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global eyes
February 2013
                Manitoba African and Caribbean Quarterly Magazine

                      KING JAJA OF OPOPO

    Black History Month intergenerational
    mixed basketball game was exciting to
    watch. Men and boys and girls showed
    their competitive edge and made it fun
    for spectators.
                                                                                              AND   (L) FRIED
                                                                                              BEAN CAKES
                                                                                              BELOW   - STEEL
                                                                                              PAN HISTORY
                                                                                              LESSON AND


                                                      The young and the not so young
                                                      delighted in the Black History lesson
                                                      sponsored by the Jamaican
                                                      Association of Manitoba in February                       EVA
                                                      with hands on cooking lessons by
                                                      Christine Nnadi, and a First Nations
      Audrey Gordon preented Omari Henry with
    the Leonard Simms Health and Recreation           Volunteer as well as lessons in steel
    Scholarship. Audrey founderd this scholarship pan music and African drumming by
    in recognition of her father, who currently lives Clyde Heera and Nigerian Drummer.
    in Ontario.
       Omari is a university student on his way to
                                                      It was a day of learning, fun, eating
    becoming a microbiologist is rewardedfor his      and dancing.
    excellent academic achievement.
    Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013
   Beatrice Watson
   Black history month flew by quickly                                               cause we might been still
                                              Malcolm X (which I believe
because of the number of activities to                                               enslaved.. We have to pay it
                                              should be a must read for every
choose from and all were interesting.                                                forward and speak out against
                                              black child). Malcom X taught us
However, I believe if we are celebrating                                             injustice in the world. In Canada
                                              Black is Beautiful about the
history, there needs to be some                                                      and the USA there are members of
                                              economics of blackness what
semblance of the history of our people                                               the Nationalist Party and the KKK
                                              blackness represents and
included in the program in addition to                                               recruiting young disenfranchised
                                              continues to represent in western
the Children’s History Lesson. The                                                   White youths to teach them to
                                              worldview. When there is an
story of our journey to this land needs                                              hate Blacks and other minorities.
                                              understanding beyond the popular
to be told every year like the epic story                                            We are not completely out of the
                                              inventions by Blacks and a
of the Ten Commandments. The extent                                                  woods. To remain safe is to be
                                              delving into the big picture stuff
of Black history for many of us stops                                                vigilant. There are KKK cells in
                                              blacks in history we will have a
with the Martin Luther King, the                                                     Alberta and even here in
                                              better appreciation of our past.
Harriet Tubman, the Rosa Parks and the                                               Winnipeg. We cannot be lulled
                                              Our history has chosen us to be
Viola Desmond narratives. While these                                                into complacency because we
                                              vigilant social activists and to be
are important stories there are so much                                              have white friends who accept us
                                              the voice of the voiceless. Many
more to tell and to learn e.g. about                                                 as equals. Complacency is a fools
                                              of us behave as if our colour or
Ghana where the Door of no Return                                                    paradise. There is still work to be
                                              our history is no longer a factor in
still stands facing the cold, lonely                                                 done. There are books to be read
                                              our lives and I wish it were so.
Atlantic Ocean where men and women,                                                  to understand – Malcolm X,
                                              Slavery is happening right now in
our ancestors saw their homeland for                                                 Fanon, Angela Davis, Marcus
                                              Africa and other parts of the
the last time; there are stories to be told                                          Garvey, Dionne Brand, Austin
                                              world. That is our battle. If we
about communities in Brazil where the                                                Clarke and many others. If you
                                              did not have the support of some
largest population of Africans outside                                               don’t know history, then you
                                              good people during the days of
of Africa live mostly in squalor                                                     don’t know anything. You are a
                                              slavery and the civil rights
conditions, stories about the freedom                                                leaf that doesn’t know it is part of
                                              movement who championed our
Bus tour, of Stokley Carmichael,                                                     a tree. “ Michael Crichton

                                   YOUTH LEADERSHIP SYMPOSIUM
    The Youth
sponsored by
the Council of
Caribbean                                                                                       Maurice
Organizations                         of                  Maurice                               Alexander,
Manitoba, Inc.                        Tito Daodu,         Williams            Business Owner Policy
                   Troy Osiname,      M.D. 4th year       Counsellor                            Analyst
during Black
History Month Prov. Lib. Cand.
                                           Osiname, Tito Daodu, Maurice          prevent the involvement of the
attracted a
                                                                                 younger generation. He also noted
larger than usual crowd, including many Williams, Charise A Wright and
                                           Maurice Alexander. Some of the        there is a lack of trust in the
of the present leaders. The message
was clear that change is needed and the presentations were more an
                                           evaluation of past leadership than      Charise called for more respect
old way of doing business is not
                                           conrete plans for the future.         towards younger people and the
sustainable. The five panellists were
                                            Alexander noted that the older       often reference of “you young
articulate and impressive - Troy
                                           generation put up barriers that       people” ishe sas as appropriate.
                                                                                                      CONTINUED ON P16
                                                                        Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013
                     3                                                                                                      3
Subscribe Today
        Name:_________________________________________________________    Story of King Jaja p8
        Address:________________________________________________          Tips for working with Minorities
        Postal Code_______________
                                                                          Gospel Concert pictorial - p15
        Email address:_______________________
                                                                          ACAM 45th Harambe p19
        Support Global Eyes Magazine if you think we’re doing
        a good job.
                                                                           Congress of Black Women
        Subscription: $15.00 per year for 4 issues.                        p20
        I Would like to receive upcoming event notices from the
        Caribbean/Black/larger community - by email or by                  Editorial By Neil p21
        phone (YES/NO)
                                                                           Poem - Mimi Brown
        Mail cheque/Money Order to: Global Eyes Magazine (GEM)
        671 Rathgar Avenue,                                               Piecing together Memories 30
        Winnipeg, Manitoba
        R3L 1G6

                                                                          LEADERHSIP VACCUUM - A MYTH
      Global Eyes is an independent magazine quarterly publication         The Caribbean or the Black community have no
      devoted to promoting cultural awareness of the African and
      Caribbean communities of Manitoba and highlighting the               need to worry about future leaders. Let me tell you
      issues and concerns of these communities. It also aims               the leaders will emerge when the time comes. We
      at promoting cultural diversity and appreciation. Its
      It features articles ranging from the achievements of local,
                                                                           have the harvest of many capable, bright younger
       national and international personalities and general information    adults in our midst sitting in the dimlight and show
      that are of interest to the African/Caribbean                        themselves only when asked to be in the limelight
      community. It offers editorials with African/
      Caribbean sensibilities and letters to the editor. The               and that’s okay. We need to give opportunities to
      Magazine is produced under a volunteer editorial                     our youths to shine and build their confidence.
      committee that assists with proof-reading, publicity and
                                                                                           Quotable Quote

              IN THIS ISSUE                                                “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny
                                                                           and obliterate their own understanding of their
      Regulars:                                                            history.” ¯ George Orwell

      Briefs p6
      Letter to my children p11
      Global Counselor p11
      Gaffin wid Buddy p26
      Healthwise 18
      Zizi the continuing story will be
      back in the next issue.
    Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013
Editor: Beatrice Watson                       Out and About
                                             Shulamith Koenig, the 2003 UN
                                                                                         GEM’s Regular Contributors
Distributed to local businesses, and in     Prize winner in the field of Human
Winnipeg and via email to individuals       Rights came to Winnipeg recently to
                                            speak at the Thinker’s conference held
in Manitoba and former Manitobans in        from February 21-23, 2013 and the
various parts of the world.                 University of Winnpeg. She said herr
                                            mission is make Winnipeg a human
To receive Global Eyes by mail please       rights city.
send a cheque for $15.00 to:                    Val Thompson, Liberal party
                                            member held a reception for Shulamith
Global Eyes Magazine                        at her home where a select group of                 Neil Pitamber,
671 Rathgar Avenue                          people were invited to meet Shulamith              A prolific writer, poet
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1G6                  informally. Shulamith gave an                      and owner, Caribbean
Phone: 204-477-1588                         informal address that was peppered with            Shield                humour and serious talk. sactivist met
                                            with women at the home She began by
                                            explaining her name which means that
All contents are (c) 2011 and may not       she is a woman from Jerusalem
be reprinted without the express or         Shulamith then became a symbol for
written consent of the author or Editor.    the land of Israel.
                                                Shulamith said she was told at
                                            school that Jews are the chosen people
                                            but her father said “I am chosen for
                                            social responsibility.”
                                               Mother of three sons, the 82 plus year           Lara Badmus, LLB
                                            old who claimed to be non religious                Discipline Counsel
                                            said that Moses was a man who knew                 The Law Society of
                                            how to move from slavery to freedom.                   Manitoba
                                            “We need to give people a value system
                                            like Moses did in the 10 commandments
  SHULAMITH (L) IN THE COMPANY OF FRIENDS   which was the framework for freedom.”
                                            Shulamith said that human rights
                                            education is the preventive medicine. It
                                            introduces a dialogue about what does
                                            human rights mean in your community.
                                            She urged women never to give up their                                       Rhonda T.
                                            right to be full human beings.                                                  Wilson
                                               “Human Rights is like the banks of a                                        gave he
                                            river where water flows freely” she said                                        vote of
                                            adding and it starts with the dignity of a                                    thanks at
                                            human being and the right to belong.                                             BHM
                                            Shumalith told the audience she had                                             Awards
                                            just received a gold medal from                                                 Dinner
                                            Gorbachev for being the woman of the
                                                                         Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013
                     5                                                                                                       5
Briefs                    Local
                                                                                          Lucknow, India, where a British
                                                                                          garrison was besieged.
                                                                                          The premier noted that Manitoba is
                                                                                          the only province where the wall
                                                                                          will be on display during Black
                                                                                          History Month this year.
                                                                                          “Many people are not aware of the
                                                                                          strong tradition of military service
                                                                                          and the key role black Manitobans
                                                                                          and Canadians have played in the
                                                                                          development of our country,” said
                                                                                          Selinger. “I encourage all
                                                                                          Manitobans to visit the Legislative
                                                                                          Building to learn more about the
                                                                                          contributions of the black
                                                                                          community in Canada’s military.”
                                                                                          Canada began officially observing
                                                                                          Black History Month in 1995 to
                                                                                          celebrate the contributions of black
                                                                                          Canadians to the development of the
      A display recognizing and                across Canada in recent years. It will
      celebrating the history of black         be located on the main floor of the           QE II DIAMOND
      Canadians in the military has
      been officially opened at the
                                               Legislative Building until Monday,         JUBILEE AWARD WINNER
                                               Feb. 18.
      Legislative Building to mark                                                        Congratulations to Godwin Smith
                                               “The Canadian Forces is a longtime
      Black History Month in                                                              popularly known as Smitty who
                                               supporter of diversity and strives for a
      Manitoba, Premier Greg Selinger                                                     received the Queen Elizabeth II
                                               membership that is a reflection of the
      announced today.                                                                    Diamond Jubilee Medal in recognition
                                               makeup of Canadian society,” said
      “Black Canadians have served in                                                     of his service to the community.
                                               Col. Blaise Frawley, commander, 17
      all parts of the military, including     Wing Winnipeg. “We are pleased that          Smitty, owner of Les Touch Salon,
      on the front lines, in home              the Province of Manitoba has chosen,       one of 30 awardees, accepted the
      defence units and on international       during Black History Month, to profile     medal from Honourable Pat Martin,
      peacekeeping missions for more           this display that covers 300 years of      NDP MP for Winnipeg Centre, at a
      than 300 years,” said Selinger.          dedication by black Canadians to serve     reception held at Fort Garry Hotel, in
      “I’m proud the Manitoba                  their country through military             February 2013.
      Legislative Building is hosting          service.”
      this exhibit showing how black           The exhibit highlights the stories of
      Canadians have contributed to            many blacks who have served in the
      and shaped this country by their         Canadian military including William
      service.”                                Hall, who was the first Canadian sailor
      The display, owned by the                to receive the Victoria Cross. Hall,
      Canadian Armed Forces, tracks            who grew up on a farm in Nova
      300 years of black Canadian’s            Scotia’s Annapolis Valley, received the
      dedication to serve with military        medal on Oct. 28, 1859, for his actions
      service. The display wall is 16          as part of a relief force sent to
      feet in length and has travelled

    Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013
Editorial - Take One
                           This idea that the   activities, we’ve established and award
                                                                                               Its time for more action and less rhetoric.
                           Caribbean            thousands of dollars in scholarships
                                                                                               It is easy to be a critic but difficult to sit
                           community is         countless youths, we have organized
                                                                                               in the driver’s seat. We all are set in our
                           fractured,           Black History Month celebrations for
                                                                                               ways, old and young alike but that should
                           disconnected and     more than 25 years and we have a cadre of
                                                                                               not be a barrier but an challenge to break
                           experiencing a       powerful leaders in waiting; we have
                                                                                               the mould. To create change we need a
deficit of trust can be said about most         arisen to the call for help when sister
                                                                                               leader who is not afraid of criticism and
communities including governments at all        nations are beaten by hurricane or
                                                                                               stand up for what is right.
levels. These ingredients are not in the        other natural disasters. These activities
                                                                                               If you are not prepared to roll up your sleeves,
community but in individuals.                   require unity and trust to be
                                                                                               participate fully in the leadership of the
   It was interesting to hear words coming      successful. If you look for rain you will
                                                                                               community, get involved and vote for people
out from our youths that have been              begin to notice all the dark clouds, if you
                                                                                               you respect for leadership positions, or let
repeated often by adults. Disunity within       look for sun you will begin the see the
                                                                                               your name stand for leadership, then you
the Caribbean community has been the            clearings.
                                                                                               have no right to speak. Everyone who sit
mantra for more than 25 years. It is a             Those who wish to lead, and to
                                                                                               around the table as Board members have
virus and that virus of the mind and that       contribute to the community should get off
                                                                                               equal voice and a right to their opinion.
virus has not been passed down to the           the fence and get involved. Leadership is
                                                                                               There are no boys and girls in the Board
next generation.                                not for the faint hearted, nor for people
                                                                                               room. There are board members.
   Yes, our community is not perfect just       with fragile egos, it is for robust men and
                                                                                                  I see a bright future for this community. I
as we are not perfect as individuals but        women. If you want to get into the
                                                                                               see it in those five panellists at our leadership
there are many positive things that can         political arena, the best training ground is
                                                                                               symposium, I see it in the youths that are
be said about community. We’ve have             within this community for there you will
                                                                                               involved in the churches, I see it in the
successfully organized Folklorama               find your toughest challenge. Leadership
                                                                                               number of our young adults who are out
pavillions every year since olkloram            is not given it has to be earned. If our
                                                                                               there creating a life for themselves and taking
started, we have functioning community          heirs want to make a difference they will
                                                                                               care of their children and families. I see it in
centres for ourselves and to share with         have to show humility, patience and
                                                                                               the growing number of our people
people of other ethnic communities,             respect for what has been achieved and
                                                                                               graduating from institutions of higher
we’ve established several churches that         take the reins and make the changes they
                                                                                               learning and from the trades.
provide space and encouragement for youth       want to see. As Toni Morrison wrote, if
                                                                                               “All criticism is an autobiography” George
                                                you want to read a book you must write it.
                                                                                               Barnard Shaw

                                                    SHIFTING IDENTITIES
   While growing up in Kenya, I never              I hated that being African. It was a        and seek the aboriginal, the identity
thought of myself as African..                  burden to carry, a sticky label that           untainted by past and present colonizing
 I never thought of myself as Kenyan,           read: You were colonized. You are not          processes. And still, some ignore being
because I did notrecognize a tangible           good enough. Let me help you,                  African, and never discover that being so
Kenyan culture, and what I was later            sister.? I hated that other Africans           comes with a price. Yet for all of us, the
told to be Kenyan appeared to me as             expected me to revolutionize, to
the norm.                                                                                      burden of being African affects our
                                                liberate my mind and go back to the
   The Kenyan me became African in                                                             history, and will affect the future of those
                                                traditions of our ancestors, the way
America. I became African when my               things used to be?. I did not under-           who come after us.
hosts‘ cries about homesickness seemed          stand the fascination with dropping               But the tragedy isn‘t in the burdened
trivial for one who had travelled               all Western names. I like my name              identity that makes many think of us only
thousands of miles to get education. I          just as itis, because it reflects the          as African or Kenyan or Nigerian or
became African when I went for                  complexity of my world.                        (insert ethnic group). The real tragedy
conferences, when we were charged to            Some embrace being African, because            lies in failing to find a way to live
go back home, to stop being part of             reclaiming a burdened identity expels          with thelabel, in failing to reconcile
the brain drain, to be part of the new          its power over you, making you the             our passions and our anger
generation? that would make Africa the          agent ofyour own fate. Some reject
next stop for investors.                        being African,                                                            CONTINUED ON P21

                                                                                  Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013
                        7                                                                                                             7
The Popular King Jaja Brought to Life

      King Jaja is a household name not           children’s children an
                                                                                      memories of the past history of
      only in South-Eastern Nigeria but           appreciation of and a pride in the
                                                                                      Blacks! Such contradictory and
      also in the West Indies. “How are           great deeds of their ancestors.
                                                                                      divisive emotions are evident in Kevin
      your in-laws treating you?”, an                     From the point of view of
                                                                                      Gordon’s Not yet African (Passeggiata
      elderly Jamaican woman once                 the relevance of past history to
                                                                                      Press, Pueblo, Colorado, 1998). In this
      asked her newly married son,                the present, the history of King
                                                                                      play the spontaneous demonstration of
      “like King Jaja,” the young man             Jaja provides some insight into
                                                                                      solidarity between King Jaja and the
      replied. In that country, if you put        the socio-economic problems
                                                                                      Black population of Barbados and St.
      on airs, they would ask you:                plaguing the South-Eastern
                                                                                      Vincent, whom he saw as his “flesh
      “Who do you think you are: King             States of Nigeria by highlighting
                                                                                      and blood”2 and who saw him as
      Jaja?” King Jaja has become a               the role oil – be it palm oil or
                                                                                      abrother, parallels the pride with
      mythical figure in Barbadian1 and           crude oil — plays in the
                                                                                      which the present Jamaican Prime
      Saint-Vincentian folklore.                  economy and the psyche of
                                                                                      Minister, Hon. Portia Simpson Miller
              King Jaja of Opobo is a             people of the Delta region.
                                                                                      reminds her compatriots that:
      historical play, an epic. “History is              The play also dramatizes
                                                                                     The blood of African Kings runs
      nothing if we learn nothing from            the historical, cultural and
                                                                                     through our veins,
      it.” So, what can we, as Black              psychological bonds between
                                                                                     The thoughts of freedom fighters dwell
      Canadians, learn from the story of          Blacks on the African continent
                                                                                     in our brains.
      King Jaja? What are our                     and those in the Caribbean – a
                                                                                     Stolen from Africa, the mission
      objectives in dramatizing the life          social phenomenon sometimes
                                                                                     remains the same.3
      of Jubo Jubogha?                            hastily brushed aside today by
                                                                                              It takes a certain degree of
              First and foremost, telling         some. Paradoxically, many
                                                                                      honesty and maturity for a people to
      the story of King Jaja meets the            Blacks are still haunted by
                                                                                      focus on what unites them and to
      Canadian Government’s                       contradictory sentiments of
                                                                                      downplay what could divide. The
      objectives in creating a Black              attraction and repulsion, of
                                                                                      heroic solidarity displayed by King
      History Month, one dedicated to             superiority and inferiority vis-à-
                                                                                      Jaja and his Caribbean “brothers and
      celebrating the contributions               vis one another, as they struggle
      Blacks have made to History,                for survival in a Modern World
                                                                                             Dr. Joseph Nnadi
      instilling in our children and              that is only too anxious to erase
    Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013

Youths are ready to carry the Black History Torch
             ACAM Annual Job Fair Making a Difference

         PROJECTS OF
         WINNIPEG, (L)



                                                   off resumes with
                                                   agencies and
                                                   organizations they
                                                   would like to work
                                                   with. Hosting
                                                   ACAM’s annual job
                                                   fair is one of Mr. Jim
                                                   Ogunnoiki’s passion.
                                        Not only because this is his brain
                                        child but because he is
                                        passionate about helping people
                                        find jobs.                           greetings on behalf of their
                                           An immigrant from Nigeria,        respective governments
                                        Africa, Mr. Ogunnoiki knows
                                        instinctively that finding
                                        employment is one of the most
                                        important requirements to settle
                                        comfortably in a new country.
                                        “Without a job you have nothing.
                                        No one comes here to depend on
                                        government hand outs. We came
                                        here to work and if we do not
                                        have a job we cannot create the
                                        life we imagine,” he said.
                                           The Fair attracts more
                                        participants every year. and         .
 The Afro-Caribbean Association of      ACAM matches this with
Manitoba (ACAM) celebrated its 14th     increasing numbers of employers.
annual job fair in February that was       There were representatives        ACAM VOLUNTEERS BLUE HODGES
held at the Elmwood High School         from the various levels of             NORMA EDWARDS POSE WITH

where potential employees get to drop   government who brought               POLICE OFFICER

                                                               Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013
                  9                                                                                                9
Global Briefs
 GLOBAL EYES MAGAZINE                              ROSA PARKS
                                                    HONOURED                   “remind us no matter how humble or
  Honoured with Community                                                      lofty our positions, just what it is that
                                             President Barack Obama and
               AWARD                                                           leadership requires.”
                                          congressional leaders recently
The Global Eyes Magazine was                                                       “Rosa Parks is typically honoured as
                                          unveiled a full-length statue of
recopgnized at the Afro-Caribbean                                              a woman of courage, but that honor
                                          civil rights icon Rosa Parks in
Association of Manitoba’s 45th                                                 focuses on the one act she made on the
                                          the Capitol paying tribute to a
Harambee with a Community Award                                                bus on Dec. 5, 1955,” said Theoharis, a
                                          figure whose name became
for its contribution to the                                                    political science professor at Brooklyn
                                          synonymous with the. civil
communication stream of the                                                    College-City University of New York.
                                          rights movement.
Caribbean Community.                                                               “That courage, that night was the
                                              Parks becomes the first black
Beatrice Watson, Editor, received the                                          product of decades of political work
                                          woman to be honored with a
award on behalf of the Magazine.                                               before that and continued … decades
                                          full-length statue in the
Watson. Beatrice thanked ACAM for                                              after” in Detroit, she said.
                                          Capitol’s Statuary Hall. A bust
                            the                                                    Parks died Oct. 24, 2005, at age 92.
                                          of another black woman,
                            recognition                                        The U.S. Postal Service issued a stamp
                                          abolitionist Sojourner Truth, sits
                            and all those                                      in her honor on Feb. 4, which would
                                          in the Capitol Visitors Center.
                            who have                                           have been her 100th birthday.
                                             Obama said that with the
                            helped to
                                          installation of the statue, Parks,
                            develop the
                                          who died in 2005, has taken her
                            magazine to
                                          rightful place among those who
                            its current
                                          have shaped the course of U.S.
                                          history. He said her presence
                                          in Capitol would serve to

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                                                                               John Agard recently received the
                                                                               Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry at
                                                                               Buckingham Palace The Guyana-born
                                                                               poet said he was “touched” to have
                                                                               received an award from Queen
                                                                               Elizabeth II.
 Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013
My dear children,
                                            Letter to my children
 This black history I took the              intellect, all I can say is, if a      brother. And Jesus wept and Lazarus
opportunity to browse through the story     woman have a pint, and a man a         came forth. And how came Jesus into
of SoJourner Truth whose famous line        quart – why can’t she have her         the world? Through God who created
Ain’t I a woman gave me pause for           little pint full? You need not be      him and the woman who bore him.
thought . Sojourner Truth was born in       afraid to give us our rights for       Man, where was your part? But the
1797 and she became free in 1827. She       fear we will take too much, – for      women are coming up blessed be God
died in 1883. In 1851 there was a           we can’t take more than our            and a few of the men are coming up
Women’s Rights Convention in Akron,         pint’ll hold. The poor men seems       with them. But man is in a tight
Ohio and Sojourner decided she would        to be all in confusion, and don’t      place, the poor slave is on him,
attend. Of course some of the white         know what to do. Why children, if      woman is coming on him, he is surely
women at the conference could not see       you have woman’s rights, give it       between a hawk and a buzzard.
Women’s rights and Ex Slave Women           to her and you will feel better. You   (Wikipedia)
pairing together. Sojourner asked to        will have your own rights, and           Some reports claimed that
speak and there was cause for alarm         they won’t be so much trouble. I       Sojourner used the refrain “Ain’t I a
but she prevailed and here is what she      can’t read, but I can hear. I have     woman” four times iduring her
saidI: I want to say a few words about      heard the bible and have learned       speech
this matter. I am a woman’s rights. I       that Eve caused man to sin. Well,         Imagine if this woman was
have as much muscle as any man, and         if woman upset the world, do give      educated and had a better command of
can do as much work as any man. I           her a chance to set it right side up   language? This is the potential that
have plowed and reaped and husked           again. The Lady has spoken             slavery robbed from people, this is
and chopped and mowed, and can any          about Jesus, how he never              the injustice. It is why we have to
man do more than that? I have heard         spurned woman from him, and            stand up to injustice everywhere
much about the sexes being equal. I         she was right. When Lazarus            today and in the future as Martin
can carry as much as any man, and can       died, Mary and Martha came to          Luther King says Injustice anywhere
eat as much too, if I can get it. I am as   him with faith and love and            is injustice everywhere. Remember
strong as any man that is now. As for       besought him to raise their            that.
                                                                                    Love, mom

