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Gender Sexual Orientation
The Genderbread Person v4
and/or (a/o)
Identity Expression Sex
means a lack of what’s on the right side
For a bigger bite,
www.genderbread.orgGenderbread Person Version 4 created and
uncopyrighted 2017 by Sam Killermann
The Genderbread Person v4
means a lack of what’s on the right side
For a bigger bite,
www.genderbread.orgGenderbread Person Version 4 created and
uncopyrighted 2017 by Sam Killermann
Gender Sexual Orientation
is how you, in your head, experience
and define your gender, based on how much
you align (or don’t align) with what you
understand the options for gender to be.
is how you find yourself feeling drawn
(or not drawn) to some other people,
in sexual, romantic, and/or other ways
(often categorized within gender).
is the physical traits you’re born with or develop that
we think of as “sex characteristics,” as well as the
sex you are assigned at birth.
is how you present gender (through your actions,
clothing, and demeanor, to name a few), and how those
presentations are viewed based on social expectations.
We can think about all these things as
existing on continuums, where a lot of people
might see themselves as existing somewhere
between 0 and 100 on each
common GENDER IDENTITY things
personality traits, jobs, hobbies, likes,
dislikes, roles, expectations
style, grooming, clothing, mannerisms,
affect, appearance, hair, make-up
common ANATOMICAL SEX things
body hair, chest, hips, shoulders, hormones
penis, vulva, chromosomes, voice pitch
Gender is one of those things everyone thinks they under-
stand, but most people don’t. Gender isn’t binary. It’s not
either/or. In many cases it’s both/and. A bit of this, a dash
of that. This tasty little guide is meant to be an appetizer
for gender understanding. It’s okay if you’re hungry for
more after reading it. In fact, that’s the idea.
Identity Expression Sex
Typically based solely on external genitalia present at birth
(ignoring internal anatomy, biology, and change throughout
life), Sex Assigned At Birth (SAAB) is key for distinguishing
between the terms “cisgender” (whenSAAB aligns with
gender identity) and “transgender” (when it doesn’t).
The Genderbread Person
and/or (a/o)
means a lack of what’s on the right side
For a bigger bite,
www.genderbread.orgGenderbread Person Version 4 created and
uncopyrighted 2017 by Sam Killermann For a bigger bite, read
more at www.genderbread.orgGenderbread Person Version 4
created and uncopyrighted 2017 by Sam Killermann
Gender Sexual Orientation
is how you, in your head, experience
and define your gender, based on how much
you align (or don’t align) with what you
understand the options for gender to be.
is how you find yourself feeling drawn
(or not drawn) to some other people,
in sexual, romantic, and/or other ways
(often categorized within gender).
is the physical traits you’re born with or develop that
we think of as “sex characteristics,” as well as the
sex you are assigned at birth.
is how you present gender (through your actions,
clothing, and demeanor, to name a few), and how those
presentations are viewed based on social expectations.
We can think about all these things as
existing on continuums, where a lot of people
might see themselves as existing somewhere
between 0 and 100 on each
common GENDER IDENTITY things
personality traits, jobs, hobbies, likes,
dislikes, roles, expectations
style, grooming, clothing, mannerisms,
affect, appearance, hair, make-up
common ANATOMICAL SEX things
body hair, chest, hips, shoulders, hormones
penis, vulva, chromosomes, voice pitch
Gender is one of those things everyone thinks they under-
stand, but most people don’t. Gender isn’t binary. It’s not
either/or. In many cases it’s both/and. A bit of this, a dash
of that. This tasty little guide is meant to be an appetizer
for gender understanding. It’s okay if you’re hungry for
more after reading it. In fact, that’s the idea.
Identity Expression Sex
Typically based solely on external genitalia present at birth
(ignoring internal anatomy, biology, and change throughout
life), Sex Assigned At Birth (SAAB) is key for distinguishing
between the terms “cisgender” (whenSAAB aligns with
gender identity) and “transgender” (when it doesn’t).
The Genderbread Person
and/or (a/o)
means a lack of what’s on the right side
For a bigger bite,
www.genderbread.orgGenderbread Person Version 4 created and
uncopyrighted 2017 by Sam Killermann For a bigger bite, read
more at www.genderbread.orgGenderbread Person Version 4
created and uncopyrighted 2017 by Sam Killermann
bathroom battlegrounds
and penis panics
by kristen schilt and laurel westbrook
In January 2008, the city commission in Gainesville,
Florida passed an ordinance prohibiting discrimi-
nation on the basis of “gender identity and gender
expression” in employment and public accom-
modations (such as public restrooms and locker
rooms). Advocates argued that the legislation
was a key step toward addressing discrimination
against transgender and gender variant people.
However, 14 months later voters were considering
a ballot initiative to overturn the law.
27S U M M E R 2 0 1 5 c o n t e x t s
Even though there had been no reported problems, those
that were pushing for the repeal of the new ordinance suggested
that such protections had unanticipated, dangerous conse-
quences for women and children. Citizens for Good Public
ran a TV ad that featured a young, white girl on a playground.
She jumps off a merry-go-round, and, alone, enters a doorway
clearly marked “Women’s Restroom.” A moment later, a White
man with a scraggly beard, dark sunglasses, and baseball cap
slung low on his forehead approaches the door, looks around
furtively, and enters. As the door swings shut, the ad cuts to
black and the message appears: “Your City Commission made
this legal. Is this what you want for Gainesville?”
The question at the heart of the ballot initiative—the place
of transgender people in society—has never been a more visible
issue than it is today. Advocates for transgender rights have
effectively demonstrated that transgender and gender variant
people face large-scale discrimination in areas such as employ-
ment, housing, and education. Yet, while city and state policies
to address such discrimination are rapidly expanding, each new
transgender-supportive law or policy typi-
cally results in an outbreak of protest.
As sociologists of gender, we were
interested in accounting for the opposition
to transgender rights in the face of greater
societal acceptance of transgender people,
as it presents a puzzling aspect of gender:
why are transgender people accepted in
some spaces and not others? We did a
content analysis of media articles about
transgender-inclusive legislation from 2006-2010, and discov-
ered that the Gainesville ad was not an anomaly. Opponents of
transgender recognition often brought up the specter of sexual
predators in sex-segregated spaces as an argument against the
passage of transgender rights legislation. Interestingly, such
centered exclusively on women’s spaces, particularly restrooms.
