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AHMEDABAD l SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2020 l Pages 12 l 3.00 RNI NO. GUJENG/2019/16208 l Vol 1 l Issue No. 205
27°C - 37°C
thefirstindia I
333 DEATHS 14,156 CASES
New Delhi: Delhi
Health Minister Satyen-
dar Jain, who tested
positive for coronavirus
on Wednesday, will be
shifted to a private hos-
pital and will be given
plasma therapy, doctors
said. The minister is ex-
periencing difficulty in
breathing and is run-
ning high fever. He has
also developed pneumo-
nia. “His latest CT scan
report shows that the
pneumonia patches in
his lungs have in-
creased. He experi-
enced increased giddi-
ness and tiredness to-
day. The advice of doc-
tors will be followed,”
Chief Minister Arvind
Kejriwal said. Accord-
ing to sources, he will
be shifted to Max Hospi-
tal’s Saket facility in
south Delhi. Home Min-
ister Amit Shah tweet-
ed on Friday to wish for
his speedy recovery.
“Praying for the speedy
recovery of Shri Saty-
endra Jain, Health Min-
ister of Delhi who is
battling with COVID-19
infection,” he tweeted.
Lt Governor Anil Baijal
also wished him good
health. “Praying for
speedy recovery & good
health of Hon’ble Min-
ister, GNCTD @Satyen-
darJain ji,” he tweeted.
Mr Jain had tested posi-
tive for Turn on P6
Aditi Nagar
New Delhi: Prime Min-
ister Narendra Modi on
Friday asserted that
neither has anyone in-
truded into Indian ter-
ritory nor has anyone
taken over any post.
In his closing re-
marks at an all-party
meeting on the face-off
between Indian and
Chinese troops along
the Line of Actual Con-
trol (LAC) in Ladakh,
Modi said the whole
country is hurt and an-
gry at what the Chinese
have done. India wants
peace and friendship,
but its sovereignty is
supreme, he said.
Indian forces are do-
ing what they have to do
to protect the country,
whether it is in terms
of deployment, action
or counter-action, Modi
told political leaders.
“Our patrolling ca-
pacity has increased
due to newly built infra-
structure, especially
along LAC,” he said.
The meeting saw lead-
ers of major political
parties putting across
their views on the sensi-
tive issue. The virtual
meeting began with par-
to the 20 Indian soldiers
off with Chinese troops
in East Ladakh earlier
this week. Turn on P6
Delhi Health Min’s
condition worsens, to
get plasma therapy
Rajya Sabha polls:
BJP wins 8, Cong 4
First India Bureau
Jaipur: Voting was held
on Friday for the 19 va-
cant Rajya Sabha seats
in eight states for which
counting of votes began
at 5 pm. The polling took
place at 9 am and contin-
ued till 4 pm. Voting for
18 seats were deferred
due to the coronavirus
pandemic. Of the 19
seats, four each are from
Andhra Pradesh and
Madhya Pradesh and
Rajasthan, two from
Jharkhand, and one
each from Manipur, Mi-
zoram and Meghalaya.
The ruling Congress
in Rajasthan won two
Rajya Sabha while Op-
position BJP managed
to get one seat. While in
Andhra Pradesh ruling
four Rajya Sabha in the
biennal election. Deputy
CM Pilli Subhash Chan-
devi Venkata Ramana,
industrialist Parimal
Nathwani & realtor
Ayodhya Rami Reddy
of YSRC got 38 votes
In Madhya Pradesh
the BJP won two seats
while Congress man-
aged one. Veteran Con-
gress leader Digvijay
Singh won from Con-
gress while BJP’s Jyoti-
raditya Scindia and
Sumer Singh Solanki
got elected. Congress
candidate and Dalit
leader Phool Singh Bar-
riya lost the election.
Turn on P6, More on P8
New Delhi: Even as
the Indian Air Force
(IAF) moved its as-
sets including fighter
aircraft to forward
bases and airfields in
view of the ongoing
dispute with China,
its chief RKS Bha-
dauria was on a two-
day hush-hush visit
to the Leh and Srina-
gar airbases, which
would be the most
critical for any opera-
tions to be carried
out by the force in the
Meanwhile, the
Air Force has moved
its critical frontline
assets including the
Sukhoi-30MKI, Mi-
rage 2000 and Jaguar
fighter aircraft fleet
to advanced posi-
tions where they can
fly in at a very short
notice to carry out
For providing air
support to the Indian
Army troops in the
eastern Ladakh sec-
tor, the American
Apache attack heli-
copters have been
deployed in the close
vicinity of the areas
where operations by
the ground troops
are taking place at
the moment.
The Chinooks heli-
copters have also
been deployed in and
around the Leh air-
base to provide the
capability of rapid
and inter-valley troop
transfer, in case such
a situation emerges
there. The Mi-17V5
medium-lift choppers
tive role in the area in
troops and material
transportation there.
it came soon after the
top security brass of
the country reviewed
the situation and mil-
Chinese Army killed
20 Indian soldiers in a
premeditated attack
in the Galwan Valley
area after making an
attempt to unilateral-
ly change the status
of the Line of Actual
Control (LAC).
Turn on P6
 India deploys newly acquired
Apaches in Ladakh
 IAF Chief RKS Bhadauria visits
Leh to review preparedness
 Army too intensifies high-
altitude tank drills & night-time
parachute infiltration in region
All-party virtual meeting called by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to discuss India-China border
situation, in New Delhi on Friday. —PHOTO BY ANI
Delhi Health Minister
Satyendar Jain
Ladakh standoff: Oppn stands behind PM; Sonia poses 7 questions; Modi
says Indian forces were given ‘full freedom for taking any action necessary’
Congress wins one; BJP three, with a little help from BTP
First India Bureau
Gandhinagar: The
Bharatiya Tribal Par-
ty’s last-minute deci-
sion to abstain from vot-
ing in the Rajya Sabha
elections on Friday
cleared the path for the
third Bharatiya Janata
Party candidate.
With the two BTP
MLAs choosing not to
vote, the total tally
fell to 170, meaning
each candidate need-
ed just 34 votes to
win. This meant that
the BJP now needed
102 votes to send all
three of its nominees
to the upper house of
Parliament. With 103
MLAs and the sup-
port of the sole MLA
from the Nationalist
Congress Party, it had
104 votes at the ready.
On the other hand,
the Congress needed a
total of 68 votes to put
both its candidates
of just 65 MLAs, it was
short of three votes to
achieve its dream.
As a result, Abhay
Bhardwaj, Ramila
Bara, Narhari Amin,
and Shakisinh Gohil
emerged as the four
winners on Friday--the
first three from the
BJP and the fourth,
from the Congress.
Bhardwaj, Bara and
Gohil each got 36
votes, Amin got 32
and Bharatsinh Solan-
ki ended the day with
just 30 votes. The sur-
plus votes given to
Bhardwaj and Bara
transferred to Amin,
ensuring his win.
This win marks a
major comeback for
Congress turncoat
Amin, who will be in a
seat of power after al-
most 25 years, when he
was the deputy chief
minister in the govern-
ment of the late Chha-
bildas Mehta. It is in-
teresting to note that
Solanki--who lost to
Amin on Friday--was
the president of the
Gujarat Pradesh Con-
gress Committee when
Amin failed to get
elected from the Matar
seat in 2007.
There is no doubt
that the BJP played its
cards well. First, it got
eight Congress MLAs to
resign, then it gained
the support of the only
NCP MLA and, finally,
it convinced the BTP to
This loss will likely
have far-reaching impli-
cations for the Con-
gress, especially since
the party had sufficient
votes to win when the
election was first an-
nounced. Turn on P6
Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani is flanked by winning RS nominees Narhari Amin, Abhay
Bhardwaj and Ramila bara on his right, and Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel on his left at the
Vidhan Sabha on Friday. —PHOTO BY NANDAN DAVE
A damaged poster of Chinese
President Xi Jinping lies on
the ground during a protest
against China. —REUTERS
5,893 DEATHS 1,24,331 CASES
666 DEATHS 54,449 CASES
507 DEATHS 16,594 CASES
1,969 DEATHS 49,979 CASES
First India Bureau
Ahmedabad: It seems
the Congress party
will never win the
game of thrones--at
least not in Gujarat.
When the Rajya Sabha
election was an-
nounced earlier this
year, the party had ad-
equate votes to get its
two nominees elected
to the upper house of
Parliament. Since
then, however, it’s
been a downward spi-
ral that has resulted in
the party losing one
Rajya Sabha seat to
the BJP after a neck
and neck race.
When five of its law-
makers resigned almost
simultaneously, the rest
were taken to Jaipur so
that BJP could not lure
them to defect. However,
this month another
the party off-kilter. So it
came up with a strategy:
it would gain two votes
al Party (BTP) and one
from independent MLA
Jignesh Mevani.
The party allocated 35
first-preference votes to
Shaktisinh Gohil with
the remaining votes for
Bharatsinh Solanki.
Sources say the party
could have managed
in the form of cross-vot-
ing, which could have
been helpful, but the
BJP used two proxy
votes in place of Kesa-
risinh Rajput and
Shambhuji Thakor.
Later, senior Con-
gress leader Gaurav
Pandya raised an objec-
tion regarding the
proxy votes. He also de-
manded Bhupendras-
inh Chudasama’s vote
be kept in reserve, since
his election is sub-ju-
dice. “Both candidates
have used proxy votes
stating they are not
well. This is a blatant
lie, they are both fit to
vote. On the other hand,
Chudasama’s election
has been declared void
by the High Court, and
the matter is pending in
the Supreme Court. His
vote should not be
counted,” said Pandya.
The Congress had
been confident of se-
curing victories for
both nominees until
the afternoon, but
failed to do so.
First India Bureau
Gandhinagar: Fri-
day’s Rajya Sabha
election brought into
sharp focus the pow-
er of a single vote or
two, when Chhotu
Vasava’s Bharatiya
Tribal Party (BTP)
abstained from vot-
ing. Vasava and his
son Mahesh—the two
BTP MLAs—pulled
the rug out from un-
der the Congress.
And they didn’t even
have to actively do
anything. By not vot-
ing, the BTP almost
certainly ensured a
loss for Congress
candidate Bharat-
sinh Solanki and a
win for Narhari
Amin, the third nom-
inee of the Bharatiya
Janata Party.
Vasava’s official line
is that neither the Con-
gress and its rival BJP
have supported his de-
mand for the imple-
mentation of the Fifth
Schedule of the Consti-
tution, which deals
with administrative
control of Scheduled
Areas as well as of the
Scheduled Tribes re-
siding in any state.
While highlight-
ing Vasava’s prowess
in bargaining, Fri-
day also emphasized
the importance of
every single vote in
this election. At the
end of the day, two
major parties—one
with 103 votes and
the other with 65
votes—had stood,
cap in hand, before a
party that had two
MLAs in the state
Throughout the day,
leaders from both BJP
and Congress were
seen meeting Vasava
throughout the day.
The media initially
speculated that both
parties were trying to
convince the tribal
leader to cast his vote.
However, as it turned
out, the BJP had been
Friday’s develop-
ment will likely put a
strain on the Con-
gress-BTP alliance in
the Narmada district
panchayat—a rela-
tionship that is far
from smooth. Last
time, Chhotu Vasava
had bailed out Con-
gress stalwart Ahmed
Patel by voting for him
but, even then, he had
been under tremen-
dous pressure from
the ruling party.
As Congress has 10
of the 22 seats in the
Narmada panchayat,
with BTP and BJP
holding six each, a
break in the alliance
could mean a fresh one
between BTP and the
BJP ahead of the dis-
trict and local civic
body elections.
First India Bureau
Gandhinagar: In a
diabolical move, the
Bharatiya Janata
Party (BJP) changed
its voting strategy
for the Rajya Sabha
polls held on Friday.
For the first time
ever, the party asked
its MLAs to open the
polls by voting for
the third candidate
nominated for a seat
in the Upper House
of the parliament.
Generally, when
voting commences,
votes are polled for the
first candidate of the
party. The candidate
which has to win votes
from other parties is
saved for last. But,
this time, the party’s
third candidate
Narhari Amin was
voted for first by
At the BJP legisla-
tive meeting on Thurs-
day, each MLA was
assigned their first,
second and third
choice for the RS elec-
tion. They were then
asked to write down
their preferences in
the ascending order
on ballot paper. Each
MLA was also as-
signed a specific time
to come in and vote at
the state assembly.
Therefore, MLAs from
Central Gujarat, Sau-
rahstra and Kutch
came in accordingly
to cast their votes.
Once the voting for
RS candidate Narhari
Amin was over, the
MLAs assigned to vote
for Ramilaben Bara
came in to cast their
votes. It was only after
that the MLAs as-
signed to vote for Ab-
hay Bhardwaj as their
first preference voted
for him.
Another strategy in-
corporated by the par-
ty was that the MLAs
voting for each candi-
date were assigned
from different sections
of caste and creed.
This measure was tak-
en to ensure that vot-
ing is not affected by a
candidate represent-
ing any particular
community, caste or
Abstinence plays a vital role in RS result, will put a strain on Cong-BTP alliance in Narmada district ahead of
panchayat and civic body polls later this year, might even indicate upcoming collaboration with ruling party
We were confi-
dent of winning
all three seats.
Congress had lost its con-
fidence and that is the
reason that the Leader of
Opposition Paresh Dha-
nani approached the apex court to stay
the Rajya Sabha election.
—Vijay Rupani, Gujarat Chief Minister
All claims made
by the Congress
party of being in
touch with our MLAs
have fallen flat. Our
MLAs have proved their
loyalty by electing all
three of our candidates.”.
—Jitu Vaghani, State BJP President
I am thankful to
the party for
putting its trust
in me. When the election
was declared and the
party nominated Shak-
tisinh and me, we had
thought it would be an easy win since we
had the required number of votes. In the
time between then and now, a lot hap-
pened: the BJP nominated a third candi-
date and threatened many MLAs. I am
happy that all the Cong MLAs supported
the party.
—Bharatsinh Solanki, Congress candidate
Both of us are
thankful to Con-
gress MLAs and
the independent MLA.
Despite having an insuf-
ficient votes, the BJP
fielded three candidates.
This shows their lust for power. This elec-
tion was delayed since we had enough
votes to get two seats when the election
was declared. The BJP has used the same
tactics in this election that Ravana did
when he disguised himself as a sadhu.
—Shaktisinh Gohil, Winning Congress candidate
BJP ditches convention,
votes for third choice first
Chhotu Vasava
BJP candidate Abhay Bhardwaj arrives to cast his vote. Veteran Congress leader Arjun Modhwadia at the Assembly.Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel at the Vidhan Sabha.
A seasoned politician, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA
Narhari Amin was nominated for the 2020 Rajya Sabha
election as a wild card entry. His nomination was a shock to
several peers within the party and also to the two Congress
candidates. Born in Ahmedabad on June 5, 1955, Amin
has been active in politics since he was a student leader
in 1974. He was among the people who led the Navnir-
man Agitation in 1973-74, which led to the resignation of
then Gujarat Chief Minister Chimanbhai Patel. Later, Amin
joined the Janata Dal under the leadership of Chimanbhai
Patel. After Janata Dal Gujarat merged with Congress, he
contested the Assembly election from Sabarmati and later
from Matar but lost both times. In December 2012, he left
Congress for the BJP on the eve of assembly elections after being denied a ticket.
The only MLA of the
Nationalist Congress
Party (NCP) Kandhal
Jadeja who attended
Bharatiya Janata
Party’s legislative
meeting on Thurs-
day, claimed to have
voted according to
the party whip. This
means that Jadeja
voted for the Con-
gress candidate.
Like everyone else who came to vote, Minister of State for Home Pradipsinh Jadeja (left) and Leader of the Opposition Paresh Dhanani, sanitized their hands and took other precautions against COVID-19 at the Vidhan Sabha on Friday. —PHOTOS BY NANDAN DAVE
Congress candidate Bharatsinh Solanki gets his hands sanitized.Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel at the Vidhan Sabha.Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel at the Vidhan Sabha. Congress candidate Bharatsinh Solanki gets his hands sanitized.Congress candidate Bharatsinh Solanki gets his hands sanitized.
First India Bureau
Surat: Complaints
have started pouring
in from ration card
holders who say they
have not received the
benefits promised to
them by the state gov-
ernment. Supplies at
government ration
shops are reportedly
being sold on the
black market in Su-
rat. The shopkeepers
at these fair price
shops have been alleg-
edly selling the ration
meant for non-NFSA
(National Food Secu-
rity Act) and NFSA
cardholders and turn-
ing them away.
It was decided that
free foodgrains would
be provided to non-NF-
SA and NFSA card
holders on different
days. But, ration card
holders have not been
getting the benefit of
the scheme announced
by the government.
Social activist
Hitesh Jasolia from Su-
rat has complained
about the black market
sale of food grains to
the state government.
Jasolia even sent an ac-
companying video as
proof of the sale,
which has caused a stir
in the city. As per re-
ports, there may be a
major crackdown on
shopkeepers selling
government grain on
the black market soon.
Talking about the is-
sue, Jasolia said, “Ra-
tion cardholders are
being cheated off what
is rightfully theirs, by
people selling govern-
ment grain on the
black market. The gov-
ernment should take
immediate action
against it.”
An official of the
Gandhinagar Supply
Department said that
the matter will be thor-
oughly investigated.
Meanwhile, there
was some commo-
tion witnessed re-
garding the issue in
the Limbayat area of
the city on Thursday.
Ration cardholders
went to authorities
in their zone to ex-
press their displeas-
ure and seek an-
swers but returned
without any ac-
No grain, only long lines for Surat ration cardholders
 There have been complaints that
grains meant for the poor are being
sold on the black market
Representational photo of people waiting in line for rations.
A man repairs an umbrella in anticipation of the monsoons in Ahmedabad. —PHOTO BY NANDAN DAVE
First India Bureau
Ahmedabad: Two
brothers committed
suicide after murder-
ing their four chil-
dren at a flat in Vin-
zol area of
Ahmedabad. The sui-
cides and murders
have sent shockwaves
throughout the city.
The news of the hei-
nous crime came to
light when the wives
of both brothers went
looking for their hus-
bands and children
on Thursday. Six bod-
ies were recovered
from the family’s old
apartment by the po-
lice. The deceased
have been identified
as Amrish Ramesh-
chandra Patel (42),
Gaurang Ramesh-
chandra Patel (40),
Mayur Amrish Patel
(12), Dhruv Gaurang
Patel (12), Kirti Am-
rish Patel (9), Shanvi
Gaurang Patel (7).
The reason for their
actions is puzzling. The
with their families: one
in Vatva and other in
Gaurang Patel had been
dency with his family
and had vacated it just
at the flat, indicating a
financial problem.
According to a Vatva
GIDC police station of-
ficer, both brothers left
their houses on Wednes-
day afternoon saying
children for a drive. In-
stead, they took them to
the rented flat at Prayo-
sha Residency in Vinzol.
Based on a primary in-
vestigation, police have
concluded that both
children and then com-
mitted suicide.
When they did not re-
turn till late evening,
their wives started
searching for them and
found the family car
parked in front of
Prayosa Residency on
Thursday evening.
When there was no re-
called the police who
broke open the door and
discovered the bodies.
Assistant sub-inspec-
la said, “On Thursday
night around 10 pm, the
wives of the deceased
the house, we found six
bodies hanging in three
Two brothers, their four kids
found dead in Ahmedabad flatReason behind the extreme step remains a mystery, police have initiated an investigation First India Bureau
Rajkot: Due to a
surge in the number
of novel coronavi-
rus positive cases in
the city, a private
hospital on Mavdi
Road was declared
as a designated
COVID-19 hospital
by Rajkot municipal
commissioner Udit
Agarwal on Friday.
After relaxation in
inter-state and inter-
district movement
post Unlock 1.0, there
has been a rise in pos-
itive cases in Rajkot.
Regarding the deci-
sion of a private des-
ignated hospital,
Agarwal said, “Rath-
er than keeping beds
reserved at different
hospitals, it is both
preferable and benefi-
cial to have designat-
ed COVID-19 hospi-
tals. If there is a need
for such hospitals in
the future, more dedi-
cated hospitals will be
Apart from the Ra-
jkot Civil Hospital,
Sars-CoV-2 patients
will now be able to re-
ceive treatment at the
Star Synergy Hospital
earlier known as
Sahyog Hospital lo-
cated on the Mavdi
main road in the west
zone. While treatment
is free at the Civil Hos-
pital, those seeking
treatment at the pri-
vate designated hospi-
tal will have to pay
charges. The fees have
been fixed by local au-
thorities for all hospi-
tals designated as
COVID-19 ones.
The daily charges
for the general ward
has been kept up to
Rs8,400, while the iso-
lation ward with ven-
tilator support will
cost Rs17,800. If a pa-
tient is critical and
requires isolation
plus Intensive Care
Unit (ICU) facilities, it
will cost them
The declaration of
the designated Star
Synergy Hospital
comes after the con-
tract of a private hos-
pital was up and pa-
tients in the city could
only seek treatment at
the Civil Hospital.
Rajkot designates private
hospital for COVID-19
Newly COVID-19 designated Star Synergy Hospital.
The residential society where the bodies were found.
93 new cases put Surat
tally inches from 3K
First India Bureau
Gandhinagar: The
state has witnessed
another record over-
night high with 540
new cases being regis-
tered in 24 hours. And
with as many as 93 of
these being reported
in Surat, the diamond
city is just three cases
shy of 3,000.
Since Unlock 1.0 was
implemented, the city
has been witnessing
very high numbers
from areas which had
negligible cases during
lockdown. Another doc-
tor from the local Civil
Hospital and two pri-
vate practitioners in
Katargam are among
the latest cases.
In Ahmedabad, an
employee of the immi-
gration department at
Sardar Vallabhbhai
International Airport
has tested positive. So
far, 10 airport person-
nel have tested posi-
tive for Sars-CoV-2,
including five CISF
personnel and two
from the immigration
The city has 3,604 ac-
tive cases and 1,245
deaths, of which 19 oc-
curred in the past 24
hours. There are 811 ac-
tive cases from the
North zone, 713 from
the West zone, 653 from
East zone and 1,427
from across the other
four zones. The Hathi-
jan branch of the Bank
of Maharashtra was
shut after seven em-
ployees tested positive.
