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Film Openings
• Sherlock Holmes
• Goon
• Pursuit of Happyness
• Juno
Sherlock Holmes
The opening scene of the first Sherlock Holmes is very dark. The lighting is constantly dim and
only key features are highlighted such as the characters faces. By only highlighting the key
features, it emphasizes that they are important to the film. For example, the streets that the cart
is racing through is very dark but then when the camera follows up behind and zooms in inside,
we see two characters who’s faces can be seen, although their bodies are hidden within the
shadows. These characters have stern facial expressions shown by the slight light within the cart.
This may suggest that the men have received some bad news which is why they are sitting in
silence, within the dark with these expressions. Also, this may connote that these characters are
mysterious, maybe thoughtful as we can only see their faces within the cart and the rest of their
bodies are in the darkness.
Mise en scene
Within the opening scene of the movie we see various different characters dressed in
clothing suitable to the era of late 19th
-early 20th
century. These costumes reveal to the
audience in which historical time the film is set. There are waistcoats, jackets, hats,
dresses all worn by multiple people we see in the opening scene, as well as police
dressed in the uniform of the time. The props used such as horse and carts, lamp
posts, cobbled streets, pocket watch and guns are also used to reveal the audience a
little about the narrative, as well as the characters. The props and costumes work well
alongside the overall appearance of the men we see in this scene. They all have facial
hair which has been styled of some sort, implying that they all probably have well paid
jobs, or are of high importance. This connotes to the viewers also, of which class and
status the characters that we see are.
Mise en scene cont.
The two men in the back of the cart
are wearing hats and suits, suggesting
that they are of high class and status
as they can afford such garments and
are travelling by horse and cart. One
of these men also has a pocket watch,
connoting this further.
The costumes, props and appearance
of the characters also create the
mysterious and tense atmosphere,
suggesting that something serious has
happened or currently happening,
and this is why they are travelling at
such a quick pace in the carts, along
side police officers and one of the
men who are equipped with weapons
(two of which we see being loaded).
At the beginning of the scene, aerial shots are used to show company names and slogans
in amongst the cobbles of a street. Within the cobbles, there is water which reflects the
light of what seems to be a lamppost, suggesting to the audience that this scene is set at
night. However, the camera pans up and is still for a few seconds. A road between two
columns can be seen and when some horse and carts go through these columns, the
camera begins to follow the last cart that passes. This movement of the camera allows the
audience to feel as though they are within the film and begin to follow the cart. The
camera pans into the cart to show two men sitting. A close up is used to show some hands
loading a gun, which then moves to show a close up of one of the men we see before sat
beside him. This suggests that the scene may contain violence and danger of some sort.
The close ups used during the scene of the characters also connote this to the viewer as
we get to see their emotions due to their stern facial expressions e.g. sharp eyes and
tensed foreheads.
Cinematography cont.
During the opening scene, close ups of a man’s legs running as well as horse’s legs running
could connote that the man may be running from the horse and carts or they may be both
in a hurry to reach the same place.
Lowered camera angles of all the characters and horse and carts, puts the audience in a
position of weakness. However, this also resembles that the characters may be quite
powerful and dominant, as well as the horses being powerful and driving them to their
The movement of the camera is often hand-held to create an edgy and unstable effect, as if
the audience were travelling or running with the character or horses. This emphasises the
situation being tense, as the viewers are put into the character’s actual movements and
also get to witness the unstable ride.
A long shot is shown of the man running past a building to show the viewers where he is,
revealing that he may be close to the horse and carts or in a similar area as the building
look alike.
The editing in this scene is very swift and
changes camera shots very quickly. The
director has done this in order to
resemble the situation that the characters
are in which is probably very tense and
anxious. It is a very fast paced scene,
even though the characters in the cart
seem calm and quiet. This connotes to
the audience that the characters may be
used to these sort of affairs and therefore
know what they are heading in to, hence
the composure they have kept whilst
heading to their destination.
The editing within the scene also puts the
audience on edge, keeping them
wondering what the mystery could be
and where they are heading to as they
are shown the surroundings and the
horse and carts speeding through the
streets multiple times.
The narrative within the story is very vague, however viewers are able to make assumptions from
what they see. Whilst the horse and carts are racing through the streets at night, we also get to see a
man doing the same- running past buildings, making sharp turns around darkened corners and
eventually he jumps off of a building into a roll where we get to see his face up close.
Most of the viewers probably assume that this is the main character, Sherlock Holmes, as he is the
only character that we get to see in the opening scene who is on his own. The other characters, in the
back of the cart and the cart drivers are all seen together and do not have particular shots on their
own. This emphasises the theme of the film which is based on mystery (a detective film) as we get to
see the detective himself in action. The quick pace throughout the scene and the stern and thoughtful
expression of all characters, suggests that they may have just heard some bad news and are on their
way to the ‘crime scene’. This idea could also be supported by the idea that they have police
accompanying them, also making the two men in the back of the cart, detectives of some sort who
may have been called in for the case. This is reinforced by one of the, owning a gun and is seen
loading it alongside the policemen.
Special Effects
Non-diegetic sound is used within the opening scene to create the tense atmosphere and to
emphasise the quick, sharp pace at which the scene proceeds. Music composed by Hans
Zimmer plays in the background, accompanied by horses neighing and the sound of hooves
and the carts rattling, echoing. These components create a mysterious, eerie atmosphere as
well as giving the audience and idea of when the film is set- late 19th
, early 20th
The music played by Hans Zimmer is composed of sharp, short notes at first at a slower pace,
but as we get further into the opening scene and the cart begins to travel faster, the music
also speeds up and becomes louder. This emphasises that the movement is getting faster
and more eager, implying to the audience that this may is a serious issue as it causes them to
also become tense.
A crow crowing can also be heard as we see the shadow of the bird fly off as the man passes
it down a dark street. This suggests to the
audience that he is in an eerie place and
that something bad has happened as
viewers may generalise the crow as a sign
of bad luck.
Diegetic sounds of the men loading guns
is used to emphasise how quiet it is inside
of the cart as none of the men have
spoken. This supports the eerie and
anxious atmosphere and the tension of
what is about to come.
The lighting within the opening scene of Goon is very bright. It is based in an
ice hockey arena where the lighting is often extremely bright and clear so
that the players are able to perform. By replicating the lighting that would be
used in a real hockey game, the director is able to create the sense that the
film is real and true to life.
