu Sese Seko. Zaire became an was killed along with Burundi’s president became a serious threat to the new important pawn in the Cold War as an after their plane was shot down. Although it government’s security. In September 1996, African bastion of anti-communism. This is still not clear who was responsible for this the RPA joined the Banyamulenge and helped Mobutu to hold his gigantic and attack, extremist Hutu groups drew their own attacked the Hutu refugee camps on ethnically divided country together. When conclusions and soon started a systematic Congolese soil.
  • 10. Cover Story War & Peace in DR Congo They were soon joined by several anti- which in turn led Kabila to marginalize export of natural resources. This phase Mobutu rebel groups and engaged in the Tutsi and Banyamulenge members of involved both foreign and Congolese battles against government forces. his administration. A more plausible actors. Both phases were greatly Among the groups that joined the explanation for this action could be that facilitated by the strong transportation rebellion was a small one called PRP led that Kabila, perhaps inspired by the networks put in place during the first by Laurent Kabila. Kabila belonged to actions of Mobutu before him, was war. Lumumba’s socialist faction in the desirous of keeping the financial gain Economic data collected by the UN 1960s, but after Mobutu’s consolidation from Congo’s resources for himself. illustrate the trends in mineral exports in of power, Kabila and his men withdrew Whatever the explanation, Kabila Uganda and Rwanda for the years 1994 to the South Kivu mountains where they dismissed a Rwandan military officer of to 2000 and the trends in mineral formed something of a mini-state. Not Tutsi ethnicity as chief of staff for the production in Rwanda for the years 1995 much is known of his activities from Congolese armed forces in July 1998. He to 2000. Uganda had no reported coltan then on, except that during long periods then went one step further, sending the or niobium production after 1995, while he made a living as a gold smuggler. commander and his Tutsi Rwandan exports increased steadily between 1997 From late 1996 he suddenly appeared comrades-in arms back to Rwanda on 27 and 1999. Finally, neither Uganda nor as the leader of the newly formed July 1998. This move was an apparent Rwanda has any known diamond Alliance of the Democratic Forces for attempt to pre-empt a coup, and was a production. the Liberation of Congo (ADFL). It was direct cause of the rebellions that took In the case of Zimbabwe, however, therefore suspected that Kabila was place in both Goma and Kinshasa six there is evidence of extensive something of a puppet, at least initially – days later. commercial activity in the form of joint suspicions that were later confirmed in After the failure of these rebellions, ventures and mining concessions. interviews with Rwanda’s strongman troops from Rwanda and Uganda entered Natural resource extraction, particularly Paul Kagame. The ADFL and their Tutsi Congo in August 1998. Both countries mineral extraction, fuelled the comrades immediately remarkably stated security reasons for the continuation of the conflict in Congo. successful. Mobutu’s unpaid army, which deployment. The crisis escalated when Rwanda’s military benefited directly he had kept weak and divided so that it Rwandan troops, with some support from the war in various ways. The most would not pose a threat to himself, from Uganda, attempted to seize significant of these has been the melted away as the Tutsi veterans Kinshasa. At this point, Zimbabwe and extraction of coltan, the price of which approached. During their march Angola intervened on behalf of the rose phenomenally between late 1999 westwards, some 200,000 Hutu refugees Kabila government, saving it from and late 2000. The UN estimates that the were allegedly killed, and conquered collapse. Namibia, Chad, and Sudan Rwandan military could have been mines were looted. would later join Kabila’s allies, although selling coltan for as much as $20 million The old Cold War allies Belgium and Chad and Sudan withdrew relatively per month.This allowed Rwanda to the United States declared that they early. continue its presence in Congo, would no longer come to Mobutu’s Angola entered the war in Congo protecting individuals and companies rescue. Only France, frightened by the primarily for security reasons; UNITA who provided minerals. In some cases, prospect of an English-speaking new rebels had been using Congo to launch the Rwandan army went so far as to regime, remained Mobutu’s friend to the attacks on Angola. Namibia had no attack rebel groups in order to bitter end. On 17 May 1997, Kinshasa immediate security concerns, but rather appropriate their coltan supplies. While surrendered to Kabila’s troops and the supported Kabila based on a decision by the Ugandan government was not old dictator fled the country. President Nujoma, which was mostly directly involved in the extraction of symbolic in nature. Zimbabwe does not natural resources, it did not take action The Great African War: 1998– share a border with Congo, and did not against military and businessmen who Early in his presidency, Kabila showed face any security threats. The reasons for participated in this activity. signs of moving towards one-man rule. its involvement seem to be related to However, several events have improved His control over state resources was investments made in Congo by the the chances of ending the conflict in highly personalized, and public government