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Fleet-ing Thoughts: September 2006                                                                                Page 1 of 5


                                                        Fleet-ing Thoughts
                                              Adventures in the World of Automotive Fleet & Vehicle Remarketing

              FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2006

              Vol. 2 No. 30

              E.N.G’s 3rd Annual Executive Summit “Next
              Generation Automotive CRM”: Identifying,
              Attracting and Retaining Customers through
              Search Strategies, Online Marketing and
              Targeted Campaigns
              Recently I was fortunate enough to attend the European Networking Group’s 3 rd Annual
              Executive Summit “Next Generation Automotive CRM,” August 15th & 16, at the Marriott
              Manhattan Beach, Manhattan Beach, California. The program focused on Internet-related
              customer relationship management in the automotive sector, with seminars that included
              expertise and “best practices” from both the manufacturer, media/consulting and retail
              dealer perspective. Not long ago customer relationship management itself was a new topic
              for automotive retailers, so to have a conference on Internet-enabled CRM shows you how
              far dealers have come. Five years ago the manufacturers looked at the Internet as strange
              new world, and dealers were outright hostile to those “twenty something” led companies
              who were going to replace the franchise dealer. And for good reason – remember the lunacy
              of “CarsDirect”, with a business model to buy vehicles from franchise dealers, replace the
              new car dealer in the consumer service model and sell direct to the public and somehow
              make money, hence the name “CarsDirect”…I couldn’t listen to it with a straight face back
              then even after it raised $195M on the concept, one of the largest amounts raised for a the
              start-up company back in 1999 if I’m not mistaken. That business model crashed and burned
              before the Penske folks quietly brought it back to reality as a dealer lead generation tool.

              This “Next Generation Automotive CRM” conference certainly updated me on the
              tremendous evolution and advancement in using online and emerging media tools to refine
              and enhance customer relationship management. In what seemed a very short time, we as
              an industry have gone from skepticism of the Web to the “state of the art” in using online
              leverage to build relationships, solicit new business and cost effectively manage growth and
              build brand identity.

              An Interesting Keynote (from an Interesting Company) and then                                    1/25/2007
Fleet-ing Thoughts: September 2006                                                                                                              Page 2 of 5

              An Interesting Keynote (from an Interesting Company) and then                                    dealer-based, small fleet

              Vehicle Manufacturers’ Developments                                                              sales pilot programs for Ford,
                                                                                                               GM, and Jaguar. I veered off
                                                                                                               the track only once and did a
              The jury is still out on Malcolm Bricklin’s latest venture, Visionary Vehicles, which plans to   telecom start-up during the
              import a US version of the Chinese Chery cars. Bricklin was a founder of Subaru, and has         tech bubble years ‘99/00,
              since had a string of less successful automotive ventures, including the ill-fated Yugo. But     but soon found my way back
              the keynote address by Paul Lambert, President of the new company and a veteran                  to the car business, creating
              marketing executive, was very interesting.                                                       Driveitaway, the first Web-
                                                                                                               based “upstream”
              Most of the rest of the day focused on how automotive manufacturers are using new media          remarketing product, selling
              as a method to communicate to, and build, customer and prospect interest and loyalty, and        cars before they come off
              the ability to measure the results of their new media programs. Christine MacKenzie,             lease, saving process costs to
              Executive Director, Multi Brand Marketing & Agency Relations, Daimler Chrysler, gave a           reach a sale. I’m on the road
              presentation entitled “Emerging Media…The Leading Edge” with examples of what Daimler            a lot, visiting fleet clients
              Chrysler is doing in that regard (I like those bobble head Jeep commercials she ran, that        and vendors, attending at
              now seem to be everywhere on television). Patrick McFarland, Head of Customer Knowledge          least 30 trade shows and
              Services from Ford Motor Company, had an informative presentation on “Customer Lifetime          vendor meetings a year. I’ve
              Value – Predicting and Applications to Automotive Marketing ”…this, although not mentioned       seen good auto-related blogs
              directly, has aggressively filtered down to the dealer level, with even the major dealer         out there, but none that
              computer vendors building in an easy way for service writers in the dealer service shop to       focus on the areas of fleet or
              calculate, with a keystroke, the gross revenue each customer has generated for the               remarketing, so I thought I’d
              dealership over a multi-year period. This last point I picked up not from a presenter, but       take a shot. After all, I’m a
              from some dealer people I had lunch with that afternoon; seems a simple obvious thing to         car guy …
              want to do, but it was impossible back when I was a dealer.