                                            Global Counsellor
Dear globalcounselor,                       African history then why the           Dear Confused,
I am 14 years old and am from Ghana         Africans do nothing about it. Is       Let’s put it this way Black History
and I am confused about Black               my teacher right or wrong. I           Month was started by an African
History Month. I am confused because        want to be part of Black history       American man to focus on blacks in
people from my community are not            because I am Black and I am            history and showcase their a to let
interested in black history month.          African and I am proud of my           me know the achievements. In the
Nobody talks about it and when I ask        heritage even though sometimes         past White folks used to say that
my parents about what is happening in       I feel a little ashamed when some      Black people are lazy, they are not
the community I hear it is a Caribbean      of my white friends think that         smart and cannot be educated. It
and American thing. In school my            everyone in Africa is poor and         turned out that many blacks invented
teacher talks to me like it is about me     they are starving or some kind of      a lot of stuff that we are using today
because I am Black and I tell her I am      a refugee. Most of the time I am       including the street lights.
from Africa, that my parents are from       proud.
Ghana and she says that Black history       Confused.
is really about African history. If it is                                                                continue on p16
                                                                      Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013
                   11                                                                                                    11
In Your Back Yard
              BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2013 ENTERTAINERS                                                   Faiza Hargaaya,

                                               TRUTH AND LIFE GOSPEL CHOIR

                                                                             Daniela Archer & Tina Sackey

                                                               YASMINE LEWIS

     KEISHA COOK                                                             Turner,
                                                                             word artist

                               THE WINNIPEG CHOIR                                          PERFORMERS
 Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013
                                                                                          HATE SPEECH
                  Manitoba, like the rest of               men - where it is the norm
                   Canada, is increasingly                 for there to be only one
                                                                                          IS HARMFUL
                                                                                          The Women’s Legal Education
                   becoming more racially                  female in an office full of
                                                                                          and Action Fund (LEAF)
                   and culturally diverse. The             men. The responses of
                                                                                          applauds the affirmation by the
                   diversity is reflecting                 such women would give          Supreme Court of Canada in its
                   more in today’s                         you great insight into what    recentjudgmentin
                    workplace. I recently read             I am getting at here.          Saskatchewan Human Rights
                    some material on tips for         3.     Learn to use your critical   Commission v. Whatcott, that
building new professional relationships with               thinking skills-which          hate speech causes deep harm
people of colour, and thought that this                    means listening with your      to vulnerable groups and to
would also apply to minorities. Before                     eyes, being responsible for    society at large, and that hate
delving into the topic, one question you                   your thoughts, keeping an      speech prohibitions in human
                                                                                          rights legislation are justified.
may be asking in your mind is “why is it                   open mind and, asking
                                                                                          “This is a major moment for the
important”. I could write a thousand pages –               questions in a curious, yet    Charter and for all Canadians.
including research findings – about the fact               compassionate manner and       LEAF welcomes the SCC’s
that Canada’s relevance as a developed                     thinking about their           recognition that hate speech is
country and its prosperity depends largely                 situation as you engage.       a form of discrimination that
on its continuous pool of newcomers and/or            4.     Do your Homework!            harms not only the targeted
immigrants. However, as this is not the                    That means if you are          group, but all of society,” says
topic for today, I will firmly resist the great            genuinely interested in        Jennifer Tomaszewski, Chair of
temptation to go off on that tangent!                      learning more about a          the LEAF Board. “Limits on
                                                                                          hate speech directed against
                                                           person, their culture or
                                                                                          vulnerable groups are critical to
Here are some of the tips (adapted from                    experiences, you must          ensuring an inclusive Canadian
Catrice Jackson’s Article titled “10 Tips for              come equipped with some        society that respects equality.”
Beginning a New Professional Relationship                  general knowledge about        LEAF’s arguments in this case
with Women of Colour”):                                    the race or ethnicity they     focused on hate speech as a
                                                           identify with or belong to.    form of discrimination and the
Before Pursuing the Work Relationship                      You ought to have read,        multiple ways that hate speech
   1.     Learn to use your social                         researched and engaged (at     harms women, especially
       intelligence, and if you have none –                least to some extent) with     amplified at the intersection of
       develop some! Look around the                       the culture. You are           race, sexual orientation, class,
                                                                                          ethnicity or other status. In its
       office to see how many minorities                   certainly not expected to      decision, the Supreme Court
       actually work there. Why is this                    be an expert in the field,     referenced       international
       important? Because if there is only                 but the point is – do NOT      incidents of genocidal acts to
       one or two minority/ (ies), I                       come empty handed! If          illustrate the ultimate risk
       guarantee you that they know it, feel               you do, it will be very        posed by hate speech.
       it, think about it, don’t like it and on            obvious and may create a          LEAF’s co-counsel on the
       some level it is creating some stress               roadblock to your chances      intervention were Jo-Ann
       and uneasiness. This will be made                   of ever building a work or     Kolmes of Edmonton,
       worse if the office environment is                  professional relationship      Alberta, and Prof. Kathleen
       packed full of bonies with little or                with a minority, based on      E. Mahoney of the Faculty of
       zero cross-cultural sensibilities.                  trust.                         Law of the University of
                                                  (This is the 1st of this 3 part         Calgary.
   2. Learn to use your emotional                 article. To be continued in the next      LEAF’s factum in Whatcott
                                                                                          v. Saskatchewan is available
      intelligence. Imagine what it must          editions.)                              at
      feel like to be the only one. Ask                               By: Lara Badmus
      women in professions dominated by
                                                                       Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013
                     13                                                                                                   13
Will Allen, city farmer extraordinaire - Steve Watson
                                                                               Foundation Security Benefit
                                           roots, so he up and moved to        Corporation Award for Outstanding
                                           grow food in his wife Cynthia’s     Service to Public Education (link
                                           hometown, Milwaukee.      
                                              He takes food science            foundation-awards-gala/)
                                           seriously and says we’ve got to        He holds workshops and 3-month
                                           grow the soil back first before     internships, and hosts school tours so
                                           we grow food. He thinks it          that the next generation can learn how
                                           necessary that city people          to grow good food at minimal cost and
                                           should produce much of the          in a green way. His daughter has
                                        b food they eat rather than relying
                                         y                                     opened up a duplicate GrowingPower
                                           on petrol-burning trucks or         growing and marketing center in
   One does not need to be an              trans-oceanic ship containers to    Chicago.
   economist to know that (1) all          haul produce from the other side       Together with co-author Charles
   people have to eat; (2) that the        of the continent or world. Roof-    Wilson, Mr Allen wrote a book The
   number of people growing food is        top farming, hoop (green-)          Good Food Revolution: Growing
   getting smaller; (3) that the soil and houses, water tank systems,          Healthy Food, People and
   water used for the growing of good space-saving vertical containers         Communities published in May 2012
   is becoming increasingly sterile,       are integrated ways in which        by Gotham Books. The paperback sells
   zapped of its vital, organic            city people can produce food in     for $16 while the ebook (from
   nutrients; and (4) that because of #2 small settings. Mr Allen is  via
   and #3, the price of food for the       experimenting with new and          GoodFoodRev) goes for $12.99. A
   everyday consumer is rising month innovative ways to create closed          podcast in which he talks about Urban
   on month.                               loops in which one step uses        Food Deserts and the book is at
      For the above reasons, our           what is made in the previous        XfLWBC.
   attention should be squarely fixed      step.                               To find out more:
   on the problems of producing and          In 2005, Allen was awarded a      Here’s more on what he thinks. http://
   distributing food for ever-             Ford Foundation leadership
   expanding city populations. It is       grant on behalf of his urban        Here’s an interview with him by Sean
   mentioned in the Baha’I Sacred          farming work. In 2008, he was       Croxton of Wellness Underground.
   Writings that “the economic             awarded the MacArthur     
   problem be solved for the farmer        Foundation “Genius Grant” for       is-a-genius-my-interview-with-will-allen/
   first, for the farmer is the first      his work on urban farming and       website
   active agent in the body politic.”      sustainable food production. In
      As the number of city-living         2009, the Kellogg Foundation
   people goes up, and the number of       gave Allen a grant to create jobs
   countryside-living people goes          in urban agriculture. Also, he
   down, the challenge handed (down, received the 2012 NEA
   since farmers are usually held in
   low regard) to a decreasing number
   of people who have to plan to
   provide for an increasing number of
   city-living people.

   Will Allen grew up on a farm,
   moved away from it to play
   professional basketball and later to
   hold executive positions at KFC
   and Proctor & Gamble. But the call
   of the land pulled him back to his          Will holding tilapia fish

 Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013
    Smithy spoke from his heart after his friend and     that the Black populations could work
lifelong customer, Cde. Wade Kojo Williams died                                                        Wade Blasted the Eritreans for trying to break
                                                         together i.e. The Continental Blacks,
suddenly in November 2012.                                                                             up Ethiopia.”
                                                         Black Nova Scotians and Black
   Smitty gave the perspective of a friend and tried                                                   “Wade took on these burdens regardless of how
                                                         Caribbean’s. Everybody was doing their
to shed light on the side that many may not                                                            people thought about it. We have to crown him
                                                         own thing. While there were many
have seen. He said Cde Williams had a penchant                                                         as our leader.”
                                                         individual efforts to alleviate the Black
for cleanliness and order. He often would “give me                                                     “Wade Williams stopped printing the Contrast
                                                         condition in Winnipeg none came close
constructive criticism. He criticized how dirty my                                                     because there were not enough Black businesses
                                                         to Cde. Wade Kojo Williams efforts.
desk was and he would straighten it out for me”                                                        to support the Newspaper, but he did not stop
                                                             “He carried the Black burden to the
“He criticized my marital status and had mercilessly                                                   speaking out for Black concerns. Remember
                                                         court of public opinion, “ he said and
condemned me as someone who is married to his job”.                                                    Blue Jeans night club that did not want to allow
                                                         added that “Cde. Williams started
“I brought these criticism up to say if Wade had                                                       blacks people into that club? Wade took to the
                                                         Contrast Newspaper to bring Black
criticized or offended any of you, please, let it go.                                                  air waves on CJOB with and Blue Jeans
                                                         people together. He directed us to the Soul
Don’t take it so hard. He only meant to correct things                                                 catapulted and changed its name to Palomino
                                                         Shack and helped us to find culturally
he saw as incorrect. Not to hurt anyone.”                                                              NightClublocated on Portage Avenue,
                                                         appropriate services and foods. He was
Smitty said Cde. Wade did what he did because he                                                       Wade Williams did a lot more and we as a
                                                         involved in the formation of Caripeg to
was concerned about what he would say to the                                                           community mourn because we have lost our
                                                         create fun for the community. But there
Almighty God when God asked him what he did                                                            leader.”
                                                         were also serious news e.g. News about
with his time on earth.                                                                                   He was not just a professional Journalist and
                                                         South Africa that was under Apartheid
Secondly Wade personified Booker T Washington’s                                                        songwriter, but he was a teacher,
                                                         law. Contrast supported Mandela’sANC.
quote which he frequently quoted “Cast down your                                                       police       officer      and
                                                         He blasted the Grenada Government who
bucket where you are.”                                                                                 parliamentarian. Wade Kojo
                                                         was trying to establish a socialist state,
    “In the 1990’s and the early 1980’s the Black                                                      Williams Sr has passed, but he
                                                         and then blasted President Reagan for
population here in Winnipeg was very small yet                                                         has left behind more than a
                                                         interfering in Grenada’s internal politics.
very diverse and divisive. There was no indication                                                     legacy.

