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the first 18 months
     January 2011 – June 2012
director’s letter
The last 18 months has been an exciting time for Portland State University’s first ever intern-run advertising agency. After securing external
funding, FIR was quickly staffed in less than a month. The first intern class consisted of merely five PSU students. This founding class was faced
with the initial challenge of serving FIR’s first client, the Vikings Football Program, without office equipment, or even an office. In fact, during this
time, FIR was not even called FIR. While conducting research and developing strategy for the Vikings, the interns worked closely with me to brand
the agency and begin raising awareness of the new internship experience to prospective interns.

The founding interns worked diligently for five and half months on the task of building excitement surrounding the Vikings in a town with many
entertainment options and many new transplants already holding loyalties to teams outside of Portland and beyond. Developing a comprehensive
communications approach, the team worked closely with the PSU Athletics Office in the creation of FIR’s first approved project, the “Unleash
Your Inner Viking” campaign. The team pitched the idea to several potential donors around town and received consistently positive feedback for
their due diligence and creative ideas on message delivery.

That summer, a new set of interns worked on producing the first team’s concepts. The result was FIR’s first produced TV spot and its first online
animated banners. It was a great experience for the interns; few opportunities exist for undergraduate students to direct commercial shoots and
see their work on such networks as ESPN and TNT.

Since these initial months of FIR’s existence, the agency’s roster has grown and so has its staff and its facilities. FIR produced work for six
businesses in addition to the Vikings last year, delivering projects as varied as the industries within which the different clients operate. From
search advertising management to event planning to market analysis and production of point-of-sale materials, FIR interns took on many

Thirty-two different PSU students have interned for FIR so far. Feedback from past interns has been overwhelmingly positive. Students have been
given the opportunity to be held to a higher standard and greater level of accountability than is typical in the classroom and they have benefited
from it. Being more prepared in job interviews and better equipped to start their first entry-level positions, past interns are now being hired
across town. HR staff from various agencies and marketing departments are calling on FIR as a credible reference for job placements.
It seems that FIR is starting to get noticed by the right people. Makes sense, too, considering how hard the interns have worked on promoting the
FIR name through the creation of a Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram accounts, a constantly evolving website, and outreach to advertising
agencies across Portland.

One of the most significant contributors to FIR’s success has been the availability of new office space in the University Center Building. By
offering a large area for interns to work and share ideas, this space has created a more effective work environment – interns feel like they are
in a legitimate place to prove themselves, challenge each other, and produce better work than they thought possible.

But none of this would matter without the generous support of Tim and Mary Boyle. Through their funding, interns have been provided the
technical equipment and resources necessary to thrive in the advertising and marketing industries. This equipment allows interns to learn
through hands-on interaction with the tools they will some day find vital to career stability and advancement.

FIR is first and foremost an education provider. But education comes not at the expense of effective client service. Rather, its priority on
learning makes for better service and makes for better future professionals. It has been my honor and privilege to be part of something truly
rewarding to PSU students and the Portland community as a whole.

I look forward to what the next 18 months bring.

Tim Christy
FIR Advertising agency director
                                                                                                                                 director’s letter
                                                                                                                                                     p. 5
           who we are (p. 9)
           interns past + present (p. 10)
           the FIR process (p. 12)
           work recap – Vikings Football (p.14)
              Year-1 communications planning (p. 14)
              Year-1 production + campaign launch (p. 17)
              2011 attendance + ticket sales (p. 24)
              Year- 2 research + intelligence gathering (p. 26)
              Year-2 communications planning (p. 28)
              Year-2 production + campaign launch (p.30)

           additional FIR accounts summary (p. 34)
           additional accounts work samples (p. 36)
           financials (p. 38)

                                                                  p. 7
who we are
FIR Advertising is a not-for-profit intern-run agency that develops advertising and strategic communications campaigns for local Portland businesses. By working with
real clients, real budgets, and real accountability, FIR interns experience a unique and tremendously valuable opportunity for Portland State advertising, marketing,
graphic design, and communications students to gain a leg up on the post-graduation job market.
Interns are assigned to one or more client accounts according to core competencies. Although existing skill sets are used to determine account assignment, all interns
are expected to take on varied responsibilities. There are no official titles, though account leaders/coordinators have greater direct client interaction and responsibility.
Each intern is encouraged to take risks in their work and challenge themselves further than ever before. Working with local businesses that often possess modest
advertising budgets, FIR interns must be scrappy and pioneering in the solutions they provide clients. FIR is a sort of farm system for tomorrow’s ad rock stars and
agency darlings. FIR helps interns best channel their raw talents and combine them with smart thinking and trial-by-fire experiences to reach their greatest potentials
and ultimately become more marketable in today’s job market.
Participation as a member of FIR is counted as Portland State internship credit subject to Pass/No Pass. Although the minimum commitment is one school term
(approximately 11 weeks), interns are highly encouraged to stick with FIR for at least two terms.
FIR’s overriding mission is to exceed all clients’ expectations; to provide strategic recommendations and produce deliverables that are never considered
“student work;” to be curious and passionate, all the while staying hungry to learn and grow.
FIR sets out to work collaboratively to deliver innovative communications solutions and go outside the scope of expectations. Raw talent, diversity, and the desire to take
on a challenge inspire passion that drives FIR forward. FIR interns want a lot of different things, but at the end of the day, they are all united by the desire to be good at
what they do.

                                                                                                                                                                 who we are
                                                                                                                                                                                 p. 9
interns past + present

   Winter + Spring Term 2011 (jan. – jun.)                  Summer Term 2011 (jun. – aug.)                     Fall Term 2011 (sept. – dec.)

  Logan Bennett                                       Daven Berg                                        Daven Berg
  Dustin Hartzler                                     Jackson McCormack                                 Laura Cooper
  Rachael Kelly                                       Meghan McLeod                                     Ciera Dalton
  Monica Komperda                                     Anna Ropalo                                       Dan Drakos
                                        5             Joseph Schons
  Drew Shook                         interns                                          interns           Moody Elzein

           [bold indicates multi-term interns]                                                          Candice Gardner
                                                                                                        Gustavo Martinez
                                                                                                        Joseph Schons                                 +100.0%
     “My field of studies/interest was deeply rooted in graphic design and the creative aspect
     of advertising. What I learned was much more than I had expected and far beyond just
                                                                                                        Jake Trudell
                                                                                                        Ashley Yamashiro
     design. Through my two terms with FIR I had the opportunity to take part in many different
     responsibilities. Working with sales reps, clients, handling media planning, managing teams,
     brainstorming, research and development, planning and executing strategies, and much                       [bold indicates multi-term interns]
     more. All of these hats and many more unmentioned have helped me develop my skills and
     understand the workings in the world of advertising, as well as what to expect and what is
     expected of me.”
     [Daven Berg]
Winter Term 2012 (jan. – mar.)                         Spring Term 2012 (apr. – jun.)                  A total of 32 different Portland State University
                                                                                                             students were FIR interns between January 2011
Natalia Callejas-Ruiz                                  Chris Balfour                                         and June 2012. Both intern numbers and retention
                                                                                                             increased nearly every term, with the largest term-
Dan Carmody                                            Natalia Callejas-Ruiz                                 to-term growth occurring between summer and fall
Moody Elzein                                           Dan Carmody                                           (100% increase), and the highest retention rate
                                                                                                             (67%) occurring during spring term.
Jen Fisher                                             John Chavez
Candice Gardner                                        Jen Fisher
Lindsay Hofer                                          Tom Huteson
                                                                                                             “Highly recommended experience for those
David Keller                                           David Keller                                          serious about the profession. The opportunity
Derek Muller                                           Kate McPike                                           to practice every phase of project and client
                                                                                                             management was ultimately enriching by
Paul Quiring                                           Derek Muller                                          gaining the confidence to take those steps and
Chris Sears                                   +20.0%   Paul Quiring                                          receive client feedback. The instructor

                              12                                                                     +8.3%   mentorship was especially impressionable, and

Anastasiya Uzhva                                       Chris Sears                                           the safety provided to fail and learn was
Ashley Yamashiro               interns                 Victoria Thammavong                                   invaluable.”
                                                       Anastasiya Uzhva              interns                 [Laura Cooper]
        [bold indicates multi-term interns]

                                                               [bold indicates multi-term interns]

                                                                                                                                      interns past + present
                                                                                                                                                                   p. 11
the FIR process
FIR caters primarily to local, or locally-minded, Portland businesses. Prior to any agreed-upon projects, potential clients are vetted to ensure businesses are somehow
aligned with Portland State’s values of:
Learning + Discovery
Access to Learning
A Climate of Mutual Respect
Openness + Reflection
Community + Civic Engagement
All prospective clients are briefed on FIR’s commitment to providing interns a learning experience first, a client service experience second. As such, prospective clients
agree to not only provide honest feedback on work produced, but also necessary support and resources needed for interns to learn and grow.
Once a verbal agreement is made with a business to take on its project, an initial client meeting is undertaken with FIR’s agency director and the client’s assigned
account team. During this meeting, a client’s advertising and communications needs and goals are discussed, along with those services FIR offers that will best serve
the client. From this discussion, an assigned account leader drafts a statement of work that includes (1) project purpose, (2) scope of immediate work and timeframe
(specified over an 11-week period), (3) details surrounding each phase of a project, (4) client expectations, (5) requested donation amount and expected expenses, and
(6) signatures from client and FIR leaders.
Upon client approval of the statement of work, interns take over an assigned account and fulfill agreed upon work within scheduled timeframes. Interns are wholly
responsible for scheduling client meetings, managing projects, and producing deliverables subject to client feedback and approval. All work completed must be first
internally approved by the agency director prior to client delivery.
In addition to internal reviews and feedback of produced work, the agency director provides continual guidance in matters of research approaches, strategy
development, and client management/relations. The director also provides direct support and intervention when necessary to maintain client relations.
Client Expectations
 Liability: Client understands that FIR Advertising is staffed with student interns from Portland State University (PSU) and not professional consultants. All projects
 are completed under the guidance of Dr. Timothy Christy (FIR Advertising Agency Director and PSU Assistant Professor of Marketing and Advertising Management).
 Intern work does not constitute professional (paid-for) advice and no warranties are made regarding recommendations and their implementation/launch in the
 marketplace. Neither interns nor Portland State University and its faculty accept liability for the consequences of any action taken as a result of FIR Advertising
 produced work, or any recommendations made or inferred.
 Client contact: Client must name an individual to act as the main client contact person to provide FIR Advertising interns all necessary support and materials
 (documentation, relevant research intelligence, external contacts, etc.) to facilitate successful project completion. Client contact person must be available and able
 to respond to intern requests in a timely manner throughout the project duration.
 Project expenses: Client will reimburse FIR Advertising for any out-of-pocket expenses in the completion of the project. These expenses may include, but are not
 limited to, project required travel, research materials, presentation materials, direct costs associated with primary research, and production of work. Client must
 establish an understanding and signed agreement with the FIR Advertising account team to determine what, if any, expenses may be incurred and the policy for
 reimbursement. All project expenditures must have prior approval from the Client and interns will provide a receipt for each expense.
 Confidentiality: Because a project will often require access to information that is considered proprietary by the Client, all FIR Advertising personnel are prepared
 to sign a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement if required by the Client. It is the Client’s responsibility to provide that agreement, if applicable.
 Intended donation: A tax deductable donation to the Portland State University Foundation – FIR Advertising is requested at the completion of the project. On
 average, FIR Advertising clients donate $500 to $1,000 at the completion of projects. A smaller donation amount for non-profits and clients with pending budget
 difficulties may be negotiated. Donations support continued operation of FIR Advertising, including, but not limited to, intern professional development
 programs/sessions, technology needs, and agency self-promotion.

