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Global Opportunities in Financial Sales
Who we are and what we do …
We work with a number of different great clients internationally who are currently
recruiting experienced Wealth Managers/Financial Advisors/Relationship
Managers to join their already successful teams overseas.

We won't just recruit for anyone. All companies have to enter a robust process to
ensure their standards match ours. We take great care to ensure we match your
requirements and personal & professional aspirations to the right company so you
can enjoy longevity in your career.

First year earnings are normally a minimum of £70k OTE in all locations with
earnings anticipated to rise by at least circa 50% in the second year. There are
various support packages available dependent on location i.e. flights,
accommodation, draw, appointment coordinators etc.
Who we are and what we do …

Some people have their own motivations for wanting to work in a specific location,
others are looking for guidance. We work with you to ensure we find the right
company for you. Working in the offshore market can reap huge rewards not just
personally but also financially.

People working overseas are enjoying lifestyles many in the UK can only dream of.

Our clients only position themselves in locations with buoyant ex pat markets where
you will not only see a dramatic increase in your standard of living together but also
have the opportunity to enjoy uncapped earnings.

With costs soaring in the UK and things only set to get worse, isn’t it time you
considered a move overseas?
So working overseas – what’s all the fuss about?
In 2006, almost one in 10 British citizens were living overseas, according to a study
of people coming in and out of the UK. Studies by the Institute for Public Policy
Research, published on the BBC News website, indicate that at least 5.5m British-
born people live abroad. That figures has now almost tripled in 6 years. Figures
suggest the rate of departure has been so great that population falls are only
masked by immigration. While Australia and Spain are the top locations,
increasing numbers are heading to major Asian economies for increased job
prospects, pay and better way of life.

According to the Daily Mail in 2012, Nine out of ten expats are so glad to be
gone! The grass really is greener for expats. Nine out of ten say their quality of life
has improved - earning more and enjoying better conditions than they would
have in Britain. On average, pay for managers and professionals who choose to
work abroad is up to £20,000 higher than they would get here. The findings from a
study by NatWest underline the reasons why emigration among Britons has
reached record highs. It suggests that the attractions for talented and able
workers of quitting Britain are strengthening during the recession as private sector
wages stagnate and public services threaten to deteriorate.
So working overseas – what’s all the fuss about?

More than 200,000 British citizens left the country to live abroad in 2006, followed
by another 169,000 in 2007. But in 2007 only 75,000 Britons who
had been living or working in a foreign country chose to return
- again a record low.

The bank's Quality of Life report said that 19 per cent of those working abroad
currently intend to come back to Britain at some time, down from more than a
quarter, 26 per cent, two years ago. It said: 'When it comes to living and working
overseas the advantages come thick and fast. Working hours are far less intensive
and expats say they manage to achieve a better work/life balance with much
more leisure time.

'Professional expats can earn significantly more than their peers back home. On
average an expat professional's salary is up to £20,000 higher than their UK
Opportunities for experienced Financial Consultants
                   & Business Development Coordinators/Lead Generators

Did you know, there are 748,010 British expats living in the EU?
We have opportunities to work for large corporate brands or
the option to work more independently as part of a network
anywhere in Europe
FRANCE - Bordeaux / Dordogne

Expats often dream of moving to France. Visions of long
country lunches; people-watching from cafés; strolls in
a lavender-scented Provence; sunbathing on the
beaches of Nice; and immersion in the cultural riches of
Parisian art and couture mesmerise potential expats
and lure them to this legendary European country.

At the end of the day though, most expats don't move
to France to climb the ladder of ambition, but rather to
live out their twilight years amongst the richness of the
culture and the beauty of the country.

The nation itself is old and highly cultivated. Fields and
farms, elegantly bridged rivers, chateaux, estates and
ancient cobbled towns dot the landscape. Bordeaux
and Burgundy, the country's famous wine centres,
showcase endless vineyards rolling over their gentle hills.

All in all, no matter where you move in France - from
the biggest city to the smallest country village – you
can count on a slower, more enjoyable pace of living
marked by the kinds of little joys that lead to a greater
quality of life overall. As Amelie, the famous French film,
so aptly points out – there’s nothing quite like the sound
of cracking the top of a freshly made crème brulee at
the end of a lovely lunch shared with friends in a
beautiful place.
SPAIN - Barcelona, Madrid, Costa del Sol, Murcia
Expats moving to Spain will find a country steeped in a rich and eventful
history. As the western most peninsula of Europe and the landmass
closest to Africa, Spain has hosted the meeting of some of the world’s
largest and most influential civilisations.

The allure of a vibrant country famous for its fashion, food, architecture,
music and arts – nonetheless makes for an attractive expat destination.

The unhurried lifestyle and cheap beachside property lures many
expats to live out their days as retirees on the Spanish coasts. In
particular, the Britons and Germans have historically flocked to the
sunny shores of Spain to scoop up reasonably priced villas and
haciendas. The housing market has deteriorated of late, but there's still
over an estimated one million British expats in the country.

Expats moving to Madrid will find a manageable, old city striving to
become comfortable in its new modern garb. This commercial and
political capital still has deep Spanish roots, and though the centre is
convincingly international, foreigners have no need to fear the
pressures of a high-speed lifestyle that are so often attached to similar
western European destinations, like Paris, London and Rome.

While retirees searching for sunnier shores and a relaxing descent into
their twilight years may not exactly relish the prospect of emigrating to
Madrid, it’s beyond a doubt the place to go for those looking to further
their career, while capitalising on an attractive quality of life.

Expats moving to Barcelona will enjoy one of Europe’s finest
metropolises, complete with vibrant and unique businesses, a pulsating
nightlife, and sprawling, eclectic neighbourhoods that unravel
alongside the sparkling Mediterranean.