Just a few days ago, 12
Bank of Baroda staffers
were infected, because
of which AMC has
started customer con-
tact tracing. From rural
areas only 11 new cases
have emerged.
Meanwhile in Va-
dodara, there are 587 ac-
tive patients, of which
103 are on oxygen and
35 on ventilators, mean-
ing 23.50% patients are
in critical condition. In
Rajkot’s Gondal taluka,
four members of a fam-
ily have tested positive
for the virus.
Another CISF personnel at the Ahmedabad airport has tested
positive for COVID-19. —FILE PHOTO
Petition against ‘physical’ univ examsFour villages
merged under
Rajkot city limit
First India Bureau
Ahmedabad: A for-
mer IPS officer has
challenged the deci-
sion by universities
in the state to conduct
final exams non-vir-
tually in the state
high court. In his pe-
tition Rahul Sharma
pleaded the court to
direct universities to
postpone the exami-
nations for another
Sharma has chal-
lenged the resolution
passed by the education
department to hold ex-
aminations for the final
year and semester final
exams in June and July.
The petitioner’s submis-
health crisis is still not
under control. Accord-
ing to Sharma, the Uni-
versity Grants Commis-
sion (UGC) guidelines
direct each university to
conduct a detailed as-
sessment of the situa-
tion before taking a call
on whether to conduct
exams or not. If exams
are held, they can do ir-
reparable damage to so-
ciety. The matter will be
heard on Monday.
First India Bureau
Rajkot: The area of
Rajkot city has been
extended with the ad-
dition of four villages
including Mota Mau-
va, Munjka, Ghantesh-
war, Madhapar and
some part of the Man-
harpur -1 village lying
in Madhapar. A notifi-
cation in this regard
was issued on Thurs-
day by the Urban De-
velopment and Urban
Housing Department,
Currently, Rajkot is
spread over an area of
129.21 square kilome-
tres. With the additional
area of the four new vil-
lages under its umbrel-
la, the total area of the
city will now be 163.32
square kilometres. The
area contributed by
each village includes
Madhapar (10.61 sq.
km), Ghanteshwar (8.32
sq. km), Munjka (8.01 sq.
km), Mota Mauva (7.14
sq. km) and Manharpur
(10.03 sq. km).
G Vol 1 G Issue No. 205 G RNI NO. GUJENG/2019/16208. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Planet Survey No.148P, Changodar-Bavla Highway, Tal. Sanand, Dist. Ahmedabad.
Published at D/302 3rd Floor Plot No. 35 Titanium Square, Scheme No. 2, Thaltej Taluka, Ghatlodiya, Ahmedabad. Editor: Jagdeesh Chandra, responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act
ajya Sabha election results on Fri-
day went almost on predicted lines
with the Congress winning two
seats and the Bharatiya Janata
Party one in Rajasthan, while the
ruling BJP won two seats and Congress one
in Madhya Pradesh in a reversal of results.
The fight got interesting in Gujarat where
counting was yet to begin as the Congress was
demanding invalidation of two BJP votes. The
party argued that BJP MLA Bhupendrasinh
Chudasma’s election was quashed by the high
court. It also alleged that the other BJP MLA
Kesarsinh cast his vote through a proxy. After
the Election Commission overruled the objec-
tions, counting of votes began after a four-hour
delay. While the BJP is confident of winning two
seats the tussle is for the third seat. Congress
which is sure of winning one seat was also eye-
ing that seat to register two victories. Eight Con-
gress legislators had crossed over to the BJP
before the polls to queer the pitch for the party.
Elections to 19 Rajya Sabha seats across
eight states are crucial for the National
Democratic Alliance for majority in the Up-
per House. It needs 30 seats for majority.
While voting for 18 seats was deferred due
to coronavirus pandemic, the Election Com-
mission later announced polls for four seats
in Karnataka and one each in Mizoram and
Arunachal Pradesh.
Both Rajasthan and Gujarat witnessed resort
politics in the build-up to elections with the Con-
gress accusing the BJP of poaching. The party
sent its legislators to resorts fearing horse-trad-
ing. Rajasthan results showed that the Congress
MLAs had voted as one.
Congratulating the winners Chief Minis-
ter Ashok Gehlot tweeted, “Congratulations
to Congress national general secretary KC
Venugopal ji and Neeraj Dangi ji for winning
#RajyaSabhaElections from #Rajasthan. It
is a victory of ideology, policies and pro-
grammes of Congress Party under the lead-
ership of CP Smt. # SoniaGandhi ji.”
Sachin Pilot said that the victors KC Venugo-
pal and Neeraj Dangi would lend strength to the
party in the Upper House. The winner for BJP
was Rajendra Gehlot.
Ahead of polls both Gehlot and Pilot had
exuded confidence of winning two seats. Ear-
lier this week they asserted that the BJP will
not be able to win a second seat.
In Madhya Pradesh, Congress deserter Jyoti-
radiya Scindia won the poll for the BJP, along
with Sumer Singh Solanki. Giving him company
in Rajya Sabha will be former chief minister and
his rival Digvijay Singh of Congress. Digvijay
Singh who keeps courting controversies with his
statements had lost the Lok Sabha elections.
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan
Mohan Reddy’s YSR Congress Party won all
the four seats from the state. For YSRCP it
was a huge victory.
In Jharkhand the BJP grabbed one seat, with
the JMM winning the other.
Earlier, HD Deve Gowda and Mallikarjun
Kharge of Congress and two BJP MLAs won
unopposed from Karnataka.
ocial media
platforms start-
ed out humbly,
existing simply
as a way to con-
nect with old friends, share
photographs and inform
your social network of
changes in your life. How-
ever, as social media con-
tinues to grow, the effect
and influence it has on the
world at large are undeni-
ably far more impactful
than initially envisioned.
Since late last year, social
media has also been both a
boon and a challenge to dis-
seminating information on
the spread of the coronavi-
rus around the globe. The
longer the pandemic lasts,
the more entwined it be-
comes to both politics and
our legal systems. In the
platforms are now among
the primary methods of
disseminating political in-
formation regarding policy
change and a vital tool in
the fight against injustice.
Social media has forever
changed the way that hu-
mans interact with one an-
of proximity and time from
the equation entirely. This
ability to communicate
massive distances to huge
audiences has reshaped
alone, over half of social
media users use these plat-
forms to engage in activism
of that use spread to all cor-
ners of the political and in-
formational spectrum.
In the case of the COV-
ID-19 pandemic, the power
of social media has been
seen in how its influence
has changed as the virus
spread. Early in March,
Joan Donovan argued on
Technology Review that so-
cial media could help com-
bat the “infodemic” by cre-
ating headers and content
unique to the coronavirus.
This content could then be
used to help educate citi-
zens. Yet in May, UN Secre-
tary-General Antonio Gut-
the world — a pandemic of
misinformation. It has been
fueled by social media use
around the world and has
resulted in both the unin-
tentional spread of false-
hoods as well as malicious
actors creating fake news to
fan the flames of fear.
Instead, one of the most
effective uses for social me-
dia in the face of the novel
coronavirus is how it could
be used to predict the next
hot spots of infection.
Thanks to people’s vulner-
ability exposed in their
Twitter feeds, Facebook
pages and Instagram sto-
ries, there is plenty of so-
cial data for population
health analysts to comb
through. This same data
— serve to help create pub-
lic health policies during
and after the pandemic.
Tangible and Effective
The true power of social
media’s ability to unite peo-
ple in a cause can be traced
began in 2011. The world
looked on as social media
was used in a way previ-
ously unseen, galvanizing a
without any sort of real dis-
cernible hierarchy. The ef-
fects of the Arab Spring are
still being felt nearly a dec-
ade later across the Middle
East and highlight just how
powerful social media can
be as a tool for political
movements to blossom and
grow. More recently, You-
Tube, one of the most rap-
idly growing social media
platforms in the MENA re-
gion,wasaccusedof remov-
dence of the chemical at-
tacks in Syria.
Now, it is highly unlikely
that the world will see a po-
litical movement become
effective without the use of
social media platforms
ever again. Technology
continues to move forward
with things like Facebook
Live allowing for instanta-
neous video feeds during
protests and apps that let
protesters and activists
communicate through en-
crypted messages.
How social media is changing our world
Anxiety weighs down
the heart, but a kind
word cheers it up.
—Proverbs 12:25
Dharmendra Pradhan
Thank you Shri @rsprasad ji for
your commitment in providing
doorstep banking to the unbanked.
@IPPBOnline is making financial
inclusion for all Indians a reality and
fulfilling PM Shri @narendramodi’s
vision of making citizens financially
secure and empowered.
Piyush Goyal
Augmenting capability against
COVID-19, Railways has converted
5231 non-AC coaches into
isolation coaches. Curbing risk of
contamination, the coaches are well
ventilated with adequate natural
lighting to benefit the patients.
he spread of the Coronavirus
has compelled countries
around the globe to enforce a
strict lockdown to contain its
spread. On 25th March 2020,
India joined the bandwagon
and went under a complete
lockdown to fight against the
fast spread of the pandemic.
The uncertainty of the situ-
ation made it difficult for the
government to come up with
concrete schemes as it
worked mostly based on ad-
hoc administration. A lot of
criticism was raised as cer-
tain sections of the society,
namely the migrant laborers
and poverty struck people
felt helpless and disadvan-
taged with the coming in of
the lockdown. One group
that went largely unidenti-
fied for the provision of help
was that of the victims of
domestic violence.
The government advocated
that in such circumstances be-
ing at home would be the safest
thing to do, but what about the
people for whom their own
home is an unsafe space with an
environment of abuse. As the
term suggests, domestic vio-
ical, sexual, or mental violence
inflicted by an intimate partner,
or abuse by any member of the
household. The studies by the
World Health Organization sug-
gest that one in every three
women across the globe experi-
ence such a form of violence.
Psychological studies have
noted that the number of do-
mestic violence cases goes up
whenever families spend
more time together, such as
summer holidays and other
festival breaks. The main rea-
son being the restricted regu-
lar outings resulting in more
time at home and increased
expectations from the women
in the household.
The lockdown provides for a
have more power to dictate, con-
family members. The occur-
rence of domestic violence has
seen a drastic increase during
Covid-19 in countries around
the world including Brazil, the
United Kingdom, France, Aus-
tralia, and close home in India.
The rates of domestic vio-
lence are significantly high in
India even after the imposi-
tion of the Protection of
Women from Domestic Vio-
lence Act, 2005. While the ma-
jority of victims of domestic
violence cases are women,
men too face it. However, the
law does not grant them pro-
tection under the Act.
As per the 2018 report pub-
lished by the National Crime
Research Bureau of India, a
woman is subjected to domestic
the past two years and now even
more than ever. The National
Women Commission received
grievances within the first
month of the lockdown itself.
It must also be noted that a
large number of cases go un-
reported as either the victims
are so intimidated by the
abuser that they do not dare
to complain or they lack the
means to file one. The current
situation of a lockdown only
adds to the misery of such vic-
tims as they are “trapped” in
their house with little or no
means to report such cases.
Moreover, the spread of the
coronavirus has limited inter-
action between people which
in turn has worsened the situ-
ation for those victims who
don’t necessarily have access
to mobile phones, emails, or
other means of reporting.
There is an urgent need to
fight the invisible pandemic of
domestic violence as the num-
ber of cases increases on a daily
basis. There needs to be an as-
sertive nationwide movement
for better implementation and
execution of laws against the
oppressors. In an attempt to be
more accessible, the National
Women Commission has intro-
duced a WhatsApp number
(7217735372) along with a hot-
line. However, it must be en-
sured that these hotlines are
spontaneous with their re-
sponses to prevent maximum
damage. Modes of mass com-
munications such as news
channels, radios, social media
should be used strategically to
spread awareness about domes-
tic violence. People should be
sensitized and made aware of
the increased risks of domestic
violence. They should be urged
to report events where they sus-
pectacaseof domesticviolence.
Some countries such as
Australia and France have
come up with a code in sign
language which indicates
that the person is facing do-
mestic violence. This is a use-
ful and needful step as it al-
lows the victim to reach out
for help without the abuser
certainly knowing about it.
Introduction and awareness
of such a code can help in
rescuing the victims who
cannot speak openly about it.
Since the home is not a safe
space for all, the government
along with NGOs should set up
Safe Asylums for the victims of
domestic violence where they
can seek shelter.
With 2020 being the year of
change, let’s change our soci-
ety to be a better and safer
space for all and curb the ill
act of domestic violence.
studies have
noted that the
number of
domestic violence
cases goes up
families spend
more time
together, such as
summer holidays
and other festival
breaks. The main
reason being the
restricted regular
outings resulting
in more time at
home and
from the women
in the household
The rates of domestic
violence are significantly
high in India even after
the imposition of the
Protection of Women from
Domestic Violence Act,
2005. While the majority
of victims of domestic
violence cases are
women, men too face it
The writer is a fourth-year
law student from OP Jindal
Global University
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New Delhi: Unrelent-
ing in his attacks on the
Centre over the Ladakh
clash in which 20 Indi-
an soldiers were killed,
Rahul Gandhi tweeted
that it is “crystal clear”
that the government
was “fast asleep” and
jawans paid the price.
He posted the fresh
charge hours before an
all-party meeting on the
India-China that his
mother and Congress
president Sonia Gandhi
is expected to attend.
“It’s now crystal clear
that: 1. The Chinese at-
tack in Galwan was pre-
planned. 2. GOI was fast
asleep and denied the
problem. 3. The price
was paid by our mar-
tyred Jawans,” the Con-
gress leader tweeted,
sharing a report quot-
ing junior defence min-
ister Shripad Naik as
saying the attack was
Naik had said: “It is a
matter of national secu-
rity, there will be no
compromise. We will
not allow others to take
our land. I pay tribute to
all jawans who lost
lives. The nation is
proud of them that they
made the supreme sac-
rifice. It won’t go in
vain. It was pre-planned
by China and Indian
forces will give a befit-
ting reply.” “We were in
talks with Chinese offi-
cials. Soldiers of both
sides have demarche 2.5
KM. It is sad that China
has attacked our sol-
diers in our territory
and their soldiers have
also been killed.” —ANI
‘GOVERNMENT WAS FAST ASLEEP’Congress leader Rahul Gandhi says the Chinese attack in Galwan, in which 20 Indian soldiers were killed, was pre-planned
PPE kits, food distributed by Congress
across nation to mark RaGa’s birthday
JaishankarNew Delhi: The Con-
gress has decided to dis-
tribute 50 lakh food
packets among the poor
and personal protection
equipment (PPE) kits
and masks to corona
warriors across the
country on June 19 to
mark the 50th birthday
their former president
Rahul Gandhi.
However, Gandhi has
made it clear to his col-
leagues that he will not
celebrate his birthday
in view of the pandemic
and the extraordinary
difficulties faced by
people, besides the
death of 20 Indian sol-
diers in clashes with
Chinese army in
Ladakh area on Mon-
day night, according to
a party circular on
“As you all know, the
nation is mourning the
tragic loss of our brave
soldiers in the standoff
at the border with Chi-
na. In this context, the
suggested programmes
like distribution of food
kits among the neediest
people and community
kitchens for the poor
must be held with ut-
most reverence and re-
spect to our brave sol-
diers,” Congress gener-
al secretary KC Venugo-
pal said. —ANI
New Delhi: The Con-
gress on Friday, contin-
ued to criticise Union
Minister for External
Affaris S Jaishankar for
to the pro-
tocol on
the ques-
tion of
the Indi-
an sol-
diers being ‘unarmed’
during the face-off with
the Chinese in the Gal-
wan valley.
Congress leader Ka-
pil Sibal said in a tweet,
“No protocol can stand
in the way of ‘self de-
fence’ if our soldiers are
attacked.” He said, “On
the LAC an eye for an
eye a tooth for a tooth
and no protocol can pre-
vent soldiers from car-
rying arms for protec-
tion. “Neither 1996 nor
2005 CBM’s prevent our
soldiers from carrying
weapons,” Sibal added
in the tweet. Jaishankar
on Thursday rebutted
Rahul Gandhi on Twit-
ter over the issue and
said in a tweet, “Let us
get the facts straight.
All troops on border
duty always carry arms,
especially when leaving
post. “Those at Galwan
on 15 June did so. Long-
standing practice (as
per 1996 & 2005 agree-
ments) not to use fire-
arms during faceoffs,”
he wrote. —Agencies
‘No intelligence failure’ in
Galwan Valley face-off’
New Delhi: Defence
Minister Rajnath
Singh said that ‘there
was no intelligence
failure’ in the violent
face-off in Ladakh’s
Galwan Valley, which
claimed the lives of 20
Indian Army soldiers.
“There was no intelli-
gence failure,” Singh
said in the all-party
meeting, chaired by
India-China border is-
sue, as per sources. In
the meeting, Congress
interim president So-
nia Gandhi asked if
there was an intelli-
gence failure.
Gandhi targetted the
government over its
handling of “intru-
sions” by China in
Eastern Ladakh, say-
to use all avenues
which resulted in the
loss of lives of 20 sol-
diers in the violent
face-off inGalwanVal-
ley and asked if there
was an intelligence
failure. Gandhi said
that the opposition
parties and people
were still in the dark
pects of the crisis.The
meeting was attended
by Defence Minister
Rajnath Singh, Home
Minister Amit Shah,
EAM S Jaishankar,
Finance Minister Nir-
mala Sitharaman &
BJP chief JP Nadda.
PM Modi is India’s
strength: Andhra CM
New Delhi: Andhra
Pradesh CM YS Jagan
Mohan Reddy said
that PM Narendra Modi
is India’s strength and
said that China is try-
ing to destabilise our
country. “Thanks to PM
that India’s reputation
has risen globally. He
has built key strategic
partnerships across the
world,” he said at the
all-party virtual meet-
ing with PM Modi to
discuss the situation in
India-China border ar-
eas, according to sourc-
es. The source further
added: “You are our
strength, PM. India has
gained the envy of
many. They (China) are
trying to destabilise In-
dia.” Twenty Indian sol-
diers lost their lives in
the face-off which hap-
pened as a result of an
attempt by the Chinese
troops to unilaterally
change the status quo
during the de-escala-
tion in eastern
Ladakh.” —ANI
New Delhi: Send RSS
people, they will guard
the border, said Con-
gress leader Husain
Dalwai while hitting
out at Centre for alleg-
edly sending soldiers to
talk with Chinese
troops ‘without any
meeting should have
been called before. It is
unfortunate that 20 of
our were killed. They
went there without
weapons.... But those
(from China) came with
nail-studded rods. No
one from their side
died, only our jawans
died,” Dalwai claimed
while speaking to ANI.
‘Send RSS
people to
guard border’
Central panel recommends rate caps at
Delhi private hospitals for treatment
Home Minister Amit Shah had constituted the panel under the NITI Aayog to fix these rates
New Delhi: A commit-
tee set up to fix rates to
be charged by private
hospitals in Delhi for
isolation beds, ICUs
with and without venti-
lator support for pa-
tients of the coronavi-
rus disease has given its
recommendation, the
MHA said. Union Home
Minister Amit Shah had
constituted the panel
under the member of
the NITI Aayog to fix
these rates “to provide
relief to the common
man in Delhi”, MHA
saidinaseriesof tweets.
“Committee has rec-
ommended Rs 8000-
10000, 13000-15000 &
15000-18000 including
PPE costs for isolation
bed, ICUs without &
with ventilator respec-
tively to all hospitals as
compared to current
charges of Rs 24000-
25000, 34000-43000 &
44000-54000 (excluding
PPE cost),” it said.
House- to- House
health surveys were
completed in 242 con-
tainment zones. “A total
of 2.3 lakh people were
surveyed,” it said.
Delhi’s infection tally
stands at 49,979 & 1,969
people have died of Co-
rona so far. —Agencies
Over 2L
so far: Govt
New Delhi: With 10,386
patients having recov-
ered from COVID-19 in
the last 24 hours, the
total number of recov-
ered patients has gone
up to 2,04,710 and the
recovery rate has in-
creased to 53.79 per cent
from 52.96 per cent on
The Health Ministry
said in a release that the
trend in daily numbers
of recovery and an in-
The increase in the pro-
portion of recovered
cases is a demonstration
of India’s strategy of
timely management of
COVID-19, it said.
The number of gov-
ernment labs has in-
creased to 703 and pri-
vate labs to 257 taking
the total number of labs
in the country to 960.
The ministry said
that 1,76,959 samples
were tested in last 24
hours & the total num-
ber of samples tested so
far is 64,26,627. —ANI
20,000 TESTS
New Delhi: As many
as 20,000 samples
were tested in the
national capital on
Thursday, which is the
highest number of tests
conducted in the country
in a day. Taking to Twitter,
Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal
said more testing will be
done in coming days.
“In the coming days,
we will conduct more
testing,” he tweeted. India
on Friday reported the
highest single-day spike
of 13,586 new COVID-19
cases and 336 deaths
in the last 24 hours,
according to the
New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday,
appealed to all NGOs and individuals to join in the fight
against COVID-19.“Delhi will fight Corona together. I
appeal to all NGOs and individuals to join in this effort on
a large scale,” Kejriwal tweeted attaching a Delhi Disaster
Management Authority (DMMA) order. a Web based portal
and a Dashboard shall be developed for the same.
New Delhi: Railway
Board Chairman Vinod
Kumar Yadav visited
Anand Vihar Terminal
where 267 coaches con-
verted to isolation wards
for COVID-19 patients,
equivalent to more than
4,000 beds, have been
stationed. told ANI.
New Delhi: “CSIR con-
stituent lab CSIR-CDRI
Lucknow, has received
permission for carrying
out Phase III randomised,
Double-blind, Placebo-
controlled trial of efficacy,
safety & tolerability of an-
tiviral drug Umifenovir,”
Union Health Minister
Harsh Vardhan tweeted.