              There was a presentation on maximizing the profitability of customer interaction – “A
              Strategic Framework for Driving and Leveraging a Profitable and Effective Customer
              Experience” by Michael Fitzpatrick, Chief Marketing Officer of Harte-Hanks. This was
              followed by the first panel discussion of the day, moderated by my old friend Cliff Banks,
              Director, Editorial Development, Ward’s Dealer Business (a dealer trade magazine I’ve been
              reading now for at least 16 or so years), entitled, “Moving Your Business Online – is Search
              Engine Marketing the Answer to Declining Sales.” This presentation was the first to directly
              apply the applications of search engines and new media to automotive retailers, and, as
              such was of the most interest to me. The panel included representatives of some of the
              “best and the brightest” marketing, communications and customer retention dealer group
              managers, with Richard Fisler, Corporate Marketing Director for the C.A.R. (Conant Auto
              Retail) Group, Erin Touponse, Director Development & Communications, Harte Auto Group,
              and Cassie Broemmer, Director of Customer Retention and Marketing, Van Tuyl/Automotive
              Investment Group.

              One of the things that is clear to me, at least, from listening to his panel, is the fact that
              the most advanced and effective dealers using the Web are creating their own leads
              through things such as search engine marketing, and the role of the “third party” customer
              lead generators (the Autobytels and the like) is being greatly reduced, if not marginalized
              completely. The handwriting is certainly on the wall when the general metrics are revealed,                                                                  1/25/2007
Fleet-ing Thoughts: September 2006                                                                                                        Page 3 of 5

                                                                                                             2006 –Technology Chang...
              completely. The handwriting is certainly on the wall when the general metrics are revealed,

              that, indeed, when closing ratios are considered, the least expensive Web based leads for a    A Not-to-Be-Missed Podcast
              dealer are those that are self-generated (through things such key word purchases), the next    with John Manchin, Rema...
              least expensive are those generated from the various manufacturers (such as through
              FordDirect), and, by far, the most expensive leads are those generated by the many “third      Vol. 2 No. 23 iRem@rketing
              party” vendors – who in many cases generate their dealer leads through the same key word       2006: The Technology C...
              purchase/search engine technologies that are available to dealers directly (that is, those     ARCHIVES
              that know how to use them correctly), and their only addition is a cost mark-up.
                                                                                                             December 2005
                                                                                                             January 2006
              That Afternoon, I Couldn’t Resist Listening to How Ferrari Targets                             February 2006
              their Prospects…(my Road Rally invitations must have been lost in                              March 2006
              the mail)                                                                                      April 2006
                                                                                                             May 2006
              The afternoon had a couple of break out sessions and I had a choice on which to attend.
              One choice was listening to David Kain of Kain Automotive, who I heard gave an excellent       June 2006
              presentation on utilizing search engine marketing (and I know this to be true, having heard    July 2006
              David speak before at a JD Power Roundtable as well as some other venues – David is one of     August 2006
              the best known speakers on this topic). The second, and I have to admit, the one I
              succumbed to my temptation to hear, was given by Paul Montopoli, Director CRM &                September 2006
              Marketing Planning from Ferrari North America. Just to hear how the Ferrari folks treat and    October 2006
              nurture past and potential owners was a trip…when you sell a few hundred cars a year at
              ultra high prices, to people, who, I learned, more likely than not have a whole fleet of
              super luxury expensive vehicles (and private jets and yachts as well) you have to be very
              generous for your “lifestyle” exclusive cocktail events and “road rallies”…but unfortunately
              for guys like me they are also very selective…

              The first day closed out with a presentation by Dan Keller, General Director, Marketing
              GM/CRM, General Motors, on how he uses technology to coordinate and leverage all of the
              various company contact points for a typical GM/GMAC customer – with a company as large
              as General Motors (all the vehicle brands, GMAC, GMAC Mortgage, GMAC Insurance, OnStar,
              etc.), the coordination alone is an serious task.