Although the lighting is generally bright
throughout the opening the first few
seconds of the film are shot behind the
crowd of people. The crowd cannot be
seen in detail as they appear dark or
‘shadowed’. This makes the viewers focus
on the ice rink and not the surrounding
atmosphere, although we can hear them
cheering and the noises created by the
Mise en scene
The mise en scene combines the use of props and costumes to make
the opening bear more resemblance to every day life. The ice hockey
players all have the matching padded kits on to suit their team as well
as colour coordinated helmets and gloves. This allows the viewer to
comprehend that the two men that the sequence focuses on, are on
opposing teams.
As well as this, hockey players all have a hockey stick. This suggests
to the viewer who the players, in addition to the kits they wear.
Furthermore, the clothing of some people in the crowd resembles
casual everyday clothes. This supports the idea of which the
director wants the film to be as life-like as possible. The ice
hockey rink and crowd also create the atmosphere for the opening
scene. It is busy and energetic,
however the focus is on the two
players arguing. This suggests that
hockey games and players brawling
may be a common theme throughout the
At the beginning of the scene, a shot is used from
within the crowd, giving a full shot of the ice rink and
players, showing the audience where the scene is
set. The camera shot changes, when a whistle is
blown to indicate the beginning of a game, and
switches to a long shot of 2 ice hockey players, both
in different kits. The angle of the camera is at eye
level, suggesting that neither of the characters are
more dominant or powerful than the other. A close
up is then shown of one of the player’s faces to show
his reaction to what the other player had said. The
camera goes on to use close ups of each character
as they reply to each other. This keeps the constant
vibe that neither of them are more powerful than the
other as both of them are seen at the same angle.
The camera then switches back to a long shot when
they begin to fight, with a hand-held shot. This
creates the uneasy, jerky movements which allow
the viewers to feel as though they are part of the
scene, creating a further level of realism as the
audience are included in the fight scene.
Editing & Special Effects
The switch between shots in this scene is fairly moderate.
The shots however do speed up slightly between the replies
of the 2 players, suggesting that tension is built here.
Diegetic sounds of the crowd cheering create a bustling and
busy atmosphere. This atmosphere is reflected further by
the whistle being blown and buzzers sounding. This
punches and grunting of the men whilst they are fighting
connotes to the viewers that violence
and a lively atmosphere
may be one of the main
themes throughout the film.
A whistle is blown and the camera switches to two ice hockey players, both in different kit, and
‘alright boys, here we go’ is spoken, but the audience do not get to see who has spoken. This
could indicate that this person is not really relevant to the film, and that the two men are more
important. The men begin to crouch as if they are following the words that were spoken, that a
new game is about to begin. As an audience, we see one of the players, the white man, to
address the other player and say ‘hey, I was just wondering… How long does it take to get
your hair like that?’.
The camera switches to the other player’s face, who happens to be black, who replies with
‘about four hours’ in a polite tone. This tone is returned by the other player who’s face we then
get a closer look of, as he says ‘ah, it’s nice’ But suddenly turns malicious and goes on to say
‘some people think it makes you look like Stevie Wonder on steroids but I seem to like it’ in a
sarcastic tone. This reveals to the audience that the sarcastic player taking a dig at who we
presume is his opponent, is a mean character and likes to cause trouble as this is the first time
we have seen him, and he is already acting horribly to other characters. As well as this, it may
connote that racism is an issue within the film as the white man has commented on a feature
of the black man and automatically turned it negative by mocking him, therefore winding him
The opponent reacts to the sardonic comment by hitting the man with his hockey stick on the
shin and replying ‘fuck you’. In return, the man who began the conversation becomes
defensive and continues to mock his opponent until he eventually insinuates he wants a fight
by throwing his gloves and stick to the ground and begins punching the other in the face,
drawing blood.
Light ing
The light ing wit hin t he opening scene of J uno is const ant ly light .
Primarily t his shows t he audience what t ime of day it is and allows
t hem t o become f amiliar wit h t he surroundings, of which we assume is
t he girl in t he scene’s neighbourhood as she can be seen casually
st rolling t hrough t he st reet s. The f irst f ew seconds of t he scene is
in real t ime, showing t he girl walking on t he pat hway. However, t he
‘real t ime’ f ades as she walks past a t ree, and t he light ing become
even more bright alongside t he moving drawing animat ions it has
swit ched t o, as if t he charact er were in a st ory book. This could
connot e t o t he audience t he childishness of t his charact er and begin
t o port ray her bef ore she even speaks.
Mise en scene
J uno wears a cost ume in t he opening scene which appears t o be possibly
unisex. The j eans, hoodie, t rainers and hair in a messy pony t ails suggest s
t hat J uno may be a t omboy. This could connot e t hat , not only is she a t omboy,
but t hat J uno is not vain and doesn’t f eel t he need t o impress anyone. This is
also r ef lect ed as t here is a cont rast in what a st er eot ypical t eenage girl
would look like and how J uno is present ed. Alt hough as an audience we may
view J uno as a down t o eart h and not a shallow person, t he clot hes she wears
could possibly indicat e t hat J uno is a slob who simply does not car e about her
appear ance, as long as she’s comf ort able. This point can be seen f urt her int o
t he opening scene where we see J uno buying j unk f ood f rom t he corner st ore
and drinking Sunny D f r om a lar ge cart on. This creat es a laid-back
at mosphere as t he charact er is st rolling t hr ough t he st reet s not in a hurry t o
get anywhere and seems quit e cont ent and comf ort able walking t hrough t he
st r eet s in t hese clot hes.
Mise en scene cont .
A group of runners in mat ching short s and t -shirt s come past t he girl, but she does
not move out of t he way and st ays in t he middle of t he pat h. This connot es t o t he
audience again t hat she is laid back but also t hat she perhaps knows t he boys as she
does not have t he manners t hat she may have used wit h some people t hat we generally
do not know. I n addit ion, t he boys having mat ching running unif orms suggest t hat t hey
could be a running group or f rom a school. This could connot e t hat she knows t hem
well if she is also of similar age and t hey may live in t he same neighbourhood and
at t end t he same school. On t he ot her hand, it could suggest t hat she is a rude
charact er if she does possibly not know t he boys and simply doesn’t move out of t heir
way, and only f ocuses on herself .
Some t it les are shown during t he opening scene as J uno walks t hrough t he st reet s.
These t it les seem t o be hand drawn in bubble writ ing, suggest ing t o t he audience t hat
J uno may be quit e a childish charact er. The headline t hat seems t o be balancing on
t he f ence t hat J uno passes may f urt her connot e t o t he audience t hat much like t he
t it le, she is st uck bet ween making a decision linking back t o t he saying “sit t ing on t he
f ence”.
