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BATCH- PGP 2016-18 (E&I) – GROUP J
Saurabh Agarwal (20161048)
Sayandeep Kundu (20161049)
Shikhar Kejriwal (20161050)
Shivam Agarwal (20161051)
Shivam Pandey (20161052)
Shivendra Suryavanshi (20161053)
Film – Ocean’s Eleven
It is an honor to be studying in an Institute where we are trained to perform practical projects
beyond the theoretical aspects. Applying theories into practicality enriches our knowledge
about reality and also provides an exposure that the books cannot. So under the guidance of
Mr. SATISH PANDEY, we have got an opportunity to work for this OB project that is going to
make our understanding more clear. This report presents information about the
implementation of OB variables that were perceived from the movie.
The movie under study is “OCEAN’S ELEVEN”.
[OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016
1 Brief Description Of The Movie
1.1 Director
1.2 Cast, crew and roles
1.3 Year of release
1.4 Production company
1.5 Awards
1.6 Other details
1.7 Story plot
2 Web Published Reviews and Articles
3 Theoretical Analysis of The Movie
4 Group Learning Analysis
5 References
[OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016
1.0 Brief Description of the Movie
1.1 Director: Steven Soderbergh
1.2 Cast, Crew & Roles:
1. George Clooney as Danny Ocean: A just out of prison, middle-aged, stylish and slick con-
artist. Ocean in calm, patient, suave, honest and of thinking nature.
2. Brad Pitt as Rusty Ryan: A very well connected ex-associate of Ocean and his right-hand
man. He speaks less, thinks more and works smart.
3. Matt Damon as Linus Caldwell: A young and naive con-man whose parents are highly
regarded thieves. He is very skeptical of the job and is the last person to join in.
4. Don Cheadle as Basher Tarr: An explosives expert and also a former associate of Ocean and
Rusty. Shows very exaggerated dramatic behavior i.e. he is the “drama queen” of the group
and his accent sounds unique.
5. Andy Garcia as Terry Benedict: A very shrewd, rude and dominant casino owner. In the
movie, Terry is shown being in a relationship with Ocean’s ex-wife.
6. Eddie Jamison as Livingston Dell: A for-hire tech specialist famous among con-men. Dell is
un-social and is very uncomfortable in situations not involving computers.
1.3 Date of Release: December 7, 2001
1.4 ProductionCompany: Warner Bros, Village Roadshow Pictures
1.5 Awards:
ALMA Awards, 2002
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Motion
Picture - Andy Garcia
BMI Film Music Award, 2002 David Holmes
Bogey Awards Germany, 2002 Gold
National Board of Review USA Award, 2001 Top Ten Films
[OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016
1.6 Other Details:
 Run Time: 117 minutes
 Budget: $85 Million
 Box Office Collection: $450.7 Million
1.7 Story Plot:
Danny (George Clooney) is released from prison and plans a never before heist – ‘Robbing three
Las Vegas casinos in one night’. He violated his parole and travels to California to meet his most
trusted advisor and ex-associate, Rusty (Brad Pitt). They then start building their team of eleven
to successfully pull off their con-job. They first head to Las Vegas to recruit Ruben as he is wealthy
and very familiar with the security of their target casinos i.e. The Bellagio, The MGM Grand and
The Mirage. Ruben is initially reluctant due to his fame and past relationship with Benedict but
later agrees to join the team as the bankroller and consultant as he was once cheated on by
Benedict and driven out of business. Due to the new NGC rules, they estimate that the vault in the
Bellagio will contain at least $150 Million on the game night.
After planning the con with Ruben, Danny and Rusty head out to recruit the remaining eight con-
men and criminals to complete the “Ocean’s Eleven”.
These eight are:
1. Linus Caldwell – the grifter
2. Frank Catton – the blackjack dealer and the inside man for the job
3. Virgil and Turk Malloy – a mechanic duo with insane intelligence
4. Livingston Dell – electronics and IT expert
5. Basher Tarr – the munitions expert
6. Saul Bloom – Oldest and wisest member of the team & also the distraction
7. Yen “The Amazing” – a Chinese acrobat
After getting inputs from Ruben, several team members begin the reconnaissance work at The
Bellagio, where the vault is located, to learn about the security, change in shifts of personnel and
their everyday patterns to find loopholes and use them to their advantage. The other members,
with help of Danny and Ruben, create an exact replica of the Bellagio vault to practice the heist.
