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Social Media Plan
Association for Women in Communications
Metro Phoenix Chapter
Created by MediaCom
Taylor Bicho, Molly Lachance, and Sounia Johnson
April 28, 2015
Social Media Plan for AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter
Executive Summary
Founded in 1909 by a group of journalist students at the University of Washington, The
Association for Women in Communications (AWC) served as breeding ground for the most talented
emerging female writers. Today, over a century later, AWC continues to serve as a successful networking
organization with a mission to “champion the advancement of women across all communications
disciplines by recognizing excellence, promoting leadership and positioning its members at the forefront
of the evolving communications era” (, 2015).
With over 2,000 active members, AWC has the potential to grow through the development of
new local and student chapters. In December 2014, AWC launched its newest addition - AWC Metro
Phoenix Chapter. Driven to connect female professionals and students in the Phoenix area through
membership, board/committee participation, educational programs, and local events, AWC Metro
Phoenix Chapter is working to establish its social media presence in order to make these goals a reality.
The following social media plan provides a thorough analysis of the AWC Metro Phoenix
Chapter’s social and digital presence, competitors, as well as target audience. Through careful SWOT
analysis and the use of the four key actions from Aaker and Smith’s The Dragonfly Effect, this plan
explores how AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter can use the proposed social media platforms to Focus, Grab
Attention, Engage, and Take Action in order to resonate with communications leaders and continue to
grow as the leading female communications organization in the Arizona market.
Situational Analysis Research
This section is a comprehensive review of social media content and engagement related to the
AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter and how the organization is currently trending (see Appendix A. AWC
National’s Conversion Channels).
Metro Phoenix Chapter is listed under AWC’s Chapters on the National Chapter’s website
AWC Springfield, New Jersey, and South Florida Chapters are the most established and advanced
AWC Metro Phoenix
established a Facebook page in
December 2014
First announcement of the Metro
Phoenix Chapter occurred on
July 1, 2014 by Davenport PR
Recruiting, meeting reminders,
and organization’s
announcements posted
consistently by Davenport PR
since July 1, 2014 to December 11, 2014.
AWC New York and Westchester/Fairfield Chapters endorsed by Women’s Leadership Exchange
Great opportunity for Metro Phoenix Chapter to be mentioned and publicized
Competitive Landscape
Because membership is a key monetary driver of AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter, it is important to
not lose potential or current members to competing organizations. Public Relations Society of America
(PRSA) is currently the largest community of public relations and communications professionals with
32,000 members/students. Similar to AWC, PRSA helps members make connections, enhance their
professional skills, and become leaders within the industry. Because PRSA has such an extensive
professional and student following, it is no surprise that they also lead in scale across all social media
platforms, with presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google+, and
Flickr. See Appendix B for Social Landscape.
American Marketing Association (AMA) is also a competing organization, specifically because
they too have a Phoenix Chapter. AMA Phoenix was established over 50 years ago and strives to provide
marketers in the Phoenix area with the tools, connection, and professional development they need to
enhance and succeed in their careers. AMA Phoenix has limited social media presence compared to
PRSA, but still leads AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter with visibility on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,
LinkedIn, Google+, and Flickr. See Appendix C for Digital Component Analysis.
Target Audience Research
AWC Metro Phoenix’s Board of Directors has identified two target audiences in the Phoenix
Metro area for membership, leadership participation, and volunteer opportunities in support of its
mission: (1) female communications professionals and (2) female college students majoring in
communications fields.
With these audiences in mind, AWC Metro Phoenix should keep current with the general media
behavior of adult women in the United States to identify trends in media consumption. Where possible,
the research will focus on women with education beyond high school. Recent statistics indicate stronger
social media usage among women than men, particularly on visual platforms.
According to an article titled, “It’s a woman’s (social media) world” summarizing data from the
Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project, 74% of online women used social networking
sites in 2013 (Duggan, 2013).
Seeking to understand how and why women use social media, Nielsen compiled an insights
report following a 2014 survey, which found that women more often use social media as a creative outlet
for sharing visual content and as a tool for bettering themselves via self-help and how-to guidance (The
female/male digital divide).
As added motivation, Phoenix and the surrounding area boasts one of the best educated
workforces in the country and the population is expected to double over the next 20 years, taking overall
projected employment growth to 85% in that area compared to a 20% national average (,
2015). Good news for professionals across a variety of fields, communications included.
Key Insights
1. With 74% of online women using social networking sites in 2013, audience data indicates a
compelling justification for implementing social media platforms to grow female membership in
AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter.
2. In order to keep pace with competitor professional communications associations like PRSA and
AMA that have active social media accounts, AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter will benefit from
building engaging online communities on Facebook and Twitter.
3. Statistics indicate women prefer visual platforms, making Tumblr and YouTube valuable tools
for AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter to incorporate into its strategy.
4. With a target audience of professional female communicators and students, LinkedIn rounds out
the strategy adding a more professional networking platform.
Social Media Strategy
The proposed social media strategy follows the Focus + GET model described
by Aaker and Smith in their book, The Dragonfly Effect. This model serves as an
initial strategic exercise for AWC’s newly formed Metro Phoenix Chapter, while
leveraging the social media platforms that will best benefit the growth of this organization.
It is imperative for AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter to have an established “single focused goal to provide direction,
motivation and operational guidance” (Aaker and Smith, 2010, p. 20). AWC Metro Phoenix’s goal needs to be:
-Actionable -Testable -Clear -Personally Meaningful
Goal should be focused on the target audience: female communications professionals and students
Goal is focused on becoming the primary organization for women in communications in the Arizona market
Chapter is led with the meaningful integrity of championing the advancement of women across all
communications disciplines
Grab Attention:
It is critical for AWC Metro Phoenix to hook women in the Metro Phoenix area and make sure AWC “sticks” with
them as an organization that will benefit their lives both personally and professionally.
By creating educational videos and hosting meet-and-greet events, AWC Metro Phoenix can provide
potential members with information about the organization while keeping them wanting more (p. 51).
AWC Metro Phoenix will need to develop “new strategies for grabbing consumers’ attention, by
understanding their plight and creating a message that speaks to them” (Aaker and Smith, p. 53).
AWC Metro Phoenix will want to develop a personalized message that builds emotion among new potential
members and surprises them with something new and unexpected.
AWC Metro Phoenix has the unique opportunity to transform the dreaded act of networking into something
memorable and rewarding by having current members share their success stories and making a visceral
connection with others.
Current Platforms
After understanding the rationale behind the following social strategy, let’s first evaluate AWC
Metro Phoenix Chapter’s current platforms, progressing into the additional proposed platforms that are
guaranteed to drive the Chapter’s success.