What do sexual predators have to do with transgender
rights? Moreover, why is the concern only about women’s
spaces? In our research, we find that opponents are making an
argument against any bodies perceived as male having a legal
right to enter a woman-only space because they imagine such
bodies to present a sexual danger to women and children. Under
this logic, they often conflate “sexual predators” (imagined
to be deviant men) and transgender women (imagined to be
always male). This exclusive focus on “males” suggests that it
is genitals—not gender identity and expression—that are driv-
ing what we term “gender panics”—moments where people
react to a challenge to the gender binary by frantically asserting
its naturalness. Because most people are assumed by others to
be heterosexual, sex-segregated bathrooms are imagined by
many people to be “sexuality-free” zones. Opponents’ focus
on bathrooms centers on fears of sexual impropriety that could
be introduced by allowing the “wrong bodies”—or, to be more
precise, penises—into spaces deemed as “for women only.”
Gender panics, thus, could easily be relabeled “penis panics.”
The shift from gender panics to penis panics as a point of
accounts for critics’ sole focus on the women’s restroom—a
location that, opponents argue, should be “penis-free.”
While such arguments are not always politically effec-
tive—Gainesville, for instance, did not repeal its ordinance—
reinforce gender inequality in a number of ways. Opponents
disseminate ideas that women are weak and in need of protec-
tion—what one of us (Laurel Westbrook) frames as creating a
“vulnerable subjecthood”—and that men are inherent rapists. At
the same time, they generate fear and misunderstanding around
transgender people along with the suggestion that transgender
people are less deserving of protection than cisgender women
and children (cisgender people are those whose gender identity
conforms to their biological sex). As such, the battle over trans -
gender people’s access to sex-segregated spaces is both about
transgender rights and about either reproducing or challenging
Contexts, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 26-31. ISSN 1536-5042, electronic
ISSN 1537-60521. © 2015 American
Sociological Association. DOI
In none of the media accounts we analyzed
have opponents been able to cite an actual case
of bathroom sexual assault after the passage of
transgender-supportive policies.
A promo image used by the Canada Family Action group in
protest of a bill adding “gender expression” and “gender
identity” to the list of prohibited grounds for discrimination.
A Maryland Group used a popular image to try to stop what
they called a “Bathroom Bill.”
damaging beliefs about what it is to be a man and what it is
to be a woman.
transgender rights legislation to “bathroom bills”
The public response to transgender-supportive policies has
varied across different social contexts. Within gender-integrated
settings, such as college campuses and workplaces, the trend
toward transgender-inclusive health care coverage and non-
discrimination policies in terms of hiring and promotion has
become widely accepted as an important dimension of diversity.
Yet, transgender inclusion in sex-segregated settings has proven
to be more controversial. In particular, the part of inclusive
cies that allows transgender people to use a bathroom that
with their gender identity and expression—rather than with their
chromosomes or genital confi gurations—has generated a great
deal of opposition.
Supportive politicians and advocates frame transgender
rights policies as a way to alleviate discrimination against
gender and gender variant people. Opponents, in contrast,
reframe the debate as being about bathroom access. This con-
certed effort to focus on bathrooms was evident in the media
accounts we analyzed. Critics did not discuss “transgender
legislation,” but rather “bathroom bills.” Reporters picked up
on this aspect of the debate, creating pithy, attention-grabbing
headlines such as “Critics: Flush Bathroom Bill” (Boston
and “Bathroom Bill Goes Down the Drain” (New Hampshire
Business Review).
Opponents repeatedly expressed their belief that public
restrooms have to be segregated on the basis of gender and that
people’s genitals, not their gender identities, should determine
bathroom access. Kris Mineau of the conservative
Family Institute, quoted in The Republican, worried about the
potential outcome of the proposed state transgender rights bill.
“This is a far-reaching piece of legislation that will disrupt the
privacy of bathrooms, showers, and exercise facilities includ-
ing those in public schools... . This bill opens the barn door
to everybody. There is no way to know who of the opposite
biological sex is using the facility for the right purpose.”
Reilly, a spokesperson for the same institute, told The Berkshire
Eagle, “Men and women bathrooms [sic] have been separated
for ages for a reason... . Women need to feel private and safe
when they’re using those facilities.”
In actuality, the segregation of public bathrooms on the basis
of gender is a relatively recent phenomenon in the United
Prior to the Victorian era, men and women used the same priv-
ies and outhouses. With the invention of indoor plumbing came
water closets and later bathrooms, which were not segregated
until Victorian ideals of feminine modesty—and the mixing of
men and women in factory work—established a new precedent.
By the 1920s, laws requiring segregated public facilities were
rigueur across the country. As sociologist Erving Goffman has
pointed out, men and women share bathrooms in their homes.
In public restrooms, by contrast, the sense that men and women
are opposite is exacerbated by the placement of open urinals in
men’s rooms and the private stalls found in women’s rooms.
separation, then, is not biologically necessary but rather
mandated. Highlighting this point, bathroom segregation is not
universal, as some European countries, such as France, often
gender-integrated public restrooms.
Transgender-supportive policies present a sharp challenge
to this bathroom segregation logic. Opponents struggle with the
sense that their belief in a static gender binary determined by
chromosomes and genitals is being undermined by institutional
and governmental support for transgender people. The outcome
of the resulting gender panics is often a call to socially
what opponents position as a natural division of men and
women. In a “Letter to the Editor” in The Bangor Daily News,
a concerned author contests transgender bathroom access,
An ad released by the group CitizenLink in Colorado.An ad
released by the group CitizenLink in Colorado.An ad released
by the group CitizenLink in Colorado.
29S U M M E R 2 0 1 5 c o n t e x t s
arguing, “What makes an individual able to claim gender? As I
always understood it growing up—and I know I am not alone
in this—your anatomy dictates your sex.” A follow-up response
on The Bangor Daily News “ClickBack” page read, “The policy
should be boys use the men’s room and girls use the lady’s
Identification does not change physical plumbing.”