The weather is, arguably, unbeatable, the architecture, arguably,
unmatched, and the overall lifestyle continuously pegged as one of the
best on the continent.
SWITZERLAND – Zurich / Basel / Geneva

Expats moving to Switzerland will find that the prosperous, orderly
cities and cantons of mountainous Switzerland make for an ideal
destination for relocation. Foreign workers have long been
integrated into the economy, particularly the financial and
diplomatic sectors, where the demand for international expat
workers is high. In fact, over 20 percent of Switzerland’s overall
population are expats -and most of these are employed as skilled

Crime is a rarity, and social problems virtually non-existent.
Furthermore, the country’s education and healthcare systems are
world-renowned, and its infrastructure meticulously maintained.

Switzerland runs likes clockwork, appropriate for a country famed
for its watch making, and is a point of great pride for the fastidious
Swiss. For expats, this means that life here is a trouble-free, if not a
slightly sanitised, experience.

According to the 2010 Mercer Quality of Life Survey, out of 221
global destinations three Swiss cities ranked in the top ten; a
reflection of the nation’s safe, stable, wholesome lifestyle and
solid economy. The few drawbacks to living here include an
occasionally insular population of locals that don’t fully welcome
expats, and comprehensively cold and snowy winters. But as they
say, if life gives you snow, go skiing, and that is precisely what
many expats find themselves doing on the world class Alpine
slopes around Geneva, Interlaken and St Moritz.

Moving to Switzerland to live and work as an expat is a fantastic
move for driven and motivated individuals who want to work in a
country where their skills are highly regarded, and well rewarded.
ITALY – Milan / Rome
So how much do you know about Italy? The papers report continually the deepening
crisis in the Euro crisis. So how does impact the offshore financial sector? The answer ...
not at all! Business there is booming, with only 3 other companies operating in the
country, it is massively untapped. In one region alone there are 28,000 Britons who call
Italy home. There are countless other tens of thousands working in senior roles for
companies there. Added to this, our client also has products for Italian nationals who
are queuing up to find alternatives to Italian banks offering little interest.

•The earning potential is huge! There is no reason an experienced advisor cannot earn
in excess of £200k/year because the market is not saturated! The senior sales manager is
easily on target to earn £500k this year and he’s happy to evidence this.

•As the company is fully licensed and regulated, as are their advisers, they are able to
negotiate top rate commissions far in excess of what other run of the mill companies can
offer. One provider recently increased the commission rate on a product by 40%
because of the quality of business they write.

•In only one week, the coordinator in place has booked his managers diary for the next
3 weeks and in all of that time only person has refused an appointment. Because the
market is not saturated, clients are more open to meet and aren’t receiving 10 calls a
day from other similar companies.

•Accommodation in Rome is at least 50% cheaper than in London and the tax system
far more generous than in the UK.

•Rome enjoys a warm climate for 9 months of the year.

•It is only two hours from the UK and is even on budget airline routes if you want to keep
costs down!

•RDR is expected to come into play in Europe in the next 3 years so this offers a great
opportunity to make some very good money before that hits.

•This company has a fantastic reputation in the industry so it’s a company you can be
proud representing and one clients know they can trust. They play by the rules and
ensure their consultants enjoy access to the very best of products on the market.
GERMANY - Frankfurt

Expats moving to Frankfurt will find themselves in a confident, world-facing
city that effortlessly combines its role as a leading modern business centre
with a charming cultural character.

While working opportunities predominantly entice expats to the area,
Frankfurt is nonetheless beautiful and enchanting, brimming with history and
culture. There is superb shopping, marvellous museums, interesting historic
sites, and world-class opera to enjoy.

With excellent rail connections, river transport, the third busiest airport in
Europe and its Autobahn system, Frankfurt is the natural hub for anyone
wanting to explore the surrounding towns and is the gateway to the
German countryside.

The advantages to living and working in this cosmopolitan city continue to
entice expats. Crime is virtually non-existent, the unemployment rate is
relatively low, and, with its very central location, business trips to the
surrounding cities in Europe are made easy.

The Mercer Human Resource Consulting Worldwide Quality of Living Survey
consistently ranks Frankfurt among the ten cities with the highest quality of
living worldwide. It’s no wonder then that expatriates flock to work in this
powerhouse of a city.
SWEDEN - Stockholm
Sweden is an increasingly popular destination for expats, with those moving
there drawn by the prospect of a balanced, prosperous life in a country that
manages to combine high technology with pristine nature; ultra-liberal
values with respect for traditions; and abundant economic opportunity with
high taxation and extensive social welfare.

Sweden’s geography is defined by water: the interior dotted with lakes, while
its border features 4,400 miles (7,000km) of coastline running from the
fragmented islands and fjords of the temperate south, to the sub-Arctic ‘land
of the midnight sun’ in the north. Stockholm, the capital city and most likely
expat destination, is built on an archipelago of 24,000 islands.

Most expats moving to Stockholm thrive in what is one of Europe’s most
attractive, vibrant and interesting metropolises. Each of the city’s most
central 14 islands has its own character and range of intimate cafés and

Overall, Sweden offers the possibility of a very wholesome lifestyle, from the
abundance of fresh fish and vegetables in local diets, to the many outdoor
activities available, including skiing, sailing, forest walking, and berry picking.
Public transport is excellent too, unlocking any part of the city or country to
even those without a private vehicle.

Expats with residence permits will enjoy the benefits of an extensive state
social network that provides free and high quality education, healthcare,
childcare and security. Sweden is also a world leader in liberal values,
pioneering gay rights, gender equality and providing extensive parental and
maternal privileges for employees.

Expats moving to Sweden may find the language tough to learn, but since
Swedes generally speak excellent English, and enjoy practising it, the
language barrier is very easily overcome.

