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application note

                                                                                            Frozen Cells Enable High Quality Label-free
                                                                                            Assays on the Corning® Epic® System

                                                                                                    Alice Gao and Kathy Krebs
                                                                                                    Corning Life Sciences
                                                                                                    Corning, New York

                                                                                                    Stéphane Parent
                                                                                                    PerkinElmer, Inc.,
                                                                                                    Quebec, Canada

Cell-based assays account for more than half of all high-throughput screens (HTS)1. These assays incorporate complex biology into the HTS
process and allow the gathering of information that provides greater insight than biochemical assays into the functional behavior of drug
targets. However, cells are live and dynamic entities. Instability of target protein expression, cell passage number, growth phase and
differences in cell handling can often cause significant assay variability. In addition, routine maintenance and validation of cell culture stocks
in preparation for screening can also be challenging even with the help of high-cost robotic systems. One alternative strategy to the use
of freshly-passaged cells for cell-based assays involves the use of cryo-preserved cells. This approach separates cell preparation from drug-
screening activities and can address not only the quality and variability issues with freshly-passaged cells, but also the scheduling and
logistic issues facing large HTS campaigns.3,10 Historically, frozen cells have been applied successfully in many label-dependent cell-based
assays, such as second messenger assays for GPCRs (i.e. calcium and cAMP), luciferase and b-lactamase reporter gene assays, as well as
for high-content assays measuring intracellular trafficking events.5,6,9,10

In this report, we exploited the utility of frozen cells in a label-free cell-based assay using the Corning® Epic® technology. In cell-based
assays the Corning Epic System measures the dynamic mass redistribution (DMR) that occurs within cells upon the exposure to stimuli such
as drug compounds. This integrated response is pathway unbiased and enables the detection of cellular responses for endogenous as well
as over-expressed targets with greater sensitivity and richer information compared to many label-dependent technologies.4 The results
obtained in this study demonstrate that frozen cells are a viable alternative to freshly-passaged cells in label-free cell-based assays.

