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Theory and Practice of Authentic Text
Pemutih kulit:
Apa itu, Apa Risikonya dan Siapa yang
By Meera Senthilingam, Pallabi Munsi and Vanessa
Offiong, CNN
Group 1
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Background of
the Study
Data Source &
Finding and
Background of the Study
Translation plays a significant role in life because it has made communication among people with different
languages and cultures. Both spoken and written translation, translation activities become a tool to create
optimal communication. Communication influences the circulation of ideas, information, knowledge, and
values from one nation to another nation. Translation makes them becomes the line of action and affect of the
cultural development in every nation from different languages to be equal.
Translation, by dictionary definitions, consists of changing from one state or form to another, to turn into one’s
own or another’s language (The Merriam-Webster Dictionary 1974). According to Larson (1984:3), Translation is
basically a change of form. When people speak of the form of a language, people are referring to the actual
words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, etc., which are spoken or written. These forms are called as
the surface structure of a language. In Translation, the form of the source language is replaced by the form of
the receptor (target) language.
Background of the Study
Translation consists of transferring the meaning of the source language into the target language. This is done
by going from the form of the first language to the the form of a second language by way of semantic
structure. It is meaning which is being transferred and must be held constant. Only the form changes. The form
from which the translation is made will be called as the source language and the form into which it is to be
changed will be referred as receptor (target) language.
Moreover, translation consists of studying the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation, and
cultural context of the source language text. Persons who know both the source language and the receptor
(target) language well can often make the transfer from one form to the other very rapidly, without thinking
about the semantic structure overtly. However, the complicated texts, and when the translators may not be
equally fluent in two languages (if they are mother-tongue speakers of only one) the study of the principles to
be presented here will enable them to make more adequate translation (Larson, 1984:4).
Background of the Study
Various text can be translated to another language. A text that is created to fulfil some social purpose in the
language community in which it was produced is defined as an authentic text (Little and Singleton, 1998:2).
Authentic materials are commonly published for the public. There is an almost limitless supply of authentic
materials available online. One of them, entitled “Skin Whitening: What is it, what are the risks and who
profits?” by Meera Senthllingam, Pallabi Munsi, Vanessa Offlong, CNN is analyzed in this study using translation
strategies theory proposed by Chesterman (2016).
Data Source and Research Method
The source of data in this study is an authentic text entitled :
“Skin Whitening: What is it, what are the risks and who profits?” by Meera Senthllingam, Pallabi Munsi, Vanessa Offlong,
This study is a descriptive qualitative study. According to Yusuf (2014), descriptive qualitative study is a
strategy used in research that emphasize the finding of meanings, concepts, characteristics, symptoms, symbols, or
description about phenomena, holistically described in words.
The procedures done in this study is collecting the data, translating the data from SL (English) to TL
(Indonesia), analyzing the data. The steps done in analyzing the data include (1) identification, identifying the words,
phrases or sentences that is needed in this study, (2) classifying the data into several categories based on the
syntactic translation strategies, (3) analyzing the data and present the data analysis descriptively.
Data Source and Research Method
The syntactic translation strategies proposed by Chesterman (2016) is used to translate the authentic text
in this study. Syntactic strategies primarily manipulate form (Chesterman, 2016: 91). The syntactic strategies
include literal translation, loan/calque, transposition, unit shift, phrase structure change, clause structure
change, cohesion change, level shift, and scheme change.
Finding and
Literal Translation
Literal translation is defined as maximally close to the SL form, but nevertheless grammatical. This strategy has the status of
a default value. On this view, one only needs to deviate from literal translation if for some reason or other it does not work.
The following data represent this literal translation strategies.
(2-1) Shisheido told CNN: "Our brightening products function by restricting the formulation of melanin which causes age
spots and freckles. These products do not have the ability to whiten the skin. We do not sell whitening products, nor do
we recommend whitening."
Shisheido memberi tahu CNN: “Produk pencerah kami berfungsi dengan cara membatasi formulasi melanin
yang menyebabkan flek hitam dan bintik-bintik penuaan. Produk-produk ini tidak memiliki kemampuan dalam
memutihkan kulit. Kami tidak menjual produk pemutih ataupun merekomendasikan pemutih.”