                                                                                                                                                       the FIR process
                                                                                                                                                                          p. 13
work recap – Vikings Football
FIR took on the Portland State University Vikings account in January, 2011. This partnership was made possible through funding from Tim and Mary Boyle and is FIR’s
longest-standing account. Since its inception into the FIR roster, the Vikings account has evolved and grown into a key piece of business for the agency.
Year-1 Scope of Work
The Vikings initially came to FIR with the overriding goal of maximizing football ticket revenue and spectator attendance among 30-40-year-old Portlanders. To assist
with this goal, FIR developed a comprehensive five-phase action plan that included, (1) research and intelligence gathering, (2) communications planning, (3) donor
pitching, (4) production and campaign launch, and (5) campaign monitoring.
research + intelligence gathering
FIR conducted extensive secondary and primary research surrounding the Vikings, fans and fan behavior, and the city of Portland in an effort to best understand key
communications problems that needed to be tackled and opportunities that could be leveraged. Existing research on fan behavior and sports marketing were explored,
and relevant databases and blogs were mined. More than 500 online and intercept questionnaires were gathered from the five main Portland quadrants; numerous
focus group interviews with Portlanders, sports fans, and Vikings players and coaches were conducted; observations of fan behavior were recorded at sports venues,
sports bars, and on public transportation after major sporting events.
From research conducted, the most significant campaign problem was identified:
Portlanders are unaware of what it means to be a PSU Viking. They know there is a team, but they do not know much about the team and feel little
connection to it.
communications planning
Four key audience insights drove communications planning for the Vikings account:
Social affirmation validates thoughts and behaviors.
Loyalty to one’s local community is a source of pride for Portlanders.
There is a struggle between wanting to be independent and needing to be connected.
There is a general sense of apathy toward Portland State Vikings football despite people being feverishly proud of and loyal and loyal to the city of Portland.
• social affirmation validates
  thoughts + behaviors
• loyalty is a source of pride
• struggle between wanting to be
  independent + needing to be                                                                          The Campaign
• apathetic towards Vikings football
  despite being proud + loyal to
                                             Target Audience                                   “Unleash Your Inner Viking”

                                       Portland                     State

               Truths                                                                   Truths
• apathetic                                                              • disconnection between team + city
• living in Portland is unique +                                         • want to connect with the city
  comfortable                                                            • community efforts largely unnoticed

                      PORTLAND                                                 VIKINGS
                                                  [INNER VIKING]                                                      work recap – Vikings Football
                       (Our Town)                                           (Your Team)
                                                                                                                                                      p. 15
work recap – Vikings Football
The Vikings’ existing tagline, “Our Town. Your Team,” though relevant to what the football program represents in Portland, did not fully tell the Vikings story to
Portlanders in a meaningful and tangible manner. FIR set out to change that by further developing the message to include the call for Portlanders to “unleash” their
inner Vikings. Though many residents are fans of out-of-town teams like the UO Ducks and OSU Beavers, everyone in Portland is bonded by their love of the city. FIR’s
campaign was created to show Portlanders that they are all connected by their shared inner Vikings. By leveraging the audience’s love for Portland and using it to
create a deeper and more resonant connection to Portland State Vikings football, the campaign would better tell the story of “Our Town. Your Team.”
Working with local media sales representatives, FIR developed a comprehensive media plan to help build awareness of Vikings football, shift Portlanders’ feelings about
the Vikings from apathy to excitement, and establish an emotional connection between the Vikings, its values, and the Portland community. Utilizing a total media and
production budget of $10,000, FIR placed advertising primarily in local cable (ESPN, ESPN2, ABC Family, and TBS) during prime viewing dayparts and on local online
publication sites (OregonLive and Portland Mercury). Additional social media efforts were also planned, including a new Twitter feed for the Vikings mascot Victor E.
donor pitching
In an effort to generate funds to pay for the Vikings campaign, FIR was given the task to pitch its communications plan to local donors. Working closely with the Portland
State Athletics office, FIR presented its campaign plan to five separate executives. Although the plan was well received, no donation dollars were generated through
these efforts.

  1.2011               2.2011             3.2011           4.2011                5.2011             6.2011             7.2011          8.2011     9.2011          10.2011
Initial client     Secondary research   Focus group   Research presented      Creative + media    Donor pitches    TV spot + online    Campaign   Campaign     Creation of Victor
meeting; project   on fan behaviors     interviews    to client; creative     approved; media     continued; new   ad units produced   launched   monitored    E. Twitter feed;
parameters         conducted            conducted     strategy + media plan   purchased; donor    account team                                                 creative
established                                           developed               pitches conducted   formed                                                       adjustments made
production + campaign launch – print
 Prior to the official launch, a teaser print ad was created for Portland Monthly’s Passport to Beervana (July 2011) insert. This insert had great pass-along value, and
 represented an opportunity to begin to tell the “unleash” story to a wide array of 30-40-year-old Portlanders.

   11.2011             12.2011             1.2012            2.2012               3.2012                   4.2012                 5.2012                6.2012                7.2012
Media make-         Campaign recap +   New account team    Survey + focus   Media plan development;   Media plan + creative   Creation of new TV   Production of print,   Creation + launch
goods negotiated;   final evaluation   formed; review of   group research   creative concepting       execution mock-ups      spot; creation +     online, + OOH ads;     of donor pitch
close of campaign   conducted          2011 campaign       conducted        conducted                 approved by             launch of donor      continued donor
                                       efforts                                                                                video                fundraising efforts

                                                                                                                                                                      work recap – Vikings Football
                                                                                                                                                                                                      p. 17
work recap – Vikings Football
production + campaign launch – television
In order to build excitement and best communicate the connection between Portland and the Vikings, FIR created a 30-second TV spot titled, “Unleash,” that highlighted
the quintessential sounds and images of Portland and Portland football. Featuring a street performing bucket drummer that provided the spot’s backbeat, the
commercial was edited in a way to demonstrate how intertwined Portland is with the Vikings. The spot was aired a total of 196 times during home game weeks between
Aug. 15 and Nov. 20, 2011.

(SFX: MAX wheels clanking against track; MAX whistle.)       (CUT TO: Home game opening. SFX: Bucket drumbeat           (CUT TO: Bucket drummer.)                    (CUT TO: Hipster cyclists. SFX: Bicycle bell chime.)

(CUT TO: Action shot of Viking players during game.)         (CUT TO: Bucket drummer.)                                  (CUT TO: Vikings game day crowd cheering.)   (CUT TO: Bucket drummer.)

(CUT TO: Several images of Portland. SFX: Various Portland   (CUT TO: Vikings players unleashing their inner Vikings.   (CUT TO: Tagline.)                           (CUT TO: Endplate featuring home schedule, new field name,
sounds.)                                                     SFX: Drumbeat stops, replaced by players yelling.)                                                      and call to purchase tickets.)
august                                                                               september                                             2011 TV Schedule
  Sun.            Mon.          Tues.        Wed.        Thurs.        Fri.        Sat.         Sun.        Mon.         Tues.      Wed.        Thurs.         Fri.        Sat.
           31               1           2            3            4            5           6           28          29        30            31             1            2           3

                                                                                                                                                                                                     4am – 9:59am
            7               8           9           10            11          12          13            4 ESPN      5            6 FAM      7 FAM        8 ESP2        9 FAM      10
                                                                                                           ESPN ESP2 ESP2 ESPN ESPN ESPN ESPN ESPN ESPN
                                                                                                           ESP2 FAM       ESP2 ESP2 ESP2 ESP2       FAM
           14 FAM                       16 FAM
                                                                                                                                                                                                     10am – 4:59pm
                           15 ESP2              17 ESPN 18 ESP2 19 ESP2                   20   ESPN     11         12        13        14        15                   16          17
                                                   ESP2     FAM       FAM
                ESP2          ESP2 ESPN ESPN ESP2 FAM ESPN ESPN       ESPN                     ESP2
                                        ESP2                ESP2
ESP2       21 FAM          22        23 ESP2 24 ESPN 25 ESPN 26 ESP2                      27            18 ESPN 19 ESPN 20 ESP2 21 ESPN              22 ESP2          23 ESP2     24                 5pm – 12:59am
FAM                                                ESP2     ESP2 ESPN FAM                                  FAM                     ESPN                                  FAM
ESPN                                    ESPN       ESPN     FAM       ESPN                                 ESP2 ESP2 ESP2 FAM ESP2 ESP2 ESPN                  ESPN
                                        ESP2       ESP2                                                                            FAM ESP2                   FAM
ESPN       28              29        30        31         1         2                      3   FAM     25         26        27       28              29               30           1

                                            october                                                                              november
  Sun.            Mon.          Tues.        Wed.        Thurs.        Fri.        Sat.         Sun.        Mon.         Tues.      Wed.        Thurs.         Fri.        Sat.
           25              26        27             28        29              30           1           30          31 ESP2    1 ESP2        2 ESP2   3 ESP2   4 ESP2               5
                                                                                                                                TBS                    TBS
                                                                                                                     ESPN ESPN ESPN          ESPN TBS ESPN ESPN TBS
                                                                                                                     ESP2                    ESP2
            2 ESPN     3 ESP2   4 ESPN      5 ESP2   6 ESPN                    7 ESP2      8   ESP2     6          7         8             9        10        11                  12
              FAM                  ESP2 ESPN           ESP2                      FAM
              ESP2 ESPN ESP2 ESPN FAM ESPN ESP2 ESPN ESP2                                      TBS
                   ESP2                 ESP2 FAM ESP2 FAM
FAM         9         10        11         12       13                        14          15            13 ESPN 14      ESP2 15 ESP2 16 ESP2             17 ESP2      18 TBS      19
                                                                                                           ESP2         TBS       TBS
ESPN                                                                                                       ESP2 ESP2    ESPN ESPN ESP2 ESPN             ESPN ESP2
                                                                                                                TBS     ESP2                                 TBS
           16 ESPN         17 ESPN 18 ESPN 19 ESP2            20 ESP2         21 ESP2     22   ESP2    20          21          22        23          24        25                 26
              TBS             ESP2               TBS                             TBS           TBS
              ESP2            ESP2 ESPN ESPN2                     ESP2 ESPN
                                   TBS                            TBS
ESP2 TBS   23              24        25       26              271         2
                                                                         28                3
                                                                                          29           27          28        29            30             1            2          3
           30   ESPN TBS   31

                                                                                                                                                                                             work recap – Vikings Football
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             p. 19
work recap – Vikings Football
production + campaign launch – online
Throughout the Vikings season, numerous animated Interactive Marketing Units (IMUs) were served on and Placing ads both in
Run-Of-Site (throughout all pages of the sites) and in strategically selected sections of the sites, a total of 485,218 impressions were generated on OregonLive and an
additional 200,001 impressions were generated on Portland Mercury, achieving a target audience reach of approximately 40%. A total of 403 clicks to the
website were achieved (Click-Through-Rate of .06%) across 12 different creative executions. Each unit featured either a fan, a player, or a cheerleader unleashing their
inner Viking through a sequence of three panels demonstrating the transformation from normal everyday Portlander to full-blown Viking.

