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First Foods

Bonnie Y. Modugno, MS, RD, CLE #MMTF
 – Identify incidence of breastfeeding and factors
   that influence duration and exclusivity
 – Survey impact of current feeding practices
 – Compare differences between formula and
 – Identify role of pediatrician
• Complimentary Foods
  – Assess conventional food choices
  – Survey traditional first foods
  – Identify options to promote growth, metabolic
    health and well being
Babies are born
      to be breastfed

The American Academy of Pediatrics

Exclusive breastfeeding for about 6 months

Continued breastfeeding as complementary
foods are introduced

Continuation of breastfeeding for 1 year or
longer as mutually desired by mother and infant.

Medical contraindications to breastfeeding are

Infant growth should be monitored with the WHO
Growth Curve up to 2 yrs of age

                  February 27, 2012 Pediatrics Vol. 129 No. 3 March 1, 2012
Growth Charts

CDC – boys 0-36 mos          WHO – boys 0-24 mos

                      50 %
                                                   50 %
Exclusively Breastfeed Babies:
     fast growers picked up on both charts
CDC                       WHO   5
                                3                Series
                                1                2
                                0                Series

                                    Category 1
                                    Category 2
                                    Category 3
                                    Category 4
What about the fast

 • “Early growth patterns, both
   prenatally and post-
   natally, are emerging as
   important markers of later
   obesity risk, with rapid
   neonatal weight gain a clear
   risk factor for later obesity
   and metabolic syndrome.”
                     TJ Cole

Acta Paediatrica. Volume 96, Issue Supplement x454 pages 204, April 2007
BREASTFEEDING RATES TODAY        (2009 births)

  40                                                    US
  30                                                    California
  10                                                    Oregon
   0                                                    Mississipi
Breastfeeding: Incremental Gains
80                                • Breastfeeding …
                                    should be promoted as
50                                  the norm within all
30                  2008            maternal and child
20                  2009
                    2020 target     health care facilities.
Primary barriers to breastfeeding as intended

1. Inadequate support
  – Too little prenatal education
  – Inadequate support post partum
     • Access
     • Timing
     • Cost
  – Conflicting agendas in the
     hospital/clinic setting
Reality Check

• “The free samples are also
  such a boobie trap, and I
  would love to see them
  banned. With my older
  daughter, I went home with 3
  cans of powdered formula
  and a case of pre-made
Percent of breastfed infants
receiving formula before 2 days of age
20                                                               Oregon
15                                                               Mississipi
10                                                               New Hampshire
Reality Check

 • “I tried with all 3 of my kids but
   found once I ran into
   problems, I wasn't given the
   support i needed, or the
   resources, but was directed to
   just switching to formula far too
   often. I wish there was more
   support for [breastfeeding] in
   agencies, government aid, and
   medical offices.”
Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative
•19,000 hospitals internationally     About BFHI

                                      The Ten Steps
•In US, 6% of babies born in 143
BF hospitals                          Baby-Friendly Hospitals and Birth Centers

                                      Info for Hospitals and Birth Centers
•51/143 BF hospitals located in
California                            Info for Parents

                                      Info for Breastfeeding advocates / health care

                                      Why is breastfeeding important?
Common barriers to breastfeeding
2. Need to return to work
       Inadequate time to express milk
       No place to express milk
       No adequate storage

“The Business Case for Breastfeeding”         WORLD-BREASTFEEDING-WEEK--A-STEP-IN-THE-
       DHHS/ Office of Women’s Health
Primary barriers to breastfeeding as intended

3. Personal misgivings
   –   Ambivalence
   –   Fears
   –   Lack of confidence
   –   Influence of family and friends
   –   Time and energy
Reality Check

• “When I had my son the lactation consultant visit
  was a joke- it was about 5 minutes”
Reality Check

• “I tried SO. STINKIN. HARD. to breastfeed but ran
  into problems. The biggest hit, though, was the
  $30/fee to visit a lactation consultant”
AAP Efforts

• Who has utilized the curriculum?
• Who else is available to support new mothers?
   – Family/friend/neighbor/internet
   – WIC
   – Lactation educator/consultant
   – Doula/Baby nurse
Exclusively           Partially             Minimal           Non
•ELIGIBILITY                          Breastfeeding         Breastfeeding         Breastfeeding     Breastfeeding
                   Milk (gallons)       5 gal + 1 quart      4 ½ gal + 1 quart     3 gal +1 quart     3 gal + 1 quart
    185%          Cheese (pounds)             2                     2                    1                  1
                   Eggs (dozen)                2                     1                    1                  1
    Federal        Juice                       3                     3                    2                  2
    Poverty        (11.5-12 oz        (or two 64 oz shelf
                                                            (or two 64 oz shelf
                                                                                   (or one 64 oz
                                                                                    shelf stable)
                                                                                                    (or one 64 oz shelf
                   Breakfast Cereal           36                    36                  36                  36
                   Whole Grains               1                     1                    0                  0
    Lactation     (pounds)
                   Dry Beans and/or          2 lbs                  2lb             1lb or 18 oz       1lb or 18 oz
    resources      Peanut Butter       or 1lb and 18 oz      or 1lb and 18 oz
    available      Canned Fish              30 oz                    0                   0                   0
                   Fruits and                $10                    $8                  $8                  $8
                   (Cash Voucher)
If breast milk were packaged
What about formula

 • Infant formula introduced
   to the USA in the late
How does formula

“The longest-established
  mass marketed ultra-
  processed product”

           Thomas Farley, MD, MPH
           NYC Health Commissioner
           The NYC Latch On Campaign

