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“It is not the function of our
Government to keep the citizen
from falling into error, It is the
function of the citizen to keep the
Government from falling into
— Robert Houghwout Jackson,
Chief Judge at the War-Crimes
Tribunal in Nuremberg -
Genetic and Genetic
Is Mandatory Poor Health the New Requirement for
All Americans?
John P. Thomas health writer for Health Impact News
What if it is true that childhood exposure to the wild
measles virus is not a threat to health, but a required
step in the development of a strong immune system?
What if it is true that the process of developing an
immune system that is strong enough to resist cancer
and other diseases requires that we develop natural
immunity to contagious childhood illnesses such as
What if it is true that genetically modified food and
Roundup chemicals are actually creating conditions in
the human digestive system where disease pathogens
can flourish and cause systemic illness?
What if it is true that mothers need childhood measles
exposure to provide their infant children with measles
immunity while the babies nurse?
What if it is really true that the greatest cause of
modern illness is chemical agriculture and
pharmaceutical products such as vaccines, and not
Is Mandatory Poor Health the New Requirement for
All Americans?
…The right to healthcare begins with healthcare
freedom, and not with health insurance!
We are on the precipice of a new era of mandated
healthcare control.
Let us not accept the call for mandatory poor health and
chronic illness that will accompany mandatory
About the Author
John P. Thomas health writer for Health Impact News
Is Mandatory Poor Health the New
Requirement for All Americans?
Cells and Cell walls
Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA
DNA is Not Alive
encodes the genetic instructions used in the
development and functioning of all known living
organisms and many viruses
•DNA is a nucleic acid with proteins and carbohydrates
•The two DNA strands are known as polynucleotides
(collection of nucleotides)
• guanine (G)
•Adenine (A)
•thymine (T)
•cytosine (C)
• deoxyribose and a phosphate group
Human Genome Project
international scientific research project
•determining the sequence human DNA
•identifying and mapping all of the human genes
• both a physical and functional standpoint
•planning started in 1984
• started 1990
•completed in 2003.
Key findings :
1.There are approximately 20,500 genes in human beings
2.the same range as in mice.
Epigenetics or Gene expression
why certain genes turn off and on in human cells
DNA is essentially the same line of code in every single
cell in your body, but not all of your cells perform the
same jobs.
MIT professor Manolis Kellis analyzed a total of 150
billion genome sequencing reads.
they found mutations associated with
Alzheimer's disease changing the genomic
activity of immune cells -- not just brain cells.
•Epigenetics : How the genome of living things is
organized and managed
•Mismanaged / disorganized epigenomes lead to
•Epigenome manipulation may have a
therapeutic value in diverse human disorders
Royal Society lecture 2013
Genetics, Epigenetics and disease
Sponsored by GSK
Drugs that are known to cause epigenetic
changes include :
•statin cholesterol-lowering drugs,
•beta blockers
• tamoxifen
•even anesthetics,
•oral contraceptives
• antibiotics.
Permanent changes in the epigenome
Researchers are most concerned that drugs may produce
defects in subsequent generations. They speculate that
the current diabesity epidemic may be hastened by drugs.
[Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 57: (2008) S16–
genes can be turned on (expressed) or
turned off (silenced)
genes can be turned on (expressed) or
turned off (silenced)
…pharmaceuticals may be involved in the
etiology of :
•heart disease
•nerve and mental disorders
•bipolar disorder
•and sexual dysfunction.
…"consequences for modern medicine are
profound, since it would imply that our
current understanding of pharmacology is
an oversimplification."
[Metabolism Clinical and Experimental
57: (2008) S16–S23]
Infection, vaccines and other environmental
triggers of autoimmunity.
Autoimmunity. 2005 May;38(3):235-45.
The etiology of autoimmune diseases is still not clear but genetic,
immunological, hormonal and environmental factors are
considered to be important triggers.
