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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Volume 7 / Issue 2 / 10

                                                                                                                Information in Action

    The Future of the
    Performance Management:
    Past, Present
    and Future

                  Letters from the Publisher and                                                                                        Emergency Response .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 22                            Building Sustainable Performance
                  Editor .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 2   By John Katsoulis and Seema Haji                                                          Management Frameworks  .  .  .  . 41
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  By Kaye Kendrick
                  The Future of the Scorecard                                                                                           PSEG Leverages Actuate to Reduce
                  By Jeff Perkins  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3                             Costs and Increase Productivity 25                                                        Bridging the Finance-Operational
                                                                                                                                        Public Service Enterprise Group                                                           Gap .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 44
In this issue >   The Smart Statement  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
                                                                                                                                        Top-Notch Performance  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                        28
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  By David F. Giannetto

                                                                                                                                        Promaco Consulting                                                                        Actuate Excellence Awards .  .  .  .                                                                             50
                  How to Spot a Bad Strategy  .  .                                                                          15
                  By Mark Graham Brown                                                                                                  Expanded Opportunity  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                      31   Coach’s Corner  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                 52
                                                                                                                                        Prudential plc                                                                            By Catie Sirie
                  The    Road        to                         World-Class
                  Commissioning  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 19                                       A Clearer View .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   34
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Reading Room  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                   54
                  NHS South of Tyne and Wear                                                                                            IBM Rational ClearQuest
From the Publisher
                                                                    At Actuate, 2010 started off with some exciting news. TechWeb’s Intelligent Enterprise Editors’ Choice
                                                                    Awards were announced, and Actuate was named a 2010 “Company to Watch” in the Business Intelligence
                                                                    (BI) category, for creating and leading the Eclipse BIRT project and supporting the developer community.
                                                                    The awards look at companies that innovate, even in the tough times we’ve seen in the past year. Our
                                                                    innovation and ability to continually evolve are things that Actuate take special pride in, and we’re pleased
                                                                    that the editors at Intelligent Enterprise would recognize that too.

                                                                  While we’re on the subject of innovation and evolution, we’ve been doing exactly that recently at Actuate
                                                                  – evolving. In fact, with just the first quarter of 2010 behind us, we’re already a different company than we
                                                                  were in 2009. And the biggest change has certainly been adding a new member to the Actuate family:
                                                                  Xenos, the leader in Online Presentment and Document Storage Reduction. But that’s not the only thing
                                            we’ve accomplished so far this year – we also did amazing work launching BIRT Performance Scorecard 9, BIRT Mobile for the
                                            iPhone and Xenos Accessibility.

                                            Now we’re getting underway with this year’s Actuate Excellence Awards, which is an exciting opportunity for us to reward the
                                            amazing innovations of our own clients. You can read more about those on page 50. And as usual, there’s a lot of great information
                                            in this issue of Perform. I hope you enjoy it and can apply it to your own lives.


                                            Rich Guth
                                            Rich Guth
                                            Vice President & General Manager Open Source Strategy Group

                                            From the Editor
                                                                    I recently came across an inspiring article about a gentleman in Malawi who was intent on providing

                                                                                                                                                                                    The Future of the
                                                                    electricity to his country – one windmill at a time. He’s built three so far, put together with anything he
                                                                    could get his hands on, and he’s become a local hero because just one of them generates enough power
                                                                    for a television, the lights in his family home and more incredibly his local villagers can use it to power
                                                                    their cell phones.
                                                                    The story’s theme played out in my mind over and over again, reminding me that simple ideas can have a

                                                                    tremendous impact. Each year Actuate recognizes great ideas in our own environment. And although we
                                                                    are not focused on the same goals as that man in Malawi, we also think we have our own group of heroes
                                                                    – our customers, who come up with great ideas every day.
                                                                    For 2010 we honor these ideas through our Excellence Awards, with three areas of excellence, outlined
                                            on page 50 of this issue of Perform. While the first two categories may seem familiar to you – BIRT Implementation Excellence
                                            and Scorecard Excellence – the third honors the newest member of the Actuate family, Xenos. Xenos is the leader in Online
                                            Presentment and Document Storage Reduction and we’re excited to have them join us. You can read more about Xenos in “The
                                                                                                                                                                                    By Jeff Perkins                                                          healthy or not. And then there’s you, searching high and low
                                            Smart Statement” on page 10, the first of a three-part series.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Vice President and General Manager                                       for a piece of information that will better inform how you do
Perform Magazine // Information in Action

                                            I hope you enjoy everything we’ve put together in this issue of Perform, from Jeff Perkins’ “The Future of the Scorecard” (page 3) –    Actuate Performance Management Solutions                                 your job. But it doesn’t exist, at least not definitively. There is
                                            which explores how Performance Management has evolved in his 14 years in the business – to Mark Graham Brown’s “How to Spot                                                                                      no single version of the truth.
                                            a Bad Strategy” (page 15) and David Giannetto’s “Bridging the Finance-Operations Gap” (page 44). Actually, we’re pretty excited                               e’ve all worked at that organization.
                                            about all of the contributions to this issue of Perform – we hope you are too.                                                                                You know the one: the place where you have         When I started in the Performance Measurement and
                                            Best Regards,                                                                                                                                                 to go searching everywhere for information,        Management business 14 years ago, that organization was

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Vol 7. Issue 2 . 2010
                                                                                                                                                                                                          for every single piece of data. But you look in    most every organization. And that was why we were doing

                                            John Katsoulis                                                                                                                                                10 different places and you get 10 different
                                                                                                                                                                                    answers. There is no single system of record for key, vital statistics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             what we were doing, because we were looking to improve on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the status quo. We wanted to help people measure – to track
                                                                                                                                                                                    – the vital indicators that tell you whether your organization is        things like actual versus budget, actual versus benchmark, etc.
                                            John Katsoulis
        2                                   Perform Editor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              3
                                                                                                                                                                                  data more effectively to manage your organization. Companies               – tall and small, public or private – and for all levels of those
                                                                                                                                                                                  are also moving away from the traditional report card approach,            organizations. It’s an attitude that we think meshes nicely with
                                                                                                                 About the Author
                                                    There’s been a vital                                         With a solid background in systems engineering, product
                                                                                                                                                                                  realizing that when employees feel like they are being judged
                                                                                                                                                                                  or ‘graded’ – constantly held up to the scrutiny of their peers –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             this new evolution of Performance Management culture, but
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             it’s one that differs from some of our competitors, who vary
                                               and dramatic shift in the                                         management, sales, and sales management, Jeff Perkins            they don’t always feel secure or happy in their jobs. No wonder
                                                                                                                                                                                  many of them weren’t on board with the early performance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             across the board but don’t quite have that same attitude.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Some think Performance Management belongs strictly in
                                               past years; a shift from a                                        oversees   the   worldwide    Performance     Management
                                                                                                                 Solutions team at Actuate. After spending eight successful       measurement initiatives!                                                   the financial domain, to be practiced exclusively by the folks

                                               performance measurement                                           years as Performancesoft’s Chief Technology Officer, Jeff        Today, though, we’re seeing organizations calling people from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             that are financially oriented; others see it only as being for the