Materials and Methods
Reagents: Mu-Opioid receptor agonists DAMGO and Endomorphin-1 were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich® and Tocris Bioscience
(Ellisville, Missouri, USA), respectively, and Mu-Opioid receptor antagonist CTOP was obtained from Tocris Bioscience. FFA1 (also
known as GPR40) receptor agonist Docosahexanoic Acid (DHA) was purchased from Cayman Chemical® (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)
and PKR1 receptor agonist hEG-VEGF was obtained from PeproTech® Inc. (Rocky Hill, NJ, USA). All cell culture reagents and assay buffer
components were purchased from Invitrogen® (Carlsbad, California, USA), except for the UltraCHO medium which was obtained from
Lonza® (Walkersville, Maryland, USA). Corning® Polypropylene plates (Cat# 3657) were used to prepare ligand solutions and Corning Epic
384-well fibronectin-coated cell-based assay microplates (Cat# 5042) were used for all assays performed in this study.
Cell lines: The three cell lines used in this study were recombinant                                          After seeding, plates were allowed to sit in a laminar hood for 30 minutes
    Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) from PerkinElmer’s catalog,                                                 before being placed in a humidity-controlled CO2 incubator at 37° C. After
    stably expressing:                                                                                            overnight incubation, the media in the assay plates were replaced with
    1) mu-Opioid receptor (OP3) ValiScreen® cell line                                                             assay buffer (HBSS containing calcium, magnesium, 20 mM HEPES, 0.05%
       (Cat# ES-542-C)                                                                                            fatty acid free BSA and 1% DMSO). The plates were allowed to equilibrate
                                                                                                                  inside the Epic reader for 1 to 2.5 hours. Baseline signals were then measured
    2) Free Fatty Acid FFA1 receptor (GPR40) AequoScreen®
                                                                                                                  followed by the addition of test ligands. The DMR response to ligand
       cell line (Cat# ES-652-A)
                                                                                                                  addition was monitored immediately for 30-40 minutes.
    3) Prokineticin PKR1 receptor AequoScreen cell line
       (Cat# ES-750-A)                                                                                            Data Analysis: The response profile/traces were obtained using Epic
                                                                                                                  Offline Viewer software. Dose responses and curve fitting were constructed
    All cells were grown and maintained in F12K medium containing                                                 using GraphPad Prism® Software.
    10% heat inactivated FBS, 1% Pen/Strep, and the selection agent G418
    (400 µg/mL). For GPR40 and PKR1 expressing CHO cells, an additional
                                                                                                                  Results and Discussion
    selective agent (250 µg/mL Zeocin) was also included in the medium.
    The frozen equivalents are also available from PerkinElmer. They were:                                        In this study, we compared three performance features between fresh and
                                                                                                                  frozen cells of the same target; 1) the kinetic response profile, 2) reference
    1) cAMPZen® Frozen cells, mu-Opioid (OP3), Human Recombinant,
                                                                                                                  agonist/antagonist pharmacology and 3) assay robustness.
       CHO (Cat #ES-542-CF)
    2) AequoZen® Frozen cells, Free Fatty Acid FFA1 (GPR40), Human                                                The kinetic DMR signals of the three cell lines in response to reference
       Recombinant, CHO (Cat# ES-652-AF)                                                                          ligands are shown in Figure 1. Overall, there were no significant changes
    3) AequoZen Frozen cells, Prokineticin PKR1, Human Recombinant,                                               in the kinetic profiles between the fresh cells and frozen cells for each of
       CHO (Cat# ES-750-AF)                                                                                       the GPCR targets examined. For FFA1 and PKR1 expressing cell lines, the
                                                                                                                  fresh cells appear to give slightly higher response signal (about 10-15%).
    These frozen cells were treated so that they are not able to propagate                                        In contrast, the mu-Opioid expressing frozen cells performed slightly better
    and were used directly in Corning® Epic® assays.                                                              under these assay conditions, yielding ~20-25% higher signal compared
                                                                                                                  to the fresh equivalent (Figure 1C). These small differences in the maximal
    Corning Epic Assay Procedures: One day prior to performing the                                                response signals are likely to be associated with the extent of cell culture
    assay, fresh cells in flasks were trypsinized and harvested by centrifugation                                 confluency in the Epic microplate. Microscopic observation confirms that
    at 8000 rpm (130 g) for 3 min. The cell pellets were then re-suspended                                        overnight culture with fresh mu-Opioid expressing cells was slightly more
    in seeding medium. The resulting cell suspensions were used to seed                                           confluent than that with frozen cells (data not shown). It is known that
    Corning Epic 384-well fibronectin-coated cell-based assay microplates at                                      some GPCRs are sensitive to contact inhibition, resulting in down regulation
    8000 cells per well in a 40 μL volume. Seeding media were F12K medium                                         of receptor activities as cell cultures reach 100% confluency. This could in
    containing 10% heat inactivated FBS and 1% Pen/Strep for FFA1 and                                             part explain the difference observed in the maximal receptor activity
    PKR1 expressing cells and UltraCHO medium containing 1% Pen/Strep for                                         between the fresh and frozen mu-Opioid expressing cells, which could
    mu-Opioid expressing cells. Frozen cells were processed as follows. The                                       be reduced or eliminated by adjusting the seeding densities for fresh or
    frozen vials were briefly thawed in 37° C water bath and then transferred                                     frozen cells.
    to 50-mL centrifuge tubes containing 15-20 mL seeding medium. The
    centrifuge tubes were then spun at centrifugation at 8000 rpm (130 g) for                                     Comparison of agonist and antagonist pharmacology also showed that
    3 min and the cell pellets were re-suspended in the same seeding medium                                       the frozen cells performed well in the label-free Epic® cell assays.
    as their fresh equivalents. The resulting cell suspensions were used to                                       Pharmacology data for frozen cells were not significantly different from
    seed Epic microplates at 8000 cells per well in a 40 μL volume.                                               freshly-passaged cells (Figure 2 and Figure 3). The efficacies and potencies
                                                                                                                  of the reference ligands are in range with values reported in the literature2,7,8.