                           LEGACY OF CDE WADE KOJO WILLIAMS
We have truly lost a stalwart, a proud and               Executive Member of the Afro-                 Co-Founder of the Winnipeg Calypso
committed Vincentian, who was never selfish to           Caribbean Association of Manitoba;            and Reggae Competitions;
share what he knew and to help others.                    Founder and Chairman of the                  Co-Founder of the annual Winnipeg
   During his two decades, of active community           Manitoba Coalition of Organizations           Soca-Reggae Festival and Member of the
work in Canada, He served as:-                           against Apartheid and Racism;                 Manitoba Senior Provincial Cricket
 President of the National Black Coalition of            Founder and Chairman of the Forum             Team.
Canada (Winnipeg Chapter);                               for the Awareness of the Minority             He was also a member of several
 President of the National Council of St. Vincent        Electorate;                                   Caribbean Folk Groups/Choirs in
and the Grenadines Associations in Canada;               Multiculturalism Director of the              Winnipeg.
President of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines          Liberal Party of Manitoba;                       His love for arts and culture was well
Association of Winnipeg;                                 President of the St. Norbert Liberal          known, he was a four-time winner of the
President of the Manitoba Intercultural Council          Association;                                  local Calypso Monarch Competition; a
(MIC);                                                    Executive Member of the                      three-time winner of the local Reggae
Representative on the Visible Minority National          Assiniboine-Fort Garry Residents              King Competition; and a winner of the
Council on Canadian Labour Force                         Advisory Group (City of Winnipeg);            Western Canada Calypso Monarch
Development;                                             Founder and Chairman of Students              Competition.
Chairman of the Black History Month                      against Apartheid (University of                We have truly lost a stalwart, a proud
Celebration Committee;                                   Winnipeg);                                    and committed Vincentian, who was
Member of the Committee for the Elimination of           President of Caribbean Students
                                                                                                       never selfish to share what he knew and
Racial Discrimination - Social Planning Council          Association (University of Winnipeg);
of Winnipeg;                                              Founding Executive Member of the             to help others. ( Reprinted from
                                                         Calypso Association of Winnipeg;              What’s Up Caribbean Publication)
 Chairman of the Martin Luther King Memorial

                                                                                         Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013
                          15                                                                                                                15

  Remember that the Africans that             to join solidarity with their long      Williams said he is prepared to lead.
  arrived in the West and were made           lost brothers and sisters and           Tito said “we are the legacy” and
                                                                                      urged community member not to over
  slaves. They were considered to be          celebrate their strength for having
                                                                                      self-identify with being black as
  inferior to the white population.           survived thrived so well.. They         opposed to being Canadians.
  When they became free they faced            have paved the way for the people         They called for better plans, goal
  discrimination. They were not able          from Africa to enjoy a life of          setting and better cooperation and
  to sit in a restaurant or at the front of   dignity. Bottom line is all             support of Black businesses in the
  the bus, could not go to school and         Africans and Blacks in the West         community.
  so on. This is not the experience of        are as Africans as can be. The          “We are told they do not come out to
  recent immigrants from Africa. They         larger community see them as one        events but young people need to know
  know their language, their culture,         people because of the colour of         specifically what they have to do, what
  their history their tribe and their         their skin. I believe that your folks   is expected of us when we are invited
  clan. However, because Blacks in            should make an effort to teach          to attend events.” Charise.
  the West have their roots in Africa, I      you about this history and get
  believe all people of African               involved with Black History
  ancestry should make special effort         Month celebrations.

 Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013
                                                               BY   NEIL PITAMBER
          When I take a look at the amount of
hair that gets swept up in the evening, around                                                      by introducing them to some idea or
                                                  friend of mine who is a first-generation
my armchair quarterback position, with the                                                          form of religion at the age of
                                                  Canadian, of Trinidadian parentage. We
broad shoulders and scarcely a serious enemy;                                                       consciousness. I wish my folks had
                                                  don’t talk anymore, but he was as good as it
I get to thinking of them as rocket ships that                                                      spent a little time discussing these things
                                                  is ever going get for me to having a big
have abandoned a crumbling planet. Well,                                                            with my sister and I; they let us choose
                                                  brother. There were times when we would
then; they hardly got very far, did they? If                                                        for ourselves, which I am also thankful
                                                  be speaking to each other in the evening that
every hair on my body was to do the same, I                                                         for. But what would a man know to
                                                  I would hear a soft mumbling in the
would appear, perhaps no more attractive than                                                       choose when he has never sampled any
                                                  background, and then he would let me go. I
a featherless fowl or a hairless guinea pig.                                                        of it as a child? One of the reasons I feel
                                                  got used to the routine, even appreciated it
Stress, indeed; it will kill you. I should                                                          uncomfortable in Church is when we are
                                                  at times - because he, his brother and parents
probably be straining salt water through my                                                         asked to make peace with our
                                                  were sitting down as a family to read the
saliva, getting drunk on saline in the conch                                                        neighbours; I do not like the physical
                                                  Good Book. It wasn’t a part of his life that
shell brewery known as the Caribbean Sea.                                                           contact with people outside of my
                                                  he shared with me in any great detail, and I
But we did something last night that was pretty                                                     dynamic. I guess I imprinted, imported
                                                  understand as I have grown to know prayer
close to relaxation, for me anyway and I hope                                                       a large portion of modesty from my
                                                  as an intensely personal ‘event.’ If he could
it is something we can continue for many years                                                      father; since he is very much the same.
                                                  get over the things that hurt our friendship, I
to follow. We prayed as a family, an idea                                                           I’m not expecting my kids to accept God
                                                  am sure he would be the first to tell you I
introduced by my four year old Annie and an                                                         but I remember a line from the film, ‘The
                                                  was quite sketchy; an in-betweener when
opportunity I took immediate advantage of                                                           Crow’ - ‘’Mother’ is the name for ‘God’
                                                  confronted with the subject of ‘God.’
expanding on.                                                                                       on the lips and hearts of all children’;
                                                              I sincerely believe, though, that
        Hand in hand in hand; you get the idea.                                                     Through her, they already do, and will
                                                  parents are doing their children a civic duty
I grew up in Brampton with a once very close                                                        always know His love.

                                CANARY IN A COAL MINE - Neil Pitamber
                                                                                                    from just above my ankles through my
                                                  intention or power. I often feel like             calves? Am I bored? Am I about to
        When I began working at the shop,         Superman removed from the sun, or                 ‘boogie out on life’? Why does the back
I used to go home in the evenings with a          Samson without his hair; not seeing the           of my hand itch and react so indecently,
tension strung tightly across my shoulders        kryptonite meant to finish me, but sensing        to      the      edginess       of     my
and upper back; cooling, retracting as I          it is here.                                       fingernails?Perhaps this is the feeling
drew closer to home. With a might in my                 Nothing in my Caribbean upbringing          one expects when walking through a
chest that makes a man feel that he has           can claim the credit, or my perpetual             railroad tunnel, as he picks up the
had a constructive day, I imagined myself         gratitude, for preparing me to combat these       chorus of trackling metals and an angry
as the miner archetype: muddy boots and           moments. When I wrestle with my young             engine.
a pick resting against my right shoulder,         son and wail, ‘Ohhhhh, you’ve broken my                     Does the fascination end with
black soot caked around the corners of my         shoulder!,’ or ‘burst my heart!,’ ‘fractured      the discovery of new white hairs, or
eyes where safety goggles do not defend           my skeleton!’ and even ‘ruptured my               scabs lifted from the scalp revealing
the flesh, cheeks stained with salty sweat,       bicep!’; I do feel, sometimes, that I am          tiny lacerations previously unknown,
and a stomach screaming to breach free of         closer to that truth that I am aware. Am I        presently unaccounted for? Do you ever
a belt, like those worn for lumber support.       struggling to establish a sense of purpose,       really see anything beyond the first ten
I cannot tell exactly when these once             or in rebound of abandoning one? Has my           feet of sight, ever really notice anything
statuesque shoulders (if I may be so bold)        mind released throughout my body a                tangible within the same distance?
reformed to a ductile, carefree slouch; the       plague of apathy? Is the right message            Were you always as aware of your
arrow remains pointed but in want of a            succumbing to a snowball effect of doubt,         muscles, your person, your need for
solid target. I have days now when I am           by the time it reaches my mouth? What is          presentation in the face of the opposite
sweeping in the middle aisle and feel an          this connection between the pit of my
                                                                                                    sex? Did you always visit the facilities
emptiness in the stomach that glows in my         belly, held in shape as if a pose in study,
                                                  and the valley of my throat? Why do three         with such frequency? How long
mind like some dying white star.
Surrounded, too, by clouds that seem              fingers on my right hand require solace in        have you been feeling suffocated by
created from dust, flashes of lightning here      the possessive grip of the left? Why do I         your own weight, unable to lay
and then there but never breaking through,        press my toes against the floor and lift my       down comfortably on a mattress
never really confirming its’ presence,            heels, to feel knife-sharp pain shooting up       without the need for a better pillow,
                                                                                                                                CONT’D P    21
                                                                                  Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013
                       17                                                                                                            17
  KENKEY CAKES/ KANKIE                        Red-Red is a popular dish from -
  3 Cups Grated green Bananas                 Ghana made from cowpeas               -Clean the black-eyed
  1 Cup grated coconut                        (black-eyed peas). It is thought to   peas in water in a large             pot.
                                              have been named for the               Soak them in water for at least an
  2.5 cups grated sweet potatoes
                                              combination of red pepper and         hour or overnight. After soaking
  1 cup flour                                                                       them, rub them together between your
  1 tsp. Baking powder                        red palm oil that is used in the
                                              cooking process. The Red-Red          hands to remove the skins. Rinse to
  1 tsp salt                                                                        wash away the skins and any other
                                              cowpeas stew is usually served
  1 tsp vanilla                                                                     debris. Drain them in a colander.
                                              with fried plantains, and is a          -
  1 tsp mixed spice                                                                 Place the black-eyed peas in a large
                                              lunch favorite in Ghana,
  2 cups coconut milk                                                               pot, fill the pot with enough water to
                                              particularly among office
  1 1/2 cups brown sugar                                                            just cover the peas. Bring to a slow
                                              workers. If you are “unbeanz,”        boil; reduce the heat, cover, and
  Mix all ingredients together. Place         (i.e. unemployed) you can survive
  one cup mixture into quailed banana                                               simmer until the peas are tender;
                                              on this meal easily because the       thirty minutes to an hour. -
  leaves (if you don’t have banana                                                  - While the peas are cooking: Heat the
  leaves, use foil paper). Wrap and tie                                             oil in a skillet. Fry the onions until
  with string or banana bark. Put the                                               slightly browned, then add the
  small parcels into enough boiling                                                 tomatoes, and fish and dried shrimp
  water to cover, and cook for one                                                  (if desired). Mash and stir the mixture
  hour.                                                                             to form a sauce.
                                                                                    - Stir the onion-tomato mixture into
  SAME IDEA       USING CORNMEAL                                                    the black-eyed peas. Add bouillon
                                                                                    cubes (if you are not using fish or
  1 pound cornmeal                            ingredients are inexpensive This      shrimp). Simmer for ten minutes. Add
  2 ounces white flour                        is most commonly served with          salt, black pepper, and cayenne or red
  1/2 pound sugar shopping list               fried ripe plantain (popularly        pepper to taste.
  1/2 cup grated coconut                      known as “koko”). It is an ideal      While peas and sauce is simmering:
  1 teasp. cinnamon powder                    choice for vegetarians and            Prepare fried plantains.
                                              vegans.                                How to Prepare Fried Plantains:
  1 hand full of raisins
                                              INGREDIENTS:                          Peel and thinly slice the plantains
  1 teasp. salt
                                              ·       2-3 cups dried cowpeas        lengthwise.
  1 Tablesp. molasses                                                               Fill a skillet with 1 inch of Canola or
                                              (black eyed peas) or similar
  2 teasps. vanilla                           ·       1 cup red palm oil (or        vegetable oil. Preheat the skillet until
  2 and 1/2 cups coconut milk                 vegetable oil)                        hot, but not smoking.
  How to do it:                               ·       1-2 onions, thinly sliced     Fry the plantains until they a nice
  Blend all dry ingredients & the             ·       2-3 ripe tomatoes,            golden brown color, and then flip to
  grated coconut thoroughly. Mix              quartered                             the other side. This should take about
  together the coconut milk, vanilla &        ·       Cayenne pepper or red         2 or 3 minutes in total, but let your
  molasses; then add to dry                   pepper                                eyes be the judge.
  ingredients, stirring briskly.              ·       Salt and black pepper to      How to Prepare Boiled Plantains:
  Place 1/2 cup of this mixture in            taste                                 Drop unpeeled plantains in boiling
  center of banana leaf ( whatever            ·       Several ripe or near-ripe     water. Cook for 15-20 minutes until a
  wrapper you’re using) & fold each           plantains                             test plantain is when pierced with a
  side of wrapper to the center;              ·       1-2 bouillon cubes            fork. Peel before serving
  overlapping so package will be              ·       4 Cups Chopped Eggplant
  waterproof; package should be a 6-          ·       (Optional) Small piece of
  inch square when wrapped. Tie               smoked or dried fish               Let your food be medicine
  twine around bundle in one direction        ·       (Optional) One spoonful    and your medicine be food.
  & then tie another piece around in          of shrimp powder                  Hippocrates
  other direction (like a gift box).
 Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013
Leg Up
                                                                                             Laurel Wright, Monica
                                              her to become the woman she                    Rhiney and Violet Clacken
                                              is. She congratulated the
                                              organization for the 200 plus
                                              scholarships it has given out to
                                              African Canadian students over
                                                                                  ACAM DANCERS
                                              the years. “We have created a
                                              solid foundation in which to        are underprivileged and may need
                                              thrive in Canada.”                  some special help. “ACAM is well
                                                 However, she said, the           positioned to do this.”
                                              community needs to refresh          Adaoma received a standing
                                              itself by including the ideas and   ovation.
                                              issues to meet the needs of this
                                              and future generations. She
                                              noted that there has not been
    More than 200 people from all             much change in the people who
corners of the community participated in      do most of the work and it is
ACAM’s 45th Harambee Awards banquet           time to do so serious reflection.
on March 9th at the South Winnipeg              She cautioned that the
Holiday Inn. It was a delightful evening      organization has to be concerned
of speeches, Awards, entertainment,           with its ability to move forward
dancing and food.                             failing which can risk eroding
   Several community leaders brought          the gains achieved. She said the    PARTICIPANTS
greetings and wished the organizations        world has changed since ACAM
                                                                                       MLA MR.J. BIDHU BRINGING GREETING
continued success.                            was created 45 years ago.
  Ajoke Olarundare and Daniel Hildago-          Adaoma provided some
Blair received scholarships to assist with    concrete solutions for the
university costs. Ajoke Olarundare read a     organization to consider:
poem I will not fail written by Nashon Rae.   Firstly, to conduct a needs
  The ACAM dancers performed a medley         assessment to find out what are
of fast paced dances from dancehall to        the needs of the community;
reggae styles. It was astonishing how         Secondly it needs to bring the
                                                                                  EMALINE JACKSON, PRESIDENT AND
quickly the group changed costumes after      elders and youths together to       SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT MS OLARUNDARE
each dance of about 5 minutes duration. The   work and mentor each other.
performance hiked the evening’s enjoyment     Thirdly to be open to change;
a notch higher.                               Fourthly to bridge the gap
  Adaoma Patterson, the featured guest        between newcomers and those
speaker was introduced by her godfather       who have lived in Canada for a
Tom Millington.                               long time;
 Daughter of Lois and the late Horace         Fifthly to expand our
Patterson, Adaoma thanked the community       communities to include those not
she called a village for helping to raise     previously included, those who