                                                                                                                 – a 14-year Performance Management Software veteran –                                                                                       upper-echelon senior management. On that, we disagree.
                                                                                                                                                                                  far-flung regions of their company because they’ve been
                                               culture to a Performance                                          now works closely with Actuate’s engineering and product         performing well on a particular metric. They’re calling them               No matter where I stand on the company’s totem pole, after
                                               Management culture.                                               management groups to ensure that all Actuate Integrated
                                                                                                                 Performance Management solutions remain the most
                                                                                                                                                                                  in to help mentor and coach coworkers who are struggling
                                                                                                                                                                                  on the same metric, and they’re doing it in a collaborative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             all, I may be accountable for a business result or metric. And
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             if I am, it’s important for me to be able to drill down into the
                                                                                                                 innovative and user-friendly on the market.                      environment with great respect. It’s a more scorecard-oriented             underlying operational detail of that metric, so that I can
                                                                                                                                                                                  approach, where the idea isn’t to cast blame but to look instead           understand what’s really going on behind the scenes. Someone
                                                                                                                                                                                  at why certain metrics are performing below target, something              above me isn’t going to necessarily need to go into as much
                                                                                                                                                                                  that often has very explainable extenuating circumstances.                 detail as I am, so they’ll drill down to a much less detailed level;
                                            – and to allow them to use those statistics and ratios during     Performance Management vs. Measurement                              If you look at the Actuate BIRT Performance Scorecard today,               they’re focused on the big picture and don’t have the time
                                            the course of their jobs, to hopefully do those jobs better.                                                                          for example, there’s room for commentary and annotations,                  or need to go down to the most minute level of detail. But in
                                                                                                              We’ve come a long way, dude.                                        allowing metric owners to capture their knowledge, so that they
                                            Performance measurement still allows for that today.                                                                                                                                                             my role on the front lines, I need that information to do my
                                                                                                              In its infancy days, performance measurement was just that: a       can explain what’s going on behind the numbers. It’s a different           job well. It’s why we don’t think a company is making full use
                                            But it’s amazing how much something can change in a decade
                                                                                                              way of measuring performance at all levels of an organization       approach, and it makes each employee along the chain a part                of a Performance Management system – of its potential and
                                            and a half. Back then, performance measurement was still new
                                                                                                              and of keeping an eye on what was happening in the company          of the process, not simply the fall guy if something goes wrong.           possibilities – if they’re leaving it as the exclusive domain of
                                            and finding its footing. To succeed, we saw that visionaries
                                                                                                              trenches, so to speak. Which is fine, but many – I’d say most –     In other words, it’s no longer a shame-and-blame system, but               upper-tier executives.
                                            within the organization – often someone senior – needed to
                                                                                                              of the metrics being measured then were financial (since the        instead one of constant collaboration and improvement.
                                            champion the cause; to push it through, sometimes amidst                                                                                                                                                         That’s one competitive differentiator of Actuate, and it translates
                                                                                                              management systems themselves were all based on financial           Actuate’s Approach
                                            opposition from those who didn’t understand it or simply                                                                                                                                                         into what we offer. Our BIRT Performance Scorecard offers
                                                                                                              metrics) so most of the time companies only really had a small
                                            didn’t like the idea of being measured. And that often meant                                                                          Actuate’s approach to Performance Management is this: we                   different capabilities for different types of users at different
                                                                                                              glimpse at what was happening. And they couldn’t react very
                                            that even the best performance measurement program, while                                                                             think it’s for everyone, plain and simple. It’s for all organizations      levels of an organization. Other differentiators include:
                                                                                                              quickly to any changes, either – not when they only looked
                                            started with the greatest intentions, often had some inherent
                                                                                                              at those metrics every six months or maybe once a quarter. A
                                            problems: a top-down approach that left those lower on the
                                                                                                              very frequent measure then may have been monthly; today, it’s
                                            totem pole feeling alienated by a new system; or a report card-
                                                                                                              likely to be daily or even hourly.
                                            style view of measurement that again left many employees
                                            feeling nervous and blamed. It was no wonder that some            That’s not the only change we’ve seen either. Instead of just
                                            programs failed.                                                  tracking the data, organizations are now using it, and they’re
                                                                                                              using it on a daily basis, to manage and move themselves
                                            There’s been a vital and dramatic shift in the past years,
                                                                                                              forward. It’s no longer just executives taking the driver’s seat
                                            though; a shift from a performance measurement culture
                                                                                                              either; that top-down approach, which never worked well,
                                            to a Performance Management culture. And the chief aim of
                                                                                                              is gone and in most places we’ve seen it replaced with an
                                            a Performance Management culture is no longer just about
                                                                                                              organization-wide approach instead. Metrics outside of finance
                                            having all of that relevant data in one place – although that’s
                                                                                                              have been embraced, so there are more subjective measures
                                            important too – it’s also about being able to use that data in
                                                                                                              being adopted – including qualitative measures, as well as
                                            a meaningful way, to build your business. To see clearly those
Perform Magazine // Information in Action

                                                                                                              leading or predictive measures – to balance the financially-
                                            areas that need to be worked on and to benefit as much as
                                                                                                              skewed outcome measures, which are still important but only
                                            possible from those things that, as an organization, you do
                                                                                                              show part of the picture.
                                            well – and from the people who own those thriving metrics
                                            and are helping them excel. It’s a more collaborative culture,    In other words, it’s an entire shift in culture, from measurement
                                            one that’s less quick to blame. And it’s a culture that Actuate   to management. If you’re looking at data that’s been recorded

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Vol 7. Issue 2 . 2010
                                            fits into nicely, because our approach to measurement and         daily or hourly – as opposed to that which might be six months
                                            management has always been one where everyone works               old already – you’re able to react to it more quickly, to nimbly
                                            together towards the same goals.                                  navigate through any problems that might exist and to use that                      [ Figure 1.1: Briefing Books display information from multiple scorecards and allow users to drill down to understand
                                                                                                                                                                                                  performance trends via color-coded interactive display and user commentary. ]

        4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                5
•	   Time to value. Companies want to know how long it will             learning mode, trying to figure out how to get the features that
                                                 take before they start getting value from a system. And the        a purpose-built application already has; and chances are, as
                                                 Actuate team, over its years in the business, has realized         talented as they may be in their own area of focus, they will never
                                                 that the only way to be successful is to be able to deliver        be able to build something with the same level of functionality,
                                                 value quickly. One of our leading sales propositions is our        since their core strengths aren’t in Performance Management. In
                                                 time to value, measured in a small number of weeks rather
                                                 than in months or years.
                                                                                                                    the meantime, strategic resources – like IT personnel, technical
                                                                                                                    resources and management – are distracted and aren’t focusing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Performance Management:
                                            •	   The simplicity of replicating metrics. It’s incredibly simple in
                                                                                                                    on core duties that are key to the company’s bottom line. Time                             The Top Three Persistent Pain Points
                                                                                                                    is lost as they try to create and later maintain a Performance
                                                 the BIRT Scorecard to replicate a metric across multiple
                                                                                                                    Management system; they’ll never be able to give 100 percent
                                                 organizational units. This is accomplished with minimal                                                                                  What haven’t changed all that much, even as the culture of Performance Management and Measurement has
                                                                                                                    to their own business. A purpose-built product like BIRT
                                                 effort in BIRT Scorecard because of the dimensionality                                                                                   progressed significantly, are the pain points our customers come to us with. Actuate sees them day in and day out,
                                                                                                                    Scorecard embodies years of Actuate and customer experience
                                                 of the product, which helps in being able to find best                                                                                   and they can stall a Performance Management initiative or stop it from meeting its potential. These are the top three
                                                                                                                    in Performance Management automation; something a home-
                                                 practices and to identify areas that are under-performing                                                                                pain points we encounter:
                                                                                                                    grown system cannot hope to achieve.
                                                 quite quickly, even on the same metric.
                                                                                                                    The Future of the Scorecard
                                            These are the key differentiators that Actuate brings to the                                                                                  1.   You don’t have the proper tools. There will always be some companies who try the low-cost approach to
                                                                                                                    If there’s one thing that you can always count on, it’s change.
                                            table, and that our customers tell us have been deal breakers in                                                                                   measurement. They know Performance Management can be important to their organization, but they figure
                                                                                                                    And if I’ve seen Performance Management culture change so
                                            their decision to choose BIRT Scorecard for their Performance                                                                                      they can do a good enough job of it by measuring their company performance using personal productivity
                                                                                                                    dramatically in the last 14 years, I know I’m going to see just
                                            Management initiative.                                                                                                                             tools like those in the Microsoft Office suite: Excel, PowerPoint, Access, etc. Those are all perfectly good tools,
                                                                                                                    as much change – or even more – in the next 14. Predicting
                                                                                                                                                                                               don’t get me wrong, but they’re not designed for Performance Management. A company’s Performance
                                            On the flip side, some organizations that are technically inclined      exactly where that change is going to happen isn’t an exact
                                                                                                                                                                                               Management program can quickly become unmanageable and unmaintainable without a purpose-built
                                            sometimes decide that they can build their own Performance              science, but there are a few things that we’re already seeing that
                                                                                                                                                                                               package, one that’s meant for sharing and has reliability and multi-use capabilities built in. There’s a reason why
                                            Management application. Since they’re not in the business of            I think will be crucial in how Performance Management plays
                                                                                                                                                                                               do-it-yourself initiatives ultimately collapse under their own weight.
                                            Performance Management themselves, they’re always left in               out in the years to come:

                                                                                                                                                                                          2.   You can’t find the right data. Data, data, data – it all comes down to data, and whether you have the right
                                                                                                                                                                                               data or not. With the proliferation of multiple enterprise systems, and the proclivity of businesses to merge
                                                                                                                                                                                               and acquire, we find that any particular organization – and this goes for government as well as the private
                                                                                                                                                                                               sector – has multiple source systems and multiple data formats. And in order to measure and manage properly,
                                                                                                                                                                                               companies need to be able to reliably capture that data and to bring it into a system that is data-source
                                                                                                                                                                                               agnostic. We’ve found that the ability for a system to sit on top of and to be independent of the data sourcing
                                                                                                                                                                                               really future-proofs it from any changes that might happen due to mergers and acquisitions, or from changes
                                                                                                                                                                                               to corporate or organizational strategy.

