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Alex Latham
Did I achieve what I wanted to?
                                                                                                     Story Board
   Mission Statement:
    To produce a professional portfolio website to illustrate the different skills, interests and hobbies of an individual. It
    must have appropriate content, house style and layout and not violate any copyright law. The site must be accessible to
    anyone regardless of age, culture or disability.

   When first designing my website we came up with a story board for each page, this would show how we wanted each
    page to be layout here is a before and after screen shot.

                                                                                   From this I can see that the main layout
                                                                                    of my website hasn't really changed that
                                                                                    much apart from the header and logo are
                                                                                    now part of the same banner together to
                                                                                    give it a more cleaner and professional
                                                                                    look that will attract a wide range of
                                                                                   Overall my layout hasn't changed and
                                                                                    from my original design its been kept
                                                                                    almost exact meaning in terms of my
                                                                                    storyboard I have achieved what I
                                                                                    wanted to.
Did I achieve what I wanted to?
                                                                  Mood Board – background

   Originally for my background of my portfolio website I wanted to create a grass texture to make it less plain and reduce
    the amount of red on the website as this could affect users eyes , but I would have also liked a natural background so
    that it doesn't look stupid with the other pages e.g. science and media.
   To get this I came up with 2 different designs for my background:

                                                                                 Comparing them both, the one on the left
                                                                                  (not original design) incorporates the red
                                                                                  colour that I wanted and also has a more
                                                                                  “funky” theme to it to illustrate my
                                                                                 My original design on the right was the type
                                                                                  of background I wanted originally but after
                                                                                  trying with different reds it looks
Did I achieve what I wanted to?
                                                                             Mood Board – Images
   For my website I wanted to display pictures of different stadiums and stoke city players, after looking at the copyright
    law I found this was not possible as I would need permission of the photographers to use their images. So with this in
    mind I found several photos that I liked and emailed the photographers and with no luck had no emails back and was
    forced to use other sources of images, I found these at different events I had done in the past that I had taken myself
    and images from friends that they allowed me to use. Using these pictures also meant that I could show of myself a lot
    more in terms of what I liked e.g. playing volleyball but also meant that I had to scrap the stadium gallery page as I
    didn't have the copyright permissions to use them.

   Here are some of the images I used on my website on Google images
                                                                                     Here are a set of images that play as an
                                                                                      embedded slide show on my website,
                                                                                      non of these violate any copyright law as
                                                                                      they were taken by me.
                                                                                     So this means that they can not violate
                                                                                      any copyright law as they were taken by
                                                                                      ‘Who owns the copyright on
                                                                                      Under law, it is the photographer who
                                                                                      will own copyright on any photos he/she
                                                                                      has taken’
Did I achieve what I wanted to?
                                                                                                       Mood Board – Font
   “For my font I want to use comic sans MS, because it looks professional , is very easy to read for all target audiences this will be for my main body
        text. For my navigation bar I want to use Berlin sans FB this is because it is bold and easy to read. And for my different heading s they need to
        be big and easy to read so I decided to choose Calibri , this will be good for my audience because they will be able to tell the text from the
        heading . All my fonts go together well and should help to create a professional portfolio website.”

      I didn't achieve this and their is perfectly good reasoning for this, My headers, Navigation bar and banner I decided
       should be the same, this was a good choice as if they were all different like I wanted them to be it wouldn't look
       professional as first thought. But for the title “my portfolio” I changed it to italics which would make it stand out so the
       audience would know the title of the website.
      For my main body text I used standard Arial font, this was because after I wrote what I wanted to use for my font i
       found most other websites use Arial as their main body font.

                                  Screen shots showing different well known websites using Arial font.
BBC Sport                                                                                                             
Did I achieve what I wanted to?
                              Mood Board – Font

                As you can see from this screen shot it
                 shows my font style stays the same
                 throughout my banner and buttons, this
                 has created a professional looking website
                 with a good colour scheme.
                I changed the “my portfolio” and “Follow
                 Me..” to italics to make them stand out
                 from the rest to look different.
Did I achieve what I wanted to?
                                                  Mood Board – Colour Scheme
   My colour scheme was based on the different colours I wanted and when I tried to create the website
    based on them it was either to blue and green or too red, this created a dilemma because red didn't go
    well with green and green didn't go well with red.
   The colour scheme I collected from a website that puts different colours together and ones that go
    well together, and I wanted red to be my primary colour as it would symbolise my favourite sports
    team, which is why I went with the design on the left.