                                                                       Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013
                     19                                                                                                   19
Global eyes magazine   bhm 2013
Global eyes magazine   bhm 2013
Global eyes magazine   bhm 2013
Global eyes magazine   bhm 2013
Global eyes magazine   bhm 2013
Global eyes magazine   bhm 2013
Global eyes magazine   bhm 2013
Global eyes magazine   bhm 2013
Global eyes magazine   bhm 2013
Global eyes magazine   bhm 2013
Global eyes magazine   bhm 2013
Global eyes magazine   bhm 2013
Global eyes magazine   bhm 2013

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Global eyes magazine bhm 2013

  • 1. global eyes 1st QUARTER February 2013 Manitoba African and Caribbean Quarterly Magazine STAMPS PRESIDENT BARACH OBAMA AND FAMILY COMMEMORATING BLACK HISTORY KING JAJA OF OPOPO
  • 2. BLACK HISTORY MONTH CULTURAL CONNECTIONS Black History Month intergenerational mixed basketball game was exciting to watch. Men and boys and girls showed their competitive edge and made it fun for spectators. ABOVE BANNOCK DEMONSTRATION AND (L) FRIED BEAN CAKES BELOW - STEEL PAN HISTORY LESSON AND AFRICAN DRUMMING BLACK HISTORY MONTH SCHOLARSHIP WINNER The young and the not so young delighted in the Black History lesson sponsored by the Jamaican Association of Manitoba in February EVA AND with hands on cooking lessons by LOLA Christine Nnadi, and a First Nations Audrey Gordon preented Omari Henry with the Leonard Simms Health and Recreation Volunteer as well as lessons in steel Scholarship. Audrey founderd this scholarship pan music and African drumming by in recognition of her father, who currently lives Clyde Heera and Nigerian Drummer. in Ontario. Omari is a university student on his way to It was a day of learning, fun, eating becoming a microbiologist is rewardedfor his and dancing. excellent academic achievement. Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 2
  • 3. Reflection Beatrice Watson Black history month flew by quickly cause we might been still Malcolm X (which I believe because of the number of activities to enslaved.. We have to pay it should be a must read for every choose from and all were interesting. forward and speak out against black child). Malcom X taught us However, I believe if we are celebrating injustice in the world. In Canada Black is Beautiful about the history, there needs to be some and the USA there are members of economics of blackness what semblance of the history of our people the Nationalist Party and the KKK blackness represents and included in the program in addition to recruiting young disenfranchised continues to represent in western the Children’s History Lesson. The White youths to teach them to worldview. When there is an story of our journey to this land needs hate Blacks and other minorities. understanding beyond the popular to be told every year like the epic story We are not completely out of the inventions by Blacks and a of the Ten Commandments. The extent woods. To remain safe is to be delving into the big picture stuff of Black history for many of us stops vigilant. There are KKK cells in blacks in history we will have a with the Martin Luther King, the Alberta and even here in better appreciation of our past. Harriet Tubman, the Rosa Parks and the Winnipeg. We cannot be lulled Our history has chosen us to be Viola Desmond narratives. While these into complacency because we vigilant social activists and to be are important stories there are so much have white friends who accept us the voice of the voiceless. Many more to tell and to learn e.g. about as equals. Complacency is a fools of us behave as if our colour or Ghana where the Door of no Return paradise. There is still work to be our history is no longer a factor in still stands facing the cold, lonely done. There are books to be read our lives and I wish it were so. Atlantic Ocean where men and women, to understand – Malcolm X, Slavery is happening right now in our ancestors saw their homeland for Fanon, Angela Davis, Marcus Africa and other parts of the the last time; there are stories to be told Garvey, Dionne Brand, Austin world. That is our battle. If we about communities in Brazil where the Clarke and many others. If you did not have the support of some largest population of Africans outside don’t know history, then you good people during the days of of Africa live mostly in squalor don’t know anything. You are a slavery and the civil rights conditions, stories about the freedom leaf that doesn’t know it is part of movement who championed our Bus tour, of Stokley Carmichael, a tree. “ Michael Crichton YOUTH LEADERSHIP SYMPOSIUM The Youth Leadership Symposium sponsored by the Council of Caribbean Maurice Organizations of Maurice Alexander, Chlarise, Manitoba, Inc. Tito Daodu, Williams Business Owner Policy Troy Osiname, M.D. 4th year Counsellor Analyst during Black History Month Prov. Lib. Cand. Osiname, Tito Daodu, Maurice prevent the involvement of the attracted a younger generation. He also noted larger than usual crowd, including many Williams, Charise A Wright and Maurice Alexander. Some of the there is a lack of trust in the of the present leaders. The message community. was clear that change is needed and the presentations were more an evaluation of past leadership than Charise called for more respect old way of doing business is not conrete plans for the future. towards younger people and the sustainable. The five panellists were Alexander noted that the older often reference of “you young articulate and impressive - Troy generation put up barriers that people” ishe sas as appropriate. CONTINUED ON P16 Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 3 3
  • 4. Subscribe Today Name:_________________________________________________________ Story of King Jaja p8 Address:________________________________________________ Tips for working with Minorities p13 Postal Code_______________ Phone:_______________________ Gospel Concert pictorial - p15 Email address:_______________________ ACAM 45th Harambe p19 Support Global Eyes Magazine if you think we’re doing a good job. Congress of Black Women Subscription: $15.00 per year for 4 issues. p20 I Would like to receive upcoming event notices from the Caribbean/Black/larger community - by email or by Editorial By Neil p21 phone (YES/NO) Poem - Mimi Brown Mail cheque/Money Order to: Global Eyes Magazine (GEM) 671 Rathgar Avenue, Piecing together Memories 30 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1G6 LEADERHSIP VACCUUM - A MYTH Global Eyes is an independent magazine quarterly publication The Caribbean or the Black community have no devoted to promoting cultural awareness of the African and Caribbean communities of Manitoba and highlighting the need to worry about future leaders. Let me tell you issues and concerns of these communities. It also aims the leaders will emerge when the time comes. We at promoting cultural diversity and appreciation. Its It features articles ranging from the achievements of local, have the harvest of many capable, bright younger national and international personalities and general information adults in our midst sitting in the dimlight and show that are of interest to the African/Caribbean themselves only when asked to be in the limelight community. It offers editorials with African/ Caribbean sensibilities and letters to the editor. The and that’s okay. We need to give opportunities to Magazine is produced under a volunteer editorial our youths to shine and build their confidence. committee that assists with proof-reading, publicity and distribution. Quotable Quote IN THIS ISSUE “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their Regulars: history.” ¯ George Orwell Briefs p6 Letter to my children p11 Global Counselor p11 Gaffin wid Buddy p26 Healthwise 18 Zizi the continuing story will be back in the next issue. Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 4
  • 5. GLOBAL EYES MAGAZINE Editor: Beatrice Watson Out and About Shulamith Koenig, the 2003 UN GEM’s Regular Contributors Distributed to local businesses, and in Prize winner in the field of Human Winnipeg and via email to individuals Rights came to Winnipeg recently to speak at the Thinker’s conference held in Manitoba and former Manitobans in from February 21-23, 2013 and the various parts of the world. University of Winnpeg. She said herr mission is make Winnipeg a human To receive Global Eyes by mail please rights city. send a cheque for $15.00 to: Val Thompson, Liberal party member held a reception for Shulamith Global Eyes Magazine at her home where a select group of Neil Pitamber, 671 Rathgar Avenue people were invited to meet Shulamith A prolific writer, poet Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1G6 informally. Shulamith gave an and owner, Caribbean Phone: 204-477-1588 informal address that was peppered with Shield humour and serious talk. sactivist met with women at the home She began by explaining her name which means that All contents are (c) 2011 and may not she is a woman from Jerusalem be reprinted without the express or Shulamith then became a symbol for written consent of the author or Editor. the land of Israel. Shulamith said she was told at school that Jews are the chosen people but her father said “I am chosen for social responsibility.” Mother of three sons, the 82 plus year Lara Badmus, LLB old who claimed to be non religious Discipline Counsel said that Moses was a man who knew The Law Society of how to move from slavery to freedom. Manitoba “We need to give people a value system like Moses did in the 10 commandments SHULAMITH (L) IN THE COMPANY OF FRIENDS which was the framework for freedom.” Shulamith said that human rights education is the preventive medicine. It introduces a dialogue about what does human rights mean in your community. She urged women never to give up their Rhonda T. right to be full human beings. Wilson “Human Rights is like the banks of a gave he river where water flows freely” she said vote of adding and it starts with the dignity of a thanks at human being and the right to belong. BHM Shumalith told the audience she had Awards just received a gold medal from Dinner Gorbachev for being the woman of the century. Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 5 5
  • 6. Briefs Local Lucknow, India, where a British garrison was besieged. The premier noted that Manitoba is the only province where the wall will be on display during Black History Month this year. “Many people are not aware of the strong tradition of military service and the key role black Manitobans and Canadians have played in the development of our country,” said Selinger. “I encourage all Manitobans to visit the Legislative Building to learn more about the contributions of the black community in Canada’s military.” Canada began officially observing Black History Month in 1995 to celebrate the contributions of black Canadians to the development of the country. A display recognizing and across Canada in recent years. It will celebrating the history of black be located on the main floor of the QE II DIAMOND Canadians in the military has been officially opened at the Legislative Building until Monday, JUBILEE AWARD WINNER Feb. 18. Legislative Building to mark Congratulations to Godwin Smith “The Canadian Forces is a longtime Black History Month in popularly known as Smitty who supporter of diversity and strives for a Manitoba, Premier Greg Selinger received the Queen Elizabeth II membership that is a reflection of the announced today. Diamond Jubilee Medal in recognition makeup of Canadian society,” said “Black Canadians have served in of his service to the community. Col. Blaise Frawley, commander, 17 all parts of the military, including Wing Winnipeg. “We are pleased that Smitty, owner of Les Touch Salon, on the front lines, in home the Province of Manitoba has chosen, one of 30 awardees, accepted the defence units and on international during Black History Month, to profile medal from Honourable Pat Martin, peacekeeping missions for more this display that covers 300 years of NDP MP for Winnipeg Centre, at a than 300 years,” said Selinger. dedication by black Canadians to serve reception held at Fort Garry Hotel, in “I’m proud the Manitoba their country through military February 2013. Legislative Building is hosting service.” this exhibit showing how black The exhibit highlights the stories of Canadians have contributed to many blacks who have served in the and shaped this country by their Canadian military including William service.” Hall, who was the first Canadian sailor The display, owned by the to receive the Victoria Cross. Hall, Canadian Armed Forces, tracks who grew up on a farm in Nova 300 years of black Canadian’s Scotia’s Annapolis Valley, received the dedication to serve with military medal on Oct. 28, 1859, for his actions service. The display wall is 16 as part of a relief force sent to feet in length and has travelled Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 6