              Being a Former Car Dealer who Leveraged “Old World Off-Line”
              Customer Leads, Ralph Paglia ’s Case Study on Day II was Far and
              Away my Favorite Part of the Whole Conference…

                                                                           Day two started out with a
                                                                           presentation by Aaron Smith,
                                                                           Interactive/CRM Marketing
                                                                           Manager for Hummer, on
                                                                           “Empowering the Customer”                                                            1/25/2007
Fleet-ing Thoughts: September 2006                                                                                                               Page 4 of 5

                                                                                                                dealer counsel
                                                                             “Empowering the Customer”

                                                                           and matching dealer inventory          PODCASTS
              customer demands. Then my old friend Ralph Paglia, CRM/eBusiness Director, Courtesy
              Chevrolet shared with the group the strategy and technique that produced his phenomenal             John Possumato interviews
              success at Courtesy Chevrolet in Phoenix, AZ, and made Courtesy the leading Internet                John Manchin, Remarketing
              retailer of new and certified used Chevrolet vehicles in America, in a presentation entitled        Manager, Subaru Auto
              “Integrating the Internet Department into our Retail Strategy.”                                     Leasing, Ltd., June 19, 2006
                                                                                                                  John Possumato interviews
              Frankly, Ralph’s presentation, and the whole CRM/eBusiness organization and their results           Theresa Ragozine,
              to date are so impressive that I immediately looked to do a podcast for the blog with Ralph,        Worldwide Director, Travel
              to give a more direct experience for those blog readers interested. Even with something             and Fleet, Johnson &
              like 38 people in his department, organized into three fully staffed business development           Johnson, June 8, 2006
              centers, an eBusiness finance team, and four distinct Internet sales teams operating out of
              four separate buildings, Ralph is still rapidly growing his Internet operation, through a state     John Possumato interviews
              of the art interactive marketing strategy (creative key word purchases, site creation etc.)         Scott Mayo, Fleet Director
              strategically coordinated with traditional off -line media marketing.                               for Wendy's, May 31, 2006
                                                                                                                  John Possumato interviews
              Of course, part of Ralph’s advantage is that he has always been in the forefront of                 Sherb Brown, vice president
              automotive retail Internet and interactive marketing, as a consultant or practitioner, since        group publisher of Bobit
              the science (or art depending on how you look at it) began, now probably close to ten years         Business Media, April 19,
              now. And clearly, part of his success has to be his unique insight and energy. But I have to        2006
              tell you, seeing Ralph’s phenomenally successful results on leveraging new technology (not          John Possumato interviews
              to mention the fun he has with it on leading the pack in the online dealership environment          Rod Smith, president of
              with a single point store), more than anything else out there, makes me wish I was back in          Arelco, Inc. April 10, 2006
              the retail car dealership environment. Way back when, before there was an Internet, I had
                                                                                                                  John Possumato interviews
              some decent results in leveraging “old world” direct marketing (direct mail, telemarketing,
                                                                                                                  Charlie Vogelheim, Master of
              etc.) - as the Internet geometrically expands this reach, as no better an example than Ralph        Ceremonies CAR April 7,
              has proven, it makes me wonder how I would fared in the online environment today as a car
              retailer. The Internet truly is a great “equalizer” in a lot of ways for car dealers, and, I
              think, in many respects one is limited only by one’s imagination, creativity and drive in           John Possumato interviews
              leveraging its use for results, rather than in the old world limitation parameters of physical      Tom Kontos, Vice President,
              location, number of franchises and locations, etc.                                                  Adesa Analytical Services,
                                                                                                                  March 29, 2006
              A Research Analyst, a Few More Manufacturers, and Close Out with
              a Car Dealer
              Later in the day, Ron Rogowski from Forrester Research, made a presentation entitled
              “Building Your Automotive Brand Online” mostly aimed towards manufacturers, while
              Valerie Fuller from FordDirect (the manufacturer/dealer cooperative site from Ford created
              to drive Internet traffic to Ford dealers) addressed the group with “Supporting Dealer
              Operations Through Customer Intelligence. ” Also, Mike Musich from Toyota Motor Sales USA
                                                                                                                Search this blog:
              had a presentation on “Working Together for the Ultimate Customer Experience – How
              Toyota and the Dealer Organization Can Drive Higher Customer Satisfaction Toward                                      Search
              Improved Customer/Owner Loyalty.                                                                   1/25/2007
Fleet-ing Thoughts: September 2006                                                                                                         Page 5 of 5

              Improved Customer/Owner Loyalty.