•Vaccines, in several reports were found to be temporally
followed by a new onset of autoimmune diseases
•The same mechanisms that act in infectious invasion of the
host, apply equally to the host response to vaccination
• It has been accepted for diphtheria and tetanus toxoid,
polio and measles vaccines and GBS.
• MMR vaccination and development of autoimmune
•MS has been associated with HPV vaccination
2002, the journal Lancet
polio vaccine was responsible for up to half of the
55,000 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases that were
occurring each year.
SV40, a cancer-causing monkey virus
•1994,Dr. Michele Carbone, a Loyola University researcher,
found the virus SV40, which had never before been detected in
•in half of the human lung tumors
•60 different lab studies have confirmed the results
•Lung cancers
•Brain cancers
•Bone cancers
•lymphatic cancers
Up until mid-1970s, there were almost no cases of
childhood type 2 diabetes
•now called type 2 diabetes
•“adult-onset diabetes”
• because it almost exclusively affected middle-age
adults at that time. .
childhood type 2 diabetes is a growing epidemic
among U.S. children
Type 2 Diabetes = Genetic?
Cancer And Heart Disease are the
leading Causes of Death in the U.S.
the overall “health of American children” has been declining for
more than half a century.
• About 97 % of children were healthy 1960s
• About 94% of children were healthy 1970s
• Less than 88 % of children were healthy in 1994
• Less than 74 % of children were healthy in 2006
• 26% at least one chronic illness over their lifetime
• 50% at least one chronic illness during their
• 12% forecast to have at least one chronic illness
over their lifetime
Environmental stress and Genetic Expression
 molecular mimicry is an important factor in autoimmune
 first published in 1985 and since that time substantial
evidence has accumulated
 causing many autoimmune diseases including: diabetes,
lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple
sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, autism
 “even though the data regarding the relation between
vaccination and autoimmune disease is conflicting some
autoimmune phenomena are clearly related to immunization”
 J.Autoimmun. 2000 feb 14(1) 1-10
Vaccinations and Molecular Mimicry
 Birth: Hepatitis B 1 Vaccine
 2 Months: DPT, Polio, Hib, Hep B 6 Vaccines
 4 Months: DPT, Polio, Hib 5
 6 Months: DPT, Hib 4 Vaccines
 6-18 Months: Hep B 1 Vaccine
 15-18 Months: DPT, Polio, Hib, MMR 8 Vaccines
 4-6 Years: DPT, Polio, MMR 7
 By the time a child is 6 months old they are to be
injected with at leas 47 vaccines; at 18 months at
least 67, and at 4-6 years at least 81!- based on the
2009 CDC recommended schedule
Aluminum Injected
•Currently children are getting 17 shots containing
•quadrupling of the amount given since the 1970’s
•Hepatitis A
• Hepatitis B
• DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis)
• Hib
• Pneumococcal
• Gardasil (HPV) vaccines
over a milligram of Aluminum; a
concentration & dosage that is 10 – 20
times more toxic than Mercury
Multiple vaccines are far worse, over a
1000 micrograms on average for a triple
set shot
Liked to auto-immune disorders: Downs
Syndrome, Autism, Schizophrenia, ALS,
Lupus, Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s Disease
 oxytocin (OT), possibly through OT administration at
birth, could contribute to the development of autistic
spectrum disorders
 OT's capability of crossing the maternal placenta and
OT's possibility of crossing an underdeveloped or
stressed infantile blood brain barrier at birth,
 a causal connection between OT excess and
behavioral disorders such as autism can be
supported from a molecular perspective.
Pitocin at birth increases
autism rates
German Institute for Quality and Efficacy in Health Care
•investigated 90 approved drugs/ vaccines in the US
• the flu vaccine is listed as a Category C drug
•no adequate safety studies to determine whether flu
vaccination adversely affects pregnant mothers and their
•60 percent of the 900 papers were unpublished and
some were concealed from the federal regulatory
•94 percent were unpublished
•86 percent of the university studies sponsored by drug
makers remained unpublished.