 [Fan: med. rectangle 300x250]       [Player: med. rectangle 300x250]   [Cheerleader: med. rectangle 300x250]

                                                                                                                 impressions     clicks   CTR     time period
                                                                                                                 92,905          65       0.07%   8/21 – 9/6/2011
 [Fan: leaderboard 728x9])                                                                                       163,631         107      0.07%   9/7 – 9/24/2011
                                                                                                                 76,237          51       0.07%   9/25 – 10/8/2011
                                                                                                                 76,226          48       0.07%   10/9 – 10/22/2011
 [Player: leaderboard 728x90]
                                                                                                                 76,220          63       0.08%   10/23 – 11/19/2011

 [Cheerleader: leaderboard 728x90]
As the campaign progressed, additional creative units were developed for that more closely featured specific players and their personal
connections to Portland. These alternative units were created in an effort to overcome low CTRs initially generated by

[Kavanaugh: leaderboard 728x90]

[Monahan: leaderboard 728x90]                                                                             [Kleffner: med. rectangle 300x250]

 impressions               clicks   CTR        time period
 146,352                   46       0.03%      9/2 – 10/26/2011
 53,649                    23       0.04%      10/27 – 11/17/2011

                                                                                                                                    work recap – Vikings Football
                                                                                                                                                                    p. 21
work recap – Vikings Football
production + campaign launch – social media
In an effort to further develop the Vikings personality and establish a deeper connection with Portlanders, FIR created a Twitter account for the PSU mascot, Victor E.
Viking. Research conducted by FIR uncovered a lack of knowledge among the target audience regarding Portland State’s mascot being a Viking, and few knew about
Victor E. specifically. FIR attempted to overcome these shortcomings by developing an informative yet fun message tone for Victor E. that would raise awareness and
build additional excitement surrounding home games. Victor E. was positioned as the ultimate super fan, believing enthusiastically in his Viking “teammates.” FIR
developed Victor E.’s Twitter character as comical, humble, and optimistic about team victory; his self-defined role and benchmark for success was measured by his
ability to engage new and loyal fans in a rally around Viking Athletics.
Sample Tweet Schedule

  day          morning (8-11a)                                          afternoon (12-4p)                                       evening (5-9p)

   M           introduce upcoming game                                  competition preview, time, location, viewership media    special game/halftime causes/honorees

   T           post departmental/coaching staff comments                examples of Viking spirit in-house                       invite fans to creatively express their
                                                                                                                                 “inner Vikings”
   W           post news stories/coverage of game                       invite game-attendance with promo materials              Victor E. trivia questions for fan
                                                                                                                                 engagement (history, costume changes)
   R           reinforce game specifics/fan promo opportunities         advertise tailgate, rally, and stadium march events      ask fans to share their Viking game-day
   F           comment on team practice energy, individual player       coverage of pre-game fan events                          note Green Squad attendance; how fans
               comments, and/or overall departmental game mindset                                                                can join in the “Green Out”
   S           final game-day advertisements, promo reminders,          comment on game prep, warm-up, and player position       game coverage: Victor E. location, fan
               special game causes/honorees                             changes/injuries                                         recognition, stadium reactions, key plays
   S           game day recap; including fan pictures with Victor E.    next week game preview                                   overall Big Sky Conference standing,
                                                                                                                                 season record, and playoff expectations
[Victor E. Twitter feed]

campaign monitoring
Throughout the life of the campaign, all audience touchpoints were monitored for performance and vendor
guarantees. Online creative rotations were adjusted to improve ad unit effectiveness and FIR worked closely with
media partners to ensure proper delivery of purchased advertising. When appropriate, FIR negotiated media
make-goods when guarantees were not met. Such monitoring resulted in total media refunds of approximately

                                                                                                                   work recap – Vikings Football
                                                                                                                                               p. 23
work recap – Vikings Football
2011 attendance + ticket sales
The Vikings finished third in the Big Sky Conference during the 2011 season. This performance was a considerable improvement over the previous two years when
Portland State finished second to last during both seasons. The final standings of the 2009 and 2010 seasons likely factored into modest ticket sales for 2011.
For the 2011 season, ticket sales were flat compared to 2009, which was the last year the Vikings’ home field was in Portland. Similar to previous years, game
attendance was strongest during home games featuring well-known and top-ranked opponents such as Montana and Montana State. Pinnacle games in which the results
directly influenced 2011 playoff participation, such as the final game against Weber State, also generated sizable ticket sales.
2009 Season (PGE Park)                                  2010 Season (Hillsboro Stadium)                         2011 Season (Jeld-Wen Field)

  standings         W-L          home   road              standings            W-L       home     road            standings            W-L       home    road
  Montana           14 - 1       9 -0   5-1               Montana State         9 -3      6 -1    3 -2            Montana               11 - 3   8 -0    3 -3
  Eastern Montana    8 -4        4-1    4 -3              Eastern Washington   13 - 2    10 - 0   3 -2            Montana State        10 - 3    6-1     4 -2
  Weber State        7-5         4-1    3 -4              Montana               7 -4      5 -1    2 -3            Portland State        7 -4     4-2     3 -2
  Montana State      7 -4        4 -2   3 -2              Sacramento State      6 -5      4-1     2 -4            Eastern Washington    6 -5     2 -2    4 -3
  Northern Arizona   5-6         3 -2   2 -4              Weber State           6 -5      4-1     2 -4            Weber State           5 -6     3 -2    2 -4
  Sacramento State 5 - 6         3 -2   2 -4              Northern Arizona      6-5       3 -2    3 -3            Northern Arizona      4-7      3 -3    1 -4
  Northern Colorado 3 - 8        2 -4   1 -4              Northern Colorado     3 -8      2 -3    1 -5            Sacramento State      4-7      2 -3    2 -4
  Portland State     2- 9        1-5    1 -4              Portland State        2-9       1 -3    1 -6            Idaho State           2-9       2 -3   0 -6
  Idaho State        1 - 10      1-4    0 -6              Idaho State           1 - 10    1 -4    0 -6            Northern Colorado     0 - 11    0-6    0 -5
  Vikings home game attendance                            Vikings home game attendance                            Vikings home game attendance
  v. Southern Oregon 7,436                                v. Idaho State        5,025                             v. Southern Oregon 4,953
  v. Weber State       6,659                              v. Montana            6,425                             v. Northern Arizona 5,47 9
  v. Sacramento State 5,037                               v. Eastern Washington 4,097 tot. 19,579                 v. Montana State     9,054
  v. Northern Arizona 6,489                               v. Northern Colorado 4,032 avg. 4,895                   v. Willamette        5,4 9 1
  v. UC Davis          5, 1 80 tot. 36,491                                                                        v. Sacramento State 4,6 3 5 tot. 35,684
  v. Montana State     5,690 avg. 6,082                                                                           v. Weber State       6,0 7 2 avg. 5,947
Although FIR’s advertising work was not primarily created to directly generate ticket sales, results indicate the ad campaign’s success in generating interest at the box
office and directing fans to purchase tickets online. It should be noted that 2011 marked the return of the Vikings to Portland and the newly refurbished Jeld-Wen Field.
Advertising emphasized this move; however, flat attendance and ticket sales may have at least partially attributed to a lack of home field awareness among the general
With a return to a Vikings’ winning form and consistency in home field location, FIR is hopeful its 2012 ad campaign will continue to build excitement surrounding the Viks
and help drive ticket purchases while leveraging the team’s on-field successes.

2011 Individual Ticket Sales

                         outlet sales              phone sales                online sales            box office sales
  opponent             tickets        $          tickets       $            tickets        $          tickets        $
  Southern Oregon         11       265.00           0          0.00           71       1,656.00         899      10,648.00
  Northern Arizona        11       105.00           12        12.00           73        1,728.00        933      12,219.00
  Montana State          24       560.00           25        660.00          384       9,392.00        2,397     43,636.00
  Willamette              5        78.00            2         40.00           58        1,441.00        999       15,145.00
  Sacramento State       10        260.00           0         0.00            55        1,441.00        555       9,370.00
  Weber State             11       105.00           12        120.00         250       2,280.00         1,298    4,223.00
  totals                 72       1,373.00         51        940.00           891     17,938.00        7,081     95,241.00
  comps total            11,980
  tickets sold total     8,095
  sales total            $115,491.69