Sweden balances ultra-modern cities with great expanses of untouched
wilderness; and its famously modern populace still takes great pride in their
traditions. It is a safe, yet consistently surprising experience for expats.
Holland – the Hague
The expat who moves to the Netherlands will discover a modern state long
at the forefront of global trends in government, banking and commerce. The
Dutch were the originators of the stock market and the corporation. They
were a democracy at a time where most of Europe still considered their kings
as chosen gods. This means that anyone moving to the Netherlands will have
the pleasure of integrating into a society at ease with all the rigours of
twenty-first century living.

The country is highly regarded for its tolerance and liberal ideals. This
famously flat nation of clogs, tulips, dykes and windmills is inhabited by a
people as deeply cultivated as the land itself. Cool and easy-going, it is
difficult for an expat or foreigner to offend a Dutchman, or even find a social
taboo to break. Expats will find the Netherlands an open and accepting

Expats moving to the Netherlands will find a country of middle-sized towns.
Even Amsterdam, the capital, has only 750,000 people. However, the dense
rail network covering the country allows people to commute to work from all
over. The Randstad, the area containing Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague
and Utrecht, is populated by nearly 8 million people.

The Netherlands is considered by some as the legal capital of the world. The
Hague, the de facto centre of government, holds five international courts
and tribunals, as well as the headquarters of the European police. It is a
genuinely international city, in an international nation. While ‘free’ is a quality
that all the world’s nations would like to claim, few go so far as the Dutch to
make this ideal a reality.
Current opportunities for experienced Financial Advisers ,
                                Pension Transfer Specialist
                    & Business Development Coordinators
For the last decade expats have been moving to Dubai in large
numbers, often lured by the promise of tax-free wealth and
luxury living.

As the second largest state or emirate in the United Arab
Emirates after Abu Dhabi, Dubai was once considered a barren
landscape in the oil-rich Gulf, but is now a thriving metropolis,
attracting thousands of new residents to its shores each month.

Contrary to popular belief, Dubai’s main source of revenue is not
oil. Although oil was discovered in the emirate in the 1960s, and
certainly helped build the economy, it is other industries such as
construction, tourism and financial services that are contributing
to Dubai’s extraordinary wealth and creating job opportunities
for expats around the world.

In 2008 Dubai's exponentially expanding economy did
experience a hiccup due to the global recession, but now,
foreigners are once again moving to Dubai in search of inflated
salaries, year-round sunshine and access to excellent healthcare
and leisure activities.

While Dubai's culture is still based on Islam and its
accompanying traditions, its modernity has cast a slight shadow
across the rigour of the religion and expats can enjoy a largely
free life in the emirate.
Once expats moving to Qatar actually figure out where this tiny
Gulf state is located on a map, the next bit of information to
process is normally the fact that Qatar has emerged as a liquid
natural gas powerhouse that claims the highest per capital
income in the world (2011).

The gas- and oil-rich economy has elevated the miniature
emirate to an important global player. As a result of the fossil fuel
boom, as well as monarch Emir Hamad bin Khalif Al Thani’s socio-
political liberalisation policies, Qatar now hosts regiments of
Commonwealth and South Asian expats; and increasing numbers
of foreigners are moving to Qatar to work hard, save money in
the tax-free environment, and maintain a standard of living and
wealth relatively similar to that of Western Europe.

While there are plenty of work opportunities for expats interested
in employment in the petrochemical sector, Qatar is also working
to increase foreign investment in non-energy sectors, such as IT,
construction, and – to take a page from Dubai’s book – tourism.

Not to mention, with its successful 2022 World Cup bid, the nation
will be filtering big spending into improving infrastructure. As a
result, it’s likely more manpower will be required to transform
Doha, the capital city often described as half building site, half
park, into something whole.

Expats and their families can look forward to an emirate that puts
an emphasis on cultural and education disciplines. Whereas
Qatar used to be the backward 'country cousin' of the region, it
now aims to be the Middle Eastern flagship for social
development and intellectualism. In recent years, it has worked
hard to create a “knowledge economy”, and to promote
ventures like the Museum of Islamic art and a massive Education
Opportunities for Financial Advisers
                         & Business Development /Marketing Coordinators

Asia is the largest continent on planet Earth, and also the most
populous one. Four billion people strong, Asia accounts for 60 percent
of the world’s population. For the other 40 percent, Asia represents a
culturally rich and exotic place, where people can go to enrich their
life, and grow as a person.
For all its modernity and restless energy, expats moving to
Hong Kong will find a destination that remains distinctly
Chinese, with deep traditions settled firmly among its
towering skyscrapers and bright neon lights.

Hong Kong is often pegged as the “Pearl of the Orient”,
and if nothing else, it’s an indication of this bustling
metropolis’s devotion to wealth and quality. The former
British colony is one of the world’s leading capitalist
economies, is an Asian financial hub and an established
expat region for high income earners looking to further
their career

On the whole though, foreigners find Hong Kong easily
liveable, with a modern infrastructure and plenty of
Western amenities. An advanced healthcare system, an
elevated standard of schooling and an exemplary public
transportation system ease the burden of transition

Hong Kong has many layers, and expats will find that just
as they’ve finished pulling back the first, five more have
formed and taken shape. Whether you feel safer in the
insular yet comfortable expat scene, or whether you’d
prefer to explore the etiquette, superstitions and religion of
this age old port city, you’re guaranteed an invigorating
and exciting experience.
CHINA – Beijing & Shanghai

A short walk around Beijing is like opening a time capsule into
Chinese history: the Forbidden City inspires images of ancient
dynasties, Tiananmen Square acts as a reminder of the defining
years of Chinese repression, and new Olympic buildings serve as
elegant and defining symbols of China’s arrival on the world

As with many Chinese cities, moving to Beijing is exciting because
of its recent role as a prime player in the spotlight of the
international business stage. It is also the political and cultural
centre of all of China.