                                                                                                                                                                                          3.   You can’t get support. The culture around a Performance Management initiative can make it or break it. So
                                                                                                                                                                                               take a look at your organization: Is your initiative being used as the stick or the carrot? Is it engaging users at
                                                                                                                                                                                               all levels? If you push a Performance Management initiative down from the top – tell employees ‘this is what
                                                                                                                                                                                               you have to measure’ – it rarely ever succeeds. Instead, collaborative design is the most effective way of getting
                                                                                                                                                                                               support; you go out and work with the people who are accountable, who own the metrics, and ask them what
                                                                                                                                                                                               they need in order to measure and manage their part of the business. If they truly have ownership and can see
Perform Magazine // Information in Action

                                                                                                                                                                                               how their metric aligns with what the organization is trying to accomplish, then it’s easier to get that buy-in
                                                                                                                                                                                               that is so crucial to success. And the benefits of doing that right are fantastic; it lends to better decision making
                                                                                                                                                                                               all round and makes organizations more able to react to changing market conditions.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Vol 7. Issue 2 . 2010
        6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   7
•	   It won’t be long before Performance Management                              offices and desks are becoming a thing of the past – so
                                                 pervasively invades all portions of organizations’                          the ability to get performance information regardless of
                                                 operations. So it won’t be an afterthought anymore: when                    where you are, no matter your mobile device, is becoming
                                                 a company invests in a large administrative system like an                  increasingly important.
                                                 ERP system, the metrics portion will be built right in. That’s
                                                                                                                       Actuate’s stated objective and goal as we move forward is to
                                                 good news, since it means sourcing data won’t be nearly
                                                                                                                       maintain state-of-the-art leadership, driven by the blending of a
                                                 the same problem it has been in the past.
                                                                                                                       very strong metrics calculation engine that does all of the heavy
                                            •	   There will be mass changes to the visualization of                    lifting work, with a strong and easy-to-use visual interface. We’ll
                                                 performance information. It’s an area where Actuate is                build on that in the future through increased mobilization and
                                                 strong, and it will become more and more important as                 collaboration, and through self-serve performance information
                                                 society becomes even more computer oriented and gets                  portals. I can’t give anything away as to what we’re working on
                                                 used to strong, simple and intuitive interfaces. We’ll see            now, but look for things to be faster and better in the future,
                                                 applications we use in our work life mimic those we use               for a system that is able to take on even larger Performance
                                                 at home, influenced by things like social networking and              Management applications. There will be a continued focus on
                                                 self-serve banking applications, which need zero training             being able to link from the strategic or summarized level right
                                                 and are easy to use. Some of that’s already evident in the            down to the operating level.
                                                 current BIRT Scorecard, but you’ll find all applications
                                                                                                                       But on the other hand, expect us to take things in a few
                                                 adopting that kind of design standard going forward.
                                                                                                                       directions – introduce some exciting new elements – that
                                                 It’s the second wave of web-based Rich Information
                                                                                                                       you’ve never even dreamt of. Surprises are definitely in the
                                                                                                                       works. Because our job at Actuate isn’t just to react to changes
                                            •	   Finally, mobility will play a greater role in the Performance         in the Performance Management culture. We create those
                                                 Management world. People are increasingly mobile –                    changes too.
Perform Magazine // Information in Action

                                                                                                                                                                                             Vol 7. Issue 2 . 2010
                                                         [ Figure 1.2: Strategy maps allow you to create graphical representations specific to your Performance Management initiative. ]

        8                                                                                                                                                                                         9
                                            Say Good-bye to Paper
                                            Say Hello to Online

                                                                                                           Every year, companies are
                                                                                                           sending out more and more
                                                                                                           statements, claims, invoices
                                                                                                           and bills. Traditionally those
                                                                                                           statements     have     been
                                                                                                           nothing but a cost sink. But
                                                                                                           not anymore.
Perform Magazine // Information in Action

                                                                                                                                            Vol 7. Issue 2 . 2010
 10                                                                                                                                          11

                                            Part One in a Three-Part Series on Xenos, an Actuate Company
“       Traditionally, statements have been sent through the
                                                   mail, and it’s been a one-size-fits-all approach.

                                                                           has been a major player in                 organization has 100,000 or 10 million customers, they typically
                                                                           the      Enterprise      Information       send out the same statement to their entire client base, not
                                                                           Management Space for over                  making any distinction based on demographics or personal
                                            25 years, during which time a unique mix of technology and                customer preferences. At the same time, those same companies
                                            experience has positioned the company as an industry leader. Xenos’       may be spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on online
                                            products and solutions can be found deep within the information           or mail campaigns to target specific customer groups, trying to
                                            architectures of many of the world’s largest companies. With              retain their customer base by building brand recognition, or up-
                                            a global customer base of over 375 Tier 1 organizations, Xenos’           selling or cross-selling to their existing clients. Many customers
                                            solutions are used to improve business processes, reduce operational      may not even glance at those campaigns, but those same
                                            costs, enhance customer experience and promote the benefits of            customers will look at their statements for an average of one to
                                            Green IT. In February 2010, Xenos became an Actuate company.              three minutes each month, and often more than once. Add to
                                                                                                                      that an open rate of 95 percent or more and those statements
                                            This is the first of a three-part series of articles on Xenos, an Actuate
                                                                                                                      represent the perfect medium for those up-sells and cross-sells
                                            company. In this issue, Perform examines Xenos ePresentment™, an
                                                                                                                      – an opportunity that, more often than not, is overlooked by the
                                            online statement presentment offering. Part 2 will focus on Xenos’
                                                                                                                      companies sending them.
                                            solutions for document storage reduction, while Part 3 examines
                                            how Xenos fits into the Actuate world.                                    But that’s not the only element of the statement that’s ripe
                                                                                                                      for change. First of all, the mail is no longer necessarily the
                                                                                                                      preferred way of sending or receiving statements. Whether it’s
                                            Every year, companies can produce and send out millions of in an effort to be green, to reduce mailing costs, or to simplify                   these documents have taken any action to reduce the storage        With the aging of the baby boomers, accessibility is also more
                                            statements, claims, invoices and bills. But could organizations the integration with their own personal electronic bookkeeping                 footprint.                                                         important than ever. There has been a movement towards
                                            be doing more with those statements? Could they be getting requirements, more and more people are requesting to receive                                                                                           creating documents in an accessible PDF format for the visually
                                                                                                                                                                                           The Evolution of Online Presentment
                                            better use out of them? And at the same time, could they be their statements online. To stay competitive, companies need to                                                                                       impaired and aging population. These PDFs are created with
                                            using fewer resources to produce them, while making them offer that option.                                                                    Besides the challenge of storage, traditional PDF documents        tags to allow for the reading aloud of text, graphics and
                                            more customer-focused?                                                                                                                         that simply reflect a print statement also come up short in        images. But soon, accessibility won’t just be a ‘nice to have’
                                                                                                                      Not all online statements are created equal, though. The             another area: performance. Customers in today’s computer-          feature. Rather, as baby boomers – the largest segment of the
                                            In other words, are companies wasting a prime opportunity?                most common and basic way to create one is to simply take            savvy world expect to see their online statements when they        population – age, the need for everything from large print to
                                            After all, statement generation – typically done monthly – a traditional printed statement and to transform it into a PDF                      want them and how they want them. They want those online           easily accessible documents is rapidly moving to become a
                                            is the most frequent contact most companies have with document without any changes. But statements that have                                   documents to meet their needs and to be accessible however         regulatory requirement. With this in mind, Xenos has recently
                                            their customers. But in most cases, organizations ignore the been designed for print don’t always translate well into the                      they choose to look at them. Xenos ePresentment allows for this,   announced a new addition to its ePresentment Enterprise Server
                                            importance of the experience their customers have with that online world; a PDF that mirrors a printed statement does little                   breaking up and saving PDF documents into their individual         platform that will generate accessible PDFs for ePresentment.
                                            information, and how it relates back to the branding and to address the uniqueness of a company’s customer database,                           components, to retrieve them as necessary, when necessary;         This will go a long way in helping the visually impaired take
                                            messaging they wish to convey. The result is that marketing it does little to address customers’ self-service needs, and it                    this not only saves storage space but allows for branding and      advantage of client information and at the same time insure
                                            departments are not taking full advantage of those documents. doesn’t do much to support companies’ marketing efforts.                         marketing information to be personalized based on customer         that Xenos’ customers do not fall in breach of regulatory or
                                            By dramatically changing the content – reflecting specific                                                                                     profiles and to be constantly updated as needed and integrated
Perform Magazine // Information in Action

                                                                                                           Traditional PDFs also can increase storage capacity                                                                                                legal changes on the horizon.
                                            customer segments while getting their branding across – they   requirements and as a result increase capital and operational                   automatically when clients call up their statements online.
                                            could be benefiting from the marketing potential of documents                                                                                                                                                     That’s not all that’s possible, either. Every day, new and more
                                                                                                           costs. A graphically rich document like a PDF file can easily                   With this model, changing customer needs can also be taken
                                            that they have to generate and send out anyway.                                                                                                                                                                   advanced adaptations of online presentment continue to
                                                                                                           reach 5 MB in size (as opposed to a more traditional text-                      into consideration. The growth of social networking and mobile
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              emerge. Xenos ePresentment stays on the forefront, offering
                                            That’s where Xenos ePresentment comes in.                      based document, which ranges between 150 and 500 KB).                           technology usage, for example, means that output must be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              capabilities that include:
                                                                                                           The fully-burdened cost is between $20 and $30 per GB per                       adapted for much smaller-format devices, including netbooks

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Vol 7. Issue 2 . 2010
                                            The Traditional Approach                                       month to sustain digital storage. Multiply that cost over several               and smartphones. PDF delivery, then, is no longer simply a         •	   Repurposing content. Some organizations offer content
                                            Traditionally, statements have been sent through the mail, and years and the challenge becomes clear. At the same time, few                    customer-centric issue – it has evolved to become device-               extracts of previously static information in structured data
                                            it’s been a one-size-fits-all approach. No matter whether an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems used to store                         centric as well.                                                        formats such as XML or CSV. These structured data extracts