              The last presentation of the day, however, was of greater interest to me than the                » Blogs that link here
              manufacturer centered presentations, as it was conducted by a car dealer principal               » View my profile
              addressing a issue that, although focused on Internet-based sales, certainly addressed a
              problem that pre-dates the Internet inside car dealerships, namely, how to recruit, train
              and retain good sales representatives. The case study presented by Mike Johnson, the
              owner of Antelope Valley Ford/Shuttle Lincoln Mercury entitled, “Training Staff for
              Professional Online Service” began with the fundamentals of how to hire and train “green               Powered by Blogger
              peas” (car lingo for people hired with no experience in car sales) – in this he had an               and Blogger Templates
              advantage, as an ex-schoolteacher he developed a training/tracking program from the
              start. He also outlined the “bad habits” all dealers went through before terms like “CRM”
              were important, such as relying on “ups” (again car lingo for someone who walks through
              the showroom door inquiring about a car), and promoting the practice of doing everything
              possible (advertising & promotion, manipulating phone inquiries, etc.), to drive the
              prospect physically into the facility before any serious interaction took place.

              Johnson then outlined how Internet sales, and indeed, the development of CRM in general,
              required a very different culture for success – one of his presentation bullet points,
              “determine when, not if a separate sales staff for Internet customers is needed,” kind of
              says it all. In an era where the average dealer spent $565 per retailed vehicle in advertising
              (NADA data for 2004), Mike Johnson’s emphasis on hiring, training and accurately measuring
              the performance of sales personnel, particularly in the emerging Interactive media area,
              not only makes sense, but probably will dictate which dealers survive and prosper in the
              years to come.

              Although this was the third in the series, I had never been to one of these
              manufacturer/dealer E.N.G. Next Generation Automotive CRM conferences before, and was
              very impressed with the information presented and the quality of the presenters and
              audience. At the end of the day (literally), I’m more convinced than ever that the
              automotive retailer world is rapidly dividing up into those that “get it” and those that don’t
              (or refuse to…sometimes clinging to old past practices as doggedly as the venture capital
              folks a few years ago were blindly convinced that Internet-based “bubble era” companies
              were going to replace the automotive retailer). It’s clear to me, at least, that with new
              technologies, automotive retailing is evolving and changing more rapidly today in prospect
              lead generation and customer relationship management than at any time in its 100+ year
              history – the message is “keep up with the latest developments, or lose the race to the

              11:05 AM | Permalink | Add a comment                                                             1/25/2007