5-day institutional quarantine
must: Centre to Delhi Govt
New Delhi: With the
Centre stepping in to
aid Delhi government
in its fight against the
Coronavirus, a differ-
ence of opinions seems
to be brewing among
the two.
Sources told that the
MHA wants compulso-
ry institutional quaran-
tine for anyone who
tests positive for COV-
ID-19. If this SOP is im-
plemented, anyone test-
ing positive for Corona-
virus whether sympto-
matic or asymptomatic,
will be placed in institu-
tional quarantine for a
period of five days.
The patient will be
permitted to return
home only if the symp-
toms subside.
On the other hand,
the Delhi government is
not in agreement with
this idea. Until now, all
patients with mild or no
symptoms were placed
in home quarantine in
New Delhi. At present,
there are 8,500 patients
who are observing
home quarantine.
Packets of ration distributed to the needy on the occasion of
Rahul Gandhi’s 50th birthday, at party HQs in New Delhi on Friday.
A view of a quarantine centre and isolation facility with 2600
beds for non-critical COVID-19 patients in Goregaon in Mumbai.
A view of the famous Kamakhya Temple wearing a deserted look amid COVID-19 lockdown
restrictions imposed in Guwahati on Friday. —PHOTO BY ANI
As the tension grows at the borders, the Govern-
ment of India is yet to appoint a full-time Director
General of Border Security Force (BSF). Surjeet
Singh Deswal, DG, ITBP, is holding an additional
charge of the force.
In IPS hierarchy, it is believed that after a couple
of months, SPG Chief Arun Kumar Sinha will be
new ITBP DG. He is a 1987 batch IPS officer of
Kerala cadre.
Outgoing High Commissioner, UK, Ruchi Ghan-
shyam is reportedly being considered for some
assignment. She is a 1982 batch ex- IFS officer.
Given the present scenario, people are discuss-
ing in the corridors of power that where is China
expert IPS officer R N Ravi. Ravi who is presently
Governor Nagaland has dealt with China for 20
years when he was in service.
Four persons: Ketan S Vikamsey, Dr Ganesh
Natarajan, Mrugank M Paranjape and B Venugo-
pal have been elected as Directors on the Central
Board of State Bank of India (SBI).
Newly created UT J&K will have two Secretari-
ates. One in Kashmir and another in Jammu.
According to a few reliable sources, 19 depart-
ments will function from Srinagar while remain-
ing 18 departments will come under the Jammu
Secretariat. Will it prove fruitful for the UT ?
The cadre of Ghuncha Sanobar has been trans-
ferred from Tripura to Madhya Pradesh on the
grounds of marriage to Harsh Singh, a 2015
batch IAS officer. Sanobar is also a 2015 batch
IAS officer.
IAS fraternity is grateful to UP because of
promotion of 21 IAS officers to the rank of ACS.
Now UP will have 36 Additional Chief Secretaries
posts. To adjust these officers, the state govt has
created 20 new posts. Newly promoted IAS of-
ficers belong to the years 1988 & 1989 batches.
With this development, IAS officers in other
states can mount pressure citing UP’s example.
Yogi Government has chosen Prashant Kumar to
hold the prestigious as well as sensitive charge
of ADG Law & Order. A 1990 batch IPS officer,
Kumar is considered to be an ace performer in
the IPS hierarchy.
DoT has posted six PTS officers to new places.
Accordingly, Tushar Kanti Pal, has been posted as
Advisor at DGT HQs, He will also continue to look
after the charge of DG Telecom, Aso Kumar Mittl
to join as Sr DDG, Delhi LSA, GC Srivastava has
been posted as Advisor, UP East LSA, Lucknow.
Nitin Jain as DDG, SPPI, Radhacharan Shakya
as DDG, Satellite and Pushpendra Kumar Singh
posted as DDG, Security Assurance.
Palka Sahni has been appointed new Resident
Commissioner, Bihar Bhawan, in New Delhi.
A 2004 batch IAS officer, Sahni replaces Vipin
Kumar, who is joining the GoI.
Vijay Khanduja, presently posted as Director in
the Ministry of External Affairs, has been ap-
pointed as the next Ambassador of India to the
Republic of Zimbabwe.
The post of Surabhi Sharma has been upgraded
as Director in the Department of Promotion of
Industry and Internal Trade. She is a 2006 batch
IRS-IT officer.
Congress wins,...
Things could have gone
very differently if the
Congress had managed
to sway even three or
four BJP MLAs.
If the first major
setback for the Con-
gress was the string of
resignations, the sec-
ond was assuming the
support of the BTP,
whose abstinence
came as an unexpect-
ed slap in the face.
Still, the Congress
was not about to ac-
cept defeat gracefully
but instead chal-
lenged at least two
BJP votes on techni-
cal grounds. They
said that Education
Minister Bhupen-
drasinh Chudasama’s
vote should be kept in
reserve since the va-
lidity of his election
is sub-judice. And
they said that BJP
MLA Kesarsinh So-
lanki’s vote should
not be counted since
there was a third per-
son in the booth while
he was voting.
But the Election
Commission of India
upheld the state Elec-
tion officer’s decision.
All the Congress had
managed to do was to
hold up the counting
process for five hours.
Bharatsinh Solanki’s
defeat will now put a
question mark on his
abilities as well as that
of his cousin and GPCC
chief Amit Chavda.
Moreover, while the par-
ty’s national spokesman
Gohil’s win comes at a
cost. At least a third of
sitting Congress MLAs
were unhappy with his
nomination in the first
place, and Friday’s re-
sult could well make the
fault lines within the
coming days.
Time for...
“The Air Force chief
was on a two-day visit
where he checked the
all the platforms that
have been moved to the
area in view of the Chi-
nese aggression along
the LAC in the Eastern
Ladakh where more
than 10,000 troops have
been amassed by Chi-
na,” government sourc-
es told ANI.
In the first leg of his
visit, he was in Leh on
June 17 and from there
he went to the Srinagar
airbase on June 18.
Both these bases are
closest to the Eastern
Ladakh area and most
suited to carry out any
fighter aircraft opera-
tions in the mountain-
ous terrain and also
have a clear edge over
the Chinese, the sourc-
es said. —ANI
Rajya Sabha...
In Jharkhand the BJP
and JMM have won one
JMM’s Shibu Soren be-
Rajya Sabha member.
In Meghalaya, the
Meghalaya Democratic
Alliance (MDA) candi-
date Dr WR Kharlukhi
won the lone Rajya
Sabha seat from Megha-
laya defeating Congress
candidate Kennedy
In Mizoram, the Mizo
National Front won the
lone seat with MNF’s K
Vanlalvena being
delcared the winner.
PM: Neither...
Most leaders, including
Mamata Banerjee and
Uddhav Thackeray, ex-
pressed solidarity with
the government in its
response to Chinese ag-
gression. Congress
chief Sonia Gandhi pos-
es seven questions to
the government while
Telangana Chief Minis-
ter K Chandrashekhara
Rao and BSP Chief
Mayawati gave a strong
endorsement of PM Mo-
di’s policies.
Notably, Sonia Gand-
hi (Congress), MK Sta-
lin (DMK), N Chan-
drababu Naidu (TDP),
YS Jagan Mohan Reddy
(YSRCP), Sharad Pawar
(NCP), Nitish Kumar
(JDU), D Raja (CPI), Si-
taram Yechury (CPM),
Naveen Patnaik (BJD),
K Chandrasekhar Rao
(TRS), Mamata Baner-
jee (TMC), Sukhbir
Badal (SAD), Chirag
Paswan (LJP), Uddhav
Thackeray (Shiv Sena),
Akhilesh Yadav (SP),
Hemant Soren (JMM)
were among some of the
prominent faces who at-
tend the meeting
chaired by PM Modi,
along with Defence min-
ister Rajnath Singh and
Home Minister Amit
Shah and BJP chief J P
had invited presidents
of major political par-
ties for the meet.
Delhi Health...
COVID-19 on Wednes-
day, a day after he was
admitted to Rajiv Gand-
hi Super Speciality Hos-
pital (RGSSH) in the na-
tional capital after run-
ning high-grade fever
and suffering sudden
had first tested negative
for the virus. His second
test, however, came pos-
itive. “Today my covid
test found to be positive
(sic),” he had written on
Twitter. —PTI
Yoga guru Baba Ram
Dev conducts ‘Yoga
Protocol Rehearsal’ at
Har Ki Pauri, Haridwar
on Friday, ahead of
International Yoga Day
on June 21.
Maken is
observer for
New Delhi: Congress
has appointed Ajay
Maken as an observer
to super-
vise polit-
ical situa-
tion in
after BJP
g o v e r n -
ment was reduced to
minority there follow-
ing the withdrawal of
support by MLAs.
Ajay Maken and par-
ty’s state in- charge
Gaurav Gogoi reached
Imphal. Congress has
staked claim to form the
government and has
sought removal of the
speaker. Strength of
BJP-led alliance govt
has been reduced to a
minority in Assembly,
effective strength of
which is 59. —Agencies
NCW takes suo motu cognisance
New Delhi: The Na-
tional Commission for
Women took suo motu
cognisance to media re-
ports highlighting the
allegedrapeof a25-year-
old woman from Uttar
Pradesh on a moving
bus by one of its drivers.
NCW chief Rekha
Sharma in a letter to
DGP, UP, HC Awasthi
said, “Considering the
gravity of the matter, it
is requested that the in-
vestigation shall be
done immediately and
action be taken against
the culprit.”
“An action taken re-
port be sent to the Com-
mission by E-mail/
Fax,” the NCW said on
the Monday incident
that took place in an
overnight bus travelling
through Uttar Pradesh.
Sharma in her letter
also expressed concern
over the increasing
crime against women
despite the enactment
of stringent laws in the
Reliance raises over
`168,818 cr,becomes
‘net debt-free’
New Delhi: Reliance
Industries Limited has
raised over Rs 1,68,818
crore in just 58 days
through investments by
global tech investors -
Rs 115,693.95 crore and
Rights Issue, Rs
53,124.20 crore. With
these investments, RIL
has become a “net debt-
free” company.
Expressing his gratifi-
cation at this achieve-
ment, RIL Chairman
Mukesh Ambani stated:
“Today I am both de-
lighted and humbled to
announce that we have
fulfilled our promise to
the shareholders by
making Reliance net
debt-free much before
our original schedule
of March 31, 2021. Ex-
ceeding the expecta-
tions of our sharehold-
ers & all other stake-
holders, again & yet
again, is in the very
DNA of Reliance.
Therefore, on proud oc-
casion of becoming a
net debt-free company, I
wish to assure them
that Reliance in its
Golden Decade will set
even more growth
goals, & achieve them,
in fulfilment of vision
of our Founder, Dhirub-
hai Ambani, to increase
our contribution to In-
dia’s prosperity.
SC asks Centre to ensure compliance of
order to transport migrants back homeNew Delhi: The Su-
preme Court asked the
Centre and States to en-
sure compliance of its
June 9 order and trans-
port all those migrant
labourers wanting to go
to their respective vil-
lages within the stipu-
lated time period given
by it.
A bench of the Apex
Court headed by Justice
Ashok Bhushan had
passed the order after
taking suo motu cogni-
sance in the matter re-
lated to the plight of
migrant labourers amid
the coronavirus-in-
duced lockdown.
The top court said
that it’s June 9 order
was very clear and
asked the Central gov-
ernment and States to
ensure that all migrants
reach their home with-
in 15 days.
The court asked the
authorities concerned
to ensure that no mi-
grants have to pay any-
thing to go back to their
respective states, vil-
lages, and towns. Hear-
ing the matter few days
before the completion
of the stipulated time
period, the court also
asked Solicitor General
Tushar Mehta to speak
with all the States &
UTs to comply with the
order dated June 9 in
the matter.
SC asked Centre to en-
sure that due publicity
is given to orders & fixed
the matter for further
hearing in July. —ANI
‘8 terrorists
killed in 24 hrs’
Suspended J&K DSP
Davinder granted bail
New Delhi: A Delhi court
granted bail to suspend-
ed J&K DSP Davinder
Singh in connection
with a terror case after
Delhi police failed to file
charge-sheet within the
stipulated period. How-
ever, Singh will remain
in prison as he is also
undergoing judicial cus-
tody in a separate case
of trying to terrorists to
travel outside Jammu,
which is being probed
by NIA.
Special Judge Dhar-
mender Rana granted
bail to Singh and another
co-accused, Irfan Shafi
Mir, asking them
to furnish
a personal
bond of Rs 1
lakh and two
sureties of the
like amount
each. In
the bail plea moved by
advocate MS Khan, both
of them had cited that
the chargesheet had
not been filed within the
requisite 90 days period,
as prescribed under the
Singh, Mir& two other
accused namely Javed
Iqbal & Syed Naveed
Mushtaq were arrested
in case related to plan-
ning terror attacks in the
national capital. Singh
was suspended from
the Jammu and Kash-
mir Police in January
this year, after which a
special cell had brought
him to Delhi from Hira
Nagar Jail in Jammu.
He was arrested in a
case related to plan-
ning to execute terror
attacks in Delhi and
other parts of
the country.
Srinagar: At least 8 ter-
rorists have been killed
by the security forces in
the last 24 hours in Jam-
mu and Kashmir in two
different operations.
GOC 15 Corps Lt Gen
Baggavalli Somashekar
Raju and Jammu and
Kashmir DGP Dilbag
Singh held a joint press
conference over en-
counters in Pampore’s
Meej and Shopian’s Mu-
nand area.
“We have neutralised
eight terrorists in two
different operations in
the last 24 hours. In one
encounter in which we
neutralised three ter-
rorists who were next to
the mosque. Extreme
restraint was exercised
by security forces to en-
sure that no damage
was caused to the struc-
ture,” Lt Gen Raju said.
He complimented the
people of Kashmir and
said they believe in
“It is their belief
which is leading to
these successful opera-
tions and I am sure that
at the end of next few
months they will be
able to take this process
forward and ensure
that normalcy is
brought in,” he said.
He said that around
100 terrorists were neu-
tralised in the last few
“In all these opera-
tions, we had just one or
two civilian casualties
which mean security
forces exercised ex-
traordinary restraint
that is because we want
to reconnect with the
people,” he said.
He said that situation
on the line of control is
stable. “We will ensure
that there will be no
misadventure both
from outside of LoC as
well within it.” —ANI
New Delhi: The Su-
preme Court on Friday
reserved its order
on a petition seeking
directions to the apex
court’s secretary-
general, registrar, and
officers not to give
preference to cases
filed by influential law-
yers and petitioners.
A bench headed by
Justice Arun Mishra
reserved its judgement
in the matter after
hearing arguments
from the petitioner
and advocate Reepak
“Why you have raised
this issue?” the apex
court asked the lawyer
Reepak Kansal, to
which, he replied
that his writ petition
seeking one nation
one ration card was
not listed. Kansal said
that cases of many
influential and popular
lawyers were listed
instead. —ANI Joint press conference of GOC 15 Corps Lt Gen Baggavalli
Somashekar Raju & J&K DGP Dilbag Singh in Srinagar.
COVID-19 poses a
significant threat to
developing countries,
as their health systems
tend to be weaker. More
severe cases have also
been linked to high blood
pressure, diabetes and air
pollution, all of which are
prevalent in developing
countries. Meanwhile,
there are suggestions
that COVID-19 could
hinder the treatment of
other illnesses such as
TB, HIV/AIDS and chronic
But developing
countries generally have
a lower proportion of
people at high risk from
COVID-19 in terms of
age (>70 years). As such,
economic shocks may
pose a greater relative
risk to their populations.
The question emerges
as to whether lockdowns
are the best option to
contain the virus in
developing countries if
they entail severe income
losses. Estimates of the
share of jobs that can be
performed at home is
less than 25% for many
developing countries –
much lower than the 40%
recorded in, for example,
the USA and Finland. It’s
as low as 5% in countries
such as Madagascar and
Consequently, there’s
also a clear need for a
range of social safety-net
policies. These already
exist in many develop-
ing countries, but their
coverage and funding
needs to be expanded
Looking further ahead,
the poverty impacts
beyond 2020 are closely
related to if or when
an effective vaccine
is developed. Even if
we take the best-case
scenario and a vaccine is
discovered later this year,
it’s uncertain how long it
would take to reach the
entire global population.
It could take years.
There is no guarantee
developing countries
would get access to the
vaccine at a reasonable
cost, or if everyone in de-
veloping countries would
get the vaccine for free.
We could end up living
in a new COVID-19 apart-
heid, with the vaccinated
and non-vaccinated re-
siding in separate areas
and working in different
labour markets. This is
a startling but very real
possibility that no one is
talking about much yet.
While this might
sound far off, there are
already some countries
– such as Chile – issuing
“immunity passports”.
Such passports might
determine what work
people can do by deter-
mining where they can
go. This could leave the
poorest without access
to earning opportuni-
ties or only with lower-
income opportunities
if their movement is
The crisis is increas-
ingly looking like a
long crisis. If so, it will
have repercussions on
global poverty for years
to come.
s COVID-19
slows in devel-
oped coun-
tries, the vi-
rus’s spread is speeding
up in the developing
world. Three-quarters of
new cases detected each
day are now in develop-
ing countries. And as the
pandemic spreads, gov-
ernments face juggling
the health consequences
with economic ones as
this shifts to becoming
an economic crisis.
Our research shows
that the poverty impact
of the crisis will soon be
felt in three key ways.
There is likely to be more
poverty. It is likely to be-
come more severe. And
as a consequence, the lo-
cation of global poverty
will also change.
Having looked at esti-
mates from a range of
sources – including the
Asian Development
Bank, Goldman Sachs,
IMF and OECD – we con-
sidered three possible
economic scenarios
stemming from COV-
ID-19, where global in-
come and consumption
contracted by 5%, 10% or
20%. We found that the
economic shock of the
worst-case scenario
could result in up to 1.12
billion people worldwide
living in extreme poverty
– up from 727 million in
This confirms our ear-
lier estimates that the
coronavirus could push
up to 400 million people
into extreme poverty, de-
fined by the World Bank
as living on less than
US$1.90 per day – the av-
erage poverty line in low-
income developing coun-
tries. This number rises
to over 500 million if us-
ing the World Bank’s
higher average poverty
lines for lower middle-
income (US$3.20) and up-
per middle-income
(US$5.50) developing
The potential increase
is driven by millions of
people living just above
the poverty line. These
people are likely to be
badly affected because
many of them work in
the informal sector,
where there is often little
in the way of social secu-
rity. Such a rise in ex-
treme poverty would
mark the first absolute
increase in the global
count since 1999 – and the
first since 1990 in terms
of the proportion of the
global population living
in poverty.
On the intensity of
poverty, the resources
needed to lift the incomes
of the poor to above the
poverty line could in-
crease by 60%, from
US$446m a day in the ab-
sence of the crisis to
above US$700m a day. For
the existing extreme
poor and those newly liv-
ing in extreme poverty,
their loss in income
could amount to US$500m
per day.
In terms of where pov-
erty is located, it is likely
to increase dramatically
in middle-income devel-
oping countries in Asia,
such as India, Pakistan,
Indonesia and the Philip-
pines. This points to the
fact that much of the pre-
viously poor population
in these countries moved
to just above the poverty
line. In other words,
these countries’ recent
economic progress has
been relatively fragile.
We’ll also likely see new
poverty in countries
where it has remained
relatively high over the
last three decades, such
as Tanzania, Nigeria,
Ethiopia and the DRC.
If you believe in something then
you should be a living
inspiration of that belief, best not
to believe than do it half-heartedly.
—Jagdeesh Chandra, CEO & Editor, First India
First India Bureau
Surat: Business sav-
vy Gujaratis, includ-
ing those from other
States who have been
internalised in the
State, wouldn’t nor-
mally go bankrupt.
They have out-of-the-
box ideas, almost al-
And Surat, which is
not only the country’s
diamond capital but is
also a hub of synthetic
textiles, leads in this.
Take the case of a tex-
tile market in Surat,
where sarees could
mask almost the entire
Gujarat, which has
found a scheme that
gives a Covid-friendly
gift item with every sa-
ree you buy there.
As much as 60 per
cent of the synthetic
textiles -- also called
art-silk or artificial
silk -- manufactured
in India is made in
Surat. The city
boasts of at least 200
textile markets --
large and small -- on
the Ring Road as well
as smaller old city
Textile traders here
have come up with a
novel sales talk. “Buy
saree, fight hard
against corona”. Un-
der this campaign, if a
customer wants to buy
a saree made in Surat,
the trader offers the
customer a box called
‘Corona Kavach (coro-
na guard)’. After all,
this is a box of sarees.
They also provide
masks that match
your saree, sanitiz-
ers, Ayurvedic infu-
sion powder and ho-
meopathic medicines
in a box free with a
According to the
traders, saree is the
choice of every wom-
an and if they carry
one with that box,
the awareness to
fight the virus only
strengthens in every
household. Sarees
here range in prices
from Rs 500 to Rs
Saree capital gives you Covid-19 survival kit on one buy
In a unique
scheme, Surat
textile traders
come up with a
friendly gift
with the
purchase if a
Textile traders in Surat come with a scheme to woo customers.
Guj’s ‘Study from Home’
scheme comes a cropper?
First India Bureau
Ahmedabad: Intro-
duced four days after
the first national lock-
down was announced,
the Gujarat Govern-
ment’s much-touted
“Study from Home”
scheme has been of
little use to a majority
of the students.
A survey carried out
by civil society organi-
sation Jan Vikas has
found that as much as
61% of the children are
unable to benefit from
weekly online material
because of various rea-
sons. The survey among
students of standard
three to 10 finds that
just about 13.57% chil-
dren are able to “regu-
larly use” the online
material, which they get
on social media, espe-
cially WhatsApp.
The surveyors con-
tacted 717 parents
across seven districts,
Ahmedabad, Anand,
Panchmahals, Chho-
taudepur, Kutch, Sabar-
kantha and Aravalli. It
also included
Ahmedabad city and
the rural areas of 13 ta-
lukas of these districts.