                                                                                                                                        work recap – Vikings Football
                                                                                                                                                                              p. 25
work recap – Vikings Football
Year-2 Scope of Work
During year two of the FIR-Vikings relationship, FIR set out to build upon the prior year’s campaign. Keeping the pre-established “Unleash Your Inner Viking” theme, FIR
concentrated its efforts on digging deeper into fan research and uncovering more effective ways to execute last year’s campaign concept. Additionally, FIR explored new
ways to generate donor funding in an effort to improve upon the previous year’s unsuccessful funding campaign.
research + intelligence gathering
As a continuation of Year-1 campaign monitoring efforts, FIR re-administered previously developed survey instruments used to measure perceptions surrounding Vikings
football, this time expanding the audience to include 18-and-above-year-old Portlanders, both students and non-. A total of 1,858 Portland State students, predominately
aged 18-29-years, completed online questionnaires. Additionally, intercept surveys, focus groups (with international students, game-day rally leaders the Green Man
Group, and PSU students), and observational research were conducted similar to Year-1 efforts.
Research results revealed little change in perceptions surrounding the Vikings. Similar to that found in Year-1, the overall feeling people have for the Vikings is apathy.
Other conclusions drawn from FIR’s research include the following:
Students are key components for having an exciting atmosphere at games.
Individuals desire tradition to be attached to their sports teams and are interested in knowing players and their history.
Portlanders need to be made overly excited to attend games since so many entertainment options exist during weekends.
During Year-2, FIR also developed a new measurement instrument that assesses PSU students’ knowledge of the Vikings. Past research revealed a low level of
knowledge surrounding the Vikings among Portlanders in general. Administered online, this new instrument establishes a baseline from which to gauge future campaign
efforts while increasing knowledge among participants since facts about the Vikings are provided once the survey is completed. Dubbed the “Knowledge Index,” FIR
hopes to make this instrument a key component of all future campaign development and monitoring.
The “Knowledge Index” survey is comprised of 13 questions with varying levels of difficulty. Scores can range from 1 to 10, with higher scores denoting greater
knowledge of the Vikings. Initial administration of the survey to 150 students indicated a less than desirable level of Vikings knowledge (average score was 4.08). To help
assess on-going advertising efforts, the Knowledge Survey will be administered again during and after the 2012 football season.
Knowledge Survey Results

  question                                                                     % correct     % incorrect      % unsure
  What is the football team’s mascot?                                             86               2              12
  What are the team’s colors?                                                     84               10              6
  Where do the Vikings play their home games?                                     49               27             24
  What slogan do the Vikings use in their advertising?                            37               9              54
  What conference do the Vikings play in?                                         32               14             53
  Who is the current head coach for the Vikings football team?                    29               7              64
  What is the web address of the site where you can buy Vikings tickets?          27               5              69
  What is the cost of a general admission ticket to a Vikings football game?      22               18             61
  What is the name of the PSU student fan group?                                  22               7              71
  What is the team’s number one rival school?                                     16              26              58
  What style of offense does the Vikings football team use?                        11              11             78
  Who is the current player on the team that was an All-American last year?       10               14             76
  Who is the winningest football coach in Vikings history?                        9                11             80

                                                                                                                                       work recap – Vikings Football
                                                                                                                                                                              p. 27
work recap – Vikings Football
communications planning
Using the additional research conclusions generated during year two, FIR developed a campaign plan with the goal of getting students first, then potential fans, excited
about attending live games. Utilizing TV, print, online, and out-of-home media, as well as public relations efforts, the Year-2 media plan was developed to be more
geographically targeted and more focused on heavy-up advertising during weeks of home games than the Year-1 campaign.

 [Media flowchart]
Three media budget scenarios were developed for the client and for donor fundraising purposes. Using the Year-1 $10,000 budget as a baseline, two additional proposals
were developed that would better reach the expanded target audience of the Year-2 campaign and extend ad placement into previously underutilized media channels.
Media Budget Scenarios

                                                                                                                                   work recap – Vikings Football
                                                                                                                                                                         p. 29
work recap – Vikings Football
 production + campaign launch – 30-second TV spot rough-cut: “Charge!”
 The newest campaign plan features more fanatical and enthusiastic displays of Viking excitement among Portlanders. Five separate end-plates, one for each home game,
 were created to announce each corresponding opponent. Still yet to be launched, the 2012 campaign executions currently exist as mock-ups, pending donor funding.

(SFX: Slow building + inspirational piano track throughout. SLO-MO: Gradual focus   (SLO-MO: Portlanders from all walks of life, all overdressed in Vikings gear and    (SLO-MO: Bearded Viking blowing water into the air.)
of Portlanders unleashing their Vikings.)                                           regalia, charge the camera.)

(CU: Fan signing the Viking “V.”)                                                   (SLO-MO: Angled shot of Portlanders running towards the gates of Jeld-Wen Field.)   (CUT TO: Endplate featuring opening home game opponent, date, time, and call to
                                                                                                                                                                        purchase tickets.)
production + campaign launch – print, online, and outdoor mock-ups

[Online mock-up: leaderboard 728x90]

[Print mock-up: quarter page]

                                                                     [Bus shelter poster mock-up: 5’8” x 3’11”]
                                                                                                                  work recap – Vikings Football
                                                                                                                                                  p. 31
work recap – Vikings Football
production + campaign launch – donor video
FIR developed additional donor funding strategies in an effort to overcome Year-1 funding shortcomings. Specifically, FIR created a 4-minute quirky, yet informative video
explaining what FIR is and urging viewers to donate funds to help subsidize campaign media costs. FIR worked closely with the PSU Athletics Office to develop varying
levels of donor perqs to be rewarded according to donation amount. This video lives on the website as well as YouTube and Facebook. Blogger relations
tactics were also employed to foster online word-of-mouth and sharing among local sports authorities and bloggers. Results of this effort are currently pending;
however, the video generated 383 views in its first week online. FIR also developed a comprehensive campaign pitch book and donor presentation.

[Various stills from donor video]
A donor announcement fact sheet was created in an effort to help
attract larger-ask donors to a donor pitch luncheon where FIR
presented its advertising campaign plan in July. The pitch was well
received by attendees; PSU Athletics Director, Torre Chisholm
announced during the pitch he would personally donate $500 to the
effort since he believed so strongly in the campaign. Additional
donations received are still pending.

                                  work recap – Vikings Football
                                                                      p. 33
additional FIR accounts summary
June 2011 – June 2012
In addition to work completed for the Vikings, FIR completed projects for six new clients in the last year. Below is a brief summary of significant work done.

  Client                         time period          donations received   scope of work summary
  Guayaki Yerba Mate            Sept. ‘11 – present         $500           FIR conducted primary research into the cultural connection + significance of drinking yerba mate, with emphasis
                                                                           on college populations. The account team provided the client a deeper look into the college mindset as it relates to
                                                                           mate. During the week before fall term finals, FIR conceptualized + implemented a sampling event that
                                                                           incorporated gaming into the experience of drinking Guayaki products (both hot + cold beverages). Dubbed the
                                                                           Guayathlon, the client was so pleased with the results, they asked FIR to develop a plan to roll-out the event
                                                                           nationwide. During winter term, FIR helped launch a new Guayaki product, sparkling mate, by conceptualizing
                                                                           and implementing a new event that associated the client’s environmentally conscious mission with the story of Dr.
                                                                           Seuss’s, “The Lorax.” During spring term, FIR was instrumental in two additional sparkling mate sampling events –
                                                                           a Spring Finals Guayathlon and a product launch in Austin, TX COVER] American Advertising Federation National
                                                                                                                                      [FRONT at the
                                                                           Conference. During all these events, FIR provided promotional materials, point-of-sample supplements, and
                                                                           social media content.

  The Gaufre Gourmet             Oct. ‘11 – present         $250           FIR re-vamped and helped update the liege waffle food cart + caterer’s website. Additionally, the account team re-
                                                                           designed the client’s menu + collateral materials, created a point-of-sale slide show, and reached out to local
                                                                           concierges in an effort to inspire them to recommend Gaufre Gourmet to guests. The account team also
                                                                           conceptualized new promotional ideas such as a customer-driven waffle-of-the-week contest. FIR produced
                                                                           special event supplemental materials + provided photography services during high-profile events, including
                                                                           late-night catering service on the set of “Grimm.” Other efforts included search directory inclusion + basic
                                                                           search engine optimization (SEO) tactics for the client’s online presence. As an ongoing effort, the team also
                                                                           made strategic social media (SM) recommendations and provided SM support + content.

  Tualatin Library Foundation   Jan. ‘12 – present          $500           FIR updated the Foundation’s website and developed fundraising strategy recommendations, including the
                                                                           identification of new stakeholder segments and supplementary events. Additionally, the team created and designed
                                                                           all materials used for the Foundation’s biggest annual event, the Tualatin Vine 2 Wine fundraiser, including tickets,
                                                                           flyers, signage and collateral. The team also initiated the creation of a revamped website for the client in an
                                                                           effort to create a more engaged + compelling site experience.
Client              time period           donations received   scope of work summary
Indow Windows      Sept. ‘11 – June ‘12         $500           FIR conducted extensive secondary + primary research into homeowners’ beliefs surrounding home
                                                               improvements, home ownership, the Portland housing market, and home preservation in order to develop a
                                                               series of direct mail pieces. FIR also took over management of the client’s search advertising campaign by
                                                               improving its AdWords ROI through the creation of more tailored ad units + more effective keyword purchasing.
                                                               Most recently, the account team conducted a statistical analysis of price-point perceptions and buying
                                                               behaviors, and produced two testimonial videos that will live online.
Fork in the Road   Sept. ‘11 – Dec. ‘11          $0            FIR worked with the social enterprise start-up to refine + create its Kickstarter video, which resulted in the
                                                               client exceeding its funding goals.

The Glove Press    June ‘11 – Oct. ‘11          $250           FIR conducted extensive consumer research into the Portland food cart scene in an effort to determine
                                                               market feasibility for the yet-to-be-established eatery. The account team produced + presented a
                                                               comprehensive review of geographic considerations, neighborhood + customer perceptions, competitive
                                                               analyses, + service opportunities.

                                                                                                                                  additional FIR accounts summary
                                                                                                                                                                                p. 35
additional accounts work samples

                                                                                (Quote: “Quite frankly, I don’t know that I would ever replace
                                                                                windows in a home again. I feel that Indow Windows on the
                                                                                whole provide you with the same exact benefits of full
                                                                                replacements, while allowing you to do as little damage to the
                                                                                               [FRONT COVER]
                                                                                original building envelope as possible.”
                   [TLF: website redesign mock-up]
                                                                                [IndowWindows: still image + quote from testimonial video]

      [Gaufre Gourmet: special even banner]

                                                     [Fork in the Road: still image from video]
[Guayaki Yerba Mate: photo from fall Guayathlon event]

[TLF: Vine 2 Wine announcement/invitation]

                                                                                                                            [Guayaki Yerba Mate: photo from spring Guayathlon event]

                                                                             [Indow Windows: direct mail piece mock-up]

[Gaufre Gourmet: Facebook banner / promotion]                                                                             additional accounts work samples
                                                                                                                                                                                       p. 37