and Zimbabwean Congo. The first is Joseph Kabila’s rise enterprises were not managed in any businesses. to power after the assassination of his long-term sense of the word but rather Economic gain appears to have been a father in early 2001. The younger Kabila used to rapidly generate finances through powerful motivator in this war, and there seems to have shown interest in finding a indiscriminate concession granting is a general consensus that Rwanda’s and solution to the conflict and reinstating Corruption, patronage, and lack of Uganda’s armies quickly began to shift democracy in Congo. Agreements accountability came to characterize their attention to commercial enterprise focusing on the transition of the Kabila’s presidency, rather than the and exploitation. The gains from these Congolese government towards hoped for democracy and national activities were used to enrich the democracy have been signed, and foreign development. governments involved, finance the troops have withdrawn from Congolese Kabila’s alliance with Rwanda and continuation of the war, and pay soil. However, optimism must be Uganda was strong immediately individual soldiers. tempered given the persistent fighting following his rise to power. His The plunder of Congo’s natural between rebel groups in the northeastern government contained many Tutsi (both resources took place in two phases. The part of Congo. This has led the UN to Rwandan and Congolese) and first involved the wholesale looting of adopt Resolution 1493, which authorizes Banyamulenge in top political and existing stockpiles and took place in the the deployment of UN peacekeepers. military positions. This placed a strain on occupied regions of Congo during the (Timeline text source: Congo: The Prize Kabila’s legitimacy, as most Congolese first year of the second war. The second of Predation by Ola Olsson & Heather regarded them as foreign occupiers, phase involved systematic extraction and Congdon Forse )
  • 11. Country profile The Democratic Republic of the Congo Official language: French(official), Lingala,Kingwana,Kikongo, Tshiluba Ethnic groups: Over 200 ethnic groups,the majority are Bantu; the four largest tribes – Mongo, Luba, Kongo (all Bantu), and the Mangbetu-Azande (Hamitic) make up about 45 % of the population. By CAROLYNN LOOK Religion: Roman Catholic 50%, Protestant 20%, Kimbanguist 10%, Muslim 10%, other (includes syncretic Untamed jungles, breathtaking nature, and the Congolese to fill with their own people. sects and indigenous beliefs) 10% abundant mineral resources aren’t all that However, a crisis developed that same Human Development Index: 0.286; make up this fierce ‘heart of darkness’. year between the two leaders, when rank 187 out of 187 (last) Whether for its six name changes in the Kasavubu kicked Lumumba out of office. EDUCATION course of a little more than a century, its The appointed chief of staff of the new -Literacy 67.2% (male 80%, female important role in African relations, or its army, Joseph Mobuto, used the moment of 54.1%) “God-forsaken wilderness” described by tension and the financial support from the ROLE OF WOMEN Joseph Conrad, we have all heard of this U.S. and Belgium to stage a coup in 1965, -Widespread rape and other forms of African giant in one way or another. under the pretext of wanting to maintain sexual violence, often by government Pre-colonial Congo was well known for order. He renamed the nation ‘Democratic security officials its iron and copper technology, but was Republic of the Congo’, and later, in 1971, -Almost no representation in heavily disrupted by slave trading in its to ‘Republic of Zaire’, where he became government Eastern regions around the 16th century. By famous for the relative stability he created CHILDREN the time King Leopold II of Belgium and his promotion ofAfrican nationalism in -Child soldiers recruited by LRA officially claimed ‘Congo Free State’ at the renaming the cities and rivers. However, he (Ugandan), FDLR (Rwandan), and 1885 Conference of Berlin, he had a clear was also known for his extensive violation idea about how much he would gain due to of human rights and corruption, which was FARDC (Congolese) the region’s mineral wealth, and was ready aided by receivingfinancial support from -28.2% under age of 5 are underweight to exploit the local people at all costs. He the U.S. government for his opposition to -Low quality education limits future established intricate infrastructure projects communism in the heat of the Cold War. FREEDOM and a high-yielding rubber industry, whose Inner tensions bubbled up and ended up -Abuses by armed groups high output quotas he managed to maintain forcing Mobuto out of the country in 1997, -Unlawful killings by threatening the local population with after he failed to reform his corrupt -High number of internally displaced brutal displays of limb chopping. Many policies, and the country took back its people and refugees died due to extensive exploitation and name of ‘Democratic Republic of the -Torture and other ill-treatment disease, but the King’s actions were soon Congo’. At the same time, the Rwandan -Prevalence of death penalty met by international protests and led to the conflict spilled over to its big neighbour, -Poor administration of justice handing over of power to the Belgian with Rwandan and Ugandan militia joining ECONOMY government in 1908. The situation in the the unsuccessful local rebels in their -GDP per capita: $300 (2011 est.) newly named ‘Belgian Congo’ improved overthrow of Mobuto. This strong coalition -Much