 World Nutrition. October 2012, 3, 10, 445-455.
Infant Formula

• DHA level similar to worldwide breast milk average4,†, to support
  mental, visual and immune system development
• Clinically shown to have a bifidogenic effect similar to that of breast milk5
  in infants fed the formula between 30 and 90 days of age
• Proven to improve* respiratory health through the first 3 years of life
  when infants were fed Enfamil PREMIUM Infant through 12 months6
• Clinically proven* growth7 similar to breastfed infants through 12
  months, IQ scores and vision similar to breastfed infants up to 4 years of
  age8 and support for the immune system6
• Easy to digest 60:40 whey-to-casein ratio, patterned after mature breast
• Natural Defense Dual Prebiotics blend has 2 prebiotic ingredients-GOS
Is breast milk more than a mix of nutrients?
             Carbohydrate Source                 Glycemic
             Glucose                             99 +/- 3
             Sucrose                             60 +/-21
             Lactose                             46 +/- 2
             Fructose                            19 +/- 2
             Corn syrup (HFCS)                   57-75
             Maltose (Maltodextrin)              105 +/- 12
             Rice starch

   Foster-Powell. Am J Clin Nutr January 2002 vol. 76 no. 1 5-56
Is breast milk more than a mix of nutrients?

 •   Non fat milk
 •   Soy protein isolate
 •   Whey protein concentrate
 •   Individual amino acids
Amino Acids Comparison
(mg per 100 calories)

                         Human milk
                         Enfamil NB
             50          Enfamil PI
Amino Acids Comparison (con’t-1)
(mg per 100 calories)

            60            Human milk
            40            Enfamil NB
            20            Enfamil PI
Amino Acids Comparison (con’t-2)
(mg per 100 calories)

           150            Human milk
           100            Enfamil NB
            50            Enfamil PI
Infant Formula: Sources of Fat
                       Palm Olein
                       Soy Oil
20                     Coconut Oil
15                     High Oleic Sunflower Oil
10                     ARA/DHA Blend
Is breast milk more than a mix of nutrients?
           2                                Omega 3
           1                                Omega 6

                                 gm/13.6 gm (1 Tbsp)

    ESHA Food Processor, ©2012
• ―Fatty acid composition of milk varies with the
  fatty acid composition of a mother’s diet and
  fat stores‖
                     Melanie Martin, doctoral student
                     UCSB Department of Anthopology
Diet influences the nutrient profile of breast milk



10                                                                          Cincinnati

          Omega 6                    Omega 3                        Ω6:Ω3

     Martin, et al. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 2012; 8(3): 404
     Conversation with MJM Nutrition Resource RD 10/31/2012
Diet influences the nutrient profile of breast milk

0.8                                                                             Tsimane
0.6                                                                             Cincinnati
0.4                                                                             Enfamil

         DHA 22:6n-3                Trans fat 16:1             Trans fat 18:1

      Martin, et al. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 2012; 8(3): 404
      Conversation with MJM Nutrition Resource RD 10/31/2012
Gut Microbiome
and Obesity

                        • Humans are essentially free of bacteria
                          at birth

                        • Dietary habits are considered to be one
                          of the main factors that contribute to gut

                        • Microbial changes in the human gut are
                          one of the possible causes of obesity.
Intestinal microbiota during infancy
                                            • Factors that shape
                                                 – maternal stress
                                                 – mode of delivery
                                                 – feeding method
                                                 – introduction of solid
                                                 – antibiotic exposure
    Christoph Reinhardt, Christopher S. Reigstad, and Fredrik Ba¨ckhed. Journal
    of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 48:249–256 © 2009
Influencing gut microbiota
    Favor bacteroidetes                                   Favor firmicutes
        (leanness)                                           (obesity)
•   Maternal well being                          •   Maternal stress
•   Vaginal delivery                             •   C-section
•   Breastfeeding                                •   Formula feeding
•   Less exposure to antibiotics                 •   More refined carbohydrates
                                                 •   Greater exposure to antibiotics
                                                 •   High fat diet

    Christoph Reinhardt, Christopher S. Reigstad, and Fredrik Ba¨ckhed. Journal of
    Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 48:249–256 © 2009
How Breastfeeding may protect
against obesity

1. Breastfed babies are more accepting of a
  greater variety of foods
    – Breastfed babies taste the variety of foods the mother is
    – Mother’s diet influences the macronutrient composition
      of her milk

 WIC WORKS: Policy Briefs by the California WIC Association; & PHFE WIC, Sept 2011
How Breastfeeding may protect
against obesity

2. Breastfed babies weigh less at one year
     – Breast milk has different impact on insulin and other
       metabolic hormones than formula
         • Use of WHO growth charts compliments the lower growth profile
           for breastfed babies

WIC WORKS: Policy Briefs by the California WIC Association; & PHFE WIC, Sept 2011
How Breastfeeding may protect
against obesity

     3. Breastfed infants tend to gain less weight
        and usually are leaner than are formula-fed
        infants in the second half of infancy, likely a
        result of infant self-regulation of energy

WIC WORKS: Policy Briefs by the California WIC Association; & PHFE WIC, Sept 2011
Breast milk:
      How much is enough?

                                         • Successful, exclusively
                                           breastfeeding babies show a
                                           three-fold variation in the
                                           amount of milk they take per
                                           day, and in the frequency of
                                           breastfeeds and amount of milk
                                           consumed during each

  How Breastfeeding Works. Jacqueline C. Kent. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Volume 52,
  Issue 6, pages 564-570. November-December 2007.
WIC Children fully breastfed had
lowest rate of obesity at Age 4
                         Only Breast Milk
                         Breast Milk & Formula
                         Only Formula
           WIC Babies
Food and                             Agent
                                                              Reported Sign or Symptom in Infant or Effect on
                                                                                                                          Reference No.