The reasons why only
a handful children ben-
efit from this scheme
are revealing. It was
found that 257 parents
(35.5%) did not have an-
droid phones and 61 (or
13.26%) among the rest
460 parents who have
them do not use the in-
ternet. At least 84 par-
ents (21.6%) do not get
any online material and
40.49% children just do
not use the material
they get. More intrigu-
ing, is Ahmedabad city
where 62.5% of the par-
ents who have android
phone and do use inter-
net just do not get any
online material and this
is worse than the rural
areas -- Anand 34.54%,
Panchmahals 26.31%,
Chhotaudepur 24.48%,
Kutch 39.06%, Sabar-
kantha 13.63%, and Ara-
valli 16.66%. The survey
also finds that of the 717
parents, in 284 (39%)
cases their children did
use the online material,
but it was pretty irregu-
lar. In 28% of cases (79)
it was used just once, in
58 cases (20.42%) it was
used twice; in 44 cases
(15.49%) it was used
thrice; in 31 cases
(10.91%) it was used
four times; and only in
33 cases (11.61%) it was
used five times.
The survey report
estimates that it is pos-
sible to conclude that
while there are 43.23
lakh children study-
ing from standards
three to eight in Guja-
rat schools, “about
26.37 lakh (61%) are
deprived of the ‘study
from home’ scheme.”
“Study from Home” scheme of Gujarat has not found much traction. —FILE PHOTO
AMA wants 54,000
Covid tests daily
First India Bureau
Ahmedabad: The
Ahmedabad Medical
Association (AMA)
has moved a petition
in the Gujarat High
Court challenging the
State Government’s
decision that only a
doctor with an M.D.
degree could pre-
scribe a corona test,
and demanded that at
least 54,000 samples
should be tested daily.
A division bench of
the high court compris-
ing Justice R M Chhaya
and Justice Ilesh Vora
is hearing a suo motu
on corona and related
issues, along with sev-
eral PILs.
The AMA has moved
a fresh petition on Fri-
day arguing that even
an M.B.B.S doctor’s pre-
scription should w0rk
for corona tests since
M.D. level physicians
are not available in all
The medical asso-
ciation has cited the
instance of Delhi
where 18,000 samples
are being tested eve-
ryday as against the
maximum average of
4,500 in Gujarat,
though it has a much
larger population
than Delhi. The AMA
has demanded that at
least 54,000 samples
should be tested daily
in the State.
The petitioner has
also brought to the no-
tice of the high court
that though the State
Government claims 19
private laboratories
have been approved for
testing, five are waiting
for the State’s approval
and even two govern-
ment laboratories are
waiting for approval.
The association has de-
manded that the State
health department
should also increase
contact tracing and any
suspected person
should be identified
and quarantined. Each
district should have one
laboratory for corona
testing. The state gov-
ernment, in its reply,
has stated for laborato-
ry approval it will de-
cide within eight days.
Meanwhile, the ICMR
has categorically
stated that its guide-
lines nowhere says
that only an M.D.
could prescribe a Cov-
id test.
Wishing Sh @
RahulGandhi a
happy birthday with
good health and
I condemn the at-
tack on Shri Morari
Bapu. One may dis-
agree with other’s
point of view but
violence has no
place in our
@ahmedpatel CHUCK CHINESE!
An eatery selling Chinese stuff in Vadodara has changed its name to Sainese food stall,
while another offers jalebi for free on an order of Ganthiya or Fafda if you uninstall Chinese
apps such as TikTok from your smart phone.
Parimal Nathwani wins
RS seat from Andhra
First India Bureau
Ahmedabad : Two-
time Rajya Sabha MP
from Jharkhand since
2008, Parimal
Nathwani, who is also
a Senior Group Presi-
dent of Reliance In-
dustries, has been
elected to the Rajya
Sabha from Andhra
Pradesh as a YSR Con-
gress Party candidate.
Elated by his victory,
Nathwani said, “I thank
our dynamic and very
Mohan Reddy, Chief
Minister of Andhra
Pradesh, and YSR Con-
gress Party for giving
me the opportunity to
serve the people of this
state.”“It has been a
year since he became
CM of AP and he has
fulfilled nearly 90% of
the promises made by
him and will do a lot
more for the overall de-
velopment of the state,”
Nathwani said.
The newly elected
MP said, “I am fully
committed to serving
the people of Andhra
Pradesh and will work
along with the CM
and his team. I will
bring to the table my
extensive experience
gained during my 12
years as RS MP of
Jharkhand and sev-
eral decades of expe-
rience at Reliance In-
Nathwani, who works
closely with RIL Chair-
man & MD Mukesh Am-
patriarch Dhirubhai
Ambani as his mentor
and role model.
Reliance Industries Senior Group President Parimal Nathwani
thanks AP CM Jagan Mohan Reddy on his election to Rajya Sabha.
Guj to release Narmada waters in 10 rivers
First India Bureau
Gandhinagar: The Gu-
jarat Government on
Friday announced re-
lease of Narmada water
in as many as 10 rivers.
The rivers to get
richer with Narmada
waters are, Heran,
Dev, Karad, Kun,
Vatrak, Meshwo, Sa-
barmati, Rupen, Push-
pavati and Banas.
The flow of water
from the Narmada
main canal has been in-
creased from 11,000 to
13.000 cusecs to feed
these rivers.
At present 1086 cusec
water is being released
for eight of these rivers,
while water will be re-
leased soon in Meshwo
and Panchavati rivers.
This has been made
possible because of
release of water from
upstream areas of the
neighboring state of
Madhya Pradesh
where 83 hydro power
units are in operation.
An official press re-
lease said Narmada
dam level as on Friday
was 126.77 meter with
live storage of 2481.60
million cubic meter. Dry
rivers will be recharged
and wells will be richer,
thanks to release of
Narmada waters.
In Delhi, 18,000 samples are being
tested everyday as against the max-
imum average of 4,500 in Gujarat.
—Ahmedabad Medical Association
JUNE 20, 2020 I I I 09
rends come and go and
come back again. Recy-
cling is the word for the
fashion industry and I
don’t mean that in an or-
ganic world-saving way.
To name a few recycla-
bles, Cargos, animal prints,
oversizedsuitsandof course,
yellow and the olive
green, have made quite
a few comebacks but
thankfully not this year.
Though the colour in
vogue since 2019 fall is a
rather eclectic mix of
bubble gum and hot
pink, you can experi-
ment as you like
with this sweetest
of colours.
In fashion trends
tend to come and go
quicker than the
weather changes.
And while the colour
pink underwent a
huge revival a few
seasons ago now,
much to our delight,
the uplifting shade
isn’t going anywhere
any time soon. From
dusky delicate, rose
hues to show-stopping
electric pinks, the fun
and joyful shade is defi-
nitely one of the colours
to be seen in this season.
City first brings you a
few tips on how to wear pink.
Well, go all out! Wear it from
head to toe, team it up with con-
trast footwear and shades and
blush it on your cheekbones to
stop the traffic.
Pink has been associated with
the ultra-feminine look but if
John Dwayne can sport a pink
coat (and get away with it) you
can also team up your all-pink
ensemble with combat boots or
sneakers. Accessories are the
finishing touch on any look and
adding a statement handbag and
jewellery is another way to give
your head-to-toe pink ensemble a
point of difference.
Though wearing pink and red
together has been considered
one of the biggest fashion bloom-
ers but now in the world of high
fashion and street style, this old
fashion rule has well and truly
been forgotten. The traditional
merging of green and blue with
pink is an all-time favourite and
always looks good.
Howsoever you might go in for
pink in your look, remember it’s
incomplete without painting
your lips and nails to match!
PINKPINKRejoice! Pink is the colour of the season and
we no longer need to defend our love for
this colour as being stereotypical
DAYHoroscope by
Saurabbh Sachdeva
Today’s astral energy could
mean you have quite an
interesting day as far as
love and romance is
concerned. You could change your
mind about one particular person
several times in the space of a few
hours. In fact, you may be trying to
decide between two different people.
Today’s planetary energy
could prove a surprise.
Your latest relationship
may take a strange and
bizarre twist, which you would not
have been able to anticipate in
anyway whatsoever. If you have been
feeling down at heart, this could be
the release you have been seeking!
MAR 21 - APR 20
The current astral energy
may disrupt some of your
best-laid plans,If you had
been determined to follow
one set course in a particular
relationship, and this isn’t in your
best interests, then the events that
occur could turn things around in
quite a dramatic fashion.
NOV 23 - DEC 22
The current aspect means
you have quite an interesting
day ahead of you. If it’s
possible to go out on a first
date, then you may find the chemistry
between you almost irresistible. This
could create a dilemma, as you really
do not like to rush anything, least of all
MAY 21 - JUNE 21
Today has romantic
aspects to it so you should
enjoy the day with your
partner. Disputes will melt
away in a mutual state of
appreciation,as long as you don’t
allow pride to spoil your relationship.
Use these favourable days to give
love and get love in return.
JAN 21 - FEB 19
The current astral
environment may startle you
into realizing that life is too
short to hold your feelings
back any longer. the only problem
being that if you attempt to tell them
how you feel today, it could all come
out sounding rather strange, and you
may not believe what you are saying.
APR 21 - MAY 20
You may think that the
events of today will unfold
pretty much the same as
normal, but you would be
wrong. The current planetary
alignment could indicate that a
disruption may actually be a blessing
in disguise, although you probably
won’t see it in that way.
DEC 23 - JAN 20
Partners are decidedly
unpredictable today.
Whatever you’re able to get
out and do, you could find
that your plans get shifted and
changed about, if you have decided
to do something together. Don’t
worry too much; it is the nature of
the energy in the atmosphere.
AUG 24 - SEP 23
Things are certainly
different, and if you had
imagined that the day was
going to be much like any
other in terms of your love life, then
you will have to think again. Current
planetary energies mean that
anything could happen. However, you
will also have fun!
JUNE 22 - JULY 23
You thrive on anything that
is unexpected.So, the
current aspect at play may
actually do you quite a few
favors. If you are able to attend a
small party expect to be wooed by
someone who is a far cry from the
kind of person whom you are
normally attracted to.
FEB20 - MARCH 20
If you are attempting to
arrange a future social
occasion, the current
planetary energy may
introduce a very unusual and
unexpected element into the
equation. Don’t let it worry you -
there is a creative element at work,
go with the flow for now.
Your feelings may seem to
be all over the place, one
minute you could find
yourself very much in love,
and the next minute irritated You
could find this fluctuation in your
emotions going on for most of the
day, so don’t make any important
relationship decisions. Wait!
rom the grim real-
ity of dead-end
jobs to the horrors
of dating, the clas-
sic comedy still
hits the mark.
As Monica Gel-
lar once said to Rachel
Green: “Welcome to the real
world! It sucks – you’re go-
ing to love it.”
Could Friends be a more
realistic depiction of twen-
ty-something life? From the
second Monica ushered Ra-
chel into the world of pov-
erty, dead-end jobs, and
quarter-life crises, the se-
ries became a beacon for
flailing twenty-somethings
everywhere. And 20 years
after its 1994 debut, it still
holds up. New Girl or Girls,
for example, which cover
the same demographic, de-
liver great jokes and are
fantastic shows, but they’re
not a patch on Friends,
which hits on aspects of
mid-20s life that have uni-
versal appeal.
Take Rachel’s fall from
privileged daddy’s girl to
Central Perk waitress. The
job was terrible and she
didn’t have the option of
bailing to “focus on blog-
ging”. Comparatively,
Chandler, Monica, and
Ross, had jobs which paid
well enough to sustain not
only their modest lifestyles,
but made up for their less-
than-financially stable
roommates – which became
a point of contention in the
season-two episode, The
One With Five Steaks and
an Eggplant.
However, instead of an
overly dramatic blowout
(see Marnie and Hannah’s
fight in the first season of
Girls), the group quarreled
briefly – like most humans
would – then reunited as
soon as Monica got fired at
the episode’s end, when she
found herself in the same
lower income bracket that
Rachel, Joey, and Phoebe
had been trying to enlight-
en everyone about.
In fact, the constant job
changeover in Friends em-
bodies the career quest of
many people in their mid-
to-late 20s. Throughout the
series, only Joey’s acting
career remained consistent
(which rings true for any-
one pursuing work in the
arts), while the remaining
five saw ups (Rachel tackles
the fashion industry),
downs (Chandler gets laid
off and ends up in Kansas),
and career changes. Even
Ross – who was older and
had a PhD – left the muse-
um to teach.
Meanwhile, the series’
approach to dating either
served to entertain for one
episode, or provided a sea-
son-long arc (one which
usually ended in heart-
break, such as Monica and
Richard, or Rachel and
Ross). But regardless of
each relationship’s length,
the characters still changed
and grew: in season one’s
The One With the Blackout,
Joey perpetuates “the
friend zone” myth as he en-
courages Ross to date Ra-
chel, only to wrestle with
the consequences when he
develops feelings for Rachel
in seasons eight and nine.
So 20 years after it first
appeared on TV, Friends is
still the quintessential
show about being twenty-
something. It may lack
smart phones and drug-
fuelled clubbing, but per-
haps that’s why it holds up.
It tells a familiar story, one
of working hard, attempt-
ing success, and trying to
scrape enough together to
eat dinner with people we
actually like.
elevision personality Rachel
Lindsay during an online late-
night talk show explained her
reaction to why she didn’t com-
pletely praise ABC’s casting of Matt
James as the first black ‘Bachelor.’
Though happy for Matt James, the
‘Bachelorette’ alum quite did not find
the timing of casting appropriate by
the show makers. Lindsay, who openly
criticised the franchise for its lack of
diversity in casting, joined Andy Co-
hen on his ‘Watch What Happens Live’
show on Wednesday night and ad-
dressed her feeling about the deci-
When asked for her reaction to the
casting news, she said: “I’m excited
that there’s a Black Bachelor... but I
hated the timing of it because it
does seem like a reaction to what
is happening in our country.”
“Did a man have to die in such
a public way on a national stage
for you to say now is the time for
us to have a Black Bachelor?” The
Hollywood Reporter quoted Lind-
say as saying.
She continued to explain that
the sudden casting seems to be
“taking away from this moment.”
She also said she wished the
network waited to announce
James, who should be recog-
nized as the “right man cho-
sen” rather than one chosen
“just for this time.”
Explains her reaction
fter the recent sudden
demise of Sushant Sin-
gh Rajput, actor Kan-
gana Ranaut who went
public slamming nepotism in
the Hindi film industry, has now
revealed that she faced similar
struggles like that of Sushant.
In a new statement, the
“Queen” actor alleged that she
was asked to apologise to
Hrithik Roshan’s family in or-
der to survive. Both Kangana
and Hrithik had been in the
public spotlight in the year
2016 over their alleged former
relationship and legal battle.
The ‘Queen’ actor said: “Once
Javed Akhtar had called me to
his house and told me that
Rakesh Roshan and his family
are very big people. If you
don’t apologise to them, you
will have nowhere to go. They
will put you in jail, and eventu-
ally, the only path would be
that of will
commit suicide. These were his
words. Why did he think if I
don’t apologise to you
will have nowhere to go.
She further continued,
“Were there people
calling Sushant? Were
there people putting
such thoughts into his
mind? I have no idea, but
obviously, he was in a sim-
ilar situation. —ANI
elebrations are in order for
American actor Raven-Sy-
mone as she is officially a
married woman.
According to Fox News, the
34-year-old actor revealed on
June 18 that she got married to
Miranda Maday in an intimate
backyard ceremony. The ‘That’s
So Raven’ star wrote alongside a
picture on Instagram of her and her
now-wife hugging each other, “I got
married to a woman who understands
me from trigger to joy, from breakfast to midnight snack, from stage to
home. I love you Mrs. Pearman-Maday!” —ANI I I I I AHMEDABAD | SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2020
CONVERSATIONhraddha Kapoor
said, “He was tru-
ly, one of a kind,”
while sharing her
memories of the
late actor and her
‘Chhichhore’ co-
star Sushant Singh Rajput
on Instagram. The demise
of the ‘Kai Po Che’ actor
has sent shock waves
among celebrities and neti-
zens alike, with many tak-
ing to the social media plat-
forms to recall the times
spent with Rajput. Kapoor
penned a heartfelt note re-
membering the person Ra-
jput was, as she said some-
one who is “full of humility,
intelligence, curiosity
about life, seeing beauty in
everything, everywhere!
He danced to his own tune!”
“Been trying to accept
what has happened and
coming to terms with it is
very difficult. There is a
huge void... Sushant...!
Dearest Sush...!” her cap-
tion read.
“Apart from being a won-
derful co-actor who put his
heart and soul into his
work, he was at his core, an
amazing person. He cared
for people and wanted to
see them happy. His kind
smile, the conversations we
had at shoot about the Cos-
mos, different philoso-
phies, the moments we
spent together, were filled
with magical wonder-
ment!” she wrote.
Recalling her visit to his
home with the whole movie
gang, Shraddha added:
“During a lovely musical
and poetry filled get togeth-
er at his home (he loved
music and poetry), he
showed me the moon from
his telescope and I was so
speechless that I could see
it’s exquisite beauty up
close!! He wanted to share
that feeling! —ANI
hoto-sharing application Instagram ‘memo-
rialised’ the account of Bollywood actor
Sushant Singh Rajput, who was found dead
in his Mumbai residence recently.
“Remembering Sushant Singh Rajput. This ac-
count has been
accounts are a
place to remem-
ber and celebrate
someone’s life
after they’ve
passed away,”
read the descrip-
tion on his ac-
Once Insta-
gram memorial-
ises an account,
nobody is al-
lowed to log in to
the account and
the term ‘re-
membering’ gets
added next to the
name of the de-
ceased person in
the profile.
According to
Instagram, posts shared by the deceased person
cannot be modified once it gets memorialised and
the posts remain visible to the audience that it was
originally shared with.
Rajput allegedly committed suicide on June 14
by hanging himself, Mumbai Police said. Investi-
gations in the untimely demise of the Bollywood
actor is currently underway.
Memorialised ID
Shraddha Kapoor
... her post
Late Sushant Singh Rajput
Kangana Ranaut
Raven Symone and Miranda Maday
Rachel Lindsay
Wishing Rahul Gandhi on
his 50th birthday, Vaibhav
Gehlot tweeted, “Warm
wishes to Shri @Rahul-
Gandhi Ji on his birthday.
May God bless you with
good health, happiness
and long life. #Happy-
Robert Vadra, Rahul Gandhi’s
brother-in-law and childhood
friend tweeted, “Happy 50th Rahul!
From being friends in our teens to
being a brother-in-law, we have
come a long way!! I wished well for
you then; I wish well for you now!
My support is always with you.
May the decade be yours! Lots of
love always bro.”
Do’s & Don’ts
ikhil Sawhney,
Chairman, CII
during a virtual
press conference shared
the agenda and focus ar-
eas of CII in the North-
ern Region for the year
2020-21. He highlighted
that CII through its ex-
tensive network of State
and Zonal Offices and 9
Centres of Excellence
(COEs) across the
country has worked
very extensively
with stakeholders
to combat the im-
pact of Covid-19 on
economy & country at
“Our interventions on
the ground range from
policy advocacy, support
services for businesses,
and information services
to providing real-time
updates on policy an-
nouncements and work-
ing with the Central &
State Governments
by providing inputs
on the next steps to tide
over the health emergen-
cy,” he said.
The Chairman un-
veiled the theme of CII
Northern Region for
2020-21 as Building India
for a New World: Lives,
Livelihood, Growth – A
Collaborative North.
NEW YORK: Dr. Shenika Shah, daughter
of Pritam and Kavita Shah is the pride of
her parents and community in USA. She
is a doctor of Osteopathy and joined the
US Army as a 2nd Lieutenant. In the year
2020, she graduated from medical school
and was promoted to the post of captain.
Her father Pritam originally belongs to
Pindwara in Rajasthan while Shenika
was born and brought up in New York.
She studied in Herricks school and was
active in extracurricular activities such
as Bharatnatyam, karate and sports.
GUJARAT: Jawahar Navodaya
Vidyalaya, Ahmedabad will be observing
International Yoga Day on 21 June,
Sunday. A plantation will be continued
after the yoga day celebration.
RAJASTHAN: JK Lakshmipat University is all
set to organize a live yoga session on 21 June,
Sunday from 9 am to 10 am. The session will be
organized especially for senior citizens, which
is supported by Samarth Eldercare, Jaipur
District Administration and NLCS Bhilwara.
Vandana Jain, Senior Faculty, Art of Living, will
address the session, informed Dr RL Raina,
Vice-Chancellor, JK Lakshmipat University.
RAJASTHAN: As a part of the ongoing
‘Online Learning – Children’s Summer
Festival’ on Friday, viewers witnessed the
second day of the online learning session
on ‘Tabla Vadan’. It was conducted by tabla
maestro, Dr Ankit Pareek. The session
focused on Kaida, Taal Teental, Tihai, Tukda,
and much more.
GUJARAT: Jagannath Temple in Ahmedabad was beautifully lit up on Friday evening, for the upcoming 143rd Rath Yatra
of Lord Jagannath Ji.
Day Virtual
Run is being
on 21 June,
Sunday by
the Indian
Institute of Event Management Research,
where runners from all over the country
will run in their respective cities and
participate and show their love for the
GUJARAT: National Cadet Corps
(NCC) cadet Hiral Dod of Ahmedabad
prepares for International Yoga Day to
be marked on June 21.
he Solar Eclipse or the ‘Surya
Grahan’ is tomorrow, 21 June.
till 3:04 pm in the afternoon.
This grahan is going to be
quite important for India, as 6
planets will be moving in op-
posite direction, which will bring
huge changes in the country and
even the world, to be precise.
This year the grahan is on the
Mithun Rashi and it will majorly
affect the people having Mithun
Rashi. The grahan is going to be
more on the negative side com-
pared to the previous ones. 21
June is the year’s longest day and
that is when this is happening, is
not a good sign.
On 20 June 9:16 pm the ‘sutak’
will start and the surya grahan
‘madhya’ will happen at 12:10 pm
the next day. The grahan ‘kaal’
would be from 9:15am till 3:04 pm,
and one should not move outside
the house during this period.