Website & Email
It is important to note the significance of AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter developing a website,
separate from the National Chapter. The AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter website will act as a 24/7
advertising platform, housing all Chapter information and announcements in one central location. With
programs such as SquareSpace,, and Moonfruit, website building is made easy and low in cost.
Though time is required to compile all necessary information and design a well-branded website, Metro
Phoenix will greatly benefit from increased visibility and accessibility among its members. In addition, by
Take Action:
AWC Metro Phoenix wants to “compel its audience into action” (p. 114) and encourage women in the Metro Phoenix
area to sign up to become members of AWC.
Membership registration should be fun and easy, while tailoring to the needs of both the organization and its
According to the “time-ask effect” (p. 120), AWC Metro Phoenix should lure potential members by asking
for their time before money. Once they have experienced AWC’s comradery and culture, potential members
will be more willing and excited to contribute because they are already invested in the organization.
The “social validation ask” (p. 123) shows that by displaying “recently added AWC members,” potential
members will be more inclined to join because they see others are joining.
By focusing efforts, grabbing attention, and engaging potential members, AWC Metro Phoenix will be able
gain local publicity and form connections by spurring members to take action, causing AWC Metro Phoenix
to become not only the primary organization in the Arizona area, but the most successful and influential
Chapter of AWC.
As AWC Metro Phoenix begins to gain traction with the Arizona market, it is critical to compel women “to care
deeply, even fall in love” (p. 75) with AWC Metro Phoenix by explaining the benefits and opportunities that are at
every member’s disposal.
Create powerful and lasting memories in order to differentiate AWC Metro Phoenix from other competing
AWC National’s rich history is a great story to tell from its establishment in 1909 as a breeding ground for
talented emerging writers, to its continued success today.
Empathize and show authenticity by sharing key trends in the communication industry and having AWC
Metro Phoenix’s President and Board of Directors share their stories showing that they are real people with
similar values, passions, and aspirations.
creating a tool for membership registration, Metro Phoenix’s website will enable convenient membership
sign-up and renewal while increasing membership sales.
It is also important for AWC Metro Phoenix to continue its email marketing efforts. Despite the
emergence of newer, more social communications platforms, research suggests that email remains a
dominant and valuable tool for professionals. According to a McKinsey & Company report, email is 40%
more effective for acquiring customers than social media because 91% of all U.S. consumers still use e-
mail daily (Aufreiter, Boudet & Weng, 2014). A 2014 Pew Research study found that more than three
quarters of online office-based workers reported that email was “very important” to their jobs.
Such statistics are a good indication that email campaigns are still an important part of a complete
digital communications plan for AWC Metro Phoenix’s professional organizational mission. Using a tool
like MailChimp will help AWC Metro Phoenix ensure that their email content is formatted properly for
both desktop and mobile users. Given that nearly 45% of emails are opened on a mobile device
(Aufreiter, Boudet, & Weng, 2014), it’s imperative to have an email design that displays properly across
various devices to ensure continued engagement and legibility among members.
Facebook is an undeniable force in the social media landscape with a reported 1.44 billion
monthly active users as of March 31, 2015. Of particular note, 85% of the daily active users during March
2015 used the platform on mobile devices. (Facebook Newsroom, 2015). This trend toward
predominately mobile use has prompted Facebook founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg to continue to
expand the company’s offerings in support of their mission to give people the power to share and connect
their world. Since February 2014, Facebook has launched several new independent (unbranded) mobile
apps through its Facebook Creative Labs.
Facebook’s approach of evolving business practices to stay ahead of social digital trends is a
good indication of Facebook’s staying power and a strong motivation for AWC Metro Phoenix to
incorporate the platform into a comprehensive social media strategy. While the ways of sharing messages
on Facebook are always expanding, the actual content of the message is arguably the most important
factor. Perhaps the most compelling reason to focus on content is that Facebook employs an algorithm
that rewards quality content with greater reach and throttles reach for content that it deems overly
promotional. It will be important for AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter to understand and execute a Facebook
strategy that includes posts with maximum reach potential. See Appendix D for an abbreviated list
adapted from Kevan Lee’s article about the features associated with the Facebook algorithm.
With these factors in mind, AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter should start by making sure that its
Facebook profile is complete and informative. Thought should also be given to what members of the
organization will be responsible for creating and posting content to the pages. Following are some tips for
AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter to employ when posting on Facebook.
Post regularly and consistently: AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter already has a strong start in this area. The newly formed
local chapter has established a Facebook fan page, where the board of directors posts regularly. The posts have and should
continue to have a consistent voice and provide quality material. Facebook recommends that businesses create a content
calendar to schedule posts and ensure consistent messaging (2015). Paying attention to the regularity and consistency of
messaging will give followers an expectation of the value of AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter’s page helping to establish the
organization as a thought leader in the communications field.
Make posts visually appealing with fresh new material: Not only does the Facebook algorithm appreciate visual
content, but our research suggests that visual content is particularly important to AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter’s target
audience. Facebook’s new single column timeline in 2013 reflects the importance of visual platforms by displaying posts
in a pin board style format. For maximum potential reach, AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter should upload new quality
resolution images and videos to Facebook that have not previously appeared on the site.
Tag other pages with similar fan bases: Since AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter is relatively new to the scene, tagging other
pages with similar fan bases, like AWC National, other local AWC Chapters and organizations with similar interests will
help the chapter establish a reputation as a credible resource for communications information on Facebook.
Review post performance regularly and adjust: While AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter is getting started; it will be
important to test and review the performance of posts and adjust accordingly. The highlight button would let AWC Metro
Phoenix chapter experiment with featuring the most important content displayed under a star banner. Fine-tuning a posting
plan and understanding what types of posts work well should be a priority before spending any considerable amount of
money to boost or promote posts.
Proposed Platforms
In order to enhance local publicity and connection with
female professionals and college students, AWC Metro Phoenix
should establish a presence on the following four new social media
platforms: YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Tumblr - in addition to
enhancing its engagement and sense of community on Facebook.
Launched in May 2005, YouTube serves as a social media platform that houses a variety of
videos ranging from user-generated to professional video content. According to a 2014 Pew Research
Center study, YouTube is currently the second-largest social networking site behind Facebook, and its
popularity continues to grow with over 100 hours of video uploaded every minute (Anderson, 2015, para.
5). The study also found that 63% of all Internet users use YouTube, which is much more widely used
than LinkedIn, Google+, and Twitter (Anderson, 2015, para. 6).
With over 1 billion users, YouTube “provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire
others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers
large and small” (YouTube, 2015, para. 1). Similar to other networking sites, YouTube is widely popular
among younger audiences – 82% of its users are ages 18-29 and 34.7 million users are women ages 18-54
(Think with Google, 2015, para. 4). According to a Nielson survey, YouTube was rated the top place to
“watch content, ahead of digital and TV properties like Facebook and ESPN”(Guimaraes, 2014, para. 9).