Cinemat ography
At t he beginning of t he scene, a long shot is used t o show t he audience what J uno is
wear ing and t hat she is walking t hr ough a neighbour hood. The angle is at eye level
which doesn’t give t he audience a f eel of power f ulness or weakness, but put s t hem on
t he same level as t he char act er . The movement of t he camer a f ollows J uno at a 90
degree angle, allowing t he audience t o possibly f ollow t he char act er on her j our ney.
Thr oughout most of t he opening scene, no angles ar e used t hat make t he char act er
seem weak or over ly power f ul, however some shot s do allow t he audience t o connect
f urt her wit h t he char act er . Close ups of par t s of J uno’s body such as f eet , show her
sneaker s and reveals t o t he audience again t hat she might be a slight t omboy. This
could also connot e t hat t he she’s a light -hear t ed, laid back char act er t hat f ocuses on
being comf or t able rat her t han impr essing t hose around her .
A close up of her f ace shows t he audience how she is f eeling, as she is smiling t his
suggest s once mor e t han she may be a light -hear t ed, childish char act er . This is
f urt her implied when a camer a shot of t he back of her body is used t o show t hat she
is balancing along t he r oad, as if she was playing a game suggest ing her child like ways
again and t hat she is easily amused.
Edit ing
The edit ing wit hin t he opening scene of J uno
is very much childlike. For t he maj orit y of
t he scene, all real lif e obj ect s are replaced
wit h moving drawings. This connot es t o t he
audience t hat J uno is perhaps a daydreamer,
who doesn’t want t o be in t he real world and
much pref ers living in her own lit t le world
she has creat ed f or herself , port rayed by
t hese drawings. The swit ching bet ween shot s
is f airly gradual and could be seen by t he
audience as if t hey were looking at a comic
book, and t he swit ching bet ween shot s were
each dif f erent st rips f rom t he comic book.
This connot es t hat t he J uno may have quit e
childish t hought s and it is as if she is wit hin
a book and not living in t he real world. This
also gives a quit e laid back and relaxed
at mosphere t o t he audience, implying t hat
t he rest of t he f ilm may be quit e light
heart ed.
Narrat ive
The opening scene of t his f ilm begins wit h a young girl, presumably a t eenager f rom
how she is present ed (red j acket , t rainers, j eans and her hair t ied back) walking wit h a
large bot t le of j uice along a st reet . She is walking at a moderat e pace, but wit h
relaxed and t hought f ul f acial expressions. Her body language consist s of her swaying
her hand by her side whilst holding t he bot t le wit h t he ot her, suggest ing t hat she is
quit e a laid back charact er who is not in a hurry t o get t o her dest inat ion. This
connot es t hat she may be quit e an irresponsible person also, t hat she does not respond
t o t he world around her as she is in her own lit t le bubble.
Along t he way, she pauses now and t hen t o drink some of t he cont ent s of t he bot t le
she is holding. This bot t le is rat her large and not a st ereot ypical drink t hat we would
carry wit h us, but more of a f amily-sized drink t hat would be kept at home. This
suggest s t hat t he girl does not f it in wit h our cliché view of a t eenager if she is
carrying wit h her an obj ect t hat is normally lef t at home, yet her body language
suggest s t hat t his is normal and doesn’t bot her her. As t he whole of t he opening scene
is based on t he girl, it is implied t o t he audience t hat she is t he main charact er, J uno.
From what t he audience see and int erpret of her being a laid back, relaxed charact er,
t he light heart ed at mosphere f or t he whole f ilm is set during t his opening scene.
Special Ef f ect s
Moving drawings are used wit hin t he opening
scene of J uno which connot es t hat J uno is
quit e child like and a daydr eamer in her own
wor ld, viewing ever yt hing ver y plainly as t he
moving dr awing do not show much det ail. An
example of t his is t he houses in t he opening
scene. They do not have much det ail- basic
colour s and drawings. This connot es t o t he audience t hat , as t he backgr ound loses it ’ dept h,
t hat J uno views t hing ver y plainly and on t he surf ace, not becoming t oo involved wit h t he
world around her, f ur t her implying t hat she is a daydr eamer.
Non-dieget ic music is used t hr oughout t he whole of t he opening scene, cover ing any noise
t hat could possibly be heard during t his scene. This may connot e again t hat J uno is
complet ely in her own world, oblivious t o what is around her as it r educes t he level of realism
t hat t he beginning of t he f ilm has. The song t hat is played- ‘All I Want I s You’ by Barry
Louis Polisar has lyr ics such as ‘IfIwereaflowergrowingwildandfree, allI’dwantisyoutobemysweethoneybee’. This per haps
implies t hat t he f ilm is about growing up and t heref or e J uno growing out of t he naïve and
childish image t hat is por t rayed in t he opening scene. However, t his may suggest she want s
romance, consequent ly connot ing t hat t he also want s t o f eel secur e wit h someone t oo.
At the beginning of the opening scene, the lighting is very dim to create suspense of what is about
to be shown from the TV set that the audience can see. The only light that is visible is from the TV
screen, causing the audience to focus on it completely. This suggests that what is being said on
the TV is very important and crucial for viewers to watch it in order to understand and get a basic
idea of the film. It may connote that throughout the whole of the film, there may be tension and
suspense created to make viewers on edge. After the TV clip is shown of a news report, the
lighting become very bright to show the audience where the characters are and that it is in the
middle of the day as it is very bright. This puts the characters into real life as we get to see them
very clearly, meaning that we gain a further understanding of the film. The characters being shown
in a clear light connotes they are quite outgoing characters and not afraid to be centre of attention.
Mise en scene
This scene is set at a petrol station. The props used include guns, cars and other stereotypical
items that would be found at a petrol station. The Montague characters all wear Hawaiian shirts
whilst the Capulets all wear cowboy type clothing such as spurs on their boots and chains. This
suggests the difference in character groups as a whole as they Montague’s appear more crazy
and childish. The Capulet’s contrast this look with their dark colours and smart jackets and red
waistcoats, connoting that they are more serious and daunting characters. The colour red
connotes the danger and death that surrounds these characters.
The Montague characters have vibrantly coloured hair or
alternative hair styles, one even has ‘MONTAGUE’ tattooed onto
the back of his head which also contrasts with the dark and
slicked back hair of the Capulets. One of the Capulet’s also
wear a metal gum shield with the word ‘Sin’ inscribed into it. This
suggests that this character may be quite mean and dangerous
as he wears such a unique but manipulative piece of clothing.
This connotes that he may be well known around the town as
being a foreboding person who others stay clear from.