 12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                13
are being directly imported into back-office applications
                                                 in a straight-through processing manner, or manipulated
                                                 by individual recipients within personal spreadsheets.
                                                 Content repurposing offers a massive reduction in                          The Power of Xenos
                                                 downstream manual processing, resulting in real cost                         ePresentment
                                                 savings for end consumers.
                                            •	   Dynamic content consolidation. With dynamic content                   As a server-based approach, Xenos ePresentment
                                                 consolidation, multiple related pieces of information                 offers a number of advantages:
                                                 are merged or linked together to provide an expanded
                                                 and/or supportive view of a single transaction or holistic            •	   It eliminates the gaps in existing
                                                 customer position. An example would be a personal bank                     information architecture and process flows
                                                 statement, where all relevant check images are appended                    by streamlining information flows and
                                                 to the end of the statement or hyperlinked within it and                   enabling the repurposing of legacy data
                                                 then made available online. This translates into significant               documents for new applications;
                                                 saved time for end users who would otherwise have to                  •	   It delivers a superior “return on information”
                                                 search for supporting materials. In addition, customers can                by making that information available where,
                                                 get a consolidated view of all of their transactions across                when and how it is needed at a lower cost;
                                                 multiple lines of business, or over expanded periods of
                                                                                                                       •	   It enables the enterprise to control business
                                                 time; this can enhance their service experience and make
                                                                                                                            information and flow for both structured
                                                 it feel more personal to them.
                                                                                                                            and unstructured data, making information
                                            •	   Post processing composition. In post processing                            available where, when and how it is needed
                                                 composition, previously produced and archived                              within the enterprise to improve operational
                                                 documents are manipulated in real time based on                            efficiency and business processes, reduce
                                                 changing customer preferences and advanced analytics. In                   risk and costs, and increase productivity;
                                                 an online world, customer profiles are constantly updated
                                                 and what was true at the time of document production                  •	   It eliminates redundancy in archive and
                                                 may no longer hold true at the time of presentation.                       legacy applications and significantly
                                                 Since documents are re-composed, assembled and                             reduces storage costs associated with
                                                 presented online in real time, each reflects the latest                    document and image archives.

                                                                                                                                                                                     How to Spot a Bad Strategy
                                                 possible customer information and can take advantage
                                                 of up-to-the-minute analytical trending reports extracted
                                                 from corporate data warehouses. Online documents also
                                                 reflect the most current marketing messages and offers         self-service model for customer interaction. Online statements
                                                 that are personally relevant to the consumer to support        can be more than just a print document presented online,
                                                                                                                                                                                      By Mark Graham Brown                                               plenty of demand for their services, so this was a realistic goal.
                                                 cross-selling and up-selling.                                  though, and companies are realizing the benefits of presenting
                                                                                                                                                                                      Mark Graham Brown Consulting                                       The company ended up with three key strategies for achieving
                                                                                                                relevant and accurate information in a format that’s adaptable

                                            •	   Document decomposition. Some organizations are                                                                                                                                                          their growth goal:
                                                                                                                – one that’s able to keep up with their branding initiatives while                                    all been in those planning
                                                 taking advantage of print stream or PDF document
                                                                                                                meeting their clients’ personalized needs. Those companies are                                        meetings where we begin            1.   Increase share of business. Get more work from existing
                                                 decomposition to present customers with a truly
                                                                                                                beginning to understand that statements don’t need to be the                                          by reviewing our company’s              customers.
                                                 interactive experience. Documents produced in print
                                                                                                                cost sink they’ve previously been, but rather that they represent     strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Typically
                                                 stream or PDF formats offer a static presentation of                                                                                                                                                    2.   Acquisitions. Investigate and purchase smaller competitors
                                                                                                                an opportunity to interact with customers in a variety of ways.
Perform Magazine // Information in Action

                                                                                                                                                                                      there is a much longer list of strengths than there are                 or other companies who are in different markets/
                                                 information to the end customer. Advanced integrated
                                                                                                                Xenos helps bridge the gap between companies’ documents               weaknesses, but companies seem to be getting more realistic             geographies.
                                                 document solutions (IDS) break down static documents
                                                                                                                and their customers, recognizing the true potential of online         these days and are willing to acknowledge that they are not
                                                 into individual XML files. A style sheet is created and                                                                                                                                                 3.   International. Focus on marketing to and acquiring new
                                                                                                                statements. With a powerful solution like Xenos ePresentment          good at everything. Once the goals or objectives have been
                                                 applied to the extracted XML content, resulting in a very                                                                                                                                                    international accounts in Asia and South America.
                                                                                                                behind the initiative – and the right champions within the            established for the next year or two, the real hard work begins
                                                 interactive customer web experience.
                                                                                                                                                                                      in coming up with strategies for success. There are often          Coming up with strategies is hard enough. Even more difficult

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Vol 7. Issue 2 . 2010
                                                                                                                company driving it through – online presentment can bring
                                            Conclusion                                                          any company’s statements into the present and through to              multiple strategies for a single goal. For example, a client had   is coming up with realistic and accurate ways of evaluating
                                            Driven by demand and a desire to continually improve their          the future, helping to maintain and build their customer-client       a goal of going from $400 million to $600 million in sales in      whether or not the strategies are the right ones. In this article,
                                            customer experience, organizations are moving to an online          relations at the same time.                                           the next three years. Industry data indicated that there was       we will explore some of the practices that tend to work well

 14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            15
                                            when evaluating strategies, as well as the most common              website. They measured the effectiveness of the communication
                                            mistakes organizations make when assessing their strategies.        strategy by counting metrics like butts in chairs at briefing
                                            We’ll start out by examining some of the errors and follow up       meetings, the number of newsletters distributed and web site
                                            with a review of the best practices I’ve seen.                      hits. When they measured the effectiveness of communication                              The chances of any strategy being successful do

                                            Mistake #1: Failure to Get External Opinions on                     the following year, it actually got worse.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    include factors like luck and timing, but experience is
                                            Strategy                                                            I tried using Google ad words as a marketing strategy for my
                                            Deciding on strategy is often more an exercise in politics than     consulting and training business; I paid Google $400 to $600                        probably the most important variable.
                                            logic and reason. The executive team may brainstorm a list of       every month to make sure Mark Graham Brown showed up
                                            possible strategies for achieving the goals, but it’s funny how     on the first page if someone did a search on “performance
                                            the ones that make the shirt list are almost always the ones        metrics” or “Balanced Scorecard”. I got close to 1,000 hits per
                                                                                                                month, which people told me was excellent. I did this for six          for growth, market share and profit are handed down from             #2 Best Practice for Spotting Bad Strategies: Lack of
                                            suggested by the CEO. Once in a while the CEO does not try
                                                                                                                months before realizing that not one of those website hits             on high by the executives, board, or parent organization. We         Knowledge/Experience/Success
                                            to control the decision and it’s a more democratic process,
                                                                                                                translated into dollars in business, or even a good hard lead.         usually don’t have much say in these, regardless of how stupid
                                            but in these cases it is usually the person who can argue and                                                                                                                                                   It’s funny how when companies get big they start to think they
                                                                                                                The big mistake all of these organizations (including my own)          they might be. For example, I remember talking with a well-
                                            present his/her case the best who gets to select the strategies.                                                                                                                                                are good at business, and that any business that comes along
                                                                                                                are making is to judge the success of a strategy by measuring          known Fortune 100 technology firm right after the internet
                                            Regardless of how the decision making is done, though, it                                                                                                                                                       they can make successful. This directly contradicts Jim Collins’
                                                                                                                milestones, activities, or behaviors associated with the chosen        bubble burst in the mid 1990s and they still had a goal of 50
                                            is always a wise idea to get the council of some outsiders.                                                                                                                                                     findings that great companies stick to the knitting. In other
                                                                                                                strategy. You can complete all the activities on time and in the       percent sales growth over the previous year! The best and
                                            Perhaps your board can provide advice on picking the right                                                                                                                                                      words, stick to what you are good at. The further you stray from
                                                                                                                right number and still not achieve the goal.                           easiest way of spotting a bad strategy is logic and reason.
                                            strategy, but sometimes they are even too close to the                                                                                                                                                          your roots, or what you currently do, the greater your chances
                                            situation and there is always the political factor operating with   Mistake #3: Measuring Strategy with Only Outcome                       It’s hard for outsiders to understand how some big smart             for failure. We’ve seen this time after time. Anheuser Busch is
                                            board members and executives as well. Most organizations            Metrics                                                                organizations can make such stupid decisions sometimes               great at making and selling beer, so they come up with a growth
                                            have a handful of consultants or advisors who know their                                                                                   when coming up with strategies. Apparently some of these             strategy called Eagle Snacks (pretzels and chips). The strategy
                                            company well and who they can call on for honest advice             This is probably even more common than tracking activities             strategies are decided on without much in the way of a logical       capitalizes on their core competences of manufacturing food
                                            about whether or not they have picked the right strategies. I       as a way to tell if you’ve picked the right strategy. For many         analysis. Some organizations rely on the nice diagrams with          products, distribution, and marketing to consumers. It would
                                            would take the time and spend the money to get at least two         organizations, the only way to tell if a strategy worked is to         circles and arrows called “strategy maps” to think through their     seem to be a pretty easy transition, but it wasn’t. Eagle Snacks
                                            or three outside opinions on the strategies you have selected       look at lagging outcome metrics like revenue, profits, or market       strategies. These diagrams are created in flipcharts with a team     eventually failed and the remnants were sold to Frito Lay. One
                                            before settling on them. This will be money well spent if the       share. It’s true that often these things are the ultimate goal or      of experts and they look very scientific, but most are nothing       of the simplest ways of spotting a bad strategy is to compare
                                            outsiders can point out some risks or flaws in your choices. The    reason for the strategy. However, by the time you find out if          more than a series of broad assumptions drawn on charts with         the strategy with the organization’s track record for success.
                                            danger with this approach is doing it when you have already         the strategy worked, it is too late if this is all you measure. This   arrows used to indicate causal relationships. For example, the       This is what scares most people about a government-run
                                            made up your mind and don’t want to hear anything that is           mistake is much more prevalent in business than in the non-            sequence goes something like this: If our end goal is growth         healthcare system. The government is not very good at running
                                            contrary to the strategies you have already picked. Therefore, it   profit or government sector. They tend to be happy with activity       in profits, then we need more loyal customers who give us            anything, except perhaps the military. The Medicare system is
                                            is important to get this external input when the strategies are     or “program” metrics. The people who run the “Say No to Drugs”         more business. In order to improve loyalty, we need greater          already crippled by paperwork and bureaucracy and a strategy
                                            still in the idea phase, and probably before some big off-site      program are happy to track metrics like eyeballs that view their       customer satisfaction. To achieve greater customer satisfaction,     of having the government run the entire healthcare business
                                            planning meeting. This can provide you with some of the data        TV commercials or billboards, school programs conducted and            we need high levels of engagement from our employees. To             seems doomed to failure.
                                            you present when discussing alternative strategies.                 buttons distributed. They don’t want to be accountable for the         achieve that we need to do a training workshop to teach every
                                                                                                                fact that drug use has steadily risen as has spending for the “Say                                                                          Strategies should be selected based on the likelihood that the
                                                                                                                                                                                       employee how they can contribute to improved customer
                                            Mistake #2: Measuring Strategies with Activity                      No to Drugs” campaign. Business people want to see outcomes                                                                                 organization can make them work. The chances of any strategy
                                                                                                                                                                                       satisfaction and loyalty, and thus profits. Whew!
                                            Metrics                                                             that are usually measured in real dollars. I’ve run across many                                                                             being successful do include factors like luck and timing, but
                                                                                                                                                                                       Sounds good right? So the flaw here is that no one is asking         experience is probably the most important variable. This is
                                            A pension organization I worked with had a strategy of              large corporations that measure the success of their strategies
                                                                                                                                                                                       for evidence or even a logic test to evaluate each of the            where outsiders are sometimes valuable because they can ask
                                            balancing their investment portfolio to manage risk better. One     by only looking at outcomes that are water under the bridge.
                                                                                                                                                                                       assumptions or theories in this strategy map. How, for example,      the hard questions like: “What makes you think you can pull this
                                            of their metrics was the number of meetings with investment         In other words, by the time we realize that the new office in
                                                                                                                                                                                       can a training workshop lead to higher levels of engagement          off when you have never done anything like this before?” It’s hard
Perform Magazine // Information in Action