Connect with audience: YouTube is predicted to bring much growth and expansion to the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter
as it directly aligns with its target audience. With 55% of all women ages 18-54 on YouTube (Think with Google, 2015,
para. 4), the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter will be able to connect with targeted female professionals and college students.
Similar to AWC National Chapter, the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter is encouraged to create a YouTube page to house
member testimonials, event and speaker lectures, and fun video content that pertains to the communication industry.
Recruit: In comparison to competitive organizations, PRSA takes the lead in YouTube presence with 511 subscribers and
over 200 videos posted. Video content includes membership information and benefits, lectures from industry leaders, and
footage from conferences/events. The PRSA channel receives high engagement, with its most popular video “PRSA
Strategic Plan” receiving over 3,000 views. Slowly trailing behind is AWC National Chapter and AMA Phoenix, with
minimal subscribers and videos, and much opportunity for growth.
While Twitter trails Facebook and YouTube in terms of usage with 288 million monthly active
users (80% of whom are accessing the site from a mobile device), it still has over one billion total users
and offers AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter a different type of engagement. Twitter users tend to be younger
with 37% of online adults ages 18-29 on the platform (Duggan et. al, 2015). While many argue that
Facebook has reached maturity, Twitter still has a lot of growth potential. At the end of 2014, Twitter co-
founder Biz Stone discussed the future of social media and predicted that as our connected society
evolves, we will use it to help each other (BBC News). So how can AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter use
Twitter in support of its mission? Here are some ideas:
Share industry and organization news: Similar to PRSA, the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter is strongly encouraged to
create a YouTube channel for its members to subscribe to in order to stay current with the latest industry and organization
news. As stated by the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter’s President, Debra Davenport, short video messages which convey
the organization’s mission, vision, and culture are currently under development – making YouTube is an ideal platform to
house this content in a central location. In addition, videos created by Davenport and the Board of Directors should also
be posted to make the organization feel more personal and relatable to members. Because user-generated content also
performs well on YouTube, all existing members should be encouraged to post content to the AWC Metro Phoenix
channel for further exposure into the organization.
Broadcast events: Lastly, the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter’s YouTube channel should house video content from the
latest events. According to Pew Research Center, 54% of Internet users uploaded a video of an event they attended
(Anderson, 2015, para. 4), which makes YouTube a natural environment for its users to house and search for event
content. This will serve as a great opportunity to provide membership information, event/lecture recaps, footage of guest
speakers from monthly meetings, and/or exclusive YouTube content to further drive engagement and encourage returned
visits to the AWC Phoenix Chapter channel.
Be a resource: AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter should use Twitter to engage its younger student demographic and help
them transition from school into the communications workforce. In a 2012 article, Neal Schaffer encourages professional
societies to incorporate social media during association events as a way to expand brand awareness and reputation. Live
tweeting from conferences and events that students may not have the time or resources to attend will help establish the
chapter as valuable resource for current and potential members.
Share achievements of members: AWC Metro Phoenix should use the impressive professional credentials of its
members to help build brand identity and networks for the local chapter. Encouraging members to share their professional
successes and experiences will position AWC Metro Phoenix as a top tier communications organization for women in the
Build a network of industry influencers: The great thing about networking on social media, particularly Twitter is that
you can connect with lots of industry influencers on a global scale. Forbes and Belle Communications are just two lists
compiling the top marketing, PR, and social media influencers on Twitter (Shaughnessy, 2013 and Finley, 2015).
Following the top industry influencers will provide AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter with great content to retweet as well as
ideas for the best kinds of information to share.
Professional networking is a key component of many organizations’ marketing strategies. As a
professional networking organization specifically geared for communication professionals, establishing
an account with LinkedIn is a strategic imperative for AWC Metro Phoenix. This tool will allow AWC
Metro Phoenix to solidify its online presence, and position itself as a competitive organization vested in
the professional development of women in the communications field.
From a strategic standpoint, having an account on LinkedIn will allow AWC Metro Phoenix to
conduct vigorous outreach, dispatch important news and updates, establish call to action, and engage in a
variety of promotional activities. LinkedIn also allows organizations to connect with key influencers that
can help generate an enormous number of leads.
With respect to statistics, the Pew Research Center shows that LinkedIn continues to be very
popular amongst college graduates who continue to dominate the site by a large margin (Duggan et. al,
Other compelling information reveals that LinkedIn constitutes the world’s largest professional
network with 50 million U.S. users alone. The infographic shown below contextualizes those numbers
Make local connections: AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter can network with Communications and PR Chapters from local
community colleges and universities. For example, the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications
( could be an important target. Leveraging LinkedIn to network with professors and students at this
school is a critical aspect of conducting professional outreach with aspiring communications professionals. ASU Walter
Cronkite also has an active Alumni chapter on LinkedIn ( that will serve as a wonderful source
of leads supporting AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter’s chief objective to broaden its constituency comprised of women in
Increase brand awareness: Another important consideration is that LinkedIn gives the option of tailoring the URL to the
name of the organization. For AWC having an chapter URL will contribute to
a more cohesive and polished online presence. Undoubtedly, having a LinkedIn online presence will help boost the
AWC’s visibility as well as position the women of the AWC Phoenix Chapter as industry experts, mentors and through
leaders in the field of communications. Thus, LinkedIn offers the perfect professional venue to promote ongoing and
relevant information while engaging and inspiring women to join its local chapter.
and offers a summary of what drives LinkedIn users to leverage this platform. As seen below, over 76%
of LinkedIn members use the platform to network.
Microblogging is a powerful social media tool able to raise brand awareness by shifting focus
from written to visual content. Of particular interest is the use of Tumblr as a platform of engagement to
raise brand visibility for the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter. Unlike other microblogging platforms such as
Facebook and Twitter, Tumblr offers a blogging platform where the users can curate visual content
helping to create a compelling narrative of its daily activities.
Create engaging content: Engaging content will allow AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter to expand outreach by attracting
potential new members and offering a solid reliable platform of daily curated feeds complementing their other social
media platforms. Showing a timeline of functions and events will increase visual content and inform the target audience.
Take advantage of free platforms: From a strategic standpoint, the use of Tumblr is a great growth opportunity.
Blogging without limitations on a free platform is not only a sound fiscal decision, but will increase brand awareness while
creating a cohesive value proposition.