The close up of the car number plates show the audience who is in the scene as we see ‘MON’
and ‘CAP’ on the plates.
Mise en scene cont.
The facial expressions of the characters suggest the difference between the two groups of men.
The Montague’s begin to argue when a Montague offends a Capulet by biting his thumb at him
and the Capulet seeing him through a mirror. This allows the audience to see what type of
characters each of the men are.
The guns used are replacements for the original swords that would have been used in a traditional
Romeo and Juliet play. By using guns, Baz Luhrmann the director is able to set the scene in
modern day time. Both groups of men being armed with guns suggest that they are rivals of one
another and prepared to fight at any time. It also connotes the atmosphere of gangs about the two
groups of men, as they hang together in groups that are against one another.
Aerial shots at the beginning of the scene are use to show the audience where the scene is set. They
show a busy city, Verona Beach, and then zoom in to show the Montague boys travelling in their car,
shouting and laughing.
Close ups of the characters are used and a frozen for a second when the title appears, showing the
audience who the character is. This allows the audience to identify each character independently so
they become familiar with them as main characters.
A close up shot is used of somebody stepping out of the car and standing on a cigarette nub outside
wearing boots with spurs. As we can only see the feet, this suggests that this character may be quite
daunting or intimidating as if we cannot look at them without feeling weak, therefore Baz Lurhmann uses
this close up so we do not get to see any of him at all except his feet. Medium shots of the characters at
the bus stop also allow the audience to become familiar with them and identify them by their clothes and
appearance, as to which group they belong. When we eventually get to see the mysterious character
who stepped out of the car, an extreme close up of his eyes are shown to further emphasise his danger
and eeriness as his eyes look pearcing, before we get to see the rest of his body.
Cinematography cont.
The close up of faces are used to show the emotion and feelings of the characters, which
relate to the situation and how either gang makes the other feel e.g. when on their own, the
Montague boys are smiling and laughing. However, when they come across the Capulet
gang they begin to sweat and become nervous shown by their frowns and anxious
The movement of the camera tracks a few
of the characters closely, but quickly, at an
eye level angle. This puts the audience
within the scene to feel more involved and
closer to the characters. It also puts them
in the same situation as the characters
and in this circumstance, may make them
feel very tense as if they are also being
threatened by the Capulet’s and involved in the gun fight.
At the beginning of the scene, the editing was fairly neutral and did not skip to each shot very quickly. The
director has done this in order for the audience to become familiar with the characters and the surroundings.
It may also connote that before the Capulet’s are around, there is no trouble. However, as the argument
progresses, the editing become quicker and the switch between shots increases. These very short shots
suggest the speed and tension of the gun fight which also puts the audience within the scene, as if they
were there.
The shots shown during the fight also seem to linger more on the Capulet’s, implying they are dominating
the fight and are more powerful. Low angle shots are used when focusing on Tybalt Capulet, making him
seem menacing and powerful. One shot used is Tybalt pointing his gun at the camera, making the audience
feel as if the gun is being pointed towards them, and as they are innocent, this connotes that Tybalt really is
a mean and spiteful character looking for a fight.
As the fight begins to commence, a slow motion extreme close up of Benvolio Montague’s gun is shown to
show the audience that the weapon he is holding is very dangerous but also a metaphor for a sword.
Another slow motion shot of Tybalt is shown as he is shooting toward the Montague’s whilst diving. This
suggests that the director wants the audience to be aware of how rapidly this fight is proceeding, and so
they show a slow motion clip to emphasise the pace and danger of the fight.
Not all viewers would be familiar with the language of Shakespeare so the mise en scene as well as the
actors’ movements are very important to make sure that the audience knows what is going on within the
dialogue. In the opening sequence we are introduced to the feuding families, the Montague’s and the
Capulet’s, in a street brawl. We are first introduced to the Montague boys, who we first see from behind
while they are driving in their convertible car/ beach buggy, wearing Hawaiian shirts. Music blares from
the car, also confirming a style of rock/rap gangster. They could be quite English in heritage. They
proceed to maintain the wild and crazy atmosphere as they park in the petrol station and one of the
boys licks his nipple at car of nun school girls. When this car drives off the Capulet boys who were
parked at the other side of the car are revealed to the Montague boys, dressed more smartly and in
dark colours, perhaps mirroring the Latin ethnicity. This results in tension building as one of the
Montague boys ‘bites his thumb’ at the Capulets behind their back. When a Capulet sees him in the
mirror of the car, the feud between the two groups can be seen to be heightening as their voices
become louder and more demanding. The contrast of the bright, Hawaiian shirts to the dark and smart
clothes that the Capulet’s wear further connotes to the audience of the large divide between both
families, even within the way they appear.
The opening scene resulting in a gun fight between the families imply to the audience that this is the
type of occurrence that may appear throughout the film. By using a fighting scene so early in the film,
the director creates an edgy atmosphere as if there is not going to be a lot of positive climaxes within
the film, as many viewers would be expecting if they are familiar with the story of Romeo and Juliet.
Special Effects
Diegetic sounds of laughter and singing can be heard as the Montague’s are driving at the beginning of the scene.
This emphasises their character’s personalities as being loud and the centre of attention, not caring about anyone
else thinks. The diegetic noises of laughing and loud music also connote to the audience that the character’s are
rebels and possibly disliked by the local authorities as they may have caused trouble in the past due to the ‘gangster’
vibe they portray. The music being played has the lyrics ‘The boys, the boys’ which simultaneously play when the
shot freezes and titles are shown to reveal who the character’s are. This once again highlights the gangster vibe that
they carry with them, as if they are known as ‘the boys’ around Verona Beach.
Every time Tybalt is in a scene, even if we do not see his face e.g. when it’s just his boots, non-diegetic western
music in the background plays. This suggests that he is like a cowboy, connoting that he is menacing and fiery-
always looing for a fight. His slow speech through clenched teeth also resembles a Clint Eastwood character, further
implying the idea that he is a like a vicious cowboy.
The dialogue used is Shakespeare’s original play script. This gives the film the alternative twist as some of the
audience may not know fully of what is being said. As a result, the characters in the opening scene use many
movements, emphasised facial expression and wear very contrasting clothes to help the viewers to understand what
is being said and the divide between the groups.
Other diegetic sounds including the creaking of the signpost and gun shots. This creates an eerie atmosphere and
adds tension to the scene. The creaking can also be related to the western theme that the Capulet’s, and Tybalt
mainly, are portrayed in. It may mirror the creaking of barn doors which
connotes the scene to be like a shoot down where all is quiet and
tense until somebody makes the first move. The gun shots reflect the
realism of the scene as the men are shooting and therefore gun shots
will be heard. The audience will relate the gun shots to death, suggesting
that the director has used these noises to emphasise the feelings and
emotions of the characters and their ever-growing hatred of one another.