(2-2) Procter and Gamble did not respond to multiple requests from CNN for comment.
Procter dan Gamble tidak merespon sejumlah permintaan komentar dari CNN
Literal Translation
The source language texts in data in (2-1) and (2-2) are translated into the target language using literal
translation strategies, because each word and phrase in the source language text has literal meaning with the
target language. The process of translating the source language text using literal translation strategies is done
by consulting the dictionaries, glossaries and terminology banks, and when the translation is tested using
machine translation tools, the results can be said as default. The literal translation strategies in this case does
not change the meaning or message of the source language text. Nevertheless, there is a little modification,
especially in data (2-1). There are words age spots and freckles which have identical meaning in the dictionary. If
both words are translated into Bahasa Indonesia, the result will be bitnik-bintik penuaan dan bintik-bintik. Thus,
to make the target language text more sensible, the word bintik-bintik is changed into flek hitam.
Loan, Calque
This strategy covers both the borrowing of individual items and the borrowing of syntagma. Like the other
strategies, it refers to a deliberate choice, not the unconscious influence of undesired interference. The
following data represent this loan translation strategies.
(2-3) CNN reached out to the multinational corporations, companies, third-party sites and social-media giants named above for
response to their involvement in either the manufacture, sale or promotion of skin whitening practices and products.
CNN menghubungi korporasi multinasional, perusahaan, situs pihak ketiga dan media sosial besar yang disebutkan di
atas untuk menanggapi keterlibatan mereka baik dalam pembuatan, penjualan atau promosi produk dan penggunaan
produk pemutih kulit.
(2-4) Meta also said it works with regulators and other subject matter experts to refine its related policies and control.
Meta juga mengatakan bahwa pihaknya bekerja dengan regulator dan pakar kecantikan lainnya untuk menyempurnakan
kebijakan dan aturan terkait.
Loan, Calque
The word corporations in data (2-3) represents the loan translation strategies. The word corporation
means a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as
such in law. In Bahasa Indonesia, it can be translated as perusahaan or badan usaha. However, it is inefficient if
the sentence CNN reached out to the multinational corporations, companies, third-party sites… is translated
literally to Bahasa Indonesia and become CNN menghubungi perusahaan multinasional, perusahaan, situs pihak
ketiga… In order to maintain the meaning and considering the style of translation, therefore, the word
korporasi is used instead of perusahaan as the equivalent translation in this context.
The word regulators in data (2-4) also represents the loan translation strategies. The word regulator means
a person or thing that regulates something, so instead of using word pengatur in Bahasa Indonesia, the word
regulator itself sounds better.
Transposition translation strategy refers to any change of word-class, e.g. from noun to verb, adjective to
adverb. Normally, this strategy obviously involves structural changes as well, but it is often useful to isolate the
word-class change as being of interest in itself. The following data represent this transposition translation
(2-5) What the companies making or selling skin whitening products say
Tanggapan perusahaan pembuat atau penjual produk pemutih kulit
Data (2-5) above shows the transposition translation strategy because the change of word class e.g. verb
say to noun tanggapan. It changes the structure of the sentence in the source language text and target
language text. The verb say is in the end of the sentence while the noun tanggapan is in the beginning of the
sentence. However, the meaning of both texts is considered equivalent.
The word corporations in data (2-3) represents the loan translation strategies. The word corporation
means a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as
such in law. In Bahasa Indonesia, it can be translated as perusahaan or badan usaha. However, it is inefficient if
the sentence CNN reached out to the multinational corporations, companies, third-party sites… is translated
literally to Bahasa Indonesia and become CNN menghubungi perusahaan multinasional, perusahaan, situs pihak
ketiga… In order to maintain the meaning and considering the style of translation, therefore, the word
korporasi is used instead of perusahaan as the equivalent translation in this context.
The word regulators in data (2-4) also represents the loan translation strategies. The word regulator means
a person or thing that regulates something, so instead of using word pengatur in Bahasa Indonesia, the word
regulator itself sounds better.