    Figure 1A                                                          Figure 1B                                                                Figure 1C

                                 FFA1 trace 20 uM DHA                                                  PKR1 trace 1 nM                                                       OP3 trace 15 nM DAMGO
                       400                                                               250                                                                       400
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Fresh cells
                                                                                         200                                                                                                      Frozen cells
                                                                         Response (pm)

                       300                                                                                                                                         300
                                                                                                                                                   Response (pm)
       Response (pm)

                       200                                                                                                                                         200

                       100                                                                50                                                                       100
                                                   Fresh cells                                                            Fresh cells
                                                   Frozen cells                                                           Frozen cells
                         0                                                                 0                                                                         0
                             0   5   10       15       20   25    30                           0   5    10       15       20     25      30                              0      10       20       30             40
                                          Time (min)                                                         Time (min)                                                              Time (min)

    Figure 1. Comparison of response profiles from cells expressing different GPCRs after stimulation with reference agonists. A) FFA1 expressing cells stimulated with
    20 µM Docosahexaenoic Acid; B) Prokineticin PKR1 expressing cells stimulated with 10 nM EG-VEGF; C) Mu-Opioid expressing cells stimulated with 15 nM DAMGO.
    Arrows indicate the addition of the agonists. Each assay was repeated at least twice with 3 replicates for each data point. N=3

Figure 2A                                                                                                  Figure 2B
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Figure 2. Comparison of mu-Opioid receptor reference
                                                   OP3 cpds frozen cell                                                                                         OP3 cpds fresh cell                                            ligand efficacy and potency. A: Dose response curves
                            400                                                                                                 400                                                                                            obtained with frozen cells. EC50s for agonist DAMGO and
                                              DAMGO                         CTOP                                                                          DAMGO                                          CTOP
                                              Endomorphin-1                                                                                               Endomorphin-1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Endomorphin-1 were 2.88 nM and 0.71 nM respectively.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               IC50 for the antagonist CTOP was 25.1 nM. B: Dose
          Response (pm)

                            300                                                                                                 300

                                                                                                              Response (pm)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               response curves obtained with freshly-passaged cells. EC50s
                            200                                                                                                 200                                                                                            for agonist DAMGO and Endomorphin-1 were 2.94 nM and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               0.88 nM respectively. IC50 for the antagonist CTOP was 36.5
                            100                                                                                                 100                                                                                            nM at EC90 concentration of the agonist DAMGO. N=3
                                0                                                                                                             0
                                 -12         -11        -10      -9    -8          -7      -6         -5                                       -12        -11      -10        -9         -8        -7         -6          -5
                                                            Log [Ligand] M                                                                                             Log [Ligand] M

Figure 3A                                                                                                  Figure 3B
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Figure 3. Comparison of reference agonist efficacy between
                                                               FFA1 DHA                                                                                           PKR1, hEG-VEGF                                               frozen and freshly-passaged cells. A: Dose response curves
                            500                                                                                                250                                                                                             obtained with FFA1 expressing cells. EC50s for agonist
                                                    Fresh cells                                                                                             Fresh cells                                                        Docosahexaenoid acid were 5.85 µM and 9.09 µM for frozen
                            400                                                                                                                                                                                                and fresh cells, respectively. B: Dose response curves
                                                                                                              Response (pm)
            Response (pm)

                                                    Frozen cells                                                                                            Frozen cells
                                                                                                                               150                                                                                             obtained with PKR1 expressing cells. EC50s for reference
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               agonist EG-VEGF were 41.4 pM and 36.5 pM for frozen
                            200                                                                                                                                                                                                and fresh cells, respectively. N=3
                                    -8             -7           -6       -5             -4            -3                                      -13         -12         -11          -10        -9            -8            -7
                                             Log [Docosahexaenoic Acid] M                                                                                          Log [hEG-VEGF] M