These ideological collisions between those advocating
transgender rights and those who insist on sex at birth deter-
mining gender, and the ensuing panics, put into high relief the
often-invisible social criteria for “who counts” as a woman and
man in our society. Yet, in our study, such gender panics
exclusively on the threat that transgender-supportive bills pres-
ent to cisgender women and children. Highlighting this point,
opponents to trans-inclusive policies proposed in Massachusetts
and New Hampshire in 2009 and 2010 repeatedly discussed
that these policies would, as The Associated Press reported,
“put women and children at risk.” It was
in these fears of “risk” that the image of
the sexual predator emerged.
enter the sexual predator
The conception of the “sexual pred-
ator” is deeply gendered. People often
assume that they can establish whether
someone is a potential sexual threat by
simply determining if they are male (pos-
sible threat) or female (not a likely threat).
Critics charge that transgender rights laws
will make such determination difficult and,
will, like “sheep’s clothing” on a wolf, give predators open
access to those seen as vulnerable. Evelyn Reilly, a
for the Massachusetts Family Institute, argued that a proposed
state-level law protecting gender identity and gender expression
would allow “a sexual predator using the guise of gender confu-
sion to enter the restrooms.” In Colorado, Bruce Hausknecht,
a policy analyst for the evangelical organization Focus on the
Family Action, fought against a proposed transgender rights
bill in 2009, stating: “The fear... is that a sexual predator would
attempt to enter the women’s facilities, and the public accom-
modation owner would feel they had no ability to challenge
that.” In Nevada in 2009, conservative activist Tony Dane told
The Las Vegas Review-Journal that transgender-rights policies
would allow men to legally enter women’s restrooms “in drag,”
which would “make it easier for them to attack women and
evade capture.”
from gender panics to penis panics
Transgender people, along with gay men and lesbian
women, have a long history of being conflated with pedophiles
and other sexual predators. Within the articles we analyzed,
opponents worried about what transgender women, who they
assume have penises, might do if they were allowed access to
women-only spaces. Demonstrating such concern, reporters
frequently highlighted critics’ fears about “male anatomies”
or “male genitalia” in women’s spaces. Transgender women in
these narratives are always anchored to their imagined “male
anatomies,” and thus become categorized as potential sexual
threats to those vested with vulnerable subjecthood, namely
cisgender women and children.
Explicit bodily criteria for access to sex-
segregated spaces can quell gender panics,
but these criteria force transgender people
into restrictive, normative forms of gendered
embodiment that perpetuate the belief that
genitals and gender must be linked.
The bathroom sign at the Electronic Frontier Foundation in
A poster on the campus of the University of Bristol.
l L
In contrast, transgender men—assumed by critics to be
“really women” because they do not possess a “natural”
penis—are relatively invisible in these debates. Transgender
men are mentioned directly by opponents only once in all of the
articles we analyzed. After conservative opponent Tony Dane
expressed his concern that the proposed Nevada policy would
make women “uncomfortable” in the bathroom because they
might have to see a transgender woman, a reporter for The Las
Vegas Review-Journal asked about his position on transgender
men. He stated, “they should use the women’s bathroom,
regardless of whom it makes uncomfortable, because that’s
where they’re supposed to go.” Transgender men are never
referenced as potential sexual threat to women, men, or chil-
dren. Instead, they are put into a category that sociologist Mimi
Schippers labels “pariah femininities.” They are not dangerous
to cisgender women and children, but they also do not warrant
protection and rights because they fall outside of gender and
sexual normativity.
As our research reveals, policies that would allow trans-
gender people to access sex-segregated spaces and do not
have specific requirements for genital surgeries generate a
great deal of panic. These panics matter, as they frequently
result in a reshaping of the language of such policies to require
extensive bodily changes before transgender people have access
to particular rights and locations. Such changes place severe
limitations on transgender people who may not want or cannot
afford genital surgeries. Further, while explicit bodily criteria
access to sex-segregated spaces can quell gender panics, these
criteria force transgender people into restrictive and normative
forms of gendered embodiment that perpetuate the belief that
genitals and gender must be linked.
transgender rights and the struggle for gender
In 2011, the National Center for Transgender Equality and
the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force published “Injustice
Every Turn,” a report that highlights the findings of the largest
ever survey of the experiences of transgender and gender vari -
ant people. The report documents wide-ranging experiences of
discrimination. For instance, respondents had double the rate
of unemployment compared to the general population and
90% reported experiencing workplace discrimination, including
being unable to access a bathroom at work that matched their
gender identity.
Anti-discrimination legislation that offers protections for a
person’s gender identity and gender expression is an important
strategy for addressing inequality in hiring and promotion.
Additionally, these policies allow transgender people to use
public accommodations, such as bathrooms, in line with their
gender identity. In other words, a transgender man with a beard
would not be legally required to use the women’s restroom
simply because he had been assigned female at birth. While the
Vassar College students stage a multi-gender bathroom sit-in.
31S U M M E R 2 0 1 5 c o n t e x t s 31
adoption of transgender-supportive policies has grown rapidly
the state, city, and corporate level in the last ten years, in 2015
there are limited federal protections—a situation that would be
addressed by the passage of the Employment Non-
Act (also known as ENDA). The regional variation in protection
for gender identity and gender expression—and the widespread
violence and discrimination aimed at trans-
gender people—makes this a key political
issue for gender equality.
unmasking the real debate
Gender panics gain legitimacy in the
realm of debate because many people
believe that women and young children
are inherently vulnerable and in need of
protection from men. In dominant U.S. culture, men—or more
specifically, people assumed to have penises—are both con-
ceived of as the potential protectors of vulnerable people they
have relational ties to, such as wives, sisters, daughters, and
mothers, and a potential source of sexual threat to others.
This idea emerges from a belief that men constantly seek out
sexual interactions and will resort to violence to achieve these
desires. As transgender women are placed into the category
of persons with penises—making them, for many opponents,
“really men”—they become an imagined source of threat to
cisgender women and children. And, as there are no protective
men present in women’s restrooms, opponents to transgender
rights imagine women (and often children, who are likely to
accompany women to the restroom) as uniquely imperiled by
these non-discrimination policies.
Proponents of transgender-inclusive laws and policies can
make strong arguments about the need for protections. The
increasingly large body of empirical data on transgender people
in the United States emphasizes that transgender people are
much more likely to face violence in the restroom rather than to
perpetrate such violence. In fact, in none of the media accounts
we analyzed have opponents been able to cite an actual case
of bathroom sexual assault after the passage of transgender -
supportive policies. But deep-rooted cultural fears about the
vulnerability of women and children are hard to counter.
