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Gearing up for growth
Five imperatives for success in emerging
Henry Egan and Armen Ovanessoff
Accenture Institute for High Performance

March 2011
With a patchy recovery and new investment
landscape, companies emerging from the downturn
face the dilemma of how to prioritise their
investments as they plan for the next phase of

What’s certain is that emerging markets will need to
take on even greater prominence in the growth plans
of multinational companies. Over the next five years,
it’s expected that emerging markets will account for
62 percent of global growth. As the locus of growth
lurches East and South, tomorrow’s global industry
leaders will increasingly be determined by their
success in emerging markets, not developed ones.

Those companies that are quick to re-evaluate the
size of the opportunity in emerging markets and
organise themselves to seize it will be best placed
to compete. Here we lay out five imperatives to
help build the insights and capabilities required for

The new investment landscape          4
Five imperatives for success in       10
emerging markets
1 Look beneath the headline numbers   12
2 Understand your shifting S-curve    14
3 Uncover cross-country segments      16
4 Use data as a differentiator        18
5 Compete on risk                     20

                                           “Blue City” of Jodhpur, India

The new investment landscape

Companies emerging               The wariness of businesses
from the downturn face           to invest is all too apparent.
a difficult dilemma: how         Companies are now holding
should they prioritise their     more cash than at any time
investments as they plan for     in the last 40 years.1 So, the
the next phase of growth?        money is there to spend,
Having retrenched over the       but the patchy recovery and
past few years, business         changed landscape have
leaders in many parts of the     created a climate of caution
world are now looking for        and indecision.
investment opportunities
to position their companies
to profit in the upturn.
However, the landscape in
which they are investing
has changed, both in terms
of where the opportunities
and risks lie, and in terms of
the competitive threat they

Sugarloaf Mountain in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

A shifting set of                                              expansion of the global economy
                                                               than developed markets. China will
                                                                                                           Along with a new set of opportunities,
                                                                                                           companies making investment
opportunities and                                              be a bigger source of growth than the
                                                               United States, and India will contribute
                                                                                                           decisions must also factor in a
                                                                                                           markedly different risk landscape.
risks                                                          more growth than Germany, Japan, the
                                                               United Kingdom, France or Canada.
                                                                                                           Some countries that once appeared
                                                                                                           a safe haven for investment now
                                                                                                           look dicey. Whereas, others that have
What does the new landscape look                               Alongside this acceleration in              traditionally been seen as risky, now
like? The stronger performance of                              emerging markets, we are also               look a much safer bet. For example,
emerging markets during the                                    seeing a broadening of the base of          in terms of macroeconomic stability,
downturn – coupled with a stronger                             growth. Beyond the BRICs, a range           Indonesia and Uruguay currently have
rebound – has widened the                                      of indicators point to rapid and            lower risk ratings than Greece or
performance gap between emerging                               sustained levels of growth across           Ireland, a very different picture from
and developed markets. This has                                a range of other economies. For             before the crisis (see figure 2).
served to accelerate and accentuate                            example, Argentina, Chile, Indonesia,
the opportunities in emerging markets.                         the Philippines, Qatar and Vietnam are
Between 2010 and 2015, global                                  all expected to grow at over 5 percent
economic output is forecast to rise by                         in 2011.2 And Africa – often seen as
US$8.5 trillion. Emerging markets are                          the final frontier for companies – is
expected to account for US$5.3 trillion                        finally generating business interest,
of this growth, some 62 percent (see                           due to greater stability and faster
figure 1). This means that emerging                            growth. The broadening base of
markets aren’t just growing faster                             growth in emerging markets will create
than developed markets; it means that                          opportunities for business far beyond
emerging markets will contribute a                             the large BRIC economies that have
greater share to the absolute                                  dominated the emerging market story
                                                               thus far.

Emerging markets are forecast to contribute 62% of global growth between 2010 and 2015

Figure 1: Breakdown of global GDP growth, 2010-2015
(US$ billions at 2005 prices and market exchange rates)

                                                                                                                651   59,498
                                                                                                    178   152
                                                                                              206                              Developed markets
                                                                                  302   273
                                                                          1,458                                                • Share of global
                                                                                                                                 growth = 38%
                                                                                                                               • CAGR = 1.8%

                                                 203      174                                                                  Emerging markets
                               272      220
                                                                                                                               • Share of global
                                                                                                                                 growth = 62%
                                                                                                                               • CAGR = 5.7%


    Global   China India Brazil South Russia Mexico Other US Germany Japan UK France Canada Other    Global
     GDP                        Korea              emerging                                developed GDP
    2010                                                                                             2015

             Share of global growth, 2010-2015

             22%      7%      3%       3%        2%       2%      22%     17%     4%    3%    2%    2%    2%    8%

Source: Economist Intelligence Unit; Accenture analysis

A new era of                              The downturn has shaken up the global risk landscape

competition                               Figure 2: Macroeconomic risk
                                          (risk rating, 0 = low risk, 100 = high risk)

Together with the shifting                70                                                                                             Ireland
opportunities and risks, companies        65                                                                                             Greece
seeking new growth markets also
face a very different competitive         60
environment. During the downturn, as      55
growth disappeared in most developed      50
markets and sources of capital dried
up, many Western multinationals           45
retreated to focus on their home          40                                                                                           Indonesia
markets. AIG put a number of its          35
Asian assets up for sale, including
AIA, its Asian life-insurance business;   30                                                                                           Uruguay
General Motors sold off Saab, its         25
Swedish brand; and Royal Bank of
Scotland, the UK bank, divested
operations in Hong Kong, Indonesia,       0
                                               2006                    2007                      2008               2009              2010
the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan
and Vietnam. However, it wasn’t just
troubled financial services providers     Source: Economist Intelligence Unit; Accenture analysis
and automotive companies that
halted their international expansion.
BHP Billiton was forced to walk away
from a multi-billion dollar deal to
buy Rio Tinto, and the downturn also
forced companies such as Carrefour
and Vodafone to re-examine their
international portfolio and divest less
attractive parts of their business to     M&A originating in emerging markets overtook developed markets for the
free up capital.                          first time in 2009

Contrast this with many emerging-         Figure 3: Value of outbound M&A deals by country of origin
market multinationals who took            (US$ billions)
advantage of the downturn to                                                                            212
strengthen their position. Drawing on
the resilience of their home markets                                                                                178
during the downturn, the number of                                                  167
companies from emerging markets in
the Fortune Global 500 reached 95                                                                                                     133
in 2010, up from 70 in 2007. These
companies aren’t just winning at                                                           108
home. They are using their strong
domestic base as a springboard                                                                                                   80
for global expansion. The value of
mergers and acquisitions originating in
emerging markets surpassed developed
markets for the first time in 2009
(see figure 3). Recent deals include
Indian telecoms operator Bharti                  2004               2005               2006              2007         2008        2009
Airtel’s US$10.7 billion purchase of
the sub-Saharan assets of Kuwait-              Developed             Emerging
based Zain telecom, and the US$1.5
                                          Sources: Dealogic
billion takeover of Volvo by Geely, the
Chinese automaker.

New industry                             Emerging markets will be the main drivers of global growth in the consumption
                                         of TVs, PCs and mobile phones over the next five years
centres of gravity                       Figure 4: Source of growth of consumer electronics products, 2010-2015
                                         (number of units, %)
Taken together, these trends are
dramatically reshaping industries at
the forefront of globalisation. Take     TVs                            34%                                      66%
electronics and high-tech (E&HT),
for example. With slower growth
and more saturated markets in many       PCs                    17%                                       83%
Western economies, consumers in
emerging markets will account for
                                         Mobile phones       12%                                         88%
the lion’s share of the industry’s
expansion. For example, emerging
markets will account for 88 percent            Developed economies            Emerging economies
of the growth in mobile phone
sales, 83 percent of the expansion       Source: Economist Intelligence Unit; Accenture analysis

in PCs purchased, and 66 percent of
additional TV sets sold over the next
five years (see figure 4).