This grahan is bad for 8 Rashis-
that are, Mithun, Vrishak, Kark,
Tula, Vrishchik, Dhanu, Kumbh
and Meen. It will be good for the
following four rashis- Mesh, Ma-
kar, Kanya and Singha.
I suggest we all don’t move out
during the grahan, avoid cutting
hair and nails, before drinking
water add Ganga jal to it, give
grains to poor people and listen
to Shiv Mantra during the gra-
han. I pray for you all to be safe.
RAJASTHAN: Amidst the Corona pandemic, the green Rotary province has laid
the foundation for the Mega Tree Plantation Drive, under which a target has been
set to plant around 129 clubs and about 500 different places. District Governor
Rajesh Agarwal said that about 1 lakh saplings will be planted at 500 places,
along with chanting 1 lakh Namokar Mantras, to get rid of the current epidemic.
Nikhil Sawhney
Robert Vadra with Rahul Gandhi
Vaibhav Gehlot
Rahul Gandhi

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First india ahmedabad edition-20 june 2020

  • 1. CORONA ALERT AHMEDABAD l SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2020 l Pages 12 l 3.00 RNI NO. GUJENG/2019/16208 l Vol 1 l Issue No. 205 27°C - 37°C OUR EDITIONS: JAIPUR & AHMEDABAD I thefirstindia I COVID-19 UPDATE GUJARAT 1,619 DEATHS 26,198 CONFIRMED CASES RAJASTHAN 333 DEATHS 14,156 CASES New Delhi: Delhi Health Minister Satyen- dar Jain, who tested positive for coronavirus on Wednesday, will be shifted to a private hos- pital and will be given plasma therapy, doctors said. The minister is ex- periencing difficulty in breathing and is run- ning high fever. He has also developed pneumo- nia. “His latest CT scan report shows that the pneumonia patches in his lungs have in- creased. He experi- enced increased giddi- ness and tiredness to- day. The advice of doc- tors will be followed,” Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said. Accord- ing to sources, he will be shifted to Max Hospi- tal’s Saket facility in south Delhi. Home Min- ister Amit Shah tweet- ed on Friday to wish for his speedy recovery. “Praying for the speedy recovery of Shri Saty- endra Jain, Health Min- ister of Delhi who is battling with COVID-19 infection,” he tweeted. Lt Governor Anil Baijal also wished him good health. “Praying for speedy recovery & good health of Hon’ble Min- ister, GNCTD @Satyen- darJain ji,” he tweeted. Mr Jain had tested posi- tive for Turn on P6 Aditi Nagar New Delhi: Prime Min- ister Narendra Modi on Friday asserted that neither has anyone in- truded into Indian ter- ritory nor has anyone taken over any post. In his closing re- marks at an all-party meeting on the face-off between Indian and Chinese troops along the Line of Actual Con- trol (LAC) in Ladakh, Modi said the whole country is hurt and an- gry at what the Chinese have done. India wants peace and friendship, but its sovereignty is supreme, he said. Indian forces are do- ing what they have to do to protect the country, whether it is in terms of deployment, action or counter-action, Modi told political leaders. “Our patrolling ca- pacity has increased due to newly built infra- structure, especially along LAC,” he said. The meeting saw lead- ers of major political parties putting across their views on the sensi- tive issue. The virtual meeting began with par- ticipantspayingtributes to the 20 Indian soldiers killedintheviolentface- off with Chinese troops in East Ladakh earlier this week. Turn on P6 TIME FORTIME FOR TIT FOR TAT?TIT FOR TAT? PM:Neitheranyoneintrudedinto ourterritory,nortookoveranypost Delhi Health Min’s condition worsens, to get plasma therapy Rajya Sabha polls: BJP wins 8, Cong 4 First India Bureau Jaipur: Voting was held on Friday for the 19 va- cant Rajya Sabha seats in eight states for which counting of votes began at 5 pm. The polling took place at 9 am and contin- ued till 4 pm. Voting for 18 seats were deferred due to the coronavirus pandemic. Of the 19 seats, four each are from Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat,threeeachfrom Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, two from Jharkhand, and one each from Manipur, Mi- zoram and Meghalaya. The ruling Congress in Rajasthan won two Rajya Sabha while Op- position BJP managed to get one seat. While in Andhra Pradesh ruling YSRCongressbaggedall four Rajya Sabha in the biennal election. Deputy CM Pilli Subhash Chan- draBose,ministerMopi- devi Venkata Ramana, industrialist Parimal Nathwani & realtor Ayodhya Rami Reddy of YSRC got 38 votes each. In Madhya Pradesh the BJP won two seats while Congress man- aged one. Veteran Con- gress leader Digvijay Singh won from Con- gress while BJP’s Jyoti- raditya Scindia and Sumer Singh Solanki got elected. Congress candidate and Dalit leader Phool Singh Bar- riya lost the election. Turn on P6, More on P8 New Delhi: Even as the Indian Air Force (IAF) moved its as- sets including fighter aircraft to forward bases and airfields in view of the ongoing dispute with China, its chief RKS Bha- dauria was on a two- day hush-hush visit to the Leh and Srina- gar airbases, which would be the most critical for any opera- tions to be carried out by the force in the EasternLadakharea. Meanwhile, the Air Force has moved its critical frontline assets including the Sukhoi-30MKI, Mi- rage 2000 and Jaguar fighter aircraft fleet to advanced posi- tions where they can fly in at a very short notice to carry out operations. For providing air support to the Indian Army troops in the eastern Ladakh sec- tor, the American Apache attack heli- copters have been deployed in the close vicinity of the areas where operations by the ground troops are taking place at the moment. The Chinooks heli- copters have also been deployed in and around the Leh air- base to provide the capability of rapid troopstransportation and inter-valley troop transfer, in case such a situation emerges there. The Mi-17V5 medium-lift choppers arealsoplayinganac- tive role in the area in troops and material transportation there. IAFChief’svisitas- sumessignificanceas it came soon after the top security brass of the country reviewed the situation and mil- itaryoptionsafterthe Chinese Army killed 20 Indian soldiers in a premeditated attack in the Galwan Valley area after making an attempt to unilateral- ly change the status of the Line of Actual Control (LAC). Turn on P6  India deploys newly acquired Apaches in Ladakh  IAF Chief RKS Bhadauria visits Leh to review preparedness  Army too intensifies high- altitude tank drills & night-time parachute infiltration in region All-party virtual meeting called by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to discuss India-China border situation, in New Delhi on Friday. —PHOTO BY ANI Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain Ladakh standoff: Oppn stands behind PM; Sonia poses 7 questions; Modi says Indian forces were given ‘full freedom for taking any action necessary’ Congress wins one; BJP three, with a little help from BTP First India Bureau Gandhinagar: The Bharatiya Tribal Par- ty’s last-minute deci- sion to abstain from vot- ing in the Rajya Sabha elections on Friday cleared the path for the third Bharatiya Janata Party candidate. With the two BTP MLAs choosing not to vote, the total tally fell to 170, meaning each candidate need- ed just 34 votes to win. This meant that the BJP now needed 102 votes to send all three of its nominees to the upper house of Parliament. With 103 MLAs and the sup- port of the sole MLA from the Nationalist Congress Party, it had 104 votes at the ready. On the other hand, the Congress needed a total of 68 votes to put both its candidates through.Withastrength of just 65 MLAs, it was short of three votes to achieve its dream. As a result, Abhay Bhardwaj, Ramila Bara, Narhari Amin, and Shakisinh Gohil emerged as the four winners on Friday--the first three from the BJP and the fourth, from the Congress. Bhardwaj, Bara and Gohil each got 36 votes, Amin got 32 and Bharatsinh Solan- ki ended the day with just 30 votes. The sur- plus votes given to Bhardwaj and Bara transferred to Amin, ensuring his win. This win marks a major comeback for Congress turncoat Amin, who will be in a seat of power after al- most 25 years, when he was the deputy chief minister in the govern- ment of the late Chha- bildas Mehta. It is in- teresting to note that Solanki--who lost to Amin on Friday--was the president of the Gujarat Pradesh Con- gress Committee when Amin failed to get elected from the Matar seat in 2007. There is no doubt that the BJP played its cards well. First, it got eight Congress MLAs to resign, then it gained the support of the only NCP MLA and, finally, it convinced the BTP to abstain. This loss will likely have far-reaching impli- cations for the Con- gress, especially since the party had sufficient votes to win when the election was first an- nounced. Turn on P6 Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani is flanked by winning RS nominees Narhari Amin, Abhay Bhardwaj and Ramila bara on his right, and Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel on his left at the Vidhan Sabha on Friday. —PHOTO BY NANDAN DAVE A damaged poster of Chinese President Xi Jinping lies on the ground during a protest against China. —REUTERS FORMER GPCC CHIEF SOLANKI LEFT EMPTY-HANDED AS GOHIL AND ALL THREE BJP NOMINEES WIN RS SEATS MAHARASHTRA 5,893 DEATHS 1,24,331 CASES TAMIL NADU 666 DEATHS 54,449 CASES UTTAR PRADESH 507 DEATHS 16,594 CASES DELHI 1,969 DEATHS 49,979 CASES WORLD 4,58,990 DEATHS 86,84,943 CONFIRMED CASES INDIA 3,92,536 CONFIRMED CASES 12,904 DEATHS
  • 2. NEWSAHMEDABAD | SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2020 I I I I BTP PULLS THE RUG OUT FROM UNDER CONGRESS WITHOUT LIFTING A FINGER First India Bureau Ahmedabad: It seems the Congress party will never win the game of thrones--at least not in Gujarat. When the Rajya Sabha election was an- nounced earlier this year, the party had ad- equate votes to get its two nominees elected to the upper house of Parliament. Since then, however, it’s been a downward spi- ral that has resulted in the party losing one Rajya Sabha seat to the BJP after a neck and neck race. When five of its law- makers resigned almost simultaneously, the rest were taken to Jaipur so that BJP could not lure them to defect. However, this month another threeresigned,throwing the party off-kilter. So it came up with a strategy: it would gain two votes fromtheBharatiyaTrib- al Party (BTP) and one from independent MLA Jignesh Mevani. The party allocated 35 first-preference votes to Shaktisinh Gohil with the remaining votes for Bharatsinh Solanki. Sources say the party could have managed threevotesfromtheBJP in the form of cross-vot- ing, which could have been helpful, but the BJP used two proxy votes in place of Kesa- risinh Rajput and Shambhuji Thakor. Later, senior Con- gress leader Gaurav Pandya raised an objec- tion regarding the proxy votes. He also de- manded Bhupendras- inh Chudasama’s vote be kept in reserve, since his election is sub-ju- dice. “Both candidates have used proxy votes stating they are not well. This is a blatant lie, they are both fit to vote. On the other hand, Chudasama’s election has been declared void by the High Court, and the matter is pending in the Supreme Court. His vote should not be counted,” said Pandya. The Congress had been confident of se- curing victories for both nominees until the afternoon, but failed to do so. First India Bureau Gandhinagar: Fri- day’s Rajya Sabha election brought into sharp focus the pow- er of a single vote or two, when Chhotu Vasava’s Bharatiya Tribal Party (BTP) abstained from vot- ing. Vasava and his son Mahesh—the two BTP MLAs—pulled the rug out from un- der the Congress. And they didn’t even have to actively do anything. By not vot- ing, the BTP almost certainly ensured a loss for Congress candidate Bharat- sinh Solanki and a win for Narhari Amin, the third nom- inee of the Bharatiya Janata Party. Vasava’s official line is that neither the Con- gress and its rival BJP have supported his de- mand for the imple- mentation of the Fifth Schedule of the Consti- tution, which deals with administrative control of Scheduled Areas as well as of the Scheduled Tribes re- siding in any state. While highlight- ing Vasava’s prowess in bargaining, Fri- day also emphasized the importance of every single vote in this election. At the end of the day, two major parties—one with 103 votes and the other with 65 votes—had stood, cap in hand, before a party that had two MLAs in the state Assembly. Throughout the day, leaders from both BJP and Congress were seen meeting Vasava throughout the day. The media initially speculated that both parties were trying to convince the tribal leader to cast his vote. However, as it turned out, the BJP had been Friday’s develop- ment will likely put a strain on the Con- gress-BTP alliance in the Narmada district panchayat—a rela- tionship that is far from smooth. Last time, Chhotu Vasava had bailed out Con- gress stalwart Ahmed Patel by voting for him but, even then, he had been under tremen- dous pressure from the ruling party. As Congress has 10 of the 22 seats in the Narmada panchayat, with BTP and BJP holding six each, a break in the alliance could mean a fresh one between BTP and the BJP ahead of the dis- trict and local civic body elections. First India Bureau Gandhinagar: In a diabolical move, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) changed its voting strategy for the Rajya Sabha polls held on Friday. For the first time ever, the party asked its MLAs to open the polls by voting for the third candidate nominated for a seat in the Upper House of the parliament. Generally, when voting commences, votes are polled for the first candidate of the party. The candidate which has to win votes from other parties is saved for last. But, this time, the party’s third candidate Narhari Amin was voted for first by MLAs. At the BJP legisla- tive meeting on Thurs- day, each MLA was assigned their first, second and third choice for the RS elec- tion. They were then asked to write down their preferences in the ascending order on ballot paper. Each MLA was also as- signed a specific time to come in and vote at the state assembly. Therefore, MLAs from Central Gujarat, Sau- rahstra and Kutch came in accordingly to cast their votes. Once the voting for RS candidate Narhari Amin was over, the MLAs assigned to vote for Ramilaben Bara came in to cast their votes. It was only after that the MLAs as- signed to vote for Ab- hay Bhardwaj as their first preference voted for him. Another strategy in- corporated by the par- ty was that the MLAs voting for each candi- date were assigned from different sections of caste and creed. This measure was tak- en to ensure that vot- ing is not affected by a candidate represent- ing any particular community, caste or region. Abstinence plays a vital role in RS result, will put a strain on Cong-BTP alliance in Narmada district ahead of panchayat and civic body polls later this year, might even indicate upcoming collaboration with ruling party We were confi- dent of winning all three seats. Congress had lost its con- fidence and that is the reason that the Leader of Opposition Paresh Dha- nani approached the apex court to stay the Rajya Sabha election. —Vijay Rupani, Gujarat Chief Minister All claims made by the Congress party of being in touch with our MLAs have fallen flat. Our MLAs have proved their loyalty by electing all three of our candidates.”. —Jitu Vaghani, State BJP President I am thankful to the party for putting its trust in me. When the election was declared and the party nominated Shak- tisinh and me, we had thought it would be an easy win since we had the required number of votes. In the time between then and now, a lot hap- pened: the BJP nominated a third candi- date and threatened many MLAs. I am happy that all the Cong MLAs supported the party. —Bharatsinh Solanki, Congress candidate Both of us are thankful to Con- gress MLAs and the independent MLA. Despite having an insuf- ficient votes, the BJP fielded three candidates. This shows their lust for power. This elec- tion was delayed since we had enough votes to get two seats when the election was declared. The BJP has used the same tactics in this election that Ravana did when he disguised himself as a sadhu. —Shaktisinh Gohil, Winning Congress candidate LAST-DITCH EFFORTS FAIL TO SAVE CONG DREAM BJP ditches convention, votes for third choice first Chhotu Vasava BJP candidate Abhay Bhardwaj arrives to cast his vote. Veteran Congress leader Arjun Modhwadia at the Assembly.Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel at the Vidhan Sabha. COMEBACK MAN NARHARI AMIN A seasoned politician, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Narhari Amin was nominated for the 2020 Rajya Sabha election as a wild card entry. His nomination was a shock to several peers within the party and also to the two Congress candidates. Born in Ahmedabad on June 5, 1955, Amin has been active in politics since he was a student leader in 1974. He was among the people who led the Navnir- man Agitation in 1973-74, which led to the resignation of then Gujarat Chief Minister Chimanbhai Patel. Later, Amin joined the Janata Dal under the leadership of Chimanbhai Patel. After Janata Dal Gujarat merged with Congress, he contested the Assembly election from Sabarmati and later from Matar but lost both times. In December 2012, he left Congress for the BJP on the eve of assembly elections after being denied a ticket. VOTE OF THE NCP MLA The only MLA of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) Kandhal Jadeja who attended Bharatiya Janata Party’s legislative meeting on Thurs- day, claimed to have voted according to the party whip. This means that Jadeja voted for the Con- gress candidate. Like everyone else who came to vote, Minister of State for Home Pradipsinh Jadeja (left) and Leader of the Opposition Paresh Dhanani, sanitized their hands and took other precautions against COVID-19 at the Vidhan Sabha on Friday. —PHOTOS BY NANDAN DAVE Congress candidate Bharatsinh Solanki gets his hands sanitized.Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel at the Vidhan Sabha.Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel at the Vidhan Sabha. Congress candidate Bharatsinh Solanki gets his hands sanitized.Congress candidate Bharatsinh Solanki gets his hands sanitized.
  • 3. GUJARATAHMEDABAD | SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2020 I I I I First India Bureau Surat: Complaints have started pouring in from ration card holders who say they have not received the benefits promised to them by the state gov- ernment. Supplies at government ration shops are reportedly being sold on the black market in Su- rat. The shopkeepers at these fair price shops have been alleg- edly selling the ration meant for non-NFSA (National Food Secu- rity Act) and NFSA cardholders and turn- ing them away. It was decided that free foodgrains would be provided to non-NF- SA and NFSA card holders on different days. But, ration card holders have not been getting the benefit of the scheme announced by the government. Social activist Hitesh Jasolia from Su- rat has complained about the black market sale of food grains to the state government. Jasolia even sent an ac- companying video as proof of the sale, which has caused a stir in the city. As per re- ports, there may be a major crackdown on shopkeepers selling government grain on the black market soon. Talking about the is- sue, Jasolia said, “Ra- tion cardholders are being cheated off what is rightfully theirs, by people selling govern- ment grain on the black market. The gov- ernment should take immediate action against it.” An official of the Gandhinagar Supply Department said that the matter will be thor- oughly investigated. Meanwhile, there was some commo- tion witnessed re- garding the issue in the Limbayat area of the city on Thursday. Ration cardholders went to authorities in their zone to ex- press their displeas- ure and seek an- swers but returned without any ac- knowledgement. No grain, only long lines for Surat ration cardholders RACKETEERING  There have been complaints that grains meant for the poor are being sold on the black market Representational photo of people waiting in line for rations. ISSUE AT HAND SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS A man repairs an umbrella in anticipation of the monsoons in Ahmedabad. —PHOTO BY NANDAN DAVE First India Bureau Ahmedabad: Two brothers committed suicide after murder- ing their four chil- dren at a flat in Vin- zol area of Ahmedabad. The sui- cides and murders have sent shockwaves throughout the city. The news of the hei- nous crime came to light when the wives of both brothers went looking for their hus- bands and children on Thursday. Six bod- ies were recovered from the family’s old apartment by the po- lice. The deceased have been identified as Amrish Ramesh- chandra Patel (42), Gaurang Ramesh- chandra Patel (40), Mayur Amrish Patel (12), Dhruv Gaurang Patel (12), Kirti Am- rish Patel (9), Shanvi Gaurang Patel (7). The reason for their actions is puzzling. The brotherslivedseparately with their families: one in Vatva and other in Hathijan.Beforemoving tohisnewplaceinVatva, Gaurang Patel had been stayingatPrayoshaResi- dency with his family and had vacated it just sixmonthsago.Bankno- ticeshavebeendisplayed at the flat, indicating a financial problem. According to a Vatva GIDC police station of- ficer, both brothers left their houses on Wednes- day afternoon saying thattheyweretakingthe children for a drive. In- stead, they took them to the rented flat at Prayo- sha Residency in Vinzol. Based on a primary in- vestigation, police have concluded that both brothersfirstkilledtheir children and then com- mitted suicide. When they did not re- turn till late evening, their wives started searching for them and found the family car parked in front of Prayosa Residency on Thursday evening. When there was no re- sponsefromtheflat,they called the police who broke open the door and discovered the bodies. Assistant sub-inspec- torNarendrasinhVaghe- la said, “On Thursday night around 10 pm, the wives of the deceased brothershadapproached us.Aftergainingentryto the house, we found six bodies hanging in three rooms.” Two brothers, their four kids found dead in Ahmedabad flatReason behind the extreme step remains a mystery, police have initiated an investigation First India Bureau Rajkot: Due to a surge in the number of novel coronavi- rus positive cases in the city, a private hospital on Mavdi Road was declared as a designated COVID-19 hospital by Rajkot municipal commissioner Udit Agarwal on Friday. After relaxation in inter-state and inter- district movement post Unlock 1.0, there has been a rise in pos- itive cases in Rajkot. Regarding the deci- sion of a private des- ignated hospital, Agarwal said, “Rath- er than keeping beds reserved at different hospitals, it is both preferable and benefi- cial to have designat- ed COVID-19 hospi- tals. If there is a need for such hospitals in the future, more dedi- cated hospitals will be announced.” Apart from the Ra- jkot Civil Hospital, Sars-CoV-2 patients will now be able to re- ceive treatment at the Star Synergy Hospital earlier known as Sahyog Hospital lo- cated on the Mavdi main road in the west zone. While treatment is free at the Civil Hos- pital, those seeking treatment at the pri- vate designated hospi- tal will have to pay charges. The fees have been fixed by local au- thorities for all hospi- tals designated as COVID-19 ones. The daily charges for the general ward has been kept up to Rs8,400, while the iso- lation ward with ven- tilator support will cost Rs17,800. If a pa- tient is critical and requires isolation plus Intensive Care Unit (ICU) facilities, it will cost them Rs21,500. The declaration of the designated Star Synergy Hospital comes after the con- tract of a private hos- pital was up and pa- tients in the city could only seek treatment at the Civil Hospital. Rajkot designates private hospital for COVID-19 Newly COVID-19 designated Star Synergy Hospital. WHAT HAPPENED The residential society where the bodies were found. 93 new cases put Surat tally inches from 3K First India Bureau Gandhinagar: The state has witnessed another record over- night high with 540 new cases being regis- tered in 24 hours. And with as many as 93 of these being reported in Surat, the diamond city is just three cases shy of 3,000. Since Unlock 1.0 was implemented, the city has been witnessing very high numbers from areas which had negligible cases during lockdown. Another doc- tor from the local Civil Hospital and two pri- vate practitioners in Katargam are among the latest cases. In Ahmedabad, an employee of the immi- gration department at Sardar Vallabhbhai International Airport has tested positive. So far, 10 airport person- nel have tested posi- tive for Sars-CoV-2, including five CISF personnel and two from the immigration department. The city has 3,604 ac- tive cases and 1,245 deaths, of which 19 oc- curred in the past 24 hours. There are 811 ac- tive cases from the North zone, 713 from the West zone, 653 from East zone and 1,427 from across the other four zones. The Hathi- jan branch of the Bank of Maharashtra was shut after seven em- ployees tested positive. Just a few days ago, 12 Bank of Baroda staffers were infected, because of which AMC has started customer con- tact tracing. From rural areas only 11 new cases have emerged. Meanwhile in Va- dodara, there are 587 ac- tive patients, of which 103 are on oxygen and 35 on ventilators, mean- ing 23.50% patients are in critical condition. In Rajkot’s Gondal taluka, four members of a fam- ily have tested positive for the virus. Another CISF personnel at the Ahmedabad airport has tested positive for COVID-19. —FILE PHOTO Petition against ‘physical’ univ examsFour villages merged under Rajkot city limit First India Bureau Ahmedabad: A for- mer IPS officer has challenged the deci- sion by universities in the state to conduct final exams non-vir- tually in the state high court. In his pe- tition Rahul Sharma pleaded the court to direct universities to postpone the exami- nations for another month. Sharma has chal- lenged the resolution passed by the education department to hold ex- aminations for the final year and semester final exams in June and July. The petitioner’s submis- sionisthattheCOVID-19 health crisis is still not under control. Accord- ing to Sharma, the Uni- versity Grants Commis- sion (UGC) guidelines direct each university to conduct a detailed as- sessment of the situa- tion before taking a call on whether to conduct exams or not. If exams are held, they can do ir- reparable damage to so- ciety. The matter will be heard on Monday. First India Bureau Rajkot: The area of Rajkot city has been extended with the ad- dition of four villages including Mota Mau- va, Munjka, Ghantesh- war, Madhapar and some part of the Man- harpur -1 village lying in Madhapar. A notifi- cation in this regard was issued on Thurs- day by the Urban De- velopment and Urban Housing Department, Gandhinagar. Currently, Rajkot is spread over an area of 129.21 square kilome- tres. With the additional area of the four new vil- lages under its umbrel- la, the total area of the city will now be 163.32 square kilometres. The area contributed by each village includes Madhapar (10.61 sq. km), Ghanteshwar (8.32 sq. km), Munjka (8.01 sq. km), Mota Mauva (7.14 sq. km) and Manharpur (10.03 sq. km).