The assessment of assay robustness with frozen cells is illustrated in                                                                                                                              Table 1. Assay robustness comparison. N=96
Table 1 and Figure 4. As shown, all three cell assays exhibited Z’ values
greater than 0.65 (Table 1), indicating that these assays are robust. For                                                                                                                                                               Mu-Opioid                                       FFA1                       PKR1
FFA1 expressing frozen cells, slightly higher variability in the positive con-                                                                                                                                                                                                Fresh cells
trols was evident. However, because the buffer control signals for these
frozen cells were lower than their fresh equivalents, the overall assay                                                                                                                                    Z’                           0.81                                            0.681                      0.707
robustness was equivalent between the frozen and fresh cells.                                                                                                                                              Positive control             219 (±12)                                       358 (±14)                  276 (±19)
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Buffer control               -4.5 (±3.1)                                     64 (±17)                   -2.7 (±8.3)
We have demonstrated in this study that frozen cells performed compara-                                                                                                                                                                                                     Frozen cells
bly to freshly-passaged cells in the label-free Epic® cell-based assays that                                                                                                                               Z’                           0.83                                            0.635                      0.670
evaluated G-protein coupled receptor activities. No significant differences
in the kinetic DMR profiles or reference ligand pharmacology were
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Positive control             302 (±13)                                       353 (±26)                  237 (±18)
observed between fresh cells and their frozen counterparts. The results                                                                                                                                    Buffer control               -4.3 (±4.0)                                     28 (±13)                   2.9 (±7.6)
indicate that PerkinElmer’s frozen cells can be a viable alternative to nor-
mal dividing cells as cell sources in label-free cell-based assays.

Figure 4A                                                                                                       Figure 4B                                                                                                               Figure 4C

                                                           OP3 Robustness                                                                                                   FFA1 robustness                                                                                        PKR1 Robustness
                   400                                                                                                                        500                                                                                                         400
                                         Fresh OP3 cells                           Frozen OP3 cells                                                        Fresh FFA1 cells                              Frozen FFA1 cells                                           Fresh PKR1 cells                   Frozen PKR1 cells
                                                                                                                              Response (pm)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Response (pm)

  Response (pm)

                                                                               10 nM DAMGO
                                                                                                                                              300               20 μM DHA
                   200                                                                                                                                                                                      20 μM DHA                                     200       1 nM hEG-VEGF
                                           10 nM DAMGO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1 nM hEG-VEGF
                   100                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    100
                                                                                                                                              100               Buffer Controls
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Buffer Controls                                               Buffer Controls                   Buffer Controls
                                             Buffer Controls                       Buffer controls
                            0                                                                                                                                                                                                                               0
                                0                48              96          144             192                                                      0              48              96             144               192                                       0            48            96          144           192
                                                               well number                                                                                                         well number                                                                                           well number

Figure 4 Assay performance comparison between frozen and freshly-passaged cells. A: Frozen vs. fresh mu-Opioid expressing cells. B: Frozen vs. fresh FFA1 expressing
cells. C: Frozen vs. fresh Prokineticin PKR1 expressing cells. N=96

PerkinElmer – Your Global Discovery Partner
PerkinElmer gives you easy access to a worldwide network of local support                                                 3. Digan, ME, et al. (2005). Evaluation of Division-Arrested Cells for
offices, staffed by expert professionals who speak your language. You’ll                                                     Cell-Based High-Throughput Screening and Profiling. J Biomol Screen,
get expert assistance for all your questions – no matter where you are                                                       10(6): 615-623.
located. Contact us at (800) 762-4000 or (+1) 203-925-4602, or
visit Keeping up to date on the                                                            4. Fang, Y, et al. (2008). Label-free cell-based assays for GPCR screening.
latest cell lines and frozen cells for label-free assays? Simply visit                                                       Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 11: 357-369.
                                                                                                                          5. Fursov, N, et al. (2005). Improving consistency of cell-based assays
                                                                                                                             by using division-arrested cells. Assay Drug Dev. Technol. 3: 7–15.
Corning® Epic® System
Corning’s Epic system is the world’s first high-throughput, label-free                                                    6. Kunapuli, P, et al. (2005). Application of division-arrest technology
screening system. It uses patented optical biosensor technology to                                                           to cell-based HTS: Comparison with frozen and fresh cells. Assay Drug
interrogate a broad range of biochemical and cell-based targets. Product                                                     Dev. Technol. 3: 17–26.
offerings include an Epic reader, liquid handling accessory, and 384-well
                                                                                                                          7. Masuda, Y, et al. (2002). Isolation and identification of EG-VEGF/
coated and uncoated microplates for biochemical and cell-based analysis.
                                                                                                                             prokineticins as cognate ligands for two orphan G-protein-coupled
Service offerings include assay development, screening, and hit-confirmation
                                                                                                                             receptors. Biochem. and Biophys. Res. Comm., 293(1): 396-402.
label-free services. For more information, contact us at
or visit                                                                                            8. Rickett, G, et al. (2009). Which assay technology is most appropriate
                                                                                                                             to understand the pharmacology of a ligand and how it translates
References                                                                                                                   through to ex-vivo tissue bath studies – a case study using the
1. An, FW and Tolliday, NJ (2009) Introduction: Cell-Based Assays                                                            mu-opioid receptor. SBS conference 2009, Poster.
   for High-Throughput Screening. In “Cell-Based Assays for High-
                                                                                                                          9. Vasudevan, C, et al. (2005). Improving high-content-screening
   Throughput Screening: Methods and Protocols” Editors: Bridget
                                                                                                                             assay performance by using division-arrested cells. Assay Drug
   K. Wagner, Nicola J. Tolliday, Paul A. Clemons, Series: Methods in
                                                                                                                             Dev. Technol. 3: 515–523.
   Molecular Biology, Volume 486: 1-12.
                                                                                                                          10. Zaman, GJR, et al. (2007). Cryopreserved cells facilitate cell-based
2. Briscoe, CP, et al. (2003) The orphan G protein-coupled receptor
                                                                                                                              drug discovery. Drug Discovery Today, 12(13/14): 521-526.
   GPR40 is activated by medium and long chain fatty acids. J Biol Chem
   278: 11303-11311.