Unit Shift
A unit shift occurs when a SL (Source Language) unit is translated as a different unit in the TL (Target Language): this
happens very frequently, of course, and sub-classifications can be set up for unit shifts of different types
(Chesterman, 2016 : 93). The units are morpheme, word, phrase, clause, sentence, and paragraph.
SL : Skin whitening: What is it, what are the risks and who profits?
TL : Pemutih kulit: Apa itu, Apa Risikonya dan Siapa yang diuntungkan?
The data shows that the shift occurs in the unit of word even phrases. The SL (Source Language) of English has
completely grammatical unit by morphemes (plural –s in Risks), auxiliary verb (is) or word (profits). Then they are
translated to Indonesian, follows the natural way of its native as translated above to make it readable in fluidity.
Phrase Structure Change
This strategy, or rather group of strategies, comprises a number of changes at the level of the phrase, including
number, definiteness and modification in the noun phrase, and person, tense and mood in the verb phrase. The unit
itself may remain unchanged, i.e. an ST phrase may still correspond to a TT phrase, but its internal structure changes
(Chesterman, 2016 : 93).
The data above show the phrases are restructured to be relevant in Indonesian. Those are
reconstructed due to their correlation with following sentences and context involved.
SL : It's a big industry and predominantly targets women of color in every region of
the world, with the Asia-Pacific region being the most lucrative.
TL : Hal itu merupakan peluang bisnis yang menggiurkan di seluruh dunia khususnya di
Asia-Pasifik, yang mana wanita berkulit gelap menjadi target pasar.
Clause Structure Change
Under this heading I group changes that have to do with the structure of the clause in terms of its
constituent phrases. Various subclasses include constituent order (analysed simply as Subject, Verb,
Object, Complement, Adverbial), active vs. passive voice, finite vs. non-finite structure, transitive vs.
intransitive (Chesterman, 2016 : 94). These following examples aimed at finding a fluidity of translation in
Indonesian, the clauses are restructured above.
SL : In others, experts blame colonialism, slavery and globalization.
TL : Apapun itu, segala bentuk kolonialisme, perbudakan, dalam era globalisasi ini tidak
: But the trend is ultimately rooted in colorism and the fact that in many cultures, lighter
skin is associated with beauty and better prospects in terms
of employment, marriage and social standing.
: Namun orang-orang tetap saja cenderung pada warna kulit dengan fakta bahwa wanita yang
memiliki kulit yang cerah dianggap lebih cantik dan memiliki prospek karir, jodoh, serta status
sosial yang lebih baik pula.
Sentence Structure Change
This strategy affects the structure of the sentence unit, in so far as it is made up of clause units. Included are
changes between main-clause and sub-clauses status, changes of sub-clauses types, etc.
(2-) What the companies making or selling skin whitening products say
Tanggapan perusahaan pembuat atau penjual produk pemutih kulit
The source language text in data (2-) is translated into target language using sentence structure change
strategy, because the structure of the source language is different with the target language. The translation
of the word class used in this sentence (say) is changed from verb into noun (tanggapan), the position also
changes, from the back of the sentence that makes it look like a question, it is changed to be in the front of
the sentence to make it more effective as a statement.
Cohesion Change
Cohesion Change is something that affects intra-textual reference, ellipsis, substitution, pronominalization, and
repetition, or the use of connectors of various kinds.
(2-) Shisheido told CNN: "Our brightening products function by restricting the formulation of melanin which causes age
spots and freckles. These products do not have the ability to whiten the skin. We do not sell whitening products, nor
do we recommend whitening."
Shisheido memberi tahu CNN: “Produk pencerah kami berfungsi dengan cara membatasi formulasi melanin yang
menyebabkan flek hitam dan bintik-bintik penuaan. Produk-produk ini tidak memiliki kemampuan dalam memutihkan
kulit. Kami tidak menjual produk pemutih ataupun merekomendasikan pemutih.”
The source language text in data (2-) is translated into target language using strategy of
cohesion change, because in English, the subject “we” is used multiple times, mentioning that we
do not sell or recommend whitening products. Hence, in Indonesian or in target language, the
subject is only translated once into “Kami tidak menjual produk pemutih ataupun
merekomendasikan pemutih” to make it clear and efficient without changing the meaning.