                                                                        I believe in the end I achieved a well
                                                                         organised and professional looking
                                                                         portfolio website with a good colour
Did I achieve what I wanted to?
                                      Mock Ups – What the Audience said
   The two designs underneath were the two i wanted to choose between, i asked around and asked
    people to tell me what they preferred and which one looks better and why.
   Kim said, The one on the right looks more professional and more fun, looks better laid out and the
    colour scheme goes together better.
   Friends said, The red one because the colours go better together then the one on the right plus they
    felt the one on the right lacked professionalism
                                                                     With this in mind and it was a clear
                                                                      choice of which one I should have i
                                                                      picked the red one and made it more
                                                                      accessible to the user, this in turn
                                                                      making my website more
Did I achieve what I wanted to?
                                                      Mood Board – Logo
 For my logo I wanted to create something original, something that would
  symbolise me and my creativity. I found this very difficult to do because there
  was just so much to choose from and every idea I came up with seemed to not
  look right.
 After much thinking I thought of a design using the keys of the Keyboard

                               I believe that I have created a good logo
                                which is unique and goes well with the
                                 colour scheme, also it looks like it is
                                 embedded into the websites banner making
                                 it look like the logo has been cut out of the
                                 banner giving it a professional look.
Did I achieve what I wanted to?
                                                                                        Mission Statement
   Mission Statement:
    To produce a professional portfolio website to illustrate the different skills, interests and hobbies of an individual. It
    must have appropriate content, house style and layout and not violate any copyright law. The site must be accessible to
    anyone regardless of age, culture or disability.

   Keeping to a mission statement that I wrote at the start of all the website making and designing was difficult, because
    you have so much to consider and you don't think that much about what things would violate copyright law.
    I did manage to do this though, I created a website that illustrated the different skills, interests and hobbies of myself
    with it having appropriate content.

                                I also didn't violate any copyright law as all the
                                photos were taken myself, this mean that I own
                                all the rights to the photos.

                                Another big point was that it should be accessible
                                to anyone regardless of age, culture of disability. I
                                believe that I achieved this because I have a very
                                natural background based on my so it is suitable
                                for age and culture, this also meaning that there
                                is not to much writing for the younger generation
                                as they may get bored reading, there is also plenty
                                of videos to be watched. In terms of disability
                                there is the option to make videos full screen and
                                also make the font size bigger on all pages.
Did I achieve what I wanted to?
                        Mood Board – Mind map

              A mind map is a document where people would
               jot down all the ideas for what they are trying to
               create so for me it was a portfolio website and
               these were all the ideas that I wanted to
               incorporate into my website, I believe that i have
               used most of the ideas I came up with in my
               mind map into my website, but some were not
               possible e.g. the stadium gallery, this was due to
               copyright issues.
Why did you change elements through
                    producing your site?
   Colour Scheme – This was one of the biggest elements of my website that I changed from my original planning and
    this was because whilst making my website I decided it just didn't look right, it didn't look professional and didn't
    include the primary colour that I wanted which was red.
    The new design (left) looks more professional and looks
    superior to the first design in my opinion. I also decided to
    scrap the use of to much blue and green in the website
    because sticking to one colour and changing the shades
    gives the website more of a warmer feel.
   Images page – On my interests page I had a stadium gallery
    that I wanted to put on but due to copyright issues this was
    not possible so I decided to remove it all together.
   Font – When choosing what font I wanted I didn't realise
    how bad it would look, I wanted it too look professional so
    keeping with the same font with my banner and buttons
    made it look professional and keeping the main font style
    the same also helped achieve this
If you were to produce it again, how
               could you improve it, why?
 Now I have my finished product, looking back there are certain things i
  would like to either improve or add to improve my portfolio site, these
  things are;
 Research
  If I was to produce my portfolio website again I would do a lot more
  research then I did, this was because I don't think that my website has
  the same spark as some others do, maybe that’s because of lack of
  animation in my site or content.
  I could have probably done more research into the CSS of a website so I
  knew how to use it effectively through out my website.
If you were to produce it again, how
               could you improve it, why?
 Animations:
  On a lot of portfolio websites that I have looked at many have included
  some type of
 I think that I could have made a good
  animation for my logo in flash, where my
  name would warp into my logo, this
  would be an animation that would stay
  consistent through out my site and also
  keep my site looking professional.