economic activity still occurs in greatly, but despite its social and economic of armies was led by Laurence-Désiré the informal sector, and is not reflected advancements, the region’s people still Kabila, who, after their successful coup, in GDP data suffered under the patronizing eye of the hoped the foreign armies would leave due -Mining is the source of most export white man. to his suspicion of their true intentions. income In 1960, the parliament implemented by They, however, began to fight their former -An uncertain legal framework, the Belgian government was for the first ally. The conlfict transformed into a large- time overtaken by the growing nationalist scale war involving nine African nations, corruption, and a lack of transparency movement led by Patrice Lumumba, known 5.4 million deaths, and five years of in government policy are long-term as the Mouvement National Congolais. He horrific scale violence dubbed as the problems for the mining sector and for was appointed Prime Minister next to ‘African world war’. Due to efforts of the the economy as a whole Joseph Kasavubu as the elected President. international community, the conflict ENVIRONMENT The ‘République de Congo’ achieved its ‘officially’ ended in 2003, but government -Deforestation (overuse of wood for independence soon thereafter, and it was instability, conflict, and human rights fuel) then that most of the left over Europeans abuses continue to this day, resulting in -Increases in urban population fled the country, leaving empty one of the worst humanitarian catastrophes -Issues in protection of wildlife administrative and military positions for ever seen. -air pollution from vehicles and water pollution from sewage
  • 12. Cover Story War & Peace in DR Congo DRC Diary: A reflection from the field! By EMILY LYNCH Emily Cavan Lynch, Global South Development Magazine's country correspondent for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, also works for an international relief organization as a public health consultant. In this article Emily shares her everyday experience in the DRCongo and presents a holistic picture of a war troddon society that is struggling to overcome decades long trauma of bloodshed and killings, yet finds it caught up in new forms of unrest and conflict everyday. Since 2009 Eastern Congo has gained conversation from one that ought to be a certain reputation. Through the well- focused on a much broader scope of intentioned efforts of caring individuals, needs and causing, in some cases, far the relief of organizations searching for more harm than good (offer a woman The donors of the current a convenient way to define the muddle who lives on less than $1 a day $60, or a system of international aid are of armed groups and ongoing conflict, $100 sewing machine, to testify that she not think-tanks, philosophers and the perpetual funder's need to be was raped and see what you do for the able to measure progress, Congo is these perceived credibility of anyone else who or academics. They are days known to most in the developed has been raped). program managers, lobbyists, world as the “rape capital of the world.” Last spring the American Journal of The history and instability of Eastern Congo is generally framed as impossibly bureaucrats and politicians Public Health dropped the media bomb complicated; and in the need to address with constituencies. They that the number of rapes per day in it, international actors are caught need a hat stand. They need a Congo had been grossly underestimated and was 26 times higher than a previous unprepared. hook. They need it to be a The donors of the current system of sound clip, for goodness sake! UN report had estimated, with at least international aid are not think-tanks, 1,152 women raped every day (equal to philosophers or academics. They are 48 per hour). program managers, lobbyists, This phrase and associated imagery bureaucrats and politicians with has been the inspiration behind constituencies. They need a hat stand. international advocacy and fund-raising They need a hook. They need it to be a efforts, documentaries and news sound clip, for goodness sake. into an already devastated country after features, the allocation of monies for bi- Stretched taught between the last a 50 year absence. Development lateral donors, and the program civil war and something currently organizations, on the other hand, come strategies thus dictated to any number of resembling stability, Eastern Congo is a in when people are no longer fleeing for NGOs funded by them. funder's dilemma. their lives, when schools are again open Yet it is an identity neither chosen In the system of international aid, and kids can be given uniforms and (nor in most cases even known) by the implementers usually specialize in one books, when there is some sort of majority of people implicated in its of two categories: humanitarian government or civil society framework reach. It has also become something that organizations are called for when to enable foreign organizations to do certain organizations have grown to tsunamis wipe out an entire coastline, their work, and when their teams are not detest, watching it grow from one when 120,000 people flow into a being hijacked, their bases are not being important voice in the dialogue to an refugee camp built for 40,000, when stormed by armed men, and there are no overfed red herring of the system, hospitals overflow with people starving longer deadly skirmishes between armed distracting, in their view, the or wounded, and when cholera floods groups.