Connect with audience: Blogging on Tumblr will make stories more relatable to members and potential members by
showcasing fun images rather than words alone. Combined with its existing presence on Facebook, Tumblr will offer
another strategic marketing tool in the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter’s social media arsenal. The more uniformity the
AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter can attain the more polished and established the brand will be in dispatching relevant timely
visual content. This in turn will help create a cohesive brand while increasing membership.
Leveraging blogging as a tool of engagement will add credibility to an organization that prides
itself on forging ties with women in the Metro Phoenix area. According to a highlight on, “companies that blog generate 67% more leads than those that don’t, 78% of CMO’s
think that content marketing of the future of marketing” (AwesomeTech, 2013).
Measurement and Post Campaign Plan
Tracking analytics is critical in driving forward AWC Metro Phoenix’s social marketing
initiatives. This requires a pragmatic measurement plan that incorporates Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) that will serve as a guiding framework and establish quantifiable social marketing metrics to
measure and translate actionable insight needed to understand and drive business forward.
The following steps will help AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter achieve and track its social media
efforts through the use of analytics and integrated social media dashboards. To achieve this task, it is
recommended that AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter identify relevant KPI’s and partner-up with a social
media analytical platforms (various providers have been included in this audit report) to help increase its
social media efforts. The most useful and directly relevant KPIs are listed below.
KPI Definition Vendors
Strength A metric that measures the likelihood that the brand is being discussed
in social media.
Social Mention; which is a free
dashboard that allows AWC to
measure its strength in real-time.
Sentiment The ratio of mentions that are generally positive to those that are
generally negative. Sentiment Ratios should be trended over time and
contextualized in categories ranging from neutral: negative.
Social Mention, Radiant6,
ScoutLabs, Statsit, Trendrr...
Passion (audience
A metric that will help AWC measure the likelihood that individuals are
talking about the brand, and will do so repeatedly. Just how engaged is
the audience? Audience engagement relates to the proportion of online
visitors who contribute various comments. Measuring audience
engagement through various online channels such as blog comments,
Facebook interactions, Twitter Interactions, Twitter ‘retweets’,
YouTube video interactions is a good scalable vantage point to
understand online behaviors. This metric can yield insightful data to
help us disseminate content, launch new initiatives, polls, but also
cultivate information to amplify the online buzz.
Convereaon, Flitrbox (Jive),
Webtrends, Social Mention,
Radiant6, ScoutLabs, Statsit,
Reach A measure of the range of influence. It is the number of unique authors
referencing the brand.
Social Mention, Radiant6,
ScoutLabs, Statsit, Trendrr.
Once AWC Metro Phoenix chapter is able to establish a website, and an integrated online
presence comprised, the use of Google Analytics would be highly recommended to monitor website
traffic. Another recommended tool is, a website that provides insightful social
media analytics and allows the extracted data to be exported to an Excel spreadsheet or a PowerPoint
slide. Using the free trial, was unable to generate any results for AWC Metro
Phoenix Chapter due to a lack of online activity. But that just means potential growth for AWC Metro
Phoenix Chapter is virtually boundless.
Strategy Implementation
Though each of these proposed platforms are guaranteed to grow and enhance AWC Metro
Phoenix Chapter, a critical part of this developmental process is acknowledging that each goal cannot be
obtained overnight. As a close-knit and low budgeted organization, it is important for AWC Metro
Phoenix not to overextend and look to this proposal as an evolutionary process.
The below chart outlines which platforms should take priority, starting with crawl and building to
fly. Currently, AWC Metro Phoenix is in the initial crawl stage, working to establish its online presence.
As part of this social media plan, AWC Metro Phoenix should work to build this online presence by
enriching content on the remaining recommended platforms. Because both Tumblr and YouTube require
a larger amount of content, development of these platforms is appropriately placed after Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn, and website creation because much content can be leveraged from these existing
platforms. This also allows the Chapter time to develop compelling videos and imagery to be leveraged
on both mediums.
Lastly, once AWC Metro Phoenix’s social media presence has been established successfully, the
organization can move into the Fly stage by creating press releases to get the Chapter trending, as well as
create advocacy programs and membership contents in order to embrace and further grow its community.
Summary and Conclusion
It is important for AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter to focus on an achievable social media goal to
frame implementation of its strategy. The Chapter is off to a promising start with an active Facebook page
and strong support from an active President and Board of Directors to expand its social media presence.
YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Tumblr will round out a comprehensive social media plan for AWC
Metro Phoenix Chapter, allowing the organization maximum networking and growth potential. The key to
success will be pacing social media implementation with an evolutionary approach that allows time for
learning and adjusting tactics.
Aaker, J. & Smith, A. (2010). The Dragonfly Effect. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Anderson, M. (2015, February 12). 5 Facts about online video, for YouTube’s 10th
birthday. Retrieved
Aufreiter, N., Boudet, J., and Weng, V. (January 2014). Why Marketers Should Keep Sending You
Emails. Retrieved from:
AwesomeTech (14 November 2013). Homepage. Retrieved from
BBC News. (2014, October 8). Twitter co-founder talks about future of social media (video). Retrieved
Duggan, M. (2013, September 12). It’s a woman’s (social media) world. Retrieved from
Duggan, M., Ellison, N., Lampe, C., Lenhart, A., and Madden M. (2015, January 9). Social Media
Upadate 2014. Pew Research Center. Retrieved from:
Facebook for business. (2015). Page posting tips and best practices. Retrieved from
Facebook Newsroom. (2015). Company info. Retrieved from
Finley, K. (2015, January 8). #NiceToTweetYou: Marketing + PR Influencers to Follow in 2015.
Retrieved from:
Greater Phoenix Economic Council (2015). Doing business here: regional profile. Retrieved from:
Guimaraes, T. (2014, December 12). Revealed: The demographic trends for every social network.
Retrieved from
Shaughnessy, H. (2013, ) Who are the top 50 social media power influencers 2013?