German Institute for Quality and Efficacy in Health Care
•The Pharmaceutical industry are under no regulatory
obligation to publish or produce unpublished studies
•the American public is denied approximately 90
percent of the actual clinical data performed on any
given drug or vaccine.
The German study concludes that drug makers
intentionally “conceal unfavorable results or results
that do not fulfill one’s expectations.”
The activation of nuclear transcription factor-
kappa B (NF-kB) is linked with inflammatory
diseases : cancer, atherosclerosis,
myocardial infarction, diabetes,
allergy, asthma, arthritis, Crohn's
disease, multiple sclerosis,
Alzheimer's disease,
osteoporosis, psoriasis, septic
shock, and AIDS.
Nearly every fruit and
vegetable contains some
NF-kB inhibitors
NF-ÎşB (nuclear factor
enhancer of activated B
cells) is a protein complex
that is found in almost all
animal cell types and is
involved in cellular
responses to stimuli such as
 Get your Nervous system Checked
 Optimize your vitamin D levels – regularly exposing large amounts of your
skin to sunshine, or by using a safe tanning bed.or oral supplement of
vitamin D3.
 Optimize your essential fat intake –omega-3 fats,
 avoid - processed fats found in most all processed foods. omega-6 fats
found in soy-, canola-, and corn oil =imbed themselves into your cell
membranes, distorting the cellular functions.
 Eliminate sugar, particularly fructose –Cutting out processed foods and
 pasteurized milk and dairy—Studies have shown that cow's milk
consumption is correlated with MS
 Avoid aspartame or commercial fruit juices. Aspartame rapidly
metabolizes to methanol a potent neurotoxin, when fruits and vegetables are
processed and put into glass jars or cans the methanol dissociates and can
be liberated in high quantities.
 Eat plenty of raw food –food raw instead of cooked.
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Vaccines Can Cause the Very Disease They’re Meant to Prevent, and
1953 to 1999, molecular evidence of SV40 infections
SV40 in children born after 1982.
Gardasil may well increase your risk of cervical cancer rather than reduce it,
virus in the vaccine has even been known to mutate into a much deadlier
version. As reported by MSN News in 2009
mutated viruses have caused at least seven separate outbreaks in Nigeria.
last case of wild polio in the US occurred in 1979
144 cases of vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP) caused by live oral
polio vaccine
the live polio virus from the vaccine can remain in your throat for one to two
weeks and in your feces for up to two months
In 1999, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
recommended that the United States replace the live-virus vaccine with an
inactivated “killed” virus vaccine, which is what remains in use today. However,
the inactivated polio virus vaccine has not been without its share of serious side
effects either.
in which 133 children were vaccinated and 121 remained unvaccinated” [from footnote “7.a
Number (percent) Vaccinated Unvaccinated
Number (percent) ~ Percen
Asthma 20 (15.0%) 4 ( 3.3%) 4.5
Eczema or allergic rashes 43 (32.3%) 16 (13.2%) 2.4
Chronic otitis 26 (19.5%) 8 ( 6.6%) 2.9
Recurrent tonsillitis 11 ( 8.3%) 3 ( 2.5%) 3.3
sudden infant death syndrome 9 ( 6.8%) 2 ( 1.7%) 4.0
Hyperactivity 10 ( 7.5%) 1 ( 0.8%) 9.3
Thus, in a society where more than 50% of its vaccinated
children are reported to have at least one chronic illness at
some time during their childhood, for informed parents,
is not supported by any scientifically sound and appropriate large-scale
study of which this researcher is aware.