  • 13. Cover Story War & Peace in DR Congo These two categories of organizations phrases, beginning with “general have entirely different cultures, rules, population.” People said: beneficiary, Unfortunately, political capacities, funding limitations and displaced, sick or ill, vulnerable, victim. resolutions do not always paradigms. They may partner with each other, and though they are often Then I asked for their associations with the word 'incivique,' which means filter down to daily reality, indistinguishable by those not working something like “criminal” or “civil and in this changeable in the sector, they are in no way disturber”. They responded quickly: world a resolution today interchangeable, without inviting disastrous implications (see: Haiti after immoral, delinquent, rapist, assassin, bandit. The first group of words are does not dictate peace the earthquake or Indonesia after the those with which we associate sympathy tomorrow. Eastern Congo is tsunami). and empathy; we usually want to help no longer considered to be Following the political end to the the vulnerable. The second group of in a state war. Rather, it has most recent large-scale conflict in DRC words are about actions and are framed in 2009, the world of international aid in terms of blame and contradiction to a been in a state of low-to- (e.g. the funders) decided that it was norm, encouraging the feeling that moderate level conflict and time to transition from an emergency whereas the first group deserves our instability , with a handful intervention to a framework of long-term development, feeling that Congo was sympathy and help, the second group can be ostracized and blamed. After the of villages pillaged every close enough to a kind of peace that the exercise I raised these points and asked month, consistent waves of priority could change from flying in food the group, but does this mean that the hundreds to thousands of rations and UN helicopters to supporting school fees, funding economic “inciviques” are not part of the population? Because of the diversified people fleeing into 'the development programs and sorting out nature of the conflict in this region they bush' out of fear of attack, whatever residual trauma remained most definitely are, and everyone regular targeted killings or through piece-meal psychosocial immediately pointed that out, laughing skirmishes between armed programs. as they did so at the obvious Unfortunately, political resolutions do contradiction. groups, and one or two not always filter down to daily reality, However it was a good reminder (and incidents of mass rapes and in this changeable world a resolution intended as such) that what we call (and yes, ongoing and today does not dictate peace tomorrow. Eastern Congo is no longer considered to someone influences how we feel towards them, and how we feel towards someone pervasive sexual violence) be in a state of full-out war. Rather, it influences how we act, how far we go to every half year or so. has been in a state of low-to-moderate help them and how much we do to hurt level conflict and instability , with a them. handful of villages pillaged every month, In the Kivu region of Congo – where consistent waves of hundreds to the majority of the conflict and thousands of people fleeing into 'the instability is concentrated – it is in these bush' out of fear of attack, regular names and underlying associations that targeted killings or skirmishes between we get lost. There are so many armed armed groups, and one or two incidents groups and their alliances, histories and of mass rapes (and yes, ongoing and loyalties so complicated that in general pervasive sexual violence) every half conversation we just call them this, year or so. “armed groups,” rather than trying to With informed analysis and an ear to name them all. What we actually mean the ground, there is a certain amount of can range from members of the official predictability. Where there are schools, Congolese army to a successful most are still open. Some branches of the shopkeeper in some village who gives government function a bit. Most of the guns to a group of 19 year olds and tells time you are not hijacked on the road. them to rob a truck on its way to market. Outbreaks of preventable epidemics One of the hindrances of the remain inexcusably frequent but people traditional vocabulary of war is that we are used to their cyclical nature and take talk about civilians and soldiers or armed them in some amount of stride, keening actors as if they are clearly separated for and burying their dead out of sight of groups. The distinction is important (and most who can help, and out of mind of considered a very useful thing) in terms most who should be held accountable. of international humanitarian law; it allows the international community to who suffers the most? agree on (and, more importantly, have a The other day I conducted a focus group basis for prosecution based on) with representatives from various ethnic principles such as that of limiting groups in North Kivu. We started off collateral damage, meaning that a with an exercise about perceptions called military strategy should avoid “quick thinking,” where I asked them to implicating civilians (e.g. if you must tell me the first words that popped into attack a village as part of an offensive their head when I mentioned several strategy, you should not rape, pillage and murder civilians as well, but rather