The shifting centre of growth in the
industry is leading to the emergence
                                         Ignore the shifts at                                      Of course, the opportunity in
                                                                                                   emerging markets and the competitive
of new global market leaders – witness   your peril                                                threat posed by players from these
                                                                                                   countries won’t evolve as quickly
the increasing dominance of Samsung
and LG, or the more recent ascent of                                                               across all industries. However, even in
                                         The E&HT industry provides important                      industries that are somewhat sheltered
Acer, HTC, Huawei or Lenovo. China’s     lessons for other industries at earlier
Huawei, a telecoms-equipment                                                                       from these trends, the relative
                                         stages of internationalisation.                           attractiveness of emerging markets
manufacturer, is a perfect example       The first is that tomorrow’s high-
of this new breed of competitor. By                                                                is likely to have grown. The retail
                                         performing companies will increasingly                    industry is a good example. For some
serving China Mobile, China Telecom      be determined by their success in
and China Unicom, Huawei has built                                                                 time, retailers were considered to be
                                         emerging markets, not developed ones.                     the laggards of internationalisation.
a strong domestic base in the world’s    Moreover, in some industries, it will be
largest telecoms market. Huawei                                                                    However, saturated markets at home
                                         possible to become the global leader                      coupled with accelerating demand
has also invested heavily in research    just by winning in large emerging
and development to accelerate its                                                                  in emerging markets are forcing
                                         markets. Take Alipay, the online                          large retailers to rapidly expand their
shift towards higher-value products      payment subsidiary of Alibaba, the
and services. As its competitors                                                                   footprint in the emerging world. Many
                                         online marketplace based in China. The                    US giants that were once satisfied
retrenched during the downturn,          company recently overtook PayPal in
Huawei expanded aggressively into                                                                  with their sizeable home market are
                                         terms of its number of registered users                   now looking to emerging markets
international markets, overtaking        and transaction volume – this despite
Nokia Siemens and Alcatel-Lucent to                                                                for growth. Best Buy, the consumer
                                         a limited overseas business.                              electronics retailer, is a good example.
become the industry’s second-largest
player, with 20 percent of the global                                                              It first entered emerging markets in
                                         The second lesson is that even
market. We saw evidence of Huawei’s                                                                2007 but has rapidly grown, opening
                                         domestic players who think they’re
dramatic rise in November 2009 when                                                                stores in China, Mexico and Turkey.
                                         insulated from what’s going on in
it won a landmark contract to build      emerging markets may find their
Norway’s fourth generation (4G)                                                                    For companies across industries the
                                         position at home under threat from                        message is clear: the new investment
mobile network – this in the backyard    these emerging global players. This
of its major competitors.                                                                          landscape necessitates a rethink.
                                         means that companies that aren’t                          Those companies that are quick to re-
                                         proactive in pursuing the opportunities                   evaluate the opportunity in emerging
                                         in emerging markets aren’t just passing                   markets and organise themselves to
                                         up a valuable source of growth, they’re                   seize it will be best placed to capture
                                         potentially jeopardising their long-                      new sources of growth in the upturn.
                                         term position.

Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Five imperatives for success
in emerging markets

How should companies            and business trends under      that executives should
respond to the changed          our multi-polar world          consider when reassessing
landscape? Executives           research programme, as well    the emerging-market
thinking through their          as our research programmes     opportunity. We believe
response to these trends        and far-reaching client        that these imperatives are
can be excused for feeling      experience on international    valid for companies across
a little lost. Much of the      operating models across        industries and stages of
published literature and        industries and around the      internationalisation:
research on emerging            world.
markets is either too high                                     1. Look beneath the
level to be practical or too    Our advice: while the          headline numbers
detailed to be applicable       decisions that companies       2. Understand your shifting
from one company to the         make and their international   S-curve
next. The imperatives in this   growth journeys will vary,
                                the underlying questions       3. Uncover cross-country
report are designed to be                                      segments
strategic but actionable. In    that companies are trying
formulating them we have        to answer – such as where,     4. Use data as a
drawn on years of extensive     when, and how to compete       differentiator
analysis of macroeconomic       – remain the same. We’ve       5. Compete on risk
                                identified five imperatives

Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul, Turkey

1                           Know where to compete
                            The vast potential of the emerging
                            markets is clear. However, knowing
                                                                      Go granular
                                                                      Our advice in sizing the opportunity
                                                                      in emerging markets: look deeper
Look beneath the            exactly where to compete and how          in deciding where to compete.
                            to prioritise opportunities is perhaps    The aggregate figures that many
headline numbers            the most difficult question facing        companies use to evaluate market
                            companies seeking growth in emerging      opportunities – such as GDP or
                            markets. Such choices take on even        GDP per capita – can be deceptive,
The indicators that         greater importance in a period when       concealing a wealth of important
many companies use to       investment decisions around where to
                            allocate capital and talent continue to
                                                                      detail. For example, while China is by
                                                                      far the biggest emerging economy
evaluate opportunities      be characterised by caution.              (more than three times bigger than
                                                                      second-placed India), when looking
are often aggregate
                            The misleading middle class               at the high-income segment, the
measures, such as GDP       The task of sizing the opportunity
                                                                      picture looks very different. In 2010,
                                                                      it’s estimated that there were 167,000
or average income           in emerging markets is clouded by         households in China with annual
                            hyperbole and misleading statistics.
levels. But these figures   Take the much vaunted “emerging
                                                                      incomes greater than US$75,000.3
                                                                      This is less than Mexico, Hong Kong,
conceal a wealth of         middle class”, for example. This          South Korea, Brazil, Singapore and
                            segment of consumers is variously         Russia (see figure 5). So if you sell
detail. Companies that      estimated at anywhere between 500         luxury goods, the best opportunities
go granular in their        million and 2 billion people, and some
                            forecasts suggest it could double
                                                                      might currently exist outside China.
                                                                      While it’s highly likely that China will
analysis can outperform     in size over the next two decades.        overtake all of these countries, this
                            However, “middle class” is a loosely
the competition through     defined term and differs across
                                                                      example highlights the dangers of
                                                                      relying on headline figures in market-
a deeper understanding      markets. In some cases it’s merely        sizing exercises. It also helps to explain
                            the middle of the income distribution,    why some companies that have rushed
of where the greatest       while in others it refers to a level of   into certain markets are surprised at
opportunities lie.          income. In either case, it’s unlikely
                            that a middle-class household in
                                                                      how long it takes to break even, or
                                                                      indeed, why some markets surprise
                            India will be able to afford the deluxe   on the upside. By digging beneath the
                            refrigerator, high-end TV, smart-phone    headline numbers, such as examining
                            and sports utility vehicle of a middle-   specific income bands, companies can
                            class family in the United States. The    get a much more accurate picture of
                            large discrepancies in the numbers and    the true size and pace of growth of
                            the ambiguity around the definition       opportunities in emerging markets.
                            of “middle class” matter, especially
                            for companies trying to figure out
                            the most attractive markets for their
                            products and services.

Think regions and cities, not               Despite the overall size of China’s economy, several other emerging markets
                                            have a greater number of high-income households
countries and continents
In assessing opportunities and              Figure 5: Number of households with annual income greater than US$75,000*,
designing strategies for larger             2010
emerging markets, companies should          (thousands)
think in terms of regions and cities,
not countries and continents. In China,          708
for example, there are significant                                632
variations across provinces, in terms                                            582
of income, demographics, religion,
language and geography. There is
no such thing as a national market,                                                                                                   x4.2
making China more like the European
Union than the United States. This                                                               301
translates into a markedly different                                                                       272
business environment in China’s cities.                                                                              228
The market for PCs is a good example.                                                                                         167
In 2009, there were 109 PCs per 100
people in Shanghai, compared with
39 in Ningxia, a northern region.4
With the market close to saturation,           Mexico       Hong Kong        South Korea        Brazil   Singapore   Russia   China
companies targeting growth in
Shanghai are likely to face fiercer         *US$ at 2005 prices and market exchange rates
competition and slimmer profit              Source: Economist Intelligence Unit; Accenture analysis
margins. The tastes, preferences and
attitudes of consumers are also likely
to be very different, with Shanghai
shoppers demanding the very latest
technology and models.

By going granular in their assessment
of China and other large emerging
markets, companies can get a more
accurate picture of where the greatest
opportunities lie. And some might
be surprised about what they find.
Significant opportunities exist in cities
that many multinationals won’t have
even heard of. Take Zhengzhou, the
capital of Henan province in China, for
example. The Economist Intelligence
Unit forecasts that, by 2020, the
city will have a bigger economy that
Sweden, Hong Kong or Israel.5

2                         Know when to enter
                          emerging markets
                          Timing is critical in emerging markets.
                                                                    Exploit the finite window of
                                                                    To complicate matters further,
Understand your           Knowing when to enter, when to            S-curves in many industries appear

industry’s shifting       accelerate growth, and when to look
                          for the next opportunity will go a long
                                                                    to be shifting. Commoditisation and
                                                                    innovation continue to bring down
S-curve                   way to determining success. Going
                          in too early can prove disastrous,
                                                                    the cost of products and services. The
                                                                    Tata Nano is a prime example. With
                          and there are countless examples of       a price of less than US$2,500, the
Lifecycles of products    companies that have had their fingers
                          burnt. But, equally, there is a huge
                                                                    Nano will increase the affordability
                                                                    of cars, meaning that companies will
and services generally    opportunity cost associated with          see demand at lower levels of income,
                          arriving too late in emerging markets.    shifting the S-curve. Expected take-
follow an S-curve from    By allowing competitors a head start,     off and saturation points may need to
adoption to maturity.     they can amass the scale, relationships   be adjusted, as automakers are likely
                          and brand loyalty needed to build an      to find that demand takes off and
However, accelerating     unassailable lead.                        accelerates sooner than expected (see
incomes combined          So when’s the best time to enter a
                                                                    figure 7).