 Lab technology + equipment expenses - $7,617.30                                   Contingency + Miscellaneous expenses - $2,740.79

  computer hardware                                                     TOTALS     printing costs                                        TOTALS
  MacBook Pro 13 laptop                                     1,099.00               Vikings client presentation materials       203.54
  iMac 27 desktop computer + monitor                        1,599.00               Donor pitch materials                       324.95
  Two printers (1 color, 1 B/W) + one external hard drive      401.71              Guayathlon event materials                   55.90    584.39
  Printer toner cartridges                                    554.95
  Apple mini display port                                      24.95    3,679.61   photo shoot + event supplies
                                                                                   Vikings video + photo shoot materials       367.13
  computer software + subscriptions                                                Guayathlon events materials                 172.09    539.22
  Adobe Creative Suite 5                                     622.00
  Adobe Acrobat Pro                                            54.00               professional services
  Apple specialty applications                                 39.98               Steady camera operator                      100.00 (March – July, 2012)                              187.50     903.48    Sound work for video shoot                   50.00
                                                                                   Search engine marketing training            100.00    250.00
  web hosting + email fees                                          168.84     168.84    business meals + functions
                                                                                   Intern work session meals                   205.51
  studio equipment                                                                 Client meetings                               8.45
  Cannon Rebel DSLR                                           915.98               Food for photo/video shoot actors + crews   172.50
  Tripod + memory cards                                        79.98               Two Vine 2 Wine registrations                80.00
  Go-Pro Hero 2 video camera                                  215.00               Intern holiday party                        153.50    619.96
  RED video camera rental                                    500.00     1,710.96
                                                                                   postage                                        1.92     1.92
  Phone + cabling installation                               278.00                FIR agency open house
  Monthly charges (Oct. 2011 – June 2012)                    500.15      778.15    Event materials                              211.90
                                                                                   Catering                                    533.40    745.30
  Art materials                                                25.23
  Office materials                                             44.39
  Business cards                                              182.95
  Office wall banner                                          123.69     376.26
Vikings account research expenses - $1,967.76                           In addition to expenses, a total of $2,000 was received from clients outside of
                                                                        the Vikings account that made donations. These funds were used to pay for
participant incentives                                        TOTALS    internal expenses such as the FIR spring open house and the holiday party, as
VISA gift cards                                  289.50                 well as providing interns opportunities to attend client functions such as the 2012
Living Room Theater gift cards                   396.00                 Vine 2 Wine event.
Chipotle gift cards                               315.00
iPad (raffle prize)                              399.99                 During the next 18 months, efforts will be made to increase client donation
Two iPod Touches (raffle prizes)                  425.15                amounts by requesting higher donations. In the next year, FIR hopes to raise
iPod Shuffle (raffle prize)                        44.99      1870.63   enough donation dollars to initiate a FIR scholarship fund that will be awarded to
focus group refreshments                              97.13     97.13   one intern per year to offset intern tuition costs.
                                                                        Viking donations for 2012 are still pending. However, despite many strategies and
Total expenses (Jan. 2011 – July 2012) - $12,325.85                     tactics employed to generate substantial donor dollars to subsidize FIR’s Viking
                                                                        campaigns, very few funds have been generated. Discussions with the PSU
                                                                        Athletics Office are ongoing in an attempt to overcome past difficulties.

                                                                                                                                                              p. 39
FIR Advertising Annual (+.5) Report
FIR Advertising Annual (+.5) Report
FIR Advertising Annual (+.5) Report

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FIR Advertising Annual (+.5) Report

