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22   Building Operating Management/August ’11

By NaoMi MillÁN, associate editor

     xcellence requires a touch of grace: pro athletes seem to defy the laws of phys-

     ics, artists breathe into life the sublime, scientists are able to see beyond to

what is possible.
   It takes commitment to a vision, in-      deavor. A resolution that being short on
genious thinking and strategies, talent      budget doesn’t prevent largesse in in-
and doggedness.                              novation. And decision making driven
   You might not think facilities man-       by sustainability, not as a buzzword or
agement is an apt arena for these kinds      as a PR move, but because it just plain
of attributes to flourish, but as the five   makes sense.
winners of the 2011 FMXcellence                 Though the exact parameters of
award show, there is no limit to the         each organization’s projects might not
feats of achievement possible in the         be directly exportable to all facility
field. Best of all, no Spandex required.     management departments, their strate-
   The winners are varied in geography       gies for leadership and problem solving
and facility type: Western Michigan          certainly are.
University in Kalamazoo, Mich.; PNC
Financial Services Group in Scran-           Green Means Go
ton, Pa.; Hays Consolidated Indepen-            Being green has, begrudgingly by
dent School District in Buda, Texas;         some, become de rigeur. But by mov-
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in             ing beyond a few green touches here
Charlotte, N.C.; and the Department          and there to adopt a systematic ap-
of Central Services, State of Oklahoma       proach, sustainability can rise as a way
government. And yet certain themes           to showcase true leadership in facilities
bind them. A vision of facilities man-       management and garner benefits for
agement as a strategic quantifiable en-      the larger organization.

                                                                    Building Operating Management/August ’11   23
Take what occurred in the State of       going to get.”                              efforts since then have yielded an 18
        Oklahoma government’s Department                Making sustainability and energy        percent decrease in total campus en-
        of Central Services (DCS), office of fa-    efficiency the frames in which deci-        ergy consumption, even though the
        cilities management. In response to a       sions are considered has yielded more       building square footage increased by
        constrained budget and rising energy        immediate benefits. From fiscal year        17 percent.
        costs, several years ago the facility       2008, when the office of facilities man-
                                                    agement established an energy unit,         calling in the experts
                                                    through fiscal year 2010, electricity          Initiatives like systemwide adoption
                                                    savings alone equaled over 8 million        of sustainability don’t succeed without
                                                    kWh, an 18 percent reduction in the         leadership. But they also don’t succeed
                                                    more than 2 million square foot port-       without the right team in place. One of
                                                    folio of state-owned buildings.             the ways the State of Oklahoma’s of-
                                                        At Western Michigan University,         fice of facilities management was able
                                                    Peter Strazdas, associate vice president    to achieve its many gains was through
                                                    for facilities management, says it was      a fundamental restructuring of the
                                                    less a point of policy and more of a        organization and specializing job de-
                                                    revolution that brought sustainability      scriptions. In addition to the office of
                                                                 to the fore on campus. And     facilities management’s energy group,
                                                                 the facilities department      units for finance and purchasing were
                                                                decided to be leaders in the    established. Instead of having teams
                                                               change.                          dedicated to a building, facilities man-
                                                                 “We elected to participate     agement functions were centralized
                                                              with the students and the fac-    with in-house specialists being sent out
                                                             ulty in this cultural transfor-    to buildings as needed.
                                                             mation to a more sustainable          Hiring for and using existing in-
                                                           campus,” Strazdas says. “We          house expertise not only provided
                                                          found a common vision between         significant efficiencies but also cost
                                                         our facilities’ needs to be more       savings. For example, the building
        management department instituted            sustainable and some of the students’       automation system is now serviced
        a sustainability plan. This plan was        cultural needs to be more sustainable       in-house by Cherry and a team he has
        meant to be a department initiative but     on campus.”                                 trained. In the last three years, they
        was so well-received it was rolled out to       What really turned the tide was the
        the entire agency. It touches everything    renovation of the College of Health and
        they do.                                    Human Services in 2008. With a new
           “The sustainability plan is anything     university president who wanted to
        from how we purchase motors to how          focus more on LEED certification, ac-
        we purchase chemicals,” says Craig          cording to Strazdas, the facility became
        Cherry, facilities operations manager,      the first LEED-EBOM Gold building
        DCS. “It is the roadmap for everything      in higher education in the world. The
        we do now.” And what they’re finding        focus on existing buildings had only
        is that decisions driven by the sustain-    begun in earnest in 2008, so there was
        ability plan end up being the right thing   a bit of education for the staff. “We had
        to do long-term for the good of the or-     to transform a lot of oper-
        ganization.                                 ating practices, processes
            As an example he points to a boiler     and materials and educa-
        replacement. The 55-year-old boilers        tion for the staff in that
        were still hanging on, but were ineffi-     building,” Strazdas says.