  • 14. Cover Story War & Peace in DR Congo concentrate on the destruction of military targets or armed actors). One of the hindrances of the As a humanitarian it is hard for me to accept that even this kind of dialogue is traditional vocabulary of ultimately encouraging broad-scale war is that we talk about respect of human rights but of course I civilians and soldiers or can acknowledge that, within a limited viewpoint, the intention is there. armed actors as if they are And yet, even with this benefit of the clearly separated groups. doubt, how do you apply such a precise framework to the definition of conflict Much of Congo is covered in much of the modern world? In Eastern DRC, in addition to formal armies, you with lush, fertile, productive have a grassroots patchwork of what land; there is no reason that started as well-organized community anyone should go without militias who are not separate from the communities in which they live. They food in this country, no are not just “integrated,” in the common reason that there should be parlance; they are from the community. stunting and micronutrient And perhaps they originally organized themselves according to ethnicity or deficiencies and place of origin or mother tongue, so now © Ian Steele/MONUC malnutrition common all who share that definition (whether bearing arms or not) are implicated by enough that you can walk things that benefit the population, like through a village and point the consequences of their actions. infrastructure. A community who “hosts” (whether The instability in Eastern Congo out all the children suffering or not they have ever been asked for affects everyone. Access to crops from it. their consent or opinion to do so) an ensures the link to a fundamental level opposition group is thus often of caloric intake and nutrition that is considered a collaborator and may be snapped like sugarcane the moment So who suffers the most? It free game for an attack. So in this way people feel forced to flee their villages. is easy to say that it is the armed groups ping-pong over the net of the population, moving into and out of Even for places stable enough to harvest, children, women and the the presence and passage of armed elderly. Yet in a landscape a community and then taking turns groups often means ongoing forced attacking the community for hosting the labor, unjust detention or bribery, where fear is endemic, opposition group. frequent violence, and pillaging of goods suffering is also endemic; Of course it is true that in some and food. It may be that the armed trying to live with a places in the region people are living in conflict involves the participation of relative stability. I do not say comfort or much of the general population (when mentality where violence, health, though this is of course also true there is no clear leader, how can there be hatred and domination are in some areas, but stability. This means, confidence in the scattered leaders the only understood forms first of all, that they can get to their around?), but it also demands the fields when they need to in order to plant suffering of nearly the entire population. of survival is no way to live and to cultivate crops, and that they are So who suffers the most? It is easy to at all. able to stay in one place long enough to say that it is children, women and the harvest them. elderly. Yet in a landscape where fear is Much of Congo is covered with lush, endemic, suffering is also endemic; fertile, productive land; there is no trying to live with a mentality where reason that anyone should go without violence, hatred and domination are the food in this country, no reason that there only understood forms of survival is no should be stunting and micronutrient way to live at all. deficiencies and malnutrition common enough that you can walk through a Ongoing conflicts and future village and point out all the children prospects suffering from it. Around the time of the presidential This is not a given condition of life; elections in November, rumors of this is a direct result of the choices made crackling instability in DRC flew around by those in power. Why should there be the world. The end of all hesitant peace food insecurity in this region of Congo? was predicted; civil war said to be right For the same reason that people are around the corner. dying from diseases like measles, At that time I was part of a rural malaria and upper respiratory infections. vaccination campaign in the southern For the same reason that maternal and province of the country and during the infant mortality in DRC is among the week leading up to the vote itself a small highest in the world: lack of access, lack team of us were progressing slowly up of basic healthcare, lack of investment in