                                            advisors. Another was the number of research papers written         Singapore was a bad strategy we have already lost millions of
                                                                                                                                                                                       from employees? If people are disengaged because they are            to ask questions like this when you are inside the organization –
                                            on different investment options. A second client had a strategy     dollars. The success of any strategy is ultimately judged by the
                                                                                                                                                                                       overworked and mostly have idiots for bosses, no training            you might be viewed as not being a “team player”.
                                            of growing sales through innovative new product designs; this       outcomes it produces. However, waiting for those outcomes
                                                                                                                                                                                       workshop is going to change that. If customer satisfaction
                                            was a fashion-oriented business, so it sounded like a great         and only measuring success with outcome data often makes it                                                                                 #3 Best Practice for Spotting Bad Strategies: Better
                                                                                                                                                                                       does improve, how do you know that will lead to more loyalty?
                                            strategy. However, they measured the strategy by counting           impossible to spot a bad strategy until it is too late.                                                                                     Strategic Metrics
                                                                                                                                                                                       If loyalty does improve from some of your worst customers,
                                            activities like time spent with customers, trade shows attended,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Vol 7. Issue 2 . 2010
                                                                                                                #1 Best Practice for Spotting Bad Strategies: Logic!                   this could result in a decline in profits. The bottom line is that   One of the best and most scientific ways of spotting bad
                                            and milestones completed on design projects. A third client
                                                                                                                                                                                       someone needs to evaluate your strategies with a critical eye        strategies is to come up with a suite of metrics or an index
                                            had a strategy for improving communication with employees           It’s amazing to me how little thought and logic go into many
                                                                                                                                                                                       and Mr. Spock logic to test all of the assumptions that have         metric that drills down to lower-level indicators of success.
                                            that focused on a newsletter, briefing meetings, and employee       strategies I’ve seen in big organizations. Often the overall goals
                                                                                                                                                                                       been made and ask for data/evidence to support them.                 Here’s a great example: A consumer-products company has

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Future of the_scorecard_8.10