                                  Adding an animation to my website wouldn't only
                                   make it look more professional but give it a better
                                   feel to the website user, they may prefer the website
                                   more and may make it more suitable to my main
                                   target audience.
If you were to produce it again, how
                 could you improve it, why?
 Audience:
  If I was to produce my portfolio website again i think i would make the
  audience range wider.
   “The application of my website will have one distinctive target audience. This will be demographic
   group 16 – 24 for both men and women that have a passion for football. There will be a secondary
  audience that would consist of both older and younger age ranges that may be interested in football
                                           and other sports.”

 As you can see by looking at this I have based my target audience on a
  younger generation, with people who have a general interest for sport,
  to widen the target audience range I would change the age range so that
  I could expand who I made the site for, I could also make it so the
  website was split into sections so it would be about my whole life not
  just based around my sporting side.
If you were to produce it again, how
                could you improve it, why?
 Content:
  if I was creating my website again I would defiantly like to add more content to
  my website, by this I don't mean more text, I mean more videos, images and
  moving text, e.g. a scrolling marquee underneath my navigation bar, this would
  add movement to my website so it wasn't so static.

  Here is an example of a scrolling marquee on the BBC website it doesn't look static and
   adds different dimensions to the site, this meaning different news and information about
   the site that people can click on to get a more in depth knowledge about what its talking
   about, this could be useful on my website as it could talk about my trip to Wembley or
   one of my volleyball matches.
  Adding images and more videos could be a good one, for example in my media course
   last year I created documentary's, short films and adverts, with bigger disk space i could
   have used these.
What do others think of your site?
 To get the opinions of other people about my website had to create a
  feedback form; I used a site called jot form to create this and here is
  what my feedback form looks like:
What do others think of your site?
 Looking at the feedback that I gained from my feedback form I found out that
   my colour scheme worked very well, apart from one user did pick out that the
   colour of the hyperlinks didn't look good with the background colour, but I
   wasn't will to change the colour of hyperlinks because I wanted my site to stay
   as conventional as possible.
 I also found out that everyone thought that I achieved
  and met my mission statement well which was very
 Another point some people picked up on was that the
  embedding of the FA cup highlights, it doesn't play
  with in my website because of copy right law and
  directs you to YouTube, to sort this i could use a third
  parties highlights of the match meaning it would play
  directly inside my site and wouldn't violate any
  copyright law. The video tends to work on some but
  not others, but i would prefer to have it working on all
              CLICK HERE – For evidence on jot
               form (opens as Excel)
Production Schedule
        Stage of Website                                 Time it will take to complete each stage

                    Analysis                                                    2 Hours
                Mission statement                                                ½ Hour
                 Target Audience                                                 ½ Hour
             Technical Considerations                                            1 Hour

                     Design                                                    4-6 Hours
       Create page layouts and storyboards                                       2 Hours
Make a mock up of the website on flash or Photoshop                              2 Hours
                     Site Map                                                    ¼ Hour
                   Mood Board                                                    ½ Hour
                    Mind Map                                                     ½ Hour

               Implementation                                                  8-10 Hours
              Basics of Dreamweaver                                               1 Hour
                     Template                                                     1 Hour
                   Coding (CSS)                                                  2 Hours
                    Main Pages                                                   3 Hours
                      Images                                                     2 Hours
                       Links                                                      1 Hour
                    Embedding                                                    ½ Hour

                     Testing                                      1 hour (2-4 depending on improvements)
                      W3C                                                         1/3 Hour
                      SEO                                                         1/3 Hour
                   Accessibility                                                  1/3 Hour
                  Improvements                                                   2-4 Hours