Forbes. Retrieved from:
Lee, K. (2014, November 4). Inside the Facebook algorithm. Retrieved from:
Schaffer, N. (2012, February 18). Social media 101 for professional associations. Retrieved from:
The female/male digital divide (2014). Nielsen insights: media and entertainment. Retrieved from
Think with Google (2015). YouTube demographics. Retrieved from
Womcom (2015). Overview. Retrieved from
YouTube (2015). About. Retrieved from
Appendix A. AWC National’s Conversion Channels
Appendix B. Social Landscape
Appendix C. Digital Component Analysis
Appendix D. About the Facebook Algorithm
Algorithm Appreciates Algorithm Does Not Appreciate
Posts with high engagement
Post types that are visually interesting and new (including
videos uploaded directly to Facebook)
Posts that reference a trending topic
Link posts and posts that tag other pages within the text
(particularly those with overlapping fan bases)
Posts from pages with complete profile information
Links that have not been posted before
Clickbait and Like-baiting
Posts that include spammy links
Text-only status updates from pages
Posts that contain the words “like,
comment, or share” or have unusual
engagement patterns
Overly promotional content from pages
Posts that reuse the same text from ads
Understanding the Facebook Reach Algorithm (Lee, 2014)

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Final Social Media Plan

  • 1. Social Media Plan Association for Women in Communications Metro Phoenix Chapter Created by MediaCom Taylor Bicho, Molly Lachance, and Sounia Johnson April 28, 2015
  • 2. 1 Social Media Plan for AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter Executive Summary Founded in 1909 by a group of journalist students at the University of Washington, The Association for Women in Communications (AWC) served as breeding ground for the most talented emerging female writers. Today, over a century later, AWC continues to serve as a successful networking organization with a mission to “champion the advancement of women across all communications disciplines by recognizing excellence, promoting leadership and positioning its members at the forefront of the evolving communications era” (, 2015). With over 2,000 active members, AWC has the potential to grow through the development of new local and student chapters. In December 2014, AWC launched its newest addition - AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter. Driven to connect female professionals and students in the Phoenix area through membership, board/committee participation, educational programs, and local events, AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter is working to establish its social media presence in order to make these goals a reality. The following social media plan provides a thorough analysis of the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter’s social and digital presence, competitors, as well as target audience. Through careful SWOT analysis and the use of the four key actions from Aaker and Smith’s The Dragonfly Effect, this plan explores how AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter can use the proposed social media platforms to Focus, Grab Attention, Engage, and Take Action in order to resonate with communications leaders and continue to grow as the leading female communications organization in the Arizona market. Situational Analysis Research This section is a comprehensive review of social media content and engagement related to the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter and how the organization is currently trending (see Appendix A. AWC National’s Conversion Channels). Metro Phoenix Chapter is listed under AWC’s Chapters on the National Chapter’s website
  • 3. 2 AWC Springfield, New Jersey, and South Florida Chapters are the most established and advanced AWC Metro Phoenix established a Facebook page in December 2014 First announcement of the Metro Phoenix Chapter occurred on July 1, 2014 by Davenport PR Recruiting, meeting reminders, and organization’s announcements posted consistently by Davenport PR since July 1, 2014 to December 11, 2014. AWC New York and Westchester/Fairfield Chapters endorsed by Women’s Leadership Exchange Great opportunity for Metro Phoenix Chapter to be mentioned and publicized Competitive Landscape Because membership is a key monetary driver of AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter, it is important to not lose potential or current members to competing organizations. Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) is currently the largest community of public relations and communications professionals with 32,000 members/students. Similar to AWC, PRSA helps members make connections, enhance their professional skills, and become leaders within the industry. Because PRSA has such an extensive professional and student following, it is no surprise that they also lead in scale across all social media platforms, with presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google+, and Flickr. See Appendix B for Social Landscape. American Marketing Association (AMA) is also a competing organization, specifically because they too have a Phoenix Chapter. AMA Phoenix was established over 50 years ago and strives to provide
  • 4. 3 marketers in the Phoenix area with the tools, connection, and professional development they need to enhance and succeed in their careers. AMA Phoenix has limited social media presence compared to PRSA, but still leads AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter with visibility on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+, and Flickr. See Appendix C for Digital Component Analysis. Target Audience Research AWC Metro Phoenix’s Board of Directors has identified two target audiences in the Phoenix Metro area for membership, leadership participation, and volunteer opportunities in support of its mission: (1) female communications professionals and (2) female college students majoring in communications fields. With these audiences in mind, AWC Metro Phoenix should keep current with the general media behavior of adult women in the United States to identify trends in media consumption. Where possible, the research will focus on women with education beyond high school. Recent statistics indicate stronger social media usage among women than men, particularly on visual platforms. According to an article titled, “It’s a woman’s (social media) world” summarizing data from the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project, 74% of online women used social networking sites in 2013 (Duggan, 2013). Seeking to understand how and why women use social media, Nielsen compiled an insights report following a 2014 survey, which found that women more often use social media as a creative outlet for sharing visual content and as a tool for bettering themselves via self-help and how-to guidance (The female/male digital divide). As added motivation, Phoenix and the surrounding area boasts one of the best educated workforces in the country and the population is expected to double over the next 20 years, taking overall projected employment growth to 85% in that area compared to a 20% national average (, 2015). Good news for professionals across a variety of fields, communications included.
  • 5. 4 Key Insights 1. With 74% of online women using social networking sites in 2013, audience data indicates a compelling justification for implementing social media platforms to grow female membership in AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter. 2. In order to keep pace with competitor professional communications associations like PRSA and AMA that have active social media accounts, AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter will benefit from building engaging online communities on Facebook and Twitter. 3. Statistics indicate women prefer visual platforms, making Tumblr and YouTube valuable tools for AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter to incorporate into its strategy. 4. With a target audience of professional female communicators and students, LinkedIn rounds out the strategy adding a more professional networking platform. Social Media Strategy The proposed social media strategy follows the Focus + GET model described by Aaker and Smith in their book, The Dragonfly Effect. This model serves as an initial strategic exercise for AWC’s newly formed Metro Phoenix Chapter, while leveraging the social media platforms that will best benefit the growth of this organization. Focus: It is imperative for AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter to have an established “single focused goal to provide direction, motivation and operational guidance” (Aaker and Smith, 2010, p. 20). AWC Metro Phoenix’s goal needs to be: -Actionable -Testable -Clear -Personally Meaningful Goal should be focused on the target audience: female communications professionals and students Goal is focused on becoming the primary organization for women in communications in the Arizona market Chapter is led with the meaningful integrity of championing the advancement of women across all communications disciplines Grab Attention: It is critical for AWC Metro Phoenix to hook women in the Metro Phoenix area and make sure AWC “sticks” with them as an organization that will benefit their lives both personally and professionally. By creating educational videos and hosting meet-and-greet events, AWC Metro Phoenix can provide potential members with information about the organization while keeping them wanting more (p. 51). AWC Metro Phoenix will need to develop “new strategies for grabbing consumers’ attention, by understanding their plight and creating a message that speaks to them” (Aaker and Smith, p. 53). AWC Metro Phoenix will want to develop a personalized message that builds emotion among new potential members and surprises them with something new and unexpected. AWC Metro Phoenix has the unique opportunity to transform the dreaded act of networking into something memorable and rewarding by having current members share their success stories and making a visceral connection with others.