Environmental      Aflatoxin
                                                           Caution if mother or infant has phenylketonuria

Agents: Effects    Bromide (photographic laboratory)
                                                           Potential absorption and bromide transfer into milk
                                                           None reported

                   Chlordane                               None reported                                                360

on Breastfeeding   Chocolate (theobromine)
                                                           Irritability or increased bowel activity if excess amounts
                                                           (≥16 oz/d) consumed by mother
                                                                                                                        169, 361

                   DDT, benzene hexachlorides, dieldrin,
                                                           None                                                         362–370
                   aldrin, epatachlorepoxide
                   Fava beans                              Hemolysis in patient with G-6-PD deficiency                  371

                   Fluorides                               None                                                         372, 373
                                                           Skin rash, diarrhea, vomiting, dark urine, neurotoxicity,
                   Hexachlorobenzene                       death
                                                                                                                        374, 375

                   Hexachlorophene                         None; possible contamination of milk from nipple washing 376

Pediatrics         Lead                                    Possible neurotoxicity                                       377–380

                   Mercury, methylmercury                  May affect neurodevelopment                                  381–383

Sept. 1, 2001      Methylmethacrylate                      None                                                         384

                   Monosodium glutamate                    None                                                         385
Vol. 108 No. 3     Polychlorinated biphenyls and           Lack of endurance, hypotonia, sullen, expressionless
                   polybrominated biphenyls                facies
776-789            Silicone                                Esophageal dysmotility                                       17–22

                   Tetrachloroethylene cleaning fluid
                                                           Obstructive jaundice, dark urine                             391
                   Vegetarian diet                         Signs of B12deficiency                                       392
Table 2. PBDEs in human milk
World region PBDE levels
(range) Year(s)

• Europe                                                    • North America
    –   Sweden 0.9-28     1996-01                                  – USA      4-419 2001-2004
    –   Finland 0.9-5.9   1994-98                                  – Canada 0.9-956 2001-2005
    –   Russia 0.5-1.7    2003-04                           • Asia
    –   Poland 0.8-8.4    2004
                                                                   – Japan 0.1-291 1999-2004
    –   Czech Rep. 0.3-1.4 2003
                                                                   – China     1.5-17 ND
    –   France 1.4-11.6    2005
                                                                   – Indonesia 0.5-13 2001-2003
    –   Italy   1.6-4.1   1998-01
    –   Germany 0.8-24.6 2001-03                            • Oceania
                                                                   – Australia 6.1-18.7 2002-2003

  ACTA BIOMED 2008; 79: 172-183
  Levels of PBDEs are in ng/g lipid. Table adapted from Costa and Giordano (2), where original references are indicated.
Temporal Trend of PBDE’s in Swedish Breast Milk

  2                                                    PBE-47
1.5                                                    Sum of PBDE congeners

2003 IUPAC, Pure and Applied Chemistry 75, 2039-2046
First Foods: Introducing solids

   The American Academy of Pediatrics reaffirms its recommendation of
   exclusive breastfeeding for about 6 months, followed by continued
   breastfeeding as complementary foods are introduced, with
   continuation of breastfeeding for 1 year or longer as mutually desired
   by mother and infant.

                              Pediatrics Vol. 129 No. 3 March 1, 2012
                              pp. e827 -e841
Which complementary foods first?

               • Solid foods or supplemental foods
                 were not routinely offered to babies
                 less than one year of age before
The role of allergens:
• Some have advised not introducing dairy
  products, eggs, wheat, nuts, and fish before the end of the first year of
  life, and then introducing only a limited number of foods with a low
  allergenicity, However, there are no well-designed studies to
  demonstrate the benefit of such advice.
  Pediatrics Vol. 106 No. Supplement 4 November 1, 2000 pp. 1285

• Controlled studies demonstrating that restrictive diets after 6 months of
  age have an allergy-preventing effect have not been published (Halken
  and Host, 2001), and for this reason no such restrictions were advised by
  an international group of experts (WHO/IAACI, 2000).
Arguments for
commercial baby food

 Standard formulation
 Lack of additives

 “There is no nutritional difference
 between commercial and
 homemade baby food”
                     Yeung, et al
                     HJ Heinz Co.

 CMA Journal/January 15, 1982. Vol 126 pg 113
Foods to Add                           How Much to Feed
 •Birth to 4 months             Breast milk or iron-fortified infant   Feed on demand as long as
                                formula                                baby choose

 •4 to 6 months                 Baby cereal—rice first, then           1–2 tablespoons
                                oatmeal or barley

 •6 to 8 months                 •Vegetables— cooked, strained,         •2–3 tablespoons
                                pureed, or mashed
                                •Fruits—strained or mashed
                                •Fruit juice—using a small cup         •2–3 tablespoons
                                •Meats—cooked and strained or
                                chopped                                •3 ounces
                                •Dry beans—cooked and
                                mashed                                 •1-2 tablespoons

                                                                       •1–2 tablespoons

© 2009 Ohio State Univ Extension Updated by Julie Shertzer, Program Specialist, Human Nutrition,
July 2008. Original author: Lisa Pescara, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences.
Percentage of children consuming infant cereals

Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study (FITS)         2002        2008.
ADAJ 2010
Infant Cereal

Nutrition Facts
Serv. Size 1/4 cup (16g)   Servings Per Container 14
Amount Per Serving

  Calories                          60                 • Ingredients
                                                        RICE FLOUR, TRI- AND DICALCIUM
  Total Fat:                          0.5g              PHOSPHATE, SOYBEAN OIL, SOY
  Trans Fat:                          0g                LECITHIN, MIXED TOCOPHEROLS (TO
  Sodium:                             0mg               FRESHNESS), ELECTROLYTIC
  Potassium:                        15mg                IRON, ZINC SULFATE, ALPHA
                                                        TOCOPHERYL ACETATE (VITAMIN E)
  Total Carbohydrates:               13g                NIACINAMIDE (A B
  Dietary Fiber:                       0g               VITAMIN), PYRIDOXINE
                                                        HYDROCHLORIDE (VITAMIN
  Sugar:                               1g               B6), RIBOFLAVIN (VITAMIN
  Protein:                             1g               B2), THIAMIN MONONITRATE (VITAMIN
                                                        B1), FOLIC ACID (A B
                                                        VITAMIN), VITAMIN B12
Are starch fillers used in baby food?