                 Development                                                     1 Hour
Did I keep to my time schedule
 Looking back at my production schedule, it was very hard to predict how long each one
  would take, this was because I had not created a website before and the steps like testing
  and sorting out the problems were un predictable.
 In terms of keeping to the schedule I think I did the first half quite well and stuck to it.
  On the other hand, when it came to the coding and the CSS and also making the pages
  this became a problem as there were technical faults with Dreamweaver, the CSS
  wouldn't load properly and there was an error that deleted my site twice so I had to start
  again. This meant that I took and extra two hours on this part.
 The testing and development stage went well, because there wasn't many problems in my
  website just a few image errors that internet explorer didn't like but they were easily
  sorted and time was made up.
 The last part, writing the evaluation dragged on more than 1 hour because its just a lot to
  say and I don't really like the screen shot explaining method of evaluating.
 On the whole I think that my production schedule was quite accurate and I did well to
  stick to it.

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Final evaluation

  • 2. Did I achieve what I wanted to? Story Board  Mission Statement: To produce a professional portfolio website to illustrate the different skills, interests and hobbies of an individual. It must have appropriate content, house style and layout and not violate any copyright law. The site must be accessible to anyone regardless of age, culture or disability.  When first designing my website we came up with a story board for each page, this would show how we wanted each page to be layout here is a before and after screen shot.  From this I can see that the main layout of my website hasn't really changed that much apart from the header and logo are now part of the same banner together to give it a more cleaner and professional look that will attract a wide range of viewers.  Overall my layout hasn't changed and from my original design its been kept almost exact meaning in terms of my storyboard I have achieved what I wanted to.
  • 3. Did I achieve what I wanted to? Mood Board – background  Originally for my background of my portfolio website I wanted to create a grass texture to make it less plain and reduce the amount of red on the website as this could affect users eyes , but I would have also liked a natural background so that it doesn't look stupid with the other pages e.g. science and media.  To get this I came up with 2 different designs for my background:  Comparing them both, the one on the left (not original design) incorporates the red colour that I wanted and also has a more “funky” theme to it to illustrate my personality.  My original design on the right was the type of background I wanted originally but after trying with different reds it looks unprofessional.
  • 4. Did I achieve what I wanted to? Mood Board – Images  For my website I wanted to display pictures of different stadiums and stoke city players, after looking at the copyright law I found this was not possible as I would need permission of the photographers to use their images. So with this in mind I found several photos that I liked and emailed the photographers and with no luck had no emails back and was forced to use other sources of images, I found these at different events I had done in the past that I had taken myself and images from friends that they allowed me to use. Using these pictures also meant that I could show of myself a lot more in terms of what I liked e.g. playing volleyball but also meant that I had to scrap the stadium gallery page as I didn't have the copyright permissions to use them.  Here are some of the images I used on my website on Google images  Here are a set of images that play as an embedded slide show on my website, non of these violate any copyright law as they were taken by me.  So this means that they can not violate any copyright law as they were taken by me. ‘Who owns the copyright on photographs? Under law, it is the photographer who will own copyright on any photos he/she has taken’ y_copyright
  • 5. Did I achieve what I wanted to? Mood Board – Font “For my font I want to use comic sans MS, because it looks professional , is very easy to read for all target audiences this will be for my main body text. For my navigation bar I want to use Berlin sans FB this is because it is bold and easy to read. And for my different heading s they need to be big and easy to read so I decided to choose Calibri , this will be good for my audience because they will be able to tell the text from the heading . All my fonts go together well and should help to create a professional portfolio website.”  I didn't achieve this and their is perfectly good reasoning for this, My headers, Navigation bar and banner I decided should be the same, this was a good choice as if they were all different like I wanted them to be it wouldn't look professional as first thought. But for the title “my portfolio” I changed it to italics which would make it stand out so the audience would know the title of the website.  For my main body text I used standard Arial font, this was because after I wrote what I wanted to use for my font i found most other websites use Arial as their main body font.  Screen shots showing different well known websites using Arial font. BBC Sport