  • 7. Editorial - Take One This idea that the activities, we’ve established and award Its time for more action and less rhetoric. Caribbean thousands of dollars in scholarships It is easy to be a critic but difficult to sit community is countless youths, we have organized in the driver’s seat. We all are set in our fractured, Black History Month celebrations for ways, old and young alike but that should disconnected and more than 25 years and we have a cadre of not be a barrier but an challenge to break experiencing a powerful leaders in waiting; we have the mould. To create change we need a deficit of trust can be said about most arisen to the call for help when sister leader who is not afraid of criticism and communities including governments at all nations are beaten by hurricane or stand up for what is right. levels. These ingredients are not in the other natural disasters. These activities If you are not prepared to roll up your sleeves, community but in individuals. require unity and trust to be participate fully in the leadership of the It was interesting to hear words coming successful. If you look for rain you will community, get involved and vote for people out from our youths that have been begin to notice all the dark clouds, if you you respect for leadership positions, or let repeated often by adults. Disunity within look for sun you will begin the see the your name stand for leadership, then you the Caribbean community has been the clearings. have no right to speak. Everyone who sit mantra for more than 25 years. It is a Those who wish to lead, and to around the table as Board members have virus and that virus of the mind and that contribute to the community should get off equal voice and a right to their opinion. virus has not been passed down to the the fence and get involved. Leadership is There are no boys and girls in the Board next generation. not for the faint hearted, nor for people room. There are board members. Yes, our community is not perfect just with fragile egos, it is for robust men and I see a bright future for this community. I as we are not perfect as individuals but women. If you want to get into the see it in those five panellists at our leadership there are many positive things that can political arena, the best training ground is symposium, I see it in the youths that are be said about community. We’ve have within this community for there you will involved in the churches, I see it in the successfully organized Folklorama find your toughest challenge. Leadership number of our young adults who are out pavillions every year since olkloram is not given it has to be earned. If our there creating a life for themselves and taking started, we have functioning community heirs want to make a difference they will care of their children and families. I see it in centres for ourselves and to share with have to show humility, patience and the growing number of our people people of other ethnic communities, respect for what has been achieved and graduating from institutions of higher we’ve established several churches that take the reins and make the changes they learning and from the trades. provide space and encouragement for youth want to see. As Toni Morrison wrote, if “All criticism is an autobiography” George you want to read a book you must write it. Barnard Shaw SHIFTING IDENTITIES While growing up in Kenya, I never I hated that being African. It was a and seek the aboriginal, the identity thought of myself as African.. burden to carry, a sticky label that untainted by past and present colonizing I never thought of myself as Kenyan, read: You were colonized. You are not processes. And still, some ignore being because I did notrecognize a tangible good enough. Let me help you, African, and never discover that being so Kenyan culture, and what I was later sister.? I hated that other Africans comes with a price. Yet for all of us, the told to be Kenyan appeared to me as expected me to revolutionize, to the norm. burden of being African affects our liberate my mind and go back to the The Kenyan me became African in history, and will affect the future of those traditions of our ancestors, the way America. I became African when my things used to be?. I did not under- who come after us. hosts‘ cries about homesickness seemed stand the fascination with dropping But the tragedy isn‘t in the burdened trivial for one who had travelled all Western names. I like my name identity that makes many think of us only thousands of miles to get education. I just as itis, because it reflects the as African or Kenyan or Nigerian or became African when I went for complexity of my world. (insert ethnic group). The real tragedy conferences, when we were charged to Some embrace being African, because lies in failing to find a way to live go back home, to stop being part of reclaiming a burdened identity expels with thelabel, in failing to reconcile the brain drain, to be part of the new its power over you, making you the our passions and our anger generation? that would make Africa the agent ofyour own fate. Some reject next stop for investors. being African, CONTINUED ON P21 Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 7 7
  • 8. The Popular King Jaja Brought to Life King Jaja is a household name not children’s children an memories of the past history of only in South-Eastern Nigeria but appreciation of and a pride in the Blacks! Such contradictory and also in the West Indies. “How are great deeds of their ancestors. divisive emotions are evident in Kevin your in-laws treating you?”, an From the point of view of Gordon’s Not yet African (Passeggiata elderly Jamaican woman once the relevance of past history to Press, Pueblo, Colorado, 1998). In this asked her newly married son, the present, the history of King play the spontaneous demonstration of “like King Jaja,” the young man Jaja provides some insight into solidarity between King Jaja and the replied. In that country, if you put the socio-economic problems Black population of Barbados and St. on airs, they would ask you: plaguing the South-Eastern Vincent, whom he saw as his “flesh “Who do you think you are: King States of Nigeria by highlighting and blood”2 and who saw him as Jaja?” King Jaja has become a the role oil – be it palm oil or abrother, parallels the pride with mythical figure in Barbadian1 and crude oil — plays in the which the present Jamaican Prime Saint-Vincentian folklore. economy and the psyche of Minister, Hon. Portia Simpson Miller King Jaja of Opobo is a people of the Delta region. reminds her compatriots that: historical play, an epic. “History is The play also dramatizes The blood of African Kings runs nothing if we learn nothing from the historical, cultural and through our veins, it.” So, what can we, as Black psychological bonds between The thoughts of freedom fighters dwell Canadians, learn from the story of Blacks on the African continent in our brains. King Jaja? What are our and those in the Caribbean – a Stolen from Africa, the mission objectives in dramatizing the life social phenomenon sometimes remains the same.3 of Jubo Jubogha? hastily brushed aside today by It takes a certain degree of First and foremost, telling some. Paradoxically, many honesty and maturity for a people to the story of King Jaja meets the Blacks are still haunted by focus on what unites them and to Canadian Government’s contradictory sentiments of downplay what could divide. The objectives in creating a Black attraction and repulsion, of heroic solidarity displayed by King History Month, one dedicated to superiority and inferiority vis-à- Jaja and his Caribbean “brothers and celebrating the contributions vis one another, as they struggle sisters.” Blacks have made to History, for survival in a Modern World Dr. Joseph Nnadi instilling in our children and that is only too anxious to erase Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 8 DED
  • 9. Youths are ready to carry the Black History Torch ACAM Annual Job Fair Making a Difference MR. JIM OGUNNOIKI, JOB FAIR OORDINATOR OORDINA EMPLOYMENT MPLO PROJECTS OF WINNIPEG, (L) PLUERRILLE WINNIPEG POLICE SERVICES ERVICES off resumes with agencies and organizations they would like to work with. Hosting ACAM’s annual job fair is one of Mr. Jim Ogunnoiki’s passion. Not only because this is his brain child but because he is passionate about helping people find jobs. greetings on behalf of their An immigrant from Nigeria, respective governments Africa, Mr. Ogunnoiki knows instinctively that finding employment is one of the most important requirements to settle comfortably in a new country. “Without a job you have nothing. No one comes here to depend on government hand outs. We came here to work and if we do not have a job we cannot create the life we imagine,” he said. The Fair attracts more participants every year. and . The Afro-Caribbean Association of ACAM matches this with Manitoba (ACAM) celebrated its 14th increasing numbers of employers. annual job fair in February that was There were representatives ACAM VOLUNTEERS BLUE HODGES held at the Elmwood High School from the various levels of NORMA EDWARDS POSE WITH AND where potential employees get to drop government who brought POLICE OFFICER Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 9 9
  • 10. Global Briefs GLOBAL EYES MAGAZINE ROSA PARKS HONOURED “remind us no matter how humble or Honoured with Community lofty our positions, just what it is that President Barack Obama and AWARD leadership requires.” congressional leaders recently The Global Eyes Magazine was “Rosa Parks is typically honoured as unveiled a full-length statue of recopgnized at the Afro-Caribbean a woman of courage, but that honor civil rights icon Rosa Parks in Association of Manitoba’s 45th focuses on the one act she made on the the Capitol paying tribute to a Harambee with a Community Award bus on Dec. 5, 1955,” said Theoharis, a figure whose name became for its contribution to the political science professor at Brooklyn synonymous with the. civil communication stream of the College-City University of New York. rights movement. Caribbean Community. “That courage, that night was the Parks becomes the first black Beatrice Watson, Editor, received the product of decades of political work woman to be honored with a award on behalf of the Magazine. before that and continued … decades full-length statue in the Watson. Beatrice thanked ACAM for after” in Detroit, she said. Capitol’s Statuary Hall. A bust the Parks died Oct. 24, 2005, at age 92. of another black woman, recognition The U.S. Postal Service issued a stamp abolitionist Sojourner Truth, sits and all those in her honor on Feb. 4, which would in the Capitol Visitors Center. who have have been her 100th birthday. Obama said that with the helped to installation of the statue, Parks, develop the who died in 2005, has taken her magazine to rightful place among those who its current have shaped the course of U.S. level. history. He said her presence in Capitol would serve to Can’t find a salon to do justice to your hair? Look no more! GUYANESE BORN POET RECEIVES MEDAL Les Touche Salon will send you satisfied everytime 4-555 Balmoral Ave Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m - 7:00 p.m. Phone: 947-5830 John Agard recently received the Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry at Buckingham Palace The Guyana-born poet said he was “touched” to have received an award from Queen Elizabeth II. Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 10
  • 11. Regulars My dear children, Letter to my children This black history I took the intellect, all I can say is, if a brother. And Jesus wept and Lazarus opportunity to browse through the story woman have a pint, and a man a came forth. And how came Jesus into of SoJourner Truth whose famous line quart – why can’t she have her the world? Through God who created Ain’t I a woman gave me pause for little pint full? You need not be him and the woman who bore him. thought . Sojourner Truth was born in afraid to give us our rights for Man, where was your part? But the 1797 and she became free in 1827. She fear we will take too much, – for women are coming up blessed be God died in 1883. In 1851 there was a we can’t take more than our and a few of the men are coming up Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, pint’ll hold. The poor men seems with them. But man is in a tight Ohio and Sojourner decided she would to be all in confusion, and don’t place, the poor slave is on him, attend. Of course some of the white know what to do. Why children, if woman is coming on him, he is surely women at the conference could not see you have woman’s rights, give it between a hawk and a buzzard. Women’s rights and Ex Slave Women to her and you will feel better. You (Wikipedia) pairing together. Sojourner asked to will have your own rights, and Some reports claimed that speak and there was cause for alarm they won’t be so much trouble. I Sojourner used the refrain “Ain’t I a but she prevailed and here is what she can’t read, but I can hear. I have woman” four times iduring her saidI: I want to say a few words about heard the bible and have learned speech this matter. I am a woman’s rights. I that Eve caused man to sin. Well, Imagine if this woman was have as much muscle as any man, and if woman upset the world, do give educated and had a better command of can do as much work as any man. I her a chance to set it right side up language? This is the potential that have plowed and reaped and husked again. The Lady has spoken slavery robbed from people, this is and chopped and mowed, and can any about Jesus, how he never the injustice. It is why we have to man do more than that? I have heard spurned woman from him, and stand up to injustice everywhere much about the sexes being equal. I she was right. When Lazarus today and in the future as Martin can carry as much as any man, and can died, Mary and Martha came to Luther King says Injustice anywhere eat as much too, if I can get it. I am as him with faith and love and is injustice everywhere. Remember strong as any man that is now. As for besought him to raise their that. Love, mom Global Counsellor Dear globalcounselor, African history then why the Dear Confused, I am 14 years old and am from Ghana Africans do nothing about it. Is Let’s put it this way Black History and I am confused about Black my teacher right or wrong. I Month was started by an African History Month. I am confused because want to be part of Black history American man to focus on blacks in people from my community are not because I am Black and I am history and showcase their a to let interested in black history month. African and I am proud of my me know the achievements. In the Nobody talks about it and when I ask heritage even though sometimes past White folks used to say that my parents about what is happening in I feel a little ashamed when some Black people are lazy, they are not the community I hear it is a Caribbean of my white friends think that smart and cannot be educated. It and American thing. In school my everyone in Africa is poor and turned out that many blacks invented teacher talks to me like it is about me they are starving or some kind of a lot of stuff that we are using today because I am Black and I tell her I am a refugee. Most of the time I am including the street lights. from Africa, that my parents are from proud. Ghana and she says that Black history Confused. is really about African history. If it is continue on p16 Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 11 11