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Film Openings

  • 1. Film Openings • Sherlock Holmes • Goon • Pursuit of Happyness • Juno
  • 2. Sherlock Holmes Lighting The opening scene of the first Sherlock Holmes is very dark. The lighting is constantly dim and only key features are highlighted such as the characters faces. By only highlighting the key features, it emphasizes that they are important to the film. For example, the streets that the cart is racing through is very dark but then when the camera follows up behind and zooms in inside, we see two characters who’s faces can be seen, although their bodies are hidden within the shadows. These characters have stern facial expressions shown by the slight light within the cart. This may suggest that the men have received some bad news which is why they are sitting in silence, within the dark with these expressions. Also, this may connote that these characters are mysterious, maybe thoughtful as we can only see their faces within the cart and the rest of their bodies are in the darkness.
  • 3. Mise en scene Within the opening scene of the movie we see various different characters dressed in clothing suitable to the era of late 19th -early 20th century. These costumes reveal to the audience in which historical time the film is set. There are waistcoats, jackets, hats, dresses all worn by multiple people we see in the opening scene, as well as police dressed in the uniform of the time. The props used such as horse and carts, lamp posts, cobbled streets, pocket watch and guns are also used to reveal the audience a little about the narrative, as well as the characters. The props and costumes work well alongside the overall appearance of the men we see in this scene. They all have facial hair which has been styled of some sort, implying that they all probably have well paid jobs, or are of high importance. This connotes to the viewers also, of which class and status the characters that we see are.
  • 4. Mise en scene cont. The two men in the back of the cart are wearing hats and suits, suggesting that they are of high class and status as they can afford such garments and are travelling by horse and cart. One of these men also has a pocket watch, connoting this further. The costumes, props and appearance of the characters also create the mysterious and tense atmosphere, suggesting that something serious has happened or currently happening, and this is why they are travelling at such a quick pace in the carts, along side police officers and one of the men who are equipped with weapons (two of which we see being loaded).
  • 5. Cinematography At the beginning of the scene, aerial shots are used to show company names and slogans in amongst the cobbles of a street. Within the cobbles, there is water which reflects the light of what seems to be a lamppost, suggesting to the audience that this scene is set at night. However, the camera pans up and is still for a few seconds. A road between two columns can be seen and when some horse and carts go through these columns, the camera begins to follow the last cart that passes. This movement of the camera allows the audience to feel as though they are within the film and begin to follow the cart. The camera pans into the cart to show two men sitting. A close up is used to show some hands loading a gun, which then moves to show a close up of one of the men we see before sat beside him. This suggests that the scene may contain violence and danger of some sort. The close ups used during the scene of the characters also connote this to the viewer as we get to see their emotions due to their stern facial expressions e.g. sharp eyes and tensed foreheads.
  • 6. Cinematography cont. During the opening scene, close ups of a man’s legs running as well as horse’s legs running could connote that the man may be running from the horse and carts or they may be both in a hurry to reach the same place. Lowered camera angles of all the characters and horse and carts, puts the audience in a position of weakness. However, this also resembles that the characters may be quite powerful and dominant, as well as the horses being powerful and driving them to their destination. The movement of the camera is often hand-held to create an edgy and unstable effect, as if the audience were travelling or running with the character or horses. This emphasises the situation being tense, as the viewers are put into the character’s actual movements and also get to witness the unstable ride. A long shot is shown of the man running past a building to show the viewers where he is, revealing that he may be close to the horse and carts or in a similar area as the building look alike.
  • 7. Editing The editing in this scene is very swift and changes camera shots very quickly. The director has done this in order to resemble the situation that the characters are in which is probably very tense and anxious. It is a very fast paced scene, even though the characters in the cart seem calm and quiet. This connotes to the audience that the characters may be used to these sort of affairs and therefore know what they are heading in to, hence the composure they have kept whilst heading to their destination. The editing within the scene also puts the audience on edge, keeping them wondering what the mystery could be and where they are heading to as they are shown the surroundings and the horse and carts speeding through the streets multiple times.
  • 8. Narrative The narrative within the story is very vague, however viewers are able to make assumptions from what they see. Whilst the horse and carts are racing through the streets at night, we also get to see a man doing the same- running past buildings, making sharp turns around darkened corners and eventually he jumps off of a building into a roll where we get to see his face up close. Most of the viewers probably assume that this is the main character, Sherlock Holmes, as he is the only character that we get to see in the opening scene who is on his own. The other characters, in the back of the cart and the cart drivers are all seen together and do not have particular shots on their own. This emphasises the theme of the film which is based on mystery (a detective film) as we get to see the detective himself in action. The quick pace throughout the scene and the stern and thoughtful expression of all characters, suggests that they may have just heard some bad news and are on their way to the ‘crime scene’. This idea could also be supported by the idea that they have police accompanying them, also making the two men in the back of the cart, detectives of some sort who may have been called in for the case. This is reinforced by one of the, owning a gun and is seen loading it alongside the policemen.
  • 9. Special Effects Non-diegetic sound is used within the opening scene to create the tense atmosphere and to emphasise the quick, sharp pace at which the scene proceeds. Music composed by Hans Zimmer plays in the background, accompanied by horses neighing and the sound of hooves and the carts rattling, echoing. These components create a mysterious, eerie atmosphere as well as giving the audience and idea of when the film is set- late 19th , early 20th centuries. The music played by Hans Zimmer is composed of sharp, short notes at first at a slower pace, but as we get further into the opening scene and the cart begins to travel faster, the music also speeds up and becomes louder. This emphasises that the movement is getting faster and more eager, implying to the audience that this may is a serious issue as it causes them to also become tense. A crow crowing can also be heard as we see the shadow of the bird fly off as the man passes it down a dark street. This suggests to the audience that he is in an eerie place and that something bad has happened as viewers may generalise the crow as a sign of bad luck. Diegetic sounds of the men loading guns is used to emphasise how quiet it is inside of the cart as none of the men have spoken. This supports the eerie and anxious atmosphere and the tension of what is about to come.