with falling prices in    particular emerging market? This          With a finite and shrinking window
                          is a complex question with a huge         of opportunity, companies who adopt
many categories mean      number of country, industry and           a wait-and-see approach may miss
that demand will take     company-specific factors that
                          need to be considered. However,
                                                                    out. The optimal entry point is often
                                                                    just before the take-off point, which
off more quickly and      understanding the maturity of demand      allows companies to establish a
                          for your product or service is vital to   foothold in the market before growth
markets may become        determining the current attractiveness    accelerates. However, in industries
saturated sooner. With    of the market and the headroom for        with a longer growth phase, attractive
                          growth.                                   opportunities may still exist for
a narrower window of                                                companies arriving late. Companies
opportunity in emerging   Understand your S-curve                   already operating in emerging markets
                                                                    must also understand the maturity
markets, companies that   Demand for most categories of goods       of their S-curve, to ensure that they
                          and services follow a similar path –      are ready to jump to the next growth
employ a wait-and-see     what is commonly described as an          opportunity, even while reaping the
strategy may miss the     S-curve. Many factors influence the
                          path of this curve for each category,
                                                                    revenues from their mature product or
boat.                     everything from tastes and preferences
                          to religion and regulation. However,      As well as helping companies to
                          the primary determinant of demand         decide when to enter emerging
                          is normally income, particularly          markets, industry S-curves can also
                          in emerging markets where many            inform decisions about how to enter
                          consumers are purchasing products         emerging markets. For example, when
                          or services for the first time. Demand    considering a product or service in
                          growth can be separated into three        its Emerging phase, it may make
                          distinct phases: Emerging, Accelerating   sense for multinationals to establish
                          and Maturing (see figure 6).              partnerships with local players,
                                                                    benefiting from their local knowledge
                          Of course, different products and         and relationships to gain a foothold
                          services have different S-curves. For     in the nascent market. In a country
                          example, consumption of affordable        where a product or service is in the
                          consumer goods, such as soft-drinks,      Maturing phase, companies will be
                          will take off at much lower levels of     faced with slower growth, fiercer
                          income and reach maturity much            competition, and better established
                          quicker. On the other hand, demand        competitors. With less headroom
                          for luxury products, like designer        for growth, market share becomes
                          handbags, doesn’t begin to accelerate     more important, making market entry
                          until average incomes are significantly   through acquisition increasingly
                          higher.                                   attractive.

Understanding the maturity of target markets can help companies decide when and how to enter

           Figure 6: S-curve for passenger cars

                                                                     1. Emerging                            2. Accelerating                                          3. Maturing
                                                           500                                                                                                                            UK

                                                           450                                                                                                      Spain               Germany
Passenger cars per capita, 2010 (stock per 1,000 people)

                                                           350                                                                       South
                                                           250                                                          Saudi
                                                                                                     Russia             Arabia
                                                           200                        South Argentina

                                                            50       Indonesia

                                                                 0            5,000           10,000           15,000            20,000         25,000         30,000          35,000          40,000
                                                                 GDP per capita, 2010 (US$ dollars at market exchange rates)

           1. Emerging                                                                                        2. Accelerating                                       3. Maturing
           Demand is still in its infancy because most                                                        At a certain threshold (around US$6,000), greater      Beyond this point, increases in GDP per capita
           consumers can’t afford to buy a car – e.g. Thailand                                                affordability sees demand growth outstrip increases in don’t translate into significant demand growth –
           and Indonesia.                                                                                     GDP per capita – e.g. Argentina and Mexico.            e.g. Germany and Spain.

           Source: Economist Intelligence Unit; Accenture analysis

                Falling prices of products and services mean that take-off and saturation points are shifting

                Figure 7: Shifting S-curves

         Per capita
                                                                                                                          2. Saturation Point
                                                                                                                          ...and that markets can
                                                                                                                          accelerate to maturity
                                                                                                                          more quickly

                                                                                      1. Take-Off Point
                                                                                      Falling prices mean that
                                                                                      take-off points for products
                                                                                      and services arrive at lower
                                                                                      levels of income...

                                                                                                                                                                                            Per capita

3                            Understand cross-country
                             consumer preferences
                             As a result of globalisation and the
                                                                      Look for cross-country
                                                                      Cutting across their geographic
Uncover cross-               rapid proliferation of the Internet,     strategies, companies should seek

country segments             goods, services, ideas and people flow
                             more freely than ever between the
                                                                      to identify segments – groups of
                                                                      consumers with similar tastes and
                             world’s countries and regions. These     preferences – across countries.
                             flows lead to the spread and greater     Conventional thinking on emerging
In an era of increased       convergence of attitudes, tastes and     markets often emphasises their
cross-border flows of        preferences across borders. Today,       diversity, and the need to design
                             high-income consumers in Mumbai          individual strategies and offerings to
goods, services, ideas       have more in common with affluent        successfully compete in each market.
and people, there are        consumers in Shanghai, Tokyo and         However, while companies should
                             New York than with consumers in rural    be careful not to underestimate the
often greater similarities   India, whose needs and purchasing        differences across emerging markets,
                             power are likely to be more akin to      they equally shouldn’t overlook
among consumers across       rural consumers in China or many         opportunities to build greater scale
countries than within        Africa countries. This creates a         into their operations. Procter &
                             dilemma for companies who have           Gamble is an example of a company
them. By focusing on         traditionally designed their emerging-   that looks at segments of customers
similar segments across      market strategies on a country-          on a global scale. For example, P&G
                             by-country basis. The diversity of       found that taboos over feminine
different countries,         larger emerging markets means that       hygiene products in rural India were
                             successfully serving multiple consumer   similar to those in parts of Africa. To
companies can share          segments requires a host of different    counter these issues, P&G worked
leading practices across     approaches; a one-size-fits-all          with schools and local communities
                             strategy simply won’t cut it. However,   to raise awareness of the importance
borders and create the       multiple strategies across many          of female hygiene issues. Though a
scale needed to serve        markets increase cost and complexity.    continent apart, the similar attitudes
                             How can this dilemma be addressed?       and needs of consumers in rural India
previously unprofitable                                               meant that P&G was able to use its
                                                                      experience in Africa to quickly roll out
customer segments.                                                    and scale a pilot outreach programme
                                                                      in Rajasthan, India.

                                                                      Similarly, Dabur, the Indian consumer
                                                                      goods company, has adopted an
                                                                      international expansion strategy
                                                                      based on segments. Dabur found
                                                                      that hair-care preferences in other
                                                                      parts of South Asia and the Middle
                                                                      East were similar to those in India,
                                                                      and capitalised on this by launching
                                                                      Dabur Amla, its hair oil, in Bangladesh,
                                                                      Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates.
                                                                      Given the huge Indian diaspora across
                                                                      the world, the company has ambitious
                                                                      plans to capitalise upon this segment
                                                                      to further expand its international

Unlock new sources of                     Companies need to look beyond simple demographics and consumer value when
                                          defining customer segments
Uncovering segments can also              Figure 8: Multidimensional customer segmentation
help companies unlock demand in
previously unprofitable consumer
segments. Significant untapped                  Attitudes & Needs                                          Behaviour
demand exists in emerging markets,              • Attitudes (lifestyle, interests, risk                    • Usage (average time using product
particularly in remote rural areas                tolerance)                                                 or service)
where margins are razor thin or in              • Needs (buyer needs)                                      • Relationship (tenure, loyalty)
small emerging markets where volumes            • Perceptions (brand awareness,                            • Constraints (cultural, regulatory)
are insufficient to generate adequate             beliefs)
returns on their own. Uncovering
segments can allow companies to                                                        Multidimensional
serve these markets profitably, by                                                     Customer
creating the combined scale needed to                                                  Segmentation
bring down operational costs, such as
production, marketing and distribution.

Re-examine your customer                        Value                                                      Demographics
                                                • Revenue of customer                                      • Gender, age
segmentation techniques                         • Profitability of customer                                • Education
                                                • Cost to serve or acquire                                 • Occupation
A granular approach to growth – one
                                                                                                           • Income
that dissects the opportunities within
markets – will be needed to uncover
cross-country segments. Companies
may also need to re-examine their         Source: “New Faces, Places and Spaces: Customer-centric principles for acquiring customers in today’s multi-polar
customer segmentation techniques.         world”, Accenture 2009.
Many companies continue to divide
their customer base into groups based
on simple demographics, such as age
or income, or into categories based
on how profitable they are. These are
important, but to help identify similar
clusters of consumers across borders,
companies need to supplement this
data with often-neglected behavioural
and needs-based attributes, such as
time spent online or brand loyalty,
to create a truly multidimensional
customer segmentation (see figure 8).