        cient and were getting harder to certify.   “The transformation was so
        Once it became crucial to replace the       successful in that one building
        boilers, they decided to go with highly     that it cascaded across the oth-
        efficient condensing boilers. Though        er 150 buildings on campus.”
        they had to pay more upfront than for           Of course, not every build-
        a direct replacement, operation and gas     ing on Western Michigan’s
        usage are much better now than they’ve      campus is LEED-EBOM certified, but          have not had a single outside service
        ever been. “We looked at the long-term      it ramped up changes in the way the 8       call for building automation. This al-
        effect, and we do that on everything        million square foot campus operates.        lows them to spend that money on
        now,” Cherry says. “It’s not just what’s    The move to sustainability began in         infrastructure for the BAS to improve
        the best price. We’re looking at lifetime   the late ‘90s, with the construction of     and expand the system.
        usage and what’s the best benefit we’re     the Parkview campus, and collective            The synergies extend beyond main-

24   Building Operating Management/August ’11
tenance and operations. With contract      take place in four waves, with around         consultant also allowed PNC to throw
officers who are more closely versed       400 sites per wave. Every two months,         all kinds of “what ifs” at them. What
in facilities management, contracts        a new wave would kick off, with the           if they changed from neon tubing to
are negotiated without costly scope        whole process starting in August 2009         LEDs? The consultant was able to do
overruns. For example, 20 chillers         and wrapping up in June 2010. Pulling         the necessary research and analysis
had previously been on full-service        it off required coordinating thousands        amid everything else going on in the
contracts because the people setting       of people, from bank personnel to sign        conversion. Working with the consul-
                                           manufacturers (10 of them) to trades-         tant led to a cheaper-to-manufacture
                                           men like carpenters and painters.             sign using LEDs. What’s more, some
                                              Zurinskas had always worked with           signs were redesigned with less metal,
                                           a sign consultant, but facing the enor-       and sign contracts were awarded in
                                           mity and complexity of the task pushed        a manner that created advantageous
                                           him to upgrade to a firm he considered        pricing.
                                           a “Cadillac” in the field: Monigle As-
                                           sociates. “I didn’t need that kind of         double-dipping impact
                                           horsepower to do the conversions we              One successful strategy among the
                                           had been doing,” Zurinskas says. “But         FMXcellence winners was making
                                           when we came across National City’s           an initiative work double-time, in ef-
                                                              acquisition, I knew I      fect stretching resources for more re-
                                                              had to bring in a larger   sults. At Western Michigan, Strazdas
                                                             firm to help coordinate     called this “double-dipping.” When he
                                                            this thing.” They helped     thinks of what projects to pursue in
                                                           with creating a timeline      a coming year and where to allocate
                                                          and keeping Zurinskas’         funds, three things are taken into con-
                                                         team accountable for meet-      sideration: the return on investment,
                                                        ing necessary deadlines.         the impact on energy consumption
                                                       This allowed PNC to form          and whether it will also address a de-
                                                      the task groups and focus          ferred maintenance need.