Yet for all of the furious development and sprawling districts,
central Beijing is also steeped in ancient architecture and
impressive centres of government, providing a sobering
counterpoint to the city’s capitalist frenzy.

Expats moving to Shanghai will experience a city driven by the
manic obsession to become a leading international centre. For
some time the metropolis has been trying to step out from behind
the shadows of Hong Kong and Beijing, which usually capture the
imagination of those looking to move to China.

Yet Shanghai is by no means a well-kept secret. It is the gateway
to China's vast economy and the country's leading financial
centre, with more than 400,000 expats living in Shanghai.
Shanghai has shown a willingness to attract international
business and an ability to adapt by implementing the changes
required to support expansion.
Malaysia is an ideal destination for expats considering moving to
Asia. Traditionally a country reliant on resource exports, Malaysia is
beginning to expand its economy in areas such as science, tourism,
commerce and medical tourism, resulting in an increase in expat
employment opportunities.

The country consists of two different geographical regions
separated by the South China Sea – mainland Malaysia, and the
Sarawak and Sabah region of Borneo island – and 13 diverse states.
With a vast mix of cultures and nationalities scattered across the
country, Malaysia offers expats a lifestyle replete with first-world
comforts and conveniences, while still allowing for a sense of
adventure through its easily-accessible jungles and island getaways.

Among the skyscrapers and Dutch architecture, KL, as it is
commonly known, is packed with luxury shopping malls, quality
restaurants and colourful markets. It is a melting pot of cultures and
offers expats an energetic lifestyle.

Malaysia has a cheap public health care system with a high
standard of medical care. There are also a number of top-quality
private facilities available; by way of further testament to this
burgeoning quality, is Malaysia’s growing reputation as a destination
for medical tourism.

With wonderful beaches, jungle hideaways and serene tea
plantations, it’s easy to take a break from the city bustle over
weekends. Malaysia is a stable country, eager to attract foreign
businesses and investors, ensuring a warm reception for expats
choosing Malaysia as their new home.

Expats moving to Vietnam are in for an adventure on many levels. It is a
destination that offers an ideal combination of good earning potential
and high quality of life. Vietnam also has a fast-growing economy, a
thriving art scene, beautiful landscapes and arguably the best food in

Vietnam has thousands of kilometres of beautiful beaches on its eastern
border, shares its northern perimeter with China and, to the west, has a
mountainous borderline shared with both Laos and Cambodia.

s an Asian Tiger economy, expats will find that Vietnam is a meeting point
between the everyday bustle of city life and the laidback charm of a
country sure of its place in today’s society. With a war-torn history starting
from colonisation and culminating in the Vietnam War; Vietnam has a
diverse range of living standards. However, expats relocating to Vietnam
will find most of the comforts they are used to from home and they will
soon learn that this is a country with a great deal to offer.

Vietnam will tantalise the senses - and overload them at times. It is a
unique nexus of French, Chinese and South East Asian cultures and its
cuisine is no exception. With hot soups, crispy wontons, tasty noodles and
potent coffee, expats will soon find themselves eager to try their hand at
cooking some of the popular dishes from this delicious country

There are numerous Western restaurants, vibrant nightlife spots and an
active art scene – ensuring that expats moving to Vietnam will find that
work is merely something which takes place in between a multitude of
social arrangements.
THAILAND – Bangkok

Most know Thailand as a traveller’s Eden, but even moving to
Thailand on a more permanent basis can be paradise.
Bangkok is a thriving, cosmopolitan metropolis with an
abundance of activities and culture. Chiang Mai has become
far more expat friendly, with many coming to retire or to take
advantage of work opportunities and a milder climate.

Expats who do manage to pin a good job down will find
themselves living a luxurious lifestyle. A warm and welcoming
Thai culture beautiful landscapes and a chance to experience
truly different customs make living in this foreign land
simultaneously interesting and comfortable.

While most expats cluster in the dense and crowded city of
Bangkok, others fan out into less populated and more
indigenous regions.

Many expat families hire a maid whose duties include cooking
for them, so eating out is not an issue and is likely more cost
effective and healthier than dining in restaurants every day.

Opportunities for Financial Consultants
                                    & Business Development Coordinators

At once both a cinematic cityscape and a grimy urban front line, Rio
de Janeiro, known as the cidade maravilhosa (marvellous city), is
nothing if not exhilarating. Flanked by gorgeous mountains, white-sand
beaches and verdant rainforests fronting deep blue sea, Rio occupies
one of the most spectacular settings of any metropolis in the world.
Tack on one of the sexiest populations on the planet and you have an
intoxicating tropical cocktail that leaves visitors punch-drunk on
paradise – oh and lets not forget to mention business is booming there!

Brazil, the fifth largest country in the world and the largest nation in
South America, is home to an ever-expanding expat population. With
its resource-rich economy and booming mining, agricultural and
manufacturing sectors, there is an extensive range of job
opportunities for expats moving to Brazil.

Vibrant cities, pristine beaches, exotic jungles and gargantuan rivers
add further allure to make Brazil an exhilarating destination full of
exciting travel and career potential.

Rio de Janeiro, famous for its towering statue of Christ the Redeemer
and the Rio Carnival, was Brazil’s capital for two centuries during the
country’s colonial and initial post-colonial periods. Rio now represents
the second largest urban economy in the country and the 30th
largest in the world. It is also the headquarters for a number of major
oil, telecommunications and media companies as well as the seat of
Brazil’s research and development sectors.