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009135_01               Printed in USA           Apr. 2010

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Gamma-irradiated Frozen Cells Validated for GPCR-mediated Kinase Signaling
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Frozen Cells For Corning Epic Label Free App

  • 1. application note Frozen Cells Enable High Quality Label-free Assays on the Corning® Epic® System Author Alice Gao and Kathy Krebs Corning Life Sciences Corning, New York USA Stéphane Parent PerkinElmer, Inc., Montréal Quebec, Canada Introduction Cell-based assays account for more than half of all high-throughput screens (HTS)1. These assays incorporate complex biology into the HTS process and allow the gathering of information that provides greater insight than biochemical assays into the functional behavior of drug targets. However, cells are live and dynamic entities. Instability of target protein expression, cell passage number, growth phase and differences in cell handling can often cause significant assay variability. In addition, routine maintenance and validation of cell culture stocks in preparation for screening can also be challenging even with the help of high-cost robotic systems. One alternative strategy to the use of freshly-passaged cells for cell-based assays involves the use of cryo-preserved cells. This approach separates cell preparation from drug- screening activities and can address not only the quality and variability issues with freshly-passaged cells, but also the scheduling and logistic issues facing large HTS campaigns.3,10 Historically, frozen cells have been applied successfully in many label-dependent cell-based assays, such as second messenger assays for GPCRs (i.e. calcium and cAMP), luciferase and b-lactamase reporter gene assays, as well as for high-content assays measuring intracellular trafficking events.5,6,9,10 In this report, we exploited the utility of frozen cells in a label-free cell-based assay using the Corning® Epic® technology. In cell-based assays the Corning Epic System measures the dynamic mass redistribution (DMR) that occurs within cells upon the exposure to stimuli such as drug compounds. This integrated response is pathway unbiased and enables the detection of cellular responses for endogenous as well as over-expressed targets with greater sensitivity and richer information compared to many label-dependent technologies.4 The results obtained in this study demonstrate that frozen cells are a viable alternative to freshly-passaged cells in label-free cell-based assays. Materials and Methods Reagents: Mu-Opioid receptor agonists DAMGO and Endomorphin-1 were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich® and Tocris Bioscience (Ellisville, Missouri, USA), respectively, and Mu-Opioid receptor antagonist CTOP was obtained from Tocris Bioscience. FFA1 (also known as GPR40) receptor agonist Docosahexanoic Acid (DHA) was purchased from Cayman Chemical® (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA) and PKR1 receptor agonist hEG-VEGF was obtained from PeproTech® Inc. (Rocky Hill, NJ, USA). All cell culture reagents and assay buffer components were purchased from Invitrogen® (Carlsbad, California, USA), except for the UltraCHO medium which was obtained from Lonza® (Walkersville, Maryland, USA). Corning® Polypropylene plates (Cat# 3657) were used to prepare ligand solutions and Corning Epic 384-well fibronectin-coated cell-based assay microplates (Cat# 5042) were used for all assays performed in this study.