It is not to be suggested that sexual assault is not a serious
and troubling real issue; rather, such assaults rarely occur in
lic restrooms and no cities or states that have passed
rights legislation have witnessed increases in sexual assaults in
public restrooms after the laws have gone into effect. Raising
the specter of the sexual predator in debates around transgender
rights should be unmasked for the multiple ways it can perpetu-
ate gender inequality. Under the guise of “protecting” women,
critics reproduce ideas about their weakness; depict males as
assailants, and work to deny rights to transgender people.
Moreover, they suggest that there should be a hierarchy of
in which cisgender women and children are more deserving of
protections than transgender people.
Beliefs about gender difference form the scaffolding of
structural gender inequality, as those that are “opposite” cannot
be equal. Thus, bathroom sex-segregation must be reconsidered
if we want to push gender equality forward. Many college
campuses are moving toward gender-integrated bathrooms and
widespread availability of gender-neutral bathrooms. And, in
California, bill AB1266, passed in 2013, authorizes high school
students to use bathrooms that fit their gender identity and gen-
der expression. These examples demonstrate that the social
of the bathroom can change. While such changes may spark
gender panics, these examples suggest that the battles fought
over bathroom access can be won in favor of gender equality.
recommended readings:
Sheila Cavanagh. 2010. Queering Bathrooms: Gender,
and the Hygienic Imagination. Toronto, ON: University of
Press. An instructive and exhaustive look at the cultural
tion of bathrooms, including how they maintain binary under-
standings of gender and disadvantage queer and transgender
Erving Goffman. 1977. “The Arrangement Between the Sexes,”
Theory and Society 4(3): 301-331. This classic article theorizes
social construction of gender by exploring several venues,
ing bathrooms, which are designed to support the deeply held
view that males are opposite and superior to females.
Jaime M. Grant, Lisa A. Mottet, Justin Tanis, Jack Harrison,
L. Herman, and Mara Keisling. 2011. Injustice at Every Turn: A
Report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey.
ington, D.C.: National Center for Transgender Equality and the
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Summarizes the findings
of the largest ever survey of transgender and gender variant
people, including experiences of unemployment, discrimination,
and violence.
Harvey Molotoch and Laura Noren (eds). 2010. Toilet: Public
rooms and the Politics of Sharing. New York: New York
Press. An interdisciplinary set of essays examining the history
implication of public restrooms.
Kristen Schilt is in the department of sociology at The
University of Chicago. She is
the author of Just One of the Guys? Transgender Men and the
Persistence of Gender
Inequality. Laurel Westbrook is in the department of sociology
at Grand Valley
State University in Allendale, MI. Her multi-method studies
revolve around the inner
workings of the sex/gender/sexuality system.
Raising the specter of the sexual predator in
debates around transgender rights should
be unmasked for the multiple ways it can
perpetuate gender inequality.
Evolving language & Cultural Understanding of Gender
Breaking out of gender binary and strict categories of
male/female, masculine/feminine
Embracing blurred, fluid identities across a gender spectrum
“Masculine & feminine roles are not biologically fixed but
socially constructed”
What is Intersex?
Born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to
fit the typical definitions of female or male.
In other words, physical bodies that are neither wholly male or
female- they are outside the binary
Attributed to more than 70 different chromosomal and hormonal
Who is Intersex?
Approx 1 in 1000 babies born with intersex traits- does not
include variations that show later in life (puberty, fertility, not
at all)
Number of intersex people has been compared to number of
people with naturally red hair.
Intersex is also a socially constructed category that determines
what is “typically” male or female and therefore what does and
does not “fit”
Intersex Identity
Intersex is separate from gender identity and sexual orientation.
May identify as male, female, trans, 3rd gender.
Identity and difficulties are often be impacted by decisions
made doctors and parents at birth
(Note: hermaphrodite is an obsolete term that is not currently
considered appropriate.)
Intersex Surgery
Sex assignment surgery to create “consistent” genitalia on
infants has been protocol for decades
Nearly all cosmetic and not medically necessary
Based on belief that infants are gender neutral at birth & gender
identity and social belonging are dependent consistent genitalia.
Parents counseled to maintain secrecy into adulthood.
Surgery Controversy
Intersex Society of North America argues intersex genital
surgeries are a human rights issue:
Does not address medical need or improve bodily function
Children too young & parents under-informed to provide
Higher risk of impairment in sexual, reproductive, or other
bodily function & need for ongoing treatment.
Emotional trauma: Suggests child is not acceptable as they are.
Potential for “incorrect” assignment
Who is Transgender?
Refers to all people who identify outside dominant ideas of
Commonly believed to be male or female who transition to the
“other” sex but in can be anyone on gender spectrum that is not
within binary or Cisgender
“The real promise of the transgender movement is not the
freedom to figure out ways to become more fully male or fully
female, but rather freedom from gender entirely” – Shannon
(Cisgender: A gender identity that society considers to “match”
the biological sex assigned at birth. The prefix cis-means “on
this side of” or “not across from.)
Trans Rights
Legal to deny housing to trans people in 32 states
52% of LGBTQ people live in states that where they can legally
be fired, denied promotions, refused training, harassed, and
denied employment.
Trans identity used to deny parental custody, visitation, &
Trans patients denied access to healthcare/treatment
Identity Documents
Major area of legal concern for Trans and Intersex people
Documents that do not match each other and/or gender
presentation cause difficulties personal affairs & can lead to
harassment & discrimination
State & national laws vary and are not consistent.
Federal US government does not recognize 3rd gender on
documents but more countries and states do
“Bathroom Battlegrounds”
Bathroom Bill: common term for legislation that defines access
to public bathrooms based on sex or gender identity
Gendered bathrooms relatively recent, not universal culturally
& remain neutral in private.
Bathroom segregation not biologically necessary but socially
Arguments against Trans access to bathrooms based on “sexual
predator” narrative.
Assumes compulsory heterosexuality and produces sexual
scripts of female victims and male rapists.