  • 4. G Vol 1 G Issue No. 205 G RNI NO. GUJENG/2019/16208. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Planet Survey No.148P, Changodar-Bavla Highway, Tal. Sanand, Dist. Ahmedabad. Published at D/302 3rd Floor Plot No. 35 Titanium Square, Scheme No. 2, Thaltej Taluka, Ghatlodiya, Ahmedabad. Editor: Jagdeesh Chandra, responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act PERSPECTIVEAHMEDABAD | SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2020 I I I I CONG FACES LOSS IN GUJARAT BUT GEHLOT DELIVERS ajya Sabha election results on Fri- day went almost on predicted lines with the Congress winning two seats and the Bharatiya Janata Party one in Rajasthan, while the ruling BJP won two seats and Congress one in Madhya Pradesh in a reversal of results. The fight got interesting in Gujarat where counting was yet to begin as the Congress was demanding invalidation of two BJP votes. The party argued that BJP MLA Bhupendrasinh Chudasma’s election was quashed by the high court. It also alleged that the other BJP MLA Kesarsinh cast his vote through a proxy. After the Election Commission overruled the objec- tions, counting of votes began after a four-hour delay. While the BJP is confident of winning two seats the tussle is for the third seat. Congress which is sure of winning one seat was also eye- ing that seat to register two victories. Eight Con- gress legislators had crossed over to the BJP before the polls to queer the pitch for the party. Elections to 19 Rajya Sabha seats across eight states are crucial for the National Democratic Alliance for majority in the Up- per House. It needs 30 seats for majority. While voting for 18 seats was deferred due to coronavirus pandemic, the Election Com- mission later announced polls for four seats in Karnataka and one each in Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh. Both Rajasthan and Gujarat witnessed resort politics in the build-up to elections with the Con- gress accusing the BJP of poaching. The party sent its legislators to resorts fearing horse-trad- ing. Rajasthan results showed that the Congress MLAs had voted as one. Congratulating the winners Chief Minis- ter Ashok Gehlot tweeted, “Congratulations to Congress national general secretary KC Venugopal ji and Neeraj Dangi ji for winning #RajyaSabhaElections from #Rajasthan. It is a victory of ideology, policies and pro- grammes of Congress Party under the lead- ership of CP Smt. # SoniaGandhi ji.” Sachin Pilot said that the victors KC Venugo- pal and Neeraj Dangi would lend strength to the party in the Upper House. The winner for BJP was Rajendra Gehlot. Ahead of polls both Gehlot and Pilot had exuded confidence of winning two seats. Ear- lier this week they asserted that the BJP will not be able to win a second seat. In Madhya Pradesh, Congress deserter Jyoti- radiya Scindia won the poll for the BJP, along with Sumer Singh Solanki. Giving him company in Rajya Sabha will be former chief minister and his rival Digvijay Singh of Congress. Digvijay Singh who keeps courting controversies with his statements had lost the Lok Sabha elections. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy’s YSR Congress Party won all the four seats from the state. For YSRCP it was a huge victory. In Jharkhand the BJP grabbed one seat, with the JMM winning the other. Earlier, HD Deve Gowda and Mallikarjun Kharge of Congress and two BJP MLAs won unopposed from Karnataka. IN-DEPTH R ocial media platforms start- ed out humbly, existing simply as a way to con- nect with old friends, share photographs and inform your social network of changes in your life. How- ever, as social media con- tinues to grow, the effect and influence it has on the world at large are undeni- ably far more impactful than initially envisioned. Since late last year, social media has also been both a boon and a challenge to dis- seminating information on the spread of the coronavi- rus around the globe. The longer the pandemic lasts, the more entwined it be- comes to both politics and our legal systems. In the modernworld,socialmedia platforms are now among the primary methods of disseminating political in- formation regarding policy change and a vital tool in the fight against injustice. Infodemic Social media has forever changed the way that hu- mans interact with one an- other,removingtheproblem of proximity and time from the equation entirely. This ability to communicate near-instantaneouslyacross massive distances to huge audiences has reshaped howpeoplearoundtheglobe engageinactivismandjour- nalism,whichoftengohand inhand.IntheUnitedStates alone, over half of social media users use these plat- forms to engage in activism andadvocacy,andtheeffects of that use spread to all cor- ners of the political and in- formational spectrum. In the case of the COV- ID-19 pandemic, the power of social media has been seen in how its influence has changed as the virus spread. Early in March, Joan Donovan argued on Technology Review that so- cial media could help com- bat the “infodemic” by cre- ating headers and content unique to the coronavirus. This content could then be used to help educate citi- zens. Yet in May, UN Secre- tary-General Antonio Gut- ierrezwaspointingtoanew contagionspreadingaround the world — a pandemic of misinformation. It has been fueled by social media use around the world and has resulted in both the unin- tentional spread of false- hoods as well as malicious actors creating fake news to fan the flames of fear. Instead, one of the most effective uses for social me- dia in the face of the novel coronavirus is how it could be used to predict the next hot spots of infection. Thanks to people’s vulner- ability exposed in their Twitter feeds, Facebook pages and Instagram sto- ries, there is plenty of so- cial data for population health analysts to comb through. This same data could—andperhapsshould — serve to help create pub- lic health policies during and after the pandemic. Tangible and Effective The true power of social media’s ability to unite peo- ple in a cause can be traced backtotheArabSpringthat began in 2011. The world looked on as social media was used in a way previ- ously unseen, galvanizing a massivepoliticalmovement without any sort of real dis- cernible hierarchy. The ef- fects of the Arab Spring are still being felt nearly a dec- ade later across the Middle East and highlight just how powerful social media can be as a tool for political movements to blossom and grow. More recently, You- Tube, one of the most rap- idly growing social media platforms in the MENA re- gion,wasaccusedof remov- ingcontentthatshowedevi- dence of the chemical at- tacks in Syria. Now, it is highly unlikely that the world will see a po- litical movement become effective without the use of social media platforms ever again. Technology continues to move forward with things like Facebook Live allowing for instanta- neous video feeds during protests and apps that let protesters and activists communicate through en- crypted messages. FOR FULL REPORT LOG ON TO WWW.FAIROBSERVER.COM How social media is changing our world S Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up. —Proverbs 12:25 Spiritual SPEAK Top TWEET Dharmendra Pradhan @dpradhanbjp Thank you Shri @rsprasad ji for your commitment in providing doorstep banking to the unbanked. @IPPBOnline is making financial inclusion for all Indians a reality and fulfilling PM Shri @narendramodi’s vision of making citizens financially secure and empowered. Piyush Goyal @PiyushGoyal Augmenting capability against COVID-19, Railways has converted 5231 non-AC coaches into isolation coaches. Curbing risk of contamination, the coaches are well ventilated with adequate natural lighting to benefit the patients. he spread of the Coronavirus has compelled countries around the globe to enforce a strict lockdown to contain its spread. On 25th March 2020, India joined the bandwagon and went under a complete lockdown to fight against the fast spread of the pandemic. The uncertainty of the situ- ation made it difficult for the government to come up with concrete schemes as it worked mostly based on ad- hoc administration. A lot of criticism was raised as cer- tain sections of the society, namely the migrant laborers and poverty struck people felt helpless and disadvan- taged with the coming in of the lockdown. One group that went largely unidenti- fied for the provision of help was that of the victims of domestic violence. The government advocated that in such circumstances be- ing at home would be the safest thing to do, but what about the people for whom their own home is an unsafe space with an environment of abuse. As the term suggests, domestic vio- lencecanbeunderstoodasphys- ical, sexual, or mental violence inflicted by an intimate partner, or abuse by any member of the household. The studies by the World Health Organization sug- gest that one in every three women across the globe experi- ence such a form of violence. Psychological studies have noted that the number of do- mestic violence cases goes up whenever families spend more time together, such as summer holidays and other festival breaks. The main rea- son being the restricted regu- lar outings resulting in more time at home and increased expectations from the women in the household. The lockdown provides for a similarsituationwhereabusers have more power to dictate, con- trol,andill-treattheirpartners/ family members. The occur- rence of domestic violence has seen a drastic increase during Covid-19 in countries around the world including Brazil, the United Kingdom, France, Aus- tralia, and close home in India. The rates of domestic vio- lence are significantly high in India even after the imposi- tion of the Protection of Women from Domestic Vio- lence Act, 2005. While the ma- jority of victims of domestic violence cases are women, men too face it. However, the law does not grant them pro- tection under the Act. As per the 2018 report pub- lished by the National Crime Research Bureau of India, a woman is subjected to domestic violenceevery4.4minutes.This numberhasdefinitelysurgedin the past two years and now even more than ever. The National Women Commission received morethan300domesticviolence grievances within the first month of the lockdown itself. It must also be noted that a large number of cases go un- reported as either the victims are so intimidated by the abuser that they do not dare to complain or they lack the means to file one. The current situation of a lockdown only adds to the misery of such vic- tims as they are “trapped” in their house with little or no means to report such cases. Moreover, the spread of the coronavirus has limited inter- action between people which in turn has worsened the situ- ation for those victims who don’t necessarily have access to mobile phones, emails, or other means of reporting. There is an urgent need to fight the invisible pandemic of domestic violence as the num- ber of cases increases on a daily basis. There needs to be an as- sertive nationwide movement for better implementation and execution of laws against the oppressors. In an attempt to be more accessible, the National Women Commission has intro- duced a WhatsApp number (7217735372) along with a hot- line. However, it must be en- sured that these hotlines are spontaneous with their re- sponses to prevent maximum damage. Modes of mass com- munications such as news channels, radios, social media should be used strategically to spread awareness about domes- tic violence. People should be sensitized and made aware of the increased risks of domestic violence. They should be urged to report events where they sus- pectacaseof domesticviolence. Some countries such as Australia and France have come up with a code in sign language which indicates that the person is facing do- mestic violence. This is a use- ful and needful step as it al- lows the victim to reach out for help without the abuser certainly knowing about it. Introduction and awareness of such a code can help in rescuing the victims who cannot speak openly about it. Since the home is not a safe space for all, the government along with NGOs should set up Safe Asylums for the victims of domestic violence where they can seek shelter. With 2020 being the year of change, let’s change our soci- ety to be a better and safer space for all and curb the ill act of domestic violence. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY THE AUTHOR ARE PERSONAL Psychological studies have noted that the number of domestic violence cases goes up whenever families spend more time together, such as summer holidays and other festival breaks. The main reason being the restricted regular outings resulting in more time at home and increased expectations from the women in the household The rates of domestic violence are significantly high in India even after the imposition of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005. While the majority of victims of domestic violence cases are women, men too face it GARIMA ARORA The writer is a fourth-year law student from OP Jindal Global University T THE INVISIBLE PANDEMIC OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE
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  • 6. INDIAAHMEDABAD | SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2020 I I I I New Delhi: Unrelent- ing in his attacks on the Centre over the Ladakh clash in which 20 Indi- an soldiers were killed, Rahul Gandhi tweeted that it is “crystal clear” that the government was “fast asleep” and jawans paid the price. He posted the fresh charge hours before an all-party meeting on the India-China that his mother and Congress president Sonia Gandhi is expected to attend. “It’s now crystal clear that: 1. The Chinese at- tack in Galwan was pre- planned. 2. GOI was fast asleep and denied the problem. 3. The price was paid by our mar- tyred Jawans,” the Con- gress leader tweeted, sharing a report quot- ing junior defence min- ister Shripad Naik as saying the attack was planned. Naik had said: “It is a matter of national secu- rity, there will be no compromise. We will not allow others to take our land. I pay tribute to all jawans who lost lives. The nation is proud of them that they made the supreme sac- rifice. It won’t go in vain. It was pre-planned by China and Indian forces will give a befit- ting reply.” “We were in talks with Chinese offi- cials. Soldiers of both sides have demarche 2.5 KM. It is sad that China has attacked our sol- diers in our territory and their soldiers have also been killed.” —ANI ‘GOVERNMENT WAS FAST ASLEEP’Congress leader Rahul Gandhi says the Chinese attack in Galwan, in which 20 Indian soldiers were killed, was pre-planned COVID-19 UPDATE LADAKH FACE-OFF PPE kits, food distributed by Congress across nation to mark RaGa’s birthday Congress attacks JaishankarNew Delhi: The Con- gress has decided to dis- tribute 50 lakh food packets among the poor and personal protection equipment (PPE) kits and masks to corona warriors across the country on June 19 to mark the 50th birthday their former president Rahul Gandhi. However, Gandhi has made it clear to his col- leagues that he will not celebrate his birthday in view of the pandemic and the extraordinary difficulties faced by people, besides the death of 20 Indian sol- diers in clashes with Chinese army in Ladakh area on Mon- day night, according to a party circular on Thursday. “As you all know, the nation is mourning the tragic loss of our brave soldiers in the standoff at the border with Chi- na. In this context, the suggested programmes like distribution of food kits among the neediest people and community kitchens for the poor must be held with ut- most reverence and re- spect to our brave sol- diers,” Congress gener- al secretary KC Venugo- pal said. —ANI New Delhi: The Con- gress on Friday, contin- ued to criticise Union Minister for External Affaris S Jaishankar for referring to the pro- tocol on the ques- tion of the Indi- an sol- diers being ‘unarmed’ during the face-off with the Chinese in the Gal- wan valley. Congress leader Ka- pil Sibal said in a tweet, “No protocol can stand in the way of ‘self de- fence’ if our soldiers are attacked.” He said, “On the LAC an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth and no protocol can pre- vent soldiers from car- rying arms for protec- tion. “Neither 1996 nor 2005 CBM’s prevent our soldiers from carrying weapons,” Sibal added in the tweet. Jaishankar on Thursday rebutted Rahul Gandhi on Twit- ter over the issue and said in a tweet, “Let us get the facts straight. All troops on border duty always carry arms, especially when leaving post. “Those at Galwan on 15 June did so. Long- standing practice (as per 1996 & 2005 agree- ments) not to use fire- arms during faceoffs,” he wrote. —Agencies ‘No intelligence failure’ in Galwan Valley face-off’ New Delhi: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said that ‘there was no intelligence failure’ in the violent face-off in Ladakh’s Galwan Valley, which claimed the lives of 20 Indian Army soldiers. “There was no intelli- gence failure,” Singh said in the all-party meeting, chaired by PMNarendraModi,on India-China border is- sue, as per sources. In the meeting, Congress interim president So- nia Gandhi asked if there was an intelli- gence failure. Gandhi targetted the government over its handling of “intru- sions” by China in Eastern Ladakh, say- ingitlosttime,“failed” to use all avenues which resulted in the loss of lives of 20 sol- diers in the violent face-off inGalwanVal- ley and asked if there was an intelligence failure. Gandhi said that the opposition parties and people were still in the dark aboutmanycrucialas- pects of the crisis.The meeting was attended by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, Home Minister Amit Shah, EAM S Jaishankar, Finance Minister Nir- mala Sitharaman & BJP chief JP Nadda. —ANI PM Modi is India’s strength: Andhra CM New Delhi: Andhra Pradesh CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy said that PM Narendra Modi is India’s strength and said that China is try- ing to destabilise our country. “Thanks to PM that India’s reputation has risen globally. He has built key strategic partnerships across the world,” he said at the all-party virtual meet- ing with PM Modi to discuss the situation in India-China border ar- eas, according to sourc- es. The source further added: “You are our strength, PM. India has gained the envy of many. They (China) are trying to destabilise In- dia.” Twenty Indian sol- diers lost their lives in the face-off which hap- pened as a result of an attempt by the Chinese troops to unilaterally change the status quo during the de-escala- tion in eastern Ladakh.” —ANI New Delhi: Send RSS people, they will guard the border, said Con- gress leader Husain Dalwai while hitting out at Centre for alleg- edly sending soldiers to talk with Chinese troops ‘without any weapons’.“All-party meeting should have been called before. It is unfortunate that 20 of our were killed. They went there without weapons.... But those (from China) came with nail-studded rods. No one from their side died, only our jawans died,” Dalwai claimed while speaking to ANI. ‘Send RSS people to guard border’ Central panel recommends rate caps at Delhi private hospitals for treatment Home Minister Amit Shah had constituted the panel under the NITI Aayog to fix these rates New Delhi: A commit- tee set up to fix rates to be charged by private hospitals in Delhi for isolation beds, ICUs with and without venti- lator support for pa- tients of the coronavi- rus disease has given its recommendation, the MHA said. Union Home Minister Amit Shah had constituted the panel under the member of the NITI Aayog to fix these rates “to provide relief to the common man in Delhi”, MHA saidinaseriesof tweets. “Committee has rec- ommended Rs 8000- 10000, 13000-15000 & 15000-18000 including PPE costs for isolation bed, ICUs without & with ventilator respec- tively to all hospitals as compared to current charges of Rs 24000- 25000, 34000-43000 & 44000-54000 (excluding PPE cost),” it said. House- to- House health surveys were completed in 242 con- tainment zones. “A total of 2.3 lakh people were surveyed,” it said. Delhi’s infection tally stands at 49,979 & 1,969 people have died of Co- rona so far. —Agencies Over 2L recovered so far: Govt New Delhi: With 10,386 patients having recov- ered from COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, the total number of recov- ered patients has gone up to 2,04,710 and the recovery rate has in- creased to 53.79 per cent from 52.96 per cent on Thursday. The Health Ministry said in a release that the trend in daily numbers showsanincreasingrate of recovery and an in- creasinggapbetweenac- tiveandrecoveredcases. The increase in the pro- portion of recovered cases is a demonstration of India’s strategy of timely management of COVID-19, it said. The number of gov- ernment labs has in- creased to 703 and pri- vate labs to 257 taking the total number of labs in the country to 960. The ministry said that 1,76,959 samples were tested in last 24 hours & the total num- ber of samples tested so far is 64,26,627. —ANI DELHI CONDUCTS 20,000 TESTS KEJRI’s APPEAL TO PEOPLE, NGOs New Delhi: As many as 20,000 samples were tested in the national capital on Thursday, which is the highest number of tests conducted in the country in a day. Taking to Twitter, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal said more testing will be done in coming days. “In the coming days, we will conduct more testing,” he tweeted. India on Friday reported the highest single-day spike of 13,586 new COVID-19 cases and 336 deaths in the last 24 hours, according to the MoHFW. —ANI New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday, appealed to all NGOs and individuals to join in the fight against COVID-19.“Delhi will fight Corona together. I appeal to all NGOs and individuals to join in this effort on a large scale,” Kejriwal tweeted attaching a Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DMMA) order. a Web based portal and a Dashboard shall be developed for the same. COACHES INSPECTED PHASE III TRIAL OF UMIFENOVIR New Delhi: Railway Board Chairman Vinod Kumar Yadav visited Anand Vihar Terminal where 267 coaches con- verted to isolation wards for COVID-19 patients, equivalent to more than 4,000 beds, have been stationed. told ANI. New Delhi: “CSIR con- stituent lab CSIR-CDRI Lucknow, has received permission for carrying out Phase III randomised, Double-blind, Placebo- controlled trial of efficacy, safety & tolerability of an- tiviral drug Umifenovir,” Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan tweeted. 5-day institutional quarantine must: Centre to Delhi Govt New Delhi: With the Centre stepping in to aid Delhi government in its fight against the Coronavirus, a differ- ence of opinions seems to be brewing among the two. Sources told that the MHA wants compulso- ry institutional quaran- tine for anyone who tests positive for COV- ID-19. If this SOP is im- plemented, anyone test- ing positive for Corona- virus whether sympto- matic or asymptomatic, will be placed in institu- tional quarantine for a period of five days. The patient will be permitted to return home only if the symp- toms subside. On the other hand, the Delhi government is not in agreement with this idea. Until now, all patients with mild or no symptoms were placed in home quarantine in New Delhi. At present, there are 8,500 patients who are observing home quarantine. Packets of ration distributed to the needy on the occasion of Rahul Gandhi’s 50th birthday, at party HQs in New Delhi on Friday. A view of a quarantine centre and isolation facility with 2600 beds for non-critical COVID-19 patients in Goregaon in Mumbai. A view of the famous Kamakhya Temple wearing a deserted look amid COVID-19 lockdown restrictions imposed in Guwahati on Friday. —PHOTO BY ANI AWAITING DEVOTEES