  • 2. Cell lines: The three cell lines used in this study were recombinant After seeding, plates were allowed to sit in a laminar hood for 30 minutes Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) from PerkinElmer’s catalog, before being placed in a humidity-controlled CO2 incubator at 37° C. After stably expressing: overnight incubation, the media in the assay plates were replaced with 1) mu-Opioid receptor (OP3) ValiScreen® cell line assay buffer (HBSS containing calcium, magnesium, 20 mM HEPES, 0.05% (Cat# ES-542-C) fatty acid free BSA and 1% DMSO). The plates were allowed to equilibrate inside the Epic reader for 1 to 2.5 hours. Baseline signals were then measured 2) Free Fatty Acid FFA1 receptor (GPR40) AequoScreen® followed by the addition of test ligands. The DMR response to ligand cell line (Cat# ES-652-A) addition was monitored immediately for 30-40 minutes. 3) Prokineticin PKR1 receptor AequoScreen cell line (Cat# ES-750-A) Data Analysis: The response profile/traces were obtained using Epic Offline Viewer software. Dose responses and curve fitting were constructed All cells were grown and maintained in F12K medium containing using GraphPad Prism® Software. 10% heat inactivated FBS, 1% Pen/Strep, and the selection agent G418 (400 µg/mL). For GPR40 and PKR1 expressing CHO cells, an additional Results and Discussion selective agent (250 µg/mL Zeocin) was also included in the medium. The frozen equivalents are also available from PerkinElmer. They were: In this study, we compared three performance features between fresh and frozen cells of the same target; 1) the kinetic response profile, 2) reference 1) cAMPZen® Frozen cells, mu-Opioid (OP3), Human Recombinant, agonist/antagonist pharmacology and 3) assay robustness. CHO (Cat #ES-542-CF) 2) AequoZen® Frozen cells, Free Fatty Acid FFA1 (GPR40), Human The kinetic DMR signals of the three cell lines in response to reference Recombinant, CHO (Cat# ES-652-AF) ligands are shown in Figure 1. Overall, there were no significant changes 3) AequoZen Frozen cells, Prokineticin PKR1, Human Recombinant, in the kinetic profiles between the fresh cells and frozen cells for each of CHO (Cat# ES-750-AF) the GPCR targets examined. For FFA1 and PKR1 expressing cell lines, the fresh cells appear to give slightly higher response signal (about 10-15%). These frozen cells were treated so that they are not able to propagate In contrast, the mu-Opioid expressing frozen cells performed slightly better and were used directly in Corning® Epic® assays. under these assay conditions, yielding ~20-25% higher signal compared to the fresh equivalent (Figure 1C). These small differences in the maximal Corning Epic Assay Procedures: One day prior to performing the response signals are likely to be associated with the extent of cell culture assay, fresh cells in flasks were trypsinized and harvested by centrifugation confluency in the Epic microplate. Microscopic observation confirms that at 8000 rpm (130 g) for 3 min. The cell pellets were then re-suspended overnight culture with fresh mu-Opioid expressing cells was slightly more in seeding medium. The resulting cell suspensions were used to seed confluent than that with frozen cells (data not shown). It is known that Corning Epic 384-well fibronectin-coated cell-based assay microplates at some GPCRs are sensitive to contact inhibition, resulting in down regulation 8000 cells per well in a 40 μL volume. Seeding media were F12K medium of receptor activities as cell cultures reach 100% confluency. This could in containing 10% heat inactivated FBS and 1% Pen/Strep for FFA1 and part explain the difference observed in the maximal receptor activity PKR1 expressing cells and UltraCHO medium containing 1% Pen/Strep for between the fresh and frozen mu-Opioid expressing cells, which could mu-Opioid expressing cells. Frozen cells were processed as follows. The be reduced or eliminated by adjusting the seeding densities for fresh or frozen vials were briefly thawed in 37° C water bath and then transferred frozen cells. to 50-mL centrifuge tubes containing 15-20 mL seeding medium. The centrifuge tubes were then spun at centrifugation at 8000 rpm (130 g) for Comparison of agonist and antagonist pharmacology also showed that 3 min and the cell pellets were re-suspended in the same