All the major cities have a number of English language international
schools servicing the diplomatic, expat and immigrant populations.
Brazil has both public and private healthcare available. English is the
language of international business but speaking Portuguese is vital for
expats when conducting business and taking care of everyday
affairs in Brazil.

No matter your priorities, with its vibrant cities and varied wildlife Brazil
makes for a great destination for expats.
Global Opportunities in Offshore Financial Sales

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Global Opportunities in Offshore Financial Sales

  • 1. Global Opportunities in Financial Sales
  • 2. Who we are and what we do … We work with a number of different great clients internationally who are currently recruiting experienced Wealth Managers/Financial Advisors/Relationship Managers to join their already successful teams overseas. We won't just recruit for anyone. All companies have to enter a robust process to ensure their standards match ours. We take great care to ensure we match your requirements and personal & professional aspirations to the right company so you can enjoy longevity in your career. First year earnings are normally a minimum of £70k OTE in all locations with earnings anticipated to rise by at least circa 50% in the second year. There are various support packages available dependent on location i.e. flights, accommodation, draw, appointment coordinators etc.
  • 3. Who we are and what we do … Some people have their own motivations for wanting to work in a specific location, others are looking for guidance. We work with you to ensure we find the right company for you. Working in the offshore market can reap huge rewards not just personally but also financially. People working overseas are enjoying lifestyles many in the UK can only dream of. Our clients only position themselves in locations with buoyant ex pat markets where you will not only see a dramatic increase in your standard of living together but also have the opportunity to enjoy uncapped earnings. With costs soaring in the UK and things only set to get worse, isn’t it time you considered a move overseas?
  • 4. So working overseas – what’s all the fuss about? In 2006, almost one in 10 British citizens were living overseas, according to a study of people coming in and out of the UK. Studies by the Institute for Public Policy Research, published on the BBC News website, indicate that at least 5.5m British- born people live abroad. That figures has now almost tripled in 6 years. Figures suggest the rate of departure has been so great that population falls are only masked by immigration. While Australia and Spain are the top locations, increasing numbers are heading to major Asian economies for increased job prospects, pay and better way of life. According to the Daily Mail in 2012, Nine out of ten expats are so glad to be gone! The grass really is greener for expats. Nine out of ten say their quality of life has improved - earning more and enjoying better conditions than they would have in Britain. On average, pay for managers and professionals who choose to work abroad is up to £20,000 higher than they would get here. The findings from a study by NatWest underline the reasons why emigration among Britons has reached record highs. It suggests that the attractions for talented and able workers of quitting Britain are strengthening during the recession as private sector wages stagnate and public services threaten to deteriorate.
  • 5. So working overseas – what’s all the fuss about? More than 200,000 British citizens left the country to live abroad in 2006, followed by another 169,000 in 2007. But in 2007 only 75,000 Britons who had been living or working in a foreign country chose to return - again a record low. The bank's Quality of Life report said that 19 per cent of those working abroad currently intend to come back to Britain at some time, down from more than a quarter, 26 per cent, two years ago. It said: 'When it comes to living and working overseas the advantages come thick and fast. Working hours are far less intensive and expats say they manage to achieve a better work/life balance with much more leisure time. 'Professional expats can earn significantly more than their peers back home. On average an expat professional's salary is up to £20,000 higher than their UK counterparts.‘
  • 6.
  • 7. Opportunities for experienced Financial Consultants & Business Development Coordinators/Lead Generators Did you know, there are 748,010 British expats living in the EU? We have opportunities to work for large corporate brands or the option to work more independently as part of a network anywhere in Europe
  • 8. FRANCE - Bordeaux / Dordogne Expats often dream of moving to France. Visions of long country lunches; people-watching from cafés; strolls in a lavender-scented Provence; sunbathing on the beaches of Nice; and immersion in the cultural riches of Parisian art and couture mesmerise potential expats and lure them to this legendary European country. At the end of the day though, most expats don't move to France to climb the ladder of ambition, but rather to live out their twilight years amongst the richness of the culture and the beauty of the country. The nation itself is old and highly cultivated. Fields and farms, elegantly bridged rivers, chateaux, estates and ancient cobbled towns dot the landscape. Bordeaux and Burgundy, the country's famous wine centres, showcase endless vineyards rolling over their gentle hills. All in all, no matter where you move in France - from the biggest city to the smallest country village – you can count on a slower, more enjoyable pace of living marked by the kinds of little joys that lead to a greater quality of life overall. As Amelie, the famous French film, so aptly points out – there’s nothing quite like the sound of cracking the top of a freshly made crème brulee at the end of a lovely lunch shared with friends in a beautiful place.
  • 9. SPAIN - Barcelona, Madrid, Costa del Sol, Murcia Expats moving to Spain will find a country steeped in a rich and eventful history. As the western most peninsula of Europe and the landmass closest to Africa, Spain has hosted the meeting of some of the world’s largest and most influential civilisations. The allure of a vibrant country famous for its fashion, food, architecture, music and arts – nonetheless makes for an attractive expat destination. The unhurried lifestyle and cheap beachside property lures many expats to live out their days as retirees on the Spanish coasts. In particular, the Britons and Germans have historically flocked to the sunny shores of Spain to scoop up reasonably priced villas and haciendas. The housing market has deteriorated of late, but there's still over an estimated one million British expats in the country. Expats moving to Madrid will find a manageable, old city striving to become comfortable in its new modern garb. This commercial and political capital still has deep Spanish roots, and though the centre is convincingly international, foreigners have no need to fear the pressures of a high-speed lifestyle that are so often attached to similar western European destinations, like Paris, London and Rome. While retirees searching for sunnier shores and a relaxing descent into their twilight years may not exactly relish the prospect of emigrating to Madrid, it’s beyond a doubt the place to go for those looking to further their career, while capitalising on an attractive quality of life. Expats moving to Barcelona will enjoy one of Europe’s finest metropolises, complete with vibrant and unique businesses, a pulsating nightlife, and sprawling, eclectic neighbourhoods that unravel alongside the sparkling Mediterranean. The weather is, arguably, unbeatable, the architecture, arguably, unmatched, and the overall lifestyle continuously pegged as one of the best on the continent.