  • 12. In Your Back Yard BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2013 ENTERTAINERS Faiza Hargaaya, TRUTH AND LIFE GOSPEL CHOIR Daniela Archer & Tina Sackey YASMINE LEWIS Anthony KEISHA COOK Turner, spoken word artist GOSPEL CONCERT THE WINNIPEG CHOIR PERFORMERS Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 12
  • 13. TIPS FOR WORKING WITH MINORITIES HATE SPEECH Manitoba, like the rest of men - where it is the norm Canada, is increasingly for there to be only one IS HARMFUL The Women’s Legal Education becoming more racially female in an office full of and Action Fund (LEAF) and culturally diverse. The men. The responses of applauds the affirmation by the diversity is reflecting such women would give Supreme Court of Canada in its more in today’s you great insight into what recentjudgmentin workplace. I recently read I am getting at here. Saskatchewan Human Rights some material on tips for 3. Learn to use your critical Commission v. Whatcott, that building new professional relationships with thinking skills-which hate speech causes deep harm people of colour, and thought that this means listening with your to vulnerable groups and to would also apply to minorities. Before eyes, being responsible for society at large, and that hate delving into the topic, one question you your thoughts, keeping an speech prohibitions in human rights legislation are justified. may be asking in your mind is “why is it open mind and, asking “This is a major moment for the important”. I could write a thousand pages – questions in a curious, yet Charter and for all Canadians. including research findings – about the fact compassionate manner and LEAF welcomes the SCC’s that Canada’s relevance as a developed thinking about their recognition that hate speech is country and its prosperity depends largely situation as you engage. a form of discrimination that on its continuous pool of newcomers and/or 4. Do your Homework! harms not only the targeted immigrants. However, as this is not the That means if you are group, but all of society,” says topic for today, I will firmly resist the great genuinely interested in Jennifer Tomaszewski, Chair of temptation to go off on that tangent! learning more about a the LEAF Board. “Limits on hate speech directed against person, their culture or vulnerable groups are critical to Here are some of the tips (adapted from experiences, you must ensuring an inclusive Canadian Catrice Jackson’s Article titled “10 Tips for come equipped with some society that respects equality.” Beginning a New Professional Relationship general knowledge about LEAF’s arguments in this case with Women of Colour”): the race or ethnicity they focused on hate speech as a identify with or belong to. form of discrimination and the Before Pursuing the Work Relationship You ought to have read, multiple ways that hate speech 1. Learn to use your social researched and engaged (at harms women, especially intelligence, and if you have none – least to some extent) with amplified at the intersection of develop some! Look around the the culture. You are race, sexual orientation, class, ethnicity or other status. In its office to see how many minorities certainly not expected to decision, the Supreme Court actually work there. Why is this be an expert in the field, referenced international important? Because if there is only but the point is – do NOT incidents of genocidal acts to one or two minority/ (ies), I come empty handed! If illustrate the ultimate risk guarantee you that they know it, feel you do, it will be very posed by hate speech. it, think about it, don’t like it and on obvious and may create a LEAF’s co-counsel on the some level it is creating some stress roadblock to your chances intervention were Jo-Ann and uneasiness. This will be made of ever building a work or Kolmes of Edmonton, worse if the office environment is professional relationship Alberta, and Prof. Kathleen packed full of bonies with little or with a minority, based on E. Mahoney of the Faculty of zero cross-cultural sensibilities. trust. Law of the University of (This is the 1st of this 3 part Calgary. 2. Learn to use your emotional article. To be continued in the next LEAF’s factum in Whatcott v. Saskatchewan is available intelligence. Imagine what it must editions.) at feel like to be the only one. Ask By: Lara Badmus women in professions dominated by Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 13 13
  • 14. Will Allen, city farmer extraordinaire - Steve Watson Foundation Security Benefit roots, so he up and moved to Corporation Award for Outstanding grow food in his wife Cynthia’s Service to Public Education (link hometown, Milwaukee. He takes food science foundation-awards-gala/) seriously and says we’ve got to He holds workshops and 3-month grow the soil back first before internships, and hosts school tours so we grow food. He thinks it that the next generation can learn how necessary that city people to grow good food at minimal cost and should produce much of the in a green way. His daughter has b food they eat rather than relying y opened up a duplicate GrowingPower on petrol-burning trucks or growing and marketing center in One does not need to be an trans-oceanic ship containers to Chicago. economist to know that (1) all haul produce from the other side Together with co-author Charles people have to eat; (2) that the of the continent or world. Roof- Wilson, Mr Allen wrote a book The number of people growing food is top farming, hoop (green-) Good Food Revolution: Growing getting smaller; (3) that the soil and houses, water tank systems, Healthy Food, People and water used for the growing of good space-saving vertical containers Communities published in May 2012 is becoming increasingly sterile, are integrated ways in which by Gotham Books. The paperback sells zapped of its vital, organic city people can produce food in for $16 while the ebook (from nutrients; and (4) that because of #2 small settings. Mr Allen is via and #3, the price of food for the experimenting with new and GoodFoodRev) goes for $12.99. A everyday consumer is rising month innovative ways to create closed podcast in which he talks about Urban on month. loops in which one step uses Food Deserts and the book is at For the above reasons, our what is made in the previous XfLWBC. attention should be squarely fixed step. To find out more: on the problems of producing and In 2005, Allen was awarded a Here’s more on what he thinks. http:// distributing food for ever- Ford Foundation leadership expanding city populations. It is grant on behalf of his urban Here’s an interview with him by Sean mentioned in the Baha’I Sacred farming work. In 2008, he was Croxton of Wellness Underground. Writings that “the economic awarded the MacArthur problem be solved for the farmer Foundation “Genius Grant” for is-a-genius-my-interview-with-will-allen/ first, for the farmer is the first his work on urban farming and website active agent in the body politic.” sustainable food production. In As the number of city-living 2009, the Kellogg Foundation people goes up, and the number of gave Allen a grant to create jobs countryside-living people goes in urban agriculture. Also, he down, the challenge handed (down, received the 2012 NEA since farmers are usually held in low regard) to a decreasing number of people who have to plan to provide for an increasing number of city-living people. Will Allen grew up on a farm, moved away from it to play professional basketball and later to hold executive positions at KFC and Proctor & Gamble. But the call of the land pulled him back to his Will holding tilapia fish Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 14
  • 15. WHEN LEADERS FALL PEOPLE MOURN EXCERPT OF SPEECH BY GODWIN SMITH (SMITHY) AT THE VIEWING OF CDE WADE KOJO WILLIAMS Smithy spoke from his heart after his friend and that the Black populations could work lifelong customer, Cde. Wade Kojo Williams died Wade Blasted the Eritreans for trying to break together i.e. The Continental Blacks, suddenly in November 2012. up Ethiopia.” Black Nova Scotians and Black Smitty gave the perspective of a friend and tried “Wade took on these burdens regardless of how Caribbean’s. Everybody was doing their to shed light on the side that many may not people thought about it. We have to crown him own thing. While there were many have seen. He said Cde Williams had a penchant as our leader.” individual efforts to alleviate the Black for cleanliness and order. He often would “give me “Wade Williams stopped printing the Contrast condition in Winnipeg none came close constructive criticism. He criticized how dirty my because there were not enough Black businesses to Cde. Wade Kojo Williams efforts. desk was and he would straighten it out for me” to support the Newspaper, but he did not stop “He carried the Black burden to the “He criticized my marital status and had mercilessly speaking out for Black concerns. Remember court of public opinion, “ he said and condemned me as someone who is married to his job”. Blue Jeans night club that did not want to allow added that “Cde. Williams started “I brought these criticism up to say if Wade had blacks people into that club? Wade took to the Contrast Newspaper to bring Black criticized or offended any of you, please, let it go. air waves on CJOB with and Blue Jeans people together. He directed us to the Soul Don’t take it so hard. He only meant to correct things catapulted and changed its name to Palomino Shack and helped us to find culturally he saw as incorrect. Not to hurt anyone.” NightClublocated on Portage Avenue, appropriate services and foods. He was Smitty said Cde. Wade did what he did because he Wade Williams did a lot more and we as a involved in the formation of Caripeg to was concerned about what he would say to the community mourn because we have lost our create fun for the community. But there Almighty God when God asked him what he did leader.” were also serious news e.g. News about with his time on earth. He was not just a professional Journalist and South Africa that was under Apartheid Secondly Wade personified Booker T Washington’s songwriter, but he was a teacher, law. Contrast supported Mandela’sANC. quote which he frequently quoted “Cast down your police officer and He blasted the Grenada Government who bucket where you are.” parliamentarian. Wade Kojo was trying to establish a socialist state, “In the 1990’s and the early 1980’s the Black Williams Sr has passed, but he and then blasted President Reagan for population here in Winnipeg was very small yet has left behind more than a interfering in Grenada’s internal politics. very diverse and divisive. There was no indication legacy. LEGACY OF CDE WADE KOJO WILLIAMS We have truly lost a stalwart, a proud and Executive Member of the Afro- Co-Founder of the Winnipeg Calypso committed Vincentian, who was never selfish to Caribbean Association of Manitoba; and Reggae Competitions; share what he knew and to help others. Founder and Chairman of the Co-Founder of the annual Winnipeg During his two decades, of active community Manitoba Coalition of Organizations Soca-Reggae Festival and Member of the work in Canada, He served as:- against Apartheid and Racism; Manitoba Senior Provincial Cricket President of the National Black Coalition of Founder and Chairman of the Forum Team. Canada (Winnipeg Chapter); for the Awareness of the Minority He was also a member of several President of the National Council of St. Vincent Electorate; Caribbean Folk Groups/Choirs in and the Grenadines Associations in Canada; Multiculturalism Director of the Winnipeg. President of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Liberal Party of Manitoba; His love for arts and culture was well Association of Winnipeg; President of the St. Norbert Liberal known, he was a four-time winner of the President of the Manitoba Intercultural Council Association; local Calypso Monarch Competition; a (MIC); Executive Member of the three-time winner of the local Reggae Representative on the Visible Minority National Assiniboine-Fort Garry Residents King Competition; and a winner of the Council on Canadian Labour Force Advisory Group (City of Winnipeg); Western Canada Calypso Monarch Development; Founder and Chairman of Students Competition. Chairman of the Black History Month against Apartheid (University of We have truly lost a stalwart, a proud Celebration Committee; Winnipeg); and committed Vincentian, who was Member of the Committee for the Elimination of President of Caribbean Students never selfish to share what he knew and Racial Discrimination - Social Planning Council Association (University of Winnipeg); of Winnipeg; Founding Executive Member of the to help others. ( Reprinted from Calypso Association of Winnipeg; What’s Up Caribbean Publication) Chairman of the Martin Luther King Memorial Committee; Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 15 15