4                           Good data; good decisions                   option. Instead, companies must find
                                                                        innovative ways to capture data about
                            Good data is the key to good decisions,     target customers, taking advantage of
                            and making good decisions is even           low-cost technologies.
Use data as a               more important as companies retrain
                            their sights on growth, particularly in     Hindustan Unilever (HUL), India’s largest
differentiator              a cost-conscious recovery period. In        fast-moving consumer-goods company,
                            putting together the business case for      is an example of a company that is
                            entering a new market, targeting a          making use of mobile technologies to
Good data is the key to     new customer segment, or launching a        get information on demand patterns
                            new product or service, few executives
good decisions, but data    still rely on gut instinct alone to guide
                                                                        and consumer trends in remote areas.
                                                                        As part of a trial, HUL is providing some
is notoriously difficult    their decisions. This is particularly       of its rural distributors – including
                            true in less familiar emerging markets.     traditional mom-and-pop stores –
to get hold of and often    Executive teams will scour economic,        with mobile devices to capture and
unreliable in emerging      financial, demographic, social and          relay information about its products
                            risk indicators to paint a detailed         – including stock levels and pricing.
markets. Companies          picture of the business landscape in        This creates a real-time stream of
                            specific countries and the tastes and
that can find ways          preferences of their target customers.
                                                                        information that can be used to better
                                                                        predict demand and manage inventory,
to overcome this can        But what happens when good data             develop new products and services, and
                            simply doesn’t exist? You can have          craft targeted marketing messages. AC
steal a march on their      the most powerful and sophisticated         Nielsen, a research firm, estimates that
competitors by more         analytical tools available, but they’re     better demand forecasting has allowed
                            of little use if the underlying data        HUL to increase sales in rural stores by
accurately targeting        being analysed is unreliable. This is       around one-third.7
                            the challenge facing many companies
customers and better        looking to build a better understanding     As the HUL example shows, companies
identifying opportunities   of customers in emerging markets.           looking to build a better understanding
                                                                        of consumers beyond the big cities
to improve efficiency.      Dodgy data                                  will increasingly turn to mobile
                                                                        technologies to capture and track
                            Getting hold of reliable data is a          data. However, some of the most
                            constant headache for companies             innovative companies will be able
                            looking to enter or expand in               to reach even further. For example,
                            emerging markets. Data might exist          in Brazil, Banco Bradesco is able to
                            for the major urban areas in emerging       access 200,000 potential customers
                            markets, such as Cairo, Delhi, Hanoi or     via a bank branch on a boat that
                            Rio, but it gets a lot patchier outside     travels up and down a section of the
                            the big cities and can be non-existent      Amazon River. This allows them to
                            in remote, rural areas. Take the case       serve customers who don’t even own
                            of Experian, the credit ratings agency,     a mobile, and to capture valuable
                            that is attempting to put together          information about their evolving needs
                            “credit CVs” for rural Indians to assess    and preferences.
                            their credit worthiness. They are
                            trying to collect data on customers,
                            many of whom live in dwellings that
                                                                        Turn data into dollars
                            don’t have house numbers or street          Collecting proprietary data about
                            names.6 Consumer goods companies            customers can be incredibly valuable,
                            face similar difficulties. Given the        even providing the basis for entirely
                            traditional small-scale mom-and-pop         new businesses. Grupo Elektra, for
                            retail outlets that reach beyond the        example, a Mexican retailer, started
                            big cities, reliable information about      offering credit to consumers who
                            the tastes, preferences and buying          did not have a bank account. In the
                            behaviours of customers rarely exists.      process, it ended up collecting a
                                                                        wealth of financial information about
                            Use data as a differentiator                its customers. To utilise this data,
                                                                        it decided to move into financial
                            So how should companies go about            services, and now has one of the
                            getting the data they need? Given the       country’s biggest networks of bank
                            razor-thin margins that companies           branches to complement its popular
                            face beyond the big cities, expansive       retail chain.
                            market research efforts aren’t an

Burj Khalifa Skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

5                         The revival of risk
                          The political turmoil witnessed in parts
                          of North Africa and the Middle East in
                                                                     Risk practices are honed for their
                                                                     home markets or similar developed
                                                                     countries, and the significant cost
                                                                     cutting and organizational reshuffling
Compete on risk           early 2011 provided a timely reminder      in response to the downturn have left
                          that risk matters when it comes to         the operations of many companies
                          doing business in emerging markets.        vulnerable.
Expanding into emerging   Take Egypt as an example. Before the
markets can be a risky    dramatic events in January 2011, the
                          country’s strong economic growth,
                                                                     The rapid internationalisation of many
                                                                     companies has also left them exposed.
business, especially      relatively well-educated population,       In configuring their global expansion
                          large domestic market, and pro-            plans, many companies have focused
for companies that are    business reforms made it an attractive     on the opportunity at the expense of
more accustomed to        proposition for multinational              the potential risk. For example, in an
                          companies. Between 2005 and 2009,          effort to quickly scale their businesses
the safer surrounds of    foreign direct investment into Egypt       across borders, a number of companies
the United States and     doubled, making it North Africa’s
                          most popular investment destination.
                                                                     have reduced the importance of
                                                                     their country managers in favour of
Western Europe. High      However, the impact, speed and             product-led business units that span
                          unpredictability of events served to       geographies. As recent events have
performers are not only   highlight the significant risks that       shown, while the macroeconomics
better at identifying     still accompany investments in many        of business may be increasingly
                          emerging markets.                          borderless, politics and other
and managing risks,                                                  components of risk certainly aren’t.
they increasingly see     Expect the unexpected
                                                                     Compete on risk
risk as a competitive     Emerging markets are, by and large,
                          inherently riskier than the developed      Emerging markets far beyond the
differentiator.           markets in which most multinational        BRICs now receive greater attention
                          companies have traditionally operated.     from all angles, whether from
                          The political instability that companies   analysts, investors or the media. New
                          were faced with in North Africa is         technologies and market liberalisation
                          just one type of risk companies have       increasingly allow companies of any
                          to deal with. When doing business          size to access opportunities in these
                          in emerging markets, companies are         markets. You no longer need to be
                          also often faced with underdeveloped       a Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble or
                          infrastructure, weak protection            General Electric to have expansive
                          of intellectual property rights,           ambitions in the emerging world. As
                          unpredictable regulation, and greater      the opportunities become increasingly
                          financial volatility, to name just a few   accessible, risk can become an
                          of the risks (see figure 9). A number      important differentiator, allowing
                          of companies have found themselves         companies to significantly increase
                          faced with unexpected challenges over      their degrees of freedom in emerging
                          recent years. High-profile examples        markets.
                          include Vodafone’s tax dispute in
                          India, the breakdown of Danone’s           Walmart is a company that gains
                          joint-venture with Chinese food and        competitive advantage through its
                          beverage company Wahaha, or the            strong risk-management capabilities.
                          cyber security threat that Google has      The US retailer has historically gained
                          faced in China.                            market share in the wake of natural
                                                                     disasters, such as hurricanes, or other
                          Balancing opportunity and                  serious events. This is the result of
                                                                     Walmart’s meticulous contingency
                          risk                                       planning, allowing it to recover quickly
                          Emerging markets are riskier, but few      from temporary supply chain shocks
                          companies can afford to ignore the         and reopen its stores rapidly, by relying
                          growth opportunities they present.         on back-up measures such as mobile
                          Managing this balance is a growing         electricity generators. By responding
                          concern in boardrooms. Most Western        faster than its competitors, alongside
                          multinationals without a long history      increased sales, Walmart generates
                          in the emerging world are ill-prepared     significant goodwill by assisting the
                          to deal with the broader range and         communities in which it operates at a
                          heightened levels of risk they face.       time of significant upheaval.8

To compete on risk, companies need                            Emerging markets are riskier across the board
to strengthen their risk-management
capabilities. They need to build their                         Figure 9: Risk ratings
capacity to identify risks, assess                            (risk rating: 0 = low risk, 100 = high risk)
their potential impact across the
entire organisation, and monitor and
mitigate the effects (see figure 10).
The prioritisation of risks will differ
depending on a number of factors,
such as a company’s industry, its                             65
geographic footprint and its strategic                        60
priorities. Nissan, the Japanese                              55
automaker, provides a useful example.                         50
The company manufactures a large                              45
proportion of its cars in Japan, but                          40
increasingly sells them in the United                         35
States and other parts of Asia. Nissan                        30
identified that this mismatch between                         25
supply and demand left the company                            20
exposed to exchange-rate volatility.                          15
To respond, Nissan plans to migrate a                         10
significant portion of its operations to                      5
the United States and Asian countries                         0
with dollar-linked currencies.9                                          Security        Political      Legal &           Financial    Tax Policy       Labour   Infrastructure
                                                                                         Stability      Regulatory                                      Market

                                                              Emerging         China     Brazil      India       Russia
                                                              Developed        US        Japan       Germany     UK

                                                              Source: Economist Intelligence Unit

Companies can use a risk-response framework to identify potentially high-impact risks and develop
contingency plans to mitigate them

Figure 10: Risk-Response Framework

           1. Identify                                 2. Assess                              3. Monitor                              4. Mitigate

  Scan horizon to identify risks              Assess each risk based on its            Design risk dashboard to               Develop contingency plans to
  across different categories                 likelihood and impact                    monitor changing nature of             mitigate high-impact risks
                                              Map risks across                         risks
                                              organisation to identify
                                              pressure points

  Risk Assessment Matrix                                      Risk Categories                             Risk Exposure
  High                                                             Security                                                     Business Units
              12        7             4                            Political                              Risk       A           B        C         D
                                              8                    Economic
                            6                                                                              4

                                2         3                        Legal & Regulatory
             13        14                         5
                                                                   Tax                                     7
                   9                  11          10                                                       8
                                                                   Infrastructure                         12

   Low                   Likelihood                    High

The coming phase of global competition promises to
be eventful. Growth is on the minds of executives all
around the world; but with persistent uncertainties
and questions around the nature of the recovery,
companies need a clear strategy that looks beyond
the current fog and prioritises investments to
achieve sustainable, long-term growth.