                                                     on the “internal horsepower”           But the king of the double-dip
up the contracts hadn’t understood         they needed for the job.                      is Hays Consolidated Independent
the actual scope of need. Last year, the      For example, with two big banks            School District in Buda, Texas, and
contract was rebid to cover just annual    coming together, getting informa-             its ingenious funding mechanism for
and recurring maintenance, with repair     tion down through the internal chain          energy efficiency. A 2003 audit found
work on an on-call basis. Cherry says      to avoid confusion was challenging.
they’ve saved $100,000 in the first year   With any large acquisition, Zurinskas
and expect to save more in subsequent      says, there are often concerns, rumors
years.                                     and miscommunication coming from
   At the other end of the spectrum, at    outside the project team. To avoid
PNC Financial Services Group, pro-         this, frequent bulletin board progress
viding excellent facilities management     updates were posted. Prior to the sign
required recognizing when a project        conversion beginning in each market, a
was beyond in-house capabilities and       notification was sent out describing the
creating a smart partnership with an       general sign conversion process, what
outside vendor.                            to expect and how to address issues.
   PNC has been growing steadily over      Finally, individual site installation no-
the years, with acquisitions rolling in    tifications were sent the week
every other year. When the National        prior to actual scheduled work
City acquisition was finalized in 2008,    beginning at each site.
John Zurinskas, vice president and            Not only did all these ef-
group regional manager with PNC Re-        forts allow for the mammoth
alty Services, knew merging the two        conversion to go off as planned,
organizations’ real estate portfolios      but they actually managed a 16.5
was going to be a challenge. Zurinskas     percent savings compared to what
had many conversions under his belt,       the sign conversion process had
including a large one comprising 320       previously cost, Zurinskas says. This         the school district needed to do two
buildings. But the National City acqui-    was in part due to the economy tank-          things: institute an energy management
sition was far bigger: 1,640 branches      ing, making for sharper competition           program and figure out a way to fund
nationwide, including 26,000 signs.        among the sign manufacturers. But             replacing the maintenance vehicle fleet.
PNC decided the conversion would           the in-house capabilities of the sign         And then came the ah-ha moment —

                                                                                                Building Operating Management/August ’11   25
and operation, Hays CISD.                      everything is about efficiency. The first
                                                           To determine a baseline for savings,       position hired with the energy savings
                                                       existing campuses were given an energy         was an evening coil cleaner. Cleaning
                                                       budget equal to their electricity costs in     the coils in the evenings removes the
                                                       fiscal year 2002-2003 for their build-         interruption to the school. And coils
                                                       ing; facilities constructed after that         cleaned in a timely fashion mean equip-
                                                       were budgeted at $1 per square foot            ment is running efficiently. The evening
                                                       for electricity. Savings due to energy         maintenance program has grown to a
                                                                           efficiency initiatives     staff of 13, doing everything from coil
                                                                           enacted under the          cleaning to campus delamping, without
                                                                          energy management           needing overtime or weekend hours.
                                                                         program have returned
                                                                        $250,000 to the schools,      Working Hard for the Money
                                                                      set aside $450,000 to              A great boon for the Hays program
                                                                     guard against electricity        is that the savings are protected by
                                                                    rate increases, and allowed       school board policy, so the $450,000
        why not use one to fund the other?                        the district to hire person-        in the fund balance will not be touched
           They didn’t stop at funding a new           nel, including two energy manage-              for other cash-starved needs in the dis-
        fleet, but broke down the potential            ment technicians whose salaries are            trict. This might seem nothing short
        energy cost savings to give some mon-          fully funded by the energy savings they        of miraculous to some facility manag-
        ey back to the schools, fund energy            achieve, says Herrin.                          ers, who see the savings their depart-
        efficiency initiatives, hire new staff             “Everything they do, every time they       ments generate quickly swallowed by
        and even set money aside to cover en-          touch a piece of equipment, not only           the needs of the larger organization.
        ergy rate increases, says R.C. Herrin,         is it repairing something, but it’s using      Though they acknowledge this is of-
        executive director of maintenance              less electricity,” Herrin says. At Hays,       ten the case, the FMXcellence winners

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26   Building Operating Management/August ’11              ▲ free info: Circle 416
say establishing what needs to be done          funding is not cut.”                        could, says Strazdas. But why would
        with the savings is an important part              At Western Michigan, they take en-       they want to slow down a successful
        of success.                                     ergy savings dollars and roll them into     program, he says, adding that it’s the
           “This type of funding vehicle, the           next year’s energy conservation mea-        facility manager’s job to make sure the
        way it’s successful is if you don’t ask for     sures. So far, the university administra-   larger organization understands the
        more money to fund these projects,”             tion has not moved to claim the sav-        benefits of energy savings programs.
        says Herrin. “But it can only work if           ings for other purposes, though they        “Every year, you’ve got to keep leaning
                                                                                                    on the horn,” Strazdas says. “We have
                                                                                                    continued to regularly toot our horn
                                                                                                    relative to the success of our energy
                                                                                                    conservation measures. And the regu-
                                                                                                    larity of tooting our horn is probably
                                                                                                    the reason why the dollars have not
                                                                                                    gone elsewhere.”