  • 6. Did I achieve what I wanted to? Mood Board – Font  As you can see from this screen shot it shows my font style stays the same throughout my banner and buttons, this has created a professional looking website with a good colour scheme.  I changed the “my portfolio” and “Follow Me..” to italics to make them stand out from the rest to look different.
  • 7. Did I achieve what I wanted to? Mood Board – Colour Scheme  My colour scheme was based on the different colours I wanted and when I tried to create the website based on them it was either to blue and green or too red, this created a dilemma because red didn't go well with green and green didn't go well with red.  The colour scheme I collected from a website that puts different colours together and ones that go well together, and I wanted red to be my primary colour as it would symbolise my favourite sports team, which is why I went with the design on the left.  I believe in the end I achieved a well organised and professional looking portfolio website with a good colour scheme
  • 8. Did I achieve what I wanted to? Mock Ups – What the Audience said  The two designs underneath were the two i wanted to choose between, i asked around and asked people to tell me what they preferred and which one looks better and why.  Kim said, The one on the right looks more professional and more fun, looks better laid out and the colour scheme goes together better.  Friends said, The red one because the colours go better together then the one on the right plus they felt the one on the right lacked professionalism  With this in mind and it was a clear choice of which one I should have i picked the red one and made it more accessible to the user, this in turn making my website more professional.
  • 9. Did I achieve what I wanted to? Mood Board – Logo  For my logo I wanted to create something original, something that would symbolise me and my creativity. I found this very difficult to do because there was just so much to choose from and every idea I came up with seemed to not look right.  After much thinking I thought of a design using the keys of the Keyboard Al3)(  I believe that I have created a good logo which is unique and goes well with the colour scheme, also it looks like it is embedded into the websites banner making it look like the logo has been cut out of the banner giving it a professional look.
  • 10. Did I achieve what I wanted to? Mission Statement  Mission Statement: To produce a professional portfolio website to illustrate the different skills, interests and hobbies of an individual. It must have appropriate content, house style and layout and not violate any copyright law. The site must be accessible to anyone regardless of age, culture or disability.  Keeping to a mission statement that I wrote at the start of all the website making and designing was difficult, because you have so much to consider and you don't think that much about what things would violate copyright law. I did manage to do this though, I created a website that illustrated the different skills, interests and hobbies of myself with it having appropriate content. I also didn't violate any copyright law as all the photos were taken myself, this mean that I own all the rights to the photos. Another big point was that it should be accessible to anyone regardless of age, culture of disability. I believe that I achieved this because I have a very natural background based on my so it is suitable for age and culture, this also meaning that there is not to much writing for the younger generation as they may get bored reading, there is also plenty of videos to be watched. In terms of disability there is the option to make videos full screen and also make the font size bigger on all pages.
  • 11. Did I achieve what I wanted to? Mood Board – Mind map  A mind map is a document where people would jot down all the ideas for what they are trying to create so for me it was a portfolio website and these were all the ideas that I wanted to incorporate into my website, I believe that i have used most of the ideas I came up with in my mind map into my website, but some were not possible e.g. the stadium gallery, this was due to copyright issues.
  • 12. Why did you change elements through producing your site?  Colour Scheme – This was one of the biggest elements of my website that I changed from my original planning and this was because whilst making my website I decided it just didn't look right, it didn't look professional and didn't include the primary colour that I wanted which was red. The new design (left) looks more professional and looks superior to the first design in my opinion. I also decided to scrap the use of to much blue and green in the website because sticking to one colour and changing the shades gives the website more of a warmer feel.  Images page – On my interests page I had a stadium gallery that I wanted to put on but due to copyright issues this was not possible so I decided to remove it all together.  Font – When choosing what font I wanted I didn't realise how bad it would look, I wanted it too look professional so keeping with the same font with my banner and buttons made it look professional and keeping the main font style the same also helped achieve this
  • 13. If you were to produce it again, how could you improve it, why?  Now I have my finished product, looking back there are certain things i would like to either improve or add to improve my portfolio site, these things are;  Research If I was to produce my portfolio website again I would do a lot more research then I did, this was because I don't think that my website has the same spark as some others do, maybe that’s because of lack of animation in my site or content. I could have probably done more research into the CSS of a website so I knew how to use it effectively through out my website.