Starches are easily digested carbohydrates, which
may be present in baby foods in the form of flour
(corn, wheat, rice), tapioca or rice

…starches provide an important source of calories for
growing infants. Food starches also help to moderate
flavor and control texture.

…The Food and Drug Administration has determined
that food starches are safe and suitable for use in
baby foods
David Ludwig, director of the
                                 Optimal Weight for Life program
                                 at Children's Hospital
                                 Boston, says "there's no
Dr Alan Greene’s Campaign to     scientific basis for this
Eliminate Rice Flour Cereal
                                 recommendation. That's a myth.―
                                 Liz Szabo,
                                 USA TODAY
Survey of Pediatricians
• What do you recommend for baby’s first food?

                                                                                White Rice
                                                                                Whole Grain
                                                                                A vegetable
   % of respondents
                                                                                A fruit
                                                                                Egg Yolk

                         0          10           20          30          40

   Medscape Pediatrics Commentary: Starting Solid Foods: Are We Doing It Right? July 6, 2011/ 2012
Percentage of children consuming complimentary foods by age

Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study (FITS), ADAJ 2010
Considering first foods
              Infant food                GI   GL
              Rice cereal (US)           95 6
              Sweet potato (Australia)   66 17
              Oat porridge (Sweden)      55 15
              Taro (Pacific Islanders)   55 4
              Hominy (Pima Indian)       40 12
              Casava (Kenya)             46 12
              Lentils (India)            29 5
              Pinto beans (Mexico)       14 4
              Fermented Maize (Ghana)    12 7
              Hummus (Turkey)            6    0
Unconventional first foods
 Rethinking First Foods
 Pureed meat based gruels, soups
 Pureed chicken, beef, pork, lamb
 Mashed, pureed fish
 Eggs, egg yolk
 Yogurt, Greek yogurt
 Mashed, beans, lentils
 Mashed cooked vegetables
What else are babies being fed?
The impact of processing

                     1.2                       Bulger
                                               Wh Wheat
                     0.8                       ckd cereal
                     0.6                       Farina ckd
                     0.4                       cereal

                     0.2                       Infant rice
                           Fiber (gm) per 25   Infant
                                  kcal         whole
Finger foods
Considering finger foods

Towards whole foods: balance is key
Infant food         GI                               GI
Scone               92   Cooked peas                 48
Pretzels            83   Chicken nuggets (Aust)      44
Waffle              76   Pasta (al dente)            43
Vanilla wafers      77   Banana (slightly under ripe) 42
French fries        75   Apple                       40
Cheerios cereal     74   Pinto beans                 39
Graham crackers     74   Fish fingers                38
Bagel               72   Yam                         37
Oatmeal             69   Pear                        33
Arrowroot biscuit   63   Yogurt – (Aust/sweetened)   27
Consumption patterns of infants and toddlers
        consuming foods at least once a day
30                                                     6-8.9 mo
20                                                     9-11.9 mo
 0                                                     12-14.9 mo
                                                       15-17.9 mo
                                                       18-24 mo

 Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study (FITS) ADAJ 2010
Algorithm for introducing
        new foods

KEY         New             Different
       NF            NF
            Food            New Food                                    GIVE UP ?

      NF    N        NF     N           NF   N           NF     N 10 - 12x    Y   N
      Y               Y                 Y                Y
                                             GIVE UP

 Repeat            Repeat         Repeat               Repeat           Repeat
 successfully      successfully   successfully         successfully     successfully
 3-5 times         3-5 times      3-5 times            3-5 times        3-5 times
 before next       before next    before next          before next      before next
 new food          new food       new food             new food         new food

      NF               NF               NF                 NF                NF
First Foods:

Supporting better metabolic health for all babies
                                  Effective and timely
                                   support for breastfeeding
                                  Nutrition support for mom
                                   post partum
                                  Encourage first foods to be
                                   prepared from whole foods
                                  Caution parents re:
                                   commercial baby foods
                                  Encourage balance for all
                                   meals and
                                   snacks, especially for
                                   those babies w/ higher
                                   metabolic risk
First Foods
                                 Thank you

Bonnie Y. Modugno, MS, RD, CLE #MMTF
Trends in Food Consumption of Infants                                     (6-8.9 mos)

     Percentage of infants consuming at least once a day
30                                                                            2008
     Any fruit/juice   100% juice        baby fruit          real fruit
 Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study (FITS)            2002    2008.
 ADAJ 2010