                                                                                                       It’s a similar situation at Charlotte-
                                                      Fa c i l i t y S e r v i c e s                Mecklenburg Schools, in Charlotte,
                                                                                                    N.C., where Philip Berman, executive
                                                                                                    director for building services, got the
                                                                                                    district’s financial department to agree
                                                                                                    for the last four years to return budget
                                                                                                    underrun funds back to his depart-
                                                                                                    ment, to the tune of $5 million, which
                                                                                                    he was able to put back into low-hang-
                               Flat Mop                                                             ing fruit projects, like lighting retrofits.
                                                                                                    These savings were garnered, again,
                                                                                                    by a adopting a systematic approach
                                                                                                    to energy efficiency and sustainability
      Obviously, it’s a picture of a flat mop.                                                      measures through an environmental
      (a real one would have made                                                                   stewardship charter, with buy-in from
      a soggy mess of your magazine)                                                                the Board of Education and superin-
                                                                                                    tendent. The charter was approved as a
                                                                                                    cost-neutral project; to support it, Ber-
                                                                                                    man pursued alternate funding such as
                                                                                                    grants and rebates.
                                                        In the hands of our cleaning                   Berman provides quarterly reports
                                                      specialists, you’ll be amazed at              to the school system’s executives, giv-
                                                             what a flat mop can do,                ing him a forum to spread the word
                                                         from a name you can trust.                 about his team’s work. “As they saw
                                                                                                    us being successful each year, we told
                                                                 Varsity...We clean it.             them what we had to do to continue
                                                                                                    the success,” Berman says, adding that
                                                                                                    facility managers have to market their
                                                                                                    success to safeguard their initiatives.
                                                                                                    “You can’t just sit back. You have to
                                                                                                    say what you’re going to do, do what
                                                Visit                              you said and then communicate what
                                                 and register to win                                you did.”
                                                  a Kindle™ reader!                                    As the winners of this year’s FMX-
                                                                                                    cellence award show, achieving excel-
                                                                                                    lence in facilities management is pos-
                                                                                                    sible through leadership and ingenuity,
                                                                                                    and really stretching the boundaries of
                                                                                                    what is possible with the resources at
                                                                                                    hand. As Berman says, “There’s a dif-
     WE CLEAN IT. WE FIX IT. WE BUILD IT.                                                           ference between a manager, a supervi-
     TRUST VARSITY FOR JANITORIAL • MAINTENANCE • CONSTRUCTION                                      sor and a leader.”