  • 6. 5 Current Platforms After understanding the rationale behind the following social strategy, let’s first evaluate AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter’s current platforms, progressing into the additional proposed platforms that are guaranteed to drive the Chapter’s success. Website & Email It is important to note the significance of AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter developing a website, separate from the National Chapter. The AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter website will act as a 24/7 advertising platform, housing all Chapter information and announcements in one central location. With programs such as SquareSpace,, and Moonfruit, website building is made easy and low in cost. Though time is required to compile all necessary information and design a well-branded website, Metro Phoenix will greatly benefit from increased visibility and accessibility among its members. In addition, by Take Action: AWC Metro Phoenix wants to “compel its audience into action” (p. 114) and encourage women in the Metro Phoenix area to sign up to become members of AWC. Membership registration should be fun and easy, while tailoring to the needs of both the organization and its members. According to the “time-ask effect” (p. 120), AWC Metro Phoenix should lure potential members by asking for their time before money. Once they have experienced AWC’s comradery and culture, potential members will be more willing and excited to contribute because they are already invested in the organization. The “social validation ask” (p. 123) shows that by displaying “recently added AWC members,” potential members will be more inclined to join because they see others are joining. By focusing efforts, grabbing attention, and engaging potential members, AWC Metro Phoenix will be able gain local publicity and form connections by spurring members to take action, causing AWC Metro Phoenix to become not only the primary organization in the Arizona area, but the most successful and influential Chapter of AWC. Engage: As AWC Metro Phoenix begins to gain traction with the Arizona market, it is critical to compel women “to care deeply, even fall in love” (p. 75) with AWC Metro Phoenix by explaining the benefits and opportunities that are at every member’s disposal. Create powerful and lasting memories in order to differentiate AWC Metro Phoenix from other competing organizations. AWC National’s rich history is a great story to tell from its establishment in 1909 as a breeding ground for talented emerging writers, to its continued success today. Empathize and show authenticity by sharing key trends in the communication industry and having AWC Metro Phoenix’s President and Board of Directors share their stories showing that they are real people with similar values, passions, and aspirations.
  • 7. 6 creating a tool for membership registration, Metro Phoenix’s website will enable convenient membership sign-up and renewal while increasing membership sales. It is also important for AWC Metro Phoenix to continue its email marketing efforts. Despite the emergence of newer, more social communications platforms, research suggests that email remains a dominant and valuable tool for professionals. According to a McKinsey & Company report, email is 40% more effective for acquiring customers than social media because 91% of all U.S. consumers still use e- mail daily (Aufreiter, Boudet & Weng, 2014). A 2014 Pew Research study found that more than three quarters of online office-based workers reported that email was “very important” to their jobs. Such statistics are a good indication that email campaigns are still an important part of a complete digital communications plan for AWC Metro Phoenix’s professional organizational mission. Using a tool like MailChimp will help AWC Metro Phoenix ensure that their email content is formatted properly for both desktop and mobile users. Given that nearly 45% of emails are opened on a mobile device (Aufreiter, Boudet, & Weng, 2014), it’s imperative to have an email design that displays properly across various devices to ensure continued engagement and legibility among members. Facebook Facebook is an undeniable force in the social media landscape with a reported 1.44 billion monthly active users as of March 31, 2015. Of particular note, 85% of the daily active users during March 2015 used the platform on mobile devices. (Facebook Newsroom, 2015). This trend toward predominately mobile use has prompted Facebook founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg to continue to expand the company’s offerings in support of their mission to give people the power to share and connect their world. Since February 2014, Facebook has launched several new independent (unbranded) mobile apps through its Facebook Creative Labs. Facebook’s approach of evolving business practices to stay ahead of social digital trends is a good indication of Facebook’s staying power and a strong motivation for AWC Metro Phoenix to incorporate the platform into a comprehensive social media strategy. While the ways of sharing messages
  • 8. 7 on Facebook are always expanding, the actual content of the message is arguably the most important factor. Perhaps the most compelling reason to focus on content is that Facebook employs an algorithm that rewards quality content with greater reach and throttles reach for content that it deems overly promotional. It will be important for AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter to understand and execute a Facebook strategy that includes posts with maximum reach potential. See Appendix D for an abbreviated list adapted from Kevan Lee’s article about the features associated with the Facebook algorithm. With these factors in mind, AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter should start by making sure that its Facebook profile is complete and informative. Thought should also be given to what members of the organization will be responsible for creating and posting content to the pages. Following are some tips for AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter to employ when posting on Facebook. Post regularly and consistently: AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter already has a strong start in this area. The newly formed local chapter has established a Facebook fan page, where the board of directors posts regularly. The posts have and should continue to have a consistent voice and provide quality material. Facebook recommends that businesses create a content calendar to schedule posts and ensure consistent messaging (2015). Paying attention to the regularity and consistency of messaging will give followers an expectation of the value of AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter’s page helping to establish the organization as a thought leader in the communications field. Make posts visually appealing with fresh new material: Not only does the Facebook algorithm appreciate visual content, but our research suggests that visual content is particularly important to AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter’s target audience. Facebook’s new single column timeline in 2013 reflects the importance of visual platforms by displaying posts in a pin board style format. For maximum potential reach, AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter should upload new quality resolution images and videos to Facebook that have not previously appeared on the site. Tag other pages with similar fan bases: Since AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter is relatively new to the scene, tagging other pages with similar fan bases, like AWC National, other local AWC Chapters and organizations with similar interests will help the chapter establish a reputation as a credible resource for communications information on Facebook. Review post performance regularly and adjust: While AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter is getting started; it will be important to test and review the performance of posts and adjust accordingly. The highlight button would let AWC Metro Phoenix chapter experiment with featuring the most important content displayed under a star banner. Fine-tuning a posting plan and understanding what types of posts work well should be a priority before spending any considerable amount of money to boost or promote posts.
  • 9. 8 Proposed Platforms In order to enhance local publicity and connection with female professionals and college students, AWC Metro Phoenix should establish a presence on the following four new social media platforms: YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Tumblr - in addition to enhancing its engagement and sense of community on Facebook. YouTube Launched in May 2005, YouTube serves as a social media platform that houses a variety of videos ranging from user-generated to professional video content. According to a 2014 Pew Research Center study, YouTube is currently the second-largest social networking site behind Facebook, and its popularity continues to grow with over 100 hours of video uploaded every minute (Anderson, 2015, para. 5). The study also found that 63% of all Internet users use YouTube, which is much more widely used than LinkedIn, Google+, and Twitter (Anderson, 2015, para. 6). With over 1 billion users, YouTube “provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small” (YouTube, 2015, para. 1). Similar to other networking sites, YouTube is widely popular among younger audiences – 82% of its users are ages 18-29 and 34.7 million users are women ages 18-54 (Think with Google, 2015, para. 4). According to a Nielson survey, YouTube was rated the top place to “watch content, ahead of digital and TV properties like Facebook and ESPN”(Guimaraes, 2014, para. 9). Connect with audience: YouTube is predicted to bring much growth and expansion to the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter as it directly aligns with its target audience. With 55% of all women ages 18-54 on YouTube (Think with Google, 2015, para. 4), the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter will be able to connect with targeted female professionals and college students. Similar to AWC National Chapter, the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter is encouraged to create a YouTube page to house member testimonials, event and speaker lectures, and fun video content that pertains to the communication industry. Recruit: In comparison to competitive organizations, PRSA takes the lead in YouTube presence with 511 subscribers and over 200 videos posted. Video content includes membership information and benefits, lectures from industry leaders, and footage from conferences/events. The PRSA channel receives high engagement, with its most popular video “PRSA Strategic Plan” receiving over 3,000 views. Slowly trailing behind is AWC National Chapter and AMA Phoenix, with minimal subscribers and videos, and much opportunity for growth.