This reviewer recognizes the writer’s next statement,
“For example, children whose parents refuse the pertussis vaccine are 23
times more likely to get whooping cough than children who have been
as coming from a small medical-records case-control study done in Colorado
and published in Pediatrics in 20098
Furthermore, in a recent study of those children actually contracting
pertussis in a large-scale pertussis outbreak (with more than 10,000 cases)
in California, 81% of the cases occurred in fully vaccinated children who, if
the vaccine worked as advertised, should have been mostly protected, 11%
of those cases occurred in partially vaccinated, mostly young children who
should have had some protection, and only 8% of the cases occurred in
those who were too young to have been vaccinated or otherwise had never
been vaccinated, where, the results obtained were probably not scientifically
sound for several reasons (e.g., miscoding, small case number, and unusual
definitions for the terms “vaccine refusers” and “vaccine acceptors”).
8 Glanz JM, McClure DL, Magid DJ, Daley MF, France EK, Salmon DA,
Hambridge SJ. Parental Refusal of Pertussis Vaccina-tion Is Associated
With an Increased Risk of Pertussis Infection in Children. Pediatrics 2009
June; 123(6): 1446-1451. .
vaccine and carefully tracking and reporting on communicable disease issues, the
physicians, and especially the pediatricians, have done little to nothing to ensure
that the real incidence rates are tracked and published for the ever-growing number
of childhood chronic medical conditions that were either non-existent, or very rare
(<1 in
2, last visited in 23 April 2012 –
“February 16, 2010 — The rate of chronic health conditions among children in the
United States increased from 12.8% in 1994 to 26.6% in 2006, particularly for
asthma, obesity, and behavior and learning problems, according to results of a new
prospective study published in the February 17 issue of the Journal of the American
Medical Association” and “The end-study prevalence of any chronic health
condition was 12.8% (95% CI, 11.2% - 14.5%) for cohort 1 in 1994, 25.1% (95%
CI, 22.7% - 27.6%) for cohort 2 in 2000, and 26.6% (95% CI, 23.5% - 29.9%) for
cohort 3 in 2006.”
From the pen of Paul G. King, PhD, Founder, FAME Systems
100,000), or rare (<1 in 10,000) when this reviewer was growing up in the 1950s
and 1960s but are now at epidemic levels

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Mandatory Poor Health for All Americans

  • 1. “It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error, It is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error.” — Robert Houghwout Jackson, Chief Judge at the War-Crimes Tribunal in Nuremberg - Genetic and Genetic Expression
  • 2. Is Mandatory Poor Health the New Requirement for All Americans? John P. Thomas health writer for Health Impact News What if it is true that childhood exposure to the wild measles virus is not a threat to health, but a required step in the development of a strong immune system? What if it is true that the process of developing an immune system that is strong enough to resist cancer and other diseases requires that we develop natural immunity to contagious childhood illnesses such as measles?
  • 3. What if it is true that genetically modified food and Roundup chemicals are actually creating conditions in the human digestive system where disease pathogens can flourish and cause systemic illness? What if it is true that mothers need childhood measles exposure to provide their infant children with measles immunity while the babies nurse? What if it is really true that the greatest cause of modern illness is chemical agriculture and pharmaceutical products such as vaccines, and not genetics? Is Mandatory Poor Health the New Requirement for All Americans?
  • 4. …The right to healthcare begins with healthcare freedom, and not with health insurance! We are on the precipice of a new era of mandated healthcare control. Let us not accept the call for mandatory poor health and chronic illness that will accompany mandatory vaccinations. About the Author John P. Thomas health writer for Health Impact News Is Mandatory Poor Health the New Requirement for All Americans?
  • 6. Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA DNA is Not Alive encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and many viruses •DNA is a nucleic acid with proteins and carbohydrates •The two DNA strands are known as polynucleotides (collection of nucleotides) • guanine (G) •Adenine (A) •thymine (T) •cytosine (C) • deoxyribose and a phosphate group
  • 7. Human Genome Project international scientific research project •determining the sequence human DNA •identifying and mapping all of the human genes • both a physical and functional standpoint •planning started in 1984 • started 1990 •completed in 2003. Key findings : 1.There are approximately 20,500 genes in human beings 2.the same range as in mice.