  • 1. the first 18 months January 2011 – June 2012
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. director’s letter The last 18 months has been an exciting time for Portland State University’s first ever intern-run advertising agency. After securing external funding, FIR was quickly staffed in less than a month. The first intern class consisted of merely five PSU students. This founding class was faced with the initial challenge of serving FIR’s first client, the Vikings Football Program, without office equipment, or even an office. In fact, during this time, FIR was not even called FIR. While conducting research and developing strategy for the Vikings, the interns worked closely with me to brand the agency and begin raising awareness of the new internship experience to prospective interns. The founding interns worked diligently for five and half months on the task of building excitement surrounding the Vikings in a town with many entertainment options and many new transplants already holding loyalties to teams outside of Portland and beyond. Developing a comprehensive communications approach, the team worked closely with the PSU Athletics Office in the creation of FIR’s first approved project, the “Unleash Your Inner Viking” campaign. The team pitched the idea to several potential donors around town and received consistently positive feedback for their due diligence and creative ideas on message delivery. That summer, a new set of interns worked on producing the first team’s concepts. The result was FIR’s first produced TV spot and its first online animated banners. It was a great experience for the interns; few opportunities exist for undergraduate students to direct commercial shoots and see their work on such networks as ESPN and TNT. Since these initial months of FIR’s existence, the agency’s roster has grown and so has its staff and its facilities. FIR produced work for six businesses in addition to the Vikings last year, delivering projects as varied as the industries within which the different clients operate. From search advertising management to event planning to market analysis and production of point-of-sale materials, FIR interns took on many challenges. Thirty-two different PSU students have interned for FIR so far. Feedback from past interns has been overwhelmingly positive. Students have been given the opportunity to be held to a higher standard and greater level of accountability than is typical in the classroom and they have benefited from it. Being more prepared in job interviews and better equipped to start their first entry-level positions, past interns are now being hired across town. HR staff from various agencies and marketing departments are calling on FIR as a credible reference for job placements.
  • 5. It seems that FIR is starting to get noticed by the right people. Makes sense, too, considering how hard the interns have worked on promoting the FIR name through the creation of a Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram accounts, a constantly evolving website, and outreach to advertising agencies across Portland. One of the most significant contributors to FIR’s success has been the availability of new office space in the University Center Building. By offering a large area for interns to work and share ideas, this space has created a more effective work environment – interns feel like they are in a legitimate place to prove themselves, challenge each other, and produce better work than they thought possible. But none of this would matter without the generous support of Tim and Mary Boyle. Through their funding, interns have been provided the technical equipment and resources necessary to thrive in the advertising and marketing industries. This equipment allows interns to learn through hands-on interaction with the tools they will some day find vital to career stability and advancement. FIR is first and foremost an education provider. But education comes not at the expense of effective client service. Rather, its priority on learning makes for better service and makes for better future professionals. It has been my honor and privilege to be part of something truly rewarding to PSU students and the Portland community as a whole. I look forward to what the next 18 months bring. Tim Christy FIR Advertising agency director director’s letter p. 5
  • 6.
  • 7. contents who we are (p. 9) interns past + present (p. 10) the FIR process (p. 12) work recap – Vikings Football (p.14) Year-1 communications planning (p. 14) Year-1 production + campaign launch (p. 17) 2011 attendance + ticket sales (p. 24) Year- 2 research + intelligence gathering (p. 26) Year-2 communications planning (p. 28) Year-2 production + campaign launch (p.30) additional FIR accounts summary (p. 34) additional accounts work samples (p. 36) financials (p. 38) contents p. 7
  • 8. fierce innovative raw
  • 9. who we are FIR Advertising is a not-for-profit intern-run agency that develops advertising and strategic communications campaigns for local Portland businesses. By working with real clients, real budgets, and real accountability, FIR interns experience a unique and tremendously valuable opportunity for Portland State advertising, marketing, graphic design, and communications students to gain a leg up on the post-graduation job market. Interns are assigned to one or more client accounts according to core competencies. Although existing skill sets are used to determine account assignment, all interns are expected to take on varied responsibilities. There are no official titles, though account leaders/coordinators have greater direct client interaction and responsibility. FIR stands for FIERCE + INNOVATIVE + RAW. Each intern is encouraged to take risks in their work and challenge themselves further than ever before. Working with local businesses that often possess modest advertising budgets, FIR interns must be scrappy and pioneering in the solutions they provide clients. FIR is a sort of farm system for tomorrow’s ad rock stars and agency darlings. FIR helps interns best channel their raw talents and combine them with smart thinking and trial-by-fire experiences to reach their greatest potentials and ultimately become more marketable in today’s job market. Participation as a member of FIR is counted as Portland State internship credit subject to Pass/No Pass. Although the minimum commitment is one school term (approximately 11 weeks), interns are highly encouraged to stick with FIR for at least two terms. FIR’s overriding mission is to exceed all clients’ expectations; to provide strategic recommendations and produce deliverables that are never considered “student work;” to be curious and passionate, all the while staying hungry to learn and grow. FIR sets out to work collaboratively to deliver innovative communications solutions and go outside the scope of expectations. Raw talent, diversity, and the desire to take on a challenge inspire passion that drives FIR forward. FIR interns want a lot of different things, but at the end of the day, they are all united by the desire to be good at what they do. who we are p. 9
  • 10. interns past + present Winter + Spring Term 2011 (jan. – jun.) Summer Term 2011 (jun. – aug.) Fall Term 2011 (sept. – dec.) Logan Bennett Daven Berg Daven Berg Dustin Hartzler Jackson McCormack Laura Cooper Rachael Kelly Meghan McLeod Ciera Dalton +0.0% Monica Komperda Anna Ropalo Dan Drakos 5 Joseph Schons 5 Drew Shook interns interns Moody Elzein [bold indicates multi-term interns] Candice Gardner Gustavo Martinez Joseph Schons +100.0% “My field of studies/interest was deeply rooted in graphic design and the creative aspect of advertising. What I learned was much more than I had expected and far beyond just Jake Trudell Ashley Yamashiro 10 interns design. Through my two terms with FIR I had the opportunity to take part in many different responsibilities. Working with sales reps, clients, handling media planning, managing teams, brainstorming, research and development, planning and executing strategies, and much [bold indicates multi-term interns] more. All of these hats and many more unmentioned have helped me develop my skills and understand the workings in the world of advertising, as well as what to expect and what is expected of me.” [Daven Berg]
  • 11. Winter Term 2012 (jan. – mar.) Spring Term 2012 (apr. – jun.) A total of 32 different Portland State University students were FIR interns between January 2011 Natalia Callejas-Ruiz Chris Balfour and June 2012. Both intern numbers and retention increased nearly every term, with the largest term- Dan Carmody Natalia Callejas-Ruiz to-term growth occurring between summer and fall Moody Elzein Dan Carmody (100% increase), and the highest retention rate (67%) occurring during spring term. Jen Fisher John Chavez Candice Gardner Jen Fisher Lindsay Hofer Tom Huteson “Highly recommended experience for those David Keller David Keller serious about the profession. The opportunity Derek Muller Kate McPike to practice every phase of project and client management was ultimately enriching by Paul Quiring Derek Muller gaining the confidence to take those steps and Chris Sears +20.0% Paul Quiring receive client feedback. The instructor 12 +8.3% mentorship was especially impressionable, and 13 Anastasiya Uzhva Chris Sears the safety provided to fail and learn was Ashley Yamashiro interns Victoria Thammavong invaluable.” Anastasiya Uzhva interns [Laura Cooper] [bold indicates multi-term interns] [bold indicates multi-term interns] interns past + present p. 11
  • 12. the FIR process FIR caters primarily to local, or locally-minded, Portland businesses. Prior to any agreed-upon projects, potential clients are vetted to ensure businesses are somehow aligned with Portland State’s values of: Learning + Discovery Access to Learning A Climate of Mutual Respect Openness + Reflection Community + Civic Engagement All prospective clients are briefed on FIR’s commitment to providing interns a learning experience first, a client service experience second. As such, prospective clients agree to not only provide honest feedback on work produced, but also necessary support and resources needed for interns to learn and grow. Once a verbal agreement is made with a business to take on its project, an initial client meeting is undertaken with FIR’s agency director and the client’s assigned account team. During this meeting, a client’s advertising and communications needs and goals are discussed, along with those services FIR offers that will best serve the client. From this discussion, an assigned account leader drafts a statement of work that includes (1) project purpose, (2) scope of immediate work and timeframe (specified over an 11-week period), (3) details surrounding each phase of a project, (4) client expectations, (5) requested donation amount and expected expenses, and (6) signatures from client and FIR leaders. Upon client approval of the statement of work, interns take over an assigned account and fulfill agreed upon work within scheduled timeframes. Interns are wholly responsible for scheduling client meetings, managing projects, and producing deliverables subject to client feedback and approval. All work completed must be first internally approved by the agency director prior to client delivery. In addition to internal reviews and feedback of produced work, the agency director provides continual guidance in matters of research approaches, strategy development, and client management/relations. The director also provides direct support and intervention when necessary to maintain client relations.
  • 13. Client Expectations Liability: Client understands that FIR Advertising is staffed with student interns from Portland State University (PSU) and not professional consultants. All projects are completed under the guidance of Dr. Timothy Christy (FIR Advertising Agency Director and PSU Assistant Professor of Marketing and Advertising Management). Intern work does not constitute professional (paid-for) advice and no warranties are made regarding recommendations and their implementation/launch in the marketplace. Neither interns nor Portland State University and its faculty accept liability for the consequences of any action taken as a result of FIR Advertising produced work, or any recommendations made or inferred. Client contact: Client must name an individual to act as the main client contact person to provide FIR Advertising interns all necessary support and materials (documentation, relevant research intelligence, external contacts, etc.) to facilitate successful project completion. Client contact person must be available and able to respond to intern requests in a timely manner throughout the project duration. Project expenses: Client will reimburse FIR Advertising for any out-of-pocket expenses in the completion of the project. These expenses may include, but are not limited to, project required travel, research materials, presentation materials, direct costs associated with primary research, and production of work. Client must establish an understanding and signed agreement with the FIR Advertising account team to determine what, if any, expenses may be incurred and the policy for reimbursement. All project expenditures must have prior approval from the Client and interns will provide a receipt for each expense. Confidentiality: Because a project will often require access to information that is considered proprietary by the Client, all FIR Advertising personnel are prepared to sign a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement if required by the Client. It is the Client’s responsibility to provide that agreement, if applicable. Intended donation: A tax deductable donation to the Portland State University Foundation – FIR Advertising is requested at the completion of the project. On average, FIR Advertising clients donate $500 to $1,000 at the completion of projects. A smaller donation amount for non-profits and clients with pending budget difficulties may be negotiated. Donations support continued operation of FIR Advertising, including, but not limited to, intern professional development programs/sessions, technology needs, and agency self-promotion. the FIR process p. 13
  • 14. work recap – Vikings Football FIR took on the Portland State University Vikings account in January, 2011. This partnership was made possible through funding from Tim and Mary Boyle and is FIR’s longest-standing account. Since its inception into the FIR roster, the Vikings account has evolved and grown into a key piece of business for the agency. Year-1 Scope of Work The Vikings initially came to FIR with the overriding goal of maximizing football ticket revenue and spectator attendance among 30-40-year-old Portlanders. To assist with this goal, FIR developed a comprehensive five-phase action plan that included, (1) research and intelligence gathering, (2) communications planning, (3) donor pitching, (4) production and campaign launch, and (5) campaign monitoring. research + intelligence gathering FIR conducted extensive secondary and primary research surrounding the Vikings, fans and fan behavior, and the city of Portland in an effort to best understand key communications problems that needed to be tackled and opportunities that could be leveraged. Existing research on fan behavior and sports marketing were explored, and relevant databases and blogs were mined. More than 500 online and intercept questionnaires were gathered from the five main Portland quadrants; numerous focus group interviews with Portlanders, sports fans, and Vikings players and coaches were conducted; observations of fan behavior were recorded at sports venues, sports bars, and on public transportation after major sporting events. From research conducted, the most significant campaign problem was identified: Portlanders are unaware of what it means to be a PSU Viking. They know there is a team, but they do not know much about the team and feel little connection to it. communications planning Four key audience insights drove communications planning for the Vikings account: Social affirmation validates thoughts and behaviors. Loyalty to one’s local community is a source of pride for Portlanders. There is a struggle between wanting to be independent and needing to be connected. There is a general sense of apathy toward Portland State Vikings football despite people being feverishly proud of and loyal and loyal to the city of Portland.