During this phase, the team discovers that Tess, Danny’s ex-wife is Benedict’s girlfriend. Rusty
asks Danny to abandon the plan as with the involvement of Tess, his judgement might get
clouded which puts the whole team on risk.
The plan is finally put into motion and the following events are occurring simultaneously:
[OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016
Danny gets into Bellagio to be seen by Benedict, who then, as hoped gets him locked up in a room
without cameras by a bouncer named Bruiser. Danny had already paid Bruiser to let him leave via
ventilation shaft toward the vault.
Linus poses as a NGA agent and meets benedict to inform that one of his dealer, Ramon Escalante
is actually an ex-convict named Frank Catton. Linus and Frank get into a fake and pre-planned
fight so that Linus can bump into Benedict and steal the current vault codes from his jacket.
Yen is sneaked inside the vault by the Malloy brothers inside a fake cash cart who are posing as
the casino’s security.
Saul pretending to be a high-roller arms dealer, asks Benedict to provide him vault access so that
he can safely store his briefcase containing jewels. The same jewels are actually disguised
explosives to crack open the vault door from the inside and Saul is the cover they use to get the
briefcase inside the vault to Yen. Saul then suddenly faints and draws attention to himself in the
vault security room, leaving the vault camera monitors vulnerable. Saul is then attended and
carried out by Rusty who is pretending to be a doctor.
A little far away from the casino, Basher activates a stolen EMP device to cause a 30-second
blackout in all of Las Vegas. This blackout turns off all security measures of the vault so that Danny
and Linus can access the elevator shaft to the vault.
Benedict is furious and confused by the chaos going on in the fight arena when Rusty calls him on
a phone planted in Tess’s jacket. Rusty tells Benedict that the vault in currently being robbed and
he needs to comply with his requests to save half the money. Rusty tells Benedict to load half the
cash in a van parked in the hotel and let it go freely or all the money will be destroyed. Benedict
complies with Rusty’s demands but order his men to pursue the van and retrieve the cash,
meanwhile he also calls 911 to get a SWAT team in the vault to secure the other half of the cash.
The arrival of the SWAT team results in a shootout and destruction of the cash in the vault. The
team then assures Benedict that the casino is secure and departs on Benedict’s conformation.
Benedict’s men finally raid the van at an airport and find out that it was being remotely driven
and contained duffel bags full of advertisements. Meanwhile in the vault security room, Benedict
realizes that the vault footage they had been watching did not have ‘Bellagio’ painted on the vault
floor. He figures out that the footage had been pre-recorded in a replica vault. Then a flashback
reveals that the true purpose of the replica vault was to mislead Benedict and his security while
the actual heist was taking place. It is also revealed that Livingston hacked the security manager’s
phone when he called 911 and redirected the call to himself and that the SWAT team that arrived
was actually the rest of the team who then cleared the vault in plain-sight. Benedict then realizes
that he had been robbed and rushed to the room where he held up Danny, and is amused to still
find him there being ruthlessly beaten by Bruiser and leaving no chance of him being connected
to the robbery. Benedict then calls Danny’s parole officer to inform him of his parole violation and
[OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016
walks him out to the police waiting to arrest him. On the way out, Danny offers Benedict help to
catch the robbers if he agrees to leave Tess. Benedict says yes without knowing that Tess is
actually watching them on a monitor in her room. Tess confronts Benedict and leaves him to meet
Danny before he is arrested again.
Danny is released after “three to six months” and is meets Rusty and Tess. They drive off being
closely followed by Benedict’s bodyguards.
[OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016
2.0 Web published reviews and articles
Rotten Tomatoes
Ocean's Eleven is a slick caper movie that keeps the audience rooting for appealing, clever con
artists and thieves throughout. The fact that their target is a ruthless and violent business tycoon
is meant to lessen the immorality and illegality of their adventure.
Entertainment Weekly
It's a scrumptious and dizzy-spirited lark, a what-the-hell-let's-rob-the-casino flick made with so
much wit and brains and dazzle and virtuosity that the sheer speed and cleverness of the caper
hits you like a shot of pure oxygen.