  • 8. Epigenetics or Gene expression why certain genes turn off and on in human cells DNA is essentially the same line of code in every single cell in your body, but not all of your cells perform the same jobs. MIT professor Manolis Kellis analyzed a total of 150 billion genome sequencing reads. they found mutations associated with Alzheimer's disease changing the genomic activity of immune cells -- not just brain cells.
  • 9. •Epigenetics : How the genome of living things is organized and managed •Mismanaged / disorganized epigenomes lead to disease •Epigenome manipulation may have a therapeutic value in diverse human disorders Royal Society lecture 2013 Genetics, Epigenetics and disease Sponsored by GSK
  • 10. Drugs that are known to cause epigenetic changes include : •statin cholesterol-lowering drugs, •antidepressants, •beta blockers •Diuretics • tamoxifen •methotrexate, •anti-inflammatories •even anesthetics, •oral contraceptives • antibiotics. Permanent changes in the epigenome Researchers are most concerned that drugs may produce defects in subsequent generations. They speculate that the current diabesity epidemic may be hastened by drugs. [Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 57: (2008) S16– S23] Epigenetics genes can be turned on (expressed) or turned off (silenced)
  • 11. Epigenetics genes can be turned on (expressed) or turned off (silenced) …pharmaceuticals may be involved in the etiology of : •heart disease •Cancer •nerve and mental disorders •Obesity •Diabetes •Leukemia •bipolar disorder •Schizophrenia •Infertility •and sexual dysfunction. …"consequences for modern medicine are profound, since it would imply that our current understanding of pharmacology is an oversimplification." [Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 57: (2008) S16–S23]
  • 12. Infection, vaccines and other environmental triggers of autoimmunity. Autoimmunity. 2005 May;38(3):235-45. The etiology of autoimmune diseases is still not clear but genetic, immunological, hormonal and environmental factors are considered to be important triggers. •Vaccines, in several reports were found to be temporally followed by a new onset of autoimmune diseases •The same mechanisms that act in infectious invasion of the host, apply equally to the host response to vaccination • It has been accepted for diphtheria and tetanus toxoid, polio and measles vaccines and GBS. • MMR vaccination and development of autoimmune thrombocytopenia •MS has been associated with HPV vaccination
  • 13. 2002, the journal Lancet polio vaccine was responsible for up to half of the 55,000 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases that were occurring each year. SV40, a cancer-causing monkey virus •1994,Dr. Michele Carbone, a Loyola University researcher, found the virus SV40, which had never before been detected in humans •in half of the human lung tumors •60 different lab studies have confirmed the results •Lung cancers •Brain cancers •Bone cancers •lymphatic cancers
  • 14. Up until mid-1970s, there were almost no cases of childhood type 2 diabetes •now called type 2 diabetes •“adult-onset diabetes” • because it almost exclusively affected middle-age adults at that time. . childhood type 2 diabetes is a growing epidemic among U.S. children Type 2 Diabetes = Genetic?
  • 15.
  • 16. Cancer And Heart Disease are the leading Causes of Death in the U.S.
  • 17.