seeding medium the frozen cells performed well in the label-free Epic® cell assays. as their fresh equivalents. The resulting cell suspensions were used to Pharmacology data for frozen cells were not significantly different from seed Epic microplates at 8000 cells per well in a 40 μL volume. freshly-passaged cells (Figure 2 and Figure 3). The efficacies and potencies of the reference ligands are in range with values reported in the literature2,7,8. Figure 1A Figure 1B Figure 1C FFA1 trace 20 uM DHA PKR1 trace 1 nM OP3 trace 15 nM DAMGO 400 250 400 Fresh cells 200 Frozen cells Response (pm) 300 300 Response (pm) Response (pm) 150 200 200 100 100 50 100 Fresh cells Fresh cells Frozen cells Frozen cells 0 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 10 20 30 40 Time (min) Time (min) Time (min) Figure 1. Comparison of response profiles from cells expressing different GPCRs after stimulation with reference agonists. A) FFA1 expressing cells stimulated with 20 µM Docosahexaenoic Acid; B) Prokineticin PKR1 expressing cells stimulated with 10 nM EG-VEGF; C) Mu-Opioid expressing cells stimulated with 15 nM DAMGO. Arrows indicate the addition of the agonists. Each assay was repeated at least twice with 3 replicates for each data point. N=3 2
  • 3. Figure 2A Figure 2B Figure 2. Comparison of mu-Opioid receptor reference OP3 cpds frozen cell OP3 cpds fresh cell ligand efficacy and potency. A: Dose response curves 400 400 obtained with frozen cells. EC50s for agonist DAMGO and DAMGO CTOP DAMGO CTOP Endomorphin-1 Endomorphin-1 Endomorphin-1 were 2.88 nM and 0.71 nM respectively. IC50 for the antagonist CTOP was 25.1 nM. B: Dose Response (pm) 300 300 Response (pm) response curves obtained with freshly-passaged cells. EC50s 200 200 for agonist DAMGO and Endomorphin-1 were 2.94 nM and 0.88 nM respectively. IC50 for the antagonist CTOP was 36.5 100 100 nM at EC90 concentration of the agonist DAMGO. N=3 0 0 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 Log [Ligand] M Log [Ligand] M Figure 3A Figure 3B Figure 3. Comparison of reference agonist efficacy between FFA1 DHA PKR1, hEG-VEGF frozen and freshly-passaged cells. A: Dose response curves 500 250 obtained with FFA1 expressing cells. EC50s for agonist Fresh cells Fresh cells Docosahexaenoid acid were 5.85 µM and 9.09 µM for frozen 200 400 and fresh cells, respectively. B: Dose response curves Response (pm) Response (pm) Frozen cells Frozen cells 150 obtained with PKR1 expressing cells. EC50s for reference 300 agonist EG-VEGF were 41.4 pM and 36.5 pM for frozen 100 200 and fresh cells, respectively. N=3 50 100 0 0 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 Log [Docosahexaenoic Acid] M Log [hEG-VEGF] M The assessment of assay robustness with frozen cells is illustrated in Table 1. Assay robustness comparison. N=96 Table 1 and Figure 4. As shown, all three cell assays exhibited Z’ values greater than 0.65 (Table 1), indicating that these assays are robust. For Mu-Opioid FFA1 PKR1 FFA1 expressing frozen cells, slightly higher variability in the positive con- Fresh cells trols was evident. However, because the buffer control signals for these frozen cells were lower than their fresh equivalents, the overall assay Z’ 0.81 0.681 0.707 robustness was equivalent between the frozen and fresh cells. Positive control 219 (±12) 358 (±14) 276 (±19) Buffer control -4.5 (±3.1) 64 (±17) -2.7 (±8.3) Conclusions We have demonstrated in this study that frozen cells performed compara- Frozen cells bly to freshly-passaged cells in the label-free Epic® cell-based assays that Z’ 0.83 0.635 0.670 evaluated G-protein coupled receptor activities. No significant differences in the kinetic DMR profiles or reference ligand pharmacology were Positive control 302 (±13) 353 (±26) 237 (±18) observed between fresh cells and their frozen counterparts. The results Buffer control -4.3 (±4.0) 28 (±13) 2.9 (±7.6) indicate that PerkinElmer’s frozen cells can