One thoroughbred of a movie. Sleek, well-muscled and brisk, director Steven Soderbergh's
newest offering delivers just about everything anyone could possibly want from filmed
entertainment -- except deep thought.
The New York Times
Soderbergh rallies a seismic jolt of enthusiasm, and the movie is an elating blaze of flair and pride.
[OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016
3.0 Theoretical analysis of the movie
3.1 Scene Summary Analysis
S-1 14:32 – 18:11 In this scene we see
Danny and Rusty ask for
Reuben’s help to fund
their heist.
S-2 30:32 - 33:40 In this scene we can see
that the group is
formed and planning
has started. Everyone is
being allotted their
S-3 40.04 – 41:04 In this scene we see
how Frank Catton
manipulates the pre-
owned car manager to
crack a deal.
Expert power
S-4 45:30 – 46:00
1:02:12 – 1:03:10
In this Scene rusty finds
out that Tess is now
living with terry, so he
ask Danny about it but
Danny deny that fact
that he is robbing terry
to get Tess back. And in
the second scene rusty
finds out about Danny’s
intention and therefore
he removes him from
the team.
Conflict in the team
[OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016
3.2 Pictorial-Conceptual Relation
Scene – 1: Persuading Reuben
The scene begins with Danny and Rusty having breakfast with Reuben where they discuss about
their plan to rob the casinos. They try to persuade Reuben to finance their operation.
Theory: Alderfer further developed Maslow's hierarchy of needs by categorizing the hierarchy
into his ERG theory (Existence, Relatedness and Growth). The existence group is concerned with
providing the basic material existence requirements of humans. They include the items that
Maslow considered to be physiological and safety needs. The second group of needs is those of
relatedness – the desire people have for maintaining important interpersonal relationships. These
social and status desires require interaction with others if they are to be satisfied, and they align
with Maslow's social need and the external component of Maslow's esteemclassification. Finally,
Alderfer isolates growth needs: an intrinsic desire for personal development. These include the
intrinsic component from Maslow's esteem category and the characteristics included under self-
Alderfer categorized the lower order needs (Physiological and Safety) into the Existence category.
He fit Maslow's interpersonal love and esteem needs into the Relatedness category.
Team Analysis:
Reuben has an earlier conflict with Terry Benedict – the owner of the casinos. Danny and Rusty
very skillfully motivates him by applying to his relatedness needs. Moreover Reuben is also
intrinsically motivated due to his Growth needs.
[OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016
Scene – 2: Getting the best sales offer
In this Scene we see how Frank Catton manipulates the pre-owned car manager to crack a deal.
Theory: Knowledge is power. Expert power is derived from possessing knowledge or expertise in a
particular area. Such people are highly valued by organizations for their problem solving skills.
People who have expert power perform critical tasks and are therefore deemed indispensable.
The opinions, ideas and decisions of people with expert power are held in high regard by other
employees and hence greatly influence their actions. Possession of expert power is normally a
stepping stone to other sources of power such as legitimate power. For example, a person who
holds expert power can be promoted to senior management, thereby giving him legitimate power
Team analysis:
Frank Catton exhibits his “Expert power” by using his mental and psychological prowess to
influence the deal offered by the manager.
[OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016
Scene -3: Norming
In this scene we can see that the group is formed and planning has started. Everyone is being
allotted their roles.
Theory: In this stage people start to resolve their differences, appreciate colleagues' strengths,
and respect your authority as a leader.
Now that your team members know one another better, they may socialize together, and they
are able to ask one another for help and provide constructive feedback. People develop a
stronger commitment to the team goal, and you start to see good progress towards it.
There is often a prolonged overlap between storming and norming, because, as new tasks come
up, the team may lapse back into behavior from the storming stage.
Team Analysis:
As a team, it is very important to get to know each member on a personal level to avoid future
conflicts and to ensure group harmony. And once the team members are assigned their roles and
tasks, they start feeling a sense of responsibility towards the group and prepare themselves to let
go of their ego and interpersonal differences.
[OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016
Scene – 4: Conflict
In this scene we see the group having its first major conflict when Rusty discovers that Benedict is
dating Tess, Danny’s ex-wife.