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First foods

  • 1. First Foods Bonnie Y. Modugno, MS, RD, CLE #MMTF
  • 2. FIRST FOODS Goals • BREASTFEEDING – Identify incidence of breastfeeding and factors that influence duration and exclusivity – Survey impact of current feeding practices – Compare differences between formula and breastfeeding – Identify role of pediatrician
  • 3. FIRST FOODS Goals • Complimentary Foods – Assess conventional food choices – Survey traditional first foods – Identify options to promote growth, metabolic health and well being
  • 4. Babies are born to be breastfed
  • 5. Breastfeeding The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends Exclusive breastfeeding for about 6 months Continued breastfeeding as complementary foods are introduced Continuation of breastfeeding for 1 year or longer as mutually desired by mother and infant. Medical contraindications to breastfeeding are rare. Infant growth should be monitored with the WHO Growth Curve up to 2 yrs of age February 27, 2012 Pediatrics Vol. 129 No. 3 March 1, 2012
  • 6. Growth Charts CDC – boys 0-36 mos WHO – boys 0-24 mos 50 % 50 %
  • 7. Exclusively Breastfeed Babies: fast growers picked up on both charts 6 CDC WHO 5 4 3 Series 1 2 Series 1 2 0 Series Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 3
  • 8. What about the fast growers? • “Early growth patterns, both prenatally and post- natally, are emerging as important markers of later obesity risk, with rapid neonatal weight gain a clear risk factor for later obesity and metabolic syndrome.” TJ Cole Acta Paediatrica. Volume 96, Issue Supplement x454 pages 204, April 2007
  • 9. BREASTFEEDING RATES TODAY (2009 births) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 US 30 California 20 10 Oregon 0 Mississipi
  • 10. Breastfeeding: Incremental Gains 90 80 • Breastfeeding … 70 60 should be promoted as 50 the norm within all 40 30 2008 maternal and child 20 2009 10 0 2020 target health care facilities.
  • 11. Primary barriers to breastfeeding as intended 1. Inadequate support – Too little prenatal education – Inadequate support post partum • Access • Timing • Cost – Conflicting agendas in the hospital/clinic setting
  • 12. Breastfeeding: Reality Check • “The free samples are also such a boobie trap, and I would love to see them banned. With my older daughter, I went home with 3 cans of powdered formula and a case of pre-made formula.”
  • 13. Percent of breastfed infants receiving formula before 2 days of age 35 30 US 25 California 20 Oregon 15 Mississipi 10 New Hampshire Montana 5 Texas 0
  • 14. Breastfeeding: Reality Check • “I tried with all 3 of my kids but found once I ran into problems, I wasn't given the support i needed, or the resources, but was directed to just switching to formula far too often. I wish there was more support for [breastfeeding] in agencies, government aid, and medical offices.” Image:
  • 15. Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Home •19,000 hospitals internationally About BFHI The Ten Steps •In US, 6% of babies born in 143 BF hospitals Baby-Friendly Hospitals and Birth Centers Info for Hospitals and Birth Centers •51/143 BF hospitals located in California Info for Parents Info for Breastfeeding advocates / health care professionals Why is breastfeeding important?
  • 16. Common barriers to breastfeeding 2. Need to return to work  Inadequate time to express milk  No place to express milk  No adequate storage “The Business Case for Breastfeeding” WORLD-BREASTFEEDING-WEEK--A-STEP-IN-THE- RIGHT-DIRECTION?instance=main_article DHHS/ Office of Women’s Health aLawsRelatedtoBreastfeeding.aspx
  • 17. Primary barriers to breastfeeding as intended 3. Personal misgivings – Ambivalence – Fears – Lack of confidence – Influence of family and friends – Time and energy
  • 18. Breastfeeding: Reality Check • “When I had my son the lactation consultant visit was a joke- it was about 5 minutes”
  • 19. Breastfeeding: Reality Check • “I tried SO. STINKIN. HARD. to breastfeed but ran into problems. The biggest hit, though, was the $30/fee to visit a lactation consultant”
  • 20. AAP Efforts • Who has utilized the curriculum? • Who else is available to support new mothers? – Family/friend/neighbor/internet – WIC – Lactation educator/consultant – Doula/Baby nurse
  • 21. Exclusively Partially Minimal Non •ELIGIBILITY Breastfeeding Breastfeeding Breastfeeding Breastfeeding Milk (gallons) 5 gal + 1 quart 4 ½ gal + 1 quart 3 gal +1 quart 3 gal + 1 quart 185% Cheese (pounds) 2 2 1 1 Eggs (dozen) 2 1 1 1 Federal Juice 3 3 2 2 Poverty (11.5-12 oz (or two 64 oz shelf stable) (or two 64 oz shelf stable) (or one 64 oz shelf stable) (or one 64 oz shelf stable) concentrate) Level Breakfast Cereal 36 36 36 36 (ounces) Whole Grains 1 1 0 0 Lactation (pounds) Dry Beans and/or 2 lbs 2lb 1lb or 18 oz 1lb or 18 oz resources Peanut Butter or 1lb and 18 oz or 1lb and 18 oz available Canned Fish 30 oz 0 0 0 Fruits and $10 $8 $8 $8 Vegetables (Cash Voucher)
  • 22. If breast milk were packaged
  • 23. What about formula • Infant formula introduced to the USA in the late 1860’s
  • 24. How does formula compare? “The longest-established mass marketed ultra- processed product” Thomas Farley, MD, MPH NYC Health Commissioner Breastfeeding: The NYC Latch On Campaign World Nutrition. October 2012, 3, 10, 445-455.
  • 25. Infant Formula ENFAMIL • DHA level similar to worldwide breast milk average4,†, to support mental, visual and immune system development • Clinically shown to have a bifidogenic effect similar to that of breast milk5 in infants fed the formula between 30 and 90 days of age • Proven to improve* respiratory health through the first 3 years of life when infants were fed Enfamil PREMIUM Infant through 12 months6 • Clinically proven* growth7 similar to breastfed infants through 12 months, IQ scores and vision similar to breastfed infants up to 4 years of age8 and support for the immune system6 • Easy to digest 60:40 whey-to-casein ratio, patterned after mature breast milk9,‡ • Natural Defense Dual Prebiotics blend has 2 prebiotic ingredients-GOS (galactooligosaccharides)
  • 26. Is breast milk more than a mix of nutrients? Carbohydrate Carbohydrate Source Glycemic Index Glucose 99 +/- 3 Sucrose 60 +/-21 Lactose 46 +/- 2 Fructose 19 +/- 2 Corn syrup (HFCS) 57-75 Maltose (Maltodextrin) 105 +/- 12 Fructo-oligosaccharides Rice starch Foster-Powell. Am J Clin Nutr January 2002 vol. 76 no. 1 5-56