                                                                                                      Email comments and questions to
     1055 South 3600 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84104 | | (888) 878-6844    

28   Building Operating Management/August ’11                   ▲ free info: Circle 418

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Fm xcellence article 2011

  • 1. 22 Building Operating Management/August ’11
  • 2. COVER STORY By NaoMi MillÁN, associate editor E xcellence requires a touch of grace: pro athletes seem to defy the laws of phys- ics, artists breathe into life the sublime, scientists are able to see beyond to what is possible. It takes commitment to a vision, in- deavor. A resolution that being short on genious thinking and strategies, talent budget doesn’t prevent largesse in in- and doggedness. novation. And decision making driven You might not think facilities man- by sustainability, not as a buzzword or agement is an apt arena for these kinds as a PR move, but because it just plain of attributes to flourish, but as the five makes sense. winners of the 2011 FMXcellence Though the exact parameters of award show, there is no limit to the each organization’s projects might not feats of achievement possible in the be directly exportable to all facility field. Best of all, no Spandex required. management departments, their strate- The winners are varied in geography gies for leadership and problem solving and facility type: Western Michigan certainly are. University in Kalamazoo, Mich.; PNC Financial Services Group in Scran- Green Means Go ton, Pa.; Hays Consolidated Indepen- Being green has, begrudgingly by dent School District in Buda, Texas; some, become de rigeur. But by mov- Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in ing beyond a few green touches here Charlotte, N.C.; and the Department and there to adopt a systematic ap- of Central Services, State of Oklahoma proach, sustainability can rise as a way government. And yet certain themes to showcase true leadership in facilities bind them. A vision of facilities man- management and garner benefits for agement as a strategic quantifiable en- the larger organization. Building Operating Management/August ’11 23
  • 3. Take what occurred in the State of going to get.” efforts since then have yielded an 18 Oklahoma government’s Department Making sustainability and energy percent decrease in total campus en- of Central Services (DCS), office of fa- efficiency the frames in which deci- ergy consumption, even though the cilities management. In response to a sions are considered has yielded more building square footage increased by constrained budget and rising energy immediate benefits. From fiscal year 17 percent. costs, several years ago the facility 2008, when the office of facilities man- agement established an energy unit, calling in the experts through fiscal year 2010, electricity Initiatives like systemwide adoption savings alone equaled over 8 million of sustainability don’t succeed without kWh, an 18 percent reduction in the leadership. But they also don’t succeed more than 2 million square foot port- without the right team in place. One of folio of state-owned buildings. the ways the State of Oklahoma’s of- At Western Michigan University, fice of facilities management was able Peter Strazdas, associate vice president to achieve its many gains was through for facilities management, says it was a fundamental restructuring of the less a point of policy and more of a organization and specializing job de- revolution that brought sustainability scriptions. In addition to the office of to the fore on campus. And facilities management’s energy group, the facilities department units for finance and purchasing were decided to be leaders in the established. Instead of having teams change. dedicated to a building, facilities man- “We elected to participate agement functions were centralized with the students and the fac- with in-house specialists being sent out ulty in this cultural transfor- to buildings as needed. mation to a more sustainable Hiring for and using existing in- campus,” Strazdas says. “We house expertise not only provided found a common vision between significant efficiencies but also cost our facilities’ needs to be more savings. For example, the building management department instituted sustainable and some of the students’ automation system is now serviced a sustainability plan. This plan was cultural needs to be more sustainable in-house by Cherry and a team he has meant to be a department initiative but on campus.” trained. In the last three years, they was so well-received it was rolled out to What really turned the tide was the the entire agency. It touches everything renovation of the College of Health and they do. Human Services in 2008. With a new “The sustainability plan is anything university president who wanted to from how we purchase motors to how focus more on LEED certification, ac- we purchase chemicals,” says Craig cording to Strazdas, the facility became Cherry, facilities operations manager, the first LEED-EBOM Gold building DCS. “It is the roadmap for everything in higher education in the world. The we do now.” And what they’re finding focus on existing buildings had only is that decisions driven by the sustain- begun in earnest in 2008, so there was ability plan end up being the right thing a bit of education for the staff. “We had to do long-term for the good of the or- to transform a lot of oper- ganization. ating practices, processes As an example he points to a boiler and materials and educa- replacement. The 55-year-old boilers tion for the staff in that were still hanging