Cohesion Change
Companies making products containing mercury were asked if they had done anything since tests
identified their products to contain mercury, how their products were being imported into countries where
they are illegal and whether the companies are aware that high levels of mercury can significantly damage
a person's health.
Perusahaan yang membuat produk yang mengandung merkuri diminta untuk menanggapi tentang bagaimana
tindak lanjut perusahaan terhadap keberadaan produk-produk berbahaya tersebut bagaimana produk mereka
diimport ke negara lain secara ilegal dan apakah perusahaan menyadari bahwa kadar merkuri yang tinggi
dapat secara signifikan merusak kesehatan seseorang.
The data above shows the example of the use of cohesion change strategy, because there is semantic repetition in the
source language, it is written as “products to contain mercury” and in target language is changed into “produk-produk
berbahaya”, this words still have similar meaning to the source language.
Cohesion Change
Meta also said it works with regulators and other subject matter experts to refine its related policies and
Meta juga mengatakan bahwa pihaknya bekerja dengan regulator dan pakar kecantikan untuk menyempurnakan
kebijakan dan aturan terkait.
The source language text is translated into target language using the strategy of cohesion
change, because in the source language there is pronominalization “it”, and when it is translated
into target language, the pronoun “it” is changed to be “pihaknya” in order to make the whole
sentence explicit for the readers without changing the meaning.
Scheme Change
Scheme refers to the kinds of changes that translators incorporate in the translation of rhetorical schemes
such as parallelism, repetition, alliteration, metrical rhythm, etc.
Social media companies were asked whether they were aware that skin whitening creams, including ones containing toxic
and often illegal ingredients, were being promoted and sold on their platforms. They were also asked to respond to
criticism that enabling this promotes colorism and perpetuates white beauty ideals.
Perusahaan media sosial diminta untuk menanggapi apakah mereka mengetahui bahwa krim pemutih kulit, termasuk yang
mengandung bahan beracun dan seringkali ilegal, sedang dipromosikan dan dijual di platform mereka. Mereka juga diminta
untuk menanggapi kritik bahwa krim pemutih kulit memicu idealisme tentang standar kecantikan melalui warna kulit putih.
Amazon removed the pages highlighted by CNN that were selling some of these products.
Amazon menghapus halaman yang disorot oleh CNN yang menjual beberapa produk pemutih berbahaya.
Scheme Change
Both of data above represent the use of Scheme change strategy, because the translator include a kind of
change such as repitition. In source language, it can be seen that the words “skin whitening creams” and these
products are only mentioned once, meanwhile when the sentences are translated into target language (in
Indonesian), the words krim pemutih kulit and produk pemutih berbahaya appear from the translation of “this
promotes colorism...” and “these products”, however, the meaning of both sentences is equivalent.
One language is different form another language in
lexical categories, grammatical and syntactical
structure, semantic, discourse, and cultural
background. Hence, translation plays an important
role in transferring the messages of Source
Language (SL) to Target Language (TL). Translator
who understand both languages professionally
usually use many ways in mediating them. There
have been many strategies, procedures, or technics
during the process of translation. Without those
ways, the message can be misunderstood then led
to the failure of communication. As we know, the
purpose of the language is convenience to accept
and to understand. How the language is different? It
is described from any authentic text which native
speakers use commonly. Authentic text will readable
and acceptable if the translation is understandable
by the target readers of some communities, indeed
by using strategies in translation the text.
Chesterman, A. 2016. Memes of Translation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Larson, Mildred, L. 1984. Meaning-Based Translation: A Guide to Cross-Language Equivalence. New
York: University Press of America
Little, D. G. and D.M. Singleton,.(1988) Authentic Materials and the Role of Fixed Support in
Language Teaching: Towards a Manual for Language Learners. Dublin; Trinity centre for
Language and Communication Studies
Yusuf, A, Muri. 2014. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif & Penelitian Gabungan. Jakarta:
Prenadamedia Group.