Theory: Some people don't mix--plain and simple. Perhaps outside work they would choose not to
socialize or interact. Perhaps if they weren't forced to deal with one another, they could have
friendly, polite conversation as acquaintances. But when forced to work together to achieve goals
or to share workspace on a consistent basis, friction may arise. In these situations, managers must
take on the roles of mediator and counselor to diffuse the situation and find resolution, or make a
difficult choice to transfer or remove someone based on inability to function in a team.
Team Analysis: Here we learn that full disclosure of facts is very important in any group if the
facts are affecting the functioning of the group in any way possible. It is clearly visible that Danny
has a hidden agenda for robbing Benedict which is, getting his ex-wife back. Rusty questions
Danny if the involvement of Tess will cloud his judgement in any way. Thus Danny not disclosing
the real reason of him pulling off the job has resulted in a intergroup conflict and in Rusty
questioning him.
[OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016
3.3 Key Learnings
3.3.1 Leadership – In case of critical and risky projects we need to show deep deliberation
sense of individual decision making that by spending a lot of time and attention, weighing all
possible options. But in case of performing certain situation are created in which we need to take
impulsive decision so that the project does not get compromised while in some case we need to
take decision in compliance with others inputs also.
3.3.2 Objective oriented – In an organization no matter how much critical the situation is and
no matter how much it try to divert us, we always need to be objective oriented.
3.3.3 Availability of Resources – we need to make sure that resources should always be
available at our expense.
3.3.4 Motivation – every member of our team must be satisfactorily motivated in order to
perform effectively and efficiently. Therefore in order to keep them motivated we must provide
them with all the necessary working conditions.
3.3.5 Trust – Every member of a group or a team must have complete trust over their leader as
well as among each other. In a trustworthy environment the functionality of a group remains
more efficient.
3.3.6 Time Management – In order to perform our work effectively and efficiently without
any disruptions at any point of time during execution, it is required to accomplish our task by
properly managing the time.
[OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016
1. Understanding Organizational Behaviour by Udai Pareek & updated by Shushma Khanna
3. Rotten Tomatoes
4. Entertainment Weekly
5. Washington Post
6. The New York Times

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Organisational Behaviour

  • 1. BATCH- PGP 2016-18 (E&I) – GROUP J Saurabh Agarwal (20161048) Sayandeep Kundu (20161049) Shikhar Kejriwal (20161050) Shivam Agarwal (20161051) Shivam Pandey (20161052) Shivendra Suryavanshi (20161053) Organizational Behaviour Film – Ocean’s Eleven
  • 2. PREFACE It is an honor to be studying in an Institute where we are trained to perform practical projects beyond the theoretical aspects. Applying theories into practicality enriches our knowledge about reality and also provides an exposure that the books cannot. So under the guidance of Mr. SATISH PANDEY, we have got an opportunity to work for this OB project that is going to make our understanding more clear. This report presents information about the implementation of OB variables that were perceived from the movie. The movie under study is “OCEAN’S ELEVEN”.
  • 3. [OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016 3 INDEX 1 Brief Description Of The Movie 1.1 Director 1.2 Cast, crew and roles 1.3 Year of release 1.4 Production company 1.5 Awards 1.6 Other details 1.7 Story plot 2 Web Published Reviews and Articles 3 Theoretical Analysis of The Movie 4 Group Learning Analysis 5 References
  • 4. [OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016 4 1.0 Brief Description of the Movie 1.1 Director: Steven Soderbergh 1.2 Cast, Crew & Roles: 1. George Clooney as Danny Ocean: A just out of prison, middle-aged, stylish and slick con- artist. Ocean in calm, patient, suave, honest and of thinking nature. 2. Brad Pitt as Rusty Ryan: A very well connected ex-associate of Ocean and his right-hand man. He speaks less, thinks more and works smart. 3. Matt Damon as Linus Caldwell: A young and naive con-man whose parents are highly regarded thieves. He is very skeptical of the job and is the last person to join in. 4. Don Cheadle as Basher Tarr: An explosives expert and also a former associate of Ocean and Rusty. Shows very exaggerated dramatic behavior i.e. he is the “drama queen” of the group and his accent sounds unique. 5. Andy Garcia as Terry Benedict: A very shrewd, rude and dominant casino owner. In the movie, Terry is shown being in a relationship with Ocean’s ex-wife. 6. Eddie Jamison as Livingston Dell: A for-hire tech specialist famous among con-men. Dell is un-social and is very uncomfortable in situations not involving computers. 1.3 Date of Release: December 7, 2001 1.4 ProductionCompany: Warner Bros, Village Roadshow Pictures 1.5 Awards: ALMA Awards, 2002 Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture - Andy Garcia BMI Film Music Award, 2002 David Holmes Bogey Awards Germany, 2002 Gold National Board of Review USA Award, 2001 Top Ten Films