  • 10. Lighting The lighting within the opening scene of Goon is very bright. It is based in an ice hockey arena where the lighting is often extremely bright and clear so that the players are able to perform. By replicating the lighting that would be used in a real hockey game, the director is able to create the sense that the film is real and true to life. Although the lighting is generally bright throughout the opening the first few seconds of the film are shot behind the crowd of people. The crowd cannot be seen in detail as they appear dark or ‘shadowed’. This makes the viewers focus on the ice rink and not the surrounding atmosphere, although we can hear them cheering and the noises created by the crowd.
  • 11. Mise en scene The mise en scene combines the use of props and costumes to make the opening bear more resemblance to every day life. The ice hockey players all have the matching padded kits on to suit their team as well as colour coordinated helmets and gloves. This allows the viewer to comprehend that the two men that the sequence focuses on, are on opposing teams. As well as this, hockey players all have a hockey stick. This suggests to the viewer who the players, in addition to the kits they wear. Furthermore, the clothing of some people in the crowd resembles casual everyday clothes. This supports the idea of which the director wants the film to be as life-like as possible. The ice hockey rink and crowd also create the atmosphere for the opening scene. It is busy and energetic, however the focus is on the two players arguing. This suggests that hockey games and players brawling may be a common theme throughout the film.
  • 12. Cinematography At the beginning of the scene, a shot is used from within the crowd, giving a full shot of the ice rink and players, showing the audience where the scene is set. The camera shot changes, when a whistle is blown to indicate the beginning of a game, and switches to a long shot of 2 ice hockey players, both in different kits. The angle of the camera is at eye level, suggesting that neither of the characters are more dominant or powerful than the other. A close up is then shown of one of the player’s faces to show his reaction to what the other player had said. The camera goes on to use close ups of each character as they reply to each other. This keeps the constant vibe that neither of them are more powerful than the other as both of them are seen at the same angle. The camera then switches back to a long shot when they begin to fight, with a hand-held shot. This creates the uneasy, jerky movements which allow the viewers to feel as though they are part of the scene, creating a further level of realism as the audience are included in the fight scene.
  • 13. Editing & Special Effects The switch between shots in this scene is fairly moderate. The shots however do speed up slightly between the replies of the 2 players, suggesting that tension is built here. Diegetic sounds of the crowd cheering create a bustling and busy atmosphere. This atmosphere is reflected further by the whistle being blown and buzzers sounding. This punches and grunting of the men whilst they are fighting connotes to the viewers that violence and a lively atmosphere may be one of the main themes throughout the film.
  • 14. Narrative A whistle is blown and the camera switches to two ice hockey players, both in different kit, and ‘alright boys, here we go’ is spoken, but the audience do not get to see who has spoken. This could indicate that this person is not really relevant to the film, and that the two men are more important. The men begin to crouch as if they are following the words that were spoken, that a new game is about to begin. As an audience, we see one of the players, the white man, to address the other player and say ‘hey, I was just wondering… How long does it take to get your hair like that?’. The camera switches to the other player’s face, who happens to be black, who replies with ‘about four hours’ in a polite tone. This tone is returned by the other player who’s face we then get a closer look of, as he says ‘ah, it’s nice’ But suddenly turns malicious and goes on to say ‘some people think it makes you look like Stevie Wonder on steroids but I seem to like it’ in a sarcastic tone. This reveals to the audience that the sarcastic player taking a dig at who we presume is his opponent, is a mean character and likes to cause trouble as this is the first time we have seen him, and he is already acting horribly to other characters. As well as this, it may connote that racism is an issue within the film as the white man has commented on a feature of the black man and automatically turned it negative by mocking him, therefore winding him up. The opponent reacts to the sardonic comment by hitting the man with his hockey stick on the shin and replying ‘fuck you’. In return, the man who began the conversation becomes defensive and continues to mock his opponent until he eventually insinuates he wants a fight by throwing his gloves and stick to the ground and begins punching the other in the face, drawing blood.
  • 15. Light ing The light ing wit hin t he opening scene of J uno is const ant ly light . Primarily t his shows t he audience what t ime of day it is and allows t hem t o become f amiliar wit h t he surroundings, of which we assume is t he girl in t he scene’s neighbourhood as she can be seen casually st rolling t hrough t he st reet s. The f irst f ew seconds of t he scene is in real t ime, showing t he girl walking on t he pat hway. However, t he ‘real t ime’ f ades as she walks past a t ree, and t he light ing become even more bright alongside t he moving drawing animat ions it has swit ched t o, as if t he charact er were in a st ory book. This could connot e t o t he audience t he childishness of t his charact er and begin t o port ray her bef ore she even speaks.
  • 16. Mise en scene J uno wears a cost ume in t he opening scene which appears t o be possibly unisex. The j eans, hoodie, t rainers and hair in a messy pony t ails suggest s t hat J uno may be a t omboy. This could connot e t hat , not only is she a t omboy, but t hat J uno is not vain and doesn’t f eel t he need t o impress anyone. This is also r ef lect ed as t here is a cont rast in what a st er eot ypical t eenage girl would look like and how J uno is present ed. Alt hough as an audience we may view J uno as a down t o eart h and not a shallow person, t he clot hes she wears could possibly indicat e t hat J uno is a slob who simply does not car e about her appear ance, as long as she’s comf ort able. This point can be seen f urt her int o t he opening scene where we see J uno buying j unk f ood f rom t he corner st ore and drinking Sunny D f r om a lar ge cart on. This creat es a laid-back at mosphere as t he charact er is st rolling t hr ough t he st reet s not in a hurry t o get anywhere and seems quit e cont ent and comf ort able walking t hrough t he st r eet s in t hese clot hes.
  • 17. Mise en scene cont . A group of runners in mat ching short s and t -shirt s come past t he girl, but she does not move out of t he way and st ays in t he middle of t he pat h. This connot es t o t he audience again t hat she is laid back but also t hat she perhaps knows t he boys as she does not have t he manners t hat she may have used wit h some people t hat we generally do not know. I n addit ion, t he boys having mat ching running unif orms suggest t hat t hey could be a running group or f rom a school. This could connot e t hat she knows t hem well if she is also of similar age and t hey may live in t he same neighbourhood and at t end t he same school. On t he ot her hand, it could suggest t hat she is a rude charact er if she does possibly not know t he boys and simply doesn’t move out of t heir way, and only f ocuses on herself . Some t it les are shown during t he opening scene as J uno walks t hrough t he st reet s. These t it les seem t o be hand drawn in bubble writ ing, suggest ing t o t he audience t hat J uno may be quit e a childish charact er. The headline t hat seems t o be balancing on t he f ence t hat J uno passes may f urt her connot e t o t he audience t hat much like t he t it le, she is st uck bet ween making a decision linking back t o t he saying “sit t ing on t he f ence”.