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Final PPT Group 1_Authentic Text_Translation Strategies.pptx

  • 1. SKIN WHITENING: WHAT IS IT, WHAT ARE THE RISKS AND WHO PROFITS? Theory and Practice of Authentic Text Pemutih kulit: Apa itu, Apa Risikonya dan Siapa yang diuntungkan? By Meera Senthilingam, Pallabi Munsi and Vanessa Offiong, CNN
  • 2. Group 1 2180111014_Risma Ayu 2180111026_Luh Gede Tri Purwani Dewi 2180111030_Ni Putu Anggi Apsari
  • 3. Background of the Study 01 02 04 Data Source & Research Method Finding and Discussion Conclusion 01 02 03
  • 4. Background of the Study Translation plays a significant role in life because it has made communication among people with different languages and cultures. Both spoken and written translation, translation activities become a tool to create optimal communication. Communication influences the circulation of ideas, information, knowledge, and values from one nation to another nation. Translation makes them becomes the line of action and affect of the cultural development in every nation from different languages to be equal. Translation, by dictionary definitions, consists of changing from one state or form to another, to turn into one’s own or another’s language (The Merriam-Webster Dictionary 1974). According to Larson (1984:3), Translation is basically a change of form. When people speak of the form of a language, people are referring to the actual words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, etc., which are spoken or written. These forms are called as the surface structure of a language. In Translation, the form of the source language is replaced by the form of the receptor (target) language.
  • 5. Background of the Study Translation consists of transferring the meaning of the source language into the target language. This is done by going from the form of the first language to the the form of a second language by way of semantic structure. It is meaning which is being transferred and must be held constant. Only the form changes. The form from which the translation is made will be called as the source language and the form into which it is to be changed will be referred as receptor (target) language. Moreover, translation consists of studying the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context of the source language text. Persons who know both the source language and the receptor (target) language well can often make the transfer from one form to the other very rapidly, without thinking about the semantic structure overtly. However, the complicated texts, and when the translators may not be equally fluent in two languages (if they are mother-tongue speakers of only one) the study of the principles to be presented here will enable them to make more adequate translation (Larson, 1984:4).
  • 6. Background of the Study Various text can be translated to another language. A text that is created to fulfil some social purpose in the language community in which it was produced is defined as an authentic text (Little and Singleton, 1998:2). Authentic materials are commonly published for the public. There is an almost limitless supply of authentic materials available online. One of them, entitled “Skin Whitening: What is it, what are the risks and who profits?” by Meera Senthllingam, Pallabi Munsi, Vanessa Offlong, CNN is analyzed in this study using translation strategies theory proposed by Chesterman (2016).
  • 7. Data Source and Research Method The source of data in this study is an authentic text entitled : “Skin Whitening: What is it, what are the risks and who profits?” by Meera Senthllingam, Pallabi Munsi, Vanessa Offlong, CNN. This study is a descriptive qualitative study. According to Yusuf (2014), descriptive qualitative study is a strategy used in research that emphasize the finding of meanings, concepts, characteristics, symptoms, symbols, or description about phenomena, holistically described in words. The procedures done in this study is collecting the data, translating the data from SL (English) to TL (Indonesia), analyzing the data. The steps done in analyzing the data include (1) identification, identifying the words, phrases or sentences that is needed in this study, (2) classifying the data into several categories based on the syntactic translation strategies, (3) analyzing the data and present the data analysis descriptively.
  • 8. Data Source and Research Method The syntactic translation strategies proposed by Chesterman (2016) is used to translate the authentic text in this study. Syntactic strategies primarily manipulate form (Chesterman, 2016: 91). The syntactic strategies include literal translation, loan/calque, transposition, unit shift, phrase structure change, clause structure change, cohesion change, level shift, and scheme change.