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FleetIng Thoughts Blog

  • 1. Fleet-ing Thoughts: September 2006 Page 1 of 5 BlogThis! Fleet-ing Thoughts Adventures in the World of Automotive Fleet & Vehicle Remarketing FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2006 Vol. 2 No. 30 E.N.G’s 3rd Annual Executive Summit “Next Generation Automotive CRM”: Identifying, Attracting and Retaining Customers through Search Strategies, Online Marketing and Targeted Campaigns Recently I was fortunate enough to attend the European Networking Group’s 3 rd Annual Executive Summit “Next Generation Automotive CRM,” August 15th & 16, at the Marriott Manhattan Beach, Manhattan Beach, California. The program focused on Internet-related customer relationship management in the automotive sector, with seminars that included expertise and “best practices” from both the manufacturer, media/consulting and retail dealer perspective. Not long ago customer relationship management itself was a new topic for automotive retailers, so to have a conference on Internet-enabled CRM shows you how far dealers have come. Five years ago the manufacturers looked at the Internet as strange new world, and dealers were outright hostile to those “twenty something” led companies who were going to replace the franchise dealer. And for good reason – remember the lunacy of “CarsDirect”, with a business model to buy vehicles from franchise dealers, replace the new car dealer in the consumer service model and sell direct to the public and somehow make money, hence the name “CarsDirect”…I couldn’t listen to it with a straight face back then even after it raised $195M on the concept, one of the largest amounts raised for a the start-up company back in 1999 if I’m not mistaken. That business model crashed and burned before the Penske folks quietly brought it back to reality as a dealer lead generation tool. This “Next Generation Automotive CRM” conference certainly updated me on the tremendous evolution and advancement in using online and emerging media tools to refine and enhance customer relationship management. In what seemed a very short time, we as an industry have gone from skepticism of the Web to the “state of the art” in using online leverage to build relationships, solicit new business and cost effectively manage growth and build brand identity. An Interesting Keynote (from an Interesting Company) and then 1/25/2007
  • 2. Fleet-ing Thoughts: September 2006 Page 2 of 5 An Interesting Keynote (from an Interesting Company) and then dealer-based, small fleet Vehicle Manufacturers’ Developments sales pilot programs for Ford, GM, and Jaguar. I veered off the track only once and did a The jury is still out on Malcolm Bricklin’s latest venture, Visionary Vehicles, which plans to telecom start-up during the import a US version of the Chinese Chery cars. Bricklin was a founder of Subaru, and has tech bubble years ‘99/00, since had a string of less successful automotive ventures, including the ill-fated Yugo. But but soon found my way back the keynote address by Paul Lambert, President of the new company and a veteran to the car business, creating marketing executive, was very interesting. Driveitaway, the first Web- based “upstream” Most of the rest of the day focused on how automotive manufacturers are using new media remarketing product, selling as a method to communicate to, and build, customer and prospect interest and loyalty, and cars before they come off the ability to measure the results of their new media programs. Christine MacKenzie, lease, saving process costs to Executive Director, Multi Brand Marketing & Agency Relations, Daimler Chrysler, gave a reach a sale. I’m on the road presentation entitled “Emerging Media…The Leading Edge” with examples of what Daimler a lot, visiting fleet clients Chrysler is doing in that regard (I like those bobble head Jeep commercials she ran, that and vendors, attending at now seem to be everywhere on television). Patrick McFarland, Head of Customer Knowledge least 30 trade shows and Services from Ford Motor Company, had an informative presentation on “Customer Lifetime vendor meetings a year. I’ve Value – Predicting and Applications to Automotive Marketing ”…this, although not mentioned seen good auto-related blogs directly, has aggressively filtered down to the dealer level, with even the major dealer out there, but none that computer vendors building in an easy way for service writers in the dealer service shop to focus on the areas of fleet or calculate, with a keystroke, the gross revenue each customer has generated for the remarketing, so I thought I’d dealership over a multi-year period. This last point I picked up not from a presenter, but take a shot. After all, I’m a from some dealer people I had lunch with that afternoon; seems a simple obvious thing to car guy … want to do, but it was impossible back when I was a dealer. There was a presentation on maximizing the profitability of customer interaction – “A Strategic Framework for Driving and Leveraging a Profitable and Effective Customer Experience” by Michael Fitzpatrick, Chief Marketing Officer of Harte-Hanks. This was followed by the first panel discussion of the day, moderated by my old friend Cliff Banks, Director, Editorial Development, Ward’s Dealer Business (a dealer trade magazine I’ve been reading now for at least 16 or so years), entitled, “Moving Your Business Online – is Search Engine Marketing the Answer to Declining