  • 5. [OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016 5 1.6 Other Details:  Run Time: 117 minutes  Budget: $85 Million  Box Office Collection: $450.7 Million 1.7 Story Plot: Danny (George Clooney) is released from prison and plans a never before heist – ‘Robbing three Las Vegas casinos in one night’. He violated his parole and travels to California to meet his most trusted advisor and ex-associate, Rusty (Brad Pitt). They then start building their team of eleven to successfully pull off their con-job. They first head to Las Vegas to recruit Ruben as he is wealthy and very familiar with the security of their target casinos i.e. The Bellagio, The MGM Grand and The Mirage. Ruben is initially reluctant due to his fame and past relationship with Benedict but later agrees to join the team as the bankroller and consultant as he was once cheated on by Benedict and driven out of business. Due to the new NGC rules, they estimate that the vault in the Bellagio will contain at least $150 Million on the game night. After planning the con with Ruben, Danny and Rusty head out to recruit the remaining eight con- men and criminals to complete the “Ocean’s Eleven”. These eight are: 1. Linus Caldwell – the grifter 2. Frank Catton – the blackjack dealer and the inside man for the job 3. Virgil and Turk Malloy – a mechanic duo with insane intelligence 4. Livingston Dell – electronics and IT expert 5. Basher Tarr – the munitions expert 6. Saul Bloom – Oldest and wisest member of the team & also the distraction 7. Yen “The Amazing” – a Chinese acrobat After getting inputs from Ruben, several team members begin the reconnaissance work at The Bellagio, where the vault is located, to learn about the security, change in shifts of personnel and their everyday patterns to find loopholes and use them to their advantage. The other members, with help of Danny and Ruben, create an exact replica of the Bellagio vault to practice the heist. During this phase, the team discovers that Tess, Danny’s ex-wife is Benedict’s girlfriend. Rusty asks Danny to abandon the plan as with the involvement of Tess, his judgement might get clouded which puts the whole team on risk. The plan is finally put into motion and the following events are occurring simultaneously:
  • 6. [OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016 6 Danny gets into Bellagio to be seen by Benedict, who then, as hoped gets him locked up in a room without cameras by a bouncer named Bruiser. Danny had already paid Bruiser to let him leave via ventilation shaft toward the vault. Linus poses as a NGA agent and meets benedict to inform that one of his dealer, Ramon Escalante is actually an ex-convict named Frank Catton. Linus and Frank get into a fake and pre-planned fight so that Linus can bump into Benedict and steal the current vault codes from his jacket. Yen is sneaked inside the vault by the Malloy brothers inside a fake cash cart who are posing as the casino’s security. Saul pretending to be a high-roller arms dealer, asks Benedict to provide him vault access so that he can safely store his briefcase containing jewels. The same jewels are actually disguised explosives to crack open the vault door from the inside and Saul is the cover they use to get the briefcase inside the vault to Yen. Saul then suddenly faints and draws attention to himself in the vault security room, leaving the vault camera monitors vulnerable. Saul is then attended and carried out by Rusty who is pretending to be a doctor. A little far away from the casino, Basher activates a stolen EMP device to cause a 30-second blackout in all of Las Vegas. This blackout turns off all security measures of the vault so that Danny and Linus can access the elevator shaft to the vault. Benedict is furious and confused by the chaos going on in the fight arena when Rusty calls him on a phone planted in Tess’s jacket. Rusty tells Benedict that the vault in currently being robbed and he needs to comply with his requests to save half the money. Rusty tells Benedict to load half the cash in a van parked in the hotel and let it go freely or all the money will be destroyed. Benedict complies with Rusty’s demands but order his men to pursue the van and retrieve the cash, meanwhile he also calls 911 to get a SWAT team in the vault to secure the other half of the cash. The arrival of the SWAT team results in a shootout and destruction of the cash in the vault. The team then assures Benedict that the casino is secure and departs on Benedict’s conformation. Benedict’s men finally raid the van at an airport and