on, but were ineffi- building,” Strazdas says. cient and were getting harder to certify. “The transformation was so Once it became crucial to replace the successful in that one building boilers, they decided to go with highly that it cascaded across the oth- efficient condensing boilers. Though er 150 buildings on campus.” they had to pay more upfront than for Of course, not every build- a direct replacement, operation and gas ing on Western Michigan’s usage are much better now than they’ve campus is LEED-EBOM certified, but have not had a single outside service ever been. “We looked at the long-term it ramped up changes in the way the 8 call for building automation. This al- effect, and we do that on everything million square foot campus operates. lows them to spend that money on now,” Cherry says. “It’s not just what’s The move to sustainability began in infrastructure for the BAS to improve the best price. We’re looking at lifetime the late ‘90s, with the construction of and expand the system. usage and what’s the best benefit we’re the Parkview campus, and collective The synergies extend beyond main- 24 Building Operating Management/August ’11
  • 4. tenance and operations. With contract take place in four waves, with around consultant also allowed PNC to throw officers who are more closely versed 400 sites per wave. Every two months, all kinds of “what ifs” at them. What in facilities management, contracts a new wave would kick off, with the if they changed from neon tubing to are negotiated without costly scope whole process starting in August 2009 LEDs? The consultant was able to do overruns. For example, 20 chillers and wrapping up in June 2010. Pulling the necessary research and analysis had previously been on full-service it off required coordinating thousands amid everything else going on in the contracts because the people setting of people, from bank personnel to sign conversion. Working with the consul- manufacturers (10 of them) to trades- tant led to a cheaper-to-manufacture men like carpenters and painters. sign using LEDs. What’s more, some Zurinskas had always worked with signs were redesigned with less metal, a sign consultant, but facing the enor- and sign contracts were awarded in mity and complexity of the task pushed a manner that created advantageous him to upgrade to a firm he considered pricing. a “Cadillac” in the field: Monigle As- sociates. “I didn’t need that kind of double-dipping impact horsepower to do the conversions we One successful strategy among the had been doing,” Zurinskas says. “But FMXcellence winners was making when we came across National City’s an initiative work double-time, in ef- acquisition, I knew I fect stretching resources for more re- had to bring in a larger sults. At Western Michigan, Strazdas firm to help coordinate called this “double-dipping.” When he this thing.” They helped thinks of what projects to pursue in with creating a timeline a coming year and where to allocate and keeping Zurinskas’ funds, three things are taken into con- team accountable for meet- sideration: the return on investment, ing necessary deadlines. the impact on energy consumption This allowed PNC to form and whether it will also address a de- the task groups and focus ferred maintenance need. on the “internal horsepower” But the king of the double-dip up the contracts hadn’t understood they needed for the job. is Hays Consolidated Independent the actual scope of need. Last year, the For example, with two big banks School District in Buda, Texas, and contract was rebid to cover just annual coming together, getting informa- its ingenious funding mechanism for and recurring maintenance, with repair tion down through the internal chain energy efficiency. A 2003 audit found work on an on-call basis. Cherry says to avoid confusion was challenging. they’ve saved $100,000 in the first year With any large acquisition, Zurinskas and expect to save more in subsequent says, there are often concerns, rumors years. and miscommunication coming from At the other end of the spectrum, at outside the project team. To avoid PNC Financial Services Group, pro- this, frequent bulletin board progress viding excellent facilities management updates were posted. Prior to the sign required recognizing when a project conversion beginning in each market, a was beyond in-house capabilities and notification was sent out describing the creating a smart partnership with an general sign conversion process, what outside vendor. to expect and how to address issues. PNC has been growing steadily over Finally, individual site installation no- the years, with acquisitions rolling in tifications were sent the week every other year. When the National prior to actual scheduled work City acquisition was finalized in 2008, beginning at each site. John Zurinskas, vice president and Not only did all these ef- group regional manager with PNC Re- forts allow for the mammoth alty Services, knew merging the two conversion to go off as planned, organizations’ real estate portfolios but they actually managed a 16.5 was going to be a challenge. Zurinskas percent savings compared to what had many conversions under his belt, the sign conversion process had including a large one comprising 320 previously cost, Zurinskas says. This the school district needed to do two buildings. But the National City acqui- was in part due to the economy tank- things: institute an energy management sition was far bigger: 1,640 branches ing, making for sharper competition program and figure out a way to fund nationwide, including 26,000 signs. among the sign manufacturers. But replacing the maintenance vehicle fleet. PNC decided the conversion would the in-house capabilities of the sign And then came the ah-ha moment — Building Operating Management/August ’11 25