Emerging markets will take on even greater
prominence in the post-recession era. For
multinationals in many industries, emerging markets
will be where the greatest opportunities lie, but also
the greatest threats. A thriving business in mature
markets will no longer be sufficient to ensure
sustained high performance. To be tomorrow’s
global industry leaders, companies will need to build
successful businesses in emerging markets.

Getting beneath the headline figures, understanding
your shifting S-curve, uncovering cross-country
segments, using data as a differentiator, and
competing on risk will help companies develop
the insights and capabilities that are essential to
success. It’s time to prepare.

1 Accenture Outlook, “It’s all about
balance”, June 2010
2 Economist   Intelligence Unit
3 US$ at 2005 prices and market
exchange rates
4 National Bureau of Statistics of
China, “China Statistical Yearbook
5 Economist   Intelligence Unit,
“CHAMPS: China’s fastest-growing
cities”, 2010
6 FinancialTimes, “Experian: creating
credit CVs for India”, December 13,
7 ForbesIndia, “Hindustan Unilever’s
Bharat Darshan”, 22 September 2010
8 Accenture Outlook, “It’s all about
balance”, 2010
9 Financial Times, “Nissan to shift
output to dollar economies”,
November 21, 2010

                                        Puerto Madero Bridge in Buenos Aires, Argentina

About the authors                          About the Accenture                     About Accenture
Henry Egan (henry.egan@accenture.          Institute for High                      Accenture is a global management
com) is a manager in the Geographic        Performance                             consulting, technology services
Strategy team within Accenture’s                                                   and outsourcing company, with
Growth & Strategy function. The team       The Accenture Institute for High        approximately 211,000 people serving
advises Accenture’s leadership on          Performance creates strategic           clients in more than 120 countries.
the company’s geographic footprint,        insights into key management issues     Combining unparalleled experience,
with a focus on emerging markets. He       and macroeconomic and political         comprehensive capabilities across all
previously worked for the Accenture        trends through original research and    industries and business functions,
Institute for High Performance.            analysis. Its management researchers    and extensive research on the world’s
                                           combine world-class reputations with    most successful companies, Accenture
Armen Ovanessoff (armen.ovanessoff@        Accenture’s extensive consulting,       collaborates with clients to help them leads the Emerging          technology and outsourcing experience   become high-performance businesses
Markets programme at the Accenture         to conduct innovative research and      and governments. The company
Institute for High Performance. His        analysis into how organizations         generated net revenues of US$21.6
focus is on macroeconomic, geopolitical    become and remain high-performance      billion for the fiscal year ended
and business trends that affect            businesses.                             Aug. 31, 2010. Its home page is
multinationals active in emerging                                        
economies; publishing and speaking on
the business realities of globalisation.
He also manages Accenture’s strategic
partnership with the World Economic

We would like to thank Paul Nunes
and Ivy Lee for their insights and
contributions to this report.

Copyright © 2011 Accenture
All rights reserved.

Accenture, its logo, and
High Performance Delivered
are trademarks of Accenture.

ACC11-1465 / 11-2941                                                                  Chao Phraya River in Bangkok, Thailand

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Five imperatives for_success_in_emerging_markets_accenture