Sales.” This presentation was the first to directly apply the applications of search engines and new media to automotive retailers, and, as such was of the most interest to me. The panel included representatives of some of the “best and the brightest” marketing, communications and customer retention dealer group managers, with Richard Fisler, Corporate Marketing Director for the C.A.R. (Conant Auto Retail) Group, Erin Touponse, Director Development & Communications, Harte Auto Group, and Cassie Broemmer, Director of Customer Retention and Marketing, Van Tuyl/Automotive Investment Group. One of the things that is clear to me, at least, from listening to his panel, is the fact that the most advanced and effective dealers using the Web are creating their own leads through things such as search engine marketing, and the role of the “third party” customer lead generators (the Autobytels and the like) is being greatly reduced, if not marginalized completely. The handwriting is certainly on the wall when the general metrics are revealed, 1/25/2007
  • 3. Fleet-ing Thoughts: September 2006 Page 3 of 5 2006 –Technology Chang... completely. The handwriting is certainly on the wall when the general metrics are revealed, that, indeed, when closing ratios are considered, the least expensive Web based leads for a A Not-to-Be-Missed Podcast dealer are those that are self-generated (through things such key word purchases), the next with John Manchin, Rema... least expensive are those generated from the various manufacturers (such as through FordDirect), and, by far, the most expensive leads are those generated by the many “third Vol. 2 No. 23 iRem@rketing party” vendors – who in many cases generate their dealer leads through the same key word 2006: The Technology C... purchase/search engine technologies that are available to dealers directly (that is, those ARCHIVES that know how to use them correctly), and their only addition is a cost mark-up. December 2005 January 2006 That Afternoon, I Couldn’t Resist Listening to How Ferrari Targets February 2006 their Prospects…(my Road Rally invitations must have been lost in March 2006 the mail) April 2006 May 2006 The afternoon had a couple of break out sessions and I had a choice on which to attend. One choice was listening to David Kain of Kain Automotive, who I heard gave an excellent June 2006 presentation on utilizing search engine marketing (and I know this to be true, having heard July 2006 David speak before at a JD Power Roundtable as well as some other venues – David is one of August 2006 the best known speakers on this topic). The second, and I have to admit, the one I succumbed to my temptation to hear, was given by Paul Montopoli, Director CRM & September 2006 Marketing Planning from Ferrari North America. Just to hear how the Ferrari folks treat and October 2006 nurture past and potential owners was a trip…when you sell a few hundred cars a year at ultra high prices, to people, who, I learned, more likely than not have a whole fleet of super luxury expensive vehicles (and private jets and yachts as well) you have to be very generous for your “lifestyle” exclusive cocktail events and “road rallies”…but unfortunately for guys like me they are also very selective… The first day closed out with a presentation by Dan Keller, General Director, Marketing GM/CRM, General Motors, on how he uses technology to coordinate and leverage all of the various company contact points for a typical GM/GMAC customer – with a company as large as General Motors (all the vehicle brands, GMAC, GMAC Mortgage, GMAC Insurance, OnStar, etc.), the coordination alone is an serious task. Being a Former Car Dealer who Leveraged “Old World Off-Line” Customer Leads, Ralph Paglia ’s Case Study on Day II was Far and Away my Favorite Part of the Whole Conference… Day two started out with a presentation by Aaron Smith, Interactive/CRM Marketing Manager for Hummer, on “Empowering the Customer” 1/25/2007
  • 4. Fleet-ing Thoughts: September 2006 Page 4 of 5 dealer counsel “Empowering the Customer” and matching dealer inventory PODCASTS customer demands. Then my old friend Ralph Paglia, CRM/eBusiness Director, Courtesy Chevrolet shared with the group the strategy and technique that produced his phenomenal John Possumato interviews success at Courtesy Chevrolet in Phoenix, AZ, and made Courtesy the leading Internet John Manchin, Remarketing retailer of new and certified used Chevrolet vehicles in America, in a presentation entitled Manager, Subaru Auto “Integrating the Internet Department into our Retail Strategy.” Leasing, Ltd., June 19, 2006 John Possumato interviews Frankly, Ralph’s presentation, and the whole CRM/eBusiness organization and their results Theresa Ragozine, to date are so impressive that I immediately looked to do a podcast for the blog with Ralph, Worldwide Director, Travel to give a more direct experience for those blog readers interested. Even with something and Fleet, Johnson & like 38 people in his department, organized into three fully staffed business development Johnson, June 8, 2006 centers, an eBusiness finance team, and four distinct Internet sales teams operating out of four separate buildings, Ralph is still rapidly growing his Internet operation, through a state John Possumato interviews of the art interactive marketing strategy (creative key word purchases, site creation etc.) Scott Mayo, Fleet Director strategically coordinated with traditional off -line media marketing. for