  • 27. Is breast milk more than a mix of nutrients? PROTEIN FORMULA • Non fat milk • Soy protein isolate • Whey protein concentrate • Individual amino acids
  • 28. Amino Acids Comparison (mg per 100 calories) 300 250 200 150 Human milk 100 Enfamil NB 50 Enfamil PI 0
  • 29. Amino Acids Comparison (con’t-1) (mg per 100 calories) 160 140 120 100 80 60 Human milk 40 Enfamil NB 20 Enfamil PI 0
  • 30. Amino Acids Comparison (con’t-2) (mg per 100 calories) 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 Human milk 100 Enfamil NB 50 Enfamil PI 0
  • 31. Infant Formula: Sources of Fat 50 45 40 35 Palm Olein 30 Soy Oil 25 20 Coconut Oil 15 High Oleic Sunflower Oil 10 ARA/DHA Blend 5 0 Enfamil
  • 32. Is breast milk more than a mix of nutrients? FAT 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Omega 3 1 Omega 6 0 gm/13.6 gm (1 Tbsp) ESHA Food Processor, ©2012
  • 33. • ―Fatty acid composition of milk varies with the fatty acid composition of a mother’s diet and fat stores‖ Melanie Martin, doctoral student UCSB Department of Anthopology
  • 34. Diet influences the nutrient profile of breast milk 25 20 15 Tsimane 10 Cincinnati Enfamil 5 0 Omega 6 Omega 3 Ω6:Ω3 Martin, et al. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 2012; 8(3): 404 Conversation with MJM Nutrition Resource RD 10/31/2012
  • 35. Diet influences the nutrient profile of breast milk 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 Tsimane 0.6 Cincinnati 0.4 Enfamil 0.2 0 DHA 22:6n-3 Trans fat 16:1 Trans fat 18:1 Martin, et al. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 2012; 8(3): 404 Conversation with MJM Nutrition Resource RD 10/31/2012
  • 36. Gut Microbiome and Obesity • Humans are essentially free of bacteria at birth • Dietary habits are considered to be one of the main factors that contribute to gut microbiota. • Microbial changes in the human gut are one of the possible causes of obesity.
  • 37. Intestinal microbiota during infancy • Factors that shape microbiota – maternal stress – mode of delivery – feeding method – introduction of solid foods – antibiotic exposure Christoph Reinhardt, Christopher S. Reigstad, and Fredrik Ba¨ckhed. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 48:249–256 © 2009
  • 38. Influencing gut microbiota Favor bacteroidetes Favor firmicutes (leanness) (obesity) • Maternal well being • Maternal stress • Vaginal delivery • C-section • Breastfeeding • Formula feeding • Less exposure to antibiotics • More refined carbohydrates • Greater exposure to antibiotics • High fat diet Christoph Reinhardt, Christopher S. Reigstad, and Fredrik Ba¨ckhed. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 48:249–256 © 2009
  • 39. How Breastfeeding may protect against obesity 1. Breastfed babies are more accepting of a greater variety of foods – Breastfed babies taste the variety of foods the mother is eating – Mother’s diet influences the macronutrient composition of her milk WIC WORKS: Policy Briefs by the California WIC Association; & PHFE WIC, Sept 2011
  • 40. How Breastfeeding may protect against obesity 2. Breastfed babies weigh less at one year – Breast milk has different impact on insulin and other metabolic hormones than formula • Use of WHO growth charts compliments the lower growth profile for breastfed babies WIC WORKS: Policy Briefs by the California WIC Association; & PHFE WIC, Sept 2011
  • 41. How Breastfeeding may protect against obesity 3. Breastfed infants tend to gain less weight and usually are leaner than are formula-fed infants in the second half of infancy, likely a result of infant self-regulation of energy intake WIC WORKS: Policy Briefs by the California WIC Association; & PHFE WIC, Sept 2011
  • 42. Breast milk: How much is enough? • Successful, exclusively breastfeeding babies show a three-fold variation in the amount of milk they take per day, and in the frequency of breastfeeds and amount of milk consumed during each breastfeed How Breastfeeding Works. Jacqueline C. Kent. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Volume 52, Issue 6, pages 564-570. November-December 2007.
  • 43. WIC Children fully breastfed had lowest rate of obesity at Age 4 30 25 20 Only Breast Milk 15 Breast Milk & Formula 10 Only Formula 5 0 WIC Babies
  • 44. Food and Agent Reported Sign or Symptom in Infant or Effect on Lactation Reference No. Environmental Aflatoxin Aspartame None Caution if mother or infant has phenylketonuria 354–356 357 Agents: Effects Bromide (photographic laboratory) Cadmium Potential absorption and bromide transfer into milk None reported 358 359 Chlordane None reported 360 on Breastfeeding Chocolate (theobromine) Irritability or increased bowel activity if excess amounts (≥16 oz/d) consumed by mother 169, 361 DDT, benzene hexachlorides, dieldrin, None 362–370 aldrin, epatachlorepoxide Fava beans Hemolysis in patient with G-6-PD deficiency 371 Fluorides None 372, 373 Skin rash, diarrhea, vomiting, dark urine, neurotoxicity, Hexachlorobenzene death 374, 375 Hexachlorophene None; possible contamination of milk from nipple washing 376 Pediatrics Lead Possible neurotoxicity 377–380 Mercury, methylmercury May affect neurodevelopment 381–383 Sept. 1, 2001 Methylmethacrylate None 384 Monosodium glutamate None 385 Vol. 108 No. 3 Polychlorinated biphenyls and Lack of endurance, hypotonia, sullen, expressionless 386–390 polybrominated biphenyls facies 776-789 Silicone Esophageal dysmotility 17–22 Tetrachloroethylene cleaning fluid Obstructive jaundice, dark urine 391 (perchloroethylene) Vegetarian diet Signs of B12deficiency 392
  • 45. Table 2. PBDEs in human milk World region PBDE levels (range) Year(s) • Europe • North America – Sweden 0.9-28 1996-01 – USA 4-419 2001-2004 – Finland 0.9-5.9 1994-98 – Canada 0.9-956 2001-2005 – Russia 0.5-1.7 2003-04 • Asia – Poland 0.8-8.4 2004 – Japan 0.1-291 1999-2004 – Czech Rep. 0.3-1.4 2003 – China 1.5-17 ND – France 1.4-11.6 2005 – Indonesia 0.5-13 2001-2003 – Italy 1.6-4.1 1998-01 – Germany 0.8-24.6 2001-03 • Oceania – Australia 6.1-18.7 2002-2003 ACTA BIOMED 2008; 79: 172-183 Levels of PBDEs are in ng/g lipid. Table adapted from Costa and Giordano (2), where original references are indicated.
  • 46. Temporal Trend of PBDE’s in Swedish Breast Milk 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 PBE-47 1.5 Sum of PBDE congeners 1 0.5 0 2003 IUPAC, Pure and Applied Chemistry 75, 2039-2046