find out that it was being remotely driven and contained duffel bags full of advertisements. Meanwhile in the vault security room, Benedict realizes that the vault footage they had been watching did not have ‘Bellagio’ painted on the vault floor. He figures out that the footage had been pre-recorded in a replica vault. Then a flashback reveals that the true purpose of the replica vault was to mislead Benedict and his security while the actual heist was taking place. It is also revealed that Livingston hacked the security manager’s phone when he called 911 and redirected the call to himself and that the SWAT team that arrived was actually the rest of the team who then cleared the vault in plain-sight. Benedict then realizes that he had been robbed and rushed to the room where he held up Danny, and is amused to still find him there being ruthlessly beaten by Bruiser and leaving no chance of him being connected to the robbery. Benedict then calls Danny’s parole officer to inform him of his parole violation and
  • 7. [OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016 7 walks him out to the police waiting to arrest him. On the way out, Danny offers Benedict help to catch the robbers if he agrees to leave Tess. Benedict says yes without knowing that Tess is actually watching them on a monitor in her room. Tess confronts Benedict and leaves him to meet Danny before he is arrested again. Danny is released after “three to six months” and is meets Rusty and Tess. They drive off being closely followed by Benedict’s bodyguards.
  • 8. [OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016 8 2.0 Web published reviews and articles Rotten Tomatoes Ocean's Eleven is a slick caper movie that keeps the audience rooting for appealing, clever con artists and thieves throughout. The fact that their target is a ruthless and violent business tycoon is meant to lessen the immorality and illegality of their adventure. Entertainment Weekly It's a scrumptious and dizzy-spirited lark, a what-the-hell-let's-rob-the-casino flick made with so much wit and brains and dazzle and virtuosity that the sheer speed and cleverness of the caper hits you like a shot of pure oxygen. WashingtonPost One thoroughbred of a movie. Sleek, well-muscled and brisk, director Steven Soderbergh's newest offering delivers just about everything anyone could possibly want from filmed entertainment -- except deep thought. The New York Times Soderbergh rallies a seismic jolt of enthusiasm, and the movie is an elating blaze of flair and pride.
  • 9. [OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016 9 3.0 Theoretical analysis of the movie 3.1 Scene Summary Analysis SCENE NUMBER TIME FRAME DESCRIPTION OB CONCEPT S-1 14:32 – 18:11 In this scene we see Danny and Rusty ask for Reuben’s help to fund their heist. Motivation S-2 30:32 - 33:40 In this scene we can see that the group is formed and planning has started. Everyone is being allotted their roles. Norming S-3 40.04 – 41:04 In this scene we see how Frank Catton manipulates the pre- owned car manager to crack a deal. Expert power S-4 45:30 – 46:00 1:02:12 – 1:03:10 In this Scene rusty finds out that Tess is now living with terry, so he ask Danny about it but Danny deny that fact that he is robbing terry to get Tess back. And in the second scene rusty finds out about Danny’s intention and therefore he removes him from the team. Conflict in the team
  • 10. [OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016 10 3.2 Pictorial-Conceptual Relation Scene – 1: Persuading Reuben The scene begins with Danny and Rusty having breakfast with Reuben where they discuss about their plan to rob the casinos. They try to persuade Reuben to finance their operation. Theory: Alderfer further developed Maslow's hierarchy of needs by categorizing the hierarchy into his ERG theory (Existence, Relatedness and Growth). The existence group is concerned with providing the basic material existence requirements of humans. They include the items that Maslow considered to be physiological and safety needs. The second group of needs is those of relatedness – the desire people have for maintaining important interpersonal relationships. These social and status desires require interaction with others if they are to be satisfied, and they align with Maslow's social need and the external component of Maslow's esteemclassification. Finally, Alderfer isolates growth needs: an intrinsic desire for personal development. These include the intrinsic component from Maslow's esteem category and the characteristics included under self- actualization. Alderfer categorized the lower order needs (Physiological and Safety) into the Existence category. He fit Maslow's interpersonal love and esteem needs into the Relatedness category. Team Analysis: Reuben has an earlier conflict with Terry Benedict – the owner of the casinos. Danny and Rusty very skillfully motivates him by applying to his relatedness needs. Moreover Reuben is also intrinsically motivated due to his Growth needs.