  • 18. Cinemat ography At t he beginning of t he scene, a long shot is used t o show t he audience what J uno is wear ing and t hat she is walking t hr ough a neighbour hood. The angle is at eye level which doesn’t give t he audience a f eel of power f ulness or weakness, but put s t hem on t he same level as t he char act er . The movement of t he camer a f ollows J uno at a 90 degree angle, allowing t he audience t o possibly f ollow t he char act er on her j our ney. Thr oughout most of t he opening scene, no angles ar e used t hat make t he char act er seem weak or over ly power f ul, however some shot s do allow t he audience t o connect f urt her wit h t he char act er . Close ups of par t s of J uno’s body such as f eet , show her sneaker s and reveals t o t he audience again t hat she might be a slight t omboy. This could also connot e t hat t he she’s a light -hear t ed, laid back char act er t hat f ocuses on being comf or t able rat her t han impr essing t hose around her . A close up of her f ace shows t he audience how she is f eeling, as she is smiling t his suggest s once mor e t han she may be a light -hear t ed, childish char act er . This is f urt her implied when a camer a shot of t he back of her body is used t o show t hat she is balancing along t he r oad, as if she was playing a game suggest ing her child like ways again and t hat she is easily amused.
  • 19. Edit ing The edit ing wit hin t he opening scene of J uno is very much childlike. For t he maj orit y of t he scene, all real lif e obj ect s are replaced wit h moving drawings. This connot es t o t he audience t hat J uno is perhaps a daydreamer, who doesn’t want t o be in t he real world and much pref ers living in her own lit t le world she has creat ed f or herself , port rayed by t hese drawings. The swit ching bet ween shot s is f airly gradual and could be seen by t he audience as if t hey were looking at a comic book, and t he swit ching bet ween shot s were each dif f erent st rips f rom t he comic book. This connot es t hat t he J uno may have quit e childish t hought s and it is as if she is wit hin a book and not living in t he real world. This also gives a quit e laid back and relaxed at mosphere t o t he audience, implying t hat t he rest of t he f ilm may be quit e light heart ed.
  • 20. Narrat ive The opening scene of t his f ilm begins wit h a young girl, presumably a t eenager f rom how she is present ed (red j acket , t rainers, j eans and her hair t ied back) walking wit h a large bot t le of j uice along a st reet . She is walking at a moderat e pace, but wit h relaxed and t hought f ul f acial expressions. Her body language consist s of her swaying her hand by her side whilst holding t he bot t le wit h t he ot her, suggest ing t hat she is quit e a laid back charact er who is not in a hurry t o get t o her dest inat ion. This connot es t hat she may be quit e an irresponsible person also, t hat she does not respond t o t he world around her as she is in her own lit t le bubble. Along t he way, she pauses now and t hen t o drink some of t he cont ent s of t he bot t le she is holding. This bot t le is rat her large and not a st ereot ypical drink t hat we would carry wit h us, but more of a f amily-sized drink t hat would be kept at home. This suggest s t hat t he girl does not f it in wit h our cliché view of a t eenager if she is carrying wit h her an obj ect t hat is normally lef t at home, yet her body language suggest s t hat t his is normal and doesn’t bot her her. As t he whole of t he opening scene is based on t he girl, it is implied t o t he audience t hat she is t he main charact er, J uno. From what t he audience see and int erpret of her being a laid back, relaxed charact er, t he light heart ed at mosphere f or t he whole f ilm is set during t his opening scene.
  • 21. Special Ef f ect s Moving drawings are used wit hin t he opening scene of J uno which connot es t hat J uno is quit e child like and a daydr eamer in her own wor ld, viewing ever yt hing ver y plainly as t he moving dr awing do not show much det ail. An example of t his is t he houses in t he opening scene. They do not have much det ail- basic colour s and drawings. This connot es t o t he audience t hat , as t he backgr ound loses it ’ dept h, t hat J uno views t hing ver y plainly and on t he surf ace, not becoming t oo involved wit h t he world around her, f ur t her implying t hat she is a daydr eamer. Non-dieget ic music is used t hr oughout t he whole of t he opening scene, cover ing any noise t hat could possibly be heard during t his scene. This may connot e again t hat J uno is complet ely in her own world, oblivious t o what is around her as it r educes t he level of realism t hat t he beginning of t he f ilm has. The song t hat is played- ‘All I Want I s You’ by Barry Louis Polisar has lyr ics such as ‘IfIwereaflowergrowingwildandfree, allI’dwantisyoutobemysweethoneybee’. This per haps implies t hat t he f ilm is about growing up and t heref or e J uno growing out of t he naïve and childish image t hat is por t rayed in t he opening scene. However, t his may suggest she want s romance, consequent ly connot ing t hat t he also want s t o f eel secur e wit h someone t oo.
  • 22. Lighting At the beginning of the opening scene, the lighting is very dim to create suspense of what is about to be shown from the TV set that the audience can see. The only light that is visible is from the TV screen, causing the audience to focus on it completely. This suggests that what is being said on the TV is very important and crucial for viewers to watch it in order to understand and get a basic idea of the film. It may connote that throughout the whole of the film, there may be tension and suspense created to make viewers on edge. After the TV clip is shown of a news report, the lighting become very bright to show the audience where the characters are and that it is in the middle of the day as it is very bright. This puts the characters into real life as we get to see them very clearly, meaning that we gain a further understanding of the film. The characters being shown in a clear light connotes they are quite outgoing characters and not afraid to be centre of attention.
  • 23. Mise en scene This scene is set at a petrol station. The props used include guns, cars and other stereotypical items that would be found at a petrol station. The Montague characters all wear Hawaiian shirts whilst the Capulets all wear cowboy type clothing such as spurs on their boots and chains. This suggests the difference in character groups as a whole as they Montague’s appear more crazy and childish. The Capulet’s contrast this look with their dark colours and smart jackets and red waistcoats, connoting that they are more serious and daunting characters. The colour red connotes the danger and death that surrounds these characters. The Montague characters have vibrantly coloured hair or alternative hair styles, one even has ‘MONTAGUE’ tattooed onto the back of his head which also contrasts with the dark and slicked back hair of the Capulets. One of the Capulet’s also wear a metal gum shield with the word ‘Sin’ inscribed into it. This suggests that this character may be quite mean and dangerous as he wears such a unique but manipulative piece of clothing. This connotes that he may be well known around the town as being a foreboding person who others stay clear from. The close up of the car number plates show the audience who is in the scene as we see ‘MON’ and ‘CAP’ on the plates.