  • 15. Truths • social affirmation validates thoughts + behaviors • loyalty is a source of pride • struggle between wanting to be independent + needing to be The Campaign connected • apathetic towards Vikings football despite being proud + loyal to Target Audience “Unleash Your Inner Viking” Portland Portland Portland State Football Truths Truths • apathetic • disconnection between team + city • living in Portland is unique + • want to connect with the city comfortable • community efforts largely unnoticed PORTLAND VIKINGS [INNER VIKING] work recap – Vikings Football (Our Town) (Your Team) p. 15
  • 16. work recap – Vikings Football The Vikings’ existing tagline, “Our Town. Your Team,” though relevant to what the football program represents in Portland, did not fully tell the Vikings story to Portlanders in a meaningful and tangible manner. FIR set out to change that by further developing the message to include the call for Portlanders to “unleash” their inner Vikings. Though many residents are fans of out-of-town teams like the UO Ducks and OSU Beavers, everyone in Portland is bonded by their love of the city. FIR’s campaign was created to show Portlanders that they are all connected by their shared inner Vikings. By leveraging the audience’s love for Portland and using it to create a deeper and more resonant connection to Portland State Vikings football, the campaign would better tell the story of “Our Town. Your Team.” Working with local media sales representatives, FIR developed a comprehensive media plan to help build awareness of Vikings football, shift Portlanders’ feelings about the Vikings from apathy to excitement, and establish an emotional connection between the Vikings, its values, and the Portland community. Utilizing a total media and production budget of $10,000, FIR placed advertising primarily in local cable (ESPN, ESPN2, ABC Family, and TBS) during prime viewing dayparts and on local online publication sites (OregonLive and Portland Mercury). Additional social media efforts were also planned, including a new Twitter feed for the Vikings mascot Victor E. Viking. donor pitching In an effort to generate funds to pay for the Vikings campaign, FIR was given the task to pitch its communications plan to local donors. Working closely with the Portland State Athletics office, FIR presented its campaign plan to five separate executives. Although the plan was well received, no donation dollars were generated through these efforts. 1.2011 2.2011 3.2011 4.2011 5.2011 6.2011 7.2011 8.2011 9.2011 10.2011 Initial client Secondary research Focus group Research presented Creative + media Donor pitches TV spot + online Campaign Campaign Creation of Victor meeting; project on fan behaviors interviews to client; creative approved; media continued; new ad units produced launched monitored E. Twitter feed; parameters conducted conducted strategy + media plan purchased; donor account team creative established developed pitches conducted formed adjustments made
  • 17. production + campaign launch – print Prior to the official launch, a teaser print ad was created for Portland Monthly’s Passport to Beervana (July 2011) insert. This insert had great pass-along value, and represented an opportunity to begin to tell the “unleash” story to a wide array of 30-40-year-old Portlanders. 11.2011 12.2011 1.2012 2.2012 3.2012 4.2012 5.2012 6.2012 7.2012 Media make- Campaign recap + New account team Survey + focus Media plan development; Media plan + creative Creation of new TV Production of print, Creation + launch goods negotiated; final evaluation formed; review of group research creative concepting execution mock-ups spot; creation + online, + OOH ads; of donor pitch close of campaign conducted 2011 campaign conducted conducted approved by launch of donor continued donor efforts video fundraising efforts work recap – Vikings Football p. 17
  • 18. work recap – Vikings Football production + campaign launch – television In order to build excitement and best communicate the connection between Portland and the Vikings, FIR created a 30-second TV spot titled, “Unleash,” that highlighted the quintessential sounds and images of Portland and Portland football. Featuring a street performing bucket drummer that provided the spot’s backbeat, the commercial was edited in a way to demonstrate how intertwined Portland is with the Vikings. The spot was aired a total of 196 times during home game weeks between Aug. 15 and Nov. 20, 2011. (SFX: MAX wheels clanking against track; MAX whistle.) (CUT TO: Home game opening. SFX: Bucket drumbeat (CUT TO: Bucket drummer.) (CUT TO: Hipster cyclists. SFX: Bicycle bell chime.) throughout.) (CUT TO: Action shot of Viking players during game.) (CUT TO: Bucket drummer.) (CUT TO: Vikings game day crowd cheering.) (CUT TO: Bucket drummer.) (CUT TO: Several images of Portland. SFX: Various Portland (CUT TO: Vikings players unleashing their inner Vikings. (CUT TO: Tagline.) (CUT TO: Endplate featuring home schedule, new field name, sounds.) SFX: Drumbeat stops, replaced by players yelling.) and call to purchase tickets.)
  • 19. august september 2011 TV Schedule Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4am – 9:59am 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 ESPN 5 6 FAM 7 FAM 8 ESP2 9 FAM 10 ESPN ESP2 ESP2 ESPN ESPN ESPN ESPN ESPN ESPN ESP2 FAM ESP2 ESP2 ESP2 ESP2 FAM 14 FAM 16 FAM 10am – 4:59pm 15 ESP2 17 ESPN 18 ESP2 19 ESP2 20 ESPN 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ESP2 FAM FAM ESP2 ESP2 ESPN ESPN ESP2 FAM ESPN ESPN ESPN ESP2 ESP2 ESP2 ESP2 21 FAM 22 23 ESP2 24 ESPN 25 ESPN 26 ESP2 27 18 ESPN 19 ESPN 20 ESP2 21 ESPN 22 ESP2 23 ESP2 24 5pm – 12:59am FAM ESP2 ESP2 ESPN FAM FAM ESPN FAM ESPN ESPN ESPN FAM ESPN ESP2 ESP2 ESP2 FAM ESP2 ESP2 ESPN ESPN ESP2 ESP2 FAM ESP2 FAM ESPN 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 FAM 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 FAM october november Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 30 31 ESP2 1 ESP2 2 ESP2 3 ESP2 4 ESP2 5 TBS TBS ESPN ESPN ESPN ESPN TBS ESPN ESPN TBS ESP2 ESP2 2 ESPN 3 ESP2 4 ESPN 5 ESP2 6 ESPN 7 ESP2 8 ESP2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 FAM ESP2 ESPN ESP2 FAM ESP2 ESPN ESP2 ESPN FAM ESPN ESP2 ESPN ESP2 TBS ESP2 ESP2 FAM ESP2 FAM FAM 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 ESPN 14 ESP2 15 ESP2 16 ESP2 17 ESP2 18 TBS 19 ESP2 TBS TBS ESPN ESP2 ESP2 ESPN ESPN ESP2 ESPN ESPN ESP2 TBS ESP2 TBS 16 ESPN 17 ESPN 18 ESPN 19 ESP2 20 ESP2 21 ESP2 22 ESP2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TBS ESP2 TBS TBS TBS ESP2 ESP2 ESPN ESPN2 ESP2 ESPN TBS TBS ESP2 TBS 23 24 25 26 271 2 28 3 29 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 30 ESPN TBS 31 ESP2 work recap – Vikings Football p. 19
  • 20. work recap – Vikings Football production + campaign launch – online Throughout the Vikings season, numerous animated Interactive Marketing Units (IMUs) were served on and Placing ads both in Run-Of-Site (throughout all pages of the sites) and in strategically selected sections of the sites, a total of 485,218 impressions were generated on OregonLive and an additional 200,001 impressions were generated on Portland Mercury, achieving a target audience reach of approximately 40%. A total of 403 clicks to the website were achieved (Click-Through-Rate of .06%) across 12 different creative executions. Each unit featured either a fan, a player, or a cheerleader unleashing their inner Viking through a sequence of three panels demonstrating the transformation from normal everyday Portlander to full-blown Viking. [Fan: med. rectangle 300x250] [Player: med. rectangle 300x250] [Cheerleader: med. rectangle 300x250] impressions clicks CTR time period 92,905 65 0.07% 8/21 – 9/6/2011 [Fan: leaderboard 728x9]) 163,631 107 0.07% 9/7 – 9/24/2011 76,237 51 0.07% 9/25 – 10/8/2011 76,226 48 0.07% 10/9 – 10/22/2011 [Player: leaderboard 728x90] 76,220 63 0.08% 10/23 – 11/19/2011 [Cheerleader: leaderboard 728x90]
  • 21. As the campaign progressed, additional creative units were developed for that more closely featured specific players and their personal connections to Portland. These alternative units were created in an effort to overcome low CTRs initially generated by [Kavanaugh: leaderboard 728x90] [Monahan: leaderboard 728x90] [Kleffner: med. rectangle 300x250] impressions clicks CTR time period 146,352 46 0.03% 9/2 – 10/26/2011 53,649 23 0.04% 10/27 – 11/17/2011 work recap – Vikings Football p. 21
  • 22. work recap – Vikings Football production + campaign launch – social media In an effort to further develop the Vikings personality and establish a deeper connection with Portlanders, FIR created a Twitter account for the PSU mascot, Victor E. Viking. Research conducted by FIR uncovered a lack of knowledge among the target audience regarding Portland State’s mascot being a Viking, and few knew about Victor E. specifically. FIR attempted to overcome these shortcomings by developing an informative yet fun message tone for Victor E. that would raise awareness and build additional excitement surrounding home games. Victor E. was positioned as the ultimate super fan, believing enthusiastically in his Viking “teammates.” FIR developed Victor E.’s Twitter character as comical, humble, and optimistic about team victory; his self-defined role and benchmark for success was measured by his ability to engage new and loyal fans in a rally around Viking Athletics. Sample Tweet Schedule day morning (8-11a) afternoon (12-4p) evening (5-9p) M introduce upcoming game competition preview, time, location, viewership media special game/halftime causes/honorees T post departmental/coaching staff comments examples of Viking spirit in-house invite fans to creatively express their “inner Vikings” W post news stories/coverage of game invite game-attendance with promo materials Victor E. trivia questions for fan engagement (history, costume changes) R reinforce game specifics/fan promo opportunities advertise tailgate, rally, and stadium march events ask fans to share their Viking game-day rituals F comment on team practice energy, individual player coverage of pre-game fan events note Green Squad attendance; how fans comments, and/or overall departmental game mindset can join in the “Green Out” S final game-day advertisements, promo reminders, comment on game prep, warm-up, and player position game coverage: Victor E. location, fan special game causes/honorees changes/injuries recognition, stadium reactions, key plays S game day recap; including fan pictures with Victor E. next week game preview overall Big Sky Conference standing, season record, and playoff expectations
  • 23. [Victor E. Twitter feed] campaign monitoring Throughout the life of the campaign, all audience touchpoints were monitored for performance and vendor guarantees. Online creative rotations were adjusted to improve ad unit effectiveness and FIR worked closely with media partners to ensure proper delivery of purchased advertising. When appropriate, FIR negotiated media make-goods when guarantees were not met. Such monitoring resulted in total media refunds of approximately $2200. work recap – Vikings Football p. 23
  • 24. work recap – Vikings Football 2011 attendance + ticket sales The Vikings finished third in the Big Sky Conference during the 2011 season. This performance was a considerable improvement over the previous two years when Portland State finished second to last during both seasons. The final standings of the 2009 and 2010 seasons likely factored into modest ticket sales for 2011. For the 2011 season, ticket sales were flat compared to 2009, which was the last year the Vikings’ home field was in Portland. Similar to previous years, game attendance was strongest during home games featuring well-known and top-ranked opponents such as Montana and Montana State. Pinnacle games in which the results directly influenced 2011 playoff participation, such as the final game against Weber State, also generated sizable ticket sales. 2009 Season (PGE Park) 2010 Season (Hillsboro Stadium) 2011 Season (Jeld-Wen Field) standings W-L home road standings W-L home road standings W-L home road Montana 14 - 1 9 -0 5-1 Montana State 9 -3 6 -1 3 -2 Montana 11 - 3 8 -0 3 -3 Eastern Montana 8 -4 4-1 4 -3 Eastern Washington 13 - 2 10 - 0 3 -2 Montana State 10 - 3 6-1 4 -2 Weber State 7-5 4-1 3 -4 Montana 7 -4 5 -1 2 -3 Portland State 7 -4 4-2 3 -2 Montana State 7 -4 4 -2 3 -2 Sacramento State 6 -5 4-1 2 -4 Eastern Washington 6 -5 2 -2 4 -3 Northern Arizona 5-6 3 -2 2 -4 Weber State 6 -5 4-1 2 -4 Weber State 5 -6 3 -2 2 -4 Sacramento State 5 - 6 3 -2 2 -4 Northern Arizona 6-5 3 -2 3 -3 Northern Arizona 4-7 3 -3 1 -4 Northern Colorado 3 - 8 2 -4 1 -4 Northern Colorado 3 -8 2 -3 1 -5 Sacramento State 4-7 2 -3 2 -4 Portland State 2- 9 1-5 1 -4 Portland State 2-9 1 -3 1 -6 Idaho State 2-9 2 -3 0 -6 Idaho State 1 - 10 1-4 0 -6 Idaho State 1 - 10 1 -4 0 -6 Northern Colorado 0 - 11 0-6 0 -5 Vikings home game attendance Vikings home game attendance Vikings home game attendance v. Southern Oregon 7,436 v. Idaho State 5,025 v. Southern Oregon 4,953 v. Weber State 6,659 v. Montana 6,425 v. Northern Arizona 5,47 9 v. Sacramento State 5,037 v. Eastern Washington 4,097 tot. 19,579 v. Montana State 9,054 v. Northern Arizona 6,489 v. Northern Colorado 4,032 avg. 4,895 v. Willamette 5,4 9 1 v. UC Davis 5, 1 80 tot. 36,491 v. Sacramento State 4,6 3 5 tot. 35,684 v. Montana State 5,690 avg. 6,082 v. Weber State 6,0 7 2 avg. 5,947
  • 25. Although FIR’s advertising work was not primarily created to directly generate ticket sales, results indicate the ad campaign’s success in generating interest at the box office and directing fans to purchase tickets online. It should be noted that 2011 marked the return of the Vikings to Portland and the newly refurbished Jeld-Wen Field. Advertising emphasized this move; however, flat attendance and ticket sales may have at least partially attributed to a lack of home field awareness among the general population. With a return to a Vikings’ winning form and consistency in home field location, FIR is hopeful its 2012 ad campaign will continue to build excitement surrounding the Viks and help drive ticket purchases while leveraging the team’s on-field successes. 2011 Individual Ticket Sales outlet sales phone sales online sales box office sales opponent tickets $ tickets $ tickets $ tickets $ Southern Oregon 11 265.00 0 0.00 71 1,656.00 899 10,648.00 Northern Arizona 11 105.00 12 12.00 73 1,728.00 933 12,219.00 Montana State 24 560.00 25 660.00 384 9,392.00 2,397 43,636.00 Willamette 5 78.00 2 40.00 58 1,441.00 999 15,145.00 Sacramento State 10 260.00 0 0.00 55 1,441.00 555 9,370.00 Weber State 11 105.00 12 120.00 250 2,280.00 1,298 4,223.00 totals 72 1,373.00 51 940.00 891 17,938.00 7,081 95,241.00 comps total 11,980 tickets sold total 8,095 sales total $115,491.69 work recap – Vikings Football p. 25