  • 1. Gearing up for growth Five imperatives for success in emerging markets Henry Egan and Armen Ovanessoff Accenture Institute for High Performance March 2011
  • 2. With a patchy recovery and new investment landscape, companies emerging from the downturn face the dilemma of how to prioritise their investments as they plan for the next phase of growth. What’s certain is that emerging markets will need to take on even greater prominence in the growth plans of multinational companies. Over the next five years, it’s expected that emerging markets will account for 62 percent of global growth. As the locus of growth lurches East and South, tomorrow’s global industry leaders will increasingly be determined by their success in emerging markets, not developed ones. Those companies that are quick to re-evaluate the size of the opportunity in emerging markets and organise themselves to seize it will be best placed to compete. Here we lay out five imperatives to help build the insights and capabilities required for success. 2
  • 3. Contents The new investment landscape 4 Five imperatives for success in 10 emerging markets 1 Look beneath the headline numbers 12 2 Understand your shifting S-curve 14 3 Uncover cross-country segments 16 4 Use data as a differentiator 18 5 Compete on risk 20 “Blue City” of Jodhpur, India 3
  • 4. The new investment landscape Companies emerging The wariness of businesses from the downturn face to invest is all too apparent. a difficult dilemma: how Companies are now holding should they prioritise their more cash than at any time investments as they plan for in the last 40 years.1 So, the the next phase of growth? money is there to spend, Having retrenched over the but the patchy recovery and past few years, business changed landscape have leaders in many parts of the created a climate of caution world are now looking for and indecision. investment opportunities to position their companies to profit in the upturn. However, the landscape in which they are investing has changed, both in terms of where the opportunities and risks lie, and in terms of the competitive threat they face. 4
  • 5. Sugarloaf Mountain in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 5
  • 6. A shifting set of expansion of the global economy than developed markets. China will Along with a new set of opportunities, companies making investment opportunities and be a bigger source of growth than the United States, and India will contribute decisions must also factor in a markedly different risk landscape. risks more growth than Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, France or Canada. Some countries that once appeared a safe haven for investment now look dicey. Whereas, others that have What does the new landscape look Alongside this acceleration in traditionally been seen as risky, now like? The stronger performance of emerging markets, we are also look a much safer bet. For example, emerging markets during the seeing a broadening of the base of in terms of macroeconomic stability, downturn – coupled with a stronger growth. Beyond the BRICs, a range Indonesia and Uruguay currently have rebound – has widened the of indicators point to rapid and lower risk ratings than Greece or performance gap between emerging sustained levels of growth across Ireland, a very different picture from and developed markets. This has a range of other economies. For before the crisis (see figure 2). served to accelerate and accentuate example, Argentina, Chile, Indonesia, the opportunities in emerging markets. the Philippines, Qatar and Vietnam are Between 2010 and 2015, global all expected to grow at over 5 percent economic output is forecast to rise by in 2011.2 And Africa – often seen as US$8.5 trillion. Emerging markets are the final frontier for companies – is expected to account for US$5.3 trillion finally generating business interest, of this growth, some 62 percent (see due to greater stability and faster figure 1). This means that emerging growth. The broadening base of markets aren’t just growing faster growth in emerging markets will create than developed markets; it means that opportunities for business far beyond emerging markets will contribute a the large BRIC economies that have greater share to the absolute dominated the emerging market story thus far. Emerging markets are forecast to contribute 62% of global growth between 2010 and 2015 Figure 1: Breakdown of global GDP growth, 2010-2015 (US$ billions at 2005 prices and market exchange rates) 651 59,498 178 152 206 Developed markets 302 273 1,458 • Share of global growth = 38% • CAGR = 1.8% 1,903 203 174 Emerging markets 272 220 • Share of global 617 growth = 62% 1,906 • CAGR = 5.7% 50,983 Global China India Brazil South Russia Mexico Other US Germany Japan UK France Canada Other Global GDP Korea emerging developed GDP 2010 2015 Share of global growth, 2010-2015 22% 7% 3% 3% 2% 2% 22% 17% 4% 3% 2% 2% 2% 8% Source: Economist Intelligence Unit; Accenture analysis 6
  • 7. A new era of The downturn has shaken up the global risk landscape competition Figure 2: Macroeconomic risk (risk rating, 0 = low risk, 100 = high risk) Together with the shifting 70 Ireland opportunities and risks, companies 65 Greece seeking new growth markets also face a very different competitive 60 environment. During the downturn, as 55 growth disappeared in most developed 50 markets and sources of capital dried up, many Western multinationals 45 retreated to focus on their home 40 Indonesia markets. AIG put a number of its 35 Asian assets up for sale, including AIA, its Asian life-insurance business; 30 Uruguay General Motors sold off Saab, its 25 Swedish brand; and Royal Bank of 20 Scotland, the UK bank, divested operations in Hong Kong, Indonesia, 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Vietnam. However, it wasn’t just troubled financial services providers Source: Economist Intelligence Unit; Accenture analysis and automotive companies that halted their international expansion. BHP Billiton was forced to walk away from a multi-billion dollar deal to buy Rio Tinto, and the downturn also forced companies such as Carrefour and Vodafone to re-examine their international portfolio and divest less attractive parts of their business to M&A originating in emerging markets overtook developed markets for the free up capital. first time in 2009 Contrast this with many emerging- Figure 3: Value of outbound M&A deals by country of origin market multinationals who took (US$ billions) advantage of the downturn to 212 strengthen their position. Drawing on the resilience of their home markets 178 170 during the downturn, the number of 167 158 companies from emerging markets in 140 the Fortune Global 500 reached 95 133 in 2010, up from 70 in 2007. These companies aren’t just winning at 108 97 home. They are using their strong domestic base as a springboard 80 for global expansion. The value of 52 mergers and acquisitions originating in 37 emerging markets surpassed developed markets for the first time in 2009 (see figure 3). Recent deals include Indian telecoms operator Bharti 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Airtel’s US$10.7 billion purchase of the sub-Saharan assets of Kuwait- Developed Emerging based Zain telecom, and the US$1.5 Sources: Dealogic billion takeover of Volvo by Geely, the Chinese automaker. 7
  • 8. New industry Emerging markets will be the main drivers of global growth in the consumption of TVs, PCs and mobile phones over the next five years centres of gravity Figure 4: Source of growth of consumer electronics products, 2010-2015 (number of units, %) Taken together, these trends are dramatically reshaping industries at the forefront of globalisation. Take TVs 34% 66% electronics and high-tech (E&HT), for example. With slower growth and more saturated markets in many PCs 17% 83% Western economies, consumers in emerging markets will account for Mobile phones 12% 88% the lion’s share of the industry’s expansion. For example, emerging markets will account for 88 percent Developed economies Emerging economies of the growth in mobile phone sales, 83 percent of the expansion Source: Economist Intelligence Unit; Accenture analysis in PCs purchased, and 66 percent of additional TV sets sold over the next five years (see figure 4). The shifting centre of growth in the industry is leading to the emergence Ignore the shifts at Of course, the opportunity in emerging markets and the competitive of new global market leaders – witness your peril threat posed by players from these countries won’t evolve as quickly the increasing dominance of Samsung and LG, or the more recent ascent of across all industries. However, even in The E&HT industry provides important industries that are somewhat sheltered Acer, HTC, Huawei or Lenovo. China’s lessons for other industries at earlier Huawei, a telecoms-equipment from these trends, the relative stages of internationalisation. attractiveness of emerging markets manufacturer, is a perfect example The first is that tomorrow’s high- of this new breed of competitor. By is likely to have grown. The retail performing companies will increasingly industry is a good example. For some serving China Mobile, China Telecom be determined by their success in and China Unicom, Huawei has built time, retailers were considered to be emerging markets, not developed ones. the laggards of internationalisation. a strong domestic base in the world’s Moreover, in some industries, it will be largest telecoms market. Huawei However, saturated markets at home possible to become the global leader coupled with accelerating demand has also invested heavily in research just by winning in large emerging and development to accelerate its in emerging markets are forcing markets. Take Alipay, the online large retailers to rapidly expand their shift towards higher-value products payment subsidiary of Alibaba, the and services. As its competitors footprint in the emerging world. Many online marketplace based in China. The US giants that were once satisfied retrenched during the downturn, company recently overtook PayPal in Huawei expanded aggressively into with their sizeable home market are terms of its number of registered users now looking to emerging markets international markets, overtaking and transaction volume – this despite Nokia Siemens and Alcatel-Lucent to for growth. Best Buy, the consumer a limited overseas business. electronics retailer, is a good example. become the industry’s second-largest player, with 20 percent of the global It first entered emerging markets in The second lesson is that even market. We saw evidence of Huawei’s 2007 but has rapidly grown, opening domestic players who think they’re dramatic rise in November 2009 when stores in China, Mexico and Turkey. insulated from what’s going on in it won a landmark contract to build emerging markets may find their Norway’s fourth generation (4G) For companies across industries the position at home under threat from message is clear: the new investment mobile network – this in the backyard these emerging global players. This of its major competitors. landscape necessitates a rethink. means that companies that aren’t Those companies that are quick to re- proactive in pursuing the opportunities evaluate the opportunity in emerging in emerging markets aren’t just passing markets and organise themselves to up a valuable source of growth, they’re seize it will be best placed to capture potentially jeopardising their long- new sources of growth in the upturn. term position. 8
  • 9. Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 9
  • 10. Five imperatives for success in emerging markets How should companies and business trends under that executives should respond to the changed our multi-polar world consider when reassessing landscape? Executives research programme, as well the emerging-market thinking through their as our research programmes opportunity. We believe response to these trends and far-reaching client that these imperatives are can be excused for feeling experience on international valid for companies across a little lost. Much of the operating models across industries and stages of published literature and industries and around the internationalisation: research on emerging world. markets is either too high 1. Look beneath the level to be practical or too Our advice: while the headline numbers detailed to be applicable decisions that companies 2. Understand your shifting from one company to the make and their international S-curve next. The imperatives in this growth journeys will vary, the underlying questions 3. Uncover cross-country report are designed to be segments strategic but actionable. In that companies are trying formulating them we have to answer – such as where, 4. Use data as a drawn on years of extensive when, and how to compete differentiator analysis of macroeconomic – remain the same. We’ve 5. Compete on risk identified five imperatives 10
  • 11. Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul, Turkey 11