  • 15. Cover Story War & Peace in DR Congo One surprising benefit to a country with such high levels of instability and under-development is that you do see, in precarious measure, a slight protective effect on the ecosystem. Congo's burden is its wealth; its wealth is its burden. In its purgatorial state – not at war, yet hardly at peace - the non-profit world still leans towards a the lower Congo river in boats, hats, and step up to the plates of their humanitarian inclination; vaccinating hundreds of children during promises. But, in truth, none of these hopes have few others are willing to, or the day in churches and shaded courtyards and camping each night in the materialized. have the capacity to deal mud yards of tiny health centers. Traveling throughout North and South with the still frequent That week we also shared the river Kivu these days you get the most profound sense - not that it is being used reality of armed robberies with puttering boats transporting voting boxes, election officials and the same as a proxy battlefield for competing and violent attacks on their gentian violet dye that we used to mark interests (as might be presumed from the houses, vehicles and the pinkie fingers of all of the children press) but rather that it has been largely abandoned. Controlled, oppressed, stifled projects. who had been vaccinated already. and forgotten. In the North, baboons play Exhausted in my tent at night I had on the roofs of the abandoned buildings multiple confused dreams about putting This is not a poor country; used needles into the ballot boxes instead at what used to be the entrance and it is a country where a very of election papers, and of accusations of stopover to Virunga National Park. Guards still lift the gate for vehicles to few people in power refuse fraud by election observers accusing us of marking the fingers of babies who pass through but now, as you drive past to direct the wealth of the were not even eligible for school, let them and wave, it is not with the country to those who by alone for voting. expectation of seeing mountain gorillas; it is instead with worry about seeing their birthright own it. In the end, the elections passed by armed guerillas. with a sort of peace truce, if not actually But these sentiments have all been a set of comprehensive results. Since that negative. What else of Congo these days? time the international community has One surprising benefit to a country with mumbled and grumbled and even such high levels of instability and under- published various official objections to development is that you do see, in dissociate themselves from what precarious measure, a slight protective everyone generally now agrees was, at effect on the ecosystem. Of course you best, an inadequate electoral process. also see total destruction of ecosystems But for a time afterwards it felt that if but at least where there no roads, the Congo did not have the 100% democracy accompanying human chaos is also that the Western observers were looking limited. Caught in mud up to our hubcaps for, it might at least have avoided one day, I bent down to the shock of disintegrating again into civil chaos. And grasses that our guide had just cut for those who live here, that was not an through with his machete. In this random inconsequential result. spot on a hillside in South Kivu, and Unfortunately, in Eastern Congo at without even searching, I saw more than least, that feeling has now been replaced ten insects crawling about and I heard a with a sense of apprehension. The cacophony of others. Crunching, elections provided a possibility that munching, crawling. It was an things might change; the disputes of the astonishing experience. results maintained that sense of hope, leading some to think that perhaps, with all the international criticism the old Role of international players political status quo might change; Congo's burden is its wealth; its wealth is perhaps the politicians would put on new its burden.I live on the Rwandan