  • 10. 9 Twitter While Twitter trails Facebook and YouTube in terms of usage with 288 million monthly active users (80% of whom are accessing the site from a mobile device), it still has over one billion total users and offers AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter a different type of engagement. Twitter users tend to be younger with 37% of online adults ages 18-29 on the platform (Duggan et. al, 2015). While many argue that Facebook has reached maturity, Twitter still has a lot of growth potential. At the end of 2014, Twitter co- founder Biz Stone discussed the future of social media and predicted that as our connected society evolves, we will use it to help each other (BBC News). So how can AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter use Twitter in support of its mission? Here are some ideas: Share industry and organization news: Similar to PRSA, the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter is strongly encouraged to create a YouTube channel for its members to subscribe to in order to stay current with the latest industry and organization news. As stated by the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter’s President, Debra Davenport, short video messages which convey the organization’s mission, vision, and culture are currently under development – making YouTube is an ideal platform to house this content in a central location. In addition, videos created by Davenport and the Board of Directors should also be posted to make the organization feel more personal and relatable to members. Because user-generated content also performs well on YouTube, all existing members should be encouraged to post content to the AWC Metro Phoenix channel for further exposure into the organization. Broadcast events: Lastly, the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter’s YouTube channel should house video content from the latest events. According to Pew Research Center, 54% of Internet users uploaded a video of an event they attended (Anderson, 2015, para. 4), which makes YouTube a natural environment for its users to house and search for event content. This will serve as a great opportunity to provide membership information, event/lecture recaps, footage of guest speakers from monthly meetings, and/or exclusive YouTube content to further drive engagement and encourage returned visits to the AWC Phoenix Chapter channel. Be a resource: AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter should use Twitter to engage its younger student demographic and help them transition from school into the communications workforce. In a 2012 article, Neal Schaffer encourages professional societies to incorporate social media during association events as a way to expand brand awareness and reputation. Live tweeting from conferences and events that students may not have the time or resources to attend will help establish the chapter as valuable resource for current and potential members. Share achievements of members: AWC Metro Phoenix should use the impressive professional credentials of its members to help build brand identity and networks for the local chapter. Encouraging members to share their professional successes and experiences will position AWC Metro Phoenix as a top tier communications organization for women in the region. Build a network of industry influencers: The great thing about networking on social media, particularly Twitter is that you can connect with lots of industry influencers on a global scale. Forbes and Belle Communications are just two lists compiling the top marketing, PR, and social media influencers on Twitter (Shaughnessy, 2013 and Finley, 2015). Following the top industry influencers will provide AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter with great content to retweet as well as ideas for the best kinds of information to share.
  • 11. 10 LinkedIn Professional networking is a key component of many organizations’ marketing strategies. As a professional networking organization specifically geared for communication professionals, establishing an account with LinkedIn is a strategic imperative for AWC Metro Phoenix. This tool will allow AWC Metro Phoenix to solidify its online presence, and position itself as a competitive organization vested in the professional development of women in the communications field. From a strategic standpoint, having an account on LinkedIn will allow AWC Metro Phoenix to conduct vigorous outreach, dispatch important news and updates, establish call to action, and engage in a variety of promotional activities. LinkedIn also allows organizations to connect with key influencers that can help generate an enormous number of leads. With respect to statistics, the Pew Research Center shows that LinkedIn continues to be very popular amongst college graduates who continue to dominate the site by a large margin (Duggan et. al, 2015). Other compelling information reveals that LinkedIn constitutes the world’s largest professional network with 50 million U.S. users alone. The infographic shown below contextualizes those numbers Make local connections: AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter can network with Communications and PR Chapters from local community colleges and universities. For example, the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications ( could be an important target. Leveraging LinkedIn to network with professors and students at this school is a critical aspect of conducting professional outreach with aspiring communications professionals. ASU Walter Cronkite also has an active Alumni chapter on LinkedIn ( that will serve as a wonderful source of leads supporting AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter’s chief objective to broaden its constituency comprised of women in communications. Increase brand awareness: Another important consideration is that LinkedIn gives the option of tailoring the URL to the name of the organization. For AWC having an chapter URL will contribute to a more cohesive and polished online presence. Undoubtedly, having a LinkedIn online presence will help boost the AWC’s visibility as well as position the women of the AWC Phoenix Chapter as industry experts, mentors and through leaders in the field of communications. Thus, LinkedIn offers the perfect professional venue to promote ongoing and relevant information while engaging and inspiring women to join its local chapter.
  • 12. 11 and offers a summary of what drives LinkedIn users to leverage this platform. As seen below, over 76% of LinkedIn members use the platform to network. Tumblr Microblogging is a powerful social media tool able to raise brand awareness by shifting focus from written to visual content. Of particular interest is the use of Tumblr as a platform of engagement to raise brand visibility for the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter. Unlike other microblogging platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, Tumblr offers a blogging platform where the users can curate visual content helping to create a compelling narrative of its daily activities. Create engaging content: Engaging content will allow AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter to expand outreach by attracting potential new members and offering a solid reliable platform of daily curated feeds complementing their other social media platforms. Showing a timeline of functions and events will increase visual content and inform the target audience. Take advantage of free platforms: From a strategic standpoint, the use of Tumblr is a great growth opportunity. Blogging without limitations on a free platform is not only a sound fiscal decision, but will increase brand awareness while creating a cohesive value proposition. Connect with audience: Blogging on Tumblr will make stories more relatable to members and potential members by showcasing fun images rather than words alone. Combined with its existing presence on Facebook, Tumblr will offer another strategic marketing tool in the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter’s social media arsenal. The more uniformity the AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter can attain the more polished and established the brand will be in dispatching relevant timely visual content. This in turn will help create a cohesive brand while increasing membership.