Stats do not support fear of bathroom sexual assault- “Stranger
rape myth”
Transgender people significantly more likely to be assaulted
based bathroom use
Gender     Sexual OrientationThe Genderbread Person v4

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Gender Sexual OrientationThe Genderbread Person v4

  • 1. Gender Sexual Orientation The Genderbread Person v4 Expression Identity Attraction Sex and/or (a/o) Identity Expression Sex means a lack of what’s on the right side For a bigger bite, read more at www.genderbread.orgGenderbread Person Version 4 created and uncopyrighted 2017 by Sam Killermann The Genderbread Person v4 means a lack of what’s on the right side For a bigger bite, read more at www.genderbread.orgGenderbread Person Version 4 created and
  • 2. uncopyrighted 2017 by Sam Killermann Gender Sexual Orientation Expression Identity Attraction Sex is how you, in your head, experience and define your gender, based on how much you align (or don’t align) with what you understand the options for gender to be. is how you find yourself feeling drawn (or not drawn) to some other people, in sexual, romantic, and/or other ways (often categorized within gender). is the physical traits you’re born with or develop that we think of as “sex characteristics,” as well as the sex you are assigned at birth. is how you present gender (through your actions, clothing, and demeanor, to name a few), and how those presentations are viewed based on social expectations. We can think about all these things as
  • 3. existing on continuums, where a lot of people might see themselves as existing somewhere between 0 and 100 on each common GENDER IDENTITY things personality traits, jobs, hobbies, likes, dislikes, roles, expectations common GENDER EXPRESSION things style, grooming, clothing, mannerisms, affect, appearance, hair, make-up common ANATOMICAL SEX things body hair, chest, hips, shoulders, hormones penis, vulva, chromosomes, voice pitch Gender is one of those things everyone thinks they under- stand, but most people don’t. Gender isn’t binary. It’s not either/or. In many cases it’s both/and. A bit of this, a dash of that. This tasty little guide is meant to be an appetizer for gender understanding. It’s okay if you’re hungry for more after reading it. In fact, that’s the idea. Identity Expression Sex Typically based solely on external genitalia present at birth (ignoring internal anatomy, biology, and change throughout life), Sex Assigned At Birth (SAAB) is key for distinguishing between the terms “cisgender” (whenSAAB aligns with gender identity) and “transgender” (when it doesn’t). The Genderbread Person
  • 4. and/or (a/o) means a lack of what’s on the right side For a bigger bite, read more at www.genderbread.orgGenderbread Person Version 4 created and uncopyrighted 2017 by Sam Killermann For a bigger bite, read more at www.genderbread.orgGenderbread Person Version 4 created and uncopyrighted 2017 by Sam Killermann Gender Sexual Orientation Expression Identity Attraction Sex is how you, in your head, experience and define your gender, based on how much you align (or don’t align) with what you understand the options for gender to be. is how you find yourself feeling drawn (or not drawn) to some other people, in sexual, romantic, and/or other ways (often categorized within gender). is the physical traits you’re born with or develop that
  • 5. we think of as “sex characteristics,” as well as the sex you are assigned at birth. is how you present gender (through your actions, clothing, and demeanor, to name a few), and how those presentations are viewed based on social expectations. We can think about all these things as existing on continuums, where a lot of people might see themselves as existing somewhere between 0 and 100 on each common GENDER IDENTITY things personality traits, jobs, hobbies, likes, dislikes, roles, expectations common GENDER EXPRESSION things style, grooming, clothing, mannerisms, affect, appearance, hair, make-up common ANATOMICAL SEX things body hair, chest, hips, shoulders, hormones penis, vulva, chromosomes, voice pitch Gender is one of those things everyone thinks they under- stand, but most people don’t. Gender isn’t binary. It’s not either/or. In many cases it’s both/and. A bit of this, a dash of that. This tasty little guide is meant to be an appetizer for gender understanding. It’s okay if you’re hungry for more after reading it. In fact, that’s the idea.
  • 6. Identity Expression Sex Typically based solely on external genitalia present at birth (ignoring internal anatomy, biology, and change throughout life), Sex Assigned At Birth (SAAB) is key for distinguishing between the terms “cisgender” (whenSAAB aligns with gender identity) and “transgender” (when it doesn’t). The Genderbread Person and/or (a/o) means a lack of what’s on the right side For a bigger bite, read more at www.genderbread.orgGenderbread Person Version 4 created and uncopyrighted 2017 by Sam Killermann For a bigger bite, read more at www.genderbread.orgGenderbread Person Version 4 created and uncopyrighted 2017 by Sam Killermann 26 bathroom battlegrounds and penis panics by kristen schilt and laurel westbrook In January 2008, the city commission in Gainesville, Florida passed an ordinance prohibiting discrimi- nation on the basis of “gender identity and gender
  • 7. expression” in employment and public accom- modations (such as public restrooms and locker rooms). Advocates argued that the legislation was a key step toward addressing discrimination against transgender and gender variant people. However, 14 months later voters were considering a ballot initiative to overturn the law. 15596943&domain=pdf&date_stamp=2015-08-27 27S U M M E R 2 0 1 5 c o n t e x t s Even though there had been no reported problems, those that were pushing for the repeal of the new ordinance suggested that such protections had unanticipated, dangerous conse- quences for women and children. Citizens for Good Public Policy ran a TV ad that featured a young, white girl on a playground. She jumps off a merry-go-round, and, alone, enters a doorway clearly marked “Women’s Restroom.” A moment later, a White man with a scraggly beard, dark sunglasses, and baseball cap
  • 8. slung low on his forehead approaches the door, looks around furtively, and enters. As the door swings shut, the ad cuts to black and the message appears: “Your City Commission made this legal. Is this what you want for Gainesville?” The question at the heart of the ballot initiative—the place of transgender people in society—has never been a more visible issue than it is today. Advocates for transgender rights have effectively demonstrated that transgender and gender variant people face large-scale discrimination in areas such as employ- ment, housing, and education. Yet, while city and state policies to address such discrimination are rapidly expanding, each new transgender-supportive law or policy typi- cally results in an outbreak of protest. As sociologists of gender, we were interested in accounting for the opposition to transgender rights in the face of greater societal acceptance of transgender people, as it presents a puzzling aspect of gender:
  • 9. why are transgender people accepted in some spaces and not others? We did a content analysis of media articles about transgender-inclusive legislation from 2006-2010, and discov- ered that the Gainesville ad was not an anomaly. Opponents of transgender recognition often brought up the specter of sexual predators in sex-segregated spaces as an argument against the passage of transgender rights legislation. Interestingly, such fears centered exclusively on women’s spaces, particularly restrooms. What do sexual predators have to do with transgender rights? Moreover, why is the concern only about women’s spaces? In our research, we find that opponents are making an argument against any bodies perceived as male having a legal right to enter a woman-only space because they imagine such bodies to present a sexual danger to women and children. Under this logic, they often conflate “sexual predators” (imagined to be deviant men) and transgender women (imagined to be
  • 10. always male). This exclusive focus on “males” suggests that it is genitals—not gender identity and expression—that are driv- ing what we term “gender panics”—moments where people react to a challenge to the gender binary by frantically asserting its naturalness. Because most people are assumed by others to be heterosexual, sex-segregated bathrooms are imagined by many people to be “sexuality-free” zones. Opponents’ focus on bathrooms centers on fears of sexual impropriety that could be introduced by allowing the “wrong bodies”—or, to be more precise, penises—into spaces deemed as “for women only.” Gender panics, thus, could easily be relabeled “penis panics.” The shift from gender panics to penis panics as a point of analysis accounts for critics’ sole focus on the women’s restroom—a location that, opponents argue, should be “penis-free.” While such arguments are not always politically effec- tive—Gainesville, for instance, did not repeal its ordinance— they reinforce gender inequality in a number of ways. Opponents
  • 11. disseminate ideas that women are weak and in need of protec- tion—what one of us (Laurel Westbrook) frames as creating a “vulnerable subjecthood”—and that men are inherent rapists. At the same time, they generate fear and misunderstanding around transgender people along with the suggestion that transgender people are less deserving of protection than cisgender women and children (cisgender people are those whose gender identity conforms to their biological sex). As such, the battle over trans - gender people’s access to sex-segregated spaces is both about transgender rights and about either reproducing or challenging Contexts, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 26-31. ISSN 1536-5042, electronic ISSN 1537-60521. © 2015 American Sociological Association. DOI 10.1177/1536504215596943 In none of the media accounts we analyzed have opponents been able to cite an actual case of bathroom sexual assault after the passage of transgender-supportive policies. A promo image used by the Canada Family Action group in protest of a bill adding “gender expression” and “gender identity” to the list of prohibited grounds for discrimination. A Maryland Group used a popular image to try to stop what they called a “Bathroom Bill.”
  • 13. 28 damaging beliefs about what it is to be a man and what it is to be a woman. transgender rights legislation to “bathroom bills” The public response to transgender-supportive policies has varied across different social contexts. Within gender-integrated settings, such as college campuses and workplaces, the trend toward transgender-inclusive health care coverage and non- discrimination policies in terms of hiring and promotion has become widely accepted as an important dimension of diversity. Yet, transgender inclusion in sex-segregated settings has proven to be more controversial. In particular, the part of inclusive poli- cies that allows transgender people to use a bathroom that aligns with their gender identity and expression—rather than with their chromosomes or genital confi gurations—has generated a great deal of opposition. Supportive politicians and advocates frame transgender
  • 14. rights policies as a way to alleviate discrimination against trans- gender and gender variant people. Opponents, in contrast, reframe the debate as being about bathroom access. This con- certed effort to focus on bathrooms was evident in the media accounts we analyzed. Critics did not discuss “transgender rights legislation,” but rather “bathroom bills.” Reporters picked up on this aspect of the debate, creating pithy, attention-grabbing headlines such as “Critics: Flush Bathroom Bill” (Boston Herald) and “Bathroom Bill Goes Down the Drain” (New Hampshire Business Review). Opponents repeatedly expressed their belief that public restrooms have to be segregated on the basis of gender and that people’s genitals, not their gender identities, should determine bathroom access. Kris Mineau of the conservative Massachusetts Family Institute, quoted in The Republican, worried about the potential outcome of the proposed state transgender rights bill.
  • 15. “This is a far-reaching piece of legislation that will disrupt the privacy of bathrooms, showers, and exercise facilities includ- ing those in public schools... . This bill opens the barn door to everybody. There is no way to know who of the opposite biological sex is using the facility for the right purpose.” Evelyn Reilly, a spokesperson for the same institute, told The Berkshire Eagle, “Men and women bathrooms [sic] have been separated for ages for a reason... . Women need to feel private and safe when they’re using those facilities.” In actuality, the segregation of public bathrooms on the basis of gender is a relatively recent phenomenon in the United States. Prior to the Victorian era, men and women used the same priv- ies and outhouses. With the invention of indoor plumbing came water closets and later bathrooms, which were not segregated until Victorian ideals of feminine modesty—and the mixing of men and women in factory work—established a new precedent. By the 1920s, laws requiring segregated public facilities were de
  • 16. rigueur across the country. As sociologist Erving Goffman has pointed out, men and women share bathrooms in their homes. In public restrooms, by contrast, the sense that men and women are opposite is exacerbated by the placement of open urinals in men’s rooms and the private stalls found in women’s rooms. Such separation, then, is not biologically necessary but rather socially mandated. Highlighting this point, bathroom segregation is not universal, as some European countries, such as France, often have gender-integrated public restrooms. Transgender-supportive policies present a sharp challenge to this bathroom segregation logic. Opponents struggle with the sense that their belief in a static gender binary determined by chromosomes and genitals is being undermined by institutional and governmental support for transgender people. The outcome of the resulting gender panics is often a call to socially reinforce what opponents position as a natural division of men and
  • 17. women. In a “Letter to the Editor” in The Bangor Daily News, a concerned author contests transgender bathroom access, An ad released by the group CitizenLink in Colorado.An ad released by the group CitizenLink in Colorado.An ad released by the group CitizenLink in Colorado. C it iz en Li n k. co m 29S U M M E R 2 0 1 5 c o n t e x t s arguing, “What makes an individual able to claim gender? As I always understood it growing up—and I know I am not alone in this—your anatomy dictates your sex.” A follow-up response on The Bangor Daily News “ClickBack” page read, “The policy should be boys use the men’s room and girls use the lady’s room.