  • 16. Cover Story War & Peace in DR Congo /Congolese border, on the shores of the “right-holders”) in the system of limnic Lake Kivu, in Goma, a town that international aid? To whom is the aid grew on the substrate of the Rwandan community accountable? If we have been genocide as passageway for tens of acting in the place of the government thousands of refugees. Settled at the base then why should the population not begin of a still-active volcano, Goma is now a to ask us to be more accountable as a dusty base for NGOs, UN deployments, government? If we did not want the role, miners and business people profiting then why did we take it? And can we from cross-border trade, as well as an reject it now, while still wanting to ongoing mixture of floating expatriates maintain our invested presence? who fit no clear category. What is primarily fascinating to me is In its purgatorial state – not at war, yet that in this region of Congo the hardly at peace - the non-profit world government has been for so long so still leans towards a humanitarian ineffective and seemingly uninterested in Today, as I write this, we inclination; few others are willing to, or providing its most basic match to the received news of a new have the capacity to deal with the still frequent reality of armed robberies and social contract that the international community has felt obligated to invest in group of 20,000 people violent attacks on their houses, vehicles the long-term. It has saved lives, displaced in the south and projects. There is a sprinkling of certainly; for all extents and purposes the because of attacks on their smaller development NGOs as well who have tried to break into a range of longer- people of Congo seem to be an expendable resource for their towns and villages, and term goals. But donors are trigger shy. government. another 3-5,000 displaced Who wants to invest in a place where any In fact, the longer you stay in the across the border in the day the city might be threatened by rebel country the more unbelievable it north, as well as various groups, the smoldering volcano might becomes that people here are living in villages pillaged and emptied rumble over again as it did in 2002, or abject poverty. the methane-floored lake might erupt, This is not a poor country; it is a in the center of the country. with earthquakes and mythical tsunamis? country where a very few people in Surrounding the aid community are the various branches of the UN, with power refuse to direct the wealth of the country to those who by their birthright We are often trained, in the MONUSCO (the so-called peace-keeping own it. West, to view poverty and mission in DRC) lumbering or hovering In Eastern DRC the aid community the suffering of people living by at all times in Goma, and throughout has been present for decades, during in conditions of conflict as the region. They have a staff which time the government has been very sad and inevitable photographer who takes beautiful largely absent (in terms of providing photographs, run a radio station known anything for the people) and international things. for decent journalistic standards and actors have been invited in for their own otherwise maintain a mission whose benefit. The aid community's investment silence speaks loudly to those in search in this area of the world has begun to of transparency. They are a “peace- strike those who live here as shallow. keeping” mission but what peace, in fact, Those of us in the aid community like to are they keeping? And whose peace? distinguish between ourselves and the They are questions for which I do not, UN forces. But for the population I do but I imagine that someone does, have not believe there is any such clear the answer. distinction. In spite of whatever efforts, What is interesting about being in most people are still living without DRC at this time in history is that civil employment, without access to basic groups (students, representative of healthcare, without access to education grassroots NGOs, women's groups) have and with an unreasonably high level of also begun to ask why, when the aid insecurity that often enough turns to community has now been here for terror and fleeing. decades, and the UN semi-occupies their Today, as I write this, we received towns, the situation is still so bad for the news of a new group of 20,000 people population. displaced in the south because of attacks This questioning may take the form of on their towns and villages, and another threats to NGOs for what are seen as 3-5,000 displaced across the border in biased recruitment practices, or the north, as well as various villages demonstrations against the aid pillaged and emptied in the center of the community in general. I work for an country. These numbers are difficult to NGO, so this kind of response is perhaps care about. Perhaps that sounds cold but professionally concerning but I find it is it not true for most of us, much of the personally fascinating, and cannot quite time? Life is complicated and busy; what avoid a sense of pride when I see it. In does it mean that 20,000 people were the last 25-30 years, where have been the displaced? They were not killed, or voices of these “beneficiaries” (or, as a drowned, or burned, or dying from car friend of a friend once called them, these crashes. They just had to move.