  • 1. Perform Volume 7 / Issue 2 / 10 Information in Action The Future of the Scorecard Performance Management: Past, Present and Future Letters from the Publisher and Emergency Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Building Sustainable Performance Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 By John Katsoulis and Seema Haji Management Frameworks . . . . 41 By Kaye Kendrick The Future of the Scorecard PSEG Leverages Actuate to Reduce By Jeff Perkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Costs and Increase Productivity 25 Bridging the Finance-Operational Public Service Enterprise Group Gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 In this issue > The Smart Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Xenos 10 Top-Notch Performance . . . . . . . . 28 By David F. Giannetto Promaco Consulting Actuate Excellence Awards . . . . 50 How to Spot a Bad Strategy . . 15 By Mark Graham Brown Expanded Opportunity . . . . . . . . . 31 Coach’s Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Prudential plc By Catie Sirie The Road to World-Class Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 A Clearer View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Reading Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 NHS South of Tyne and Wear IBM Rational ClearQuest
  • 2. From the Publisher At Actuate, 2010 started off with some exciting news. TechWeb’s Intelligent Enterprise Editors’ Choice Awards were announced, and Actuate was named a 2010 “Company to Watch” in the Business Intelligence (BI) category, for creating and leading the Eclipse BIRT project and supporting the developer community. The awards look at companies that innovate, even in the tough times we’ve seen in the past year. Our innovation and ability to continually evolve are things that Actuate take special pride in, and we’re pleased that the editors at Intelligent Enterprise would recognize that too. While we’re on the subject of innovation and evolution, we’ve been doing exactly that recently at Actuate – evolving. In fact, with just the first quarter of 2010 behind us, we’re already a different company than we were in 2009. And the biggest change has certainly been adding a new member to the Actuate family: Xenos, the leader in Online Presentment and Document Storage Reduction. But that’s not the only thing we’ve accomplished so far this year – we also did amazing work launching BIRT Performance Scorecard 9, BIRT Mobile for the iPhone and Xenos Accessibility. Now we’re getting underway with this year’s Actuate Excellence Awards, which is an exciting opportunity for us to reward the amazing innovations of our own clients. You can read more about those on page 50. And as usual, there’s a lot of great information in this issue of Perform. I hope you enjoy it and can apply it to your own lives. Best, Rich Guth Rich Guth Vice President & General Manager Open Source Strategy Group From the Editor I recently came across an inspiring article about a gentleman in Malawi who was intent on providing The Future of the electricity to his country – one windmill at a time. He’s built three so far, put together with anything he could get his hands on, and he’s become a local hero because just one of them generates enough power for a television, the lights in his family home and more incredibly his local villagers can use it to power their cell phones. The story’s theme played out in my mind over and over again, reminding me that simple ideas can have a SCORECARD tremendous impact. Each year Actuate recognizes great ideas in our own environment. And although we are not focused on the same goals as that man in Malawi, we also think we have our own group of heroes – our customers, who come up with great ideas every day. For 2010 we honor these ideas through our Excellence Awards, with three areas of excellence, outlined on page 50 of this issue of Perform. While the first two categories may seem familiar to you – BIRT Implementation Excellence and Scorecard Excellence – the third honors the newest member of the Actuate family, Xenos. Xenos is the leader in Online Presentment and Document Storage Reduction and we’re excited to have them join us. You can read more about Xenos in “The By Jeff Perkins healthy or not. And then there’s you, searching high and low Smart Statement” on page 10, the first of a three-part series. Vice President and General Manager for a piece of information that will better inform how you do Perform Magazine // Information in Action W I hope you enjoy everything we’ve put together in this issue of Perform, from Jeff Perkins’ “The Future of the Scorecard” (page 3) – Actuate Performance Management Solutions your job. But it doesn’t exist, at least not definitively. There is which explores how Performance Management has evolved in his 14 years in the business – to Mark Graham Brown’s “How to Spot no single version of the truth. a Bad Strategy” (page 15) and David Giannetto’s “Bridging the Finance-Operations Gap” (page 44). Actually, we’re pretty excited e’ve all worked at that organization. about all of the contributions to this issue of Perform – we hope you are too. You know the one: the place where you have When I started in the Performance Measurement and Best Regards, to go searching everywhere for information, Management business 14 years ago, that organization was Vol 7. Issue 2 . 2010 for every single piece of data. But you look in most every organization. And that was why we were doing John Katsoulis 10 different places and you get 10 different answers. There is no single system of record for key, vital statistics what we were doing, because we were looking to improve on the status quo. We wanted to help people measure – to track – the vital indicators that tell you whether your organization is things like actual versus budget, actual versus benchmark, etc. John Katsoulis 2 Perform Editor 3
  • 3. data more effectively to manage your organization. Companies – tall and small, public or private – and for all levels of those are also moving away from the traditional report card approach, organizations. It’s an attitude that we think meshes nicely with About the Author There’s been a vital With a solid background in systems engineering, product realizing that when employees feel like they are being judged or ‘graded’ – constantly held up to the scrutiny of their peers – this new evolution of Performance Management culture, but it’s one that differs from some of our competitors, who vary and dramatic shift in the management, sales, and sales management, Jeff Perkins they don’t always feel secure or happy in their jobs. No wonder many of them weren’t on board with the early performance across the board but don’t quite have that same attitude. Some think Performance Management belongs strictly in past years; a shift from a oversees the worldwide Performance Management Solutions team at Actuate. After spending eight successful measurement initiatives! the financial domain, to be practiced exclusively by the folks performance measurement years as Performancesoft’s Chief Technology Officer, Jeff Today, though, we’re seeing organizations calling people from that are financially oriented; others see it only as being for the ” – a 14-year Performance Management Software veteran – upper-echelon senior management. On that, we disagree. far-flung regions of their company because they’ve been culture to a Performance now works closely with Actuate’s engineering and product performing well on a particular metric. They’re calling them No matter where I stand on the company’s totem pole, after Management culture. management groups to ensure that all Actuate Integrated Performance Management solutions remain the most in to help mentor and coach coworkers who are struggling on the same metric, and they’re doing it in a collaborative all, I may be accountable for a business result or metric. And if I am, it’s important for me to be able to drill down into the innovative and user-friendly on the market. environment with great respect. It’s a more scorecard-oriented underlying operational detail of that metric, so that I can approach, where the idea isn’t to cast blame but to look instead understand what’s really going on behind the scenes. Someone at why certain metrics are performing below target, something above me isn’t going to necessarily need to go into as much that often has very explainable extenuating circumstances. detail as I am, so they’ll drill down to a much less detailed level; – and to allow them to use those statistics and ratios during Performance Management vs. Measurement If you look at the Actuate BIRT Performance Scorecard today, they’re focused on the big picture and don’t have the time the course of their jobs, to hopefully do those jobs better. for example, there’s room for commentary and annotations, or need to go down to the most minute level of detail. But in We’ve come a long way, dude. allowing metric owners to capture their knowledge, so that they Performance measurement still allows for that today. my role on the front lines, I need that information to do my In its infancy days, performance measurement was just that: a can explain what’s going on behind the numbers. It’s a different job well. It’s why we don’t think a company is making full use But it’s amazing how much something can change in a decade way of measuring performance at all levels of an organization approach, and it makes each employee along the chain a part of a Performance Management system – of its potential and and a half. Back then, performance measurement was still new and of keeping an eye on what was happening in the company of the process, not simply the fall guy if something goes wrong. possibilities – if they’re leaving it as the exclusive domain of and finding its footing. To succeed, we saw that visionaries trenches, so to speak. Which is fine, but many – I’d say most – In other words, it’s no longer a shame-and-blame system, but upper-tier executives. within the organization – often someone senior – needed to of the metrics being measured then were financial (since the instead one of constant collaboration and improvement. champion the cause; to push it through, sometimes amidst That’s one competitive differentiator of Actuate, and it translates management systems themselves were all based on financial Actuate’s Approach opposition from those who didn’t understand it or simply into what we offer. Our BIRT Performance Scorecard offers metrics) so most of the time companies only really had a small didn’t like the idea of being measured. And that often meant Actuate’s approach to Performance Management is this: we different capabilities for different types of users at different glimpse at what was happening. And they couldn’t react very that even the best performance measurement program, while think it’s for everyone, plain and simple. It’s for all organizations levels of an organization. Other differentiators include: quickly to any changes, either – not when they only looked started with the greatest intentions, often had some inherent at those metrics every six months or maybe once a quarter. A problems: a top-down approach that left those lower on the very frequent measure then may have been monthly; today, it’s totem pole feeling alienated by a new system; or a report card- likely to be daily or even hourly. style view of measurement that again left many employees feeling nervous and blamed. It was no wonder that some That’s not the only change we’ve seen either. Instead of just programs failed. tracking the data, organizations are now using it, and they’re using it on a daily basis, to manage and move themselves There’s been a vital and dramatic shift in the past years, forward. It’s no longer just executives taking the driver’s seat though; a shift from a performance measurement culture either; that top-down approach, which never worked well, to a Performance Management culture. And the chief aim of is gone and in most places we’ve seen it replaced with an a Performance Management culture is no longer just about organization-wide approach instead. Metrics outside of finance having all of that relevant data in one place – although that’s have been embraced, so there are more subjective measures important too – it’s also about being able to use that data in being adopted – including qualitative measures, as well as a meaningful way, to build your business. To see clearly those Perform Magazine // Information in Action leading or predictive measures – to balance the financially- areas that need to be worked on and to benefit as much as skewed outcome measures, which are still important but only possible from those things that, as an organization, you do show part of the picture. well – and from the people who own those thriving metrics and are helping them excel. It’s a more collaborative culture, In other words, it’s an entire shift in culture, from measurement one that’s less quick to blame. And it’s a culture that Actuate to management. If you’re looking at data that’s been recorded Vol 7. Issue 2 . 2010 fits into nicely, because our approach to measurement and daily or hourly – as opposed to that which might be six months management has always been one where everyone works old already – you’re able to react to it more quickly, to nimbly together towards the same goals. navigate through any problems that might exist and to use that [ Figure 1.1: Briefing Books display information from multiple scorecards and allow users to drill down to understand performance trends via color-coded interactive display and user commentary. ] 4 5