  • 24. Mise en scene cont. The facial expressions of the characters suggest the difference between the two groups of men. The Montague’s begin to argue when a Montague offends a Capulet by biting his thumb at him and the Capulet seeing him through a mirror. This allows the audience to see what type of characters each of the men are. The guns used are replacements for the original swords that would have been used in a traditional Romeo and Juliet play. By using guns, Baz Luhrmann the director is able to set the scene in modern day time. Both groups of men being armed with guns suggest that they are rivals of one another and prepared to fight at any time. It also connotes the atmosphere of gangs about the two groups of men, as they hang together in groups that are against one another.
  • 25. Cinematography Aerial shots at the beginning of the scene are use to show the audience where the scene is set. They show a busy city, Verona Beach, and then zoom in to show the Montague boys travelling in their car, shouting and laughing. Close ups of the characters are used and a frozen for a second when the title appears, showing the audience who the character is. This allows the audience to identify each character independently so they become familiar with them as main characters. A close up shot is used of somebody stepping out of the car and standing on a cigarette nub outside wearing boots with spurs. As we can only see the feet, this suggests that this character may be quite daunting or intimidating as if we cannot look at them without feeling weak, therefore Baz Lurhmann uses this close up so we do not get to see any of him at all except his feet. Medium shots of the characters at the bus stop also allow the audience to become familiar with them and identify them by their clothes and appearance, as to which group they belong. When we eventually get to see the mysterious character who stepped out of the car, an extreme close up of his eyes are shown to further emphasise his danger and eeriness as his eyes look pearcing, before we get to see the rest of his body.
  • 26. Cinematography cont. The close up of faces are used to show the emotion and feelings of the characters, which relate to the situation and how either gang makes the other feel e.g. when on their own, the Montague boys are smiling and laughing. However, when they come across the Capulet gang they begin to sweat and become nervous shown by their frowns and anxious expressions. The movement of the camera tracks a few of the characters closely, but quickly, at an eye level angle. This puts the audience within the scene to feel more involved and closer to the characters. It also puts them in the same situation as the characters and in this circumstance, may make them feel very tense as if they are also being threatened by the Capulet’s and involved in the gun fight.
  • 27. Editing At the beginning of the scene, the editing was fairly neutral and did not skip to each shot very quickly. The director has done this in order for the audience to become familiar with the characters and the surroundings. It may also connote that before the Capulet’s are around, there is no trouble. However, as the argument progresses, the editing become quicker and the switch between shots increases. These very short shots suggest the speed and tension of the gun fight which also puts the audience within the scene, as if they were there. The shots shown during the fight also seem to linger more on the Capulet’s, implying they are dominating the fight and are more powerful. Low angle shots are used when focusing on Tybalt Capulet, making him seem menacing and powerful. One shot used is Tybalt pointing his gun at the camera, making the audience feel as if the gun is being pointed towards them, and as they are innocent, this connotes that Tybalt really is a mean and spiteful character looking for a fight. As the fight begins to commence, a slow motion extreme close up of Benvolio Montague’s gun is shown to show the audience that the weapon he is holding is very dangerous but also a metaphor for a sword. Another slow motion shot of Tybalt is shown as he is shooting toward the Montague’s whilst diving. This suggests that the director wants the audience to be aware of how rapidly this fight is proceeding, and so they show a slow motion clip to emphasise the pace and danger of the fight.
  • 28. Narrative Not all viewers would be familiar with the language of Shakespeare so the mise en scene as well as the actors’ movements are very important to make sure that the audience knows what is going on within the dialogue. In the opening sequence we are introduced to the feuding families, the Montague’s and the Capulet’s, in a street brawl. We are first introduced to the Montague boys, who we first see from behind while they are driving in their convertible car/ beach buggy, wearing Hawaiian shirts. Music blares from the car, also confirming a style of rock/rap gangster. They could be quite English in heritage. They proceed to maintain the wild and crazy atmosphere as they park in the petrol station and one of the boys licks his nipple at car of nun school girls. When this car drives off the Capulet boys who were parked at the other side of the car are revealed to the Montague boys, dressed more smartly and in dark colours, perhaps mirroring the Latin ethnicity. This results in tension building as one of the Montague boys ‘bites his thumb’ at the Capulets behind their back. When a Capulet sees him in the mirror of the car, the feud between the two groups can be seen to be heightening as their voices become louder and more demanding. The contrast of the bright, Hawaiian shirts to the dark and smart clothes that the Capulet’s wear further connotes to the audience of the large divide between both families, even within the way they appear. The opening scene resulting in a gun fight between the families imply to the audience that this is the type of occurrence that may appear throughout the film. By using a fighting scene so early in the film, the director creates an edgy atmosphere as if there is not going to be a lot of positive climaxes within the film, as many viewers would be expecting if they are familiar with the story of Romeo and Juliet.
  • 29. Special Effects Diegetic sounds of laughter and singing can be heard as the Montague’s are driving at the beginning of the scene. This emphasises their character’s personalities as being loud and the centre of attention, not caring about anyone else thinks. The diegetic noises of laughing and loud music also connote to the audience that the character’s are rebels and possibly disliked by the local authorities as they may have caused trouble in the past due to the ‘gangster’ vibe they portray. The music being played has the lyrics ‘The boys, the boys’ which simultaneously play when the shot freezes and titles are shown to reveal who the character’s are. This once again highlights the gangster vibe that they carry with them, as if they are known as ‘the boys’ around Verona Beach. Every time Tybalt is in a scene, even if we do not see his face e.g. when it’s just his boots, non-diegetic western music in the background plays. This suggests that he is like a cowboy, connoting that he is menacing and fiery- always looing for a fight. His slow speech through clenched teeth also resembles a Clint Eastwood character, further implying the idea that he is a like a vicious cowboy. The dialogue used is Shakespeare’s original play script. This gives the film the alternative twist as some of the audience may not know fully of what is being said. As a result, the characters in the opening scene use many movements, emphasised facial expression and wear very contrasting clothes to help the viewers to understand what is being said and the divide between the groups. Other diegetic sounds including the creaking of the signpost and gun shots. This creates an eerie atmosphere and adds tension to the scene. The creaking can also be related to the western theme that the Capulet’s, and Tybalt mainly, are portrayed in. It may mirror the creaking of barn doors which connotes the scene to be like a shoot down where all is quiet and tense until somebody makes the first move. The gun shots reflect the realism of the scene as the men are shooting and therefore gun shots will be heard. The audience will relate the gun shots to death, suggesting that the director has used these noises to emphasise the feelings and emotions of the characters and their ever-growing hatred of one another.