be a viable alternative to nor- mal dividing cells as cell sources in label-free cell-based assays. Figure 4A Figure 4B Figure 4C OP3 Robustness FFA1 robustness PKR1 Robustness 400 500 400 Fresh OP3 cells Frozen OP3 cells Fresh FFA1 cells Frozen FFA1 cells Fresh PKR1 cells Frozen PKR1 cells 400 Response (pm) Response (pm) 300 Response (pm) 300 10 nM DAMGO 300 20 μM DHA 200 20 μM DHA 200 1 nM hEG-VEGF 10 nM DAMGO 1 nM hEG-VEGF 200 100 100 100 Buffer Controls Buffer Controls Buffer Controls Buffer Controls Buffer Controls Buffer controls 0 0 0 0 48 96 144 192 0 48 96 144 192 0 48 96 144 192 well number well number well number Figure 4 Assay performance comparison between frozen and freshly-passaged cells. A: Frozen vs. fresh mu-Opioid expressing cells. B: Frozen vs. fresh FFA1 expressing cells. C: Frozen vs. fresh Prokineticin PKR1 expressing cells. N=96 3
  • 4. PerkinElmer – Your Global Discovery Partner PerkinElmer gives you easy access to a worldwide network of local support 3. Digan, ME, et al. (2005). Evaluation of Division-Arrested Cells for offices, staffed by expert professionals who speak your language. You’ll Cell-Based High-Throughput Screening and Profiling. J Biomol Screen, get expert assistance for all your questions – no matter where you are 10(6): 615-623. located. Contact us at (800) 762-4000 or (+1) 203-925-4602, or visit Keeping up to date on the 4. Fang, Y, et al. (2008). Label-free cell-based assays for GPCR screening. latest cell lines and frozen cells for label-free assays? Simply visit Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 11: 357-369. 5. Fursov, N, et al. (2005). Improving consistency of cell-based assays by using division-arrested cells. Assay Drug Dev. Technol. 3: 7–15. Corning® Epic® System Corning’s Epic system is the world’s first high-throughput, label-free 6. Kunapuli, P, et al. (2005). Application of division-arrest technology screening system. It uses patented optical biosensor technology to to cell-based HTS: Comparison with frozen and fresh cells. Assay Drug interrogate a broad range of biochemical and cell-based targets. Product Dev. Technol. 3: 17–26. offerings include an Epic reader, liquid handling accessory, and 384-well 7. Masuda, Y, et al. (2002). Isolation and identification of EG-VEGF/ coated and uncoated microplates for biochemical and cell-based analysis. prokineticins as cognate ligands for two orphan G-protein-coupled Service offerings include assay development, screening, and hit-confirmation receptors. Biochem. and Biophys. Res. Comm., 293(1): 396-402. label-free services. For more information, contact us at or visit 8. Rickett, G, et al. (2009). Which assay technology is most appropriate to understand the pharmacology of a ligand and how it translates References through to ex-vivo tissue bath studies – a case study using the 1. An, FW and Tolliday, NJ (2009) Introduction: Cell-Based Assays mu-opioid receptor. SBS conference 2009, Poster. for High-Throughput Screening. In “Cell-Based Assays for High- 9. Vasudevan, C, et al. (2005). Improving high-content-screening Throughput Screening: Methods and Protocols” Editors: Bridget assay performance by using division-arrested cells. Assay Drug K. Wagner, Nicola J. Tolliday, Paul A. Clemons, Series: Methods in Dev. Technol. 3: 515–523. Molecular Biology, Volume 486: 1-12. 10. Zaman, GJR, et al. (2007). Cryopreserved cells facilitate cell-based 2. Briscoe, CP, et al. (2003) The orphan G protein-coupled receptor drug discovery. Drug Discovery Today, 12(13/14): 521-526. GPR40 is activated by medium and long chain fatty acids. J Biol Chem 278: 11303-11311. PerkinElmer, Inc. 940 Winter Street Waltham, MA 02451 USA P: (800) 762-4000 or (+1) 203-925-4602 For a complete listing of our global offices, visit Copyright ©2010, PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. PerkinElmer® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 009135_01 Printed in USA Apr. 2010