  • 4. Time to value. Companies want to know how long it will learning mode, trying to figure out how to get the features that take before they start getting value from a system. And the a purpose-built application already has; and chances are, as Actuate team, over its years in the business, has realized talented as they may be in their own area of focus, they will never that the only way to be successful is to be able to deliver be able to build something with the same level of functionality, value quickly. One of our leading sales propositions is our since their core strengths aren’t in Performance Management. In time to value, measured in a small number of weeks rather than in months or years. the meantime, strategic resources – like IT personnel, technical resources and management – are distracted and aren’t focusing Performance Management: • The simplicity of replicating metrics. It’s incredibly simple in on core duties that are key to the company’s bottom line. Time The Top Three Persistent Pain Points is lost as they try to create and later maintain a Performance the BIRT Scorecard to replicate a metric across multiple Management system; they’ll never be able to give 100 percent organizational units. This is accomplished with minimal What haven’t changed all that much, even as the culture of Performance Management and Measurement has to their own business. A purpose-built product like BIRT effort in BIRT Scorecard because of the dimensionality progressed significantly, are the pain points our customers come to us with. Actuate sees them day in and day out, Scorecard embodies years of Actuate and customer experience of the product, which helps in being able to find best and they can stall a Performance Management initiative or stop it from meeting its potential. These are the top three in Performance Management automation; something a home- practices and to identify areas that are under-performing pain points we encounter: grown system cannot hope to achieve. quite quickly, even on the same metric. The Future of the Scorecard These are the key differentiators that Actuate brings to the 1. You don’t have the proper tools. There will always be some companies who try the low-cost approach to If there’s one thing that you can always count on, it’s change. table, and that our customers tell us have been deal breakers in measurement. They know Performance Management can be important to their organization, but they figure And if I’ve seen Performance Management culture change so their decision to choose BIRT Scorecard for their Performance they can do a good enough job of it by measuring their company performance using personal productivity dramatically in the last 14 years, I know I’m going to see just Management initiative. tools like those in the Microsoft Office suite: Excel, PowerPoint, Access, etc. Those are all perfectly good tools, as much change – or even more – in the next 14. Predicting don’t get me wrong, but they’re not designed for Performance Management. A company’s Performance On the flip side, some organizations that are technically inclined exactly where that change is going to happen isn’t an exact Management program can quickly become unmanageable and unmaintainable without a purpose-built sometimes decide that they can build their own Performance science, but there are a few things that we’re already seeing that package, one that’s meant for sharing and has reliability and multi-use capabilities built in. There’s a reason why Management application. Since they’re not in the business of I think will be crucial in how Performance Management plays do-it-yourself initiatives ultimately collapse under their own weight. Performance Management themselves, they’re always left in out in the years to come: 2. You can’t find the right data. Data, data, data – it all comes down to data, and whether you have the right data or not. With the proliferation of multiple enterprise systems, and the proclivity of businesses to merge and acquire, we find that any particular organization – and this goes for government as well as the private sector – has multiple source systems and multiple data formats. And in order to measure and manage properly, companies need to be able to reliably capture that data and to bring it into a system that is data-source agnostic. We’ve found that the ability for a system to sit on top of and to be independent of the data sourcing really future-proofs it from any changes that might happen due to mergers and acquisitions, or from changes to corporate or organizational strategy. 3. You can’t get support. The culture around a Performance Management initiative can make it or break it. So take a look at your organization: Is your initiative being used as the stick or the carrot? Is it engaging users at all levels? If you push a Performance Management initiative down from the top – tell employees ‘this is what you have to measure’ – it rarely ever succeeds. Instead, collaborative design is the most effective way of getting support; you go out and work with the people who are accountable, who own the metrics, and ask them what they need in order to measure and manage their part of the business. If they truly have ownership and can see Perform Magazine // Information in Action how their metric aligns with what the organization is trying to accomplish, then it’s easier to get that buy-in that is so crucial to success. And the benefits of doing that right are fantastic; it lends to better decision making all round and makes organizations more able to react to changing market conditions. Vol 7. Issue 2 . 2010 6 7
  • 5. It won’t be long before Performance Management offices and desks are becoming a thing of the past – so pervasively invades all portions of organizations’ the ability to get performance information regardless of operations. So it won’t be an afterthought anymore: when where you are, no matter your mobile device, is becoming a company invests in a large administrative system like an increasingly important. ERP system, the metrics portion will be built right in. That’s Actuate’s stated objective and goal as we move forward is to good news, since it means sourcing data won’t be nearly maintain state-of-the-art leadership, driven by the blending of a the same problem it has been in the past. very strong metrics calculation engine that does all of the heavy • There will be mass changes to the visualization of lifting work, with a strong and easy-to-use visual interface. We’ll performance information. It’s an area where Actuate is build on that in the future through increased mobilization and strong, and it will become more and more important as collaboration, and through self-serve performance information society becomes even more computer oriented and gets portals. I can’t give anything away as to what we’re working on used to strong, simple and intuitive interfaces. We’ll see now, but look for things to be faster and better in the future, applications we use in our work life mimic those we use for a system that is able to take on even larger Performance at home, influenced by things like social networking and Management applications. There will be a continued focus on self-serve banking applications, which need zero training being able to link from the strategic or summarized level right and are easy to use. Some of that’s already evident in the down to the operating level. current BIRT Scorecard, but you’ll find all applications But on the other hand, expect us to take things in a few adopting that kind of design standard going forward. directions – introduce some exciting new elements – that It’s the second wave of web-based Rich Information you’ve never even dreamt of. Surprises are definitely in the Applications. works. Because our job at Actuate isn’t just to react to changes • Finally, mobility will play a greater role in the Performance in the Performance Management culture. We create those Management world. People are increasingly mobile – changes too. Perform Magazine // Information in Action Vol 7. Issue 2 . 2010 [ Figure 1.2: Strategy maps allow you to create graphical representations specific to your Performance Management initiative. ] 8 9
  • 6. The SMART STATEMENT Say Good-bye to Paper Statements, Say Hello to Online Presentment Every year, companies are sending out more and more statements, claims, invoices and bills. Traditionally those statements have been nothing but a cost sink. But not anymore. Perform Magazine // Information in Action Vol 7. Issue 2 . 2010 10 11 Part One in a Three-Part Series on Xenos, an Actuate Company
  • 7. Traditionally, statements have been sent through the mail, and it’s been a one-size-fits-all approach. ” Xenos has been a major player in organization has 100,000 or 10 million customers, they typically the Enterprise Information send out the same statement to their entire client base, not Management Space for over making any distinction based on demographics or personal 25 years, during which time a unique mix of technology and customer preferences. At the same time, those same companies experience has positioned the company as an industry leader. Xenos’ may be spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on online products and solutions can be found deep within the information or mail campaigns to target specific customer groups, trying to architectures of many of the world’s largest companies. With retain their customer base by building brand recognition, or up- a global customer base of over 375 Tier 1 organizations, Xenos’ selling or cross-selling to their existing clients. Many customers solutions are used to improve business processes, reduce operational may not even glance at those campaigns, but those same costs, enhance customer experience and promote the benefits of customers will look at their statements for an average of one to Green IT. In February 2010, Xenos became an Actuate company. three minutes each month, and often more than once. Add to that an open rate of 95 percent or more and those statements This is the first of a three-part series of articles on Xenos, an Actuate represent the perfect medium for those up-sells and cross-sells company. In this issue, Perform examines Xenos ePresentment™, an – an opportunity that, more often than not, is overlooked by the online statement presentment offering. Part 2 will focus on Xenos’ companies sending them. solutions for document storage reduction, while Part 3 examines how Xenos fits into the Actuate world. But that’s not the only element of the statement that’s ripe for change. First of all, the mail is no longer necessarily the Introduction preferred way of sending or receiving statements. Whether it’s Every year, companies can produce and send out millions of in an effort to be green, to reduce mailing costs, or to simplify these documents have taken any action to reduce the storage With the aging of the baby boomers, accessibility is also more statements, claims, invoices and bills. But could organizations the integration with their own personal electronic bookkeeping footprint. important than ever. There has been a movement towards be doing more with those statements? Could they be getting requirements, more and more people are requesting to receive creating documents in an accessible PDF format for the visually The Evolution of Online Presentment better use out of them? And at the same time, could they be their statements online. To stay competitive, companies need to impaired and aging population. These PDFs are created with using fewer resources to produce them, while making them offer that option. Besides the challenge of storage, traditional PDF documents tags to allow for the reading aloud of text, graphics and more customer-focused? that simply reflect a print statement also come up short in images. But soon, accessibility won’t just be a ‘nice to have’ Not all online statements are created equal, though. The another area: performance. Customers in today’s computer- feature. Rather, as baby boomers – the largest segment of the In other words, are companies wasting a prime opportunity? most common and basic way to create one is to simply take savvy world expect to see their online statements when they population – age, the need for everything from large print to After all, statement generation – typically done monthly – a traditional printed statement and to transform it into a PDF want them and how they want them. They want those online easily accessible documents is rapidly moving to become a is the most frequent contact most companies have with document without any changes. But statements that have documents to meet their needs and to be accessible however regulatory requirement. With this in mind, Xenos has recently their customers. But in most cases, organizations ignore the been designed for print don’t always translate well into the they choose to look at them. Xenos ePresentment allows for this, announced a new addition to its ePresentment Enterprise Server importance of the experience their customers have with that online world; a PDF that mirrors a printed statement does little breaking up and saving PDF documents into their individual platform that will generate accessible PDFs for ePresentment. information, and how it relates back to the branding and to address the uniqueness of a company’s customer database, components, to retrieve them as necessary, when necessary; This will go a long way in helping the visually impaired take messaging they wish to convey. The result is that marketing it does little to address customers’ self-service needs, and it this not only saves storage space but allows for branding and advantage of client information and at the same time insure departments are not taking full advantage of those documents. doesn’t do much to support companies’ marketing efforts. marketing information to be personalized based on customer that Xenos’ customers do not fall in breach of regulatory or By dramatically changing the content – reflecting specific profiles and to be constantly updated as needed and integrated Perform Magazine // Information in Action Traditional PDFs also can increase storage capacity legal changes on the horizon. customer segments while getting their branding across – they requirements and as a result increase capital and operational automatically when clients call up their statements online. could be benefiting from the marketing potential of documents That’s not all that’s possible, either. Every day, new and more costs. A graphically rich document like a PDF file can easily With this model, changing customer needs can also be taken that they have to generate and send out anyway. advanced adaptations of online presentment continue to reach 5 MB in size (as opposed to a more traditional text- into consideration. The growth of social networking and mobile emerge. Xenos ePresentment stays on the forefront, offering That’s where Xenos ePresentment comes in. based document, which ranges between 150 and 500 KB). technology usage, for example, means that output must be capabilities that include: The fully-burdened cost is between $20 and $30 per GB per adapted for much smaller-format devices, including netbooks Vol 7. Issue 2 . 2010 The Traditional Approach month to sustain digital storage. Multiply that cost over several and smartphones. PDF delivery, then, is no longer simply a • Repurposing content. Some organizations offer content Traditionally, statements have been sent through the mail, and years and the challenge becomes clear. At the same time, few customer-centric issue – it has evolved to become device- extracts of previously static information in structured data it’s been a one-size-fits-all approach. No matter whether an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems used to store centric as well. formats such as XML or CSV. These structured data extracts 12 13