  • 14. If you were to produce it again, how could you improve it, why?  Animations: On a lot of portfolio websites that I have looked at many have included some type of animation.  I think that I could have made a good animation for my logo in flash, where my name would warp into my logo, this would be an animation that would stay consistent through out my site and also keep my site looking professional.  Adding an animation to my website wouldn't only make it look more professional but give it a better feel to the website user, they may prefer the website more and may make it more suitable to my main target audience.
  • 15. If you were to produce it again, how could you improve it, why?  Audience: If I was to produce my portfolio website again i think i would make the audience range wider. “The application of my website will have one distinctive target audience. This will be demographic group 16 – 24 for both men and women that have a passion for football. There will be a secondary audience that would consist of both older and younger age ranges that may be interested in football and other sports.”  As you can see by looking at this I have based my target audience on a younger generation, with people who have a general interest for sport, to widen the target audience range I would change the age range so that I could expand who I made the site for, I could also make it so the website was split into sections so it would be about my whole life not just based around my sporting side.
  • 16. If you were to produce it again, how could you improve it, why?  Content: if I was creating my website again I would defiantly like to add more content to my website, by this I don't mean more text, I mean more videos, images and moving text, e.g. a scrolling marquee underneath my navigation bar, this would add movement to my website so it wasn't so static.  Here is an example of a scrolling marquee on the BBC website it doesn't look static and adds different dimensions to the site, this meaning different news and information about the site that people can click on to get a more in depth knowledge about what its talking about, this could be useful on my website as it could talk about my trip to Wembley or one of my volleyball matches.  Adding images and more videos could be a good one, for example in my media course last year I created documentary's, short films and adverts, with bigger disk space i could have used these.
  • 17. What do others think of your site?  To get the opinions of other people about my website had to create a feedback form; I used a site called jot form to create this and here is what my feedback form looks like:
  • 18. What do others think of your site?  Looking at the feedback that I gained from my feedback form I found out that my colour scheme worked very well, apart from one user did pick out that the colour of the hyperlinks didn't look good with the background colour, but I wasn't will to change the colour of hyperlinks because I wanted my site to stay as conventional as possible.  I also found out that everyone thought that I achieved and met my mission statement well which was very good.  Another point some people picked up on was that the embedding of the FA cup highlights, it doesn't play with in my website because of copy right law and directs you to YouTube, to sort this i could use a third parties highlights of the match meaning it would play directly inside my site and wouldn't violate any copyright law. The video tends to work on some but not others, but i would prefer to have it working on all computers.  CLICK HERE – For evidence on jot form (opens as Excel)
  • 19. Production Schedule Stage of Website Time it will take to complete each stage Analysis 2 Hours Mission statement ½ Hour Target Audience ½ Hour Technical Considerations 1 Hour Design 4-6 Hours Create page layouts and storyboards 2 Hours Make a mock up of the website on flash or Photoshop 2 Hours Site Map ¼ Hour Mood Board ½ Hour Mind Map ½ Hour Implementation 8-10 Hours Basics of Dreamweaver 1 Hour Template 1 Hour Coding (CSS) 2 Hours Main Pages 3 Hours Images 2 Hours Links 1 Hour Embedding ½ Hour Testing 1 hour (2-4 depending on improvements) W3C 1/3 Hour SEO 1/3 Hour Accessibility 1/3 Hour Improvements 2-4 Hours Development 1 Hour
  • 20. Did I keep to my time schedule  Looking back at my production schedule, it was very hard to predict how long each one would take, this was because I had not created a website before and the steps like testing and sorting out the problems were un predictable.  In terms of keeping to the schedule I think I did the first half quite well and stuck to it. On the other hand, when it came to the coding and the CSS and also making the pages this became a problem as there were technical faults with Dreamweaver, the CSS wouldn't load properly and there was an error that deleted my site twice so I had to start again. This meant that I took and extra two hours on this part.  The testing and development stage went well, because there wasn't many problems in my website just a few image errors that internet explorer didn't like but they were easily sorted and time was made up.  The last part, writing the evaluation dragged on more than 1 hour because its just a lot to say and I don't really like the screen shot explaining method of evaluating.  On the whole I think that my production schedule was quite accurate and I did well to stick to it.