  • 10. Literal Translation Literal translation is defined as maximally close to the SL form, but nevertheless grammatical. This strategy has the status of a default value. On this view, one only needs to deviate from literal translation if for some reason or other it does not work. The following data represent this literal translation strategies. (2-1) Shisheido told CNN: "Our brightening products function by restricting the formulation of melanin which causes age spots and freckles. These products do not have the ability to whiten the skin. We do not sell whitening products, nor do we recommend whitening." Shisheido memberi tahu CNN: “Produk pencerah kami berfungsi dengan cara membatasi formulasi melanin yang menyebabkan flek hitam dan bintik-bintik penuaan. Produk-produk ini tidak memiliki kemampuan dalam memutihkan kulit. Kami tidak menjual produk pemutih ataupun merekomendasikan pemutih.” (2-2) Procter and Gamble did not respond to multiple requests from CNN for comment. Procter dan Gamble tidak merespon sejumlah permintaan komentar dari CNN
  • 11. Literal Translation The source language texts in data in (2-1) and (2-2) are translated into the target language using literal translation strategies, because each word and phrase in the source language text has literal meaning with the target language. The process of translating the source language text using literal translation strategies is done by consulting the dictionaries, glossaries and terminology banks, and when the translation is tested using machine translation tools, the results can be said as default. The literal translation strategies in this case does not change the meaning or message of the source language text. Nevertheless, there is a little modification, especially in data (2-1). There are words age spots and freckles which have identical meaning in the dictionary. If both words are translated into Bahasa Indonesia, the result will be bitnik-bintik penuaan dan bintik-bintik. Thus, to make the target language text more sensible, the word bintik-bintik is changed into flek hitam.
  • 12. Loan, Calque This strategy covers both the borrowing of individual items and the borrowing of syntagma. Like the other strategies, it refers to a deliberate choice, not the unconscious influence of undesired interference. The following data represent this loan translation strategies. (2-3) CNN reached out to the multinational corporations, companies, third-party sites and social-media giants named above for response to their involvement in either the manufacture, sale or promotion of skin whitening practices and products. CNN menghubungi korporasi multinasional, perusahaan, situs pihak ketiga dan media sosial besar yang disebutkan di atas untuk menanggapi keterlibatan mereka baik dalam pembuatan, penjualan atau promosi produk dan penggunaan produk pemutih kulit. (2-4) Meta also said it works with regulators and other subject matter experts to refine its related policies and control. Meta juga mengatakan bahwa pihaknya bekerja dengan regulator dan pakar kecantikan lainnya untuk menyempurnakan kebijakan dan aturan terkait.
  • 13. Loan, Calque The word corporations in data (2-3) represents the loan translation strategies. The word corporation means a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law. In Bahasa Indonesia, it can be translated as perusahaan or badan usaha. However, it is inefficient if the sentence CNN reached out to the multinational corporations, companies, third-party sites… is translated literally to Bahasa Indonesia and become CNN menghubungi perusahaan multinasional, perusahaan, situs pihak ketiga… In order to maintain the meaning and considering the style of translation, therefore, the word korporasi is used instead of perusahaan as the equivalent translation in this context. The word regulators in data (2-4) also represents the loan translation strategies. The word regulator means a person or thing that regulates something, so instead of using word pengatur in Bahasa Indonesia, the word regulator itself sounds better.
  • 14. Transposition Transposition translation strategy refers to any change of word-class, e.g. from noun to verb, adjective to adverb. Normally, this strategy obviously involves structural changes as well, but it is often useful to isolate the word-class change as being of interest in itself. The following data represent this transposition translation strategies. (2-5) What the companies making or selling skin whitening products say Tanggapan perusahaan pembuat atau penjual produk pemutih kulit Data (2-5) above shows the transposition translation strategy because the change of word class e.g. verb say to noun tanggapan. It changes the structure of the sentence in the source language text and target language text. The verb say is in the end of the sentence while the noun tanggapan is in the beginning of the sentence. However, the meaning of both texts is considered equivalent.
  • 15. Transposition The word corporations in data (2-3) represents the loan translation strategies. The word corporation means a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law. In Bahasa Indonesia, it can be translated as perusahaan or badan usaha. However, it is inefficient if the sentence CNN reached out to the multinational corporations, companies, third-party sites… is translated literally to Bahasa Indonesia and become CNN menghubungi perusahaan multinasional, perusahaan, situs pihak ketiga… In order to maintain the meaning and considering the style of translation, therefore, the word korporasi is used instead of perusahaan as the equivalent translation in this context. The word regulators in data (2-4) also represents the loan translation strategies. The word regulator means a person or thing that regulates something, so instead of using word pengatur in Bahasa Indonesia, the word regulator itself sounds better.