  • 12. 1 Know where to compete The vast potential of the emerging markets is clear. However, knowing Go granular Our advice in sizing the opportunity in emerging markets: look deeper Look beneath the exactly where to compete and how in deciding where to compete. to prioritise opportunities is perhaps The aggregate figures that many headline numbers the most difficult question facing companies use to evaluate market companies seeking growth in emerging opportunities – such as GDP or markets. Such choices take on even GDP per capita – can be deceptive, The indicators that greater importance in a period when concealing a wealth of important many companies use to investment decisions around where to allocate capital and talent continue to detail. For example, while China is by far the biggest emerging economy evaluate opportunities be characterised by caution. (more than three times bigger than second-placed India), when looking are often aggregate The misleading middle class at the high-income segment, the measures, such as GDP The task of sizing the opportunity picture looks very different. In 2010, it’s estimated that there were 167,000 or average income in emerging markets is clouded by households in China with annual hyperbole and misleading statistics. levels. But these figures Take the much vaunted “emerging incomes greater than US$75,000.3 This is less than Mexico, Hong Kong, conceal a wealth of middle class”, for example. This South Korea, Brazil, Singapore and segment of consumers is variously Russia (see figure 5). So if you sell detail. Companies that estimated at anywhere between 500 luxury goods, the best opportunities go granular in their million and 2 billion people, and some forecasts suggest it could double might currently exist outside China. While it’s highly likely that China will analysis can outperform in size over the next two decades. overtake all of these countries, this However, “middle class” is a loosely the competition through defined term and differs across example highlights the dangers of relying on headline figures in market- a deeper understanding markets. In some cases it’s merely sizing exercises. It also helps to explain the middle of the income distribution, why some companies that have rushed of where the greatest while in others it refers to a level of into certain markets are surprised at opportunities lie. income. In either case, it’s unlikely that a middle-class household in how long it takes to break even, or indeed, why some markets surprise India will be able to afford the deluxe on the upside. By digging beneath the refrigerator, high-end TV, smart-phone headline numbers, such as examining and sports utility vehicle of a middle- specific income bands, companies can class family in the United States. The get a much more accurate picture of large discrepancies in the numbers and the true size and pace of growth of the ambiguity around the definition opportunities in emerging markets. of “middle class” matter, especially for companies trying to figure out the most attractive markets for their products and services. 12
  • 13. Think regions and cities, not Despite the overall size of China’s economy, several other emerging markets have a greater number of high-income households countries and continents In assessing opportunities and Figure 5: Number of households with annual income greater than US$75,000*, designing strategies for larger 2010 emerging markets, companies should (thousands) think in terms of regions and cities, not countries and continents. In China, 708 for example, there are significant 632 variations across provinces, in terms 582 of income, demographics, religion, language and geography. There is no such thing as a national market, x4.2 making China more like the European Union than the United States. This 301 translates into a markedly different 272 business environment in China’s cities. 228 The market for PCs is a good example. 167 In 2009, there were 109 PCs per 100 people in Shanghai, compared with 39 in Ningxia, a northern region.4 With the market close to saturation, Mexico Hong Kong South Korea Brazil Singapore Russia China companies targeting growth in Shanghai are likely to face fiercer *US$ at 2005 prices and market exchange rates competition and slimmer profit Source: Economist Intelligence Unit; Accenture analysis margins. The tastes, preferences and attitudes of consumers are also likely to be very different, with Shanghai shoppers demanding the very latest technology and models. By going granular in their assessment of China and other large emerging markets, companies can get a more accurate picture of where the greatest opportunities lie. And some might be surprised about what they find. Significant opportunities exist in cities that many multinationals won’t have even heard of. Take Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan province in China, for example. The Economist Intelligence Unit forecasts that, by 2020, the city will have a bigger economy that Sweden, Hong Kong or Israel.5 13
  • 14. 2 Know when to enter emerging markets Timing is critical in emerging markets. Exploit the finite window of opportunity To complicate matters further, Understand your Knowing when to enter, when to S-curves in many industries appear industry’s shifting accelerate growth, and when to look for the next opportunity will go a long to be shifting. Commoditisation and innovation continue to bring down S-curve way to determining success. Going in too early can prove disastrous, the cost of products and services. The Tata Nano is a prime example. With and there are countless examples of a price of less than US$2,500, the Lifecycles of products companies that have had their fingers burnt. But, equally, there is a huge Nano will increase the affordability of cars, meaning that companies will and services generally opportunity cost associated with see demand at lower levels of income, arriving too late in emerging markets. shifting the S-curve. Expected take- follow an S-curve from By allowing competitors a head start, off and saturation points may need to adoption to maturity. they can amass the scale, relationships be adjusted, as automakers are likely and brand loyalty needed to build an to find that demand takes off and However, accelerating unassailable lead. accelerates sooner than expected (see incomes combined So when’s the best time to enter a figure 7). with falling prices in particular emerging market? This With a finite and shrinking window is a complex question with a huge of opportunity, companies who adopt many categories mean number of country, industry and a wait-and-see approach may miss that demand will take company-specific factors that need to be considered. However, out. The optimal entry point is often just before the take-off point, which off more quickly and understanding the maturity of demand allows companies to establish a for your product or service is vital to foothold in the market before growth markets may become determining the current attractiveness accelerates. However, in industries saturated sooner. With of the market and the headroom for with a longer growth phase, attractive growth. opportunities may still exist for a narrower window of companies arriving late. Companies opportunity in emerging Understand your S-curve already operating in emerging markets must also understand the maturity markets, companies that Demand for most categories of goods of their S-curve, to ensure that they and services follow a similar path – are ready to jump to the next growth employ a wait-and-see what is commonly described as an opportunity, even while reaping the strategy may miss the S-curve. Many factors influence the path of this curve for each category, revenues from their mature product or service. boat. everything from tastes and preferences to religion and regulation. However, As well as helping companies to the primary determinant of demand decide when to enter emerging is normally income, particularly markets, industry S-curves can also in emerging markets where many inform decisions about how to enter consumers are purchasing products emerging markets. For example, when or services for the first time. Demand considering a product or service in growth can be separated into three its Emerging phase, it may make distinct phases: Emerging, Accelerating sense for multinationals to establish and Maturing (see figure 6). partnerships with local players, benefiting from their local knowledge Of course, different products and and relationships to gain a foothold services have different S-curves. For in the nascent market. In a country example, consumption of affordable where a product or service is in the consumer goods, such as soft-drinks, Maturing phase, companies will be will take off at much lower levels of faced with slower growth, fiercer income and reach maturity much competition, and better established quicker. On the other hand, demand competitors. With less headroom for luxury products, like designer for growth, market share becomes handbags, doesn’t begin to accelerate more important, making market entry until average incomes are significantly through acquisition increasingly higher. attractive. 14
  • 15. Understanding the maturity of target markets can help companies decide when and how to enter Figure 6: S-curve for passenger cars 550 1. Emerging 2. Accelerating 3. Maturing 500 UK 450 Spain Germany Greece 400 Passenger cars per capita, 2010 (stock per 1,000 people) 350 South Korea 300 Taiwan 250 Saudi Russia Arabia 200 South Argentina Africa 150 Mexico 100 Thailand 50 Indonesia 0 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 GDP per capita, 2010 (US$ dollars at market exchange rates) 1. Emerging 2. Accelerating 3. Maturing Demand is still in its infancy because most At a certain threshold (around US$6,000), greater Beyond this point, increases in GDP per capita consumers can’t afford to buy a car – e.g. Thailand affordability sees demand growth outstrip increases in don’t translate into significant demand growth – and Indonesia. GDP per capita – e.g. Argentina and Mexico. e.g. Germany and Spain. Source: Economist Intelligence Unit; Accenture analysis Falling prices of products and services mean that take-off and saturation points are shifting Figure 7: Shifting S-curves Per capita consumption 2. Saturation Point ...and that markets can accelerate to maturity more quickly 1. Take-Off Point Falling prices mean that take-off points for products and services arrive at lower levels of income... Per capita income 15
  • 16. 3 Understand cross-country consumer preferences As a result of globalisation and the Look for cross-country segments Cutting across their geographic Uncover cross- rapid proliferation of the Internet, strategies, companies should seek country segments goods, services, ideas and people flow more freely than ever between the to identify segments – groups of consumers with similar tastes and world’s countries and regions. These preferences – across countries. flows lead to the spread and greater Conventional thinking on emerging In an era of increased convergence of attitudes, tastes and markets often emphasises their cross-border flows of preferences across borders. Today, diversity, and the need to design high-income consumers in Mumbai individual strategies and offerings to goods, services, ideas have more in common with affluent successfully compete in each market. and people, there are consumers in Shanghai, Tokyo and However, while companies should New York than with consumers in rural be careful not to underestimate the often greater similarities India, whose needs and purchasing differences across emerging markets, power are likely to be more akin to they equally shouldn’t overlook among consumers across rural consumers in China or many opportunities to build greater scale countries than within Africa countries. This creates a into their operations. Procter & dilemma for companies who have Gamble is an example of a company them. By focusing on traditionally designed their emerging- that looks at segments of customers similar segments across market strategies on a country- on a global scale. For example, P&G by-country basis. The diversity of found that taboos over feminine different countries, larger emerging markets means that hygiene products in rural India were successfully serving multiple consumer similar to those in parts of Africa. To companies can share segments requires a host of different counter these issues, P&G worked leading practices across approaches; a one-size-fits-all with schools and local communities strategy simply won’t cut it. However, to raise awareness of the importance borders and create the multiple strategies across many of female hygiene issues. Though a scale needed to serve markets increase cost and complexity. continent apart, the similar attitudes How can this dilemma be addressed? and needs of consumers in rural India previously unprofitable meant that P&G was able to use its experience in Africa to quickly roll out customer segments. and scale a pilot outreach programme in Rajasthan, India. Similarly, Dabur, the Indian consumer goods company, has adopted an international expansion strategy based on segments. Dabur found that hair-care preferences in other parts of South Asia and the Middle East were similar to those in India, and capitalised on this by launching Dabur Amla, its hair oil, in Bangladesh, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates. Given the huge Indian diaspora across the world, the company has ambitious plans to capitalise upon this segment to further expand its international footprint. 16
  • 17. Unlock new sources of Companies need to look beyond simple demographics and consumer value when defining customer segments demand Uncovering segments can also Figure 8: Multidimensional customer segmentation help companies unlock demand in previously unprofitable consumer segments. Significant untapped Attitudes & Needs Behaviour demand exists in emerging markets, • Attitudes (lifestyle, interests, risk • Usage (average time using product particularly in remote rural areas tolerance) or service) where margins are razor thin or in • Needs (buyer needs) • Relationship (tenure, loyalty) small emerging markets where volumes • Perceptions (brand awareness, • Constraints (cultural, regulatory) are insufficient to generate adequate beliefs) returns on their own. Uncovering segments can allow companies to Multidimensional serve these markets profitably, by Customer creating the combined scale needed to Segmentation bring down operational costs, such as production, marketing and distribution. Re-examine your customer Value Demographics • Revenue of customer • Gender, age segmentation techniques • Profitability of customer • Education • Cost to serve or acquire • Occupation A granular approach to growth – one • Income that dissects the opportunities within markets – will be needed to uncover cross-country segments. Companies may also need to re-examine their Source: “New Faces, Places and Spaces: Customer-centric principles for acquiring customers in today’s multi-polar customer segmentation techniques. world”, Accenture 2009. Many companies continue to divide their customer base into groups based on simple demographics, such as age or income, or into categories based on how profitable they are. These are important, but to help identify similar clusters of consumers across borders, companies need to supplement this data with often-neglected behavioural and needs-based attributes, such as time spent online or brand loyalty, to create a truly multidimensional customer segmentation (see figure 8). 17