  • 8. are being directly imported into back-office applications in a straight-through processing manner, or manipulated by individual recipients within personal spreadsheets. Content repurposing offers a massive reduction in The Power of Xenos downstream manual processing, resulting in real cost ePresentment savings for end consumers. • Dynamic content consolidation. With dynamic content As a server-based approach, Xenos ePresentment consolidation, multiple related pieces of information offers a number of advantages: are merged or linked together to provide an expanded and/or supportive view of a single transaction or holistic • It eliminates the gaps in existing customer position. An example would be a personal bank information architecture and process flows statement, where all relevant check images are appended by streamlining information flows and to the end of the statement or hyperlinked within it and enabling the repurposing of legacy data then made available online. This translates into significant documents for new applications; saved time for end users who would otherwise have to • It delivers a superior “return on information” search for supporting materials. In addition, customers can by making that information available where, get a consolidated view of all of their transactions across when and how it is needed at a lower cost; multiple lines of business, or over expanded periods of • It enables the enterprise to control business time; this can enhance their service experience and make information and flow for both structured it feel more personal to them. and unstructured data, making information • Post processing composition. In post processing available where, when and how it is needed composition, previously produced and archived within the enterprise to improve operational documents are manipulated in real time based on efficiency and business processes, reduce changing customer preferences and advanced analytics. In risk and costs, and increase productivity; an online world, customer profiles are constantly updated and what was true at the time of document production • It eliminates redundancy in archive and may no longer hold true at the time of presentation. legacy applications and significantly Since documents are re-composed, assembled and reduces storage costs associated with presented online in real time, each reflects the latest document and image archives. How to Spot a Bad Strategy possible customer information and can take advantage of up-to-the-minute analytical trending reports extracted from corporate data warehouses. Online documents also reflect the most current marketing messages and offers self-service model for customer interaction. Online statements that are personally relevant to the consumer to support can be more than just a print document presented online, By Mark Graham Brown plenty of demand for their services, so this was a realistic goal. cross-selling and up-selling. though, and companies are realizing the benefits of presenting Mark Graham Brown Consulting The company ended up with three key strategies for achieving relevant and accurate information in a format that’s adaptable We’ve • Document decomposition. Some organizations are their growth goal: – one that’s able to keep up with their branding initiatives while all been in those planning taking advantage of print stream or PDF document meeting their clients’ personalized needs. Those companies are meetings where we begin 1. Increase share of business. Get more work from existing decomposition to present customers with a truly beginning to understand that statements don’t need to be the by reviewing our company’s customers. interactive experience. Documents produced in print cost sink they’ve previously been, but rather that they represent strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Typically stream or PDF formats offer a static presentation of 2. Acquisitions. Investigate and purchase smaller competitors an opportunity to interact with customers in a variety of ways. Perform Magazine // Information in Action there is a much longer list of strengths than there are or other companies who are in different markets/ information to the end customer. Advanced integrated Xenos helps bridge the gap between companies’ documents weaknesses, but companies seem to be getting more realistic geographies. document solutions (IDS) break down static documents and their customers, recognizing the true potential of online these days and are willing to acknowledge that they are not into individual XML files. A style sheet is created and 3. International. Focus on marketing to and acquiring new statements. With a powerful solution like Xenos ePresentment good at everything. Once the goals or objectives have been applied to the extracted XML content, resulting in a very international accounts in Asia and South America. behind the initiative – and the right champions within the established for the next year or two, the real hard work begins interactive customer web experience. in coming up with strategies for success. There are often Coming up with strategies is hard enough. Even more difficult Vol 7. Issue 2 . 2010 company driving it through – online presentment can bring Conclusion any company’s statements into the present and through to multiple strategies for a single goal. For example, a client had is coming up with realistic and accurate ways of evaluating Driven by demand and a desire to continually improve their the future, helping to maintain and build their customer-client a goal of going from $400 million to $600 million in sales in whether or not the strategies are the right ones. In this article, customer experience, organizations are moving to an online relations at the same time. the next three years. Industry data indicated that there was we will explore some of the practices that tend to work well 14 15
  • 9. when evaluating strategies, as well as the most common website. They measured the effectiveness of the communication mistakes organizations make when assessing their strategies. strategy by counting metrics like butts in chairs at briefing We’ll start out by examining some of the errors and follow up meetings, the number of newsletters distributed and web site with a review of the best practices I’ve seen. hits. When they measured the effectiveness of communication The chances of any strategy being successful do ” Mistake #1: Failure to Get External Opinions on the following year, it actually got worse. include factors like luck and timing, but experience is Strategy I tried using Google ad words as a marketing strategy for my Deciding on strategy is often more an exercise in politics than consulting and training business; I paid Google $400 to $600 probably the most important variable. logic and reason. The executive team may brainstorm a list of every month to make sure Mark Graham Brown showed up possible strategies for achieving the goals, but it’s funny how on the first page if someone did a search on “performance the ones that make the shirt list are almost always the ones metrics” or “Balanced Scorecard”. I got close to 1,000 hits per month, which people told me was excellent. I did this for six for growth, market share and profit are handed down from #2 Best Practice for Spotting Bad Strategies: Lack of suggested by the CEO. Once in a while the CEO does not try months before realizing that not one of those website hits on high by the executives, board, or parent organization. We Knowledge/Experience/Success to control the decision and it’s a more democratic process, translated into dollars in business, or even a good hard lead. usually don’t have much say in these, regardless of how stupid but in these cases it is usually the person who can argue and It’s funny how when companies get big they start to think they The big mistake all of these organizations (including my own) they might be. For example, I remember talking with a well- present his/her case the best who gets to select the strategies. are good at business, and that any business that comes along are making is to judge the success of a strategy by measuring known Fortune 100 technology firm right after the internet Regardless of how the decision making is done, though, it they can make successful. This directly contradicts Jim Collins’ milestones, activities, or behaviors associated with the chosen bubble burst in the mid 1990s and they still had a goal of 50 is always a wise idea to get the council of some outsiders. findings that great companies stick to the knitting. In other strategy. You can complete all the activities on time and in the percent sales growth over the previous year! The best and Perhaps your board can provide advice on picking the right words, stick to what you are good at. The further you stray from right number and still not achieve the goal. easiest way of spotting a bad strategy is logic and reason. strategy, but sometimes they are even too close to the your roots, or what you currently do, the greater your chances situation and there is always the political factor operating with Mistake #3: Measuring Strategy with Only Outcome It’s hard for outsiders to understand how some big smart for failure. We’ve seen this time after time. Anheuser Busch is board members and executives as well. Most organizations Metrics organizations can make such stupid decisions sometimes great at making and selling beer, so they come up with a growth have a handful of consultants or advisors who know their when coming up with strategies. Apparently some of these strategy called Eagle Snacks (pretzels and chips). The strategy company well and who they can call on for honest advice This is probably even more common than tracking activities strategies are decided on without much in the way of a logical capitalizes on their core competences of manufacturing food about whether or not they have picked the right strategies. I as a way to tell if you’ve picked the right strategy. For many analysis. Some organizations rely on the nice diagrams with products, distribution, and marketing to consumers. It would would take the time and spend the money to get at least two organizations, the only way to tell if a strategy worked is to circles and arrows called “strategy maps” to think through their seem to be a pretty easy transition, but it wasn’t. Eagle Snacks or three outside opinions on the strategies you have selected look at lagging outcome metrics like revenue, profits, or market strategies. These diagrams are created in flipcharts with a team eventually failed and the remnants were sold to Frito Lay. One before settling on them. This will be money well spent if the share. It’s true that often these things are the ultimate goal or of experts and they look very scientific, but most are nothing of the simplest ways of spotting a bad strategy is to compare outsiders can point out some risks or flaws in your choices. The reason for the strategy. However, by the time you find out if more than a series of broad assumptions drawn on charts with the strategy with the organization’s track record for success. danger with this approach is doing it when you have already the strategy worked, it is too late if this is all you measure. This arrows used to indicate causal relationships. For example, the This is what scares most people about a government-run made up your mind and don’t want to hear anything that is mistake is much more prevalent in business than in the non- sequence goes something like this: If our end goal is growth healthcare system. The government is not very good at running contrary to the strategies you have already picked. Therefore, it profit or government sector. They tend to be happy with activity in profits, then we need more loyal customers who give us anything, except perhaps the military. The Medicare system is is important to get this external input when the strategies are or “program” metrics. The people who run the “Say No to Drugs” more business. In order to improve loyalty, we need greater already crippled by paperwork and bureaucracy and a strategy still in the idea phase, and probably before some big off-site program are happy to track metrics like eyeballs that view their customer satisfaction. To achieve greater customer satisfaction, of having the government run the entire healthcare business planning meeting. This can provide you with some of the data TV commercials or billboards, school programs conducted and we need high levels of engagement from our employees. To seems doomed to failure. you present when discussing alternative strategies. buttons distributed. They don’t want to be accountable for the achieve that we need to do a training workshop to teach every fact that drug use has steadily risen as has spending for the “Say Strategies should be selected based on the likelihood that the employee how they can contribute to improved customer Mistake #2: Measuring Strategies with Activity No to Drugs” campaign. Business people want to see outcomes organization can make them work. The chances of any strategy satisfaction and loyalty, and thus profits. Whew! Metrics that are usually measured in real dollars. I’ve run across many being successful do include factors like luck and timing, but Sounds good right? So the flaw here is that no one is asking experience is probably the most important variable. This is A pension organization I worked with had a strategy of large corporations that measure the success of their strategies for evidence or even a logic test to evaluate each of the where outsiders are sometimes valuable because they can ask balancing their investment portfolio to manage risk better. One by only looking at outcomes that are water under the bridge. assumptions or theories in this strategy map. How, for example, the hard questions like: “What makes you think you can pull this of their metrics was the number of meetings with investment In other words, by the time we realize that the new office in can a training workshop lead to higher levels of engagement off when you have never done anything like this before?” It’s hard Perform Magazine // Information in Action advisors. Another was the number of research papers written Singapore was a bad strategy we have already lost millions of from employees? If people are disengaged because they are to ask questions like this when you are inside the organization – on different investment options. A second client had a strategy dollars. The success of any strategy is ultimately judged by the overworked and mostly have idiots for bosses, no training you might be viewed as not being a “team player”. of growing sales through innovative new product designs; this outcomes it produces. However, waiting for those outcomes workshop is going to change that. If customer satisfaction was a fashion-oriented business, so it sounded like a great and only measuring success with outcome data often makes it #3 Best Practice for Spotting Bad Strategies: Better does improve, how do you know that will lead to more loyalty? strategy. However, they measured the strategy by counting impossible to spot a bad strategy until it is too late. Strategic Metrics If loyalty does improve from some of your worst customers, activities like time spent with customers, trade shows attended, Vol 7. Issue 2 . 2010 #1 Best Practice for Spotting Bad Strategies: Logic! this could result in a decline in profits. The bottom line is that One of the best and most scientific ways of spotting bad and milestones completed on design projects. A third client someone needs to evaluate your strategies with a critical eye strategies is to come up with a suite of metrics or an index had a strategy for improving communication with employees It’s amazing to me how little thought and logic go into many and Mr. Spock logic to test all of the assumptions that have metric that drills down to lower-level indicators of success. that focused on a newsletter, briefing meetings, and employee strategies I’ve seen in big organizations. Often the overall goals been made and ask for data/evidence to support them. Here’s a great example: A consumer-products company has 16 17