  • 16. GLOBAL COUNSELLOR CONT’D FROM P11 YOUTH SYMPOSIUM CONTINUED FROM P3 Remember that the Africans that to join solidarity with their long Williams said he is prepared to lead. arrived in the West and were made lost brothers and sisters and Tito said “we are the legacy” and urged community member not to over slaves. They were considered to be celebrate their strength for having self-identify with being black as inferior to the white population. survived thrived so well.. They opposed to being Canadians. When they became free they faced have paved the way for the people They called for better plans, goal discrimination. They were not able from Africa to enjoy a life of setting and better cooperation and to sit in a restaurant or at the front of dignity. Bottom line is all support of Black businesses in the the bus, could not go to school and Africans and Blacks in the West community. so on. This is not the experience of are as Africans as can be. The “We are told they do not come out to recent immigrants from Africa. They larger community see them as one events but young people need to know know their language, their culture, people because of the colour of specifically what they have to do, what their history their tribe and their their skin. I believe that your folks is expected of us when we are invited clan. However, because Blacks in should make an effort to teach to attend events.” Charise. the West have their roots in Africa, I you about this history and get believe all people of African involved with Black History ancestry should make special effort Month celebrations. Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 16
  • 17. GOD WHISPERER BY NEIL PITAMBER When I take a look at the amount of hair that gets swept up in the evening, around by introducing them to some idea or friend of mine who is a first-generation my armchair quarterback position, with the form of religion at the age of Canadian, of Trinidadian parentage. We broad shoulders and scarcely a serious enemy; consciousness. I wish my folks had don’t talk anymore, but he was as good as it I get to thinking of them as rocket ships that spent a little time discussing these things is ever going get for me to having a big have abandoned a crumbling planet. Well, with my sister and I; they let us choose brother. There were times when we would then; they hardly got very far, did they? If for ourselves, which I am also thankful be speaking to each other in the evening that every hair on my body was to do the same, I for. But what would a man know to I would hear a soft mumbling in the would appear, perhaps no more attractive than choose when he has never sampled any background, and then he would let me go. I a featherless fowl or a hairless guinea pig. of it as a child? One of the reasons I feel got used to the routine, even appreciated it Stress, indeed; it will kill you. I should uncomfortable in Church is when we are at times - because he, his brother and parents probably be straining salt water through my asked to make peace with our were sitting down as a family to read the saliva, getting drunk on saline in the conch neighbours; I do not like the physical Good Book. It wasn’t a part of his life that shell brewery known as the Caribbean Sea. contact with people outside of my he shared with me in any great detail, and I But we did something last night that was pretty dynamic. I guess I imprinted, imported understand as I have grown to know prayer close to relaxation, for me anyway and I hope a large portion of modesty from my as an intensely personal ‘event.’ If he could it is something we can continue for many years father; since he is very much the same. get over the things that hurt our friendship, I to follow. We prayed as a family, an idea I’m not expecting my kids to accept God am sure he would be the first to tell you I introduced by my four year old Annie and an but I remember a line from the film, ‘The was quite sketchy; an in-betweener when opportunity I took immediate advantage of Crow’ - ‘’Mother’ is the name for ‘God’ confronted with the subject of ‘God.’ expanding on. on the lips and hearts of all children’; I sincerely believe, though, that Hand in hand in hand; you get the idea. Through her, they already do, and will parents are doing their children a civic duty I grew up in Brampton with a once very close always know His love. CANARY IN A COAL MINE - Neil Pitamber from just above my ankles through my intention or power. I often feel like calves? Am I bored? Am I about to When I began working at the shop, Superman removed from the sun, or ‘boogie out on life’? Why does the back I used to go home in the evenings with a Samson without his hair; not seeing the of my hand itch and react so indecently, tension strung tightly across my shoulders kryptonite meant to finish me, but sensing to the edginess of my and upper back; cooling, retracting as I it is here. fingernails?Perhaps this is the feeling drew closer to home. With a might in my Nothing in my Caribbean upbringing one expects when walking through a chest that makes a man feel that he has can claim the credit, or my perpetual railroad tunnel, as he picks up the had a constructive day, I imagined myself gratitude, for preparing me to combat these chorus of trackling metals and an angry as the miner archetype: muddy boots and moments. When I wrestle with my young engine. a pick resting against my right shoulder, son and wail, ‘Ohhhhh, you’ve broken my Does the fascination end with black soot caked around the corners of my shoulder!,’ or ‘burst my heart!,’ ‘fractured the discovery of new white hairs, or eyes where safety goggles do not defend my skeleton!’ and even ‘ruptured my scabs lifted from the scalp revealing the flesh, cheeks stained with salty sweat, bicep!’; I do feel, sometimes, that I am tiny lacerations previously unknown, and a stomach screaming to breach free of closer to that truth that I am aware. Am I presently unaccounted for? Do you ever a belt, like those worn for lumber support. struggling to establish a sense of purpose, really see anything beyond the first ten I cannot tell exactly when these once or in rebound of abandoning one? Has my feet of sight, ever really notice anything statuesque shoulders (if I may be so bold) mind released throughout my body a tangible within the same distance? reformed to a ductile, carefree slouch; the plague of apathy? Is the right message Were you always as aware of your arrow remains pointed but in want of a succumbing to a snowball effect of doubt, muscles, your person, your need for solid target. I have days now when I am by the time it reaches my mouth? What is presentation in the face of the opposite sweeping in the middle aisle and feel an this connection between the pit of my sex? Did you always visit the facilities emptiness in the stomach that glows in my belly, held in shape as if a pose in study, and the valley of my throat? Why do three with such frequency? How long mind like some dying white star. Surrounded, too, by clouds that seem fingers on my right hand require solace in have you been feeling suffocated by created from dust, flashes of lightning here the possessive grip of the left? Why do I your own weight, unable to lay and then there but never breaking through, press my toes against the floor and lift my down comfortably on a mattress never really confirming its’ presence, heels, to feel knife-sharp pain shooting up without the need for a better pillow, CONT’D P 21 Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 17 17
  • 18. HEALTHWISE KENKEY CAKES/ KANKIE Red-Red is a popular dish from - 3 Cups Grated green Bananas Ghana made from cowpeas -Clean the black-eyed 1 Cup grated coconut (black-eyed peas). It is thought to peas in water in a large pot. have been named for the Soak them in water for at least an 2.5 cups grated sweet potatoes combination of red pepper and hour or overnight. After soaking 1 cup flour them, rub them together between your 1 tsp. Baking powder red palm oil that is used in the cooking process. The Red-Red hands to remove the skins. Rinse to 1 tsp salt wash away the skins and any other cowpeas stew is usually served 1 tsp vanilla debris. Drain them in a colander. with fried plantains, and is a - 1 tsp mixed spice Place the black-eyed peas in a large lunch favorite in Ghana, 2 cups coconut milk pot, fill the pot with enough water to particularly among office 1 1/2 cups brown sugar just cover the peas. Bring to a slow workers. If you are “unbeanz,” boil; reduce the heat, cover, and Mix all ingredients together. Place (i.e. unemployed) you can survive one cup mixture into quailed banana simmer until the peas are tender; on this meal easily because the thirty minutes to an hour. - leaves (if you don’t have banana - While the peas are cooking: Heat the leaves, use foil paper). Wrap and tie oil in a skillet. Fry the onions until with string or banana bark. Put the slightly browned, then add the small parcels into enough boiling tomatoes, and fish and dried shrimp water to cover, and cook for one (if desired). Mash and stir the mixture hour. to form a sauce. - Stir the onion-tomato mixture into SAME IDEA USING CORNMEAL the black-eyed peas. Add bouillon cubes (if you are not using fish or 1 pound cornmeal ingredients are inexpensive This shrimp). Simmer for ten minutes. Add 2 ounces white flour is most commonly served with salt, black pepper, and cayenne or red 1/2 pound sugar shopping list fried ripe plantain (popularly pepper to taste. 1/2 cup grated coconut known as “koko”). It is an ideal While peas and sauce is simmering: 1 teasp. cinnamon powder choice for vegetarians and Prepare fried plantains. vegans. How to Prepare Fried Plantains: 1 hand full of raisins INGREDIENTS: Peel and thinly slice the plantains 1 teasp. salt · 2-3 cups dried cowpeas lengthwise. 1 Tablesp. molasses Fill a skillet with 1 inch of Canola or (black eyed peas) or similar 2 teasps. vanilla · 1 cup red palm oil (or vegetable oil. Preheat the skillet until 2 and 1/2 cups coconut milk vegetable oil) hot, but not smoking. How to do it: · 1-2 onions, thinly sliced Fry the plantains until they a nice Blend all dry ingredients & the · 2-3 ripe tomatoes, golden brown color, and then flip to grated coconut thoroughly. Mix quartered the other side. This should take about together the coconut milk, vanilla & · Cayenne pepper or red 2 or 3 minutes in total, but let your molasses; then add to dry pepper eyes be the judge. ingredients, stirring briskly. · Salt and black pepper to How to Prepare Boiled Plantains: Place 1/2 cup of this mixture in taste Drop unpeeled plantains in boiling center of banana leaf ( whatever · Several ripe or near-ripe water. Cook for 15-20 minutes until a wrapper you’re using) & fold each plantains test plantain is when pierced with a side of wrapper to the center; · 1-2 bouillon cubes fork. Peel before serving overlapping so package will be · 4 Cups Chopped Eggplant waterproof; package should be a 6- · (Optional) Small piece of inch square when wrapped. Tie smoked or dried fish Let your food be medicine twine around bundle in one direction · (Optional) One spoonful and your medicine be food. & then tie another piece around in of shrimp powder Hippocrates other direction (like a gift box). Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 18
  • 19. Leg Up Laurel Wright, Monica her to become the woman she Rhiney and Violet Clacken is. She congratulated the organization for the 200 plus scholarships it has given out to African Canadian students over ACAM DANCERS the years. “We have created a solid foundation in which to are underprivileged and may need thrive in Canada.” some special help. “ACAM is well However, she said, the positioned to do this.” community needs to refresh Adaoma received a standing itself by including the ideas and ovation. issues to meet the needs of this and future generations. She noted that there has not been More than 200 people from all much change in the people who corners of the community participated in do most of the work and it is ACAM’s 45th Harambee Awards banquet time to do so serious reflection. on March 9th at the South Winnipeg She cautioned that the Holiday Inn. It was a delightful evening organization has to be concerned of speeches, Awards, entertainment, with its ability to move forward dancing and food. failing which can risk eroding Several community leaders brought the gains achieved. She said the PARTICIPANTS greetings and wished the organizations world has changed since ACAM MLA MR.J. BIDHU BRINGING GREETING continued success. was created 45 years ago. Ajoke Olarundare and Daniel Hildago- Adaoma provided some Blair received scholarships to assist with concrete solutions for the university costs. Ajoke Olarundare read a organization to consider: poem I will not fail written by Nashon Rae. Firstly, to conduct a needs The ACAM dancers performed a medley assessment to find out what are of fast paced dances from dancehall to the needs of the community; reggae styles. It was astonishing how Secondly it needs to bring the EMALINE JACKSON, PRESIDENT AND quickly the group changed costumes after elders and youths together to SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT MS OLARUNDARE each dance of about 5 minutes duration. The work and mentor each other. performance hiked the evening’s enjoyment Thirdly to be open to change; a notch higher. Fourthly to bridge the gap Adaoma Patterson, the featured guest between newcomers and those speaker was introduced by her godfather who have lived in Canada for a Tom Millington. long time; Daughter of Lois and the late Horace Fifthly to expand our Patterson, Adaoma thanked the community communities to include those not she called a village for helping to raise previously included, those who Global Eyes Magazine Black History Month Edition 2013 19 19