  • 5. and operation, Hays CISD. everything is about efficiency. The first To determine a baseline for savings, position hired with the energy savings existing campuses were given an energy was an evening coil cleaner. Cleaning budget equal to their electricity costs in the coils in the evenings removes the fiscal year 2002-2003 for their build- interruption to the school. And coils ing; facilities constructed after that cleaned in a timely fashion mean equip- were budgeted at $1 per square foot ment is running efficiently. The evening for electricity. Savings due to energy maintenance program has grown to a efficiency initiatives staff of 13, doing everything from coil enacted under the cleaning to campus delamping, without energy management needing overtime or weekend hours. program have returned $250,000 to the schools, Working Hard for the Money set aside $450,000 to A great boon for the Hays program guard against electricity is that the savings are protected by rate increases, and allowed school board policy, so the $450,000 why not use one to fund the other? the district to hire person- in the fund balance will not be touched They didn’t stop at funding a new nel, including two energy manage- for other cash-starved needs in the dis- fleet, but broke down the potential ment technicians whose salaries are trict. This might seem nothing short energy cost savings to give some mon- fully funded by the energy savings they of miraculous to some facility manag- ey back to the schools, fund energy achieve, says Herrin. ers, who see the savings their depart- efficiency initiatives, hire new staff “Everything they do, every time they ments generate quickly swallowed by and even set money aside to cover en- touch a piece of equipment, not only the needs of the larger organization. ergy rate increases, says R.C. Herrin, is it repairing something, but it’s using Though they acknowledge this is of- executive director of maintenance less electricity,” Herrin says. At Hays, ten the case, the FMXcellence winners Kärcher Classic Hot Pressure Washers USE 25+% LESS FUEL Saving you $1,000 or more per year in fuel costs! Get a FREE $50 Gift Card with your purchase from an authorized Kärcher dealer through August 31st. Scan this code with a QR reader on your Smart Phone to see Kärcher’s innovative heating technology in action. Visit to find an authorized Kärcher dealer and redeem your FREE $50 Gift Card! 26 Building Operating Management/August ’11 ▲ free info: Circle 416
  • 6. say establishing what needs to be done funding is not cut.” could, says Strazdas. But why would with the savings is an important part At Western Michigan, they take en- they want to slow down a successful of success. ergy savings dollars and roll them into program, he says, adding that it’s the “This type of funding vehicle, the next year’s energy conservation mea- facility manager’s job to make sure the way it’s successful is if you don’t ask for sures. So far, the university administra- larger organization understands the more money to fund these projects,” tion has not moved to claim the sav- benefits of energy savings programs. says Herrin. “But it can only work if ings for other purposes, though they “Every year, you’ve got to keep leaning on the horn,” Strazdas says. “We have continued to regularly toot our horn relative to the success of our energy conservation measures. And the regu- larity of tooting our horn is probably the reason why the dollars have not gone elsewhere.” It’s a similar situation at Charlotte- Fa c i l i t y S e r v i c e s Mecklenburg Schools, in Charlotte, N.C., where Philip Berman, executive director for building services, got the district’s financial department to agree for the last four years to return budget underrun funds back to his depart- ment, to the tune of $5 million, which he was able to put back into low-hang- Flat Mop ing fruit projects, like lighting retrofits. These savings were garnered, again, by a adopting a systematic approach to energy efficiency and sustainability Obviously, it’s a picture of a flat mop. measures through an environmental (a real one would have made stewardship charter, with buy-in from a soggy mess of your magazine) the Board of Education and superin- tendent. The charter was approved as a cost-neutral project; to support it, Ber- man pursued alternate funding such as grants and rebates. In the hands of our cleaning Berman provides quarterly reports specialists, you’ll be amazed at to the school system’s executives, giv- what a flat mop can do, ing him a forum to spread the word from a name you can trust. about his team’s work. “As they saw us being successful each year, we told Varsity...We clean it. them what we had to do to continue the success,” Berman says, adding that facility managers have to market their success to safeguard their initiatives. “You can’t just sit back. You have to say what you’re going to do, do what Visit you said and then communicate what and register to win you did.” a Kindle™ reader! As the winners of this year’s FMX- cellence award show, achieving excel- lence in facilities management is pos- sible through leadership and ingenuity, and really stretching the boundaries of what is possible with the resources at hand. As Berman says, “There’s a dif- WE CLEAN IT. WE FIX IT. WE BUILD IT. ference between a manager, a supervi- TRUST VARSITY FOR JANITORIAL • MAINTENANCE • CONSTRUCTION sor and a leader.” Email comments and questions to 1055 South 3600 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84104 | | (888) 878-6844 28 Building Operating Management/August ’11 ▲ free info: Circle 418