  • 7. INDIAAHMEDABAD | SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2020 I I I I TENSION AT BORDERS – BSF HAS NO FULL-TIME DG As the tension grows at the borders, the Govern- ment of India is yet to appoint a full-time Director General of Border Security Force (BSF). Surjeet Singh Deswal, DG, ITBP, is holding an additional charge of the force. WILL ARUN SINHA BE NEW DG OF ITBP? In IPS hierarchy, it is believed that after a couple of months, SPG Chief Arun Kumar Sinha will be new ITBP DG. He is a 1987 batch IPS officer of Kerala cadre. WILL RUCHI GHANSHYAM GET SOME ASSIGNMENT? Outgoing High Commissioner, UK, Ruchi Ghan- shyam is reportedly being considered for some assignment. She is a 1982 batch ex- IFS officer. WHERE IS R N RAVI? Given the present scenario, people are discuss- ing in the corridors of power that where is China expert IPS officer R N Ravi. Ravi who is presently Governor Nagaland has dealt with China for 20 years when he was in service. SBI’S CENTRAL BOARD GETS FOUR DIRECTORS Four persons: Ketan S Vikamsey, Dr Ganesh Natarajan, Mrugank M Paranjape and B Venugo- pal have been elected as Directors on the Central Board of State Bank of India (SBI). WILL J&K HAVE TWO SECRETARIATES? Newly created UT J&K will have two Secretari- ates. One in Kashmir and another in Jammu. According to a few reliable sources, 19 depart- ments will function from Srinagar while remain- ing 18 departments will come under the Jammu Secretariat. Will it prove fruitful for the UT ? CADRE OF GHUNCHA SANOBAR TRANSFERRED TO MP The cadre of Ghuncha Sanobar has been trans- ferred from Tripura to Madhya Pradesh on the grounds of marriage to Harsh Singh, a 2015 batch IAS officer. Sanobar is also a 2015 batch IAS officer. UP HAS 36 POSTS OF ADDL CS IAS fraternity is grateful to UP because of promotion of 21 IAS officers to the rank of ACS. Now UP will have 36 Additional Chief Secretaries posts. To adjust these officers, the state govt has created 20 new posts. Newly promoted IAS of- ficers belong to the years 1988 & 1989 batches. With this development, IAS officers in other states can mount pressure citing UP’s example. PRASHANT KUMAR GETS PRESTIGIOUS ASSIGNMENT IN UP Yogi Government has chosen Prashant Kumar to hold the prestigious as well as sensitive charge of ADG Law & Order. A 1990 batch IPS officer, Kumar is considered to be an ace performer in the IPS hierarchy. SIX ITS OFFICERS GET NEW POSTINGS DoT has posted six PTS officers to new places. Accordingly, Tushar Kanti Pal, has been posted as Advisor at DGT HQs, He will also continue to look after the charge of DG Telecom, Aso Kumar Mittl to join as Sr DDG, Delhi LSA, GC Srivastava has been posted as Advisor, UP East LSA, Lucknow. Nitin Jain as DDG, SPPI, Radhacharan Shakya as DDG, Satellite and Pushpendra Kumar Singh posted as DDG, Security Assurance. PALKA SAHNI IS NEW RC BIHAR BHAWAN IN DELHI Palka Sahni has been appointed new Resident Commissioner, Bihar Bhawan, in New Delhi. A 2004 batch IAS officer, Sahni replaces Vipin Kumar, who is joining the GoI. VIJAY KHANDUJA APPOINTED AMBASSADOR TO ZIMBABWE Vijay Khanduja, presently posted as Director in the Ministry of External Affairs, has been ap- pointed as the next Ambassador of India to the Republic of Zimbabwe. POST OF SURABHI SHARMA UPGRADED TO DIRECTOR LEVEL The post of Surabhi Sharma has been upgraded as Director in the Department of Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade. She is a 2006 batch IRS-IT officer. POWERGallery Congress wins,... Things could have gone very differently if the Congress had managed to sway even three or four BJP MLAs. If the first major setback for the Con- gress was the string of resignations, the sec- ond was assuming the support of the BTP, whose abstinence came as an unexpect- ed slap in the face. Still, the Congress was not about to ac- cept defeat gracefully but instead chal- lenged at least two BJP votes on techni- cal grounds. They said that Education Minister Bhupen- drasinh Chudasama’s vote should be kept in reserve since the va- lidity of his election is sub-judice. And they said that BJP MLA Kesarsinh So- lanki’s vote should not be counted since there was a third per- son in the booth while he was voting. But the Election Commission of India upheld the state Elec- tion officer’s decision. All the Congress had managed to do was to hold up the counting process for five hours. Bharatsinh Solanki’s defeat will now put a question mark on his abilities as well as that of his cousin and GPCC chief Amit Chavda. Moreover, while the par- ty’s national spokesman mayhavewononFriday, Gohil’s win comes at a cost. At least a third of sitting Congress MLAs were unhappy with his nomination in the first place, and Friday’s re- sult could well make the fault lines within the partymorevisibleinthe coming days. Time for... “The Air Force chief was on a two-day visit where he checked the operationalreadinessof all the platforms that have been moved to the area in view of the Chi- nese aggression along the LAC in the Eastern Ladakh where more than 10,000 troops have been amassed by Chi- na,” government sourc- es told ANI. In the first leg of his visit, he was in Leh on June 17 and from there he went to the Srinagar airbase on June 18. Both these bases are closest to the Eastern Ladakh area and most suited to carry out any fighter aircraft opera- tions in the mountain- ous terrain and also have a clear edge over the Chinese, the sourc- es said. —ANI Rajya Sabha... In Jharkhand the BJP and JMM have won one seateachwithBJPcandi- dateDeepakPrakashand JMM’s Shibu Soren be- ingthewinners.Thiswill beSoren’sthirdtermasa Rajya Sabha member. In Meghalaya, the Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (MDA) candi- date Dr WR Kharlukhi won the lone Rajya Sabha seat from Megha- laya defeating Congress candidate Kennedy Khyriem. In Mizoram, the Mizo National Front won the lone seat with MNF’s K Vanlalvena being delcared the winner. PM: Neither... Most leaders, including Mamata Banerjee and Uddhav Thackeray, ex- pressed solidarity with the government in its response to Chinese ag- gression. Congress chief Sonia Gandhi pos- es seven questions to the government while Telangana Chief Minis- ter K Chandrashekhara Rao and BSP Chief Mayawati gave a strong endorsement of PM Mo- di’s policies. Notably, Sonia Gand- hi (Congress), MK Sta- lin (DMK), N Chan- drababu Naidu (TDP), YS Jagan Mohan Reddy (YSRCP), Sharad Pawar (NCP), Nitish Kumar (JDU), D Raja (CPI), Si- taram Yechury (CPM), Naveen Patnaik (BJD), K Chandrasekhar Rao (TRS), Mamata Baner- jee (TMC), Sukhbir Badal (SAD), Chirag Paswan (LJP), Uddhav Thackeray (Shiv Sena), Akhilesh Yadav (SP), Hemant Soren (JMM) were among some of the prominent faces who at- tend the meeting chaired by PM Modi, along with Defence min- ister Rajnath Singh and Home Minister Amit Shah and BJP chief J P Nadda.Thegovernment had invited presidents of major political par- ties for the meet. Delhi Health... COVID-19 on Wednes- day, a day after he was admitted to Rajiv Gand- hi Super Speciality Hos- pital (RGSSH) in the na- tional capital after run- ning high-grade fever and suffering sudden dropinoxygenlevels.He had first tested negative for the virus. His second test, however, came pos- itive. “Today my covid test found to be positive (sic),” he had written on Twitter. —PTI FROM PG 1 FIT ‘N’ FINE Yoga guru Baba Ram Dev conducts ‘Yoga Protocol Rehearsal’ at Har Ki Pauri, Haridwar on Friday, ahead of International Yoga Day on June 21. Maken is observer for Manipur New Delhi: Congress has appointed Ajay Maken as an observer to super- vise polit- ical situa- tion in Manipur after BJP g o v e r n - ment was reduced to minority there follow- ing the withdrawal of support by MLAs. Ajay Maken and par- ty’s state in- charge Gaurav Gogoi reached Imphal. Congress has staked claim to form the government and has sought removal of the speaker. Strength of BJP-led alliance govt has been reduced to a minority in Assembly, effective strength of which is 59. —Agencies NCW takes suo motu cognisance New Delhi: The Na- tional Commission for Women took suo motu cognisance to media re- ports highlighting the allegedrapeof a25-year- old woman from Uttar Pradesh on a moving bus by one of its drivers. NCW chief Rekha Sharma in a letter to DGP, UP, HC Awasthi said, “Considering the gravity of the matter, it is requested that the in- vestigation shall be done immediately and action be taken against the culprit.” “An action taken re- port be sent to the Com- mission by E-mail/ Fax,” the NCW said on the Monday incident that took place in an overnight bus travelling through Uttar Pradesh. Sharma in her letter also expressed concern over the increasing crime against women despite the enactment of stringent laws in the country. UP RAPE CASE Reliance raises over `168,818 cr,becomes ‘net debt-free’ New Delhi: Reliance Industries Limited has raised over Rs 1,68,818 crore in just 58 days through investments by global tech investors - Rs 115,693.95 crore and Rights Issue, Rs 53,124.20 crore. With these investments, RIL has become a “net debt- free” company. Expressing his gratifi- cation at this achieve- ment, RIL Chairman Mukesh Ambani stated: “Today I am both de- lighted and humbled to announce that we have fulfilled our promise to the shareholders by making Reliance net debt-free much before our original schedule of March 31, 2021. Ex- ceeding the expecta- tions of our sharehold- ers & all other stake- holders, again & yet again, is in the very DNA of Reliance. Therefore, on proud oc- casion of becoming a net debt-free company, I wish to assure them that Reliance in its Golden Decade will set even more growth goals, & achieve them, in fulfilment of vision of our Founder, Dhirub- hai Ambani, to increase our contribution to In- dia’s prosperity. SC asks Centre to ensure compliance of order to transport migrants back homeNew Delhi: The Su- preme Court asked the Centre and States to en- sure compliance of its June 9 order and trans- port all those migrant labourers wanting to go to their respective vil- lages within the stipu- lated time period given by it. A bench of the Apex Court headed by Justice Ashok Bhushan had passed the order after taking suo motu cogni- sance in the matter re- lated to the plight of migrant labourers amid the coronavirus-in- duced lockdown. The top court said that it’s June 9 order was very clear and asked the Central gov- ernment and States to ensure that all migrants reach their home with- in 15 days. The court asked the authorities concerned to ensure that no mi- grants have to pay any- thing to go back to their respective states, vil- lages, and towns. Hear- ing the matter few days before the completion of the stipulated time period, the court also asked Solicitor General Tushar Mehta to speak with all the States & UTs to comply with the order dated June 9 in the matter. SC asked Centre to en- sure that due publicity is given to orders & fixed the matter for further hearing in July. —ANI ‘8 terrorists killed in 24 hrs’ Suspended J&K DSP Davinder granted bail New Delhi: A Delhi court granted bail to suspend- ed J&K DSP Davinder Singh in connection with a terror case after Delhi police failed to file charge-sheet within the stipulated period. How- ever, Singh will remain in prison as he is also undergoing judicial cus- tody in a separate case of trying to terrorists to travel outside Jammu, which is being probed by NIA. Special Judge Dhar- mender Rana granted bail to Singh and another co-accused, Irfan Shafi Mir, asking them to furnish a personal bond of Rs 1 lakh and two sureties of the like amount each. In the bail plea moved by advocate MS Khan, both of them had cited that the chargesheet had not been filed within the requisite 90 days period, as prescribed under the law. Singh, Mir& two other accused namely Javed Iqbal & Syed Naveed Mushtaq were arrested in case related to plan- ning terror attacks in the national capital. Singh was suspended from the Jammu and Kash- mir Police in January this year, after which a special cell had brought him to Delhi from Hira Nagar Jail in Jammu. He was arrested in a case related to plan- ning to execute terror attacks in Delhi and other parts of the country. Srinagar: At least 8 ter- rorists have been killed by the security forces in the last 24 hours in Jam- mu and Kashmir in two different operations. GOC 15 Corps Lt Gen Baggavalli Somashekar Raju and Jammu and Kashmir DGP Dilbag Singh held a joint press conference over en- counters in Pampore’s Meej and Shopian’s Mu- nand area. “We have neutralised eight terrorists in two different operations in the last 24 hours. In one encounter in which we neutralised three ter- rorists who were next to the mosque. Extreme restraint was exercised by security forces to en- sure that no damage was caused to the struc- ture,” Lt Gen Raju said. He complimented the people of Kashmir and said they believe in peace. “It is their belief which is leading to these successful opera- tions and I am sure that at the end of next few months they will be able to take this process forward and ensure that normalcy is brought in,” he said. He said that around 100 terrorists were neu- tralised in the last few months. “In all these opera- tions, we had just one or two civilian casualties which mean security forces exercised ex- traordinary restraint that is because we want to reconnect with the people,” he said. He said that situation on the line of control is stable. “We will ensure that there will be no misadventure both from outside of LoC as well within it.” —ANI ORDER ON PIL ON LAWYERS RESERVED New Delhi: The Su- preme Court on Friday reserved its order on a petition seeking directions to the apex court’s secretary- general, registrar, and officers not to give preference to cases filed by influential law- yers and petitioners. A bench headed by Justice Arun Mishra reserved its judgement in the matter after hearing arguments from the petitioner and advocate Reepak Kansal. “Why you have raised this issue?” the apex court asked the lawyer Reepak Kansal, to which, he replied that his writ petition seeking one nation one ration card was not listed. Kansal said that cases of many influential and popular lawyers were listed instead. —ANI Joint press conference of GOC 15 Corps Lt Gen Baggavalli Somashekar Raju & J&K DGP Dilbag Singh in Srinagar.
  • 8. TALKING POINTAHMEDABAD | SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2020 I I I I COVID-19 poses a significant threat to developing countries, as their health systems tend to be weaker. More severe cases have also been linked to high blood pressure, diabetes and air pollution, all of which are prevalent in developing countries. Meanwhile, there are suggestions that COVID-19 could hinder the treatment of other illnesses such as TB, HIV/AIDS and chronic malaria. But developing countries generally have a lower proportion of people at high risk from COVID-19 in terms of age (>70 years). As such, economic shocks may pose a greater relative risk to their populations. The question emerges as to whether lockdowns are the best option to contain the virus in developing countries if they entail severe income losses. Estimates of the share of jobs that can be performed at home is less than 25% for many developing countries – much lower than the 40% recorded in, for example, the USA and Finland. It’s as low as 5% in countries such as Madagascar and Mozambique. Consequently, there’s also a clear need for a range of social safety-net policies. These already exist in many develop- ing countries, but their coverage and funding needs to be expanded substantially. Looking further ahead, the poverty impacts beyond 2020 are closely related to if or when an effective vaccine is developed. Even if we take the best-case scenario and a vaccine is discovered later this year, it’s uncertain how long it would take to reach the entire global population. It could take years. There is no guarantee developing countries would get access to the vaccine at a reasonable cost, or if everyone in de- veloping countries would get the vaccine for free. We could end up living in a new COVID-19 apart- heid, with the vaccinated and non-vaccinated re- siding in separate areas and working in different labour markets. This is a startling but very real possibility that no one is talking about much yet. While this might sound far off, there are already some countries – such as Chile – issuing “immunity passports”. Such passports might determine what work people can do by deter- mining where they can go. This could leave the poorest without access to earning opportuni- ties or only with lower- income opportunities if their movement is restricted. The crisis is increas- ingly looking like a long crisis. If so, it will have repercussions on global poverty for years to come. ACCORDING TO A RESEARCH, THE POVERTY IMPACT OF THE CRISIS WILL SOON BE FELT IN THREE KEY WAYS. THERE IS LIKELY TO BE MORE POVERTY. IT IS LIKELY TO BECOME MORE SEVERE. AND AS A CONSEQUENCE, THE LOCATION OF GLOBAL POVERTY WILL ALSO CHANGE A s COVID-19 slows in devel- oped coun- tries, the vi- rus’s spread is speeding up in the developing world. Three-quarters of new cases detected each day are now in develop- ing countries. And as the pandemic spreads, gov- ernments face juggling the health consequences with economic ones as this shifts to becoming an economic crisis. Our research shows that the poverty impact of the crisis will soon be felt in three key ways. There is likely to be more poverty. It is likely to be- come more severe. And as a consequence, the lo- cation of global poverty will also change. Having looked at esti- mates from a range of sources – including the Asian Development Bank, Goldman Sachs, IMF and OECD – we con- sidered three possible economic scenarios stemming from COV- ID-19, where global in- come and consumption contracted by 5%, 10% or 20%. We found that the economic shock of the worst-case scenario could result in up to 1.12 billion people worldwide living in extreme poverty – up from 727 million in 2018. This confirms our ear- lier estimates that the coronavirus could push up to 400 million people into extreme poverty, de- fined by the World Bank as living on less than US$1.90 per day – the av- erage poverty line in low- income developing coun- tries. This number rises to over 500 million if us- ing the World Bank’s higher average poverty lines for lower middle- income (US$3.20) and up- per middle-income (US$5.50) developing countries. The potential increase is driven by millions of people living just above the poverty line. These people are likely to be badly affected because many of them work in the informal sector, where there is often little in the way of social secu- rity. Such a rise in ex- treme poverty would mark the first absolute increase in the global count since 1999 – and the first since 1990 in terms of the proportion of the global population living in poverty. On the intensity of poverty, the resources needed to lift the incomes of the poor to above the poverty line could in- crease by 60%, from US$446m a day in the ab- sence of the crisis to above US$700m a day. For the existing extreme poor and those newly liv- ing in extreme poverty, their loss in income could amount to US$500m per day. In terms of where pov- erty is located, it is likely to increase dramatically in middle-income devel- oping countries in Asia, such as India, Pakistan, Indonesia and the Philip- pines. This points to the fact that much of the pre- viously poor population in these countries moved to just above the poverty line. In other words, these countries’ recent economic progress has been relatively fragile. We’ll also likely see new poverty in countries where it has remained relatively high over the last three decades, such as Tanzania, Nigeria, Ethiopia and the DRC. THE LONG CRISISHOW TO RESPOND TO POVERTY PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COULD DRIVE HALF A BILLION PEOPLE INTO POVERTY SOURCE: THE CONVERSATION CONCEPT: DIVYA HEMNANI DESIGN: ABHISHEK GUPTA
  • 9. If you believe in something then you should be a living inspiration of that belief, best not to believe than do it half-heartedly. —Jagdeesh Chandra, CEO & Editor, First India AHMEDABAD | SATURDAY, JUNE 20, I I I I 08 2NDFRONT First India Bureau Surat: Business sav- vy Gujaratis, includ- ing those from other States who have been internalised in the State, wouldn’t nor- mally go bankrupt. They have out-of-the- box ideas, almost al- ways. And Surat, which is not only the country’s diamond capital but is also a hub of synthetic textiles, leads in this. Take the case of a tex- tile market in Surat, where sarees could mask almost the entire Gujarat, which has found a scheme that gives a Covid-friendly gift item with every sa- ree you buy there. As much as 60 per cent of the synthetic textiles -- also called art-silk or artificial silk -- manufactured in India is made in Surat. The city boasts of at least 200 textile markets -- large and small -- on the Ring Road as well as smaller old city areas. Textile traders here have come up with a novel sales talk. “Buy saree, fight hard against corona”. Un- der this campaign, if a customer wants to buy a saree made in Surat, the trader offers the customer a box called ‘Corona Kavach (coro- na guard)’. After all, this is a box of sarees. They also provide masks that match your saree, sanitiz- ers, Ayurvedic infu- sion powder and ho- meopathic medicines in a box free with a saree. According to the traders, saree is the choice of every wom- an and if they carry one with that box, the awareness to fight the virus only strengthens in every household. Sarees here range in prices from Rs 500 to Rs 2,000. Saree capital gives you Covid-19 survival kit on one buy CRISIS V/S OPPORTUNITY  In a unique scheme, Surat textile traders come up with a matching Covid-19 friendly gift with the purchase if a saree Textile traders in Surat come with a scheme to woo customers. Guj’s ‘Study from Home’ scheme comes a cropper? First India Bureau Ahmedabad: Intro- duced four days after the first national lock- down was announced, the Gujarat Govern- ment’s much-touted “Study from Home” scheme has been of little use to a majority of the students. A survey carried out by civil society organi- sation Jan Vikas has found that as much as 61% of the children are unable to benefit from weekly online material because of various rea- sons. The survey among students of standard three to 10 finds that just about 13.57% chil- dren are able to “regu- larly use” the online material, which they get on social media, espe- cially WhatsApp. The surveyors con- tacted 717 parents across seven districts, Ahmedabad, Anand, Panchmahals, Chho- taudepur, Kutch, Sabar- kantha and Aravalli. It also included Ahmedabad city and the rural areas of 13 ta- lukas of these districts. The reasons why only a handful children ben- efit from this scheme are revealing. It was found that 257 parents (35.5%) did not have an- droid phones and 61 (or 13.26%) among the rest 460 parents who have them do not use the in- ternet. At least 84 par- ents (21.6%) do not get any online material and 40.49% children just do not use the material they get. More intrigu- ing, is Ahmedabad city where 62.5% of the par- ents who have android phone and do use inter- net just do not get any online material and this is worse than the rural areas -- Anand 34.54%, Panchmahals 26.31%, Chhotaudepur 24.48%, Kutch 39.06%, Sabar- kantha 13.63%, and Ara- valli 16.66%. The survey also finds that of the 717 parents, in 284 (39%) cases their children did use the online material, but it was pretty irregu- lar. In 28% of cases (79) it was used just once, in 58 cases (20.42%) it was used twice; in 44 cases (15.49%) it was used thrice; in 31 cases (10.91%) it was used four times; and only in 33 cases (11.61%) it was used five times. The survey report estimates that it is pos- sible to conclude that while there are 43.23 lakh children study- ing from standards three to eight in Guja- rat schools, “about 26.37 lakh (61%) are deprived of the ‘study from home’ scheme.” “Study from Home” scheme of Gujarat has not found much traction. —FILE PHOTO AstudybyJanVikashasfoundthatGujarat's61%kidsdon'tuseonlinematerial ONLY SOLUTION? AMA wants 54,000 Covid tests daily First India Bureau Ahmedabad: The Ahmedabad Medical Association (AMA) has moved a petition in the Gujarat High Court challenging the State Government’s decision that only a doctor with an M.D. degree could pre- scribe a corona test, and demanded that at least 54,000 samples should be tested daily. A division bench of the high court compris- ing Justice R M Chhaya and Justice Ilesh Vora is hearing a suo motu on corona and related issues, along with sev- eral PILs. The AMA has moved a fresh petition on Fri- day arguing that even an M.B.B.S doctor’s pre- scription should w0rk for corona tests since M.D. level physicians are not available in all corners. The medical asso- ciation has cited the instance of Delhi where 18,000 samples are being tested eve- ryday as against the maximum average of 4,500 in Gujarat, though it has a much larger population than Delhi. The AMA has demanded that at least 54,000 samples should be tested daily in the State. The petitioner has also brought to the no- tice of the high court that though the State Government claims 19 private laboratories have been approved for testing, five are waiting for the State’s approval and even two govern- ment laboratories are waiting for approval. The association has de- manded that the State health department should also increase contact tracing and any suspected person should be identified and quarantined. Each district should have one laboratory for corona testing. The state gov- ernment, in its reply, has stated for laborato- ry approval it will de- cide within eight days. Meanwhile, the ICMR has categorically stated that its guide- lines nowhere says that only an M.D. could prescribe a Cov- id test. Wishing Sh @ RahulGandhi a happy birthday with good health and prosperity. I condemn the at- tack on Shri Morari Bapu. One may dis- agree with other’s point of view but violence has no place in our society. @ahmedpatel CHUCK CHINESE! An eatery selling Chinese stuff in Vadodara has changed its name to Sainese food stall, while another offers jalebi for free on an order of Ganthiya or Fafda if you uninstall Chinese apps such as TikTok from your smart phone. Parimal Nathwani wins RS seat from Andhra First India Bureau Ahmedabad : Two- time Rajya Sabha MP from Jharkhand since 2008, Parimal Nathwani, who is also a Senior Group Presi- dent of Reliance In- dustries, has been elected to the Rajya Sabha from Andhra Pradesh as a YSR Con- gress Party candidate. Elated by his victory, Nathwani said, “I thank our dynamic and very popularleaderYSJagan Mohan Reddy, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, and YSR Con- gress Party for giving me the opportunity to serve the people of this state.”