Wendy's, May 31, 2006 John Possumato interviews Of course, part of Ralph’s advantage is that he has always been in the forefront of Sherb Brown, vice president automotive retail Internet and interactive marketing, as a consultant or practitioner, since group publisher of Bobit the science (or art depending on how you look at it) began, now probably close to ten years Business Media, April 19, now. And clearly, part of his success has to be his unique insight and energy. But I have to 2006 tell you, seeing Ralph’s phenomenally successful results on leveraging new technology (not John Possumato interviews to mention the fun he has with it on leading the pack in the online dealership environment Rod Smith, president of with a single point store), more than anything else out there, makes me wish I was back in Arelco, Inc. April 10, 2006 the retail car dealership environment. Way back when, before there was an Internet, I had John Possumato interviews some decent results in leveraging “old world” direct marketing (direct mail, telemarketing, Charlie Vogelheim, Master of etc.) - as the Internet geometrically expands this reach, as no better an example than Ralph Ceremonies CAR April 7, has proven, it makes me wonder how I would fared in the online environment today as a car 2006 retailer. The Internet truly is a great “equalizer” in a lot of ways for car dealers, and, I think, in many respects one is limited only by one’s imagination, creativity and drive in John Possumato interviews leveraging its use for results, rather than in the old world limitation parameters of physical Tom Kontos, Vice President, location, number of franchises and locations, etc. Adesa Analytical Services, March 29, 2006 SYNDICATION A Research Analyst, a Few More Manufacturers, and Close Out with a Car Dealer Later in the day, Ron Rogowski from Forrester Research, made a presentation entitled “Building Your Automotive Brand Online” mostly aimed towards manufacturers, while Valerie Fuller from FordDirect (the manufacturer/dealer cooperative site from Ford created to drive Internet traffic to Ford dealers) addressed the group with “Supporting Dealer Operations Through Customer Intelligence. ” Also, Mike Musich from Toyota Motor Sales USA Search this blog: had a presentation on “Working Together for the Ultimate Customer Experience – How Toyota and the Dealer Organization Can Drive Higher Customer Satisfaction Toward Search Improved Customer/Owner Loyalty. 1/25/2007
  • 5. Fleet-ing Thoughts: September 2006 Page 5 of 5 Improved Customer/Owner Loyalty. The last presentation of the day, however, was of greater interest to me than the » Blogs that link here manufacturer centered presentations, as it was conducted by a car dealer principal » View my profile addressing a issue that, although focused on Internet-based sales, certainly addressed a problem that pre-dates the Internet inside car dealerships, namely, how to recruit, train and retain good sales representatives. The case study presented by Mike Johnson, the owner of Antelope Valley Ford/Shuttle Lincoln Mercury entitled, “Training Staff for Professional Online Service” began with the fundamentals of how to hire and train “green Powered by Blogger peas” (car lingo for people hired with no experience in car sales) – in this he had an and Blogger Templates advantage, as an ex-schoolteacher he developed a training/tracking program from the start. He also outlined the “bad habits” all dealers went through before terms like “CRM” were important, such as relying on “ups” (again car lingo for someone who walks through the showroom door inquiring about a car), and promoting the practice of doing everything possible (advertising & promotion, manipulating phone inquiries, etc.), to drive the prospect physically into the facility before any serious interaction took place. Johnson then outlined how Internet sales, and indeed, the development of CRM in general, required a very different culture for success – one of his presentation bullet points, “determine when, not if a separate sales staff for Internet customers is needed,” kind of says it all. In an era where the average dealer spent $565 per retailed vehicle in advertising (NADA data for 2004), Mike Johnson’s emphasis on hiring, training and accurately measuring the performance of sales personnel, particularly in the emerging Interactive media area, not only makes sense, but probably will dictate which dealers survive and prosper in the years to come. Although this was the third in the series, I had never been to one of these manufacturer/dealer E.N.G. Next Generation Automotive CRM conferences before, and was very impressed with the information presented and the quality of the presenters and audience. At the end of the day (literally), I’m more convinced than ever that the automotive retailer world is rapidly dividing up into those that “get it” and those that don’t (or refuse to…sometimes clinging to old past practices as doggedly as the venture capital folks a few years ago were blindly convinced that Internet-based “bubble era” companies were going to replace the automotive retailer). It’s clear to me, at least, that with new technologies, automotive retailing is evolving and changing more rapidly today in prospect lead generation and customer relationship management than at any time in its 100+ year history – the message is “keep up with the latest developments, or lose the race to the competition…” 11:05 AM | Permalink | Add a comment 1/25/2007