  • 16. Unit Shift A unit shift occurs when a SL (Source Language) unit is translated as a different unit in the TL (Target Language): this happens very frequently, of course, and sub-classifications can be set up for unit shifts of different types (Chesterman, 2016 : 93). The units are morpheme, word, phrase, clause, sentence, and paragraph. SL : Skin whitening: What is it, what are the risks and who profits? TL : Pemutih kulit: Apa itu, Apa Risikonya dan Siapa yang diuntungkan? The data shows that the shift occurs in the unit of word even phrases. The SL (Source Language) of English has completely grammatical unit by morphemes (plural –s in Risks), auxiliary verb (is) or word (profits). Then they are translated to Indonesian, follows the natural way of its native as translated above to make it readable in fluidity.
  • 17. Phrase Structure Change This strategy, or rather group of strategies, comprises a number of changes at the level of the phrase, including number, definiteness and modification in the noun phrase, and person, tense and mood in the verb phrase. The unit itself may remain unchanged, i.e. an ST phrase may still correspond to a TT phrase, but its internal structure changes (Chesterman, 2016 : 93). The data above show the phrases are restructured to be relevant in Indonesian. Those are reconstructed due to their correlation with following sentences and context involved. SL : It's a big industry and predominantly targets women of color in every region of the world, with the Asia-Pacific region being the most lucrative. TL : Hal itu merupakan peluang bisnis yang menggiurkan di seluruh dunia khususnya di Asia-Pasifik, yang mana wanita berkulit gelap menjadi target pasar.
  • 18. Clause Structure Change Under this heading I group changes that have to do with the structure of the clause in terms of its constituent phrases. Various subclasses include constituent order (analysed simply as Subject, Verb, Object, Complement, Adverbial), active vs. passive voice, finite vs. non-finite structure, transitive vs. intransitive (Chesterman, 2016 : 94). These following examples aimed at finding a fluidity of translation in Indonesian, the clauses are restructured above. SL : In others, experts blame colonialism, slavery and globalization. TL : Apapun itu, segala bentuk kolonialisme, perbudakan, dalam era globalisasi ini tidak diperbolehkan. S L : But the trend is ultimately rooted in colorism and the fact that in many cultures, lighter skin is associated with beauty and better prospects in terms of employment, marriage and social standing. T L : Namun orang-orang tetap saja cenderung pada warna kulit dengan fakta bahwa wanita yang memiliki kulit yang cerah dianggap lebih cantik dan memiliki prospek karir, jodoh, serta status sosial yang lebih baik pula.
  • 19. Sentence Structure Change This strategy affects the structure of the sentence unit, in so far as it is made up of clause units. Included are changes between main-clause and sub-clauses status, changes of sub-clauses types, etc. (2-) What the companies making or selling skin whitening products say Tanggapan perusahaan pembuat atau penjual produk pemutih kulit The source language text in data (2-) is translated into target language using sentence structure change strategy, because the structure of the source language is different with the target language. The translation of the word class used in this sentence (say) is changed from verb into noun (tanggapan), the position also changes, from the back of the sentence that makes it look like a question, it is changed to be in the front of the sentence to make it more effective as a statement.
  • 20. Cohesion Change Cohesion Change is something that affects intra-textual reference, ellipsis, substitution, pronominalization, and repetition, or the use of connectors of various kinds. (2-) Shisheido told CNN: "Our brightening products function by restricting the formulation of melanin which causes age spots and freckles. These products do not have the ability to whiten the skin. We do not sell whitening products, nor do we recommend whitening." Shisheido memberi tahu CNN: “Produk pencerah kami berfungsi dengan cara membatasi formulasi melanin yang menyebabkan flek hitam dan bintik-bintik penuaan. Produk-produk ini tidak memiliki kemampuan dalam memutihkan kulit. Kami tidak menjual produk pemutih ataupun merekomendasikan pemutih.” The source language text in data (2-) is translated into target language using strategy of cohesion change, because in English, the subject “we” is used multiple times, mentioning that we do not sell or recommend whitening products. Hence, in Indonesian or in target language, the subject is only translated once into “Kami tidak menjual produk pemutih ataupun merekomendasikan pemutih” to make it clear and efficient without changing the meaning.