  • 18. the overall “health of American children” has been declining for more than half a century. • About 97 % of children were healthy 1960s • About 94% of children were healthy 1970s • Less than 88 % of children were healthy in 1994 • Less than 74 % of children were healthy in 2006 • 26% at least one chronic illness over their lifetime • 50% at least one chronic illness during their childhood • 12% forecast to have at least one chronic illness over their lifetime Environmental stress and Genetic Expression
  • 19.  molecular mimicry is an important factor in autoimmune disease  first published in 1985 and since that time substantial evidence has accumulated  causing many autoimmune diseases including: diabetes, lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, autism  “even though the data regarding the relation between vaccination and autoimmune disease is conflicting some autoimmune phenomena are clearly related to immunization”  J.Autoimmun. 2000 feb 14(1) 1-10 Vaccinations and Molecular Mimicry
  • 20. VACCINATION DOSE DATA:VACCINATION DOSE DATA:  Birth: Hepatitis B 1 Vaccine  2 Months: DPT, Polio, Hib, Hep B 6 Vaccines  4 Months: DPT, Polio, Hib 5 Vaccines  6 Months: DPT, Hib 4 Vaccines  6-18 Months: Hep B 1 Vaccine  15-18 Months: DPT, Polio, Hib, MMR 8 Vaccines  4-6 Years: DPT, Polio, MMR 7 Vaccines  By the time a child is 6 months old they are to be injected with at leas 47 vaccines; at 18 months at least 67, and at 4-6 years at least 81!- based on the 2009 CDC recommended schedule
  • 21. Aluminum Injected •Currently children are getting 17 shots containing aluminum •quadrupling of the amount given since the 1970’s •Hepatitis A • Hepatitis B • DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) • MMR • Hib • Pneumococcal • Gardasil (HPV) vaccines over a milligram of Aluminum; a concentration & dosage that is 10 – 20 times more toxic than Mercury Multiple vaccines are far worse, over a 1000 micrograms on average for a triple set shot Liked to auto-immune disorders: Downs Syndrome, Autism, Schizophrenia, ALS, Lupus, Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s Disease
  • 22.  oxytocin (OT), possibly through OT administration at birth, could contribute to the development of autistic spectrum disorders  OT's capability of crossing the maternal placenta and OT's possibility of crossing an underdeveloped or stressed infantile blood brain barrier at birth,  a causal connection between OT excess and behavioral disorders such as autism can be supported from a molecular perspective. Pitocin at birth increases autism rates
  • 23. German Institute for Quality and Efficacy in Health Care •investigated 90 approved drugs/ vaccines in the US • the flu vaccine is listed as a Category C drug •no adequate safety studies to determine whether flu vaccination adversely affects pregnant mothers and their fetuses •60 percent of the 900 papers were unpublished and some were concealed from the federal regulatory agencies •94 percent were unpublished •86 percent of the university studies sponsored by drug makers remained unpublished.
  • 24. German Institute for Quality and Efficacy in Health Care •The Pharmaceutical industry are under no regulatory obligation to publish or produce unpublished studies •the American public is denied approximately 90 percent of the actual clinical data performed on any given drug or vaccine. The German study concludes that drug makers intentionally “conceal unfavorable results or results that do not fulfill one’s expectations.”
  • 25. The activation of nuclear transcription factor- kappa B (NF-kB) is linked with inflammatory diseases : cancer, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, diabetes, allergy, asthma, arthritis, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, psoriasis, septic shock, and AIDS. Nearly every fruit and vegetable contains some NF-kB inhibitors NF-ÎşB (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain- enhancer of activated B cells) is a protein complex that is found in almost all animal cell types and is involved in cellular responses to stimuli such as stress
  • 26.  Get your Nervous system Checked  Optimize your vitamin D levels – regularly exposing large amounts of your skin to sunshine, or by using a safe tanning bed.or oral supplement of vitamin D3.  Optimize your essential fat intake –omega-3 fats,  avoid - processed fats found in most all processed foods. omega-6 fats found in soy-, canola-, and corn oil =imbed themselves into your cell membranes, distorting the cellular functions.  Eliminate sugar, particularly fructose –Cutting out processed foods and sweetened  pasteurized milk and dairy—Studies have shown that cow's milk consumption is correlated with MS  Avoid aspartame or commercial fruit juices. Aspartame rapidly metabolizes to methanol a potent neurotoxin, when fruits and vegetables are processed and put into glass jars or cans the methanol dissociates and can be liberated in high quantities.  Eat plenty of raw food –food raw instead of cooked.