  • 18. 4 Good data; good decisions option. Instead, companies must find innovative ways to capture data about Good data is the key to good decisions, target customers, taking advantage of and making good decisions is even low-cost technologies. Use data as a more important as companies retrain their sights on growth, particularly in Hindustan Unilever (HUL), India’s largest differentiator a cost-conscious recovery period. In fast-moving consumer-goods company, putting together the business case for is an example of a company that is entering a new market, targeting a making use of mobile technologies to Good data is the key to new customer segment, or launching a get information on demand patterns new product or service, few executives good decisions, but data still rely on gut instinct alone to guide and consumer trends in remote areas. As part of a trial, HUL is providing some is notoriously difficult their decisions. This is particularly of its rural distributors – including true in less familiar emerging markets. traditional mom-and-pop stores – to get hold of and often Executive teams will scour economic, with mobile devices to capture and unreliable in emerging financial, demographic, social and relay information about its products risk indicators to paint a detailed – including stock levels and pricing. markets. Companies picture of the business landscape in This creates a real-time stream of specific countries and the tastes and that can find ways preferences of their target customers. information that can be used to better predict demand and manage inventory, to overcome this can But what happens when good data develop new products and services, and simply doesn’t exist? You can have craft targeted marketing messages. AC steal a march on their the most powerful and sophisticated Nielsen, a research firm, estimates that competitors by more analytical tools available, but they’re better demand forecasting has allowed of little use if the underlying data HUL to increase sales in rural stores by accurately targeting being analysed is unreliable. This is around one-third.7 the challenge facing many companies customers and better looking to build a better understanding As the HUL example shows, companies identifying opportunities of customers in emerging markets. looking to build a better understanding of consumers beyond the big cities to improve efficiency. Dodgy data will increasingly turn to mobile technologies to capture and track Getting hold of reliable data is a data. However, some of the most constant headache for companies innovative companies will be able looking to enter or expand in to reach even further. For example, emerging markets. Data might exist in Brazil, Banco Bradesco is able to for the major urban areas in emerging access 200,000 potential customers markets, such as Cairo, Delhi, Hanoi or via a bank branch on a boat that Rio, but it gets a lot patchier outside travels up and down a section of the the big cities and can be non-existent Amazon River. This allows them to in remote, rural areas. Take the case serve customers who don’t even own of Experian, the credit ratings agency, a mobile, and to capture valuable that is attempting to put together information about their evolving needs “credit CVs” for rural Indians to assess and preferences. their credit worthiness. They are trying to collect data on customers, many of whom live in dwellings that Turn data into dollars don’t have house numbers or street Collecting proprietary data about names.6 Consumer goods companies customers can be incredibly valuable, face similar difficulties. Given the even providing the basis for entirely traditional small-scale mom-and-pop new businesses. Grupo Elektra, for retail outlets that reach beyond the example, a Mexican retailer, started big cities, reliable information about offering credit to consumers who the tastes, preferences and buying did not have a bank account. In the behaviours of customers rarely exists. process, it ended up collecting a wealth of financial information about Use data as a differentiator its customers. To utilise this data, it decided to move into financial So how should companies go about services, and now has one of the getting the data they need? Given the country’s biggest networks of bank razor-thin margins that companies branches to complement its popular face beyond the big cities, expansive retail chain. market research efforts aren’t an 18
  • 19. Burj Khalifa Skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates 19
  • 20. 5 The revival of risk The political turmoil witnessed in parts of North Africa and the Middle East in Risk practices are honed for their home markets or similar developed countries, and the significant cost cutting and organizational reshuffling Compete on risk early 2011 provided a timely reminder in response to the downturn have left that risk matters when it comes to the operations of many companies doing business in emerging markets. vulnerable. Expanding into emerging Take Egypt as an example. Before the markets can be a risky dramatic events in January 2011, the country’s strong economic growth, The rapid internationalisation of many companies has also left them exposed. business, especially relatively well-educated population, In configuring their global expansion large domestic market, and pro- plans, many companies have focused for companies that are business reforms made it an attractive on the opportunity at the expense of more accustomed to proposition for multinational the potential risk. For example, in an companies. Between 2005 and 2009, effort to quickly scale their businesses the safer surrounds of foreign direct investment into Egypt across borders, a number of companies the United States and doubled, making it North Africa’s most popular investment destination. have reduced the importance of their country managers in favour of Western Europe. High However, the impact, speed and product-led business units that span unpredictability of events served to geographies. As recent events have performers are not only highlight the significant risks that shown, while the macroeconomics better at identifying still accompany investments in many of business may be increasingly emerging markets. borderless, politics and other and managing risks, components of risk certainly aren’t. they increasingly see Expect the unexpected Compete on risk risk as a competitive Emerging markets are, by and large, inherently riskier than the developed Emerging markets far beyond the differentiator. markets in which most multinational BRICs now receive greater attention companies have traditionally operated. from all angles, whether from The political instability that companies analysts, investors or the media. New were faced with in North Africa is technologies and market liberalisation just one type of risk companies have increasingly allow companies of any to deal with. When doing business size to access opportunities in these in emerging markets, companies are markets. You no longer need to be also often faced with underdeveloped a Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble or infrastructure, weak protection General Electric to have expansive of intellectual property rights, ambitions in the emerging world. As unpredictable regulation, and greater the opportunities become increasingly financial volatility, to name just a few accessible, risk can become an of the risks (see figure 9). A number important differentiator, allowing of companies have found themselves companies to significantly increase faced with unexpected challenges over their degrees of freedom in emerging recent years. High-profile examples markets. include Vodafone’s tax dispute in India, the breakdown of Danone’s Walmart is a company that gains joint-venture with Chinese food and competitive advantage through its beverage company Wahaha, or the strong risk-management capabilities. cyber security threat that Google has The US retailer has historically gained faced in China. market share in the wake of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, or other Balancing opportunity and serious events. This is the result of Walmart’s meticulous contingency risk planning, allowing it to recover quickly Emerging markets are riskier, but few from temporary supply chain shocks companies can afford to ignore the and reopen its stores rapidly, by relying growth opportunities they present. on back-up measures such as mobile Managing this balance is a growing electricity generators. By responding concern in boardrooms. Most Western faster than its competitors, alongside multinationals without a long history increased sales, Walmart generates in the emerging world are ill-prepared significant goodwill by assisting the to deal with the broader range and communities in which it operates at a heightened levels of risk they face. time of significant upheaval.8 20
  • 21. To compete on risk, companies need Emerging markets are riskier across the board to strengthen their risk-management capabilities. They need to build their Figure 9: Risk ratings capacity to identify risks, assess (risk rating: 0 = low risk, 100 = high risk) their potential impact across the 90 entire organisation, and monitor and 85 mitigate the effects (see figure 10). 80 The prioritisation of risks will differ 75 depending on a number of factors, 70 such as a company’s industry, its 65 geographic footprint and its strategic 60 priorities. Nissan, the Japanese 55 automaker, provides a useful example. 50 The company manufactures a large 45 proportion of its cars in Japan, but 40 increasingly sells them in the United 35 States and other parts of Asia. Nissan 30 identified that this mismatch between 25 supply and demand left the company 20 exposed to exchange-rate volatility. 15 To respond, Nissan plans to migrate a 10 significant portion of its operations to 5 the United States and Asian countries 0 with dollar-linked currencies.9 Security Political Legal & Financial Tax Policy Labour Infrastructure Stability Regulatory Market Emerging China Brazil India Russia Developed US Japan Germany UK Source: Economist Intelligence Unit Companies can use a risk-response framework to identify potentially high-impact risks and develop contingency plans to mitigate them Figure 10: Risk-Response Framework 1. Identify 2. Assess 3. Monitor 4. Mitigate Scan horizon to identify risks Assess each risk based on its Design risk dashboard to Develop contingency plans to across different categories likelihood and impact monitor changing nature of mitigate high-impact risks Map risks across risks organisation to identify pressure points Risk Assessment Matrix Risk Categories Risk Exposure High Security Business Units 1 12 7 4 Political Risk A B C D 1 8 Economic 6 4 Financial 6 Impact 2 3 Legal & Regulatory 13 14 5 Tax 7 9 11 10 8 Labour Infrastructure 12 Low Likelihood High 21
  • 22. The coming phase of global competition promises to be eventful. Growth is on the minds of executives all around the world; but with persistent uncertainties and questions around the nature of the recovery, companies need a clear strategy that looks beyond the current fog and prioritises investments to achieve sustainable, long-term growth. Emerging markets will take on even greater prominence in the post-recession era. For multinationals in many industries, emerging markets will be where the greatest opportunities lie, but also the greatest threats. A thriving business in mature markets will no longer be sufficient to ensure sustained high performance. To be tomorrow’s global industry leaders, companies will need to build successful businesses in emerging markets. Getting beneath the headline figures, understanding your shifting S-curve, uncovering cross-country segments, using data as a differentiator, and competing on risk will help companies develop the insights and capabilities that are essential to success. It’s time to prepare. 22
  • 23. References 1 Accenture Outlook, “It’s all about balance”, June 2010 2 Economist Intelligence Unit 3 US$ at 2005 prices and market exchange rates 4 National Bureau of Statistics of China, “China Statistical Yearbook 2009” 5 Economist Intelligence Unit, “CHAMPS: China’s fastest-growing cities”, 2010 6 FinancialTimes, “Experian: creating credit CVs for India”, December 13, 2010 7 ForbesIndia, “Hindustan Unilever’s Bharat Darshan”, 22 September 2010 8 Accenture Outlook, “It’s all about balance”, 2010 9 Financial Times, “Nissan to shift output to dollar economies”, November 21, 2010 Puerto Madero Bridge in Buenos Aires, Argentina 23
  • 24. About the authors About the Accenture About Accenture Henry Egan (henry.egan@accenture. Institute for High Accenture is a global management com) is a manager in the Geographic Performance consulting, technology services Strategy team within Accenture’s and outsourcing company, with Growth & Strategy function. The team The Accenture Institute for High approximately 211,000 people serving advises Accenture’s leadership on Performance creates strategic clients in more than 120 countries. the company’s geographic footprint, insights into key management issues Combining unparalleled experience, with a focus on emerging markets. He and macroeconomic and political comprehensive capabilities across all previously worked for the Accenture trends through original research and industries and business functions, Institute for High Performance. analysis. Its management researchers and extensive research on the world’s combine world-class reputations with most successful companies, Accenture Armen Ovanessoff (armen.ovanessoff@ Accenture’s extensive consulting, collaborates with clients to help them leads the Emerging technology and outsourcing experience become high-performance businesses Markets programme at the Accenture to conduct innovative research and and governments. The company Institute for High Performance. His analysis into how organizations generated net revenues of US$21.6 focus is on macroeconomic, geopolitical become and remain high-performance billion for the fiscal year ended and business trends that affect businesses. Aug. 31, 2010. Its home page is multinationals active in emerging economies; publishing and speaking on the business realities of globalisation. He also manages Accenture’s strategic partnership with the World Economic Forum. We would like to thank Paul Nunes and Ivy Lee for their insights and contributions to this report. Copyright © 2011 Accenture All rights reserved. Accenture, its logo, and High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accenture. ACC11-1465 / 11-2941 Chao Phraya River in Bangkok, Thailand