  • 47. First Foods: Introducing solids The American Academy of Pediatrics reaffirms its recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding for about 6 months, followed by continued breastfeeding as complementary foods are introduced, with continuation of breastfeeding for 1 year or longer as mutually desired by mother and infant. Pediatrics Vol. 129 No. 3 March 1, 2012 pp. e827 -e841
  • 48. Which complementary foods first? • Solid foods or supplemental foods were not routinely offered to babies less than one year of age before 1920.
  • 49. The role of allergens: • Some have advised not introducing dairy products, eggs, wheat, nuts, and fish before the end of the first year of life, and then introducing only a limited number of foods with a low allergenicity, However, there are no well-designed studies to demonstrate the benefit of such advice. Pediatrics Vol. 106 No. Supplement 4 November 1, 2000 pp. 1285 • Controlled studies demonstrating that restrictive diets after 6 months of age have an allergy-preventing effect have not been published (Halken and Host, 2001), and for this reason no such restrictions were advised by an international group of experts (WHO/IAACI, 2000).
  • 50. Arguments for commercial baby food Standard formulation Sterility Lack of additives “There is no nutritional difference between commercial and homemade baby food” Yeung, et al HJ Heinz Co. CMA Journal/January 15, 1982. Vol 126 pg 113
  • 51. Foods to Add How Much to Feed •Birth to 4 months Breast milk or iron-fortified infant Feed on demand as long as formula baby choose •4 to 6 months Baby cereal—rice first, then 1–2 tablespoons oatmeal or barley •6 to 8 months •Vegetables— cooked, strained, •2–3 tablespoons pureed, or mashed •Fruits—strained or mashed •Fruit juice—using a small cup •2–3 tablespoons •Meats—cooked and strained or chopped •3 ounces •Dry beans—cooked and mashed •1-2 tablespoons •1–2 tablespoons © 2009 Ohio State Univ Extension Updated by Julie Shertzer, Program Specialist, Human Nutrition, July 2008. Original author: Lisa Pescara, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences.
  • 52. Percentage of children consuming infant cereals Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study (FITS) 2002 2008. ADAJ 2010
  • 53. Infant Cereal Nutrition Facts Serv. Size 1/4 cup (16g) Servings Per Container 14 Amount Per Serving Calories 60 • Ingredients RICE FLOUR, TRI- AND DICALCIUM Total Fat: 0.5g PHOSPHATE, SOYBEAN OIL, SOY Trans Fat: 0g LECITHIN, MIXED TOCOPHEROLS (TO PRESERVE Sodium: 0mg FRESHNESS), ELECTROLYTIC Potassium: 15mg IRON, ZINC SULFATE, ALPHA TOCOPHERYL ACETATE (VITAMIN E) Total Carbohydrates: 13g NIACINAMIDE (A B Dietary Fiber: 0g VITAMIN), PYRIDOXINE HYDROCHLORIDE (VITAMIN Sugar: 1g B6), RIBOFLAVIN (VITAMIN Protein: 1g B2), THIAMIN MONONITRATE (VITAMIN B1), FOLIC ACID (A B VITAMIN), VITAMIN B12 (CYANOCOBALAMIN)
  • 54. Are starch fillers used in baby food? Starches are easily digested carbohydrates, which may be present in baby foods in the form of flour (corn, wheat, rice), tapioca or rice …starches provide an important source of calories for growing infants. Food starches also help to moderate flavor and control texture. …The Food and Drug Administration has determined that food starches are safe and suitable for use in baby foods
  • 55. David Ludwig, director of the Optimal Weight for Life program at Children's Hospital Boston, says "there's no Dr Alan Greene’s Campaign to scientific basis for this Eliminate Rice Flour Cereal recommendation. That's a myth.― Liz Szabo, USA TODAY 11/30/2010
  • 56. Survey of Pediatricians • What do you recommend for baby’s first food? White Rice Whole Grain A vegetable % of respondents A fruit Egg Yolk Meat Other 0 10 20 30 40 Medscape Pediatrics Commentary: Starting Solid Foods: Are We Doing It Right? July 6, 2011/ 2012
  • 57. Percentage of children consuming complimentary foods by age Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study (FITS), ADAJ 2010
  • 58. Considering first foods Infant food GI GL Rice cereal (US) 95 6 Sweet potato (Australia) 66 17 Oat porridge (Sweden) 55 15 Taro (Pacific Islanders) 55 4 Hominy (Pima Indian) 40 12 Casava (Kenya) 46 12 Lentils (India) 29 5 Pinto beans (Mexico) 14 4 Fermented Maize (Ghana) 12 7 Hummus (Turkey) 6 0
  • 59. Unconventional first foods Rethinking First Foods Avocado Pureed meat based gruels, soups Pureed chicken, beef, pork, lamb Mashed, pureed fish Eggs, egg yolk Yogurt, Greek yogurt Tofu Mashed, beans, lentils Mashed cooked vegetables
  • 60. What else are babies being fed?
  • 61. The impact of processing 1.2 Bulger wheat 1 Wh Wheat 0.8 ckd cereal 0.6 Farina ckd 0.4 cereal 0.2 Infant rice cereal 0 Fiber (gm) per 25 Infant kcal whole wheat
  • 63. Considering finger foods Towards whole foods: balance is key Infant food GI GI Scone 92 Cooked peas 48 Pretzels 83 Chicken nuggets (Aust) 44 Waffle 76 Pasta (al dente) 43 Vanilla wafers 77 Banana (slightly under ripe) 42 French fries 75 Apple 40 Cheerios cereal 74 Pinto beans 39 Graham crackers 74 Fish fingers 38 Bagel 72 Yam 37 Oatmeal 69 Pear 33 Arrowroot biscuit 63 Yogurt – (Aust/sweetened) 27
  • 64. Consumption patterns of infants and toddlers consuming foods at least once a day 70 60 50 40 30 6-8.9 mo 20 9-11.9 mo 10 0 12-14.9 mo 15-17.9 mo 18-24 mo Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study (FITS) ADAJ 2010
  • 65. Algorithm for introducing new foods KEY New Different NF NF Food New Food GIVE UP ? NF N NF N NF N NF N 10 - 12x Y N Y Y Y Y GIVE UP Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat successfully successfully successfully successfully successfully 3-5 times 3-5 times 3-5 times 3-5 times 3-5 times before next before next before next before next before next new food new food new food new food new food NF NF NF NF NF
  • 66. First Foods: Supporting better metabolic health for all babies  Effective and timely support for breastfeeding  Nutrition support for mom post partum  Encourage first foods to be prepared from whole foods  Caution parents re: commercial baby foods  Encourage balance for all meals and snacks, especially for those babies w/ higher metabolic risk
  • 67. First Foods Thank you Bonnie Y. Modugno, MS, RD, CLE #MMTF
  • 68. Trends in Food Consumption of Infants (6-8.9 mos) Percentage of infants consuming at least once a day 90 80 70 60 50 2002 40 30 2008 20 10 0 Any fruit/juice 100% juice baby fruit real fruit Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study (FITS) 2002 2008. ADAJ 2010