  • 10. SWITZERLAND – Zurich / Basel / Geneva Expats moving to Switzerland will find that the prosperous, orderly cities and cantons of mountainous Switzerland make for an ideal destination for relocation. Foreign workers have long been integrated into the economy, particularly the financial and diplomatic sectors, where the demand for international expat workers is high. In fact, over 20 percent of Switzerland’s overall population are expats -and most of these are employed as skilled professionals. Crime is a rarity, and social problems virtually non-existent. Furthermore, the country’s education and healthcare systems are world-renowned, and its infrastructure meticulously maintained. Switzerland runs likes clockwork, appropriate for a country famed for its watch making, and is a point of great pride for the fastidious Swiss. For expats, this means that life here is a trouble-free, if not a slightly sanitised, experience. According to the 2010 Mercer Quality of Life Survey, out of 221 global destinations three Swiss cities ranked in the top ten; a reflection of the nation’s safe, stable, wholesome lifestyle and solid economy. The few drawbacks to living here include an occasionally insular population of locals that don’t fully welcome expats, and comprehensively cold and snowy winters. But as they say, if life gives you snow, go skiing, and that is precisely what many expats find themselves doing on the world class Alpine slopes around Geneva, Interlaken and St Moritz. Moving to Switzerland to live and work as an expat is a fantastic move for driven and motivated individuals who want to work in a country where their skills are highly regarded, and well rewarded.
  • 11. ITALY – Milan / Rome So how much do you know about Italy? The papers report continually the deepening crisis in the Euro crisis. So how does impact the offshore financial sector? The answer ... not at all! Business there is booming, with only 3 other companies operating in the country, it is massively untapped. In one region alone there are 28,000 Britons who call Italy home. There are countless other tens of thousands working in senior roles for companies there. Added to this, our client also has products for Italian nationals who are queuing up to find alternatives to Italian banks offering little interest. •The earning potential is huge! There is no reason an experienced advisor cannot earn in excess of £200k/year because the market is not saturated! The senior sales manager is easily on target to earn £500k this year and he’s happy to evidence this. •As the company is fully licensed and regulated, as are their advisers, they are able to negotiate top rate commissions far in excess of what other run of the mill companies can offer. One provider recently increased the commission rate on a product by 40% because of the quality of business they write. •In only one week, the coordinator in place has booked his managers diary for the next 3 weeks and in all of that time only person has refused an appointment. Because the market is not saturated, clients are more open to meet and aren’t receiving 10 calls a day from other similar companies. •Accommodation in Rome is at least 50% cheaper than in London and the tax system far more generous than in the UK. •Rome enjoys a warm climate for 9 months of the year. •It is only two hours from the UK and is even on budget airline routes if you want to keep costs down! •RDR is expected to come into play in Europe in the next 3 years so this offers a great opportunity to make some very good money before that hits. •This company has a fantastic reputation in the industry so it’s a company you can be proud representing and one clients know they can trust. They play by the rules and ensure their consultants enjoy access to the very best of products on the market.
  • 12. GERMANY - Frankfurt Expats moving to Frankfurt will find themselves in a confident, world-facing city that effortlessly combines its role as a leading modern business centre with a charming cultural character. While working opportunities predominantly entice expats to the area, Frankfurt is nonetheless beautiful and enchanting, brimming with history and culture. There is superb shopping, marvellous museums, interesting historic sites, and world-class opera to enjoy. With excellent rail connections, river transport, the third busiest airport in Europe and its Autobahn system, Frankfurt is the natural hub for anyone wanting to explore the surrounding towns and is the gateway to the German countryside. The advantages to living and working in this cosmopolitan city continue to entice expats. Crime is virtually non-existent, the unemployment rate is relatively low, and, with its very central location, business trips to the surrounding cities in Europe are made easy. The Mercer Human Resource Consulting Worldwide Quality of Living Survey consistently ranks Frankfurt among the ten cities with the highest quality of living worldwide. It’s no wonder then that expatriates flock to work in this powerhouse of a city.
  • 13. SWEDEN - Stockholm Sweden is an increasingly popular destination for expats, with those moving there drawn by the prospect of a balanced, prosperous life in a country that manages to combine high technology with pristine nature; ultra-liberal values with respect for traditions; and abundant economic opportunity with high taxation and extensive social welfare. Sweden’s geography is defined by water: the interior dotted with lakes, while its border features 4,400 miles (7,000km) of coastline running from the fragmented islands and fjords of the temperate south, to the sub-Arctic ‘land of the midnight sun’ in the north. Stockholm, the capital city and most likely expat destination, is built on an archipelago of 24,000 islands. Most expats moving to Stockholm thrive in what is one of Europe’s most attractive, vibrant and interesting metropolises. Each of the city’s most central 14 islands has its own character and range of intimate cafés and restaurants. Overall, Sweden offers the possibility of a very wholesome lifestyle, from the abundance of fresh fish and vegetables in local diets, to the many outdoor activities available, including skiing, sailing, forest walking, and berry picking. Public transport is excellent too, unlocking any part of the city or country to even those without a private vehicle. Expats with residence permits will enjoy the benefits of an extensive state social network that provides free and high quality education, healthcare, childcare and security. Sweden is also a world leader in liberal values, pioneering gay rights, gender equality and providing extensive parental and maternal privileges for employees. Expats moving to Sweden may find the language tough to learn, but since Swedes generally speak excellent English, and enjoy practising it, the language barrier is very easily overcome. Sweden balances ultra-modern cities with great expanses of untouched wilderness; and its famously modern populace still takes great pride in their traditions. It is a safe, yet consistently surprising experience for expats.