  • 17. Cover Story War & Peace in DR Congo In our garden on the edge of Lake works” to a new expat. He tossed his suffering does as well. Kivu, the morning sun distributes itself hands around, trying to illustrate the We are often trained, in the West, to as if committed to a black and white mess of armed groups and economic view poverty and the suffering of people spectrum: the qualities of brightness and power players - mining and living in conditions of conflict as very saturation (flower stalks between the technological and pharmaceutical sad and inevitable things. I certainly lava rock walls, grass blades rolling into companies - the way they are all grew up thinking this: how sad that there the ripples on the shimmering and subsidiaries of the other, who is loyalist are poor people who cannot eat and are oceanic surface of the lake) somehow to, and who is enemy of whom, what caught in war; we must take them food, carry more meaning than the color. The Rwanda wants, what the government we must bring them to a place of peace. color is so saturated (fuscia, orange, wants, what China and Europe want, and white-green new leaves) that it almost also how to recognize the heart of a outdoes itself, and leaves room in the soldier by the shape of his nose. It is the mind only for form. pride of the foreigner here to be able to Congo is a riot of color, and the color recite these things; but their reports are so cinematic, and so real, that there is given with such gusto that it makes me rarely a struggle to define its quality, or wonder how genuinely we would want to pin down a moment in its transience, to remove the cause of such excellent and so somewhere in the experience of entertainment. these extremes the mind becomes oddly What is it, this quality of stability, free to see what is otherwise so often that allows us to live our lives? We disguised by beauty. speak about instability as the root cause Form. Depth. Movement. of so much suffering in eastern Congo, Today we will leave the city of Goma assuming or stating, that what we would I did not grow up thinking, “it is my to go 3-4 hours north to one of our wish for the country is for it to be stable responsibility to research the projects, driving straight towards and the people to have this thing, pharmaceutical and technological towering Nyirongongo. Yesterday I stability, otherwise defined as: countries that make the items I want to watched the steam trail of this hulking constancy, steadiness, firmness, fixity, buy because it is the market demand for volcano pouring to the west, only 10km permanence. their products that is continuing this from the city and for once free from But stability is not a goal in and of conflict a million human-paradigm years haze or clouds. As we drive north we itself; it is a consequence. away.” will see other volcanoes – baby ones, Yesterday we drove through a town I did not grow up thinking, “nobody grandfather ones – one long chain of that seemed like a town. It was not in Congo should actually be living in seismic gasps in the earth’s surface. deserted or pillaged; it was full of poverty and the fact that they are is not a We are like Pompeii; our human normal life. Market women called out fatalistic sad fact of life. No. The fact history ripe for repetition. greetings to passer-bys, or sat with that they are is a direct result of our (and The helicopters have begun again. It sleepy eyes next to piles of avocados. I speak of the world) choices.” is a measure throughout the world, or at Men repaired motorcycles next to shops. It is not an oversight of Mother least throughout the UN-occupied Children gossiped in school uniforms. Nature that people in Congo are living in world, that the number of helicopters Life seemed calm and, yes, stable. poverty and dying of preventable you hear corresponds directly to the Just north of this town in the past diseases and violence; it is our ongoing state of security of the country. Here, the month several thousands of people have investment in political and economic helicopters and the planes and the run from their homes across the border systems whose implementation, if not armored vehicles and the egg-carton UN to Uganda, seeking refuge. Life in war is intent, is criminal: criminal because we trucks with their legions of homesick like this; alternately calm and terrifying are making specific choices that allow soldiers are omni-present and have and, often, simply surreal. these systems to continue, and we are begun to multiply like bacteria in a petri Driving through North Kivu passing off the costs to those who cannot dish: exponential, overnight. We wish yesterday it occurred to me to remind object. they wouldn’t. We know that myself that I am living in a country at This is an abuse of power, and no peacekeeping is only useful when there war. We prefer now – and it is probably matter how diffused we render the is war-making. We know that carrying officially classified this way – to say that responsibility, no matter how well we guns makes things worse, even when the Kivus are in a state of ongoing hide the links between death on the you hope to make things better. instability and conflict. Ok, fine. ground and a product in the store, no I spent more than two years living in Then what, I wonder, is war? matter how many millions of dollars we Rwanda. And although Rwanda is a Something well-defined? One group spend on conciliatory peacekeeping and world and culture of its own, returning versus another? The groups micro-economic development efforts, to Congo last September still felt like internationally powerful and the cause we are still in the wrong. Quite simply. coming home; the film-set quality of considered admirable? We are in the wrong. central African light, the forehead knob Or is “war” simply a definition that is Human history is always ripe for greetings, the petites aubergines: these useful for clarifying when and how and repetition, true, but we are the ones were things I knew, and had already where another government is obligated choosing what it is that we will repeat. grown to love. to break the autonomy of a nation state (Photos used in the article: source UN, But Congo, or at least the region of and intervene, on an international level? under creative commons license. Emily the Kivus, where I now live, is already But what autonomy, I ask? Our can be reached by email at loved by too many. Last night I heard worlds and our economies are inter- and follow her someone try to explain the “way it all linked. Our minerals and our natural DRC experience on her blog resources cross all borders. Our human