  • 26. work recap – Vikings Football Year-2 Scope of Work During year two of the FIR-Vikings relationship, FIR set out to build upon the prior year’s campaign. Keeping the pre-established “Unleash Your Inner Viking” theme, FIR concentrated its efforts on digging deeper into fan research and uncovering more effective ways to execute last year’s campaign concept. Additionally, FIR explored new ways to generate donor funding in an effort to improve upon the previous year’s unsuccessful funding campaign. research + intelligence gathering As a continuation of Year-1 campaign monitoring efforts, FIR re-administered previously developed survey instruments used to measure perceptions surrounding Vikings football, this time expanding the audience to include 18-and-above-year-old Portlanders, both students and non-. A total of 1,858 Portland State students, predominately aged 18-29-years, completed online questionnaires. Additionally, intercept surveys, focus groups (with international students, game-day rally leaders the Green Man Group, and PSU students), and observational research were conducted similar to Year-1 efforts. Research results revealed little change in perceptions surrounding the Vikings. Similar to that found in Year-1, the overall feeling people have for the Vikings is apathy. Other conclusions drawn from FIR’s research include the following: Students are key components for having an exciting atmosphere at games. Individuals desire tradition to be attached to their sports teams and are interested in knowing players and their history. Portlanders need to be made overly excited to attend games since so many entertainment options exist during weekends. During Year-2, FIR also developed a new measurement instrument that assesses PSU students’ knowledge of the Vikings. Past research revealed a low level of knowledge surrounding the Vikings among Portlanders in general. Administered online, this new instrument establishes a baseline from which to gauge future campaign efforts while increasing knowledge among participants since facts about the Vikings are provided once the survey is completed. Dubbed the “Knowledge Index,” FIR hopes to make this instrument a key component of all future campaign development and monitoring.
  • 27. The “Knowledge Index” survey is comprised of 13 questions with varying levels of difficulty. Scores can range from 1 to 10, with higher scores denoting greater knowledge of the Vikings. Initial administration of the survey to 150 students indicated a less than desirable level of Vikings knowledge (average score was 4.08). To help assess on-going advertising efforts, the Knowledge Survey will be administered again during and after the 2012 football season. Knowledge Survey Results question % correct % incorrect % unsure What is the football team’s mascot? 86 2 12 What are the team’s colors? 84 10 6 Where do the Vikings play their home games? 49 27 24 What slogan do the Vikings use in their advertising? 37 9 54 What conference do the Vikings play in? 32 14 53 Who is the current head coach for the Vikings football team? 29 7 64 What is the web address of the site where you can buy Vikings tickets? 27 5 69 What is the cost of a general admission ticket to a Vikings football game? 22 18 61 What is the name of the PSU student fan group? 22 7 71 What is the team’s number one rival school? 16 26 58 What style of offense does the Vikings football team use? 11 11 78 Who is the current player on the team that was an All-American last year? 10 14 76 Who is the winningest football coach in Vikings history? 9 11 80 work recap – Vikings Football p. 27
  • 28. work recap – Vikings Football communications planning Using the additional research conclusions generated during year two, FIR developed a campaign plan with the goal of getting students first, then potential fans, excited about attending live games. Utilizing TV, print, online, and out-of-home media, as well as public relations efforts, the Year-2 media plan was developed to be more geographically targeted and more focused on heavy-up advertising during weeks of home games than the Year-1 campaign. [Media flowchart]
  • 29. Three media budget scenarios were developed for the client and for donor fundraising purposes. Using the Year-1 $10,000 budget as a baseline, two additional proposals were developed that would better reach the expanded target audience of the Year-2 campaign and extend ad placement into previously underutilized media channels. Media Budget Scenarios work recap – Vikings Football p. 29
  • 30. work recap – Vikings Football production + campaign launch – 30-second TV spot rough-cut: “Charge!” The newest campaign plan features more fanatical and enthusiastic displays of Viking excitement among Portlanders. Five separate end-plates, one for each home game, were created to announce each corresponding opponent. Still yet to be launched, the 2012 campaign executions currently exist as mock-ups, pending donor funding. (SFX: Slow building + inspirational piano track throughout. SLO-MO: Gradual focus (SLO-MO: Portlanders from all walks of life, all overdressed in Vikings gear and (SLO-MO: Bearded Viking blowing water into the air.) of Portlanders unleashing their Vikings.) regalia, charge the camera.) (CU: Fan signing the Viking “V.”) (SLO-MO: Angled shot of Portlanders running towards the gates of Jeld-Wen Field.) (CUT TO: Endplate featuring opening home game opponent, date, time, and call to purchase tickets.)
  • 31. production + campaign launch – print, online, and outdoor mock-ups [Online mock-up: leaderboard 728x90] [Print mock-up: quarter page] [Bus shelter poster mock-up: 5’8” x 3’11”] work recap – Vikings Football p. 31
  • 32. work recap – Vikings Football production + campaign launch – donor video FIR developed additional donor funding strategies in an effort to overcome Year-1 funding shortcomings. Specifically, FIR created a 4-minute quirky, yet informative video explaining what FIR is and urging viewers to donate funds to help subsidize campaign media costs. FIR worked closely with the PSU Athletics Office to develop varying levels of donor perqs to be rewarded according to donation amount. This video lives on the website as well as YouTube and Facebook. Blogger relations tactics were also employed to foster online word-of-mouth and sharing among local sports authorities and bloggers. Results of this effort are currently pending; however, the video generated 383 views in its first week online. FIR also developed a comprehensive campaign pitch book and donor presentation. [Various stills from donor video]
  • 33. A donor announcement fact sheet was created in an effort to help attract larger-ask donors to a donor pitch luncheon where FIR presented its advertising campaign plan in July. The pitch was well received by attendees; PSU Athletics Director, Torre Chisholm announced during the pitch he would personally donate $500 to the effort since he believed so strongly in the campaign. Additional donations received are still pending. work recap – Vikings Football p. 33
  • 34. additional FIR accounts summary June 2011 – June 2012 In addition to work completed for the Vikings, FIR completed projects for six new clients in the last year. Below is a brief summary of significant work done. Client time period donations received scope of work summary Guayaki Yerba Mate Sept. ‘11 – present $500 FIR conducted primary research into the cultural connection + significance of drinking yerba mate, with emphasis on college populations. The account team provided the client a deeper look into the college mindset as it relates to mate. During the week before fall term finals, FIR conceptualized + implemented a sampling event that incorporated gaming into the experience of drinking Guayaki products (both hot + cold beverages). Dubbed the Guayathlon, the client was so pleased with the results, they asked FIR to develop a plan to roll-out the event nationwide. During winter term, FIR helped launch a new Guayaki product, sparkling mate, by conceptualizing and implementing a new event that associated the client’s environmentally conscious mission with the story of Dr. Seuss’s, “The Lorax.” During spring term, FIR was instrumental in two additional sparkling mate sampling events – a Spring Finals Guayathlon and a product launch in Austin, TX COVER] American Advertising Federation National [FRONT at the Conference. During all these events, FIR provided promotional materials, point-of-sample supplements, and social media content. The Gaufre Gourmet Oct. ‘11 – present $250 FIR re-vamped and helped update the liege waffle food cart + caterer’s website. Additionally, the account team re- designed the client’s menu + collateral materials, created a point-of-sale slide show, and reached out to local concierges in an effort to inspire them to recommend Gaufre Gourmet to guests. The account team also conceptualized new promotional ideas such as a customer-driven waffle-of-the-week contest. FIR produced special event supplemental materials + provided photography services during high-profile events, including late-night catering service on the set of “Grimm.” Other efforts included search directory inclusion + basic search engine optimization (SEO) tactics for the client’s online presence. As an ongoing effort, the team also made strategic social media (SM) recommendations and provided SM support + content. Tualatin Library Foundation Jan. ‘12 – present $500 FIR updated the Foundation’s website and developed fundraising strategy recommendations, including the identification of new stakeholder segments and supplementary events. Additionally, the team created and designed all materials used for the Foundation’s biggest annual event, the Tualatin Vine 2 Wine fundraiser, including tickets, flyers, signage and collateral. The team also initiated the creation of a revamped website for the client in an effort to create a more engaged + compelling site experience.
  • 35. Client time period donations received scope of work summary Indow Windows Sept. ‘11 – June ‘12 $500 FIR conducted extensive secondary + primary research into homeowners’ beliefs surrounding home improvements, home ownership, the Portland housing market, and home preservation in order to develop a series of direct mail pieces. FIR also took over management of the client’s search advertising campaign by improving its AdWords ROI through the creation of more tailored ad units + more effective keyword purchasing. Most recently, the account team conducted a statistical analysis of price-point perceptions and buying behaviors, and produced two testimonial videos that will live online. Fork in the Road Sept. ‘11 – Dec. ‘11 $0 FIR worked with the social enterprise start-up to refine + create its Kickstarter video, which resulted in the client exceeding its funding goals. The Glove Press June ‘11 – Oct. ‘11 $250 FIR conducted extensive consumer research into the Portland food cart scene in an effort to determine market feasibility for the yet-to-be-established eatery. The account team produced + presented a comprehensive review of geographic considerations, neighborhood + customer perceptions, competitive analyses, + service opportunities. additional FIR accounts summary p. 35
  • 36. additional accounts work samples (Quote: “Quite frankly, I don’t know that I would ever replace windows in a home again. I feel that Indow Windows on the whole provide you with the same exact benefits of full replacements, while allowing you to do as little damage to the [FRONT COVER] original building envelope as possible.” [TLF: website redesign mock-up] [IndowWindows: still image + quote from testimonial video] [Gaufre Gourmet: special even banner] [Fork in the Road: still image from video]
  • 37. [Guayaki Yerba Mate: photo from fall Guayathlon event] [TLF: Vine 2 Wine announcement/invitation] [Guayaki Yerba Mate: photo from spring Guayathlon event] [Indow Windows: direct mail piece mock-up] [Gaufre Gourmet: Facebook banner / promotion] additional accounts work samples p. 37
  • 38. financials Lab technology + equipment expenses - $7,617.30 Contingency + Miscellaneous expenses - $2,740.79 computer hardware TOTALS printing costs TOTALS MacBook Pro 13 laptop 1,099.00 Vikings client presentation materials 203.54 iMac 27 desktop computer + monitor 1,599.00 Donor pitch materials 324.95 Two printers (1 color, 1 B/W) + one external hard drive 401.71 Guayathlon event materials 55.90 584.39 Printer toner cartridges 554.95 Apple mini display port 24.95 3,679.61 photo shoot + event supplies Vikings video + photo shoot materials 367.13 computer software + subscriptions Guayathlon events materials 172.09 539.22 Adobe Creative Suite 5 622.00 Adobe Acrobat Pro 54.00 professional services Apple specialty applications 39.98 Steady camera operator 100.00 (March – July, 2012) 187.50 903.48 Sound work for video shoot 50.00 Search engine marketing training 100.00 250.00 web hosting + email fees 168.84 168.84 business meals + functions Intern work session meals 205.51 studio equipment Client meetings 8.45 Cannon Rebel DSLR 915.98 Food for photo/video shoot actors + crews 172.50 Tripod + memory cards 79.98 Two Vine 2 Wine registrations 80.00 Go-Pro Hero 2 video camera 215.00 Intern holiday party 153.50 619.96 RED video camera rental 500.00 1,710.96 postage 1.92 1.92 telephone Phone + cabling installation 278.00 FIR agency open house Monthly charges (Oct. 2011 – June 2012) 500.15 778.15 Event materials 211.90 Catering 533.40 745.30 supplies Art materials 25.23 Office materials 44.39 Business cards 182.95 Office wall banner 123.69 376.26
  • 39. Vikings account research expenses - $1,967.76 In addition to expenses, a total of $2,000 was received from clients outside of the Vikings account that made donations. These funds were used to pay for participant incentives TOTALS internal expenses such as the FIR spring open house and the holiday party, as VISA gift cards 289.50 well as providing interns opportunities to attend client functions such as the 2012 Living Room Theater gift cards 396.00 Vine 2 Wine event. Chipotle gift cards 315.00 iPad (raffle prize) 399.99 During the next 18 months, efforts will be made to increase client donation Two iPod Touches (raffle prizes) 425.15 amounts by requesting higher donations. In the next year, FIR hopes to raise iPod Shuffle (raffle prize) 44.99 1870.63 enough donation dollars to initiate a FIR scholarship fund that will be awarded to focus group refreshments 97.13 97.13 one intern per year to offset intern tuition costs. Viking donations for 2012 are still pending. However, despite many strategies and Total expenses (Jan. 2011 – July 2012) - $12,325.85 tactics employed to generate substantial donor dollars to subsidize FIR’s Viking campaigns, very few funds have been generated. Discussions with the PSU Athletics Office are ongoing in an attempt to overcome past difficulties. financials p. 39