  • 21. Cohesion Change Companies making products containing mercury were asked if they had done anything since tests identified their products to contain mercury, how their products were being imported into countries where they are illegal and whether the companies are aware that high levels of mercury can significantly damage a person's health. Perusahaan yang membuat produk yang mengandung merkuri diminta untuk menanggapi tentang bagaimana tindak lanjut perusahaan terhadap keberadaan produk-produk berbahaya tersebut bagaimana produk mereka diimport ke negara lain secara ilegal dan apakah perusahaan menyadari bahwa kadar merkuri yang tinggi dapat secara signifikan merusak kesehatan seseorang. The data above shows the example of the use of cohesion change strategy, because there is semantic repetition in the source language, it is written as “products to contain mercury” and in target language is changed into “produk-produk berbahaya”, this words still have similar meaning to the source language.
  • 22. Cohesion Change Meta also said it works with regulators and other subject matter experts to refine its related policies and controls. Meta juga mengatakan bahwa pihaknya bekerja dengan regulator dan pakar kecantikan untuk menyempurnakan kebijakan dan aturan terkait. The source language text is translated into target language using the strategy of cohesion change, because in the source language there is pronominalization “it”, and when it is translated into target language, the pronoun “it” is changed to be “pihaknya” in order to make the whole sentence explicit for the readers without changing the meaning.
  • 23. Scheme Change Scheme refers to the kinds of changes that translators incorporate in the translation of rhetorical schemes such as parallelism, repetition, alliteration, metrical rhythm, etc. Social media companies were asked whether they were aware that skin whitening creams, including ones containing toxic and often illegal ingredients, were being promoted and sold on their platforms. They were also asked to respond to criticism that enabling this promotes colorism and perpetuates white beauty ideals. Perusahaan media sosial diminta untuk menanggapi apakah mereka mengetahui bahwa krim pemutih kulit, termasuk yang mengandung bahan beracun dan seringkali ilegal, sedang dipromosikan dan dijual di platform mereka. Mereka juga diminta untuk menanggapi kritik bahwa krim pemutih kulit memicu idealisme tentang standar kecantikan melalui warna kulit putih. Amazon removed the pages highlighted by CNN that were selling some of these products. Amazon menghapus halaman yang disorot oleh CNN yang menjual beberapa produk pemutih berbahaya.
  • 24. Scheme Change Both of data above represent the use of Scheme change strategy, because the translator include a kind of change such as repitition. In source language, it can be seen that the words “skin whitening creams” and these products are only mentioned once, meanwhile when the sentences are translated into target language (in Indonesian), the words krim pemutih kulit and produk pemutih berbahaya appear from the translation of “this promotes colorism...” and “these products”, however, the meaning of both sentences is equivalent.
  • 25. Conclusion One language is different form another language in lexical categories, grammatical and syntactical structure, semantic, discourse, and cultural background. Hence, translation plays an important role in transferring the messages of Source Language (SL) to Target Language (TL). Translator who understand both languages professionally usually use many ways in mediating them. There have been many strategies, procedures, or technics during the process of translation. Without those ways, the message can be misunderstood then led to the failure of communication. As we know, the purpose of the language is convenience to accept and to understand. How the language is different? It is described from any authentic text which native speakers use commonly. Authentic text will readable and acceptable if the translation is understandable by the target readers of some communities, indeed by using strategies in translation the text.
  • 26. REFERENCES Chesterman, A. 2016. Memes of Translation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Larson, Mildred, L. 1984. Meaning-Based Translation: A Guide to Cross-Language Equivalence. New York: University Press of America Little, D. G. and D.M. Singleton,.(1988) Authentic Materials and the Role of Fixed Support in Language Teaching: Towards a Manual for Language Learners. Dublin; Trinity centre for Language and Communication Studies Yusuf, A, Muri. 2014. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif & Penelitian Gabungan. Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group.