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  • 32. Vaccines Can Cause the Very Disease They’re Meant to Prevent, and Worse 1953 to 1999, molecular evidence of SV40 infections SV40 in children born after 1982. Gardasil may well increase your risk of cervical cancer rather than reduce it, virus in the vaccine has even been known to mutate into a much deadlier version. As reported by MSN News in 2009 mutated viruses have caused at least seven separate outbreaks in Nigeria. last case of wild polio in the US occurred in 1979 144 cases of vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP) caused by live oral polio vaccine the live polio virus from the vaccine can remain in your throat for one to two weeks and in your feces for up to two months In 1999, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended that the United States replace the live-virus vaccine with an inactivated “killed” virus vaccine, which is what remains in use today. However, the inactivated polio virus vaccine has not been without its share of serious side effects either.
  • 33. in which 133 children were vaccinated and 121 remained unvaccinated” [from footnote “7.a Number (percent) Vaccinated Unvaccinated Number (percent) ~ Percen Vacc./Unvacc. Asthma 20 (15.0%) 4 ( 3.3%) 4.5 Eczema or allergic rashes 43 (32.3%) 16 (13.2%) 2.4 Chronic otitis 26 (19.5%) 8 ( 6.6%) 2.9 Recurrent tonsillitis 11 ( 8.3%) 3 ( 2.5%) 3.3 sudden infant death syndrome 9 ( 6.8%) 2 ( 1.7%) 4.0 Hyperactivity 10 ( 7.5%) 1 ( 0.8%) 9.3 Thus, in a society where more than 50% of its vaccinated children are reported to have at least one chronic illness at some time during their childhood, for informed parents,
  • 34. is not supported by any scientifically sound and appropriate large-scale study of which this researcher is aware. This reviewer recognizes the writer’s next statement, “For example, children whose parents refuse the pertussis vaccine are 23 times more likely to get whooping cough than children who have been vaccinated”, as coming from a small medical-records case-control study done in Colorado and published in Pediatrics in 20098 Furthermore, in a recent study of those children actually contracting pertussis in a large-scale pertussis outbreak (with more than 10,000 cases) in California, 81% of the cases occurred in fully vaccinated children who, if the vaccine worked as advertised, should have been mostly protected, 11% of those cases occurred in partially vaccinated, mostly young children who should have had some protection, and only 8% of the cases occurred in those who were too young to have been vaccinated or otherwise had never been vaccinated, where, the results obtained were probably not scientifically sound for several reasons (e.g., miscoding, small case number, and unusual definitions for the terms “vaccine refusers” and “vaccine acceptors”). 9 8 Glanz JM, McClure DL, Magid DJ, Daley MF, France EK, Salmon DA, Hambridge SJ. Parental Refusal of Pertussis Vaccina-tion Is Associated With an Increased Risk of Pertussis Infection in Children. Pediatrics 2009 June; 123(6): 1446-1451. .
  • 35. vaccine and carefully tracking and reporting on communicable disease issues, the physicians, and especially the pediatricians, have done little to nothing to ensure that the real incidence rates are tracked and published for the ever-growing number of childhood chronic medical conditions that were either non-existent, or very rare (<1 in 2, last visited in 23 April 2012 – “February 16, 2010 — The rate of chronic health conditions among children in the United States increased from 12.8% in 1994 to 26.6% in 2006, particularly for asthma, obesity, and behavior and learning problems, according to results of a new prospective study published in the February 17 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association” and “The end-study prevalence of any chronic health condition was 12.8% (95% CI, 11.2% - 14.5%) for cohort 1 in 1994, 25.1% (95% CI, 22.7% - 27.6%) for cohort 2 in 2000, and 26.6% (95% CI, 23.5% - 29.9%) for cohort 3 in 2006.” From the pen of Paul G. King, PhD, Founder, FAME Systems 3 100,000), or rare (<1 in 10,000) when this reviewer was growing up in the 1950s and 1960s but are now at epidemic levels 3