  • 18. Identification does not change physical plumbing.” These ideological collisions between those advocating transgender rights and those who insist on sex at birth deter- mining gender, and the ensuing panics, put into high relief the often-invisible social criteria for “who counts” as a woman and a man in our society. Yet, in our study, such gender panics focused exclusively on the threat that transgender-supportive bills pres- ent to cisgender women and children. Highlighting this point, opponents to trans-inclusive policies proposed in Massachusetts and New Hampshire in 2009 and 2010 repeatedly discussed that these policies would, as The Associated Press reported, “put women and children at risk.” It was in these fears of “risk” that the image of the sexual predator emerged. enter the sexual predator The conception of the “sexual pred- ator” is deeply gendered. People often
  • 19. assume that they can establish whether someone is a potential sexual threat by simply determining if they are male (pos- sible threat) or female (not a likely threat). Critics charge that transgender rights laws will make such determination difficult and, will, like “sheep’s clothing” on a wolf, give predators open access to those seen as vulnerable. Evelyn Reilly, a spokesperson for the Massachusetts Family Institute, argued that a proposed state-level law protecting gender identity and gender expression would allow “a sexual predator using the guise of gender confu- sion to enter the restrooms.” In Colorado, Bruce Hausknecht, a policy analyst for the evangelical organization Focus on the Family Action, fought against a proposed transgender rights bill in 2009, stating: “The fear... is that a sexual predator would attempt to enter the women’s facilities, and the public accom- modation owner would feel they had no ability to challenge that.” In Nevada in 2009, conservative activist Tony Dane told
  • 20. The Las Vegas Review-Journal that transgender-rights policies would allow men to legally enter women’s restrooms “in drag,” which would “make it easier for them to attack women and evade capture.” from gender panics to penis panics Transgender people, along with gay men and lesbian women, have a long history of being conflated with pedophiles and other sexual predators. Within the articles we analyzed, opponents worried about what transgender women, who they assume have penises, might do if they were allowed access to women-only spaces. Demonstrating such concern, reporters frequently highlighted critics’ fears about “male anatomies” or “male genitalia” in women’s spaces. Transgender women in these narratives are always anchored to their imagined “male anatomies,” and thus become categorized as potential sexual threats to those vested with vulnerable subjecthood, namely cisgender women and children. Explicit bodily criteria for access to sex- segregated spaces can quell gender panics,
  • 21. but these criteria force transgender people into restrictive, normative forms of gendered embodiment that perpetuate the belief that genitals and gender must be linked. The bathroom sign at the Electronic Frontier Foundation in California. A poster on the campus of the University of Bristol. U n iv er si ty o f B ri st o l L G B T+ S o ci
  • 23. s 30 In contrast, transgender men—assumed by critics to be “really women” because they do not possess a “natural” penis—are relatively invisible in these debates. Transgender men are mentioned directly by opponents only once in all of the articles we analyzed. After conservative opponent Tony Dane expressed his concern that the proposed Nevada policy would make women “uncomfortable” in the bathroom because they might have to see a transgender woman, a reporter for The Las Vegas Review-Journal asked about his position on transgender men. He stated, “they should use the women’s bathroom, regardless of whom it makes uncomfortable, because that’s where they’re supposed to go.” Transgender men are never referenced as potential sexual threat to women, men, or chil- dren. Instead, they are put into a category that sociologist Mimi Schippers labels “pariah femininities.” They are not dangerous
  • 24. to cisgender women and children, but they also do not warrant protection and rights because they fall outside of gender and sexual normativity. As our research reveals, policies that would allow trans- gender people to access sex-segregated spaces and do not have specific requirements for genital surgeries generate a great deal of panic. These panics matter, as they frequently result in a reshaping of the language of such policies to require extensive bodily changes before transgender people have access to particular rights and locations. Such changes place severe limitations on transgender people who may not want or cannot afford genital surgeries. Further, while explicit bodily criteria for access to sex-segregated spaces can quell gender panics, these criteria force transgender people into restrictive and normative forms of gendered embodiment that perpetuate the belief that genitals and gender must be linked. transgender rights and the struggle for gender equality
  • 25. In 2011, the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force published “Injustice at Every Turn,” a report that highlights the findings of the largest ever survey of the experiences of transgender and gender vari - ant people. The report documents wide-ranging experiences of discrimination. For instance, respondents had double the rate of unemployment compared to the general population and 90% reported experiencing workplace discrimination, including being unable to access a bathroom at work that matched their gender identity. Anti-discrimination legislation that offers protections for a person’s gender identity and gender expression is an important strategy for addressing inequality in hiring and promotion. Additionally, these policies allow transgender people to use public accommodations, such as bathrooms, in line with their gender identity. In other words, a transgender man with a beard would not be legally required to use the women’s restroom simply because he had been assigned female at birth. While the
  • 26. Vassar College students stage a multi-gender bathroom sit-in. Pe te , Fl ic kr C re at iv e C o m m o n s 31S U M M E R 2 0 1 5 c o n t e x t s 31 adoption of transgender-supportive policies has grown rapidly at
  • 27. the state, city, and corporate level in the last ten years, in 2015 there are limited federal protections—a situation that would be addressed by the passage of the Employment Non- Discrimination Act (also known as ENDA). The regional variation in protection for gender identity and gender expression—and the widespread violence and discrimination aimed at trans- gender people—makes this a key political issue for gender equality. unmasking the real debate Gender panics gain legitimacy in the realm of debate because many people believe that women and young children are inherently vulnerable and in need of protection from men. In dominant U.S. culture, men—or more specifically, people assumed to have penises—are both con- ceived of as the potential protectors of vulnerable people they have relational ties to, such as wives, sisters, daughters, and mothers, and a potential source of sexual threat to others.