Editor's Notes

  2. What if ?Babies consume more caloriesMoms more likely to be concerned they need to supplementConventional infant formulas/baby food may contribute to the problem
  3. Only 1/5 women who intend to breastfeed are still breastfeeding at 12 months post partumI wrote a guest blog re: the breastfeeding/bottlefeeding controversy in NYC’s Latch On Campaign August 2012I want to share with you a couple of the comments.
  4. Over 1/3 of all BF hospitals in US are in California
  5. So where can mothers get help?
  6. So where can mothers get help?
  7. Lactation rooms or cubbies at all WIC CentersBreastfeeding group education for participantsBreastfeeding individual education for participantsBreastfeeding support groupsElectric breast pump loan programBreastfeeding HelplineBreastfeeding Peer Counselor Program
  8. Reductionist approach may be part of the problem
  9. Most common concern noted is higher protein content that breastmilk
  10. But breast milk is not a homogeneous product
  11. Tsimane women eat wild game, fresh water fish and native cultivars of vegetables and grain
  12. Martin queries if formula should reflect the fatty acid profile of breast milk from the indigenous women rather than that of women who are eating a Western diet
  13. The authors propose…
  14. California WIC has prepared several materials addressing a potential link between breastfeeding and protection against obesityA variety of flavors and nutrient compositionBoth the flavor and macronutrient content of breast milk is variable
  15. Differences in hormonal responses to breast milk
  16. Impact on self regulation
  17. Can you imagine formula instructions with a three fold variation ?
  18. > 20% lower incidence of obesity at age four
  19. “The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that chemical management policy in the United States be revised to protect children and pregnant women and to better protect other populations.”
  20. CHAMACOS studies have also revealed links between flame retardant concentrations in mothers’ blood and decreased fertility, lower birthweight babies and changes in thyroid hormone levels, even after controlling for exposure to pesticides and other environmental chemicals. And findings from other smaller studies have linked deficits in physical and mental development in young children to prenatal exposure to PBDEs.  UC Berkeley Press Release
  21. PolybrominatedDiphenyl Ethers (PDEsB)
  22. So now it’s time to introduce solids
  23. Rice is recommended to minimize risk of allergic responseBut there are no good studies to show this is beneficial
  24. Many publications continue to reinforce these conventional practices
  25. So most babies eat infant cereals
  26. The first ingredient is rice flour
  27. Refined starches are used regularly and vigorously defended as safe for use in baby foods
  28. Until very recently. In 2011 Dr. Green initiated his White Out CampaignDesigned to eliminate use of refined cereals in an infants diet.Not without controversy
  29. Over 50% of physicians recommend infant cereal as a first food
  30. The Feeding Infants and Toddler Study is a survey of current feeding trends. This is the 2008 data.+ longer duration of breastfeeding+ a delay in the introduction of complementary foods - low intakes of overall fruits and vegetables for all ages - low intake of iron-rich foods for 9- to 11.9-month-olds - use of cow's milk before age 1 year and the use of reduced-fat milks during the second year of life
  31. Caregivers can moderate color, temperature, texture, and cultivate familiar flavors as baby is developmentally ready
  32. It’s almost as if there are two different food supplies, and not as simple as organic vs. conventionalThe bigger difference seems to be whole foods vs. highly processed refined foods—even if they are organic
  33. Greater processing typically leads to --reduction in total fiber content-- compromises the integrity of the grain
  34. Sweetened cereals 6-9 mo 14% 9-12 mo 19%12-15 mo 31%15-18 mo 45 %18-24 mo 35%
  35. We know infants and toddlers are not eating enough whole foodsThis is an algorithm that outlines an approach to introducing new foodsNew foods can take up to 12-16 exposures before they are acceptedHow many parents try 1, 2, 3 times and give up?They can be especially resistant to eating vegetables and proteinSome kids are picky eaters--mostly a sensory issue --deserves appropriate attention
  36. The goal is to cultivate a palate that allows an adequate intake of --whole foods--good enough balance
  37. The direction I would like to see it go