  • 14. Holland – the Hague The expat who moves to the Netherlands will discover a modern state long at the forefront of global trends in government, banking and commerce. The Dutch were the originators of the stock market and the corporation. They were a democracy at a time where most of Europe still considered their kings as chosen gods. This means that anyone moving to the Netherlands will have the pleasure of integrating into a society at ease with all the rigours of twenty-first century living. The country is highly regarded for its tolerance and liberal ideals. This famously flat nation of clogs, tulips, dykes and windmills is inhabited by a people as deeply cultivated as the land itself. Cool and easy-going, it is difficult for an expat or foreigner to offend a Dutchman, or even find a social taboo to break. Expats will find the Netherlands an open and accepting country. Expats moving to the Netherlands will find a country of middle-sized towns. Even Amsterdam, the capital, has only 750,000 people. However, the dense rail network covering the country allows people to commute to work from all over. The Randstad, the area containing Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht, is populated by nearly 8 million people. The Netherlands is considered by some as the legal capital of the world. The Hague, the de facto centre of government, holds five international courts and tribunals, as well as the headquarters of the European police. It is a genuinely international city, in an international nation. While ‘free’ is a quality that all the world’s nations would like to claim, few go so far as the Dutch to make this ideal a reality.
  • 15. Current opportunities for experienced Financial Advisers , Pension Transfer Specialist & Business Development Coordinators
  • 16. DUBAI For the last decade expats have been moving to Dubai in large numbers, often lured by the promise of tax-free wealth and luxury living. As the second largest state or emirate in the United Arab Emirates after Abu Dhabi, Dubai was once considered a barren landscape in the oil-rich Gulf, but is now a thriving metropolis, attracting thousands of new residents to its shores each month. Contrary to popular belief, Dubai’s main source of revenue is not oil. Although oil was discovered in the emirate in the 1960s, and certainly helped build the economy, it is other industries such as construction, tourism and financial services that are contributing to Dubai’s extraordinary wealth and creating job opportunities for expats around the world. In 2008 Dubai's exponentially expanding economy did experience a hiccup due to the global recession, but now, foreigners are once again moving to Dubai in search of inflated salaries, year-round sunshine and access to excellent healthcare and leisure activities. While Dubai's culture is still based on Islam and its accompanying traditions, its modernity has cast a slight shadow across the rigour of the religion and expats can enjoy a largely free life in the emirate.
  • 17. QATAR Once expats moving to Qatar actually figure out where this tiny Gulf state is located on a map, the next bit of information to process is normally the fact that Qatar has emerged as a liquid natural gas powerhouse that claims the highest per capital income in the world (2011). The gas- and oil-rich economy has elevated the miniature emirate to an important global player. As a result of the fossil fuel boom, as well as monarch Emir Hamad bin Khalif Al Thani’s socio- political liberalisation policies, Qatar now hosts regiments of Commonwealth and South Asian expats; and increasing numbers of foreigners are moving to Qatar to work hard, save money in the tax-free environment, and maintain a standard of living and wealth relatively similar to that of Western Europe. While there are plenty of work opportunities for expats interested in employment in the petrochemical sector, Qatar is also working to increase foreign investment in non-energy sectors, such as IT, construction, and – to take a page from Dubai’s book – tourism. Not to mention, with its successful 2022 World Cup bid, the nation will be filtering big spending into improving infrastructure. As a result, it’s likely more manpower will be required to transform Doha, the capital city often described as half building site, half park, into something whole. Expats and their families can look forward to an emirate that puts an emphasis on cultural and education disciplines. Whereas Qatar used to be the backward 'country cousin' of the region, it now aims to be the Middle Eastern flagship for social development and intellectualism. In recent years, it has worked hard to create a “knowledge economy”, and to promote ventures like the Museum of Islamic art and a massive Education City.
  • 18. Opportunities for Financial Advisers & Business Development /Marketing Coordinators Asia is the largest continent on planet Earth, and also the most populous one. Four billion people strong, Asia accounts for 60 percent of the world’s population. For the other 40 percent, Asia represents a culturally rich and exotic place, where people can go to enrich their life, and grow as a person.
  • 19. HONG KONG For all its modernity and restless energy, expats moving to Hong Kong will find a destination that remains distinctly Chinese, with deep traditions settled firmly among its towering skyscrapers and bright neon lights. Hong Kong is often pegged as the “Pearl of the Orient”, and if nothing else, it’s an indication of this bustling metropolis’s devotion to wealth and quality. The former British colony is one of the world’s leading capitalist economies, is an Asian financial hub and an established expat region for high income earners looking to further their career On the whole though, foreigners find Hong Kong easily liveable, with a modern infrastructure and plenty of Western amenities. An advanced healthcare system, an elevated standard of schooling and an exemplary public transportation system ease the burden of transition significantly. Hong Kong has many layers, and expats will find that just as they’ve finished pulling back the first, five more have formed and taken shape. Whether you feel safer in the insular yet comfortable expat scene, or whether you’d prefer to explore the etiquette, superstitions and religion of this age old port city, you’re guaranteed an invigorating and exciting experience.