  • 11. [OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016 11 Scene – 2: Getting the best sales offer In this Scene we see how Frank Catton manipulates the pre-owned car manager to crack a deal. Theory: Knowledge is power. Expert power is derived from possessing knowledge or expertise in a particular area. Such people are highly valued by organizations for their problem solving skills. People who have expert power perform critical tasks and are therefore deemed indispensable. The opinions, ideas and decisions of people with expert power are held in high regard by other employees and hence greatly influence their actions. Possession of expert power is normally a stepping stone to other sources of power such as legitimate power. For example, a person who holds expert power can be promoted to senior management, thereby giving him legitimate power Team analysis: Frank Catton exhibits his “Expert power” by using his mental and psychological prowess to influence the deal offered by the manager.
  • 12. [OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016 12 Scene -3: Norming In this scene we can see that the group is formed and planning has started. Everyone is being allotted their roles. Theory: In this stage people start to resolve their differences, appreciate colleagues' strengths, and respect your authority as a leader. Now that your team members know one another better, they may socialize together, and they are able to ask one another for help and provide constructive feedback. People develop a stronger commitment to the team goal, and you start to see good progress towards it. There is often a prolonged overlap between storming and norming, because, as new tasks come up, the team may lapse back into behavior from the storming stage. Team Analysis: As a team, it is very important to get to know each member on a personal level to avoid future conflicts and to ensure group harmony. And once the team members are assigned their roles and tasks, they start feeling a sense of responsibility towards the group and prepare themselves to let go of their ego and interpersonal differences.
  • 13. [OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016 13 Scene – 4: Conflict In this scene we see the group having its first major conflict when Rusty discovers that Benedict is dating Tess, Danny’s ex-wife. Theory: Some people don't mix--plain and simple. Perhaps outside work they would choose not to socialize or interact. Perhaps if they weren't forced to deal with one another, they could have friendly, polite conversation as acquaintances. But when forced to work together to achieve goals or to share workspace on a consistent basis, friction may arise. In these situations, managers must take on the roles of mediator and counselor to diffuse the situation and find resolution, or make a difficult choice to transfer or remove someone based on inability to function in a team. Team Analysis: Here we learn that full disclosure of facts is very important in any group if the facts are affecting the functioning of the group in any way possible. It is clearly visible that Danny has a hidden agenda for robbing Benedict which is, getting his ex-wife back. Rusty questions Danny if the involvement of Tess will cloud his judgement in any way. Thus Danny not disclosing the real reason of him pulling off the job has resulted in a intergroup conflict and in Rusty questioning him.
  • 14. [OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016 14 3.3 Key Learnings 3.3.1 Leadership – In case of critical and risky projects we need to show deep deliberation sense of individual decision making that by spending a lot of time and attention, weighing all possible options. But in case of performing certain situation are created in which we need to take impulsive decision so that the project does not get compromised while in some case we need to take decision in compliance with others inputs also. 3.3.2 Objective oriented – In an organization no matter how much critical the situation is and no matter how much it try to divert us, we always need to be objective oriented. 3.3.3 Availability of Resources – we need to make sure that resources should always be available at our expense. 3.3.4 Motivation – every member of our team must be satisfactorily motivated in order to perform effectively and efficiently. Therefore in order to keep them motivated we must provide them with all the necessary working conditions. 3.3.5 Trust – Every member of a group or a team must have complete trust over their leader as well as among each other. In a trustworthy environment the functionality of a group remains more efficient. 3.3.6 Time Management – In order to perform our work effectively and efficiently without any disruptions at any point of time during execution, it is required to accomplish our task by properly managing the time.
  • 15. [OCEAN’S ELEVEN] August 29, 2016 15 REFERENCES 1. Understanding Organizational Behaviour by Udai Pareek & updated by Shushma Khanna 2. IMDB 3. Rotten Tomatoes 4. Entertainment Weekly 5. Washington Post 6. The New York Times