  • 28. This idea emerges from a belief that men constantly seek out sexual interactions and will resort to violence to achieve these desires. As transgender women are placed into the category of persons with penises—making them, for many opponents, “really men”—they become an imagined source of threat to cisgender women and children. And, as there are no protective men present in women’s restrooms, opponents to transgender rights imagine women (and often children, who are likely to accompany women to the restroom) as uniquely imperiled by these non-discrimination policies. Proponents of transgender-inclusive laws and policies can make strong arguments about the need for protections. The increasingly large body of empirical data on transgender people in the United States emphasizes that transgender people are much more likely to face violence in the restroom rather than to perpetrate such violence. In fact, in none of the media accounts we analyzed have opponents been able to cite an actual case of bathroom sexual assault after the passage of transgender -
  • 29. supportive policies. But deep-rooted cultural fears about the vulnerability of women and children are hard to counter. It is not to be suggested that sexual assault is not a serious and troubling real issue; rather, such assaults rarely occur in pub- lic restrooms and no cities or states that have passed transgender rights legislation have witnessed increases in sexual assaults in public restrooms after the laws have gone into effect. Raising the specter of the sexual predator in debates around transgender rights should be unmasked for the multiple ways it can perpetu- ate gender inequality. Under the guise of “protecting” women, critics reproduce ideas about their weakness; depict males as assailants, and work to deny rights to transgender people. Moreover, they suggest that there should be a hierarchy of rights in which cisgender women and children are more deserving of protections than transgender people. Beliefs about gender difference form the scaffolding of structural gender inequality, as those that are “opposite” cannot
  • 30. be equal. Thus, bathroom sex-segregation must be reconsidered if we want to push gender equality forward. Many college campuses are moving toward gender-integrated bathrooms and widespread availability of gender-neutral bathrooms. And, in California, bill AB1266, passed in 2013, authorizes high school students to use bathrooms that fit their gender identity and gen- der expression. These examples demonstrate that the social order of the bathroom can change. While such changes may spark gender panics, these examples suggest that the battles fought over bathroom access can be won in favor of gender equality. recommended readings: Sheila Cavanagh. 2010. Queering Bathrooms: Gender, Sexuality, and the Hygienic Imagination. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. An instructive and exhaustive look at the cultural construc- tion of bathrooms, including how they maintain binary under- standings of gender and disadvantage queer and transgender people. Erving Goffman. 1977. “The Arrangement Between the Sexes,” Theory and Society 4(3): 301-331. This classic article theorizes the
  • 31. social construction of gender by exploring several venues, includ- ing bathrooms, which are designed to support the deeply held view that males are opposite and superior to females. Jaime M. Grant, Lisa A. Mottet, Justin Tanis, Jack Harrison, Jody L. Herman, and Mara Keisling. 2011. Injustice at Every Turn: A Report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey. Wash- ington, D.C.: National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Summarizes the findings of the largest ever survey of transgender and gender variant people, including experiences of unemployment, discrimination, and violence. Harvey Molotoch and Laura Noren (eds). 2010. Toilet: Public Rest- rooms and the Politics of Sharing. New York: New York University Press. An interdisciplinary set of essays examining the history and implication of public restrooms. Kristen Schilt is in the department of sociology at The University of Chicago. She is the author of Just One of the Guys? Transgender Men and the Persistence of Gender Inequality. Laurel Westbrook is in the department of sociology at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, MI. Her multi-method studies revolve around the inner
  • 32. workings of the sex/gender/sexuality system. Raising the specter of the sexual predator in debates around transgender rights should be unmasked for the multiple ways it can perpetuate gender inequality. Evolving language & Cultural Understanding of Gender Breaking out of gender binary and strict categories of male/female, masculine/feminine Embracing blurred, fluid identities across a gender spectrum “Masculine & feminine roles are not biologically fixed but socially constructed”
  • 33. What is Intersex? Born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male. In other words, physical bodies that are neither wholly male or female- they are outside the binary Attributed to more than 70 different chromosomal and hormonal conditions Who is Intersex? Approx 1 in 1000 babies born with intersex traits- does not include variations that show later in life (puberty, fertility, not at all) Number of intersex people has been compared to number of people with naturally red hair.
  • 34. Intersex is also a socially constructed category that determines what is “typically” male or female and therefore what does and does not “fit” Intersex Identity Intersex is separate from gender identity and sexual orientation. May identify as male, female, trans, 3rd gender. Identity and difficulties are often be impacted by decisions made doctors and parents at birth (Note: hermaphrodite is an obsolete term that is not currently considered appropriate.)
  • 35. Intersex Surgery Sex assignment surgery to create “consistent” genitalia on infants has been protocol for decades Nearly all cosmetic and not medically necessary Based on belief that infants are gender neutral at birth & gender identity and social belonging are dependent consistent genitalia. Parents counseled to maintain secrecy into adulthood. Surgery Controversy Intersex Society of North America argues intersex genital surgeries are a human rights issue: Does not address medical need or improve bodily function Children too young & parents under-informed to provide consent Higher risk of impairment in sexual, reproductive, or other bodily function & need for ongoing treatment. Emotional trauma: Suggests child is not acceptable as they are. Potential for “incorrect” assignment
  • 36. Who is Transgender? Refers to all people who identify outside dominant ideas of gender Commonly believed to be male or female who transition to the “other” sex but in can be anyone on gender spectrum that is not within binary or Cisgender “The real promise of the transgender movement is not the freedom to figure out ways to become more fully male or fully female, but rather freedom from gender entirely” – Shannon Gilreath (Cisgender: A gender identity that society considers to “match” the biological sex assigned at birth. The prefix cis-means “on this side of” or “not across from.)
  • 37. Trans Rights Legal to deny housing to trans people in 32 states 52% of LGBTQ people live in states that where they can legally be fired, denied promotions, refused training, harassed, and denied employment. Trans identity used to deny parental custody, visitation, & adoption Trans patients denied access to healthcare/treatment Identity Documents
  • 38. Major area of legal concern for Trans and Intersex people Documents that do not match each other and/or gender presentation cause difficulties personal affairs & can lead to harassment & discrimination State & national laws vary and are not consistent. Federal US government does not recognize 3rd gender on documents but more countries and states do “Bathroom Battlegrounds” Bathroom Bill: common term for legislation that defines access to public bathrooms based on sex or gender identity Gendered bathrooms relatively recent, not universal culturally & remain neutral in private. Bathroom segregation not biologically necessary but socially constructed. Arguments against Trans access to bathrooms based on “sexual predator” narrative. Assumes compulsory heterosexuality and produces sexual scripts of female victims and male rapists. Stats do not support fear of bathroom sexual assault- “Stranger rape myth” Transgender people significantly more likely to be assaulted based bathroom use