“It has been a year since he became CM of AP and he has fulfilled nearly 90% of the promises made by him and will do a lot more for the overall de- velopment of the state,” Nathwani said. The newly elected MP said, “I am fully committed to serving the people of Andhra Pradesh and will work along with the CM and his team. I will bring to the table my extensive experience gained during my 12 years as RS MP of Jharkhand and sev- eral decades of expe- rience at Reliance In- dustries.” Nathwani, who works closely with RIL Chair- man & MD Mukesh Am- bani,considersReliance patriarch Dhirubhai Ambani as his mentor and role model. Reliance Industries Senior Group President Parimal Nathwani thanks AP CM Jagan Mohan Reddy on his election to Rajya Sabha. Guj to release Narmada waters in 10 rivers First India Bureau Gandhinagar: The Gu- jarat Government on Friday announced re- lease of Narmada water in as many as 10 rivers. The rivers to get richer with Narmada waters are, Heran, Dev, Karad, Kun, Vatrak, Meshwo, Sa- barmati, Rupen, Push- pavati and Banas. The flow of water from the Narmada main canal has been in- creased from 11,000 to 13.000 cusecs to feed these rivers. At present 1086 cusec water is being released for eight of these rivers, while water will be re- leased soon in Meshwo and Panchavati rivers. This has been made possible because of release of water from upstream areas of the neighboring state of Madhya Pradesh where 83 hydro power units are in operation. An official press re- lease said Narmada dam level as on Friday was 126.77 meter with live storage of 2481.60 million cubic meter. Dry rivers will be recharged and wells will be richer, thanks to release of Narmada waters. In Delhi, 18,000 samples are being tested everyday as against the max- imum average of 4,500 in Gujarat. —Ahmedabad Medical Association
  • 10. AHMEDABAD, SATURDAY JUNE 20, 2020 I I I 09 rends come and go and come back again. Recy- cling is the word for the fashion industry and I don’t mean that in an or- ganic world-saving way. To name a few recycla- bles, Cargos, animal prints, oversizedsuitsandof course, flaredpants.Themustard yellow and the olive green, have made quite a few comebacks but thankfully not this year. Though the colour in vogue since 2019 fall is a rather eclectic mix of bubble gum and hot pink, you can experi- ment as you like with this sweetest of colours. In fashion trends tend to come and go quicker than the weather changes. And while the colour pink underwent a huge revival a few seasons ago now, much to our delight, the uplifting shade isn’t going anywhere any time soon. From dusky delicate, rose hues to show-stopping electric pinks, the fun and joyful shade is defi- nitely one of the colours to be seen in this season. City first brings you a few tips on how to wear pink. Well, go all out! Wear it from head to toe, team it up with con- trast footwear and shades and blush it on your cheekbones to stop the traffic. Pink has been associated with the ultra-feminine look but if John Dwayne can sport a pink coat (and get away with it) you can also team up your all-pink ensemble with combat boots or sneakers. Accessories are the finishing touch on any look and adding a statement handbag and jewellery is another way to give your head-to-toe pink ensemble a point of difference. Though wearing pink and red together has been considered one of the biggest fashion bloom- ers but now in the world of high fashion and street style, this old fashion rule has well and truly been forgotten. The traditional merging of green and blue with pink is an all-time favourite and always looks good. Howsoever you might go in for pink in your look, remember it’s incomplete without painting your lips and nails to match! NEHAL NAYAR PUNCH IT WITH PINKPINKRejoice! Pink is the colour of the season and we no longer need to defend our love for this colour as being stereotypical T
  • 11. YOUR DAYHoroscope by Saurabbh Sachdeva LEO JULY 24 - AUGUST 23 Today’s astral energy could mean you have quite an interesting day as far as love and romance is concerned. You could change your mind about one particular person several times in the space of a few hours. In fact, you may be trying to decide between two different people. LIBRA SEPT 24 - OCTOBER 22 Today’s planetary energy could prove a surprise. Your latest relationship may take a strange and bizarre twist, which you would not have been able to anticipate in anyway whatsoever. If you have been feeling down at heart, this could be the release you have been seeking! ARIES MAR 21 - APR 20 The current astral energy may disrupt some of your best-laid plans,If you had been determined to follow one set course in a particular relationship, and this isn’t in your best interests, then the events that occur could turn things around in quite a dramatic fashion. SAGITTARIUS NOV 23 - DEC 22 The current aspect means you have quite an interesting day ahead of you. If it’s possible to go out on a first date, then you may find the chemistry between you almost irresistible. This could create a dilemma, as you really do not like to rush anything, least of all intimacy. GEMINI MAY 21 - JUNE 21 Today has romantic aspects to it so you should enjoy the day with your partner. Disputes will melt away in a mutual state of appreciation,as long as you don’t allow pride to spoil your relationship. Use these favourable days to give love and get love in return. AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 19 The current astral environment may startle you into realizing that life is too short to hold your feelings back any longer. the only problem being that if you attempt to tell them how you feel today, it could all come out sounding rather strange, and you may not believe what you are saying. TAURUS APR 21 - MAY 20 You may think that the events of today will unfold pretty much the same as normal, but you would be wrong. The current planetary alignment could indicate that a disruption may actually be a blessing in disguise, although you probably won’t see it in that way. CAPRICORN DEC 23 - JAN 20 Partners are decidedly unpredictable today. Whatever you’re able to get out and do, you could find that your plans get shifted and changed about, if you have decided to do something together. Don’t worry too much; it is the nature of the energy in the atmosphere. VIRGO AUG 24 - SEP 23 Things are certainly different, and if you had imagined that the day was going to be much like any other in terms of your love life, then you will have to think again. Current planetary energies mean that anything could happen. However, you will also have fun! CANCER JUNE 22 - JULY 23 You thrive on anything that is unexpected.So, the current aspect at play may actually do you quite a few favors. If you are able to attend a small party expect to be wooed by someone who is a far cry from the kind of person whom you are normally attracted to. PISCES FEB20 - MARCH 20 If you are attempting to arrange a future social occasion, the current planetary energy may introduce a very unusual and unexpected element into the equation. Don’t let it worry you - there is a creative element at work, go with the flow for now. SCORPIO OCT 23 - NOVEMBER 22 Your feelings may seem to be all over the place, one minute you could find yourself very much in love, and the next minute irritated You could find this fluctuation in your emotions going on for most of the day, so don’t make any important relationship decisions. Wait! rom the grim real- ity of dead-end jobs to the horrors of dating, the clas- sic comedy still hits the mark. As Monica Gel- lar once said to Rachel Green: “Welcome to the real world! It sucks – you’re go- ing to love it.” Could Friends be a more realistic depiction of twen- ty-something life? From the second Monica ushered Ra- chel into the world of pov- erty, dead-end jobs, and quarter-life crises, the se- ries became a beacon for flailing twenty-somethings everywhere. And 20 years after its 1994 debut, it still holds up. New Girl or Girls, for example, which cover the same demographic, de- liver great jokes and are fantastic shows, but they’re not a patch on Friends, which hits on aspects of mid-20s life that have uni- versal appeal. Take Rachel’s fall from privileged daddy’s girl to Central Perk waitress. The job was terrible and she didn’t have the option of bailing to “focus on blog- ging”. Comparatively, Chandler, Monica, and Ross, had jobs which paid well enough to sustain not only their modest lifestyles, but made up for their less- than-financially stable roommates – which became a point of contention in the season-two episode, The One With Five Steaks and an Eggplant. However, instead of an overly dramatic blowout (see Marnie and Hannah’s fight in the first season of Girls), the group quarreled briefly – like most humans would – then reunited as soon as Monica got fired at the episode’s end, when she found herself in the same lower income bracket that Rachel, Joey, and Phoebe had been trying to enlight- en everyone about. In fact, the constant job changeover in Friends em- bodies the career quest of many people in their mid- to-late 20s. Throughout the series, only Joey’s acting career remained consistent (which rings true for any- one pursuing work in the arts), while the remaining five saw ups (Rachel tackles the fashion industry), downs (Chandler gets laid off and ends up in Kansas), and career changes. Even Ross – who was older and had a PhD – left the muse- um to teach. Meanwhile, the series’ approach to dating either served to entertain for one episode, or provided a sea- son-long arc (one which usually ended in heart- break, such as Monica and Richard, or Rachel and Ross). But regardless of each relationship’s length, the characters still changed and grew: in season one’s The One With the Blackout, Joey perpetuates “the friend zone” myth as he en- courages Ross to date Ra- chel, only to wrestle with the consequences when he develops feelings for Rachel in seasons eight and nine. So 20 years after it first appeared on TV, Friends is still the quintessential show about being twenty- something. It may lack smart phones and drug- fuelled clubbing, but per- haps that’s why it holds up. It tells a familiar story, one of working hard, attempt- ing success, and trying to scrape enough together to eat dinner with people we actually like. 10 ETCAHMEDABAD | SATURDAY, JUNE 20, I I I I FACEOFTHEDAY MEDINI PATERIA, Model THE BEST SHOW EVER!F Source:
  • 12. T elevision personality Rachel Lindsay during an online late- night talk show explained her reaction to why she didn’t com- pletely praise ABC’s casting of Matt James as the first black ‘Bachelor.’ Though happy for Matt James, the ‘Bachelorette’ alum quite did not find the timing of casting appropriate by the show makers. Lindsay, who openly criticised the franchise for its lack of diversity in casting, joined Andy Co- hen on his ‘Watch What Happens Live’ show on Wednesday night and ad- dressed her feeling about the deci- sion. When asked for her reaction to the casting news, she said: “I’m excited that there’s a Black Bachelor... but I hated the timing of it because it does seem like a reaction to what is happening in our country.” “Did a man have to die in such a public way on a national stage for you to say now is the time for us to have a Black Bachelor?” The Hollywood Reporter quoted Lind- say as saying. She continued to explain that the sudden casting seems to be “taking away from this moment.” She also said she wished the network waited to announce James, who should be recog- nized as the “right man cho- sen” rather than one chosen “just for this time.” —ANI Explains her reaction A fter the recent sudden demise of Sushant Sin- gh Rajput, actor Kan- gana Ranaut who went public slamming nepotism in the Hindi film industry, has now revealed that she faced similar struggles like that of Sushant. In a new statement, the “Queen” actor alleged that she was asked to apologise to Hrithik Roshan’s family in or- der to survive. Both Kangana and Hrithik had been in the public spotlight in the year 2016 over their alleged former relationship and legal battle. The ‘Queen’ actor said: “Once Javed Akhtar had called me to his house and told me that Rakesh Roshan and his family are very big people. If you don’t apologise to them, you will have nowhere to go. They will put you in jail, and eventu- ally, the only path would be that of will commit suicide. These were his words. Why did he think if I don’t apologise to you will have nowhere to go. She further continued, “Were there people calling Sushant? Were there people putting such thoughts into his mind? I have no idea, but obviously, he was in a sim- ilar situation. —ANI C elebrations are in order for American actor Raven-Sy- mone as she is officially a married woman. According to Fox News, the 34-year-old actor revealed on June 18 that she got married to Miranda Maday in an intimate backyard ceremony. The ‘That’s So Raven’ star wrote alongside a picture on Instagram of her and her now-wife hugging each other, “I got married to a woman who understands me from trigger to joy, from breakfast to midnight snack, from stage to home. I love you Mrs. Pearman-Maday!” —ANI I I I I AHMEDABAD | SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2020 11 RECALLING THE CONVERSATIONhraddha Kapoor said, “He was tru- ly, one of a kind,” while sharing her memories of the late actor and her ‘Chhichhore’ co- star Sushant Singh Rajput on Instagram. The demise of the ‘Kai Po Che’ actor has sent shock waves among celebrities and neti- zens alike, with many tak- ing to the social media plat- forms to recall the times spent with Rajput. Kapoor penned a heartfelt note re- membering the person Ra- jput was, as she said some- one who is “full of humility, intelligence, curiosity about life, seeing beauty in everything, everywhere! He danced to his own tune!” “Been trying to accept what has happened and coming to terms with it is very difficult. There is a huge void... Sushant...! Dearest Sush...!” her cap- tion read. “Apart from being a won- derful co-actor who put his heart and soul into his work, he was at his core, an amazing person. He cared for people and wanted to see them happy. His kind smile, the conversations we had at shoot about the Cos- mos, different philoso- phies, the moments we spent together, were filled with magical wonder- ment!” she wrote. Recalling her visit to his home with the whole movie gang, Shraddha added: “During a lovely musical and poetry filled get togeth- er at his home (he loved music and poetry), he showed me the moon from his telescope and I was so speechless that I could see it’s exquisite beauty up close!! He wanted to share that feeling! —ANI S P hoto-sharing application Instagram ‘memo- rialised’ the account of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, who was found dead in his Mumbai residence recently. “Remembering Sushant Singh Rajput. This ac- count has been memorialised. Memorialised accounts are a place to remem- ber and celebrate someone’s life after they’ve passed away,” read the descrip- tion on his ac- count. Once Insta- gram memorial- ises an account, nobody is al- lowed to log in to the account and the term ‘re- membering’ gets added next to the name of the de- ceased person in the profile. According to Instagram, posts shared by the deceased person cannot be modified once it gets memorialised and the posts remain visible to the audience that it was originally shared with. Rajput allegedly committed suicide on June 14 by hanging himself, Mumbai Police said. Investi- gations in the untimely demise of the Bollywood actor is currently underway. —ANI Memorialised ID KANGANA WAS THREATENED MARRIAGE IN A BACKYARD CEREMONY Shraddha Kapoor ... her post Late Sushant Singh Rajput Kangana Ranaut Raven Symone and Miranda Maday Rachel Lindsay
  • 13. 12 CITY BUZZAHMEDABAD | SATURDAY, JUNE 20, I I I I HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wishing Rahul Gandhi on his 50th birthday, Vaibhav Gehlot tweeted, “Warm wishes to Shri @Rahul- Gandhi Ji on his birthday. May God bless you with good health, happiness and long life. #Happy- BirthdayRahulGandhiJi” Robert Vadra, Rahul Gandhi’s brother-in-law and childhood friend tweeted, “Happy 50th Rahul! From being friends in our teens to being a brother-in-law, we have come a long way!! I wished well for you then; I wish well for you now! My support is always with you. May the decade be yours! Lots of love always bro.” SOLAR ECLIPSE Do’s & Don’ts SURBHI GUPTA CITY FIRST, RAJASTHAN N ikhil Sawhney, Chairman, CII NorthernRegion, during a virtual press conference shared the agenda and focus ar- eas of CII in the North- ern Region for the year 2020-21. He highlighted that CII through its ex- tensive network of State and Zonal Offices and 9 Centres of Excellence (COEs) across the country has worked very extensively with stakeholders to combat the im- pact of Covid-19 on economy & country at large. “Our interventions on the ground range from policy advocacy, support services for businesses, and information services to providing real-time updates on policy an- nouncements and work- ing with the Central & State Governments by providing inputs on the next steps to tide over the health emergen- cy,” he said. The Chairman un- veiled the theme of CII Northern Region for 2020-21 as Building India for a New World: Lives, Livelihood, Growth – A Collaborative North. NEW INDIA WHAT’S HAPPENING! NEW YORK: Dr. Shenika Shah, daughter of Pritam and Kavita Shah is the pride of her parents and community in USA. She is a doctor of Osteopathy and joined the US Army as a 2nd Lieutenant. In the year 2020, she graduated from medical school and was promoted to the post of captain. Her father Pritam originally belongs to Pindwara in Rajasthan while Shenika was born and brought up in New York. She studied in Herricks school and was active in extracurricular activities such as Bharatnatyam, karate and sports. GUJARAT: Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Ahmedabad will be observing International Yoga Day on 21 June, Sunday. A plantation will be continued after the yoga day celebration. RAJASTHAN: JK Lakshmipat University is all set to organize a live yoga session on 21 June, Sunday from 9 am to 10 am. The session will be organized especially for senior citizens, which is supported by Samarth Eldercare, Jaipur District Administration and NLCS Bhilwara. Vandana Jain, Senior Faculty, Art of Living, will address the session, informed Dr RL Raina, Vice-Chancellor, JK Lakshmipat University. RAJASTHAN: As a part of the ongoing ‘Online Learning – Children’s Summer Festival’ on Friday, viewers witnessed the second day of the online learning session on ‘Tabla Vadan’. It was conducted by tabla maestro, Dr Ankit Pareek. The session focused on Kaida, Taal Teental, Tihai, Tukda, and much more. GUJARAT: Jagannath Temple in Ahmedabad was beautifully lit up on Friday evening, for the upcoming 143rd Rath Yatra of Lord Jagannath Ji. RAJASTHAN: Father’s Day Virtual Run is being organised on 21 June, Sunday by the Indian Institute of Event Management Research, where runners from all over the country will run in their respective cities and participate and show their love for the father. GUJARAT: National Cadet Corps (NCC) cadet Hiral Dod of Ahmedabad prepares for International Yoga Day to be marked on June 21. he Solar Eclipse or the ‘Surya Grahan’ is tomorrow, 21 June. Itwillbeginat9:15amandstay till 3:04 pm in the afternoon. This grahan is going to be quite important for India, as 6 planets will be moving in op- posite direction, which will bring huge changes in the country and even the world, to be precise. This year the grahan is on the Mithun Rashi and it will majorly affect the people having Mithun Rashi. The grahan is going to be more on the negative side com- pared to the previous ones. 21 June is the year’s longest day and that is when this is happening, is not a good sign. On 20 June 9:16 pm the ‘sutak’ will start and the surya grahan ‘madhya’ will happen at 12:10 pm the next day. The grahan ‘kaal’ would be from 9:15am till 3:04 pm, and one should not move outside the house during this period. This grahan is bad for 8 Rashis- that are, Mithun, Vrishak, Kark, Tula, Vrishchik, Dhanu, Kumbh and Meen. It will be good for the following four rashis- Mesh, Ma- kar, Kanya and Singha. I suggest we all don’t move out during the grahan, avoid cutting hair and nails, before drinking water add Ganga jal to it, give grains to poor people and listen to Shiv Mantra during the gra- han. I pray for you all to be safe. T RAJASTHAN: Amidst the Corona pandemic, the green Rotary province has laid the foundation for the Mega Tree Plantation Drive, under which a target has been set to plant around 129 clubs and about 500 different places. District Governor Rajesh Agarwal said that about 1 lakh saplings will be planted at 500 places, along with chanting 1 lakh Namokar Mantras, to get rid of the current epidemic. Nikhil Sawhney Robert Vadra with Rahul Gandhi Vaibhav Gehlot Rahul Gandhi