  • 20. CHINA – Beijing & Shanghai A short walk around Beijing is like opening a time capsule into Chinese history: the Forbidden City inspires images of ancient dynasties, Tiananmen Square acts as a reminder of the defining years of Chinese repression, and new Olympic buildings serve as elegant and defining symbols of China’s arrival on the world stage. As with many Chinese cities, moving to Beijing is exciting because of its recent role as a prime player in the spotlight of the international business stage. It is also the political and cultural centre of all of China. Yet for all of the furious development and sprawling districts, central Beijing is also steeped in ancient architecture and impressive centres of government, providing a sobering counterpoint to the city’s capitalist frenzy. Expats moving to Shanghai will experience a city driven by the manic obsession to become a leading international centre. For some time the metropolis has been trying to step out from behind the shadows of Hong Kong and Beijing, which usually capture the imagination of those looking to move to China. Yet Shanghai is by no means a well-kept secret. It is the gateway to China's vast economy and the country's leading financial centre, with more than 400,000 expats living in Shanghai. Shanghai has shown a willingness to attract international business and an ability to adapt by implementing the changes required to support expansion.
  • 21. MALAYSIA Malaysia is an ideal destination for expats considering moving to Asia. Traditionally a country reliant on resource exports, Malaysia is beginning to expand its economy in areas such as science, tourism, commerce and medical tourism, resulting in an increase in expat employment opportunities. The country consists of two different geographical regions separated by the South China Sea – mainland Malaysia, and the Sarawak and Sabah region of Borneo island – and 13 diverse states. With a vast mix of cultures and nationalities scattered across the country, Malaysia offers expats a lifestyle replete with first-world comforts and conveniences, while still allowing for a sense of adventure through its easily-accessible jungles and island getaways. Among the skyscrapers and Dutch architecture, KL, as it is commonly known, is packed with luxury shopping malls, quality restaurants and colourful markets. It is a melting pot of cultures and offers expats an energetic lifestyle. Malaysia has a cheap public health care system with a high standard of medical care. There are also a number of top-quality private facilities available; by way of further testament to this burgeoning quality, is Malaysia’s growing reputation as a destination for medical tourism. With wonderful beaches, jungle hideaways and serene tea plantations, it’s easy to take a break from the city bustle over weekends. Malaysia is a stable country, eager to attract foreign businesses and investors, ensuring a warm reception for expats choosing Malaysia as their new home.
  • 22. VIETNAM Expats moving to Vietnam are in for an adventure on many levels. It is a destination that offers an ideal combination of good earning potential and high quality of life. Vietnam also has a fast-growing economy, a thriving art scene, beautiful landscapes and arguably the best food in Asia. Vietnam has thousands of kilometres of beautiful beaches on its eastern border, shares its northern perimeter with China and, to the west, has a mountainous borderline shared with both Laos and Cambodia. s an Asian Tiger economy, expats will find that Vietnam is a meeting point between the everyday bustle of city life and the laidback charm of a country sure of its place in today’s society. With a war-torn history starting from colonisation and culminating in the Vietnam War; Vietnam has a diverse range of living standards. However, expats relocating to Vietnam will find most of the comforts they are used to from home and they will soon learn that this is a country with a great deal to offer. Vietnam will tantalise the senses - and overload them at times. It is a unique nexus of French, Chinese and South East Asian cultures and its cuisine is no exception. With hot soups, crispy wontons, tasty noodles and potent coffee, expats will soon find themselves eager to try their hand at cooking some of the popular dishes from this delicious country There are numerous Western restaurants, vibrant nightlife spots and an active art scene – ensuring that expats moving to Vietnam will find that work is merely something which takes place in between a multitude of social arrangements.
  • 23. THAILAND – Bangkok Most know Thailand as a traveller’s Eden, but even moving to Thailand on a more permanent basis can be paradise. Bangkok is a thriving, cosmopolitan metropolis with an abundance of activities and culture. Chiang Mai has become far more expat friendly, with many coming to retire or to take advantage of work opportunities and a milder climate. Expats who do manage to pin a good job down will find themselves living a luxurious lifestyle. A warm and welcoming Thai culture beautiful landscapes and a chance to experience truly different customs make living in this foreign land simultaneously interesting and comfortable. While most expats cluster in the dense and crowded city of Bangkok, others fan out into less populated and more indigenous regions. Many expat families hire a maid whose duties include cooking for them, so eating out is not an issue and is likely more cost effective and healthier than dining in restaurants every day. ·
  • 24. Opportunities for Financial Consultants & Business Development Coordinators At once both a cinematic cityscape and a grimy urban front line, Rio de Janeiro, known as the cidade maravilhosa (marvellous city), is nothing if not exhilarating. Flanked by gorgeous mountains, white-sand beaches and verdant rainforests fronting deep blue sea, Rio occupies one of the most spectacular settings of any metropolis in the world. Tack on one of the sexiest populations on the planet and you have an intoxicating tropical cocktail that leaves visitors punch-drunk on paradise – oh and lets not forget to mention business is booming there!
  • 25. BRAZIL – RIO DE JANEIRO Brazil, the fifth largest country in the world and the largest nation in South America, is home to an ever-expanding expat population. With its resource-rich economy and booming mining, agricultural and manufacturing sectors, there is an extensive range of job opportunities for expats moving to Brazil. Vibrant cities, pristine beaches, exotic jungles and gargantuan rivers add further allure to make Brazil an exhilarating destination full of exciting travel and career potential. Rio de Janeiro, famous for its towering statue of Christ the Redeemer and the Rio Carnival, was Brazil’s capital for two centuries during the country’s colonial and initial post-colonial periods. Rio now represents the second largest urban economy in the country and the 30th largest in the world. It is also the headquarters for a number of major oil, telecommunications and media companies as well as the seat of Brazil’s research and development sectors. All the major cities have a number of English language international schools servicing the diplomatic, expat and immigrant populations. Brazil has both public and private healthcare available. English is the language of international business but speaking Portuguese is vital for expats when conducting business and taking care of everyday affairs in Brazil. No matter your priorities, with its vibrant cities and varied wildlife Brazil makes for a great destination for expats.