  • 13. 12 Leveraging blogging as a tool of engagement will add credibility to an organization that prides itself on forging ties with women in the Metro Phoenix area. According to a highlight on, “companies that blog generate 67% more leads than those that don’t, 78% of CMO’s think that content marketing of the future of marketing” (AwesomeTech, 2013). Measurement and Post Campaign Plan Tracking analytics is critical in driving forward AWC Metro Phoenix’s social marketing initiatives. This requires a pragmatic measurement plan that incorporates Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that will serve as a guiding framework and establish quantifiable social marketing metrics to measure and translate actionable insight needed to understand and drive business forward. The following steps will help AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter achieve and track its social media efforts through the use of analytics and integrated social media dashboards. To achieve this task, it is recommended that AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter identify relevant KPI’s and partner-up with a social media analytical platforms (various providers have been included in this audit report) to help increase its social media efforts. The most useful and directly relevant KPIs are listed below. KPI Definition Vendors Strength A metric that measures the likelihood that the brand is being discussed in social media. Social Mention; which is a free dashboard that allows AWC to measure its strength in real-time. Sentiment The ratio of mentions that are generally positive to those that are generally negative. Sentiment Ratios should be trended over time and contextualized in categories ranging from neutral: negative. Social Mention, Radiant6, ScoutLabs, Statsit, Trendrr... Passion (audience engagement) A metric that will help AWC measure the likelihood that individuals are talking about the brand, and will do so repeatedly. Just how engaged is the audience? Audience engagement relates to the proportion of online visitors who contribute various comments. Measuring audience engagement through various online channels such as blog comments, Facebook interactions, Twitter Interactions, Twitter ‘retweets’, YouTube video interactions is a good scalable vantage point to understand online behaviors. This metric can yield insightful data to help us disseminate content, launch new initiatives, polls, but also cultivate information to amplify the online buzz. Convereaon, Flitrbox (Jive), Webtrends, Social Mention, Radiant6, ScoutLabs, Statsit, Trendrr. Reach A measure of the range of influence. It is the number of unique authors referencing the brand. Social Mention, Radiant6, ScoutLabs, Statsit, Trendrr.
  • 14. 13 Once AWC Metro Phoenix chapter is able to establish a website, and an integrated online presence comprised, the use of Google Analytics would be highly recommended to monitor website traffic. Another recommended tool is, a website that provides insightful social media analytics and allows the extracted data to be exported to an Excel spreadsheet or a PowerPoint slide. Using the free trial, was unable to generate any results for AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter due to a lack of online activity. But that just means potential growth for AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter is virtually boundless. Strategy Implementation Though each of these proposed platforms are guaranteed to grow and enhance AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter, a critical part of this developmental process is acknowledging that each goal cannot be obtained overnight. As a close-knit and low budgeted organization, it is important for AWC Metro Phoenix not to overextend and look to this proposal as an evolutionary process. The below chart outlines which platforms should take priority, starting with crawl and building to fly. Currently, AWC Metro Phoenix is in the initial crawl stage, working to establish its online presence. As part of this social media plan, AWC Metro Phoenix should work to build this online presence by enriching content on the remaining recommended platforms. Because both Tumblr and YouTube require a larger amount of content, development of these platforms is appropriately placed after Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and website creation because much content can be leveraged from these existing platforms. This also allows the Chapter time to develop compelling videos and imagery to be leveraged on both mediums. Lastly, once AWC Metro Phoenix’s social media presence has been established successfully, the organization can move into the Fly stage by creating press releases to get the Chapter trending, as well as create advocacy programs and membership contents in order to embrace and further grow its community.
  • 15. 14 Summary and Conclusion It is important for AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter to focus on an achievable social media goal to frame implementation of its strategy. The Chapter is off to a promising start with an active Facebook page and strong support from an active President and Board of Directors to expand its social media presence. YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Tumblr will round out a comprehensive social media plan for AWC Metro Phoenix Chapter, allowing the organization maximum networking and growth potential. The key to success will be pacing social media implementation with an evolutionary approach that allows time for learning and adjusting tactics.
  • 16. 15 References Aaker, J. & Smith, A. (2010). The Dragonfly Effect. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Anderson, M. (2015, February 12). 5 Facts about online video, for YouTube’s 10th birthday. Retrieved from birthday/ Aufreiter, N., Boudet, J., and Weng, V. (January 2014). Why Marketers Should Keep Sending You Emails. Retrieved from: 9375192_2/courses/AS.480.637.82.SP15/AS.480.637.82.SP15_ImportedContent_20150121041455/mcki nseyemail.pdf AwesomeTech (14 November 2013). Homepage. Retrieved from BBC News. (2014, October 8). Twitter co-founder talks about future of social media (video). Retrieved from: Duggan, M. (2013, September 12). It’s a woman’s (social media) world. Retrieved from Duggan, M., Ellison, N., Lampe, C., Lenhart, A., and Madden M. (2015, January 9). Social Media Upadate 2014. Pew Research Center. Retrieved from: media-update-2014/. Facebook for business. (2015). Page posting tips and best practices. Retrieved from Facebook Newsroom. (2015). Company info. Retrieved from Finley, K. (2015, January 8). #NiceToTweetYou: Marketing + PR Influencers to Follow in 2015. Retrieved from: 2015/ Greater Phoenix Economic Council (2015). Doing business here: regional profile. Retrieved from: Guimaraes, T. (2014, December 12). Revealed: The demographic trends for every social network. Retrieved from Shaughnessy, H. (2013, ) Who are the top 50 social media power influencers 2013? Forbes. Retrieved from: social-media-power-influencers-2013/
  • 17. 16 Lee, K. (2014, November 4). Inside the Facebook algorithm. Retrieved from: Schaffer, N. (2012, February 18). Social media 101 for professional associations. Retrieved from: The female/male digital divide (2014). Nielsen insights: media and entertainment. Retrieved from Think with Google (2015). YouTube demographics. Retrieved from Womcom (2015). Overview. Retrieved from YouTube (2015). About. Retrieved from
  • 18. 17 Appendix A. AWC National’s Conversion Channels
  • 20. 19 Appendix C. Digital Component Analysis
  • 21. 20 Appendix D. About the Facebook Algorithm Algorithm Appreciates Algorithm Does Not Appreciate Posts with high engagement Post types that are visually interesting and new (including videos uploaded directly to Facebook) Posts that reference a trending topic Link posts and posts that tag other pages within the text (particularly those with overlapping fan bases) Posts from pages with complete profile information Links that have not been posted before Clickbait and Like-baiting Posts that include spammy links Text-only status updates from pages Posts that contain the words “like, comment, or share” or have unusual engagement patterns Overly promotional content from pages Posts that reuse the same text from ads Understanding the Facebook Reach Algorithm (Lee, 2014)